Cobra COBRA MARINE JUMPACK H2O - CJSXLH2O Portable Power and JumPack User manual

Cobra COBRA MARINE JUMPACK H2O - CJSXLH2O is a portable power source with various capabilities to provide power and assistance in different situations. It can jumpstart gasoline and diesel-powered passenger cars and light-duty trucks with a special high current battery providing up to 600 peak amps and 400 amps starting current. The device also features USB ports for charging electronic devices and a built-in LED flashlight for added convenience. Its compact size and rechargeable battery make it ideal for emergencies, camping trips, road trips, or power outages.

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Cobra COBRA MARINE JUMPACK H2O - CJSXLH2O Portable Power and JumPack User manual | Manualzz




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