Krosswood Doors PHID.KA.305.60.68.138-RA 72 in. x 80 in. Rustic Knotty Alder 2-Panel Square-Top Right-Handed Solid Core Wood Double Prehung Interior French Door Installation Guide
Krosswood Doors
Installation Tips
When hanging doors, allow adequate clearance between the door and frame for normal swelling of the door or frame in damp weather. Clearances between the door edges and door frame must be a minimum of 1/16” on the hinge side and 1/8” clearance on the latch side and top rail. When cutting, use a sharp fine-tooth saw.
Caution must be used to avoid impairing the strength of the door when fitting for locks or other hardware. Allow at least 1” of wood back of the mortise.
Pilot holes must be drilled for all screws that act as hardware attachments.
• Use a minimum of three hinges on doors up to 7’ tall and four hinges on doors over 7’ tall. Hinges must be set in a straight line to prevent distortion of the door.
Jambs and stops must be set square and plumb.
Immediately after cutting and fitting (and before final hanging), seal all surfaces and ends of the door with an effective quality sealer.
• Do not install doors before ‘mudding’ and taping of sheet rock has been dried and completed.

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