CamOneTec CamOne infinity WiFi WiFi Module User manual

Below you will find brief information for WiFi Module CamOne infinity WiFi. This is a user manual for the CamOne infinity WiFi module, which is designed to be used with compatible CamOne action cameras. The module allows you to control the camera wirelessly from your smartphone or tablet via a dedicated app. Connecting your camera to the module is simple, and you can control all of the camera's functions including live viewing, taking photos, and recording videos. The module supports both Android and Apple devices, and offers a range of up to 120 meters, but this may be reduced in the presence of interference from other Wi-Fi networks. Keep in mind that the range of the module can be affected by other wireless networks, and it may interfere with some 2.4GHz RC systems.

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CamOne infinity WiFi User Manual | Manualzz




Key features

  • Wireless control from smartphone
  • Live viewing
  • Photo and video recording control
  • Supports Android and Apple devices
  • Range up to 120m (may be reduced due to interference)

Frequently asked questions

Attach your camera to the WiFi module using the tripod thread. Make sure there is no dust between the module and the camera. Then download the "Cam One" app on your smartphone and follow the instructions in the manual.

The WiFi module has a range of up to 120 meters, but this may be reduced in the presence of interference from other Wi-Fi networks.

Download the "Cam One" app on your smartphone and follow the instructions in the manual to connect your camera and the WiFi module.

The default login information for guest mode is "Guest / guest".

The WiFi module operates on the 2.4GHz frequency band, which could potentially interfere with other devices that use the same band, such as some 2.4GHz RC systems.
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