ICP PISO-PS300U User manual
PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 PISO-PS300(U) 3 axis stepping/servo control board User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 Edition Driver update : http://www.icpdas.com Warranty: All products manufactured by ICP DAS are warranted against defective materials for one year from the date of delivery to the original purchaser Warning: ICP DAS assumes no liability for damage consequent to the use of this product. ICP DAS reserves the right to change this manual at any time without notice. The information furnished by ICP DAS is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by ICP DAS for it’s use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from it’s use. Copyright Copyright 2012 by ICP DAS. All right are reserved Trademark The names used for identification only maybe registered trademarks of their respective companies. http://www.icpdas.com 4-1 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 PISO-PS300(U) 3 axis PCI bus stepping/servo motor control board PISO-PS300(U) is a 3-axis, command-type, stepping/servo motor control board. The embedded CPU of PISO-PS300(U) performs the motion command transferred from host-PC via a 2K bytes FIFO. It also sends the positions and status back to host-PC via another 2K bytes FIFO. This buffer provides time buffer, so, it is very suitable for windows operating system. This board provides DOS, windows 95 and windows NT drivers. Features 3-axis pulse output stepping/servo PCI control card. Universal PCI bus for PISO-PS300U (the PISO-PS300 only support 5V PCI bus) Maximum output pulse rate: 1MHz. Simulation mode / real mode. Encoder/pulse read back. Programmable output mode: CW/CCW, Pulse/Direction 3-axis linear interpolation, 2-axis circular interpolation. Programmable trapezoidal speed profile. Programmable DDA period. Programmable direction configuration. Programmable 2 speed home return, home preset, home direction. Home, forward, backward limit switches per axis. Hardware emergency stop, software emergency stop. Limit switch auto-protection. Programmable limit switch normal state: N.O. (normal open) or N.C. (normal close). 8 digital inputs, 7 digital outputs. 2500V optical isolation. Embedded CPU, totally 45 command set. DOS, windows 95/98, windows NT DLL driver. BCB, VB, Delphi driver. Option DB-8R Daughter board. http://www.icpdas.com 4-2 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 PISO-PS300(U) Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 System Block Diagram 1.2 DDA technology 1.3 The operating mode 2. Hardware 2.1 Hardware address selection 2.2 Registers of PISO-PS300(U) Board 2.3 Hardware configuration 4-4 4-4 4-5 4-8 4-10 4-10 4-10 4-12 2.3.1 Limit switch configuration 4-12 2.3.2 Direction configuration 4-13 2.3.3 Turn Servo ON/OFF 4-13 2.4 Auto-protection 4-14 2.5 Connection 4-15 3. Software 4-22 3.1 The required software skeleton 4-22 3.2 Functions 4-25 3.2.1 Loading and unloading driver commands (only for windows) 4-26 3.2.2 Setting commands 3.2.3 Stop commands 3.2.4 Motion commands 3.2.5 Get information 3.2.6 Others 3.2.7 New interpolation command 4. Driver DOS Driver(C, C++), Windows 95 Driver, Windows NT Driver 5. Example 5.1 DOS example 4-26 4-29 4-31 4-40 4-43 4-45 4-50 4-50 4-51 4-51 5.2 Windows example 6. Application notes 6.1 Functional testing 6.2 Hand wheel input 7. PISO-PS300U new function 4-52 4-53 4-54 4-56 4-62 http://www.icpdas.com 4-3 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 1. Introduction _ 1.1 System Block Diagram PISO-PS300(U) is a microprocessor based and 3- axis pulse type (max. pulse rate: 1MHz) stepping/servo motion control board. It contains a 2K bytes-FIFO to receive motion command from host PC, and it also sends the positions and status back to host-PC via the other 2K bytes FIFO. The motion profile is generated by microprocessor. This microprocessor also handles auto-protection function. Each digital I/O supports 2500Vrms optical isolation. 2K FIFO CPU Interface Buffer 3 Prof ile Generation 2K FIFO PCI BUS DDA Protection Interface Buffer Connector CPU Status 3 encoder counter Limit Sw itch Input Port Optical Isolation 8 digital input Connector 7 digital output Figure(1) block diagram of PISO-PS300(U) http://www.icpdas.com 4-4 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 1.2 DDA Technology The DDA chip is heart of PISO-PS300(U) card, it will generate equalspace pulse train corresponding to specific pulse number during a DDA period. This mechanism is very useful to execute pulse generation and interpolation function. The DDA period can be determined by DDA cycle. Table(1) shows the relation among DDA cycle, DDA period and output pulse rate. When DDA cycle set to 1, the DDA period is equal to (1+1)x1.024ms = 2.048ms. The output pulse number can be set to 0~2047, therefore the maximum output pulse rate will be 1Mpps. The minimum output pulse rate is 3.83pps when set DDA cycle=254 (DDA period = (254+1)x1.024ms = 261.12ms). DDA period DDA cycle X pulse = 3 Y pulse = 6 Z pulse = 4 Figure(2) DDA mechanism Table(1) The Relation among DDA cycle, DDA period and output pulse rate. DDA cycle DDA period Max. pulse rate(n=2047) Min. pulse rate (n=1) 1 2.048ms 999511pps 488pps 2 3.072ms 666341pps 325pps 3 4.096ms . . . . . . N (N+1)*1.024ms 2047/(DDA period) 1/(DDA period) . . . . 254 261.12ms 7839pps 3.83pps The DDA cycle can be set by MSTEP3_SET_VAR() command which decribed in charpter 3. The selection criterion of DDA cycle was described as following. http://www.icpdas.com 4-5 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 (1) The required max. output pulse rate. PRmax = Vmax*N/60 2047 PRmax = ( DDAcycle 1) * 1. 024ms PRmax : max. output pulse rate. Vmax : max. speed (rpm). N : the pulse number of stepping motor per revolution. (pulse/rev). 2. The required speed resolution. The maximum output pulse number is Np(0~2047), therefore the speed resolution is Vmax(max. speed)/Np. The DDA cycle can be obtained by following equation. Np PRmax = ( DDAcycle 1) * 1. 024ms 3. When choose large DDA cycle (DDA period), it will occur vibration between different pulse input which generally can be observed during acceleration or deceleration. So, the small DDA cycle , the smooth acceleration/deceleration curve as long as the speed resolution is acceptable. Example: Stepping Motor The specification of stepping motor is 500 pulse/rev, max. speed 500 rpm, speed resolution 2 rpm. The required max. pulse rate PRmax = 500 rpm*500/60 = 4166.67 pps The maximum output pulse Np = 500rpm/2rpm =250 pulse number The DDA cycle can be calculated by follow equation Np PRmax = ( DDAcycle 1) * 1. 024ms 250 4166.67 = ( DDAcycle 1) * 1. 024ms DDA cycle = 58 http://www.icpdas.com 4-6 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 High Speed = 247 pulse (4166.67*58*0.001024) The above results means that maximum speed is 500rpm when send command MSTEP3_SET_VAR(0, 58, 2, 2, 247, 50) to PISO-PS300(U) card. Example: Pulse type input Servo Motor The specification of servo motor is 8000 pulse/rev, max. speed 3000 rpm, speed resolution 2 rpm. The required max. pulse rate PRmax = 3000 rpm*8000/60 = 400,000 pps The maximum output pulse Np = 3000rpm/2rpm =1500 pulse number The DDA cycle can be calculated by follow equation Np PRmax = ( DDAcycle 1) * 1. 024ms 1500 400,000 = ( DDAcycle 1) * 1. 024ms DDA cycle = 3 High Speed = 1638 pulse (400,000*4*0.001024) The above results means that maximum speed is 3000rpm when send command MSTEP3_SET_VAR(0, 3, 2, 2, 1638, 100) to PISO-PS300(U) card. http://www.icpdas.com 4-7 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 1.3 The Operating Mode For easily developing your system, PISO-PS300(U) board provides two operating mode: simulation mode / real mode. The following diagram shows the internal circuit of board OE 1 DDA chip 2 2 output mode: CW/CCW DIR/Pulse 1 2 3 CW 3 CCW Encoder counter A 3 input mode: AB phase CW/CCW DIR/Pulse B EXT The output pins CW and CCW can be set as output enable or disable by OE signal. The encoder counter source signal can be connect to outside (A/B) or internal DDA chip by EXT signal. Simulation mode In simulation mode, the PISO-PS300(U) control board will simulate the motion profile according to the motion command that received from host PC, and then the PISO-PS300(U) will send the 3-axis positions back to host PC. The PISO-PS300(U) control board will not output pulse to motor driver by set OE=0. The encoder counter counts the internal DDA output pulse by set EXT=0. Therefore, the positions which read from the encoder counter is really output pulse number. This mode is very useful and efficient in the design phase. The simulation mode can be operated off from machine. The user can debug and develop the software previously or at home. And if the user has the daughter board DB-8R, it can also simulate the digital input/output like as a machine. The positions and status can be received from MSTEP3_GET_CARD (cardNo) command which must use a timer interrupt to receive, please http://www.icpdas.com 4-8 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 refer to chapter 3 software. Real mode In real mode, the output mode of DDA chip can be set as CW/CCW or DIR/PULSE mode according to user’s motor driver, and set OE=1 for output enable. Setting EXT=1, the source signal of encoder counter come from external input. The input mode of encoder counter could be three kind mode: AB phase, CW/CCW and DIR/PULSE. Software emergency stop The servo command can be terminated from host-PC using software control. The user can use MSTEP3_STOP_ALL() or MSTEP3_EMG_STOP() command to terminate the servo commands which is executing in PISO-PS300(U) board. This command can clear all the commands pending in FIFO buffer. http://www.icpdas.com 4-9 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 2 Hardware _ 2.1 Hardware address selection The hardware address can be set as 0~15 by A0~A3. There is a DIP switch on PISO-PS300(U) board for hardware address selection. This hardware address can be selected using MSTEP3_REGISTRATION( cardNo, address) command. The MSTEP3_REGISTRATION() command has been described in chapter 3. 0x00 = A0 A1 A2 A3 0x0F = A0 A1 A2 A3 Figure(3) Hardware address selection 2.2 Registers of PISO-PS300(U) board The PISO-PS300(U) has 6 registers including FIFO1 register, FIFO2 register, RSTFIFO1 register, DI register, DO register and MSC register. (1) FIFO1 register (pcibase + 0xc0) (write only) PISO-PS300(U) driver will send motion command via this register. Please do not use this register to write anything, otherwise the PISOPS300(U) will not operate properly. (2) RSTFIFO1 register (pcibase + 0xc4) (write only) This register is used to reset FIFO1 for clear all of commands pending in the FIFO1 buffer. (3) DO register (pcibase + 0xc8) (write only) http://www.icpdas.com 4-10 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 MSB 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB EMG DO6 DO5 DO4 DO3 DO2 DO1 DO0 01/2012 MSB7 bit is reserved for software emergency stop signal, please don't use it. (4) FIFO2 register (pcibase + 0xc0) (read only) This register is used to receive the message coming from PISOPS300(U) board. This message includes PISO-PS300(U) status, command position, actual position. Please refer to chapter 3 for more information. Please don’t read this register, otherwise the message might be lost. (5) MSC register (pcibase + 0xc4) (read only) MSB 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB /EMG /Zstop /Ystop /Xstop /F2HF /F2EF /F1FF /F1EF /EMG: emergency switch, low active. /Xstop, /Ystop, /Zstop: indicate which axis is stop, low active /F2HF: indicate receiving FIFO is half full. /F2EF: indicate receiving FIFO is empty. /F1FF: indicate transmissive FIFO is fully full. /F1EF: indicate transmissive FIFO is empty. (6) DI register (pcibase + 0xc8) (read only) MSB 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB di7 di6 di5 Di4 Di3 di2 di1 di0 http://www.icpdas.com 4-11 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 2.3 Hardware Configuration 2.3.1 Limit switch configuration The profile generation and protection is executed by the CPU of PISOPS300(U) board, The limit switches must be configured as the following figure, otherwise the motion command won’t work properly,. CCW/BW CW/FW Motor ccm XLS- XI XLS+ /XLS/XI /XLS+ EXT_GND X axis /EMG Emergency Figure(4) Limit switch configuration of X axis CCW/BW CW/FW Motor ccm YLS- YI YLS+ /YLS/YI /YLS+ EXT_GND Y axis Figure(5) Limit switch configuration of Y axis http://www.icpdas.com 4-12 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 CCW/BW 01/2012 CW/FW Motor ccm ZLS- ZI ZLS+ /ZLS/ZI /ZLS+ EXT_GND Z axis Figure(6) Limit switch configuration of Z axis 2.3.2 Direction configuration Sometimes, the output direction of X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis is not in the desired direction due to motor connection or gear train. It is recommended to unify the output direction as shown in Figure(4)(5)(6). The CW/FW direction is defined as toward outside from motor and the CCW/BW direction is defined as toward inside to motor. The MSTEP3_SET_DEFDIR(cardNo, defdirX, defdirY, defdirZ) command provides parameters NORMAL_DIR (0) and REVERSE_DIR (1) to define the rotating direction of motor. 2.3.3 Turn Servo ON/OFF (Hold ON/OFF) The MSTEP3_SET_SERVO_ON(cardNo, sonX, sonY, sonZ) command provides parameters ON (1) and OFF (0) to turn Servo ON or OFF. The internal circuit of Servo-ON is sink-type connection as the following figure. FVCC (5V) 1 3 330R 6 5 4 OPEN COLLECTOR SONX SONY SONZ FGND Figure(7) internal circuitry of Servo-ON signal http://www.icpdas.com 4-13 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 2.4 Auto-protection PISO-PS300(U) board supports a automatic protection system. (a) When X(Y)(Z)-axis command is executed and the motor moves toward CW/FW direction, all axis will immediately stop when XLS+ (YLS+) (ZLS+) is touched. To release this protection, the X(Y)(Z)-axis must move toward CCW/BW direction. (b) When X(Y)(Z)-aixs command is executed and the motor moves toward CCW/BW direction, all axis will immediately stop when XLS(YLS-) (ZLS-) is touched. To release this protection, the X(Y)(Z)-axis must move toward CW/FW direction. (c) When any of the /EMG switches is touched, all motion command will be terminated and all motors will stop immediately. Meanwhile, the servo ON signal will be automatical turn off for rotating the shaft by manual. The servo ON signal will recover after released the /EMG switches. http://www.icpdas.com 4-14 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 2.5 Connection (1) Pin assignment Table(1) CN2 connector pin name pin number description CW_PULSEX 1 CW or PULSE output of X axis CCW_DIRX 2 CCW or DIR ground of X axis CW_PULSEY 3 CW or PULSE output of Y axis CCW_DIRY 4 CCW or DIR ground of Y axis FGND 5 Isolated ground SONX 6 servo on signal of X axis FVCC 7 Isolated 5V output, max. 25mA SONY 8 servo on signal of Y axis 9 No used Table(2) CN3 connector pin name pin number CW_PULSEZ 1 CW or PULSE output of Z axis CCW_DIRZ 2 CCW or DIR ground of Z axis SONZ 3 servo on signal of Z axis FVCC 4 Isolated 5V output, max. 25mA FGND 5 Isolated ground /ZI 6 home index switch of Z axis, active low for N.O. /ZLS+ 7 Positive limit switch of Z axis, active low for N.O. /ZLS- 8 Negative limit switch of Z axis, active low for N.O. VEXT 9 external power (apply 12~24V) http://www.icpdas.com Description 4-15 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 Table(3) CN4 connector pin name pin number /XLS+ 1 Positive switch of X axis, active low for N.O. /XLS- 2 Negative limit switch of X axis, active low for N.O. /YLS+ 3 Positive limit switch of Y axis, active low for N.O. /YLS- 4 Negative limit switch of Y axis, active low for N.O. /XI 5 home index switch of X axis, active low for N.O. /YI 6 home index switch of Y axis, active low for N.O. /EMG 7 Emergency input, active low for N.O. /IP1 8 digital input /IP2 9 digital input /IP3 10 digital input /IP4 11 digital input /IP5 12 digital input /IP6 13 digital input /IP7 14 digital input /IP8 15 digital input VEXT 16 external power (apply 12~24V) /OP1 17 digital output /OP2 18 digital output /OP3 19 digital output /OP4 20 digital output /OP5 21 digital output /OP6 22 digital output /OP7 23 digital output 24 No used 25 external ground EXT_GND http://www.icpdas.com description 4-16 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 Table(4) CN1 connector pin name pin number 1A+ 1 A+ input of X axis encoder 1A- 2 A- input of X axis encoder 1B+ 3 B+ input of X axis encoder 1B- 4 B- input of X axis encoder 5V 5 Isolated 5V supply, max. 50mA (sum of pin 5,9,17) GND 6 encoder ground 1C+ 7 C+ input of X axis encoder 1C- 8 C- input of X axis encoder 5V 9 Isolated 5V supply, max. 50mA (sum of pin 5,9,17) 3A+ 10 A+ input of Z axis encoder 3B+ 11 B+ input of Z axis encoder 3C+ 12 C+ input of Z axis encoder 13 no used 2C- 14 C- input of Y axis encoder 2C+ 15 C+ input of Y axis encoder GND 16 encoder ground 5V 17 Isolated 5V supply, max. 50mA (sum of pin 5,9,17) 2B- 18 B- input of Y axis encoder 2B+ 19 B+ input of Y axis encoder 2A- 20 A- input of Y axis encoder 2A+ 21 A+ input of Y axis encoder GND 22 encoder ground 3A- 23 A- input of Z axis encoder 3B- 24 B- input of Z axis encoder 3C- 25 C- input of Z axis encoder http://www.icpdas.com description 4-17 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 (2) The connection of pulse output FVCC (5V) 1 3 1 3 1 3 330R 6 5 4 CW OPEN COLLECTOR 330R 6 5 4 CCW OPEN COLLECTOR 330R 6 5 4 SONX OPEN COLLECTOR COM FGND PISO-PS300 POWER DRIVER Source type connection http://www.icpdas.com 4-18 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 FVCC (5V) 1 330R 6 5 4 3 1 330R 6 5 4 3 1 CCW OPEN COLLECTOR 330R 6 5 4 3 CW OPEN COLLECTOR SONX OPEN COLLECTOR FGND PISO-PS300 POWER DRIVER Sink type (open collector) connection connect 6-7, if “Sink type” JP1 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 Sink type (open collector hardware setting) http://www.icpdas.com 4-19 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 (3) The connection of limit switches and digital inputs SERVO-300 card VEXT(12~24V) limit switches or digital input EXT_GND EXT_VCC Figure(8) (4) The connection of digital outputs SERVO-300 card digital output OP1~OP7 VEXT(12~24V) Loading EXT_GND Figure(9) http://www.icpdas.com 4-20 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 (5) The connection of encoder CN4 CN1 Encoder A+ AB+ BC+ C- 1A+ 1A1B+ 1B1C+ 1C5V GND 5V GND Figure (10) Connection between encoder and PISO-PS300(U) card Figure (11) Connection of open-collector type encoder http://www.icpdas.com 4-21 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 3. Software 01/2012 _ Directories The software includes libraries and demonstrations of DOS(C++), windows 95 and windows NT. 3.1 The required software skeleton To operate PISO-PS300(U) board properly, the software require some process and a timer interrupt (10ms) to get the information transferred from PISO-PS300(U) board. The minimum software requirements: (1) load VXD file (if windows application) (2) PISO-PS300(U) registration (3) parameter setting http://www.icpdas.com 4-22 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 (4) motion command (5) release VXD file (if windows application) (6) 10ms timer interrupt (mandatory) MSTEP3_INITIAL(); (1). load VXD file exist=MSTEP3_REGISTRATION(CARD1,address); (2). registration Select address and check it is exist or not. MSTEP3_RESET_SYSTEM(CARD1); MSTEP3_SET_NC(CARD1,NO); MSTEP3_SET_CONTROL_MODE(CARD1,x_mode, y_mode, z_mode); MSTEP3_SET_VAR(CARD1, DDA, AD, LSP, HSP, arc_speed); MSTEP3_SET_DEFDIR(CARD1, x_dir, y_dir, z_dir); MSTEP3_SET_SERVO_ON(CARD1, x_son, y_son, z_son); (3) parameter setting reset PISO-PS300(U) board set normal close as NO set control mode set parameters of motion profile set direction set servo on (4) motion commands MSTEP3_BACK_HOME(CARD1, X_axis, home_speed, search_speed); MSTEP3_PULSE_MOVE(CARD1, X_axis, 50000, 1000); ... MSTEP3_RESET_SYSTEM(CARD1); MSTEP3_END(); http://www.icpdas.com 4-23 reset PISO-PS300(U) board (5) release VXD file ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 void __fastcall TMSTEP::Timer1Timer(TObject *Sender) { char str[20]; Timer1->Interval = 10; //10ms card1.ip = MSTEP3_DI(CARD1); card1.msc= MSTEP3_MSC(CARD1); if (card1.exist==YES) { MSTEP3_GET_CARD(CARD1); card1.ls =MSTEP3_GET_LIMIT(CARD1); card1.p1 =MSTEP3_GET_P1(CARD1); card1.XC =MSTEP3_GET_XC(CARD1); card1.XP =MSTEP3_GET_XP(CARD1); card1.YC =MSTEP3_GET_YC(CARD1); card1.YP =MSTEP3_GET_YP(CARD1); card1.ZC =MSTEP3_GET_ZC(CARD1); card1.ZP =MSTEP3_GET_ZP(CARD1); 01/2012 (6) 10ms timer interrupt (demonstration for BCB) get digital input get limit switches get information from PISO-PS300(U) board get X axis command get X axis position get Y axis command get Y axis position get Z axis command get Z axis position } } http://www.icpdas.com 4-24 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 3.2 Functions Constants #define YES 1 #define NO 0 #define ON 1 #define OFF 0 #define CW_CCW 0 #define PULSE_DIR 1 #define NORMAL_DIR 0 #define REVERSE_DIR 1 #define FW 0 #define BW 1 #define CW 0 #define CCW 1 #define X_axis 1 #define Y_axis 2 #define Z_axis 3 #define XY_plane 1 #define XZ_plane 2 #define YZ_plane 3 #define READY 0 #define BUSY 1 #define DDA_CW_CCW #define DDA_DIR_PULSE #define SERVO_ON #define DDA_EN 0x00 0x01 0x02 0x04 #define DDA_OE 0x08 #define ENC_MARK #define ENC_AB_PHASE #define ENC_CW_CCW #define ENC_DIR_PULSE #define ENC_EXTERNAL #define ENC_INTERNAL 0x30 0x00 0x10 0x20 0x40 0x00 http://www.icpdas.com 4-25 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 3.2.1 Loading and unloading driver commands (only for windows) (1) MSTEP3_INITIAL( ) To load VxD driver. (2) MSTEP3_END( ) To release VxD driver. 3.2.2 Setting commands (3) unsigned char MSTEP3_REGISTRATION(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned int address); To select the hardware address of board and check it is exist or not. The cardNo can be assign as 0~15 for the given address. cardNo : card number 0~15. address : select the address as well as hardware address on the board. return NO : PISO-PS300(U) is not exist YES : PISO-PS300(U) is exist (4) MSTEP3_RESET_SYSTEM(unsigned char cardNo); To reset PISO-PS300(U) board. cardNo : card number 0~15. (5) MSTEP3_SET_CONTROL_MODE( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char x_mode, unsigned char y_mode, unsigned char z_mode); To configure the output mode of DDA chip and the input mode of encoder counter. cardNo : card number 0~15. x_mode : x axis control mode y_mode : y axis control mode z_mode : z axis control mode control mode: MSB 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB xx EXT ES1 ES0 OE EN xx DDAM http://www.icpdas.com 4-26 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 DDAM: set the output mode of DDA chip. 0: CW/CCW mode 1: DIR/PULSE mode EN: enable or disable DDA 0: disable 1: enable OE: set DDA output enable 0: disable output, for simulation mode. 1: enable output, for real mode. ES1, ES0: set the input mode of the encoder counter. 00: AB phase mode 01: CW/CCW mode 10: DIR/PULSE mode EXT: set the encoder counter input signal comes from external or internal. 0: internal 1: external If configure as internal mode, the output mode of DDA chip should be the same as input mode of encoder counter, or you will not count the pulse. (6) MSTEP3_SET_VAR( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char set_DDA_cycle, unsigned char set_Acc_Dec, unsigned int set_Low_Speed, unsigned int set_High_Speed, unsigned int set_arc_speed); cardNo : card number 0~15. set_DDA_cycle : software DDA cycle. set_Acc_Dec : accelerating/decelerating speed. set_Low_speed : set end speed. set_High_speed : set maximum speed. set_arc_speed : set curve speed. High_Speed Acc_Dec http://www.icpdas.com Acc_Dec 4-27 Low_Speed ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 Restriction: 1 DDA_ cycle 254 1 Acc _ Dec 200 1 Low _ Speed 200 Low _ Speed High_ Speed 2047 Arc _ Speed 2047 (7) MSTEP3_SET_DEFDIR( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char defdirX, unsigned char defdirY, unsigned char defdirZ); Sometimes, the output direction of X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis is not in the desired direction due to motor connection or gear train. It is recommended to unify the output direction as shown in Figure(4)(5)(6). The CW/FW direction is defined as toward outside from motor and the CCW/BW direction is defined as toward inside to motor. cardNo : card number 0~15. defdirX : X axis direction definition defdirY : Y axis direction definition defdirZ : Z axis direction definition 0 : NORMAL_DIR 1 : REVERSE_DIR (8) MSTEP3_SET_SERVO_ON( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char sonX, unsigned char sonY, unsigned char sonZ); cardNo : card number 0~15. sonX, sonY, sonZ : to turn servo signal ON/OFF 0 : servo off 1 : servo on (9) MSTEP3_SET_ZERO(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis); To set the position as zero in the PISO-PS300(U) card. cardNo : card number 0~15. http://www.icpdas.com 4-28 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 axis : X_axis, Y_axis or Z_axis. (10) MSTEP3_PRESET_POSITION(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis, long preset_position); To pre-set the position in the PISO-PS300(U) card. cardNo : card number 0~15. axis : X_axis, Y_axis or Z_axis. preset_position : the desired pre-set position. (11) MSTEP3_SET_NC(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char sw); To set limit switch as N.C. (normal close) mode or not. cardNo : card number 0~15. sw byte: MSB 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB 0 0 0 EMGSW ZSW YSW XSW ALLSW ALLSW: if ALLSW=1, all limit switches XLS+, XLS-, XI, YLS+, YLS-, YI, ZLS+, ZLS-, ZI, EMG are in N.C.(normal close) mode. XSW: if XSW=1 and ALLSW=0, limit switches XLS+, XLS-, XI are in N.C. (normal close) mode. YSW: if YSW=1 and ALLSW=0, limit switches YLS+, YLS-, YI are in N.C. (normal close) mode. ZSW: if ZSW=1 and ALLSW=0, limit switches ZLS+, ZLS-, ZI are in N.C. (normal close) mode. EMGSW: if EMGSW=1 and ALLSW=0, limit switch EMG is in N.C. (normal close) mode. 3.2.3 Stop Commands (12) MSTEP3_STOP(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis); To stop the motion command of selected axis cardNo : card number 0~15. axis : selected axis (13) MSTEP3_DEC_STOP(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis); Decelerating to stop the selected axis’s motor. cardNo : card number 0~15. axis : selected axis http://www.icpdas.com 4-29 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 (14) MSTEP3_STOP_ALL(unsigned char cardNo); To stop motion command immediately, this function is the same as emergency stop by hardware EMG switch. cardNo : card number 0~15. This command will clear all of pending commands in the buffer, and immediately terminate all commands which is executing in PISOPS300(U) board. (15) MSTEP3_EMG_STOP(unsigned char cardNo); This function is the same as MSTEP3_STOP_ALL(), but MSTEP2_ EMG_STOP() only can be used in timer interrupt routine. cardNo : card number 0~15. This command will clear all of pending commands in the buffer, and immediately terminate all commands which is executing in PISOPS300(U) board. Example: void interrupt sampling_ISR(...) // 10ms sample once { disable(); . . . //----- check F7 -----------------------------if ((chkey=bioskey(1))!=0) //don't get key if (chkey==0x4100) { bioskey(0); //get key MSTEP3_EMG_STOP(CARD1); } . . . outportb(0x20,0x20); enable(); } http://www.icpdas.com 4-30 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 3.2.4 Motion commands (16) MSTEP3_BACK_HOME( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis, unsigned char set_home_speed, unsigned char set_search_speed); This command is used to move the motor toward CCW/BW direction at home speed and then stop when home index switch /XI (/YI) (/ZI) is touched. And then the motor will move toward CW/FW direction at search speed to find absolute zero. When /XI=1 and C=0, the motor stop and set position to zero. In general, the search speed should be set to 2~5. If the search speed is too large, the absolute point might be lost. If search speed is set too small, it spends a lot of time. cardNo : card number 0~15. axis : selected axis. 0 < set_home_speed < 50 0 < set_search speed < 10 Speed home index /XI (/YI) (/ZI) home speed "+" CCW/BW direction "-" search speed encoder index C http://www.icpdas.com 4-31 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 (17) MSTEP3_BACK_HOME01( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis, unsigned char set_home_speed); This command is used to move the motor toward CCW/BW direction at home speed and then stop when home index switch /XI (/YI) (/ZI) is touched, then set the position to zero. This command is special for stepping motor without the encoder. cardNo : card number 0~15. axis : selected axis. Speed Home index /XI (/YI) (/ZI) Home speed “+” CCW/BW direction “-” (18) MSTEP3_PULSE_MOVE(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis, long pulseN, unsigned int move_speed); cardNo : card number 0~15. axis : selected axis. pulseN : the distance to be moved. when pulseN>0, move toward CW/FW direction when pulseN<0, move toward CCW/BW direction 0 < move_speed <= 2040 move speed Acc_Dec Acc_Dec pulseN http://www.icpdas.com 4-32 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 (19) MSTEP3_INTP_PULSE( 01/2012 unsigned char cardNo, int Xpulse, int Ypulse, int Zpulse); This command will move a short distance (interpolation short line) in XY-Z space. This command supports user to generate an arbitrary space curve in X-Y-Z space. cardNo : card number 0~15. -2040 <= Xpulse, Ypulse, Zpulse <= 2040 Y 10 9 3 4 2 8 5 6 7 1 (Xpulse,Ypulse,Zpulse) X Z Example: #define CARD1 1 MSTEP3_INTP_PULSE(CARD1,20,20,2); MSTEP3_INTP_PULSE(CARD1,20,13,10); MSTEP3_INTP_PULSE(CARD1,20,7,10); MSTEP3_INTP_PULSE(CARD1,20,0,5); MSTEP3_INTP_PULSE(CARD1,15,-5,5); http://www.icpdas.com 4-33 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 (20) MSTEP3_CONSTANT_SPEED(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char axis, unsigned char dir, unsigned int move_speed); This command will accelerate or decelerate the selected axis’s motor to the “move_speed”. The rotating motor can be stop by the command MSTEP3_STOP() or MSTEP3_DEC_STOP(). This command can be continuously input to SERVO300 card to change speed. cardNo : card number 0~15. axis : selected axis. 1 : X axis 2 : Y axis 3 : Z axis dir : moving direction. 0 : CW 1 : CCW 0 < move_speed <= 2040 speed command command command http://www.icpdas.com 4-34 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 (21) MSTEP3_INTP_XYZ(unsigned char cardNo, long x, long y, long z, unsigned int speed); This command will move a long distance interpolation line in X-Y-Z plane. cardNo : card number 0~15. 231 1 # x 231 1 2 31 1 # y 2 31 1 2 31 1 # z 2 31 1 0 < speed <= 2040 Y (x,y,z) (0,0,0) X Z Example: MSTEP3_INTP_XYZ(CARD1,2000,-3000,3333,1000); MSTEP3_INTP_XYZ(CARD1,-500,200,200,500); http://www.icpdas.com 4-35 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 (22) MSTEP3_INTP_LINE(unsigned char cardNo, long x, long y, unsigned int speed); This command will move a long distance interpolation line in X-Y plane. cardNo : card number 0~15. 231 1 # x 231 1 2 31 1 # y 2 31 1 0 < speed <= 2040 Y (X,Y) (0,0) X Example: MSTEP3_INTP_LINE(CARD1,2000,-3000,1000); MSTEP3_INTP_LINE(CARD1,-500,200,1000); (23) MSTEP3_INTP_LINE01(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char plane, long x, long y, unsigned int speed); This command will move a long distance interpolation line in X-Y or X-Z or Y-Z plane. plane : 1 : X-Y plane 2 : X-Z plane 3 : Y-Z plane http://www.icpdas.com 4-36 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 (24) MSTEP3_INTP_CIRCLE( unsigned char cardNo, long x, long y, unsigned char dir, unsigned int speed); This command will generate an interpolation circle in X-Y plane. PC will automatically generate a trapezoidal speed profile of X-axis and Y-axis, and send these profile by way of MSTEP3_INTP_PULSE( ) command. cardNo : card number 0~15. x, y : center point of circle related to present position. dir : moving direction. 0 : CW 1 : CCW 231 1 # x 231 1 2 31 1 # y 2 31 1 0 < speed <= 2040 Y (X,Y) CW X CCW where radius = sqrt(X^2 + Y^2) Example: MSTEP3_INTP_CIRCLE(CARD1, 2000,-2000,CW,500); (25) MSTEP3_INTP_CIRCLE01(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char plane, long x, long y, unsigned char dir, unsigned int speed); This command will generate an interpolation circle in X-Y or X-Z or Y-Z plane. plane : 1 : X-Y plane 2 : X-Z plane 3 : Y-Z plane http://www.icpdas.com 4-37 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 (26) MSTEP3_INTP_ARC(unsigned char cardNo, long x, long y, long R, unsigned char dir, unsigned int speed); This command will generate an interpolation arc in X-Y plane. PC will automatically generate a trapezoidal speed profile of X-axis and Y-axis, and send these profile by way of MSTEP3_INTP_PULSE( ) command. cardNo : card number 0~15. x, y : end point of arc related to present position. R : radius of arc. if R>0 , the arc < 180 degree if R<0 , the arc > 180 degree dir : moving direction. 0 : CW 1 : CCW R dir path of curve R>0 CW 'B' R>0 CCW 'C' R<0 CW 'A' R<0 CCW 'D' 0 < speed <= 2040 'A' CW Y (X,Y) 'B' 'C' CW CCW 'D' X CCW http://www.icpdas.com 4-38 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 Restriction: 231 1 # x 231 1 2 31 1 # y 2 31 1 231 1 # R 231 1 R x2 y2 2 Example: MSTEP3_INTP_ARC(CARD1,2000,-2000,2000,CW,500); (27) MSTEP3_INTP_ARC01(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char plane, long x, long y, long R, unsigned char dir, unsigned int speed); This command will generate an interpolation arc in X-Y or X-Z or Y-Z plane. plane : 1 : X-Y plane 2 : X-Z plane 3 : Y-Z plane http://www.icpdas.com 4-39 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 3.2.5 Get information To get the information transferred from PISO-PS300(U) board, the user should construct a timer interrupt to poll information. The software skeleton has been described in chapter 3.1. The MSTEP3_GET_CARD() command should be executed at the beginning and then to get information you need. example: void __fastcall TMSTEP::Timer1Timer(TObject *Sender) { char str[20]; Timer1->Interval = 10; //10ms if (card1.exist==YES) { card1.ip = MSTEP3_DI(CARD1); card1.msc= MSTEP3_MSC(CARD1); MSTEP3_GET_CARD(CARD1); card1.ls =MSTEP3_GET_LIMIT(CARD1); card1.p1 =MSTEP3_GET_P1(CARD1); card1.XC =MSTEP3_GET_XC(CARD1); card1.XP =MSTEP3_GET_XP(CARD1); card1.YC =MSTEP3_GET_YC(CARD1); card1.YP =MSTEP3_GET_YP(CARD1); card1.ZC =MSTEP3_GET_ZC(CARD1); card1.ZP =MSTEP3_GET_ZP(CARD1); } } http://www.icpdas.com 4-40 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 (28) MSTEP3_GET_CARD(unsigned char cardNo) This command uses timer interrupt to poll the information transferred from PISO-PS300(U) board. CardNo : card number 0~15. (29) unsigned char MSTEP3_GET_LIMIT(unsigned char cardNo) The limit register contains MSB 7 6 xx /EMG 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB /ZLS- /ZLS+ /YLS- /YLS+ /XLS- /XLS+ /EMG: emergency input, low active. /XLS+: positive limit switch of X axis, active low. /XLS-: negative limit switch of X axis, active low. /YLS+: positive limit switch of Y axis, active low. /YLS-: negative limit switch of Y axis, active low. /ZLS+: positive limit switch of Z axis, active low. /ZLS-: negative limit switch of Z axis, active low. (30) unsigned char MSTEP3_GET_P1(unsigned char cardNo) The P1 register contains MSB 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB xx C3 C2 C1 /ZI /YI /XI xx /XI, /YI, /ZI : indicate home index switch, active low. C1, C2, C3 indicate the encoder index of X, Y, Z axis, respectively. high active (31) long MSTEP3_GET_XC(unsigned char cardNo) Get the command position of X axis. CardNo : card number 0~15. (32) long MSTEP3_GET_XP(unsigned char cardNo) Get the actual position of X axis. CardNo : card number 0~15. (33) long MSTEP3_GET_YC(unsigned char cardNo) http://www.icpdas.com 4-41 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 Get the command position of Y axis . CardNo : card number 0~15. (34) long MSTEP3_GET_YP(unsigned char cardNo) Get the actual position of Y axis . CardNo : card number 0~15. (35) long MSTEP3_GET_ZC(unsigned char cardNo) Get the command position of Z axis. CardNo : card number 0~15. (36) long MSTEP3_GET_ZP(unsigned char cardNo) Get the actual position of Z axis CardNo : card number 0~15. http://www.icpdas.com 4-42 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 3.2.6 Others (37) unsigned char MSTEP3_DI(unsigned char cardNo) To get the DI register MSB 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB di7 di6 di5 di4 di3 di2 di1 di0 (38) MSTEP3_DO(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char value) To output DO port MSB 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LSB don't use DO6 DO5 DO4 DO3 DO2 DO1 DO0 (39) unsigned char MSTEP3_MSC(unsigned char cardNo) To get the status of limit switch MSB 7 6 5 4 /EMG /Zstop /Ystop /Xstop 3 2 1 0 LSB xx xx xx xx /Xstop, /Ystop, /Zstop : indicates which axis is stop, low active /EMG : emergency switch, low active. (40) MSTEP3_WAIT_X(unsigned char cardNo) To wait X-axis goes to the STOP state. (41) MSTEP3_WAIT_Y(unsigned char cardNo) To wait Y-axis goes to the STOP state. (42) MSTEP3_WAIT_Z(unsigned char cardNo) To wait Z-axis goes to the STOP state. (43) unsigned char MSTEP3_IS_X_STOP(unsigned char cardNo) To check whether X axis is STOP or not. Return value 0 (NO) : not yet stop 1 (YES) : stop (44) unsigned char MSTEP3_IS_Y_STOP(unsigned char cardNo) To check whether Y axis is STOP or not. http://www.icpdas.com 4-43 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Return value Version 5.0 01/2012 0 (NO) : not yet stop 1 (YES) : stop (45) unsigned char MSTEP3_IS_Z_STOP(unsigned char cardNo) To check whether Z axis is STOP or not. Return value 0 (NO) : not yet stop 1 (YES) : stop http://www.icpdas.com 4-44 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 3.2.7 New Interpolation command The new driver provide a set of state-machine-type interpolation command including: (46) MSTEP3_INTP_XYZ02(unsigned char cardNo, long x, long y, long z, unsigned int speed, unsigned char acc_mode); (47) MSTEP3_INTP_LINE02(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char plane, long x, long y, unsigned int speed, unsigned char acc_mode); (48) MSTEP3_INTP_CIRCLE02( unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char plane, long x, long y, unsigned char dir, unsigned int speed, unsigned char acc_mode); (49) MSTEP3_INTP_ARC02(unsigned char cardNo, unsigned char plane, long x, long y, long R, unsigned char dir, unsigned int speed, unsigned char acc_mode); acc_mode: 0: enable acceleration and deceleration profile 1: disable acceleration and deceleration profile These command can be set acc_mode=1 to disable the acceleration and deceleration profile. (50) unsigned char MSTEP3_INTP_STOP() These command is to compute the interpolation service. It will return READY(0) for interpolation command completed. And retrun BUSY(1) for not yet complete. (51) void MSTEP3_INTP_ONLINE_SETSPEED(unsigned int speed) User can use this command to dynamicly set the interpolation moving speed when interpolation command(XYZ02, LINE02, CIRCLE02, ARC02) is running. where, 0< speed < 2040 http://www.icpdas.com 4-45 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 These 4 commands are state machine type command, they are only set parameters into the driver. The computing entity is in MSTEP3_GET_CARD() (only for windows) and MSTEP3_INTP_STOP(). In windows application, when The MSTEP3_GET_CARD() command is running in the timer interrupt routine by 10ms, it will help to calculate the interpolation service. Both of DOS and windows application, User can directly call the do {} while (MSTEP3_INTP_STOP()!=READY) to execute the computing entity. The user can monitor something or waiting for keyboard input in the do loop. Therefore, The user has chance to do the software stop or monitor something. DOS application example1 MSTEP3_INTP_XYZ02(CARD1,1000,1000,0,20,1); do { show_panel(); if (kbhit()) chkey=bioskey(0); //F7=0x4100 } while ( (chkey!= 0x4100) && (MSTEP3_INTP_STOP()!=READY) ); if (chkey==0x4100) MSTEP3_STOP_ALL(CARD1); DOS application example2 void TimerInterrupt(void) { MSTEP3_GET_CARD(CARD1); show_panel(); if (kbhit()) chkey=bioskey(0); //F7=0x4100 } void test_intp(void) { MSTEP3_INTP_XYZ02(CARD1,1000,1000,0,20,1); do { } while ( (chkey!= 0x4100) && (MSTEP3_INTP_STOP()!=READY) ); if (chkey==0x4100) MSTEP3_STOP_ALL(CARD1); } Windows application example1 void __fastcall TMSTEP::Timer1Timer(TObject *Sender) http://www.icpdas.com 4-46 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 { Timer1->Interval = 10; //10ms MSTEP3_GET_CARD(CARD1); show_panel(); } void __fastcall TMSTEP::IntpLineClick(TObject *Sender) { char str[20]; if ( (MSTEP3_IS_X_STOP(CARD1)==NO) || (MSTEP3_IS_Y_STOP(CARD1)==NO) || (MSTEP3_IS_Z_STOP(CARD1)==NO)) { Application->MessageBox( "Motor's rotating, can't execute this command", "Message Box", MB_DEFBUTTON1); return; }; ltoa(x, str, 10); IntpLineDialog->Xpulse->Text = AnsiString(str); ltoa(y, str, 10); IntpLineDialog->Ypulse->Text = AnsiString(str); ltoa(speed, str, 10); IntpLineDialog->speed->Text = AnsiString(str); IntpLineDialog->SelectPlane->ItemIndex = plane-1; if (IntpLineDialog->ShowModal()==mrOk) { x= (long)IntpLineDialog->Xpulse->Text.ToInt(); y= (long)IntpLineDialog->Ypulse->Text.ToInt(); speed= (unsigned int)IntpLineDialog->speed->Text.ToInt(); plane= (unsigned char)(IntpLineDialog->SelectPlane->ItemIndex + 1); //MSTEP3_INTP_LINE01(CARD1,plane,x,y,speed); MSTEP3_INTP_LINE02(CARD1,plane,x,y,speed,0); do {Application->ProcessMessages();} while (MSTEP3_INTP_STOP()!=READY); http://www.icpdas.com 4-47 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 } } http://www.icpdas.com 4-48 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 The example for wait stop command (DOS): //test XYZ01, no acceleration MSTEP3_INTP_XYZ02(CARD1,1000,1000,0,20,1); do {} while (MSTEP3_INTP_STOP()!=READY); MSTEP3_INTP_XYZ02(CARD1,2000,1000,0,22,1); do {} while (MSTEP3_INTP_STOP()!=READY); MSTEP3_INTP_XYZ02(CARD1,2000,2000,0,24,1); do {} while (MSTEP3_INTP_STOP()!=READY); MSTEP3_INTP_XYZ02(CARD1,1000,2000,0,26,1); do {} while (MSTEP3_INTP_STOP()!=READY); do {} while (MSTEP3_IS_X_STOP(CARD1)==NO); delay(10000); //test WAIT_X, WAIT_Y, WAIT_Z MSTEP3_INTP_LINE02(CARD1, XY_plane, 10000,-10000,200,0); do {} while (MSTEP3_INTP_STOP()!=READY); MSTEP3_INTP_LINE02(CARD1, XY_plane, -10000, 10000,200,0); do {} while (MSTEP3_INTP_STOP()!=READY); MSTEP3_INTP_XYZ02(CARD1, 5000, -10000, -40000, 200, 0); do {} while (MSTEP3_INTP_STOP()!=READY); do {} while (MSTEP3_IS_X_STOP(CARD1)==NO); do {} while (MSTEP3_IS_Y_STOP(CARD1)==NO); do {} while (MSTEP3_IS_Z_STOP(CARD1)==NO); MSTEP3_STOP_ALL(CARD1); delay(10000); MSTEP3_INTP_CIRCLE02(CARD1, XY_plane, 5000,-5000, CW, 200, 0); do {} while (MSTEP3_INTP_STOP()!=READY); do {} while (MSTEP3_IS_X_STOP(CARD1)==NO); do {} while (MSTEP3_IS_Y_STOP(CARD1)==NO); MSTEP3_STOP_ALL(CARD1); http://www.icpdas.com 4-49 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 4. Driver 01/2012 _ DOS Driver (C, C++) Item File Header file MSTEP3.h Library file MSTEP3.lib Example file Sp3tcc.prj (turbo C++) Sp3bcc.ide (borland C++) Windows 95 Driver Item File Header file Mstep32.h ImportLibrary file Mstep32.lib Bcstep32.lib (only for Borland C++) Dynamic Link Library Mstep32.dll(copy to c:\windows) VxD file Napdio.vxd(copy to c:\windows) Example file Bcmstep3.bpr(Borland C++ Builder) Bcmstep3.cpp main.cpp Windows NT Driver Item File Header file Mstep32.h ImportLibrary file Mstep32.lib Bcstep32.lib (only for Borland C++) Dynamic Link Library Mstep32.dll(copy to c:\windows) Driver regdrv.bat napwnt.ini napwnt.sys regini.exe Example file http://www.icpdas.com Bcmstep3.bpr(Borland C++ Builder) Bcmstep3.cpp main.cpp 4-50 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 _ 5. Example 5.1 DOS example The execution file, SP3TCC.EXE/SP3BCC.EXE, is a testing program. It can let you fully understand the action of every command. The source files include SP3TCC.PRJ(SP3BCC.IDE), MAIN.CPP, MSTEP3.H and MSTEP3.LIB. The MAIN.CPP file provides several examples of MSTEP3 command set. If you have any questions about the command set, you can trace the MAIN.CPP source file. The panel of SP3TCC.EXE has three areas : (1) I/O information area It indicates the status of limit switch, digital input/output and PISOPS300(U) board. (2) motion parameter area It shows the variables of motion parameter. It also shows the command position and actual position of each axis. (3) Command area You can select any command and execute it. The panel of DOS example http://www.icpdas.com 4-51 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 5.2 Windows example The bcmstep3.exe (source file included) is an example of PISOPS300(U) board. It has windows95 and NT edition. If you have any question about PISO-PS300(U) command set, you can trace the source file. The panel of bcmstep3.exe has three areas : (1) I/O information area It indicates the status of limit switches, digital inputs/outputs and PISOPS300(U) board. (2) Motion parameter area It shows the variables of motion parameter. It also shows the command position and actual position of each axis. All parameters can be modified and updated by pressing the “Update Servo Parameters” menu bar. (3) Command area You can select any command and execute it. The panel of windows example http://www.icpdas.com 4-52 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 6. Application _ The PISO-PS300(U) can be applied in X-Y table control, robot, CNC PCB driller, CNC PCB router, CNC wire cutter, lathe and semiconductor equipment. For easily set up a machine, there is a daughter board DB-8R can be adopted. The DB-8R board is the connection board for limit switches, digital inputs/outputs. IP8 IP7 IP6 IP5 IP4 IP3 IP2 IP1 EMG YI XI YLS-YLS+XLS-XLS+ DIP switch for test limit switch and inputs DB-25 ACOM VCOM VI DP8 DP7 DP6 DP5 DP4 DP3 DP2 DP1 The DB-8R daughter board http://www.icpdas.com 4-53 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 6.1 Functional testing If the user wants to verify the hardware and the function of PISOPS300(U), it can run the bcmstep3.exe in windows95/98 or windows NT. The control panel will show in the screen as following. For easily test, the hardware connect as the following diagram. Z axis connection X,Y axis connection PISO-PS300 Encoder connection DIO connection DIP switch DB-8R 24V http://www.icpdas.com 4-54 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 Check the PISO-PS300(U) card is exist or not The indicator “EXIST” will show the PISO-PS300(U) card is exist or not. In case of the card is not exist, all of the function will not be able to be perform. Test digital inputs and limit switches First of all, the external power +24V shall be applied. While turn on the DIP switch on DB-8R daughter board, the corresponding LED on DB-8R and indicator in the control panel will turn on. Test digital outputs First of all, the external power +24V shall be applied. The user can press the button MSTEP3_DO, and turn on the DO then press OK button, the corresponding DO LED on DB-8R will light. Test encoder input The user can use a encoder or servo motor to test this item. It just connect the A+,A-,B+,B-,C+,C-,5V and GND to the PISO-PS300(U), and then rotate the encoder or motor’s shaft by manual. The position will be shown on the panel. The index C also will be shown on panel when rotate slowly. Test pulse output Using the command MSTEP3_CONSTANT_SPEED, the PISO-PS300(U) will outputs the pulses on the pins CW_PULSE1 and CCW_DIR1. User can use these pin to drive the stepping motor or servo motor. User also can use logic probe or scope to check it. Test servo on signal The servo ON/OFF switch right in the parameter area on the panel. The user can select ON or OFF, and press the update parameter button, the corresponding SON will act. Test motion command in simulation mode First of all, select the SIMU mode and then press the update parameter button. The user can execute the motion command such as MSTEP3_PULSE_MOVE. The simulated position will show on the control panel. http://www.icpdas.com 4-55 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 6.2 Hand wheel input //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// DEMO1.cpp 12/11/99 // // Function: // hand wheel(encoder) input from Z axis, // then move X axis //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <dos.h> #include <bios.h> #include "mstep3.h" //----- define -------------------------------------------#define CARD1 0 //----- structure ----------------------------------------typedef struct { //---- parameter --------unsigned int address; unsigned char exist; unsigned char DDA; unsigned char AD; unsigned int LSP; unsigned int HSP; unsigned char home_speed; unsigned char search_speed; unsigned int arc_speed; unsigned char x_mode; unsigned char x_dir; unsigned char x_son; unsigned char y_mode; unsigned char y_dir; http://www.icpdas.com 4-56 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 unsigned char y_son; unsigned char z_mode; unsigned char z_dir; unsigned char z_son; //---- information ------unsigned char op; unsigned char ip; unsigned char msc; unsigned char ls; unsigned char p1; unsigned char x_state; unsigned char y_state; unsigned char z_state; long XC; long XP; long YC; long YP; long ZC; long ZP; }CardParameter; //----- variable -----------------------------------------CardParameter card1; long new_z,old_z; char GetPosition; //-------------------------------------------------------------------#define INTR 0x08 //timer interrupt number #define sampling_time 2982 //<1193180Hz>/2982=Hz(2.5ms) unsigned long sampling_counter1=0; void interrupt sampling_ISR(...); void interrupt (*old_handler)(...); //-------------------------------------------------------------------// set timer interrupt period as 2.5ms, // and set the vector of INTR=0x08 as user's program address //-------------------------------------------------------------------http://www.icpdas.com 4-57 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 void set_timer() { disable(); old_handler = getvect(INTR); setvect(INTR, sampling_ISR); outp(0x43, 0x34); //modify timer outp(0x40, sampling_time & 0x00ff); outp(0x40, (sampling_time >> 8) ); outportb(0x20,0x20); enable(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// recover the vector of INTR=0x08, // reset the timer //-------------------------------------------------------------------void release_timer() { disable(); outp(0x43, 0x34); outp(0x40, 0x00); outp(0x40, 0x00); setvect(INTR, old_handler); outportb(0x20,0x20); enable(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// Timer interrupt // 1. trigger the original vector of INTR=0x08 by 18.Hz // 2. get the PISO-PS300(U) information and status //-------------------------------------------------------------------void interrupt sampling_ISR(...) // 2.5ms sample once { disable(); sampling_counter1 += sampling_time; if (sampling_counter1>65536L) { sampling_counter1-=65536L; old_handler(); //trigger original 0x08h (18.Hz) http://www.icpdas.com 4-58 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 }; //----- get card 1 information ---------------if (card1.exist==YES) { card1.ip = MSTEP3_DI(CARD1); card1.msc = MSTEP3_MSC(CARD1); MSTEP3_GET_CARD(CARD1); card1.ls =MSTEP3_GET_LIMIT(CARD1); card1.p1 =MSTEP3_GET_P1(CARD1); card1.XC =MSTEP3_GET_XC(CARD1); card1.XP =MSTEP3_GET_XP(CARD1); card1.YC =MSTEP3_GET_YC(CARD1); card1.YP =MSTEP3_GET_YP(CARD1); card1.ZC =MSTEP3_GET_ZC(CARD1); card1.ZP =MSTEP3_GET_ZP(CARD1); } GetPosition=1; outportb(0x20,0x20); enable(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------// set the operation parameter of PISO-PS300(U) //-------------------------------------------------------------------void set_parameter() { MSTEP3_SET_NC(CARD1,NO); MSTEP3_SET_CONTROL_MODE(CARD1, card1.x_mode, card1.y_mode, card1.z_mode); MSTEP3_SET_VAR(CARD1, card1.DDA, card1.AD, card1.LSP, card1.HSP, card1.arc_speed); MSTEP3_SET_DEFDIR(CARD1, card1.x_dir, card1.y_dir, card1.z_dir); MSTEP3_SET_SERVO_ON(CARD1, card1.x_son, card1.y_son, card1.z_son); } //######################################################### http://www.icpdas.com 4-59 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 void main() { char ch; disable(); clrscr(); //------set card 1 parameters------------------------------------card1.address = 0; //0~15 card1.DDA = 10; card1.AD = 5; card1.LSP = 5; card1.HSP = 150; card1.home_speed = 10; card1.search_speed = 2; card1.arc_speed = 50; card1.x_mode card1.x_dir card1.x_son card1.y_mode card1.y_dir card1.y_son card1.z_mode card1.z_dir card1.z_son = DDA_CW_CCW|DDA_EN|DDA_OE| ENC_AB_PHASE|ENC_EXTERNAL; = NORMAL_DIR; = ON; = DDA_CW_CCW|DDA_EN|DDA_OE| ENC_AB_PHASE|ENC_EXTERNAL; = NORMAL_DIR; = OFF; = DDA_CW_CCW|DDA_EN|DDA_OE| ENC_AB_PHASE|ENC_EXTERNAL; = NORMAL_DIR; = OFF; //---- check PISO-PS300/S300 is exist or not -----------------------card1.exist=MSTEP3_REGISTRATION(CARD1, card1.address); if (card1.exist!=YES) { cprintf("There is not exist any PISO-PS300/S300 card !"); return; } MSTEP3_RESET_SYSTEM(CARD1); http://www.icpdas.com 4-60 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 clrscr(); //------------------------------------------------------------------set_timer(); set_parameter(); enable(); GetPosition=0; do {} while (GetPosition=0); new_z=card1.ZP; old_z=new_z; do{ card1.msc=MSTEP3_MSC(CARD1); //get msc register if ((card1.msc & 0x01)== 0x00) //check FIFO1 is empty or not! { new_z=card1.ZP; //output the difference of Z-axis to X-axis MSTEP3_INTP_PULSE(CARD1,new_z-old_z,0,0); old_z=new_z; } gotoxy(1,10); cprintf("HandWheel Z=%10ld, X output=%10ld", new_z, card1.XC); } while (bioskey(1)==0); MSTEP3_RESET_SYSTEM(CARD1); release_timer(); } http://www.icpdas.com 4-61 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 7. PISO-PS300U new function 1. (11/3/2011) When the motor driver used 12V. The PISO-PS300 need to remove the resistor. The PISO-PS300U provides the switch used to remove the resistor easily. 12 V motor driver connection http://www.icpdas.com 4-62 ICPDAS PISO-PS300(U) User Manual Version 5.0 01/2012 Switch connection http://www.icpdas.com 4-63 ICPDAS ">

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