Land Rover 2.6L 6 Cylinder Engine Manual
Land Rover 2.6L 6 Cylinder Engine is a high-performance engine designed to provide exceptional power and efficiency. With its advanced engineering and robust construction, this engine is ideally suited for a wide range of applications, from powering off-road vehicles to industrial machinery. Its compact size and lightweight design make it easy to integrate into various systems, while its durability ensures reliable operation even in demanding conditions.
SE—CI 2.6 litre — 6 cylinder Engine 9£—T1 2.6 litre — 6 cylinder Engine DISTRIBUTOR AND OIL PUMP DRIVE SHAFT Remove and refit 12.10.22 Removing I Remove the distributor and short drive shaft. 86.35.20. 2 Remove the side rocker cover. : | “ни i a hs EI торт к MT Mi: ely [| = | % Ke 1 | qu T 3 Remove the oil feed bolt and lock washer locating the distributor housing inside the rocker chamber. Lift out the distributor housing. Withdraw the drive shaft. E// 6 La + Refitting 6 Rotate the engine in direction of rotation until the TDC mark on the crankshaft pulley aligns with the timing pointer, with both valves on No. 1 cylinder fuliy closed (ie. No, 1 cylinder commencing firing stroke). SEL LA 4 > 7 Fit the oi pump and distributor gear drive shaft to the engine with the lower splines engaged in the oil pump, and the skew gear engaged with the carnshaft, 8 Tum the drive shaft using a suitable screwdriver, until the offset drive slot in the end of the shaft is positioned as illustrated. 9 Fit the distributor housing to the engine and locate and secure with the oil feed bolt and lock washer. 10 Reverse | and 2. Л Aaa par Iqlé В Les pe a В я > = E. CAMSHAFT Remove and refit 12.13.01 Ta. Lal | = Service tools: 530101 Extractor for cam- E shaft X er 507231 Extractor for chain- ин НК wheel № РАНО ! a E Q AX = Pur Removing 1 Remove the radiator and grille panel. 26.40.01. Remove the 30.15.10, 2 manifold. 3 Remove the 4 exhaust timing gear cover, 12.65.01. Remove the timing chain tensioner. 12.65.28. Remove the camshaft chainwheel and timing chain. Extractor 507231. Remove the camshaft thrust plate. Remove the side rockers and shafts. 12.29.36. Remove the distributor and short drive shaft. 86.35.20. Remove the oil pump and distributor gear drive shaft. 12.10.22. 10 Remove the six camshaft bearings locating screws. Il Withdraw the camshaft until the bear- ings are clear of the housing. Extractor 53010%. 12 Remove the bearings by separating the bearing halves, Keep the halves in related pairs as indicated by the figures marked on the end faces. 13 Withdraw the camshaft clear of the engine. 14 Withdraw the remaining bearing from the rear housing, utilising the oil relief holes for extraction purposes if re- quired. Ln “O0 Ah IRC AIO + = wh A} Refitting 15 Before attempting to fit the camshaft bearings to the cylinder block, ensure that the bearing halves fit together correctly on the dowels by checking that no light is visible between the joint faces, | 16 The bearings must be fitted dry and should be a hand push fit in the cylinder block; they must always be renewed in paired halves and the numbers stamped on one of the end faces of the bearing halves must be adjacent. 17 [Insert the camshaft partly into the cylinder block, allowing the distri- butor and oil pump drive gear to pass through the first and second inter- mediate housing webs. 18 Assemble the front and intermediate bearings on to their respective journals on the camshaft. Ensure that the dowelled joint faces are tightly fitted together and the locating holes in the bearings are in line with the holes in the housing wehs. 19 Fit the rear bearing into the housing. 20 Place a suitable distance between the first and second intermediate hearings. The width of the distance piece to be approximately the distance between the bearing housings but allowing suf- ficient clearance for withdrawal. 21 Tap the camshaft rearwards until the bearings are fully home in their respec- tive housings and the locating holes are aligned. 22 Remove the distance piece. 23 Lubricate the bearings through the locating bolt holes then fit the bear- ings fixings. 24 Fit the camshaft thrust plate. ВСВ! DATA Camshaft end float rll (ijl, sill | E FF 4 тн ны kh с кн = 25 Temporarily fit the camshaft chain- wheel and check the camshaft end- float which must be 0,11 to 0,16 mm (0.0045 to 0.0065 in.). Replace the thrust plate if the end-float is exces- sive, 26 Temporarily remove the camshaft chainwheel and fit the side rocker shafts. 12.29.36. 27 Fit the camshaft chainwheel and timing chain and set the valve timing. 12.65.12, 28 Fit the oil pump and distributor gear. 12.10.22. 29 Fit the distributor and short drive shaft. 86.35.20. 30, Reverse 1 to 4. 0,11 ta 0,76 mm (0.0045 in. to 0.0065 in.). CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS Remove and refit 12.17.01 Removing NOTE: During the following procedures retain all components in related sets to facilitate re-assembly. If the pistons are not to be replaced, add location marks te ensure re-assembling in the same relative positions. 1 Remove the cylinder head. 12.29.10. 2 Remove the oil sump. 12.60.44. 3 With two pistons at bottom dead centre (BDC) remove the connecting rod cap fixings. 4 Remove the caps and withdraw the connecting rod bearing halves. Retain the caps and bearings in related sets. 5 Withdraw the pistons and attached connecting rods from the top of the bore. 6 Position the remaining pistons at BDC and repeat the removal procedure. continued gE—T1 Refitting —. NOTE: If replacement components are to be fitted, the checks detailed in ‘overhaul’ 12.17.10 must be carried out as necessary. 7 Position the piston rings so that the end gaps do not align with each other or with the gudgeon pin bore in the piston. 8 Enter the connecting rods into the appropriate cylinders and position the où hole in the connecting rod and the flat on the piston crown away from the camshaft side of the engine. 9 Carefully insert the pistons into the cylinders, taking care not to damage the rings. 10 Lubricate the journals and bearing halves and fit the appropriate halves to the connecting rods and caps. The bearing halves are located by tongues, these to be positioned at the same side of the connecting rod in the grooves provided. il Fit new bearing cap nuts and tighten to 2,8 kgf. m (20 ibf. ft.). 12 Reverse | and 2, CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS Overhaul 12.17.10 Dismantling NOTE: During the foliowing procedures retain all components in related sets to facilitate subsequent assembly. If the same pistons are to be refitted, add location marks to ensure reassembling in the same relative position. 1 Remove the connecting rods and pistons. 12.17.01. 2 Remove the piston rings. 3 Remove the circlips from the gudgeon pin bosses. 4 Withdraw the gudgeon pins from the pistons. JT RCT792 Overhauling pistons Original Pistons Remove the carbon and deposits, particularly from the ring grooves. 6 Examine the pistons for damage or excessive wear — see under “New pistons’ for clearance dimensions — fit new replacements as necessary. New Pistons Original pistons fitted to new engines at the fac- tory are specially graded to facilitate assembly. The grading letter on top of the piston crown must be ignored when ordering new pistons. Genuine Land-Rover service standard size pistons are supplied 0,025 mm (0.001 in) over- size to allow for production tolerances on new engines. When fitting a new piston to a stan- dard size cylinder block the bore must be honed to accommodate the piston with the correct clearances. The clearance limits between the pistons and cylinder bores are 0,048 mm to 0,060 mm (0.0019 in. to 0.0024 in.), measured as described subsequently. The temperature of the piston and cylinder block must be the same to ensure accurate measurements. 10 El Check the piston diameter at the bottom of the skirt at right angles to the gudgeon pin. Check the bore diameter at approxi- mately half way down. If gauge equipment is not available, the piston clearance can be assessed using long feeler gauges, 10 to 12. Insert a long, suitably sized feeler gauge down the thrust side of the cylinder bore. Insert the correct piston, inverted, into the cylinder bore and position it with the gudgeon pin parallel with the axis of the crankshaft. IRC798 6€—TI 12 14 15 Push the piston down the cylinder until the piston reaches its tightest point in the bore, at this point with- draw the feeler gauge — a steady résistance should be felt. If standard size pistons are being fitted, select pistons from the range available until the clearance is satisfac- tory. If new piston rings are to be fitted without reboring, degiaze the cylinder walls with a hone, without increasing the bore diameter. A deglazed bore must have a cross-hatch finish. Check the compression and oil control Ings Вар in the applicable cylinder, held square to the bore with the piston. Compression rings gap: 0,38 mm to 0,50 mm (0.015 in. to 0.020 in). Oil contro! ring gap: 0,40 mm to 0,80 mm (0.015 in. to 0.033 in). Use a fine cut flat file to increase the gap if required, Select a new piston ring if the gap exceeds the limit. hte EE [HT a Reboring 16 17 18 19 20 The cylinder head is inclined at an angle of 272 ; standard boring equip- ment can be used in conjunction with a special jig block 261288, Where the maximum permitted boring tolerance is not sufficient to reclaim the bores, cylinder liners may be fitted. Fitting the cylinder liners conforms to normal practice. Machine the cylinder block bores to 81,28 mm + 0,025 mm (3.200 in. + 0.001 in.) which will provide the liner with 0,07 mm to 0,10 mm (0.003 in. to 0.004 in.) interference fit. Prior to pressing in the liner, allowance must be made for unavoidable rotation of up to 5 mm (0.187 in.), clockwise. To facilitate realipnment should the liner not be positioned correctly at the first attempt, scribe lines down the sides of the liner from the two peaks, and make corresponding marks on the cylinder block. Press in the liner, using a special press block 246650, until the top edge 15 level with the bottom of the exhaust valve pocket. Bland to the shape of the cylinder block. Bore lo Lhe selected diameter to suit pistons. Liners may be bored to a maxi- mum of 1,01 mm (0.040 ın.). Assembling 21 Fit the oil control ring to the piston. 22 {Check the oil control ring clearance in the piston groove. Clearance limits: 0,05 mm to 0,10 mm (0.002 in. to 0.004 in.}). 23 Fit the two compression rings to the piston with the sides marked ‘T° or ‘Top’ uppermost. 24 Check the compression ring clearance in the piston grooves. Clearance limits: 0,046 mm to 0,097 mm (0.0018 in. to 0.0038 in.). IRC798 IRC799 21 Connecting rods 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l Check the alignment of the connecting rod. Check the gudgeon pin clearance in the connecting rod bush. Clearance limits: zero to 0,0241 mm (0.00095 in). If a new connecting rod small end. bush is required, ensure that the oil holes are aligned when pressing in the replacement, then ream the bush to obtain the correct clearance, as above. Check the fit of the gudgeon pin in the piston, the pin must not fall through either boss but be capable of being fitted by hand at normal room tem- perature 20°C (68 F). Gudeon pins of 0,025 mm and 0,076 mm (0.001 in. and 0.003 in.) oversizes are available. Select the correct cap for each con- necting rod as dencted by the number stamped near the joint faces. This number also indicates the crankshaft journal to which it must be fitted. Assemble the caps, less bearing halves, to the respective connecting rods. Torque 2,8 kgf. m (20 Ibf. ft.). Slacken the fixing on one side of the cap only and check that there is no clearance at the joint face. If there is clearance, a new assembly must be fitted. continued 0P—€T1 "5 = = Connecting rod bearing nip and clearance NOTE: New bearing halves are supplied with a protective coating and must be degreased, prior to fitting, to remove the coating. 32 Fit the bearing halves to the connect- ing rod and cap, and secure the assem- bly. Torque 2,8 kgf. m (20 Ibf. ft.). 33 Slacken the fixing on one side of the cap only and check the clearance between the joint faces. The clearance must be 0,05 mm to 0,10 mm (0.002 in. to 0.004 in.). The bearing nip can be corrected by selective assembly of the bearings shells; these are available in slightly varying thicknesses. Do not file or machine the caps or connecting rods to vary the bearing nip. 30 —== BK > y NN 31833 ill : ре 32 RE f | о AN =D ы EE EF, al mb? Y DAR Mn NA OPE RC 370A 34 Make a final check to prove the bearing clearance, using selected shim papers fitted between the journal and one half of the bearing shell. As the bearing clearance is taken up, the connecting rod will become stiff to rotate about the journal. The correct bearing clearance is 0,0114 mm to 0,043 mm (0.00045 in. to 0.0017 in.). NOTE: As an alternative, ‘Plastigauge’ may be used to check the connecting rod bear- ing clearance. 35 to 41. Do not rotate the connecting rod or crankshaft while the Plastigauge is fitted, or the reading will be impaired. 35 Place a piece of ‘Plastigauge' across the centre of the lower haif of the crank- shaft journal. 605238. 36 Fit the connecting rod complete with bearings to the applicable journal. Torque 2,8 kgf. m (20 Ibf. ft.). 37 Remove the connecting rod cap and lower half bearing. 38 Using the scale printed on the “Plasti- gauge’ packet, measure the flattened ‘Plastigauge’ at its widest point. The graduation that most closely cor responds to the width of the ‘Plasti- gauge’ indicates the bearing clearance. IRC 282A 39 The correct clearance with new or overhauled components is 0.0114 mm to 0,043 mm (0.00045 in. to 0.0017 in.). 40 If a new bearing is being fitted, use selective assembly to obtain the correct clearance. 41 Wipe off the ‘Plastigauge’ with an oily rag. DO NOT scrape it off. Connecting rod end-float 42 Fit the connecting rods complete with bearings to their applicable journals. Torque 2,8 kgf. m (20 1bf, ft.). 43 Check the end float between the end face of the connecting rod and the journal shoulder. End float limits: 0,15 mm to 0,38 mm (0.006 in. to 0.015 in.). 44 Remove the connecting rods from the crankshaft and retain all parts in related sets. Assembling 45 Assemble the pistons to their respec- tive connecting rods. 46 Fit new circlips to retain the piston gudgeon pins. 47 Refit the connecting rods and pistons. 12.17.01. DATA Pistons Clearance in cylinder bore, measured at bottom of skirt at right angles to gudgeon pin. Standard size and oversize PIStonS. ....e.ermarerarenrerer. Piston rings Compression (2) TYPE eK Gap in boten Clearance in groove . ..........-.. Oil control Type ........ecemmeadanierraa. Gap in borre ........e mee: eena Clearance in groove . . .. .......... Gudgeon Pin Clearance in connecting rod ......... Fit in piston ....e.o_co.eersssreremera. Connecting rods (Clearance, bearing to crankpin ....... End float on crankpin .............. 0,048 mm to 0,060 mm (0.0019 in. to 0.0024 in.) Cast iron. Marked ‘T’ or TOP’ on upper side. 0,38 mm to 0,50 mm (0.015 in. to 0.033 in.) 0,046 mm to 0,097 mm (0.0018 in. to 0.0038 in.) Slotted, square friction edge. 0,38 mm to 0,80 mm (0.015 in. to 0.033 in.) 0,05 mm to 0,10 mm (0.002 in. to 0.004 in.) Zero to 0,0241 mm {0.00095 in.) Push fit by hand 0,0114 mm to 0,043 mm (0.00045 in. to 0.0017 in.) 0.15 mm to 0,38 mm (0.006 in. to 0.015 in.) 1#-cl CRANKSHAFT REAR OIL SEAL Remove and refit 12.21.20 Service tool: 600963 Engine lifting sling Removing Et Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01, 2 Remove the front floor. 76.10.12. 3 Remove the engine assembly. 12.41.01. 4 Remove the starter motor. 86.60.01. 5 Remove the oil sump. 12.60.44. 6 Remove the clutch = assembly. 33.10.01. Remove the flywheel. 12,53.07. Remove the flywheel housing. Remove the oil seal ring. Remove the rear main bearing cap. Remove the dowei located lower haif of the oil seal retainer from the rear main bearing cap. |2 Remove the dowel located upper half of the oil seal retainer from the cylin- der block. — 270304 Guides for oil seal 13 Remove the oil seal from the crank- shaft. Refitting Id Assemble the garter spring on the crankshaft journal by engaging the hook and eye. Do mot stretch the spring. 15 Move the assembled spring along the journal until it is against the thrower flange. 16 Apply Silicone Grease MS4 to the crankshaft oil seal journal and to both end faces of the split oil seal. 17 Open the split seal sufficiently to allow it to be fitted over the crank- shaft oil seal journal. The recess in the oil seal must be towards the thrower flange and the garter spring. NOTE: The oil seal must not be repeatedly fitted and removed from the crankshaft, as this can damage the sealing lip. 18 Position the garter spring so that the hook and eye is located mid-way between the split and hinge of the oil seal. 19 Using a small screwdriver, ease the spring into the recess in the oil seal. 20 Rotate the oil seal until the split is on the vertical axis pointing towards the cylinder head and in its approximate running position on the journal; this position is important. NOTE: Do not degrease the seal retainer halves with trichlorethylene, but wipe clean with a dry cloth prior to applying Hylomar, 21 Apply Hylomar PL 32/M jointing com- pound, to the seal location diameter of both retainer halves. 22 Locate one half of the oil seal retainer onto the cylinder block dowels. The oil seal should be compressed to assist assembly, also ensure that it is cor- rectly iocated in the retainer recess. „я и ñ o СКВ 23 Secure the upper half of the oil seal retainer with the three inner bolts, leaving the outer belts at each end finger tight at this stage. LR886 24 25 26 27 28 25 30 31 32 33 Secure the lower half of the oil seal retainer to the rear main bearing cap in the same manner as described for the upper half, Apply Silicone Grease M54 to the ‘T" seals and fit them to the rear main bearing cap. Trim the top edges of the ‘T’ seals to prevent them from fouling the cylin- der block when being fitted. Fit the seal guides to the crankcase. 270304. Fit the rear main bearing cap complete with the seal retainer, “T° seals and bearing shell to the crankcase until there is an 0,8 mm (0.030 in.) gap between the cap and the crankcase. Check that the seal is correctly located in the Tetainer recess. Tighten the bearing cap bolts ensuring that there is no buckling of the split seal or misalignment of the butt joint; Torque: 10 kgf. m (75 Ibi. ft.). Fully tighten all the bolts securing the retainer halves. Turn the bolt heads so that the hexagon corners will not foul the flywheel housing seal when fitting. Trim the ends of the “T° seals to leave 0,8 mm (0.030 in.) protruding from the bearing cap. Reverse 1 to 19. tr-cl CRANKSHAFT Remove and refit 12.21.33 Removing Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. Remove the air cleaner. 19.10.04. Remove the radiator and front panel assembly. 26.40.01. Remove the front floor. 76.10.12. Remove the engine assembly, 12.41.01. Remove the oil sump. 12.60.44. Remove the oil pump. 12.60.26. Remove the timing gear 12.65.01. Remove the timing chain and ten- sioner. 12.65.28. 10 Remove the 33.10.01. 11 Remove the flywheel. 12.53.07. Laa su = COVET. pa 60 — 2 clutch assembly. 12 Remove the flywheel housing. 13 Remove the oil seal. ' 14 Remove the connecting rod caps and bearing lower halves. Retain in related sets, 15 Remove the main bearing caps and lift the crankshaft clear. Retain the bear- ing halves and caps in related sets. 16 Remove the oil seal from the crank- shaft. 17 Remove the upper half of the ой seal retainer from the cylinder block. 18 If required, remove the chainwheel and key from the crankshaft. Refitting NOTE: If replacement components are to be fitted, the checks detailed in 12.21.46 must be carried out. 19 Locate the upper main bearing halves into the cylinder block. 20 Lubricate the bearings and crankshaft journals with clean engine oil, and place the crankshaft in position. 21 22 23 24 25 IRC ASS Insert a thrust washer at each side of the rear upper main bearing shell with the grooved faces towards the crank- shaft webs. locate the bearing lower halves into numbers 1 to 6 main bearing caps. Fit the caps but do not fully ‘tighten the fixings at this stage. Fit the crankshaft rear oil seal and number 7 rear main bearing shell. 12.21.20. Tighten the main bearing cap fixings. Torque: 10,0 kgf. m (75 1bf. ft.). Fit the appropriate bearing halves and caps to the connecting rods, using NEW securing nuts. Torque: 2,8 kgf. m (20 bf. ft.). 26 Fit the oil seal ring to the flywheel housing. 27 Refit the flywheel housing. 28 Refit the flywheel. 12.53.07. 29 Refit the clutch assembly. 33.10.01. 30 Reset the valve timing. 12.65.22. 31 Reverse | to 9. CRANKSHAFT Overhaul 12.21.46 Inspecting Remove the crankshaft. 12.21.33. 2 Check each crankshaft journal for ovality. If ovality exceeds 0,040 mm (0.0015 in.), a reground or new crank- shaft should be fitted. 3 Bearings for the crankshaft main journals and the connecting rod journals are available in the following undersizes: 0,25 mm (0.010 in.) 0,50 mm (0.020 in.) 0,76 mm (0.030 in.) 0,01 mm (0.040 in.) 4 Thrust washers for the crankshaft rear main journal, to control the crankshaft end float, are available in the following OVEISIZES: 0,06 mm (0.0025 in.) 0,12 mm (0.005 in.) 0,18 mm (0.0075 in.) 0,25 mm (0.010 in.) 0,31 mm (0.0125 in.) 5 Fit the front main bearing cap, less bearing halves, to the cylinder block. Torque 10,4 kgf. m (75 1bf. ft.). 6 Slacken the fixing on one side of the cap only and check that there is no clearance at the joint face. If there is clearance, a complete new cylinder block must be fitted. Е LF 7 Repeat 5 and 6 for the remaining main bearing caps. Main bearing nip and clearance NOTE: New bearing halves are supplied with a protective coating and must be degreased prior to fitting, to remove the coating. 8 Locate the bearing halves into the front main bearing cap and the cylin- der block, and fit the cap to the block. Torque: 10,4 kgf. m 475 Ibf. ft.). 9 Slacken the fixing on one side of the cap only and check the clearance between the joint faces. The clearance must he 0,10 mm to 0,15 mm (0.004 in. to 0.006 in.). 10 The bearing nip can be corrected by selective assembly of the bearing halves; these are available in slightly varying thicknesses. Do not file or machine the caps or cylinder block to vary the bearing nip. 11 Repeat 8 to 10 for the remaining main bearings. 12 When the bearing nip has been checked, remove the caps and bearing shell bottom halves. 13 Position a standard size thrust washer each side of the rear main bearing shell, top half, with the grooved faces away from the cylinder block. The thrust washer thicknesses must agree within 0,08 mm (0,003 in.). 14 Place the crankshaft in position on the cylinder block. 15 Mount a dial test indicator to read off the end of the crankshaft. 16 Check the crankshaft end float. The correct end float limits are 0,05 mm to 0,15 mm (0.002 in. to 0.006 in.). 17 The crankshaft end float can be adjusted by fitting oversize thrust washers, The variation of thrust washer thickness at each side must not exceed 0,08 mm (0.003 in.) to ensure that the crankshaft remains centra- lised. TRC 631 18 Make a final check to prove the main bearing clearance, using a 0,063 mm (0.0025 in.) shim paper. Check each bearing in turn by fitting both bearing halves and the bearing cap, with the shirn paper between the crankshaft and one half of the bearing. The crankshaft should resist rotation with the shim paper fitted, and move freely by hand with the shim paper removed. NOTE: As an alternative, Plastigauge may be used to check the main bearing clearance, 19 to 26. Do not rotate the crankshaft while the Plastigauge is fitted, or the reading will be impaired. 19 Locate the crankshaft in position on the upper bearing halves in the cylin- der block. 20 Place a piece of Plastigauge across the centre of the lower half of the crank- shaft journal. 605238. DATA Crankshaft Journal diameter ........... cc. ... Crankpin diameter. . ............... End float (contrelled by thrust washers at rear bearing) ........ 0.0... Regrind permissible by 0,25 mm (0.010 Main bearing running clearance ....... Connecting rod bearing running clearance 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Fit the bearing cap complete with the lower bearing half. Torque: 10,5 kgf. m (75 1bf. ft.). Remove the bearing cap and lower half bearing. Using the scale printed on the ‘Plasti- gauge’ packet, measure the flattened *Plastigauge” at its widest point. The graduation that most closely cor- responds to the width of the ‘Plasti- gauge’ indicates the bearing clearance. The correct clearance with new or overhauled components is 0,015 mm to 0,050 mm (0,0006 in. to 0.002 in.). If a new bearing is being fitted, use selective assembly to obtain the correct clearance. Wipe off the ‘Plastigauge’ with an oily rag. DO NOT scrape it off. Retain all components in related sets. Refit the crankshaft. 12.21.33. 67,0 mm — 0,0127 mm (2.6245 in. — 0.0005 in.) 47,63 mm + 0,018 mm (1.875 in. + 0.00075 in.) 0,05 mm to 0,15 mm (.002 in. to .006 in.) Undersize Journal dia. “Crankpin dia. 1,01 mm 65,63 mm 46,6 mm (0.040 in.) (2.584 in.) (1.835 in.) 0,015 mm to 0,050 mm (0.0006 in. to 0.002 in.) 0,0114 mm to 0,043 mm {0.00045 in. 0.0017 in.) CYLINDER PRESSURES Check 12.25.01 Checking 1 Run the engine until it attains normal = LA fa y hy operating temperature. Remove the sparking plugs. Secure the throttle in the fully open position. Check each cylinder in turn as follows: Insert a suitable pressure gauge into the sparking plug hole. Crank the engine with the starter mator for several revolutions and note the highest pressure reading obtain- able. If the pressure is appreciably less than the correct figure, the piston rings or valves may be faulty. Low pressure in adjoining cylinders may be due to a faulty cylinder head gasket. DATA Compiessionratio ................. Compression pressure. .............. Crankingspeed. ................... IRC 828 7 7.8:1 11,95 kgf. cm? (170 1bf. in.?) 300 rev/min 7.0: 1 9.84 kgf. cm? (140 Ivf. in?) 300 rev/min CYLINDER HEAD Remove and refit 12.29.10 Removing 2 3 4 So 7 —] cr CH к — — \=—_ 12 Drain the coolant at the radiator and engine block. Disconnect the brake servo pipe from the inlet manifold. Remove the carburetter. 19.15.09. Disconnect the accelerator control rod and return spring at the bell crank lever, Disconnect the two temperature trans- mitter leads from the cylinder head. Disconnect the rocker oil feed pipe at the rear of the cylinder head. Remove the sparking plugs. Disconnect the radiator top hose. Disconnect the hose from the engine breather cap. Remove the distributor. 86.35.20. Remove the distributor vacuum pipe and retaining clip from the thermostat outlet pipe fixing. Remove the special nuts and sealing washers and lift off the top rocker cover and joint washer. 13 14 13 16 17 Slacken the locknuts and screw back the tappet adjusting screws. Slacken the cylinder head fixings evenly and remove them. Lift off the cylinder head and discard the cylinder head gasket. Remove the *0' ring seal from the connector by-pass to water pump. Withdraw the tappet push rods and retain them in their fitted order. Refitting 18 19 Remove the side rocker cover and fit the tappet push rods in their original positions. Smear a new cylinder head gasket with oil and place on the face of the cylinder block, with the side marked *this side up’ uppermost. IRC 760 к Си hr li Se. LT AAN E E 542 7 ATEN Su pu 2 | NY I чай m а на № i — Fei Ue i | ITLL ili = Lo 18 IRC 761 ¿ J, , 17418 20 21 22 23 Use two old cylinder head bolts with their heads sawn off to locate the gasket and head. Cut a screwdriver slot across the diameter of the bolts to facilitate removal when the cylinder head is in position. Position the cylinder head onto the block, at the same time position the ‘DY ring seal onto the by-pass con- nector. Ensure that the tappet push rods remain correctly seated. Tighten the cylinder head bolts in the order shown and to the following torques: a. Bolts A”? kgf, m (50 Ibf. ft.) b. Bolts ‘B’ 4 kof. m (30 1bf. ft.) 24 25 26 27 28 Set the inlet valve tappet clearances to 0,15 mm (0.006 in.) in the following order: Set No. 1 tappet with No. 6 valve fully open. Set No. 2 tappet with No. 5 valve fully open. Set No. 3 tappet with No. 4 valve fully open. Set No. 4 tappet with No. 3 valve fully open, Set No. 5 tappet with No. 2 valve fully open, Set No. 6 tappet with No. | valve fully open. Refit the side and top covers. Fit the distributor. 86.35.20. Reverse 1 to 6. With the engine at normal running temperature, check the cylinder head fixings tightness, then the inlet valves tappet clearances, and tighten and reset as necessary. CYLINDER HEAD Decarbonise and top overhaul 12.29.21 Service tools: 262749 Rocker shaft ex- tractor 276102 Valve Spring com- pressor 274401 Exhaust valve guide rémover 274400 Inlet vaive guide remover 600959 Exhaust valve guide replacer 601508 Inlet valve guide replacer 263050 Protection plate, insert removal 530625 Exhaust valve seat replacer Cylinder head and inlet valves Dismantling Remove the cylinder head. 12.29.10. 2 Remove the thermostat housing and thermostat. 3 Remove the inlet valve rockers and shafts. 12.29.35. 4 Remove the inlet valve assemblies, using spring compressor 276102, and retain the components in sets related to their parent cylinder. IRC763 ‘ ‘RL 764 To 10 11 Withdraw the oil seals from the valve guides. Remove combustion deposits from the cylinder head, valve ports and piston crowns, using only soft metal tools. If necessary, remove the inlet valve seat inserts by grinding sufficient to weaken the insert, then prising out. Drive out the inlet valve guides from the combustion chamber side, using remover 274400, [Inspect the valve spring pairs which must be an interference fit with each other. Inspect the valve split cones and spring caps for general condition. Inspect the cylinder head for general condition and for damage to threads. Assembling 12 If replacement inlet valve scat inserts are to be fitted, warm the head evenly for a few minutes at 66°C (150°F) approximately (the normal operating temperature of a degreaser), enter the seat squarely into the cylinder head recess and press into position. 13 Lubricate and fit the inlet valve guides, together with the valve spring seating washers, using replacer 601508. . |! AR | el 1 АТ E: Е = 14 Face the inlet valve seats, both original and replacements, to 30° + 4°, using the valve guides as pilots. 15 Check, and if necessary, Jeface the inlet valve faces to 30 — 4 . A A DN - SNS = = "> et . ` " RRA TT Se A . oN ". Sm . % rm = . = МНС Te, 16 Lap each valve into its respective seat then thoroughly wash the assembly. 17 Lubricate the valve stems and reverse 4, 18 Reverse 2 and 3. 19 Place the cylinder head assembly aside pending refitting. Dismantling the exhaust valves arrange- ment 20 Remove the 30.15.10. 21 Remove the side rocker cover and joint washer. 22 Mark the exhaust valves [or refitting in Correct sequence. 23 Slacken the tappet adjusting screws right off and set each rocker back on its cam. 24 Remove the exhaust valve assemblies, using spring compressor 276102, and retain the components in sets related to their parent cylinder, exhaust manifold. 25 Remove the combustion deposits from the valves and ports. 26 Fxamine the valve seat inserts and valve guides, If replacement is neces- sary, first remove the exhaust valve rockers and shafts. 12.29.36. NOTE: In installations where access is restricted, to replace valve guides on No. 5 or No. 6 cylinders may first require engine removal. EF Ci 27 If necessary, remove the valve seat inserts, 28 and 29. WARNING: Due to the extreme hardness of the seat inserts, take great care to avoid possible injury due to fragmentation. 28 Reduce the insert to a minimum thick- ness by grinding. 29 Secure the protection plate 263030 over the cylinder block face and break the seat insert, Using a suitable chisel applied through the hole in the plate. 30 If necessary, drift out the exhaust valve guides, using remover 274401. t valves, seats and guides, refitting next exhaust seat inserts are to be fitted, clean the seat recess and pull the new insert into position, using special tool 530625. It is not necessary to heat the block or freeze the insert, but light taps on the tool may be required to ensure that the insert enters smoothly. Continue precautions against fragmentation, by fitting the protection plate 2630350 and leaving it in position for a few minutes. 32 Lubricate the exhaust valve guides and carefully drift them into position, using replacer 600959. SEAT IRCT&% RC 772 © 33 Use the valve guide as a pilot and cut the valve seat ta 45° + 4°. о 34 Face the exhaust valves to 45 and lap each valve into its respective seat, using suitable equipment. 34 ah IRC TTA 35 Wash each valve, seat, port and guide in clean paraffin. 36 Lightly oil the valve stems and reverse 24. 37 If removed, reverse item 26, during which the valve timing must be re-set as necessary. 38 Reverse 20 and 21. 39 Refit the cylinder head. 12.29.14. INLET VALVE ROCKERS AND SHAFTS Remove and refit 12.29.35 Service tool: 262749 Extractor for rocker shafts Removing | Remove the radiator and grille panel. 26.40.01. 2 Disconnect the sparking plugs leads and remove the distributor cap. 3 Disconnect the hose at the engine breather cap. Remove the special nuts and sealing washers and lift off the top rocker cover and joint washer. Slacken the locknuts and screw back the tappet adjusting screws. Remove the nuts, washers and screw retainer plates from the rocker spacers. Remove the special set screws and washers securing the rocker shafts. Remove the end plug and sealing washer from the front of the cylinder head. continued 12 Reverse 6 and 7 for the rear shaft. 6 Remove the top rocker cover and 13 Repeat 10 and 11 for the front slacken the inlet tappet adjusting (shorter) shaft. SCrews. 14 Reverse 6 and 7 for the front shaft. 15 Set the tappet clearances to 0.15 mm (0.006 in.) in the following order: Set No. 1 tappet with No. 6 valve fully 9 Extract the front and rear rocker shafts and withdraw the valve rockers, springs and spacers as they are re- leased. Extractor 262749, Refitting 10 Enter the rear (longer) shaft into the head, with the tapped holes aligned open. with the set screw holes in the housing Set No. 2 tappet with No. 5 valve fully webs, and with the cil holes facing open. away from the valves. Set No. 3 tappet with No, 4 valve fully 11 Push the shaft rearwards, fitting a open. spring, valve rocker, spacer, valve Set No. 4 tappet with No. 3 valve fully rocker and spring for each cylinder. 'RC755 ; open. Set No, 5 tappet with No. 2 valve fully open. Set No, 6 tappet with No, 1 valve fully open. 16 Reverse I to 4. 17 Caeck the inlet valve tappet clearances 7 Remove the side rocker cover and with the engine at normal runnin лей temperature. Reset to 0,15 mm (0,006 slacken the exhaust tappet adjusting in.) as necessary. 8 Remove the camshaft retaining plate and remove the end plug from the front end of the rocker shaft. EXHAUST VALVE ROCKERS AND SHAFTS Remove and refit 12.29.36 Service tool: 262749 Extractor for rocker shafts Removing pW | Remove the radiator and grille panel. 26.40.01. 2 Remove the exhaust manifold. DATA _ 30.15.10. Inlet valve tappet clearance ............ 0,15 mm (0.006 in.) with engine 3 move the timing gear cover. at normal running temperature. 4 Remove the timing chain tensioner. 12.65.28. 5 Remove the timing chain and gears. 12.65.12. OF ¿1 9 Remove the two locating screws secur- ing front and rear rocker shafts. 10 Remove the oil feed bolt locating the distributor housing. RC782 11 Engage the extractor 262749 into the front rocker shaft. y PD + ‘eo | a dir LEN me > 1RC783 | Pr 12 Withdraw the rocker shaft. 13 Lift out the exhaust valve rockers, inlet cam followers, springs and spacers. Note the sequence of assem- bly. —- 14 Repeat 11 and 12 on the rear rocker shaft arrangement. IRC 784 Refitting 15 Fit a suitable siave bolt and packing washer into the tapped hole at front end of camshaft. This will enable the camshaft to be rotated as required to position the cam lobes away from the rocker assembly being fitted. 16 To aid reassembly, lay out the six spacer washers to be fitted between the inlet cam followers and exhaust valve rockers as follows: Thick, thin, medium, medium, thin, thick. 17 Reverse 14 in the order removed, noting the fitted positions of the spacing washers. Items 18 to 20. 18 Thick washers. 19 Medium washers. 20 Thin washers. 21 Feed in the rear rocker shaft. Ensure that the locating screw hole in the shaft is to the front; use the extractor tool to align the hole with the hole in the block. 22 Secure the shaft with the locating screw and lock washer. 23 Reverse 12 and 13 in the order re- moved. 24 Feed in the front rocker shaft. Ensure the locating screw hole in the shaft is to the rear and in line with the hole in the block. IRC785 DATA Tappet clearances: Inlet 0. ie 25 Reverse B and 9. 26 Reverse 3, 4 and 5 setting the valve timing as described, 27 Set the tappet clearances te 0,15 mm (0.006 in.) for inlet valves and 0,25 mm (0.010 in.) for exhaust valves in the following order: Set No, | tappet with No, 6 valve fully open. Set No. 2 tappet with No. 5 valve fully open. Set No. 3 tappet with No. 4 valve fully open. Set No. 4 tappet with No. 3 valve fully open. Set No. 5 tappet with No. 2 valve fully open Set No, 6 tappet with No. 1 valve fully open. 28 Reverse ! and 2 and fit the rocker COVETS. 29 (Check, and if necessary, reset the iniet valves tappet clearances with the engine at normal running temperature. 0,15 mm {0.006 in.). 0.25 mm {0.010 in.). Г A = INLET VALVE ROCKERS Replace Bush 12.29.55 Replacing bush | Remove the rockers and shafts. 12.29.35. 2 Press out the bush from the rocker. INC ZEN 3 Press in the replacement bush to 0,25 mm to 0,50 mm (0.010 in. to 0.020 in.) below the thrust face of the rocker. 4 Using the holes in the rocker as guides, drill oil holes 1,58 mm (0.062 in.) and 2,77 mm (0.109 in.) diameter in the bush, 5 Ream the bush to 12,5 mm + 0,025 mm (0.500 in. + 0.001 in.). 6 Reverse 1. ENGINE ASSEMBLY Remove and refit 12.41.01 Removing 1 Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01. 2 Disconnect the battery earth lead. 3 Remove the radiator and grille panel. 26.40.01. 4 Remove the gearbox tunnel cover. 76.25.07. 7 Disconnect the front exhaust pipe from the manifold. 6 Remove the exhaust heat shield, 7 Disconnect the starter lead at the solencid. 8 Disconnect the oil pressure and water temperature wires from the multi-plug on the main harness by the clutch pedal box, remove from the clip and release the harness clip from the air pipe. 9 Disconnect the engine earth cable at the chassis side-member. 10 Where fitted, disconnect the heater hoses. 11 Where fitted, disconnect the control cable at the heater water valve. 12 Disconnect the switch lead and HT lead at the ignition coil. 13 Disconnect the fuel feed at the filter. 14 Release the accelerator return spring. 15 IMsconnect the accelerator linkage at the spring loaded bell crank lever. 16 Remove the fixings securing the clutch hose and speedometer cable bracket at the flywheel housing. 17 Disconnect the cold start cables at the carburetter. 18 Detach the servo hose at the manifold pipe. 19 Remove the alternator lead from the solenoid, 20 Untape and remove the white wire from the throttle jack. 21 Remove the ignition coil from the bulkhead. control ETE == RH! = ls ОН MP, y | Г уу 1 I : r y MP A ON) a ih 1671 22 Support the engine weight, using a suitable lifting sling. 23 Remove the engine front mountings upper and lower fixings. 24 Support the gearbox, using suitable packing blocks or a jack, and remove the bell housing to flywheel housing fixings. 25 Pull the engine forward sufficient io disengage the drive from the gearbox. YR 819 26 Ensure that all cables, pipes etc. are clear then hoist the engine from the vehicle. Refitting 27 Smear the splines of the primary pinion, the clutch centre and the withdrawal unit abutment faces with Molybdenum disul- phide grease such as Rocol MTS 1000. 28 Engage a gear to prevent gearshaft rota- tion and offer the engine to the gearbox. If necessary, Totale the engine sufficient to align the gearbox primary pinion with the clutch plate splines. 29 When aligned, push the engine fuily to the rear and secure the bell housing to the fly- wheel housing, tightening the fixings evenly. 30 Lift the engine sufficient to remove the packing or jack from beneath the gearbox and insert the engine front mounting rubbers. 3} Reverse 11023. FLYWHEEL Remave and refit 12.53.07 Removing 1 Remove the front floor. 76.10.12. 2 Remove the seat base. 76.70.06. 3 Remove the engine assembly. 12.41.01. 4 Remove the clutch assembly. 33.10.01. 5 Remove the flywheel, Refitting 6 Fit the flywheel to the crankshaft and tighten the securing belts. Torque: 8,5 to 9,0 kgf. m (60 to 65 1bf. ft.). 7 Mount a dial test indicator to read off the flywheel face. 8 Check the run-out on the flywheel face, this must not exceed 0,05 mm {0.002 in.). 9 If the run-out is excessive, remove the flywheel and investigate the cause. 10 Reverse | to 4. FLYWHEEL Overhaul 12.53.10 Procedure Wear or scoring on the flywheel pressure face may be corrected by machining, pro- viding that the overall thickness of the flywheel is not reduced below 30,5 mm (1.204 in.). 1 Remove the flywheel. 12.53.07. 2 (Check the overall thickness of the flywheel, as it may have been pre- viously machined. 3 If the flywheel is above the minimum thickness, the clutch face can be refaced as follows: 4 Remove the dowels. 5 Reface the flywheel over the compiete surface, 6° Check the overall thickness of the -- flywheel to ensure that it is still above the minimum thickness. 7 Fit the dowels, X Refit the flywheel, 12.53.07. IRC BZ5A 1RC 8274 IRC 828 STARTER RING GEAR Remove and refit 12.53.19 Removing 1 Remove the flywheel, 12.53.07. 2 Drill an 8 mm (0.312 in.) diameter hole axially between the root of any tooth and the inner diameter of the starter ring sufficiently deep to weaken the ring. DO NOT allow the drill to enter the flywheel. 3 Secure the flywheel in a vice fitted with soft jaws. 4 Place a cloth over the flywheel to protect the operator from fragments. WARNING: Take adequate precautions against fragments as the starter ring may break asunder when being split. 5 Place a chisel immediately above the drilled hole and strike it sharply to split the starter ring. Refitting 6 Heat the starter ring gear uniformly to between 225 C and 250 C (437 F and 482 F) but do not exceed the higher temperature. ; 7 Place the flywheel, flanged side down, on a flat surface. & Locate the heated starter ring gear in position on the flywheel with the square edge of the teeth against the flywheel flange. I go. Ël | | 5 4 | о = IRC 309 9 Press the starter ring gear firmly against the flange until the ring con- tracts sufficiently to grip the flywheel. 10 Allow the flywheel to cool gradually. DO NOT hasten cooling in any way. 11 Refit the flywheel. 12.53.07. Ar es-Cl SPIGOT BEARING Remove and refit 12.53.20 Removing 1 Remove the flywheel, 12.53.07 2 Press the spigot bearing from the flywheel. Refitting 3 Press in the new spigot bearing flush with the clutch side of the flywheel. 4 Ream the spigot bearing to 22,237 mm to 22,242 mm (0.8755 in. to 0.8757 in.). 5 Refit the flywheel. 12.53.07. OIL FILTER ASSEMBLY, EXTERNAL Remove and refit 12.60.01 Removing Remove the fixings, oil filter adaptor to cylinder block. 2 Withdraw the oil filter assembly com- plete with adaptor. 3 Withdraw the front and rear joint washers. 4 If required, remove the fixings and detach the filter body from the adaptor; withdraw the joint washer, Refitting 5 Reverse das necessary. Torque 3,45 kgf m (25 lof ft). 6 Reverse 1 to 3, 7 Replenish the lubricating oil as necessary. OIL STRAINER Remove and refit 12.60.20 Removing l Remove the oil sump. 12.60.44. 2 Remove the strainer fixings. 3 Withdraw the strainer from the oil pump. Refitting 4 Wash the strainer, using clean fuel. 5 Reverse 1 to 3. RC IN IRC787 OIL PUMP Remove and refit 12.60.26 Removing 1 Remove the oil sump. 12.60.44, 2 Remove the relief valve retainer and joint washer. NOTE: Take care to retain the steel ball which is freed from the oil pump relief outlet. 3 Withdraw the spring and plunger. 4 Remove the oil pump locating screw. 5 Withdraw the oil pump and strainer assembly from the engine. Refitting 6 Offer the oil pump assembly to the engine and align the pressure relief valve housing and the locating screw bore with the respective tappings in the engine block. 7 Reverse 1 to 5. OIL PUMP Overhaul 12.60.32 Dismantling | Remove the oil pump. 12.60.26, 2 Remove the oil pump strainer. 3 Remove the oil pump body. 4 Lift out the pump gears. Inspecting and replacement 5 Clean all parts and examine for wear. 6 If required, unscrew and replace the idler gear spindle in the pump cover. 7 Tf required, replace the drive shaft bush at the top of the pump body. Press the replacement bush into the body and ream in position to 14,28 mm + 0,02 mm (0.5625 in, + 0.001 in.). Ensure correct alignment with the bore at the bottom end of the pump body; the bush should be a light drive fit. 8 If required, replace the bush in the idler gear. Drill the oilway 3,0 mm {0.125 in.) diameter then ream the bush, in position, to 12,7 mm + 0,02 mm (0.500 in. + 0.001 in.) in dia- meter. 2 Fit the idler gear to the spindle. 10 Fit the driving gear with the plain part of the gear bore uppermost. il Using a straight edge and feeler gauges, check the gears end-float which should be: Driving gear: 0,05 to 0,12 mm (0.002 to 0.005 in.). Idler gear: 0,07 to 0,15 mm (0.003 to 0.006 in.). 12 Reverse | to 3. OIL SUMP Remove and refit 12.60.44 Removing 1 Remove the sump plug and drain off the lubricating oil. 2 Withdraw the dipstick. 3 Remove the fixings at the sump flange. 4 Lower the sump to clear the oil strainer and withdraw. 5 Withdraw the sump joint washer. Refitting 6 Reverse 4 and 5, using a new sump joint washer. 7 Reverse 3, fitting the two 5/16 in. UNC bolts into the timing gear cover tappings. 6 Reverse 1 and 2. 9 After 1600 km (1000 miles) running, recheck sump bolts for correct torque as follows: IO Slacken each bolt in turn approximately one flat, then retighten to 1.65 kgf m {12 li ft). TIMING GEAR COVER AND OIL SFAL Remore and refit Gear cover 1 to 9 12.65.01 Oil seal 12.65.05 Service tool: 530102 Spanner for starter dog NOTE: On initial assembly of the engine, the mud shield around the oil seal is rivetted in position but after removal in service the rivets are substituted with self tapping drive screws. Where drive screws are fitted, it may be possible to renew the seal without remov- ing the timing gear cover. AT 7, if the mud shield is fitted with drive screws, the screws may be removed and the oil seal extracted. On fitting a new seal, the mud shield should be allowed to finally pull the seal into position to ensure a positive location. Removing i Remove the bonnet. 76.16.01, 2 Remove the fan blades and radiator front panel assembly. 26.40.01. 3 Stacken the air pump fixings and remove the drive belt. 4 Slacken the alternator fixings and remove the fan belt. Remove the alternator adjusting link. Remove the starter dog using 530102. Withdraw the crankshaft pulley. At this point, see note above and if the mud shield is rivetted: Remove the timing cover fixings, including those at the sump front face. Taking care not to damage the sump joint, carefully withdraw the timing cover and gasket, 10 11 12 13 14 Drill out the rivets securing the oil seal mud shield. Press out the oil seal and clean the mating surfaces. Smear the outside diameter of a new oil seal with Hylomar Pl 32/M jointing compound. Press the oil seal into the timing cover, Coat the drive screws with Hylomar and fit and secure the mud shield. continued F= LH = ==. - Refitting 15 Smear general purpose grease on both sides of the cover joint washer. 16 Reposition the cover on the engine and refit the fixings. 17 Fit the starter dog. Torque: 27,65 kgf. m (200 Ibf. ft.). | e | f | L DEE TE ~ in Si ab Po] "Lead ERE ; SN = Мл ЗН : 18 Fit the alternator adjusting link. 19 Refit the fan belt and adjust. 20 Refit the air pump drive belt and adjust. 21 Reverse 1 to 3. IRC 84 3A TIMING CHAIN GEARS Remove and refit 12.65.12 Service tool: 507231 Extractor for chain- wheel Removing I Remove the radiator and front panel. 26.40.01. Remove the timing gear cover. 12.65.01. Remove the timing chain tensioner. 12.65.28. Remove the camshaft chainwheel fix- ings. 5 Extract the camshaft chainwheel, using 507231, together with the crank- shaft chainwheel. 6 Withdraw the chain from the chain- wheels. 7 Replace the chain vibration damper if the rubber facing is worn. + LD by Refitting, including valve timing procedure Temporarily fit the timing gear cover, using fixings sufficient to retain it on the dowels, 9 Fit the timing pointer to the cover. 10 Temporarily fit the pulley to the crankshaft, engaging the keyway and key. 11 Rotate the crankshaft to align the TDC mark on the pulley with the timing pointer. 0 o oe | я < WN A 1 tE > IF i AD a A 6 a EF IRC 776 12 Remove the crankshaft pulley and timing gear cover without disturbing the crankshaft position. 13 Temporarily fit the camshaft chain- wheel, engaging the keyway marked ‘PF, 14 Rotate the camshaft to position the groove marked ‘A’ in line with the centre line of the top fixing hole for the gear cover. Remove the chainwheel without disturbing the camshaft posi- tion. 15 Fit the crankshaft chainwheel, cham- fered bore first, to just engage the crankshaft inner key. 14 IRC 77B DATA Clearance, timing chain to chain vibration damper .......... 1120 16 Position the chain on the chainwheels, aligning the keyway *P” with the cam- shaft key and with ‘no slack’ at the driving side of the chain. 17 Fit the camshaft chainwheel and chain. 18 Lightly tap home the chainwheels. NOTE: It is important that the timing chain has no slack at the driving side. Slightly offset keyways are provided in the camshaft chainwheel to enable adjustment to be made, if required, provided that the crankshaft and camshaft relationship is not disturbed. 19 Fit and lock the camshaft chainwheel fixings. 20 If required, adjust the chain vibration damper position to allow 0,05 mm to 0,25 mm (0.002 in. to 0.010 in.) clearance with the chain. 21 Reverse 2 and 3. Torque load for starting dog fixing is 27,5 kgf. m (200 Ibf. ft.}. 22 Reverse |. 0,05 mm to 0,25 mm (0.002 in. to 0.010 in.) TIMING CHAIN TENSIONER Remove and refit 12.65.28 Removing 1 Remove the radiator and front panel. 26.40.01. 2 Remove the timing gear cover. 12.65.01. 3 Remove the tensioner retaining bolts and spring washers. 4 Remove the tensioner and backplate between the tensioner body and cylin- der block. Dismantling 5 Press in the slipper and remove it from the tensioner body. 6 Remove the ratchet and spring. Examination 7 Check the slipper pad for wear, and renew if necessary. 8 Examine the ratchet for wear and renew if suspect. 9 Check the spring and renew if broken or suspect. 10 Examine the tensioner body and check that the oil inlet hole is clear. Reamembling 11 Insert the spring into the slipper bore. 12 Fit the ratchet into the bore and turn clockwise with an Allen Key to lock it in a retracted position. 13 Fit the slipper assembly to the ten- sioner body. NOTE: To prevent the tensioner releasing while fitting, insert a spacer between the tensioner body and the back of the slipper. 14 Fit the tensioner assembly and back- plate to the cylinder block taking care not to allow the tensioner to release. Secure with the two bolts and spring washers. 15 Ensure correct location of the chain guide. 16 Reverse 1 and 2. IRC? PT2 20! GROUP B ENGINE ASSEMBLIES 2.6 Litre Petrol ZEN Engine complete assembly 7.0:1 N.L.S Engine complete assembly 7.8:1 RTC2475N Detoxed Complete with all ancillaries except flywheel and clutch LAND ROVER 10 02 \51330, aRDUP B GROUP B ENGINE - Cylinder Block 2.6 Litre Petrol ENGINE - Cylinder Block Fixings 2.6 Litre Petrol NLS 255206(2) TE606231L(5) 272452 WM600041L (2) 239449 602915 231218 Ne NON 252622(2) 231219 252626 (21 6 ERCA935(6) 27941 “© 525497(2) 2572627(4) 52124(2) 279413 605157 524636 (2) WM600081L (4) 272451(2) 252621 NLS —8 © 2995(2) 562654 Stripped engine assembly new ro rade (up to Engine suffix 'B’ inclusive Stripped enaine assembly new 7.8:1 N : API Stripped engine assembly rebuilt 7.8:1 RTC2388R (From Engine suffix °C’ onwards Short engine 7.0:1 RTC2643 Short engine 7.8:1 RTC2642 Stud and dowel kit for cylinder block 535708 Cylinder liner 516498{6) Engine overhaul gasket kit 605106 Decarbonising gasket kit RTC3333 25 LAND ROVER 1D 03 2RE 36 | ao ROVER 10 03 2RE_37 3ROUP B ENGINE - Crankshaft 2.6 Litre Petrol. 600177 Standard 600174 0,0025in 600175 0,005 in 600176 0,0075in 600178 0,010 in 600179 0,0125in 523240 @ RTC1720/10 US FQ) 246464(2) RTC1720/20 US No “SHE04071L{10) WM600041L (10) — 542197 (2) 542622 546324 542623 (1) Engine Set G)crankshaft oil seal and retainer assembly 542494 includes silicone grease 270656 J LAND ROVER _1D 04 2RE 51 GROUP B Г р TTT TTT | | | | | | Std RTC2411(6) | | 0.020in OS RTC2411/20(6)(@ | | 0.040in OS RTC2411/40(6) | | | | | | | - >» | | сова (12) | | «a | I 264569(4) | | | | ERC23375(6) Standard | 53726916) 0.020in 0S | | 537271(6) 0.04015 05 | ERC23395(6) Standard | —- 536273(6)-8-B20in 05 H(3) 536275(6) 0,040in OS 273163(6) 524492(6) | ll RTC1721 Std | 50518100(12) — (7 (8 RTC1721/10 US — Z RTC1721/20 US ERCIO27(12)- — (1) Engine Sei (2) Engines with 7.8:1 compression ratio (3) Engines with 7.0:1 compression ratio (4) Piston ring set Ó no ROVER 19 04 2RE 52 aRQUP B INGINE - 0il Pump Body and Release Valve 9.6 Litre Petrol 52278 274084 2504 274928 521583. й 212309 542396 > NT605061L 274086 245940 255227(4) 504997 243971 WMG 4 00051L(4) 504995 011 pump assembly 90564334 Assembly does not include drive shafts on adjacent frame a e LAND ROYER 1D 05 2RE 43 GROUP B ENGINE - Oil Pump Gears, Drive Shaft and Body, 2.6 Litre Petrol 2678291) 90502209 7 - | 236257(2) 598214 (7) 240555 564335 90564217 90564216 e — 266900 rie Ey! A A ` m hy A SA =, Por Me иона E a eL [A AE TA TC + EM 4 Rann) a, ERs 2556 ND604087L — © 011 pump assembly 90564334 (1) Assembly does not include drive shafts © am ROVER 1D 05 ZRE 50 ENGINE - Camshaft 2.6 Litre Petro! GROUP B WM600041L(3) 255206(3) 276541 ENGINE - Camshaft Chain and Chainwheel 2.6 Litre Petrol GROUP B 530481 2500(3) 502266 266667 2RE 35 1D 06 274116 9 LAND ROVER ZRE 49 255206(3) ply RE pt + i ve 10 96 BH604111L(2) LAND ROVER SHEOBOZ1L 3ROUP B GROUP B ENGINE - Valves and Push Rods 2.6 Litre Petrol ENGINE - Inlet Valve Rockers 2,6 Litre Petrol NT605061L (6) 268293(12) 506816(6 268292(6) © © NT605061L (3) 7 =) NI (O) WF600051L (3) —— Es №” 5 525910(3) + 238871 (3) Xx EL 23301006) © m0 8 | = 231344(3) o | e No 568786(6) =) Exhaust == 525124 (6) 230034 (6) Es Inlet | 90512142(12) 90512144(6) 500609 (6) 2 90512143(6) Vo Sp) pd 506817(6) 568475(6) NT6050611 (6) > 243959 - 536577 525911 (3) 231352 (3) 212161 (6) 231348 a | | Sum ROVER 1D 07 2RE. 39 ® LAND ROVER 10 07 2RE 40 GROUP B GROUP B ENGINE ~ Exhaust Valve Rockers and Inlet Cam Followers 2.6 Litre Petrol ENGINE - Side Cover apd Sump 2,6 Litre Petro] 267828(4) 274091(4) . y 542426 587923 598231 90500610{6) N 274817 ©) 273309 (2) NN A 505597(2) Thin , A Shim ‘ | A | WY, NHE05041L 532387 - LL 231577 273308(2) hick Thic £31874(3) 4m 90517429(3) 536872(3) € > / y 90517429 (3) 273307 do > Rear 7 ) 90517429(3) 536873(3)M 90517429(3) 531873(3) #9 RTC1964(2) 273306 Front 564215 e SHSO5071L (2) U RTC636 255227 (16) UNF E md | | © 2 © wo ROVER 10 08 2RE 41 LAND ROVER 1D 08 RE 48 GROUP B ENGINE - Front Cover and Engine Breather 2.6 Litre Petrol 587104 55 4260(3) 603330 587105 566957 / WM600051L (2) 7 SHE05061L(2) 554924 WM600051L (10) ко BH605161L(10) 214058 W600041L S 564163 q — S > —— > A + ta ~~ \ 542256 (8) 272835 542073 90516028 Tr ET | Lan ROYER 10 09 ¿RE 47 aROUP Y ENGINE - Water Pump 2.6 Litre Petrol Up to Engine Suffix 'B' inclusive 563037 564164 568301 564270 564197 ERC3978 Water Pump overhau? kit 605716 Es LAND ROVER 1D 09 2RE 45 GROUP B GROUP B DETOXED ENGINE - Water Pump and Viscous Fan 2.6 Litre Petrol From Engine Suffix 'C' onwards ENGINE - Water Pump Adaptor and Fan 2.6 Litre Petrol UU TUTTO 243969 er | | 235208 598486 | BHAQACBIL (3)! AN на SN | BH604091L (2) | _ CC \ | NAN-----—— 5924e3-=-----———-- BH604141L < +. \ я . NAS BH5O4181L 3X604221L (2)! ERC1742 574044 (2) 26426 274737 © | 562915 @ | CN100508L (1) 614739 BH604101L (4) NY607041L. WM600051L (4 (2) BH6O4101L(4) (3) 5 | 557517()———1E: 587468 (2) | D Not required after August 1974 when one piece moulded bottom hose is fitted (2) Up to Engine Suffix 'B' inclusive From Engine Suffix co frame 1D 10 RH LAND ROVER 10 10 2ВЕ 46 LAND ROVER 10 10 SRE 218 GROUP B GROUP B ENGINE - Thermostat and Oil Pipe 2,6 Litre Petrol ENGINE - Cylinder Head 2.6 Litre Petrol 90513171 506047(3) 205038 278164 243958 598006(2) 243972 252515(4) 251002 (3) A WM702001L (3) а NH6O4041L (3) (D 518272 1" dia (2) 525497 15/16" Dia 511834(6) - 230062(6) 532319 (1) 210492 (4)}" dia 238046 (4) 22.5mm Dj 232039(2) © “ mo TT (1) 230251(7) ,688" Dia (2) ERCA709(7) 16.250 Dia > ERC4707 232037 253003 (1) 230250(2) 14" Dia (2) ERC256(2) 31,5mm — 266321(6) 90519864 Dur to October 1972 CORE PLUGS (2)From November 1972 onwards 3 plugs CHECK BEFORE ORDERING © LAND ROVER 19 11 2RE 66 1D 11 ОКЕ 64 GROUP B ENGINE - Cylinder Head Fixings 2.6 Litre Petrol SROUP B ENGINE - Rocker Cover 2.6 Litre Petrol 546210 568397 ERC2275 ERC438/ SH505061L(2) SH506071L (2) \ 274089(3) WM600051L{2) 90574103(3) 568391 (1) ERC3343(@) WM600061L (2) 274100 568725 ERC3325 WM600051L (2) ERC3324 (®) SH505061L(2) ERC2280 RTC3308 (1) Un to Engine suffix 'B' inclusive (2) From Engine suffix 'C' onwards | LAND ROVER 10 12 CRE 651 [LAND ROVER 1D 12 2RE42/A aROUP В ENGINE - Di] Filter and Adaptor 2.6 Litre Petrol 587723 232041 274609 6027212 <) 602212 O Y WM600051L (2) Ú BH605161L (2) 597722 BH60724 11 ETC5276 BH6072811 WM600071L (2) RTC3183 SH507101L (2 90513581 516885 608169 © a LA"D ROVER 10 33 2RE 34 GROUP B ENGINE - Exhaust Manifold 2.6 Litre Petrol WB110061L WM60006 1 L (4 } 587401 WM600051L (2) NH605041L (2) Ds O LAND ROVER 1D 13 2RE 33 GROUP B VE TOXED ENGINE - Air Injection Pump 2.6 Litre Petrol From Engine Suffix 'C' onwards GE mensa WM600051L GROUP B DETOXED ENGINE - Exhaust Manifold Adaptor 2.6 Litre Petro] From Engine Suffix 'C' onwards BH605381L RTC3497 =, ERC2456 — | TT Y ERC1454(4) но A "A ERCS169 WM600051L № NH6O5041L (2) ERCT460 ERC3525 GT x» Ue; = 9 Que UY > y @ | ` Q | WM600051L | ; ERC2659 | ; : 2266L SE 253205(3) ERCES69 ERC1456 —y Y р ERC2658 ERC2662 ; BH605381L - N 22661 0 a LAND ROVER 10 14 6RE 212] [LAND ROVER 10 14 6RE 211/A GROUP B GROUP B ENGINE - Tie Rod 2,6 Litre Petrol ENGINE - Mountings and Rubbers 2.6 Litre Petrol NT605061L NH605041L 7015L SHE06081L (4 509885 272498 y &) SH606121L(4 © WD110061L(4) NH605041L(2) HM600051L (2), .. . WM600061L oS 5988534) €) > 3933. DO NRC2029 @ D(D NH606041 2851. DO) A 2513224) D@ oe 850641 M DO NY110041L(4) D@ 504607 WM6000611 (4) D @ WL110001L (4) DO) NT605061L NH406041L (4) D110061L(2 NRC2054(2)D D "ini y 200 leo WC110061L(2) DB) NRC2053(2 BSF Fixings Metric Fixings 3) Front Mounting (4) Rear Mounting © 1 Топ ID an ROVER 10 15 CI чо ROVER 2RE 38 10 15 ">
Key features
- 2.6-liter displacement
- 6-cylinder configuration
- High power output
- Efficient fuel consumption
- Compact and lightweight design
- Durable construction
Frequently asked questions
2.6 liters
6 cylinders
Yes, it offers efficient fuel consumption
Yes, it is designed for durability and reliable operation