Ransomes 62261, 62262, 62263, 62264, 62265 Greens King 500 Series Service Manual
SERVICE & REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS GREENS KING® SERIES 500 Product No. 62262,18" — 518 62261,22" — 522 62263,26" — 526 62264,26" — 526 Tee & Collar 62265,22" — 522 Dimpled Roller Use the registration card at the back of this illustration. Includes Attachments and Product Options Copyright 1997 Jacobsen Div. of Textron Inc. “All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce Litho in U.S.A. 6/97 this material or portions thereof in any form.” Suggested Retail Price WARNING: If incorrectly used this machine can cause severe injury. Those who $40.00 use and maintain the machine should be trained in its proper use, warned of its dangers and should read the entire manual before attempting to set up, operate, adjust or service the machine. PT-SRI-GK500 INTRODUCTION CONTROLS ENGINE DRIVE TRAIN BRAKE SYSTEM STEERING WHEELS & TIRES HYDRAULICS CHASSIS ELECTRICAL SYSTEM PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ATTACHMENTS OPTIONS MISCELLANEOUS mh с N —b Вы 1A. SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION General Information RER EEE EEE EEE PEER EEE EEE 1A-1 CONtENtS ………..…..…......………erserensraverrravensansannersesanvenseu seen a eee nenoacarrenámeneenncoreneneenecan neon. 1A-1 REGiStrAtioN.…….…....…..….…isrvsrcancanmententene ne 1A-1 Index Numbers.................eeecccccorerreeneerneeeeceeeenean ren eeeueceeerenenrnenanennereanen nero cence. 1A-1 Replacement PArtS ………..….….………emsenmenenenççnnçnnennnnnnnnnneñnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnnnnn 1A-1 Serial Numbers ................eerececconcconenirecrnoneeccenane eo anennecenrancener ener encecan eee recanenan conce. 1A-2 General Cleaning ...............—.......eemreeicen een eee ennnnecUn e cenereoeeccecereceneeceeecene. 1A-2 CL LLL 1A-2 Torque Values...................eieererer errar rene ceoeeneecerrae e eerneenenecenenarenecenerenencerne.. 1A-2 Torque Specifications .….….…..….senenenmnennnnüennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnns 1A-3 Standard SAE Grade 5 Screws ................ee2eseecceee0enener reee ce ene rene eee 1A-3 Metric ...................ieerarcconccerecereneeoneaveeneveneeerareeenacenencavareenarvnenenteanaceceneoreacenreeorenene 1A-3 INTRODUCTION SECTION 1A. GENERAL INFORMATION CONTENTS This manual contains repair instructions for major trac- tor components, attachments and options. The Table of Contents at the start of each section lists contents of that section. Sections are identified by tabs in the right hand margin. This manual is to be used in conjunction with the Operator's Manual and Parts Catalog. Normal maintenance, adjustment, and operating proce- dures are also covered in the user Operator's Manual and are only included where appropriate in this Service and Repair Manual. Engine repair is not covered in this magual. Refer to the appropriate engine manufacturer's instructions for engine service and repair. This manual includes all removal, disassembly, inspec- tion, repair, reassembly, installation, adjustment, and testing procedures. If you, as user of this machine, do not consider yourself or your repair facilities capable of a given procedure, please consult your distributor. Information, specifications, illustrations, and procedures in this manual are based on information in effect at the time this manual was published. Improvements and product changes due to continual advancements of the product design may cause changes to your product that may not be included in this manual. Each manual is reviewed and updated as required to include changes and product improvements. Read each section completely before proceeding with specific repairs in that section. You will minimize errors by understanding what you will be doing and how the component relates to others in its system. Lists of repair tools and materials for each section of the manu- al are given at the start of that section. The designations L.H. (left hand) and В.Н. (right hand) used throughout this manual refer to the operator's left or right when standing in the normal operating position. REGISTRATION A registration card is provided in the back of this manu- al (bottom portion of page). Fill out the card, remove and mail immediately upon opening the manual for the first time. The registration entitles you to receive manual updated for a period of two years. Updates are sent free of charge. 1A-1 NOTE Only the original registration card will be accept- ed. Photo copies, cards from other manuals, sug- gestion cards, or any facsimile are not acceptable and will not constitute a registration. INDEX NUMBERS llustrations showing removal, disassembly, reassembly and installation may have index numbers to call out the sequence of procedure. Where the sequence of procedure is not important or self-evident (eg. linkages, hoses, clamps, etc.) index numbers are not included. Repair procedures for items not subject to wear (eg. panels, brackets, frames) are not included in this man- ual except for the general procedures given below. Exercise common sense during disassembly or reassembly; remove only the items required to accom- plish necessary repair or service. REPLACEMENT PARTS Use the appropriate Parts Catalog when ordering re- placement parts. Follow installation instructions shipped with service parts or kits. When ordering parts, always give the serial number and product number of your machine as well as quantity, part number and description of the parts needed. To eliminate error and speed delivery: 1. Write your NAME and ADDRESS on your order plainly. . Explain WHERE and HOW to make shipment. . Give PRODUCT NUMBER, NAME, and SERIAL NUMBER that is stamped on the NAME and SERI- AL PLATE of your product. . Order by QUANTITY DESIRED, the PART NUM- BER and the DESCRIPTION OF PART. . Send your order to or visit your nearest AUTH- ORIZED JACOBSEN TURF EQUIPMENT DIS- TRIBUTOR. . INSPECT ALL SHIPMENTS ON RECEIPT. If any parts are damaged or missing, file a claim with the carrier before accepting. . Do not return material to your AUTHORIZED JACOBSEN DISTRIBUTOR without a letter of explanation. Make a list of all returned parts, show your name and address, and include it with the shipment. TRANSPORTATION CHARGES MUST BE PREPAID. INTRODUCTION SECTION 1A. GENERAL INFORMATION SERIAL NUMBERS See Figure 1A-1 for location of serial number. Figure 1A-1. Serial Number Location GENERAL CLEANING Improper cleaning and lubrication of your machine results in many equipment failures. Before any repairs are undertaken, thoroughly clean the exterior of the component to be removed. Use a clean surface to lay out parts being removed. Keep lubricants clean and cover containers not being used. Plug or cap all hydraulic lines and ports to hydraulic components immediately after disconnect- ing. SAFETY Safety should always be the rule when working on or with machinery. Always use safe practices and com- mon sense when using hand or power tools. Use the suggested procedures in this manual when working with the tractor. Throughout this manual signal words will be used to highlight special procedures. The signal words and their meaning are as follows: NOTE Any procedure needing special care when per- forming a procedure. A CAUTION Hazards or unsafe practices which could result in personal injury or product or property damage. A WARNING 1A-2 Hazards or unsafe practices which could result in severe personal injury or death. A DANGER Imminent hazards which will result in severe per- sonal injury or death if precautions are not taken. Decals on the machine denote cautions, warnings, and dangers. These cautions, warnings, and danger decals must be on the machine at all times. If they become worn, torn or painted over, new decals should be installed as shown in Section 14 of this manual. A CAUTION Disconnect leads of ignition system before elec- tric welding is done on components in common ground with engine. —Á DANGER This machine is equipped with an interlock sys- tem which is intended to protect the operator and others from injury, by preventing the engine from starting, unless the drive lever is in the “Off” position. This machine must never be operated with the interlock system disconnected or mal- functioning. TORQUE VALUES Torque values are given in the following “Torque. Specification Chart”. Special torque values are called out on illustrations and text throughout this manual. INTRODUCTION SECTION 1A. GENERAL INFORMATION TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD SAE GRADE #5 SCREWS Size Torque Values Size Torque Values 8-32 27-33 in-Ibs. (3-4 N.m) %-13 67-83 ft-lbs. (90-113 N.m) 8-36 28-34 in-Ibs. (3-4 N.m) 7-20 81-99 ft-Ibs.(110-134 N.m) 10-24 39-47 in-Ibs. (4-5 N.m) 76-12 09-121 ft-lbs. (134-164 N.m) 10-32 44-54 in-Ibs. (5-6 N.m) 76-18 108-132 ft-Ibs. (146-179 N.m) 7-20 7-9 ft-Ibs. (9-12 N.m) 4-11 135-165 ft-Ibs. (183-223 N.m) 7-28 9-11 ft-Ibs. (12-15 N.m) %-18 162-198 ft-lbs. (220-268 N.m) 16-18 15-18 ft-Ibs. (20-24 N.m) 7-10 234-286 ft-Ibs. (317-388 N.m) 46-24 17-21 ft-lbs. (23-28 N.m) %-16 270-330 ft-lbs. (366-447 N.m) %-16 27-33 ft-lbs. (37-45 N.m) %-9 360-440 ft-lbs. (488-597 N.m) %-24 31-39 ft-lbs. (42-53 N.m) %-14 396-484 ft-lbs. (537-656 N.m) 76-14 45-55 ft-Ibs. (61-75 N.m) 1-8 522-638 ft-Ibs. (708-865 N.m) 76-20 49-61 ft-Ibs. (66-83 N.m) 1-12 576-704 ft-lbs. (780-954 N.m) NOTE: These torque values are to be used for all hardware excluding: locknuts, self-tapping screws, thread forming screws, sheet metal screws and socket head setscrews. METRIC Metric Grade Coarse Thread | Nm | ft-lbs. | Nm ft-lbs. | Nom | ft-lbs. | N.m | ft-lbs. M6 4.6 3.3 10.5 7.7 15 11 18 13 M7 7.8 5.6 17.5 | 12.9 26 | 18.4 29 21.3 M8 11 8.1 26 19 36 26 43 31 M10 22 16 51 37 72 53 87 64 M12 39 28 89 66 125 92 150 110 M14 62 45 141 103 198 146 240 177 M16 95 70 215 158 305 224 365 269 M18 130 95 295 217 420 309 500 368 M20 184 135 470 309 590 435 710 623 1A-3 2A. 2C. SECTION 2 CONTROLS Repair and Service Tools and Materials... 2A-1 Failure Analysis.....................eeeeceeeee eee sect carseat esses 2B-1 Control Adjustments.................=.e..eeeemeceerne enc enDeeeeeeneerce eee earn enn 2C-1 Handle Bar ...............ee.eeercorioccoccccereneecenree ene eee eeeeneercen ener eeoerocencacaneeneneaveneeceneee 2C-1 Clutch Engagement …….…...…….seecesenennnçnntnnnnnennnnnnnennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnennne 2C-1 Parking Brake .................e.eererierereerere enero ener een eee nece 2C-2 Throttle ....................esrrerceeneo neo nenerecererenereeoceree noo enneseencenerenecevereoreccanancanaceer enero 2C-2 CONTROLS SECTION 2A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Standard automotive hand tools. 2A Tachometer or vibratack Cleaning material: Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Detergent and water. Lubricants: Refer to Section 11. 2A-1 CONTROLS SECTION 2B. FAILURE ANALYSIS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 1. Engine will not start. a. Ignition and/or engine switch a. Turn ON. not on. b. No gas in tank. b. Fill tank. c. Insufficient oil in engine. c. Fill to full mark (Section 11B). d. Oil alert system defective. d. Section 10E. e. Faulty wiring. e. See Section 10. 2. Traction slow. a. Parking brake not released or a. Release brake or adjust (Section dragging. 2C and 5C). b. Engine rpm too low. b. Increase throttle. C. Throttle out of adjustment. c. Adjust (Section 2C). d. Clutch slipping. d. Adjust engagement spring (Section 2C). e. Clutch worn out. e. Replace discs (Section 4D). 3. Reel runs slow. Ta. Engine rpm too low. a. Increase throttle. b. Throttle out of adjustment. b. Adjust (Section 2C). c. Reel to bedknife too tight. c. Adjust (Section 12F). d. Clutch slipping. d. Adjust engagement spring (Section 2C). e. Clutch worn out. e. Replace discs (Section 4D). 2B-1 CONTROLS SECTION 2C. CONTROL ADJUSTMENTS GENERAL (See Figure 2C-1) The 500 Series Greens Kings come with either a hop handle or a T-handle (22" only). Both handles are equipped with an Operator Pres- ence Control (OPC). Location of various controls differ between the two machines, consult your Operators Manual for the con- trol locations. Bai = OPC Lockout | [ rl | É Parking a Na gnition Brake Ne e Switch Throttle | Parking Brake — O— Hoop Handle Controls Throttle Lockout OPC Bail T-Handle Controls (22" Only) HANDLE BAR (See Figure 2C-2) 1. Loosen bolt (1). 2. Slide bracket (2) up or down to adjust handle bar to desired position. 3. Tighten bolt (1). (Hoop Handle Only) 4. Using nuts (3), adjust so handle bar just touches bottom of slot. It should only take a few pounds to lift handle bar. 5. Tighten both nuts (3). NOTE Check adjustment of drive cable (clutch adjust- ment.) Readjust if necessary. Figure 2C-1. Handles “ Bottom of Slot (Hoop Handle Only) Figure 2C-2. Handle Bar 2C-1 Y ANN TUS Ea ай SECTION 2C. CONTROL ADJUSTMENTS CLUTCH ENGAGEMENT CLUTCH ADJUSTMENT (See Figure 2C-3) 1. At the clutch, adjust the clutch lever stop bolt so the clutch disc has approximately 1/8" (3.18 mm) free play. 2. Adjust the clutch spring compression nut to com- press the spring to 1-3/4" (44.45 mm). 3. Adjust the cable lock pin to obtain a 1/8" (3/18 mm) gap between pin and bolt. Tighten the cable lock pin. NOTE Pull the cable out to remove cable slack before making this adjustment. OPC BAIL ADJUSTMENT (See Figure 2C-4) 1. At the clutch, turn the drive shaft back and forth. At the same time slowly move the bail toward the engaged position until the clutch just begins to engage, then top. 2. Measure the gap between the bail and handle bar. It should be approximately 1-1/4" (31.75 mm). 3. To adjust the gap, loosen both cable housing lock- nuts simultaneously (to prevent twisting the cable housing). 4. Adjust lock nuts on the upper control cable to achieve 1-1/4" (31.75 mm) between the bail and handle bar just as the clutch disc is making contact with the pressure plate. NOTE Screwing the bottom nut up increases the gap. Screwing the top nut down decreases the gap. 5. Tighten the opposite nut. Be careful not to twist the cable housing. Spring Compression Nut 1-3/4" (44.45 mm) k€-——— Disengaged Na | ES Cable Lock Pin A HA = Л ити m И ПОТ 1/8" (3.18 mm) Free Play 1/8" (3.18 mm) Clutch Gap Lever Stop Figure 2C-3. Clutch Adjustment WAIN I NW kD SECTION 2C. CONTROL ADJUSTMENTS Figure 2C-4. OPC Bail Adjustment 2C-3 WII kd SECTION 2C. CONTROL ADJUSTMENTS PARKING BRAKE (See Figure 2C-5) 1. Remove steering handle cover. 2. Using nuts (1) and (2), adjust length of brake cables. Drawing brake cables UP, loosens the brake. Drawing brake cable DOWN, tightens the brake. . Adjust both brakes evenly so when brake lever is engaged there is a definite SNAP over center action with no more than a five pound pull of the handle. NOTE If brake does not hold after an adjustment, pro- ceed with a major adjustment or brake bands may need replacing (Section 5C). Figure 2C-5. Parking Brake 2C-4 OPC LOCKOUT (See Figure 2C-6) Using the adjusting screw, adjust so the OPC lockout lever can be easily engaged and disengaged. OPC Lockout Lever Adjusting Screw Figure 2C-6. OPC Lockout Adjustment ENGINE RPM (See Figure 2C-7) The engine speed should be adjusted to a maximum speed of 3000 RPM (revolutions per minute). Refer to Figure 2C-7 for the location of the throttle ad- justing screw. Throttle Lever Limiting Screw Adjust to 3000 RPM Throttle Lever Figure 2C-7. Engine RPM Adjustment 3A. 3C. 3D. SECTION 3 ENGINE Repair and Service Tools and Materials .…….………nsnnnnnennnnnnennnnnnnnnnne 3A-1 Failure Analysis.............—.....eeeeererierrer nece sare 3B-1 General Instructions ................-..e.eee=ececocreecene e nen reee ere enceececanoreenceneree 3C-1 Contents...............e...e.eeccmeneneeree reee acecerececenerenvancecerarenenoeeoneneneceeceneereenecenercerene 3C-1 Cleaning and Lubrication .………..…..…...….….……mererseneneanmeennnçennnennnennnennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 3C-1 Епо!пе.......снееноененнененненененынннннннннненнннннненненннененеменнннненнннененнннненененненененНенниете 30-1 Сепега!| ..........еооеееееененннннененененененеенуеененнннееееененевннненнененоненененененынемеееееененееееннееннене 30-1 Vi do(---11]- TS 3D-1 Engine Removal................e.eeereenecereeen one nesses stds sess sss 3D-1 Engine Installation...….….….…..….….…erennenmennensçnnnennnnennnnnnennnnnnnnnnnnennnnannnnnnnnns 3D-1 Engine/Clutch Alignment.….…….…..…......….…enesesmenmenneenenennnennennennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnns 3D-2 General....................e.cceooenerrrerecrccecereeecenecoranareaenunenenenerenenoeoecancane nacer 3D-2 Angular Aligniment .…….…….……sreeeeenmenenennennnnnnnnnnennnnnennnnnnnnünnnnnnnnnnnnne 3D-2 Parallel Alignment......................emeenreco een een ere neeeeoeenenccorancecneneeees 3D-3 Axial Alignment............—- weee sss sss 3D-3 INTRODUCTION SECTION 3A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Standard automotive hand tools. Cleaning materials: Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Detergent and water. Anti-rust Never-Seize. Lubricants: Refer to Section 11. Other service items: Compressed Air Source. Engine Service Manual can be obtained from your Jacobsen Distributor. 3A-1 ENGINE SECTION 3B. FAILURE ANALYSIS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 1. Engine will not start. a. Ignition and/or engine switch a. Turn ON. not on. b. Clutch not released. b. Disengage clutch. c. No gas in tank. c. Fill tank. d. Insufficient oil in engine. d. Fill to full mark (Section 11B). e. Bad spark plug. e. Replace plug (Section 10G). f. Oil alert faulty (if equipped). f. Section 10E. g. Ignition component faulty g. Test (Section 10D). 2. Engine not running a. Dirty fuel supply. a. Use clean fuel. smoothly. b. Bad spark plug. b. Clean/replace (Section 10G). c. Faulty ignition component(s). c. Test (Section 10D). 3. Hard starting. a. Dirty fuel supply. a. Use clean fuel. b. Bad spark plug. b. Clean/replace (Section 10G). c. Faulty ignition component(s). c. Test (Section 10D). 4. Engine lacks power. a. Bad spark plug. a. Clean/replace (Section 10G). b. Engine governor not adjusted b. Refer to engine manufacturers or faulty. repair manual. c. Carburetion problem. c. Refer to engine manufacturers repair manual. d. Compression problem. d. Refer to engine manufacturers repair manual. 3B-1 ENGINE SECTION 3C. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS CONTENTS The engine used on the Greens King 500 Series is a Honda air cooled, 4 hp, 4 cycle, single cylinder, over- head valve engine. This section covers repairs to associated components of the engine. Engine removal and installation are also covered. | Engine repairs and overhauls are covered in a sepa- rate Honda engine repair manual available from your local Jacobsen Distributor. CLEANING AND LUBRICATION Thoroughly clean each component(s) after removal. Instruction for maintenance and lubrication are found in Section 11. Figure 3C-1. Engine 3C-1 ENGINE SECTION 3D. ENGINE GENERAL A separate engine operators manual prepared by the engine manufacturer is supplied with your machine. Study the manual carefully until you are familiar with its maintenance, operation and adjustments. Attention to the engine manufacturers directions will assure maximum service life of the engine and highest oper- ating efficiency. AIR CLEANER (See Figure 3D-1) 1. The air cleaner elements is in 2 parts, foam ele- ment and paper element. Element Foam Element Packing Silencer Figure 3D-1. Air Cleaner 3D-1 2. Separate the foam element and gently wash it in clean warm soapy water. 3. Rinse thoroughly and allow to air dry. A CAUTION Do not use flammable or harsh solvents when § cleaning. . After it has dried, dip in clean engine oil and squeeze out all excess oil. . The paper element can be cleaned by lightly tap- ping the element several times. . Using an air supply of 30 psi (204.8 kPa) maxi- mum, blow dirt from the inside out. NOTE Never use a brush or force dirt through element. 7. Inspect air cleaner silencer nose and elbow pack- ing. Replace packing if cracked or damaged. 8. Reinstall air cleaner element. ENGINE REMOVAL (See Figure 3D-2) 1. Disengage the clutch. 2. Disconnect wiring, throttle cable and handle bar counterbalance spring. 3. Remove clutch fingers and loosen the clutch housing mounting bolts to free up the clutch hous- ing from the engine. 4. Remove engine mounting hardware and counter- balance spring bracket. 5. Slide engine to the right and remove. ENGINE INSTALLATION (See Figure 3D-2) 1. Position engine on machine. 2. Slide engine to the left engaging clutch shaft into needle bearing of clutch housing. Install handle bar, counterbalance spring bracket and counterbalance spring. . Attach clutch housing to engine and tighten clutch housing mounting bolts. Install clutch fingers on clutch arm assembly with fingers ends bent away from the clutch body. . Align engine with clutch as described under Engine/Clutch Alignment in this section. . Connect wiring and throttle cable. 3. ENGINE SECTION 3D. ENGINE Counterbalance Spring Bracket Ignition Wiring Arm Clutch 7 Fingers > 2 6) AC / 9) Clutch Clutch Housing Housing Mounting Bolts Clutch Body Clutch Counterbalance Mounting Bolt = — 00 —— —*— ———" o—N-— — Ns cane Figure 3D-2. Engine Removal and Installation ENGINE/CLUTCH ALIGNMENT GENERAL Thickness Once the clutch and engine are assembled and posi- Gauge tioned on the frame the engine and clutch must be aligned. The engine is shimmed and moved on its mounting points for alignment. Follow the alignment procedure as described below. ANGULAR ALIGNMENT (See Figure 3D-3) Parallel Within 0.015" (0.38 1. Before making the alignment, be sure drive belt is | mm) properly adjusted, see Section 4G. Figure 3D-3. Angular Alignment 3D-2 ENGINE SECTION 3D. ENGINE 2. Using a thickness gauge, measure the clearance between clutch body and discs at 4 points. 3. Shim engine mounting until both surfaces are par- allel. A misalignment of no more than 0.015 inch (0.38 mm) between the upper and lower portion of the clutch is acceptable. PARALLEL ALIGNMENT (See Figure 3D-4) Parallel alignment will be automatically accomplished by the clutch shaft engaging the needle bearing in the clutch body and by making an angular alignment. No further alignment is necessary. Alignment Setscrew Wl a <un \ | Hola. N Figure 3D-4. Parallel Alignment. CLEARANCE (See Figure 3D-5) Axial alignment is accomplished by the clutch body setscrew. When the setscrew is tightened it centers itself in a drilled hole of the engine crankshatt. Figure 3D-5. Clearance On machines where there is no clearance (too tight) between the clutch body and discs, proceed as fol- lows (see Figure 3D-6). First make sure engine is pulled away from clutch. If there is still no clearance, use a 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) drill held at a 45° angle, drill in the hole of the crank- shaft making the hole longer, toward the engine. This will allow the clutch body to be moved away from the discs allowing some clearance. Figure 3D-6. Hole Alignment In Crankshaft 3D-3 4E. 4F. 4G. SECTION 4 DRIVE TRAIN Repair and Service Tools and Materials ......................e.ee.eeeeererrerenenererene ee 4A-1 — Failure Analysis.................. e... ener nece sees 4B-1 Belt Case Cover.......................eeemerreccerccorercennocene rene nee nera reee nene 4C-1 Clutch ..............eeeeeccccccrrcer aca een ere ene errerereneeneecenoconenenveveneeveverevacaneeeanenenecea reee 4D-1 General ................eccerecciceo nen enecerenceceeren eee nenucerveneneneacen onu enenenena racer rarauecererece neon. 4D-1 Minor = T= o Y= COOP PPPS STITT RA 4D-1 Major Repair ..................e.escererencere Deere nene sass esses bss 4D-1 Clutch Shaft Disassembly .......................eeeeerrievesren er rene ner es 4D-1 Clutch Shaft Reassembly .......................e.eemerecceniceeneererDar anne nene enana 4D-1 Clutch Shaft Bearing Housing Disassembly... 4D-2 Clutch Shaft Bearing Housing Reassembly .......................e...em.eeenvinernenen nee 4D-2 Clutch Control Disassembly ...................ereee.eemviricinen en enecenn nene eee 4D-3 Clutch Control Reassembly .....................ereeerencevccccnoronar ener ernenen eee 00000 4D-3 Clutch Body Repair ...................eeeeereeienrene nee eL en enero 4D-4 Engine/Clutch Alignment .….…..……eenerennnenenenennennnnnneännnennnnnnnnennnnnne 4D-5 General ...............e.ececcoiorcecericeeo ren eere rene nerencUeeac e erarereeee a erarencanenerarenerenacarrenceeneo. 4D-5 Angular Alignment .………..….……eeseneneennennnnnnnennennnnnnnnnennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnm 4D-5 Parallel Alignment …….…..….….……………enereneenmnnnennnnennnnnnnnnnnnMennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnennnnne 4D-5 Axial Alignment .................=e.eeecrcerrnen nece ene eee nece enrrnrerenerneeneneee 4D-5 Traction Roller .....................eeeercaranecavenererereeconnuecerece ee onvevere e nenacenen ae eneenenacenaceneee 4E-1 General KETTE aarsarace ven sense 4E-1 Removal .................eeescececcccrencecare e nerenereravecec een recuecavaverecerraeaverernerenananUtevennennecannenn. 4E-1 Traction Roller .......................eereeirirarere enero eee ereerereererauarerveceerreneentenenventaneneneeconene 4E-2 Disassembly ...................-..emeeirerrneenene ere en ercer ren recen eee ce renacer. 4E-2 Roller Disassembly ..................c..ecevmiicierre reee nene roer nece enenrercenneeneeo 4E-3 Differential Repair ..................=.e....e0imiecceer RR DR recen nene ren enereeeeenececo 4E-3 Roller Reassembly ....................eemmmeicacererecec er encon cen recen er erenereeo een 4E-3 Reassembly .......................e.meinreer ne recen eee rene ese EEE 4E-4 Installation .................._e-..ecesccerrernener een ere rene ecener ene ererercarenenerecenerenarerecenenercanen 4E-4 Reel Drive ..................eeruciccncccerrenencerecueearerevraceereaneoneneerareneenUereanenenarereceneeneraarenene. 4F-1 General ................-.eeeiceneine nee eee rene rene nee ruecare ener enteerareverarenerereneeveneeecacecnee. 4F-1 Removal .................eeecricerivenccueneereererenereec ener enccana anne vererrncarentarerevaveveceenennonecraane. 4F-1 Bearing and Pulley Repair .….….….…..…..….….…....eseerenmenençennnnnennnMnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 4F-2 Reel Bearing Housing Repair .....................e=ee....... aansrasaanenee sense nanas eee sa nee a 0000 000000 4F-2 Installation .........................eceeccrererrerecereen ere eee een ene reeeererenvererenecereearereneentenecen. 4F-3 Drive Belts ....................errvicecircerieevareverereecarererereren o renecerenenenenesarercereveneeeceneanenenne. 4G-1 General .................e.rcrroncirierecrire eee reee cererearavocenercencenvareranrenereravreennenecenacenees 4G-1 AQjUSÈMENt LL cree 4G-1 INTRODUCTION SECTION 4A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Standard automotive hand tools. Cleaning materials: Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Lubricants: Refer to Section 11. Miscellaneous: Belt Tension Gauge # JAC 5096. 4A-1 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4B. FAILURE ANALYSIS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY . Traction is slow. Parking brake not released or dragging. Engine rpm too low. с. Throttle out of adjustment. Release brake or adjust (Section 2C and 5C). b. Increase throttle. ¢. Adjust (Section 2C). d. Clutch slipping. d. Adjust engagement spring (Section 2C). e. Clutch worn out. e. Replace discs (Section 4D). . Reel runs slow. a. Engine rpm too low. a. Increase throttle. b. Throttle out of adjustment. b. Adjust (Section 2C). C. Reel to bedknife too tight. c. Adjust (Section 12F). d. Clutch slipping. d. Adjust engagement spring (Section 2C). e. Clutch worn out. e. Replace discs (Section 4D). . Machine pulls in one a. Brake not completely released. a. Check/adjust (Section 5C). direction. b. Roller bearing faulty. b. Replace (Section 4E). . No traction. a. Clutch not engaged. a. Engage clutch. b. Drive belt broken. b. Replace (Section 4E and 4G). c. Differential faulty. c. Repair (Section 4E). d. Clutch not adjusted or faulty. d. Adjust (Section 2C). Test (Section 4D). . Squeaking from the a. Pulley bearing/bushing failure. a. Replace (Section 4). belt case. . Reel does not turn. a. Clutch not engaged/worn. a. Engage clutch. b. Drive belt broken. b. Replace (Section 4F and 4G). . Clutch or reel engage- a. Detent spring faulty. a. Replace (Section 4C). oy ano oC not b. Detent ball worn. b. Replace (Section 4C). c. Detent spring setscrew loose. c. Tighten (Section 4C). 4B-1 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4C. BELT CASE COVER The belt case cover can be removed as an assembly. NOTE It is not necessary to remove the cover to service the Always remove setscrew, spring and detent shifter levers. balls before pulling shifter levers from gear case, otherwise the ball will fall inside the belt case. Transport Clutch Lever Lockwasher Bolt (С я : Y Г к. S ` 0 @ EN 7 ; о Ball (С >. un " / @—Setscrew N 2 € © a € / Gp Housing ® 2" Long @a Reel Engagement Lever Figure 4C-1. Belt Case Cover 4C-1 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4D. CLUTCH GENERAL MAJOR REPAIR Clutch repair is divided into two groups; Minor Repair CLUTCH SHAFT DISASSEMBLY for changing clutch discs only and Major Repair for (See Figure 4D-1) repair to component parts of the clutch shaft assem- bly and clutch control mechanism. MINOR REPAIR (See Figure 4D-1) . Disengage clutch. . Remove clutch fingers from clutch rod. . Pull clutch bearing away from clutch body. . Remove old clutch discs and blow out old material. . Install new clutch discs. . Slide clutch bearing against discs. . Install clutch fingers with finger ends facing away from the bearing. . Engage clutch. 9. Check and if necessary, adjust clutch engage- ment, Section 2C. NP DD сл + © № = Qo Fingers Figure 4D-1. Minor Repair | 40-1 1. Disengage the clutch. 2. Remove engine mounting hardware. 3. Remove left wheel hub. 4. Remove brake assembly. 5. Remove belt case cover. (See Figure 4D-2) 6. On the large pulley retaining block, loosen but do not remove bolt and mounting bolts. 7. Pull shaft, large pulley, small pulley and shims off side frame. Belts will also be removed. 8. Remove clutch shaft pulley and square drive key. 9. Remove the clutch fingers and clutch housing mounting hardware. 10. Slide engine to the right and remove clutch shaft assembly. 11. Remove clutch shaft bearing housing, bearing, clutch collar, slide washer, clutch discs and woodruff key. CLUTCH SHAFT REASSEMBLY (See Figure 4D-2) 1. Install slide washer, woodruff key, clutch disc, clutch collar, bearing, and clutch shaft bearing housing onto clutch shaft. 2. Position shaft assembly in side frame and install both carrier retaining bolts, do not tighten. 3. Install clutch housing and clutch fingers with fin- gers ends bent away from the clutch body. 4. Install square drive key, spacers, pulley, lock- washer and capscrew. 5, Install drive belt. 6. Install shims, small pulley, large pulley and shaft into bearing block. 7. Position engine and slide it to the left, aligning clutch shaft with bearing in clutch body. 8. Adjust belt tension as described in Section 4G. (See Figure 4C-1) 9. Assemble remaining parts in gear case and install gear case cover. 10. Align engine and clutch as described under Alignment. 11. Adjust clutch engagement as described in Section 2C. DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4D. CLUTCH Clutch Shaft Assembly | “ Clutch Collar Clutch Fingers Loosen, DO NOT Bearing 7 у Ветоуе Bearing O Mounting Screw Clutch Shaft и Pulley Figure 4D-2. Clutch Shaft CLUTCH SHAFT BEARING HOUSING DISASSEMBLY (See Figure 4D-3) 1. Remove snap ring, seal and wear sleeve. 2. Remove inner snap ring. 3. Press seal and bearing from housing. CLUTCH SHAFT BEARING HOUSING rear REASSEMBLY (See Figure 4D-3) | eeve Seal 1. Using a suitable press, install seal into carrier, seal lip to the inside. 2. Press in bearing and install retaining ring. Snap ~~ NOTE Rings When installing bearing, press on the outer race. & 3. Lubricate assembly with molybdenum disulfide Bearing Seal EP grease. 4. Install wear sleeve, seal, lip to the outside and snap ring. Р Figure 4D-3. Clutch Shaft Bearing Housing 4D-2 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4D. CLUTCH CLUTCH CONTROL DISASSEMBLY (See Figure 4D-4) 1. Disengage clutch. 2. Disconnect wires and cables from clutch housing. 3. 4. Remove clutch pin, clutch springs, and mounting Remove clutch fingers. hardware from clutch arm assembly. . Remove cotter pin, clutch arm, and bushings from clutch housing. . Replace worn or damaged springs and bushings. CLUTCH CONTROL REASSEMBLY (See Figure 4D-4) 1. 2. 3. Install bushings and clutch arm in clutch housing. Install clutch springs and clutch pin. Install clutch fingers with finger ends bent away from the clutch body. . Connect wires and cable to clutch housing. . Adjust clutch engagement as described in Section 2C. Housing Clutch Springs Clutch Arm Clutch Fingers Z | ¢ Bushing Figure 4D-4. Clutch Control 4D-3 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4D. CLUTCH CLUTCH BODY REPAIR (See Figure 4D-5) 1. Remove clutch body from engine. NOTE 2. Press out old bearing. When installing this bearing, always press on 3. Press in new bearing to a depth of 0.151" (3.84 the number side of the bearing. mm). Setscrew Square Drive Key 0.151" (3.84 mm) Bearing Figure 4D-5. Clutch Body 4D-4 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4D. CLUTCH ENGINE/CLUTCH ALIGNMENT GENERAL Once the clutch and engine are assembled and posi- tioned on the frame the engine and clutch must be aligned. The engine is shimmed at its mounting points for alignment. Follow the alignment procedure as described below. ANGULAR ALIGNMENT (See Figure 4D-6) 1. Before making the alignment, be sure drive belt is properly adjusted, see Section 4G. 2. Using a thickness gauge, measure the clearance between clutch body and discs at 4 points. 3. Shim engine mounting until both surfaces are par- allel. A misalignment of no more than 0.015" (0.38 mm) between the upper and lower portion of the clutch is acceptable. 1 ON Figure 4D-6. Angular Alignment PARALLEL ALIGNMENT (See Figure 4D-7) Parallel alignment will be automatically accomplished by the clutch shaft engaging the needle bearing in the clutch body and by making an angular alignment. No further alignment is necessary. CLEARANCE (See Figure 4D-8) Axial alignment is automatically accomplished by the clutch body setscrew. When the setscrew is tightened it centers itself in a drilled hole of the engine crank- shaft. On machines where there is no clearance (too tight) between the clutch body and discs, proceed as fol- lows (see Figure 4D-9). First make sure engine is pulled away from clutch. If there is still no clearance, use a 1/4 inch (6.35 mm) drill held at a 45° angle, drill in the hole of the crank- shaft making the hole longer, toward the engine. This will allow the clutch body to be moved away from the discs allowing some clearance. — Figure 4D-7. Parallel Alignment 4D-5 A <un A Figure 4D-8. Clearance Figure 4D-9. Hole Alignment In Crankshaft DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4E. TRACTION ROLLER GENERAL REMOVAL (See Figure 4E-1) It will not be necessary in all cases to remove the 1. On both sides, remove wheel hub nut, collar and entire roller for service. ONLY remove the necessary bushing. Pull off wheel hub. parts to facilitate needed repairs. 2. Remove clutch sleeve and drive key. Loosen, DO NOT Remove e * * © Shims ra Large On с BX . LS, of NS Un Q , Gao ooo <> я + >, Bearing Cover and Seal Clutch Lever Spring Ball CON Setscrew D | Clutch 4. % Sleeve Brake Assembly Drive @ > Za ` (J Wheel OD > € ; Hub (с ng | u Bushing of Drive NLA A @ > Pulley Roller Drum Shaft Nut Clutch > S Lever za r 8 » > p Clutch - O Sleeve > Ball a Washer ey © @ Drive Key Bearing Cover Setscrew \ Collar Nut ı Roller Drum Shaft Nut Collar Bushing Hub Figure 4E-1. Traction Roller Removal 4E-1 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4E. TRACTION ROLLER 10. . Remove brake assemblies. . Remove setscrews, spring and ball from both clutch engagement levers. . Remove belt case cover. . On the large sprocket retaining block, loosen but do not remove setscrew and mounting bolts. . Pull shaft with large pulley, small pulley and shims of side frame. Remove belts. . Remove roller drum shaft nuts. . Remove roller drive pulley, Woodruff key and spacer. Remove bearing covers with seals. (See Figure 4E-2) 11. 12. Remove eccentric lock collar from bearing. Remove fastening hardware from both bearing housing. 13. 14. Roller can now be removed from frame. Remove all old seals and discard. TRACTION ROLLER DISASSEMBLY (See Figure 4E-2) 1. 2. Pull bearing housing off both ends of drum shaft. Using a suitable puller, remove bearing from bearing housing. 3. On left side, remove two washers and spacer. 4. Remove locking collars. 5. Pull rollers apart. Bearing Housing Locking @ Collar ; Washer : © a Right Side Bearing ZE SLA LL Y - Bearing Collar Step 4 Left Side “Y Collar Bearing Step 4 ©. 7, Bearing 7 Washers | 7 “% 0 © Locking Collar Spacer Bearing ~~ | Housing Figure 4E-2. Roller Component Disassembly 4E-2 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4E. TRACTION ROLLER ROLLER DISASSEMBLY (See Figure 4E-3) ROLLER REASSEMBLY (See Figure 4E-3) 1. Remove snap ring. 1. Using a suitable press, from gear side, press 2 Remove seals. bushing into gear flush with bore. 3. Using a suitable puller, remove bushing and dif- 2. Press gear with pin into roller. ferential gear with drive pin. NOTE 4. Using a suitable press, from the inside, press bushing from differential gear. 5. Using a suitable puller, remove bushings from 3. Press bushing into roller flush with bushing bore. rollers. 4. Install seals, lip toward the inside of drum. DIFFERENTIAL REPAIR (See Figure 4E-3) Refer to figure for break down of differential assem- bly. Follow instructions as indicated. Align pin with pin notch in roller. Bushing Bushing ZE BEN INN zzz A, 1] Y Step 1 Flush Drive Pin Bushing и ве Pinion Differential Pinion ^^ — Setscrew < I Pinion Shaft > Bushing pd Seal - Snap Ring Differential Roller Assembly Shaft Figure 4E-3. Roller and Differential 4E-3 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4E. TRACTION ROLLER REASSEMBLY (See Figure 4E-2) 1. 2. Pack gears and differential with molybdenum disulfide EP grease. Slide rollers over shaft engaging differential gears. . Install spacer and washers on left, the washers and collar on right. Hold lock collars and rollers tight against differential gear, tighten lock collar setscrews. . Using a suitable press, install bearings (collar to the outside) in bearing hosuing. . Slide right bearing housing over right side of shaft and into roller as far as it will go. . Slide left bearing housing over left side of shaft and into roller as far as it will go. INSTALLATION (See Figure 4E-4) 1. 2. 3. 4. 11. 12. Position roller in frame. Torque screws to 11 ft- Ibs. (14.9 N.m). Notice cam design on inner race of roller bearing. Push collar against inner ring mating cam of collar with cam of bearing. While pushing collar, turn collar in direction of shaft rotation until it is engaged. NOTE On the left, turn counterclockwise (CCW). On the right, turn clockwise (CW). . Using a drift pin and in the same direction, lightly tap lock collar on bearing. . Tighten setscrew. . On the right, install roller drum shaft nut and tight- en. . Install seal in right cover. . Install right seal cover. Position grease fitting up. 10. Install seal cover screws. Torque to 11 ft-Ibs. (14.9 N.m). Install spacer and two washers onto left side of roller shaft. Install seal in left cover. 4E-4 13. 14. Install left seal cover. Fasten roller to frame. Torque screws to 15-18 ft- Ibs. (20-24 N.m). NOTE On the right, install two short bolts only. (See Figure 4E-5) 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. On the right side, install drive key. Install brake. Torque screws to 5 ft-Ibs. (6.7 N.m). Install clutch sleeve. Install washer and bushing with bronze side out. Install right wheel hub. Install bushing bronze side in, collar and locknut. Tighten locknut against collar." On the left, install spacer and Woodruff key. Install pulley, flange to the outside, onto shaft. Install nut and tighten against pulley. Place belts onto pulleys. Push shaft with large pulley, small pulley and shims into retaining block. Tighten retaining block mounting screws and bolt. Check alignment of belts. Add or delete shims behind small 18 tooth pulley as necessary for belt alignment. Install belt cover, torque screws to 5 ft-lbs. (6.7 N.m). Install clutch engagement levers, detent balls, springs and setscrews. Install drive key on shaft. Install clutch sleeve. Install flat washer and bushing with bronze side out. Install wheel hub. Wheel hubs are marked, R — right hand, L — left hand. Install bushing with bronze side in, collar and locknut. Tighten locknut against collar. DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4E. TRACTION ROLLER Seal Screws Je (Torque to == 11 ft-Ibs. 14.9 N.m) Screws (Torque to 11 ft-lbs. 14.9 N.m) Figure 4E-4. Traction Roller Installation 4E-5 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4E. TRACTION ROLLER Retaining Block Large Shaft Pulley Woodruff Clutch Sleeve Ball Spring Setscrews 0) Locknut Bronze | Side Side Bushing Ye) Bushing Figure 4E-5.Traction Roller Installation 4E-6 | DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4F. REEL DRIVE GENERAL REMOVAL (See Figure 4F-1) It will be necessary in all cases to remove the entire 1. On the left, remove wheel hub nut, collar and reel for service. ONLY remove the necessary parts to bushing. Pull of wheel hub. facilitate needed repairs. 2. Remove brake assembly on left only. Na Loosen, DO Ny NOT Remove Shims Small / procket Large A Sprocket Clutch Shaft Bearing Housing Loosen, DO NOT Remove 7 Shaft / Transport Clutch Belt Case Cover | La | Reel Shaft <r N NW Or Cover US IN Mo SNL Du Setscrews A E 0, To Bearing and У VU — Pulley SE > Square Cut / <P. ey Drive Keys wo S& ; olt SA eg Grease Washer \ @ Fitting Lockwasher Clutch Assembly Seal Carrier Left See Figure “0g, CE 6 O 1 37 e y See Figure © See Figure 4F-3 4F-3 Figure 4F-1. Reel Drive 4F-1 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4F. REEL DRIVE . Remove setscrews, spring and ball from both clutch engagement levers. . Remove belt case cover. . On the large sprocket bearing bracket, loosen but do not remove cross bolt and mounting bolts. . Pull shaft with large pulley, small pulley and shims off side frame. Remove belts. . Loosen clutch shaft bearing housing, do not remove. . Remove reel drive belt from reel pulley. . On right side, remove reel shaft cover, reel shaft nut and seal carrier. Remove spring nut and spring. Pull clutch assembly from left side of reel. Remove bolt with grease fitting, lockwasher, flat washer, spacer with two square cut drive keys and square drive key from reel shaft. Remove bearing and pulley assembly and spacers. Loosen bedknife adjusters. Remove both bedknife bolts and bedknife assem- bly. Remove mounting screws from both bearing housing. Reel will now drop out of the frame. Pull the bearing housing off shaft. Remove and discard old seals. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Remove bearing cup and cone. BEARING AND PULLEY REPAIR (See Figure 4F-2) 1. Remove snap ring and two bearings. 2. Using a suitable press, install bearing seal side first into housing. 3. Install outer bearing and snap ring. NOTE Outer bearing does not have a seal. 4. Lubricate bearing before installing bearing and pulley assembly. 4F-2 Bearing w/Seal Bearing Spacer Snap Ring Spacer Snap Ring Spacer Bearing Bearing with Seal Pulley Spacer Figure 4F-2. Bearing and Pulley Repair REEL BEARING HOUSING REPAIR 1. Remove seal, bearing cone and press cup from housing. . Remove shaft seal. Discard old seals. . Install new shaft seal. . Using a suitable press, install bearing cup. с > © . Using a suitable press, install large seal. DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4F. REEL DRIVE Bushing NOE Cone Seal Bushing 63 Cup Seal — Y Right Bearing Housing Left Bearing Housing Figure 4F-3. Reel Bearing Housing INSTALLATION (See Figure 4F-1) 1. On each end of the reel shaft, install bearing housing being careful not to damage shaft seals. 2. Lubricate and install both bearing cones into bear- ing housings on ends of reel shaft. 3. Position reel in frame and install bearing housing socket head screws. 4. Only torque the left bearing housing screws to 15- 18 ft-Ibs. (20-24 N.m). 5. Install spacer, (notch toward reel) bearing and pulley assembly and reel drive belt. 6. Install spacer, square cut drive key, spacer with the two drive keys, flat washer, lockwasher and bolt with grease fitting. 7. Torque bolts to 15-18 ft-lbs. (20-24 N.m). 8. On the right, install spring and spring nut, do not tighten. 9. Install bedknife being sure ears are positioned between flat washer and spring cup as shown in Figure 4F-4. Do not tighten bedknife mounting bolts. Figure 4F-4. Bedknife Ear Position 4F-3 DRIVE TRAIN SECTION 4F. REEL DRIVE 10. Torque right bearing housing screws to 15-18 ft- Ibs. (20-24 N.m). Torque bedknife mounting bolts to 27 ft-lbs. (37 N.m). On the right, use the jam nut as a gauge, thread the spring nut onto shaft until the amount of threads exposed is equal to the thickness of the jam nut. 11. 12. 13. Install seal carrier with seal, tighten screws to 7-9 ft-lbs. (9-12 N.m). 14. Install reel shaft jam nut and tighten. NOTE There should be no threads exposed, shaft thread should be even with end of nut after installing. If threads are exposed, repeat step 12. 15. Install reel shaft cover, torque bolts to 7 ft-lbs. (9 N.m). On the left, adjust belt tension, tighten clutch shaft bearing housing bolts. Torque bolts to 11 ft-lbs. (15 N.m). Place remaining belts onto pulleys. Push shaft with large pulley, small pulley and shims into retaining block. Torque bearing bracket mounting screws to 20 ft- Ibs. (27.1 N.m) and setscrew to 5 ft-lbs. (6.8 N.m). Check alignment of belts. Add or delete shims behind small 18 tooth pulley as necessary for belt alignment. Adjust tension of belts as described in Section 4G. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Install belt cover, torque screws to 5 ft-lbs. (6.8 N.m). Install clutch engagement levers, balls, spring and setscrews. 22. 23. 24. 25. Install drive key on shaft. Install clutch sleeve. Install flat washer and bushing with bronze side out. 26. Install wheel hub. Wheel hubs have locking bearings and must be installed on the correct side. (See figure 4F-5). a.For the right wheel, install hub with the lock 333 arrow to the outside of hub. b.For the left wheel, install hub with the lock arrow to the inside of hub. 27. Install bushing with bronze side in, collar and locknut. Tighten locknut against collar. Bearing Right Hub Shown 4F-4 Figure 4F-5. Wheel Hub Installation INTRODUCTION SECTION 4G. DRIVE BELTS GENERAL The drive belts are a patented Kevlar® chord, synchro- nous belt. This belt transmits power through the teeth rather than through tension. To prevent premature and permanent damage of the belt do not twist, fold, bend or overtighten. Overtighten- ing will also cause premature wear of pulleys, bear- ings and bushings. After adjusting new belts to correct specifications some belt noise will be noticeable. This noise is nor- mal during the first few hours of operation. ADJUSTMENT (See Figure 4G-1) Use a suitable belt tensioning gauge. The REEL DRIVE belt tension should be adjusted so there is a deflection of to 5/32 inch (3.97 mm) with an 8-1/2 pound (3.86 Kg) push at the midspan as shown. The TRACTION belt tension should be adjusted so there is a deflection of 3/32 inch (2.38 mm) with a 14 pound (6.36 Kg) push at the midspan as shown. The POWER TRANSFER (Transport Drive) belt ten- sion should be adjusted so there is a deflection of 5/32 inch (3.97 mm) with a 4 pound (1.82 Kg) push at the midspan as shown. NOTE Clutch alignment must be checked after tension- ing belts. Reel Drive Power Transfer Intermediate ma — “ть — —— — © = f Deflection Figure 4G-1. Drive Belt Adjustment 5A. 5C. SECTION 5 BRAKE SYSTEM Repair and Service Tools and Materials prscucenoncaceveenenearoneooneneeserer ener enre e eee. 5A-1 Failure Analysis.................eeer.ereoeieeree nece renace ene n cree recoeao cera oeenenrerececennenenene. 5B-1 Parking Brake .................-eeeeerercerecrerenenereneceocar acen ene eeereeeneeererenecaeceeeacacacanees 5C-1 Yo = 11 SOO SPP SFT PI PSR SO AR ESRI 5C-1 Adjustment eerie eerste sessed sss ds 5C-2 Minor oaeeeeeeeeeeeeesasaeeeseesesesssansssssssssssseessssnssssssssssasesssnssesssensnsnannsasasasssssnssssssssnsnnes 5C-2 ET | SOP SVS T PIS OE PP RIPON SIRE 5C-2 BRAKE SYSTEM SECTION 5A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS | Tools required: Standard automotive hand tools. Cleaning materials: Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Other service items: Brake linings. 5A-1 BRAKE SYSTEM SECTION 5B. FAILURE ANALYSIS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 1. Parking brake does not hold machine. a. Brakes out of adjustment. b. Lining worn out. c. Mechanical binding. a. Adjust (Section 5C). b. Replace (Section 5C). c. Clean and adjust. 5B-1 BRAKE SYSTEM SECTION 5C. PARKING BRAKE REPAIR The parking brake consists of two serviceable brake bands and cables. If the brake bands are to be replaced, refer to Figure 5C-1. If an adjustment is need- ed refer to Adjustment. Figure 5C-1. Brake Band Replacement 5C-1 BRAKE SYSTEM SECTION 5C. PARKING BRAKE ADJUSTMENT (See Figure 5C-2) MINOR 1. 2. Remove steering handle cover. Using nuts (1) and (2) adjust length of brake cables. Drawing cables UP, loosens the brake. Drawing the cable DOWN, tightens the brake. . Adjust so when brake lever is engaged there is a definite SNAP over center action of the lever. MAJOR 1. 2. 3. . Using nuts (1) and (2) adjust length of brake Release brake. At the brake, loosen Allen head cable retaining Screw. Shorten the cable slightly. cables. Drawing cable UP, loosens the brake. Drawing the cable DOWN, tightens the brake. . Adjust so when brake lever is engaged there is a definite SNAP over center action of the lever. 5C-2 Figure 5C-2. Brake Adjustment SECTION 6 STEERING THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 7A. 7B. SECTION 7 WHEELS AND TIRES Repair and Service Tools and Materials ….….…..….….……ecennnnçnnçnnannnnennnnnnnnnnnn 7A-1 Tire Service ..................escrcccourecrecceooorenceavere ee conceeren rene rerecaen ene revererearacanerarenaneveneoo 7B-1 General .................ieecccceoreo re en eerereneereneereneareceaeeracerveneen ero ereonavacecacareeenevaceneamenene 7B-1 Tire ................erececrerirecoserrcorerceceeearerernecoconeanrencunareaneenenarnanoveveceevanenecaravecencenrenereene 7B-1 WHEELS AND TIRES SECTION 7A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Standard automotive hand tools. Cleaning materials: Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Other service items: Commercially available tire sealant. Tire pressure gauge. Compressed air with tire valve fitting. 7A-1 WHEELS AND TIRES SECTION 7B. TIRE SERVICE GENERAL The soft tires of the Greens King are subject to dam- age from spikes and other sharp objects. If large punctures or tears occur, it is advisable to take the tire (installed on the wheel) to a qualified tire repair shop or replace the tire. The wheels are bi-directional. They can be inter- changed. When removing or installing the wheels, always use the kick stand to support the machine. TIRE Tires are inflated to 6 to 8 psi (41.3 to 55.1 kPa) pres- sure. This pressure gives the best results for average use. Tire pressure should never be less than 6 psi (41.3 kPa) and should be equal in both tires. If tire is removed from the rim it can be inflated to 30 psi, when it is replaced. This assures proper seating of the tire head to the rim. Then reduce the pressure to 6 to 8 psi (41.3 to 55.1 kPa). NOTE Never use grease or oil on the rim when mount- ing a tire. Bead sealing of the tires may be repaired by using tire sealants available from tire repair shops. To apply sealant: 1. Break one bead from seal on rim and push past rim flange or install through valve stem. . Pour sealant into tire cavity. . Reseat bead on rim by inflating the tire to 30 psi. . Rotate tire slowly to spread compound. a > © N . Reduce tire pressure to 6 to 8 psi (41.3 to 55.1 kPa). Figure 7B-1. Wheel and Tire Repair 7B-1 SECTION 8 HYDRAULICS THIS SECTION INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SECTION 9 CHASSIS 9A. Repair and Service Tools and Materials .…..….……eecennennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnen 9A-1 OB. Failure Analysis...............-..eeeeeeeseecerereneeerne nece eDe eee nen recorrer rene nenenceneraneecea 9B-1 OC. Frameé................eeocccocrrrerere eee euccecerereee reee neon nveveverarea e oecacanevacecacareoconvaraneraren eee. 9C-1 CHASSIS SECTION 9A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Cleaning and refinishing materials: Standard automotive hand tools. Granite surface plate. Must be flat with in 0.002 inch (0.05 mm). Gauge bar (straight edge). Gauge blocks. Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Detergent and water. Paint, Jacobsen orange. Anti-rust oil. 9A-1 CHASSIS SECTION 9B. FAILURE ANALYSIS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY . Reel to bedknife can not | a. Bent frame. a. Align or replace bent frame be adjusted. member. b. Bent backing. b. Replace. . Excessive bearing wear a. Bent frame. a. Align or replace bent frame on traction roller or reel. member. . Poor quality of cut. a. Bedknife to reel not adjusted. a. Adjust (Section 12F). b. Dull reel and/or bedknife. b. Sharpen (Section 12F). c. Bedknife backing bent. c. Replace (Section 12E). d. Bent frame. d. Align see Section 9. e. Worn bearings. e. Replace (Section 4E and 4F). 9B-1 CHASSIS SECTION 9C. FRAME FRAME ASSEMBLY A CAUTION Do not disassemble frame unless absolutely necessary and have the ability and tools to assure frame is square when reassembled. To gain access to frame members, it may be neces- sary to remove the reel and/or traction roller. To remove the reel refer to Section 12D, for the traction roller, Section 4E. Figure 9C-1. Frame 9C-1 CHASSIS SECTION 9C. FRAME FRAME ALIGNMENT 1. 2. 3. Clean all sand, dirt, grass, etc. from the drive drum. Back off reel-to-bedknife adjustment until adjusting screws are loose. Place the machine on the surface plate. (See Figure 9C-2) 4. On a clean surface of the plate, place each gauge block under the reel shaft so they are 7.5 inches (19 cm) to the right and left of the center line of the reel. This will space the gauge blocks 15 inches (38.1 cm) apart. . Adjust the machine’s handle assembly so that the handle does not contact the handle stops (see Figure 9C-3). . Using a thickness gauge, check for a gap between the gauge block and reel shaft. Repeat this step checking for a gap in three different positions around the reel shaft. . If a gap exists, record thickness. Average the three measurements, this is the final measure- ment. . Using the measurement from step 7, determine if the frame is within specifications as follows: 0.005 inch (0.13 mm) for all escept the 26 inch, 7 bladed machine. 0.010 inch (0.25 mm) for the 26 inch, 7 bladed machined. * |f specification is within limits, the frame is squared, proceed with step 12. * |f specification is not within limits, proceed with step 9. Handle Figure 9C-3. Handle Adjustment Gauge Block Front View of Cutting Unit Surface Plate 15" Centerline Figure 9C-2. Frame Squaring 9C-2 CHASSIS SECTION 9C. FRAME (See Figure 9C-4) NOTE 9. Remove the drive belt housing cover. To raise the left side of the cutting unit, turn in the rear bedknife adjuster bolt on the left side 10. Loosen. eight 3/ 8 inch bolts that attach crossbars until adjuster spring is compressed. Then care- fully turn in the front bedknife adjuster bolt on 11. Using the bedknife backing and adjusting screws, the right side until the gap is eliminated. realign the frame. 3/8" Set of 4 on Each Side Loosen. Transport Clutch Lever O-Ring Housing `@ Reel Engagement Lever Figure 9C-4. Frame Crossmember Bolts 9C-3 CHASSIS SECTION 9C. FRAME (See Figure 9C-5) 12. Remove the blocks and place a gauge bar under the reel blades. NOTE The reel and gauge bar must be positioned so that the lowest point of blades contact the bar. 13. Using a thickness gauge, check for a gap between the gauge bar and reel blades. Repeat this step checking for a gap in three different positions around the reel. 14. 15. If a gap exists, record thickness. Average the three measurements, this is the final measure- ment. Using the measurement from step 14, determine the reel taper. e Reel taper should be 0.003 inch (0.08 mm) or less. e If reel taper is not within limits, grind the reel. a A ENT a on EB enn ete he a ater ew are we hws dina e wes ae vn rE UY Yee eX “ eN eo eo eco stars There rele tn ate tn dt Set w ata A eA lO OH ED ED Ye acute ns e eres, pese 1 {LE J Tr lo WU yv pe =~ (Q ® Figure 9C-5. Reel Taper 9C-4 10A. 10B. 10C. 10D. 10E. 10F. 10G. 10H. SECTION 10 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Repair and Service Tools and Materials .......................e.e20+5.e.eeres0eeeeeneeeeeenees 10A-1 Failure Analysis..............-.....eeereereceneerne reee een nescen esas 10B-1 General Instructions...........-......ee.eeecercrerrrerior ene rcenecee nee neenenerrereneeanneeceerrecencen ea. 10C-1 General ..................eeescrrccocoraceceacen rencor enercencenncaneneeerarenarenececncannereacceneneneeeconenees 10C-1 \М!ге Соп!пийу Те$!.......есеннненннееннеененнееннеенннееннненнеенеененненннннннненныннномнезноне: 10C-1 Resistance Test ....................ececececcccncercarercecenvenencace eee rencor ne onereneceececereeenene 10C-2 Ignition System ovine ns 10D-1 General ..................eercocerrcorocenere re eeeeen en rerreceneonaiceroroceccer o rrereanenonecenneoracarenecaneeeecene 10D-1 Component Isolation ....................+..+.1.-e-eeeeeeeeeee ener eee one ne eneeereereeeees 10D-1 Ignition Switch ............... ==. eee enn ener eeees 10D-1 Oil Alert Sending Unit ...............-...e.=eeesrcerreereneenece enano recorre neecneannenccees 10D-1 Engine SWitCh .……...….….……ecemeneensençennçnnnnçennnnsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 10D-2 Coil ...............ieseeeecocenererrrrececaracecerereeaeneonececenanorrcareeeenanenenovereccanneeaeeaeoooaravanenenneneo.. 10D-2 Primary OFS SP EE TREE CR IR I IE 10D-2 SECONCANY LL TEI 10D-3 Switches ..................ee=.ereccricorcareccere eee rerceceneneeca ere nearecececenecana eo racrerarenenncenecen. 10E-1 Ignition Switch Test ................2e2eeeeeeeenere eee nece enn 10E-1 Engine Switch Test .….…….....…..…..……rereenmeeneaneennenmennenennnnennennnnnnnnnennnnnnnnnnnnnûnn 10E-2 General ..................eeeccorerocorcareenceee recaer eee coc eoenerenererareneeeeoneenccaneneecocenereerenenenene 10E-2 Sending Unit ass reeset 10F-1 Oil Alert Sending Unit ...............-e==eeeeeeeereneeereie ee eee ene Der ree nerecaceennerreneenecene 10F-1 General ..................eeericenrecenecerceccereaer eee nererececeeenere nero cecnonraeeenaneerarancacaacanecnnes 10F-1 Sending UNit ..................eereeeereceeeene eee eee eee ene eenenneeereneeeeeerenenee 10F-1 Spark Plug ............-..—..e=eereererereerr ener ese 10G-1 General ....................ecererrecosoracaneoceravare rene coononteccececeneenn oo ro renocaaceccaneonenenecaccen cane 10G-1 Wiring Diagrams and Component Location lllustrations ...................—.e=e=ee=e.e=e=e.e.- 10H-1 Wiring Diagram ...........-.....ereereceeerereeeneeoe nene ere Deere eee eee een eneneeeeneeeee 10H-1 Component Location ....................=.=e.0eeereereenee eee eee nee ener 10H-2 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Multi-meter. Jumper wires. Other service items: Electrical insulation compound P/N 365422. 10A-1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10B. FAILURE ANALYSIS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY 1. Engine will not start. fo za” DD Ignition and/or engine switch not on. Clutch not released. No gas in tank. Insufficient oil in engine. Bad spark plug. Restriction in gas supply. Ignition switch faulty. Engine switch faulty. Oil alert sender faulty. —. . zo DD Turn ON. Disengage clutch. Fill tank. Fill to full mark (Section 11B). Replace plug (Section 10G). Check gas supply lines. Test (Section 10D, 10E). Test (Section 10D, 10E). Test (Section 10D, 10E). j. Wiring faulty. j. Test (Section 10C, 10D, 10G). 2. Engine shuts down a. No gas in tank. a. Fill tank. shortly after starting. b. Insufficient oil in engine. b. Fill to full mark (Section 11B). c. Restriction in gas supply. c. Check gas supply lines. d. Oil alert faulty (if installed). d. Test (Section 10D, 10E). 3. Engine not running a. Dirty fuel supply. a. Use clean fuel. smoothly. b. Bad spark plug. b. Clean/replace (Section 10G). c. Faulty ignition component(s). c. Test (Section 10D). 4. Hard starting smoothly. a. Dirty fuel supply. a. Use clean fuel. b. Bad spark plug. b. Clean/replace (Section 10G). c. Faulty ignition component(s). C. Test (Section 10D). 5. Engine lacks power. a. Bad spark plug. a. Clean/replace (Section 10G). b. b. Engine governor not adjusted or faulty. Refer to engine manufacturers repair manual. 10B-1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10C. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL Repair of the electrical system, for the most part, is limited to the replacement of faulty components or wiring. Wiring diagrams and Component Location illustrations are provided in Section 10H for trou- bleshooting and/or testing the electrical system. Specific repair and replacement instructions, where applicable, are also provided in this section. NOTE The test instrument shown in the illustrations for ‘this section is a digital multimeter (DMM). However, any test instrument capable of mea- suring voltage, current resistance, and continuity values specified for each test is acceptable. NOTE See engine manufacturers service manual for information on engine electrical components not covered in this section. In addition to testing a suspected faulty component it may be necessary to check for shorts or breaks in the wiring to the component. A common method of testing wires or circuits is to perform a continuity check as described below. NOTE Before performing any component or wiring test, check for corrosion and loose or missing con- nections. If a component (switch, relay, etc.) is removed for test or replacement make sure to identify and label wires so that the component can be installed correctly. WIRE CONTINUITY TEST (See Figure 10C-1) 1. Identify and locate the wire to be checked on the appropriate “Electrical System” illustration, locat- ed in Section 10H. 2. Set multimeter to ohms to end of wire. * There should be a reading (continuity) on the multimeter. If not, proceed to 3. 3. Perform a second check by using a jumper wire to bypass the wiring being tested. If the component in question now functions normally, replace the original wire. scale and touch leads Test Lead (+) POS À > EE —— Wire Y, (-) NEG | > / Les Jumper Wire Figure 10C-1. Wire Continuity Test 10C-1 INTRODUCTION SECTION 10C. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS ESISTANCE TEST (See Figure 10C-2) 3. Read the OHMS (Q) on the multimeter. NOTE * Contacts of a switch or a wire should have less than 0.5 Q reading. Tests should ONLY be performed with power source disconnected. e If OHM (2) readings are above 0.5 the switch or 1. Set the multimeter to an OHMS (Q) scale. wire is questionable. 2. Touch the leads to the terminals on the wire or switch. Test Lead UN, (-) NEG Nz «^“ Figure 10C-2. Resistance Tests, Ohm Q 10C-2 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10D. IGNITION SYSTEM GENERAL (See Figure 10D-1) The ignition system is made up of four components. It is necessary to first identify which component may be at fault. Once the component is isolated, refer to the section for that individual component for instructions on testing. Ignition Switch _—" A , . al? T Г Engine Wire DN ND switch — - NR В и” E | | Figure 10D-1. Ignition System COMPONENT ISOLATION 1. Before beginning, make sure that both the ignition switch and engine switch are ON. * |f engine still does not start or starts and shuts down, continue with step 2. IGNITION SWITCH (See Figure 10D-2) 2. Remove the BLK ignition switch plug from the connector. * |f engine starts and runs okay, the ignition switch is at fault (Section 10E). * If the original problem still exists, continue with step 3. BLK 7 Connector — © > RK)” | » ZA M 2% AVE x Y A Plug —® SANZ - 6 Figure 10D-2. Ignition Switch OIL ALERT SENDING UNIT (If Installed) (See Figure 10D-3) 3. Reconnect the BLK ignition switch wire to the connector. 4. Unplug the YEL oil alert sending unit wire. * If engine starts and runs okay, the oil alert sending unit is faulty (see Section 10F). * |f the original problem still exists, continue with step 5. N} o LE Qil ох Alert Sender Figure 10D-3. Oil Alert Sending Unit 10D-1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10D. IGNITION SYSTEM ENGINE SWITCH (See Figure 10D-4) 5. Reconnect the YEL oil alert wire. 6. Disconnect the BLK wire between the engine switch and connector. If engine starts and runs okay, the engine switch is faulty (see Section 10E). e If the original problem still exists, the ignition coil may be faulty, proceed with coil test. COIL PRIMARY (See Figure 10D-5) 1. Set multi-meter to 200 ohm (2) scale. 2. Disconnect BLK coil wire. 3. Connect one multi-meter lead to the coil BLK wire and the other to a good ground. * Coil primary resistance should measure 0.8-1.0 ohms (2), proceed with step 4. e |f coil fails test, replace. Engine | Switch N E Connector 4 AAW LTE Figure 10D-4. Engine Switch Figure 10D-5. Ignition Coil, Primary 10D-2 | ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10D. IGNITION SYSTEM SECONDARY (See Figure 10D-6) 4. Set multi-meter to 20k ohm (2) scale. 5. Connect one multi-meter lead to the high tension lead and the other to a good ground. * Coil secondary resistance should be 18-19k ohms (©). e |f coil secondary fails test, replace. Figure 10D-6. Ignition Coil, Secondary 10D-3 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10E. SWITCHES GENERAL 1. Remove the plug from the switch. This section provides instructions for testing the vari- 2. Set multi-meter to 200 <* ohms (9) scale. ous switches that are part of the electrical system. 3. Connect leads to switch as shown. Repair is limited to replacement of components found | faulty during testing. See Figure 10H for location of * With the switch ON, there should be no continu- components. ity shown on the multi-meter. 4. Turn switch OFF. IGNITION SWITCH TEST nn on * There should be continuity shown on the multi- The ignition switch in the OFF (closed) position meter. grounds the engine ignition system. When the switch a is ON (open) the ignition system is not grounded, 5. If the ohms (Q) reading is above 1.0 ohms (Q), allowing the engine to run. replace switch. NOTE Before testing, check to see if the clutch inter- lock is in adjustment. See Section 2C for adjust- ment procedures. 260 20 A 4 [2000 2m {0x e OFF ON Figure 10E-1. Ignition Switch Test 10E-1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10E. SWITCHES ENGINE SWITCH (See Figure 10E-2) The engine switch in the OFF (closed) position grounds the engine ignition system. When the switch is ON (open) the ignition system is no longer ground- ed allowing the engine to run. 1. Set multi-meter to 200 d' ohms (2) scale. 2. Connect one lead to the BLK wire. 3. Connect the other lead to the YEL wire. * With the switch in the ON (open) position, there should be no continuity. 4. Turn the switch to the OFF (closed) position. * There should be continuity. 5. If the ohms (Q) reading is above 1.0 ohms (2), replace the switch. Engine Switch < la == || Ss 5 JL Figure 10E-2. Engine Oil Alert Switch 10E-2 SECTION 10F. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SENDING UNITS OIL ALERT SENDING UNIT (If Installed) (See Figure 10F-1) | GENERAL Located in the engine block, the oil alert sending unit senses if there is oil in the crankcase. When the oil level drops below a safe limit the units contacts are CLOSED, grounding the ignition system, shutting the engine down or preventing the engine from being started. SENDING UNIT 1. Set multi-meter to 200 À ohms (Q) scale. 2. Fill the crankcase to the correct level. 3. Connect the POS (+) test lead to the YEL wire. 4. Connect NEG (-) test lead to the GRN wire. » There should be NO continuity, switch contacts OPEN. 5. Drain oil from crankcase. There should be continuity, switch contacts CLOSED. 6. Replace unit if it fails this test. — 5 77 = © © _— 7 HQE AAC rot 5 Oil Alert YEL Sending Unit - 1 T TV), 200m 200 м y [70002m104 a“ NEG (-) SE | NS POS (+) Figure 10F-1. Oil Alert Sending Unit 10F-1 | ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10G. SPARK PLUG GENERAL Visually inspect the spark plug and check sealing washer. Replace if insulator is cracked or chipped and if sealing washer is damaged. Remove carbon or other deposits with a stiff copper brush. Using a wire type feeler gauge, measure gap and reset if necessary to 0.028-0.031 inch (0.7-0.8 mm). After installing the spark plug finger tight use a plug socket: NEW PLUG — turn an additional 1/2 turn. USED PLUG — turn an additional 1/8 to 1/4 turn. NOTE The spark plug must be tight. If plug is left loose it will run excessively hot and damage the plug and/or engine. Figure 10G-1. Spark Plug “A CAUTION Never use a spark plug with the improper heat range or length. 10G-1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10H. WIRING DIAGRAMS AND COMPONENT LOCATION ILLUSTRATIONS an Spark TT Plug Mm Oil Alert Engine Switch Switch (If Installed) x o GRN YEL | rm = o ГГ] BLK BLK Ignition Switch FT BLK Wiring Diagram 10H-1 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SECTION 10H. WIRING DIAGRAMS AND COMPONENT LOCATION ILLUSTRATIONS Engine TA Switch v \ A Y S/ Cil Alert D Switch Ignition Switch Component Locations 10H-2 SECTION 11 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE 11A. CT 1-2 | EE UUTUU TUE UU UU PPP PIT IPP IT ITITIIIAIITITRS 11A-1 Preventive Maintenance ........................+....00mvecccenveneecorerecencevceccareecere enero nece. 11A-1 ToL 2 120 LF 1181 [OO POPPI A SI RETR PEE TI 11A-1 Administration ........................eererecerceccore neon eo ee e enereeeerae en ener eaenocenenenerenarenarenenane 11A-1 PMMRS Program Kit..............—e.=ee.eeserenonenrrnoreenencece sess sss sans 11A-1 11B. Lubrication Schedules..................ereeem.ee0ercircce ne ernest assis rarer es asses 11B-1 General OS 11B-1 Lubrication Schedules...................-...e...000iecencecencere rene ene rencor enrnenuetene. 11B-1 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SECTION 11A. GENERAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Preventive Maintenance (PM) is maintenance per- formed to prevent malfunctions and parts breakdowns by periodically and systematically checking equipment and its systems. Preventive Maintenance will cut back corrective main- tenance. SCHEDULING Each machine should be scheduled for preventive maintenance according to the hours used, its severity of use, and the type of environment the machine is used in. Use the manufacturers recommendation of preventive maintenance. These recommendations can then be altered as experience is gained with the type of equip- ment and the type of environment in which it operates. While performing preventive maintenance tasks the individual should always be alert to conditions that may seem abnormal. If an abnormal condition is detected a determination must be made to either correct the condi- tion immediately or schedule the tractor in the shop for necessary repairs. ADMINISTRATION Record keeping is an important and most often a for- gotten part of preventive maintenance. Jacobsen has developed a PMMRS (Preventive Maintenance Management Record System). PMMRS PROGRAM KITS The PMMRS kits and replacement forms (see Figure 11A-1) are available directly from your local Jacobsen Distributor. Nagaeoavr +005 Maan BIE ND, ooo UA NEY, N ACCERSOMES Nao Nave Marne Marvy Naw Model No. MEUS MACHINE ASIEN Sarial No. TT HF pesen Ne SERVICE ORDER i ; : | 8* FORCES PR WARRANTY REPAIR vor - Figure 11A-1. PMMRS Kit Order Forms 11A-1 ‘1ojeag uesqooer 1noÁ j9ejuoo 'eBueyo 0) j9efgns sad 8866-E0VES UISUOISIM ‘eufoey enueAy piexoed 12st einjeub|s pezuoyiny OU} ‘UONX | JO UOJSIAIQ uesqooef CTE NaSa0avr '1ejeeq uesgosef 1noÁ joejuoo “eBueyo 0) josfgns 8114 8866-£0VES UISUOISIM ‘eujoey enusAy pieyoed 1721 СЕЛ Мау" 00'2$ @ 519945 19P10 89/MO$ GC 06'1$ @ 5199Ц5 Аешштпс вэивиерцеу! 01 (s10j00 eljejs) OS'a$ SJepjo4S 00'2$ @ 519945 19р10 BSINIOS GC 08'1$ @ 519945 ALWWNS eoueueluieN OL (s10]00 eels) 09'2$ SI0pjO4 S did "AID AT3LYVYHVd3S Y30GHO OL зна ‘ALD ATal vHYdas H3AHO OL jueudnb3 sussin uU8819 juswdinb3 sueeit че) SMOTUL 190900 — SOUL 1eddog — juewdinb3 Bujwooln elumM — juewdnb3 Suuoo019 oyumM siemojg pue siedsemg moioA siemoig pue siedesmsg MONA — sispses eng Xq siepees eng ха — sAiejoy pou sAiejoy pou siojeioy enig ‘117 s10)e18Yy eng SIGMON ¡09H К! SIOMO ¡00 AI siojoeij uni еэбчею SIOJOBIL UNIL eSue.Q — (редсер 1002 }oeu0) SI8p;04 S1-8Zp8 ‘Be G sisays 18P10 SDJAISS Si-ZZHB 'EO OC siesus Aieuluins SouBUSIuIEWN S1-9/¥8 ‘86 OL :10 SISISUOO Ny (редзер 10102 10849) SIepjo.j Si-8278 '80 G sjesyg 18piQ GOJAISS S1-2/p8 BG OC s}90Ug AlBWIWNG COUBUBIUIEN S1-9ZPB "88 OL ‘JO SISISUOO IX d34adHO SLIM 'ALO 1p1 1ed 00'9$ 9 LIM SHANd dHadHO SLIM 'ALO 14 180 00°9% ® LIN SHANA 3115 7 31ViS diz vi Y304O ANYdNO99Y LSNN al HIdHO ANYdAO99Y 1SAN oan LANOLSNO MO3HO H3NOLSNO ALID 39 4 ALID "ON M93HO9 ssaHgaY "ON MOHO ssadaY ON Or 'ON 'O'd HOLNEIHLSIO FNVN HOLNGIHISIG INN MNV18 HIQHO MNV18 HIQHO W31SAS QHOO3H INFWIDVYNVIN SONVNILNIVIN SAILNIASHd SHINN WN31SAS HOOT INFWIDVYNYIN JONVNILNIVIN JALLNJA3Hd SUNWd 30Vd SIHL 40 S31dO9 3XMYW 3SV31d 11A-2 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SECTION 11B. LUBRICATION SCHEDULES GENERAL | LUBRICATION SCHEDULES This section contains lubrication schedules. The following lubrication chart outlines grease and oil . ; . . intervals. Intervals are based on operating hours. Oe Ki Pate podtomsance of the machine, These are suggested intervals only. As experience is gained in operating this machine, the schedule can be Clean grease fitting before greasing. Apply grease tailored to your operating time. using a hand grease gun and fill very slowly. A CAUTION Do Not use compressed air grease guns. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE CHART Annually Description Remarks d Fuel Level Fill. d ine Oil Check. .Use SAE 10W-30 API SE/SF/SG Air Cleaner Clean. Fuel Filter Clean. Combustion Chamber Clean. Valve Clearance 7 | e Spark Plug Change As Required. 11B-1 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SECTION 11B. LUBRICATION SCHEDULES LUBRICATION SCHEDULE CHART > | = | 15 $ | ® |Е8 | 2 Ref. Description = | 2 |84| € Remarks 8 | a Height Adjusters. X 9 | a Right and Left Reel Bearings X 10 | a Right and Left Traction Hub Bearings X 11 | a Traction Hub Differential X Repack. 12 | a Clutch Shaft Housing X 13 | b Traction Clutch Lever X 14 | b Reel Clutch Lever X 15 | a Wheel Bearings X Repack. 16 | c Clutch Fingers X Oil. 17 | ¢ Clutch Bearing Slide X Oil. 18 | c Clutch Finger Shaft Bushings X Oil. 19 | a Front Roller X 11B-2 INTRODUCTION SECTION 11B. LUBRICATION SCHEDULES 19 9 14 FOOTNOTES Use grease (NLGI Grade O). Apply with a manual grease gun. Molybdenum disulfide E. P. grease. Oil 30W API classification SE/SF/SG. Engine oil capacity 1.26pt (0.60 liters) use API classification SE/SF/SG. Sae 10W30 or 30W grade oil. Gap plug to 0.028 — 0.031 in. (0.7 — 0.8 mm). o VD LOU 11B-3 12A. 12B. 12C. 12D. 12E. 12F. 12G. SECTION 12 ATTACHMENTS Repair and Service Tools and Materials …..….….…..…..….….….….….eensceneennennnnen en sceresenceseces 12A-1 Failure Analysis ................e.ee=ee.ereereree eee er reee eneenerarLeererenennenereeees 12B-1 General Instructions ................. ==. ===..ereceecvirecerecee ener enero 12C-1 Contents ................eee0reerrririceoL eee ree renencUeenenenrareenecarenecacaraereeennenoracacavacareaneneranee 12C-1 Preparation for Repair .................-—..m.re-eeseerererecerer ener eee eee reee 12C-1 Bedknife Selection ....................eeeerverrercnenno encore e e eenenenacane a canerenenecoeoccanececaenee 12C-1 = TT Ran sens 12D-1 General .…………rrrnenenenennençenenmennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnennnnnnnnnnnnnnnännnnnnnnns 12D-1 Removal ....................eeeerrericaeeeerecenec ener vere errante tere nreennrerennanereneneravanenaneneraranan 12D-1 Installation ................-.-._eeereeeeeeereneneec ec Ree rec ne erererercenenenceceeranecenaneeeeeene 12D-3 BOOKIE TL LLL LLL 12E-1 General ..................reeiiicerDereLer ere ce eran n eee renerenrenecarareccaneronrecaveranrococareacaeanecacee 12E-1 (7-1. V1. - LLL LL A A 12E-2 Sharpening and Adjusting Reels and Bedknives .................eescernercacanneneneneaenee e. 12F-1 General ELL LLL LL 12F-1 Improper Adjustment ..............-—-———...eirerererenener reee ener nene 12F-1 Damaged PartS .…..….…..…………eerreemeeneseeneannenneneenes sense sesec ee ten ene nee e tete etess 12F-1 Bad Bearings, End Play or Radial Play .….…....…...….….reecceccencnnseencen eeserereecenccecces 12F-1 Bedknife Dressing ...................ie.eeeeerenr nene Der erre reneeeeenrenerreneranenerenenenen 12F-2 Bedknife to Reel Adjustments ..................==-.e.-..esveceeeerecene ener nene ennenecenereneeeeee 12F-2 Bedknife Grinding .............-.-—...ereeereeeenere rene Leen nencernenenecaneranerererecenee. 12F-3 Reel Repair and Grinding .................—-—..ere.eeeeeseeree erre reee cette 12F-5 Backlapping -...........-.--.e.eerereeerere rene Deere eee Eee ete 12F-5 Turf Groomer (Product No. 68605) ................—e..eerenecereereeeeeennenereneceenenerne e 12G-1 Grooved Roller .....................e-esevererercee rene c nee ner n recorre nneearevecaranerrecnaneoneecenererness 12G-1 Removal ...................ecrrcecareeeererrene econ near rcenerercereceneneencenvenaneveceveveneneverereca. 12G-1 Tyo T= LL UO OOP POPP LLL E iii 12G-2 Installation ......................e...0mererieces eee erre een eee eceeceneacaceveraneeceorennanenacs 12G-2 Groomer Shaft ....................e..eeeeererecere rice een rene een enerecererneneneeceneenoenonaaneennar. 12G-3 Removal ........неннннннненееееенеенененнненннсчеееенееенннемееынненнненнннненненннчнннненееннеенененолнеее) 12G-3 Bearing Repait ...................ereeencererenecenenion Leer nee eneene eee etc 12G-4 DiSASSEMDIY EL Ne NEc Eee 12G-4 REASSEMDIY .………...........…eveveseereeriensereenerencenenseenee etes c evene ec ece eee ee 12G-4 =ICo(-N >! (LLL 12G-5 Disassembly ................e..eeerercercarenerne reee en ren ere ene neciecenaeecenceroee recen 12G-5 CC 1110) AL LEN 12G-5 Installation ...............er..eseceecerceneren e Dee Ren cecececececenenceneneravenevavanercene 12G-6 Blade to Roller Alignment .....................e.emeeeeeceencneere enero eececene rear acrenere 12G-6 Bearing Adjustment ...................-++-..ereseereeee eee ener ee ere es 12G-7 DriVE …..….…..….……raroserarenaeaneneneerrenser ace cesasa eee ce cree ace tea NEC EC A ENT ECC CEE CNET 12G-8 Drive Pulley Repair ..................eeeeerereneeeeceer nene nene er eneeen ene 12G-8 Belt Replacement .….…..….…….….…meerenennennennennnnnnnnnnnnnennnnnennnnnnnnnnsnnnnn 12G-10 Belt Adjustment .…....…..….……ererseeenmeenenmannnnçnennennenenenenennnnnennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 12G-12 Clutch Assembly .................e..eeruecinerrcerinernne nece enre ener cecenereenerececacerenererenee: 12G-13 Quick Height Adjust Assembly ....................e+.es.eseveeereereereeeneeeneceen nena reee 12G-14 =D LLL LL LL ER: 12G-14 Adjustment .................-....e.eseerereee ere eee rece eee rneenrnerecenerreneeerecenenes 12G-14 Micro Height AdJUSIMENT «c.count 12G-15 Lubrication .................eeeerereririeocoreceec erre rene ener e reececocan et sa satan satan nasa sass benbens 12G-16 INTRODUCTION SECTION 12A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Cleaning materials: Lubricants: Other service items: Standard automotive hand tools, including driving tools, and seal protectors, Reel Grinder; Bedknife Grinder; Lap- ping Machine; Bearing Puller. Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Detergent and water. Refer to Section 11. Newspaper. Jacobsen lapping compound. Gauge bar for adjusting cutting height (Part No. 158568). Shims for turf groomer cutter shaft assembly 0.010 inch (0.25 mm) thick (Part No. 364040). 12A-1 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12B. FAILURE ANALYSIS PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE REMEDY Reel does not turn. a. Clutch not engaged. a. Engage reel clutch lever. b. Reel jammed with grass. b. Clean reel. c. Bedknife too tight. c. Adjust (Section 12F). d. Belt broken. d. Replace (Section 4F). e. Reel bearing faulty. e. Replace (Section 4F). . Reel turns slow. a. Engine rpm too low. a. Increase engine rpm. b. Clutch slipping. b. Adjust (Section 2C). Uneven cut. a. Bedknife to reel not adjusted. a. Adjust (Section 12F). b. Roller not adjusted evenly. b. Check height of cut. Adjust (Section 12F). c. Reel or bedknife cutting edge c. Grind (Section 12F). damaged. d. Uneven wear of reel and/or d. Grind (Section 12F). bedknife. e. Roller bearing faulty. e. Replace (Section 13). . Uneven wear of reel or a. Adjusted too much on one side. a. Grind/adjust (Section 12F). bedknife. b. Reel bearings faulty. b. Replace (Section 4F). c. Loose reel blade(s). c. Repair (Section 12F). 12B-1 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12C. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS CONTENTS This section covers repairs to the reel and bedknife of the Greens King . PREPARATION FOR REPAIR Thoroughly clean the mower prior to disassembly and repair procedures. Coat bare metal parts with light oil. The cutting and grooming attachments are exposed to water (used in daily washing), grass clippings, sand, corrosive fertilizers, and foreign objects such as tees. It may be necessary to use bearing pullers and/or wooden blocks and hammers to free up some parts such as bearings and spacers. When such force is required to remove parts, those parts should be replaced rather than reinstalled on the machine. NENE Ne Before removing components, turn reel “Off” and stop engine. Remove the spark plug wire. BEDKNIFE SELECTION The standard bedknife for Greens King machines shipped from the factory is the low profile (Part No. 5000413). Part No. 5000141 Heavy Section Part No. 503477 High Profile | - Part No. 3000413 Low Profile 5000927 Tournament 5000098 Low Profile 3002566 Tourament 503478 Low Profile — 1/8" ? 90°} 0.120 (3.05 mm) an mr +2 8° 0 ен y } 0.062 (1.57 mm) 1/16" 90° go 0 0.062 (1.57 mm) 1/16" 90° Figure 12C-1. Bedknife 12C-1 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12D. REEL GENERAL REMOVAL (See Figure 12D-1) It will not be necessary in all cases to remove the 1. Remove brake assembly. entire reel for service. ONLY remove the necessary 2 Remove left wheel hub nut, collar and bushing parts to facilitate needed repairs. "Pull off wheel hub ; - Clutch Shaft Shims Small Bearing Housing Pulley Loosen, DO NOT Remove Large Pulley a Loosen, DO Ga cuen NOT Remove ‘ Lever Y Belt Case Reel Shaft Reel ON cover Cover, Shaft ; Spring Nut Nut a ` | Bedknife Bolt + "UA Torque 27 ft-lbs. > @ | ) Br Cag (37 N.m) O Bearing Ale A Housings \ Square Drive | É > Keys ' ^ oO QA Y Ç Torque to 4 | SS Bolt Torque 7-9 ft-Ibs. / Torque to _— < —e (20 24 Nm) (9-12 N.m) ~ | 15-18 ft-lbs. o - M Torque to S (20-24 N.m) flat — 15-18 ft-lbs. Wash (20-24 N.m) asher AC (С Grease Fitting Clutch 0 Assembly Figure 12D-1. Reel Assembly 12D-1 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12D. REEL 10. . Remove setscrews, spring and ball from both clutch engagement levers. . Remove belt case cover. . On the large sprocket bearing bracket, loosen but do not remove setscrew and mounting bolts. Pull shaft with large pulley, small pulley and shims off side frame. Remove belts. . Loosen clutch shaft bearing housing, do not remove. . Remove reel drive belt from reel pulley. . On right side, remove reel shaft cover, reel shaft nut and seal carrier. Loosen spring nut relaxing spring tension. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Pull clutch assembly from left side of reel. Remove bolt with grease fitting, lockwasher, flat washer, spacer with 2 square cut drive keys, and square drive key from reel shaft. Using a suitable puller, remove bearing and pulley assembly and spacers. Loosen both bearing housing mounting screws, do not remove. Loosen bedknife adjusters. Remove both bedknife bolts and bedknife. Remove mounting screws from both bearing housing. Reel will now drop out of frame. Adjuster Mounting Bolt Torque to 27 ft-lbs. (37 N.m) Flat Washers Adjuster Bedknife Assembly Figure 12D-2. Bedknife Ear Position 12D-2 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12D. REEL INSTALLATION (See Figure 12D-1) 1. 2. 10. Position reel in frame and install bearing housing socket head screws. Do not tighten. Install bedknife, being sure ears are positioned between flat washer and spring cup as shown in Figure 12D-2. Do not tighten bedknife mounting bolts. . Torque bearing housing to 15-18 ft-lbs. (20-24 N.m). . Torque bedknife mounting bolts to 27 ft-lbs. (37 N.m). . On left, install reel drive pulley and drive belt. . Install spacer, square cut drive key, spacer with the 2 drive keys, flat washer, lockwasher and bolt with grease fitting. . Torque bolt to 15-18 ft-lbs. (20-24 N.m). . Install spring, using the reel shaft nut as a gauge. Thread spring nut onto shaft until 1/2 thread is exposed beyond reel shaft nut. . Install seal carrier with seal, tighten screws to 7-9 ft-lbs. (9-12 N.m). Install reel shaft nut and tighten against spring nut. NOTE There should be 1/2 thread exposed beyond nut after installing. Repeat step 8, if necessary. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. . Install bushing with bronze side in, collar and 12D-3 Install reel shaft cover, torque bolts to 7 ft-lbs. (9 N.m). On the left, adjust belt tension, tighten clutch shaft bearing housing bolts. Torque bolts to 9-14 ft-lbs. (12-19 N.m). Place remaining belts onto pulleys. Push shaft with large pulley, small pulley and shims into bearing block. Torque bearing block mounting screws to 35 ft- Ibs. (47.8 N.m) and setscrew to 10 ft-lbs. (13.5 N.m). Check alignment of belts. Add or delete shims behind small 18 tooth pulley as necessary for belt alignment. Install belt cover, torque screws to 7 ft-lbs. (9.5 N.m). Install clutch engagement levers, balls, springs and setscrews. Install drive key on shaft. Install clutch sleeve. Install flat washer and bushing with bronze side out. Install wheel hub. locknut. Tighten locknut against collar. SECTION 1 ATTACHMENTS 2E. BEDKNIFE GENERAL The bedknife shipped from the factory with the machine is the 7/64 inch (2.78 mm) minimum cut “low profile” (Part No. 5000413) knife. The “high profile” bedknives shown in Figure 12E-1 may be used in place of the “low profile” bedknife. NOTE Check the dimensions of alternative bedknives (Section 12F, Figure 12F-5) before attempting to grind your existing bedknife to meet specific needs. A simple replacement may be all that is necessary. Bedknives that cannot be repaired by backlapping should be ground or replaced. The bedknife is held to the bedknife backing by screws. When replacing a bedknife the bedknife should be flat, lightly ground to level the cutting edge. Clean the backing prior to installing the bedknife. Secure the installed bedknife by tightening the mount- ing screws, starting with those at the center and work- ing out to the ends. 0.120 (3.05 mm) ? Part No. 5000141 Heavy Section Part No. 503477 High Profile | - Part No. 3000413 Low Profile 5000927 Tournament 5000098 Low Profile 3002566 Tourament 503478 Low Profile 1/8" +2 8° 0 A} 4 0.062 (1.57 mm) 1/16" 90° +2 ge 0 0.062 (1.57 mm) 1/16" 90° Figure 12E-1. Bedknife 12E-1 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12E. BEDKNIFE SERVICE (See Figure 12E-2) 1. 2. Loosen both bedknife adjusters. Remove mounting bolts, remove bushing in side . Remove bedknife from backing. NOTE 6. Grind bedknife, refer to Sharpening in Section 12G. 7. Install new bushings. frame. 8. Position bedknife so ears of bedknife backing are . Using a suitable mandrel, remove bushing in side petween flat washer and spring cup as shown in frame. gure lek. 9. Mount bedknife to side frame. Torque to 30 ft-lbs. (40.5 N.m). 10. Adjust as described in Section 12G. Discard old screws, replace with new ones. the inside out. . Install bedknife to backing. Tighten screws from Flat Washer Ear Flat Washers Ears Adjuster = = E — Adjuster ye | _ = № ] N i Backing Bedknife Assembly Figure 12E-2. Bedknife Replacement 12E-2 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12F. SHARPENING AND ADJUSTING REELS AND BEDKNIVES GENERAL A reel mower cuts grass in the same way a scissors cuts cloth or paper. Each blade on the reel acts as one scissor blade, and the bedknife acts as the other scissor blade. Grass is trapped between the reel blade and bedknife and is sheared off as the reel blade rotates over the stationary bedknife. A properly sharpened and adjusted reel mower cuts grass clean- ly and with minimum effort. A poorly sharpened reel mower may tear, shread, pull or leave grass uncut and usually requires more effort than a properly sharpened reel mower. If a mower cuts in streaks, strips or ragged areas, chances are the cutting edges are not properly adjust- ed or they need sharpening. Inspect the blades and bedknife for nicks, gouges, high or low wear areas, or other signs of damage or uneven wear. However, consider these other factors that can contribute to poor cutting performance before grinding and lapping the cutting edges. IMPROPER ADJUSTMENT The perfect adjustment of blade and bedknife is no contact which causes drag or resistance to rotation. Owing to the manufacturing clearances required in bearings and other mating components, the bedknife should be set close enough to the reel so the mower cuts a strip of newspaper clear across the blades without a metal-to-metal contact between the bedknife and reel blades. DAMAGED PARTS A gouged bedknife, nicks reel blade, or wavy bedknife and reel as well as a bent frame, bent bedknife ears, broken welds, worn bearings or loose attaching hard- ware can cause poor quality cutting. Solve such prob- lems by making sure the bedknife mounting screws and other hardware are secure and by replacing parts if damage cannot be corrected by grinding and lap- ping. BAD BEARINGS, END PLAY OR RADIAL PLAY Check for play in the reel bearings. A Greens King has self-adjusting bearings. Excessive play indicates worn bearings or weak compression spring. A CAUTION Never grind and lap a reel in the frame until all end play and radial play are eliminated. End or radial play will cause uneven grinding. Reel blades and a bedknife that are slightly dull or have minor nicks or high spots can be reconditioned quickly and easily by lapping. Both grinding and lap- ping are required when more severe wear or damage exists. If a wave has developed in the bedknife, lap- ping will not solve the problem and the mower reel and bedknife must be ground. A reel worn or incorrectly ground to a conical shape instead of a cylindrical shape will cause a wavy bed- knife and be hard to adjust. See Figure 12F-1. = If diameters A and B are not equal, the reel is conical NOTE Always correct a conical shaped reel by grinding. A conical reel can cause a wavy bedknife. If diameters A and B are equal, the reel is cylindrical Figure 12F-1. Reel Wear 12F-1 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12F. SHARPENING AND ADJUSTING REELS AND BEDKNIVES BEDKNIFE DRESSING (See Figure 12G-2) 1 Inch Front After the unit has been in operation for a period of time, it may become necessary to dress the face of the bedknife. A flat front face as shown below should be maintained to ensure a good quality of cut. A sharp jagged edge will result in a ragged cut. Cutting units Adjuster that are being used in sandy conditions or on surfaces with a high sand content, top dressing will require more frequent dressing of the bedknife. The front face should be regularly maintained using a flat file or small hand held disc grinder. BEDKNIFE TO REEL ADJUSTMENTS (See Figure 12F-3) 1. When adjusting, start with the leading end of the reel and follow with the trailing end. 2. Turn the rear adjusting bolt clockwise until there is a slight spring tension against the bedknife ear. 3. While rotating the reel in reverse, turn the front adjuster clockwise (CW) to bring the bedknife up ОЙ Оо UD Raise Bedknife to the reel. Figure 12F-3. Bedknife Adjustments ? Part No. 5000141 Heavy Section +2 8° -0 — 0.120 (3.05 mm) — 1/8" — oc} | +2 [ _ Part No. 3000413 Low Profile 5000927 Tournament 5000098 Low Profile 3002566 Tourament 503478 8° 0 „ее } A 0.062 (1.57 mm) 1/16" | 90° Part No. 503477 High Profile +2 8° 0 0.062 (1.57 mm) 1/16" 90° Figure 12F-2. Dressing the Bedknife 12F-2 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12F. SHARPENING AND ADJUSTING REELS AND BEDKNIVES 4. Continue adjusting until there is a 0.001 to 0.002 inch (0.03-0.05 mm) clearance between reel and bedknife. When the bedknife is properly adjusted, you A CAUTION should be able to turn the reel freely. The reel Always install blotter washers between the should shear a piece of newsprint at 90° to the grinding wheel and the flanges. Do not overtight- bedknife along the full length of the reel. en the flange nut on the grinding wheel. Do not Ол run a grinding wheel faster than specified on the 5. The rear adjusting bolt is used to vary spring load wheel blotters. on the bedknife. Turning the rear adjusting bolt clockwise (CW) increases and counterclockwise (CCW) decreas- es spring tension. A DAN G = В For most applications the spring should be com- pressed to 1.00 inch (25.4 mm). Do not stand in line with a grinding wheel the first three minutes it is run. Never jam a grinding BEDKNIFE GRINDING wheel into the work piece, especially when the The bedknife shipped from the factory with the wheel is not rotating. machine is the 7/64 inch (2.78 mm) minimum cut “low profile” (Part No. 3000413) knife. The “high profile” bedknives shown in Section 12C of this manual may be used in place of the “low profile” bedknife. When the Greens King is being used for areas above 5/32 inch (33.97 mm), Jacobsen recommends using the | XT high profile knife. | - © МОТЕ Check the dimensions of alternative bedknives (see Figure 12F-5) before attempting to grind your existing bedknife to meet specific needs. A simple replacement may do the job. Dr 1/3 rd Bedknives that cannot be repaired by backlapping Ш should be ground or replaced. The bedknife is held to OS the bedknife shoe by thirteen screws. When replacing a bedknife the bedknife should be lightly ground to level the cutting edge. Figure 12F-4. Bedknife Grinding Angle A DAN G = R 1. Use a wire brush, thoroughly remove dried mater- ) ial, rust and scale from the bedknife and backing. Always wear eye protection when operating a a nn , grinding machine. 2. Refer to the grinding machine manufacturer's instructions for mounting the bedknife and operat- ing the machine. 3. Tilt the grinding head so the stone contacts the À A CAUTIO N bedknife at rear 1/8 inch (3.18 mm) of top surface. I 2F This will give proper set up to grind bedknife cor- rectly (see Figure 12F-5). Handle and store grinding wheels carefully. 4. Grind the bedknife to the dimensions shown in Discard grinding wheels that are cracked, badly Figure 12F-5. chipped, or have been dropped. 12F-3 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12F. SHARPENING AND ADJUSTING REELS AND BEDKNIVES ? Part No. 5000141 Heavy Section | Part No. 503477 High Profile [ _ Part No. 3000413 Low Profile 5000927 Tournament 5000098 Low Profile 3002566 Tourament 503478 +2 8° -0 0.120 (3.05 mm) 1/8" voue Si 8° < т A 0.062 (1.57 mm) 1/16" 90° 0.062 (1.57 mm) 1/16" 90° Figure 12F-5. Bedknife Grinding Dimensions NOTE The bedknife end at which the reel first makes contact is called the leading end. A beveled cor- ner (dub) is ground on this end. It is important that the dub be maintained throughout the life of the bedknife. The dub provides an entrance ramp for the reel blade on to the bedknife. If the dub is worn or ground away and not replaced, the reel blade could hook the corner of the bed- knife as it begins contact. 5. After grinding the bedknife, examine the dub. If, through grinding it has become smaller than 0.18 inch (1.6 mm), hand grind or file the surface to the specified dimensions (see Figure 12F-6). 0.18 Inch (1.6 mm) A 12F-4 Figure 12F-6. Bedknife DUB ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12F. SHARPENING AND ADJUSTING REELS AND BEDKNIVES REEL REPAIR AND GRINDING Reel blades and a bedknife that are slightly dull or have minor nicks or high spots can be reconditioned quickly and easily by lapping. Both grinding and lap- ping are required when more severe wear or damage exists. If a wave has developed in the bedknife, lap- ping will not solve the problem and the mower reel and bedknife must be ground. NOTE A reel worn or incorrectly ground to a conical shape instead of a cylindrical shape will cause a wavy bedknife. If necessary, remove the reel from the mower frame as described in Section 12D of this manual. Prior to grinding the reel, clean, inspect and repair the reel as follows: e Steam clean or wash the reel. * Clean the reel thoroughly by scraping off all dried material from the blades. + Inspect the back of each reel blade for irregular surface which could cause the guide finger to hang up while grinding. Remove any irregularities. « Inspect the welds at the spiders. If any have cracked or broken loose, reweld using a #7018 low hydrogen welding rod. + Straighten any bent reel blades by hammering into shape with a block of steel and a hammer. The method of grinding will depend upon the grinding equipment being used. Set up and operate the grind- ing machine in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Exercise the following precautions: A DANGER | Always wear eye protection when operating a grinding machine. A CAUTION Handle and store grinding wheels carefully. Discard grinding wheels that are cracked, badly chipped, or have been dropped. A CAUTION Always install blotter washers between the grinding wheel and the flanges. Do not overtight- en the flange nut on the grinding wheel. Do not run a grinding wheel faster than specified on the wheel blotters. Á DANGER Do not stand in line with a grinding wheel the first three minutes it is run. Never jam a grinding wheel into the work piece, especially when the wheel is not rotating. 1. Grind the reel blades to achieve the results shown in Figure 12F-5. 2. After grinding, dress each blade (new or old) with a fine hone or block of hardwood to remove grind- ing burrs from the blade. 3. If removed, install the reel as described in Section 12D and bench lap the reel. BACKLAPPING Whenever a reel and bedknife have been ground or a new reel and/or bedknife are being installed, the assembled reel should be backlapped using an elec- tric powered bench lapper. 1. The lapper should be connected to the reel shaft on the right side. 2. Apply Jacobsen lapping compound 150 gritt or finer to each reel blade. 3. Run the lapper backward and continue applying lapping compound, making slight adjustments to the bedknife if necessary until there is uniform contact along the full length of the cutting edges. Do not rotate the reel by hand, use a piece of wood, plastic, or other rigid non-metallic material to rotate the reel by hand, when checking clear- ances. 12F-5 A WARNING ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12F. SHARPENING AND ADJUSTING REELS AND BEDKNIVES View A — Reel Truing Reel Blade Lo % Scuff Pattern Na Wheel Cutting Edge View B — Relief Grinding Reel Scuff Blade Pattern \ | [ \ NM | I \\ Grinding \ Wheel ` Cutting Edge Correctly Ground Blade Blade 0.003" Back Face —— Relief N Grind 7 ~~ Blade Blade Top Front Face Face Figure 12F-7. Reel Grinding Procedure 12F-6 . Turn off the lapper. . Wash off compound. . Carefully turn the reel backward slowly by using a wooden or other non-metallic probe. Make neces- sary reel-to-bedknife clearance adjustments as described in bedknife adjustments. . As a final check, place a strip of newspaper verti- cally between the reel and bedknife. Manually rotate the reel slowly forward. The blade should cut the newspaper across entire edge of the bed- knife. ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) GROOVED ROLLER 4. Remove shifter housing. REMOVAL (See Figure 12G-1) 5. Loosen roller shaft nut setscrew and remove nut 6. Remove groomer frame. 7. Remove roller. 1. Remove guide wheels from both ends of roller. 2. Remove socket head setscrews, spring and detent balls. 3. Remove clutch engagement lever. Shifter Socket Head Housing Screws Clutch Lever Guide Wheels Roller Shaft Nut Shims Groomer Frame Roller Figure 12G-1. Roller Removal 12G-1 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) REPAIR (See Figure 12G-2) 1. Remove snap ring (1). 2. Using a puller, remove shaft assembly (2). 3. Bearing (6), nilos ring (7) and seal (8) can be removed by first removing nut (3) and associated hardware (4) and (5). NOTE Grease fitting (9) and shaft nuts (10) should be removed before reassembly. 4. Install nilos ring (7) onto shaft (2). 5. Install bearing (6), seal side first, onto shaft (2). 6. Install flat washer (5), lockwasher (4) and nut (3). Torque nut to 20 ft-lbs. (27 N.m) 7. Press shaft (2) subassembly into the roller. NOTE — Seal must be pressed so it just clears the snap ring groove in roller. 8. Press seal (8) (seal lip to the inside) into roller. 9. Install snap ring (1). 10. Install grease fitting (9) and one shaft nut (10). INSTALLATION (See Figure 12G-3) 1. Install nuts on both ends of roller. Thread them on as far as they will go. 2. Position roller in frame on right. Install groomer frame on left. 3. Install shifter housing. 4. Install clutch engagement lever detent balls, spring and socket head setscrews. 5. Using the two inside roller nuts, center groomer blades between roller discs. 6. Install shims and outer nuts on both ends. NOTE Install the required amount of shims necessary so that when the outer nut is tightened there are no threads exposed beyond the nut. Each shim is 0.60 inch thick. 7. Tighten roller shaft outer nuts, tighten nut set- SCrews. Puller ie Figure 12G-2. Roller Repair 12G-2 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) <= => _— — — ) i Shims - Shims Figure 12G-3. Roller Installation Alignment 2. Remove clutch engagement lever. 3. Remove shifter housing. 4. Remove bearing housing socket head screw. GROOMER SHAFT (See Figure 12G-4) REMOVAL 1. Remove socket head setscrews, spring and detent balls. Shifter Socket Eccentric Bearing Retainer Socket Head Housing Head Socket Head Capscrew Capscrew Adjuster Groomer Ús > » Bracket de С с 5 Pa x CAS" © | О Ко O es? Detent “ N Bearing Ball \ Ce) Housing Clutch Setscrew Lever Groomer Shaft > - Belt Case Cover Figure 12G-4. Groomer Shaft Assembly 12G-3 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) 5. Remove belt case cover and loosen belt adjusting eccentric. Remove bearing retainer socket head capscrew. 6. Remove height adjuster socket head capscrew from pivot. 7. Remove groomer bracket. 8. Remove groomer shaft. BEARING REPAIR (See Figure 12G-5) Disassembly 1. Remove hardware as shown from ends of groomer shaft. Remove bearing housing. Remove outer snap ring from bearing housing. ao к о № Press bearing from bearing housing. NOTE Discard old seal and bearings. Properly support bearing housings to prevent damage. Remove seal and inner snap ring. 5 Reassembly A CAUTION . Press new bearing into housings. . Install inner snap ring and press in new seal (lip to the outside). . Install outer snap ring and spacer. . On drive end, install spacer, square key and pul- ley. . Install hardware on both ends, torque to 20 ft-lbs. Snap Ring Seal Bearin ©, A Snap Ring lt Bearing 3 | | Housing Dd” В XS Bearing Housing oom TT A \ 0e ———] m} Snap Ring Snap Ring „” ÚS he “Bearing Figure 12G-5. Bearing Repair 12G-4 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) BLADE REPAIR | 2. Install a 3/4 inch spacer, 1/4 inch spacer and a Check condition of blades, straighten bent blades blade. whenever practical. If blades must be replaced, pro- | | МОТЕ ceed as described below. Blade must be positioned so flat of blade rotates Disassembly (See Figure 12G-6) toward bedknife (see Figure 12G-6). 1. Remove groomer shaft assembly as described in 3. Alternately install a spacer and blade until 70 Groomer Shaft, Removal. spacers and 71 blades have been installed. 2. On left end of groomer shaft, remove capscrew, 4. Install blade retaining nut, torque to 10-15 ft-lbs. spacer, bearing housing and bearing adjustment NOTE nut. 3. R blade retaining nut and spacer It is necessary to align the blades with the . Remove blade retaining pacer. grooves of the roller. This can be done after 4. Remove spacers and damaged blade(s) as nec- installing groomer shaft assembly. essary. 5. Install Groomer Shaft Assembly as described in Reassembly Groomer Shaft, Installation. 1. Install and set the blade retainer nut on drive end, 1 inch from the shoulder of shaft to inside of nut (see Figure 12G-6 inset). |" a Blade Blade Retainer Nut 3/4" Spacer Blades Rotation Shims й (А5 | Necessary) Retainer VA Nut Blade Position Bearing Adjusting ‚ Nut Bearing Housing Capscrew Figure 12G-6. Groomer Blade Repair 12G-5 ATTACHMENTS | SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) Installation (See Figure 12G-3) 1. 2. Install groomer shaft drive end into belt case aligning bearing housing flat in belt case groove. On the left, install groomer mounting bracket and bearing housing capscrew, torque to 20 ft-lbs. (27 N.m). . Install bearing housing capscrew, do not tighten. . Install height adjuster pivot socket head cap- SCrew. . Adjust groomer shaft bearing as described in Bearing Adjustment. . Adjust belt as described in Drive Belt Adjustment. . Install cover, torque capscrews to 6-8 ft-lbs. (8-11 N.m). . Align blades to roller as describe in Blade to Roller Alignment. BLADE TO ROLLER ADJUSTMENT (See Figure 12G-7) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The groomer shaft should be installed to properly align groomer cutter to roller. Loosen front roller locknuts. Slide roller toward belt case end until cutters contact roller discs. Starting on the drive end, check that all blades touch roller disks. If there is a space, install 0.010 shim Part No. 364040 until all blades touch roller disks. Torque blade retainer nut to 10-15 ft-lbs. (14-20 N.m). Slide roller toward motor end so blades are cen- tered between each disc. Fasten roller retaining locknuts on each end. Grommer Contact Out of Alignment Groomer Blade Retainer Nut Torque to т 10-15 ft-Ibs. | (Step 4) LUI View 2 Figure 12G-7. Blade to Roller Alignment 12G-6 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) BEARING ADJUSTMENT (See Figure 12G-8) 1. Loosen capscrew on end of groomer shaft. 2. Pull the groomer mounting bracket out, away from the cutting unit. You will see a gap between the inner and outer groomer brackets. . Slowly tighten capscrew (C) on end of groomer shaft until outer groomer bracket is pulled in against inner bracket and gap closes. 4. Using two wrenches, hold the cutter retaining nut (A) and slowly turn the bearing adjustment nut (B) until it just contacts the bearing spacer. A slight resistance will be felt. 5. Torque capscrew (C) on end of groomer shaft to 20 ft-lbs. (27 N.m). 6. Install nylon clamp, torque to 5 ft-lbs. (7 N.m). ITN VF y x 4 / A DE AY SN IS 7 > “uu ” = “uy / 78 Groomer Mounting Bracket Groomer Shaft Capscrew Figure 12G-8. Bearing Adjust 12G-7 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) DRIVE DRIVE PULLEY REPAIR (See Figure 12G-9) A С A Ц TI О N 1. Remove the belt case cover, clutch and drive key. | Do not support drive pulley on outer flange. 2. Loosen the drive belt. Support on solid part of gear. 3. Remove drive pulley, spacer and belt. | Drive . ® x Clutch Belt Case Cover Drive Loosen 2 Key Capscrews Figure 12G-9. Drive Pulley Repair 12G-8 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) 4. Using a drift punch, drive the outer bearing from drive gear (see Figure 12G-10). NOTE Spacer will be damaged during bearing removal, discard and install a new spacer. 5. Remove snap ring and press out inner bearing. 6. Press a new bearing seal side first into drive gear (see Figure 12G-11). A CAUTION When pressing new bearings, always use a flat or round mandrel the diameter of the bearing outer race. Do not press on inner race only. 7. Install snap ring and new spacer. Drift / Punch Removal Figure 12G-10. Drift Punch Press Tool 0 wth Co Install dj Spacer Ro Figure 12G-11. Press Tool 12G-9 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) NOTE BELT REPLACEMENT (See Figure 12G-13) Spacer does not have to be centered at this point. 8. Install outer bearing with seal side out (see Figure 12G-12). NOTE When installing outer bearing, use a flat plate across top of bearing. 9. When bearing has been pressed 3/4 of the way in drive gear, center spacer. Continue pressing bearing until it contacts center spacer. 10. Install drive gear and belt into belt case (see Figure 12G-9). 11. Install spacer, drive key and clutch, torque clutch bolt to 20 ft-lbs. (27 N.m). 12. Adjust drive belt as described in Belt Adjustment. 13. Install belt case cover, torque capscrews to 6-8 ft- Ibs. (8-11 N.m). 1. 2. 3. Remove belt case cover. Remove clutch and drive key. Loosen belt adjuster eccentric and bearing retain- er capscrew. . Remove spacer, drive pulley and belt. . Install drive gear, bearing toward the inside and belt over reel shaft. Work end of belt over groomer shaft drive gear. . Install spacer, drive key and clutch, torque clutch bolt to 20 ft-Ibs. (27 N.m). . Proceed with step 3 of Belt Adjustment. Press Tool Figure 12G-12. Drive Groomer Installation 12G-10 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) Figure 12G-13. Belt Replacement 12G-11 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) BELT ADJUSTMENT (See Figure 12G-14) 1. Remove belt case cover. 2. Slightly loosen tightener eccentric and bearing housing capscrews. 3. Using a deep socket, turn eccentric tightener by hand until belt just becomes tight. A CAUTION DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN BELT. Belt and/or bearing may be damaged. 4. Hold the adjustment and tighten bearing housing capscrew. Remove socket and tighten eccentric capscrew. 5. Torque both capscrews to 10 ft-lbs. (14 N.m). 6. Install belt case cover, torque to 6-8 ft-lbs. (8-11 N.m). Bearing Eccentric Housing Capscrew Eccentric Capscrew Wa E SH (©) < : > E Belt Case Cover Bearing Capscrew Figure 12G-14. Groomer Belt Adjustment 12G-12 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) CLUTCH ASSEMBLY (See Figure 12G-15) Clutch repair is limited to replacing worn or broken springs and/or clutch pins. When working on clutch, place it pulley side down on a work bench. Grease Fitting Plunger Figure 12G-15. Clutch Assembly 12G-13 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) QUICK HEIGHT ADJUST ASSEMBLY If the control is loose when locked in a notch, proceed | as follows: REPAIR (See Figure 12G-16) . , 1. Remove knob by loosening setscrew. Inspect, replace any parts that are questionable. Follow disassembly/reassembly as shown in illustra- 2. Using an open end wrench, hold bolt. Turn nut on tion. top counterclockwise (CCW) until control is tight in notch. ADJUSTMENT (See Figure 12G-16) Each notch the quick height adjust is moved, changes the groomer shaft 1/8 inch. 3. Install knob and tighten setscrew. Knob _—— ga -Spring Setscrew 7 | _— Bolt Loekntt ———— ty x | » A I Spring—# Lock ‘ ‚ Housing 3 , [ 2 8 р a - „” E „” Lt Pa Figure 12G-16. Quick Heat Adjust 12G-14 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) MICRO HEIGHT ADJUST ASSEMBLY (See Figure 12G-17) The micro height adjust can be disassembled for repairs as shown. Handle Locknut Adjuster Grease Fitting Figure 12G-17. Micro Height Adjust 12-15 ATTACHMENTS SECTION 12G. TURF GROOMER (Product No. 68605) LUBRICATION (See Figure 12G-18) Lubricate groomer shaft bearings (1), roller shaft Use a hand grease gun when lubricating Turf bearings (2) and clutch (3) monthly. Groomer components. Lubricate micro adjusters (4) monthly. Wipe off Pump the gun slowly and carefully until a slight ~~ X55 drease. amount of pressure is felt, then stop — DO NOT over grease. Figure 12G-18. Lubrication 12G-16 13A. 13B. 13C. 13D. 13E. SECTION 13 OPTIONS Repair and Service Tools and Materials .……...….…..….…..….scrrenmenmeneenncnnçntenenensaeune 13A-1 Solid Front Roller (Product No. 68530)..................….…..……srecaseennenneennencensrecrenee seems 13B-1 General ..................eserereciroconearearece nene rrecocereeneneernenenerereverenea neo ececencanenencanectee. 12B-1 DiSASSEMDIY .…...........…+<+<veccererarensenneneecesasencescenecesses ress nereeneoroeneneneanee enano. 13B-1 ВеаззетЫМу ........ененннненнненнееннееннеенненнненненненеенеееменнненеенннннненменнннееннееменнеснне: 13B-1 Grooved Front Roller (Product No. 68527) ....................e=eeeeeeerecereerenecene ene 13C-1 General ..................eecoroccccacicanencecerene eee nreerereoreneeerer re rnerere nee raveveneneaceaeanenenaneene 13C-1 Disassembly ...............e.....eemeeicecice earn reee e neRereeerace ne enreneneeoeceneecaeneaeones 13C-1 Reassembly ..................ee.eeeresirnereceee ner eee cn eerneneenceren e ereeceneeecacaoocenereacnene 13C-1 Front Solid Roller (Product No. 68626, 68627) .…...…..….….….……ssnnsecenennçnnçennnen 13D-1 General ..................errcrconocecceoraveccecarere e nercerecanacaneneerene re renererano e rocanecavevnanerreorrcaene 13D-1 Disassembly ...................e.mrecirececner e eee ener ceerenreenececercacaneceneeneanerenees 13D-1 Reassembly ....................0mmmneciereceer erre ncerer ener earn sears sass 13D-1 Front Grooved Roller (Product No. 68613, 68614, 68616, 68617, 68628) ........... 13E-1 General ...............eeecccrrrenccoevarercecere arenero nrecoceneracenecrneteneaveveneaeacearacaunenenaneenrnecaneve 13E-1 Disassembly ..............-..-...e.ieermeecer eee rn ee nene Dee rreeeerenererececereeonerenerncecarecantess 13E-1 Reassembly ..............-..-..reeeenrecrneerne eee ee cenar ene enerereneecereraeecereeneacerenae.. 13E-1 INTRODUCTION SECTION 13A. REPAIR AND SERVICE TOOLS AND MATERIALS Tools required: Cleaning materials: Lubricants: Other service items: Standard automotive hand tools, including driving tools, bearing pullers, and seal sleeves. Stoddard or equivalent solvent. Detergent and water. Refer to Section 11. Gauge bar height of cut (P/N 158568) Blind hole puller. Roller bearing and seal installation tool OTC # JAC 5077. Ns ce e SRR A WABI atte va SE, 13A-1 OPTIONS SECTION 13B. SOLID FRONT ROLLER (Product No. 68530) GENERAL (See Figure 13B-1) REASSEMBLY Repairs of the solid front roller attachment consist of Assemble parts of the roller assembly (6 thru 11) as replacement of worn or damaged parts. described below: DISASSEMBLY 1. Install two new roll pins (9). Remove the carriage bolt (1), spacer (2), lockwasher 2. Press bearing (6) onto one end of shaft (11) until (3), and nut (4) holding either the right or left hand it contacts pins (9). front roller bracket © the brack: AS is necessary to 3. Install shaft and bearing into roller (10). Press remove only one front roller bracket.) bearing into roller. Disengage the scraper blade (5) and roller shaft from 4. Support the bearing end of shaft and roller. Press the bracket and remove bracket. : и bearing (6) onto shaft until it contacts pin (9) on Remove the assembled roller (items 6 thru 11). opposite end. Disassemble as described below if repairs or replace- ments are required. 5. Install seals (7). 1. Using a suitable hammer, support one end of 6. Align the front roller bracket which was removed roller (10) and drive bearing (6) and seal (7) out of in disassembly with the end of the roller shaft (11) roller by tapping opposite end of shaft (11). back on the mower. Attach with items 1 thru 4. It 2. Turn roller around and using shaft (11), drive the may be necessary to bend the front roller bracket other bearing (6) and seal (7) from the opposite slightly away from the side frame when installing end of the roller. the front mower bracket to secure the roller 3. Remove both roll pins (9). assembly (6 thru 11). 4. Clean the bearings (6) and bearing seals (7) in _ solvent and dry. Replace worn or badly pitted 7. Grease both lube fittings after reassembly. bearings. Pack bearings with grease gun grease. L.H. Front Roller Bracket L.H. Mower Figure 13B-1. Solid Front Roller 138-1 OPTIONS SECTION 13C. GROOVED FRONT ROLLER (Product No. 68527) GENERAL (See Figure 13C-1) Repairs of the grooved front roller attachment consist of replacement of worn or damaged parts. DISASSEMBLY Remove the carriage bolt (1), spacer (2), lockwasher (4), and nut (3) holding either the right or left hand front roller bracket to the mower. (It is necessary to remove only one front roller bracket.) Disengage the roller shaft (10) from the bracket and remove bracket. Remove the assembled roller (items 5 thru 10). Disassemble as described below if repairs or replace- ments are required. 1. Using a suitable hammer, support one end of roller (9) and drive bearing (5) and seal (6) out of roller by tapping opposite end of shaft (10). 2. Turn roller around and using shaft (10), drive the other bearing (5) and seal (6) from the opposite end of the roller. 3. Remove both roll pins (8). 4. Clean the bearings (5) and bearing seals (6) in solvent and dry. Replace worn or badly pitted bearings. Pack bearings with grease gun grease. REASSEMBLY Assemble parts of the roller assembly (5 thru 10) as described below: 1. Install two new roll pins (8). 2. Press bearing (5) onto one end of shaft (10) until it contacts pins (8). 3. Install shaft and bearing into roller (9). Press bearing into roller. 4. Support the bearing end of shaft and roller. Press bearing (5) onto shaft until it contacts pin (8) on opposite end. 5. Install seals (6). 6. Align the front roller bracket which was removed in disassembly with the end of the roller shaft (10) back on the mower. Attach with items 1 thru 4. It may be necessary to bend the front roller bracket slightly away from the side frame when installing the front mower bracket to secure the roller assembly (5 thru 10). 7. Grease both lube fittings after reassembly. Roller Spacer Washer (Includes roller washers, roller spacers, center compressiong springs, and end caps) L.H. Front Roller Bracket д / „&® L.H. Mower Side Frame Figure 13C-1. Grooved Front Roller 13C-1 OPTIONS SECTION 13D. FRONT SOLID ROLLER (Product No. 68626 & 68627) GENERAL This roller is completely serviceable. To ease assem- bly, it is recommended to use the bearing and seal installation tool as illustrated in Section 13A. DISASSEMBLY (See Figure 13D-1) 1. Using a suitable puller, remove seal adapter from end of roller. NOTE When the seal adapter is removed, it will pull the seal assembly apart. The seal will no longer be usable and must be replaced with a new one. 2. Remove seal part from seal adapter. 3. Using a seal remover, pull rubber part of seal from roller. NOTE The seal sleeve will remain on the shaft. When the rubber seal is removed, the bearing must be replaced. 4. Remove bearing locknut. The seal sleeve will also be pushed from the shaft. 5. Remove bearing cone. 6. Remove roller shaft. 7. Using a blind hole puller, remove bearing cup from roller. 13D-1 REASSEMBLY (See Figure 13D-1) 1. O a ss o `` 11. 12. 13. Using the installation tool (see Figure 13A), install bearing cup into roller taper toward the outside. NOTE Be careful to press squarely on cup when installing. 2. Lubricate the bearing cones with Molybdenum Disulfide 2 EP grease. . Install bearing with taper first onto roller shaft. . Install roller shaft into roller. . Install bearing locknut. . Install bearing cone and locknut on the opposite end of roller shaft. . Torque bearing locknuts to 30 ft-Ibs. (40.6 N.m). . Back off on the locknuts until it takes 1-7 in.-lbs. (0.1-0.8 N.m) torque to turn the roller. . Fill the bearing cavity with moly grease. 10. Using Aviation Permatex®, coat the inside flange of the roller and the outside of the seal spring cap. Using the installation tool, install the seal into the seal adapter. Press the seal adapter into the roller. Repeat steps 9-12 for the opposite end. OPTIONS SECTION 13D. FRONT SOLID ROLLER (Product No. 68626 & 68627) Step 1 Installation Step 2 / Tool | \ | \ \ N \ | € S Step 5 SE N N Locknut A. 7 2 NA 7 N Bearing Cup N Step 2 Bearing Cone N SN Roller N N Step 3 Roller Shaft | Roller = Bearing > Pe Nut . Seal Assembly Ч Seal (0 Adapter Roller Shatt Bearing Cone o Step 10 | Inside Flange of Roller | Installation Tool À. Seal Assembly A ; Seal Seal Adapter Assembly TEE ... Seal TA ES Adapter Figure 13D-1. Front Grooved Roller 13D-2 OPTIONS SECTION 13E. FRONT GROOVED ROLLER (Product No. 68613, 68614, 68616, 68617 & 68628) GENERAL This roller is completely serviceable. To ease assem- bly, it is recommended to use the bearing and seal installation tool as illustrated in Section 13A. DISASSEMBLY (See Figure 13E-1) 1. Using a suitable puller, remove seal adapter from end of roller. NOTE When the seal adapter is removed, it will pull the seal assembly apart. The seal will no longer be usable and must be replaced with a new one. 2. Remove seal part from seal adapter. 3. Using a seal remover, pull rubber part of seal from roller. NOTE The seal sleeve will remain on the shaft. When the rubber seal is removed, the bearing must be replaced. 4. Remove bearing locknut. The seal sleeve will also be pushed from the shaft. 5. Remove bearing cone. 6. Remove roller shaft. 7. Using a blind hole puller, remove bearing cup from roller. 13E-1 REASSEMBLY (See Figure 13E-1) 1. o a Rh D N 11. 12. 13. Using the installation tool (see Figure 13A), install bearing cup into roller taper toward the outside. NOTE Be careful to press squarely on cup when installing. 2. Lubricate the bearing cones with Molybdenum Disulfide 2 EP grease. . Install bearing with taper first onto roller shaft. . Install roller shaft into roller. . Install bearing locknut. . Install bearing cone and locknut on the opposite end of roller shaft. . Torque bearing locknuts to 30 ft-lbs. (40.6 N.m). . Back off on the locknuts until it takes 1-7 in.-Ibs. (0.1-0.8 N.m) torque to turn the roller. . Fill the bearing cavity with moly grease. 10. Using Aviation Permatex®, coat the inside flange of the roller and the outside of the seal spring cap. Using the installation tool, install the seal into the seal adapter. Press the seal adapter into the roller. Repeat steps 9-12 for the opposite end. OPTIONS SECTION 13E. FRONT GROOVED ROLLER (Product No. 68613, 68614, 68616, 68617 & 68628) Installation y Tool Step 1 Step 5 Locknut \ Bearing Cup Step 2 Bearing Cone — Roller Step 3 Roller Shaft | Roller _ Bearing RN LD Nut . @ Seal Assembly \ Seal 8 (0; Adapter Roller Shaft Bearing Cone GC Step 10 | Inside Flange of Roller N i Installation Seal Assembly Y roe | \ vey | E | Ad Y Seal Seal Adapter | Assembly Wy on а ew a вы — Seal Adapter — matos pete rates w-wh Figure 13E-1. Front Grooved Roller 13E-2 SECTION 14 MISCELLANEOUS 14A. Precaution Decal Locations 14B. Conversion Charts Millimeters to Decimals 14B-1 ree ene hh UR SN RNS NE AEAN INANE RAEN UNBAN RN ANON RIN RNR N RIAN FORA ANREN RRR E PIT RR IRR RRR VR RNabY Decimals to Millimeters, Fractions to Decimals to Millimeters Ц.5. 1ю Ме!йс СопуегаЮюп$ .......енеееененеееееенннениннннннеенннненннннннннененннененееннынеенннннененнне: 14B-3 MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 14A. PRECAUTION DECAL LOCATIONS „^^ эль e eneo.e st >. itt fr yea А \ .....i = A uf Kio * “Sa N “in + UA E PA of. e* Wu “MP, Y cmt] vol - \ ю “ \ ve A === 4? SX Pu ser, x * > 4 4 Se # x “e \ $f ` ce . 1 “ay и A ! 4 "o e x Y obo 77077 sy esteis <q * Part No. A WARNING Eu Part No. 366764 < v 31-366797 IS IN NEUTRAL BEFORE у о = =>» < U < BE SURE THE TRACTION CLUTCH LEVER STARTING THE ENGINE. Do not engage traction clutch with engine running. 14A-1 TRACTION CLUTCH CONTROL ыы Lid ON ес xs Z Ue on — > dau > т © c о © = = [el Seow i Doz о <= = A CAUTION En TRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 14A. PRECAUTION DECAL LOCATIONS 4 To avoid serious bodily injury stop engine and disengage reels before working on mower or emptying baskets. Part No. 366812 A DANGER 21 24400072 CA A PRECAUCION 6 305511 1. No opere esta maquina sin previo entrenamiento, y sin haber leido el A e AUTION manual de instruccion y operacion. 2. Tenga todas las guardas en su lugar y 1 KEEP ALL SHIELDS IN PLACE piezas bien aseguradas. ` - 3. Neutralice todas las velocidades y 2.STOP ENGINE TO ADJUST AND OIL. apague el motor antes de vaciar los 3.WHEN MECHANISM BECOMES CLOGGED recolectores de pasto, darle servicio, limpiar, ajustar y destrabar la maquina. DISENGAGE POWER AND STOP ENGINE 4. Mantenga las manos, los pies y ropa BEFORE CLEANING. suelta lejos de piezas en movimiento. 4.KEEP HANDS, FEET AND CLOTHING 5. No deberan transportar pasajeros si no existe un asiento para ellos. AWAY FROM POWER-DRIVEN PARTS. 6. Si no sabe leer ingles, pida que alguien 5.READ MANUAL THOROUGHLY BEFORE le lea las calcomanios de ovisos y las OPERATING MACHINE. » J-T 365511 CA manuales de instruccion y operacion. 14A-2 SECTION 14B. CONVERSION CHARTS MISCELLANEOUS MILLIMETERS TO DECIMALS Starrett Metric Tools MILLIMETERS TO DECIMALS Deci- Deci- Deci- Deci- Deci- mm mal mm mal mm mal mm mal mm mal 0.01 .00039 0.41 ‚01614 0.81 ‚03189 21 ‚82677 611 2.40157 0.02 | .00079 0.42 01654 0.82 ‚03228 22| .86614 62 | 2.44094 0.03 .00118 0.43 | .01693 0.83 | .03268 23] .90551 63 | 2.48031 0.04 | .00157 0.44 | .01732 0.84 | .03307 24 | 194488 641 2.51969 0.05 | .00197 0.45 01772 0.85 ‚03346 25] .98425 65 | 2.55906 0.06 .00236 0.46 | .01811 0.86 | .03386 26 | 1.02362 66 | 2.59843 0.07 .00276 0.47 | .01850 0.87 | .03425 27] 1.06299 67 | 2.63780 0.08 | .00315 0.48 | .01890 0.88 | .03465 28 | 1.10236 68 | 2.67717 0.09 .00354 0.49 | .01929 0.89 | .03504 29 | 1.13173 69 | 2.71654 0.10 | .00394 0.50 | .01969 0.90 | .03543 30 | 1.18110 70 | 2.75591 0.11 .00433 0.51 .02008 0.91 ‚03583 31 | 1.22047 71 | 2.79528 0.12 .00472 0.52 | .02047 0.92 | .03622 321 1.25984 72 | 2.83465 0.13 | .00512 0.53 | .02087 0.93 | .03661 33 | 1.29921 73 | 2.87402 0.14 | .00551 0.54 | .02126 0.94 | .03701 34 | 1.33858 74 | 2.91339 0.15 | .00591 0.55 .02165 0.95 | .03740 351 1.37795 75 | 2.95276 0.16 .00630 0.56 | .02205 0.96 | .03780 36 | 1.41732 76 | 2.99213 0.17 | .00669 0.57 | .02244 0.97 | .03819 37 | 1.45669 77 | 3.03150 0.18 | .00709 0.58 | .02283 0.98 | .03858 38 | 1.49606 78 | 3.07087 0.19 | .00748 0.59 | .02323 0.99 | .03898 391 1.53543 79 1 3.11024 0.20 | .00787 0.60 | .02362 1.00 | .03937 40 | 1.57480 80 | 3.14961 0.21 .00827 0.61 ‚02402 1 ‚03937 411 1.61417 81 | 3.18898 0.22 | .00866 0.62 | .02441 2 | .07874 42 | 1.65354 82 | 3.22835 0.23 .00906 0.63 | .02480 3 | .V1811 43 | 1.69291 83 | 3.26772 0.24 | .00945 0.64 ‚02520 4 | .15748 44 | 1.73228 84 | 3.30709 0.25 .00984 0.65 | .02559 5 | .19685 451 1.77165 85 | 3.33646 0.26 | .01024 0.66 | .02598 6 | .23622 46 | 1.81102 86 | 3.38583 0.27 | .01063 0.67 | .02638 7 | .27559 47 | 1.85039 87 | 3.42520 0.28 | .01102 0.68 | .02677 8 | .31496 48 | 1.88976 88 | 3.46457 0.29 | .01142 0.69 | .02717 9 | .35433 49 | 1.92913 89 | 3.50394 0.30 | .01181 0.70 | .02756 10 | .39370 50] 1.96850 90 | 3.54331 0.31 .01220 0.71 02795 11 43307 51 | 2.00787 91 | 3.58268 0.32 | .01260 0.72 | .02835 12 | .47244 52 | 2.04724 92 | 3.62205 0.33 | .01299 0.73 | .02874 13 | .51181 531 2.08661 93 | 3.66142 0.34 ‚01339 0.74 | .02913 14 | .55118 54 | 2.12598 94 | 3.70079 0.35 | .01378 0.75 | .02953 15 | .59055 55 | 2.16535 95 | 3.74016 0.36 | .01417 0.76 | .02992 16 | .62992 56] 2.20472 96 | 3.77953 0.37 ‚01457 0.77 | .03032 17 | ‚66929 57 | 2.24409 97 | 3.81890 0.38 ‚01496 0.78 | .03071 18 | .70866 58 | 2.28346 98 | 3.85827 0.39 | .01535 0.79 | .03110 19 | .74803 59 | 2.32283 99 | 3.89764 0.40 | .01575 0.80 | .03150 20 | .78740 60 | 2.36220 100 | 3.93701 THE L. $. STARRETT COMPANY Athol. Massachusetts 01331, U S A 148-1 MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 14B. CONVERSION CHARTS DECIMALS TO MILLIMETERS, FRACTIONS TO DECIMALS TO MILLIMETERS po Teta 1 8 Metric Tools DECIMALS TO MILLIMETERS FRACTIONS TO DECIMALS TO MILLIMETERS Deci- Deci- Froc- Deci- Frac- Deci- mol mm mal mm tion mal mm tion mal mm 0.001 0.0254 0.500 12.7000 1/64 | 0.0156 | 0.3969 | 33/64 | 0.5156 13.0969 ‘ . ‘ . 1 0.031 . 1 . . 0.003 | 0.0762 | 0.520 | 13.2080 | 1/54 | 0.0469 | 1.1906 | 35/64| 0.5069| 13.8906 0.004 | 0.1016 | 0.530 | 13.4620 : . . . 0.005 | 0.1270 | 0.540 | 13.7160 0.006 | 0.1524 | 0.550 | 13.9700 1/16 | 0.0625 | 1.5875 | 9/16 | 0.5625 | 14.2875 0.007 | 0.1778 | 0.560 | 14.2240 0.008 | 0.2032 | 0.570 | 14.4780 0.009 0.2286 1 0.580 | 14.7320 5/64 | 0.0781 1.9844 1 37/64 | 0.5781 | 14.6844 0.010 | 0.2540 | 0-590 | 14.9860 3,32 | 0.0938 | 2.3812 | 19/32 | 0.5938 | 15.0812 0.020 | 0.5080 7/64 | 0.1094 | 2.7781 | 39/64 | 0.6094 | 15.4781 0.030 | 0.7620 0.600 | 15.2400 0.030 1 13160 1 0.610 | 15.4940 | 1/8 | 0.1250| 3.1750 | 5/8 | 0.6250| 15.8750 0.060 | 1.5240 | 0.620 | 15.7480 0.070 | 1.7780 0.630 16.0020 9/64 | 0.1406 | 3.5719 E 41/64 | 0.6406 | 16.2719 0.080 | 2.9320 | 0.650 | 16.5100 | 5/32 | 0.1562 | 3.9688 | 21/32 | 0.6562 | 16.6688 ° * 0.660 | 16.7640 11/64 | 0.1719 | 4.3656 1 43/64 | 0.6719 | 17.0656 0.100 | 2.5400 1 0.670 | 17.0180 0.110 | 2.7940 À 0.680 | 17.2720 0.120 | 3.0480 | 0:69 | 17`5260 3/16 | 0.1875 | 4.7625 | 11/16 | 0.6875 | 17.4625 0.130 | 3.3020 0.130 | 3:3560 13/64 | 0.2031 | 5.1594 | 45/64 | 0.7031 | 17.8594 0.160 | 2.0640 0.700 17.7800 7/32 | 0.2188 | 5.5562 | 23/32 | 0.7188 | 18.2562 0.170 | 4.3180 9720 18.0340 15/64 | 0.2344 | 5.9531 | 47/64 | 0.7344 | 18.6531 0.180 | 4.5720 | © . 0.740 | 18.7960 1/4 | 0.2500 | 6.3500 | 3/4 | 0.7500 | 19.0500 0.200 | 5.0800 | 0.750 | 19.0500 0.210 | 5.3340 | 0.760 | 19.3040 0.220 5.5880 1 0.770 | 19.5580 17/64 | 0.2656 | 6.7469 | 49/64 | 0.7656 | 19.4469 0.230 5.8920 0.780 19.8120 9/32 | 0.2812 | 7.1438 | 25/32 | 0.7812 | 19.8438 0-299 | 53500 | © . 19/64 | 0.2969 | 7.5406 À 51/64 | 0.7969 | 20.2406 0-280 2: 80 5/16 | 0.3125 | 7.9375 | 13/16 | 0.8125 | 20.6375 0.800 | 20.3200 0.280 | 7.1120 0.280 | 73660 | 0-810 | 20.5740 . ‘ 0.820 | 20.8280 | 21/64 | 0.3281 | 8.3344 E 53/64 | 0.8281 | 21.0344 0.300 7.6200 0.830 21-0520 11/32 | 0.3438 | 8.7312 | 27/32 | 0.8438 | 21.4312 0320 | 21280 | 0.850 | 215900 | 23/64 | 0.3594 | 9.1281 | 55/64 | 0.8594 | 21.8281 0.330 | 8.3820 0.860 21.8440 0.340 8.6360 » . 3 8 0. 7 * . + 0340 | 8.6360 0.20 22.3520 / 3750 | 9.5250 | 7/8 | 0.8750 | 22.2250 . e » 6 0-360 o. 25/64 | 0.3906 | 9.9219 | 57/64 | 0.8906 | 22.6219 0.380 | 9.6520 13/32 | 0.4062 [10.3188 | 29/32 | 0.9062 | 23.0188 0.390 | 9.9060 | 5900 | 22.3600 [27/64 | 0.4219 [10.7156 | 59/64 | 0.9219 | 23.4156 0.400 10.1600 0.910 23.1 140 0.410 |10.414 . 3.36 7/16 | 0.4375 ]11.1125 [15/16 | 0.937 . 0.420 110.6680 | 0.930 | 23.6220 / 375 |23.8125 0.430 [10.9220 | 0.940 | 23.8760 0.440 111.1760 | 0.950 |24.1300 [29/64 |0.4531 [11.5094 À 61/64 | 0.9531 | 24.2094 0.450 11.4300 + 24.3840 15/32 | 0.4688 |11.9062 131/32 | 0.9688 | 24.6062 ато 119320 XA 24.920 31/64 | 0.4844 [12.3031 | 63/64 | 0.9844 |25.0031 0.480 |12.192 . 25.14 0.490 112.4460 1.000 | 25.4000 1/2 0.5000 | 12.7000 1 1.0000 | 25.4000 14B-2 MISCELLANEOUS SECTION 14B. CONVERSION CHARTS U.S. TO METRIC CONVERSIONS To Convert Into Multiply By Linear Miles Kilometers 1.609 Measurement Yards Meters 0.9144 Feet Meters 0.3048 Feet Centimeters 30.48 Inches Meters 0.0254 Inches Centimeters 2.54 Inches Millimeters 25.4 Area Square Miles Square Kilometers 2.59 Square Feet Square Meters 0.0929 Square Inches Square Centimeters 6.452 Acre Hectare 0.4047 Volume Cubic Yards Cubic Meters 0.7646 Cubic Feet Cubic Meters 0.02832 Cubic Inches Cubic Centimeters 16.39 Weight Tons (Short) Metric Tons 0.9078 Pounds Kilograms 0.4536 Ounces (Avdp.) Grams 28.3495 Pressure Pounds/Sa. In. Kilopascal 6.895 Bars 14.5 Work Foot-pounds Newton-Meters 1.356 Foot-pounds Kilogram-Meters 0.1383 Inch-pounds Kilogram-Centimeters 1.152144 Liquid Volume | Quarts Liters 0.9463 Gallons Liters 3.785 Liquid Flow Gallons/Minute Liters/Minute 3.785 Temperature Fahrenheit Celsius 1. Subtract 32° 2. Multiply by 5/9 14B-3 ">

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