Ransomes 70411, 70414 HF-15 Owner's Manual
Mirate rs HF-15. TRACTOR OPERATOR'S MANUAL AND PARTS LIST PRODUCT NO. 70411 & 70414 INCLUDES 7 GANG HYDRAULIC REEL FRAME PRODUCT NO. 78403 SERIAL NOS. 2585 AND UP (DIESEL) SERIAL NOS. 1635 AND UP (GAS) INCLUDES ACCESSORIES PRODUCT NOS. 78233 AND 78237 AR LATE AX A rt ay de a Eh SJACOBSEN A WARNING IF INCORRECTLY USED THIS MACHINE CAN CAUSE SEVERE INJURY. THOSE WHO USE AND MAINTAIN THE MACHINE SHOULD BE TRAINED IN ITS PROPER USE, WARNED OF ITS DANGERS, AND SHOULD READ THE ENTIRE MANUAL BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO SET UP, OPERATE, ADJUST OR SERVICE THE MACHINE. > | + со 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 SAFE PRACTICES A CAUTION 1. Keep all shields in place. 2. Before leaving operator's position: a. Shift transmission to neutral b. Set parking brake C. Disengage attachment clutch d. Shut off engine (Pull fuel control, diesel only) e. Remove ignition key Wait for all movement to stop before servicing machine. Keep people and pets a safe distance away from machine. . Know the controls and how to stop quickly, READ THE OPERA- TOR'S MANUAL. Do not allow children to operale the vehicle. Do not allow adults to operate it without proper instruction. . Do not carry passengers. Keep children and pets a safe distance away. . Clear the work area of objects which might be picked up and thrown. Always check overhead cisarance and high voltage cables, especially when transporting. Disengage all attachment clutches and shift into neutral before attempting to start the engine (motor). Always start engine when sitting in operator's seal, never while standing beside unit. . Disengage power to attachment(s) and stop the engine (motor) before leaving the operator's position. Disengage power to attachment(s) and stop the engine (motor) before making any repairs or adjustments. Never carry out re- pairs or tighten hydraulic hoses or filtings when system is under pressure, when engine is running. Disengage power to attachment(s) when transporting or not in use. Take ell possible precautions when leaving the vehicle unat- lended, such as disengaging the power take-off, lowering the attachment(s), shifting Into neutral, setting the parking brake, stopping the engine, and removing the key. Do not stop or start suddenly when going uphill or downhill. Mow up and down the face of steep slopes; neveracross the face. Reduce speed on slopes and in sharp turns to prevent tipping or loss of contral, Exercise extreme caution when changing direc- tion on slopes. Keep tractor in gear when going down stsep slopes. Stay alert for holes in the terrain and other hidden hazards. Use care when pulling loads or using heavy equipment. a. Use only approved drawbar hitch points. b. Limit loads to those you can safely control. c. Do not turn sharply. Use care when backing. d. Use counterweight(s) when suggested. Watch out for traffic when crossing or near roadways. When using any atlachments, never allow anyone near the vehicle while in operation, 16. 17 18. 19. 20. 21 - 22, 23. 24. 25. 26 * 27. 28. 29. 30. FOR RIDING VEHICLES Handle fuel wilh care - it is highly flammable. a, Use approved container. b. Never remove the cap of the fuel tank, or add fuel to a run- ning or hot engine, or fill the tank indoors, Wipe up spilled fuel. c. Open doors if the engine is run in the garage - exhaust fumes are dangerous. Do not run the engine (motor) indoors. d. Never use fuel as a cleaner. e. Do not smoke when handling fuel, Keep lhe vehicle and attachments in good operating condition and keep safely devices in place. Keep all nuls, bolts, and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition. Never store the equipment with fuel in the tank Inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame or spark. Allow the engine to cool before storing in any enclosure. To reduce fire hazard, keep the engine free of grass, leaves, or excessive grease. The vehicle and allachmenls should be slopped and inspected for damage after striking a foreign object, and the damage should be repaired before restarting and operating the equipment. Do not change the engine governor setling or over-speed lhe engine. When using the tractor with mower, proceed as follows: a. Mow only in daylight or in goed artificial light. b. Never make a cutting height adjustment while the engine (motor) is running if the operator must dismount to do so. Know what is behind you before backing up. It is recommended that this machine not be used on public roads. If this is unavoidable, you must comply lo equipment require- ments per SAE J137b and/or ASAE $279.4 lighting and marking standard when riding on public roads. Follow the manufacturer's maintenance recommendations impli- citly. See '‘Maintenance’’. It is recommended that your machine be thorbughly inspected at least once a year by a competent serviceman, Keep the machine and supply of fuel in locked storage to prevent children or others from playing or tampering with them, Always remove the ignition key when machine is stored. When machine is to be stored for an extended time, disconnect battery cables cables or remove the battery. Use fresh, clean fuel only. For fuel recommendation, see diesel fuel specifications in this manual. If machine is lo be stored for an extended period, drain the tank and emply the fuel storage container, either discarding the fuel in a safe place, or using it in other powered equipment for which it may be suiled. Do not attempt to fill fuel tank from fuel container unless the container spoul or funnel fits INSIDE the fuel tank filler neck. The use of too large a spout or funnel, or no funnel, may result in spilled fuel, creating highly flammable vapors. This could result in fire and/or explosion, causing severe bodily injury. FOREWORD This manual contains operating, maintenance, adjustment instruc- lions and parts list for your Jacobsen Model HF-15 Tractor and the 7 gang hydraulic wing lift frames for the HF-15 tractor. This material has been prepared in detail to help in ordering parts and proper care and efficient operation of this equipment, Jacobsen 7 gang hydraulic wing lift frames are designed to facili- tate mowing where conditions will not permit the use of rigid 7 gang mowers or frames. The Jacobsen 7 gang hydraulic wing lift system is designed lo allow mowing with 1,2,3,4,5,6, or 7 mowers independently. The ability to raise and lower or extend mowers by use of conven- iently located valve control levers allows the operator to overcome various mowing hazards such as insufficient clearance between trees, shrubbery, etc, Five mowers are fully articulated and pivot about the center of the tractor, which keeps the mowers from scrubbing when making turns. If additional information is needed or should you require trained mechanic service, contact your Jacobsen Turf Equipment Distribu- tor. All Jacobsen Turf Equipment Distributors are kept informed of the latest methods of servicing and are equipped to provide prompt and efficien! service in the field or al their service stations. They carry ample stocks of Jacobsen service parts or can secure them promptly for you from the factory. When ordering parts, always specify the serial number and model of your tractor and equipment as well as the quantity, part number, and description of the parts needed. The serial number plate is attached to left side of front floor board near clutch pedal and we suggest you record these numbers below for ready reference. Renal By oo se Ef ee me ma Carr A WARNING THIS MACHINE IS EQUIPPED WITH AN INTERLOCK SYSTEM WHICH IS INTENDED TO PROTECT THE OPERATOR AND OTHERS FROM INJURY. THE ENGINE IS PREVENTED FROM STARTING UN- LESS THE CLUTCH PEDAL IS FULLY DEPRESSED, AND THE REEL DISENGAGEMENT LEVER IS PULLED BACK AND TURNED CLOCKWISE 1/8 TURN. IN THE INTEREST OF SAFE OPERATING CONDITIONS, THIS MACHINE MUST NEVER BE OPERATED WITH THE INTERLOCK SYSTEM DIS- CONNECTED OR MALFUNCTIONING.ALWAYS PLACE TRANSMISSION SHIFT LEVER IN NEUTRAL BEFORE STARTING ENGINE. HOW TO ORDER REPAIR PARTS This manual is an operaling and service guide for Ihe operator, We recommend that you read ¡t carefully To eliminate error and speed delivery: 5. Send your order to or visit your nearest AUTHOR- IZED JACOBSEN TURF EQUIPMENT DISTAI- GUTOR. before operaling your vehicle and that you foliow the simple adjustments and maintenance listed. We do not recommend that you make major repairs beyond necessary adjustments and simple parts replace- ments required to keep your unit in good operating condition. For assistance in getting the most out of your unit, and for overhaul, winter or summer storage, tune-up, and repair service, we recommend your Authorized Jacobsen Turf Equipment Distributor, who 1s pre- pared to help you. ACCESSORIES . ADJUSTMENTS, FOREWORD FUEL € 5 aa 4 5 5 5 5 wy HOW TO ORDER REPAIR PARTS, . LUBRICATION , MAINTENANCE, OPERATING CONTROLS 1. Write your NAME and ADDRESS on your order plainly. 2, Explain WHERE and HOW to make shipment 3. Give PRODUCT NUMBER, NAME, and SERIAL NUMBER that is stamped on the NAME PLATE or SERIAL PLATE of your product. 4. Order by QUANTITY DESIRED, the PART NUMBER, and the DESCRIPTION OF PART, CONTENTS 6. INSPECT ALL SHIPMENTS ON RECEIPT. If any paris are damaged or missing, file a claim with the carrier before accepting. 7. Do not retum material to your nearest AUTHOR- IZED JACOBSEN SERVICE TURF EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTOR without a letter of explanation. Make a list of all returned parts, show your name and address, and include 1t with the shipment. TRANSPORTATION CHARGES MUST BE PRE- PAID. 28 & 29 OPERATION . 9-12 13 - 17 PARTS LIST . и ee 4 mu An ee es = AE EN 3 SAFE PRACTICES FOR RIDING VEHICLES . + . : 2 . 9 SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS: с тосе яя 5-7 3 SPECIFICATIONS, 4 21 - 23 STORAGE . 2 24 17 - 21 TIRE INFLATION, 28 7-9 WHEELS. . 25 - 27 SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE #. . Spec. Code . Cylinders Displacement. Bore Stroke. Compression Ratio - Max. Intermittent H. FP. Torque. Oil Capacity. THERMOSTAT. CARBURETOR FUEL FILTER FUEL SHUT OFF GOVERNOR. BATTERY ** COOLING. FUEL CAPACITY . HYDRAULIC FLUID CAPACITY AIR CLEANER OIL FILTER LUBRICATION ALTERNATOR SELF-STARTER. CLUTCH . DRIVE AXLE . TIRES AND INFLATION PRESSURE BRAKES STEERING . STEERING AXLE . TURNING RADIUS WHEEL BASE, REAR BODY QUTSIDE DIMENSIONS . DIMENSIONS GROUND CLEARANCE TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION RATIO . . Perkins No, 26560017 + + + + к в в « + + » . Push-Pull cable (Pull -off and Push -on) (Diesel only) . Centrifugal flyweighl type; location; injection pump. . 12 Volt mimimum cold cranking rating of , , , . . . 236 cu. in. (3867 cu. cm.). . .. 7 Ro (AM с À À Gl Beg ow Bo A > EZ MARE Da 6. AL de AA EA Y VOL + à à à 5% à EEE EA Tal 2250 RENÉ y Ta mA SE san de de AAA 4 192 ft. Ibs. (260 N-m) at 1350 RPM. Bas GERS LL: a hi6 01 las BOF. (828. < 7 A 4 6 El pa ACE FC + - + 700 amps w 0° F, (-18° C.) Delvac (Special) S.A.E. 10W30 . Large capacity dry type Donaldson Cyclopac Air Cleaner " * * " DIESEL GASOLINE . Perkins 4.236 Diesel, . . . + «+ + «+ + + « « « « +» + Perkins G4,236 Gasoline . 235 JC00461, 236 JC00461 . 4 A 236 cu, in, (3867 cu. cm.) 3.875 (98.4 mm) ‚ 5 (127 mm.) ve . 74 ai 2250 RPM 200 fl. Ibs, (271 N-m) al 1275 RPM 10 qts, (9.5 Itr.) . . 180° F. (82° С.) Updraft manual choke Perkins No. NA-004866 , Mechanical, variable speed 12 Volt minimum cold cranking rating of 350 amps @ 0° F, (-18° GC.) lion’' section, Replacement Element No, P10-1222, Full flow type, spin on, disposable. Perkins No. 2654403. Full pressure by positive displacement gear pump (Rotary type) . Capacity 42 Amperes Key Switch 12'’' (305 mm.) Heavy Duty Borg & Beck. Dana Model 60, 6.17 to 1 reduction. See Page 27. . Gentrifugal type circulating pump full length water jackel, 6 blade fan and coolant capacity of 16 qt. (15.1 liters) . 20 gal. (75.7 liters) tank. For type of fuel, see ''Opera . 21 gal. (79.5 liters), Use Jacobsen No. 360953 oil. or Sunoco Sunfleet H.P. Engine Oil S.A.E. 10W30, or Mobil Fool operated hydraulic automotive type brakes on drive wheels. Mechanical parking brake on drive wheeis. Automotive type, with adjustable steering gear, 5 turns from left to right. Heavy Duty, Pivotally mounted. 9 f1. (2740 mm) (Approximate) 95" (2413 mm) Length 42'" (1067 mm); Width 38" (965 mm). Height, Front 18" (457 mm), Rear 16-1/2"" (419 mm). 7 Units (All Units) Wi Tractor Only ith Mowers Number of Units "ot Transport Position of Cut 1 Uni 30 (508 mm) 2 Unils Length |148.5'' (3772 mm) 180" (4572 mm) 3 Units (2 Front, 1 Rear Center) 80'' (2032 mm) Width 81'' (2057 тт) 96'' (2438 тт) 4 Units (2 Front, 1 Rear Center, 1 Wing) 105" (2667 mm) Height |68'' (1727 mm) 80"' (2033 mm) 5 Units (2 Front, 3 Rear) 130" (3302 mm) Weight 8286 Ib. (3758 Kg.) 6 Units (2 Front, 3 Rear, 1 Outrigger) 155" (3937 mm) 180'' (4572 mm) 8-1/2'" (216 mm) Heavy Duty, with 4 speeds forward, 1 reverse. Helical Syncromesh in 2nd, 3rd, & 4th gears. Gia Ratio TRACTION SPEEDS. . . M.P.H. (Km/h) at 14.7" (373 mm) Rolling Radius 1st Gear | 6.68 to 1 Engine RPM 1500 1600 1750 2000 2400 2nd Gear 3.34 to 1 1st Gear 2.08 (3.34) 2.21 (3.55) 2.42 (3.89) 2.77 (4.45) 3.33 (5,35) 3rd Gear 1.79 to 1 2nd Gear 4.16 (6.69) 4.44 (7.14) 4.86 (7.82) 5.55 (8.93) 6.66 (10.71) 41h Gear 1.00 to 1 3rd Gear 7.76 (12.49) | 8.28 (13.33) | 9.06 (14.58) | 10.35 (16.66)| 12.42 (19.99) Reverse 8.26 to 1 4th Gear 13.90 (22.36) 14.83 (23.86) 16.22 (26.10) 18.54 (29.83) - Drop Case| 1.53 to 1 Reverse 1.68 (2.70) 1.80 (2.89) 1.96 (3.15) 2.20 (308) i 2.69 (4.32) # When requesling engine information or ordering service parts, include the above engine type mriber Xx Spec Code * All weights shown are approximale:, ** Not furnished wrth tractor, 4 SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS DEFINITION OF DIRECTIONS The terms left and right as used in this manual, refer to left and right side of the tractor when sitting in the operator's seal. The term front refers to the engine end of tractor and rear refers to body end. PARTS The bag of parts provided with tractor contains seven motor gaskets, PUTTING BATTERY IN SERVICE (See Maintenance). ATTACHING MOWERS TO FRAMES Before operating the wing lifts on this tractor you should carefully read and fully understand the controls and operation of the tractor and wing lift,’ Check hydraulic reservoir before operating wing lift. Position tractor on a smooth level surface with ample room to lower and raise arms with mowers connected. Stop engine, place gear shift in neutral position and engage parking brake. A WARNING To avoid possible serious bodily injury the driver should slay in the tractor seal whenever tractor engine is running and lift arms are being raised or lowered. Place all mowers in the approximate position where frames will be lowered. When attaching mowers with grass deflectors, be certain that the front units are placed in proper position (see Fig. 5). FRAME LOWERING SEQUENCE (See Fig. 9 & 10) Start tractor engine and operale al idle speed to lower frames onto mowers. IMPORTANT The frame lowering sequence as illustrated on lop of valve cover mus! be followed or the rear center frame may be damaged. 1. Lower left wing frame by pushing lever (B) forward and then re- leasing, thereby allowing frame to float down. It may be necessary lo push frames down by hand due to the lack of weight that is normally provided by mowers. Lower frame lo approximately 1''(25.4 mm) above mower. Stop frame from lowering by pulling control lever rearward to raise position and release, Reposition mower under frame if necessary and lower frame pull posts completely onto mower axle. 2 Lower right wing frame (Lever C) following same procedure as used in siep 1. 3 Lower rear center and front frames (Lever A). Follow same pro- Juru as in step 1 but be certain to position all three frames. 4. Lower lefl front outrigger frame by pushing lever (D) forward until lift arm extends beyond tractor. Follow same procedure as in slep 1. 9. Lower right outrigger frame (Lever E) following same procedure as in step 4. After all frames have been properly positioned on mowers, turn tractor engine off. Dipstick in oil reservoir should be at full mark. If additional fluid is needed refer to '‘Lubrication’ section for specific information. Spring Bracket » = (2) Outriggers (3) Rear Mowers | / / / (2) Front Mowers F a Lift Chain Figure | HYDRAULIC MOWER SET- UP (See Figs. 1 and 2) 1. Attach mower frames to mower axles (A) by inserling clevis pins (B) through holes in pull posts (C) and securing with cotter pins (D) (See Fig. 2). 2, Attach lift chains to mowers by placing the screw, washer (small), and locknut (E,F,G) through an end link of the chain and the hole in the spring lever (J) (See Fig. 1). 3. Attach lift chains to frames, first raise mowers 2''(50.8 mm) above ground level, then- a. Front frames, attach lift chain to chain post with pin (H) by inserling the pin through one side of the chain post, lhe chain, and the olher side of the chain post; secure the pin witir hair pin (T) (See Fig. 1). SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS b. All olher frames, bring the chain up through the middie hole in the spring bracket, put the pin (H) through the chain, then insert the pin through the small hole in the spring brackel and secure wilh hair pin (T) (See Fig. В; Insert the pin through the chain link which allows the roller to just touch the ground. . See Figure 1 and 2 Altaching arm spring. Insert screw (M) through large flat washer (L) and spacer (N). Place large loop end of spring (K) over spacer and hook screw into slot in spring lever (J). Place se- cond spacer (N) and large loop end of second spring (K) over spacer and secure with large flat washer (L), lockwasher (O), and hex nut (P). Place spring arm (Q) in guide (R),slide small loop of springs over arm. Use both hands and slide the bar back until it drops down and hooks behind the lower lip of the guide. Insert the stop pin (S) into the proper hole in the guide (the lower end of the pin goes into the corresponding hole in the lower lip of the guide), lock the stop pin(s) in place with hair pin (T). (The hair pin goes underneath the top lip of the guide). Pull the spring bar up and let it come forward to the stop pin. Arm springs apply pressure on rollers to keep them from bounc- ing. To obtain proper spring tension raise the mowers until they just clear the ground, remove all slack from the chain by adjust- ing the stop pin(s) forward to decrease and backward to increase Figure 2 Hydraulic Motor “= Motor Gasket Figure 3 pressure. Generally the arm should be set forward when cutting high and back when cutting low. MOUNT HYDRAULIC MOTORS TO MOWERS (See Fig. 3) 1. Remove protective plates and gaskels from right hand housing on mowers. Retain screws, lockwashers, and nuts, 2, Remove hydraulic motors from their shipping positions on tractor. 3. Place a motor gasket from tractor's bag of parts on each motor. 4. Route hydraulic motors and hoses as shown in Figure 6. Hy- draulic hoses for the two front and rear center mowers travel over mower frames. Hoses for outrigger and wing mowers travel under the rear of mower frames, (See Fig. 6) 5. Mount molors to their respective mower with same screws, lock- washers, and nuts. Position motors as shown in Figure 3. 6. The side port motors are for the two front and center units. GRASS DEFLECTORS In some mowing conditions it is desirable to guide the flow of cut grass out the rear of the culling units so that it does not fly up against the operator. Under such conditions grass deflectors should be used. Figure 4 Front 126114 131097 boom ae. 1 126114 Left Front Right Front 131097 EZ & Outrigger, L.H, Outrigger, В.Н. 126113 126113 126114 > 2 Ca ee La 40 Rear Wing, L.H. 1 ead Rear Wing, В.Н. Rear Cenler Figure 5 SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHING GRASS DEFLECTORS TO HYD. MOWERS Figure 5 illustrates the posilion of the grass deflectors in relation to the tractor, Notice. the deflectors are different and care should be taken to mount them in the proper positions. Refer 1o Figure 4 and proceed as follows: Loosen nut (X) on both sides of mower side frames and insert slots in end of grass deflec- tor brackets over bolts. Make sure lockwasher is between deflector bracket and nut. Posi- lion all grass deflectors to allow approximately 1/8''(3.17 mm) clear- ance between deflector and reel blades. Tighten nut (X) securely. IMPORTANT Position grass deflectors to allow approximately 1/8''(3.17 mm) clearance belween deflector and reel blades. A period- ic check should be made to see that the 1/8" (3.17 mm) clearance is maintained. OPERATING Front of Tractor (Top View) FE L.H. & R.H. Front Mower Frames i 7 Hyd. Hoses EJ R.H. Outrigger : | Mower Frame L.H. Outrigger Mower Frame = у e Left Wing Right Wing Mower Frame 12 Mower Frame Rear Center Mower Frame Figure 6 CONTROLS See Figure 7 for Location of the Following Controls. |. START - RUN SWITCH Two keys are furnished and stored in toolbox. To start the en- gine turn the key clockwise to ‘‘Starl'’ position and release when engine starts. Do not hold the key in the *'Slart’’ position , for more than 30 seconds at a time. Key should be removed whenever vehicle is not being used to prevent unauthorized operation. FOR COMPLETE STARTING INSTRUCTIONS SEE PROCEDURE FOR TRACTOR OPERATION. IMPORTANT Do nol leave the start -run switch on for any length of time wilhout starting engine. Do not keep slarler motor energized after engine has slarled. 2. HAND THROTTLE Use hand throttle to set desired cruising speed. Push throttle lever up to oblain higher engine RPM. 3. FUEL SHUT-OFF — DIESEL Push fuel shut-off knob in to start and pull out lo stop engine. CHOKE - GASOLINE The choke is a fuel enrichment device; when pulled oul it will aid in starting cold engines. More moderale temperatures re- quire less choking. As engine warms, less choking is required. Master Cylinder — 7 i 7 Access Cover a” Figure 7 OPERATING CONTROLS НЕ 12. 13. . ACCELERATOR PEDAL Depress accelerator pedal to accelerate Tractor. . FOOT PEDAL STOP Foot Pedal Stop is for adjusting the amount of acceleration per- mitted by accelerator pedal. . ACCELERATOR PEDAL REST Place your right fool on Accelerator Pedal Rest and pivol the foot to hit accelerator. . HYDRAULIC BRAKES Push Brake Pedal to slop tractor. Hydraulic Brakes slop drive wheels. . CLUTCH Push Clutch Pedal to disengaged transmission for shifting. The engine will not start unless the pedal is completely depressed. . SHIFT LEVER Move shift lever into desired gear (See Shifting Diagram On Shift Lever Kneb) while you have clutch pedal pushed in dis- engaging transmission. . PARKING BRAKE Parking brake lever mechanically operates drive whee! brakes and is totally independent of the hydraulic operation of brakes. The parking brake lever is in the disengaged position when lever is pointing down. To engage parking brake, pull lever back until lever is pointing to rear of tractor. The operator should feel a definite "'snap over cenler'' action near the en- gaged position. To disengage parking brake, reverse above pro- cedure. IMPORTANT The parking brake lever has only two posilicns, disengaged or engaged. parking brake lever can never partially apply brakes. NOTE On dicsel tractors, gauges will work only when engine ts running, Except when using Instrument Test Switch. VOLTMETER OIL PRESSURE GAUGE WATER TEMPERATURE GAUGE A WARNING To avoid possible serious bodily injury always allow the radialor lo cool before removing the pressure cap, 14. FUEL GAUGE Fuel level (See note) 15. TACHOMETER 16. HOUR METER 17. INSTRUMENT TEST SWITCH (Diesel Only) Depress switch button, with engine off, to read voltmeter, waler temperature gauge and fuel guage. TWO STAGE GEARBOX (See Fig. 8) The two stage gearbox, located at the front of the tractor, has a high and a low cutting range. This makes possible a more com- plete range of frequencies of cul. Frequency of cut is the distance the mower will travel between the time it takes two successive blades to begin contact with the bedknife. Frequency of cut is dependent upon the position of the transmission gearshift lever and the high or low range selection of the two stage gearbox. BY CAUTION Engine mus! be off while shifting two stage gearbox or damage to gearbox will occur. Keep crankshaft universal safely shield in place at all times. Reel Blades Bedknife О EL | | E 6 > | 14 08 4 — >] |- Frequency of Cut VARIABLE FREQUENCIES OF CUT | ] | Gear Freq. of Cut (in) HIGH 1st .36"' ( 9,1 mm) RANGE 2nd .72' (18.2 mm) LOW Es ist 57" (14.4 mm) RANGE 2nd 1.158" (29,2 mm) Figure 8 OPERATING IMPORTANT To extend service life of lhe two stage gearbox and the hydraulic system it is recommended that the gearbox be placed in the neutral position during long distance trans- port. А | | А | FT —— Always Raise (A) Mowers First and Lower Them Last ! E Figure 9 5 SPOOL STACK VALVE (See Figs. 9 and 10) Valve control levers A, B, C, D and E perform the following opera- tions. They raise and lower the mowers and rotate the reels. To lower or raise reel frames the levers must be in the right hand half of slot. To lower cutting units push levers forward to lower position momentarily arid release. The frames will float down into operating posilion. Do not hold lever forward. To raise cutting units pull levers rearward and hold until desired heighl is achieved, then release. Center lift control (À) may re- сине higher engine speeds to prevent engine slalling. Always raise (A) mowers first and lower them last. CONTROLS A WARNING To avoid serious bodily injury, always be sure area around tractor is clear before lowering reels. Never start reels rotating until mower units are fully on the ground. To run reels in culling.direction control levers must be in left hand side of slot and positioned all the way forward. To stop individual reels from rotating pull specific lever straight rearward. To stop all reels from rolating at one time pull shut-off lever (reel disengage lever located in middle of valve cover) rear- ward. When attempting to start engine, pull shut-off lever rearward and then turn knob 1/8 turn clockwise. REVERSING VALVE (See Figs. 9 and 10) Reversing valve handles are provided to allow reverse rolation of reels for lapping of blades and to clear reels of debris. To reverse reels pull individual reverse handle upward. To slop reverse rotation push handle down. Always, before beginning to cut grass, make sure that all reversing handles are in their down position. Shut Off Lever |) Stop С Е n D B A Ru Lower 5 Neutral Raise Forward Control Valve Levers AL Reversing Handles Figure 10 OPERATION Before operating traclor, first, read and understand fully the operalor's manual and parts lisl for your “Hydraulic Reel Mowers''. BEFORE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Before starting engine check the engine oil level (See Engine Manual). Also, check hydraulic reservoir fluid lever by pulling dipstick on lop of tank. Oil should be between the marks on the dipstick. FUEL - DIESEL Fill the tank with a good quality, clean, No. 2 (45 cetane min.) diesel fuel. Refer lo engine manual for fuel specifications. GASOLINE Fill the tank with a good quality, clean, 85 octane minimum raled gasoline. Refer to engine manual for fuel specifications, OPERATION 7: DANGER To avoid possible serious bodily injury do not refuel tractor with engine running or while engine is hol; vapors from fuel, or fuel coming in contacl with a hol engine may cause a fire or an explosion. Do not! refuel tank while smoking or near an open flame. When filling tank with fuel, keep hose and nozzle or fuel can and funnel in contact with metal of fuel tank to prevent the possibility of fire or explosion caused by stalic electricity, Keep fire and intense heat away from fuel storage area, as the surround- ing air contains highly explosive vapors. PROCEDURE FOR TRACTOR OPERATION TO START 1. Engage parking brake. 2. Push fuel shut-off knob in (Diesel only). 3. Pull reel disengage lever rearward and turn knob 1/8 turn clock- wise, 4, Depress clulch and hold. 5. Shift tractor transmission to neutral. 6. Depress foot accelerator to 3/4 position. Adjust choke on gaso- line engines as required. 7. Turn key clockwise to crank engine. As soon as engine starts, release key, Do not operate starter more than 30 seconds at a time. TO GO 1. Release parking brake. 2. With clutch pedal depressed shift to 1st gear. 3. Release clutch slowly and accelerate gradually. 4. Shift to desired gears per steps 2 and 3. Do nol shift to 1st gear or reverse with tractor moving. 5. Turn reel disengage knob. TO STOP 1. Place mower reel levers in neutral posilion, 2. Depress clutch. 3. Apply foot brake. 4. Shift to neutral. Cn . Turn key to *'Off'' position and remove key. 6. Pull fuel shut-off knob out (Diesel only). 7. Sel parking brake. 10 OPERATING SUGGESTIONS Before mowing around obstacles 1 is suggested lhat the operator practice raising and lowering the outrigger and wing mowers (See 5 Spool Stack Valve" under *'Operating Controls"') while mowing in a clear area. By doing this the operator can thoroughly familia- rize himself with the operalion of the tractor and wing lift without the danger of damage to the tractor or wing lifl. SAFETY FIRST Whenever tractor engine is started, operator must be ín tractor seal, gear shift in neutral position, and parking brake engaged, Under no circumstances should the engine be started with operator standing next to the tractor between lift arms. Parking brakes should always be applied when tractor is stationary. TRANSPORTING Mowers must be raised to the transport position when driving to and from the area of operation, If tractor is driven wilh mowers partially raised, mowers may swing on lift arms making it difficult to control the hydraulic system. For long distance transporting put 2-slage gear box on front of tractor in “Neutral” CAUTION: (Shift with engine off). tractor and causing undue stress on SPEEDS - CUTTING Operate al speeds at which you have control of tractor and can stop or maneuver safety in case of an emergency. Cutting speeds are governed by condition of turf, type of lerrain, and obstacles to be encountered. There is no set speed, for only with experience can an operalor determine the proper speed to fil various cutling conditions, If mower wheels “'scuff'” during fast and extreme turns, tractor speeds are loo fast. Operate tractor al slow speeds in areas that require fast and extreme turns. For any, except moderate turns, tractor should be slowed down. If mower wheels continue to “scuff” at slow speeds in an extreme turn, tractor may be turning under recommended radius. Refer to ‘'Turning Radius'* under ‘‘Adjustments,’’ for instructions on checking and adjusting turning radius. MANEUVERING When cutting an area that requires a lot of turning, plan your cut- ting pattern to avoid sharp and frequent turns. When making a turn, turn steering wheel slowly and gradually to allow mowers to follow lhrough the turn. When making counter turns, allow mowers to siraighten out first before turning in the opposite direction, Whenever il is necessary lo drive tractor in reverse, raise mowers off the ground. When mowing near trees or buildings, remember the HF-15 tractor has rear wheel steering and the rear end lends lo "‘swing out” when turning, OPERATION OBSTACLES If there is any doubt about adequate clearance belween objects when mowing, reduce speed until obstacles are cleared or raise outriggers if necessary. When approaching an obstacle which requires mowers to be raised off the ground, operator must judge the speed of the tractor and the distance lo the object so he can raise the mowers in ample lime to clear the obstacle. IMPORTANT To obtain maximum mower life, operalor must use discre- tion when mowing near gravel areas (roadway, parking areas, cart paths, etc.). By operating too close, or over- lapping gravel areas, slones are picked up by mower and forced between bedknife and reel causing wear and possi- ble damage to cutting unit. SIDEHILL OPERATION AND HILL CLIMBING It is important when cutting on hilly terrain that the tractor is properly prepared. Correct lire pressure is essential for maximum traction and sidehill holding. Wheel weights or water solution in tires may be used if additional weight is required, Filling drive tires with water solution can be done if weight is needed bul, if high transport speeds ars used, then be sure to get 100% filling. Do not fill steering tires with water solution if speed will exceed 15 MPH (24.14 Km/h). Steering wheel weights are available and are recommended in place of water solution. When climbing an extreme grade and tires begin lo ‘'тагк’ the turf, grade is too steep for safe operation. Angle tractor lo a less steep grade until tire marking stops. The percent of grade that the tractor will climb will vary with turf conditions. Operalor must use good judgment when operaling on sidehills, He must consider the percent of siope and condition of turf (wet, firm, density, etc.). If tractor tends to slide while operating on an extreme sidehill, change angle of tractor by turning slightly down hill until traction is regained. Up hill wing mowers can be raised off the ground to stop sliding until tractor can be maneuver- ed so thal wing mowers can be lowered without tractor sliding. RAISING AND LOWERING MOWERS ON HILLSIDE When mowing extreme sidehills use the following sequence to raise mowers. . Left and right outrigger mowers. . Up hill wing mower, . Front and center mowers. RL o cer] ‚ Down hill wing mower. When mowing extreme side hills with two front and center mowers only, lower down hill wing mower before raising front and center mowers. Raise down hill wing mower last. NOTE When mowing on a side hill, tractor should be sleered slightly toward the uphill side. When tractor and mowers are stopped on soft ground, back up and then start mowers on the move to avoid tearing up the ground. THE FOLLOWING IS FOR YOUR GENERAL INFORMATION DETERMINING THE PERCENT OF GRADE. The safe degree of slope at which the HF-15 tractor can travel is determined by a number of different things (speed, weight of trac- tor, accessories mounted on tractor, turf conditions, etc,) Only you can determine what degree of slope is safe for your iracior at a particular time, PERCENT OF GRADE Amount of a slope of a grade can be expressed in degrees or per- cent. Generally a grade is expressed in percent. When a grade is expressed in degrees, it refers to the angle formed by the slope from a horizontal line (see Fig. 11). When a slope is expressed in percent, it indicates the ratio of vertical height to a horizontal distance as a percentage (see Fig. 11A), x E. e E E! Horizontal Line, Figure || Height bas Horizontal Distance == Percent of Grade Can Be Obtained By Dividing Height By Horizontal Distance Figure IIA OPERATION HOW TO DETERMINE THE PERCENT OF GRADE Hold Rule Perpendicular NOTE Method 1. The following is a simple means of delermining the percent of a © Small Stake slope. The only equipment required is a length of string over as = Е ue Tle 33 Inches (838.2 mm) —- (838.2 mm) long, builders line level, small stake and a steel tape or yard stick. Tie string securely to small stake and mark or tie a T- = 7 knot in string 33''(838.2 mm) from stake. Follow the instruclions in E © | id String Figure 12, and multiply the vertical reading in inches (mm) by 3, o E | añ LL Ln Builder's Line Level Example: Height Measurement - 5 inches or 127 mm, 3 x 5 equals #3 E | ££ = 15 or 15% grade or 8-1/2 degrees. g © od AC Fe 7 o Y [aa - A straight board and building level may be used in place of string and line level, Figure 12 Method 2. If a general average percent of slope is required, use a string 100 inches (2540 mm) long in place of the 33inch (838.2 mm) string with a line level and measure from string to ground. The rule reading in inches (mm) will be the correct percent of grade. Example: Height Measurement - 25 inches (635 mm) equals 25% grade. Degrees Are Shown to The Nearest 1/4 © ighway ah — Max. Grade 2nd Class Hig y 2% ры ADE |! Rd, Or Freeway 3% — A e O Figure 13 12 ADJUSTMENTS A WARNING To avoid possible serious bodily injury, before performing any maintenance lower all mowers lo ground, place all valve levers in neutral, shift transmission to neutral, shul engine off, (turn key to off position and remove key, pull fuel shut- off knob out), sel parking brake. (See Illustration 2 of paris list for reference numbers used in the following instructions.) ACCELERATOR PEDAL STOP (See lllust.. 2) The accelerator pedal stop (Ref.73) (the hex head cap screw under- neath the pedal) should be adjusted to stop pedal travel as soon as the lever on the injector pump reaches the full open position, to adjust: 1. Loosen the nuts. 2. Turn the stop screw in or out as needed. 3. Tighten the nuts. HAND THROTTLE (See lllust. 2) The assembled length of hand throttle compression spring (Ref. No. 18) should be 2''(51 mm). Check to see if hand throttle lever maintains position while engine is al high idle, if not, compress spring further by tightening nut (Ref. No. 21). ACCELERATOR ROD (See Illust. 2) 1. Disconnect ball joint (Ref. No, 16) at fuel injector pump (on Diesel) or governor (on Gasoline) and let it fall free, 2. Raise hand throttle (Rel. No. 40) until it contacts stop at top of stroke. 3. Push fuel injector pump or governor lever rearward to full en- gine RPM position. 4. Adjust ball joint so thal il falls freely into hole in lever. Secure with lockwasher and nul (Ref. Nos. 64 & 24), BRAKE PEDAL (See [llust. 6) Brake Pedal musl have a minimum of 1/8" (3.17 mm) free play be- fore brake pedal plunger contacts piston in master cylinder. If brake pedal has less than 1/8''(3.17 mm) free play, there is a possi- bility of the brakes being partially applied when brake is fully re- leased. Adjust brake pedal lag as follows: (See lllusl. 6 for refer- ence numbers used in the following instructions). 13 1. Remove the screw and nul (Ref. 30 and 31 from rod end (Ref. 29) and pedal. 2. Loosen lock nul (Ref. 11) on rod end. 3. Turn the rod end counterclockwise to increase, or clockwise lo decrease free play lag. 4. Replace and tighten hardware. NOTE See your Authorized Service Station for Brake Shoe Adjust- ment or Brake Line Bleeding. CLUTCH PEDAL (See lllust. 6 for Ref. Nos.) 1. Loosen the jam nut (Ref. 11) at the end of the clutch linkage rod (Ref. 12). 2. Turn clevis (Ref. 8) counterclockwise to increase or clockwise lo decrease free play in clutch pedal travel. 3. Tighten jam nut to lock the adjustment. When properly adjusted; clulch pedal should have 1/8" -3/4""(3-19 mm) of free play in pedal travel. PARKING BRAKE (See lllust. 6 for reference numbers used in the following in- structions). - MINOR BRAKE LEVER ADJUSTMENT Adjusting knob at the end of brake lever (Ref. 42) is used to com- pensate for brake lining and linkage wear. Adjust by placing brake lever in the disengaged position and turning adjusting knob in a clockwise direction, applying and releasing brake lever every quarter turn until a definite “'snap over center" action is achieved. IMPORTANT Overadjustment causes *'hard'' lever action, but does not increase brake efficiency. If under normal usage with pro- per lubrication lever becomes hard to operate, il is a sign ‚of over adjustment. To correct this condition turn adjust- ing knob counterclockwise until desired ‘snap over center” action is obtained. MAJOR BRAKE LEVER ADJUSTMENT A major adjustment is required when brakes are adjusted or relined, or when adjusting knob on lever has been turned clockwise lo maxi- mum travel. Place lever in the disengaged position, turn adjusting knob counterclockwise as far as possible. Remove all slack and free play from linkage between lever and brakes. Then proceed with minor adjustment as described above. ADJUSTMENTS TURNING RADIUS The factory setting for the turning radius is 8.5-9.5 (2600 - 2900 mm) minimum inside. To check and make these adjustments see [llustra- tion 5 for reference numbers used in the following and proceed as follows . Push a stake or screwdriver . With the steering wheels in a maximum right turn, drive the tractor in a light circle and stop. in the ground against the inner drive wheel lire to serve as a marker, « Drive tractor in a tight circle 180%and stop directly opposite the marker. . The distance from marker to inner drive wheel should be 18 ft. (5486 mm) which is a 9 ft. (2743 mm) radius, To secure the proper setting, loosen the lock nut (Ref. 44) on spindle body stop (Ref. 43) and adjust! the screw in to decrease or out to increase the turning radius. . Repeat Items 1 through 5 for the left hand setting by making a left hand turn. . Tighten lock nuls (Ref. 44) on stop screws (Ref. 43) after making proper adjustments. . To adjust toe-in remove end of sleering lie rod. (Ref. 45) from a steering arm (Ref. 63 and 38) and screw the tie rod end (Rel. 3; in to decrease or oul lo increase the toe-in. . Replace the tie rod end on steering arm and tighten, B 0% ©) Figure 14 IMPORTANT Proper toe-in 1:: 1/8*(3.17 mm). This means the distance between the fronl edges of the steering tires is 1/8''(3,17 mm) less than the distance between lhe rear edges of the sleering tires. STEERING GEAR BACK LASH See Figure |4 for reference letters used in the following: First turn the steering wheel genlly from one stop all lhe way lo the other, counting the total number of turns. Then, turn the steer- ing wheel back halfway to the center position. Remove the horn 14 button cap (Rel. 19, lllust 5) by prying it off with a screw driver. Note the posilion of the mark (Ref. A, Figure 14). This mark should be at 9 o'clock position when steering gear is straight ahead. Then loosen locknul on lash adjuster screw (Ref. B., Fig, 14), turn the adjuster screw clockwise to take oul all the backlash in the gear leeth and retighten the locknuls. Replace the horn button cap. STEERING COLUMN HEIGHT The steering column can be adjusted up or down changing the angle and height of the steering wheel in relation lo the operator. By adjusling steering column and seal (refer tu seat adjustment), maximum operator comfort can be obtained. The procedure for adjusting steering column height is as follows: (See Illust. 5 for reference numbers used in the following instructions.) 1. Set rear wheels at straight ahead position. IMPORTANT Care must be taken NOT TO MOVE steering wheel or rear wheels while making height adjustment so thal steer- ing gear does not bottom and become damaged in use. Il is advisable after performing step 1, to mark position of steer- ing wheel hub in relation to steering column. In the event the steering wheel is accidentally moved while adjusting steering column, simply line up mark on steering wheel hub with mark on steering column to properly position steering gear lo the straight ahead position. 2, Remove drag link and steering arm (Ref. 3 and 8). 3. Loosen the three nuts (Ref. 30) holding the steer:ng gear mount- ing bracket (Ref. 27) to the cowling structure assembly. Also loosen the screw (Ref. 26) holding the other side of the steering gear to the cowling structure. 4, Loosen nuls (Ref. 16) holding steering column to “‘U' boli saddle (Ref. 23A). 5. Adjust sleering column either forward or rearward as desired. 6. Retighten ""U"" boll saddle mounting nut (Ref. 18) mounting bracket nuts (Ref. 30), and screw (Ref. 26). 7. Reinstall steering arm. The arm must be vertical, oO Reinstall drag link. The drag link may require some adjustment in length depending on the distance steering column was moved. IMPORTANT Check that steering gear does nol bottom by turning wheels lo the extreme right and left. Also, check to make certain that action is being restricted by the wheel stops. SEAT (See Fig. 15) The HF-15 Tractor is equipped with a comfort control seat, allow- ing the operator to adjust seat for firmness of ride and also move the seal forward or back. ADJUSTMENTS To vary the firmness of the seal, push seat forward and up to dis- engage clevis (1) from notch in upper arm (2). Pivot spring (3) forward or back lining up clevis with one of the four notches in upper arm, (The rear mosl notch gives the firmest ride.) Lower seat and engage clevis in notch in upper arm. The seal can easily be moved forward or back by removing seat from mounting bar (4) and relocating seal mounting stud in one of the four holes in mounting bar. After seal has been repositioned, make cerlain seal is securely fastened to seal mounting bar. Figure 15 ENGINE See Engine Manual for adjustment instructions, ENGINE SPEEDS Diesel Idle Speed 825 - 900 RPM Gasoline Idle Speed 725 - 775 RPM (Hand Throttle) 2430 + 70 RPM — 50 RPM (Fool Throttle) 2430 + 70 RPM — 50 RPM Diesel or Gas Maximum Speed Figure lé 15 | Prose Wing (Pressure Spring Chain Assembly y Fam End Pin (19 re] Mee gn te Figure 16A WING LIFT (See Figs. 16 € |6А) Center lift arm pressure springs. When cutting with rear center mower and either the right or left wing mowers and the mowers fail to track properly, pressure spring on raised wing mower requires adjustment. Lower both wing mowers and rear center mower and proceed as follows to adjust pressure springs: 1. Left wing pressure spring (see Fig. 16). Remove coiler pín from pin (A) and move pin up one hole in arm (В). Reinstall cotter pin in pin (A) and raise left wing mower lo check ad- justment results. If rear center mower and right wing mower do not track properly, repeal above adjustment. 2. Right wing pressure spring is adjusted at the faclory as shown in Fig. 16A, If adjustment is needed, turn the nut (A) clockwise a few turns to increase spring pressure; with right wing mower raised (left wing, center and front mowers down) lesl to see if mowers track properly. If necessary, repeal the above procedure (increase or decrease spring pressure) until mowers track properly. If too much spring pressure is applied to rear center lift arm, mow- er wheels will leave tracks in turf. Relieve spring pressure slight- by reversing the above instructions. FRONT MOWER ALIGNMENT If mowers do not track properly when cutting with all mowers, check first for obstacles jammed in reels. If all reels are clear; check front mower alignment. Front mowers musi be parallel with rear mowers when mowing in a straight ahead direction. To check mower alignment see Figure 17. 1. Drive tractor on a smooth level surface and lower five mowers to the ground (outrigger mowers remain up). Posilion rear car- rier frame (A) at right angle to tractor frame (B) (use carpenters’ square). 2. Stretch a piece of string or lay a straight board across front of tires of front mowers. All four tires should touch the string. If alignment is required, determine which mower requires ad- justment and adjust as follows (See Figs. 17 and 18). a. Remove cotter pin and castle nut from ball joint stud (C) and lift ball joint out of tapered hole in arm (E). ADJUSTMENTS FRONT E - т = Îl | а a EZ SEE String or Straight Board = = Ik | | I | | | | d (| [ Right Angle... —B A ha A + ‘ „(| и: Е / = = = С Вест | = | Figure |7 b. Align mowers so that all tires are touching the string. с. Loosen focknut (D) and turn ball joint in or out of arm (F) until ball joint stud lines up with tapered hole in arm (E). Tighten lock nut (D) securely, d. Insert ball joint stud (C) into tapered hole in arm (E) and tighten castle nut on stud. Reinstall cotter pin. Figure 18 16 FRONT MOWER SWIVEL BRACKETS (See Fig. 19) The front mower swivel brackeis are equipped with spacers which provide a means of adjusting the brackets to accommodale various sizes of mower wheels. With the mowers in the lowered or mowing position, the arm (A) should be as close to level as possible. The spacers will be above the brackel for small wheels and below for large wheels. See “Hydraulic Reel Mower” operator's manual for complete adjustment instructions, small Wheels Large Wheels Figure 19 ADJUSTMENTS VALVE SHUT-OFF LEVER SAFETY SWITCH (See Fig. 20) 1. Remove shut-off lever knob. 2. Remove valve cover mounting hardware and remove cover. 3. Measure lenglh of roll pin extended on R.H. side of shut-off lever. This length should be approximately .69"' (18 mm). 4. Pull shut-off lever rearward and turn clockwise as far as possi- ble. Roll pin should deflect switch lever beyond contact point (click) to include some over-travel, but not so far that lever touches corner of switch body. If lhis occurs move roll pin lo left until this condition does not exist. 5. Turn shut-off lever counterclockwise to release. Replace valve cover and hardware. Replace shut-off lever knob, CLUTCH PEDAL NEUTRAL START SWITCH (See Fig. 21) 1. Loosen switch bracke! mounting hardware. 2. Depress clutch pedal until it stops on floorboard. 3. Move switch mounting bracket forward until flush with clutch lever pad. 4. Tighten bracket mounting hardware. NOTE Plunger should be flush with bracket at the same moment clutch pedal reaches stop position. Switch (18 mm) HT Lever and Switch Body Should Not Touch Figure 20 > Switch Bracket Mtg. Hardware ARN Clutch Pedal Fully Depressed L7 Safety Switch NTT RNS =) Cluich Lever Pad Flush With Switch Mtg. Bracket Figure 21 DRIVE WHEEL BEARING ADJUSTMENT (See Illust. 23) If brake drums are removed drive wheel bearings (Ref. Nos, 8 & 11) must be adjusted as follows: 1. Reassemble brake drums and bearings and then tighten inside axle nut (Ref, No. 5) while rotating the drum, to 40 to 50 fl, Ibs (54 to 68 N-m) torque. This will insure all components are seated. 2. Back off inside nut until loose and then retorque to 5 to 15 ft. Ibs. (7 to 20 N-m) while rotating the drum, 3. Assemble lockwasher and outside nut (Ref. Nos. 4 & 5) and torque outside nut 10 18 to 22 ft. Ibs. (24 to 30 N-m). 4, ‘Bend two adjacent ears of the lockwasher (Ref. No, 4) over inside nut. Ears should be bent in over nut a minimum of 30° from their original position. 5. Bend two adjacent ears of lockwasher over outside nut. Ears should be bent out a minimum of 60° from their original position. MAINTENANCE E: ENE To avoid possible serious bodily injury, before performing any maintenance lower all mowers to ground, place all valve levers in neutral, shift transmission to neutral, shut engine off, (turn key to off position and remove key, pull fuel shut- off knob out), sel parking brake. 17 GENERAL MAINTENANCE A long trouble-free life for your machine depends on the mainten- ance it receives. The following information is presented to assis! you in providing the proper maintenance for your machine. MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE A maintenance program should be set up and should cover the following points. 1. Keep machine and mowers clean. 2. To reduce the hazard of fire and fertilizer corrosion damage keep grass, leaves, grease and oil accumulation off of the en- gine, exhaust/muffler system, alternator, ballery, hydraulic lines (eg. al the differential), between hydraulic tank and rear body, pumps, valves, radiator, brakes (lines, master cylinder and shoes) fuel tank, reel shafts and shields; hose down each area with waler and/or wash down machine thoroughly before accumulation becomes excessive. 3. Keep all moving parts properly lubricated. 4. Keep all parts properly adjusted. Inspect for loose parts. 6. Inspect for worn or damaged parts. NOTE If your inspection reveals worn or damaged parts replace these parts before actual breakdown occurs, PAINTING For protection and appearance clean and retouch scratched or worn painted surfaces. SAFETY SWITCHES Check salely switches regularly to be sure they are kept clear and operaling correctly. RADIATOR A DANGER To avoid possible serious bodily injury do not attempt to remove the ‘RADIATOR CAP' under any circumstances while the engine is operating. This could lead lo serious personal injury from holt coolant or steam blow-out. Shut- off engine and wait until it has cooled. Even lhen use ex- treme care when removing the cap from a hot radiator that has cooled. Check radiator for proper level of coolant every 40 operating hours. See engine manual for Drain - Refill Interval. NOTE Radiator is prefilled al factory with antifreeze to provide protection to 20°F. (-29°C). Refer lo engine manual if add- ing anti-freeze becomes necessary. Radiator cap is pres- sure type (7 PSIG). Notes HIGHER RATED CAP SHOULD NOT BE USED. 18 ENGINE Check oil level in crankcase, Should be filled to ‘“FULL' mark on dipslick - read the engine manual carefully before placing the tractor in operation. MASTER BRAKE CYLINDER Remove master cylinder access cover (See Fig. 7) and check master cylinder for brake fluid. Cylinder must be filled to base of filler plug. TIRE MAINTENANCE Attention to the following instructions and recommendalions will help assure maximum use and service from your tires, Refer lo the section in this manual headed “‘’Storage'’ for recommen- dations on storing tires. TIRE PRESSURE Due to variation in tractor weight, turf and soil condition, an exact tire pressure cannot be given. Using minimum tire pressures sug- gesled in ''Accessories seclion’’ as a starting point and the infor- mation given below, a satisfaclory tire pressure can be obtained. Generally, the larger the tire cross section and the lower the pressure, the less marking will lake place on soft turf. Most low pressures, however, are hazardous if they are so low that the side- walls wrinkle under the load. The wrinkle is a good guide to the minimum pressure to be used. It is recommended to keep the pres- sure just high enough to avoid the wrinkle. IMPORTANT When checking tire pressure, revolve wheel so valve is at lop to prevent loss of calcium chloride and water if tires are so loaded. AIR CLEANER SERVICE PRE-CLEANER Remove cap and emply when debris reaches full line. AIR CLEANER This tractor is equipped with a large capacity, dry lype Donaldson Cyclopac Air Cleaner. See lllustration 4 of parts list for replace- ment part numbers. Empty the dust cup weekly. Clean lhe element at the end of each 200 hours use, or sooner if it is full of dirl and grass. Replace the element yearly, If the tractor is being operaled in extremely dusly conditions, Lhe air cleaner must be serviced more frequently. MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLEANING THE ELEMENT (See lllust. 4) Loosen eyebolt on cap relainer inside hood and take-off cap. Re- move wingnul and element; then proceed as follows, using either of two methods: 1. Compressed Air. a. Direcl the air inside the element, moving the nozzle up and down while rotating the element (maximum air pressure, 100 PSI or 690 kPa). 2. Waler. a. Soak 15 minules in water and Donaldson D-1400 Element Cleaner. b. Rinse until waler is clear (maximum water pressure, 40 PS! or 275 kPa) c. Air dry, do not use compressed air. To remove carbon, soot and dirt from the element, wash in Donald- son D-1400 Cleaner. For dirt only, use any delergent. Check the element for ruplures, pin hoies or damaged gaskets by placing a non-shocking light source (eg. flashlite) inside and re- place if necessary. The following may be obtained from Donaldson Distributors: Donaldson No. D-1400 Element Cleaner Replacement elements may be ordered using parts tist, lllust. 4. Reassemble, tighten wing nut, and reinstall cap with '*top'' mark- Ing in correct position (12 O'clock) FUEL FILTRATION FUEL FILTER See engine manual for information on how to ‘Renew final fuel fil- ter element.” Also see engine manual's ‘‘Preventive Maintenance‘ saclion for service intervals. See *"Specificalions™ in this manual for proper fuel filter. WATER TRAP/ PRE-FILTER (DIESEL) The primary” or “pre” filter located between lank and lift pump (fuel) is designed to remove the larger dirt parlicles from fuel and to collect water, which should be regularly drained from the bowl. To dram, unscrew drain plug slowly just far enough to allow water and dirt particles lo drain completely. See engine manual's ‘‘Pre- venlive Maintenance ’ section for service intervals. UNIVERSAL JOINT REMOVAL - AXLE DRIVE (See Illust, 18 8 23) The universal joint (Ref. 24) is removed for servicing in the follow- ing manner: 1. Remove the “U”' bults (Ref. 25). 2. Remove the snap rings from the cross on the drop case side and remove Lhe double cross assembly. 3. Remove the yoke (Ref. 48, [llust, 23) from the drive axle. 4, Slide the splined shafl forward to remove from the drop case, 5. To replace - reverse the above steps. BATTERY The battery and electrolyle required to fill your battery aré nol furnished wilh your tractor. Purchase these items from your Author- ized Jacobsen Deal=r or local auto supply store. For proper batiery, see “Specifications”. PUTTING BATTERY IN SERVICE 1. Place baltery on wood bench or on a piece of wood or plastic. DO NOT SET BATTERY ON CONCRETE FLOOR. __& DANGER Take care to avoid contact with the acid of the battery electrolyte, It will cause painful and dangerous injury to eyes or skin in case of contact, It will damage clothing and other articles if spilled or spallered. Before opening lhe electrolyte container or handling the electrolyte, study the antidote label on the container for instructions and proce- dure in case of accidental contact. 2, Before installing the electrolyte study the instructions on the carton. 3. Remove filler caps and fill battery with 1.265 specific gravity electrolyte acid to proper level, ALLOW BATTERY TO SET FOR 20 MINUTES (See Fig, 21). A WARNING Do not over-fill battery. Electrolyte may overflow during charging period. We cannot be responsible for damages if this warning is disregarded. 4. With the filler caps still removed, place battery on charge after the 20 minutes setting period at 3 amperes until gravity reading is 1.265 - 1.275, If room, battery and electrolyte temperatures are below normal a longer charging period will be mandatory to bring the specific gravity up to 1.265 - 1,275. 5. Insert filler caps into filler holes. A DANGER Always connect the “'ground'' (black) cable las! and remove \ it first whenever performing any battery maintenance. le I залу MAINTENANCE MOUNTING THE BATTERY (See Fig. 22) . Be sure all switches are off. . Place battery on battery carrier. . Place ‘‘L’’ shaped bracket over outside edge of battery. . Insert curved ends of battery mounting rods through holes of battery carrier. 5. Slide other end of rods through holes in “L'' shaped bracket. Secure in place with washers, lockwashers, and wing nuts. 6. Connect the battery cables. The cable leading to solenoid is the “hot” cable and should be connected to the positive (+) battery terminal. The other cable is the ground cable and. one end should be connected to the negative (—) battery terminal and the other end to the clutch spring plate. 7. Apply a light coat of battery terminal protective spray to both terminals and cable ends to prevent corrosion. 8. Slide the terminal caps over battery terminals, ть LW ГО — Positive Cable to Solenoid "E "A Shaped Bracket Battery _ Mounting Bolt Battery Carrier Assembly Figure 22 BATTERY WATER LEVEL (See Fig. 23) Every 25 hours, or more often when operating the machine in temp- eratures above 72°F.(22°C), remove the 6 battery caps and check the water level in each cell. When the battery is in use, the water evaporates. Never allow lhe water level in the battery to get below the top of the plates, hydrogen gas can build up in the void space. Fill the battery to the marking ring with distilled water. If distilled water is not available, clean tap water may be used. Cap — > Proper Electrolyte Level æ- Filler Tube Figure 23 20 NOTE Use a baking soda and water solution to clean the battery as required. Care must be taken to prevent solution from getting inside the batlery. Brighten the terminal contact surface with sleel wool. Tighten cables securely to battery terminals. Make certain venl holes in battery filler caps are kepl open. Apply a light coat of battery terminal pro- lective spray to terminals and cable ends lo prevent cor- rosion. SAFETY GUIDELINES FOR BATTERIES 1. Use extra caution with an external baltery charger. If over- charging occurs the battery will release excessive hydrogen gas. Avoid charging nexl to an open flame or devices that may cause sparks. 2. Check the battery's liquid level regularly - hydrogen gas can build up in the void space. 3. Be sure there is nothing in your engine installation that will cause a spark to jump. Wires that are dirty or wet or covered wilh oil will cause a spark, as will poor connections and cor- roded terminals. I * Accidents can also happen while inspecting or installing the battery. While installing, be sure all switches for ignition, lights, and accessories are in the “Off” position. Always at- tach the ground cable last to further prevent spark with the in- stallation tools. Do not use a match or a lighter to inspect the installation or water level. IMPORTANT Arcing caused by: (1) Contact between support rails and tools used to loosen terminals; (2) Removing wrong cable from battery terminal first; (3) Striking baltery terminals against metal rails while installing or removing; (4) Con- tact with jumper cables may ignite fumes from battery, vapor from fuel lank, or both, causing explosion and/or fire, or (5) loose cables. JUMPER CABLES Before attempting to jump the battery check the water level and fill if necessary, Also check to be sure the battery is not frozen and replace it if il is, To jump the battery attach the positive jumper cable lo positive battery terminal and then altach the negative jumper cable to the tractor frame. DO NOT ATTACH NEGATIVE JUMPER CABLE TO THE BATTERY. SEAT 1. Clean seat regularly using a special vinyl cleaner. Do not use a solvent as this will damage seal, 2, Protect seat from severe heat or cold which can cause damage. A seat cover will protect seat from weather conditions including water. Also, il is best to store machine in building when not in use, 3. Be careful not lo damage seal when getting on and off machine, especially in severe weather conditions. 4. In case of tear in seat, apply a vinyl tape over damaged area. MAINTENANCE À DANGER SEAT BELTS Seat Belt must be worn whenever Roll Over Protection Struc- ture is mounted to tractor. Do not use seat belt when ROPS is not mounted. Seat belts are an integral part of your protective system. If the ROPS is to be effective, the oper- ator must be held to the seat within the confines of the Structure. Inspect and replace bells if they are worn or frayed. A worn belt is nol as effective as a new one and will reduce protection from injury in the event of accidental upset. It is recommended that seat belt be replaced every three years to insure maximum safety. LUBRICATION A WARNING To avoid possible serious bodily injury, before performing any maintenance lower all mowers to ground, place all valve levers in neutral, shift transmission to neutral, shut engine off, (turn key to off position and remove key, pull fuel shut- off knob out), set parking brake. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Lubrication coupled with cleaniness is the most inexpensive pre- ventive maintenance tool. Therefore, lubricate the locations shown on lubrication chart at specified intervals and use type of lubri- cant recommended. ENGINE (See Engine Manual) Engine crankcase is filled at factory with either Sunoco Sunfleet H.P. Engine oil, SAE 10W 30 or Mobil Delvac (Special) SAE 10W 30 oil (must meet A.P.I. Classification SE/CC and MIL Spec. MIL -L-46152). Any replacement oil must meet or exceed the above * slandard. LINKAGE FRICTION POINTS Regularly apply several drops of oil to all linkage friction points. See Lubricalion Chart for type of oil. GREASE FITTINGS Fill fittings slowly with grease until grease begins to seep oul. HYDRAULIC FLUID LEVEL Check hydraulic fluid level daily with oil at 60*-90* F. (16*-32'C). Check fluid level by lowering mowers to cutting position. Oil level in reservoir should be between marks on dipstick. Tank capacily is approximately 21 gallons (80 Ltrs.). Use Jacobsen Hydraulic Oil available in 2-1/2 Gal. (9.5 Ltr.) bottles, Part No. 502696 and 5 Gal. (18.9 Ltr.) drums, Part No. 502693. Alternate sources: Sunoco Sunfleet H.P. Engine oil SAE 10W30 or Mobil Delvac (Special) SAE 10W30 (must meet A.P.l. Classification SE/CC and MIL Spec. MIL-L-461521. Don't mix different brands of oil, NOTE Frequent checks must be made on the oil level in the hydraulic reservoir. Should lhe pump run short of oil, immediate and permanent damage would result. Hydraulic hose and tube lines should be inspected every week to check for loose connections, kinks, worn or cut hoses, etc. Be sure tubes and hoses do not contact other frame parts which could cause abrasive wear. Always replace worn hose or tube assem- blies before operating machine. A WARNING To avoid possible serious bodily injury, always lower mow- ers fully, place all controls in neutral and shut off engine before inspecting hydraulic lines or hoses. Never run hands across tubes, hoses or fittings to check for leaks. HYDRAULIC OIL FILTER IMPORTANT Oil filter element must be changed after the first 25 hours of operation. To preven! damage lo the hydraulic system the hydraulic oil filter should be changed every 250 operaling hours. FILTER REPLACEMENT (See Illust, 12) The oil filter element (Ref. 2} is located on the lop of hydraulic tank (Ref. 1). To change filter remove nuts (Ref. 59), lackwashers. (Ref. 58), and head (Ref. 63). Remove old filter and insert new one, Be sure O-ring is in position in filter cap and replace cap, lock- washers and nuts, TWO STAGE GEARBOX (See insert Fig. 24) A drain plug, level plug, and an air vent are provided in gearbox for easy maintenance. Check oil level weekly. Drain and refill every 500 operating hours. When filling gearbox with oil fill through air vent hole. Use SAE S80 oil; if temperature is extremely high use SAE 140. Capacity is approx. 3 pints (1.4 litres). SEAT During normal chassis lubrication, oil all seal pivot points wilh SAE 30 oil. Lubricate grease fittings on upper and lower arms with semi-fluid chassis lubrication grease. PARKING BRAKE LEVER During normal chassis lubrication, oil all brakelever moving parts. except side plates, with SAE 30 oil. Lubricate side plate slots with chassis grease. LUBRICATION LUBRICATION CHART - TRACTOR y Air Vent “— Steering Gear = — —- o EG \ EX. À E Keep Filled To This Level Figure 24 Ref No. Part Name Lubricant Check Interval Lubrication Interval A. Master Brake Cylinder Heavy Duty Hydraulic Brake Fluid 40 Hrs. B. Clutch Shaft Pivot Chassis Grease *(1) 40 Hrs. В. Steering Pivot Arm Chassis Grease *(1) 40 Hrs, D. Steering Knuckle Chassis Grease "(4) 40 Hrs, E, Steering Axle Pivot Chassis Grease *(1) 40 Hrs, Е; Brake Pedal Chassis Grease *(1) 40 Hrs. G. Universal Joint-Drive Axle Chassis Grease *(3) 40 Hrs. H. Transmission “EF PE (aa LIME 40 Hrs. Drain-Refill 500 Hrs. sf; Drive Axle * *В РТ, (3.8 Litre) 40 Hrs. 250 Hrs. K. Drop Case **2-1/2 PT.(1.2 Litre) 40 Hrs. Drain-Refill 500 Hrs. Ls; Steering Gear Steering Gear Grease 40 Hrs. 1000 Hrs. М. Wheel Bearings , Fibrous Wheel Bearing Grease Repack 1000 Hrs. N. Hyd. Res. a 21 Gal. Daily 2000 Hrs. Р. 2 Stage Gear Box ****3 PT. (1.4 Litre) 40 Hrs. Drain - Refill 500 Hrs. Q. Universal Joint - Pump Drive Chassis Grease *(3) 40 Hrs. ** Lubricant for the Drive axle and drop case musl meet the following specifications: SAE-140 (AGMA 7) (APIGL-5) MIL-L2105-B containing ANGLOMOL 6-1-/2% min. “Grease Fitting - Use a Grease Gun. Number in Parenthesis ( ) indicates number of Fittings. **"Transmission - Engine Oil SAE 50 for above 0"F (-18°C) and SAE 30 below O°F.(-18°C) ALTERNATE Engine Oil SAE 90 E.P. above 0°F (-18°C) and SAE 80 E.P. below 0°F, (-18°C). **** See nole on page 21. DELTA Brake Fulid SAE J1703 Federal Std NOTE: Remove all dirt, dust, etc., from Grease Fittings before lubricating, and excessive grease after lubricating. Engine- Clulch - Air Cleaner (Refer to Engine Manual) w See ''Hyd, Fluid Level'' under Lubrication. 116 DOT 3 22 LUBRICATION LUBRICATION CHART - WING LIFT == ее) || | A — —Ю D D O «А ñ JD N AG MZ E A K K Pa be pe CI 1 С es | E = 1 | u | u ~E ET Y ELA F— GF = FJ G 5 + | A i A В, n N Nn n | | = —{ | | | Figure 25 Number of : P Interval Type of Lubricant Location art Fittings yp А Mower Pivot 7 40 Hrs, Semi-Fluid Light Grease B Front Swivel 2 20 Hrs. Semi-Fluid Light Grease C Front Push Arm 4 20 Hrs. Semi-Fluid Light Grease D Ball Joint 2 20 Hrs. Semi-Fluid Light Grease E Steering Arm Guide 2 20 Hrs. Semi-Fluid Light Grease F Steering Arm Joint 4 20 Hrs. Semi-Fluid Light Grease G Hinge Joint Rear Wing and Outrigger 4 20 Hrs. Semi-Fluid Light Grease H Rear Carrier Pivol Tube 1 20 Hrs. Semi-Fluid Light Grease J Rear Center Pivot 1 20 Hrs. Semi-Fluid Light Grease K Steering Arm Swivel 2 20 Hrs. 5 Drops of Oil L Hyd. Cyl. Pivot Pins (Not Illus.) 14 20 Hrs. Semi-Fluid Light Grease M Overcenler Cyl. Shaft 2 placés 20 Hrs. Semi -Fluid Light Grease N Shifter Rod 2 places 20 Hrs. Semi-Fluid Light Grease 23 * Grade O. STORAGE GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS When you do nol plan to use your vehicle for some time, it should be stored in a dry and protecled place. Unnecessary exposure to the elements may deteriorate its appearance and shorten the usual service life, For information on engine storage refer to engine manual's “‘Pre- servation of laid up engine'' section. Follow the procedures oullined in the following paragraphs for placing the vehicle in storage. If the vehicle is not to be used for an extended period, steps 1, 2 and 3 should be repeated every six months, 1. Clean exterior of engine. Paint exposed metal or coat it with a ligh! coating of rust-preventative oil. 2. Remove the baltery and clean it as direcled. See ‘‘Maintenance’. Place it on a wond rack or bench in a cool, dry place where it will not be exposed to freezing temperatures. Storage tempera- ture musi be 32°F. (0°C) or above. Check the battery, referring to separate Battery Booklet supplied with it at the time of pur- chase and follow storage recommendations contained therein. 3. Wash, clean and completely lubricate the vehicle. Follow the steps given in the lubrication chart. Paint the exposed metal or brush a light coat of rust-preventative oil over unpainted metal (except pulley grooves). Incidentally, common motor oil is not a rust preventative oil, 4. Before storing the vehicle, clean the tires thoroughly. Jack up the vehicle so that the load is off the tires if it is to be out of service over a long period of time. If it is not jacked up, check the tires al least once a month and reinflate as necessary to keep them at the pressure recommended under ‘‘Tire Mainten- ance''. Store the vehicle so that the tires are protected from the sunlight, IMPORTANT The battery should be checked every 60 to 90 days while in storage, and should be re-charged if necessary, 24 < + STARTING THE ENGINE AFTER STORAGE 1. Check the battery as directed in ‘Maintenance’ and, if neces- sary, recharge it, Reinstall the baltery following the instruc- tions under ‘’Mounting the Batlery"". 2. See engine manual for restoring engine lo service. 3. Service the air cleaner. 4. Check level of oil in crankcase and driveaxle. 5. Fill the fuel tank with fresh fuel. Start the engine and let il idle slowly. Either move the vehicle oulside before starting engine or keep doors and/or windows wide open to provide sufficient ventilation to prevent danger from carbon monoxide gas in the exhaust. Do not accelerate the engine rapidly, and do not operate it al high speed immediately after starting. Allow time for it to become properly warmed and lubricated. 7. Before driving the vehicle, check to make certain that the tires are inflaied io the preper pressure as given under “Tire Main- tenance'’. STORING TRACTOR WITH MOWERS The outrigger and wing units should be stored in the raised posi- tion. Tie mowers in this position 10 relieve strain on hydraulic system. The front and center units are stored in the lowered position on blocks so weight is not on tires. Store where tires will be protected from sunlight. MOWER STORAGE Read ''Sltorage"” section of operator's manual for your ‘Hydraulic Reel Mower"'. WHEELS INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR DUAL DRIVE WHEELS (See Fig, (See Figs, 26 & 27) 1. Position one wheel over studs in drive wheel hub making sure thal single locating stud lines up with hole in rim and that valve stem faces out. ra Assemble long valve extension to inside wheel valve stem. со a Assemble short 90° valve extension to outside wheel valve stem. 4, Position outside wheel over studs in drive wheel hub making sure that single locating stud lines up with hole in rim. Inside valve stem must extend through outside rim, 3. Assemble all wheel mounting nuis finger tight, then tighten nuts to 175 - 200 ft, Ibs. (237 - 271 N-m) following the criss-cross pattern shown in Figure 28. Faliure lo tighten nuts in this criss- cross sequence could cause misalignment of wheels, 6, Check thal lire inflation pressures are within the ranges given in the table at the end of this section, DISC WHEEL SAFETY PROCEDURES _— À DANGER An inflated tire and wheel can be very dangerous if misused or worn out, Many accidents, some falal, have resulted from improper handling and operation of tractor tires and wheels. It is, therefore, of the utmost importance that the precautions outlined below be carefully followed by all persons servicing tractor tires and wheels to avoid personal injury and costly damage. TIRE MOUNTING Matched Parts: Always make sure that the rim base and the lire are matched accord- ing to size and type. Proper identification is located on each part. Damaged Parls: Always check to assure parts have not been damaged from road abuse or tire mountings, Cracks, dents and distortion can severly weaken parts, Do Not use damaged parts. Rust and Corrosion: Always remove rus! or other foreign material before assembly, Paint if necessary to protect from corrosion. Excessively cor- roded paris should be replaced, Inflating Tire: Always inflate tire in a safety cage. (See Fig. 29) A clip-on type air chuck should also be used so that the operator can stand to one side during inflation. Over Inflation: Never over inflate a lire and rim assembly, Use recommended in- flation pressures, This is a common cause of rim failures and accidents. 25 Drive Wheel Hub Locating Stud Inside Wheel Outside Wheel Figure 26 Center Line Of Axle Coon a Wheel Mounting Stud & Nut Uv Long Valve Extension =D Short 90° Valve Exlension ! Outside Wheel Inside Wheel Figure 27 Valve Stem Hole Localing Stud Hole — Figure 28 WHEELS Always inflate tire in a Safety Cage. Use a clip-on type air chuck, a 7 1 A | |A Figure 29 TIRE DEMOUNTING Deflaling Tire: Aiways completely deflate tire betore demounting, Remove valve core to ensure complete deflation, Damaged Parts: Always check for damaged or worn parts, and destroy and such parts lo prevent their further use. VEHICILE OPERATION Wheel Mounting Nut Torques: Always ensure that in mounting disc wheels, the wheel nuts are torqued to 175 - 200 ft. Ibs, (237 - 271 N-m). Excessive lorque “an cause stud breakage, Rusl slreaks emanating from the nut ball seals usually indicate insufficient torque. Nut lorque must hr: checked periodically, Flat Tires: Never run the vehicle on one tire of a dual wheel assembly, Loss of air in one tire excessively overloads the other tire if vehicle 1s operaled in this condition, Never reinflate a tire that has run flal without checking to ensure that the tire and wheel has not been damaged. Periodic Checks: During tire checks, be on the alerl for possible damage to rim and/or wheel and any evidence of rust streaks from loose wheel mounting Пи! 5. TIRE MOUNTING Follow the instructions given under Safety Procedures for “Tire Mounling'' on Page 25, 26 Valve Stem Hole Narrow Rim Bead C я х T 1 or | |-+ Вит Well Rim Flanges U a Wide Rim Bead Figure 30 Use liberal amount of bead lubricant on tire beads and rim bead when mounting a tire, This lets the tube slide into place on the rim with minimum of air pressure applied to the tube. This reduces tube stretching and possible early tube failure, 1, Place rim on floor with rim well closest lo the top side. (See Fig. 30) 2. Remove valve stem if any exists on rim, (Tube has valve stem). 3. Insert tube into tire and inflate tube 10 partially fill the tire volume. (Use of flap is optional, If flap is used, install after first tire bead is mounted on wheel.) 4, Mount tire onto rim of wheel by pushing first bead of tire over rim flange by hand. Then pry remaining portion of first bead over flange into rim well, Align and inser! valve stem into hole in rim. 5, Insert lhe second bead of the tire into the rim flange by start- ing at the side opposite (180° from) the valve stem. This will avoid pinching the valve stem and inner tube. Complete the mounting of second tire bead in the same way as the first. 6. Inflate until tire seats on both sides on Ihe rim (about 14 psi. 97 kPa). Let air oul by removing the valve core. Reinstall the valve core and reinflate to proper inflation pressure. When seating the beads the tube does most of ¡is strelching belween beads on tire and reinflating releases stresses in that area of the lube, INFLATION PRESSURES Do not exceed maximum inflation pressures, See Tire Pressure Specifications at the end of this section. This 1s determined by the size and ply rating of the lire, bul is not lo exceed lhe maxi- mum inflation listed for the rim or wheel. It is also important to mainlain uniform inflation in both tires of a dual assembly so that weight is equally supported. WHEELS Use gooseneck tool to break tire bead loose. ann ащаЕН я Figure 31 TIRE DEMOUNTING A DANGER E Always deflate tire completely by removing valve core from valve before attempting to demount tire. 1, After deflating tire use gooseneck tools lo break tire bead loose on the wide rim bead seal. (See Figs. 30 & 31) Work tire bead down into rim well, Lubricate tire bead. 2, Turn rim and lire over. Using the gooseneck tool, break second bead of tire loose, Lubricate second tire bead. 3. With valve stem up and holding side of lire bead opposite the valve down in rim well with foot, pry opposite side of tire bead over rim flange. 4, Remove tube from wheel to prevent damage to tube, (See Fig. 32) 5. Complete tire demounting by removing second bead of tire in lhe same way as the first. (See Fig. 33) 21 = = Remove inner tube after one side of tire has been pried over rim flange. Ty yy a Figure 32 Complete tire demounting by removing second bead of tire from rim. LU) Figure 33 ACCESSORIES PARTS LISTS AND TIRE PRESSURE SPECIFICATIONS FOR DRIVE AND STEERING WHEEL SETS FOR HF-15 TRACTOR, PRODUCT NO. 70315 70316 70317 70318 DRIVE WHEELS STEERING WHEELS 7.50 x 16 Dual 9.5 x 16 Dual 9.5 x 16 Dual 7.50 x 16 Dual 6.70 x 15 Standard 6.70 x 15 Standard 9,50 x 14 Wide Base 9.50 x 14 Wide Base PARTS LISTS FOR ABOVE PRODUCTS PRODUCT PART NO, QUAN, DESCRIPTION DRIVE WHEELS 390454 4 Wheel 7.50 x 16 DUAL 318087 4 Tire, 7.50 x 16 362086 4 Tube, Inner 362087 16 Nut, Wheel Mounting 162838 2 Valve Extension (Inner) 162839 2 Valve Extension (Outer) DRIVE WHEELS 390454 4 Wheel 95x 16 DUAL 319487 4 Tire, 9.50 x 16 362567 4 Tube, Inner 362087 16 Nut, Wheel Mounting 162838 2 Valve Extension (Inner) 162839 2 Valve Extension (Outer) STEERING WHEELS 313461 2 Wheel, Steering 6,70 x 15 323965 2 Tire, 6,70 x 15 314644 2 Tube, Inner 360112 2 Cap, Valve, Nylon 328944 2 Wheel, Steering STEERING WHEELS 342479 2 Tire, 9.50 x 14 9.50 x 14 WIDE BASE 342480 2 Tube, Inner 360112 2 Cap, Valve, Nylon The inflation pressures shown in the table are based on Lhe specific tire loading of the HE-15 Tractor with mowers instalied and in lhe transport position. ANY ADDITIONAL WEIGHT ADDED TO THE TRACTOR WILL REQUIRE AN INCREASE IN INFLATION PRESSURE, UP TO THE MAXIMUM. FIGURES SHOWN ARE INFLATION PRESSURES IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH (PSI) TIRE SIZE FUNCTION MIN MAX 6.70 x 15 Steering 20 (138 kPa) 28 (193 kPa) 9.50 x 14 Steering 20 (138 kPa) 24 (165 kPa) 7.50 x 16 Dual Drive 22 (152 kPa) 22(152 kPa) 4.5 x 16 Dual Drive 20 (138 kPa) 20 (138 kPa) 28 ACCESSORIES LIST OF ACCESSORIES FOR HF-15 TRACTOR PRODUCT NO DESCRIPTION 70315 Dual Wheel Set, 7.50 x 16 Steering Wheels, 5.70 x 15 70316 Dual Wheel Sel, 9.5 x 16 Steering Wheels, 5.70 x 15 70317 Dual Drive Wheels, 9.5 x 16 Steering Wheels, 9,50 x 14 70315 Dual Drive Wheels, 7.50 x 16 Steering Wheels, 9.50 x 14 78048 Fender, Steering Wheel 78049 Fender, Traclion Wheel 78073 Power Steering Kit 78074 Light Kit 78075 Roll-Over Protection Structure, 2 Post with Canopy 78076 Fuel Killer Kit, required with 78075 Filler Kit, 78233 2 Gang Fairway (Hydraulic) Deflectors 78237 5 Gang Fairway (Hydraulic) Deflectors 337222 Extension Pipe (For Vertical Muffler Mtg.) All components shown as exploded views are for parts reference only and when repairs and/or assembly is attempted, consult your nearest Jacobsen Turl Equipment Distributor for this information. 29 ILLUSTRATION 1 TRACTOR FRAME 68 p12 30 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION Lo Part No. | Quan. Description 1 121829 1 L.H. Drive Axle Mtg. Assem. 2 121830 1 R.H. Drive Axle Mtg. Assem. 3 131116 1 Engine Cross Support 4 362085 4 ““U'’ Bolt, Axle 5 445150 8 Lockwasher, 9/16 Hvy 6 443122 8 Nut, 9/16-18 Hex 7 400614 4 Screw, 5/8-11 x 1-3/4" Hex Hd Cap 8 445156 4 Lockwasher, 5/8 Hvy 9 443126 4 Nut, 5/8-11 Hex 10 336760 1 Channel, Support (R.H.) 11 336761 1 Channel, Support (L.H.) 12 130777 2 Support, Fuel Tank 13 122174 1 R.H. Frame Assem. 14 122177 1 L.H. Frame Assem. 15 361071 2 Washer, Rear 16 400626 2 Screw, 5/8-11 x 3-1/2 Hex 17 351062 2 Mount, Rear Shock 18 131117 1 Dropcase Support Assembly 19 400614 8 Screw, 5/8-11 x 1-3/4'' Hex Hd Cap 20 445166 8 Lockwasher, 5/8 Hvy 21 443126 8 Nut, 5/8-11 Hex 22 400406 8 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/4'"' Hex Hd Cap 23 446154 8 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 24 443118 8 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 25 130776 1 Front Body Support 26 400264 4 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 27 446142 4 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 28 443110 а Nut, 3/8 Hex 29 130778 1 Rear Body Support Assem. 30 400406 4 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/4" Hex Hd Cap 31 446154 4 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 32 443118 4 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 33 400614 10 Screw, 5/8-11 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd Cap 34 452016 6 Washer, 5/8 Flat 35 443126 12 Nut, 5/8-11 Hex 36 453020 4 Washer, 5/8 Flat 37 446166 12 Lockwasher, 5/8 Hvy 38 118539 1 Front Member Assem. 39 400616 2 Screw, 5/8-11 x 2 Hex Hd 40 400625 2 Screw, 5/8-11 x 3-1/2 Hex Hd 41 453020 2 Washer, 5/8 Flat + - Diesel tractor only. w - Gasoline tractor only. £ - Quantity is (2) for gasoline tractor. 31 1 Ref. Part No. | Quan. Description No. 42 360859 1 Bar, Spacer 43 400528 5 Screw, 5/8-11 x 4 Hex Hd Cap 44 446166 8 Lockwasher, 5/8 Hvy 45 443126 8 Nut, 5/8-11 Hex 46 350858 1 Spring, Down Pressure 47 319598 2 Washer, 1/2 Beveled 48 400415 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 2-1/2 Hex Hd 49 446154 2 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 5006 130886 1 Battery Support 51e 358819 1 Angle, Battery Clamp 52 443118 2 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 53 452008 1 Washer, Flat 54 336958 2 Decal, Danger Center Mower 55 359883 1 Decal, High-Low Speed 56 446165 2 Lockwasher, 5/8 57 443126 2 Nut, 5/8-11 Hex 58 445154 2 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 59 453017 2 Washer, 1/2 Flat 60 400404 1 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1 Hex Hd 61 390331 1 Mount, Rear L.H. 52 390330 1 Mount, Rear R.H, 635 | 444310 3 Nut, #10-24 Hex 64" 122133 1 Battery Carrier Assembly 65£ 400612 4 Screw, 5/8-11 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd 66£ 446156 4 Lockwasher, 5/8-Hvy 67£ 443126 4 Nut, 5/8-11 Hex 68* 337220 1 Angle, Battery Clamp 59a 358820 2 Bolt, Battery Hold Down 70 452004 2 Washer, 1/4 Std 71 446130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 72 445612 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Wing 736 361002 1 Mount, Pack 746 403910 3 Screw, 10-24 x 1/2 Tr Hd Mach 756 445118 3 Lockwasher, 410 76 400410 | 1 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd 77 361446 2 Bolt, Battery Hold Down ILLUSTRATION 2 REAR BODY, FLOORBOARD & ACCELERATOR LINKAGE 101 —, 48 Injector Pump (Diesel) To Carburelor (Gas) 32 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION Quan. Ref. Part No. | 8] o Description Nr ols O 1 122176 | 1) 1 | Trans Cross Frame Assembly 2 390335 | 1| 11 Floor Board, Front 3 361069 | 2| 21 Brace, Front Floor Board 4 446130 | 10| 9 | Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 5 443102 | 10| 9 | Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 6 360890 11 - | Wire, Throttle 7 131103 - | 1 | Shaft, Accelerator 8 361004 - | 1 | Rod, Governor 9 326393 | 11 - | Angle, L.H. Accelerator Shaft Pivol Brkt. 10 326107 11 - | Bracket, Accel. Shaft Pivot 11 131067 | 1] - | Accelerator Shafl Assem. 12 458052 | 1| 1 | Ring, Truarc 511525 Retaining 13 337203 1] 1 | Rod, Throttle Governor Control 14 337212 1| - | Rod, Accelerator 18 326426 11 - | Spring, Accelerator Return 16 152478 1| 1 | Joint, SAE Type A, Long Ball 17 360856 1| 1 | Screw, Special 18 315966 1j 1 | Spring, Compression 19 360885 2 | 2 | Disc, Friction 20 404060 11 1 | Screw, 1/4-28 x 2-1/2 Tr Hd 21 444762 | 1| 1 | Nut, 3/8-15 Hex - Center - Loc 22 319755 1| 1 | Washer, Special 23 446130 11 1 | Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 24 443104 21 2 | Nut, 1/4-28 Hex 25 121989 | 11 1 | Fuel Tank, 20 Gal. 26 130827 | 1| 1 | Filler Tube Assem. 27 350960 | 1| 1 | Fíller Cap 28 359880 1| 11 Hose, Filler Tube 29 359615 21 21] Clamp, Filler Tube Hose 30 162159 | 21 2 | Fuel Tank Strap Assembly 31 450014 | - | 1 | Pin, 3/32 x 3/4 Cotter 32 443110 B| 8/ Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 33 359599 2| 2 | Pad, Fuel Tank Top á End 34 359600 21] 2 | Pad, Fuel Tank Bottom 35 359503 | 4| 4 | Pad, Fuel Tank Side Support 36 354081 3| 3 | Clamp, Signal Wire a7 400112 3] 3 | Screw, 1/4-20 x 1 Hex Hd 38 446130 31 3 | Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 39 443102 3] 3 | Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 40 131072 1] 1| Lever, Throttle 41 359595 | 2] 2 | E'bow, 90°1/4 NPT to 3/8 Hose 42 360870 1| - | Hose, Fuel Tank To Line 43 359511 |12 | 6 | Clamp, Hose 44 315267 | 1| 1 | Knob, Shift Lever 45 359879 | 1| 1 | Hose, Vent-Line Fuel Tank 46 453023 11 1 | Washer, 1/4 Flat 47 450002 1| - | Pin, 1/15 x 1/2 Colter 48 359612 11 1 | Ground Wire Assem, 49 404022 4 | 4 | Screw, 1/4-20 x 1 50 453023 | 2| 2 | Washer, 1/4 Flat 51 443102 | 2| 1] Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 52 443104 | 2| 1 | Nut, 1/4-28 Hex 53 131083 1| 11 Rear Body Assem. 54 131104 - | 1) Cable, Choke 55 472203 1] Plug, 1/4 Pipe 56 409812 |11|11| Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4 W. Hd Th Cul Si 404016 | 6| 6| Screw, 1/4-20 x 5/8 Tr. Hd. Mach. 58 447010 | 91 9 | Lockwasher, 1/4 Ext. Tooth 59 443102 | 9| 9 | Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 33 Quan Ref. | Part No. lo Description No. 10 a) 50 409438 |10 M0! Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 W. Hd Th Cut 61 454027 |10|10] Spring Washer, Shakeproof 62 131118 1] 1] Floor Board Assem., Rear 53 4456136 | 2] 2| Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 54 446118 1| 1] Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 65 122132 1| - | Tube, Fuel Return 66 337206 31 1] Tube, Hose Adapter 67 337207 21 1] Tube, Fuel 68 360857 | 1 | - | Union, 5/16 Pipe 69 344186 1| 1| Pedal, Accelerator 70 404016 | 2| 2| Screw, 1/4-20 x 5/8'" Tr. Hd. Mach. 71 445130 | 2| 21 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 72 443102 2| 2| Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 73 400192 1/ 1| Screw, 5/18-18 x 1-1/2"' Hex Hd Cap 74 443106 | 10/10| Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 75 441672 1| 14| Bolt, 5/16-18 x 2-1/2''59.NKk, Carriage 76 443106 2| 2| Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 77 337269 1| 1| Panel, Kick 78 360871 1| 1| Hose, Fuel Filter 79 361072 1] 1| Cover 80 400108 21 2| Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex Hd 81 360054 1} 1| Decal, Clutch 82 360053 1] 1| Decal, Brake 83 110768 11 1| Tool Box Assem. 84 400108 5| 4| Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex Hd Cap 85 453023 2] 2| Washer, 1/4 SAE Flat 86 446130 5| 5| Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 87 443102 5 | 5| Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 88 360872 31 1| Hose, Fuel 89 350873 2| 1| Elbow, 1/4-18, 90° 90 360874 1| -| Adapter, 1/4 Pipe to 5/16 Inv, 91 303159 8| 3| Clip 92 129600 1] 1| Step Bracket Assem. 93 400408 21 2| Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/2'"" Hex Hd Cap 94 446154 2| 2| Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 95 443118 21 2/| Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 96 400106 9| B| Screw, 1/4-20 x 5/8 Hex Hd 97 131071 1 | - | Cable, Fuel Shut Off 98 1| 1 Plate, Serial No. (Ref. Only) 99 337255 1| 1| Tank Signal Unit 100 326114 | 1| 1| Gasket, Tank Unit Mtg 101 402146 5| 5| Screw, #10-32 x 1/2 Hex Hd Cap 102 446118 5| 5| Lockwasher, #10 Hvy 103 460014 11 1] Pin, 3/32 x 3/4 Coller 104 453009 5| 5) Washer, 5/16 Flat 105 360138 1] -| Decal, Fuel 346164 =| 1 | Decal, Fuel 106 336943 | 2| 2| Decal, Jacobsen 24'' 107 360052 1| 1| Decal, Accelerator 108 326111 | 1] 1] Joint, SAE Type G, Ball 109 361046 1] 1] Stop, Throttle 110 445245 2| 2| Speed Nut, 1/4-20 ‘’U’’ Type 111 351068 1] 1| Mount 112 358858 1/1 11 Bumper 113 362346 4| 4| Pad, Hydraulic Tank to Box ILLUSTRATION 3 34 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 3 Ref. Part No. | Quan, Description No. 1 116537 1 Cowling Structure Assembiy 2 360819 4 Spacer 3 400414 4 Screw, 1/2-13 x 2-1/4 Hex Hd 4 446154 4 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy = 443118 4 Nul, 1/2-13 Hex 6 337250 1 Gauge, Fuel 7 337252 1 Voltmeter 8 337251 1 Tachometer 9 443106 6 | Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 10 116525 1 Radiator 11 131069 1 L.H. Radiator Support Assem 12 131070 1 R.H. Radiator Support Assem 13 350866 1 Retainer, R.H. 14 360865 1 Retainer, L.H. 15 400264 4 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd 18 453011 6 Washer, Flat 17 446142 8 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 18 443110 4 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 19 400258 4 Screw, 3/8-16 x 3/4 Hex Hd 20 453011 4 Washer, Flat 21 390306 1 Suppert, R.H. Hood 22 390305 1 Support, L.H. Hood 23 116521 1 Shroud Assembly 24 400186 4 Screw, 5/16-18 x 7/8 Hex Hd 25 400188 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex Hd 26 446136 6 Lockwasher, 5/15 Hvy 27 345666 2 Clip, Rad. Drain Hose 28 452006 12 Washer, Flat 29 131068 1 Cap, Filler 30 350879 1 Hose, Radiator Drain 31 162479 1 Drain Cock 32 337214 1 Hose, Lower Radiator 33 337215 1 Hose, Upper Radiator 34 326112 4 Clamp, 2-1/4 O. Dia. Hose 36 390307 2 Panel, L.H. Side 38 122134 1 Hood Assembly 39 360869 1 Moulding, Cowling 40 390304 1 Screen, Hood 41 404014 9 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Tr. Hd. Mach. 42 446130 9 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 43 453009 9 Washer, Flat 44 443102 9 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex * - Diesel Tractor Only "" - Gas Tractor Only 35 ter Part No. | Quan. Description No. 45 360886 1 Decal, Engine Speed 46 404068 2 Screw, 5/15-18 x 3/4 Tr. Hd. Mach, 47 446136 2 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 48 452006 4 Washer, Flat 49 443106 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 50 404014 4 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Tr. Hd. Mach. 51 446130 4 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 52 443102 4 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 53 116522 1 Screen Assembly 54 161688 2 Latch, Flexible Draw 55 402004 6 Screw, #6-32 x 3/8 Slotted 58 445106 6 Lockwasher, #6 Hvy 57 444304 6 Nut, 46-32 Hex 58 360855 1 Weatherstrip 59 409812 4 Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4 Washerhead Hex 60 390302 1 Panel, Dash 61 404022 4 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1 Truss Hd. Mach, 62 360880 4 Nut, 1/4-20 63 129846 1 Ignition Switch Assem. (Inc!. Refs. 64—66) 64 343080 2 Key (Set of Two) 65 358968 1 Nut, 9/16-24 NEF -2 66 447222 1 Lockwasher, 9/16 Int, Tooth 67” | 361388 1 Switch, Inst Test 68 337249 1 Gauge, Oil Pressure 69 | 337248 1 Gauge, Water Temperature 70 337775 1 Hourmeter 71 339237 1 Decal, Heat Exhaust 72* | 360862 1 Decal, Engine Stop 73 351351 1 Decal, Ignition Switch 74 360051 1 Decal, Parking Brake 75 360102 1 Decal, Anti-Freeze 76 336943 2 Decal, Jacobsen 24'' ТЕ 336640 1 Deca!, Batlery Danger 78 360270 1 Decal, Name ‘‘HF-15"" 79°" 361387 1 Button ILLUSTRATION 4 Firewall See Illustration 12 for mounting Wiring rip BA le Aa, Alternator Mr Wire 69 Battery Ground Cable ® \ Flywheel Side As Marked | Tractor Frame 36 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 4 Rel, Part No. | Quan. Description No. 1 1 Engine, Perkins 4 Cycle Diesel 236 cu, in. * 1 | Engine, Perkins 4 Cycle Gasoline 236 cu. in. (Not illustrated) 2 241777 1 Pulley, Crankshafi Adapter 3 390332 1 Support, Engine Front (R.H.) 4 400372 8 Screw, 7/16-20 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 5 361061 2 | Mount, Front Shock 6 445136 1 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 7 446148 8 Lockwasher, 7/16 Hvy 8 390333 1 Mount, Front L.H. 9 452006 1 Washer, 5/15 Flat 10 360895 1 Plate, Spring Mig. 11 400488 1 Screw, 9/16 - 12 x 1 12 446160 1 Lockwasher, 9/16 Hvy 13 361005 1 Screw, MB x 1-1/4 x 25 mm 14 350787 1 Bearing, Ball 15 131565 1 Driven Disc Assembly 16 162463 1 Cover Assembly 17 131075 1 Clutch Fork Lever Assembly 18 350892 1 Fork Lever Pivol Assembly 19 131078 1 Release Bearing Assembly 20 360861 1 Seal, Clutch Fork Lever 21 401196 8 Screw, 3/8-24 x 1 22 446142 8 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 23 360896 1 Cover, Flywheel Housing 24 409512 3 Screw, #4 x 1/4 Drive 258 116557 1 Transmission 25 336193 1 Lever, Gear Shift 27 443812 1 Nut, 3/8-24 Hex Jam 28 162469 1 Kit, Shift Lever Instal. 29 162465 1 Ball Assembly 30 402700 1 Screw, 3/8-24 x 7/8 Flat Head 31 447414 1 Lockwasher, CTSK, Ext. Tooth 32 400494 4 Screw, 9/16-12 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd 33 446160 4 Lockwasher, 9/16 Hvy 34 400420 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 3-1/2 Hex Hd 35 445154 2 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 36 453017 2 Washer, 1/2 Flat 37 443118 2 Nut, 1/2 Hex 38 390324 1 V-Belt 39 337262 1 Fan, Alternator 40** 1) 162477 1 Connector 41" | 453002 AR Washer, Flat 42 > 351552 1 Clip, Control Cable AR - As required. Ref. Part No. | Quan. Description No. 43 122121 1 Air Cleaner (Donaldson No, FWG 06-5008) 44 131096 1 Pre-Cleaner Assembly 45 131059 2 Mounting Band Assembly 46 337229 2 Clamp, Hose 47**| 337217 1 Hose, Air Cleaner 48 400258 4 Screw, 3/8-16 x 3/4 Hex Hd 49 445142 4 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 50 443110 4 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 51 122150 1 Muffler 52 1 390317 1 Extension, Tail Pipe @ 395143 1 Extension, Tail Pipe 54 162236 2 Clamp 55 443106 4 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 56 337271 1 Bracket, Mounting 57 351756 2 Mounting, Flexible 58 453009 4 Washer, 5/16 Flat 59 445136 4 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 60**{ 162500 1 Switch, Oil Pressure 61**| 360958 1 Tee, 1/4 Pipe 62**| 471774 1 Nipple, 1/4 Pipe 66 345671 1 Clamp 67 401196 1 Screw, 3/8-24 x 1 Hex Hd 68 445142 1 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 69 443106 1 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex - 70 549633 1 Element, Air Cleaner 71 400186 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 7/8 Hex Hd 72 453009 1 Washer. 5/16 Flat 73 446136 1 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 74 337256 1 Sending Unit, Temp. 75 337254 1 Sending Unit, Oil Pressure 76" 337222 1 Extension Pipe 77" | 122163 1 Motor, Cranking fu 131102 1 Motor, Cranking 780 122161 1 Alternator Assembly 79 361067 4 Washer, Front 80e 390323 1 Hose, Air Cleaner 81 345006 1 Cable, Ground 82 400290 1 Screw, 3/8-24 x 1/2 Hex 83 447216 1 Lockwasher, 3/8 Int. Tooth - Not available as standard equipment but is offered through service parts supply. To use extension - Gasoline tractor only. i. - See Illustration 30 for complete service parts breakdown. o - A debris shield cover is available for the alternalor as an accessory. Order Part No, 502814, e - The following Service Parts Are Available Variable Speed Governor Parl No. 503018 Governor Major Repair Kit Part No. 503019 Governor Sal Repair Kit Part No, 503020 37 pipe. rotate muffler 1209 so muffler and pipe are vertical (extension pipe pointing upward). ** - Diesel tractor only. ILLUSTRATION 5 38 PARTS fs Part No. {Quan Description 1 122131 1 Steering Axle Mtg. Assem., Front 2 121993 1 Steering Axle Mtg. Assem., Rear 3 331404 1 Arm, Steering Gear 4 153196 3 End Socket, R.H. (Incl. (1) Ref. 6 & 73) 5 452008 2 Washer, Flat 6 445665 6 Nut, 1/2-20 Castellated 7 460028 6 Pin, 1/8 x 1'' Colter 8 130373 1 Drag Link Assembly Front (Incl. (1) Ref, 4 & 9 and (2) Ref. 16, 17 & 18) 9 153197 3 End Socket, L,H, (Inc!. (1) Ref. 6 & 73) 10 153195 1 Pivot Bar, Steering Arm (Incl. (1) Ref. 14 & (2) Ref. 11) 11 319867 2 Bushing, Pivot 12 445690 2 Nut, 1''-14 Castellated 13 | 460052 | 2 Pin, 3/16 x 1-1/2 Cotter 14 471219 5 Fitting, 1/8 PTF Grease 15 126078 1 Drag Link Assembly Rear (Incl. (1) Ref, 4 & 9 and (2) Ref. 16, 17 & 18) 16 443108 12 Nut, 5/16-24 Hex 17 446136 12 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy. 18 400228 6 Screw, Link Locking 19 360910 1 Cap, Steering Wheel 20 443820 1 Nut, 1/2-20 Hex 21 453017 1 Washer, 1/2 SAE 22 360911 1 Steering Wheel Assembly 23 342214 1 Bolt - *'U"’ 23A | 342213 1 Saddle - *'U'' Bolt 24" | 114022 1 Steering Gear Assem. (Incl Ref 20 & 21) 25 341660 1 Decal, Steering Gear Caution 26 400262 1 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1’’ Hex. Hd, Cap 27 126189 1 Steering Gear Mtg. Bracket Assem 28 400264 6 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex. Hd, Cap 29 446142 12 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy. 30 443110 10 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex. 31 326237 2 Washer, 32 446148 2 Lockwasher, 7/16 Hvy. 33 400262 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1 Hex Hd Cap 34 162859 1 Steering Axle Pivot Pin Assen 30 323725 2 Bushing 36 | 471224 | 1 Fitting, 1/8-27 x 67-1/2 Grease 37 121810 1 Steering Axle Assembly 38 332184 1 Arm, R.H. Sleering Knuckle 39 321292 2 Key 40 109365 1 Steering Knuckle, RH. (Incl. 2 of Ref. 49) AR - As required * - See Illustration 21 for parts breakdown. ** - Diesel lraclor only. 39 LIST-ILLUSTRATION 5 м Part No. | Quan Description 41 343009 2 Screw, Steering Arm Mig. 42 400266 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd. Cap 43 412057 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/2 Sq. Hd, Cup Pi, Sel 44 443810 2 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex. Jam 45 109504 1 Tie Rod Assem. (Incl. (1) Ref. 4 & 9 and (2) Ref. 16, 17 & 18) 47 316114 4 Plug, Knuckle Expansion 48 316116 2 Pin, Steering Knuckle 49 316113 4 Bushing 50 316118 AR Shim, Steering Knuckle - Thin 51 323759 AR Shim, Steering Knuckle - Med. 52 323760 AR Shim, Steering Knuckle - Heavy 53 316117 2 Bearing, Steering Knuckle 54 316115 AR Pin, Knuckle Draw Key - Light 55 323756 AR Pin, Knuckle Draw Key - Heavy 56 109366 1 Steering Knuckle, L.H. (Incl. 2 ol Ref. 49) 57 314627 2 Seal, Oil 58 500535 2 Wheel Bearing Assem,- Cup & Cone - Inner 59 473058 AR Lockwire, 12 Ga. Black Annealed 60 203444 2 Hub, Wheel 61 500534 2 Wheel Bearing Assem - Cup & Cone - Outer 62 126648 1 Drag Link Mtg. Arm Assembly 63 332183 1 Arm, L.H. Steering Knuckle 64 | 400616 | 4 Screw, 5/8-11 x 2 Hex Hd. Cap 65 446166 4 Lockwasher, 5/8 Hvy 66 443126 4 Nul, 5/8-11 Hex 67 453020 2 Washer, 5/8 Plain 68 460038 2 Pin, 5/32 x 1 Colter 69 445672 2 Nut, 5/8-18 Hex Slotled 70 314626 2 Cap, Hub 71 313458 8 Bolt, Wheel Mounting 72 312565 i Washer, Special 73 322843 6 Dust Cover 74 311640 AR Washer 22 GA. (.0299) 75 345699 AR Washer 16 GA. (.0598) 76 345700 AR Washer 10 GA. (.1345) 77 400268 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd 78 360977 1 Filler 79 312565 1 Collar, Steering Shaft 80**| 400264 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd 81""| 446142 2 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 82** 443110 2 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 83 453011 2 Washer 3/8 Flat ILLUSTRATION 6 DRIVE AXLE, CLUTCH & BRAKE 40 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 6 ir Part No. | Guan. Description 1 400104 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1/2 Hex Hd Cap 2 445130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 3 313263 2 Washer, Brake and Clutch Pedal Mig 4 326076 1 Shaft, Brake Pedal Mig 5 161340 1 Clutch Pedal (Incl. Ref. 7 4 60) 6 313912 1 Bushing, Brake Pedal 7 471219 1 Fitting, 1/8 x 27 N.P.T. Grease 8 319151 1 Clevis, Clutch Linkage 9 460012 1 Pin, 3/32 x 5/8 Colter 10 461467 1 Pin, 3/8 x 1-3/4 Lg. Clevis 11 443812 3 Nut, 3/8-24 Hex Jam 12 350888 1 Rod 13 319212 1 Spring, Clutch Return 14 131073 1 Switch Mtg. Bracket 15 357768 1 Shaft, Clutch Pedal Mig 16 400190 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 17 453009 2 Washer, 5/16 SAE Flat 18 130898 1 Brake Pedal (Incl. Ref 6 & 43) 19 125339 1 Safety Starting Switch Assembly 20°" 119292 1 Cylinder, Master Brake 21 319277 1 Gaskel, Inner 22 319278 1 Fitting, Brake Outlet 23 319276 1 Gaskell, Outlet 24 319279 1 Fitting, Outlet 25 472201 1 Plug, 1/8 Sq Hd Pipe 26 400302 3 Screw, 3/8-24 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 27 446142 4 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 28 443112 3 Nut, 3/8-24 Hex 29 357908 1 End, Rod 30 454029 1 Washer, Wave 31 460014 1 Pin, 3/32 x 3/4 Cotter 32” 122310 1 Drive Axle Assembly 33 122313 1 Brake Tube Assembly, L.H, (Incl. 2 Inverted Nuts) 34 131399 1 Tube Assem Master Cylinder (Incl. 2 Inverted Nuls) 35 122312 1 R.H. Brake Tube Assembly, (Incl. 2 Inverled Nuts) 35 131114 1 Arm, Pivol Assem. 37 327263 1 Fitting, Tee, Brake Line 38 400254 1 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 39 336120 1 Bracket, Clutch Pedal Mtg 40 324887 1 Clip, Brake Tube Mounting 41 400410 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd Cap 42 126094 1 Lever Assembly, Parking Brake (Incl. Ref, 44, 47, 48, 50, 56, 62, & 63) 43 471219 1 Fitting, 1/8 PTF Grease 44 N.S. 2 Pin, Clevis 5/16 x 25/32 Long * See Illustration 23 For Parts Breakdown. ** See lllustration 22 For Parts Breakdown, N.S, - Not Serviced 41 eg Part No. | Quan. Description 45 460004 2 Pin, 1/16 x 3/4 Colter 45 400194 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd Cap 47 N.S. 2 Clamp, Cable 48 N.S. 1 Spacer 49 400196 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 2 Hex Hd Cap 50 N.S. 2 Spacer 51 400412 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 2 Hex Hd 52 445136 5 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 53 443106 5 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 54 121739 1 Cable Assembly, Brake L.H. 55 121740 1 Cable Assembly, Brake R,H. 56 453009 3 Washer, 5/16 Flat 57 446154 2 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 58 443118 2 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 59 447224 1 Lockwasher, 5/8 Int. Tooth 60 304392 2 Bushing, Clutch Pedal 61 450028 3 Pin, 1/8 x 1 Cotter 62 N.S. 1 Pin, 5/16 x 1-15/32 Clevis 63 N.S. 2 Link, Equalizer 64 461462 1 Pin, Clevis 65 473137 2 Tie 66 162480 1 Support Assem. 67 453017 3 Washer, Flat 68 162541 1 Bracket Assembly Clutch Arm 69 400108 1 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex Hd 70 443102 1 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 71 446130 1 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 72 360893 1 Rod End 73 461474 1 Pin, Clevis 74 450012 1 Pin, 3/32 x 5/8 Cotter 75 400408 1 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd 76 360887 1 Rod 77 471214 1 Fitting, 1/4-28 Grease 78 453011 2 Washer, Flat 79 328133 2 Bushing 80 446154 3 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy ILLUSTRATION 7 FRONT PUSH ARM & STEERING ROD ASSEMBLY 42 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 7 Les Part No. |Quan Description 1 342161 2 Pin 2 400108 4 Screw, 1/4-28 x 3/4 Hex Hd Cap 3 446130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 4 453023 8 Washer, 1/4 SAE 5 460064 6 Pin, 1/4 x 1-1/2 Cotter 6 342160 2 Pin 7 130374 1 Rear Steering Rod Assembly - R.H. (Incl. (2) Ref. 8 & (1) Ref. 9) H 130375 1 Rear Steering Rod Assembly - L.H. (incl. (2) Ref. 8 & (1) Ref. 9) 342124 4 Bushing 471219 6 Fitting - 1/8 PTF Grease 10 400412 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 2 Hex Hd Cap 11 | 446154 | 10, | Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 12 | 443118 2 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 13 | 400442 4 Screw, 1/2-20 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 14 | 443120 4 Nut, 1/2-20 Hex 15 | 323016 4 Fitting 1/8-27 90° Elbow Grease 16 453011 4 Washer, 3/8 SAE 17 126125 2 Steering Rod Assembly - Center (Incl. Ref. 15 & 16) 18 342187 2 Bushing 19 | 400428 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 2-3/4 Hex Hd Cap 20 126116 2 Steering Rod Assembly - Front 21 445754 2 Nut, 7/8-18 Hex Jam 22 131101 2 Ball Joint Assembly (Incl. Ref. 23) 23 445704 2 Nut, 5/8-18 Hex Castellated 24 | 471214 2 Fitting, 1/4-28 25 453020 2 Washer, 5/8 SAE 26 | 444732 2 Nut, 1/2-15 Hex Top Lock 27 | 460032 2 Pin, Cotter 1/8 x 1-1/2 28 | 342049 | 4 | Bushing 29 | 341924 2 | Spacer 30 122055 1 Swivel Brackel - L.H. (Incl. (2) Ref. 28) ¥ | 122056 1 | Swivel Bracket - R.H. (Incl. (2) Ref. 28) 31 400370 4 Screw, 7/16-20 x 1 Hex Hd Cap 32 446148 A Lockwasher, 7/16 Hvy 33 342028 2 Cap, End 34 | 119094 1 Front Mower Frame Assembly, R.H. (Incl, (1) Ref. 16 & 37) # 119095 1 Front Mower Frame Assembly, L.H. (Inc! (1) Ref, 16 & 37) - AR - As Required. * For Seal Repair Kit see Chart at Illustration 17. For service of Breather order 361997, For service of Pin Eye order 546140, # - Not Illustrated - Opposite of Part Shown. 43 A Part No. |Quan Description 35 461343 2 Pin, 3/8 x 2-1/4 Groove 36 119072 1 Front Push Arm Assembly, R.H. (Inc! (2) Ref. 37, 38, 39) # 119073 1 Front Pugh Arm Assembly, L.H. (Incl (2) Ref, 37, 38, 39) 37 471219 4 Fitting, 1/8-27 NPTF Grease 38 342034 4 Bushing, Outer 39 342033 4 Bushing, Inner 40 444708 4 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex Gripco C/Lock 41 460080 4 Pin, 3/8 x 3 Cotter 42 400114 4 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd Cap 43 341907 2 Pin, Pivol 44 400612 8 | Screw, 5/8-11 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 45 446166 8 Lockwasher, 5/8 Hvy 46 | 126082 1 | Push Arm Bracket - R.H. # 126083 1 Push Arm Bracket - LH. 50 341908 2 Pin, Pivot 51 458433 2 Ring, Relaining - National XSO-239 52 |, 455004 | AR | Washer, 1-1/16 SAE Flat 53 *337632 2 Ram, Hydraulic 54 344017 2 Pin, Ram Mounting 55 460068 2 Pin, 1/4 x 2 Cotter 56 343870 4 Pin, Mower Mounting 57 460028 4 Pin, 1/8 x 1 Cotter 58 400106 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 5/8 Hex Hd Cap 59 400450 4 | Screw, 1/2-20 x 2-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 60 352297 2 Bracket, Clamp Mounting 61 342216 2 | Clamp, Brake Cable 62 400184 6 Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4 Hex Hd Cap 63 453009 2 Washer, 5/16 Std 64 446136 8 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy ‚ 65 443106 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 66 471235 2 Fitting, Grease 67 336849 2 Plate, Hose Clamp 68 400188 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex Hd Cap 69 359860 2 Clamp, Hose 70 336958 2 Decal, Danger , Center Mower 71 443106 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 72 360163 2 Spacer, Pivot Tube 73 443820 4 Nut, 1/2-20 Hex Jam ILLUSTRATION 8 REAR CENTER CARRIER & SUPPORT ASSEMBLY FRONT OF TRACTOR PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 8 he Part No. | Quan Description 1 400618 3 Screw, 5/8-11 x 2-1/4 Hex Hd.Cap 2 471219 1 Fitting, 1/8-27 Grease 3 446166 4 Lockwasher, 5/8 Hvy. 4 443126 4 Nui, 5/8-11 Hex 5 341942 1 Washer 6 400406 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd.Cap 7 446154 2 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy. 8 443118 2 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 9 122002 1 Rear Center Carrier Support Assembly 10 319207 1 Screw 11 453011 2 Washer, 3/8 SAE 12 473058 AR Wire, 12 ga. Black Annealed Sleel 13 460088 2 Pin, 3/8 x 2-1/2 Cotter 14 500396 1 Pin, Pivot 15 126129 1 Transport Guide Bar Assembly 16 471219 4 Fitting, 1/8 PTF Grease 17 342049 2 Bushing 18 342028 2 Cap, End 19 400370 2 Screw, 7/16-20 x 1 Hex Hd.Cap 20 446148 2 Lockwasher, 7/16 Hvy. 21 342124 4 Bushing 22 343229 2 Bushing 23 471210 2 Fitting, 1/8-27 x 45°Grease 24 114017 1 Rear Carrier Assembly (Incl. Ref, 17, 21, 22, 23, & 27 (2) Ref. 16 and (1) Ref, 32 & 33) 25 119097 1 Frame Assembly, Rear Center Mower (Incl. (1) Ref. 2 & 11) 26 269005 1 Ring, Spacer 27 323016 1 Fitling, 1/8-27 x 90° NPT Grease 28 460028 2 Pin, 1/8 x 1 Cotter 29 343870 2 Pin, Mower Mounling 30 | "337631 1 | £ Hydraulic Ram Assembly, Center Rear Lift 31 119091 1 Rear Center Lift Arm Assembly 32 455004 2 Washer, 1-1/6 SAE Flat 33 458433 3 Ring, Retaining National XS0-239 34 320169 1 Spring, Tension 35 154379 1 Chain Boll Assembly 36 444752 1 Nut, 5/8-11 Hex C/Lock 37 337653 1 Plug, Spring 38 352792 1 Pin, Ram End 39 455004 1 Washer, 1-1/16 SAE Flat 40 336958 1 Decal, Danger Center Mower 41 400620 1 Screw, 5/8-11 x 2-1/2 Hex Hd 42 361074 1 Bracket, Tube Fronl 43 360829 1 Brackel, Tube Rear AR - As Required. * For Seal Repair Kil see Chart at Illustration 17 £ - For service of Pin Eye order 546800, 43 ILLUSTRATION 9 OUTRIGGER LIFT ARM & FRAME 3 2 Pineye 35 ~~, и 77 ва 7 . >» Le ar т Зи 45— 46 4 ge 23 м ÉL E + Ÿ y Ta 44 — 5 A Se pa Ti ‘ | „ой 16 46 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 9 Ref Part No. |Quan Description 1 | *130794 2 | Hyd. Ram Assem. 2 471851 2 Bushing, 1/4 to 1/8 Reducer e: 361997 2 Venl, Air 4 359789 2 | Pin, Ram to Outrigger Lift Arm 5 342116 2 | Pin, Ram to Outrigger Support 6 471219 6 | Fitting, 1/8 PTF Grease 7 460068 4 | Pin, 1/4 x 2 Cotler 8 400106 4 | Screw, 1/4-20 x 5/8 Hex Hd.Cap 9 446130 4 | Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy. 10 116476 1 | R.H. Outrigger Support (Incl. (2) Ref. 11 and (1) Ref. 12) fi 116475 1 | L.H. Oulrigger Support (Incl. (2) Ref. 11 and (1) Ref. 12) 11 550344 4 | Bushing 12 | 471219 2 | Fitling, 1/8 PTF Grease 13 400616 4 | Screw, 5/8-11 x 2'' Hex Hd. Cap 14 | 446166 4 Lockwasher, 5/8 15 443126 4 Nui, 5/8-11 Hex 16 116478 1 R.H. Outrigger Arm Assem. # 116477 1 | L.H. Outrigger Arm Assen. 17 162211 2 | Overcenter Actuator Cyl. Assem. 18 | 359816 2 | Slide, End 19 | 400268 2 | Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-3/4" Hex Hd.Cap 20 | 446142 2 | Lockwasher, 3/8 21 359987 2 | Spring, Overcenler Acluator 22 359820 2 Plug, Adjustable 23 359830 2 | Nut, Adjustable Plug 24 | 400612 2 | Screw, 2/8-11 x 1-1/2'' Hex Hd. Cap 25 | 443126 2 | Nut, 5/8-11 Hex 26 342133 2 | Pin, Outrigger Arm to Support Hinge AR - As Required # - Not lllustraled, Opposite of Part Shown * For Seal Repair Kit See Chart at Illustration 17. For Service of Pineye for Cross & Columbus Order 549445 4] fet. Part No, |Quan Description 27 460080 2 Pin, 3/8 x 3 Cotler 28 400188 2 Screw, 5/16 -18 x 1'' Нех На. Сар 29 446136 2 Lockwasher, 5/16 30 346091 2 Pin, Retainer 31 342182 1 Cam, R.H. H 342183 1 Cam, L.H. 32 400408 4 | Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/2'" Hex Hd. Cap 33 453017 | AR Washer, 1/2 34 446154 4 | Lockwasher, +/2 35 443118 4 | Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 36 119093 2 | Outrigger Mower Frame Assembly 37 453011 2 | Washer, 3/8 Flat 38 269005 2 Ring, Frame lo Shaft Spacer 39 | 342028 2 | Cap, End 40 | 400370 4 | Screw, 7/16-20 x 1'' Hex Hd.Cap 41 446148 4 Lockwasher, 7/16 42 | 343870 4 Pin, Mower Mtg. 43 | 460028 4 Pin, 1/8 x 1'" Cotter 44 | 359860 2 Clamp, Hose 45 | 400180 2 Screw, 5/16-18 UNC x 1/2'" Hex Hd. Cap 45 | 446136 2 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy, 47 336258 2 Decal, Danger Center Mower 48 | 400410 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd 49 | 446154 2 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 50 | 443118 2 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex Left Wing Hose Clamp Mounting "a E q Я Пр = 35 > ILLUSTRATION 10 REAR WING LIFT ASSEMBLY Right Wing Hose Clamp Mounting PARTS LIST Ref. и Ref. No, | Part No. | Quan Description No Part No. | Quan Description 1 400188 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex Hd. 22 453017 AR | Washer, 1/2 Flat 2 446136 4 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy, 23 446154 4 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy. 3 346091 2 Retainer Pin 24 443118 4 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 4 | 400106 | 3 | Screw, 1/4-20 x 5/8 Hex Hd. 25 | 269005 | 2 | Ring, Spacer 5 342120 1 Pin, Rear Wing Pivot, R.H. 26 331439 1 Cam, Rear Wing Frame fl 342286 1 Pin, Rear Wing Pivot, L.H, Pivot, L.H. 6 129923 1 Arm, Rear Wing Lift, L.H. ñ 331438 1 Cam, Rear Wing Frame Pivot, (Incl, (2) Ref. 8 and (1) Ref. 9) R.H, H 129924 1 Arm, Rear Wing Lift, R.H. 27 446148 4 Lockwasher, 7/16 Hvy. (Incl, (2) Ref. 8 and (1) Ref. 9) 28 119096 2 Frame Assembly Rear Wing 8 550344 4 Bushing 29 343870 4 Pin, Mower Mounting 9 | 471219 | 5 | Fitting, 1/8 PTF Grease 30 | 460028 4 | Pin, 1/8 x 1 Cotler 10 446130 3 Lockwasher. 1/4 Med 31 453011 2 Washer, 3/8 SAE Flat 11 342157 3 Pin, Ram to Carrier 32 471219 2 Fitting, 1/8-27 NPTF Grease 12 460068 3 | Pin, 1/4 x 2 Cotler % | 342028 2 | Cap, End 13 460062 2 Pin. 1/4 x 1-1/4 Cotter 34 400370 4 Screw, 7716-20 x 1 Hex Hd. 14 453022 2 | Washer, 13/16 1.D. x 1-1/2 O.D. 35 359986 1 Spacer, Hose Clamp 15 "111235 2 Ram, Hydraulic 36 359860 2 Clamp, Hosc 16 342241 1 Spring, Compression 37 400188 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1'' Hex Hd, Cap 17 130523 1 Pressure Bar Assembly 38 400180 1 Screw, 5/16-18 х 1/2'' Нех На. Сар 18 242238 1 Pin. Conïer Préssure Bar 39 336958 2 Decal, Danger Center Mower 19 | 460050 | 2 | Pin, 3/16 x 1-1/4 Cotler 40 | 460088 | 1 | Pin, 3/8 x 2-1/2 Cotler 20 460096 1 Fin, 5/16 x 1-3/4 Colter 21 400408 4 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd, AR - As Required * For Seal Repair Kil See Chart at Illustration 17 # - Not lilustrated, Opposite of Parl Shown 48 ILLUSTRATION 11 HYD. CYL., TUBES & HOSES pa TO q R.F. Cylinder PARTS LIST Pa Part No, ¡Quan Description nel: Part No. (Quan Description 1 351109 5 Conneclor, Male 14 122027 1 Tube, Left Wing Cyl. 2 326984 2 Adapter, Angle/Reslrictor, Front Ram 15 400116 6 Screw, 1/4-20 1-1/2" Hex Hd.Cap 3 130859 7 Hose Assem. 16 122031 1 Tube, Left Outrigger Cyl. 4 353194 5 Adapter, Angle/Resiricior, Center, 17 122013 1 Tube, Left Outrigger Cyl. Quingger & Wing Rams 18 122014 1 Tube, Right Outrigger Cyl. 5 122017 1 Tube, Center Cyl. Valve to Tee 19 122022 1 Tube, Right Wing Cyl. 6 | 354081 1 Clamp, .37 Dia. 20 | 471851 1 Bushing, 1/4 to 1/8 Reducer 7 | 359186 | 2 Tee, Swivel Nut Run 21 | 311655 1 Vent, Air 8 122118 1 Tube, Right Front Cyl. 22 | 352297 1 Bracket, Clamp Mtg 9 122125 1 Tube, Left Front Cyl. 23 | 354081 2 Clamp, 3/8 Open 10 353001 6 Clamp, Hyd.Lift Tube 24 400108 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 Hex Hd 11 473144 1 Tie, Cable 25 | 446130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 Hvy 12 453028 | 10 Washer, 1/4 Flat 26 | 443102 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 13 | 444708 6 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex Centerloc | еб 43 ILLUSTRATION 12 VALVES, PUMP, HYDRAULIC TANK To Left Side =. Of 5 Spool E Stack Valve F th Teg By x Front 30 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 12 Part No. ¡Quan Description A 116479 1 | Tank, Hydraulic 2 | 359777 1 Filter Element 3 | 360040 1 | O-Ring 4 359776 2 | Strap, Reservoir Mig. 5 400262 2 | Screw, 3/8-16 х 1'' Нех На. Сар 6 453011 2 | Washer, 3/8 7 | 446142 4 | Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy. 8 | 443110 4 | Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 9 359988 1 Gasket, Pump #10 | 122328 1 | Pump, Hydraulic 11 336854 1 Gear, Driven 12 458021 2 Ring, Retaining 13 463017 1 Key, 3/16 x 3/4 Woodruff 14 | 354086 | 4 | Elbow, 45 Male 15 452006 4 Washer, 3/8 Flat 16 | 360026 | 1 | Elbow, 45 Male £17 121979 1 Valve, 5 Spool Stack 18 350947 9 Connector, Male 19 | 155304 1 | Elbow, 90° Male 20 | 359856 | 2 | Elbow, 90 Male #21 116461 1 Valve, Manual Reversing 22 | 350947 5 | Connector, Male 23 | 359854 1 | Elbow, 90‘Male 24 122018 5 Tube, Stack to Rev. Valve 25 337177 1 Tube, Suction Line (Rear) 26 361064 1 Clamp, Wiring 27 326112 7 { Clamp, Hose 28 337273 1 Support, Tube 29 400188 2 | Screw 5/16-18 UNC x 1 Hex Hd Cap 30 446136 2 | Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy. 31 390297 1 Hose, Tube to Tank 32 390201 1 | Hose, Tube To Manifold 33 390210 1 Manifold, Pump Suction 34 359859 2 Hose, Manifold to Pump 36 130860 1 Hose, Pump (Front Section) to Valve (Center Section) 36 130842 1 Hose, Pump (Rear Section) lo Valve (Lower Tube) 37 130848 3 Hose, Pump (Three Center Seclions) lo Valve 38 122010 i Tube, Pressure 39 | 122119 | 1 | Tube, Pressure AR - As Required ## See Illust. 26 for parts breakdown. £ See I1lust. 27 for parts breakdown. w See Illust, 28 for parts breakdown. 91 Ref. No.| Part No. |Quan Description 40 122180 1 Tube, Pressure 41 122178 1 Tube, Pressure 42 122179 1 Tube, Pressure 43 400184 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4 Hex 44 452006 4 Washer, 5/16 Flal 45 345671 1 Clamp, Wiring 46 337185 1 Hose 47 443106 1 Nul, 5/16-18 Hex 48 443106 1 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex Hd 49 400266 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-1/2" 50 359870 1 Clamp, Motor Tube 51 359869 2 Liner, Tube Clamp 52 360139 1 Stud 53 453028 1 Washer, 1/4 Flat 54 122030 1 Tube, Return 55 122004 1 Tube, Return 56 | 352487 | 1 Decal, Hyd. Fluid 57 360058 1 Decal, Hyd. Fill 58 446142 2 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 59 | 443110 | 2 | Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 60 472201 1 Plug, 1/8*' Sq Hd Pipe 61 472207 1 Plug, 1/2” Sq Hd Pipe 62 359615 6 Clamp, Hose 63 502544 1 Head Assembly 64 444708 1 Nut, 1/4-20 Center Loc 65 502601 1 Cap/Dip Stick Assembly 66 549578 1 Filter Screen 67 337176 1 Tube, Suction Line (Front) 68 337650 1 Angle, Pump Support 59 452006 4 Washer, 3/8 70 ! 351096 1 Spring 71 323943 1 Washer 72 460046 1 Pin, 3/16 x 1/2 Colter ILLUSTRATION 13 REVERSING VALVE, MOTORS, HOSES, TUBES >, ar So? He 14-— A @ 92 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 13 ol Part No. ¡Quan Description 1 358944 1 Connector, Male 2 | 360008 | 1 | Elbow, 45 Male 3 350947 8 Connector, Male *4 | 130774 | 4 | Motor, Hyd. 5 336827 7 Gear, Driver 6 | 359855 | 8 | Connector, 37 Male Flare & O-Ring wy 130773 3 Motor, Hyd. 8 | 358949 | 3 | Elbow, Male - 37 Flare 9 | 155304 | 6 | Elbow, Male - 37 Flare & O-Ring 10 130861 2 Hose, R.H. & L.H. Front Motor Drain 11 342204 2 Tee, 3/8 Union 37° Flare 12 130858 1 Hose, Center Motor Drain 13 130862 1 Hose, L.H. Front Motor to Center Motor 14 130840 1 Hose, Center Motor to Rev. Valve 15 130841 1 Hose, Rev. Valve to R.H. Front Motor 16 130844 4 Hose, Rev. Valve to R.H. Outrigger & L.H. Wing Motors 17 130845 1 Hose, R.H. Front Motor to L.H. Front Motor 18 130846 1 Hose, L.H. Front Motor to Center Motor 19 130847 2 Hose, Rev. Valve to R.H. Wing Motor 20 130843 2 Hose, Rev. Valve to L.H. Qutrigger Motor 21 359867 2 Clamp, Pressure Tube 22 359869 14 Liner, Tube Clamp 23 122023 1 Tube, Motor Forward 24 122021 1 Tube, Motor Reverse 25 | 359870 5 Clamp, Motor Tube 26 326212 1 Spacer 27 400120 1 Screw, 1/4-20 x 2 1/2" Hex Hd Cap 28 453028 12 Washer, 1/4 Flat * See Illust. 24 for parts breakdown. "* See Illust. 25 for parts breakdown, 93 Po Part No. |Quan Description 29 444708 6 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex Center Lock 30 122032 2 Tube, Motor 31 400116 5 Screw, 1/4-20 x 1-1/2'' Hex Hd.Cap 32 122003 1 Tube, Motor Forward 33 122019 1 Tube, Molor Reverse 34 122012 1 Tube, Motor Forward 35 34567 1 3 Clamp, Wiring 36 400108 1 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4'' Hex Hd.Cap 37 446130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 38 443102 2 | Nut, 1/4-20 Hex 39 122006 1 Tube, Motor Reverse 40 345671 1 Clamp, Wiring 41 400112 1 | Screw, 1/4-20 x 1'' Hex Hd.Cap 42 122117 1 Tube, Motor Reverse 43 400184 2 Screw 5/16 -18 x 3/4" Hex Hd.Cap 44 453009 2 Washer, 5/16 Flat 45 446136 2 Lockwasher, 5/16 46 122026 1 Tube, Motor Forward 47 122024 1 Tube, Motor Reverse 48 | ‘122033 1 Tube, Motor Forward 49 122034 1 Tube, Motor Reverse 50 122116 1 Tube, Front Drain 51 353001 1 Clamp, Hyd.Lift Tube 52 122016 1 Tube, Rear Drain 53 | 359960 7 | Gasket, Hyd.Motor 54 | 473144 13 | Tie, Sta-Strap Hose 55 | 444708 1 | Nut, 1/4-20 Hex Center Loc 56 360140 1 Stud 57 360970 1 Clamp, 5/8 Open ILLUSTRATION 14 2 - Y N — YALVE COVER & LEVER ASSEMBLY +4 24 59 — i 53— 42 | 25 Dv GP 66 > \ Floor Board Hardware 54 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 14 E Part No. | Quan. Description No 1 152203 1 Valve Support Assem. 2 359793 2 Spacer, Valve Support 3 400614 4 Screw, 5/8-11 x 1-3/4"' Hex Hd Cap 4 453020 2 Washer, 5/8 5 446156 4 Lockwasher, 5/8 6 443126 4 Nut, 5/8-11 Hex 7 162472 1 Valve Inside Plate Assem. 8 400416 4 Screw, 1/2-13 x 2-1/2 Hex Hd Cap 9 446154 5 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 10 443118 5 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex 11 162471 1 Valve Outside Plale Assem. 12 446142 8 Lockwasher, 3/8 13 443110 B Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 14 446136 9 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 15 443106 8 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 16 131058 1 Shut-Off Lever Assem. 17 315282 2 Bushing, Shut-Off Lever 18 359813 1 Shaft, Valve Lever 19 359810 4 Spacer, Valve Lever 20 360015 1 Spring, Torsion 21 360826 5 Bar, Vaive Lever 22 444758 1 Nut, 1/2-13 Centerloc Hex 23 359829 5 Link, Colter Pin Connecting 24 162215 1 L.H. Cutrigger Hyd. Lever Assem, 25 162213 1 L.H. Wing Hyd. Lever Assem. 26 162212 1 Center Hyd, Lever Assem, 27 162210 1 R.H. Wing Hyd. Lever Assem. 28 131066 1 R.H. Outrigger Hyd. Lever Assem. 29 336830 5 Spring, Valve Lever 30 453011 5 Washer, 3/8 Flat 31 450014 5 Pin, 3/32 x 3/4" Cotter 32 452010 1 Washer, 1/2 Wrot 33 443102 2 Nut, 1/4-20 Hex Jam 34 337184 1 Bracket, Shut Off Stop 35 400260 4 Screw, 3/8-16 x 7/8 Hex Hd 36 453011 4 Washer, 3/8 37 445130 2 Lockwasher, 1/4 38 357958 1 Switch, Safety 39 402014 2 Screw, 6-32 x 1 Rd Hd 40 360012 1 Panel, Reversing Valve 41 400108 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4" Hex Hd Cap 42 360014 5 Handle, Reversing Valve 43 360021 5 Grip, Reversing Valve 44 443812 5 Nut, 3/8-24 Hex Jam 45 359785 5 Nut, Reversing Valve 46 447216 5 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy Int. Lock 47 122130 1 Valve Cover Assem. 48 400272 2 Screw, 3/8-16 x 2-1/4" 49 400400 1 Screw, 1/2-13 x 3/4 Hex Hd Cap AR - As Required 9 e Part No. | Quan. Description No. 50 453017 1 Washer, 1/2 Flal 51 390298 1 Plate, Lever 52 400184 3 Screw, 5/15-18 x 3/4 Hex Hd Cap 53 453009 3 Washer, 5/16 54 326731 5 Knob 55 350822 1 Knob 56 350141 1 Bracket, Cover 57 453009 2 Washer, 5/16 Flat 58 400188 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1 Hex Hd Mach 59 350050 1 Decal, Be Careful 60 360055 1 Decal, Reels Disengage 61 337218 1 Decal, Hyd. Valve Operating 62 359882 1 Decal, 3 Center Levers 63 359881 1 Decal, Outrigger Levers 54 359885 1 Decal, Reverse 65 336887 1 Decal, Danger 66 350005 1 Decal, Instruction 67 453009 АВ Washer, 5/16 Flat 68 453011 3 Washer, 3/8 Flat 69 445257 1 Nut, Push 70 328133 2 Bushing 71 443106 1 | Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 72 443106 4 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 73 453017 1 Washer, 1/2 Flat 74 461365 1 Pin, 1/8 x 1-3/4 Roll 75 131057 1 Rod, Lever 76 443818 1 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex Jam 77 446142 4 Lockwasher, 3/8 Hvy 78 443110 4 Nut, 3/8-16 Hex 79 360818 1 Plate, Adjusting 80 400184 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4 Hex Hd 81 453009 2 Washer, 5/16 Flal 82 446136 6 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy 83 443106 2 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 84 337219 1 Decal, Operating 85 337174 1 Bracket, Lever Plate 86 400184 1 Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4 Hex Hd 87 360868 1 Moulding, Valve Cover 88 337872 1 Decal, Jacobsen *J"' ILLUSTRATION 15 Pivol Stop Long End Ref. No, N > 0 M + D oO y >? 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 19, GEAR BOX PARTS LIST Part No. ¡Quan Description re Part No, | Quan Description 122120 1 Double Universal Joint 25 400194 4 | Screw, 5/16-18 х 1-3/4'' Hex Hd.Cap 400376 4 Screw, 7/16-20 x 1-3/4’' Hex Hd.Cap 26 400192 5 | Screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2'" Hex Hd.Cap 446148 4 Lockwasher, 7/16 Hvy. 27 446136 9 Lockwasher, 5/16 Hvy, 359865 2 | Pin, Dowel 28 | 360024 1 | Plug, 1/4 Hex Hd.Mag.Pipe 461409 1 Pin, 3/16 x 1-3/4 Roll Pin 29 472310 1 | Plug, 1/4 Hex Hd. Ct.Sk.Pipe 30 315267 1 Knob, Shifter 207439 1 Gear Housing 31 400410 2 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-3/4'' Hex Hd.Cap 336863 2 | Seal, Shifter Oil 32 446154 2 | Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy. 336959 1 Seal, Cil 33 444758 1 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex Center Loc 360637 5 Bearing, Ball 34 400408 1 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1/2 Hex Hd 337313 1 Shaft, Shifter 35 152278 1 Gear Shift Assem. 390350 1 Gear, Shift 36 400626 4 Screw, 5/8-11 x 3-1/2" 390211 1 Gear, Idler 37 446166 4 Lockwasher, 5/8 458021 2 Ring, Retaining 38 443126 4 | Nut, 5/8-11 Hex 130828 1 | Intermediate Gears & Shaft Assem. 39 | 130798 1 | Safety Shield Assem. 162473 1 Driver Gear & Shaft Assem. 40 400180 2 Screw, 5/16-18 x 1/2 Hex Hd.Cap 336833 | 1 | Shaft, Gear Shift 41 | 452004 | 2 | Washer, 5/16 162223 1 | Shifter 8 Hub Assem. 42 | 446136 | 2 | Lockwasher, 5/16 458440 2 | Ring, Retaining 43 | 360056 1 | Decal, Gear 465004 1 Ball, 1/4 Dia.Steel 44 360317 1 Bearing, Roller 315294 1 Spring, Shifter 154962 1 Plug, 7/16-20 UNF:/O-Ring 390206 1 Gasket, Crankshaft Gear Box 207438 1 Cover, Crankshaft Gear Box 351313 1 Vent, Air 96 ILLUSTRATION 16 WIRING DIAGRAM Safely Switches Starter/Solenoid | E er Clutch Hydraulic Reels Coil Battery Terminal = но Norm, Open Common Norm, Open attery a-17+40— +o}16 12 L LE Starter/Solenoid Safety Switches 34 32 10 E A Е Clutch Hydraulic Reels 1 — Battery Terminal uy + E оне ptiona N 12 13— Accessories\R! B = 10 DIESEL GASOLINE Janition Bitch As Fuse <« TRACTOR TRACTOR > i w= 1 . 1 TN AL e q (Viewed From Front) 30 28 Al 8 „Аи ti 1 \ Instrument Optional 5 Ignition Switch are Test Accessories AI 8 15 De TT gl =x Terminal Switch Ol! Press. ignition Switch ; Switch (Viewed From Front) ap 36, 23 batlery 33,35 21 14 » 3 A—8 fe 18—n | 2-7 Г Alternator/Regulator Connector 000 = ива 2 | O 47 Fuel Water Temp è O EZ 20 ue onnector 000 7 27 37 19 900) = 4 so 5 Tachometer EY 19 20 22 a с 1 Connector / “387 (3 | Hour Meter Water Tem p. Volt Meter 20 DE Fass Sender Fuel Level о | Sender | 27 = = # = - | Oil Pressure Sender Ref. Part | € Col Description Ref, Part : Color Description No. | No. | @| “O'ef No.| No. | & | Р * 1502792| 1 Wiring Harness (Inc. Ref. 1-15 & 28) 18 |346006| 1 | Black Wire, Ground To Alternator *" 1116535] 1 Wiring Harness (Inc, Ref, 1-15) 19 1131098 | 3 | Black Wire, Jumper a 1 Red Starter Bat. Term. Thru Fuse To 20 1131099 | 3 | Orange |Wire, Jumper Oil Pres, Switch 21-|131100| 1 | Orange |Wire, Jumper 1 1 jOrange | Ignition Switch To Connector 2 1 [Black Inst. Panel Gonnector To Ground 390321| 1 Harness (Inc. Ref. 22-27) 3 | |Lt. Blue | AIt.‘’R’’ Term. To Inst. Panel Connec- 29 1 |Purpie |Socket Position 8 To Water Temp tor - Tachometer ‘S Terminal 4 1 |Yellow | Oil Pres. Sender To Inst. Panel Con- 23 1 | White Socket Position 7 To Fuel Gauge nector - Oil Pres. Gauge “g' Terminal 5 1 {Purple Water Temp. Sender To Inst, Panel 24 1 | Yellow [Socket Position 9 To Oil Pressure Conneclor - Water Temp, Gauge “5 Terminal : 1 {White Fuel Level Sender To Inst. Panel 25 1 |Orange |Socket Position 1 To Voltmeter ““1'' Connector - Fuel Level Gauge Terminal 7 1 ¡Red Starter Bat. Terminal To Alternator 26 1 |Black [Socket Position 2 To Voltmeter *‘G"’ Bat. Terminal Terminal 8 1 |LL. Green| Diode Assem Connector To Alternator 27 1 |Lt. Blue (Socket Position 3 To Tachometer Connector Term. #1 ‘с’? Terminal : 1 [Orange A eto 28" 1 | Pink |Inst Test Switch to Oil Press Switch 10 1 |Red Starter Bat, Term. To Switch Connector = Ls : od arm Start-R 11 1 |Brown Starter Switch Terminal To Clutch 1 Switch) ВНЕ Safety Switch Connector : 12 1 [Brown Clutch Safety Switch Connector To = E]. Ë не со Te Ea Hyd. Reel Safety Switch ' E 13 1 |Brown |Hyd. Reel Safety Switch To Switch Con E: TANTA 14" 1 |Orange | Oil Pres, Switch to Inst, Panel Con, 3 47214 1 PH ar. ie Int 14°, 1 |Lt. Green| Switch Con. to Diode Assem, Con. = E 1 PEA A 15- | 1 |Lt, Green| Swilch Con. lo Diode Assem. Con, - Pl E E ICAA 19% 1 |Grey lgnition Switch to Coil 38 [163022 | 1 Black amber Wire Assam, 16 1131076} 1 |Red Cable, Pos. Bal. Term. To Solenoid | 5 : 17 1113119] 1 [Black Cable, Neg. Bat. Term. To Ground * - Diesel tractor only. ** - Gas tractor only, 97 ILLUSTRATION 17 HYDRAULIC FLOW CHART Left Outrigger Hyd. Motor Left Front Hyd. Motor Left Quirigger Cylinder Left Wing Hyd. Motor Hyd. Reservoir Hyd. Pump Left Front Cylinder Rear Center Cylinder Right Front Cylinder Hyd. Oil Filter Center Hyd, Motor Right Front Hyd. Motor Five Spool Slack Valve Reversi Front Right Outrigger Cylinder Right Outrigger Hyd. Motor Right Wing Hyd. Motor HYDRAULIC CYLINDER IDENTIFICATION AND SEAL KIT CHART Seal Kit Jacobsen No. Hydraulic Cylinder Jacobsen No. Columbus Cessna 130794 126875 126876 337631 337632 111235 500799 500798 500798 500798 500798 500334 Important: When ordering Seal Kits for cylinders, both cylinder part number and make (Cessna or Col- umbus) must be specified. See charts below for proper identification of cylinder. 130794 126875 - 1126876 337631 337632 COLUMBUS 98 ILLUSTRATION 18 DROP CASE AND PROPELLER SHAFT ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST Кое Part No. | Quan Description ih Part No. dis Description 1 | 205314 | 4 | Housing, Chain Case Rear 21 | 471729 | 1 | Elbow - 3/8-90 Streel 2 | 590101 1 | Nut - Transmission Shaft 22 | 357713 | 2 | Bearing 3 446154 4 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy. 23 130357 1 Sprocket & Sleeve Assembly 4 336106 1 Sprocket - Upper 24" | 121785 1 | Joint and Shaft Assembly E | 357735 | 1 | Chain - Drive (Incl. Link Ref. 6) 25 | 112835 | 2 | “U”' - Bolt Assembly et | 319297 4 Link - Connecting 26 471219 1 Fitting, 1/8-27 Grease 7 3577 46 1 Spacer, - Transmission Shafl 27 500562 2 | Journal Cross & Bearing Assembly 8 | 336091 1 | Gasket - Drop Case 28 | 545984 1 | Flange Yoke 9 473058 AR | Wire - Lock 29 545985 1 | Flange Yoke 10 257827 4 | Screw 30 502523 1 | Shaft Assembiy 11 446142 | 15 | Lockwasher - 3/8 Hvy. 31 590142 4 | Bolt, 3/8-24 x 1 Hex 12 | 205313 1 | Housing - Chain Case - Front 32 | 446140 4 | Lockwasher, 3/8 Med 13 | 336101 2 | Gasket - Cross Plate 33 | 443112 4 | Nut, 3/8-24 Hex 14 | 459009 1 | O-Ring, Transmission Shaft 34 | 312746 4 | washer, 1/2 Flat 15 357781 1 Adapter - Transmission Oil Seal 16 319188 1 Seal - Transmission Shaft 17 336090 2 Seal - Grease 18 400266 15 Screw - 3/8-16 x 1-1/2 Hex Hd.Cap 19 443110 15 Nut - 3/8-16 Hex 20 472205 2 Plug - 3/8 Sq.Hd. Pipe AR - As Required * - Incl, Ref, 27 through 33 # - For service of Cotler Pin order Nu, babe 99 ILLUSTRATION 19 AB 14 9 19 —36 20 PARTS LIST de, Part No. |Quan Description Had Part No, ¡Quan Description 1 | 4900-11 1 Support Weld Assembly “23 | 549424 1 Shock Absorber *2 | 502497 1 Plain Arm Complete Assembly *24 | 549425 1 Spring *3 | 502498 1 | Notched Arm Complete Assembly “25 | 549426 1 Spring Rocker 4 4911C 1 U-Post 26 | 643 2 Grease Filting *5 | 342104 1 Mounting Bar 27 | 636 2 Rubber Washer, 3/8 ID x 3/4 OD x 3/32 6 | 4900-18C | 1 Shock & Spring Assembly ‘28 | 116405 1 Bucket Seat (Incl Ref 33-40) 7 | 1800-122 | 1 Plain Arm Weld Assembly *29 | 400406 4 Screw, 1/2-13 x 1-1/4 Hex Hd.Cap 8 | 4900-15C| 1 Notched Weld Assembly "30 | 453009 5 Washer, 5/16 Flat 9 430-P 4 Capscrew, 3/8-24 x 1-1/8 UNF *31 | 446154 4 Lockwasher, 1/2 Hvy 10 | 446 4 External Lockwasher, 3/8 *32 | 443118 4 Nut, 1/2-13 Hex *11 549427 4 Ball Bearing *33 | 446178 1 Lockwasher, 3/4 Hex 12 | 482 8 Lock Ми! Gripo 3/8-24 UNF "34 | 443830 1 Nul, 3/4-10 Hvy. 13 TALA 2 Hex Hd Bolt 3/8-24 x 7-9/16 UNF * "35 | 4903-3 1 Shell Assembly 14 | 630 4 Internal Lockwasher, 3/8 *36 | 502500 1 Back Rest Assembly 15 | 432 2 Tube +37 | 502501 1 Seal Cushion Assembly 16 | 1714 2 Capscrew, 1/2-13 x 1-1/2 UNC * 38 | 400184 5 Screw, 5/16-18 x 3/4"' Нех На. Сар 17 1529 2 Lockwasher, Kantlink 1/2 *39 | 400108 2 Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4" Hex Hd. Cap 18 | 494 2 Hex Nut, 1/2-13 UNC “40 | 453023 7 Washer, 1/4 SAE Flat 19 | 4109 1 Nolch Arm Tension Spring “41 | 341405 1 Decal, Patent 20 | 635 2 Washer, Carburized .402 ID x .640 *21 | 502499 1 Clevis Weld Assembly *22 | 549423 1 Cup NOTE: Order parts from Knoedler Mig. Co., Streator, Ill. Parts noted with an asterisk(*)available only from Jacobsen Division of Textron Inc, SEAT ASSEMBLY Parts noted with double asterisk (**) available only from H.O. Bostrom Co., Milwaukee, Wi. 60 ILLUSTRATION 20 SERVICE BRAKE ASSEMBLY Ye “Ще PARTS LIST Ref. | Jacobsen | R.H, | L.H dus No, | Part No. |Quan.|Quan. Description 116401 1 Brake Assembly Complete 116400 1 1 és 1 Shoe & Lining Assembly Primary — 1 2 wh 1 Shoe & Lining Assembly Secondary = 1 3 549061 2 2 Spring, Shoe Hold Down 4 | 546655 2 2 Pin, Shoe Hold Down 5 — 1 Backing, Plate & Bushing Assembly hs 1 6 549062 1 1 Spring, Shoe to Shoe 7 546656 2 Connecting Link, Wheel Cylinder 8 502525 1 Wheel Cylinder, 1-1/16 Dia. 502524 1 9 501330 2 2 Screw & Lockwasher Assembly 10 549063 1 1 Spring, Shoe to Shoe 11 549064 1 Pivot Screw 549065 1 12 549066 1 Adjusting Screw 549067 1 13 546657 1 1 Lever, Auto Adjusting 14 549068 1 Spring, Auto Adjusting 549069 1 15 502399 1 Lever Cable 8: Cam Assem Complete (Incl. Ref, 16 4 17) 502400 1 16 — 1 1 Cable & Fitting Assembly 17 — 1 1 Spring, Over Travel 18 546658 1 1 Pin, Adjusting Lever 19 546659 1 1 Cable, Guide 20 549071 1 1 Bolt, Anchor 21 546660 1 1 Washer, Parking Brake 22 549070 1 1 Spring, Anti-Ratile - Cam & Lever 23 54666 1 1 Lever, Parking Brake 546662 1 24 551429 1 Cam Plate, Parking Brake Lever 551430 1 25 546665 1 1 Bushing, Anchor Post 26 590244 1 1 Nut, 1/4-28 Parking Brake Lever 27 — 1 1 Cover, Adjusting Hole SPECIAL SERVICE ITEMS Jacobsen Part No.| Quan. Description 501329 1 Package, Lined Shoe Assem (Axle Set) 501331 1 Wheel Cylinder Repair Kit (One Cyl.) 61 ILLUSTRATION 21 STEERING GEAR ASSEMBLY PARTS LIST Ref. | Jacobsen | Saginaw | = na Ref.| Jacobsen | Saginaw | < a No. | Part No. Part No. ë NESSIE No. | Part No. Part No. 3 Beseription 1 443820 114496 1 Nut, 1/2-20 Hex Jam 15 502646 7835309 | 1 Steering Gear Hsg Assem 2 453017 265079 1 Washer, 1/2 Flat (Incl Ref No, 8 & 19) 3 545820 264832 1 Spring, Upper Bearing 16 443836 5667628 | 1 Nut, 7/8-14 Hex Jam 4 | 545821 | 264831 |1 | Seat, Upper Bearing Spring 17 | 446170 | 5607702 | 1 | Lockwasher, 7/8 Med 5 500686 5691182 | 1 Bearing Assembly 18 545822 7801626 | 1 Seal, Grease 6 545827 5666699 | 1 Nut, Adjuster Lock 19 545815 266316 2 Bushing, Pitman Shaft 7 500699 5672103 | 1 Adjuster Assembly (incl 20 545823 | 7812878 |1 Pitman Shaft & Gear Ref No. 8) 21 545816 | 7802482 | 1 Lash, Adjuster 8 500685 2 Bearing & Race Assem 22 545819 605142 1 Shim Kit, Lash Adjuster 9 500193 7813831 | 1 Ball, Nut & Steering 23 545818 5666734 | 1 Gasket, Side Cover Assembly 24 — 7819678 |1 | Bushing, Cover 10 545242 5692454 | 1 Jacket, Steering Column 25 500687 7802483 |1 Cover Assembly 11 | 400234 | 181347 |1 | Bolt, 5/16-24 x 2 Hex 26 | 443816 | 114495 |1 | Nut, 7/16-20 Hex Jam 12 | 545817 | 262545 |1 | Clamp, Jacket 27 — 7807009 |3 | Bolt, 3/8-16 x 3/4 Hex 13 446134 103320 1 Lockwasher, 5/16 Med Washer Hd 14 443108 103025 1 Nut, 5/16-24 Hex Saginaw parts can be serviced under Saginaw Part Nos by GMC and Chevrolet dealers. 62 ILLUSTRATION 22 MASTER CYLINDER ASSEMBLY \ | No. 119292 (WAGNER No. FE-1050-L) Cad 2 \ 9 — Y =m |) PARTS LIST Ref. No. Part No. Quan. Description Ref. No. Part No. Quan. Description 1 FC-14423 1 Valve & Valve Seat 8 FC-5918 1 Push Rod Assembly 2 FC-5908 1 Spring & Spring Retainer 9 FC-18299 1 Filler Cap Assembly 3 F D-4504 1 Cup 10 FC-5922 1 Gasket 4 FC-5910 1 Piston Assembly 11 FC-5375 1 Kit, Repair Master 5 FC-5916 1 Piston Stop Plate Cyl. (Incl. Ref. 1, 3, 6 FC-5917 1 Lockwire 4, 6, and 7) 7 FC-5921 1 Boot NOTE: Order parts from Wagner Electric Corporation, 6400 Plymouth Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. 63133 63 ILLUSTRATION 23 DRIVE AXLE ASSEMBLY 64 PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 23 ke Part No. | Quan, Description o. - 1 357726 16 Nut, Lock 2 550332 2 Shaft, Axle 3 353851 2 Gasket. Drive Axle 4 362082 2 Lockwasher, Axle Nut 5 362081 4 Nut, Axle 6 353852 16 Washer, Cone 7 353850 16 Stud, Axle Mounting 8 502833 2 Cup & Cone Roller Bearing Assem (Outer) 9 362502 8 Bolt, Brake Mounting 10 122311 2 Hub & Drum Assembly (Inc! Ref. Nos. 7,8, 11, 13 & 16) 11 502834 2 Cup & Cone Roller Bearing Assem (Inner) 12 362503 8 Nut, Brake Mounting 13 337567 2 Seal, Oil 14" — 1 Gear Housing Assembly 15 311655 1 Breather 16 550331 16 Bolt, 5/8-18 Wheel Mounting 7 590107 2 Washer, Thrust 18 545736 2 Gear, Bevel - Side 19 545741 2 . Gear, Bevel - Mate 20 590108 2 Washer, Thrust 21 545742 1 Shaft, Pinion Male 22 545759 1 Cover, Gear Housing 23 545734 1 Clip, Brake Line 24 545760 1 Plug. Filler - Non Maanelic 25 590110 4 Screw, Diff Brg Cap 20” == 2 Cap, Diff Brg 27 500646 2 Set, Cup & Cone Diff Brag 29 545752 AR Shim, Diff Adj 0.003 Thk 545753 AR Shim, Diff Adj 0.005 Thk 545754 AR Shim, Diff Adj 0.010 Thk 545755 AR Shim, Diff Adj 0.030 Thk 30 590106 12 Screw, Drive Gear Mtg 31 545735 1 Case, Differential 32 590109 1 Pin, Shaft Locking 33 545739 10 Screw, Cover Mtg 34 546654 1 Gasket, Gear Hsg Cover 35 502454 1 Ring Gear & Pinion Assem 6.17 to 1 36 545507 1 Oil Slinger, Pinion 37 500647 1 Set, Cup & Cone Inner Pinion Brg 39 545745 AR Shim, Inner Pinion Brg Adj 0.003 Thk 545746 AR Shim, inner Pinion Brg Adj 0,005 Thk 545747 AR Shim, Inner Pinion Brg Adj 0.010 Thk 40 545763 1 Baffle, Oil 41 545748 AR Shim, Outer Pinion Brg Adj 0,003 Thk 545749 AR Shim, Outer Pinion Brg Adj 0.005 Thk 545750 AR Shim, Outer Pinion Brg Adj 0.010 Thk 545751 AR Shim, Outer Pinion Brg Adj 0,030 Thk 42 500648 1 Set, Cup & Cone Outer Pinion Bearing 44 545743 1 Qil Slinger, Pinion 46 545756 1 Qil Seal, Pinion 47 545762 1 Shield, Dust 48 549392 1 Yoke, Univ, Joint 49 590111 1 Washer, Yoke 50 590112 1 Nut, Yoke Mtg 51 471733 1 Elbow, 3/4 Street * Nat Serviced. ** Nol Serviced Separately, 65 ILLUSTRATION 24 HYDRAULIC REEL DRIVE MOTOR - PART NO. 130774 Fl Part No. | Quan Description 1 400268 4 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd Cap 2 590271 4 Washer 3 549516 1 Square Cul Ring 4 549517 1 Thrust Plate 5 549518 1 Wear Plate 6 549519 1 Pressure Loading Seal 7 549520 2 Dowel Pin 8 549521 1 Retainer 9 549522 1 Shaft Seal 10 463009 1 Woodruff Key 11 549523 2 Snap Ring 12 502577 1 Cover Assem, Rear Port 13 549524 1 Driven Gear 14 549526 1 Drive Gear 15 502578 1 Body Assembly 16 549528 2 Ball Bearing 17 472311 1 Pipe Plug 502580 1 Seal Kit (Incl. 3, 6, 9, 10 4 11) 66 ILLUSTRATION 25 HYDRAULIC REEL DRIVE MOTOR - PART NO. 130773 Ref. No. Part No. | Quan Description 1 400268 4 Screw, 3/8-16 x 1-3/4 Hex Hd Cap 2 590271 4 Washer 3 549516 1 Square Cul Ring 4 549517 1 Thrust Plate 5 549518 1 Wear Plate 6 549519 1 Pressure Loading Seal 7 549520 2 Dowel Pin 8 549521 1 Retainer 9 549522 1 Shaft Seal 10 463009 1 Woodruff Key 11 549523 2 Snap Ring 12 502576 1 Cover Assem Side Port 13 549525 1 Driven Gear 14 549527 1 Drive Gear 15 502579 1 Body Assembly 502580 1 Seal Kit (Incl. 3, 6, 9, 10 & 11) 67 ILLUSTRATION 26 GEAR PUMP ASSEMBLY - PART NO. 122328 Ref.No.| Part No. | Quan. Description 122328 1 Gear Pump Assembly 1 502585 1 Body Assem (Incl. Ref. No. 22) 2 502586 1 Bearing Plate Assem 3 502584 1 Cover Assem 4 549531 1 Gear Shaft, Drive 5 502587 1 Drive Shaft & Gear Assem 6 549532 4 Gear, Drive 7 549533 1 Plate, Gear 8 549530 2 Pin, Dowel 9 549534 5 Plate, Wear 10 549535 5 Plate, Wear 11 549536 10 Seal, Pre-load 12 549537 10 Seal, Load 13 549538 10 Seal, Ring 14 549539 3 Gear Shaft, Drive 15 502583 8 Stud & Nut Assem 16 590272 8 Washer 17 549540 4 Plate, Gear 18 549529 8 Pin, Dowel 19 549541 1 Gear, Idler 20 502588 1 Plate, Assem 21 502589 1 Plate Assem 22 549542 1 Seal, Oil 23 502859 1 Plate Assembly 24 549543 8 Sleeve, Plastic 68 ILLUSTRATION 27 5 SPOOL STACK VALVE - PART NO. 121979 24 16.17 Ed. À 10 EA A << и 12 A * CA 1 | NY Ud Sag” 26 O n—4 Es 32 — -© 0 11—6 a 33—— ou Part No. | Quan Description or Part No. | Quan. Description 1 502596 1 Valve Section (Incl. Ref.Nos:11-41) 22 549556 1 Spring Comp 2 502593 4 Valve Section (Incl .Ref.Nos,i1A -41) 23 549557 1 Plug 3 535063 1 Outlet Section 24 549558 1 Poppet Relief 4 535064 1 Plate Cover 25 535062 1 Housing 5 549572 3 Stud 26 549559 2 Collar, -Stop 6 447216 6 Washer 27 549560 1 Cap, ‘Spring Return 7 443110 6 Nut 28 54956 1 1 Seat 8 549573 12 | Seal Ring, Sq. Cut 29 549562 1 Spool 9 54957 4 18 | Shim Valve 30 549563 1 Seat 10 549575 2 Cap 31 502594 1 Poppet, Guide 11 | See Ref. 1 1 Body 32 549564 2 Disc 11A | See Ref. 2 4 Body 33 590275 4 Screw 12 |See Ref. 1or2| 1 Spool 34 590276 1 Washer 13 549550 2 Pin, «Roll 35 549565 1 Ring 14 549548 3 Ball 36 549566 1 “0” Ring 15 549551 1 Plug 37 549567 2 “*0'" Ring 16 590273 2 Washer as 549568 2 “O” Ring 17 590274 3 Washer 39 549569 2 ‘О’ Ring 18 549552 1 Plug 40 549570 1 ‘“O'' Ring 19 549553 1 Spring Comp 41 549571 1 ““O'' Ring 20 549554 1 Spring Comp 502595 1 ‘O’* Ring Kit (Incl. Ref. Nos. 21 549555 3 Spring Comp 36-41) NOTE Rel. 13-41 Including O-Ring Kit Listed Quantities For (1) Seclion. 69 REVERSING VALVE, PART NO. 116461 ILLUSTRATION 28 per Part No. | Quan. Description No. Te 1 Body 2" 1 Spool 3 549548 1 Ball 4 549549 1 Spring - Comp. 5 444744 2 Nut 6 549547 1 Plug 7 453011 2 Washer 8 549546 2 O - Ring 9 549569 1 О - Ring 10 549545 4 Stud 11 535061 1 Cover 12 535060 1 Cover 13 447214 8 Lockwasher 14 443106 8 Nut, 5/16-18 Hex 15 549544 6 Seal, Ring, Sq Cut 16 549574 24 Shim A 502591 5 Valve Section (Incl. Ref. 1 thru 9) * Nol Serviced, See Ref ‚ “A'' For Complete Section. 70 ILLUSTRATION 29 FAIRWAY MOWER ACCESSORY AND GRASS DEFLECTORS FOR HYDRAULIC REEL MOWERS Add 78233 (2 GANG) to 78237 (5 GANG) to Make 7 Gang Arrangement Description PARTS LIST Part No. Description я No, No. Gang | Gang y No. Fark MO Gang |Gang 1 154210 5 2 Arm-Spring 10 325573 5 2 2 | 344094 10 4 Spring 11 452008 5 2 a 400274 a 2 Screw - 3/8-16 x 2-1/2 12 126113 2 Hex Head Cap 4 443110 5 2 Nut - 3/8-16 Hex 13 126114 3 5 | 319755 10 4 Washer - Special Spring MONO 14 | 343657 | 5 | 2 6 327970 10 4 Spacer - Spring Mounting 15 460316 10 4 8 400266 5 zZ Screw - 3/8-16 x 1-1/2 17 131097 2 Hex Head Cap 9 | 444762 5 2 Nul - 3/8-16 Hex Gripco Cenlerlock Chain - Mower Lift Washer - Chain to Mower Wing Mower - Grass Shield Assembly Rear Center, L.H, Outrigger, L.H. Front Grass Shield Assem. Pin, Stop Hair Pin Cotter Pin - Chain to Frame R,H. Front, R.H. Outrigger 11 ILLUSTRATION 30 NEW PROCESS 435 TRANSMISSION - PART NO. | 16557 See Illustration 4 For Part Numbers PARTS LIST-ILLUSTRATION 30 New : ug NE Ti s Descrintion umber a 1 190128 35067 3-5 4 |Screw, D/G Retainer 2 |95724 C4TZ7050A 1 (Retainer, D/G Bearing 3 195717 C4TZ7051A 2 |Gasket, D/G Retainer 4 [95827 CAT Z7048A 1 Oil Seal, D/S Retainer 5 [61531 20328-58 6 |Screw, PTO, 3/8-16 x 5/8 6 34807-58 5 Lockwasher, PTO, 3/8 7 135662 BB-7165 1 Cover, PTO 8 [2654812 | BOT T-7166C 1 Sealer, PTO 9 195711 CAT Z7006A 1 |Case 10 1444592 |374506-5 1 Plug, Drain 11 [444592 |358048-5 1 |Plug, Filler 12 195709 |C4TZ7118A 1 [Bearing 13 188102 CATZ7140A 1 |Shaft, Idler Gear 14 |99531 DOTZ7141A 1 |Gear, Idler 15 161531 20328-58 1 |Screw, Rev, Idler Plate, 3/8-16 x 5/8 16 34807-58 1 Lockwasher, 3/8 17 188091 CA4TZ7155A 1 Plate, Rev. Idler Gear 18 [61527 120348-58 4 |Screw & Lockwasher,C/S Rear Retainer, 3/8-16 x 3/4 19 31-807 -58 4 |¡Lockwasher, 3/8 20 | 95734 C4TZ7195A 1 |Retainer, C/S Rear Bearing 21 195736 |C4TZ71B1A 1 |Gasket, C/S Rear Bearing Retainer 22 |95726 |CATZ7176A 1 |Gear, M/S 2nd Speed 23 192317 |C4TZ7161A 1 |Snap Ring 24 |91726 |B7T-7109A 1 |SplitRing,M/S 2nd Speed Gear 25 113528 1 |Gear, M/S 3rd Speed 26 |91241A |B7T-7160A or B| AR| Shim, Synchro, Adjusting or B 27 111334 (ID3TZ7107A 1 |Ring, Outer Stop (3-4) 28 [99828 /B7T-7174B 2 |Ring, 3rd & 4th Inner Stop 29 196829 |C4TZ7183B 1 |Gear, Synchro Clutch 30 197562 |B7T-7187A 1 |Sliding Clutch, Synchro. 31 111334 (!D3TZ7107A 1 (Ring, Outer 32 | 96828 C4T Z7C096A 1 | Thrust, Bearing 33 [95703 |¡C4TZ7059A 1 |Ring, Pilot Brg. Roller Rel 34 | 95702 C4TA7A0SSA 1 |Washer, Pilot Brg 35 (91233 B7T7118A 14 | Roller, Pilot Brg. 36 | 957723 CATZ7017A 1 |Gear, M/D 37 |79783 C4TZ7025A 1 |Cone, D/G Bearing 38 179784 |CATZ7C236A 1 |Cup, Bearing 39 195713 CATZ7119A 1 {Thrust Washer 40 192712 C4T Z7065A 1 Bearing & Ring 41 | 96187 C4T Z7072A 1 |Spacer, Low Speed Gear 42 195947 CST Z7061H 1 ¡Mainshaft 43 |95732 |C4TZ7100K 1 {Gear, M/5 Low Speed 44 C5TZ-7TEOB2A | 2 {Spring 45 | 95752 1 |Assem, Synchro. 2nd Speed Rear ih Prices Ford a Description * | Number Number o 46 | 95729 C4TZ7C395A 1 |Spring, Synchro. 47 | 95716 CA4ATZ7119B 1 |Race, C/S Rear Brg. Thrust 48 | 95714 CAT Z7D283A 1 |Bearing, C/S Rear Thrust 49 | 94381 CATZ7127A 1 |Bearing, C/S Rear 50 | 13527 1 |Gear, Cluster 51*| 93443 B8T-7242A 1 | Boot, Shift Lever 52*| 93446 | B8T-7220A 1 |Cap, Case Cover 53" | 93444 B81-7228A 1 |Seat, Shifl Lever 54* | 93448 |B8T-7227A 1 |Spring 55 | 97518 D2TZ7221A 2 |Trunnion, Case Cover 56 | 97233 D2T Z7222D 1 |Cover, Transmission 57 | 142656 |74113-5 3 | Plug, Shift Rail Hole 58 | 91739 370285-5 2 |Bolt, Case Cover, 3/8-16 x 1-1/4 59 (6023050 2 | Washer 60 [61527 6 [Screw & Lockwasher 61 | 95746 CAT Z7223A 1 |Gasket 62 |96968 D4TZ7289D 1 | 1st & 2nd Speed Shift Fork 63 |91386 CATZ7235A 1 | Pin 64 | 95739 C4T Z7279A 1 |Gate - 2nd & Low Shift 65 [89791 TYAA7234A 1 |Spring, Poppet Ball 66 | 147500 1 |Ball, Poppet 67 | 95742 C4TZ7240A 1 |Rail, 1st & 2nd 68 | 35660 C4T Z7247A 2 |Plunger, Rail Interlock 69 | 88397 TYAA7235A 1 | Pin, Interlock 70 | 91386 C4TZ7235A 1 | Pin 71 | 96969 D2TZ7C430A 2 | Fork Shoe 72 |89791 TYAA7234A 2 |Spring, Rev. Shifter Plunger 73 | 147500 2 | Ball 74 | 91386 CAT Z7235A 1 | Pin, Interlock 75 | 95747 C4TZ7289B 1 |3rd & 4th Speed Fork 76 | 93549 C2TZ7C430A 2 | Fork Shoe 77 | 97238 C7T Z7242A 1 |Reverse Shifter Shaf! 78 |91386 CAT Z7235A 1 | Pin 79 |35806 3569575 1 |Retaining Clip 80 |94021 C4TZ7232A 1 | Gale, Reverse Shift 81 |38876 7EQ7219 1 ¡Spring 82 |89923 CIT Z-7247A 1 |Plunger, Reverse Gear 83 |91386 CAT Z-7235A 1 |Pin 84 |95738 CAT Z7243A 1 | Fork, Reverse Shift 85 |95743 C4aT Z7241B 1 | Rail, 3rd & Direct 86 [9421743 1 | Plug, Rail Interlock Hole * For service of Shift Lever Inslallation Kit, order Jacobsen Part No. 162469. 13 NOTES 14 LUBRICATION RECORDS Hours Used Oil Change Lubrication Remarks ADJUSTMENT RECORDS 75 COPYRIGHT © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED JACOBSEN 24; Jacobsen Division of Textron Inc Litho in U.S.A. 784 Part No, 362166 ">

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