MODEL G0659 9" x 14" VERTICAL METAL-CUTTING BANDSAW OWNER'S Manual Copyright © April, 2008 By Grizzly Industrial, Inc. Warning: No portion of this manual may be reproduced in any shape Or form without the written approval of Grizzly Industrial, inc. #JB10244 printed in TAIWAN 4HIS MANUAL PROVIDES CRITICAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PROPER SETUP OPERATION MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE OF THIS MACHINEEQUIPMENT &AILURE TO READ UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN IN THIS MANUAL MAY RESULT IN SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY INCLUDING AMPUTATION ELECTROCUTION OR DEATH 4HE OWNER OF THIS MACHINEEQUIPMENT IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ITS SAFE USE 4HIS RESPONSIBILITY INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO PROPER INSTALLATION IN A SAFE ENVIRONMENT PERSONNEL TRAINING AND USAGE AUTHORIZATION PROPER INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL AVAILABILITY AND COMPREHENSION APPLICATION OF SAFETY DEVICES BLADECUTTER INTEG RITY AND THE USAGE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 4HE MANUFACTURER WILL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE FROM NEGLIGENCE IMPROPER TRAINING MACHINE MODIFICATIONS OR MISUSE 3OME DUST CREATED BY POWER SANDING SAWING GRINDING DRILLING AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES CONTAINS CHEMICALS KNOWN TO THE 3TATE OF #ALIFORNIA TO CAUSE CANCER BIRTH DEFECTS OR OTHER REPRODUCTIVE HARM 3OME EXAMPLES OF THESE CHEMICALS ARE s s s ,EAD FROM LEAD BASED PAINTS #RYSTALLINE SILICA FROM BRICKS CEMENT AND OTHER MASONRY PRODUCTS !RSENIC AND CHROMIUM FROM CHEMICALLY TREATED LUMBER 9OUR RISK FROM THESE EXPOSURES VARIES DEPENDING ON HOW OFTEN YOU DO THIS TYPE OF WORK 4O REDUCE YOUR EXPOSURE TO THESE CHEMICALS 7ORK IN A WELL VENTILATED AREA AND WORK WITH APPROVED SAFETY EQUIP MENT SUCH AS THOSE DUST MASKS THAT ARE SPECIALLY DESIGNED TO FILTER OUT MICROSCOPIC PARTICLES Table of Contents INTRODUCTION................................................ 2 Foreword......................................................... 2 Contact Info.................................................... 2 Functional Overview....................................... 2 Identification.................................................... 3 Machine Data Sheet....................................... 4 SECTION 1: SAFETY........................................ 6 Safety Instructions for Machinery................... 6 Safety Instructions for Metal Cutting Bandsaws................................. 8 SECTION 2: CIRCUIT REQUIREMENTS......... 9 220V Single-Phase......................................... 9 SECTION 3: SETUP........................................ 10 Setup Safety................................................. 10 Unpacking..................................................... 10 Inventory....................................................... 10 Clean Up....................................................... 11 Site Considerations....................................... 11 Moving & Placing.......................................... 12 Leveling Machine.......................................... 12 Mounting to Shop Floor................................ 13 Removing Shipping Bracket......................... 13 Assembly...................................................... 14 Test Run....................................................... 15 Recommended Adjustments......................... 15 SECTION 4: OPERATIONS............................ 16 Operation Safety........................................... 16 Basic Controls............................................... 16 Clamp Vise................................................... 18 Cutting Depth................................................ 19 Feed Rate..................................................... 19 Feed Pressure.............................................. 20 Guide Post.................................................... 20 Adjusting Saw Frame Stop........................... 21 Locking Blade............................................... 21 Blade Selection............................................. 22 Blade Breakage............................................ 25 Blade Care & Break-In.................................. 25 Blade Tensioning.......................................... 26 Blade Changes............................................. 26 Adjusting Blade Guides................................ 27 Blade Tracking.............................................. 29 Changing Speeds......................................... 30 Workpiece Inspection................................... 31 Cutting Tips................................................... 31 Straight Cuts................................................. 32 Freehand Cuts.............................................. 32 Chip Inspection Chart................................... 33 SECTION 5: ACCESSORIES.......................... 34 SECTION 6: MAINTENANCE.......................... 35 Schedule....................................................... 35 Cleaning........................................................ 35 Redressing Rubber Tires.............................. 35 Lubrication.................................................... 36 Chip Tray...................................................... 36 SECTION 7: SERVICE.................................... 37 Troubleshooting............................................ 37 V-Belt Pulley Alignment................................ 39 Tensioning/Replacing V-Belt........................ 39 Wheel Alignment........................................... 40 Blade Scraper & Wheel Brush...................... 42 G0659 Wiring Diagram................................. 43 G0659 Electrical Components...................... 44 G0659 Hydraulic System Schematic............ 45 Upper Saw Frame Breakdown..................... 46 Upper Saw Frame Parts List........................ 47 Lower Saw Frame Breakdown and Parts List................................................ 48 Gearbox Breakdown and Parts List.............. 49 Drive Unit Breakdown and Parts List .......... 50 Table Base Parts Breakdown....................... 51 Table Base Parts List................................... 52 Cabinet Base Breakdown and Parts List...... 53 Safety Labels Breakdown and Parts List...... 54 WARRANTY AND RETURNS......................... 57 INTRODUCTION Foreword Functional Overview We are proud to offer the Model G0659 9"H x 14"W Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw. This machine is part of a growing Grizzly family of fine metalworking machinery. When used according to the guidelines set forth in this manual, you can expect years of trouble-free, enjoyable operation and proof of Grizzly’s commitment to customer satisfaction. The vertical metal-cutting bandsaw has a flexible continuous blade that cuts in one direction. The type of bandsaw blade to be used and the speed of the blade depends on the workpiece type, feed rate, and the form of the cut. The specifications, drawings, and photographs illustrated in this manual represent the Model G0659 when the manual was prepared. However, owing to Grizzly’s policy of continuous improvement, changes may be made at any time with no obligation on the part of Grizzly. For your convenience, we always keep current Grizzly manuals available on our website at Any updates to your machine will be reflected in these manuals as soon as they are complete. Visit our site often to check for the latest updates to this manual! Contact Info We stand behind our machines. If you have any service questions, parts requests or general questions about the machine, please call or write us at the location listed below. Grizzly Industrial, Inc. 1203 Lycoming Mall Circle Muncy, PA 17756 Phone: (570) 546-9663 Fax: (800) 438-5901 E-Mail: [email protected] This type of bandsaw can be used for straight cuts, angular cuts, and curved or contour cuts. Straight cuts are made by clamping the workpiece in a stationary position and using the gravity feed to move the blade through the workpiece. Adjustments can be made to fine tune the blade feed speed and pressure. Angular cuts are made in a similar fashion with the workpiece clamped to the miter, which is rotated shown by the miter scale. Contour cuts are made by removing the vise and locking the blade in the forward position. This locates the blade in the center of the table and allows the workpiece to be fed into and around the blade while remaining well supported by the table. The blade is supported by upper and lower bearing blade guides that keep the blade from wandering during the cut. The efficiency of the cutting operation can be easily checked by examining the shape and color of the metal chips produced during cutting. If you have any comments regarding this manual, please write to us at the address below: Grizzly Industrial, Inc. /O Technical Documentation Manager P.O. Box 2069 Bellingham, WA 98227-2069 Email: [email protected] C -2- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Identification B A C P D O N M E L F K J G I H A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Work Light (110V) Blade Tension Handle Upper Wheel Door Saw Frame Saw Frame Stop Clamp Saw Base Right Side Access Cover Adjustable Mounting Foot Saw Release Lever Power Switch Feed Rate Adjust Knob Saw Release Knob Table C-Clamp Vise Blade Guide Blade Guard G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -3- Machine Data Sheet MACHINE DATA SHEET 8jhidbZgHZgk^XZ/*,%*)+".++(IdDgYZg8Vaa/-%%*'("),,,;Vm/-%%)(-"*.%& MODEL G0659 9" X 14" VERTICAL METAL CUTTING BANDSAW Product Dimensions: LZ^\]i########################################################################################################################################################################### **%aWh# AZc\i]$L^Yi]$=Z^\]i########################################################################################################################################## )+m((m+, ;ddiEg^ciAZc\i]$L^Yi]########################################################################################################################################## 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8"8aVbe;dg8jii^c\GdjcYHidX` Ldg`A^\]i 8]^eIgVn :miZch^dcGdaaZg G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -5- 3%#4)/. 3!&%49 &OR 9OUR /WN 3AFETY 2EAD )NSTRUCTION -ANUAL "EFORE /PERATING THIS -ACHINE 4HE PURPOSE OF SAFETY SYMBOLS IS TO ATTRACT YOUR ATTENTION TO POSSIBLE HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS 4HIS MANUAL USES A SERIES OF SYMBOLS AND SIGNAL WORDS INTENDED TO CONVEY THE LEVEL OF IMPORTANCE OF THE SAFETY MESSAGES 4HE PROGRESSION OF SYMBOLS IS DESCRIBED BELOW 2EMEMBER THAT SAFETY MESSAGES BY THEMSELVES DO NOT ELIMINATE DANGER AND ARE NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROPER ACCIDENT PREVENTION MEASURES )NDICATES AN IMMINENTLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH IF NOT AVOIDED 7),, RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY )NDICATES A POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH IF NOT AVOIDED #/5,$ RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY )NDICATES A POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION WHICH IF NOT AVOIDED -!9 RESULT IN MINOR OR MODERATE INJURY )T MAY ALSO BE USED TO ALERT AGAINST UNSAFE PRACTICES SYMBOL IS USED TO ALERT THE USER TO USEFUL INFORMATION ABOUT ./4)#% 4HIS PROPER OPERATION OF THE MACHINE Safety Instructions for Machinery 3AFETY )NSTRUCTIONS FOR -ACHINERY 2%!$ 4(% %.4)2% -!.5!, "%&/2% 34!24).' -!#().%29 BVX]^cZgnegZh" Zcih hZg^djh ^c_jgn ]VoVgYh id jcigV^cZY jhZgh# !,7!93 53% (%!2).' 02/4%#4)/. 7(%. /0%2!4).' -!#().%29 BVX]^cZgn cd^hZ XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ]ZVg^c\adhh# !,7!93 53% !.3) !002/6%$ 3!&%49 ',!33%3 7(%. /0%2!4).' -!#().%29 :kZgnYVn ZnZ\aVhhZh dcan ]VkZ ^beVXi gZh^hiVci aZchZh·i]Zn VgZ CDIhV[Zin\aVhhZh# 7%!2 02/0%2 !00!2%, 9D CDI lZVgaddhZXadi]^c\!\adkZh!cZX`i^Zh!g^c\h! dg _ZlZagn i]Vi XVc XViX] ^c bdk^c\ eVgih# LZVg egdiZXi^kZ ]V^g XdkZg^c\ id XdciV^c adc\]V^gVcYlZVgcdc"ha^e[ddilZVg# !,7!93 7%!2 ! .)/3( !002/6%$ 2%30)2!4/2 7(%. /0%2!4).' -!#().%29 4(!4 02/$5#%3 $534 BdhiineZhd[YjhilddY!bZiVa!ZiX#XVc XVjhZhZkZgZgZhe^gVidgn^aacZhhZh# .%6%2 /0%2!4% -!#().%29 7(%. 4)2%$ /2 5.$%2 4(% ).&,5%.#% /& $25'3 /2 !,#/(/, 7ZbZciVaanVaZgi ViVaai^bZhl]Zcgjcc^c\bVX]^cZgn# -6- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw 3AFETY )NSTRUCTIONS FOR -ACHINERY /.,9 !,,/7 42!).%$ !.$ 02/0 %2,9 350%26)3%$ 0%23/..%, 4/ /0%2!4% -!#().%29 BV`Z hjgZ deZgVi^dc^chigjXi^dchVgZhV[ZVcYXaZVgan jcYZghiddY# +%%0 #(),$2%. !.$ 6)3)4/23 !7!9 @ZZe Vaa X]^aYgZc VcY k^h^idgh V hV[Z Y^h" iVcXZ[gdbi]Zldg`VgZV# -!+% 7/2+3(/0 #(),$02//& JhZ eVYadX`h! bVhiZg hl^iX]Zh! 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Do not operate with a dull, cracked or badly worn blade that can break during operation or decrease the performance of the bandsaw. Inspect blades for cracks and missing teeth before each use. 2. BLADE REPLACEMENT. Wear gloves to protect hands and safety glasses to protect eyes when replacing the blade. When installing the new blade, make sure teeth face forward and down toward the table in the direction of blade travel. 3. WORKPIECE HANDLING. Your hands can be drawn into the blade during operation if the workpiece moves unexpectedly. Always keep your hands a safe distance away from the moving blade. 4. CUTTING FLUID SAFETY. Cutting fluids are poisonous. Always follow manufacturer’s cutting-fluid safety instructions. Pay particular attention to contact, contamination, inhalation, storage and disposal warnings. Spilled cutting fluid invites slipping hazards. Like all machinery there is potential danger when operating this machine. Accidents are frequently caused by lack of familiarity or failure to pay attention. Use this machine with respect and caution to lessen the possibility of operator injury. If normal safety precautions are overlooked or ignored, serious personal injury may occur. -8- 5.FIRE HAZARD. Pure magnesium burns easily. Cutting magnesium with a dull blade can create enough friction to ignite the small magnesium chips. Avoid cutting magnesium if possible. 6. ENTANGLEMENT HAZARDS. Always keep the blade guard correctly positioned and wheel doors closed and secured when bandsaw is in operation. Loose clothing, jewelry, long hair and work gloves can be drawn into working parts. 7. MAINTENANCE/SERVICE. All inspections, adjustments, and maintenance are to be done with the power OFF and the power disconnected. Wait for all moving parts to come to a complete stop. 8. Hot Surfaces. Be aware that contact with hot surfaces from machine components, ejections of hot chips, swarf and workpiece can cause burns. 9. EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTY. If at any time you are experiencing difficulties performing the intended operation, stop using the machine! Contact our Technical Support Department at (570) 546-9663. No list of safety guidelines can be complete. Every shop environment is different. Always consider safety first, as it applies to your individual working conditions. Use this and other machinery with caution and respect. Failure to do so could result in serious personal injury, damage to equipment, or poor work results. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw SECTION 2: CIRCUIT REQUIREMENTS 220V Single-Phase Serious personal injury could occur if you connect the machine to the power source before you have completed the set up process. DO NOT connect the machine to the power source until instructed to do so. Grounding In the event of an electrical short, grounding reduces the risk of electric shock. The grounding wire in the power cord must be properly connected to the grounding prong on the plug; likewise, the outlet must be properly installed and grounded. All electrical connections must be made in accordance with local codes and ordinances. Amperage Draw Electrocution or fire could result if this machine is not grounded correctly or if your electrical configuration does not comply with all applicable codes. Ensure compliance by checking with a qualified electrician! The Model G0659 motor draws the following amps under maximum load: Motor Draw............................................... 8 Amps Power Supply Circuit Requirements We recommend connecting your machine to a dedicated and grounded circuit that is rated for the amperage given below. Never replace a circuit breaker on an existing circuit with one of higher amperage without consulting a qualified electrician to ensure compliance with wiring codes. If you are unsure about the wiring codes in your area or you plan to connect your machine to a shared circuit, consult a qualified electrician. Minimum Circuit Size.............................. 15 Amps Plug/Receptacle Type Recommended Plug/Receptacle....... NEMA 6-15 Extension Cords We do not recommend the use of extension cords. Instead, arrange the placement of your equipment and the installed wiring to eliminate the need for extension cords. If you find it absolutely necessary to use an extension cord at 220V with your machine: •Use at least a 14 gauge cord that does not exceed 50 feet in length! •The extension cord must also contain a ground wire and plug pin. • A qualified electrician MUST size cords over 50 feet long to prevent motor damage. Figure 1. NEMA 6-15 plug and receptacle. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -9- SECTION 3: SETUP Setup Safety Inventory After all parts have been removed from the packaging, you should have the following items: This machine presents serious injury hazards to untrained users. Read through this entire manual to become familiar with the controls and operations before starting the machine! Wear safety glasses during the entire set up process! The Model G0659 is a heavy machine. DO NOT over-exert yourself while unpacking or moving your machine—get assistance. Main Components: (Figure 2) Qty A. Bandsaw Unit (not shown)........................... 1 B. C-Clamp Vise.............................................. 1 C. Round Handle............................................. 1 D.Roller Brackets............................................ 2 E.Roller........................................................... 1 F. Counterweight............................................. 1 G. Knob 3⁄8 -18 x 2"............................................ 1 H.Lock Washers 5 ⁄ 16" (roller)............................ 4 I.Hex Bolts 5 ⁄ 16-18 x 5 ⁄ 8" (roller)....................... 4 J. Vise Support Rod........................................ 1 K.Hex Wrench Kit 1-10mm (not shown)....1 Ea. If any nonproprietary parts are missing (e.g. a nut or a washer), we will gladly replace them, or for the sake of expediency, replacements can be obtained at your local hardware store. B Unpacking The Model G0659 was carefully packed when it left our warehouse. If you discover the machine is damaged after you have signed for delivery, please immediately call Customer Service at (570) 546-9663 for advice. Save the containers and all packing materials for possible inspection by the carrier or its agent. Otherwise, filing a freight claim can be difficult. When you are completely satisfied with the condition of your shipment, you should inventory the contents. -10- D C E F H J I G Figure 2. Inventory. NOTICE Some components on the inventory list may arrive pre-installed on the machine. Check these locations before assuming that any items from the inventory list are missing. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Clean Up The unpainted surfaces are coated with a waxy oil to prevent corrosion during shipment. Remove this protective coating with a solvent cleaner or degreaser, such as shown in Figure 3. For thorough cleaning, some parts must be removed. For optimum performance from your machine, clean all moving parts or sliding contact surfaces. Avoid chlorine-based solvents, such as acetone or brake parts cleaner that may damage painted surfaces. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using any type of cleaning product. Site Considerations Floor Load Refer to the Machine Data Sheet for the weight and footprint specifications of your machine. Some residential floors may require additional reinforcement to support both the machine and operator. Placement Location Consider existing and anticipated needs, size of material to be processed through each machine, and space for auxiliary stands, work tables or other machinery when establishing a location for your new machine. See Figure 4 for the minimum working clearances. Gasoline and petroleum products have low flash points and can explode or cause fire if used to clean machinery. DO NOT use these products to clean the machinery. 50" 34" Many cleaning solvents are toxic if inhaled. Minimize your risk by only using these products in a well ventilated area. G2544—Solvent Cleaner & Degreaser A great product for removing the waxy shipping grease from your machine during clean up. Figure 4. Minimum working clearances. Children and visitors may be seriously injured if unsupervised. Lock all entrances to the shop when you are away. DO NOT allow unsupervised children or visitors in your shop at any time! Figure 3. Cleaner/degreaser available from Grizzly. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -11- Moving & Placing This bandsaw is a heavy machine. Serious personal injury may occur if safe moving methods are not used. To be safe, get assistance and use power equipment rated for over 750 lbs. to move the shipping crate and remove the machine from the crate. Leveling Machine Tools Needed: Qty Wrench 19mm.................................................... 1 Level................................................................... 1 Once your new machine is in place, it must be leveled. The four corners of the machine base have leveling bolts for this purpose. To level the machine: 1.Loosen the lock nuts on all four corners, then adjust the leveling bolts until all four touch the floor (Figure 6). To lift and move the bandsaw: Leveling Bolt 1.Remove the chip tray from the bandsaw base. 2.Position the forklift forks under the bandsaw base, as shown in Figure 5. Lock Nut Figure 6. Leveling feet. 2.Using a level as a guide, level the machine by adjusting one side up or down, as needed. Turn the leveling bolt clockwise to lift the foot and counterclockwise to lower the foot. Be sure to adjust each side in small, equal increments. Figure 5. Lifting bandsaw on forklift forks. 3.Once the machine is level in one direction, rotate the level 90˚ and check again for level. 4. Again adjust the feet as needed. Be sure to use small, equal increments on each side. 5.Re-check for level in both the left-to-right and front-to-rear directions. Re-adjust if necessary. 6.Once the machine is level, tighten the leveling lock nuts, taking care to not turn the levling bolts. -12- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Mounting to Shop Floor Removing Shipping Bracket Although not required, we strongly recommend that you mount your new machine to the floor to prevent tipping. Because this is an optional step and floor materials may vary, floor mounting hardware is not included. Tools Needed: Qty 5 Hex Wrench ⁄ 16"................................................. 1 Level................................................................... 1 Bolting to Concrete Floors Anchor studs and lag bolts (Figure 7) are two popular methods for anchoring an object to a concrete floor. We suggest you research the many options and methods for mounting your machine and choose the best that fits your specific application. To protect your new machine from damage during shipping, a metal bracket secures the saw frame to the machine base. Before use, this bracket must be removed. To remove the shipping bracket: 1.Remove the four cap screws and washers indicated in Figure 8. NOTICE Anchor studs are stronger and more permanent alternatives to lag bolts; however, they will stick out of the floor, which may cause a tripping hazard if you decide to move your machine. Anchor Stud Figure 8. Removing shipping bracket. Lag Anchor & Bolt 2.Remove the shipping bracket and store it for later use. If the bandsaw is moved in the future, the shipping bracket must be reinstalled to prevent damage to the machine and potential hazards during moving. Figure 7. Typical fasteners for mounting to concrete floors. NOTICE We strongly recommend securing your machine to the floor if it is hardwired to the power source. Consult with your electrician to ensure compliance with local codes. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -13- Assembly 3.Slide the counterweight onto the counterweight rail and secure in position with the lock knob (Figure 11). To assemble the bandsaw: 1. Counterweight Rail Attach one of the roller brackets with two hex bolts and lock washers, as shown in Figure 9. Lock Washer Lock Knob Counterweight Figure 11. Counterweight installation. 4. Hex Bolt Twist the knob onto the saw frame release lever until it is snug (Figure 12). Roller Bracket Figure 9. Roller bracket. Saw Frame Release Lever 2.Slide one end of the roller into the attached bracket, slide the other bracket over the other end of the roller, then attach the bracket to the table with the remaining hex bolts and lock washers (Figure 10). Knob Mounting Bracket Figure 12. Saw frame release lever knob. Roller Figure 10. Mounting roller. -14- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Test Run Once the setup is complete, test run your machine to make sure it runs properly and is ready for regular operation. The test run consists of verifying the following: 1) The motor powers up and runs correctly, and 2) the machine is in working order. If, during the test run, you cannot easily locate the source of an unusual noise or vibration, stop using the machine immediately, then review Troubleshooting on Page 37. If you still cannot remedy a problem, contact our Tech Support at (570) 546-9663 for assistance. To test run the machine: 1. Recommended Adjustments For your convenience, the adjustments listed below have been performed at the factory. Because of the many variables involved with shipping, however, we recommend that you at least verify the following adjustments to ensure the best possible results from your new machine before putting it into use. Step-by-step instructions for these adjustments can be found in the OPERATIONS section starting on Page 16. Factory adjustments that should be verified: 1.Saw Frame Stop (refer to Page 21). Make sure you have read the safety instructions at the beginning of the manual and that the machine is setup properly. 2. Blade Guides (refer to Page 27). 3. V-Belt Pulley Alignment (refer to Page 39). 2. Make sure all tools and objects used during setup are cleared away from the machine. 4. Wheel alignment (refer to Page 40). 3. Connect the machine to the power source. 4. Verify that the machine is operating correctly by turning the machine ON. To operate the switch, slide the red button up to open the stop latch, then press the green start button under the latch. —When operating correctly, the machine runs smoothly with little or no vibration or rubbing noises. —Investigate and correct strange or unusual noises or vibrations before operating the machine further. Always disconnect the machine from power when investigating or correcting potential problems. 5.Turn the machine OFF. 6. Continue to Recommended Adjustments before using machine further. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -15- SECTION 4: OPERATIONS Operation Safety Basic Controls Use the descriptions and figures below to become familiar with the basic controls of your bandsaw. Damage to your eyes and lungs could result from using this machine without proper protective gear. Always wear safety glasses and a respirator when operating this machine. Saw Release Knob: Starts and stops the movement of the saw frame. Allows the feed rate to remain unchanged when performing repetitive cutting tasks. Feed Rate Adjust Knob: Adjusts the feed rate of the blade through the workpiece. Bandsaw Start/Stop Switch: Turns power ON/ OFF to the bandsaw motor. Loose hair and clothing could get caught in machinery and cause serious personal injury. Keep loose clothing and long hair away from moving machinery. ELECTROCUTION HAZARD This bandsaw is not designed to be used with water soluble cutting fluid or coolant. If needed, use a small amount of oil-based lubricant. NOTICE If you have never used this type of machine or equipment before, We strongly recommend that you read books, trade magazines, or get formal training before beginning any projects. Regardless of the content in this section, Grizzly Industrial will not be held liable for accidents caused by lack of training. -16- Saw Release Knob Feed Rate Adjust Knob Start/Stop Switch Figure 13. Model G0659 controls. The bandsaw blade is sharp and can easily cut your hand or fingers. Always disconnect the power and wear heavy leather gloves when making adjustments to or near the blade. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw C-Clamp Vise: Holds workpiece in position during cutting. Graduated for setting angled cuts. Feed Pressure Counterweight: Adjusts the pressure that the blade exerts on the workpiece. Stop Clamp: Used to set the depth-of-cut. Also can be placed behind the saw frame to lock the saw in the forward position for contour cutting. Counterweight Lock Knob: Locks the counterweight in the desired position. Saw Release Lever: Releases the saw for cutting and returns it to the starting position. Counterweight Lock Knob C-Clamp Vise Feed Pressure Counterweight Stop Clamp Saw Release Lever Figure 14. Model G0659 controls. Blade Tension Handle: Sets and releases the blade tension when changing blades. Figure 16. Counterweight controls. Upper Wheel Tracking Adjustment: Adjusts blade tracking (Page 29). Blade Post Lock Knob: Locks the blade guides in position. Work Lamp: Lights the cutting area. Blade Guide: Supports the blade during cutting operations. Should be adjusted to approximately ½" above the workpiece for maximum support. Upper Wheel Tracking Adjustment Blade Tension Handle Work Lamp Blade Guide Blade Post Lock Knob Figure 17. Model G0659 blade controls. Figure 15. Model G0659 electrical controls. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -17- Clamp Vise Angle Adjustments 1.The lock pins secure the vise angle at 90º. For angles other than 90º, remove the lock pins from the vise. If they do not pull out by hand, turn the lock nuts clockwise to release the pins from their holes (Figure 18). 2.Turn the leadscrew to tighten the clamp and secure the workpiece. Be sure the clamp is not in the path of the saw blade. Note: When clamping workpieces at angles, it may be necessary to position the clamp on the other side of the vise to avoid interfering with the blade travel. C-Clamp Vise Removal 1.Remove the lock pins from the vise by turning the lock nuts clockwise to release the pins from the holes (Figure 20). Clamp Lock Bolt Lock Pin Clamp Lock Screw Lock Nut Vise Pin Lock Pin Figure 18. Clamp vise angle. 2.Loosen the clamp lock bolt, rotate the clamp to the desired angle, then tighten the clamp lock bolt. C-Clamp Vise installation 1. Place the C-clamp vise over the vise base, then insert the vise rod into the clamp base, as shown in Figure 19. Lock Nut Figure 20. C-clamp vise removal. 2.Remove the clamp lock bolt and the entire clamp vise assembly. Use pliers to carefully remove the vise pin from the table. Vise Rod Leadscrew Clamp Base Figure 19. C-clamp vise. -18- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Cutting Depth To adjust the depth of cut: 1. Use the saw release lever to move the saw to the desired depth-of-cut, then adjust the stop clamp so that it is snug against the saw frame stop. This will prevent the saw from moving beyond that point (Figure 21). Feed Rate The feed rate is the rate at which the saw frame travels. On the Model G0659, the feed rate is controlled hydraulically by a knob on the control panel. The optimal feed rate depends on the type and dimensions of stock being cut as well as the blade being used. The optimal feed rate is determined by observing the chips produced by the cut, as described on Page 33. To adjust the feed rate: 1. Stop Clamp Saw Release Lever Be sure the saw is at the start position by pushing the saw release lever all the way down (Figure 22). Saw Release Knob Figure 21. Depth of cut adjust. Saw Release Lever NOTICE This bandsaw will damage the vise and table if the depth of cut and saw frame stop are not properly adjusted. Before making any cuts, check that the blade will not contact the table or vise when it is positioned all the way forward. Feed Rate Control Knob Figure 22. Adjusting feed rate. 2.Rotate the feed rate control knob to "0". This will prevent the saw frame from moving. 3.Turn the saw release knob to the left, then lift the saw release lever to release the saw frame. 4.Slowly turn the feed rate control knob counterclockwise to increase the feed rate. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -19- Feed Pressure Guide Post The force with which the saw moves through the workpiece is the feed pressure. On the Model G0659, the feed pressure is controlled by a counterweight mechanism located on the base of the machine. The optimal feed pressure depends on the type and dimensions of the stock being cut as well as the blade being used. The optimal feed pressure is best determined by observing the chips produced by the cut, as described on Page 33. The guide post assembly is used for two purposes: 1) To properly position the blade guard to protect the operator from the exposed blade between the workpiece and the upper wheel housing, and 2) to position the upper blade guides close to the workpiece for blade support. To adjust the feed pressure: 1.Loosen the counterweight lock knob, then slide the counterweight. Moving the counterweight toward the front of the machine increases feed pressure while moving the counterweight towards the back of the machine decreases feed pressure (Figure 23). Counterweight In order to cut accurately and safely, position the bottom of the upper blade guides approximately ½" above the workpiece when the saw frame is at its lowest point. This positioning provides the greatest blade support and minimizes the amount of blade exposed to the operator during operation. To properly position the guide post: 1.DISCONNECT BANDSAW FROM POWER! 2. Support the guide post with one hand and loosen the lock knob with the other until the guide post slides freely (Figure 24). Lock Knob Lock Knob Increase Decrease Figure 23. Adjusting feed pressure. 2.Once the counterweight is positioned, tighten the lock knob. -20- Figure 24. Guide post. 3. Position the bottom of the upper blade guides approximately ½" above the workpiece when the saw frame is at is lowest point, then retighten the lock knob to secure the setting. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Adjusting Saw Frame Stop The saw frame stop controls the overall forward movement of the saw frame. The proper setting will ensure that the blade cuts completely through the workpiece without cutting into the table or the vise. Adjust the frame saw stop whenever the blade is changed, fails to cut completely through the workpiece, or contacts the vise. To adjust the saw frame stop: 1. Make sure the blade tracks properly and is correctly tensioned. 2. DISCONNECT BANDSAW FROM POWER! 3.Remove the stop clamp, turn both hydraulic knobs on the control panel counterclockwise to release the saw frame, then lift the saw release lever to bring the saw frame all the way forward. The saw frame will come to rest on the saw frame stop (Figure 25). Locking Blade To lock the blade in the forward position: 1. Remove the stop clamp, then release the saw frame by lifting the saw release lever. Allow the saw frame to move all the way forward, as shown in Figure 26. Saw Release Lever Stop Clamp Figure 26. Saw frame moved forward. 2. Place the stop clamp behind the saw frame rest, as shown in Figure 27. Saw Frame Rest Stop Clamp Lock Nut Saw Frame Stop Figure 25. Saw frame stop. 4.Loosen the lock nut on the saw frame stop, then turn the saw frame stop as needed to position the blade as close to the vise as possible without touching it. This is the ideal saw frame stop position. 5. Figure 27. Saw frame locked forward. 3. Slide the stop clamp forward against the saw frame rest. Apply pressure to secure the saw frame in the forward position, then tighten the stop clamp knob. Without turning the saw frame stop, tighten the lock nut. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -21- Blade Selection Blade Length Selecting the right blade for the cut requires a knowledge of various blade characteristics. Measured by the blade circumference, blade lengths are usually unique to the brand of your bandsaw and the distance between the wheels. The Model G0659 uses a 120" blade. Blade Terminology Blade Width Measured from the back of the blade to the tip of the blade tooth (the widest point), blade width is often the first consideration given to blade selection. Blade width dictates the largest and smallest curve that can be cut, as well as how accurately it can cut a straight line—generally the wider the blade, the straighter it will cut. The Model G0659 uses a 1⁄4"–1" wide blade. A B C D E F Always pick the blade width that best suits your operation. H G I Figure 28. Bandsaw blade terminology. A. Kerf: The amount of material removed by the blade during cutting. B. Tooth Set: The amount each tooth is bent left or right from the blade. C. Gauge: The thickness of the blade. D. Blade Width: The widest point of the blade measured from the tip of the tooth to the back edge of the blade. E. Tooth Rake: The angle of the tooth face from a line perpendicular to the length of the blade. F. Gullet Depth: The distance from the tooth tip to the bottom of the curved area (gullet). Curve Cutting: Use the chart in Figure 29 to choose the correct blade for curve cutting. Determine the smallest radius curve that will be cut on your workpiece and use the corresponding blade width. The list below serves as a general guideline for the minimum radius curve that can be cut by common blade widths. The actual radius will vary depending on the materal being cut and its thickness, of the workpiece. . . . . . . . Width Radius 3 ⁄16".................................... 3⁄8" 1 ⁄4''..................................... 5⁄8'' 3 ⁄8''..................................... 11⁄4'' 1 ⁄2''..................................... 21⁄2'' 5 ⁄8''..................................... 33⁄4'' 3 ⁄4''..................................... 51⁄2'' 1''...................................... 71⁄2'' Figure 29. Blade width radii. G. Tooth Pitch: The distance between tooth tips. H. Blade Back: The distance between the bottom of the gullet and the back edge of the blade. I. -22- TPI: The number of teeth per inch measured from gullet to gullet. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Tooth Set Tooth Type Three common tooth sets are standard, wavy, and raker (see Figure 30), each removing material in a different manner to make the kerf in the workpiece. The most common tooth types are described below and illustrated in Figure 31. Standard or Raker: Equally spaced teeth set a "0" rake angle. Recommended for all purpose use. HiVcYVgYdgGV`Zg KVg^VWaZE^iX]KE Alternate Wavy Raker Figure 30. Bandsaw tooth sets. Alternate: An all-purpose arrangement of bending the teeth evenly left and right of the blade. Generally used for milder metals. Wavy: Generally three or more teeth in a group that are bent one way, followed by a non-set tooth, then another group bent the other way. Recommended for straight cuts in thin metals or thin-wall tubing. Raker: Three teeth in a recurring group—one bent left, next one bent right, and then a non-set tooth. The raker is ideal for most contour cuts. KVg^VWaZE^iX]Edh^i^kZGV`Z =dd`dg8aVl H`^edgH`^eIddi] Figure 31. Bandsaw blade tooth types. Variable Pitch (VP): Varying gullet depth and tooth spacing, a "0" rake angle, excellent chip removing capacity, and smooth cutting. Variable Pitch with Positive Rake: Varying gullet depth and tooth spacing, a positive rake angle, better chip formation, and aggressive cutting. Hook or Claw: Wide gullets (round or flat), equally spaced teeth, positive rake angle, and fast cut with good surface finish. Skip or Skip Tooth: Wide, flat gullets, a "0" rake angle, equally spaced teeth, and recommended for non-ferrous materials. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -23- Blade Pitch (TPI) The chart below is a basic starting point when choosing blade type based on teeth per inch (TPI) for variable tooth pitch blades and standard raker set bi-metal blades/HSS blades. However, for exact specifications of bandsaw blades that are correct for your operation, contact the blade manufacturer. To select the correct blade pitch: 1. Measure the material thickness. This measurement is the length of cut taken from where the tooth enters the workpiece, sweeps through, and exits the workpiece. 3.In the applicable row, read across to the right and find the column of the material you are cutting. Listed in the box is the minimum TPI recommended for the variable tooth pitch blades. 4.Read towards the bottom of the column to the "F.P.M." row. This figure is the recommended feet per minute blade speed for the material you are cutting. Refer to the speed chart on the machine or Changing Speeds, Page 30, to adjust the Model G0659 to the closest appropriate speed. 2.Refer to the left-most column of the cutting speed recommendation chart in Figure 32, and read down to find the workpiece thickness you need to cut. Figure 32. General guidelines for blade selection and speed chart. -24- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Blade Breakage Many conditions may cause a bandsaw blade to break. Blade breakage is unavoidable, in some cases, since it is the natural result of the peculiar stresses that bandsaw blades must endure. Blade breakage is also due to avoidable circumstances. Avoidable blade breakage is most often the result of poor care or judgement on the part of the operator when mounting or adjusting the blade or support guides. The most common causes of blade breakage are: • Faulty alignment or adjustment of the blade guides. • Forcing or twisting a wide blade around a short radius. • Feeding the workpiece too fast. •Dull or damaged teeth. •Over-tensioned blade. •Top blade guide assembly set too high above the workpiece. Adjust the top blade guide assembly so that there is approximately ½" between the bottom of the assembly and the workpiece. •Using a blade with a lumpy or improperly finished braze or weld. • Continuously running the bandsaw when not in use. •Leaving the blade tensioned when not in use. •Using the wrong pitch (TPI) for the workpiece thickness. The general rule of thumb is to have not less than two teeth in contact with the workpiece at all times during cutting. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Blade Care & Break-In Blade Care A bandsaw blade is a delicate piece of steel that is subjected to tremendous strain. You can obtain longer use from a bandsaw blade if you give it fair treatment and always use the appropriate feed rate for your operation. Be sure to select blades with the proper width, set, type, and pitch for each application. The wrong choice of blades will often produce unnecessary heat and will shorten the life of your blade. A clean blade will perform much better than a dirty blade. Dirty or gummed up blades pass through the cutting material with much more resistance than clean blades. This extra resistance also causes unnecessary heat. Blade Break-In The sharp teeth tips and edges of a new blade are extremely sharp, and cutting at full feed rate may cause fracturing of the beveled edges of the teeth and premature blade wear. To properly break-in a new blade: 1. Choose the correct speed for the blade and material of the operation. 2.Reduce the feed pressure by half for the first 50–100 in2 of material cut. 3.To avoid twisting the blade when cutting, adjust the feed pressure when the total width of the blade is in the cut. 4.Use the Chip Inspection Chart on Page 33 to check the blade efficiency. -25- Blade Tensioning NOTICE To prolong blade life, release the tension on the blade if the machine will be idle for an extended period of time. Note: Make sure the blade tracks next to, but not touching, the upper wheel flange as you rotate the upper wheel by hand. 5. Close the upper wheel door and reposition the guide post. Blade Changes Proper blade tension reduces the risk of blade breakage and improves cutting performance. To correctly tension the blade: 1.DISCONNECT BANDSAW FROM POWER! 2.Open the upper wheel door, and raise the blade post and upper blade guide assembly to the highest position. 3. Check the side-to-side deflection of the blade midway between the upper blade guide and the table. The proper amount of deflection should be approximately 3⁄8" when moderate pressure is applied (see Figure 33). Note: The quickest and easiest way to check blade tension is to use the Model H5408 Blade Tensioning Gauge (refer to Page 34) Always disconnect power to the machine when changing blades. Failure to do this may result in serious personal injury. All saw blades are dangerous and may cause personal injury. To reduce the risk of injury, wear heavy leather gloves when handling saw blades. To replace the blade: 1.DISCONNECT BANDSAW FROM POWER! 6eegdm^bViZan($- 7aVYZ9Z[aZXi^dc 2.Open the upper wheel doors. 3.Release tension on the blade by rotating the tensioning handwheel. 4.Put on heavy gloves, then slide the blade off the upper and lower wheels. Figure 33. Blade deflection when correctly tensioned. 4. Make small adjustments to the blade tensioning handwheel, then rotate the top wheel by turning the gearbox pulley several times before checking the blade deflection again. Repeat this step until you are satisfied. -26- 5.Install a new blade in reverse order. Before returning the saw to use, be sure to properly tension the blade, check the tracking, and break it in. Note: Make sure the teeth are pointing down toward the table. If the teeth will not point downward in any orientation, the blade is inside out. Remove the blade and twist it right side-out. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Adjusting Blade Guides Note: In most cases, the only adjustment necessary is to adjust the guide bearing eccentric spindles. This adjustment is outlined in Steps 4–6 below. If the proper positioning cannot be accomplished by turning the eccentric spindles, you must re-position the lower and upper blade guide assemblies, as outlined later in this section. Tools Needed: Qty Hex Wrench 4mm............................................... 1 Slotted Screwdriver............................................ 1 The blade guides provide side-to-side support to help keep the blade straight while cutting. Properly adjusted blade guides are essential to making accurate cuts. 4.Loosen set screws C (Figure 35). Set Screws C The ideal blade guide position on the Model G0659 accomplishes the following: •The blade guides exert enough force on the blade to hold it parallel to the path of the cut. Square •The blade is held square to the table. •The blade is supported during operation by the flanges on the blade guides, but does not ride directly upon them. •The blade is not forced to bend excessively as it passes through the blade guides. Upper and Lower Guide Bearing Adjustment 1. Make sure the blade tracks properly and is correctly tensioned. 2. DISCONNECT BANDSAW FROM POWER! 3. Familiarize yourself with the blade guide controls shown in Figure 34. Figure 35. Blade squared. 5. Adjust the blade guides by turning the slotted eccentric spindles as necessary so the blade is held flat between the blade guide wheels but not so tight that the blade must bend between them (Figure 36). Make sure the blade remains square to the table. ;GDCIK>:L IDEK>:L 8DGG:8I Set Screw B Set Screws C >C8DGG:8I IDDI><=I IDDADDH: Figure 36. Blade guide wheel position. Set Screw A Blade Guard Cap Screw 6.Tighten the set screws. Guide Bearing Eccentric Spindles 7.Repeat Steps 4–6 for the lower blade guide assembly. Figure 34. Upper blade guide controls. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -27- Lower Blade Adjustment Guide Assembly When it is not possible to accomplish the necessary blade guide positioning with the eccentric spindles alone, the entire blade guide assembly must be re-adjusted. First position the lower blade guide assembly, then the upper blade guide assembly. 5. Wearing gloves, hold the blade in-line with the path of the saw and centered over the slot in the table. Rotate the eccentric shaft so the blade guide assembly is centered over the blade, as shown in Figure 39, then tighten set screw A. Hadi IVWaZ To position the lower blade guide assembly: 1. DISCONNECT BANDSAW FROM POWER! 2. Move the saw frame forward until it is up to, but not yet entering the slot in the table, as shown in Figure 37, then lock the frame in place using the saw frame stop clamp. 7aVYZ >c"a^cZL^i]EVi] D[HVl 8ZciZgZY 7aVYZ<j^YZ 6hhZbWan :XXZcig^XH]V[i HZiHXgZl6 Saw Frame Stop Clamp Figure 39. Lower blade guide. Blade Guard Cap Screw Blade Guard Table Slot Blade Figure 37. Blade guide setup. 3.Open the upper wheel door, loosen the blade guard cap screw and remove the blade guard. 4.Loosen set screws A, B, and C on the lower blade guide assembly (Figure 38). 6.Rotate the blade guide assembly and apply just enough pressure to hold the blade flat against both guide rollers. Rotate the eccentric spindles so their slots are oriented vertically, as shown in Figure 40. This positions the blade guides in the center of their range of motion to facilitate later adjustments. 7.Tighten set screws C. 7aVYZ<j^YZ ;aVc\Z HZiHXgZl7 Set Screw B :XXZcig^X He^cYaZh HZiHXgZlh8 Figure 40. Blade guide positioning. Set Screw A Set Screws C Figure 38. Lower blade guide assembly. -28- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw 8. While still holding the blade guide assembly in position as described in Step 6, slide the blade guide assembly in or out as necessary so the roller guide flange is directly behind, but not touching the back of the blade, then tighten set screw B (Figure 40). Blade Tracking Assembly "Blade Tracking" refers to how the blade rides on the wheels. When tracking correctly, the blade rides just next to, but not touching the wheel flange. Blade tracking is primarily controlled by adjusting the upper wheel tilt. Adjusting the upper blade guide assembly follows the same procedure as adjusting the lower blade guide assembly. The additional consideration is that the upper blade guide assembly must also hold the blade square to the table. Another way to track the blade is known as "Coplanar Tracking." Coplanar tracking involves aligning the wheels so they are parallel and aligned (see Wheel Alignment on Page 40). When wheels are coplanar, vibration and heat are reduced during operation. Upper Blade Adjustment Guide To position the upper blade guide assembly: 1. DISCONNECT BANDSAW FROM POWER. 2. Loosen set screws A, B, and C on the upper blade guide assembly. 3. Wearing gloves, hold the blade square to the table. Rotate the eccentric shaft (Figure 39) so the blade guide assembly is centered over the blade, as shown in Figure 41, then tighten the cap screw located in the bottom of the guide post. Blade Blade tracking on the Model G0659 must be adjusted with the saw running. To reduce the risk of serious injury, keep hands clear from all moving parts and touch only the parts indicated in the following instructions. In addition, wear eye protection whenever the machine is running. To adjust the blade tracking: 1. Open the upper wheel cover and familiarize yourself with the wheel, the wheel flange, the blade, and the relationship between the blade and wheel flange (Figure 42). Centered 7aVYZ Blade Guide Assembly Square Figure 41. Centered blade guide assembly. 4.Repeat Lower Blade Guide Assembly Adjustment, Steps 6–8 to complete adjustment of the upper blade guides. L]ZZa ;aVc\Z 7A69:IG68@>C< Figure 42. Center tracking profiles. 5.Replace the blade guard and close the upper door. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -29- 2.Locate the cap screws indicated in Figure 43. Loosen the upper screws one half turn and the lower screws 2 full turns. DO NOT remove these screws. Loosen Slightly Loosen Changing Speeds The Model G0659 has four blade speeds. These speeds are determined by the position of the V-belt in one of the four available pulley grooves. Refer to the chart below or on the saw frame base for blade speeds and their respective belt positions (Figure 44). <:6G7DM EJAA:N 6 Set Screw 7 Figure 43. Blade tracking adjustments. 8 9 3.Turn the bandsaw ON. Keep the saw frame locked in the starting position. 4. While watching the space between the blade and wheel flange, turn the set screw counterclockwise. This will move the blade away from the flange. As soon as the blade begins to move away from the flange, turn the set screw as necessary to stabilize the blade approximately 1⁄8" from the flange. 7:AI EDH>I>DC 6 7 8 9 7A69: HE::9;EB *-% '-% &)% -% BDIDG EJAA:N Figure 44. Belt positions. To change the blade speed: 1. DISCONNECT BANDSAW FROM POWER! 5.Slowly turn the set screw clockwise to move the blade back towards the flange. When the blade is running up against, but not touching the flange, turn the set screw as necessary to stabilize the blade tracking. 2.Release the saw frame and allow it to come to rest in the forward position. 6.Turn the bandsaw OFF. 4. Lift up on the motor to release tension from the belt. While still lifting the motor, reposition the belt in the desired position, then carefully lower the motor. 7.Tighten the cap screws, then recheck the blade tracking. If the tracking needs further adjustment, repeat Steps 4-7 until the tracking is correct. 9. Close the upper wheel cover. Note: For the best performance from your saw, regularly maintain proper blade tracking. 3.Remove the right side access cover to expose the motor, gearbox, belt and pulleys. 5.Turn the belt by hand to make sure it is properly seated in the pulley grooves. 6.Replace the right side access cover. NOTICE Changes in the blade tension may change the blade tracking. -30- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Workpiece Inspection Cutting Tips Some metal workpieces are not safe to cut with a vertical metal cutting bandsaw; instead, a different tool or machine should be used. Keep the upper blade guides adjusted to approximately ½" above the workpiece when the saw frame is at its lowest point to provide proper support for the blade during cutting operations. Before cutting, inspect the material for any of the following conditions and take the necessary precautions: •Replace, sharpen, and clean blades as necessary. Make adjustments periodically to keep the saw running in top condition. Small or Thin Workpieces: Small or thin workpieces are dangerous to cut if held by hand—avoid cutting these workpieces if possible. If you must cut a small or thin workpiece, attach it to or clamp it between larger scrap pieces that will both support the workpiece through the cut and keep your fingers away from the blade. Some thin sheet metals will not withstand the forces from this bandsaw during cutting; instead, use a shear, nibblers, or sheet metal nippers to cut these pieces. •Use light and even pressure while cutting. Light contact with the blade makes it easier to follow lines and prevents extra friction. • • Round/Unstable Workpieces: Workpieces that cannot be properly supported or stabilized without a vise or jig should not be cut on a vertical metal-cutting bandsaw. Examples are chains, cables, round or oblong-shaped workpieces, workpieces with internal or builtin moving or rotating parts, etc. • Material Hardness: Always factor in the hardness of the metal before cutting it. Hardened metals will take longer to cut, may require lubrication, and may require a different type of blade in order to efficiently cut them. • Tanks, Cylinders, Containers, Valves, Etc: Cutting into containers that are pressurized or contain gasses or liquids can cause explosions, fires, caustic burns, or machine damage. Avoid cutting any of these types of containers unless you have verified that the container is empty and it can be properly supported during a cut. • Magnesium: Pure magnesium burns easily. Cutting magnesium with a dull blade can create enough friction to ignite the small magnesium chips. Avoid cutting magnesium if possible. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw • • Avoid twisting the blade when cutting around tight corners. Use the proper width of blade for the radius of the corner and make relief cuts. • Misusing the bandsaw or using incorrect techniques is unsafe and results in poor cuts. Remember—the blade does the cutting with the operator's guidance. •Never start a cut with the blade in contact with the workpiece, and do not start a cut on a sharp edge of the workpiece. •Pay attention to the characteristics of the chips when cutting—they are good indicators of proper blade speed and feed rate. Figure 45 on Page 33 shows the basic chip characteristics and what they mean. -31- Straight Cuts Freehand Cuts Once you have familiarized yourself with all of the adjustments necessary for making safe and accurate straight cuts, proceed through the following instructions to perform the cut: To create freehand cuts with the Model G0659, the saw frame must be locked in the forward position and the table must be cleared to allow the workpiece to move freely around the blade. 1. To prepare the G0659 for freehand cuts: Verify that the blade tension (Page 26) and blade tracking (Page 29) are correct. 2. Adjust the vise clamp to the desired angle. 3. Adjust the depth of cut. 4. Clamp the workpiece into the C-clamp vise. If possible, first use a scrap piece similar to your final workpiece. This will allow you to make the needed adjustments before cutting your actual workpiece. 5. Be sure that the saw frame is at the start position by pushing the saw release lever all the way down. 6.Turn the frame release knob to the right (OFF). 7.Turn feed rate knob to "0". 8.Turn the motor ON. 9.Turn the frame release knob to the left (ON). 10.Lift the release lever. 11.Slowly increase the feed rate to feed the saw into the workpiece. DO NOT apply pressure by pulling up on the saw release lever. 12. When the cut is complete, turn OFF the motor and allow the blade to come to a stop. 13.Lower the saw release lever to return the blade to the starting position and turn the frame release knob to the right (OFF). 1. DISCONNECT BANDSAW FROM POWER! 2.Remove the vise and clamp from the table (Page 18). 3.Lock the blade in the forward position (Page 21). 4. Make sure the blade you are using is the proper width for any curves you are planning to cut. Refer to the minimum radii table on Page 22. 5. Connect the bandsaw to power. When cutting curves, simultaneously feed and turn the stock carefully so the blade follows the layout line without twisting. If a curve is so abrupt that it is necessary to repeatedly back up and cut a new kerf, use a narrower blade, a blade with more TPI (teeth per inch), or make more relief cuts. Relief cuts are made through the waste portion of the workpiece and stop at the layout line. Relief cuts reduce the chance that the blade will be pinched or twisted during the cut. ELECTROCUTION HAZARD This bandsaw is not designed to be used with water soluble cutting fluid or coolant. If needed, use a small amount of oil-based lubricant. 14. Inspect the cut as described in the Chip Inspection Chart on Page 33, and make any necessary adjustments. Make additional test cuts if necessary. -32- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw chip inspection chart i]^cXjgaZY Chip Inspection Chart i]^cXjgaZY i]^cXjgaZY The best method of evaluating the performance of your cutting operation is to inspect the chips that are i]^cXjgaZY h]dgi!]VgYi]^X` formed. Refer to the chart below for chip inspection guidelines. Chip Appearance i]^cXjgaZY h]dgi!]VgYi]^X` i]^cXjgaZY Chip Chip h]dgi!]VgYi]^X` Description i]^cXjgaZY Blade Speed Feed Rate Feed Pressure Good Good Good Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Decrease Good Decrease Slightly Decrease Slightly Check Blade Pitch Increase Decrease Decrease Check Blade Pitch Silver Good Increase Increase Silver Decrease Increase Increase Good Decrease Decrease Color h]dgi!]VgYi]^X` i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ i]^cXjgaZY Thin i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ & Curled Silver h]dgi!]VgYi]^X` h]dgi!]VgYi]^X` i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ Hard, Thick & h]dgi!]VgYi]^X` i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ Brown or Blue Short i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ h]dgi!]VgYi]^X` i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ Hard,i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ Strong & i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ Brown or Blue Thick i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ ]VgYi]^c i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ Hard, Strong & Silver or Light i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ ]VgYi]^c Thick Brown i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ ]VgYi]^c i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ ]VgYi]^c Hard & Thin Silver i]^chigV^\]i i]^X`!]VgYhigdc\ ]VgYi]^c i]^chigV^\]i ]VgYi]^c i]^chigV^\]i Straight & Thin ]VgYi]^c edlYZgn i]^chigV^\]i ]VgYi]^c edlYZgn i]^chigV^\]i Powdery edlYZgn i]^chigV^\]i edlYZgn i]^chigV^\]i Curled Tight & i]^cXjgaZYi^\]ianSilver Thin i]^chigV^\]i edlYZgn Additional Actions Check Blade Pitch i]^cXjgaZYi^\]ian edlYZgn Figure 45. Chip inspection chart. i]^cXjgaZYi^\]ian edlYZgn i]^cXjgaZYi^\]ian edlYZgn i]^cXjgaZYi^\]ian i]^cXjgaZYi^\]ian i]^cXjgaZYi^\]ian i]^cXjgaZYi^\]ian G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -33- ACCESSORIES SECTION 5: ACCESSORIES G7315—Super Heavy-Duty Mobile Base Mobilize your machine with this popular patented mobile base. The unique outrigger-type supports increase stability and lower machine height. This heavy duty mobile base is rated for up to a 1300 lb. capacity. Grizzly Bandsaw Blades MODEL LENGTH T20517 120" T20518 120" T20519 120" T20520 120" T20521 120" T20522 120" WIDTH 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" TPI GAUGE 3-4 VP 0.035 4-6 VP 0.035 5-8 VP 0.035 6-10 VP 0.035 8-12 VP 0.035 10-14 VP 0.035 H5408—Blade Tensioning Gauge The Blade Tensioning Gauge ensures long blade life, reduced blade breakage, and straight cutting by indicating correct tension. A precision dial indicator provides you with a direct readout in PSI. Figure 46. G7315 SHOP FOX® Mobile Base. The Blade Tensioning Gauge is made of lightweight, cast aluminum for optimum accuracy. Bright color coding makes it easy to use and easy to read. The Blade Tensioning Gauge comes in a handy metal box with instructions on the lid. G1928—Bandsaw Handbook This is the bandsaw bible. Covers step-by-step instructions for basic/advanced cutting techniques. Also includes advanced maintenance, service and troubleshooting procedures, as well as information on bandsaw history/design and blade metallurgy. 320 pages. Figure 48. H5408 Blade Tensioning Gauge. Figure 47. Bandsaw handbook. -34- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw SECTION 6: MAINTENANCE Cleaning Always disconnect power to the machine before performing maintenance. Failure to do this may result in serious personal injury. Schedule For optimum performance from your machine, follow this maintenance schedule and refer to any specific instructions given in this section. Daily: • Check/correct loose mounting bolts. • Check/correct damaged or dull saw blade. • Check/correct worn or damaged wires. • Clean/protect table. • Clean metal chips from upper and lower wheel areas, and empty bottom chip tray. • Correct any other unsafe condition. Monthly: • Check for V-belt tension, damage, or wear. •Lubricate the tension leadscrew and guide post. • Remove the blade and clean the wheels. • Clean and grease the rails on which the saw frame moves. •Lubricate the pivot points of all levers. • Check gearbox oil level. Yearly: •Drain & refill gearbox. Use a brush and a shop vacuum to remove chips and other debris from the machine. Keep the table rust-free with regular applications of products like G96® Gun Treatment, SLIPIT®, or Boeshield ® T-9. Once a month, remove the blade and thoroughly clean all metal chips or built-up grease from the wheel surfaces. Redress the rubber tires if necessary. Redressing Rubber Tires As the bandsaw ages, the rubber tires on the wheel may need to be redressed if they become hardened or glazed over. Redressing the rubber tires improves blade tracking and reduces vibration/blade lead. If the rubber tires become too worn, then blade tracking will become extremely difficult. At that point, redressing will no longer be effective, and the rubber tires must be replaced. To redress the rubber tires: 1.DISCONNECT BANDSAW FROM POWER! 2.Put on heavy gloves and remove the blade. 3.Use a brush and shop vacuum to clean any chips from the rubber tires. 4.Lightly sand the circumerence of both the upper and lower wheel with 100 grit sandpaper. Only redress the rubber enough to expose a fresh rubber surface. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -35- Lubrication Bearings The bearings on your bandsaw are factory lubricated and sealed. Leave them alone unless they need to be replaced. Blade Tension Leadscrew When needed, brush a light coat of multi-purpose grease on the tension leadscrew and guide post to maintain smooth operation (see Figure 49). Gearbox (Figure 51) Use a mirror to inspect the oil level through the sight glass. If the level is low, inspect for leaks and replace seals if necessary, then refill to the level indicated on the sight glass. Change gear box oil by removing the drain plug on the lower edge of the gear box (out of view). Replace the drain plug and refill through the fill cap with SAE-90 oil. Fill to the mark indicated on the sight glass. Sight Glass Location Fill Cap (On Top Of Gearbox) Mirror Sight Glass Reflection Drain Plug Location (Hidden From View) Figure 51. Gearbox lubrication. Figure 49. Tension leadscrew and guidepost. Chip Tray Saw Release Lever Mechanism Grease the pivot points of all of the levers associated with the saw release lever and the counterweight mechanism, and clean and lubricate the saw frame rails (Figure 50). The chip tray catches most of the metal chips produced during cutting and must be periodically removed and cleaned to avoid a buildup of waste material and potential corrosion. To remove the chip tray: 1. Pull the tray out of the front of the machine. Remember that the metal chips in the tray may add significant weight to the tray and make it difficult to slide out. 2.Using help, if necessary, lift the tray and dispose of the metal chips. Use a brush to sweep away any chips still left in the tray, then lightly coat the tray with a spray rustinhibitor such as Boeshield™ T-9 or Slipit™. Figure 50. Lubrication points example. -36- 3.Replace the tray. It may be necessary to lift the back of the tray to get it into position. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw SECTION 7: SERVICE Review the troubleshooting and procedures in this section to fix or adjust your machine if a problem develops. If you need replacement parts or you are unsure of your repair skills, then feel free to call our Technical Support at (570) 546-9663. Troubleshooting Motor & Electrical Symptom Possible Cause Machine does not 1.Plug/receptacle is at fault or wired incorrectly. start or a breaker 2. Motor connection wired incorrectly. trips. 3. Wall fuse/circuit breaker is blown/tripped. 4.Power supply switched OFF or is at fault. 5. Wiring is open/has high resistance. 6. Motor ON/OFF switch is at fault. 7. Motor is at fault. Machine stalls or 1. Feed rate/cutting speed too fast for task. is overloaded. 2. Machine is undersized for the task. 3. Blade is slipping on wheels. 4. Motor connection is wired incorrectly. 5.Plug/receptacle is at fault. 6.Pulley/sprocket slipping on shaft. 7. Motor is at fault. Possible Solution 1.Test for good contacts; correct the wiring. 2. Correct motor wiring connections. 3.Ensure circuit size is suitable for this machine; replace weak breaker. 4.Ensure power supply is switch on; ensure power supply has the correct voltage. 5. Check for broken wires or disconnected/corroded connections, and repair/replace as necessary. 6.Replace faulty ON/OFF switch. 7.Test/repair/replace. 1.Decrease feed rate/cutting speed (Page 19/Page 30). 2.Use sharp blade with lower TPI; reduce the feed rate/depth of cut. 3. Adjust blade tracking and tension to factory specifications (Page 29/Page 26). 4. Correct motor wiring connections. 5.Test for good contacts; correct the wiring. 6.Replace loose pulley/shaft. 7.Test/repair/replace. 1.Inspect/replace stripped or damaged bolts/nuts, and re-tighten with thread locking fluid. 2.Replace blade. 3.Replace warped, bent, or twisted blade; resharpen dull blade. 4.Inspect/replace belt. 4. V-belt worn or loose. 5.Realign/replace shaft, pulley, setscrew, and key as 5.Pulley is loose. required. 6.Tighten/replace. 6. Motor mount loose/broken. 7. Machine is incorrectly mounted or sits 7.Tighten/replace anchor studs in floor; relocate/shim machine. unevenly. 8.Replace dented fan cover; replace loose/damaged 8. Motor fan is rubbing on fan cover. fan. 9.Test by rotating shaft; rotational grinding/loose shaft 9. Motor bearings are at fault. requires bearing replacement. Machine has 1. Motor or component is loose. vibration or noisy operation. 2. Blade weld is at fault or teeth are broken. 3. Blade is at fault. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -37- Cutting Operations Symptom Possible Cause Possible Solution Machine slows when operating. 1. Feed rate is set too high. 2. Blade is dull. 1.Reduce feed rate (Page 19). 2.Replace blade (Page 26). Ticking sound when the saw is running. 1. Blade weld contacting guide/support bearings 1.Use file or stone to smooth and round the back of the blade. (a light tick is normal). 2.Inspect and replace blade if necessary (Page 26). 2. Blade weld may be failing. Vibration when cutting. 1.Loose or damaged blade. 2. Metal buildup on wheels. 1.Tighten or replace blade (Page 26). 2. Clean all metal chips from rubber tires on wheels. Rough or poor quality cuts. 1. Feed rate is set too high. 2. Blade guides adjusted incorrectly. 1.Reduce feed rate (Page 19). 2.Re-adjust all blade guides and support bearings. Cuts are not square (vertically). 1. Blade is not square to the table. 1. Adjust upper blade guides so blade is square to table (Page 27) Miscellaneous Symptom Possible Cause Blade tension scale is grossly inaccurate. 1.The spring in the blade tension mechanism 1.Replace spring in the blade tension mechanism, then take better care of the bandsaw by releasing has lost its "spring." This is caused by not tension when not in use and not over-tensioning the releasing the blade tension when not in use or blade. frequently over-tensioning the bandsaw. Wheel is noisy. 1. Wheel bearing is worn out. Blade does not track consistently, correctly, or at all. 1. Wheels are not coplanar or aligned with each 1. Adjust wheels to be coplanar/aligned with each other (Page 40). other. 2.Redress the rubber tires on the wheels (Page 35); 2.Rubber tires on wheels are worn out. replace the rubber tires on the wheels. -38- Possible Solution 1.Replace the wheel bearing. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw tensioning/replacing v-belts V-Belt Pulley Alignment Tensioning/ Replacing V-Belt Periodically check the V-belt for signs of wear. If you notice one side of the belt is worn more than the other, the belt pulleys are likely misaligned. The correct alignment of the motor and lower wheel pulleys help to ensure proper power transmission and reduce V-belt heat and wear during operation. To ensure optimum power transfer from the motor to the blade without slipping, the V-belt must be in good condition and operate under proper tension. Blade tension is maintained by the weight of the motor and requires no adjustments. Check the condition of the belt at least every three months for signs of wear, slipping, or oiliness—check more often if the bandsaw is used daily. To align the V-belt pulleys: To check/replace the V-belt: 1.DISCONNECT FROM POWER! 2.Remove the right side base cover and use a straightedge across both pulleys, as shown in Figure 52, to check the pulley alignment. —If the pulleys are aligned, no further action is necessary. —If they are not aligned, continue with Step 3. 1.DISCONNECT BANDSAW FROM POWER! 2.Remove the right side base cover. 3. Make sure the motor and lower wheel pulleys are correctly aligned. 4.Inspect the V-belt for any signs of glazing, cracking, side wear, fraying, or any other excessive wear. —If the V-belt is in good shape, no further action is required. Replace the right side base cover. If not, continue below. Straightedge 5.Lift up on the motor to release pressure from the belt, then roll the belt off the motor pulley. Remove the belt. Gearbox Pulley Motor Pulley Set Screw Figure 52. Checking pulley alignment. 6.Place the new belt over the gearbox pulley. Lift the motor and roll the belt over the motor pulley, then carefully lower the motor. 7. Replace the right side base cover. Gearbox Pulley 3.Loosen the motor pulley set screw, align the motor pulley with the gearbox pulley, then tighten the set screw. Belt 4.Replace the right side base cover. Motor Pulley Figure 53. V-belt replacement. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -39- wheel alignment Wheel Alignment (&$' Materials Needed: Qty 54" Long 2x4...................................................... 1 + Tools Needed: Qty Wrench 14mm.................................................... 1 Hex Wrench 5 ⁄ 16"................................................. 1 Hex Wrench 5mm............................................... 1 Coplanarity Gauge (see Figure 54)................... 1 ) If the proper blade tracking cannot be accomplished by adjusting the tracking as outlined on Page 29, the wheels must be checked for coplanarity and re-aligned. + *) '' To check if the wheels are parallel and coplanar: 1. &+ &&$' Make the "Coplanarity Gauge" shown in Figure 54. + Note: For best results, straighten the 2x4 with a jointer before cutting. ) &+ 2.DISCONNECT BANDSAW FROM POWER! 3. + Move the saw frame to its rearmost position. Open the upper wheel cover. 4.Place your coplanarity gauge up against both wheels in the position shown in Figure 55, making sure that the gauge fully extends across the wheels. H^YZK^Zl Figure 54. Dimensions of coplanarity gauge. 8deaVcVg^in <Vj\Z <Vj\ZEdh^i^dc —If the wheels are coplanar (in the same plane), the gauge will evenly touch the top and bottom of both wheels and no further adjustments are necessary. —If the wheels are NOT coplanar, continue with the following procedures to bring both wheels into correct alignment with one another. L]ZZah Figure 55. Coplanarity gauge positions. -40- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw The adjustments on the Model G0659 allow the upper and lower wheels to be tilted relative to each other to reach coplanarity. 4.Locate the set screws indicated in Figures 56–57. Adjusting these set screws changes the angle of the wheels. 5.Properly tension the blade (Page 26). Slightly Loosen 6. Loosen Set Screw Again use your coplanarity gauge to check the tilt of the upper and lower wheels. If possible, have an assistant hold the gauge while you make adjustments to the set screws. Adjust as necessary until the gauge touches the top and bottom of both wheels, as shown in Figure 58. Note: The two set screws on the lower wheel assembly must be adjusted in equal increments to ensure proper wheel alignment. Figure 56. Upper wheel adjustments. To adjust the wheel coplanarity: 1.Detension the blade. 3.Through the lower wheel, loosen the three hex nuts indicated in Figure 57. Only slightly loosen the upper two hex nuts. This again minimizes lateral movement of the lower wheel and ensures accurate adjustments. Cdi8deaVcVg 8deaVcVg^in<Vj\Z8dciVXihIde 6cY7diidbd[7di]L]ZZah 8deaVcVg Behind the upper wheel, loosen the cap screws indicated in Figure 56. Only slightly loosen the upper two cap screws. This minimizes lateral movement of the upper wheel and ensures accurate adjustments. 8deaVcVg^in<Vj\Z 2. Figure 58. Wheel coplanar example. 7.Tighten the four upper cap screws and three lower hex nuts. Slightly Loosen 8. Set Screws Before returning the saw to service, adjust the tracking (Page 29), and the blade guides (Page 27). Loosen Figure 57. Lower wheel adjustments. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw -41- Blade Scraper & Wheel Brush The lower wheel compartment contains the blade scraper and wheel brush. These are designed to clean chips off the blade and wheel tire as the bandsaw is operating. Always adjust the blade scraper and wheel brush at the same time. 4.Reposition the blade scraper as close as possible to the blade without touching it, then re-tighten the screws. 5.Loosen the screws that hold the wheel brush in place (Figure 60). Wheel Brush To adjust the blade scraper and brush: 1.DISCONNECT BANDSAW FROM POWER! 2.Lock the saw frame in the rearmost position, then remove the right side cover. Screws 3.Loosen the screws that hold the blade scraper in place (Figure 59). Figure 60. Wheel brush. Blade Scraper 6. Adjust the wheel brush so that it makes good contact with the wheel but the bristles are not overly bent, then re-tighten the screws. 7.Replace the side cover. Screws Figure 59. Blade scraper. -42- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw REWIRE G0659 Wiring Diagram View this page in color at BVX]^cZ EdlZg8dgY 220 VAC 6-15 Plug (As Recommended) Ldg`A^\]i EdlZg8dgY =di CZjigVa =di =di <gdjcY <gdjcY 110 VAC Ldg` A^\]i k^ZlZY [gdb WZ]^cY DC$D;; HL>I8= k^ZlZY[gdb VWdkZ ) ( ' & &%68^gXj^i7gZV`Zg k^ZlZY[gdbWZ]^cY The motor wiring shown here is current at the time of printing, but it may not match your machine. Always use the wiring diagram inside the motor junction box. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw HiVgi 8VeVX^idg &*%B;9 '*%K68 220V MOTOR -43- G0659 Electrical Components -44- Figure 61. Motor junction box wiring. Figure 63. Power switch. Figure 62. Lamp switch. Figure 64. Lamp junction box wiring. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw G0659 Hydraulic System Schematic NOTICE This hydraulic schematic will help the you identify hydraulic system components. it is not intended to be a how-to repair guide. Seek assistance from a professional hydraulic technician whenever servicing or repairing the hydraulic system. Before servicing the hydraulic system always lock the saw frame using the saw release lever and saw frame stop. This will prevent pressurization of the hydraulic system and keep the saw frame from moving. Ignoring this warning can lead to the saw frame moving unexpectedly, resulting in crushing or pinching injuries, or hydraulic fluid poisoning, which is a serious and potentially fatal injury. H]jiD[[ KVakZ See Figure 66. KVg^VWaZGZhig^Xidg KVakZ See Figure 65. 8na^cYZg GVb Figure 65. Hydraulic valve block. G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Figure 66. Hydraulic ram. -45- Upper Saw Frame Breakdown & ' ( &&' ) &&( &%. * &&& &&% + '&* ') '( &%* , - &) . &' '% '& '' &) &+ &, &- ',"' &. ', '- '. && -) .- ',"& .. -% -& -) '&) )), '&) '* &% &( -' -) -( ). )& (& -* (. '%+ (% )%"& )% (( (' () (+ (,(- )' ,. +. (* -46- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Upper Saw Frame Parts List REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 27-1 27-2 28 29 30 31 32 33 KNOB HANDLE FLAT WASHER 5/8 COMPRESSION SPRING BLADE TENSION LEADSCREW LEADSCREW BRACKET FLAT WASHER 3/8 CAP SCREW 3/8-16 X 1-1/2 GIB LOCK WASHER 3/8 CAP SCREW 3/8-16 X 3/4 SHAFT HOLDER SPACER HEX NUT 5/8-11 SLIDE PLATE FLAT WASHER 3/8 CAP SCREW 3/8-16 X 1-3/4 SET SCREW 3/8-16 X 3/4 PHLP HD SCR 1/4-20 X 5/8 FLAT WASHER 1/4 TENSION INDICATOR RIVET TENSION LABEL KNOB 3/8-16 X 1 GUIDE POST BRACKET EXPANSION PLATE SET SCREW M6-1 X 10 CAP SCREW 3/8-16 x 2-1/2 LOCK WASHER 3/8 CAP SCREW 1/4-20 X 3/8 GUIDE POST SET SCREW 1/4-20 X 5/8 ROLL PIN 5 X 25 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40-1 41 42 47 48 49 69 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 98 99 105 109 110 111 112 113 206 214 215 GUIDE POST HEAD SET SCREW 5/16-18 X 3/8 UPPER ECCENTRIC SHAFT SET SCREW 5/16-18 X 1/2 GUIDE BRACKET GUIDE BEARING ASSEMBLY CAP SCREW 1/4-20 X 5/8 FLAT WASHER 1/4 BLADE GUARD ROLLER WHEEL PLATE HEX BOLT 3/8-16 X 1-1/4 HEX NUT 3/8-16 BODY FRAME ROLLER WHEEL ASSEMBLY ECCENTRIC BOLT HEX NUT 1/2"-12 FLAT WASHER 1/2 BRUSH HOLDER BRUSH PHLP HD SCR 1/4-20 X 1/2 FLAT WASHER 1/4 CHIP GUARD FLAT WASHER 1/4 BANDSAW BLADE 3/4 X 120 WORK LIGHT DOOR KNOB 1/4-20 X 1/2 FLAT WASHER 1/4 HEX NUT 3/8-16 FLAT WASHER 3/8 SET SCREW 5/16-18 X 1/2 BUSHING GIB P0659001 P0659002 PW14 P0659004 P0659005 P0659006 PW02 PSB26 P0659009 PLW04 PSB16 P0659012 P0659013 PN04 P0659016 PW02 PSB102 PSS52 PS12 PW06 P0659022 P0659023 P0659024 P0659025 P0659027 P0659027-1 PSS11M PSB29 PLW04 PSB17 P0659031 PSS10 PRP49M G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw P0659034 PSS02 P0659036 PSS08 P0659038 P0659039 PSB01 PW06 P0659041 P0659042 PB24 PN08 P0659049 P0659069 P0659079 PN41 PW01 P0659082 P0659083 PS04 PW06 P0659098 PW06 P0659105 P0659109 P0659110 PW06 PN08 PW02 PSS08 P0659214 P0659215 -47- Lower Saw Frame Breakdown and Parts List &'( &'' &'% &') &%+ &%' &%- -, -- &%, (, -. .) (- .* .( .% .& (, ., &%) (. &%( .' .+ )+ )* &%' )) )' )( +- )' &%& +. ,% ,* ,- ,, ,+ ,& ,' ,( ,) REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 37 38 39 42 43 44 45 46 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 87 88 SET SCREW 5/16-18 X 1/2 GUIDE BRACKET GUIDE BEARING ASSEMBLY ROLLER WHEEL PLATE ECCENTRIC SHAFT BUSHING LOWER ROLLER ASSEMBLY FLAT WASHER 1/2 CAP SCREW 1/2-12 X 2-1/2 ECCENTRIC BOLT ROLLER WHEEL ASSEMBLY FLAT WASHER 1/4 COUNTERWEIGHT LEVER FLAT WASHER 1/4 CAP SCREW 1/4-20 X 1/2 FLAT WASHER 3/8 HEX BOLT 3/8-16 X 1-1/2 HEX BOLT 1/2-12 X 1-3/4 LOCK WASHER 1/2 ECCENTRIC BUSHING SHAFT BOLT FLAT WASHER 3/8 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 101 102 103 104 106 107 108 120 122 123 124 HANDLE LEVER CAP SCREW 3/8-16 X 1-1/4 FLAT WASHER 3/8 ROLL PIN 5 X 20 LOCK WASHER 3/8 CAP SCREW 3/8-16 X 1-3/4 SET SCREW 5/16-18 X 3/8 LOWER BLADE GUIDE MOUNT LOWER BLADE GUIDE SHAFT DRIVE WHEEL TIRE SPECIAL WASHER HEX BOLT 3/8-16 X 1 SPECIAL BOLT IDLER WHEEL ASSEMBLY IDLER WHEEL SPINDLE TOOTH SELECTION LABEL PHLP HD SCR 1/4-20 X 3/8 FLAT WASHER 1/4 WHEEL COVER -48- PSS08 P0659038 P0659039 P0659042 P0659043 P0659044 PW01 PSB97 P0659068 P0659069 PW06 P0659071 PW06 PSB04 PW02 PB16 PB56 PLW07 P0659078 P0659087 PW02 P0659089 PSB19 PW02 PRP03M PLW04 PSB102 PSS02 P0659096 P0659097 P0659101 P0659102 PW02 PB18 P0659106 P0659107 P0659108 P0659120 PS07 PW06 P0659124 G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Gearbox Breakdown and Parts List (."( (."' (."* (."& (.") ))"' ))"& &%,"& +."& +."' &%,"( &%,"' *'"'. *'"'' *'"'& *'"'% *'"&*'"&, *'"&. *'", *'"+ *'"* *'") *'"( *'"' *'"& *'"'+ *'"') *'"&' *'"'( *'"'* *'"', *'"'*'"(' *'"(& *'"&& *'"(% *'"&+ *'"&% *'". *'"- *'"' *'") *'"&( *'"&) *'"&* REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 39-1 39-2 39-3 39-4 39-5 44-1 44-2 52-1 52-2 52-3 52-4 52-5 52-6 52-7 52-8 52-9 52-10 52-11 52-12 52-13 52-14 52-15 BALL BEARING 627ZZ BLADE GUIDE WHEEL E-CLIP 7MM ECCENTRIC SHAFT INT RETAINING RING 22MM LOWER ROLLER BALL BEARING 6204ZZ GEAR BOX HOUSING BALL BEARING 6204ZZ TC OIL SEAL O-RING 45.7 X 3.5 P46 COVER LOCK WASHER 1/4 CAP SCREW 1/4-20 X 3/4 OIL LEVEL GAGE OIL STOPPER WORM GEAR SHAFT O-RING 113.97 X 2.62 O-RING 61.6 X 2.62 END SEAL COVER LOCK WASHER 1/4 CAP SCREW 1/4-20 X 3/4 52-16 52-17 52-18 52-19 52-20 52-21 52-22 52-23 52-24 52-25 52-26 52-27 52-28 52-29 52-30 52-31 52-32 69-1 69-2 107-1 107-2 107-3 OIL FILLER BALL BEARING 6205ZZ TRANSMISSION GEAR KEY 8 X 7 X 28 BUSHING EXT RETAINING RING 30MM BALL BEARING 6206ZZ OIL SEAL MAIN OIL SEAL COVER KEY 8 X 7 X 30 CAP SCREW 10-24 X 1/2 CAP SCREW 1/4-20 X 3/4 MAIN SHAFT COVER OUTPUT SHAFT SET SCREW 3/8-16 X 1-1/4 LOCK WASHER 3/8 HEX NUT 3/8-16 ROLLER WHEEL BALL BEARING 6201ZZ IDLER WHEEL BALL BEARING 6205ZZ INT RETAINING RING 52MM P627 P0659039-2 PEC07M P0659039-4 PR57M P0659044-1 P6204 P0659052-1 P6204 P0659052-3 PORP046 P0659052-5 PLW02 PSB05 P0659052-8 P0659052-9 P0659052-10 P0659052-11 P0659052-12 P0659052-13 PLW02 PSB05 G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw P0659052-16 P6205 P0659052-18 P0659052-19 P0659052-20 PR15M P6206 P0659052-23 P0659052-24 P0659052-25 PSB41 PSB05 P0659052-28 P0659052-29 P0659052-30 PLW04 PN08 P0659069-1 P6201 P0659107-1 P6205 PR26M -49- Drive Unit Breakdown and Parts List ** *% *& +* +( *( *' +) ++ +, +' +& *) ++ *, ** +% *+ *+") '%, *+"' *. *+"* *- *+"( *+"& REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 56-1 56-2 56-3 56-4 56-5 GEAR BOX PULLEY KEY 5 X 5 X 40 GEAR BOX ASSEMBLY V-BELT M-32 3L320 DRIVE PULLEY WHEEL SET SCREW M6-1 X 10 MOTOR 1HP 22OV 1725 RPM S CAPACITOR 150M 250V 1-1/2 X 2-3/8 PHLP HD SCR M5-.8 X 12 MOTOR JUNCTION BOX MOTOR FAN COVER MOTOR FAN 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 207 KEY 5 X 5 X 40 HEX NUT 3/8-16 LOCK WASHER 3/8 INNER MOTOR MOUNT BRACKET HEX BOLT 3/8-16 X 1 HEX NUT 3/8-16 FLAT WASHER 3/8 OUTER MOTOR MOUNT BRACKET CAP SCREW 3/8-16 X 1 FLAT WASHER 3/8 HEX BOLT 3/8-16 X 3/4 OVERLOAD SWITCH 10A -50- P0659050 PK02M P0659052 PVM32 P0659054 PSS01M P0659056 PC150B PS08M P0659056-3 P0659056-4 P0659056-5 PK02M PN08 PLW04 P0659060 PB18 PN08 PW02 P0659064 PSB14 PW02 PB21 P0659207 G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Table Base Parts Breakdown '%- &'- &)% &'. &(' &(& &(% &(, &)& &(+ &)' &(. &(- &'- &(* &(( &() &', &)( '&% &,* '&( ')& ')' '%. &)) &)* &)+ &), &,+ &)- &*% &). &*& &+, &++ &*' &*( &+( &+) &++ &+* &.( '%& '%' '(* '%( &,+ '%% &,, &,- &,-"& G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw '&( -51- Table Base Parts List REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 C-CLAMP VISE HANDLE CAP LEADSCREW HANDLE LEADSCREW COMPRESSION SPRING STEEL BALL 1/4 C-CLAMP MOUNTING ROD PIVOT PIN VISE BASE BRACKET CAP SCREW 5/16-18 X 1 DEGREE LABEL RIVET 2 X 5 HEX BOLT 3/8-16 X 1-3/4 LOCK WASHER 3/8 FLAT WASHER 3/8 TABLE FRONT ROLLER BRACKET LOCK WASHER 5/16 HEX BOLT 5/16-18 X 5/8 ROLLER REAR ROLLER BRACKET FLAT WASHER 1/2 SAW RELEASE LEVER BALL KNOB 152 153 163 164 165 166 167 175 176 177 178 178-1 193 200 201 202 203 208 209 210 213 235 241 242 FLAT WASHER 3/8 HEX NUT 3/8-16 CAP SCREW 3/8-16 X 3/4 FLAT WASHER 3/8 HEX BOLT 1/2-12 X 2-1/2 FLAT WASHER 1/2 HEX NUT 1/2"-12 ROLL PIN 5 X 45 FLAT WASHER 3/8 LOCK WASHER 3/8 SET SCREW 3/8-16 X 2 SET SCREW 3/8-16 X 2-1/2 LIQUID-TITE STRAIN RELIEF HYDRAULIC CYLINDER ASSEMBLY HEX NUT 3/8-16 CYLINDER SUPPORT HEX BOLT 3/8-16 X 2-1/2 TAPER PIN ASSEMBLY BUSHING TABLE SPACER HEX NUT 3/8-16 FLAT WASHER 3/8 THREADED ROD 3/8-16 X 2-1/2 PLASTIC STOP -52- P0659127 P0659128 P0659129 P0659130 P0659131 P0659132 P0659133 P0659134 P0659135 P0659136 PSB03 P0659138 P0659139 PB25 PLW04 PW02 P0659143 P0659144 PLW01 PB32 P0659147 P0659148 PW01 P0659150 P0659151 PW02 PN08 PSB16 PW02 PB20 PW01 PN41 PRP29M PW02 PLW04 PSS36 P0659178-1 P0659193 P0659200 PN08 P0659202 PB35 P0659208 P0659209 P0659210 PN08 PW02 P0659241 P0659242 G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw Cabinet Base Breakdown and Parts List &,' &,& &,( &*, &.) &,% &*+ &** &*) &+. &*- &+- &+% &,) '&& '&' &*- &+' '('(+ '(, &.+ &+& '() '*& &.( &.* &-( &,. &-% '*) &.) &-* &-) &-, &-& &-' &.' '*' '*( &-+ '%) &., &-. &-% &-- &.& '%* &.- &.. &.% REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 154 155 156 157 158 160 161 162 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 CONTROL BOX CONTROL BOX COVER CONTROL BOX LABEL ON/OFF SWITCH HYDRAULIC KNOB FLAT HD SCR 1/4-20 X 1/2 PHLP HD SCR 10-24 X 1/2 CHIP TRAY INDICATOR PLATE STOP CLAMP KNOB 3/8-16 X 2 FLAT WASHER 1/4 PHLP HD SCR 1/4-20 X 5/8 STAND SIDE PLATE SAW FRAME POSITION LABEL HEX NUT 3/8-16 FLAT WASHER 3/8 HEX BOLT 1/2-12 X 2-1/2 HEX NUT 1/2""-12 FLAT WASHER 3/8 HEX NUT 3/8-16 BALANCE WEIGHT RAIL CAP SCREW 5/16-18 X 3/4 PIVOT COUPLER 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 204 205 211 212 234 236 237 238 251 252 253 254 CAP SCREW 1/4-20 X 5/8 MOUNTING COUPLER KNOB 3/8-16 X 2 BALANCE WEIGHT CABINET LIQUID-TITE STRAIN RELIEF THREADED STRAIN RELIEF JUNCTION BOX LIGHT POWER CABLE LEFT SUPPORT PLATE FLAT WASHER 1/4 PHLP HD SCR 1/4-20 X 1/2 FOOT BRACKET HEX BOLT 3/8-16 X 3/4 HEX BOLT 5/16-18 X 3/4 FIXED PLATE FLAT WASHER #10 FLAT WASHER 5MM EXT TOOTH WASHER 5MM PHLP HD SCR M5-.8 x 6 MAIN POWER CABLE POWER CABLE CONTROL WIRE CONDUIT P0659154 P0659155 P0659156 P0659157 P0659158 PFH03 PS01 P0659162 P0659168 P0659169 P0659170 PW06 PS12 P0659173 P0659174 PN08 PW02 PB20 PN41 PW02 PN08 P0659185 PSB07 P0659187 G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw PSB01 P0659189 P0659190 P0659191 P0659192 P0659193 P0659194 P0659195 P0659196 P0659197 PW06 PS04 P0659204 PB21 PB07 P0659212 PW03 PW02M PTLW02M PS19M P0659251 P0659252 P0659253 P0659254 -53- Safety Labels Breakdown and Parts List 243 250 244 249 245 248 (Next to Power Cords) 246 247 246 REF PART # DESCRIPTION REF PART # DESCRIPTION 243 244 245 246 MACHINE ID LABEL EYE INJURY HAZARD LABEL DISCONNECT FROM POWER LABEL ELECTRICITY LABEL 247 248 249 250 GRIZZLY LABEL PLATE DOOR INJURY LABEL BLADE WARNING LABEL READ MANUAL 2" X 3 5/16" P0659243 P0659244 P0659245 PLABEL-14 P0659247 P0659248 P0659249 PLABEL-12 Safety labels warn about machine hazards and ways to prevent injury. The owner of this machine MUST maintain the original location and readability of the labels on the machine. If any label is removed or becomes unreadable, REPLACE that label before using the machine again. Contact Grizzly at (800) 523-4777 or to order new labels. -54- G0659 9" x 14" Vertical Metal-Cutting Bandsaw 7!22!.49 #!2$ CVbZTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT HigZZiTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 8^in TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT HiViZTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT O^e TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT E]dcZTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT :bV^a TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT >ckd^XZTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT BdYZaTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT DgYZgTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT HZg^VaTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 4HE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS GIVEN ON A VOLUNTARY BASIS )T WILL BE USED FOR MARKETING PURPOSES TO HELP US DEVELOP BETTER PRODUCTS AND SERVICES /F COURSE ALL INFORMATION IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL =dlY^YndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgi^hZbZci TTTT 8VgY9ZX` TTTT ;g^ZcY TTTT LZWh^iZ TTTT 8ViVad\ TTTT Di]Zg/ 8JI6ADC<9DII:9A>C: L]^X]d[i]Z[daadl^c\bV\Vo^cZhYdndjhjWhXg^WZid4 TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT 8VW^cZiBV`Zg ;Vb^an=VcYnbVc =VcYAdVYZg =VcYn =dbZH]deBVX]^c^hi ?djgcVad[A^\]i8dci# A^kZHiZVb BdYZa6^geaVcZCZlh BdYZaiZX DaY=djhZ?djgcVa TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT EdejaVgBZX]Vc^Xh EdejaVgHX^ZcXZ EdejaVgLddYldg`^c\ EgVXi^XVa=dbZdlcZg EgZX^h^dcH]ddiZg Egd_ZXih^cBZiVa G8BdYZaZg G^ÄZ H]deCdiZh H]di\jcCZlh TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT TTTT IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZg LddY LddYZc7dVi LddYh]deCZlh LddYhb^i] LddYldg` LddYldg`ZgLZhi LddYldg`Zg»h?djgcVa Di]Zg/ L]Vi^hndjgVccjVa]djhZ]daY^cXdbZ4 TTTT '%!%%%"'.!%%% TTTT (%!%%%"(.!%%% TTTT *%!%%%"*.!%%% TTTT +%!%%%"+.!%%% TTTT )%!%%%").!%%% TTTT ,%!%%% L]Vi^hndjgV\Z\gdje4 TTTT '%"'. 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This warranty does not apply to defects due directly or indirectly to misuse, abuse, negligence, accidents, repairs or alterations or lack of maintenance. This is Grizzly’s sole written warranty and any and all warranties that may be implied by law, including any merchantability or fitness, for any particular purpose, are hereby limited to the duration of this written warranty. We do not warrant or represent that the merchandise complies with the provisions of any law or acts unless the manufacturer so warrants. In no event shall Grizzly’s liability under this warranty exceed the purchase price paid for the product and any legal actions brought against Grizzly shall be tried in the State of Washington, County of Whatcom. We shall in no event be liable for death, injuries to persons or property or for incidental, contingent, special, or consequential damages arising from the use of our products. To take advantage of this warranty, contact us by mail or phone and give us all the details. We will then issue you a “Return Number,’’ which must be clearly posted on the outside as well as the inside of the carton. We will not accept any item back without this number. Proof of purchase must accompany the merchandise. The manufacturers reserve the right to change specifications at any time because they constantly strive to achieve better quality equipment. We make every effort to ensure that our products meet high quality and durability standards and we hope you never need to use this warranty. Please feel free to write or call us if you have any questions about the machine or the manual. Thank you again for your business and continued support. We hope to serve you again soon. "UY $IRECT AND 3AVE WITH 'RIZZLY® n 4RUSTED 0ROVEN AND A 'REAT 6ALUE 6ISIT /UR 7EBSITE 4ODAY !ND $ISCOVER 7HY 'RIZZLY® )S 4HE )NDUSTRY ,EADER s 3%#52% /2$%2).' s /2$%23 3()00%$ 7)4(). (/523 s % -!), 2%30/.3% 7)4(). /.% (/52 /2 #ALL 4ODAY &OR ! &2%% &ULL #OLOR #ATALOG ">