EC 1 Version 2.0
Quick Installation Guide
This manual has been designed to guide you through basic settings of your IP devices, such as installation and configuration for using them. www.rivatech.de
EC 1 Version 2.0
Step1. . Assemble and install IP device
Manual adjustment for 3-axis movements
After installation, make a manual adjustment on the inner liner. Perform 3-axis movements manually by turning the inner liner to different directions as above, and check if it moves properly. After adjustment, fasten the screw of the rotation axis.
Lens Focus Adjustment
1) Open the dome cover from the device.
2) Uncover the latch(C) carefully to remove the lens cover.
3) Rotate the lens focus ring(D) to adjust the focus and fasten the screw(E) using the included hex wrench.
4) Push the lens cover to the module until the latch(C) clicks into position.
5) Attach the dome cover by aligning protrusion on the body (B) with the inverted triangle mark of the dome cover (A). Turn the dome cover clockwise to lock.
* Models herein and their appearance are subject to change without any prior notice. www.rivatech.de
EC 1 Version 2.0
1) Connect the LAN cable and power supply cable with the camera. For the detailed information, please refer to the
2) Place the installation template
(which is included in the package) on the ceiling.
3) Drill two holes on the template and insert anchor blocks into the holes. Fasten the camera with screws.
4) Put the dome cover on the main body of the camera. Make sure the main body and the cover fit each other into place.
When assembling the main body of the sure they fit each other into place. camera and its dome cover, make
The camera may fall off the ceiling even after the proper installation and mounting. To prevent any accident, make sure the ceiling is firm and stable enough to support the camera . If any reinforcement is needed, consult with your safety personnel and proceed with the installation. www.rivatech.de
EC 1 Version 2.0
Step2. Connect cables to IP device
Connect each cable to the device. To see the correct positions of all connectors, refer to the following image below.
DC 12V
Make sure the polarity is correct. Incorrect connection may cause malfunction or damage to the IP device.
* Models herein and their appearance are subject to change without any prior notice.
Power Adaptor Connector (DC
Step3. Set up network environment
The default IP address of your IP device is 192.168.XXX.XXX. You can find the available IP address from the MAC address of your device. Please make sure the device and your PC are on the same network segment before running the installation. If the network segment was different between your PC and the device, change your PC’s settings as below.
IP address : 192.168.xxx.xxx
Subnet mask: : www.rivatech.de
EC 1 Version 2.0
STEP4. View video on web page
View the live video on a web page using your IP device and its IP address. To have the correct
IP address ready and use it on a web page:
Convert a MAC address to an IP address. Refer to the Hexadecimal-Decimal Conversion
Chart at the end of this manual.
(The MAC address is attached on the side or bottom of the device.)
MAC address = 00-13-23-01-14-B1
IP address = 192.168.20.
Convert the Hexadecimal number to Decimal number.
Open a web browser and enter the IP address of the device.
Click pop-up blocked and install the ActiveX setup.exe by clicking the Run or Save button.
You need to install the ActiveX for displaying the images. www.rivatech.de
EC 1 Version 2.0
Follow the instructions of the dialog boxes and complete the installation. Then the live video is displayed on the main page of the web browser.
If the live video is not displayed with the message said, “This software requires the
Microsoft XML Parser V6 or higher. Please download MSXML6 from the Microsoft website to continue. Error code: Cannot create XMLDOMDocument.” , please download and install the relevant MSXML.
* The explanation and captured images on this manual are mainly on the basis of Internet
Explorer 7.0. www.rivatech.de
EC 1 Version 2.0
Step5. Setting IP Address
To set up the Network configuration:
Click Setup on the upper right of the web page. The login page is displayed as below.
Enter the default user name (root) and the default password (pass), and then select OK.
The default username and password are: root and pass .
Click System Options on the left of the Setup page, and then select TCP/IP from the dropdown menu.
Input the data for the IP address configuration, and click the Apply button on the bottom of the page.
To change the IP address, please make sure to check and have the correct Subnet mask and
Gateway ready. To use DHCP, select Obtain an IP address via DHCP.
To learn how to set up the web page for advanced configuration, refer to the Web Page
User's Manual, which is available on the SDK at the following path.
{SDK root}\DOC\ www.rivatech.de
EC 1 Version 2.0
Advanced setup (IPAdminTool)
IPAdminTool is a utility program for IP products. Following list shows a part of features that
IPAdminTool provides.
Configure IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway
Shows network related information such as MAC address
Updates firmware
Reboots the device
IPAdminTool is provided with SDK at the following SDK path.
{SDK root}\BIN\TOOLS\AdminTool\
More Information
To learn more about using other features of your devices, refer to the manual, which is available on the SDK at the following path.
{SDK root}\DOC\ www.rivatech.de
EC 1 Version 2.0
Hexadecimal-Decimal Conversion Table
Refer to the following table when you convert the MAC address of your device to IP address.
Hex Dec Hex Dec Hex Dec Hex Dec
00 0
01 1
02 2
03 3
04 4
05 5
06 6
07 7
08 8
09 9
0A 10
0B 11
0C 12
0D 13
0E 14
0F 15
10 16
11 17
12 18
13 19
14 20
15 21
16 22
17 23
18 24
19 25
1A 26
1B 27
1C 28
1D 29
1E 30
1F 31
20 32
21 33
22 34
23 35
24 36
25 37
26 38
27 39
28 40
29 41
2A 42
2B 43
2C 44
2D 45
2E 46
2F 47
30 48
31 49
32 50
33 51
34 52
35 53
36 54
37 55
38 56
3A 58
3B 59
40 64
41 65
42 66
43 67
44 68
45 69
46 70
47 71
48 72
49 73
4A 74
4B 75
4C 76
4D 77
4E 78
4F 79
50 80
51 81
52 82
53 83
54 84
55 85
56 86
57 87
58 88
5A 90
5B 91
60 96
61 97
62 98
63 99
64 100
65 101
66 102
67 103
68 104
69 105
6A 106
6B 107
6C 108
6D 109
6E 110
6F 111
70 112
71 113
72 114
73 115
74 116
75 117
76 118
77 119
78 120
79 121
7A 122
7B 123
7C 124
7D 125
7E 126
7F 127 www.rivatech.de
EC 1 Version 2.0
Hex Dec
80 128
81 129
82 130
83 131
84 132
85 133
86 134
87 135
88 136
89 137
8A 138
8B 139
8C 140
8D 141
8E 142
8F 143
90 144
91 145
92 146
93 147
94 148
95 149
96 150
97 151
98 152
99 153
9A 154
9B 155
9C 156
9D 157
9E 158
9F 159
Hex Dec
A0 160
A1 161
A2 162
A3 163
A4 164
A5 165
A6 166
A7 167
A8 168
A9 169
AA 170
AB 171
AC 172
AD 173
AE 174
AF 175
B0 176
B1 177
B2 178
B3 179
B4 180
B5 181
B6 182
B7 183
B8 184
B9 185
BA 186
BB 187
BC 188
BD 189
BE 190
BF 191 www.rivatech.de
Hex Dec
C0 192
C1 193
C2 194
C3 195
C4 196
C5 197
C6 198
C7 199
C8 200
C9 201
CA 202
CB 203
CC 204
CD 205
CE 206
CF 207
D0 208
D1 209
D2 210
D3 211
D4 212
D5 213
D6 214
D7 215
D8 216
D9 217
DA 218
DB 219
DC 220
DD 221
DE 222
DF 223
Hex Dec
E0 224
E1 225
E2 226
E3 227
E4 228
E5 229
E6 230
E7 231
E8 232
E9 233
EA 234
EB 235
EC 236
ED 237
EE 238
EF 239
F0 240
F1 241
F2 242
F3 243
F4 244
F5 245
F6 246
F7 247
F8 248
F9 249
FA 250
FB 251
FC 252
FD 253
FE 254
FF 255