Calhome Sliding Door
Installation Instructions
NOTE: If you are installing a Floor Mount Door Guide, you
will need to create a groove on the bottom of the door.
1. Measuring and Marking Your Hanger Holes
* Lay your Door facing UP on saw horses. 1
* Pencil a line 2-7/8” parallel from the
Door edge (this marks the proper
location to center the hanger holes over).
Now mark a horizontal line 1-1/4” from
the top of the door.
* Linc up your Hanger holes up over the
vertical line, with the top hole centered
over the 1-1/4” horizontal line.
* Mark the center of both Hanger holes
(these indicate where you should drill to
attach your Hanger to your Door).
* Repeat Step 1 on the opposite Door edge.
Door Front
Door Edge
Door Top
2. Drilling Pilot Holes
* Using a drill with a 1/8” drill сы drill a pilot
hole all the way through the
where you have sak,
(one pilot hole for cach
Door Top
Door Front
opposite edge of
the Door.
Drilling Countersink Holes
* Turn the Door over so it is facing DOWN on the saw horses.
* Using a drill with a 1-1/8” spade bit or Forstner bit
(a Forstner bit is preferred), drill a 7/16
deep hole, centering your 1-1/8” spade
or Forstner bit directly over the 1/8”
Door Top
pilot hole.
* Repeat ня 3 on the opposite
edgc of the D
Door Back
1. Installing Your Hanger Assembly To Your Door
* Thread the Hex Bolts with the
Washers through the back of
* Thread the Hanger assembly |
through the Hex Bolts on the
front of the Door.
Holding Hex Bolts in place
using a ratchet with a 5/8”
socket, lightly tighten your
Acorn Nuts by hand.
Hex Bolt
1” Washer
Acorn Nut
1. Marking and Drilling Track Holes
* Mark an intersecting line in
the center point of cach of
the Track i cs.
Sect the Trad
* Using a drill ers var drill
bit, drill our your marked
Track holes.
e sure you are drilling into
This will provide the stability
your wall needs to bold the
weight of your Door.
4. Drilling Lag Screw Holes
* Turn the Door back over so it is facing UPWARDS
on the saw horses.
* Using a drill with a 3/8” drill bit, drill all the way
the Door, through your pilot holes
Repeat Step 4 on the opposite edge
of the Door.
| 3/8”,
Door Front
2. Tightening Your Hanger Assembly
* Using a 9/16” wrench for the
Acorn Nut and a ratchet with a
5/8” socket and for the Hex Bolt,
gently tighten, being carcful not
your Hanger or Acorn
* Repeat Steps 1 and 2 on the
opposite edge of the Door.
2. Hanging Your Track
* Looscly attach one end rats Track
ao nd a Rubber Band
Hard Stop and a Lag Sei
* Swing e Track up and loosely
attach the other end, using a Spacer
and a Rubber Band Hard Stop
* The center holes can now be loosely
J. Hole Installation
Installing Your Door
* Lift your Door up to your
Track at a slight angle.
* Carefully rest both Wheel
grooves onto the top of the
* Guide the Door to the
resting position.
* The = “8 will be installed with a Rubber Band
rd St
* In this o Adjustable Spacer, Flat Track, Rubber Band
Hard Stop, 1” Washer, and Lag Screw. Using a ratchet with
29/16” socket, tighten the Lag Screw most of the way,
enough to hold the Track in place, but allowing the Track
to move,
* Swing the Track up to be mo “uu repeat the same
step on the opposite end of the Trac!
* The E for the middle holes will
be instal is 0
Spacer, Fl Track, 1” Washer, and Lag
Screw. a ratchet with a 9/16” socket,
tighten i Lag Screw most of the way.
* Repeat on all remaining middle Track
Afterall Lag Screws arc in, fully tighten
all using your ratchet with socket, being
careful not to over-tighten to avoid
stripping the wall studs.
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