GREENS KING II OPERATOR'S MANUAL AND PARTS LIST PRODUCT NO. 62219 SERIAL NO. 9901 AND UP JACOBSEN stas IF INCORRECTLY USED THIS MACHINE CAN CAUSE SEVERE INJURY. THOSE WHO 7 WARNING / USE AND MAINTAIN THE MACHINE SHOULD BE TRAINED IN ITS PROPER USE, я WARNED OF ITS DANGERS, AND SHOULD READ THE ENTIRE MANUAL BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO SET UP, OPERATE, ADJUST OR SERVICE THE MACHINE. 7/7/77 7 SAFE PRACTICES FOR RIDING VEHICLES PA OOOO à CAUTION 1. ‘Keep all shields in place. 2. ‘Before leaving operator's position: a. Shift transmission to neutral b. Set parking brake c. Disengage attachment clutch d. Shut off engine e. Remove ignition key 3. ‘Wait for all movement to stop before servicing machine. 4, ‘Keep people and pets a safe distance away from machine. OTOP OU ELE LU Da a М uaununenee nee. 1. Know the controls and how to stop quickly. READ THE OPERA- TOR’S MANUAL. 2. Do not allow children to operate the vehicle. Do not allow adults to operate it without proper instruction. 3. Do not carry passengers. Keep children and pets a safe distance away. 4. Clear the work area of objects which might be picked up and thrown. 5. Disengage all attachment clutches and shift into neutral before attempting to start the engine (motor). 6. Disengage power to attachment(s) and stop the engine (motor) before leaving the operator's position. 7. Disengage power to attachment(s) and stop the engine (motor) before making any repairs or adjustments. 8. Disengage power to attachment(s) when transporting or not in use. 9. Take all possible precautions when leaving the vehicle unat- tended, such as disengaging the power take-off, lowering the attachment(s), shifting into neutral, setting the parking brake , stopping the engine, and removing the key. 10. Do not stop or start suddenly when going uphill or downhill. Mow up and down the face of steep slopes: never across the face. 11. Reduce speed on slopes and in sharp turns to prevent tipping or loss of control. Exercise extreme caution when changing direc- tion on slopes. 12. Stay alert for holes in the terrain and other hidden hazards. 13. Use care when pulling loads or using heavy equipment. a. Use only approved drawbar hitch points. Limit loads to those you can safely control. b. c. Do not turn sharply. Use care when backing. d. Use counterweight(s) or wheel weights when suggested in the. operator's manual. 14. Watch out for traffic when crossing or near roadways. 15. When using any attachments, never allow anyone near the vehicle while in operation. 16. Handle gasoline with care - it is highly flammable. a. Use approved gasoline container. b. Never remove the cap of the fuel tank, or add gasoline to a running or hot engine, or fill the tank indoors. Wipe up spilled gasoline. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. c. Open doors if the engine is run in the garage - exhaust fumes are dangerous. Do not run the engine (motor) indoors. Keep the vehicle and attachments in good operating condition and keep safety devices in place. | Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition. Never store the equipment with gasoline in the tank inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame or spark. Allow the engine to cool before storing in any enclosure. To reduce fire hazard, keep the engine free of grass, leaves, or excessive grease. The vehicle and attachments should be stopped and inspected for damage after striking a foreign object, and the damage should be repaired before restarting and operating the equipment. Do not change the engine goverior setting or over-speed the engine. When using the vehicle with mower, proceed as follows: (1) Mow only in daylight or in good artificial light. (2) Never make a cutting height adjustment while the engine (motor) is running if the operator must dismount to do so. (3) Check the blade mounting bolts for proper tightness at frequent intervals. | (4) Shut the engine (motor) off when removing the grass catcher or unclogging chute. Know what is behind you before backing up. It is recommended that this machine not be used on public roads. However. if riding on public roads is unavoidable, you must com- ply to equipment requirements per SAE J137b and/or ASAE $279.4 lighting and marking standard. Follow the manufacturer's maintenance recommendations impli- citly. See ‘‘Maintenance’’ and ‘‘Lubrication’’. It is recommended that your machine be thoroughly inspected at least once a year by a competent serviceman. if it is necessary to adjust the carburetor with the engine run- ning, take extra care not to aliow rings, wristwatches, clothing, etc.. to become entangled with moving parts. Keep the machine and supply of gasoline in locked storageto pre- vent children or others from playing or tampering with them. Al- ways remove the ignition key when machine is stored. When ma- chine is to be stored for an extended time, disconnect battery cables or remove the battery. Use fresh, clean gasoline only. For fuel recommendation, see GASOLINE. If machine is to be stored for an extended period, drain the tank and empty the gasoline storage container, either discarding the gasoline in a safe place, or using it in other gas- oline-powered equipment for which it may de suited. 31. Do not attempt to fill gas tank from fuel container uniess the container spout or funnel! fits INSIDE the fuel tank filler neck. The use of too large a spout or funnel, or no funnel, may result in spilled gasoline, creating highly flammable gas vapors. This could result in fire and/or explosion, causing severe bodily injury. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS 1. Use gasoline only as a fuel, never as a cleaner. 2. Do not smoke when handling gasoline. 3. Pick up all debris, before mowing. FOREWORD This manual contains operating, maintenance, adjustment instruc- tions and parts list for your Jacobsen Greens King Greensmower. Before you operate your machine, read this manual carefully in its entirety. By following the operating and maintenance instructions, you will prolong the life of your mower and maintain its maximum efficiency. If additional information is needed or should you require trained mechanic service,contact your Jacobsen Turf Equipment Distributor. All Jacobsen Turf Equipment Distributors are kept informed of the latest methods of servicing and are equipped to provide prompt and efficient service in the field or at their service stations. They carry ample stocks of Jacobsen service parts or can secure them promptly for you from the factory. All Jacobsen parts are thoroughly tested and inspected before leaving the factory, however, some attention is required on your part. The amount of attention is slight but important if you are to obtain the fullest measure of satisfaction and performance. When ordering parts, always give the serial number and mode! of your Greens King, as well as the quantity, part number and descrip- tion of the parts needed. The serial number plate is located on the engine mounting base on the left side of the tractor; we suggest you record this number be- low for ready reference. Serial No. Greens King DESCRIPTION The Jacobsen Greens King is a hydraulic powered and controlled mower which combines maximum efficiency in operation with ease of maintenance to provide overall economy in cutting greens. E The Greens King engine, which is equipped with a Bendix type electric starter, has ample power to meet all mowing and trans- port conditions. The Greens King is equipped with three 22''(558 mm) wide mowers containing nine-blade 5''(127 mm) diameter reels. The mowers are balanced to provide uniform weight across the width of the mower eliminating any discrepancy in cutting height where cuts overlap. All three mowers are attached to the main frame by carry arms in a manner which permits a free floating action both up and down and side to side tilt to conform to varying ground elevations. The mowers are raised and lowered by hydraulic cylinders which are connected to the carry arms. The Greens King is equipped with hydraulic motors on the drive wheels which are connected in a parallel circuit to provide full differential action. The hydraulic drive system has three speed ranges forward and one in reverse. Forward speeds are as follows: Mow, 1.5 to 3.7 MPH (2.41 to 5.95 KPH); Transport | and Il, 3.7 to 8.8 MPH (5.95 to 14.1); Reverse Speed, 1.5 to 3.5 MPH (2.41 to 5.63 KPH). The Greens King is equipped with automotive type brakes on the drive wheels for safety and convenience. A parking brake is also provided. All wheels are equipped with wide terra tires to prevent marking of greens. The Greens King applies fewer pounds per square inch pressure to the green than does an average man walk- ing. All controls are conveniently located within easy reach of the operator and are designed for ease of operation. The Greens King is equipped with the necessary shields for the safety of the operator and equipment. HOW TO ORDER REPAIR PARTS This manual is an operating and service guide for the owner. We recommend that you read it carefully To eliminate error and speed delivery: 5. Send your order to or visit your nearest AUTHOR- IZED JACOBSEN SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR. before operating your vehicle and that you follow the 1. Write your NAME and ADDRESS on your order simple adjustments and maintenance listed. We do plainly, not recommend that you make major repairs beyond necessary adjustments and simple parts replace- 2. Explain WHERE and HOW to make shipment. ments required to keep your unit in good operating 6. INSPECT ALL SHIPMENTS ON RECEIPT If any parts are damaged or missing, file a claim with the carrier before accepting. condition. 3. Give PRODUCT NUMBER, NAME, and SERIAL 7. Do not return material to your nearest AUTHOR- NUMBER that is stamped on the NAME PLATE or SERIAL PLATE of your product. For assistance in getting the most out of your unit, and for overhaul, winter or summer storage, tune-up, and repair service, we recommend your Authorized 4. Order by QUANTITY DESIRED, the PART NUMBER, and the DESCRIPTION OF PART. Jacobsen Distributor, who is prepared to help you. IZED JACOBSEN SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR without a letter of explanation. Make a list of all returned parts, show your name and address, and include it with the shipment. TRANSPOR- TATION CHARGES MUST BE PREPAID. CONTENTS ACCESSORIES. . . . . 2.220444 411 1110 4 ADJUSTMENTS . . 10-15 DESCRIPTION. . . 2 2224 41 112 1 21 120 3 FORWARD. . . 2 242422 4 4 4 1 4 1 1110 3 LUBRICATION. . . . 2.224 242210 .16,18,19 MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . ...........15-18 OPERATION. . . ee 8-9 OPERATINGCONTROLS . . . . . . . ....... 5-7 PARTS LIST. . . . . . +. «vv vv ov... ..20-46 SAFE PRACTICES. aaa 2 SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . ....... 5 SPECIFICATIONS . . . + «© vv vv veut. 4 17 STORAGE. . . . . . . 24 4 4 4 4 404 +6 2 4 6 SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE SPECIFICATIONS Engine Model . « « « « «+ « + + + + + + +. . . ËKohler K-321-5 Bore and stroke . . . . 3-1/2(88 mm) bore x 3-1/4(82 mm) stroke Displacement . « « « « 31.27 cubic inch (512.42 cu. centimeters Type. . « « « « + +» « « . . 4 cycle, single cylinder, air cooled Horsepower . . « « « + а . . . 14 HP @ 3,600 RPM (22.53 KPH) Air cleaner . « « « « « « « « « «Dry type, replaceable element Governor . . . . « . . Flyweight type with external adjustment Load Speed . « « + + « « e + e. o e - + » 3200 to 3400 RPM Bearing. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + e Antifriction ball Connecting rod. . + + « e Aluminum alloy with integral oil dipper Crankshaft .Heat treated ductile iron with integral counter weight Valves . . . . . « . Forged steel alloy intake - Stellite faced Heat resistant steel alloy exhaust Exhaust valve seat. . . . . . . e .Eatonite heat treated insert Starter . . . . 12 volt Bendix electric - 15 amp, 12 volt flywheel alternator with solid state rectifier regulator Battery « « «+ « e «esco. +12 volt, 24 amp. hr. @ 20 hr. rate Dimensions: 7-11/16 (184 mm) L, 5-1/8 (130 mm) W, 6-1/8 (155 mm) H, Autolite C2PF 10657-CS Fuel Tank . ... « « « « « « « «5.3 gallon (20 liters) capacity Fuel . . « . e +. + + + + e e e e ss + + Regular grade gasoline Muffler . . . . Nelson - Extra Large capacity for quiet operation VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS Wheels & Tires. .18 x 9.50 -8, 2-ply pneumatic tubeless (3 wheels) Brakes . . . . . . Service: 2 Automotive type on drive wheels, ‘internal expanding, 7'' (17.7 mm) dia. drum, operated thru mechanical linkage. Parking: Attached to service brake linkage, locks service brake in the engaged position. Type controls . . . . Foot pedal stopping and hand knob parking Frame . « « « « « « « + . e e Welded steel tube construction Mowing speed « . . . « . . . 1.5 10 3.7 MPH (2.41 to 5.95 KPH) Transport speed . . . . . . . 3.7 to 8.8 MPH (5.95 to 14.1 KPH) Reverse speed. . 1.5 to 3.5 MPH (2.41 to 5.63 KPH) (in low speed) TRANSMISSION Traction drive. . . . . Hydraulic Torgmotor on each drive wheel (Integral full differential action) Reel Drive . . . « . . . Gear type hydraulic motor on each reel Pump. 4 Section Stack, Gear Type, direct drive thru Flex-Coupling Valve . . . .Directional control, stack, 5 spool, high efficiency relief valves intefral in valve sections - 1500 PSI (10 342 kPa) Filtration « . . « « « « e +. +... ... . Fullflow (25 micron) Hydraulic System Capacity . . . . . . . 5.0 gallons (18 liters) Mower Lift . . . . . . « e . «Hydraulic double action cylinder Steering . . . . -. Rectangular steering wheel steers rear wheel thru cables, constant ratio MOWER SPECIFICATIONS . Three 22'' (558 mm) reels Steel - full roller type Number and size. . . . . . . +. +. + Rollers . . . . . . . “ . ° e . . . Reel diameter . . . « « + + + + + + + + + + 6 ‚ 5'’(127 mm) Bedknife adjustment . . . . . + « . . Opposed screw type Bedknife material . . . . . Medium carbon steel - heat treated Height of cut . . . . . . .3/16''(4.76 mm) to 7/16''(11.14 mm) Number of blades . . . . + « e +. + + +... + 0 + + + = 9 Blade material. . . . . . . . Medium carbon steel - heat treated Cutting frequency . . . . « « + + + + + « « .1/4(6.35 mm) Grass Catcher. « « « « « « e + e « e « + +» « +» Polyethylene Overall cutting width. . . . . . . . 62'' (1574 тт) WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS Length - Overall - Grass Catchers On. . . . . 99-1/2''(2526 тт) Length - Overall - Grass Catchers Off . . . . 87-1/2''(2221 тт) Height - Overall - To top of Steering Wheel . . 49-1/2'*(1256 mm) Height - Overall - To top of Seat Surface . . . .33-1/2' (850 mm) Wheel Base . « . « . . o + + + + 6 ‚ 52-13/16'' (1340 тт) Tread Width. . . . . ‚ 41-1/2'' (1053 тт) Width - Overall (Across Wheels) . . . . . . . 50-1/2'" (1282 mm) Width - Overall - Mowers in Mowing Position. 70'*(1778 mm) Width - Overall - Mowers in Transport Position 66'' (1676 тт) Cutting Width: Overall - all mowers . Each Mower. . Cutting Height. ‚ 62'' (1574 тт) . 22'' (558 тт) 3/16" (4. 76 mm) 10 7/16'' (11.1 тт) Turning Radius: Uncut Grass . To Centerline of Tractor . . e e aa . 20'' (508 тт) 33" (838 тт) {0 35'' (889 тт) Weight: ‚1085 165. (492.14 Ка) ‚1255 165. (569.25 Ка) Shipping (less crate). . Shipping (including crate) . ACCESSORIES FOR GREENS KING Il Rear Roller Cleaner . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 68503 Comb Attachment . . . . . . o. . . .. ..... . . 68512 Front Strip Brush . . . . . . . . ...... .. . . 68536 Vertical Mower Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68548 Spiker . . + + 2 4 44 444 4 4 00 2 e ar e no. + 68544 Quick Disconnect . . . . . . . . . ....... . . 68545 Front Brush Attachment. . . . . . . . . + . .. .. 68547 Reel Sharpening Crank . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‚ 304686 Hydraulic Tube Torque Wrench . . . . + + + <= . - . 500595 OPTIONS Comb Attachment (Used with grooved front roller only) . . 68514 Grooved Front Roller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68527 Solid Front Roller. . . . . . . . ea a a . . . . 68530 Sectional Front Roller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68535 SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS Remove the top and sides of the crate, the bands from the front mowers, wheels, etc. Do not remove from the base yet. Install optional front rollers on mowers and adjust to desired cutting height (See Fig. 9). Remove the tape from the bottoms of the bedknives. Slide the front mowers on the pivot shafts and insert pins (the pins are in the plastic bag taped to a mower lift arm). BATTERY 1. Disconnect the ground cable (black) from the negative (>) bat- tery terminal. Then disconnect the positive cable (red) from the positive (+) terminal. Be sure to disconnect the negative cable first. Place both cables away from the battery. 2. Prepare the battery for operation. a. Remove the battery from the tractor and place on a piece of wood. DO NOT SET ON CONCRETE FLOOR. Figure | ГИ ИИ ИИ ИИ ИИ ИИ ИИ ИИ ИИ WARNING - DANGER Take care to avoid contact with the acid of the battery electrolyte. It will cause painful and dangerous injury to eyes or skin in case of external contact. It will damage clothing and other articles if spilled or spattered. Before opening the electrolyte container or handling the electro- Iyte, study the antidote label on the container for instruc- tions and procedure in case of accidental contact. И еее М NN Neves b. Read instructions on electrolyte carton. c. Remove filler caps and fill battery with electrolyte to proper level (See Fig. 1). ALLOW BATTERY TO SET FOR 20 MIN- UTES. WARNING - DANGER not be responsible for damages if this warning is not ob- served. CET T TEE EEE EEE TE ET EEE ETTTT Z A Under no conditions should battery be over-filled. We can- g d. With the filler caps still removed, place battery on charge at 3 amperes until gravity reading is 1.265-1.275. This should take approximately four hours. If room, battery and electrolyte temperatures are below normal, a longer charging period may be necessary to bring the specific gravity up to 1.265-1.275, e. Replace filler caps and install battery in tractor. Place the battery on the carrier with the terminals to the front, attach the cable from the solenoid to the positive terminal first and attach the ground cable to the negative terminal last. и, WARNING - DANGER Always connect the ‘‘ground’’ (black) cable last and remove it first whenever performing any battery maintenance. When the battery is being removed or reinstalled, make sure the positive and negative terminals do not contact metal tractor parts at the same time or arcing will result. Battery con- nections must be kept tight at all times. Loose cables will cause arcing and pitting of the connections and cause eventual failure. И ; QUEEN NNN NNN NN NN ND NN qe \ \ = Remove the machine from the base andinspect carefuliy. Report any damage or missing parts to your dealer or to the carrier if shipping damage. MOUNTING FRONT MOWERS (See lllust. 13) 1. Slide one clamp (Ref. No. 32) over each front mower lift arm (Ref. Nos. 19 and 40) and secure with carriage bolts and nuts (Ref. Nos. 33 and 34). Do not tighten. 2. Slide R.H. and L.H. torsion springs (Ref. Nos. 35 and 41) over respective lift arms. Insert end of spring between clamp. 3. Slide swivel housing (Ref. No. 37) on mowers over respective lift arms and secure each with pin (Ref. No. 39). 4. See ‘‘Adjustments’’ section of this manual for mower leveling procedure. MOUNTING STEERING WHEEL (See lllust. 3) 1. Mount steering wheel (Ref. No. 19) to steering shaft (Ref. No. 12) using screws, washers, lockwashers and nuts (Ref. Nos. 20 thru 23). Do not tighten hardware. 2. Tilt steering wheel to desired position and tighten hardware securely. OPERATING CONTROLS The following definitions are used in this manual: Left and Right refer to the operator's left or right when seated in the normal oper- ating position. Front and Rear likewise refer to directions from the viewpoint of the seated operator. The Greens King is shipped assembled, oiled, greased and ready for operation except for mounting seat, steering wheel, front mowers and servicing of the battery (See Set-Up Instructions). Before plac- ing your tractor in operation the following items should be checked. OPERATING CONTROLS Fuel Tank Fill the tank with a good quality. clean, regular grade of gasoline. Do NOT use hi-test gasoline or an oil gasoline mixture. WARNING - DANGER Do NOT refuel tractor with engine running or while engine is hot. Vapors from fuel, or fuel coming in contact with a hot engine may cause a fire or an explosion. Do NOT re- fue! tank while smoking or near an open flame. When fill- ing tank with fuel keep hose and nozzle or fuel can and funnel in contact with metal of fuel tank to prevent the possibility of fire or explosion caused by static electrici- ty. Keep fire and intense heat away from fuel storage area as the surrounding air contains highly explosive vapors. OO OO OO OO OO I IT LI OO, LN NN NON heee eu LL 2:0:0: aL A WARNING - DANGER 7 Keep fire, open flames, electrical sparks away from the h 7 battery. After receiving a long charge, a battery gives off / highly flammable and explosive vapors. 5 STII ENGINE Check oil in crankcase. It should be filled to the full mark on the dipstick. Read the engine manual carefully before operating the en- gine. See Specifications (Page 16). LUBRICATION Check all lubrication points listed on the charts (Pages 16 & 17) for proper lubrication. TIRES Check tires for proper inflation. See Tire Maintenance (Page 14) for pressure. HYDRAULIC RESERVOIR Check oil level in reservoir. Oil level should never be below the low level mark or more than 1/4''(6.35 mm) above the high level mark. CUTTING HEIGHT Check reels for desired cutting height adjustment. To provide a satisfactory cut, it is essential for all reels to be accurately ad- justed to exactly the same height (See page 7 for Cutting Height Adjustment). GRASS CATCHER—__¿ À CATCHER HOOK-— MOWER LIFT YOKE MOWER— GRASS CATCHERS (See Fig. 2) Install by hanging catcher hooks on mower lift yoke and letting catcher hang by its own weight. Ve МР ИР ИРИ ИРИС ММГ МР ММС МРМСИ Ир WARNING - DANGER y Stop engine and disengage reels before working on mowers or emptying grass catchers. If the engine is not stopped the LUN y reels could be accidently engaged because of linkage or y 7 hydraulic failure. This could result in severe injury. OO OO OO MONO OT AO IGNITION TE CS ancre CES HOUR METER A So Pe E se a = Zz, PARKING BRAKE SET KNOB Figure 3 CONTROLS Ignition Switch (See Fig. 3) Located in upper right hand corner of instrument panel next to am- meter. Be sure reels are off and the traction control is in neutral. Insert key in switch, turn clockwise as far as it will go to start engine, then release. See Control Setting check list before starting engine. HOUR METER (See Fig. 3) Located in center of instrument panel next to ammeter. It operates when the ignition is on. The hour meter indicates the number of hours the tractor has been operated. It can be used to keep track of maintenance intervals and the amount of time required to perform various tasks. The hour meter operates whenever the engine is running or whenever the Ig- nition key is in the “ON” position. IMPORTANT The hour meter will operate up to 90 seconds after the ignition is turned ‘‘off’’. The small white hand circles the dial every two minutes to show that the meter is working. The large red hand is the hour indicator The small yellow hand shows the total number of hours the tractor has operated in 120 hour intervals. To read elapsed hours, total the readings from the red and yellow hands. (See Fig. 4) OPERATING Yellow HOURS 7 70 50 х / 60 ian Red White Figure 4 AMMETER (See Fig. 3) Located between the hourmeter and the ignition switch. It indicates the rate of battery charge or discharge. When possible, maintain suf- ficient engine speed to prevent an unnecessary drain on the battery. NOTE During normal operation there will be little or no movement of ammeter needle. REEL CONTROL LEVERS (See Fig. 3) Located on left side of instrument panel. Three levers are provided, - one for each mower: Left, Right, and Rear. NOTE Do NOT run reeis dry for more than a few seconds or the reel blades and bedknife may be damaged. TRACTION LEVER (See Fig. 3) Located on right side of instrument panel. Five positions are indi- cated: three speed forward (Mow, Transport |, Transport 11), Neutral and Reverse. CONTROLS CHOKE (See Fig. 3) Located on instrument panel in front of and slightly to the left of the steering wheel. THROTTLE LEVER (See Fig. 3) Located on instrument panel in front of and slightly to the right of the steering wheel. Push forward to increase and pull back to de- crease engine speed. PARKING BRAKE SET KNOB (See Fig. 3) Located about knee height at right-hand front of center cowling. BRAKE PEDAL (See Fig. 5) Located on floor just to right of steering column. For Parking: Depress pedal firmly and pull brake knob. Hold knob out while removing pressure from the brake pedal. To release the brake: Depress pedal firmly and release. The set knob is spring loaded. MOW PEDAL (See Fig. 5) Located on floor just to the left of the steering column. LIFT PEDAL (See Fig. 5) Located on floor on left side. NOTE When operating the mow pedal or the lift pedal, keep the pedal depressed until the reel mowers have been completely lowered or raised, and then release the pedal. LIFT PEDAL Figure 5 OPERATION CONTROL SETTING CHECK LIST The following items must always be checked before the engine will start: 1. Traction Lever - in neutral position. 2. Reel Control Levers - in off (back) position. 3. Throttle & Choke Controls - adjust to starting conditions. TRANSPORTING All mowers must be fully raised to the transport position when driv- ing to and from the area of operation. If the tractor is driven with the mowers partially raised, the mowers may swing on the lift arms, causing damage to the mowers or hydraulic system. SPEEDS High Speed - use the transport | and |i settings of the traction lever for transporting to and from greens only. Low Speed - use the mow position of the traction lever for maneu- vering in close quarters and for mowing. SIDE HILL OPERATION AND HILL CLIMBING The Greens King will easily mow any slope normally found on a green. QUERER NNUU | a WARNING - DANGER \ \ Do NOT travel straight down slopes exceeding 14 degrees \ (25 percent). When climbing a steep slope and the tires be- \ gin to slip, the grade is too steep for safe operation. Angle \ \ the tractor to a less steep slope until the tires stop slipping \ A Ll N and traction is regained. heee LLL RUE ES EUA NOTE Wash off the reels after each use to avoid an accumulation of grass clippings, juices, etc. INSTRUCTIONS FOR MOWING GREENS Three common methods of mowing greens are outlined below for your convenience. NOTE The procedures listed below should be followed when turn- ing. Failure to do so may prevent the mowers from overlap- ping properly. 1. To avoid rear wheel skid, turning should be done at a slow speed. 2. Turn the steering wheel slowly. 3. Turning should be made from a straight ahead direction of travel. Do not make ‘‘S’’ turns too rapidly. . Circling on the green. The entire green is cut in one operation by this method. Make the first pass across the green approximate- ly the tractor’s own width off center and without stopping circle toward one edge of the green and work back to the center (See Fig. 6). ‘The angle of entrance on the green should be changed each time the green is cut: think of the green as the face of a clock. Start the 1st mowing at 12 o'clock, the 2nd at 1:30, the 3rd at 3o'clock, etc. on around the green. It is important that end passes are made over the turning area to insure complete cutting (See Fig. 6). This method of mowing reduces the time required to cut greens and also reduces the possibility of bringing objec- tionable long clippings, twigs, leaves, weed and grass seeds on to the green as the mowers are lowered and raised on the green and are never in contact with the apron. This method of cutting is most effective where steep slopes, sand traps, etc. are so close to the green as to prohibit normal off green turns. This method, however, -will not produce a uniform striped effect that is sometimes desired. 12:00 9:00 3.00 6.00 Figure 6 . Cross cut the green with the reels constantly running. As the green is approached, adjust the engine speed to suit conditions. Lower the mowers and start the reels when entering the green and raise them when leaving the green to turn around. If, however, it is necessary to stop while off the green, turn the reels off imme- diately. This method of mowing greens is nearly as effective in keeping greens free of debris as method ‘‘No. 1'' although the tires may carry some foreign matter on to the green when turning around. This will be minimized if grass catchers are used when mowing the area extending 15 ft. (4572 mm) from the edge of the green. Cross cut the green without raising the mowers. As the green is approached, adjust the engine speed to suit conditions. Lower the mowers and start the reels when entering the green. When leaving the green, stop the reels by pulling reel control levers back as the front mowers reach the edge of the green; continue off the green and tum around, leaving the mowers in the lowered position. This method of mowing greens is an alternate method for cross cutting the greens which may be used if desired. OPERATION «—— |5! MOWING ™ 2nd MOWING 3rd MOWING 4th MOWING THESE ARE SUGGESTED PATTERNS ONLY OPERATOR CAN ARRANGE PATTERN TO SUIT GREEN Figure 7 It may be helpful to reduce engine speed somewhat when turning a- round. As the operator gains experience, he will develop his own style of turning and operating. However, the following may be help- ful: To assure complete even cutting, it is necessary to overlap swaths by a fewinches. After completely covering the green using thecross cut pattern, it is necessary to make one or more passes around the circumference of the green to clean up the ragged edges and to neat- ly separate the putting green surface from the apron area. It is cus- tomary to alter the mowing pattern each time a green is mowed. This provides a more even playing surface and neater appearance (See Fig. 7). When using the cross cut pattern, :it is usual to start at one side of the green and work across to the other side. If, how- ever, the 1st pass is made near the center, it should be approximate- ly the tractor's own width off center. NOTE In some cases the apron area may be too narrow to permit a loop type turn around (as shown in Fig. 8). In these cases the following method may be used. Make a 90 degree turn when leaving the green and stop, backup past the exit point, then start forward and make a 90 degree turn onto the green (See Fig. 9). APRON GREEN 1 1" TO 2" CVERLAP GREEN — | IY TO 2" OVERLAP Figure 8 Figure 9 NOTE The mowers should never be stopped on the green with the reels running as damage to the turf will result due to the reels spinning in one spot without forward motion. Do not stop the Greens King on a wet green as the wheels may leave marks or indentations. REMOVING OIL FROM PUTTING GREENS If oil is spilled on a green it can be removed with minimum damage to the turf by following the instructions below: 1. Apply dry, GRANULAR detergent such as ALL, DUZ, etc. as soon as possible and generously to completely cover all oily areas. DO NOT use FLAKE or LIQUID type detergents. DO NOT attempt to WIPE or BLOT oil from the turf. 2. Leave detergent on surface 15 to 30 minutes to thoroughly absorb the oil and flush off with water under highest available pressure. Flush toward nearest edge of the green and down grade if possi- bie. Continue flushing until all visible traces of detergent have been removed from the green and apron. A sand trap is the best place to deposit the oil. ADJUSTMENTS JON ONE A WARNING - DANGER To avoid possible serious bodily injury, before making any y adjustments and when removing foreign matter from reels ve disengage reel control levers, lower the reels, stop engine, set parking brake and remove key from ignition switch. TOPO. Nese FRONT EAR ROLLER BRACKET SET CUTTING ROLLER HEIGHT DESIRED RD. HD. SCREW BED KNIFE LIP м“ Ne \ \STEEL GAUGE BLOCK же [ во по чо == с» «=» ть ь = © melo ma ow oo nce wd Figure 10 CUTTING HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT To obtain a satisfactory, even cut, it is essential that all reels be adjusted accurately to exactly the same cutting height. 1. Raise mowers to transport position. 2. Stop Engine. 3. Loosen the lock nut on one side of the front roller brackets just enough to allow hand knob to raise or lower bracket. 4. Set cutting height gauge, furnished with the tractor, to desired height by measuring between the under side of screw head and gauge block surface and tighten the wing nut. (See Fig. 10). 5. Place gauge across bottom of front and rear rollers on flat area near one end. 6. Slide the head of gauge screw over the bedknife and adjust the hand knob to close the gap between the screwhead and bedknife. Then tighten lock nut. 7. Repeat steps 2 through 5 on opposite end. Complete adjustment to one end before adjusting opposite end. 8. After tightening lock nuts re-check each end with gauge for proper adjustment. BEDKNIFE ADJUSTMENT 1. Stop Engine. 2. Place the traction lever in neutral, reel control levers in off, so that the reel may be turned freely by hand. 10 ь que oN OA, eee 5 OD x NI od) RE ape RA o o ; GS NS я, o . pe at y rie! nN e Ne > Y > e e e AN 3 E To. ADA NA A N Le LE STEP CUT APPROX. 216" (51.3 mm) Figure || 3. Loosen the lower bedknife adjusting screws (‘‘A’’ Fig. 11 ap- proximately 1/4 turn each (turn counter-clockwise). 4. ‘Rotate the reel by hand while tightening the upper (*‘B’' Fig. 11) adjusting screws evenly (turn clockwise) until the bedknife comes into slight contact with the reel blades and tighten the lower screws securely. It may be necessary to alternate between loosen- ing lower and tightening upper screws. 5. ‘When correctly adjusted, each blade will cut a strip of news- paper (held at approximately 45°to the top face of the bedknife along the full length of the bedknife, and the reel canbe revolved freely by hand. NOTE Tightening the lower screws (after adjustments are made) may move the bedknife out of contact with the reel blades. This does not reduce cutting efficiency of the reel if news- paper can be cut as indicated above. AVOID EXCESSIVE TIGHTENING OR SERIOUS DAMAGE MAY RESULT TO BEDKNIFE AND REEL BLADES. REELS MUST REVOLVE FREELY. STEP CUT ASSEMBLY (See Fig. |!) With mowers in raised position, turn bracket forward. The head of the cap screw must clear the lifting yoke. Lower mowers with brack- et in position on flat surface. Measure from cutting edge of the bed- knife to flat surface to check the cutting height. Cutting heights {гот 3/8”'(9.52 mm) to 1-1/8''(25.8 mm) can be acquired. REEL BEARING ADJUSTMENT Reel bearings are self-adjusting. Reel spring mounting nut must be pulled up tight against spring re- taining. SHARPENING THE REELS The reels may be sharpened without removing them from the tractor by following the instructions given below only if the hoses remain connected and the oil in the tank is at the proper level. ADJUSTMENTS NOTE If the hoses are disconnected the reel motors must be re- moved as they will damaged if revolved more than a few turns without oil circulating through them. 1. Stop Engine. 2. Place the traction lever in Neutral, and the reel control levers in Off. This permits the reel to rotate in the reverse direction. ALWAYS ROTATE REEL BACKWARD WHEN LAPPING. 3. Adjust the bedknife evenly so the reel blades wipe along its en- tire length. If there is a high spot in the bedknife loosen the screw nearest that point and insert a shim between the bedknife and shoe. 4. When the bedknife has the best possible contact with the reel blades insert the lapping crank or lapping machine shaft in the end of the reel shaft opposite the motor. When attaching lapping crank to the right front reel it will be necessary to put a 3/8-24 hex jam nut on the crank to lock it to the reel shaft (the lapping crank is available from your Jacobsen Turf Dealer. Order No. 304686). Turn the reel backward and apply a mixture of emery dust (#60 carborundum) and liquid soap with a brush along the entire length of the reel. When the blades have been evenly lap- ped in this manner, -carefully wash off the remaining mixture. Check with newspaper for correct cutting adjustment and adjust if necessary (see bedknife adjustment instructions). See also ‘‘Grinding Instructions for Jacobsen Reel Mowers, Part No. 545531, obtainable from your Jacobsen Turf Dealer. 5. The complete mower assembly may be removed from the tractor and placed on a bench for convenience in lappingif desired. The mower assembly is removed from the tractor by removing the hex head cap screws, lock washers, flat washers and spacers which attach the mower to the lift yoke. REMOVING REELS FROM MOWER FRAME After prolonged use it may be necessary to remove the reels for grinding or replacement. NOTE Reel grinding is normally done without removing the reel from the mower. 1. Back the bedknife away from contact with the reel. 2. Remove the bearing housing cover and bearing adjusting nut from the reel shaft (from end opposite the motor). 3. Remove the reel motor and drive nut from the other end of the reel shaft. NOTE To avoid the possibility of dirt entering the hydraulic sy- stem, as well as loss of oil, it is advisable, but not im- perative, to leave the hoses connected to the motor and the tractor when removing the motor. 1 4, Order Service Part No. 545718, Shipping Cover from your dealer. It is of thin wood and has four holes. Whenever the motor is re- moved from the reel for cleaning or servicing assemble this cover over the four bolts protruding through the bearing housing, and run on at least two nuts. This will then protect the housing from dust, dirt, etc. S. Whenever hoses are removed cover the open ends of hoses with plastic (‘baggie’ type) bags and seal off with a piece of ‘tie’ -such as is used to seal plastic bread bags. 6. Always protect motor with the same type of plastic bag when- ever itis disconnected from the reel. Make sure the bag is clean, and seal the opening with a piece of tape or string. 7. 'Remove both bearing housings and move the reel as far as possi- ble toward the side frame opposite the motor end. Lift out motor end of reel and then pull the entire reel out of the frame. Protect bearing housings with plastic bags whenever they are removed. 8. To reassemble, follow the above instructions, but in reverse order. Adjust the bedknife to the reel and lap the reel if neces- sary (See the appropriate instruction). NOTE Fill the reel motor spline nut and pack both reel bearing housings 1/2 to 2/3 full of a good grade of pressure gun grease after assembling the bearings. After assembling the bearing cover and motor, complete filling with grease gun until grease escapes from the slot in the grease fittings. BRAKE ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. 12) WARNING - DANGER Adjust the brakes in the following manner. Check brake pedal travel. If pedal is close to floor when brakes are fully applied adjust by turning adjusting nuts on brake rods an equal num- ber of turns on each side. Move machine to an open area to check brake adjustment. Drive machine straight ahead with shift lever in mow position and throttle in a siow position. Apply light brake pedal pressure and check for machine pull- ing to right or left. If machine pulls right, turn adjusting nut on left side clockwise until machine stops straight with- out any pulling. Reverse adjustment for pulling to the left. Check the parking brake to be sure that it is working proper- ly at all times. Parking brake lever must be in line with brake pedal lever. Brake pedal to be in center of siot in floorboard when pulled up by hand. N SSSR ASE AVS rN INI ИИ 1. Adjust the nut on the brake actuating rod to obtain correct pedal movement. Distance between rod pivot points should be 3-5/16”' (84 mm),. when brakes are new. 2. When the brake pedal touches the floor board in release position (see “X'”'”, Fig. 12). 1t is advisable to pull a wheel and check the amount of brake lining left. If the lining shows considerable wear, it should be replaced. ADJUSTMENTS BRAKE PEDAL ADJUSTING NUT 1-3/4" PARKING BRAKE BRAKE ACTUATING ROD -— BRAKE LINING dd © Nu | С О > Figure 12 FER (CET) STEERINE WHEEL “Г N y 4 ENLARGED VIEW OF STEERING PULLEY CABLE GUIDE PULLEYS <«———STEERING CABLE | —STEERING PULLEY CABLE MOUNTING NUTS 90° Figure 13 STEERING WHEEL ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. 13) When the steering wheel is square with the tractor, the rear wheel is set for straight ahead operation. If the steering wheel gets out of square, proceed as follows to make the adjustment: 1. Remove the battery box cover or the rear cowling for access to the steering pulley. 2. ‘Loosen cable mounting nut ‘’A’’ or ‘“B’’ as necessary and tighten opposite nut until steering wheel is square and tractor runs straight ahead. TURNING RADIUS The factory setting for the turning radius is 65 to 71 in. (1651 to 1803 mm). This adjustment should not need any change unless parts have been repaired or replaced. The turning radius can be checked by the following method: 1. Choose a fiat level area, with the reels raised and at a low speed turn the steering wheel as far as possible in either direc- tion and stop the tractor. 12 CENTER LINE OF TRACTOR 15°*(381 mm) to 21°°(533 mm) STANDARD | ; STANDARD TURNING RADIUS cd | Figure 14 2. Drive a stakeinto the ground even with edge of the inner traction tire and in line with the axle shaft (See Fig. 14). 3. ‘Continue the turn until the tractor has traveled 180 and is di- rectly opposite the stake. Stop the tractor. 4. Measure the distance from the edge of the inner traction tire to the outside edge of the stake. This dimension should be 15 to 21 in. (381 to 533 mm) (See Fig. 14) if the turning radius is 65 to 71 in. (1651 to 1803 mm). 5. Repeat the above in the opposite direction. THROTTLE CONTROL (See Fig. 3) The throttle control has been set at the factory to provide proper - operation. If for any reason it becomes necessary to remove from the machine, remove all fasteners. CHOKE CONTROL (See Fig. 3) The choke control has been set at the factory to provide proper operation. If for any reason it becomes necessary to remove the choke contro! it is installed and adjusted in the following manner. 1. Push the choke control knob (on instrument panel) in for "OFF" position. 2. Set choke lever at carburetor to "OFF"' (butterfly open) position. 3. Assemble control wire to choke lever (at carburetor). 4. Clamp wire housing in place while keeping choke butterfly open and the control knob in the “OFF” position. MOWER LEVELING ADJUSTMENTS (See Fig. 15) Lower the mowers out to about 1/4'' (6.35 mm) above the ground. if they are not level, adjust the leveling springs as follows: 1. Loosen spring mounting clamp. 2. Turn clamp as required until mower is level 3. Tighten clamp. ADJUSTMENTS LOOSEN AND TURN CLAMP AS REQUIRED UNTIL MOWER IS LEVEL WITH GROUND. — 4 0 Figure 15 FRONT MOWER LIFT CAM ROLLER O CAM (4) ~~ LIFT ARM Ye TO Ne и (11.1 to 14.2 JS > Pin. mm) See LE ” о IZ oF EE ADJUST ROD END FOR CAM ROLLER POSITION ON CAM FRONT LIFT CYLINDER Figure 16 FRONT & REAR CYLINDERS 1. Mower Lift Cylinder Adjustment (See Fig. 16) Extend the front ram fully, then check the cam roller ‘“A’*. ‘The dimension should be 7/16" (11.1 mm) to S/16’'(14.2 mm). If it isn't, adjust the cylinder in the following manner: a. Loosen the cylinder lock adjusting nut at “*‘B"’. b. With a wrench, grip the end of the cylinderrod near the thread- ed portion close to the adjusting nut and turn until the clear- ance at camroller “A is correct. Be sure to apply the wrench to the exposed part of the rod only. c. Tighten {пе пи! а! °'В’'. 2. Up-Stop Adjustment (See Fig. 17) By means of the nut on the rear lift cylinder, adjust the rod end at “A” until the mover is tight against the stop brackets. SEQUENCE VALVE CE EEE REAR LIFT STOP <” ©] | BRACKE CYLINDER ¿C o nur Ye С > © ` < x o REAR LIFT < TO BE TIGHT CYLINDER — AGAINST A STOP BRACKET Figure 17 13 3. Delayed Lowering and Raising Adjustments (See Fig. 17 4 17A). The sequence valve has been factory pre-set and under normal operating conditions should not require adjustment. The rear mower should raise and lower within 15''(381 mm) of the front mowers. Check raising and lowering with engine at high idle speed. If for some reason adjustment is desired, this procedure should be followed: III OOOO IIIs A WARNING - DANGER To avoid possible serious bodily injury, always lower the reels and stop the engine before making any adjustments to the sequence valve. Extreme care must be used to prevent dirt from entering valve when adding or removing shims. Always wipe the area around the fittings and caps before removing them. OO OL OOOO, NN ANN RR NON NN NNN NN PISTON AND PAD ASSEMBLY “0” RING El jose О СЕВ “0” RING В mms (JED A N SHIMS REAR CAP FRONT CAP SEQUENCE VALVE Figure 17A a. Delayed Lowering Adjustment 1. If the rear mower lowers too soon, remove the front se- quence valve C and add shims as required between the spring and the cap. 2. ‘If the rear mower lowers too late, remove shims as requir- ed from under the front sequence valve cap. b. Delayed Raising Adjustment 1. If the rear mower lifts too soon, remove the rear sequence valve cap B and add shims as required between the spring and cap. 2. If the rear mower lifts too late, or if an objectionable high-pitched squeal if heard, remove shims as required from under the rear sequence valve cap. NOTE Use thinnest shims for fine adjustment, For Shim Adjusting Kit, Order No. 501318. CAUTION Retorque both front and rear sequence valve caps to 120 ft. Ibs. (16 Kg/m and 27 N-m) HYDRAULIC TUBE AND HOSE FITTING TORQUE RECOMMENDA- TIONS 1. Steel Tube & Hose Assemblies To Fittings a. Assemble nut, sleeve, and tube to fitting body with minimum torque until flare contacts seat on fitting body. ADJUSTMENTS RETURN e | PRESSURE SE HOSE ROUND 90° LINE REEL MOTOR” FRONT VIEW VIEW "A-A™ END VIEW FRONT VIEW L. H. FRONT REEL MOTOR RETURN LINE “— PRESSURE L.H.END VIEW REAR REEL MOTOR Figure 18 b. Tighten nut 1/4 to 3/8 turn with a wrench. 2. ‘Special Hose Installation Instructions a. Hold the fixed portion of the hose coupling with one wrench, use a second wrench to tighten or loosen the hose nut. This will avoid damaging the fitting seal. When tightening a hose do not permit it-to twist, hold it in a normal straight position. b. When installing front mower hoses, place reel motor fittings at the angles shown (See Fig. 18) to avoid hose contact with fixed parts when turning. Place rear reel motor fittings at the angles shown. NOTE SEE PARTS LIST FOR ALL REFERENCES TO ILLUS- TRATION NOS. BELOW. TRACTION LEVER AND LINKAGE ADJUSTMENTS Ref. Nos. refer to the LINKAGE ASSEMBLY - ILLUSTRATION 7 except where otherwise stated. 1. Remove the (4) screws, ‘Ref. No. 34 holding Traction Adaptor Plate Ref. No. 33 (!Hust. 10) to the instrument panel and remove the Plate. 2. Move the Traction Lever Ref. No. 49 until carriage bolt, Ref. No. 47 is resting on the center of the neutral start switch. Adjust- ment is required if the carriage bolt touches the neutral start switch (but not near the center) or if it does not touch it at all. The object is to get the carriage bolt to touch the neutral start switch as near the center as possible. Loosen the nut Ref. No. 48 and tighten or loosen the carriage bolt as necessary. Lock the adjustment by retightening the nut. 3. The Traction Cam Assembly Ref. No. 14 should now be touching Roller Ref. No. 21 in Traction Spool Ref. No. 19. If not, remove the clevis pin, cotter pin, and washers Ref. Nos. 54, 55, and 56, holding the Traction Rod Ref. No. 52 and turn Yoke Ref. No. 53 clockwise to shorten the Traction Rod or counterclockwise to lengthen. Tighten nut Ref. No. 6 up against the Yoke and re- assemble the clevis pin, cotter pin, and washers. 4. Reverse Rod Ref. No. 37 must be adjusted to remove all free travel from the Traction Lever Ref. No. 49. To do this, remove the shoulder bolt, lockwasher, and nut Ref. Nos. 41, 9, and 36, 14 holding the Link and Tube Assembly Ref. No. 38 in place. The adjustment is made when the shoulder bolt just removed is in the uppermost part of the slot in the Link and Tube Assembly when reassembled. Loosen nut Ref. No. 39 and turn the Link and Tube Assembly clockwise to shorten the Reverse Rod or counterclockwise to lengthen. Tighten nut Ref. No. 39 up against the Link and Tube Assembly and reassemble the shoulder bolt, lockwasher, and nut. 5. Place the Traction Adaptor Plate back on the instrument panel. Adjust the Plate so the Traction Lever is resting in the corner of the jog in the Plate and secure with the (4) screws removed earlier. REEL CONTROL LEVER AND LINKAGE ADJUSTMENTS Ref. Nos. refer to the LINKAGE ASSEMBLY - ILLUSTRATION 7. 1. With the mowers in the raised position, shift the Reel Control Levers Ref. Nos. 28, 29, and 31 to the ‘‘Off’’ position and turn engine off. 2. The Reel Spool Lockout Rod Ref. No. 42 must be adjusted to remove all free travel from the Reel Control Lever. To do this, remove the shoulder bolt, washer, fockwasher, and nut Ref. Nos. 41, 43, 9, and 36, holding the Link and Tube Assembly Ref. No. 38 in place. The adjustment is made when the shoulder bolt just removed is in the lowest part of the slot in the Link and Tube Assembly when assembled. Loosen nut Ref. No. 39 and turn the Link and Tube Assembly clockwise to shorten the Reel Spool Lockout Rod, or counterclockwise to lenghten. Tighten nut Ref. No. 39 up against the Link and Tube Assembly and reassemble the shoulder bolt, washer, lockwasher, and nut. REAR MOWER ANTISWAY SPRING ADJUSTMENT Ref. Nos. refer to the REAR MOWER LIFT ARM ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 14. 1. Lower the Rear Mower to the cutting position and turn engine Off". 2. The Rear Mower Antisway Spring Ref. No. 30 should be tight (unable to bounce free to its mounting holes in the Rear Mower Lift Yoke Assembly Ref. No. 26 and the Adjusting Rod Ref. No. 33, but not under stress). To adjust the Spring, loosen the front nut Ref. No. 36 on the Adjusting Rod and loosen or tighten the rear nut Ref. No. 36 as necessary. NEUTRAL START SWITCHES There are four neutral start switches on your Greens King. They are a safety precaution which will allow you to start your Greens King only when the Traction Lever is in neutral and all three Reel Con- trol Levers are in the ‘‘Off’’ position. If you are able to start your Greens King with these levers in any other position. Adjustment of the neutral start switches is required. For the Traction Lever neutral start switch see step 2 in TRACTION LEVER AND LINK- AGE ADJUSTMENTS. ADJUSTMENTS To adjust the three neutral start switches on the Reel Control Levers follow these steps. 1. Remove the (9) screws holding the Front Cowling Assembiy Ref. No. 14 (lHust. 9) in place. à. With the Reel Control Levers in the ‘‘Off’’ position the hub por- tion of the Control Levers should be in contact with the neutral start switches. If the hub is in contact with the switches at any other time, or if they never touch the switches, the position of the Mounting Bracket Ref. No. 23 (lllust. 1) must be adjusted. > an 3. Loosen the (2) screws, washers, lockwashers, and nuts Ref. Nos. 24, 25, 26, and 27, holding the Bracket to the Center Valve Mounting Weldment Ref. No. 3 (lllust. 1). Slide the Bracket back if the machine starts when the Reel Con- trol Levers are in the ‘“On’’ position. Slide the Bracket forward if the machine does not start at all. After all three neutral start switches are adjusted to be in con- tact with the hub of the Reel Control Lever only when in the “Off’* position, tighten the Mounting Bracket in place. Replace the Front Cowling Assembly. MAINTENANCE VE OIIIIIIII IY A WARNING - DANGER To avoid possible serious bodily injury, before making any adjustments and when removing foreign matter from reels disengage reel control levers, lower the reels, stop engine, set parking brake and remove key from ignition switch. OO OPTI ИРИ аа, NON NN ANN NN NS Neue TIRE MAINTENANCE Tires are inflated at the factory at 8 to 12 PSI (.55 bars to .82 bars), pressure. This pressure gives the best results for average use. If greens are softorif the transport areas have steep inclines a lower pressure may improve performance. However, tire pressure should never be less than 8 Ibs. and should be equal in all tires. If a tire is removed from the rim it should be inflated to approxi- mately 30 PSI (2 bars). When it is replaced; this assures proper seating of the tire bead to the rim, then reduce the pressure to the desired level before using. DO NOT USE GREASE OR OIL ON RIM TO REMOUNT TIRE. TIRE INSPECTION FOR LEAKS NOTE A light duty scissors jack may be used to jack up machine for wheel removal. ; COMMON CAUSES OF LEAKS Damaged Tire: Nail hole Cuts in carcass Damaged or distorted beads Breaks or cuts in the inner layer of rubber Exposed fabric inside the carcass 15 Rim or Wheel Leaks: Defective valve core Loose valve stem or damaged grommets Cracks and/or porosity Loose flange fasteners PRELIMINARY INSPECTION Do not demount an apparently leaking Terra-Tire until the cause and/or the location of the leak has been established, as there are types of leaks that can be checked only while the tire is mounted on its rim or wheel. EXTERNAL CHECKS (Tire Mounted) Inflate the tire to its prescribed pressure. Paint (or spray) the entire surface of the tire (rim or wheel - flanges, hub, and valve area) with one of the following solutions: 1. PAINTING - Mix one teaspoon of commercial liquid detergent in a gallon of water and apply with a clean paint brush. 2. SPRAYING - Use a soapy wetting agent, such as ““Detecto Mist" or its equivalent. Closely examine the complete tire and rim or wheel assembly for evidence of air escaping (bubbles forming at the leaks). Particular attention should be paid to the tread surface, sidewalls, bead area, flange and valve. Check the complete tire assembly, even if you have found a leak or two. ~ Mark the leaks with yellow crayon so that they may be found after the tire has been demounted from the rim or wheel, If no evidence of leaks is found after careful inspection, inflate the tire to its rated pressure and allow it to stand for 24 hours in a room under normal temperature. MAINTENANCE NOTE 1. To simplify the test, the temperature should be kept con- stant during the 24-hour period. Check the temperature during this 24-hour test to eliminate expansion of con- traction of the air in the tire as the possible cause of any difference in air pressure. 2. Check (calibrate) the pressure gauge for accuracy. 3. ‘Exercise care to keep air escape to a minimum when us- ing the gauge to determine the inflated pressure. TIRE PIN HOLE LEAK REPAIR For pin hole leaks and punctures up to 1/16°'(1.58 mm) diameter as experienced from thorns, an application of Simseal may be made. The recommended amount of Simseal to use in 18 x 9.50-8 tires is 2 pts. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADDING SIMSEAL 1. Break one bead from seal on rim and pull out past rim flange at bottom. 2. Pour Simseal into tire cavity. 3. ‘Reseat bead on rim by inflating the tire. 4. Rotate tire slowly to spread Simseal. 5. Adjust to specified inflation pressure and put into service, NOTE Goodyear Simseal is available from Goodyear tire and ser- vice distributors. If holes are large enough to require plug- ging or inside patching or if tire must be removed from the rim for any reason it is recommended that the wheel with tire installed be taken to a tire repair shop. CARE OF BATTERY Use soap and water to clean the battery as required. Care must be taken to prevent soap and water from getting inside the battery. Brighten the terminal contact surfaces with steel wool. Tighten cables securely to battery terminals. Apply a light coat of petroleum jelly or chassis lubricant to terminals and cable ends to prevent corrosion. Make certain vent holes in battery filler caps are kept open. Refer to separate Battery Booklet for detailed instructions for refill, storage, winter operation, etc. SEAT - 1. Clean seat regularly using a special vinyl cleaner. Do not use a solvent as this will damage seat. 2. Protect seat from severe heat or cold which can cause damage. A seat cover will protect seat from weather conditions including water. Also, it is best to store machine in building when not in use. 3. Be careful not to damage seat when getting on and off machine, especially in severe weather conditions. 4. In case of tear in seat, apply a viny! tape over damaged area. A Master Repair Manual is now available for your Greens King. Order Part No. 547008 through your Distributor. LUBRICATION Lubrication coupled with cleanliness is the most inexpensive pre- ventive maintenance tool. Therefore, lubricate the Greens King as shown in the charts on (pages 16 and 17) and use type of lubricant recommended. HYDRAULIC OIL RESERVOIR NOTE Use extreme care when checking oil level to prevent the entry of dirt or foreign objects. 16 The reservoir should be checked daily for proper level, the pres- ence of water (noted by a cloudy or milky appearance) or a rancid odor indicating excessive heat. If any of the above symptons ap- pear, or if the hydraulic oil becomes contaminated with water, sol- vent, grease or after a major component failure, the oil should be changed. Use only the recommended hydraulic oil. Always replace the filter when changing the oil. See Oiling Chart on page 19 for filter service intervals. Add the recommended oil as needed to maintain oil at full level mark. Do not permit oil to drop below the low level mark. Over- filling up to 1/4'(6.35 mm) above high level is O.K. NOTE Drain plug is located on the bottom of the hydraulic tank. STORAGE has been turned off the spark plug wire disconnected . If carburetor adjustment is necessary, stand to one side and STORAGE 1. Follow implicitly the manufacturer's recommendations for main- 5. Store gasoline in a safe container in a cool, dry place. tenance. 6. Keep the Greens King and fuel container in locked storage to 2. Never adjust the mowers or change attachments until the engine prevent children from playing and tampering with them, 7. Maximum mowing results and safety can only be expected if the mower is maintained and operated correctly. keep feet and hands in the clear while making adjustments. . Keep engine free from accumulations of grass, leaves, or exces- sive grease. An accumulation of these combustible materials may result in a fire. 8. Gasoline powered equipment or fuel containers should not be stored in basement or any closed area where heating or heat appliances or open pilot lights are present unless fuel is com- pletely drained from power equipment and fuel containers. WIRE TO THROTTLE nn WIRE HARNESS AE [| / me ; | SWITCHES | 5 5 7> | TRECTIFIER WIRE LT {form ARS] RETAINER || 7 - N % Pe CHOKE TT ROUTING OF DECAL CABLE le! С CONTROLS 8 WIRE HARNESS TIE WIRE HARNESS TO LARGE HYDRAULIC HOSE WIRE HARNESS—_ | THROTTLE— TIE TO UPRIGHT ANOLE. SOE TS THROTTLE & = CHOKE CLAMP TO GUSSET CLAMP- BATTERY CABLE FROM CHOKE CABLE | г SOLENOID TO STARTER т CLAMP TO FAN HOUSING CLAMP TO OIL TANK MOUNTING SCREW CLAMP TO TO FRAME FAN HOUSING 11 GREASING CHART USE A GOOD QUALITY CHASSIS GREASE Le Interval Ref. Quan. Description (Hours) Remarks A 3 Grease Fittings Front & Rear Mower Swivel Hous- 50 ings B 3 Grease Fittings Front & Rear Mower Lift Arms 50 Use hand grease gun Ref. “A” thru “E”. С 8 Grease Fittings Front & Rear Mower Lift Arm 50 Do not ee air pressure gun. o Do not use cup grease. D 2 Grease Fittings Mower Cam Lift Shafts 50 E 2 Grease Fittings Mow & Lift Pedals 50 F 6 Reel Bearing Cavities Fill before assembling reel motor. Pack 2/3 full when assembling bearings. After assembling bear- ing covers and motors, complete filling with grease gun until grease escapes from fittings. G 2 Rear Wheel Bearings 1000 | Pack full H 1 Grease Fitting, Reel Wheel Steering Shaft 100 Apply with grease gun, pack full. J 4 Grease Fittings, Steering Cable Guide Pulleys 100 Apply with grease gun. K 6 Cutting Height Adj. Knobs 50 Apply small amount to threads. L 3 Swivel Arm Housing 50 Remove caps and coat cam surfaces and pins. M 1 Rear Wheel Thrust Bearing 1000 | Fill bearing cup cavity. Coat felt seal and “0” ring. N 1 Engine as See Engine Manual. required О 12 Grease Fitting Front & Rear Rollers 100 Apply with grease gun 18 OILING CHART Use SAE - 30 Oil as Follows: Ref. Quan. Description Interval Remarks A 3 Cam Rollers B 2 Mower Lift Links Weekly or as Apply several drops to both sides of C 2 Hydraulic Cylinders (Both Ends) required bearings at points indicated. Activate D 1 Lift & Mow Pedal Mtg. Bkt. linkage several times & wipe off excess Not Shown | All Brake Linkage, Bushings & Pivot oil. Points in Stack Valve Area USE CRANKCASE OIL RECOMMENDED BY ENGINE MANUFACTURER E Engine - as Before starting engine, fill with crank- required case oil to top level of dip stick. USE HYDROSTATIC TRANSMISSION OIL AS FOLLOWS: (Sunray DX 30380 Sunfleet Th Fluid, or International Harvester Hy-Tran Fluid #372-705-R4 for all weather use) Change the Hydraulic System oil filter after the first 25 hours of operation and at 250 hour intervals thereafter. F Hydraulic System as required Approx. 5 gal. fill to high level mark on dip stick or to 1/4” above level mark after operating mowers, mower lift, and traction motors. 13 ILLUSTRATION 1 REF. PART NO. NO. QUAN. DESCRIPTION 1 116354 1 Frame Assembly 2 471214 4 Fitting, 1/4-28 Grease 3 130219 1 Center Valve Mounting Weldment 4 335890 1 Angle, Valve Mounting, R.H. 5 160003 1 Valve Mounting Angle & Pin Assem 5 353960 2 Spacer 7 352726 2 Bushing 8 400266 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd. Cap 9 400262 4 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1 Hex Hd. Cap 10 446142 5 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy Spring 11 443110 5 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 12 130501 1 Bracket, Valve Mounting L.H. 13 130502 1 Bracket, Valve Mounting R.H. 14 352726 4 Bushing, Brackets, Valve Mounting 15 400264 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd. Cap, 16 400262 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1 Hex Hd. Cap, Valve Mounting Brackets, Top 17 354097 1 Clip, Control Cable, Choke 18 446142 4 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy Spring 19 443110 4 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 20 400216 3 Bolt, 5/16-18 x 2 3/4 Hex Hd. 21 446136 3 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring 22 443106 3 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 23 354031 1 Bracket (Reel Control), Neutral Start Switch Parts List FRAME ASSEMBLY REF. PART QUAN. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. 24 400108 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex Hd. 25 452002 2 Washer, 1/4 Std. Flat. 26 446130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring 27 443102 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 28 354449 1 Bracket, Parking Brake Mtg. 29 400108 1 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex Hd. 30 446130 1 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring 31 443102 1 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 32 301730 4 Switch, Neutral Start 33 447221 4 Lockwasher, 9/16 Internal 34 335932 1 Bracket, Support 39 354050 1 Gusset 36 400188 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex Hd. 37 400182 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 5/8 Hex Hd. 38 452004 2 Washer, 5/16 Std. Flat 39 446136 4 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring 40 443106 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 41 400108 1 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex Hd Clip Mtg. 42 446130 1 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring 43 443102 1 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 44 473142 2 Tie-Cable, Wire Harness Mtg. 45 444762 1 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Centerloc 46 471227 2 Fitting, 1/4-28 x 45 Grease 47 336309 1 Bracket, Camshaft Adj. L.H. 48 336308 1 Bracket, Camshaft Adj. R.H. 49 446154 2 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 50 443818 4 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex Jam 51 400188 4 Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1 Lg. Hex Hd. 52 453009 4 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat 53 446136 4 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 54 443106 4 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 55 447512 3 Lockwasher, 5/16 Int Ext Tooth 56 358369 1 Grommet 57 357951 1 Pad, Oil Tank Mounting 20 REAR FRAME ASSEMBLY AND GAS TANK MOUNTING ILLUSTRATION 2 - wi 36 Parts List REF. PART REF. PART т NO. NO. QUAN. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. QUAN. DESCRIPTION 1 130193 1 Tank, Gasoline 24 400106 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 5/8 Hex Hd. Cap 2 | 326404 1 | Gauge Cap, Gas 25 | 446130 2 | Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring 3 353964 2 Strap. Gas Tank 26 443102 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 4 400190 4 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd. Cap 27 . 446136 2 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring 9 446136 6 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring 28 443808 2 Nut, 5/16-24 Hex Jam 6 443106 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex, Gas Tank Mtg. 29 446118 2 Lockwasher, #10 Hvy Spring 7 | 400184 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4 Hex Hd 30 444312 2 Nut, #10-32 Hex 8 353966 2 Strap, Hydraulic Tank 31 400118 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd. Cap 9 453009 3 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat 32 446130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring 10 400182 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 5/8 Hex Hd. Cap 33 353922 1 Rod, Battery Hold Down 11 400190 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd. Cap 34 452002 2 Washer, 1/4 Std. Flat 12 400200 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 2-1/2 Hex Hd. Gap 35 444706 9 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex Gripco 13 446136 3 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring 36* 1 Plate, Serial Number 14 443106 1 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 37 360263 1 Rear Support, Tank 15 444716 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Gripco Hex, Frt. 38 126130 1 Shut-off Valve and Screen Assembly 16 400188 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex Hd. Cap 39 353975 1 Fuel Line 17 | 452004 2 Washer, 5/16 Flat 40 472801 2 Clamp, Fuel Line Mounting 18 446136 2 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring 41 354081 1 Clip, Wire Harness Mounting 19 443106 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 42 354097 1 | Clip, Control Cable, Choke 20 400400 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 3/4 Hex Hd. Cap 43 351682 2 Pad, Fuel Tank Mounting Strap 21 446154 2 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy Spring 44 360264 2 Pad, Fuel Tank 22 354048 1 Bracket, Filter Mounting 45 444718 4 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Center Loc 23 126070 1 Solenoid, Starter * Not Serviceable - For Reference Only 21 STEERING ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 3 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 3 REF. PART NO. NO. QUAN. DESCRIPTION 1 315296 2 Bushing, Rear Steering 2 130434 1 Steering Fork Assembly 3 360113 2 Thrust Washer 4 354085 1 Decal, Tire Inflation 5 345621 1 Seal, Steering Shaft 7 345401 1 Cup, Thrust Eearing 8 463019 1 Key, 3/16 x 7/8 Woodruff, Steering Pulley Mtg. 9 218077 1 Pulley, Rear Steering 10 446178 1 Lockwasher, 3/4 Hvy Spring, Pulley Mtg. 11 443832 1 Nut, 3/4-16 Hex Jam, Pulley Mtg. 12 354022 1 Shaft, Steering 13 353349 2 Bearing, Self-Aligning 14 400182 4 Screw, 5/16-18 x 5/8 Hex Hd., Bearing Mtg. 15 446136 4 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring, Bearing Mtg. 16 443106 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex, Bearing Mtg. - Top 17 353934 1 Collar, Steering Shaft - Below Top Bearing 18 412015 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 5/8, Sq. Hd. Cup Pt. Set, Collar Mtg. 19 130217 1 Steering Wheel Assembly 20 400270 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 2 Hex Hd., Steering Wheel Mtg. 21 303873 4 Washer, 38/8, Steering Wheel Mtg. 22 446142 2 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy Spring, Steering Wheel Mtg. 23 443110 2 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex, Steering Wheel Mtg. 24 241719 4 Pulley, Center Steering 25 453017 4 Washer, 1/2 SAE Flat, Pulley Mtg. 26 460026 4 Pin, 1/8 x 3/4 Cotter, Pulley Mtg. 27 471214 4 Fitting, 1/4-28 Grease, Pulley Lubrication 28 354000 1 Bracket, Steering Cable Mtg. 29 400262 1 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1 Hex Hd., Steering Cable Bracket Mtg. 30 446142 1 Lockwasher, 8/8 Hvy Spring, Steering Cable Bracket Mtg. 31 160040 2 Steering Cable Assembly 32 461381 2 Pin, 3/16 x13/16Roll, Steering Cable 33 444716 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Gripco Hex, Steering Cable 34 452004 AR Washer, 5/16 Std. Flat, Steering Cable 35 218078 1 Pulley 36 159986 1 Axle Tube and Flange Assembly 37 353908 1 Axle, Steering 38 500533 2 Cup and Cone Set, Roller Bearing (Incl. Ref. No. 39) 39 311957 2 Ring, Nilos 40 458437 1 Ring, External Snap, Steering Axle Mtg. 41 444742 1 Nut, 3/4-16 Hex Jam Center Loc, Steering Axle Mtg. 42 453017 2 Washer. 1/2 SAE Flat, Steering Wheel & Axle Assembly Mtg. 43 444784 2 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex Jam Center Loc, Steering Wheel and Axle Mtg. 44 130183 1 Wheel and Tire Assembly (Incl. Ref. Nos. 45, 46, and 47) 45 353844 1 Tire 46 121704 1 Wheel Assembly 47 341680 1 Valve, Tire Inflation 48 353914 4 Bolt, Wheel 49 463017 1 Key, 3/16 x 8/4 Woodruff, Steering Pulley Mtg. 50 412015 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 5/8 Sq. Hd. Cup Pt. Set, Steering Pulley Mtg. 51 446154 2 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy Steering Wheel & Axle Assem Mtg 23 . PARKING BRAKE ILLUSTRATION 4 “TO PARKING BRAKE © MTG BRACKET 4] 38 UN ~~ y 3 | 7 TRACTION DRIVE AND BRAKE ASSEMBLY 7 G A — BRAKE ASSEMBLY 14 ~~ SEE REF. No.7 Ry SEE REF. NO. 42 WHEEL & TIRE ASSEMBLY 24 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 4 Ne | BART | quan. DESCRIPTION 1* 121709 2 Hydraulic Motor Assembly 1A | 546527 2 Key 2 590101 2 Nut 3 353912 4 Bracket, Brake Backing Plate 4 400428 8 Screw, 1/2-13 x 2-3/4 Hex Hd. Cap 5 446154 8 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy Spring 6 443118 8 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 7 201307 2 Brake Assembly (Incl. Ref. 8 Thru 16) 8 . 546516 2 Cam, Brake Actuating 9 : 501151 2 Lever Assembly 10 400232 2 Bolt, 5/16-24 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd. Cap 11 446136 2 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring 12 443108 2 Nut, 5/16-24 Hex 13 501150 2 Brake Shoe and Band Assembly (Ref. Service No Incl. 2 Shoes) 14 353868 4 Spring, Brake Shoe Retaining 15 353869 2 Spring, Brake Shoe Return 16 130191 2 Brake Backing Plate Assembly 17 400180 8 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1/2 Hex Hd. Cap, Backing Plate Mounting 18 446136 8 Lockwasher, 5/16-18 Hvy Spring, Backing Plate Mounting 19 218076 2 Hub and Drum, Wheel 20 354036 1 Shaft, Brake 21 463017 3 Key, 3/16 x 3/4 Woodruff, Brake Levers and Brake Pedal 22 160022 1 Brake Pedal Weldment 23 159995 2 Brake Arm and Hub Assembly 24 320650 2 Spacer (On Brake Shaft on Outside of Frame) 25 412015 3 Screw, 5/16-18 x 5/8 Sq. Hd. Cup Pt Set, Brake Lever Mounting 26 353943 2 Rod. Brake Arm Link 27 353978 2 Guide, Brake 28 351956 2 Springs 29 453011 4 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat, Link Rod Spring Mounting 30 460026 4 Pin, 1/8 x 3/4 Cotter, Guide and Link Rod Mounting 31 444744 2 Nut, 3/8-24 Hex Gripco, Guide and Link Rod Mounting 32 160028 1 Parking Brake Lever Assembly 33 461452 1 Pin, Clevis, Parking Brake Lever Mounting 34 460014 1 Pin, 3/32 x 3/4 Cotter, Parking Brake Lever Mounting 35 354075 1 Clip, Cable End, Parking Braking Cable 36 354074 1 Spring, Parking Brake Return 37 351552 2 Clip, Control Cable, Parking Brake Cable Mounting 38 400108 3 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex Hd. Cap, Parking Brake Clip Mounting 39 446130 3 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring, Parking Brake Clip Mounting 40 443102 3 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex, Parking Brake Clip Mounting 41 352726 2 Bushing, Brake Pedal Shaft 42 130183 2 Wheel and Tire Assembly 43 353844 2 Tire 44 121704 2 Wheel Assembly 45 341680 2 Valve, Tire Inflation 46 353914 8 Bolt, Wheel 47 353962 1 Pad, Pedal 48 160006 1 Pad Mounting Plate Assembly 49 400188 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex Hd. Cap, Foot Pedal Mounting 50 444716 1 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Gripco, Foot Pedal Mounting 51 354085 2 Decal, Tire Inflation 52 446180 2 Lockwasher, 1” Light Spring * For Service of Seal Repair Kit Order 501139 25 ILLUSTRATION 5 ENGINE AND PUMP ASSEMBLY 26 PARTS LIST- ILLUSTRATION 5 REF. PART NO. NO. QUAN. DESCRIPTION 1 330813 1 Base, Engine Mounting 2 160105 6 Mount, Shock Absorber 3 458011 5 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat, (Inside Shock Absorber) 4* 1 Engine Assembly, (Kohler K-321 S) 14 H.P. 5* 1 Regulator-Rectifier 6 400114 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd. Cap, Reg. Mtg. 7 446130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring, Reg. Mtg. 8 443102 2 Nut. 1/4-20 Hex. Reg. Mounting 9 400286 2 Bolt, 3/8-16 x 2-3/4 Hex Hd., Engine and Base Mtg. 10 400270 3 Bolt. 3/8-16 x 2 Hex Hd., Base Mounting 11 400280 2 Bolt. 3/8-16 x 4 Hex Hd.. Engine and Muffler Mtg. 12 345625 2 Spacer, Rectifier Mtg. 13 444762 8 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Gripco, Engine Mtg. 14 335919 1 Pipe, Exhaust 15 335918 1 Muffler 16 348856 2 Clamp, Muffler 17 471737 1 Ell, 1 Std. Street 90° , (Into Engine Exhaust Port) 18 445679 1 Nut, 1 Electric Conduit, (Street Ell to Engine) 19 471758 1 Nipple, 1 x 2-1/2 Std. Pipe, (Into Street Ell) 20 220218 1 Extension, Flywheel P.T.O. 21 345962 2 Spacer, Muffler Mtg. 22 400262 4 Bolt, 3/8-16 x 1.Hex Hd., (Extension to Engine) 23 446142 4 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy Spring, (Extension to Engine) 24 321258 1 Key, 3/16 x .812 Parallel, Pump 25 241761 1 Pump Coupling 26 412014 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1/2 Sq. Hd. Cup Pt Set 27 336550 1 Disc, Coupling 28 400192 6 Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd 29 446136 6 Lockwasher 30 446142 1 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 31 310711 6 Washer, Muffler Straps 32 357907 2 Brace, Pump Support 33 400262 4 Screw. 3/8-16 x 1 Hex Hd. Cap, (Support to Bracket) 34 446130 1 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring, Clip to Engine 35 446142 4 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy Spring, (Support to Bracket) 36 400104 1 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Hex Hd., Clip to Engine 37 354097 1 Clip, Control Cable, Choke 38 400190 4 Screw, 5/16-18 x1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap, (Pump Support to Engine Base) 39 453009 8 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat, Pump Support 40 357908 AR Shim, Pump Bracket 41 444808 4 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex, Flex - Loc Pump Support 42 502495 1 Pump, 4 Section 43 354081 1 Clip, Cable-Starter to Solenoid 44: 443110 2 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex . 45 161531 1 Bracket Assembly, Engine Tie 46 444762 1 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Center Lock * Not Serviceable - For Reference Only AR - As Required 27 ILLUSTRATION 6 HYDRAULIC TUBES, HOSES AND FITTINGS 28 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 6 REF. PART NO. NO. QUAN. DESCRIPTION 1 353954 1 Hose 2 393961 2 Hose 3 319914 6 Clamp 4 472207 1 Plug, 1/2 Sq. Hd. Pipe - Hydraulic Tank 5 162269 1 Filler Cap and Dip Stick Assembly 6 * 336225 1 Sequence Valve 7 471781 1 Nipple (1-11-1/2 NPT) Close, In Oil Filter Inlet Port 8 472446 1 Tee, (1-11-1/2 NPT x 1/2-14 NPT) To Nipple On Filter Inlet 9 353925 1 Base, Oil Filter 10 353937 1 Cartridge. Oil Filter 11 354066 1 Elbow, 45° . 5/8 Male 37° Flare - Traction Pump 12 351107 3 Elbow, 90°, 3/8 Male 37° Flare - Traction Pump 13 354065 3 Elbow, 90° , 5/8 Male 37° Flare - Reel Motors 14 351109 9 Connector, 3/8 Male 87° Flare - (8) Front Valve, (2) Sequence Valve 15 354064 1 Elbow 90° , 1 Male 37° Flare - Valve to Return Line 16* | 155305 1 Elbow 90% , 1/2 Male 37° Flare - Center Reel Motor 17 351108 2 Connector, 1/2 Male 37° Flare - Front Valve to L.H. and R.H. Reel Motors 18 350947 7 Connector,5/8 Male 37° Flare-(4) Traction Motors, (3) at Front Valve from Pump 19 354067 1 Connector, 1 Male 37° Flare - Oil Filter 20 471761 1 Nipple, 3/4 Pipe x 1-3/4 Lg. (T.O.E.) - In Reducer Bushing 21 471861 1 Bushing, 1 to 3/4 Reducer - in Oil Filter Outlet Port 22 160041 1 Hose Assembly- Tee to Front Lift Cylinder (Rod End) 23 160042 2 Hose Assembly - Tube and Sequence Valve to Rear Lift Cylinder 24 160043 2 Hose Assembly - To L.H. & R.H. Front Reel Motor Pressure 25 160047 1 Hose Assembly - Tee to Front Lift Cylinder (Blank End) 26 160044 1 Hose Assembly - Rear Mower Pressure 27 160046 2 Hose Assembly - L.H. & R.H. Reel Motor to Tube (Return) 28 160045 1 Hose Assembly - Center Reel Motor to Tube (Return) 29 116458 1 Tube Assembly - Traction Pump Section to Valve 30 116455 1 Tube Assembly - L.H. Reel Pump Section to Valve Inlet 31 116456 1 Tube Assembly - Center Reel Pump Section to Valve Inlet 32 116459 1 Tube Assembly - R.H. Reel Pump to Valve Inlet 33 121720 1 Tube Assembly - Traction Valve Section to Upper Tee 34 121721 1 Tube Assembly - Traction Valve Section to Lower Tee 35 121719 2 Tube Assembly - Traction Motor to Traction Motor 36 116457 1 Tube Assembly - Lift Valve Section to Sequence Valve 37 116350 1 Tube Assembly - Lift Valve Section to Center Mower Lift Cylinder 38 130213 1 Tube Assembly - L.H. Reel Motor Valve Section to Hose 39 116346 1 Tube Assembly - Center Reel Motor Valve Section to Hose 40 130212 1 Tube Assembly - R.H. Reel Motor Valve Section to Hose 41 130215 1 Tube Assembly - L.H. Reel Motor Hose to Tube 42 130214 1 Tube Assembly - R.H. Reel Motor Hose to Tube 43 121718 1 Tube Assembly - System Return to Filter 44 354053 1 Bracket, Tube Support 45 400108 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex Hd. - Bracket Mounting 46 446130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring - Bracket Mounting 47 443102 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex - Bracket Mounting 48 304071 1 Clamp, Front Tube 49 452004 10 Washer, Tube Clamp 50 400118 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd. - Tube Clamp 51 444708 8 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex Gripco Center Loc - Tube Clamp 52 354082 2 Clamp, Tube 53 354096 4 Liner, Tube Clamp 54 354080 2 Clamp, 1.00 Dia. (Open Type) 55 354081 2 Clamp, .37 Dia. (Open Type) 56 400120 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 2 Hex Hd. - Tube Clamp 57 354054 1 Angle, Tube Support 58 394088 2 Clamp, R.H. € L.H. Reel Motor Tubes 59 400116 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd. - Tube Clamp 60 354081 2 Clip, Wire Harness Mounting 61 121703 1 Valve 62 121710 1 Tank, Hydraulic Oil 63 357921 1 Connector W/ Orifice 64 473139 1 Tie - Cable, Wire Harness to Hydraulic Hose 65 400122 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 2 1/4 Hex Hd. - Tube Clamp 66 357608 1 Strap, Tube Support o re 1 К Ring, 3-1/2 OD x 3-1/4 ID x 1/8 lbow, 90°, 3/8 Male, 37° Flare Swive . e 63 130751 2 Hose Assembly ve * For Piston Repair Kit, 70 130750 1 Hose Assembly Order 502428 71 359460 1 Clamp, Hose For Shim Adjusting Kit, 72 400120 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 2 dex Hd Wood Block Mtg Order 502426 73 452004 4 Washer, 5/16 Flat Wood Block Mtg “a D: vs 74 | 444708 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex C/Lock Wood Block Mtg For “0” Ring Repair Kit, 75 130749 1 Hose Assem - Traction Pump Sec to Valve Order 502427 * For Service of O-Ring Use 459029 29 ILLUSTRATION 7 so—| 53—@a ]— 40 7 LINKAGE ASSEMBLY N < 37 a > > ds | cu a | LE VALVE MOUNTING ANGLE AND PIN ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 7 REF. PART NO. NO. QUAN. DESCRIPTION 1 310288 4 Bushing 2 159996 1 Lift Pedal Assembly 3 159997 1 Mow Pedal Mounting Assembly 4 471231 2 Fitting, 1/8 NPFT Grease, Mow and Lift Pedal 5 353949 1 Rod 6 443812 4 Nut, 3/8-24 Hex Jam 7 310089 2 Type R-109 Ball Joint 8 443112 2 Nut, 3/8-24 Hex, (Rod and Ball Joint Assem. to Mounting Levers) 9 446142 16 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy Spring 10 160002 1 Pedal Pivot Tube Assembly 11 315282 1 Bushing, Pedal Pivot Tube Assembly 12 452010 1 Washer, 1/2 Flat (Pedal Pivot Tube Assem. to Frame) 13 460028 1 Pin, 1/8 x1 Cotter (Pedal Pivot Tube Assem. to Frame) 14 130500 1 Traction Cam Assembly 15 313273 4 Locking Collar 16 412014 4 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1/2 Sq Hd Set, Locking Collar Mtg. 17 160023 3 Reel Spool Lever and Bushing Assembly 18 304392 5 Bushing 19 160024 2 Traction and Lift Spool Lever and Bushing Assembly 20 354028 1 Shaft 21 354020 4 Roller, Spool Cam 22 322206 5 Pin, Clevis (Valve Spools) 23 452002 5 Washer, 1/4 Std. Flat (Valve Spools) 24 460002 5 Pin, 1/16 x 1/2 Cotter (Valve Spools) 25 160027 1 Lift Shaft Weldment 26 463003 1 Key, 1/8 x 1/2 Woodruff, Lift Shaft Weldment 27 160025 1 Lift Tube and Arm Weldment (Center) 28 160026 1 Lift Tube Assembly (R.H. Front) 29 160020 1 Lift Lever and Hub Assembly (Center) 30 331143 1 Key, 1/8 x 3/4 Parallel 31 160021 1 Lift Lever and Hub Assembly (L.H. Front) 32 353994 1 Block, Lift Shaft Mounting 33 354009 1 Block, Lift Shaft Mounting 34 400274 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 2-1/2 Hex Hd Cap, Block to Valve Mounting Weldment 35 453011 1 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat, #33 Block to Valve Mtg. Weldment 36 443110 14 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 37 354017 1 Rod, Reverse 38 160029 4 Link and Tube Assembly 39 443810 4 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Jam 40 460026 2 Pin, 1/8 x 3/4 Cotter 41 344996 12 Bolt, Shoulder 42 354015 3 Rod, Reel Spool Lockout 43 454025 10 Washer, 1/2 Wave 44 160032 1 Traction, Pin and Arm Assembly 45 313820 AR Washer .760 ID x 1.250 OD x .032 THK. (Between Bushing and Cotter Pin) 46 460030 1 Pin. 1/8 x 1-1/4 Cotter, Traction Shaft Mtg. 47 440088 1 Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1 3/4 Carriage 48 443106 3 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 49 160116 1 Traction Lever Assem. 50 400196 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 2 Hex Hd Cap, Traction Rod Mtg. 51 453009 3 Washer, 5/16 Flat 52 353950 1 Rod 53 319161 2 Yoke 54 461485 1 Pin, Clevis, Yoke to Cam Mtg. 99 '460014 1 Pin, 3/32 x 3/4 Cotter, Yoke to Cam Mtg. 56 343117 AR Hasher, 25/64 ID x 13/16 OD x 1/32 Thk. (Center Traction Rod on Top and ottom). 57 353962 2 Pad, Pedal 58 160006 2 Pad Mounting Plate Assembly 59 400188 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex Hd Cap, Foot Pedal Mtg. 60 444716 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Gripco, Foot Pedal Mtg. 61 315267 1 Knob, Shift Lever 62 354027 1 Bar, Tie 63 394012 3 - Spring, Steel 64 307524 3 Washer, Spring to Tie Bar Mtg. 65 354026 2 Link, Tie Bar 66 341840 2 Bolt, Shoulder, Cam to Tie Bar Link 67 453013 2 Washer, 7/16 SAE Flat 68 326731 3 Knob, Control Rod 69 304225 1 Spring 70 444718 1 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Gripco, Traction Rod Assem. Mtg. 71 446136 2 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring, Cam to Tie Bar Link AR - As Required 31 ILLUSTRATION 8 FRONT R.H. REEL FRONT L.H. REEL MOTOR MOTOR FRONT LIFT CYLINDER VALVE R.H. TRACTION MOTO :. H. TRACTION MOTOR FILTER SEQUENCE VALVE REAR CENTER REAR CENTER LIFT 1 | 1 | ret-z=-- REEL MOTOR CYLINDER RESERVOIR PUMP 32 ILLUSTRATION 9 FRONT COWLINGS AND FLOOR PLATE ASSEMBLY Parts List REF. PART REF. PART | NO. NO. QUAN DESCRIPTION NO. NO. QUAN. DESCRIPTION | 1 328894 1 Plate, Floor 22 400106 10 Screw, 1/4-20 x 5/8 Hex Hd. Cap 2 404014 6 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Phillips 23 443102 10 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 3 400110 4 Screw, 1/4-20 x 7/8 Hex Hd 24 452002 10 Washer, 1/4 Std. Flat 4 452002 6 Washer, 1/4 Std. Flat 25 121723 1 Instrument. Panel 5 446130 6 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring 26 400260 1 Screw, 3/8-16 x 7/8 Hex Hd. Cap 6 443102 4 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex Instrument Panel Mtg. R.H. 7 130668 1 Cover, Steering Column 27 446142 2 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy Spring 8 400104 1 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2, Hex Hd 28 443110 2 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 9 452002 4 Washer, 1/4 Std Flat 29 360256 1 Decal, Greens King II 10 130670 1 Panel, Cowling Back Support R.H. 30 375283 1 Decal, OPEI Certified 11 130671 1 Panel, Cowling Back Support, L.H. 31 336941 1 Decal, Jacobsen 12 400104 17 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Hex Hd 32 452002 1 Washer, 1/4 Std Flat 13 446130 17 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring 33 | 452002 17 Washer, 1/4 Std Flat 14 130669 1 Front Cowling Assémbly 34 354070 1 Decal, ‘LIFT PEDAL" 15 130667 1 Panel, Middle Shroud 35 400274 1 Screw, 3/8-16 x 2-1/2 Hex Hd. Cap 16 400104 4 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Hex Hd Instrument Panel Mtg. L.H. 17 446136 4 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 36 400104 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Hex Hd 18 354042 1 Moulding, Cowling 37 446130 1 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring 19 121726 1 Fender Assembly R.H. 38 354069 1 Decal, Mow Pedal 20 ‚121725 1 Fender Assembly L.H. 21 | 4461890 | 10 | Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring 59 | 354068 + | Decal, Brake 33 INSTRUMENT PANEL ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 10 Parts List Moc | Or” | Quan. DESCRIPTION REF. | PART | quan. DESCRIPTION 1 448112 1 Nut, 3/8-24 Hex, Choke Control Mtg. 18 358825 1 Hour Meter Assembly 2 130226 1 Choke Control Assembly 19 404014 4 Screw, 1/420 x 1/2 Phil. Pozi Drive 3 446142 1 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy Spring 20 358968 1 Nut 4 354097 1 Clip, Control Cable, Choke 21 447221 1 Lockwasher-Int Tooth 5 400108 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex Hd. 22 354076 1 Decal, “BE CAREFUL” 6 446130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy Spring 23 353875 1 Decal, Reel Control, On - Off 7 443102 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex, Clip Mounting 24 339954 1 Decal, Operating Instructions 8 354043 2 Stop, Reel Selector Handle 25 335948 1 Decal, Traction Control 9 354049 2 Reinforcement, Stop 26 354063 1 Decal, Reel Selector 10 403912 6 Screw, #10-24 x 5/8 Phillips, 27 354079 1 Decal, Ignition Switch Stop Mounting and Throttle Control 28 354073 1 Decal, Parking Brake 11 | 446118 6 Lockwasher, 410 Hvy Spring 29 | 353876 1 | Decal, Throttle 12 | 444310 6 Nut, 10-24 Hex 30 335947 1 Cable, Parking Brake 13 | 180227 1 Cable Assembly, Throttle Control 81 | 443812 1 Nut, 3/8-24 Hex Jam _ 14 | 354097 1 Clamp, Control Cable, Throttle 32 446142 1 Lockwasher, 2/8 Hvy Spring 15 | 131095. 1 Switch Lock Assembly 33 336001 1 Adapter Plate - Traction (Incl Ref 16, 20, 21) I 16 | 343060 1 Key, Ignition (Set of two) 17 107917 1 Ammeter Assembly 34 ILLUSTRATION 11 REAR COWLINGS AND SEAT ASSEMBLY A ex 32 30 Y N Te 4778 — =—— FRAME- REAR 5 и MOUNTINE $ : ~~. £3 BRACKET и — ©-—3 FRAME — TANK AND COWLING FRONT SUPPORT ANGLE Parts List REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. QUAN. DESCRIPTION NO. “NO. QUAN. DESCRIPTION 1 116356 1 Rear Cowling Assembly 21 446136 4 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring 2 351803 4 Rubber Vibration Isolators 99 443106 4 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 3 311125 | 10 Spacer Washer 23 354087 2 Bracket, Seat Mounting 24 446136 4 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring 4 446136 8 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy. Spring 25 443106 4 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 5 453009 4 Washer, 5/16 SAE Std. Flat 26 330812 1 Cowling, Center 6 443106 4 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 27 330808 1 Seat 7 445010 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Acorn 28 400182 4 Screw, 5/16-18 x 5/8 Hex Hd. 8 336086 1 Panel, Gas Tank Cover Back 29 446136 4 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring 9 130221 1 Rear Cowling Back Panel Assem. 30 336941 2 Decal, Jacobsen 14” 10 404014 | 22 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Phillips Hd. 31 352487 1 Decal, Hydraulic Fluid 11 445245 | 22 Nut, 1/4-20 Tinnerman 32 346164 1 Decal, Fuel 12 354041 | 1 Moulding, Cowling (Rear) 33 443806 | 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Jam 13 354040 | 1 Moulding, Cowling (Gas Tank) 34 336949 1 Decal, Jacobsen 18” 14 354051 1 Cover, Battery Opening 15 346008 2 Screw, Thumb, Battery Cover 16 346007 2 Speed Nut, Battery Cover 17 328893 1 Cowling, Center 18 121724 1 Seat Slide Bracket Assembly R.H. 19 130026 1 Seat Slide Bracket Assembly L.H. 20 453009 4 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat 39 ILLUSTRATION 12 MOWER FRAME AND REEL ASSEMBLIES NN ——60 59 7 36 PARTS LIST- ILLUSTRATION 12 L.H. R.H. REAR REF. NO. MOWER | MOWER | MOWER | QUAN. DESCRIPTION 500931 500932 500931 1 Mower Assembly Complete 1 119245 119245 119245 1 Frame Assembly 2 121517 121517 1 Reel Assembly 121518 1 Reel Assembly 3 239056 239056 239056 1 Housing. Bearing 4 336962 336962 336962 2 Seal, Bearing 5 500534 500534 500534 2 Cup & Cone Set, Roller Bearing 6 345477 345477 1 Coupling, Reel Motor 345478 1 Coupling. Reel Motor 7 345473 345473 345473 2 Gasket * 8 119237 : 119237 1 Motor, Reel 119236 1 Motor, Reel 9 400198 400198 400198 4 Screw, 5/16-18 x 2-1/4 Hex Hd 10 446136 446136 446136 10 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 11 443106 443106 443106 10 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 12 239055 239055 239055 1 Housing. Bearing 13 444713 444713 444713 1 Nut, 5/8-18 Hex Jam C/Lock 14 158779 158779 158779 1 Height Adjustment Assembly 15 352132 352132 352132 1 Plug, Protective 16 461359 461359 461359 2 Pin, 1/8 x 3/4 Roll 17 303558 303558 303558 2 Bearing, Roller 18 305115 305115 305115 2 Seal, Roller 19 351417 351417 351417 1 Spring, Compression 20 400414 400414 400414 1 Screw, 1/2-13 x 2-1/4 Hex Hd 21 343616 343616 343616 2 Stud, Front Roller Adjusting 22 343617 343617 343617 2 Nut, Front Roller Adjusting 23 472518 472518 472518 2 Plug, Expansion, Front Roller 24 153980 153980 153980 1 Front Roller Bracket Assembly, R.H. (Includes Ref. No. 26) 25 153979 153979 153979 1 Front Roller Bracket Assembly, L.H. (Includes Ref. No. 26) 26 461256 461256 461256 2 Pin, Groove, 1/4 x 1 27 453017 453017 453017 1 Washer, 1/2 Standard Flat 28 441674 441674 441674 2 Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1-3/4 Carriage 29 352737 353737 352737 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 7/8 Sq. Hd. Set 30 443102 443102 443102 4 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 31 158777 158777 158777 1 Rear Roller Assembly (Includes Ref. No. 17, 18, 32, 47) 32 129594 129594 129594 1 Rear Roller Tube Assembly 33 269037 269037 269037 1 Cover, Bearing Housing 34 335435 335435 335435 1 Seal, Reel Bearing Housing 35 400192 400192 400192 4 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd. 36 121856 121856 121856 1 Shoe, Bedknife + * 37 549397 549397 549397 1 Bedknife High Profile 549504 549504 549504 Low Profile 38 302711 302711 302711 | AR | Shim, Bedknife, 0.003 Thick 302712 302712 302712 AR Shim, Bedknife, 0.007 Thick 39 402578 402578 402578 13 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Flat Hd. 40 315298 315298 315298 2 Screw, Bedknife Shoe Mounting 41 412506 412506 412506 4 Screw, Bedknife Shoe Adjusting 42 126724 126724 126724 1 Grass Shield Assembly 43 400108 400108 400108 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex Hd. 44 453023 453023 453023 2 Washer, 1/4 SAE Flat 45 446130 446130 446130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 46 460026 460026 460026 1 Cotter Pin, 1/8 x 3/4 47 154909 154909 154909 1 Rear Roller Shaft Assembly (Includes Ref. Nos. 16 & 58) 48 345470 345470 345470 2 Bolt, Lug, Rear Roller Mtg. 49 471226 471226 471226 2 Fitting, Grease, Roller Lubrication 50 345510 345510 345510 2 Spacer, Mower Assembly Mtg. 51 400264 400264 400264 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd. 52 446142 446142 446142 2 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 53 453011 453011 453011 4 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat 54 354083 354083 1 Decal, Danger 354083 2 Decal, Danger 55 348846 348846 348846 1 Spring, Reel Bearing Tension 56 453020 453020 453020 1 Washer, 5/8 SAE Flat 57 471231 471231 471231 2 Fitting, Grease 58 345469 345469 345469 1 Shaft, Roller 59 68115 68115 68115 1 Grass Catcher Assembly Complete 60 158568 158568 158568 1 Bedknife Adj. Gauge Assembly AR - As Required ** Standard 37 * Not Included In 500931 or 500932. FRONT MOWER LIFT ARM ASSEMBLIES ILLUSTRATION 13 Parts List REF. PART REF. PART NO. NO. QUAN. DESCRIPTION NO. NO. QUAN. DESCRIPTION 1 315296 4 Bushing, Mower Pivot Housing 26 400624 2 Screw, 5/8-11 x 3 Hex Hd. Cap 2 357999 4 Bushing, Cam Shaft Housing 27 453020 2 Washer, 5/8 SAE Flat 3 160034 1 Cam Shaft Assembly R.H. 28 444752 2 Nut, 5/8-11 Hex Center Loc 4 160000 1 Lift Lever Assembly R.H. 29 458433 2 Ring, External Snap, Front Lift 5 463017 2 Key, 3/16 x 3/4 Woodruff, Arm Mounting Lift Lever Mounting 30 400266 2 Screw. 3/8-16 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd. 6 412015 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 5/8 Sq. Hd. 31 443810 2 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex Jam Cup Pt. Set Lift Lever Mtg. 32 345579 | 2 Clamp, Muffler, Torsion Soring Mtg. 7 160033 1 Cam Shaft Assembly L.H. 33 440084 2 Bolt. 5/16-18 x 1-1/4 Carr 8 159999 1 Lift Lever Assembly L.H. 34 444718 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Center Loc 9 463017 2 Key, 3/16 x 3/4 Woodruff, 39 353938 1 Spring, Torsion Lift Lever Mounting 36 159990 1 Shaft & Lever Assem.. Front R.H. 10 353927 1 Bar, Connecting 37 239066 2 Housing, Swivel 11 350542 2 Bushing, Lift Connecting Bar 38 471214 2 Fitting, 1/4-28 Grease 12 458433 2 Ring, External Snap, Bar Mtg. 39 461338 2 Pin, 5/16 x 2 Type ‘‘E’’ Groove 13* 130210 1 Hydraulic Cylinder, Front 40 130203 1 Front Mower Lift Arm Assem. L.H. Mower Lift Assembly 41 353935 1 Spring, Torsion 14 345312 1 Washer, Thrust, (Lift Cylinder 42 159989 1 Shaft & Lever Assem.. Front L.H. to Mower Lift Lever) 43 126732 2 Mower Lift Yoke Assembly, Front 15 303629 | AR Washer 44 461336 2 Pin, 5/16 x 1-1/2 Type ‘‘E’’ Groove 16 458433 1 Ring, External Snap, Cylinder Mtg. 45 345331 2 Cap. Swivel Housing 17 345293 1 Pin, Cylinder Mounting 46 354084 2 Decal, Torsion Spring 18 460052 2 Pin, 3/16 x 1-1/2 Cotter, Cyl. Mtg. | 19 130204 1 Front Mower Lift Arm Assem. R.H. * For Seal Repair Kit for Columbus Ram Crder 500798. 20 360902 2 Washer For Service of Rod Pin Eye Order 545988. о For Service of Nut Order 546525. 21 471216 | 2 Fitting, 1/4-28 Grease-Extra For Service of Columbus Shaft Order 549590. Short, Front Mower Lift Arm ; 99 345312 9 Washer, Thrust, Front Lift Arm For Service of Columbus Head Order 549591. 23 303629 2 Washer, Front Lift Arm For Service of Columbus Piston Order 549592. 24 345296 2 Roller, Cam, Front Mower Lift For Service of Columbus Barrel Order 502618. 25 345295 2 Spacer, Cam Roller | | | AR - As Required. 38 REAR MOWER LIFT ARM ASSEMBLY ILLUSTRATION 14 Spring Mounting Parts List REF. | PART REF. | PART NO. | No | QUAN DESCRIPTION NO. | No | QUAN. DESCRIPTION 1 315295 2 Bushing, Lift Arm 19 244718 1 Nut. 5/16-18 Hex Gripo Center Loc, 2 * | 131081 1 Hydraulic Cylinder, Rear Torsion Spring Mounting Mower Lift Assembly 20 353935 1 Spring. Torsion 3 354039 1 Pin. Cylinder Mounting 21 353906 1 Spacer. Cam Roller 4 460030 2 Pin. 1/8 x 1-1/4 Cotter, 22 353907 1 Roller. Cam Cylinder Mounting 23 323943 2 Washer 5 443832 1 Nut. 3/4-16 Hex Jam 24 446154 1 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy Spring 6 159994 1 Lift Bracket Assembly 29 400408 1 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 7 130205 1 Rear Mower Lift Arm Assembly 26 126934 1 Mower Lift Yoke Assembly. Rear 8 360902 1 Washer Grease Fitting Mtg. 27 345331 1 Cap. Swivel Housing 28 353956 1 Stop. Rear Mower Up 9 471218 1 Fitting, 1/4-28 Grease-Extra 29 400200 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 2-1/2 Hex Hd. Short, Lift Arm Assembly Mower Stop Mounting 10 345312 1 Washer, Thrust, Rear Lift Arm 30 313153 1 Spring, Rear Mower Antisway 11 303629 1 Washer. Rear Lift Arm 31 453009 2 Washer. 5/16 SAE Flat. Mower Stop 12 458433 1 Ring. External Snap, Lift Arm Mtg. Mounting 13 | 130211 1 Shaft & Lever Assembly. Rear 32 | 446136 2 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy Spring. 14 239066 1 Housing. Swivel Mower Stop Mounting 15 | 471214 | 1 Fitting. 1/4-28 Grease. Swivel 33 | 350745 | 1 Rod, Adjusting cers Housing Mounting 34 461336 1 Pin, 5/16 x 1-1/2 Type “E” Groove, 16 | 461338 | 1 Pin, 5/16 x 2 Type “E” Groove, Lift Yoke Mounting (Housing to Shaft) 39 354084 1 Decal, Torsion Spring 17 345579 1 Clamp Muffler. Torsion Spring Mtg. 36 443820 2 Nut, 1/2-20 Hex Jam 18 | 440084 1 Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1-1/4 Carr Torsion 37 446154 1 Lockwasher. 1/2 Hvy Spring * For Seal Repair Kit Columbus Cylinder, Order 501255 For Service of Columbus Shaft Order 549587 For Service of Columbus Head Order 549588. 39 For Service of Columbus Piston Order 549589. For Service of Columbus Barrel Order 502642. ILLUSTRATION 15 WIRING DIAGRAM HOUR INGITION METER AMMETER SWITCH == Te T | Я FUSE HOUR METER т IN _ | 5 w N 4— —6 >) (— Y 2 © г n NEUTRAL i= ~~ START © OO SWITCHES Y OO + STARTER 6 ENGINE 19 _ | SOLENOID 40 | FUSE REGULATOR CONNECTOR & LEADS FROM ENGINE — —— -— > — < -— == PT 0° hon wr wo — e— es — ew omy — ==> > OD AD aD — === <= aod FRAME 14 SB a 000000 12v BATTERY PARTS LIST- ILLUSTRATION 15 REF. NO.| PART NO. QUAN. DESCRIPTION 1 122048 1 Wire Harness Assembly (Inc. Ref. Nos. 2 thru 8) 2 1 Wire, Ignition Switch to Neutral Start Switch 3 1 Wire, Ignition Switch to Ammeter 4 1 Wire, Ignition Switch to Coil 5 1 Wire, Ignition Switch to Hour Meter 6 1 Wire, Ignition Switch to Regulator Rectifier 7 1 Wire, Solenoid to Ammeter 8 1 Wire, Neutral Start Switch to Solenoid 9 354055 2 Wire, Switch Interconnecting, Neutral Start Switches 10 354056 1 Wire, Switch Interconnecting, Neutral Start Switches 11 359044 1 Cap, Termina] 12 353971 1 Cable, Battery to Ground 13 353970 1 Cable, Starter to Solenoid 14 353972 1 Cable, Battery to Solenoid 15 346006 1 Cable, Engine to Ground 16 112206 1 Wire, Solenoid to Ground 17 358432 1 Battery, 12 Volts ILLUSTRATION 16 TERMINALS SCHEMATIC ST Terna $ SOLENOID NOTE: i IGNITION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED KEY R REGULATOR RECTIFIER ALL WIRES ARE # 16 SWITCH A | ACCESSORY Bs I A AC] ALTERNATING CURRENT 12v BATTERY \у ууу у VV \ Y Y | FUSE Cw] _— + в р ° | © REGULATOR * | 4 SEAT SWITCH RECTIFIER — © ENGINE — * 8+ AC AC = SOLENOID $ SPARK * \ \ \ —— a —e— | — e PLUG 8 — = FUSE $ - * Wk — — BREAKER * — * POINTS «нее * NEUTRAL START SWITCHES + _ STARTER 12v MOTOR * сои. * 5 | 3 — FLYWHEEL CONDENSER * ALTERNATOR * YE — FURNISHED WITH ENGINE il 41 ILLUSTRATION 17 REEL MOTORS - R.H. NO. 119236, REAR AND L.H. NO. 119237 A - Bearings Are Part of Body Assembly Parts List Ref. No. NO. 119236 | NO. 119237 Quan Description 1 500840 500840 1 Cover Assembly 2 500841 500846 1 Body Assembly 3 500842 500842 1 Seal Plate Assembly 4 500843 500843 1 Wearplate & Seal Assembly 5 500844 500844 1 Drive Shaft, Assembly (Incl. Gear) 6 500845 500845 1 Idler Gear Assembly (Incl. Shaft) 7 590144 590144 4 Washer 8 546039 546039 1 Block, Anti-Extrusion 9 590145 590145 2 Pin, Dowel 10 590146 590146 1 “0” Ring 11 590148 590148 3 Screw, #8-32x1/2 Rec. Bnd. Hd. Thd. Cutting 12 546040 546040 1 Insert, Bridging 13 546041 546041 1 Insert, Gasket 14 590149 590149 4 Screw, 5/16-18x2 C’Bore Cap (Requires 12 Pt. Socket) 15 549576 549576 1 Washer, Seal Retainer 16 590151 590151 3 Washer 17 546043 546043 1 Valve 18 546044 546044 1 Spring 19 590152 590152 1 “0” Ring 20 546088 546088 AR Shim 21 546089 546089 1 Plug 42 A - Bearings Are Part of Body Assembly ILLUSTRATION 18 4-SECTION PUMP NO. 502495 Parts List Ref. No. JMC Quan. Description Part No. 1 501846 1 Body Assembly Complete (Includes 2) 2 546991 1 Seal-0il 3 501343 1 Bearing Plate Assembly Complete 4 501344 2 Bearing Plate Assembly Complete 5 501345 1 Cover Assembly Complete 6 590228 2 Pin - Dowel 7 590227 2 Pin - Dowel 8 590226 4 Pin - Dowel 9 202493 1 Drive Shaft & Gear Assembly 10 002494 1 Idler Shaft & Gear Assembly 11 546992 1 Plate - Gear 12 546094 3 Plate - Gear 13 546990 4 Gear 14 463001 3 Key Woodruff 15 590229 4 Screw 5/16-18 x 7.50 16 549421 2 Gear 7 X RL co & O0ema-m@D)000 i >» DEN € ma 02000 7 й (PTI 0: XQ | = on — ñ 5 Où ~ en SN CNEA eee — Nov gr À ee QC = 00 ADA QD un Com 099 N ; \ — —_ \ à m = NN 3 N : e OQ CROFT 22000, N me y Oro 000m Gm | > © К ILLUSTRATION 19 CONTROL VALVE NO. 121703 & 000 Qu -- 009 006) Doe —000000E 1 on 20087) — 44 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 19 Ref No! Part No | Quan Description 1 548996 1 Plate - Left Cover (Comp.) - Incl. 2 & 5 2 549008 1 Main Relief Cart. Incl, 3 & 4 3 546710 2 Seal Kit, Relief 4 548994 AR Shim (.020) 5 459085 1 “0” Ring - Plug 6. 549008 1 Section (Comp.) - Incl. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 € 29 7 590231 1 Clevis 8 546711 1 “0” Ring Clevis 9 546708 6 Seal Kit, Check 10 548993 AR Shim Washers 11 501350 1 Kit Relief 12 548997 1 Positioner, Spool 13 549007 1 Section (Comp.) Incl. 14, 15, 16 & 29 14 501351 2 Seal Kit, Plug 15 548998 3 Positioner, Spool 16 459294 1 “O” Ring - Plug 17 249006 1 Section (Comp.) Incl. 9, 15, 18, & 29 18 501349 2 Relief Assembly - Incl. 4 & 19 19 546709 2 Seal Kit, Relief 20 501352 7 Seal Kit 21 549005 1 Section (Comp.) Incl. 9, 15, 18, & 29 22 549001 1 Mid Inlet (Comp.) Incl. 23 23 549002 1 Relief Cartridge 24 549004 1 Section (Comp.) Incl. 9, 25 & 29 25 548999 1 Positioner 26 549000 1 Plate - Right Cover (Comp.) 27 590234 3 Studs 28 444744 3 Nuts 29 546707 10 Spool Seal Kit 30 546712 4 Disc Seal 45 ILLUSTRATION 20 H | | 14 || TT 4 bd Les 0) — Fem) 5 17 1 9 2 23 24 7 25 26 Parts List Ref. No. Part No. Description * 1 Dirt Seal * 2 Retaining Ring * 3 Spacer * 4 Shim * 5 Seal NS 6 Housing Assembly * 7 Seal Ring 8 590246 Thrust Washer 9 549085 Thrust Bearing 10 549079 Needle Bearing 11 549081 Coupling Shaft 12 549080 Needle Bearing 13 549083 Thrust Bearing NS 14 Drive Link NS 15 Wear Plate NS 16 Rotor NS 17 Vane NS 18 Stator and Ring Assembly NS 19 Manifold Plate NS 20 Manifold NS 21 Commutator * 22 Bonded Ring NS 23 Commutator Ring NS 24 Sleeve Protector NS 25 End Cover Assembly 26 290245 Special Bolt * 501139 Seal Kit (Includes Ref. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 22,) NS Parts Not Serviced 46 NOTES 4] JACOBSEN UE Litho in U.S.A. 280 Jacobsen Division of Textron Inc. Part No. 360669 ">

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