Simplicity 01773-0 Wiring Diagram
Simplicity 01773-0 is a reliable and versatile lawn mower that offers a range of features to make lawn care easier and more efficient. Its powerful engine and durable design ensure a clean, even cut every time, while its adjustable cutting height and mulching capabilities allow you to customize your mowing experience. With its user-friendly controls and easy maintenance, the Simplicity 01773-0 is the perfect choice for homeowners who demand both performance and convenience.
Wiring Diagram & Schematic SAFETY WARNINGS Safety Alert Symbols The safety alert symbol (44) is used to identify hazards that can result in personal injury. A signal word (DANGER, WARNING or CAUTION) is used with the alert symbol to indicate the potential severity of injury. In addition, a hazard symbol may be used to represent the type of hazard. DANGER: Indicates a hazard which, if not avoided will result in death or serious injury. WARNING: Indicated a hazard which, if not avoided could result in death or serious injury. CAUTION: Indicates a hazard which, if not avoided might result in death or serious injury. CAUTION: When used without the alert symbol, indicates a situation that could result in damage to equipment or components. HAZARD SYMBOLS AND MEANINGS “ Ч Explosion Fire Shock ле E сети Entanglement Spark Plug WD-SCH-01 ÁN DANGER Physical contact with energized electrical components will result in dangerous and possibly fatal electrical shock. e Do not touch bare wires or receptacies. WD-SCH-04 ÁN DANGER Generators produce powerful voltages. Failure to isolate generator from power utility can result in death or injury to electric utility workers due to backfeed of electrical energy. e When testing generators used for backup power, notify utility company. WD-SCH-05 ÁN CAUTION These wiring diagrams and schematics are intended for use by trained and qualified electrical service technicians who are working in a properly equipped service environment. Familiarity with the proper method of using tools, measuring equipment and service procedures is essential to performing successful troubleshooting and repair of this equipment. e Only qualified electrical technicians should attempt to service this equipment. WD-SCH-02 CAUTION: The measuring equipment used in troubleshooting this equipment should be of industrial quality and should have the sensitivity to measure electronic values to the third decimal. Its accuracy should conform with acceptable industry tolerances. Ensure that all specified tools and/or equipment are available before attempting to troubleshoot. WD-SCH-03 Æà WARNING Accidental starting of the unit may cause entanglement or electrocution. @ Where applicable, disconnect the negative (-) battery terminal. ® Disconnect the spark plug wire. ® Remove the control panel fuse when available. WD-SCH-07 Rev: 081805 3200 Watt Portable Generator SCHEMATIC SCHEMATIC ” BRIDGE RECTIFIER 6 4 2 & DPE 1 + FIELD — > VAC + MA — 204 44A — — 44A — — 11A 55 120/240 VAC ZOA 3200 Watt Portable Generator WIRING DIAGRAM 120/240V 44 WIRING DIAGRAM To SCREW — 20A 154 20A ON PANEL (7 Oo) . . ° e 0 —) o ) O 20A — ZN Z AZ 1 © 2 OT 11A | a MA FAA ~~ ~~ (О) | | (TN 11A C7 11A 7 aù 7 44A 44A —— —— 22 / 11 Le ) 7 CAUTION!!! 7 OUTLET TAB MUST BE BROKEN OFF IF OUTLET IS REPLACED. x + > 2 + =}; 2 BRUSHES NOTE: “POSITIVE BRUSH CLOSEST TO BEARING ">

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