John Deere LPBS36JD 175 lb. 3.5 cu. ft. Tow-Behind Broadcast Spreader Use and Care Manual

John Deere LPBS36JD 175 lb. 3.5 cu. ft. Tow-Behind Broadcast Spreader Use and Care Manual

John Deere LPBS36JD is a broadcast spreader that provides precise and even spreading of fertilizers, insecticides, and grass seed. Its adjustable directional control plate allows for centered or side-only spreading, making it ideal for various applications such as spreading near sidewalks or planting beds. The spreader features a durable construction with a 175 lb. maximum weight capacity and easy-to-use flow control handle for desired material flow rate.


John Deere LPBS36JD 175 lb. 3.5 cu. ft. Tow-Behind Broadcast Spreader User Manual | Manualzz
Directional Control
Normal Operation {Uniform Spreading)
Fertilizers, msecticides, and grass seed each have dflerent particle size
and weight. Thés can be referred to as particle density. As the particles are
impacted by the fan, the distnbution can be centered or slightly off center
depending on particle density and forvand vehicle speed.
Adjustment can be made by moving the direction control plate (A) to the
right or ledt.
MA 40313
The directional decal located below the directional control plate will aid
vou in adjusting the spread pattern. For most applications the plate should
be placed close to the center position (B) described by the label above. H
the material E coming out right or left during operation, adjustment of this
plate should be made to center the material detribution pattern behind the
vehicle. Your broadcast spreader has a patented feature to allow you to
adjust for centering.
One Side Only Spreading
The directional control plate can be used for adjusting the material spread
pattern when spreading near sidewalks (C), planting beds (0), etc. With
the plate adjusted to the left side (E), the directional control plate only
operates with 80%: shut-off of material to the right side (F of the vehicle as
shown in the Bustration above.
Operating Tips
« Always operate your spreader with the speed limit for which it was
designed - 3 mph.
= When backing, carefuly back straight to avoid jack knifing, which could
result in damage to equipment
= Only ow your spreader behind vehicles for which it was designed -
riders, and lawn and garden tractors.
* Do not load the hopper with more than the maximum weight capacity of
79 kg (175 Ib).
+ Break up amy lumps as you fill the hopper.
* Do not wse on windy days, especially when spreading fine grass seed or
* Optimum hitch height is 18 - 23 cm {7-9 m.).
* The flow control handle should have resistance io movement increase
of decrease spring tension as reguired to get desired flow control handle
Maintenance Tips
* The key to years of trouble-free service © to keep your spreader clean
and dry.
= Never allow material to remain in hopper for edendad periods of me.
+ Should rust develop, sand lightly and then paint area with enamel.
+ Periodically check all fasteners for tightness.
+ Hinsa'dry inside and outside of spreader after each use. Move flow
control as you rinse, fo avoed build up cf material.
Sarvice - 9
Annual Maintenance
Remove Wheels
MX 40306
1. Remove E-type snap ning (A), 5/8 in. flat washer (B), wheel [C), 58 in.
flat washer (D) (if installed). and axle beanng (E). Remove hairpin cofier,
арест! (Е).
MX 40387
2 Remove hairpin cotter (G), and slide axds (H) cut from support irame (1).
Remove axle bearing (J) and 58 in. flat washers (K) (if installed) on axle.
3. Clean parts.
4. Lightly lubricate both axle ends.
Remove Gage Plate and Remaming Components
MX 40308
1. Remove two 5/16 x 2-3/4 in. hex bolts (A), four 5/46 in flat washers (B),
four pévot plate bushings (C), and two 5/16 in. nylon locknuts (D). Remove
assembled gage plate (E) from tow tube (F).
MX 40306
2. Aotate assembled gage plate (E) approximately 80° clockwise, and
remove formed end of the of the link rod (G) from hole (H) on the hopper
control plate, as shown.
Sarvica - 10


Key Features

  • 175 lb. capacity
  • Directional control
  • Patented centering feature
  • Flow control handle
  • Tow-behind design

Frequently Answers and Questions

How do I adjust the spread pattern of the John Deere LPBS36JD spreader?
You can adjust the spread pattern using the directional control plate. This plate can be moved left or right to direct the material distribution.
What is the maximum weight capacity of the John Deere LPBS36JD spreader?
The maximum weight capacity of the spreader is 175 lb.
How do I maintain the John Deere LPBS36JD spreader?
To keep your spreader in good working order, it is essential to keep it clean and dry. Rinse the spreader inside and out after each use, and be sure to lubricate the axle ends periodically.

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