Nydree Flooring FPTBORO01QD4B7M Essentials Oak Fresh Air 5/12 in. Thick x 2 in. Wide x 78 in. Length Hardwood Carpet Reducer Molding Installation Guide
Essentials Engineered Wood Flooring
Installation and Maintenance Instructions
Nydree MRA1585
Adhesive Glue Down
Urethane Adhesive Glue Down
Staple Down Method
This Installation Instruction covers all 5.25” Essentials Engineered Wood Flooring manufactured by Nydree Flooring, LLC. The instructions outlined below are specific for when Nydree MRA1585 adhesive is used. When other urethane adhesives are utilized to glue down Essentials flooring, that adhesives instructions must be followed. When alternate urethane adhesives are used to install
Essentials flooring any adhesive bond warranty or concrete subfloor moisture protection warranty becomes the responsibility of that adhesive manufacturer.
Nydree highly recommends that installations are performed by experienced professional installers such as those who are listed within
the data base of the National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) Certified Professionals.
• Flooring must be stored in an enclosed and well-ventilated building. Never store flooring outdoors or in enclosures that do not have proper interior ambient settings. Ideally the warehouse shall have ambient temperature and humidity controlled. Temperature range:
60-85 o F (16-29 o C) and Relative Humidity: 30-55% respectively.
• Do not store flooring directly on warehouse floors. KEEP FLOORING WRAPPED IN POLYETHYLENE BAG AND ON SKIDS. The storage area within the building should be clean and dry.
Note: Prolonged extreme heat and overly dry conditions can cause permanent damage to flooring. Do not store flooring outside in non-ventilated 18-wheel truck trailers. Extreme heat developed during the summer months could distort the flooring.
Nydree Flooring, LLC can not be responsible for damage to flooring caused by improper storage or installation.
Each pallet of Essentials Engineered Wood Flooring will arrive to the job site wrapped in a polyethylene bag and typically shrink-wrapped to maintain the flooring at an optimal moisture content range for installation. If material needs to be inspected prior to flooring installation, carefully remove the shrink-wrap and lift off polybag. After inspecting, put polybag back over pallet of flooring and secure with tape until installation. DO
NOT REMOVE ESSENTIALS ENGINEERED WOOD FLOORING FROM THE POLYBAG UNTIL THE DAY OF INSTALLATION. Flooring that has not been used within a day should be returned to the polybag until ready for installation. Removing the polybag prior to installation could lead to plank distortion (bowing, crowning, twisting, cupping).
Essentials engineered wood flooring does not require job site acclimation, however interior ambient conditions of the job site must be maintained year round in producing a seasonal temperature range of 60-85 o F (16-29 o C) and 30-55% relative humidity. This is required prior, during and following installation. Temperature of MRA1585 adhesive or urethane adhesive should be acclimated to 60 o - 85 o F (15 o - 29 o C) prior to use.
Essentials Engineered Wood Flooring can be installed on, above, or below grade.
Permanent HVAC must be in operation for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to flooring installation. Some temporary heating sources (such as salamanders) can lead to poor control of moisture causing damage and should be avoided.
Note: Permanent HVAC is very important when performing any type of moisture test on a concrete slab.
Fixed interior lighting should be fully installed and operational during installation to create a fair expectation of the influences that lighting can have on finished surfaces such as flooring.
Essentials flooring should only be brought to the job site once the interior ambient conditions are suitable for installation.
Assure there is proper drainage and water runoff away from the building.
Seasonally, the job site temperature should not fall out of the following temperature and relative humidity ranges:
Temperature range: 60 o - 85 o F (15 o - 29 o C). Relative humidity range: 30-55%.
Keep in mind that if the relative humidity drops below 30% for extended periods and/or subfloor temperatures exceeds 85 periods of time, permanent damage can occur to flooring (splits and gaps). o F for extended
Do not install flooring until all other significant construction work (dry-wall) is complete. Moisture producing activities such as drywall, concrete, masonry, painting and tiling must be complete and cured prior to installation.
An in-line humidification system is recommended for HVAC systems that operate in seasonal conditions that can potentially fall below
30% RH for prolonged periods of time. A dehumidifier may be needed in environments that exceed 55% RH for prolonged periods.
• Install finished flooring from multiple cartons throughout all skids of material to obtain a random distribution of the natural color variation which is an inherent characteristic of genuine hardwoods. To prevent damage, the flooring should be installed as the last step of the construction project.
Refer to the National Wood Flooring Association Technical Publication A400; Jobsite Evaluation, Estimating and Preparation for additional information.
Prior to spreading any adhesive, it is mandatory to “dry lay” a portion of the initial course to verify proper layout and to visually inspect the flooring.
Verify that the Essentials flooring is the correct species, color, width, grain, finish (gloss level) and quality (fit) prior to installation. If there is any doubt, do not install the flooring. Contact Nydree Flooring immediately. Nydree Flooring can not be responsible for Installation of the wrong type of flooring or for installing obvious defects.
The required expansion spacing is 1/4” (6.4mm) per 12 lineal feet (3.7 meters) of flooring (Room perimeter and at all vertical obstructions).
Finished flooring installation should be protected from traffic for 24 hours. Finished flooring must be protected from abuse by other trades. Use a recognized wood floor protective overlay such as Fortifiber Fortiboard TM , or equivalent. Do not use plastic or poly. Make sure the floor has been cleaned thoroughly (swept, vacuumed and dust mopped) prior to protecting, so that the flooring surface will not be scratched by debris. Avoid
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1115 Vista Park Drive ● Suites C&D ● Forest, VA 24551-0289 ● 800.682.5698 ● 434.525.5252 ● www.nydreeflooring.com
covering the installation with protective paper or equivalent for at least 24 hours. If the floor is covered, consider covering the entire flooring installation, since some species are light-sensitive and uncovered areas may change color. When taping paper or sheets together, tape them to each other, not to the floor. Some flooring material (attic stock) should be set aside in case future repairs are needed.
The drying of new concrete slabs can vary significantly based on concrete design, environmental exposures, slab thickness as well as other factors. Proper moisture testing of concrete is critical and should be conducted by those experienced with performing the published test designations. Test results should be documented as detailed in the published test designations. Test results should be documented as detailed in the published test designation and submitted to all the parties including the flooring installer, general contractor, builder, architect, customer and/or building owner. Take appropriate and necessary steps to address unacceptable concrete moisture conditions.
NOTE: Slab concrete moisture test results determine the application rate of the MRA1585 adhesive. Nydree requires that either the Calcium
Chloride test (ASTM F1869) or the iin-situ relative humidity test (ASTM F2170) be performed in accordance to their respective ASTM designations.
If both tests are performed, the in-situ RH test is always the qualifying standard. Calcium Chloride Test kits are available from the Nydree website, www.nydreeflooring.com
Calcium Chloride results up to 15 lbs./1000 sf/24 hrs or in-situ Relative Humidity results up to 85% requires the MRA1585 adhesive to be applied with a 3/16” x 5/32” V-Notch trowel at a rate that does not exceed 50 square feet per gallon.
Any Calcium Chloride result greater
than 15 lbs./1000 sf/24 hrs or any in-situ Relative Humidity result greater
than 85% require the
MRA 1585 adhesive to be applied with a 1/4” x 3/16” V-Notch trowel at a rate that does not exceed 35 square feet per gallon.
If there is concern over any excessive future subfloor moisture, always use the 1/4” x 3/16” V-Notch trowel application rate.
Essentials Engineered Wood Flooring should not be installed on any concrete subfloor where there is hydrostatic pressure or standing water.
Concrete ph level is not a concern using the Nydree MRA1585 adhesive.
Concrete must be clean, sound, free from contaminates and dry regardless of concrete age, history or grade level. Contaminates that could interfere with the bonding of the adhesive include but is not limited to: wax, dirt, dust, mold, mildew, loose material, grease, oil, coatings, paint, rust, asphalt cutback, old adhesives (carpet), weak powdery concrete, weak powdery gypsum, adhesive removers, efflorescence (white soluble salt deposits on concrete surfaces). Scouring using 3 ½ (20 grit) open coat sandpaper can remove most of these materials.
Temperature of concrete should be above 60 o F(15 o C), but should not exceed 85 o F(29 o C).
If a sealer, curing compound, bond breaker, densifier/hardener, prior adhesive or other surface coating has been applied, it must be completely “ground” off by diamond grinding, shot blasting or scarifying. Whenever possible, grind a concrete subfloor to tolerance rather than fill. Sweep and vacuum substrate after grinding or scouring.
DO NOT use sweeping compounds
as most contain oils or waxes which will interfere with the flooring adhesive bond.
• Concrete substrates should NOT be glassy smooth and reflective. Concrete should have a minimum surface profile of CSP-3, similar to that of a broom finished concrete floor for MRA1585 to properly penetrate and bond.
Quality Portland cement-based filler should be used to patch substrate anomalies such as cracks, holes, voids, low spots, depressions, grooves and indentations. Do not fill or bridge concrete expansion joints. These joints must be carried through the flooring surface using an expansion joint covering system
Fully comply with the installation instructions of the patching/leveling products used.
Verify that the concrete substrate is flat to within 3/16" in 10 ft. (5mm per 3m). Grind and/or fill as necessary. The substrate must be free from cracks, holes, voids, ridges, projections and defects that can impair the performance or appearance of the finished floor.
If self-leveling underlayments are used, they must dry sufficiently (Run moisture tests) and dry hard (not dusty/powdery).
Self-leveling underlayments must have a compressive strength equal to or greater than 2000 psi.
• Gypsum-based self-leveling underlayments must be dry, “above-grade” installations where the gypsum has dried hard (not dusty/powdery), and the Gypsum has a compressive strength equal to or greater than 2000 psi.
Plywood Overlays
Good quality plywood, properly secured, makes an excellent subfloor.
When using plywood as an underlayment ¼” (6.4mm) or thicker APA-CDX grade plywood is recommended.
Follow underlayment manufacturer’s installation instructions for spacing and fastening. Do not intentionally leave spacing or gaps between panels. Gently butt panels together. Stagger plywood underlayment joints avoiding subfloor seams and leave ¼” (6.4mm) expansion space at all vertical obstructions. Ensure that all nail/staple/screw heads are set flush with or below surface. Sand high edges of plywood underlayment joints level.
• Verify that the plywood is clean, acclimated (24-48 hrs.) and dry. The reading on any wood moisture meter should be less than 12%.
Structural Suspended Plywood or AdvanTech T&G Subfloors
• Use 5/8" (16mm) or 3/4" (19mm) APA-CDX grade (or better) underlayment plywood when joists on center are 16” or less.
Use 3/4” (19mm) APA-CDX grade plywood or 23/32” AdvanTech when joists on center are 19.2” or less. Allow 1/8"-1/4" (3.2-
6.4mm) expansion space between sheets with staggered joints. When installing, leave 1/4" (6.4mm) minimum expansion
space at all vertical obstructions. Always install panels with long dimension perpendicular to supports.
Ensure that all nail/staple/screw heads are set flush with or below surface. Sand high edges of plywood joints level.
Verify that the plywood is clean, acclimated(24-48hrs.) and dry. The reading on a wood moisture meter should be less than 12%.
Existing Engineered Wood Flooring
Must be sanded smooth to remove varnish or urethane finish, high edges, chips, or other contaminants.
Must be clean, structurally sound, well bonded, flat to within 3/16" in 10 ft. (5mm per 3m), well nailed and/or glued, free of voids and with
joints that do not exceed 1/4" (6.4mm). Ensure that all nail heads are set flush with or below surface.
Install perpendicular to existing engineered wood flooring, whenever possible.
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Verify that the existing wood subfloor is dry. The reading on any wood moisture meter should be less than 12%.
1115 Vista Park Drive ● Suites C&D ● Forest, VA 24551-0289 ● 800.682.5698 ● 434.525.5252 ● www.nydreeflooring.com
Acoustical Underlayments
• Glued Down Eco-Silencer HD FOF is the preferred acoustical underlayment for all Essential Engineered Wood Flooring
(available @ www.nydreeflooring.com
). See separate installation instructions.
• Glued Down Cork Underlayment (AcoustiCORK, WECU Soundless, Bostik Natural Cork), Ecore-QTscu, Impacta ProBase
(92% post consumer recycled content) and Dura-son 3.5mm provides a suitable sound barrier for all Essential Engineered
Wood Flooring products. Glue down acoustical underlayment according to manufacturer’s installation instructions.
• If any Calcium Chloride test is equal/greater than 3 lbs. or any insitu relative humidity test is equal/greater than 75%, then
acoustical underlayment can not be used unless an approved moisture mitigation system is applied first. Koster VAP I 1200 is
highly recommended.
Radiant Heated Floors (Hydronic)
Essentials engineered hardwood may be installed over some radiant heat systems. The installer needs to be experienced and familiar with the precautions and requirements for installing engineered wood flooring over radiant heat for a successful installation. Refer to the current NWFA
Installation guidelines for installing wood flooring over radiant heated floors for additional information.
• If flooring materials that conduct heat at different rates are on the same circuit or heating zone, check with the HVAC mechanical engineer with regards to maximum surface heat temperatures.
Subfloor surface temperatures should not exceed 85 o F (29 o C).
A water-heated radiant heat system requires a pressure test to be performed by a plumber of system installer prior to beginning the
installation of the wood flooring to assure the system does not leak.
Perform necessary subfloor moisture testing and subfloor preparation.
To minimize the effects and trauma that rapid changes in temperature will have on the moisture content of wood flooring, the
installation of an outside thermostat is recommended.
Concrete subfloors (once dried) should have the radiant heat turned on, regardless of season, for five to six days to drive out residual
moisture before installing the wood flooring.
Reduce or turn off radiant heat system just prior to installation. Wait at least 3 days after the flooring installation to turn the radiant heat system back on. Start with the radiant heat on a low setting and incrementally increase the heat over a period of several days. Flooring and adhesive should never come in direct contact with heating tubes.
• Different systems and different geographical regions can lead to different heating requirements. It is therefore recommended that the flooring installer consults with the system installer prior to installation so proper settings and limitations can be discussed with the customer and/or building owner beforehand.
Terrazzo, Marble/Ceramic/Clay Tile and Epoxy Poured Floors
• Terrazzo, marble, ceramic tile, clay tile and epoxy poured floors provide a suitable surface provided they are flat and structurally firm
and dry. (Remove a piece of material to allow moisture tests to be run).
• Any waxes, sealers, or polishes present must be entirely removed by stripping, rinsing and scouring before installing finished flooring. NOTE: Scouring, screening or sanding, by itself, is NOT effective for wax removal. These surfaces must be stripped.
If surface is irregular, grind smooth and fill holes, chips, and seams (only as necessary).
Any glazed or very smooth surfaces should be scoured with 3 ½ (20 grit) open coat sandpaper.
Existing Vinyl Tile or Sheet Vinyl Floors
• Existing synthetic flooring, such as vinyl tile or sheet vinyl must be well bonded to the subfloor and show no signs of moisture. The
vinyl also must be stripped and abraded with a butyl-based stripper using a coarse (green or black) buffing pad. Stripping will remove
waxes, coatings and foreign materials. The green or black pad will abrade the surface and provide increased bond strength.
CAUTION! Do Not Sand, Scrape, Drill, Saw, or Beadblast Vinyl Asbestos Tile (VAT).
If the vinyl or tiles are loose, damaged or in poor condition, completely remove them and clean the vinyl adhesive from the subfloor.
If the vinyl can not be removed and the subfloor is concrete, shooting down 5/8" (16 mm) or 3/4" (19mm) APA-CDX grade plywood or
equivalent will provide an acceptable subfloor. If the subfloor is wood, 1/4” (6.4mm) CDX grade Underlayment plywood or thicker is
A. Snap a chalk line at plank width plus required expansion spacing off of wall. The required expansion spacing is 1/4” (6.4mm) per 12 lineal feet (3.7 meters) of flooring. Adjust line accordingly if wall is not square and straight in relation to the rest of the area.
Additionally, allow the required expansion space around the perimeter of the room and at all vertical obstructions.
B. Depending on concrete slab moisture content use the appropriate V-notched trowel. Spread adhesive either using a 3/16" x 5/32"
V-notched trowel, held at a 45 degree angle (15 lbs. or less, 85% in-situ RH or less) or a 1/4” x 3/16” V-notched trowel (>15 lbs. or >85% in-situ RH). All non-concrete based substrates, where moisture is not an issue, utilize the 3/16” x 5/32” V-notched trowel. 100% of the substrate must be covered with MRA1585 to protect against damage from subfloor moisture. Install flooring immediately into the “wet” adhesive. Do not allow adhesive to remain “open” more than 20 minutes. Do not let adhesive dry to the touch. Occasionally lift a piece of flooring to assure vapor retarding adhesive is achieving at least 85% transfer between the substrate and flooring. If not, use the larger 1/4”
C. x 3/16” V-notch trowel or patch/level the uneven subfloor. Spread adhesive only over surface that can be finished within cure time of adhesive.
Aligning carefully along the strike line, lay 3 pieces of flooring lengthwise in the first course. Begin the second course by cutting off the first piece to an appropriate length or utilize the random length pieces included in each box to establish random butt joint location. End joints should be staggered at least 6" (15cm).
Complete four courses by placing all pieces in the fresh adhesive. When placing a piece, lower the flooring into position as close to the adjacent plank as possible. Fit into place the remaining distance. Begin the next course by offsetting the butt joints. As described above, fit the ends tightly without gaps. Again, stagger the butt joint location when beginning the third and fourth course.
Take an 8 foot (2.5m) straight edge and check the alignment along the whole lay just completed. Tap the straight edge lightly with a hammer to adjust. It is not necessary to jam the flooring tightly. Use wood wedges (remove later) at walls to prevent shifting.
Keep trowel clean when not in use. This will prevent cured adhesive from plugging trowel notches. If trowel notches become clogged with adhesive or become worn, clean to allow proper coverage, replace trowel or install a new notched blade on Injecta-Notch trowel handle.
To keep Essentials Engineered Wood Flooring in place during installation, we suggest using removable wedges, tack down strips, flooring clamps or 3M #2080 Blue Adhesive Tape. WARNING!!! Do not let the 3M #2080 Blue Adhesive Tape on the flooring surface for any longer than 24 hours. Tape may leave a residue on the finish upon removal.
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1115 Vista Park Drive ● Suites C&D ● Forest, VA 24551-0289 ● 800.682.5698 ● 434.525.5252 ● www.nydreeflooring.com
H. It is extremely important to immediately remove excess adhesive while it is still fresh.
Use mineral spirits (low odor, no residue) and a clean, white, cotton cloth as the flooring is being installed or use Sentinel 922 Adhesive Remover Wipes. If solvents are used to facilitate partially cured mastic removal (under 24 hours), they must be wiped off surface promptly when mastic softens. Approved solvents to remove partially cured adhesive include Goof Off ® , mineral spirits, or equivalent. Do not use acetone, ketones, ethyl acetate, methylene chloride, or lacquer thinners to remove mastic as they will damage the flooring. A stiff plastic putty knife may be helpful to remove large globs of glue.
Many have found that a Mr. Clean ® Magic Eraser ® is helpful at removing partially cured or cured smudges. Cured adhesive (over 24 hours)
I. is almost impossible to remove. As a last resort, Oil Flo 141 available through Taylor Tools ( www.taylortools.com
) or a local distributor has been found to effectively dissolve cured MRA1585 adhesive.
Roll floor with 150 pound (70kg) roller (100 pound plus 50 pound attachment) 30 minutes after spreading adhesive, but not later than 60 minutes.
Be sure to roll in both directions (with plank grain and across grain). Make sure that the roller is clean and free of debris. Also make sure all adhesive is cleaned from the flooring surface prior to rolling. If there are concerns that the flooring is not in complete contact with the adhesive, weighting the floor while the adhesive cures is very effective.
Prior to stapling, it is mandatory to “dry lay” a portion of the initial course to verify proper layout and to visually inspect the flooring.
Verify that the flooring is the correct species, color, width, grain, finish (gloss level) and quality (fit) prior to installation. If there is any doubt, do not install the flooring. Contact Nydree Flooring immediately. Nydree Flooring cannot be responsible for installation of the wrong type of flooring or for installing obvious defects.
IMPORTANT: The installer is responsible for assuring that the pneumatic stapler is properly adjusted to the thickness of the Essentials flooring and is properly functioning. Fastener(s) MUST NOT be over driven to cause damage to the board such as nail dimples, chipping, broken or split tongues, peaking or create audible squeaks, crackling or popping sounds. Failure to properly seat fasteners can interfere with drawing the board edges together. Confirm that all installation equipment is functioning properly prior to starting the installation. Nydree is not responsible for damage due to incorrect use of fasteners or pneumatic nailers.
Nydree recommends using the Bostich ® EHF1838K, 18ga floor stapler when installing Essentials flooring in a nail down installation method over wood subflooring. Bostich 18ga 7/32” narrow crown finish staples in lengths from 1 ¼” to 1 ½” are recommended when affixing Essentials engineered wood flooring to wood subflooring with wood framing.
Bostich Staple Part Numbers:
SX50351-1/4G Leg Length: 1 ¼” SX50351-3/8G Leg Length: 1 ⅜ ” SX503511/2G Leg Length: 1 ½”
1” length Bostich SX50351G 18 ga 7/32” staple fasteners can be alternatively used when nailing Essentials flooring to a single wood subflooring system attached to concrete. When performing this installation method using 1” fasteners, space the fasteners 1-2” (3-5 cm) from each end and at 3-4” (8-10 cm) intervals.
CD Exposure 1 plywood and OSB Exposure 1 subfloor panels are appropriate subfloor materials (grade stamped US PS1-95). Solid board subfloors should be 1” x 6” (2.5 x 15 cm) nominal, Group 1 dense softwoods, #2 Common, Kiln-Dried. Minimum single layer panel subfloor thickness is 5/8” (15.9mm) plywood or 23/32” (18.3mm) OSB on 16” (40.6 cm) on center joists (APA Sturd-I-Floor stamped). The flooring must run perpendicular to the floor joists, or ½” (13mm) additional subfloor thickness is required. See NWFA Installation
Guidelines for information on other joist spacing and panel thickness requirements, engineered flooring systems, etc. Wood subfloor moisture content should be less than 12%.
Verify that the wood substrate is flat to within 3/16” in 10 ft. (5mm per 3m). Sand and/or fill as necessary. The substrate must be free from peaked subfloor panel edges, protruding fasteners, holes, voids, ridges, projections and other defects impairing performance or appearance.
A. Over the subfloor, install an approved vapor retarder. An acceptable vapor retarder is a vapor resistant material, membrane or covering with a vapor permeance (perm rating) of greater than or equal to 0.1 and less than or equal to 10 when tested in accordance with ASTM E-
96 Method. Nydree recommends using Fortifiber Aquabar ® “B” as the preferred vapor retarder. Follow the installation guidelines for the manufacturer of the vapor retarder being used.
Strike a chalk line at plank width plus 1/2” (13mm). This provides for a required 1/2” (13mm) expansion space. Adjust line accordingly if wall is not square and straight in relation to the rest of the area. Additionally, allow 1/2” (13mm) expansion space around the perimeter of the room and at all vertical obstructions. For all courses of flooring stagger the end butt joint location at least 6” (15 cm). End joints from one row should never line up with end joints from another row, unless a pattern is being laid.
Groove oriented to the wall, pre-drill and face nail ½” (13mm) from groove edge using 6d finish nails; 2” (5 cm) from the end and at
6” (15cm) intervals. Avoid using pneumatic nailers for face nailing as this may damage the factory finish and wood. Countersink heads and fill hole with matching putty stick or cover with base molding.
Pre-drill and blind nail at a 45 o angle directly above the tongue of the plank in the 1st and 2nd row, if necessary. (NOTE: The Bostich
EHF1838K Stapler is trigger activated and requires less space along walls when blind nailing as compared to mallet nailers. Always blind nail when possible). Blind nail 1-2" (3-5 cm) from each end and at 4-6" (10-15 cm) intervals. Countersink nails so groove engages properly with the next row.
For the balance, use Bostitch Stapler EHF1838K with staple recommended above.
Proper air pressure for correctly seating fasteners can vary from job to job and the installer must set air pressure, among other, to the optimal psi for the installation. Typical air supply to the stapler is 70-90 psi, but should be adjusted as needed. Use a few sacrificial planks to adjust the air so the crown of the fastener sets flush above the tongue of the engineered flooring. DO NOT over drive or under drive the installation fasteners. Carefully inspect as you install the flooring in good lighting to assure the flooring remains free of nailing damage including, but not limited to, nail dimples.
Install each plank with staples 1”-2” (3-5 cm) from each end and every 4 to 6 inches (10-15 cm) along the length . Failure to follow the
I. required fastening schedule can result in performance issues such as squeaks and gaps.
The last two rows will also need to be face nailed as described above.
Finished flooring must be protected from abuse by other trades. Use a recognized wood floor protective overlay such as Fortifiber
Fortiboard TM , or equivalent. Do not use plastic or poly. Make sure the floor has been cleaned thoroughly (swept, vacuumed and dust mopped) prior to protecting, so that the flooring surface will not be scratched by debris. If the floor is covered, consider covering the entire flooring installation, since some species are light-sensitive and uncovered areas may change color. When taping paper or sheets together, tape them to each other, not to the floor. Some flooring material (attic stock) should be set aside in case future repairs are needed.
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1115 Vista Park Drive ● Suites C&D ● Forest, VA 24551-0289 ● 800.682.5698 ● 434.525.5252 ● www.nydreeflooring.com
• Remove protective covering following completion of work by other trades. It is important to follow good housekeeping policies.
• Sweep, vacuum and dust mop flooring on a regular basis to keep unwanted particles from scratching the flooring surface.
• Place mats or throw rugs at doorway exteriors, interiors & pivot areas to help prevent the tracking and grinding of grit, dirt, sand and moisture into the finish. Dirt can be ground into the floor surface and scratch the finish. Excess moisture can damage the wood fiber.
Rugs and mats must be made of a breathable material and non-marking rubber to prevent moisture entrapment and finish
• discoloration.
Never use excessive amounts of water for cleaning. Never pour any cleaner directly onto flooring. Never wet mop with string type mop. Continually wet mopping a hardwood floor means the floor is continually expanding and shrinking. The resulting stresses and movement of the flooring can cause abnormal and unsightly checking and cracking.
• Never use wax, oil-based soap, multi-purpose cleaners, window cleaner, vinegar, furniture polish or other household cleaning detergents on Essentials Engineered Wood Flooring. Remember to wipe up spills immediately.
• Use fabric-faced glides or large (at least 2” in diameter), broad surfaced (at least ¾” in width), barrel-type, double wheel casters
(non-marking rubber or polyurethane) on chairs and furniture legs to prevent scratching, scuffing and other damage. Keep glides and casters clean by inspecting regularly to prevent scratching. Replace fabric-faced glides as needed.
• Keep in mind that high heels, cleats, and sports shoes can indent the floor surface.
• When moving heavy furniture, equipment, etc., use roller casters and be sure to protect the wood flooring with heavy cloth or cardboard.
• Keep HVAC systems set at 70 o F (21 o C) and 30-55% relative humidity. Use a humidifier in the winter months to keep all wood movement and shrinkage to a minimum.
• The suns UV rays and strong artificial lighting can discolor some hardwood flooring species over time. If possible, periodically rearrange rugs and furniture to allow for even aging of the flooring. Some species darken (Cherry) and some species will amber over time (Oak).
Maintenance Products – Pedestrian Urethane Finish
Bona Pro Series Hardwood Floor Cleaner
Nydree Flooring Dust Mop Treatment
Carefully follow the label directions of all maintenance and remedial products. Use only serviceable and clean equipment.
Maintenance Procedures – Pedestrian Urethane Finish
Routine, regular maintenance, daily if necessary, should include sweeping, vacuuming or dust mopping with Nydree Flooring Dust
Mop Treatment. Walking on a dusty or dirty floor is the fastest way to damage the finish.
Periodically clean the floor with Bona Pro Series Hardwood Floor Cleaner.
Small Installations
Lightly mist a small area and immediately wipe clean with microfiber cleaning pad. Replace microfiber cleaning pads whenever they become heavily soiled. Pads are machine washable.
Important Tip: To avoid redistributing dirt and contaminants back onto the floor, rinse microfiber cleaning pads periodically with clean water. THOROUGHLY wring out cleaning pads before using on the floor.
Large Installations
Pour Bona Pro Series Harwood Floor Cleaner into a bucket. Soak several large towels in the solution, making sure they are thoroughly wet. THOROUGHLY wring out the towels to remove excess moisture. Wrap a towel around a push broom and tack the floor. (Tacking means to clean until no dirt/dust is left on the floor or towel). To prevent redeposit of dirt and oil, refold towel using clean sides as needed. Pay special attention to corners. Repeat the procedure in each area of the floor until the entire floor has been cleaned.
Light Commercial Installations
– Option #1: With a 175 rpm floor buffer and a white polishing pad, LIGLTLY mist an 8’ x 8’ area with
Bona Pro Series Hardwood Floor Cleaner. Periodically replace the buffing pad as it becomes soiled. Do not allow the cleaner to dry before buffing. Option #2: Use Bona Power Scrubber or Autoscrubber using Bona Pro Series Hardwood Floor Cleaner or
Bona Deep Clean Solution. Make sure that the water setting is on low.
Spot Cleaning Apply cleaner to a clean cloth and scrub the area by hand.
To purchase all Essentials Flooring maintenance products and Bona products, contact your local sales representative, order maintenance materials from the website, www.nydreeflooring.com
or call Nydree Flooring Customer Service at 800.682.5698.
Clean Scrub ® is a registered trademark of Hillyard. 3M TM is a trademark of 3M Industries.
® & Magic Eraser ® are registered trademarks of Procter & Gamble.
Goof Off ® is a registered trademark of Guardsman Products, Incorporated.
AdvanTech ® is a registered trademark of Huber Engineered Wood, LLC.
Aquabar ® is a registered trademark and Fortiboard TM is a trademark of Fortifiber.
is a registered trademark of Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
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1115 Vista Park Drive ● Suites C&D ● Forest, VA 24551-0289 ● 800.682.5698 ● 434.525.5252 ● www.nydreeflooring.com

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