SEE YOUR JACOBSEN SERVICE DEALER This manual is an operating and service guide for the owner. We recommend that you read it carefully before operating your mower and that you follow the simple adjustments and maintenance listed. We do not recommend that you make major repairs beyond necessary adjustments and simple parts replace- ments required to keep your unit in good operating condition. For assistance in getting the most out of your unit, and for overhaul, winter or summer storage, tune-up, and repair service, we recommend your Authorized Jacobsen Dealer, who is prepared to help you, MODEL TESTED BY INDEPENDENT LABORATORY AYRE NA F-133 WITH HYDRAULIC LIFT OWNER'S MANUAL ACOBSEN, PRODUCT NO. 67666 1601 AND UP SERIAL NO. HOW TO ORDER REPAIR PARTS To eliminate error and speed delivery: 1. Write your NAME and ADDRESS on your order plainly. 2. Explain WHERE and HOW to make shipment. 3. Give PRODUCT NUMBER, NAME, and SERIAL NUMBER that is stamped on the NAME PLATE or SERIAL PLATE of your product. 4. Order by QUANTITY DESIRED, the PART NUM- BER, and the DESCRIPTION OF PART. ‘ 3. © Send your order to or visit your nearest JACOB- SEN DEALER, AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATION, or AUTHORIZED JACOBSEN SERVICE DISTRIB- UTOR as indicated in your SERVICE STATION DISTRIBUTOR'S DIRECTORY. INSPECT ALL SHIPMENTS ON RECEIPT. If any parts are damaged or missing, file a claim with the carrier before accepting. Do not return material to your nearest JACOB- SEN DEALER, AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATION, or AUTHORIZED JACOBSEN SERVICE DISTRIB- UTOR without a letter of explanation. Make a list of all returned parts, show your name and address, and include it with the shipment. TRAN- SPORTATION CHARGES MUST BE PREPAID. PERFORMANCE GUARANTY-COMMERCIAL AND TURF EQUIPMENT Jacobsen Manufacturing Company (hereinafter Jag¢bbsen) guarantees to the original retail purchaser of new and unused Jacobsen Commercial and Turf products that the same are free from defects in workmanship or materials that may cause perform- ance failure, subject to the conditions hereinafter stated. This guaranty is limited to a period cf 90 days. It is further limited to a period of 45 days if the pro- duct is used for rental purposes. Both periods are from the date of purchase. Replacement of any de- fective part, including labor, free of charge, f.o.b. В JACOBSEN ud TURF EQUIPMENT ® any Authorized Jacobsen Service Station, shall con- stitute compliance by Jacobsen with this guaranty. This guaranty does not apply to engines or other parts that are manufactured and guaranteed by the manufacturer thereof; nor does it apply with respect to any product or part (1) that has been'repaired other than by an Authorized Jacobsen Service Station, or (2) that has had original parts removed or other- wise altered without specific authorization before- hand by Jacobsen or (3) that has had placed upon or attached to it any part or productnot sold or approved by Jacobsen or (4) that has been damaged or improp- erly used, or not used in conformity with the applicable Jacobsen Owner's Manual for that pro- duct or (5) that has not been properly adjusted, lubricated or maintained by the user. This guaranty is in lieu of and excludes all other guaranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for purpose. Acceptance of a Jacobsen product constitutes an agreement that Jacobsen shall have no liability for any special or consequential damages. JACOBSEN MANUFACTURING COMPANY A Member Company of Allegheny Ludlum Industries RACINE, WISCONSIN 53403 Part No. 354459 FOREWORD This manual contains operating, maintenance, adjust- ment instructions and parts list for your Jacobsen F-133. Before you operate your F-133, it will be helpful to read this manual carefully in its entirety. By following the operating and maintenance instruc- tions, you will prolong the life of your mower and maintain its maximum efficiency. If additional information is needed or should you require trained mechanic service, contact your fran- chised Jacobsen Turf Equipment Distributor. All Jacobsen Turf Equipment Distributors are kept informed of the latest methods of servicing and are equipped to provide prompt and efficient service in the field or at their service stations. They carry ample stocks of Jacobsen service parts or can secure ‘BE CAREFUL 1. KEEP ALL SHIELDS IN PLACE. 2. STOP MACHINE TO ADJUST AND OIL. 3. WHEN MECHANISM BECOMES CLOGGED, ! DISENGAGE POWER BEFORE CLEANING. 4. KEEPHANDS, FEETAND CLOTHING AWAY FROM POWER-DRIVEN PARTS. 5. KEEP OFF IMPLEMENT UNLESS SEAT OR PLATFORM 1S PROVIDED. KEEP OTHERS OFF. them promptly for you from the factory. O All Jacobsen parts are thoroughly tested and inspect- ed before leaving the factory, however, some attention is required on your part. The amount of attention is slight but important if you are to obtain the fullest measure of satisfaction and performance. .When ordering parts, always give the serial number and model of your F-133, as well as the quantity, part number and description of the parts needed. The serial number plate is located on the left side of the frame behind the engine; we suggest you record this number below for ready reference. | Serial No. F-133 PRINTED IN USA. CONTENTS Page Page Forward 2222121410 LL AL 2 Steering Gear and Front Axle ......... 27 Preparing for Operation .............. 3 Chain, Clutch and Gear Housing ....... 29 Controls ............ 0... 0... ..... 3 Hydro Static Transaxle and Drive Assembly 31 Operating Instructions ............... 5 Brake, Clutch and Drive Levers ....... 33 Adjustment Instructions .............. 8 Oil Cooler .. 442020 4 4 4 4 0 0 4 0 0 40 6 34 General .‚...................... 8 Mower Lift Arm and Mounting Assembly . 35 Tractor ..............0 0... .... 8 Mower Drive Assembly ............. 37 Можете... ..................,. 11 Slip Clutch Assembly .............. 38 Maintenance ....... ove vv vv in. 16 L.H. & R.H. Front Mower, Right Angle General .............0 0.0.0... '... 16 Сеаг Вох... ................... 39 Procedure ...................... 16 Gear Box, Center Reel Drive ......... 40 Assembly & Disassembly ............ 16 Gear Box, R.H. Front Mower Drive .. ... 41 Painting .................. aan 16 Left Front Mower .....ñ.o..ooccoosro 43 Chains .......... 0... 16 Right Front Mower ................ 45 Floorboard Removal ............... 16 Center Mower .....Q.ocsoroodocdcooeo 47 Sharpening Reels ................. 16 Left Wing Mower ......... Ce ee ee. 49 After Operation Instructions . ......... 17 Right Wing Mower ................ 51 Storage .....ooecererorecooorocona 17 Transaxle Assembly ..... 1 00 0 0 01000 53 General Service Notes . . ............ 17 Steering Gear Assembly ............ 54 Specifications ..................... 19 Disc Brake Assembly .............. 55 Accessories ......Q.ooceacorecooooo. 19 Drive Shaft Assembly .............. 56 Lubrication Charts and Diagrams ........ 20 Wiring Diagram ......... vu ves v nna. 97 Seat Assembly. . .................. 58 Hydraulic Lines and Hoses ........... 59 Parts List Hydraulic Valve ............. Cee ea. 60 Frame Assembly ................. 25 Hydro Static Transmission ........... 61 Control Valve and Lever Assembly... . . 26 Set Up Instructions ................. 62 Instrument Panel ................. 26 OPEI Safe Operation Practices ......... 64 PREPARING FOR OPERATION The terms Left and Right as used in this manual, refers to the left and right side of the machine when sitting in the operator's seat. O: receiving your F-133 we suggest the following tems be especially checked after you have thor- oughly checked your machine for any shipping damage. Report any missing parts to your dealer. If shipping damage is involved report this to the carrier imme- diately. Fuel Tank Fill the tank with a good quality, clean, regular grade gasoline; 90 octane minimum. Do NOT use an oil gasoline mixture. GASOLINE Non-leaded gasoline fuels now being marketed by major oil companies are suitable for use in all engines on Jacobsen Mfg. Co., products, provided that octane rating is 90 or higher. Non-leaded gasoline gives the same top perform- ance and the same fuel economy as leaded gasoline, and does promote longer life and minimizes plug fouling. NOTE Do NOT refuel tractor with engine running or while engine is hot. Vapors from fuel, or fuel coming in contact with engine may cause a fire or an explosion. Do NOT refuel tank while smoking or near an open flame. When filling tank keep hose and nozzle or fuel can and funnel in contact with metal of tank to prevent the possibility of fire or explosion caused by static electricity. Keep fire and intense heat away from fuel storage area as the surrounding air contains highly explosive vapors. Battery The battery carrier bracket is on the floor to the left of the driver seat. Install battery (See SPEC- IFICATIONS section for proper type and description) into bracket and secure with hardware furnished. NOTE Keep fire, open flames, or electrical sparks away from storage battery, as a battery after receiving a long charge, gives off highly in- flamable vapors. Attach cables to battery, making sure they do not come in contact with main frame or any sharp edges which may cause cable insulation wear, and cable to short out. NOTE The ground cable (BLACK) must be attached to the negative terminal ( - ). Incorrect cable installation will burn out diodes in the alter- nator. | Engine Check oil level in crankcase. It should be filled to the "Full" mark on the dip stick. Read the engine manual provided carefully before operating the engine. PRES MT EA E DN EE SRT, € о ome Leve а о Goon В SAFETY DIRECTION | CONTROL LEVER IGNITION SWITCH AND KEY mn. Foon oem op | OIL PRESSUR ha, INDICATOR Tires Check tires for proper inflation. See Tire Specifica- tions (Page 17) for proper pressure. CAUTION If weights or accessories are added to the standard machine, tires should be changed to 4-ply or use the dual wheel kit. CONTROLS (See Figs. 1 & 2) Transaxle Shift Lever The transaxle shift lever is located on the floorboard to the left of the steering column. Low range is to the left. Use this range for mowing purposes (0-6 M.P.H.). For transport purposes (0-15 M.P.H.) shift lever should be in high range or moved to the right. Use neutral (center) to move tractor with engine turned off or for towing. NOTE During acceleration it is normal for hydro- static transmissions to operate at a higher noise level than at steady speed. The noise level can be reduced by decreasing engine speed be- fore starting forward travel. Increase engine speed after hydrostatic treadle controlhas been depressed. S CAUTION | Do NOT shift transaxle while tractor is in motion, or with treadle depressed in either direction. DO NOT MOW IN HIGH RANGE. Do NOT use tractor for towing unapproved im- plements. Ignition Switch Located ahead of and to the right of the steering column, insert the key into the dash, turn key to the right as far as possible to start engine. As soon as engine starts, release the key. Do NOT have treadle depressed in either direction when starting engine. Oil Pressure Indicator Light ; Located to the right of the ignition switch. Light will glow red to show low oil pressure. Light should glow when ignition switch is turned on and go off after engine starts. STOP ENGINE IMMEDIATELY IF LIGHT COMES ON. Do NOT restart engine until cause of low oil pressure has been corrected. Tractor Speed Check Miles per Hour or Kilometers per Hour can be determined as follows: Place a chalk mark on trac- tion tire to count tire R.P.M. We suggest an observer count number -of R.P.M. in a 15 second period. The M.P.H. count in 15 seconds are as follows: 2 M.P.H. (3.2 Kilometers per Hour) - 8 counts 3 M.P.H. (4.8 Kilometers per Hour) - 12 counts 4 M.P.H. (6.4 Kilometers per Hour) - 16 counts 5 M.P.H. (8.0 Kilometers per Hour) - 20 counts Ammeter Located ahead of and to the right of ignition switch. It indicates the rate of battery charge or discharge. When possible maintain sufficient engine "speed to prevent an unnecessary drain on the battery. The F-133 is equipped with a solid state alternator. Throttle Control The throttle control is located on the control panel to the right of the steering column. The throttle control knob sets the speed of the engine. (For proper throttle settings, see Operating Instructions). Choke Control The choke control is located on the control panel to the left of the steering column. When starting a cold = еек стоп | = — —.. . engine, move the lever forward to close the choke. After the engine starts, pull the choke about 1 /2 way back to partially open it. When engine is property (ll warmed, pull the lever all the way back to open choke for normal operation. A warm engine usually needs less choke to start. Hour Meter Located ahead of and tothe leff of the steering column. It shows the number of hours the tractor has operated and should be used as a guide to determine when maintenance is needed. (See Lubrication Charts for servicing information). Safety Direction Control Located to the right of the throttle. It is designed to prevent accidental shifting between forward and re- verse while the tractor is moving. To go forward, the lever must be moved to the forward position, the lever must be pulled back to go in reverse. STEERING Nr COLUMN TRANSAXLE NN SHIFT LEVER SU PARKING => BRAKE y LEVER REEL CLUTCH | HANDLE 5 = uE Figure 2. Brakes The brake pedal is located on the floorboard to the left “of the treadle. Depress the brake slowly; ex- treme pressure is not required as the hydro will automatically return to neutral when pressure is re- moved from the treadle. Parking Brake The parking brake lever is located on the floor- board to the left of the reel clutch lever. To set parking brake fully depress the service brake pedal arking brake push down on the service brake pedal O: push the parking brake forward. To release the nd the parking brake will release itself automatically. Reel Clutch ‚ The reel clutch lever is located onthe floorboard to the right-front of the drivers seat. When clutch is dis- engaged reel clutch handle should be pulled to the rear; engine will start in this position only. To en- % - Ba ES Figure 3. gage press button on handle and push lever completely forward and lock in position. ? CAUTION $ Do NOT engage reel clutch with reel mowers up. Speed Control Treadle The speed control treadle is located on the floorboard to the right of the steering column. The foot treadle operates the forward and reverse direction of the machine. By pushing the pedal down the speed is increased, to back the tractor up, push down on the bar attached to the bottom of the treadle. Remember to shift the safety direction control in direction you intend to move before using treadle. $ CAUTION | Do NOT attempt to stop the machine by plac- ing the treadle in the reverse position when moving forward. This may cause damage to hydro-static transmission. Use the foot brake on steep hills or if emergency stopping be- comes necessary. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS After checking the items previously listed, the follow- ing instructions should be carefully read in order to get acquainted with the Jacobsen F-133. Ignition Switch and Key Insert the key into the ignition switch. Turn the key 90° to the right to turn ignition on and start the en- gine. As soon as the engine starts, release the key. ? CAUTION | The engine will not start unless the shift lever is in neutral and the reel clutch is in the disengaged position. Do not depress the treadle in either direction. NOTE Do NOT leave the ignition switch on for any length of time without starting the engine, this could cause damage to the ignition sys- tem. Do NOT keep starter motor energized after the engine has started. When tractor is not in use, or if tractor is left unattended, turn engine "OFF" and remove the key from the ignition switch. MOWER LIFT CONTROL LEVER (Fig. 4) Your F-133 is equipped with a hydraulic mower lift system. All mowers can easily be raised or lowered - by means of one control lever. To lower mowers push control lever forward, hold momentarily, then release. Mowers will "float" into the mowing position. To raise mowers, pull control lever back and hold lever until mowers are in the transport position. The mowers will hydraulically lock into transport position. The hydraulic system is equipped with a lock-out preventing the mowers from being accidentally lowered when engine is off. An interlock on the reel clutch handle prevents the reels from being engaged when the mowers are in the trans- port position. An interlock on the hydraulic lift lever prevents raising of the mowers when reels are engaged. § CAUTION | Do NOT attempt to override interlocks by force. This may cause excessive damage to the reel drives. “€ : stef, | Figure 4. NOTE The reel clutch must be disengaged when starting the engine. CAUTION | Do NOT attempt to clear obstructions from mower by engaging clutch with engine running. Shut off engine, disengage clutch and free mower of obstruction manually. Clutch must be dis- engaged when starting engine. Use of engine and clutch to clear obstructions will damage the clutch and the entire mower drive line. Treadle Foot Control The variable forward and reverse speed is controlled by the foot treadle. The treadle is spring loaded to return to the neutral position when all foot pressure is released. - Forward Operation With the engine running, move the safety direction control to forward, press the top of the treadle down slowly. As the treadle moves down the speed of the machine increases, and by releasing foot pressure the speed of the machine decreases. When foot pressure is released .the foot treadle returns auto- matically to the neutral position and the machine comes to a stop. When operating down small or moderate hills, the mower will not "run away"; drag from the engine will brake the mower and maintain the desired speed. When operating down steep hills use the brake pedal to maintain desired speed. NOTE Whenever traveling at a fast forward speed and a steep hill or heavy rough cutting requiring maximum power is encountered, let up on treadle, drop back to a slow or medium speed. Be sure the throttle is wide open. The F-133 has its greatest traction power at a low forward speed with the throttle wide open (the engine at its maximum power output). Reverse Operation Move the safety direction control to reverse, push down on the curved bar attached to the treadle to back the mower up. When the foot pressure is re- leased, the treadle goes into the neutral position and the mower comes to a stop. For moving up Steep slopes in reverse, full engine throttle may be used. SAFETY FIRST Whenever tractor engine is started, operator must be in tractor seat, transaxle shift in NEUTRAL position, parking brake ENGAGED, and reel clutch handle in OFF position. Under no circumstances should the engine be started with operator standing next to the tractor. Parking brakes should always be applied when the tractor is stationary. DA A, | HAIRPIN COTTER 7 EE BRACKET ON CENTER MOWER $ CAUTION : shift transaxle while tractor is in Do NOT motion. ALWAYS shut off engine and disengage clutch before dismounting from machine or permitting anyone to Work on or near the machine. DO NOT engage reel clutch with mowers in trans- port position, or raise mowers into the air with reels running. Machine must not be operated with wing mowers raised over 30° with reel clutch engaged. THROTTLE SPEEDS It is recommended that all cutting of grass be done with throttle lever in the full throttle position. If cutting conditions permit, tractor may be operated from 3/4 to full throttle. Do not operate at less than 3/4 throttle. Use foot treadle to. regulate the speed of the tractor. Procedure for Converting to 3-Gang Mowing (Fig. 5 € 6) L. Start engine. Lower mowers to the ground. Turn engine off. BE SURE ENGINE IS OFF BEFORE PERFORMING THE FOLLOWING STEPS. 2. Remove the hairpin cotter and clevis pin from the outboard end of the mower lift yokes. Attach lift yokes to brackets on center mower, securing in place with clevis pin and hairpin cotter previously removed. 3. Disconnect the wing mower drive shafts from the end of the center reel drive shaft. For ROCK- WELL joints, twist the collar of the disconnect yoke (it will turn in one direction only). For NEAPCO joints, pull the locking collar. Stow joints on stow pins. 4. Start engine. Move control lever rearward and raise mowers to the transport position. Turn engine off. BE SURE ENGINE IS OFF BEFORE PERFORMING THE FOLLOWING STEP. 5. Remove hairpin cotters from studs onwing mower arms. Slide latches over studs and reinsert hair- pin cotters into studs. VALVE SAFETY LOCK ADJUSTMENTS (Fig. 7) Lower mowers to mowing position. Turn engine off. Adjustments. are made with the yoke (See Fig. 7). Check adjustments as follows: Remove control rod spring, switch actuating spring, and clevis pin. Turn yoke either clockwise or counter- 1. Start engine and lower mowers to cutting position. clockwise (lengthen or shorten the lower lockout rod), 9. Move reel clutch handle to "engaged' position so to bring lift lever into the "neutral" position. Connect o reels run. yoke with cotter and clevis pin again. Rerun the ad- 3. Try to move the lift lever to raise the mowers. justment check as described in steps 1, 2, and 3. The approximate lower lockout rod length is shown Adjustment is correct if mowers do not raise when in Fig. 7. lift lever is pushed against interlock stop. ANTI HIGH RANGE MO O WING CUT-OFF SWITCH Adjustment is required if mowers start to raise. (Fig. 8) fn LA - A Mower er YOKE To adjust the high range cut-off switch, loosen and > . proceed as follows: у \ © 7 1. With clutch handle in "OFF" position, slide the © AA TO switch forward until all free play is removed from the spring. 2. When the adjustment has been made, tighten the < | \ AY switch securely. N LS NOTE: If the valve safety lock has been adjusted, MAN check the switch for proper action of the spring. ZN 7 e Loc a fo lows to check for proper operation: à À . Mount the tractor. YOKE ATTACHED TO STOW PIN | vo 2. Start. Figure 6. 3. Lower the reels. L CAUTION { | . 4. Move the shifter lever to high range. O I mowers start to raise, do not raise them 5. Engage the clutch handle to operate reels. J to full transport position with reels operat- ing. CONTROL LEVER — ADJUSTING SLOT IN LOCKOUT ARM & MOUNTING BRACKET SHAFT ASSEMBLY SWITCH REMOVED TO SHOW SLOT и , Figure 8. ÉS cLEVIS PIN VTT SWITCH ae YOKE 65, To 6%," HIGH CONTACT CONTROL > ( 5 RANGE PINS ROD Og E .~ACTUATING SWITCH <— SHIFTER SPRING 7 “SPRING | LEVER SAFETY” C AE _ | SWITCH BY 7 O “CLUTCH HANDLE LOWER LOCKOUT ROD NE RAL SHAFT ASSEMBLY | switch Figure 7. ) : Figure 9. 6. Engine should stop running. 7. If not, recheck the switch. Also check the neutral start switch (See Fig. 9). MOWING OPERATION On arrival at the turf area to be cut, lower the mowers to the cutting position. Check the turf area for debris that would cause damage to the reels. Never operate the mowers when they are not cutting grass, as the excessive friction and heat will de- velop between the bed-knife and reel, which will result in binding and damage to the cutting edge of the two parts. Plan your cutting pattern to avoid any unnecessary stops, turns, and reversals. In cutting large areas, the most satisfactory method is to first cut the outer area and then mow clockwise toward the center. The next time you cut, it is ad- vised that you mow in a counter-clockwise direction in order to eliminate any matting of the grass. Operate at speeds at which you have control of tractor and can stop or maneuver safely in case of an emergency. Cutting speeds are governed by con- dition of turf, type of terrain, and obstacles to be encountered. There is no set speed, for only with experience can an operator determine the proper speed to fit various cutting conditions. Operate tractor at slow speeds in areas that require fast and extreme turns. For any, except moderate turns, tractor should be slowed down. NOTE Control the ground speed of the tractor by use of the foot treadle. Leave throttle set at one position. Do NOT operate at less than 3/4 throttle. MOWER BOUNCE If conditions of terrain cause mowers to bounce or float, try operating at a slower speed (3 to 3-1/2 MPH), if this is not successful, increase the mower weight on the ground by decreasing spring tension (See Mower Lift Springs inthe ADJUSTMENT section). NOTE Be sure to maintain proper balance on center mower. FREQUENCY OF CUT (Approx.) The F-133 has available a high speed reel sprocket accessory giving a higher frequency of cut. The figures below are based on operating at full throttle. Standard High Speed Sprockets Sprockets Full Treadle. . . 1.62 1.3 3/4 Treadie... 1.21 1.0 0.7 1/2 Treadle... 0.81 To obtain maximum mower life, operator must use discretion when mowing near gravel areas (roadway, parking areas, cart paths, etc.). By operating too close, or over-lapping gravel areas, stones are picked up by mower and forced between bedknife and reel causing wear and possible damage to mower. - SIDEHILL OPERATION AND HILL CLIMBING It is important when cutting on hilly terrain that the tractor is properly prepared. Correct tire pressure is essential for maximum traction and sidehill hold- ing Operator must use good judgment when operating O on sidehills. He must consider the percent of slope and the condition of the turf (wet, firm, density, etc.). If tractor tends to slide while operating on an extreme sidehill, change the angle of the tractor by turning slightly until traction is regained. When climbing an extreme grade and tires begin to "mark" the turf, grade is too steep for safe opera- tion. Angle tractor to a less steep grade until tire marking stops. The percent of grade that the tractor ~ Will climb will vary with turf conditions. Crossing Curbs To assure clearance for the center mower, Cross curbs at approximately a 45° angle (crossing head- on either up or down may cause damage to the center mower). ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL Efficient and trouble-free performance cannot be obtained from your F-133 unless the parts are properly adjusted and lubricated. If proper adjust- ment cannot be made, check for rust, dirt, or worn parts. FOR ENGINE ADJUSTMENT REFER TO ENGINE MANUAL. ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS - TRACTOR Drive Wheel Bolts Torque 40 to 50 foot lbs. Retorque after 20 hours use. S CAUTION | Stop engine before making adjustments to tractor or mowers. STEERING GEAR ADJUSTMENT When making an adjustment, free the steering gear of O all load, preferably by disconnecting the lever assem- bly, and loosen the bracket clamp on the steering gear housing assembly. ок 102 #55 T + Figure 10A. If the ball thrust bearings (Ref. 6, Illus. 21) on the ‘cam (Ref. 7) must be adjusted, make the adjustment before making any backlash adjustments. | ADJUSTMENT OF BALL THRUST BEARINGS ON CAM Before making this adjustment, loosen the two jam nuts (Ref. 1, Illus. 21), about two turns, to free the taper stud in the cam groove. Using a "wide blade" screw driver, carefully turn (clockwise) the adjustable plug (Ref. 9) in the bottom “end of the housing to 7-12 Ft. Lbs. torque. Drill a 9/64 dia. hole (from inside to outside) through hous- ing, using slot in end plug (Ref. 9) as a guide. Insert cotter pin (Ref. 10). NOTE Cotter pin hole should be drilled in top or bottom quadrants to eliminate interference. STEERING GEAR BACKLASH See Figures 10A & 10B for reference numbers used in the following: First, turn the steering wheel in either direction to the end of its travel. Loosen locknut on adjusting screw (Ref. A), then turn adjusting screw clockwise to reduce the amount of backlash to 1/4 to 1/2 inches, to be measured at the rim of the steering wheel. Retighten locknut (A) and turn the steering wheel from stop to stop and check to see if any bind- ing occurs. If necessary, readjust to increase the backlash. To adjust to take up backlash, slide a 0.100" thick spacer between lever assembly and housing face. - Tighten the jam nut (Ref. 1) until space is tight. Loosen nut just enough to remove the spacer. Assemble other jam nut (Ref. 1) and tighten to 40 Ft. Lbs. torque. Next, loosen lock nut (Ref. 12) on taper stud (Ref. 13). With gear in straight-ahead position, turn stud clockwise until adjustment is correct. Hold stud from turning and tighten lock nut to 40 Ft. Lbs. torque. Give gear final test by turn- ing through full range of travel. Secure the gear at all points loosened priorto making the adjustment. Also check tightness of mounting bolts and nuts. With all supporting brackets clamped tight, turn steering wheel to see if any stiffness exists. If so, the column is probably out of alignment and needs correcting. COLUMN ALIGNMENT THE STEERING COLUMN MUST NOT BE SPRUNG IN ANY DIRECTION FROM ITS FREE POSITION. To determine whether misalignment exists, release upper column bracket and note whether the column moves to a different position. If it does, it has been out of line and should be reclamped in the new posi- tion or the condition corrected by other methods . provided by the manufacturer. a] If the column has been permanently bent be- cause of severe misalignment, the above test may not be reliable, and replacement will be necessary. 1/4" to 1/2" FREE PLAY Figure 10B. SEAT ADJUSTMENT REEL CLUTCH The clutch rod should be adjusted to allow approx- This seat allows the operator to adjust seat for firm- imately 2" free travel when moving clutch handle ness of ride and also move the seat forward or back. (See Fig. 11). from the engaged toward the disengaged position. When handle is in the disengaged position, the clutch To vary the firmness of the seat, push seat forward should be fully disengaged (See Fig. 12A and 12B), and up to disengage clevis (1) from notch in upper | | arm (2). Pivot spring (3) forward or back, lining up REEL CLUTCH SAFETY SWITCH clevis with one of four notches in upper arm. (The rear most notch gives the firmest ride). Lower seat and engage clevis in notch in upper arm. The safety switch (moved into slotted holes) is to be -adjusted to allow the engine to start with the clutch handle in a fully disengaged position to 1-1/2 inches The seat can easily be moved forward or back by forward. Engine should not start with handle more removing seat from mounting bar and relocating seat than 1-1/2 inches forward of the disengaged position mounting Aa one of the front three holes in the (See Fig. 124), mounting bar (4). After seat has been repositioned make certain that seat is securely fastened to seat THROTTLE CONTROL mounting bar. | To prevent movement of throttle control due to vibration, friction can be increased by tightening the control lever pivot screw. CLUTCH HANDL £ FOR SAFETY SWITCH une NE Lo AL тив EL 1 O ENGAGED- RANGE | TX / "ENGINE SHOULD Note | \e—" NOT START Position of | - Angle on Seat КУ 4 \Suspension Assem. CLUTCH ARM Do not Use this e Hole ADJUSTING RN eR BR BR Ra Te Rae, o RO) a E A 5% В ne Ra wr + e м. DISENGAGED-—=# $ BAR Figure 11. WHEEL ALIGNMENT Turning Radius - Fixed Stops - No adjustments re- quired. * Turn the wheels to the straight ahead position and adjust the tie rod so that the wheels toe in 1/8". Turn the steering wheel until the pitman arm is vertical. Torque to 90 to 120 ft. lbs. Install clamp bolt with the nut towards the front of the tractor. Adjust ball joints on the steering link so the studs the steering arm. NOTE When adjusting tie rod and steering link, adjust both ball joints so that exposed threads on each end are about equal. Assemble steering wheel to column with spokes in a horizontal position, with wheels pointing straight ahead. 10 BRAKE PEDAL FREE TRAVEL Adjust brake rod to allow 3/4' to 1" free travel in brake pedal (See Fig.13A& 13B). Turn adjusting nut clockwise for brake lining wear, and foot pedal free The adjusting nut is easily accessible from O: he right-hand side. — — 5 BRAKE A 7 FREE TRAVEL 3 704 BRAKE ASSEM. BRAKE ROD „5 ADJUSTING un NUT Figure 13A & 13B. TREADLE NEUTRAL ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. 14A € 14B) Place the aluminum -painted spring (A) from bracket on L.H. side of frame to hydro actuating arm (B), place black-painted spring (C) and bolt (D) from arm to bracket on R.H. side of frame. Adjust bolt (D) until arm (B) is parallel to tractor centerline, which should be O: neutral position. With the drive wheels elevated start the engine (run at idle speed) place shift lever in drive position, adjust bolt (D) to center hydro actuat- ing arm midway between forward wheel "creep"' and reverse wheel "creep". Adjust link (E) to make arm (F) approximately 90° to the frame (vertical). SAFETY DIRECTION CONTROL ADJUSTMENT The treadle neutral adjustment should be completed before adjusting the safety direction control. With the treadle in neutral adjust the lower rod (A) to make the end of rod (B) touch (lightly) the front edge of the slot in bracket (C) with the handle (D) in the forward position. FRAME - LEFT SIDE A 4 WASHERS 0 ç TO TREADLE HEX NUT & © LOCKWA SHER [ —-CENTERLOCK С D NUT FRAME-RIGHT SIDE" B | 90° Figure 14A & 148. 1 With handle (D) in the reverse position a slight amount of creep forward is acceptable when treadle is de- pressed for forward motion. With handle (D) in forward position, a definite neutral must be apparent (no creep forward with treadle in neutral), See Fig. 15. ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS - MOW ERS X SPRING ADJUSTMENTS The installation of the cooler on the Hydraulic Lift machine will require a readjustment of the mower lift and balance springs. Proceed as follows: 1. Mower Lift Springs, Front and Wing Units - Place a bathroom scale or one of similar type "under center of mower and adjust springs so that scales read the following values in pounds: Mower Mower with Mower with only skid shoes rollers 65-70 75-80 95-100 2. Mower Lift and Balance Springs, Center Unit - Place a bathroom scale or one of similar type under each end of mower. Adjust the balance . spring so that the right hand side reads 5 to 10 pounds more than the left hand side. Adjust the mower lift spring so that the total of the right hand and left hand scales read the following values in pounds: | Mower Mower with Mower with only skid shoes rollers 65-70 75-80 95-100 9 р В Figure 15. CENTER MOWER LIFT BRACKETS (Figs. 16A & 16B) With adjusting bolt, adjust lift brackets equally on both the right and left hand side wing mowers so that the center mower frame is within 1/16" to 1/8" of stops on the tractor frame with the wing mowers in the latched transport position (See Figs. 16A & 16B). BRACKET T0 CENTER MOWER CENTER MUST COME TO MOWER 1/16"- 1/8" OF STOPS ON FRAME IN TRANSPORT POSITION Figure 16A. CENTER MOWER LIFT (3-Gang Operation) With the lift yokes disconnected from the wing mowers raise the center mower with the lift handle. The mow- er should be about 1/16" to 1/8" from the stops on the tractor frame. Adjust the "U" bolt, which attaches the chain to the lift arm, to bring mower to the pro- per position. FRONT AND CENTER MOWER LIFT ARM STABILIZING ROLLERS Adjust rollers to lightly touch the plates onthe mower lift arms. To adjust, loosen the hex head cap screw and turn the roller spacers (spacers are of an eccen- tric design). | SLIP CLUTCH ASSEMBLIES Note 1 To check a slip clutch assembly, lock reel drive shaft (See Fig. 22 for area in which to lock shaft) with vise grips or a pipe wrench. Insert a wood 2x4 under reel blade and over reel shaft (See Fig. 174A). Use a spring scale attached to 2 x 4 at 3'-0". Lift up slowly until reel turns. Check front and wing mowers separately. Spring scale should read from 40 to 50 lbs. Remove locking wrench from reel drive shaft. Note 2 To adjust - Tighten nut until torque is obtained. - NOTE If clutch discs become glazed, use a coarse sandpaper to roughen the surface and extend the disc life. 12 BRACKET TO WING MOWER ADJUSTING NUTS CENTER MOWER MUST| — 89” COME TO 1/16" - o a 1/8" QF STOPS ON * FRAME IN TRANSPORT| | BRACKET 0 POSITION CENTER MOWER ~~~ Figure 16B. — 3-0" O O) “e L-REEL BLADE REEL SHAFT | Figure 17A. MOWER INTERLOCK ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. a Place a 2-3/4" block under the bedknife of the center mower, adjust the interlock spring rodnut (A)to raise or lower arm (B) to allow bolt (C) to just clear the bottom of the clutch handle (D) as the handle is moved from the disengaged to engaged position. Then adjust bolt (C) to have approximately 1/16" clearance as arm (B) is raised past the corner of the clutch handle (D), when clutch handle is in disengaged position. RE =о› - — 2 34 BLOCK 0 Figure 178. NEUTRAL START SWITCH The neutral start switch, located next to the trans- mission shift lever bracket, is adjustable by moving the bracket (holes are slotted). Move the switch towards the shifter bracket until the engine will start in neutral and the shift lever can be moved from high to low with no difficulty. CHAIN ADJUSTMENT Chain sprockets must be in line. To align them correctly place a straight edge across the face of the sprockets, make sure that the straight edge is flat across the face of the sprockets. { CAUTION | Tighten chain when deflection is greater than 5/8". Loose chain may damage the drive components. LEFT SIDE GEAR BOX RIGHT SIDE ADJUSTING CHAIN GEAR BOX BRACKET. ADJUSTING 7 BRACKET o e. ; ; 0 | || 6 LEFT SIDE | = RIGHT SIDE GEAR BOX ; "ПР GEAR BOX Figure 18. Rear Reel Chain: There should be about 1/4 deflec- tion in the chain when a 5 Ib. load is applied at the center of the chain. „ Front Reel Chain: There should be about 1/4 de- flection in the chain when a 5 Ib. load is applied at the center of the chain. Adjust the left hand, then the right hand side bracket so that dimensions "A" and "B" are approximately equal. It is important that the couplings do NOT bind on cross shaft or gear box shaft (See Fig. 18). 13 Center Mower Chain: There should be about 1/4 de- flection in the chain when a 5 Ib. load is applied to the center of the chain. The chain'is adjusted by four nuts on two bolts at the rear of the gear box. Nuts on both bolts must be adjusted equally to prevent misalignment of the chain and the sprocket (See Fig's 19A € 19B). ADJUSTING Figure 19A. Figure 19B. REEL AND BEDKNIFE Reels can be adjusted and backlapped if required, so that all reel blades will cut one thickness of news- print paper cleanly across the full length of the bed- knife. Paper is to be held approximately 90° to the bottom surface of the bedknife. (Refer to Maintenance section for lapping instructions). Reel blades must NOT contact bedknife abruptly at any point on all the blades. BEFORE MAKING ANY ADJUSTMENTS ON REELS AND WHEN REMOVING FOREIGN MATTER, DISENGAGE MAIN CLUTCH LEVER, AND STOP ENGINE. It is possible to check the reels for paper cutting without disconnecting the reel drive line. There is enough slack in the chains, etc. to permit rocking the reels back and forth while cutting paper. The mower drive line may be disconnected, if desired, for easy checking and adjusting of reels. Disconnect rear coupling (Figure 22),, all five reels will turn together but are disconnected from gear case. Disconnect drive shaft yoke (Ref. 25,Illustration10) to permit the three rear reels to turn independently of the two front reels. If it is desired, reels can be turned individually by disconnecting the appropriate drive shaft. The reel is adjusted to the bedknife by means of an adjusting rod on each end of the mower frame. Turn the nuts clockwise to move the -reel away from the bedknife, turn the nuts counter-clockwise to move the reel toward the bedknife (See Fig. 20). NOTE When adjusting reel to the bedknife, DO NOT LOOSEN bolts pointed out in Figure 20. DO NOT LOOSEN N ADJUSTING ROD - THESE BOLTS a ANNA A AE ER E 553 de E ad RH, se Figure 20. GRASS DEFLECTOR (See Fig, 21) The grass deflectors can be adjusted up or down or the grass discharge angle can be changed by loosening the screws (A) and moving the deflectors to the de- sired angle. We recommend setting the front mower deflectors approximately horizontal and the rear mow- er deflectors up as far as possible. NOTE The adjustable deflectors should be located underneath the grass shield. "DEFLECTOR GRASS DISCHARGE ANGLE Figure 21. 14 FLANGETTE BEARINGS The flangette bearings (Ref. 57, Illustration 6) are installed with the collar to the rear. Twist collar clockwise to lock then tighten set screw. SIDE SKID ADJUSTMENT After adjusting the skid shoes or rollers, the side skids should be set 1/8" to 1/4" above the ground to prevent "scalping' on smooth ground. If "streaking" occurs when mowing damp grass, the skids may be raised slightly higher to minimize the streaking’. COUPLING - MOWER DRIVE SHAFT Adjust mower drive shaft back until it touches output shaft. Then move it forward 0.03" to 0.06". Tighten flangette collars and set screws (See Fig. 22). TO REMOVE REEL DRIVE SHAFT 1. Remove center floor cover and L.H. floor plate assembly. 2. Remove 2 screws on L.H. end of cross frame assembly. | 3. Remove nut from eye bolt on top end of spring for center mower; measure nut location for reassem- bling. . 4, Remove both hydraulic lines at hydro. 15 ) COUPLIN G (Mowe r Drive Shaft HE Figure 22. Raise left end of cross frame approx. 2" and install a block. Remove bracket holding neutral start switch. Remove collars holding bearings. Remove drive chains. Remove screws from rear coupling and drive coupling forward. Remove flangette bearing bolts. Drive rear bearing approx. 1" toward rear of machine. Lift shaft up out of brackets. Move to the outside and forward to remove shaft from machine. MAINTENANCE GENERAL MAINTENANCE SHARPENING REELS A long trouble-free life for your F-133 depends on the maintenance it receives. The following informa - tion is presented to assist you in providing the proper maintenance for your machine. Lapping - Grinding A. If the reels and blades of the F-133 Mower should become dull or contain minor nicks or high spots, they can be reconditioned quickly and A. PROCEDURE. A maintenance program should be easily by the lapping process. set up for your F-133 and should cover the following points: Lapping Accessory No. 69022 is available which permits lapping all reels on the tractor using the Keep tractor and mowers clean. tractor engine; an external device may be used. Keep all moving parts properly lubricated. Keep all parts properly adjusted. Inspect for loose parts. Inspect for worn or damaged parts. Reel Lapping Instructions 1. Before proceeding with lapping of mowers, check each reel blade for nicks or high spots, then remove with a fine -file. Also remove grass clippings, dirt, etc. from bedknife and reel blades. 2. Adjust each mower so that reel blades make light contact against full length of bedknife. Install lapping attachment. Place reel clutch lever in "off" position (dis- engaged). о. Start reels turning in REVERSE ROTATION and with a small flat brush apply lapping compound, a mixture of emery dust (#60 car- borundum) and oil, freely along the entire length of the reel blades. § CAUTION § USE .LONG HANDLE BRUSH AND KEEP HANDS AWAY FROM REELS OT HH 05 DI = NOTE IF INSPECTION REVEALS WORN OR DAM- AGED PARTS, REPLACE THESE PARTS BE- 3. FORE ACTUAL BREAKDOWN OCCURS. 4. B. ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY. Use the illus- tration in the parts section as reference for the disassembly and assembly of components. Always maintain relative position of parts when dis- assembling. Clean and lubricate individual parts and components as required. O C. PAINTING. For protection and appearance clean and retouch scratched or worn painted surfaces. D. CHAINS. Clean chains by removing, soaking and washing them in kerosene. Dry them thoroughly before reinstalling. When storing the mower after season's use, it is recommended that chains be removed, cleaned and coated with a heavy motor oil during the storage period. After storage and before installing and placing the mower in opera- tion, clean the chains as noted above. NOTE CHAINS ARE READILY REMOVED BY DISCONNECTING THEM AT THE CON- NECTING LINK. E. FLOORBOARD REMOVAL 1. The center floorboard is held on with spring- loaded removal type catches. Turn the catch pins a quarter turn either way to remove them. 2. The right floorboard is made in two pieces to permit easy removal for servicing. 16 B. Continue lapping and at the same time make slight adjustments on the reels until there is uniform contact along the full length of the cutting edges. 6. Carefully and thoroughly remove all lapping compound from reels and bedknife, lubricate cutting edges with a light coating of engine oil. 7. Check reel adjustment on each mower and adjust, if necessary, so that they will cut paper clean- ly across the full length of the bedknife when paper is held 90° to the bedknife and pinched when held horizontally. 8. Remove or disconnect lapping attachment and connect mower drive shafts if any were dis- connected. Should the reels and blades become damaged from hitting foreign objects or from abnormal wear, beyond the point where they can be corrected by the lapping process, they must be reground. C. If it ever becomes essential to sharpen the cutting edges of the reel and the bedknife by grinding, we recommend that this work be contracted through O an authorized Jacobsen distributor who.hastrained personnel and the proper equipment to perform this type of Work. AFTER OPERATION INSTRUCTIONS Clean the entire mower after use. Be sure to remove caked grass that may tend to clog and corrode parts. Be sure to protect all vented lubrication points such as vent hole plug in reel drive box. e. o: KEEP ENGINE CLEAN. The engine is air- cooled. If cooling system becomes clogged, serious damage may result. Therefore, keep the blower screen, fins or flywheel, cylinder head, and block free from grass or dirt. KEEP HYDROSTATIC TRANSMISSION AND OIL COOLER CLEAN Do not permit dirt or grass clippings to accumulate in hydro unit cooling fins or oil cooler fins. It is important that the screen in front of the cooler be kept clean also. If hydro unit cooling fan blades be- come bent, straighten, or replace fan. STORAGE A. For extended storage it is good maintenance procedure to place the machine on blocks to remove the weight from the wheels and tires. B. Thoroughly clean and lubricate the F-133 to prevent rust and corrosion. Store the F-133 with the mowers in a raised position. D. For storage maintenance of the engine refer to the engine service manual. E. Drain gasoline from tank and lines. F. Store in a garage or shed to protect it from the weather and provide some kind of dust cover. G. For lengthy storage, remove spark plugs, add oil to holes, and then replace spark plugs. This will keep corrosion to a minimum. H. Refer to your battery specifications for refilling and storage. GENERAL SERVICE NOTES Hydro-Transaxle Installation Install the transaxle assembly with leg of the right- hand axle housing assembly to the outside of the frame mounting bracket. The angle of the left-hand hous- ing assembly must be tight against the angle on the left-hand side of the frame. Install and tighten all bolts in the following order: 1. Pull up the bolts on the right-hand side until they are snug. DO NOT TIGHTEN TO FULL TORQUE. Leg of the right-hand axle housing should be flat against the frame bracket, and the angle of the left-hand axle housing should be flat against the angle on the frame. Tighten, completely, all bolts on the left-hand side. 3. Tighten, completely, all the bolts on the right- hand side. 17 Hydro Removal For removal of the hydrostatic transmission without having to remove the transaxle assembly, use the directions that follow: 1. Loosen, and remove all screws on the center floorboard and remove it. 2. Disconnect the driveshaft, actuating linkage on the bottom, and the oil lines. 3. Cautiously jack up the rear of the tractor and set on either jack stands or on blocks. Wing and center mowers must be in the lowered position. IMPORTANT: Be sure to place a block in front of the grounded wheels so tractor will not rock and roll off of stands or blocks. 4, Loosen and remove the four bolts that connect the hydro and the transaxle together. Pull the hydro back slightly from transaxle and remove it Clutch Pilot completely by bringing it down and to the right of the tractor. Whenever clutch housing and the gear housing assem- bly are removed for servicing, pack pilot cavity with Tractor Drive Shaft Installation grease before reassembly, First, install the front coupling and pack it with the O proper grease. Then, install the rear coupling and ‘ NOTE slide it as far as possible to the rear and pack it with the proper grease. Leave the set screw loose, and To provide additional ground traction in slippery assemble rubber discs to the drive shaft. Insertthe end conditions or on hilly terrain, chevron tread of drive shaft assembly into the bushing in the front tires, Part No. 343210 can be used on drive coupling, slide rear coupling forward until the end of wheels. Chevron tires, 23 - 8.60x 8, are readily the drive shaft is in the bushing. Tightenthe set screw available from Goodyear, Firestone, Carlisle, finger tight, then attach rubber discs to couplings. ete. IMPORTANT: Adjust the rear coupling so that shaft has 1/64" to 1/32" end play, then tighten set screw. NOTE an Ii the rear coupling binds slightly, loosen the engine mounting bolts to align. DIRECTION (Front OF TREAD PATTERN Engine Air Cleaner The air cleaner must be 1/4" to 5/16" above the engine cowl in order for'it to get sufficient air to (< operate. AIR CLEANER Figure 24. e ENGINE COWL | L 74" 70 бу” | IMPORTANT Whenever Hydro Actuating Arm Assembly isto be disassembled from Hydro Static Trans- mission Control Shaft, a suitable puller, Part No. 501066, must be used to prevent internal Figure 23. damage to transmission. REMOVAL OF HUB - DRIVE WHEELS CAUTION Use gear puller; do not use hammer. + 18 DIMENSIONS Length - Overall ........0..00000+ 88-3/4" Height - Mowers Raised ............ 58" Mowers Lowered . . ......... 49-1/2" Width - Mowers Raised . ........... 65-1/2" Mowers Lowered . . . . ....... 139" Ground Clearance . .. .... «coo ooo 5" Wheel Base .....oa<csecsrorrocecoro 50-1/4" PERFORMANCE Cutting Width - 5-Gang ....e.eerereceoo- 133" 3-Gang «+ vc eee ee. Te... 82" Cutting Height . . . . .. coco vn 3/8" to 3" 40 to 50 Acres (Day approx.) Turning Radius - Measured to Drive Cutting Capacity - «+ | + |. т о. # = & a & *# Wheel (single) .. .. . 48" Speed: Mowing (Low Range). 0- 6M.P.H Transporting (High Range). ..... 0-15 M.P.H Reverse (Low Range) ......... 0- 5M.P.H POWER AND DRIVES Engine: Kohler . . vv vv i ie te ee eae asa K - 482 - 5 Spec. Number ....... occ. 35228B Horsepower ....Q.ereceroo 18 @ 3600 R.P.M. Bore € Stroke .....reerro. 3-1/4" X 2-7/8" Displacement .:... ce. 47.7 Cu. In. TYPE «ovo ve ee ea ao oan 2 Cylinder, 4 Cycle Exhaust Valve Stellite Faced with Rotator Top No Load Governed Speed . . 3200-3400 R.P.M. Idle Speed... 0.060050 0000 1800-2000 R.P.M. Starter: | Automotive Type Bendix Drive - Key Switch Operated. Traction Drive - Hydrostatic Transmission with 2-Speed Transaxle and limited Slip Differential. SPECIFICATIONS Reel Drive - Spur Gear Reduction and Chain Drive with Clutch to Protect Reels. GENERAL Electrical System - 30 Amp - 12 Volt Flywheel Driven Alternator with Solid State Rectifier Reg- ulator. Battery - For Normal Service - 12 Volt - 42 Amp Hours at 20 Hour Rate, Battery not furnished. (Battery size, approx., 9-7/16 L, 5-1/2 W, 9-3/4 H. Group. #22NF, AABM Group #22NF, Type HD22NF. WISCO or equivalent type battery). Brakes: Service Brake - Disc Brake on Transaxle Pinion Shaft Operated by Mechanical Linkage. Parking Brake - Attached to Service Brake Link- age, Locks Service Brake in the Engaged Posi- tion. Steering Ackerman, Automobile Type. Controls Rear Wheels through Mechanical Linkage. Fuel - Gasoline, regular grade. Tank Capacity - 5.3 Gallons. | Mowers: 5 - 6 Blade Reels, 8 inch Diameter. Cutting Frequency - Variable, 0.06" to 1.3". Height Adjustment - Adjustable Skid Shoes and — Rollers. Bedknife Adjustment - Reel Adjust to Bedknife with Positive Double Nut Adjustment. Wheels and Tires: Drive - 23 x 8.50 - 12 Tubeless, 10 to 12 P.S.I. Steering - 16 x 6.50 - 8 Tubeless, 12 10 14 Р.5.1. Tires are inflated to 33 to 35 P.S.I. for shipping; Deflate to proper pressure. Weight: Tractor Complete - 2050 lbs. (Approx.) Shipping - 2310 Ibs. (Approx.) Tool Box: A tool box is available for the F-133. Order Tool box No. 110768 and Bracket No. 335283. Mount on R.H. side of engine cowiing bracket. ACCESSORIES AVAILABLE FOR F-133 Skid Shoe Option. o c 0 « ec 0 a ss 0 co os ...... 69017 Roller Option ....onesreoooosrecrectore 69012 Fender ACCESSOTY oo eo s 0 os 6 6 a 0 0000 soo 69048 Dual Wheel Accessory ..... 000000000. 69049 Reel Lapping ACCcessory ...eqoerxcocrecoro: 69022 Head and Tail Light Accessory....ecsoerececo 69031 Sprocket Accessory - High Speed Reel. . . » » - 69033 69013 Steel Roller Accessory в о о + = + eo ® & € "E. 19 GREASING DIAGRAM 20 G REASIN G CHART (See Greasing Diagram for Location) No. of Ref. No. Name Fittings Lubricant Lubrication Interval A Hub - Steering Wheel Wheel Bearing Grease Repack 1,000 or Yearly B Mower Pivot Housing 5 Chassis Grease | 40 Hours C Front Mower Arm Pivot 2 Chassis Grease 40 Hours D Wing Mower Arm Pivot 2 Chassis Grease 40 Hours E Center Mower Arm Pivot 1 Chassis Grease 40 Hours F Spindle Housing Steering Axle 2 Chassis Grease 100 Hours G Steering Axle Pivot Î Chassis Grease 100 Hours H* Steering Gear Housing 1 Chassis Grease 1,000 Hours or Yearly I | Upper Drive Shaft 2 Chassis Grease 40 Hours J Lower Drive Cross Shaft 2 Chassis Grease 8 Hours КЖ** Mower Drive Shafts & "U" Joints 20 Chassis Grease 40 Hours (8 hours in dusty areas) L Rear Mower Drive Housing 1 Chassis Grease 200 Hours M** Clutch Throw-out Bearing 1 Chassis Grease 200 Hours N Coupling - Upper Drive Shaft Wheel Bearing Grease 100 Hours O Mower Drive Housings Chassis Grease 1,000 Hours or Yearly Pack Housings 2/3 Full P Mower Drive Gear Boxes - (Front) Chassis Grease 1,000 Hours or Yearly. Pack 2/3 Full Q Reel Shaft Bearings - (Outer) Wheel Bearing Grease 1,000 Hours or Yearly | Pack 2/3 Full R Rollers, Lift Arm Stabilizing 3 Chassis Grease 40 Hours All Ball Joints Chassis Grease 200 Hours (Lift seal -and apply grease with finger). * Lubricate through the fitting in the housing. Fill housing slowly until lubricant begins to seep out. Keep housing full by adding lubricant periodically according to usage. ** DO NOT OVER GREASE. A small amount is sufficient. *** To lubricate center fittings on drive shafts, turn drive shafts until holes in inner and outer shields line up exposing fittings. 21 OILING DIAGRAM | A | 22 OILING CHARI (See Oiling Diagram for Location) Check Ref. No. Name Lubricant Interval Rear Mower Drive Gear Box SAE - EP 250 Oil 200 Hours | Fill to 2" below to top of SAE - EP 140 Oil box. Drain and refill 1,000 hours or yearly B Drop Case Chain Housing SAE - 30 Motor Oil | 40 Hours Fill until oil is visible in elbow. Drain and refill 1,000 hours or yearly C Rear Chain Housing SAE - 30 Motor Oil | 40 Hours Fill until oil is visible in elbow. Drain and refill 1,000 hours or yearly D Reel Drive Chains (3) (Clean before applying lubricant) SAE - 30 Motor Oil | 16 Hours Several Drops E Mower Latch Pivots (4) SAE - 30 Motor Oil | 40 Hours Several Drops F Spring Mounting Pivots (4) SAE - 30 Motor Oil | 40 Hours Several Drops G Parking Brake Pivot SAE -30 Motor Oil 40 Hours Several Drops H Transaxle - Hydro (Sump) See note & Illus. Below 40 Hours See Note below under Hydro I + Engine See Engine Manual Each Transaxle Assembly for details Daily Change Oil every 100 hours J Oil Filter (Transmission) (Part No. 350993) * - See Note below under Hydro Transaxle Assembly K Motor Drive Gear Box + + - Repack every 1,000 Hours or yearly L Treadle Pivot SAE - 30 Motor Oil} 100 Hours | Several Drops M Foot Brake Pivot SAE - 30 Motor Oil | 100 Hours | Several Drops N Clutch Pivot SAE - 30 Motor Oil | 100 Hours | Several Drops O "О Joint Spline SAE - 30 Motor Oil | 40 Hours Several Drops P Center Lift Pivot SAE - 30 Motor Oil | 100 Hours | Several Drops 1 Q Interlock SAE - 30 Motor Oil | 100 Hours | Several Drops | R Safety Directional Control SAE - 30 Motor Oil} 100 Hours | Several Drops S Steering Shaft Bearing SAE - 30 Motor Oil| 100 Hours | Several Drops ** Control Linkage SAE - 30 Motor Oil | 100 Hours | Several Drops T Lockout Arm & : Shaft Assembly Pivots SAE - 30 Motor Oil | 100 Hours | Several Drops U Hydraulic Valve Lever Pivot SAE - 30 Motor Oil] 100 Hours | Several Drops V Lower Link Pivots SAE - 30 Motor Oil| 100 Hours | Several Drops W Hydraulic Cylinder Pivots (10 places) SAE - 30 Motor Oil| 40 Hours Several Drops + To remove engine oil filter, the use of wrench #545690 is recommended. ++ Use 4 oz. Molybdenum Disulfide E,P, lithium grease. * Purolator No. PER-17 ** See G, Figure 14A NOTE: CHANGE OIL AND FILTER AFTER FIRST 50 HOURS OF OPERATION AND EVERY 250 HOURS THEREAFTER. HYDRO-TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLY Fill by way of the dipstick tube. Measure the level of fluid by inserting the dipstick. Be sure that the dipstick is fully seated when inserting in order to obtain a correct reading. Operate the engine for a minimum of 3 minutes (with the machine raised off the ground so the wheels can turn to insure oil fill of axle housings). Recheck oil level and add oil if necessary. Use Texaco Transhydral #2209, Ford Motor Co. #M-2C41-A, or Dexron® ATF type A fluid. USE OF OIL OTHER THAN SPECIFIED WILL VOID WARRANTY ON HYDROSTATIC TRANSMIS- SION. Oil level should be 3/16" to 1/4" above full mark when mower units are in '""lowered' or '"mow- ing" position. 23 A EX Ge ща TRANSAXLE DIPSTICK J : Y y FILLTO HERE Figure 25. FRAME ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 1. WARNING: Order by part numbers. Do # not use illustration reference numbers. 24 FRAME ASSEMBLY — O Ref. | Part Ref. | Part No. No. Quan. Description No. No. Quan Description 1 | 116314 1 Frame Assembly * 51 | 446130 4 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 2 350800 8 Bushing, Center Mower Pivot 52 443106 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 3 342033 4 Bushing, Wing Mower Pivot 52A | 345666 1 Clip 4 | 471219 4 Fitting, 1/8 Grease 53 453009 2 Washer, 5/16 SAE Std 5 307099 2 Bushing, Brake Pivot 54 471224 2 Fitting, 1/8 Grease 6 | 400410 { 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd Cap 55 | 335404 1 Shield, Grass 7 | 446154 8 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 56 | 346164 | 1 Decal, Fuel Tank 8 | 443118 8 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 57 158730 1 Bracket, Engine Cowling 9 121627 1 Cross Frame Assembly 58 129556 1 Cowling, Engine 10 | 400262 4 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1 Hex Hd Cap 59 | 452004 4 Washer, 1/4 Std Flat 11 446142 4 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 60 400110 4 Screw, 1/4-20 x 7/8 Hex Hd Cap 12 | 443110 4 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex ; 61 | 351314 5 Screw, Thumb 18 | 408870 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 7/8 W/Lockwasher 62 | 445620 1 Nut, 5/16-18 Wing 14 315387 4 Grommet 63 335045 2 Decal, Name 15 | 400406 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 64 | 350764 1 Decal, Reel Clutch 16 452012 2 Washer, 1/2 Plain Flat 65 352028 1 Decal, Parking Brake 17 154920 1 Fuel Tank Assembly 66 352484 1 Decal, Shift Lever 18 129607 1 Cap, Fuel Tank 67 331880 1 Decal, Square "J" 19 | 332136 2 Strap, Fuel Tank Mtg 68 | 352997 2 Bushing, Center Cylinder Mig 20 345577 2 Pad, Fuel Tank Mounting 69 446136 20 Lockwasher, 5/16 21 400264 4 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 70 443106 18 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 22 446142 6 ‘Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 71 320605 2 Spacer _ 23 443110 6 Nut,'3/8-16 Hex 72 351682 2° | Pad, Fuel Tank Mtg Strap 24 | 126130 1 Valve, Fuel Shut Off 73 | 400182 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 5/8 Hex Hd Cap . 25 472801 2 Clamp, Fuel Line Mounting 74 351317 2 Spacer 26 346232 1 Fuel Line T5 400414 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 2-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 27 159470 1 Bracket and Nut Assembly 76 452012 2 Washer, 1/2 Std Flat 28 471806 1. Coupling, 1/8 Std Pipe, Fuel Line 77 400416 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 2-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 29 345604 2 Clip, Fuel Line Retaining 78 335294 1 Guide, Treadle Lock 30 335625 1 Cowling, Front 79 400188 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex Hd Cap 31 330467 1 Cowling, Top | 80 453009 2 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat 32 | 400260 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 7/8 Hex Hd Cap 81 {446136 2 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 33 400184 6 Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4 Hex Hd Cap 82 443106 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 34 | 129785 1 Floor Plate Assembly, L.H. 83 352026 4 Pin, Locking . 35 129786 1 Floor Plate Assembly, R.H. (Front) 84 311430 4 Spring 35A! 335410 1 Floor Plate, R.H. (Rear) ; 85 461354 4 Pin, 3/32 x 1 Roll 36 346133 2 Bushing 86 461356 4 Pin, 3/32 x 1/2 Roll 37 335406 1 Cover, Center Floor 87 352090 3 Spacer, Roller 38 400186 11 Screw, 5/16-18 x 7/8 Hex Hd 88 352091 3 Roller 38A| 400188 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex Hd 89 | 458456 3 Ring, Snap 39 400180 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1/2 Hex Hd 90 400614 2 Screw, 5/8-11 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd Cap 40 | 129481 1 Shield Assembly 91 1400618 1 Screw, 5/8-11 x 2-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 41 | 443118 4 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex . 92 |446166 | 3 Lockwasher, 5/8 Hvy 42 | 153244 1 Cable, Assembly, Ground 93 443126 1 Nut, 5/8-11 Hex 43 158493 1 Cable, Assembly, to Solenoid 94 471214 3 Fitting, 1/4-28 Grease 44 | 453009 1 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat 95 1 Serial No. Plate (Ref. Only) 45 129973 1 Muffler Assembly 96 | 1 Decal, OPEI (Ref, Only) 46 350948 1 Pipe, Exhaust 97 353358 1 Decal, Foot Control 47 | 158463 1 Clamp 99 [352981 | 2 Latch, Side Unit 48 158959 1 Strap, Battery Hold Down 100 460051 2 Pin, 3/16 x 1-1/2 Cotter 49 446136 2 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 101 351166 1 Angle Seat Mounting, R.H. 50 446154 4 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 102 351167 1 Angle Seat Mounting, L.H. WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 23 CONTROL VALVE AND LEVER ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 2, Ref, | Part No. No. Quan Description 1 460030 2 Pin, 1/8 x 1-1/4 Cotter 2 1352990 1 Rod, Lower Lockout 3 319161 1 Yoke, Lower Lockout 4 | 461485 1 Pin, Clevis, 3/8 x 1-1/8 5 | 341655 1 Spring, Control Rod 6 460026 1 Pin, 1/8 x 3/4 Cotter 7 129965 1 Lever Assembly 8 | 461453 1 Pin, 5/16 x 1 Clevis 9 159468 1 Valve Mounting Plate Assembly 10 400186 3 Bolt, 5/16-18 x 7/8 Hex Hd 11 | 446136 3 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 12 | 443106 3 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 13 460012 1 Pin, 3/32 x 5/8 Cotter 14 326731 1 Knob, Control Rod 15 352980 1 Arm, Upper Link 16 | 453011 2 Washer, 3/8 Flat, Arm Mtg 17 460026 |- 2 Pin, 1/8 x 3/4 Cotter, Arm Mtg 18 | 351112 1 Pin, 3/16 Clevis, Lever Mounting 19 453002 1 Washer, #10 SAE Flat, Lever Mig 20 | 460008 1 Pin, 5/16 x 3/4 Cotter, Lever Mtg 21 | 129970 1 Shield Assembly 22* | 159460 1 Control Valve Assembly 23 400120 2 Bolt, 1/4-20 x 2 Hex Hd, Valve Mounting 24 | 446130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy, Valve Mtg 25 443102 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex, Valve Mounting 26 453009 2 Washer, SAE Flat 27 351314 2 Screw, Thumb 28 353007 1 Decal, Lift 29 129966 1 Lockout Arm and Shaft Assembly 30 345725 1 Switch, Safety | 31 { 400108 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex. Hd. 32 | 453023 2 Washer, 1/4 S.A.E. Flat 33 446130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 34 | 443102 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 35 322404 1 Spring, Switch to Yoke INSTRUMENT PANEL ASSEMBLY Ref. | Part No. No. Quan. Description 1 | 353492 1 Decal, Warranty 2 158501 1 Indicator Light, Oil 3 158484 1 Ammeter 4 129846 1 Switch Assembly 5 344774 1 Decal, Be Careful 6 352048 1 Decal, Safety Direction Control 7 129479 1 Throttle Control Assembly 8 129478 1 Choke Control Assembly 9 | 403910 4 Screw, #10-24 x 1/2 Truss Hd 10 446118 4 Lockwasher, #10 Hvy 11 444310 4 Nut, #10-24 Hex 12 | 447221 1 Lockwasher, 9/16 Internal Tooth 13 350766 1 Decal, Throttle 14 350765 1 Decal, Choke 15 351351 1 Decal, Ignition Switch 16 351692 1 Decal, Operating Instructions 17 351502 1 Hour Meter 18 402006 3 Screw, #6-32 x 1-1/2 Slotted Rd Hd 19 447204 3 Lockwasher, #6 Internal Tooth 20 3 Nut, #6-32 Hex 444304 * See Page 60 ILLUSTRATION 3. + — Ep. TW EE FE EE WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. ILLUSTRATION 4, STEERING GEAR & FRONT AXLE ASSEMBLY 27 Ref. } Part Ref. | Part No. | №. Quan. Description No. No. Quan, Description 1 [120442 | 1 Steering Axle Assembly 24 | 545288 | 1 Cap, Steering Wheel 2 |346030 | 4 Bushing, Steering Axle 25 | 463017| 1 Key, 3/16 x 3/4 Woodruff 3 | 471214 | 2 Fitting, 1/4-28 Grease 26 1 Nut (Incl in Ref. 20) 4 | 445642 | 1 Nut, 1-1/2-12 Hex Slotted 27 | 353349| 1 .Bearing, Self Aligning 5 [460072 | 1 Pin, 1/4x 2-1/2 Cotter 28 | 400186| 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 7/8 Hex Hd Cap 6 |129487/. 1 Spindle Assembly, Г.Н. 29 | 446136| 2 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 7 | 455004 | 1 Washer, 1-1/16 Flat 30 | 443106 | 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 8 | 461201 1 Pin, 1/4x1-1/2 Groove 31 | 335057 1 Steering Arm 9 129488 1 Spindle Assembly, R.H. 32 400414 1 Screw, 1/2-13x2-1/4Hex Hd Cap 10 463031 1 Key, 1/4x 1 Woodruff 33 443118 1 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 11 239077 1 Steering Arm 34 | 350746 2 Ball Joint 12 | 400274 1 Screw, 3/8-16 x 2-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 35 | 446166 2 Lockwasher, 5/8 Hvy 13 | 446142 | 6 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 36 | 350747 1 Rod, Steering Link 14 | 443110 | 3 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 37 1 443828| 2 Nut, 5/8-18 Hex Jam 15 106348 2 Ball Joint 38 443128 1 Nut, 5/8-18 Hex 16 | 446154 | 3 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 39 | 3460521 1 Clamp, Steering Gear 17 443120 2 Nut, 1/2-20 Hex 40 400260 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 7/8 Hex Hd Cap 18 350842 1 Tie Rod 41 445710 2 Nut, 1-14 Hex Slotted 19 | 443820 2 Nut, 1/2-20 Hex Jam 42 | 460052 2 Pin, 3/16x 1-1/2 Cotter 20 120438 1 Steering Gear Assembly 43 500723 2 Wheel 21 400262 2 Screw, 3/8-16x 1 Hex Hd Cap 44 545865 2 Cap, Hub 22 400264 1 Screw, 3/8-16x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 45 545866 2 Qil Seal 23 129472 1 Steering Wheel 46 500596 | 4 Bearing, Cup & Cone CHAIN, CLUTCH & GEAR HOUSING ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 5, WARNING: Order by part number. Do 0 not use illustration reference numbers, 6 28 7 CHAIN, CLUTCH 8 GEAR HOUSING ASSEMBLY Ref. | Part No. No. Quan. Description 1 | 218058 1 Cover, Gear Housing 2 | 305438 4 Bearing, Ball 3 325472 3 Oil Seal 4 311655 2 Vent, Air 5 400188 5 Screw, 5/16-18x 1 Hex Hd Cap 6 400192 8 Screw, 5/16-18x 1-1/2 Hex Hd Cap ; 7 | 446136 | 22 Lockwashers, 5/16 Hvy 8 443106 | 17 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 9 335068 1 Gasket, Gear Housing Cover 10 218059 1 Hsg. Clutch & Gear 11 | 472205 | 4 Plug, 3/8 Sq Hd Pipe 12 | 471729 | 2 Elbow, 3/8x90° Street 13 335058 | 1 Gear, Output 14 335593 1 Shaft, Output 15 | 463021 | 1 Key, 1/4x 7/8 Woodruff 16 335059 1 Pinion, Second Reduction 17 | 335060 1 Gear, Second Reduction 18 350832 1 Shaft, Second Reduction 19 | 313575 | 1 Key, 1/8 Sax 1-3/4 Ls 20 | 471726 | 1 Elbow, 1/8x45°, Street 21 | 458448 1 Ring, Retainer 22 335061 1 Gear, Pinion 23 1 463017 2 Key, 3/16 x 3/4 Woodruff 24 335092 1 Oil Seal 25 308551 1 Bearing, Ball 26 335070 1 Shaft, Reel Drive 27 158492 1 Clutch, Fork Shaft, Assembly 28 158507 1 Fork Assembly 29 | 461377 | 1 Pin, 5/32x 1-1/8 Roll 30 351205 7 Stat-O-Seal 31 350768 1 Bearing 32 350769 1 Bushing, Carrier 33 | 471228 | 1 Fitting, 1/4-28 Grease 34 | 400186 4 Screw, 5/16-18x7/8 Hex Hd Cap 35 | 400194 | 5 Screw, 5/16-18x 1-3/4 Hex Hd Cap WARNING: Order by part numbers. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 29 Ref, Part : No. No. - | Quan Description 36 114114 | 1 Pressure Plate Assembly 37 120443 1 Disc, Clutch Drive 38 159837 1 Countershaft, Chain (Incl Ref 39, 40) 39 335039 1 Oil Seal 40 350731 1 Bushing, Clutch Pilot 41 315307 2 Key, Sq 42 458459 1 Ring, Retainer 43 1351206. | 1 Gasket, Clutch € Gear Hsg 44 241705 1 Lower Chain Hsg, Cover Assem 45 1400190 6 Screw, 5/16-18x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 46 159501 | 1 Cover, Upper Chain Hsg Assem 47 351229 1 Cover, Lap Drive 48 350997 1 Gasket, Lap Drive Cover 49 470519 1 Link, Chain 50 159838 | 1 Sprocket, Assembly 51 158598 1 Sprocket, P.T.O. 52 327627 1 "Key, Sq 3/8x1-1/2 53 352763 2 Screw, Set Sq Hd 3/8-16x 3/4 54 353645 1 Spacer, Sprocket, P.T.O. 55 351092 1 Chain (Incl Ref 49) 57 351206 1 Gasket, Chain Hsg 58 1350759 | 2 Bearing, Ball 59 326618 1 Oil Seal 60 205309 1 Hsg, Chain 61 350845 1 Gasket, Engine P.T.O. 62 1400334 4 Screw, 7/16-14x 1 Hex Hd Cap 63 1352762 | 2 Clip, Bolt Retaining 64 158565 1 Shield Assembly 65 326645 1 Oil Seal 66 400184 | 6 Serew, 5/16-18 x 3/4 Hex Hd Cap 67 444718 6 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex, Center -Loc 68 458617 1 Ring, Retainer 69. |158472 1 Carrier Assem (Incl Ref 31,32,33) 70 351205 3 Stat-O-Seal 71 1351228 | 1 Hub, Lapper Shaft ; 72 352763 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 3/4 Sq Hd Se 73 452006 7 Washer, Standard Flat 74 1353271 1 Tru-Seal ; 75 353087 1 Gasket, Upper Chain Hsg Cover 76 1400182 | 3 Screw, 5/16-18x 5/8 Hex Hd „и 9 7 Ds HYDRO STATIC TRANSAXLE & DRIVE ASSEMBLY O И / © ZT a ILLUSTRATION WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 30 HYDRO STATIC TRANSAXLE & DRIVE ASSEMBLY Ref. | Part No No. Quan. Description 1% | 114108 | 1 Hydro Static Transmission 2 | 130818 1 Transaxle Assem (Incl Ref 4 € 5) 3 350946 1 Gasket 4 | 129815 1 Axle Housing Assembly L.H. 5 129814 1 Axle Housing Assembly R.H. 6 350945 1 Tube, Hydraulic 7 350947 T 1 Connector, Male, 37° Flare 8 158465 1 Brake, Disc, Assembly 9 | 463017 | 6 Key, 3/16 x 3/4 Woodruff 10 120431 1 Disc Brake Assembly 11 335019 1 Bracket, Brake Mounting 12 350647 3 Spacer, Brake Mtg Bracket 13 400416 3 Screw, 1/2-13x 2-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 14 | 446154 | 13 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 15 129453 1 Hydro Actuating Arm Assembly 16 | 463005 | 1 Key, 1/8x5/8 Woodruff 17 | 452012 | 1 Washer, 1/2 Flat 18 444762 12 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Center Loc 19 158464 | 1 Shifter Lever & Bracket Assembly 21 | 400404 | 2 Screw, 1/2-13x1 Hex Hd Cap 22 350646 1 Strap, Hydro-Transaxle Mtg 23 400260 1 Screw, 3/8-16x7/8 Hex Hd Cap 24 | 446142 | 9 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 25 | 443110 } 5 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex, Hvy 26 446136 6 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 29 218060 2 Hub, Drive Wheel 28 | 463038 2 Key, 1/4x 1-1/8 Woodruff 29 | 446190 2 Lockwasher, 1-1/8 Hvy 30 | 443842 | 2 Nut, 1-1/8-12 Hex Jam 31 114110 2 Rim & Disc Assembly 32 341680 2 Valve 33 341678 2 Tire, Wide Base-Tubeless 34 | 315298 10 Bolt, Drive Wheel Mtg 35 545982 2 Oil Seal 36 | 545981 2 "O" Ring 37 | 545979 2 Bearing, Ball 38 | 463029 | 1 Key, 3/16x5/8 Woodruff 39 458456 1 Snap Ring 40 335867 1 Fan 41 317318 1 . Spring 142 | 313577 | 1 Bushing 43 308537 1 Washer 44 | 158483 | 1 Front Coupling Assembly 45 446136 1 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 46 350752 1 Screw 47 350756 4 Dise, Coupling 48 129475 1 Coupling Shaft Assembly 49 | 400262 | 12 Screw, 3/8-16x 1 Hex Hd Cap * For service of seais, (Input and Control Shaft) order No. 500807 Ref.| Part No No. Quan. Description 50 453011 13 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat 51 350754 1 Bushing 52 | 412027 | 1 Screw, 3/8-16x5/8 Sq Hd Cup Pt Set 53 158479 1 Rear Coupling Assembly 54 412016 2 Screw, 5/16-18x5/8 Sq Hd Cup Pt Set 55 158489 1 Sprocket Assembly 56 | 341842 | 2 Flangette, Brg Mtg w/o Fitting 57 350823 2 Bearing 58 | 153171 | 1 Flangette, Brg Mtg w/o Fitting 59 | 400184 | 6 Screw, 5/16-18x 3/4 Hex Hd Cap 60 443106 6 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 61 335594 1 Shaft, Reel Drive, Front 62 352784 2 Coupling 63 352650 1 Hose, Grease Retaining 64 | 471216 2 Fitting, Grease 1/4-28 65 | 400408 | 4 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 66 443118 8 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 67 350841 2 Bracket, Gear Box 68 | 440194 | 4 Bolt, 1/2-13x 1-1/2 Rd Hd Sq Neck Carriage 69 400264 4 Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 70 121516 2 Gear Box R.H, (See Hlus.11) 71 | 350847 1 Shaft, Front Gear Box Cross 74 | 352785 | ‘1 Coupling 75 | 351310 | 1 Flangette, Brg Mtg w/Fitting 76 | 400286 | 4 Screw, 3/8-16x 2-3/4 Hex Hd Cap 77 347190 1 Hydro Spring (Black) 78 | 352782 | 1 Hydro Spring (Aluminum) 79 1 350745 1 Eye Bolt, Spring Adj 80 | 444758 1 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex, Center-Loc 81 326731 1 Knob, Shift Lever 82 344790 2 Washer 83 335166 1 Gear, Hydro Bevel 84 458009 1 Snap Ring, Ext 85 129780 1 Dipstick, Tube Assembly 86 351965 1 Dipstick, Vented 87 357595 1 Bracket, Switch Mig 88 | 453023 | 2 Washer, 1/4 SAE Flat 89 400108 2 Screw, 1/4-20x 3/4 Hex Hd Cap 90 | 446130 | 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 91 | 351730 2 Switch, Neutral Start 92 447221 2 Lockwasher, 9/16 Int, Tooth 93 351731 2 Pin, Shifter 94 460014 2 Pin, 3/32x 3/4 Cotter 95 352651 2 Hose, Grease Retaining 96 159784 1 Slip Clutch Assem, Front Reels 97 444758 1 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex Center-Loc 98 | 453017 | 3 Washer, SAE Standard 1/2 99 346137 4 Spacer 100 | 353306 2 Screw, 3/8-16x1/2 Sq HA Set * For service of gear, (Gasket, Snap Ring and Tag) order No. 500866 * For service of Pintle and Rotor, order No. 501074 - * For service of Housing and Control Shaft, order No. 501075 * For service of Connector, (Charge Pump Inlet) order No. 350947 * For service of Elbows (Charge Pump Outlet and Return) order No. 351107 WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 6 7 | PA O 51 55 8 A <& 52 | DZ A 2 ng y 48 / 56 BRAKE, CLUTCH & DRIVE LEVERS ASSEMBLY Ив ® ILLUSTRATION 7 И / 21———— | E ~~ 7 TO CLUTCH Г ‚ ^ | D | | | 10 | 58 \ | NE | . © E 17 LE 127 7, 20 Va 22 VA 29 WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. |_— 89 A 86 87 32 BRAKE, CLUTCH & DRIVE LEVERS ASSEMBLY Ref. | Part No. | No. Quan. Description 1 158987 1 Treadle Arm Assembly 2 .|351696 1 Pin, Hydro Pedal Mtg 3 351755 1 Pin, Brake Pedal Mtg 4 400266 1 Screw, Treadle Stop 5 460026 2 Pin, 1/8x3/4 Cotter 6 154615 2 Ball Joint 7 443820 3 Nut, 1/2-20 Hex Jam 8 |446154 | 2 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 9 335043 1 Quadrant 10 [400186 | 2 Screw, 5/16-18x 7/8 Hex Hd Cap 11 446148 2 Lockwasher, 7/16 Hvy 12 443256 2 Nut 13 326731 1 Knob, Parking Brake 14 345020 1 Brake Pedal 15 443810 2 Nut, Treadle Stop 16 345688 1 Handle, Clutch 17 310690 1 Spacer, Handle Latch 18 344757 1 Rod, lever 19 315344 1 Spring, Clutch Lever 20 [461201 | 1 Pin, 1/4x 1-1/2 Groove 21 345689 | 1 Grip, Clutch Lever 22 1400114 | 1 Screw, 1/4-20x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap . 23 1446128 | 1 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 24 443102 3 + Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 25 345725 1 Switch, Safety 26 400108 | 2 Screw, 1/4-20x 3/4 Hex . Hd Cap 27 453023 2 . Washer, 1/4 SAE Flat 28 446130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 29 158994 1 Clutch Handle Shaft Assem 30 158476 1 Clutch Arm Assem, Front 31 |463017 | 2 Key, 3/16 x 8/4 Woodruff 32 412014 1 Screw, 5/16-18 Sq Hd Cup Pt Set 33 350839 1 Rod, Clutch Actuating 34 460316 1 Hair Pin, Cotter 35 342640 1 Retainer 36 159714 1 Brake Lever Assembly 37 446142 | 1 Lockwasher, Treadie Stop 38 350763 1 Rod, Brake 39 1350760 1 Guide, Brake Rod 40 444762 1 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Center Loc 41 344716 1 Spring, Brake Return 42 158474 1 Parking Brake Assembly 43 400196 1 Bolt, 5/16-18 Hex Jam 44 443806 1 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Jam 33 Ref. | Part №. | №. Quan. Description 45 350558 1 Spring, Parking Brake 46 460014 1 Pin, Cotter, 3/32x3/4 47 344895 1 Pedal, Hydro Control 48 353426 1 Control Link, Quter 51 353427 1 Control Link, Inner 52 | 353428 1 Spring, Compression 53 | 461385 1 Pin, Spring 55 | 344790 1 Washer, .87 ID x 1-1/2 OD Spring Return , 56 | 452012 1 Washer, .56 ID x 1-3/8 OD Spring Return 58 | 453009 | 2 Washer, Plain SAE Std,5/16 59 | 352000 1 Rod, Interlock 60 158995 1 Interlock Arm & Bushing Assem 61 351282 1 Bushing 62 | 158997 1 Interlock Actuating Assem 63 | 463003 1 Key, 1/8x 1/2 Woodruff 64 | 412015 | 1 Screw, 5/16-18x5/8 Sq Hd Cup Pt Set 65 159099 1 Interlock Spring Rod Assem 66 | 453017 | 2 Washer, 1/2 SAE Flat 67 460028 2 Pin, 1/8x 1 Cotter 68 351096 1 Spring, 69 444758 L Nut, 1/2-13 Hex Center Loc 70 | 400266 | 1 Screw, 3/8-16x1-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 71 453011 2 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat 72 | 446142 2 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 73 443110 1 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 74 | 412033 | 1 Screw, 3/8-16x1/2 Sq Hd Cup Pt Set 75 158986 1 Pedal Mtg Assembly, Brake 76 159766 1 Reversing Arm Assembly 77 | 463017 | 1 Key, 3/16 x 3/4 Woodruff 78 412033 1 Screw, 3/8-16x1/2 Sq Hd Cup Pt Set 79 351989 1 Bracket, treadle Lock 80 352023 1 Spring 81 | 400182 2 Screw, 5/16-18x5/8 Hex Hd Cap 82 326731 1 Knob, Treadle Lock Lever 83 460026 4 Pin, 1/8x3/4 Cotter 84 | 446136 | 2 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 85 443106 2 ' Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 86 351990 1 Rod, Treadle Lock (Lower) 87 319161 1 Yoke 88 158989 1 Treadle Lock Lever Assembly 89 | 335295 1 Rod, Treadle Lock (Upper) * —" 9 = Ц © A| of Л et 8 | gy 2 15 ILLUSTRATION 8. HYDRAULIC OIL COOLER SYSTEM Ref. Part Quan. Description Ref. Fart Quan. Description 1 350993 1 Oil Filter 10 159767 1 Cooler, Hydro Oil 2 241685 1 Bracket, Oil Filter 11 159812 2 Bracket Assembly, Cooler Mig 3 400264 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd 12 345625 1 Spacer, Bottom R.H. Cowling Bolt 4 | 446142 | 2 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 13 | 353497 | 2 Side Plate, Cooler Screen 5 1443110 | 2 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 14 | 452002 | 4 Washer, Flat 6 351108 1 Connector, Filter to Bracket 15 400104 | 4 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Hex Hd 7 342199 2 Connector, Hydraulic Tube 16 353498 1 Front Plate, Cooler Screen 8 445268 4 Nut, Speed, U-Type 9 351314 |. 4 Screw, Thumb, 5/16-18 34 WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. ILLUSTRATION 9. MOWER LIFT ARMS & MOUNTING ASSEMBLY Ref. | Part Ref. | Part No. | No. Quan, Description No No. Quan, Description 1* | 121619 3 | Cylinder, 2 x 5 Double Acting 22 | 129968 1 Front Lift Arm Assembly, R.H. Front Lift (2), Center Lift (1) 23 129969 1 Front Lift Arm Assembly, L.H. 2 352979 1 Pin, Hydraulic Cylinder Mig 24 1 350761 2 Spacer 3 352986 1 Shaft, Hydraulic Cylinder Mtg 25 460088 2 Pin, Cotter, 3/8 x 2-1/2 4 353671 1 Spacer, Center Litt Cylinder 26 350738 2 Block, Spring Pivot 5 460070 1 Pin, 1/4 x 2-1/4 Cotter, Cyl Mig 27 460063 2 Pin, 1/4 x 1-1/4 Cotter 6 116312 1 Side Wing Lift Arm Assem В.Н, 28 350891 2 "U" Bolt 7 116313 1 Side Wing Lift Arm Assem L.H. 29 352152 2 Collar, Wing Mower Mtg 8 | 158477 2 Wing Arm Mtg Shaft Assembly 30 | 410508 8 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1 Sq Hd Set 9 | 400272 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 2-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 31 {352151 2 Collar, Front Mower Mounting 10 446142 2 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 32 | 400108 1 Bolt, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex Hd, Pin Mtg 11 443110 2 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 33 | 351727 2 Pin, Stow 12* | 121618 2 Cylinder, 2 x 8 Double Acting 34 | 443810 8 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Jam 13 | 460068 10 Pin, 1/4 x 2 Cotter 35 352436 4 Decal, Mower Removal 14 460312 2 Hairpin Cotter, LHCOT 2 36 446130 1 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy, Pin Mtg 15 | 445521 4 Nut, Push On 37 |335622 1 11Stop, Front Hyd Lift 16 | 350890 4 Spring 38 | 400612 2 Bolt, 5/8-11 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd 17 452022 1 Washer, 1-1/16 I.D. 2-1/2 O.D. 39 342795 2 Spacer Flat 40 446166 2 Lockwasher, 5/8 Hvy 18 460064 1 Pin, 1/4 x 1-1/2 Cotter 41 443126 2 Nut, 5/8-11 Hex 19 444762 8 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Center Loc 42 129967 1 Center Lift Arm Assembly 20 350844 6 Pin, Spring Mountin 21 352985 4 Bolt, Spring : *For service of Seals, order Seal Repair Kit #500798 35 a | 24 WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. e ILLUSTRATION 10. MOWER DRIVE ASSEMBLY Ref. | Part No No. Quan. Description 1 241684 1 Housing, Rear Reel Drive 2 | 471210 1 Grease Fitting, 1/8 PTFx 45° 3 350744 2 Bearing, Ball 5 | 458458 1 - Ring, Retaining 6 458422 1 Snap Ring 7 | 400410 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd Cap 8 351348 1 Washer, Spl 9 | 446154 | 2 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 10 443118 2 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 11 350822 1 Chain, Counter Shaft to Rear 7 Mower Drive 12 470510 3 Link, Connecting 13 129657 1 Drive Shaft Assembly, Tele- scoping, L.H. Front (Incl Ref 14, 15, 39 & 43) 14 | 158945 1 Yoke & Block Assembly 15 350833 2 Yoke 16 129498 1 Drive Shaft Assembly, Tele- scoping, R.H. Front (Incl Ref. 15, 22, 39 & 43) 36 ‘MOWER DRIVE ASSEMBLY Ref.| Part : No. | No. Quan. Description. 17 | 463017 2 Key, 3/16 x3/4 Woodruff 18 | 400196 5 - Screw, 5/16-18x 2 Hex Hd Cap -19 444718 6 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Center-Loc 20 350819 1 Chain, Front Reel Drive 21 129500 | 1 Drive Shaft Assembly, Telescop- _ ing, (Incl Ref 22, 25, 39 & 44) 22 | 350875 | 2 Yoke 23 | 463021 |‘ 1 Key, 1/4x 7/8 Woodruff 24 460024 2 Pin, 1/8x1/2 Cotter 25 350873 1 Yoke 26% | 129659 1 Drive Shaft Assembly, Tele- scoping, R.H. Rear 27 463019 3 Key, 3/16 x 7/8 Woodruff 29* | 129658 1 Drive Shaft Assembly, Tele- scoping, L.H, Rear 30 158940 1 Sprocket & Hub Assembly 31 351740 1 Chain, Center Reel Gear Box to Reel Drive 32 158949 1 Sprocket Assembly 33 412015 2 Screw, 5/16-18x5/8 Sq Hd Cup Pt Set 34 321356 1 Key, 1/4 Sq x 15/16 Lg 35 470515 3 Link, Off-Set 36 |-159786 1 Slip Clutch Assem, Rear Reels - 37 158747 2 Pin Assembiy, Yoke 38 344790 2 Washer 39 500919 6 TU‘! Joint 43 500770 2 Drive Shaft, Telescoping 44 500769 1 Drive Shaft, Telescoping 47 351733 1 Sprocket | 48 | 400186 | 4 Screw, 5/16-18x7/8 Hex Hd 49 352756 4 Tab, Screw Locking 50 400200 1 Screw, 5/16-18x 2-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 52 | 412035 | 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 3/4 Sq Hd Cup Pt Set * See Fig. 23A and B for Parts Breakdown. 37 SLIP CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 16 AND 18 TOOTH ILLUSTRATION 11 > % SS 35 3 A SY Ref. = Но №. = 2 x = Quan Description 1 130097 1 Slip Clutch, Tube Assembly 2 130098 1 Rear Reel Drive Shaft 3 353461 353461 2 Disc Clutch 4 159785 1 Sprocket (16 Tooth) and Bell Assembly 5 ° 159787 1 Sprocket (18 Tooth) and Bell Assembly 6 343465 343465 1 Plunger, Bell 7 463009 463009 2 Key, 5/32 x 5/8 Woodruff 8 353466 353466 1 Spring, Compression 9 353467 353467 1 Hub, Slip Clutch 10 353468 353468 1 Bearing, Slip Clutch 11 353469 353469 1 Spring, Compression 12 353470 343470 1 | Nut, Jam WARNING: Order by part numbers. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 38 L.H. & R. H. FRONT MOWER, ILLUSTRATION 12 REEL SHAFT WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. RIGHT ANGLE GEAR BOX ASSEMBLY Ref. | Part No. No. Quan. Description 1 218055 1 Gear Box, Right Angle 2 335025 1 Oil Seal 3 | 500711 1 Bearing, Cup & Cone 4 | 335029 2 Bevel Gear 5 | 463019 2 Key, Woodruff, 3/16x7/8 6 | 458422 | 1 Snap Ring 7 335023 1 Shaft, Gear Box 8 305438 2 Bearing, Ball 9 335024 1 Oil Seal 10 350677 1 "O" Ring 11 269031 1 Cover, Bearing Housing 12 | 408869 8 Screw, 5/16-18x 1-1/8 Self- Tapping Hex Hd w/Lockwasher 13 350699 1 Cover, Bearing Housing 14 | 3506971 1 Gasket, Bearing Housing Cover 15 | 444762 | 2 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Gripco I 16 307314 2 Washer 17 453011 2 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat 18 350684 2 Bolt, Shoulder 19 350678 4 Spring, Belleville 20 315298 2 Bolt, Tapered, 7/16-20 x 3/4 21 | 463019 1 Key, Woodruff 22 351390 1 Shield, Grass 39 WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. ILLUSTRATION 13 "GEAR BOX ASSEMBLY, CENTER REEL DRIVE Ref, | Part , No. | No. Quan. Description 129476 | 1 Gear Box Assembly, Complete (Inel Ref 1 thru 18) 1 |400186 | 8 Screw, 5/16-18 x /78 Hex Hd Cap 2 |446136| 8 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 3 |535012| 2 Cap 4 | 312812 AR Gasket, 0.015 thk 312813 AR Gasket, 0.005 thk 545931 | AR Gasket, 0.002 thk 545932 | АК Gasket, 0.003 thk 6 312809 2 Oil Seal 7 500596 2 Bearing, Cup € Cone - 9 1306968 | 2 Кеу 10 545358 1 Shaft 11 500376 2 Bevel Gear 12 500612 2 Bearing, Cup & Cone 13 590130 2 Roll Pin 14 545930 1 Gear Box Housing 16 545933 1 Shaft 17 590131 1 Plug, Pipe, Vented 18 590132 1 Plug, Pipe, Plain AR - As Required 40 WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration referénce numbers. 15 N r 16 17 x HS O <a ILLUSTRATION 14 GEAR BOX ASSEMBLY, R.H. (FRONT MOWER DRIVE) Ref. | Part No. No. Quan Description 1 121516 1 Gear Box, R.H. Assembly 2 | 535026 1 Housing, Right Angle Drive 3 546073 2 Gear, Miter 4 | 545936 1 Shaft, Input 5 545937 1 Shaft, Output 6 545938 1 Cover, Right Hand 7 545603 1 Gasket, Cover 8 545604 | 3 Bearing, Ball 9 | 545342 1 Bearing, Ball 10 | 590103 | 1 Ring, Snap 11 | 590104 | 2 Ring, Snap 12 545605 | 1 Seal, Oil 13 545606 1 Gasket, Cap 14 408866 4 Screw, 10-24x5/8 Pan Hd Self-Tap 15 500515 1 Cap and Seal Assembly (Retainer incls Nos. 16° & 17) 16 545607 1 Seal, Oil ‘ 17 | 400110 | 4 Screw, 1/4-20x7/8 Hex Hd 18 | 446130 | 4 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 19 446118 4 Lockwasher, #10 Hvy 41 LEFT FRONT MOWER ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 15 WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 42 LEFT FRONT MOWER ASSEMBLY Ref, Part No. No. |Quan. Description 158952 1 Mower Assembly, Complete 1 121497 1 Frame Assembly, L.H, Front 2 | 471216 | 1 Fitting, 1/4-28 Grease, Extra Short 3 | 335268 | 1 Grass Shield (Long) JA! 335269 1 Grass Shield (Short) 4 | 330532 | 1 Grass Shield (Long) 4A | 330533 1 Grass Shield (Short) 5 | 408870 | 8 Screw, 5/16-18x 7/8 Hex Hd w/Lockwasher 6 129459 1 Reel Assembly 7 331692 1. Bed Knife 8 | 402698 13 Screw, 3/8-24x 3/4 Flat Hd Mach 9 | 445684 13 Nut, 3/8-24 Marsden Hex 10 315298 6 Bolt, Tapered 7/16-20 x 3/4 11 121495 1 Bed knife Backing Assembly 12 218055 1 Gear Box, Right Angle (See Illus 9) 13 350684 | 2 Bolt, Shoulder 14 350678 4 Spring, Belleville 15 307314 4 Washer 16 453011 6 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat 17 | 444762 | 6 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Gripco 18 350694 2 Rod, Adjusting 19 350689 | 4 Nut 20 129662 | 1 Skid Shoe Assembly, RH, 21 129663 1 Skid Shoe Assembly, L.H, 22 | 400262 | 2 Screw, 3/8-16x 1 Hex Hd Cap 23 218056 1 Housing, Bearing 24 | 335025 1 Oil Seal 25 500711 1 Bearing Cup & Cone 26 350671 1 Spring 27 350685 1 Spacer 28 346213 1 Washer 29 | 446136 | 1 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 30 | 400192 | 1 Screw, 5/16-18x1-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 31 350672 1 Cover, Bearing Housing 32 350698 1 Gasket, Bearing Housing Cover 33 | 400264 | 2 Screw, 3/8-16x1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 34 | 400186 | 4 Screw, 5/16-18x7/8 Hex Hd Cap 35 446142 2 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 36 310711 4 Washer 37 446136 4 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 38 342034 2 Bushing 39 | 327650 2 Washer 40 | 453009 | 8 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat 41 350885 4 Spacer ' 42 351523 1 Decal, Danger WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 43 RIGHT FRONT MOWER ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 16 ve y ANNA N - WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 44 RIGHT FRONT MOWER ASSEMBLY Ref. | Part | No. No. Quan. Description 158951 1 Mower Assembly, Complete 1 121496 1 Frame Assembly, R.H, Front & Right Wing 2 1471216 1 Fitting, 1/4-28 Grease, Extra Short 3 335268 1 Grass Shield (Long) ЗА | 335269 1 Grass Shield (Short) 4 330532 | 1 Grass Shield (Long) 4A | 330533 1 Grass Shield (Short) 5 408870 8 Screw, 5/16-18x 7/8 Hex Hd w/Lockwasher 6 129460 1 Reel Assembly 7 331692 1 Bed Knife | 8 1402698 13 Screw, 3/8-24x 3/4 Flat Hd Mach » 9 - | 445684 | 13 Nut, 3/8-24 Marsden Hex Hd 10 |315298 | 8 Bolt, Tapered 7/16-20x 3/4 11 121495 1 Bed Knife Backing Assembly 12 | 218055 1 Gear Box, Right Angle (See Illus 9) 13 350684 2 Bolt, Shoulder 14 350678 4 Spring, Belleville 15 307314 2 Washer 16 453011 1 2 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat 17 | 444762 | 4 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Gripco 18 350694 | 2 Rod, Adjusting 19 1350689 | 4 Nut, Rod Adjusting 20 129662 1 Skid Shoe Assembly, R.H. 21 129663 1 Skid Shoe Assembly, L.H, 22 310711 4 Washer 23 |400262 | 2 Screw, 3/8-16x1 Hex Hd Cap 24 218056 1 Housing, Bearing 25 | 335025 | 1 0il1%eal 26 500711 1 Bearing Cup & Cone 27 350671 1 Spring 28 350685 1 Spacer 29 346213 1 Washer, 30 | 446136 | 5 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 31 | 400192 1 Screw, 5/16~18x 1-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 32 350672 1 Cover, Bearing Housing 33 350698 1 Gasket, Bearing Housing Cover 34 453009 8 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat 35 | 400186 | 4 Screw, 5/16-18 x 7/8 Hex Hd Cap w/Lockwasher 36 | 446142 | 2 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 37 327650 2 Washer 39 342034 2 Bushing 40 350885 4 Spacer 41 351523 1 Decal, Danger 42 400264 2 Screw, 3/8-16x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers, . 45 "CENTER MOWER ASSEMBLY ЗА . ILLUSTRATION 17 5 a S „” ® > | o ® A QU A ang WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 46 CENTER MOWER ASSEMBLY Ref. | Part Ref. | Part No. | No. Quan. Description No. | No. Quan. Description 158954 1 Mower Assembly, Complete 46 350689 4 Nut, Tapered 121498 | 1 Frame Assembly, Center 47 | 443820 | 4 Nut, 1/2-20 Hex Jam 335267 1 Grass Shield (Short) 48 311253 4 Pin, Clevis 330534 | 1 Grass Shield (Short) 49 | 460028 | 2 Pin, Cotter, 1/8x1 330535 1 Grass Shield (Long) 50 350690 1 Strap, Side Frame 408870 | 10 Screw, 5/16-18x7/8 Hex Hd 51 | 402682 | 2 Screw, 5/16~18x 3/4 Flat Hd Mach | w/Lockwasher 52 | 444718 | 2. Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Center Loc 331692 1 , Bed Knife 53 327650 2 Washer 402698 13 Screw, 3/8-24 x 3/4 Flat Hd Mach 54 310711 4 Washer 445684 | 13 Nut, 3/8-24 Marsden Hex 55 1129661 | 1 Reel Assembly 315298 | 10 Bolt, Tapered 7/16-20x 3/4 56 | 350671] 1 - Spring 129463 1 Shaft Housing & Bushing Assembly 57 345700 1 Washer 342034 2 Bushing 58 269030 1 Cover, Bearing Housing 471216 1 Grease Fitting, 1/4-28 Extra Short 59 129967 1 Center Lift Arm Assembly 400408 | 4 Screw, 1/2-13x1-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 60 |350761| 1 Spacer, Lift Arm Mounting 443118 | 4 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 61 | 460088 | 1 Pin, 3/8x 2-1/2 Cotter 446154 | 4 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 62 | 352093 1 Bracket, Bal. Spring Mounting 121495 1 Bed Knife Backing Assembly 63 | 351153 1 Arm, Spring 335080 1 Bracket, Mower Lift, R.H. 64 344999 1 Bolt 335079 1 Bracket, Mower Lift, L.H. 66 | 443110 1 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 400262 | 10 Screw, 3/8-16x 1 Hex Hd Cap 67 | 351154 | 1 Spring, Center Lift Arm 453011 | 8 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat 68 | 350694 | 1 Rod, Adj Spring Mounting 444762 | 12 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Center Loc 69 | 443120 | 2 Nut, 1/2-20 Hex * 350694 | 4 Rod, Adjusting 70 1347190 | 1 Spring, Center Mower Balance 350689 | 8 Nut 71 | 351191 | 1 Link, Spring Mounting 129856 1 Skid Shoe Assembly, R.H. 79 | 342801 1 Bolt 129857 | 1 Skid Shoe Assembly, L.H. 73 | 452006 | 2 Washer, 5/16 Std Flat 307314 | 4 Washer 74 | 443810 | 2 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Jam 352152 1 Collar, Center Mower Mtg 75 443110 1 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 218056 | 1 Housing, Bearing 76 | 410508 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1 Sq Hd Set 335025 2 Oil Seal 77 352436 1 Decal, Mower Removal 500711 2 Bearing, Cup & Cone 78 218064 1 Housing, Bearing 301726 1 Cover, Bearing Housing 79 351367 AR Washer 335024 | 3 Oil Seal 80 | 452012 | 1 Washer, Std 1/2 350677 | 1 "O" Ring 81 | 458612 | 1 Snap Ring 33 | 400186 | 4 Screw, 5/16-18x 7/8 Hex Hd. Cap 82 | 3515231 1 Decal, Danger 34 350684 4 Bolt, Shoulder 83 460316 2 Hairpin, Cotter 35 350678 8 Spring, Belleville 84 | 446136 | 4 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 36 129476 | 1 Gear Box (See Illus 10 for service part numbers) 37 446142 8 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 38 335032 1 Bracket, Gear Box 39 158943 1 Chain Shield Assembly 40 453009 10 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat 41 129465 1 Bracket, Gear Box 42 400274 1 Screw, 3/8-16x 2-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 43 | 400264 | 3 Screw, 3/8~16x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 44 350893 2 Rod, Adjusting | 45 335262 2 Yoke, Mower Lift 45A | 335083 2 Yoke, Mower Lift, Inner AR - As Required WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 41 LEFT WING MOWER ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 18 WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 48 LEFT WING MOWER ASSEMBLY Ref. | Part No. No. |Quan. Description 158956 1 Mower Assembly, Complete 1 121497 1 Frame Assembly, L.H. Front 2 | 471216 1 " Fitting, 1/4-20 Grease, Extra Short + 3 335268 1 Grass Shield (Long) 3A | 335269 1 Grass Shield (Short) 4 | 330532 1 Grass Shield (Long) 4A | 330533 1 Grass Shield (Short) 5 408870 8 Screw, 5/16-18x7/8 Hex Hd w/Lockwasher 6 129459 1 Reel Assembly 7 331692 1 Bed Knife 8 | 402698 13 Screw, 3/8-24x 3/4 Flat Hd Mach 9 | 445684 | 13 Nut, 3/8-24 Marsden Hex Jam 10 | 315298 | 8 Bolt, Tapered 7/16-20x 3/4 11 121495 1 Bed Knife Backing Assembly 13 350684 4 Bolt, Shoulder 14 350678 8 Spring, Belleville 15 307314 | 4 Washer 16 453011 6 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat 17 | 444762 | 8 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Gripco Center -Loc 18 350694 2 Rod, Adjusting 19 350689 4 Nut 20 129662 1 Skid Shoe Assembly, R.H. 21 129663 1 Skid Shoe Assembly, L.H, 22 | 400262 | 4 Screw, 3/8-16x 1 Hex Hd Cap 23 400264 | 2 Screw, 3/8-16x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 24 218056 2 Housing, Bearing 25 | 350677 2 "O" Ring 26 500711 2 Bearing Cup € Cone 27 | 350671 | 1 Spring 28 | 269029 | 1 Cover, Bearing, Housing 29 335024 1 Oil Seal 30 335025 2 Oil Seal 32 345700 1 Washer 33 269028 1 Cover, Bearing Housing 34 310711 4 Washer 35 327650 2 Washer 36 342034 2 Bushing 37 13350821 1 Bracket, Mower Lift, R.H.* 38 | 446142 | 2. Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 39 | 453009 8 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat 40 351523 | 1 Decal, Danger | 41 | 400186 | 8 Screw, 5/16-18x 7/8 Hex Hd Cap 42 | 446136 | 8 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy * Mount on RH. Side of L.H. Wing Mower } WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 43 RIGHT WING MOWER ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 19 WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. a0 RIGHT WING MOWER ASSEMBLY Ref. | Part No. No. Quan. Description 158953 1 Mower Assembly, Complete 1 121496 1 Frame Assembly, R,H, Front 2 |1471216 | 1 Fitting, 1/4-28 Grease, Extra Short 3 335268 1 Grass Shield (Long) JA | 335269 1 Grass Shield (Short) 4 330532 1 Grass Shield (Long) 4A | 330533 1 Grass Shield (Short) 5 408870 8 Screw, 5/16-18x 7/8 Hex Hd w/Lockwasher 6 129460 1 Reel Assembly 7 331692 1 Bed Knife 8 402698 13 Screw, 3/8-24x3/4 Flat Hd Mach 9 | 445684 13 Nut, 3/8-24 Marsden Hex Hd Jam 10 | 315298 | 8 Bolt, Tapered 7/16-20 x 3/4 11 121495 1 Bed Knife Backing Assembly 12 327650 2 Washer 13 350684 4 Bolt, Shoulder 14 350678 8 Spring, Belleville 15 307314 4 Washer 16 453011 6 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat 17 444762 8 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Gripco 18 350694 2 Rod, Adjusting 19 350689 4 Nut, Rod Adjusting 20 129662 1 Skid Shoe Assembly, R.H. 21 129663 1 Skid Shoe Assembly, L.H. 22 | 400262 | 4 Screw, 3/8-16x 1 Hex Hd Cap 23 | 400264 | 2 Screw, 3/8-16x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 24 218056 2 Housing, Bearing 25 335025 2 Oil Seal | 26 500711 2 Bearing Cup & Cone 27 350671 1 Spring - 28 335081 1 Bracket, Mower Lift, L.H. (Mount on L.H, Side of R.H, Wing Mower 29 269029 1 Cover, Bearing, Housing 31 335024 1 Oil Seal 32 345700 1 Washer 33 310711 4 Washer 34 342034 2 Bushing 35 350677 2 "O" Ring 36 269028 1 Cover, Bearing Housing 37 | 446142 | 2 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 38 | 453009 8 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat 39 351523 1 Decal, Danger 40 446136 8 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy | 41 | 400186 | 8 Screw, 5/16-18x 7/8 Hex Hd Cap WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 51 A-1153 Model 2505 TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 20 48—68 36 —8 49—77 “a SN A В fe \ 43 45 42 WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 92 TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLY Ref. No. Part No. Description 1 770060 Case Assem, Transaxle (Incl Nos 2 thru 5) 2 780097 Bearing, Needle 3 780098 Bearing, Needle 4 780099 Bearing, Needle 5 780100 Bearing, Needle 6 772065 Case Assembly, Transaxle (Incl Nos 3, 4, & 5) 7 778084 Gear, Ring 8 778085 Gear, Side 9 778086 Gear, Pinion 10 786054 Core, Body 11 774199 Carrier, Differential 12 774200 Carrier, Differential 13 774201 "Axle 14 792062 Ring, Snap 15 792063 Screw, 3/8-16x 3-3/8 Hex Head 16 792011 Lockwasher, 3/8 17 780101 Washer, Thrust 18 776118 Shaft, Counter 19 776119 Shaft, Brake 20 776120 Pinion, Output’ 21 778087 Gear, Bevel (30 Teeth) 22 778088 Gear, Spur (16 Teeth) 23 778089 Gear, Spur (25 Teeth) 24 778090 Gear, Cluster (18 & 27 Teeth) 25 778091 Gear, Spur (20 Teeth) 26 778092 Gear, Output (29 Teeth) 27 786055 Spacer 28 786056 Spacer 29 784195 Fork, Shift 30 784196 Rod, Shift 31 788047 Gasket, Case and Cover 32 780005 - Spacer 33 792010. Plug, Pipe 34 792064 Ring, Snap 35 786026 Pin, Dowel 36 792003 Spring 37 788008 Seal, Oil 38 792019 Plug, Magnetic Drain 39 780045 Washer, Thrust 40 780012 Bearing, Thrust 41 788034 Seal, Oil 42 780103 Bearing, Ball 43 780104 Bearing, Thrust 44 788048 Seal, Square Cut 45 792065 Screw, 1/2-13x1-1/2 Hex Hd 46 792066 Lockwasher, 1/2 47 792067 Screw, 5/16-18x 1 Thrd Forming Hex Hd 48 792068 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Set 49 792004 Ball, Steel 50 788049 Seal, Oil 51 778093 Pinion, Bevel For service contact Tecumseh Products Company, Lauson-Power Products Parts Depot Division, Grafton, Wisconsin WARNING: Order by part number. Do not use illustration reference numbers. 93 Illustration 21. STEERING GEAR ASSEMBLY Ref, Part No. No. Quan, Description 120438 1 Steering Gear Assembly (Incl the following) 1 443828 3 Nut, 5/8-18 Hex Jam 2 546063 1 Cover, Dust 3 546064 1 Bearing, Steering Column 4 500855 1 Steering Gear Housing Assembly 5 546065 1 Washer 6 546066 1 Ball Bearing and Cup Assembly 7 N.S.S. 1 Cam and Tube Assembly 8 546067 1 Washer, Belleville 9 546068 1 Plug, Steering Gear Adjustment 10 460024 1 Pin, 1/8x 1/2 Cotter 11 500857 1 Steering Gear Assembly (Incl Ref.12,13,14,8 (2) of Ref. 12 443820 1 Nut, 1/2-20 Hex Jam 13 546069 1 Stud, Lever 14 500858 1 Lever Assembly 15 546070 1 Retainer, Oil Seal 16 546071 1 Oil Seal 17 471210 1 Fitting, 1/8 PTF x 45° Grease N.S.S. - Not Stocked for Service (Order Complete Gear Assembly 1204386) 04 MOUNTING BRACKET TN a © VD ILLUSTRATION 22 DISC BRAKE ASSEMBLY Ref. Part No. No. Quan, Description 1 546124 1 Rib Plate with Lining 2 546125 1 Stud Plate with Lining 3 546126 1 V-Plate 4 546127 2 Spacer, Brake D 546128 2 Spring, Brake Return 6 546129 1 Cam Lever, Brake 7 546130 1 Washer, Cam Lever Thrust 8 546131 1 Spring, Center 9 400308 2 Bolt, 3/8-24 x 2-1/4 Hex Hd 10 444744 2 Nut, 3/8- 24 Hex Center Lock 11 453009 1 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat 12 546132 1 Snap Ring 95 Your F-133 comes equipped with either Rockwell | Shaft Assemblies, Parts Numbered 129658 (L.H. (stamped "RS") or Neapco (stamped "Neapco") Drive | Rear) and 129659 (R.H. Rear). The two drive shaft assemblies are also distinguish- If replacements are necessary, be sure to order the ed by their quick disconnect couplings: Rockwell has a hex type twist coupling. parts according to the make of the drive shafts on your machine. Do not use a left hand Rockwell shaft with a similar Neapco right hand unit, or, vice Neapco has a round type push-pull coupling. versa. 9 3 Figure 23 A US > ==] A PARTS LIST NEAPCO DRIVE SHAFT ASSEMBLY 9-13 Ref. | Part No. No. Quan, Description 1 129658 1 Telescoping Drive Shaft Assembly, L.R. Rear (10 1/8" centerline to centerline "U" Joints), Neapco (includes 1 Ref, 2, 2 Ref. 3, 1 Ref. 7, and Ref. 9.) 2 350833 2 Yoke 3 500919 4 Journal Assembly (includes &rease Fitting) 4 | 500736 | 4 Set, Nylon Bearing Half (2), Lock Ring (1) 5 546150 1 Inner Bell Shield (1..Н.) 6 546151 1 Outer Bell Shield (L.H.) 7 159416 2 Yoke With Quick Disconnect Coupling 8 545883 2 Bearing, Nylon, Inner Shield 9 | 500957 1 Drive Shaft Assembly Without Yokes and Journal Assemblies, L.H, 10 129659 1 Telescoping Drive Shaft Assembly, R.H, Rear (10 5/8" Centerline to Centerline "U" Joints), Neapco )includes 1 Ref. 2, 2 Ref, 3, 1 Ref. 7, and Ref, 13.) 11 | 545886 1 Inner Bell Shield )R.H.) 12 | 545887 1 Outer Bell Shield (R.H.) 13 500772 1 Drive Shaft Assembly Without Yokes and Journal Assemblies (R,H.) Figure 23 8B 3 Q PARTS LIST . ROCKWELL DRIVE SHAFT ASSEMBLY 9-13 Ref. | Part No. No. Quan. Description 1 | 129658 | 1 Telescoping Drive Shaft Assembly, L.H, Rear (10 1/8" Centerline to Centerline "U" Joints), Rockwell (includes 1 Ref. 2, 2 Ref.3, 1 Ref. 7, and Ref.9,) 2 | 351724 2 Yoke 3 500850 4 Journal Assembly (includes Grease Fitting) 4 500851 4 Set, Nylon Bearing, Washer, Lock Ring 5 | 546047 | 1 Inner Bell Shield (L.H.) 6 546049 1 Outer Bell Shield (L.H.) 7 129660 2 Yoke With Quick Disconnect Coupling 8 | 546045 | 2 Bearing, Nylon, Inner Shield 9 500849 1 Drive Shaft Assembly Without Yokes and Journal Assemblies L.H, 10 129659 1 Telescoping Drive Shaft Assembly, RH. Rear (10 5/8" Centerline to Centerline "U" Joints), Rockwell (includes 1 Ref, 2, 2 Ref. 3, 1 Ref. 7, and Ref. 13.) 11 546046 1 Inner Bell Shield (R.H.) 12 | 546048 1 Outer Bell Shield (R.H.) 13 500848 1 Drive Shaft Assembly Without Yokes and Journal Assemblies (R.H.) 96 AMMETER A 10 HOUR METER RED — —13 FLYWHEEL IGNITION ALTERNATOR STARTER PURPLE \ WHITE ak SWITCH bre GREEN LA | | OIL PRESSURE INDICATING LAMP A BLACK (REF) = LO Би 0 RED (REF) ГЫ hd ТУАН (RESISTOR | ФТ 4 SPARK PLUGS (REF) o . | -BAT AC A REGULATOR RECTIFIER REG A 5 OIL PRESSURE SWITCH +BAT { AC = = | 9 Q O SECONDARY - COIL (REF) GREEN 2x od / | COIL (REE) ORANGE 9 / PURPLE I di — WHITE Sol WHITE 9 N + BREAKER RED 8. RESISTOR (REF) REF) = / 14 NEUTRAL START SWITCH SR, + WHITE 9 BLACK ,[ [ } NS | Ц BLACK | | | RED . | = 7 SAFETY | L RED 5 E 45 SOLENOID” п == | - = + \ CLUTCH | BATTERY N HANDLE Q BLACK~ 16 — STARTER) (REF) SWITCH 15 | | h HIGH RANGE SWITCH Illustration 24 WIRING DIAGRAM Ref Part No. No. Quan Des cription 121774 1 Wiring Harness Assembly (Includes Ref. No. 1 thru 12) 1 1 Wire (Green), Ignition Switch to Oil Pressure Light 2 1 Wire (Green), Oil Pressure Light to Oil Pressure Switch 3 1 Wire (Purple), Ignition Switch to Engine Breaker Points 4 1 Wire (Red), Ignition Switch to Ammeter 5 1 Wire (Orange), Ammeter to Regulator Rectifier 6 1 Wire (White), Ignition Switch to Neutral Start Switch 7 1 Wire (White), Safety Switch to Solenoid 8 1 Wire (Red), Ammeter to Solenoid 9 1 Wire (White), Neutral Start Switch to Safety Switch 10 1 Wire (Purple), Ignition Switch to Hour Meter 11 1 Wire (Black), Clutch Handle Switch to Breaker Points 12 1 Wire (Black), High Range Switch to Clutch Handle Switch 13 “158941 1 Wire (White), Hour Meter to Ground 14 153244 1 Cable (Black), Battery Negative Terminal to Ground of Solenoid 15 | 158493 1 Cable (Red), Battery Positive Terminal to Battery Side 16 357597 Wire (Black), High Range Switch to Ground *17 400258 1 Screw, 3/8-16 x 3/4 Hex Hd Cap *18 .. 446142 1 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy *19 443110 1 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex *20 345671 1 Clip, Wire Harness *21 473142 3 Retainer, Cable to Frame | WARNING: Order by part number. Do * Not Illustrated not use illustration reference numbers. 57 <3 ILLUSTRATION 25. . SEAT ASSEMBLY Ref. | Part Ref. | Part No. No. Quan, Description No. No. Quan. Description 126095 1 Seat Suspension Assembly 22: | 418 1 Cup . (Incl Ref. 1-27) 23 | 710 1 Shock Obsorber 1 4900-11 1 Support Weld Assembly 24 | 701 1 Spring 2 1800-133] 1 Plain Arm Complete Assembly 25 | 467 1 Spring Rocker 3 4900-16 1 Notched Arm Complete Assembly 26 643 2 Grease Fitting 4 | 4911C 1 U-Post 27 636 2 Rubber Washer 3/8 IDx 3/4 OD *5 | 342104 1 Mounting Bar x 3/32 6 4900-18C} 1 Shock and Spring Assembly *28 119076 1 Bucket Seat (Incl Ref. 29-36) 7 1800-1221 1 Plain Arm Weid Assembly *29 | 446178 1 Lockwasher, 3/4 Hvy 8 | 4900-15C} 1 Notched Weld Assembly *30 | 443830 1 Nut, 3/4-10 Hex 9 | 430-P 4 Capscrew, 3/8-24x 1-1/8 UNF 131 | D2035 1 Shell Assembly 10 | 446 4 External Lockwasher 3/8 132 | D6056-1 | 1 Back Rest Assembly 11 | 480 4 Ball Bearing 133 | D2107-1 1 Seat Cushion Assembly 12 | 482 8 Lock Nut Gripco 3/8-24 UNF *34 | 400256 5 Screw, 3/8-16 x 5/8 Hex Hd Cap 13 | 411A 2 Hex Hd Bolt 3/8-24x7-9/16 UNF *35 | 400262 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1 Hex Hd Cap 14 | 630 4 Internal Lockwasher 3/8 *36 | 453011 7 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat 15 432 2 Tube 16 1714 2 Capscrew, 1/2-12x1-1/2 UNC 17 | 629 2 Lockwasher, Kantlink 1/2 18 | 494 2 Hex Nut, 1/2-12 UNF NOTE: 19 4109 1 Notch Arm Tension Spring Order parts from Knoedler Mfg. Co. Streator, Ili. 20 | 635 2 Washer, Carburized .402 ID x .640 Parts noted with an asterisk (*) available only from OD x 1/32 Jacobsen Mfg. Co. Parts noted with a dagger (1) 21 1800-1271 1 Clevis Weld Assembly available only from Milsco Mfg. Co. Milwaukee, Wi. 58 ‚ © TO HYDRO (PRESSURE) CENTER A) CYLINDER TO ENGINE MOUNTING SCREW CYLINDERS Sy ILLUSTRATION 26, HYDRAULIC LINES AND HOSES Ref. | Part Ref. | Part No. Quan. Description No. No. Quan. Description 351109 2 Connector, Male 37° Flare 24 | 444708 | 1 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex C/Lock Valve Connecting 25 159464 1 Hose Assembly, Center Cylinder 2 121626 1 Tube Assembly, Hydro to Valve Work 3 121711 1 Tube Assembly, Filter to Hydro 26 351399 1 Elbow, Male 37° Flare with "QO" Return Ring, Center Cylinder 4 | 342204] 7 Tee, Union 27 129962 1 Tube Assembly, Tee to Front and 5 159464 1. Hose Assembly, Center Cylinder Rear Work Line Tee Return 28 121620 1 Tube Assembly, Rear Raising 6 351109 1 Connector, Male 37° Flare 29 353003 1 Bracket, Block Mounting 7 351107 2 Elbow, Male 37° Flare with 30 353001 | 1 Clamp, Hydraulic Lift Tube "O" Ring 31 | 347064 | 1 Cover, Tube Clamp 8 121712 1 Tube Assembly, Control Valve to 32 | 400118 1 Bolt, 1/4-20 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd Cooler 33 | 444708 | 1 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex C/Leck 9 | 130195 1 Tube Assembly, Cooler to Filter 34 | 353008 1 Elbow, Swivel Nut 90° 10 130196 1 Tube Assembly, Tee to. Lower 35 159462 2 Hose Assembly, Rear Cylinder Connecting Tee Work 11 121621 1 Tube Assembly, Rear Cylinder 36 351109 Connector, Male 37° Flare, Rear Return Cylinder Work 12 353008 1 Elbow, Swivel Nut 90° 37 121625 1 Tube Assembly, Work Port of 13 159461 2 Hose Assembly, Cylinder Return Front Cylinder 14 | 351107 | 2 Elbow, Male 37° Flare with 38 | 353001 | 2 Clamp, Hydraulic Lift Tube "O" Ring 39 | 347064 | 2 Cover, Tube Clamp 15 121624 1 Tube Assembly, Front Return Line 40 400118 2 Bolt, 1/4-20 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd 16 353008 1 Elbow, Swivel Nut 90° 41 444708 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex C/Lock 17 159465 2 Hose Assembly, Cylinder Return 42 345671 2 Clamp, Wiring 18 351107 2 Elbow, Male 37° Flare with 43 400190 1 Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd "O" Ring, Front Cylinder 44 | 444718 | 1 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex C/Lock 19 { 851107} 1 Elbow, Male 37° Flare with "O" 45 | 353004 | 1 Bracket, Tube Support Ring, Valve Work Line 46 | 400264 | 1 Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd, 20 129963 1 Tube Assembly, Work Line, Bracket and Steering Clamp Mtg Vaive to Tee 47 | 353008 | 1 Elbow, Swivel Nut 90° 21 353002 2 Clamp, Hydraulic Lift Tube 48 159463 2 Hose Assembly, Front Cylinder 22 | 347064) 1 Cover, Tube Clamp Working 23 400118 1 Bolt, 1/4-20 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd To replace tubing, use 5/16" I.D, Hydraulic Hose 100 RI (working Pressure 2500 P.S.I., bursting Pressure 10,000 P.S.1.) with female 37° Flare Swivel (9/16-18 UNF Threads) both ends. ILLUSTRATION 27. HYDRAULIC VALVE ASSEMBLY Ref, {Jacobsen} Cessna Ref.] Jacobsen | Cessna No. |Part No. | Part No. (Quan. Description No.{ Part No. | Part No. Quan. Description 159460 1 Lift Valve Assembly 22) * 1 "O" Ring 1/16x1/2 LD. (Includes Ref. №, 1 - 35) 22 1500746 |31900-398) 1 Sear Assembly, (Includes 1 1500747 31900-3944 1 Cap Assembly Ref. No. 21) 2 1545917 31900-304 1 Screw, Spool 23 * 1 Poppet Assembly 3 [545918 |16048-75 | 1 Washer 24 1545914 }31900-551 1 Spring, Lockout 4 1545919 |31900-305| 1 Spacer 25 | N.S. 1 "O" Ring 3/32x5/81.D. 5 |545920 31900-550f 1 Spring, Spool Centering 26 N.S. 1 Backup Washer, 3/32x 6 |546123 16048-2564] 1 Washer, 670 O.D. 5/8 1.D. 7 |546122 | 16048-25383) 1 Washer, .670 O.D, 27 1501113 {31900-303 1 Plug Assembly, Seat 8 |545921 31900-377| 1 Bushing Retainer 9 | * 2 "O" Ring 3/32x 1/2 LD. 28 1500752 |16227-021] 1 Plug Assembly, Relief 10 | N.S. 1 Spool | Valve (Includes Ref. 11 1501115 31900-4099 1 Plug Assembly No. 29) 12 | N.S. 1 Backup Washer, 3/32 x 29 * 1 "O" Ring 3/32x 9/16 I.D. 5/8 LD. 30 1545925 |16048-22 [AR | Shim (.015) 13 | N.S. 1 "O"Ring 3/32x5/8 LD. 31 1545926 |16048-35 |AR | Shim (.010) 14 | N.S, 1 Body 32 | 545927 16048-65 | AR Shim (.035) 15 (545923 31900-3781 1 Plunger, Detent 33 1546479 32015-22 1 1 Spring 16 1545922 117016-5 | 1 Spring, Detent 34 | 545929 |32015-36 | 1 Poppet, Relief 17 (546112 16179-20 | AR Disc, Plain (150 x 015) Vaive 18 | * 1 "O" Ring 1/16x 7/32 LD. 35 |546478 |32015-13 | 1 | Seat 19 1500748 31900-380{ 1 Plug Assembly, Plunger Detent (Incl Ref. No. 18) 20 ¡546477 31900-44 1 Plunger, Detent * These items serviced in seal repair kit #501093 AR - As Required N.S, - Not Serviced 60 ILLUSTRATION 28, HYDROSTATIC TRANSMISSION SERVICE PARTS INCLUDES: (36) Ref. Part Ref, Part No. No, Description No. No. Description 1 546445 Snap Ring 21 546455 Control Shaft Washer 2 546443 Ball Bearing 22 546450 3/8 Dia Control Shaft Pin 3 546447 Oil Seal 23 546453 Spring Cap 4 546456 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/4 Soc Hd Cap 24 546534 Spring 5 501099 Body Sub Assembly 25 546441 Gasket 6 546446 Sealing Washer 26% 546462 Adapter. (Plastic) 7 546449 Bolt, 3/16-16 Hex Hd 28 590188 O-Ring 8 501097 Output Shaft Sub Assembly 29 546452 Snap Ring 9 546417 Motor Rotor, Ball Sub Assembly 30 546442 Gasket 10 501078 Pintle Sub Assembly 31 546436 Pump Plate 11 501096 Ring Sub Assembly 32 546438 Carrier 12 501100 Pump Rotor, Ball Sub Assembly 33 546437 Snap Ring 13 546418 Gasket 34 546439 Roll 14 546454 Rubber Insert 35 501098 Aux, Pump Sub Assembly 15 546448 Cam Ring Insert 36 546415 Oil Seal 16 546444 3/8 Pump Drive Pin 37 546457 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-3/4 Soc Hd 17 501095 Input Shaft Sub Assembly Cap 18 501075 Cover Sub Assembly 38 546416 Grass Shield 19 546440 Control Shaft 39 546456 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/4 Soc Hd 20 546414 Oil Seal Cap * Alternate Part 546451 Adapter (Steel) 61 SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS 1. First, remove the top and the sides of the crate and the bands from the tractor, mowers, etc. Do NOT attempt to remove the tractor from the base until:the center mower is secured in the raised position. 2. Apply a light coat of grease to the left and right hand wing mower pivot arms. Install the wing mowers and collars. Attach the ce .er mower lift brackets to the wing mowers. See ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS for proper adjusting information. % e a A Ei PIVOTS — Figure 26. Apply a light coat of grease to the right and left hand front mower pivot arms. Place a spacer on the arms (2-1/2" OD x 1/2" THK), with the beveled side towards the arm. Install the arms in the frame pivot tubes and secure with 3/8"x 2-1/2" cotter pins. Make sure that the mower pivot arms are on the correct side when in- stalled. 5. Install the front mowers and collars. L 6. Install the front mower lift springs. 62 Do NOT attach the lift springs before attach- ing the front mowers to the pivot arms. If so, arms will snap up to the raised posi- tion with considerable force and injury may occur. Use extreme caution. To adjust the stabilizing roller, loosen the screw and turn roller by hand so roller will just barely touch the plate on the frontlift arm assembly (Ref. 22-23, Illus. 7). The center roller is adjusted at the factory. Should any readjustment be necessary, proceed in the same manner as described in the above instructions. Apply a coat of grease to the end of the shafts and inside of the "U" joint yokes before assembl- ing. Attach the drive shafts to the mowers. To attach the front mower drive shaft, place awasher (1" ID x 1/16 THK) on the gear box shaft, install special key with cut-off end toward the washer, slide yoke onto shaft, and secure with bolt (5/16 x 2) and nut. Apply a light coat of grease to the inside of the steering wheel hub and to the end of the steering wheel shaft. Install the steering wheel with the spokes in a horizontal position and the wheels pointed in the straight ahead position. Press steering wheel cap into place after nut has been tightened. IMPORTANT When mounting front mowers, make sure that the two inner deflectors (See Fig. 27) are in horizontal position, parallel to the ground. INNER GRASS DEFLECTORS ON FRONT MOWERS MUST BE IN THE HORIZONTAL POSITION Figure 27. COLLAR MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS (See Fig. 28) — NOTE Slide collar over mower pivot shaft until holes in The muffier and front cylinders are not assem - collar line up with hole in shaft. Insert set screw bled on your tractor at the factory. It is with nut in hole on each side of collar. Adjust set necessary for you to assemble them on the rews so that mower will pivot freely with a min- tractor before operation. um amount of end play. Hold set screw in place when tightening down jam nut. SET SCREWS DO NOT Take clamp from bag of parts and slide over HAVE TO BE PULLED COMPLETELY TIGHT. Collar exhaust pipe on tractor. Line up muffler intake should have some play to. enable mower to pivot pipe with exhaust pipe, position clamp over freely. exhaust pipe and muffler intake pipe and tighten bolts on clamp to secure muffler in NOTE place. Collars for two front mowers are chamfered. — Remove front cylinders from tractor, retaining The chamfered side faces the mower. The cotter pins. Simultaneously slide cylinder over other collars are not chamfered. mounting shaft on frame and shaft on lift arm, and secure with cotter pins (1/4x2). BEFORE PLACING THE F-133 IN OPERATION BE SURE TO READ AND FOLLOW ALL OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN IN THE BEGINNING OF THE MANUAL. Figure 28. 63, MODEL TESTED BY INDEPENDENT LABORATORY STANDARDS INSTITUTE. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. THE OPEI LABEL 1S THE BUYERS ASSURANCE THAT A MODEL OF THIS MOWER HAS BEEN TESTED BY AN INDEPENDENT TESTING LABORATORY, AND FOUND TO CONFORM WITH THE SAFETY SPECIFICATIONS FOR POWER LAWN MOWERS PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN NATIONAL SAFE OPERATION PRACTICES FOR RIDING VEHICLES y a a 17 47 5 A CAUTION f / Y KEEP ALL SHIELDS IN PLACE 2 BEFORE LEAVING OPERATOR'S POSITION SHIFT TRANSMISSION TO NEUTRAL / SET BRAKE DISENGAGE ATTACHMENT CLUTCH SHUT OFF ENGINE REMOVE IGNITION KEY 3 SHUT OFF ENGINE WAIT FOR ALL MOVEMENT TO STOP DISCONNECT SPARX PLUG WIRE BEFORE SERVICING MACHINE OR CLEANING CLOGGED MECHANISM 4 KEEP PEOPLE AND PETS A SAFE DISTANCE AWAY FROM MACHINE bv vo vA Know the controls and how to stop quickly. READ THE OWNER'S MANUAL. Do not allow children to operate the vehicle. Do not allow adults to operate it without proper instruction. Do not carry passengers. Keep children and pets a safe distance away. - Clear the work area of objects which might be picked up and thrown. Disengage all attachment clutches and shift into neutral before attempting to start the engine (motor). Disengage power to attachment(s) and stop the en- gine (motor) before leaving the operator's position. Disengage power to attachment(s) and stop the “engine (motor) before making any repairs or ad- justments. | Disengage power to attachment(s) when trans- porting or not in use. Take all possible precautions when leaving the vehicle unattended, such as disengaging the power- take-off, lowering the attachment(s), shifting into neutral, setting the parking brake, stopping the engine, and removing the key. Do not stop or start suddenly when going uphill or downhill. Mow up and down the face of steep slopes; never across the face. Reduce speed on slopes and in sharp turns to prevent tipping or loss of control. Exercise ex- treme caution when changing direction on slopes. Stay alert for holes in the terrain and other hidden hazards. | | Use care when pulling loads or using heavy equip- ment. a. Use only approved drawbar hitch points. b. Limit loads to those you can safely control. ¢. Do not turn sharply. Use care when backing. d. Use counterweight(s) or wheel weights when suggested in the owner's manual. Watch out for traffic when crossing or near road- Ways. When using any attachments, never direct dis- charge of material toward bystanders nor allow anyone near the vehicle while in operation. Handle gasoline with care - itishighly flammabie. a. Use approved gasoline container. b. Never remove the cap of the fuel tank, or add gasoline to a running or hot engine, or fill the fuel tank indoors. Wipe up spilled gas- oline. c. Open doors if the engine is run in the garage - exhaust fumes are dangerous, Do not run the engine (motor) indoors. 17 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 Keep the vehicle and attachments in good „„@ ing condition and keep safety devices in place. Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition. Never store the equipment with gasoline in the tank inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame or spark. Allow the engine to cool be- fore storing in any enclosure. To reduce fire hazard, keep the engine free of grass, leaves, or excessive grease. The vehicle and attachments should be stopped and inspected for damage after striking a foreign object, and the damage should be repaired before restarting and operating the equipment. Do not change the engine governor settings or over-speed the engine. When using the vehicle with mower, proceed as follows: | (1) Mow only in daylight or in good artificial light. (2) Never make a cutting height adjustment while the engine (motor) is running if the operator must dismount to do so. (3) Shut the engine (motor) off when removing the grass catcher or unclogging chute. | (4) Check the blade mounting bolts for proper tightness at frequent intervals. Check the grass catcher bags frequently for wear or deterioration. Replace with new bags for safety protection. O Know what is behind you before backing tv . Do not use machine on a public road unless it iS equipped per ASAE S279.3, lighting and marking standard. Follow the manufacturer's maintenance recom- mendations implicitly. See "Maintenance and Lub- rication". It is recommended that your machine be thoroughly inspected at least once a year by a competent serviceman. If it is necessary to adjust the carburetor with the engine running, take extra care not to allow rings, wristwatches, clothing, etc., to become entangled with moving parts. Keep the machine and supply of gasoline in locked . storage to prevent children or others from playing or tampering with them. Always remove the igni- tion key when machine is stored. When machine is to be stored for an extended time, disconnect battery cables or remove the battery. Use fresh, clean gasoline only. For fuel recom- mendation, see GASOLINE. If machine is to be stored for an extended period, drain the tank and empty the gasoline storage container, either dis- carding the gasoline in a safe place, or using it in other gasoline-powered equipment for which it may be suited. : SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS FOR RIDING VEHICLES WITH GRASS CATCHERS ? CAUTION $ Do not run engine until catcher bag or chute is secured in place. Litho in U.S.A. 174 ">

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