USER'S GUIDE Vaisala INTERCAP® Humidity and Temperature Transmitters HMDW80 Series
PUBLISHED BY Vaisala Oyj Street address: Mailing address: Phone: Fax: Vanha Nurmijärventie 21, FI-01670 Vantaa, Finland P.O. Box 26, FI-00421 Helsinki, Finland +358 9 8949 1 +358 9 8949 2227 Visit our Internet pages at
. © Vaisala 2016 No part of this manual may be reproduced, published or publicly displayed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical (including photocopying), nor may its contents be modified, translated, adapted, sold or disclosed to a third party without prior written permission of the copyright holder. Translated manuals and translated portions of multilingual documents are based on the original English versions. In ambiguous cases, the English versions are applicable, not the translations. The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.
Local rules and regulations may vary and they shall take precedence over the information contained in this manual. Vaisala makes no representations on this manual’s compliance with the local rules and regulations applicable at any given time, and hereby disclaims any and all responsibilities related thereto.
This manual does not create any legally binding obligations for Vaisala towards customers or end users. All legally binding obligations and agreements are included exclusively in the applicable supply contract or the General Conditions of Sale and General Conditions of Service of Vaisala.
Table of Contents
Contents of This Manual ....................................................... 5
Documentation Conventions ................................................. 7
Safety ......................................................................................... 7
ESD Protection ...................................................................... 7
Warranty .................................................................................... 9
HMDW80 Series Transmitter Models .................................... 11
Output Parameters Explained ............................................. 11
Transmitter Parts – Duct Models .......................................... 12
Transmitter Parts – Wall Models ........................................... 13
Transmitter Parts – Outdoor Models .................................... 15
Display ..................................................................................... 16
Analog Output Overrange Behavior ..................................... 17
Installing Duct Models HMD82/83 and TMD82/83 ............... 19
Installing Wall Models HMW88, HMW89 and TMW88 ......... 21
Installing Outdoor Models HMS82/83, TMS82 ..................... 23
Configuration and Wiring ..................................................... 24
Pole installation ................................................................... 25
Wall installation ................................................................... 26
Wiring ...................................................................................... 27
HMD82(D), HMW88(D), and HMS82 .................................. 27
VAISALA _________________________________________________________________________ 1
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
DIP Switches ........................................................................... 31
Replacing the INTERCAP ® Humidity Sensor ....................... 34
Technical Support .................................................................. 42
Spare Parts and Accessories ................................................ 47
2 ____________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
List of Figures
Parts of Duct Mounted Models (HMD82/83 and TMD82/83) ... 12
Parts of Wall Mounted Models (HMW88/89, TMW88) ............. 13
Parts of Outdoor Models (HMS82/83, TMS82) ........................ 15
Wall Model Dimensions (HMW88/89, TMW88)........................ 21
Outdoor Model Dimensions (HMS82/83, TMS82) ................... 23
Location of DIP Switches and Screw Terminal ........................ 24
DIP Switches on Component Board ......................................... 31
Sensors on HMD82/83 and HMW88/89 Models ...................... 34
INTERCAP ® Sensor on HMW82/83 Models ............................ 35
Unplugging the Screw Terminal ............................................... 36
List of Tables
Possible Problem Situations and Their Remedies ................... 40
Error Messages on the Display ................................................ 41
HMDW80 Series Spare Parts and Accessories ....................... 47
VAISALA _________________________________________________________________________ 3
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________ 4 ____________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________ General Information
This chapter provides general notes for the manual and the HMDW80 series.
About This Manual
This manual provides information for installing, operating, and maintaining HMDW80 series transmitters.
Contents of This Manual
This manual consists of the following chapters:
- Chapter 1, General Information, provides general notes for the manual and the HMDW80 series.
- Chapter 2, Product Overview, introduces the features and options of
the HMDW80 series transmitters.
- Chapter 3, Installation, provides you with information that is intended
to help you install HMDW80 series transmitters.
- Chapter 4, Maintenance, provides information that is needed in basic
maintenance of HMDW80 series.
- Chapter 5, Troubleshooting, describes possible problems, their
probable causes and remedies, and provides contact information for technical support.
- Chapter 6, Technical Data, provides the technical data of the
HMDW80 series. VAISALA _________________________________________________________________________ 5
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Version Information
Table 1 Manual Code
M211510EN-E M211510EN-D M211510EN-C
Manual Revisions Description
May 2016. This manual. Changes: - Added transmitter models TMS82, TMW88, and HMW82P100. - - Updated the HMD82(D)/HMW88(D)/HMS82 wiring diagram for one power supply alternative. Updated the HMD82(D), HMW88(D), HMS82, and TMD82 power supply requirements information in wiring diagrams. March 2015. Previous version. Changes: - Updated wiring information for models HMD82(D), HMW88(D), and HMS82. - Updated troubleshooting instructions. - - Updated technical specification: accuracy of calculated parameters and current consumption of voltage output models. Updated list of spare parts and accessories. June 2013. Changes: - - - - Added outdoor transmitter models HMS82 and HMS83. Changed PTFE membrane filter model from 230727SP (30 mm long) to ASM210856SP (24.5 mm long). Changed PTFE filter model from 219452SP (40 mm long) to DRW239993SP (22 mm long). Improved IP classification of models with display to IP65.
Related Manuals
Table 2 Manual Code
M211507EN M211508EN M211328EN M211509EN
Related Manuals Manual Name
HMD82 HMD83 Wiring Diagram HMW88 HMW89 TMW88 Wiring Diagram HMW82 HMW83 Quick Guide HMS82 HMS83 TMS82 Quick Guide 6 ____________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________ General Information
Documentation Conventions
Throughout the manual, important safety considerations are highlighted as follows:
Warning alerts you to a serious hazard. If you do not read and follow instructions very carefully at this point, there is a risk of injury or even death. Caution warns you of a potential hazard. If you do not read and follow instructions carefully at this point, the product could be damaged or important data could be lost. Note highlights important information on using the product.
The HMDW80 series transmitter delivered to you has been tested for safety and approved as shipped from the factory. Note the following precautions:
Installation of HMDW80 series transmitters may involve working at a height. Assess the risks and plan your work so it is carried out safely. Try avoiding work at height, if you can. Make sure the wires are de-energized when you connect them to the screw terminals. Do not modify the unit. Improper modification can damage the product or lead to malfunction.
ESD Protection
Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can cause immediate or latent damage to electronic circuits. Vaisala products are adequately protected against ESD for their intended use. It is possible to damage the product, however, by delivering electrostatic discharges when touching, removing, or inserting any objects inside the equipment housing. VAISALA _________________________________________________________________________ 7
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
To make sure you are not delivering high static voltages yourself, always hold component boards by the edges and avoid touching the component contacts. Recycle all applicable material. Dispose of the unit according to statutory regulations. Do not dispose of with regular household refuse.
Regulatory Compliances
HMDW80 series complies with the following performance and environmental test standards: - EMC-Directive Conformity is shown by compliance with the following standards: - EN 61326-1: Electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use – EMC requirements – For use in industrial locations. - EN 550022: Information technology equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement.
INTERCAP ® is a registered trademark of Vaisala Oyj.
Software License
This product contains software developed by Vaisala. Use of the software is governed by license terms and conditions included in the applicable supply contract or, in the absence of separate license terms and conditions, by the General License Conditions of Vaisala Group. 8 ____________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 1 _________________________________________________________ General Information
Visit our Internet pages for standard warranty terms and conditions: . Please observe that any such warranty may not be valid in case of damage due to normal wear and tear, exceptional operating conditions, negligent handling or installation, or unauthorized modifications. Please see the applicable supply contract or Conditions of Sale for details of the warranty for each product. VAISALA _________________________________________________________________________ 9
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
This chapter introduces the features and options of the HMDW80 series transmitters.
Introduction to HMDW80 Series
Vaisala INTERCAP ® Humidity and Temperature Transmitter Series HMDW80 measure relative humidity and temperature in various building automation applications. Transmitters combine easy installation and reliable operation with a low requirement for maintenance. HMDW80 series includes transmitters for wall and duct mounting, humid areas, and for outdoor installation. It also includes temperature only transmitters and transmitters with an optional display. Calculated humidity parameters – dewpoint, wet bulb temperature, and enthalpy – are also available. HMDW80 series transmitters require minimal maintenance thanks to their excellent sensor stability and high-quality materials. If necessary, the INTERCAP ® humidity sensor can be easily exchanged in the field with practically no downtime. Features provided by transmitters in the HMDW80 series: - ±3.0 %RH accuracy. - 0 ... 100 %RH measurement range. - User exchangeable INTERCAP ® humidity sensor for easy field replacement.
- Several IP65-classified models for demanding HVAC applications. - UL-V0 flammability rating. 10 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________ Product Overview
HMDW80 Series Transmitter Models
Table 3 below lists the most important differences between the HMDW80
series transmitter models. For technical specifications, see Chapter 6, Technical Data, on page 43.
Table 3 Model HMDW80 Series Transmitter Models Type Outputs Display IP Rating
HMD82 HMD82D TMD82 HMD83 Duct Duct Duct Duct HMD83D TMD83 Duct Duct HMW82 Wall HMW82P100 Wall TMW82 HMW83 TMW83 HMW88 HMW88D HMW89 TMW88 HMW89D HMS82 HMS83 TMS82 Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall Wall 2 × 4 ... 20 mA 2 × 4 ... 20 mA 1 × 4 ... 20 mA 2 × 0 ... 10 V 2 × 0 ... 10 V 1 × 0 ... 10 V 2 × 4 ... 20 mA 2 x 4 … 20 mA No 1 × 4 ... 20 mA 2 × 0 ... 10 V 1 × 0 ... 10 V 2 × 4 ... 20 mA 2 × 4 ... 20 mA 2 × 0 ... 10 V 2 × 0 ... 10 V Outdoor 2 × 4 ... 20 mA Outdoor 2 × 0 ... 10 V No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No 1 x 4 … 20 mA No Yes No No Outdoor 1 x 4 … 20 mA No IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP30 IP30 IP30 IP30 IP30 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP65
Output Parameters
T, RH, Td, h, Tw T, RH, Td, h, Tw T T, RH, Td, h, Tw T, RH, Td, h, Tw T T, RH T, RH T T, RH T T, RH, Td, h, Tw T, RH, Td, h, Tw T, RH, Td, h, Tw T T, RH, Td, h, Tw T, RH, Td, h, Tw T, RH, Td, h, Tw T
Output Parameters Explained
Table 4 Parameter
Temperature Relative humidity Dewpoint Enthalpy Wet bulb temperature
Parameters Supported by HMDW80 Series Symbol Unit(s)
T RH °C °F % Td h Tw °C °F kJ/kg BTU/lb °C °F
Temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit scale. Ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in the air to the saturation vapor pressure of air at the current temperature. Temperature at which the water vapor in the air will condense into water at the current pressure. When the dewpoint is below 0 °C, the transmitter outputs frostpoint (Tf) instead of dewpoint. Sum of the internal energy of a thermodynamic system. The minimum temperature that can be reached by evaporative cooling in the current conditions. VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 11
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Transmitter Parts – Duct Models
4 5 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Figure 1 Parts of Duct Mounted Models (HMD82/83 and TMD82/83)
1302-018 1 = PTFE membrane filter (spare part item ASM210856SP). 2 = INTERCAP ® humidity sensor and temperature sensor. Not included in TMD82 and TMD83 models. 3 = Probe. 4 = Fastening flange. 5 = Tightening screw for fastening flange. 6 = Screws for attaching the flange to a duct (2 pcs included). 7 = Type label. 8 = DIP switches for selecting humidity parameter and display units. Not included in TMD82 and TMD83 models. 9 = Cable gland. Suitable for 4 ... 8 mm diameter cable. 10 = Display (in HMD82D and HMD83D models). 11 = Screw terminals. 12 = Window for display (in HMD82D and HMD83D models). 13 = Transmitter cover with captive screws. 12 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________ Product Overview
Transmitter Parts – Wall Models
1 2 3 4 1 5 6 10 11 7 8 9
Figure 2
Parts of Wall Mounted Models (HMW88/89, TMW88)
1 = Screw holes for mounting (2 pcs). 2 = Display (in HMW88D and HMW89D models). 3 = Type label. 4 = DIP switches for selecting humidity parameter and display units 5 = Cable gland. Suitable for 4 ... 8 mm diameter cable. 6 = Screw terminals. 7 = Probe. 8 = INTERCAP ® humidity sensor and temperature sensor. 9 = PTFE filter (spare part item DRW239993SP). 10 = Window for display (in HMW88D and HMW89D models) 11 = Transmitter cover with captive screws. VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 13
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 3
Parts of Wall Mounted Models (HMW82/82P100/83 and TMW82/83)
1 = Opening tab: push down to open the transmitter. 2 = Direction arrow. Must point up after mounting base has been installed on the wall. 3 = Wiring label. 4 = Screw terminals. 5 = Mounting base. 6 = Transmitter cover with component board. 14 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________ Product Overview
Transmitter Parts – Outdoor Models
1 2 3 4 6 5 7 8 12 9 10 11
Figure 4 Parts of Outdoor Models (HMS82/83, TMS82)
1304-048 1 = Radiation shield. Do not remove for installation, only when changing sensor or filter. 2 = Long screws that keep the radiation shield in place (2 pcs), 3 mm hex socket. 3 = INTERCAP ® humidity sensor and temperature sensor under PTFE membrane filter (filter spare part item ASM210856SP). 4 = Screw terminal. Detachable for easy installation. 5 = Transmitter body. 6 = Screws for pole mounting (2 pcs), medium size crosshead type (Pozidriv). 7 = Clamp for pole mounting. The holes are threaded for the included pole mounting screws and set screw. 8 = Set screw, medium size crosshead type (Pozidriv). Install after pole mounting to stop the transmitter from turning. 9 = Medium size crosshead screws (6 pcs) that hold the transmitter cover in place. 10 = Transmitter cover. 11 = Cable gland. Suitable for 4 ... 8 mm diameter cable.
12 = Configuration DIP switches. See section DIP Switches on page 31.
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 15
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Display is present on the following models: - HMD82D and HMD83D - HMW88D and HMW89D When the transmitter is powered on, it displays a sequence of information screens about the transmitter and its analog outputs. The screens are shown for a few seconds each. Checking the screens on startup is a good way to verify that the transmitter’s configuration DIP switches are set correctly.
Figure 5 Startup Screens (HMD83D)
1302-021 After the startup screens have been displayed, the transmitter will show the measurement screen.
Figure 6
Measurement Screen (HMD83D)
If one of the transmitter’s error states is active, a notification symbol and error text will appear on the screen. Depending on the error, the affected measurement readings may be replaced by asterisks “*”. For more
information on the possible errors, see section Error Messages on the Display on page 41.
Figure 7
Measurement Screen with Error (HMD83D)
16 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 2 ___________________________________________________________ Product Overview
Analog Output Overrange Behavior
Analog outputs of the HMDW80 series transmitters have a defined behavior when the values measured by the transmitter are outside the scaled analog output range: - Output is clipped at the end of the range. - Output is set to error state when measured value is 5% outside the
scaled range. See section Analog Output Error State on page 41.
- Output resumes normal function when measured value is back on the scaled range.
HMW82/83 and TMW82/83 transmitters are different from the rest of the HMDW80 series. Their analog output is clipped at 10% outside the scaled range, and their analog outputs enter the error state when the measured value is 20% outside the range. For example, consider the temperature output of the HMD82 transmitter. The output is 4 ... 20 mA, scaled to -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F). - When measured temperature rises above +60 °C (+140 °F), the output rises to 20 mA and stops rising even if temperature rises further. - If the temperature rises above +65 °C (+149 °F), the output enters the error state of 3.6 mA.
This overrange behavior does not mean there is a problem with the measurements, and it does not affect the readings shown on the display (if included in the transmitter model). The display always shows the currently measured readings if the measurement is operating without
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 17
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
This chapter provides you with information that is intended to help you install HMDW80 series transmitters.
Selecting Location
When mounting duct model transmitters: - Avoid installing in a location where condensation may fall on the sensor inside the duct. - Position the sensor in the center of the duct. - Select a site where the transmitter can be installed horizontally, onto the side of the duct. When mounting wall model transmitters: - Select a location that represents well the area of interest. - Do not install on the ceiling. - Avoid placing the transmitter near heat and moisture sources, close to the discharge of the supply air ducts, and in direct sunlight. When mounting outdoor transmitters: - Install in a place that receives minimal direct sunlight. In the northern hemisphere, the North side of the building typically provides a suitable shaded location. - Avoid placing the transmitter near windows, air conditioning units, or other heat and moisture sources such as cooling towers. - Install the transmitter at least 2.5 m above ground level. 18 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation
Installing Duct Models HMD82/83 and TMD82/83
1. Medium size crosshead screwdriver (Pozidriv) for screws on cover and flange. Small slotted screwdriver for screw terminals. Drill with 2.5 mm and 13 mm bits for making the installation holes. Tools for cutting and stripping wires. 19 mm open-end wrench for tightening the cable gland. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Remove the yellow transport protection cap and separate the fastening flange from the transmitter. Use the flange to mark the location and size of the installation holes on the side of the duct.
Drill the installation holes in the duct. Refer to Figure 8 below.
Secure the fastening flange to the duct with the two screws (included). Push the probe of the transmitter through the flange and into the duct. The probe should reach far enough so that the sensor is located in the middle of the duct. Secure the transmitter to the flange by tightening the screw on the flange that holds the probe in place. Open the transmitter cover, and route the power and signal cable through the cable gland. Connect the wires to the screw terminals.
Refer to section Wiring on page 27.
Check that the DIP switches (if present in your transmitter model)
are set as desired. See section DIP Switches on page 31.
Tighten the cable gland and close the transmitter cover. VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 19
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Figure 8 Duct Model Installation
Figure 9
Position the Sensor to Center of Duct
1302-027 40.6
Ø12 Ø4...8
Figure 10
Ø12 84 99 1302-028
Duct Model Dimensions (HMD82/83 and TMD82/83)
20 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation
Installing Wall Models HMW88, HMW89 and TMW88
1. Medium size crosshead screwdriver (Pozidriv) for cover screws. Small slotted screwdriver for screw terminals. Two installation screws: Ø < 3.5 mm, head Ø < 10 mm. Depending on the wall material and screw type, you may need a drill and a suitable drill bit to make installation holes for screws. Tools for cutting and stripping wires. 19 mm open-end wrench for tightening the cable gland. 2. 3. Open the transmitter cover and use two screws (not included) to attach the transmitter to the wall. The probe and cable gland should point down. Route the power and signal cable to the screw terminals and
connect the wires. Refer to section Wiring on page 27.
Close the transmitter cover and remove the yellow transport protection cap from the probe. 72 40.6
Ø10 Ø3.5
Ø10 Ø12 Ø4...8
Figure 11 Wall Model Dimensions (HMW88/89, TMW88)
1302-029 VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 21
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Installing Wall Models HMW82/82P100/83 and TMW82/83
1. Small flat head screwdriver for opening the transmitter and for screw terminals. Two screws, max Ø 4 mm. Depending on the wall material and screw type, you may need a drill and a suitable drill bit to make installation holes for screws. Tools for cutting and stripping wires. 2. Use a flat head screwdriver to push down the tab on top of the transmitter and separate the mounting base from the transmitter cover. Use the mounting holes to attach the mounting base securely. Use at least two screws (not included, max Ø 4 mm). The arrow on the mounting base must point straight up after installation. Proper orientation is important: air must flow through the vents on the bottom and top. 3. 4. Route the power and signal cable to the screw terminals and
connect the wires. Refer to section Wiring on page 27.
Close the transmitter cover when done. 76.9
81 24 9 5 Ø4.4
Figure 12
Wall Model Dimensions (HMW82/82P100/83 and TMW82/83)
1302-030 22 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation
Installing Outdoor Models HMS82/83, TMS82
Assess the risks posed by the height and accessibility of the installation location, and plan your work so it is carried out safely. Try avoiding work at height, if you can. Medium size crosshead screwdriver (Pozidriv) Small slotted screwdriver for screw terminals. Tools for cutting and stripping wires. 19 mm open-end wrench for tightening the cable gland. Additional tools for pole installation: Zip ties for securing the cable to the pole. Additional tools for wall installation: Drill and bits. Screws (2 pcs, Ø < 5.5 mm) and wall plugs Cable clips for securing the cable to the wall. 121.5
Figure 13
Outdoor Model Dimensions (HMS82/83, TMS82)
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 23
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Configuration and Wiring
To minimize working at height at the installation location, prepare the transmitter configuration and wiring before climbing up. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open the six screws that hold the transmitter cover.
Check that the DIP switches are set as desired. See section DIP Switches on page 31.
Route the power and signal cable to the screw terminals and
connect the wires. Refer to section Wiring on page 27.
Disconnect the screw terminal block by pulling it away from the component board. Adjust the length of cable between the cable gland and the terminal block. Make the cable short enough to close the cover without leaving a cable loop in the transmitter. Tighten the cable gland. Leave the cover off for now.
Figure 14 Location of DIP Switches and Screw Terminal
1304-059 24 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation
Pole installation
Recommended pole diameter for HMS82/83/TMS82 installation with the supplied clamp and screws is 25 ... 60 mm. 1. 2. Use the supplied clamp and screws to mount the transmitter on a pole. To prevent the transmitter from turning on the pole, tighten the set screw on the center hole of the clamp. 3. 4.
Figure 15
HMS82/83 Pole Installation
Plug in the screw terminal block, close the cover, and tighten the screws. Secure the cable to the pole using a zip tie. Allow some cable to hang down from the cable gland to prevent water from entering the transmitter along the cable.
Figure 16
Securing the Cable on a Pole
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 25
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Wall installation
1. 2. 3. Drill two holes for wall plugs 100 mm apart. Place the wall plugs in the holes. Mount the transmitter using two screws of sufficient length. 100 mm Ø 5.5 mm 4. 5.
Figure 17 HMS82/83 Wall Installation
1304-055 Plug in the screw terminal block, close the cover, and tighten the screws. Secure the cable to the wall using cable ties. Allow some cable to hang down from the cable gland to prevent water from running to the transmitter along the cable.
Figure 18
Securing the Cable on a Wall
26 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation
Connect only de-energized wires. Transmitters with a configurable humidity output parameter use the marking
on the screw terminal labels. The default output parameter is relative humidity (RH) with output scaled to 0 ... 100 %RH, but the parameter can be changed using DIP switches. Changing the
parameter also changes the output scaling. See section DIP Switches on page 31.
HMD82(D), HMW88(D), and HMS82
Two 4 ... 20 mA outputs, temperature output scaling -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F).
You must connect the HUM channel
even if you only want to measure temperature. Connecting the T channel is optional. Alternate wiring with one power supply. VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 27
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
4 ... 20 mA output, scaling -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F). Leave terminals 3 and 4 unconnected.
4 ... 20 mA output, scaling -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F). Leave terminals 3 and 4 unconnected.
One 0 ... 10 V output, scaling -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F).
VDC+/AC VDC-/AC T+ HUM+ T-/HUM 1 2 3 4 5
Terminals 2 and 5 are internally connected on the transmitter, so you can also use a cable with three wires.
VDC+/AC VDC-/AC T+ HUM+ T-/HUM 1 2 3 4 5 V
+ -
35 VDC or 24 VAC V RL = min. 10 kΩ
+ -
35 VDC or 24 VAC RL = min. 10 kΩ
28 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation
Two 4 ... 20 mA outputs, temperature output scaling -5 ... +55 °C (+23 ... +131 °F).
You must connect the RH channel of the HMW82
, even if you only want to measure temperature. Connecting the T channel is optional.
-T +T -RH +RH mA mA + + 10 ...
28 VDC 10 ...
28 VDC RL = 0 ...
600 Ω 2 Pt100 1 1 t+ -T +T -RH +RH mA m A 4...20 mA (0 ... 100% RH) Power supply 10 ... 28 VDC R L = 0 ... 500 Ω Power supply 10 ... 28 VDC R L = 0 ... 500 Ω 4...20 mA (-5 ... +55ºC)
Includes a passive Pt100 temperature sensor (Class F 0.1 IEC 60751) with a 3-wire connection. One 4 ... 20 mA output, scaling -5 ... +55 °C (+23 ... +131 °F). Leave the two terminals on the left unconnected. -T +T mA + 10 ...
28 VDC RL = 0 ...
600 Ω VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 29
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Two 0 ... 10 V outputs, temperature output scaling -5 ... +55 °C (+23 ... +131 °F). This is the recommended wiring for long cables. -RH +RH -T +T -VS +VS V V RL = min. 10 kΩ + 18 ...
35 VDC or 24 VAC 3-wire connection with VS as common ground. Not recommended if cable resistance is more than 2.5 Ω. -RH +RH -T +T -VS +VS V + 18 ...
35 VDC or 24 VAC V
RL = min. 10 kΩ
One 0 ... 10 V output, scaling -5 ... +55 °C (+23 ... +131 °F). This is the recommended wiring for long cables. 3-wire connection with -VS as common ground. Not recommended if cable resistance is more than 2.5 Ω. -T +T -VS +VS V RL = min. 10 kΩ + 18 ...
35 VDC or 24 VAC -T +T -VS +VS V RL = min. 10 kΩ + 18 ...
35 VDC or 24 VAC 30 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installation
DIP Switches
The DIP switches on the component board control the humidity output parameter and scaling, and the units that are shown on the display. The switches are present on the following models: - HMD82(D) and HMD83(D) - HMW88(D) and HMW89(D) - HMS82 and HMS83
Figure 19 below shows the default position of the DIP switches. The
default settings are: - Metric units shown on display. - Relative humidity (RH) selected as humidity output parameter.
Metric RH
Figure 19
Non-metric Td h Tw
DIP Switches on Component Board
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 31
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Table 5 DIP Position DIP Switch Positions for Metric Output Analog Output Parameter and Scaling
Relative humidity (RH) 0 ... 100 % Temperature (T) -40 ... +60 °C
Parameters and Units on Display
RH (%) T (°C) Dewpoint (Td) -40 ... +60 °C Temperature (T) -40 ... +60 °C Td (°C) T (°C) Enthalpy (h) -40 ... +460 kJ/kg Temperature (T) -40 ... +60 °C h (kJ/kg) T (°C) Wet bulb temperature (Tw) -40 ... +60 °C Temperature (T) -40 ... +60 °C Tw (°C) T (°C)
Table 6 DIP Switch Positions for Non-Metric Output DIP Position Analog Output Parameter and Scaling Parameters and Units on Display
Relative humidity (RH) 0 ... 100 % Temperature (T) -40 ... +140 °F RH (%) T (°F) Dewpoint (Td) -40 ... +140 °F Temperature (T) -40 ... +140 °F Td (°F) T (°F) Enthalpy (h) -10 ... +190 BTU/lb Temperature (T) -40 ... +140 °F h (BTU/lb) T (°F) Wet bulb temperature (Tw) -40 ... +140 °F Temperature (T) -40 ... +140 °F Tw (°F) T (°F) 32 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 4 _______________________________________________________________ Maintenance
This chapter provides information that is needed in basic maintenance of HMDW80 series.
The body of the transmitter can be cleaned by wiping with a moistened lint-free cloth. Do not use cleaning agents or solvents, or blow pressurized air into the transmitter housing or on the filter. Do not attempt to clean contaminated INTERCAP ® sensors or filters. Instead, replace them with new parts. Filters and sensors can be
purchased from Vaisala. For order codes, see section Spare Parts and Accessories on page 47.
You can verify the performance of your HMDW80 series transmitter by comparing its reading with the reading from a portable reference instrument such as the HM70 Hand-Held Humidity and Temperature Meter. For operating instructions, refer to the documentation of your reference instrument. If the comparison indicates that the reading from the transmitter is not within specification, the transmitter may need to have its filter and sensor replaced. VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 33
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Replacing the INTERCAP
Humidity Sensor
HMDW80 series transmitters use the Vaisala INTERCAP ® sensor for humidity measurement. The INTERCAP ® sensor is designed to be replaced when necessary, and does not require adjustment by the user.
Replacing the INTERCAP
Sensor on Models HMD82/83 and HMW88/89
3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 7. 8. New INTERCAP ® humidity sensor. New filter (always recommended when replacing the sensor). Duct models only: medium size crosshead screwdriver (Pozidriv). Power down the transmitter. Duct models only: loosen the tightening screw on the fastening flange, and pull the probe out of the duct.
Remove the filter to access the sensors. See Figure 20 below.
Pull out the old INTERCAP ® sensor, and insert the new one. Insert the new filter. Duct models only: push the probe back into the duct, to the same depth where it was before. Tighten the tightening screw on the fastening flange. Power up the transmitter. Verify that the transmitter now provides a valid humidity reading. 1 2 3
Figure 20
4 1305-024
Sensors on HMD82/83 and HMW88/89 Models
1 = Vaisala INTERCAP® sensor. Handle by the plastic frame. 2 = Temperature sensor. Do not touch or attempt to remove. 3 = Sensor socket. 4 = Transmitter probe. 34 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 4 _______________________________________________________________ Maintenance
Replacing the INTERCAP
Sensor on Wall Models HMW82/82P100/83
New INTERCAP ® humidity sensor. Small flat head screwdriver. 1. 2. 3. 4. Use the screwdriver to push down on the tab on the top of the transmitter and open the transmitter cover.
Remove the old sensor, and insert the new one. See Figure 21 below.
Reconnect the cover to the mounting base. Verify that the transmitter now provides a valid humidity reading. 1
Figure 21
INTERCAP ® Sensor on HMW82/83 Models
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 35
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Replacing the INTERCAP
Sensor on Outdoor Models HMS82/83
New INTERCAP ® humidity sensor. New filter (always recommended when replacing the sensor). Medium size crosshead screwdriver (Pozidriv) Flat head screwdriver 3 mm hex key (Allen key) for opening the radiation shield screws. If transmitter mounted on pole: 2.5 mm hex key for opening and tightening the set screw. You will need to remove the radiation shield to access the sensor, and this is difficult to do while the transmitter remains mounted on a pole or wall. The procedure below takes advantage of the detachable screw terminal to allow the cable to remain in place during the operation. 1. 2. Power down the transmitter. Open the transmitter cover and unplug the screw terminal. This allows you to leave the cable and cover at the installation site. 3.
Figure 22
Unplugging the Screw Terminal
Remove the transmitter from its installation point. 36 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 4 _______________________________________________________________ Maintenance 4. Open the two long screws that hold the radiation shield, and pull them out.
Figure 23
Opening the Radiation Shield Screws Figure 24
Removing the Radiation Shield Screws
VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 37
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________ 5. Use a flat head screwdriver to push on the visible plastic tab below the radiation shield. 6.
Figure 25 Location of Locking Tab
1305-022 Tilt the radiation shield away from the opened tab. This opens the second tab on the other side, allowing you to remove the radiation shield.
Figure 26
Removing the Radiation Shield
38 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 4 _______________________________________________________________ Maintenance 7. Open the filter to expose the sensors. 8. 1305-017
Figure 27 Filter Removed
Pull out the old INTERCAP ® sensor, and insert the new one. 1 2 3
Figure 28
4 1305-024
Sensors on HMS82/83 Models
1 = Vaisala INTERCAP® humidity sensor. Handle by the plastic frame. 2 = Temperature sensor. Do not touch or attempt to remove. 3 = Sensor socket. 4 = Transmitter probe. 9. Insert the new filter. 10. Reassemble, remount, and reconnect the transmitter. 11. Power up the transmitter. 12. Verify that the transmitter now provides a valid humidity reading. VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 39
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
This chapter describes possible problems, their probable causes and remedies, and provides contact information for technical support.
Problem Situations
Table 7 Possible Problem Situations and Their Remedies Problem
Transmitter outputs an incorrect humidity reading. Temperature reading shown by the transmitter is too high. Current output on the temperature channel is ~24 mA. Analog output reading is unchanging and incorrect.
Probable Cause and Remedy
1. Models with probes: check if the yellow transport protection cap has been left over the probe. Remove it if present. 2. Models with configurable output parameter: check that the desired output parameter has been selected using the DIP switches. 1. The transmitter may be installed in an unsuitable location, for example, near a heat source or in sunlight. Use a portable reference meter to check this. 2. HMW82 and HMW83: Check that the transmitter is installed in proper orientation, with the arrow on the mounting base pointing up. Check that the humidity output channel is powered. Loop powered HMDW80 series models that have humidity measurement require that the humidity output channel is connected, even if only measuring temperature. The analog output channel may be in an
error state. See section Analog Output Error State on page 41.
40 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 5 ____________________________________________________________ Troubleshooting
Analog Output Error State
HMDW80 series transmitters set the output channel(s) into a defined error level instead of the measured result in two situations: - Transmitter detects a measurement malfunction. This means an actual measurement problem, such as sensor damage or unsuitable environmental conditions. - Measured value(s) are well outside the scaled output range. For a
more detailed explanation, see section Analog Output Overrange Behavior on page 17.
The error level depends on the output type: - For 0 ... 10 V output, the error level is
11 V
. HMW83 and TMW83 are an exception to this, their error level is
0 V
. - For 4 ... 20 mA output, the error level is
3.6 mA
The transmitter resumes normal operation of the analog output(s) when the cause of the error state is removed.
Error Messages on the Display
Table 8 Error Message
Error Messages on the Display Possible Cause and Solution
Internal problem with the transmitter. Restart the transmitter to see if the problem remains. Contact Vaisala technical support if unable to remove the problem. Humidity measurement failed. Check if the humidity sensor is damaged or missing. Temperature measurement failed. Check if the temperature sensor is damaged or missing. VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 41
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Technical Support
For technical questions, contact the Vaisala technical support by e-mail at [email protected]
. Provide at least the following supporting information: - Name and model of the product in question - Serial number of the product - Name and location of the installation site - Name and contact information of a technically competent person who can provide further information on the problem. For Vaisala Service Center contact information, see . 42 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 6 _____________________________________________________________ Technical Data
This chapter provides the technical data of the HMDW80 series.
Table 9 Specifications for Models HMW82/83/HMW82P100 and TMW82/83 Property Operating environment
Operating temperature range Operating humidity range
Relative humidity
Measurement range Accuracy Temperature range +10 ... +30 °C (+50 ... +86 °F) 30 ... 70 %RH 0 … 30 %RH, 70 … 100 %RH Temperature range -5 ... +10 °C, +30 ... + 55 °C (+23 ... +50 °F, +86 ... +131 °F) 0 …100 %RH Stability in typical HVAC applications Humidity sensor
Measurement range Accuracy +10 … +30 °C (+50 °F … +86 °F) -5 … +10 °C, +30 … +55 °C (+23 ... +50 °F, +86 ... +131°F) Temperature sensor
Description / Value
-5 ...+55 °C (+23 ... +131 °F) 0 …100 %RH, non-condensing 0 … 100 %RH ±3 %RH ±5 %RH ±7 %RH ±2 %RH over 2 years Vaisala INTERCAP ® -5 ...+55 °C (+23 ... +131 °F) ±0.5 °C (±0.9 °F) ±1.0 °C (±1.8 °F) Digital temperature sensor HMW82P100: Pt100 Class F 0.1 IEC 60751 VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 43
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Table 10 Specifications for Models HMD82/83, TMD82/83, HMW88/89, HMS82/83, and TMS82 Property Operating environment
Operating temperature range Operating humidity range
Relative humidity
Measurement range Accuracy Temperature range +10 ... +30 °C (+50 ... +86 °F) 0 ... 90 %RH 90 … 100 %RH Temperature range -20 ... +10 °C, +30 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +50 °F, +86 ... +140 °F) 0 ... 90 %RH 90 … 100 %RH Temperature range -40 … -20 °C (-40 … -4 °F) 0 … 100 %RH Stability in typical HVAC applications Humidity sensor
Measurement range Accuracy At +20 °C (+68 °F) Temperature dependence Temperature sensor
Calculated parameters
Measurement range for dewpoint temperature and wet bulb temperature Measurement range for enthalpy Accuracy of the calculated parameters should be calculated at the actual condition based on the relative humidity and temperature specification. Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) and 80 %RH: Dewpoint Wet bulb temperature Enthalpy
Description / Value
-40 ...+60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) 0 …100 %RH 0 … 100 %RH ±3 %RH ±5 %RH ±5 %RH ±7 %RH ±7 %RH ±2 %RH over 2 years Vaisala INTERCAP ® -40 ...+60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) ±0.3 °C (±0.54 °F) ±0.01 °C/°C Pt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 -40 ...+60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) -40…460 kJ/kg (-10…+190 BTU/lb) ±0.9 °C (1.6 °F) ±0.7 °C (1.3 °F) ±2kJ/kg (0.9 BTU/lb) 44 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 6 _____________________________________________________________ Technical Data
Table 11 Specifications for Models HMD82/83D, HMW88/89D, and TMW88 Property Operating environment
Operating temperature range Operating humidity range
Relative humidity
Measurement range Accuracy Temperature range +10 ... +30 °C (+50 ... +86 °F) 0 ... 90 %RH 90 … 100 %RH Temperature range -5 ... +10 °C, +30 ... +60 °C (+23 ... +50 °F, +86 ... +140 °F) 0 ... 90 %RH 90 … 100 %RH Stability in typical HVAC applications Humidity sensor
Measurement range (Analog output scaling) Operating temperature range of the display Accuracy At +20 °C (+68 °F) Temperature dependence Temperature sensor
Calculated parameters
Measurement range for dewpoint temperature and wet bulb temperature Measurement range for enthalpy Accuracy of the calculated parameters should be calculated at the actual condition based on the relative humidity and temperature specification. Accuracy at +20 °C (+68 °F) and 80 %RH: Dewpoint Wet bulb temperature Enthalpy
Description / Value
-5 … +60 °C (+23 … +140 °F) 0…100 %RH, non-condensing 0 … 100 %RH ±3 %RH ±5 %RH ±5 %RH ±7 %RH ±2 %RH over 2 years Vaisala INTERCAP ® -40 … +60 °C (-40 … +140 °F) -5 … +60 °C (+23 … +140 °F) ±0.3 °C (±0.54 °F) ±0.01 °C/°C Pt1000 RTD Class F0.1 IEC 60751 -40 ...+60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) -40…460 kJ/kg (-10…+190 BTU/lb) ±0.9 °C (1.6 °F) ±0.7 °C (1.3 °F) ±2kJ/kg (0.9 BTU/lb) VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 45
User's Guide _______________________________________________________________________
Table 12 Operating Environment (All Models) Property
Operating environment Maximum wind/flow speed Storage temperature Electromagnetic compliance
Table 13 Inputs and Outputs Description / Value
See model specifications 30 m/s -40 ... +60 °C (-40 ... +140 °F) EN61326-1, industrial environment
Current output models (2-wire) Outputs Loop resistance Supply voltage Voltage output models (3-wire) Outputs Load resistance Supply voltage Current consumption
Description / Value
4 ... 20 mA, loop powered 0 ... 600 Ω 20 ... 28 VDC at 600 Ω load 10 ... 28 VDC at 0 Ω load 0 ... 10 V 10 kΩ min 18 ... 35 VDC 24 VAC ±20 % 50/60 Hz 10 mA on DC power 30 mA on AC power
Table 14 Mechanics Property
Max. wire size Standard housing color Housing material HMW82/83, TMW82/83 HMW88/89(D), HMD82/83(D), TMD82/83, HMS82/83
Description / Value
1.5 mm 2 (AWG 16) White (RAL9003) ABS/PC (UL-V0 approved) PC + 10%GF (UL-V0 approved) 46 ___________________________________________________________________ M211510EN-E
Chapter 6 _____________________________________________________________ Technical Data
Spare Parts and Accessories
Table 15
Information on spare parts, accessories, and calibration products is available online at
HMDW80 Series Spare Parts and Accessories Description Item Code Sensors
Vaisala INTERCAP ® humidity sensor, 1 piece Vaisala INTERCAP ® humidity sensor, 10 pcs
Sensor protection
PTFE membrane filter PTFE filter
Accessories and Spare Parts
Fastening flange assembly (screws included) Fastening set for HMS80 Cable gland with O-ring Lid assembly with window for display (screws included) Conduit fitting + O-ring (M16x1.5 / NPT1/2 Inch) Conduit fitting + O-ring (M16x1.5 / PG9, RE-MS) Terminal block, blue ● = Part is compatible ● ● ● ● ● 15778HM ● ● ● ● ● INTERCAPSET-10PCS ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ASM210856SP ● ● DRW239993SP ASM210771SP ● ● 237805 ● ● ● ● CABLEGLANDORING ● ● ASM210793SP ● ● ● ● 210675SP ● ● ● ● 210674SP ● ● ● ● 236620SP VAISALA ________________________________________________________________________ 47

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