Sea Ray 2005 390 MOTOR YACHT Owners Manual
Sea Ray 2005 390 MOTOR YACHT is a luxurious motor yacht designed for comfortable cruising and entertaining. It offers a spacious interior with multiple staterooms, a well-equipped galley, and a large salon area. The yacht features a powerful propulsion system, providing ample speed and maneuverability. With a variety of standard and optional features, including air conditioning, a generator, and a bow thruster, the 390 MOTOR YACHT caters to a range of boating preferences.
WELCOME Congratulations on becoming the new owner of the world’s most prestigious yacht. We at Sea Ray® Boats, Inc. welcome you into our worldwide and ever- expanding family of boating enthusiasts. The Owner’s Manual Packet, to be kept on board your Sea Ray, gives you important information on all the features of your Sea Ray, for years of trouble-free boating take the time to carefully review the information in your Owner's Manual Packet and really get to know your boat. Have everyone who will operate your yacht read this manual. The Owner's Manual Packet contains the following: * Owner's Manual The Owner's Manual gives you important operating and safety information, as well as reminding you about your responsibilities as a boat owner/operator. * Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Information This section of your Owner's Manual Packet contains information from the manufacturers of equipment installed on your boat. Examples include the engine, engine control and steering system. Throughout the Owners Manual you will be referred to information provided by manufacturers of specific systems. Because your purchase represents a substantial investment, we know you will want to take the necessary measures to protect its value. We have outlined a program for proper operation, periodic maintenance and safety inspections. We urge you to follow these recommendations. If you have questions which are not fully covered by the Owners Manual Packet, please consult your authorized dealer for assistance. Thank You For Selecting A Sea Ray®! Bon Voyage 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) INTRODUCTION 1. THIS MANUAL The material here and in the rest of the Owner’s Manual Packet: e Gives you basic safety information; e Describes the features of your boat; e Describes the equipment on your boat; e Describes the fundamentals of boat use; and e (Contains service and maintenance information. You must learn to operate this boat as well as read, understand and use this manual. What this manual does not give you is a course in boating safety, or how to navigate, anchor or dock you boat. Operating a power boat safely requires more skills, knowledge and awareness than is necessary for a car or truck. 2. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES For your safety, the safety of your passengers, other boaters and people in the water, you must: Take a boating safety course; e Getinstruction in the safe and proper handling of your boat; * Understand and follow the “rules of the road”; Learn how to navigate. 3. SOURCE OF INFORMATION In North America, contact one of the following for boating courses: e U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary e U.S. Power Squadron e Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons e Red cross e State Boating Offices e Yacht Club Contact your dealer or the Boat/U.S. Foundation at 1-800-336-2628 Outside of North America, contact your boat dealer and/or your governmental boating agency for assistance. A book that provides a comprehensive background in boating is Chapman - Piloting, Seamanship and small Boat handling, by Elbert S. Maloney, published by Hearst Marine. 4. DEALER RESPONSIBILITIES In addition to a pre-delivery check and service of the boat, your dealer is to give you: о Adescription and demonstration of the safety systems, features, instruments and controls on your boat; e An orientation in the general operation of your boat; e An"In Service Form” completed by you and the dealer after your inspection of the boat; Areview of all warranty information and how to obtain warranty service; e The complete Owner’s Manual Packet. If you do not receive all of these materials, or have any questions, contact your dealer or call 1-800-SRBOATS (International 1-314-216-3333). 5. WARRANTIES Your boat comes with several warranties. Each component and/or system on your boat has its own warranty that will be found with the specific information and manual for that component. These are included with your Owner’s Manual Packet. Locate and read the individual warranties; then put them together for easy future reference. The Sea Ray® warranty is on the warranty information card in your packet and is repeated on the next page. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) INTRODUCTION 6. HuLL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (HIN) The “Hull Identification Number” located on the starboard side of the transom, is the most important identifying factor and must be included in all correspondence and orders. Failure to include it creates delays. Also of vital importance are the engine serial numbers and part numbers when writing about or ordering parts for your engine. Refer to the Engine Operators Manual for locations of engine serial numbers and record them for future reference. H.I.N LOCATION HULL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 7. MANUFACTURER’S CERTIFICATION As a boat manufacturer, Sea Ray builds their products to guidelines established under the Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971. The Act is promulgated by the United States Coast Guard who has authority to enforce these laws on boat manufacturers that sell products in the United States. Sea Ray ensures that all of its products comply with these laws. The NMMA, National Marine Manufacturers Association, provides Sea Ray with a third party certification. The NMMA is an organization that represents the marine industry and assists manufacturers, boat dealers, marinas, repair yards and component suppliers in areas of legislation, environmental concerns, marine business growth and state and federal government agency interaction. The third party certification that Sea Ray participates in, uses the well know Standards and Recommended Practices of the ABYC, American Boat and Yacht Council. Sea Ray Boats participates extensively in the American Boat and Yacht Council which is a non-profit organization that develops and publishes voluntary standards and recommended practices for boat and equipment design, construction, service and repair. We utilize all applicable ABYC standards in the construction of your Sea Ray boat. Finally, Sea Ray sells their products world wide and as such must conform to the various rules and regulations required by other countries. Most notably, are the ISO standards in Europe which require the application of the CE (Common European) mark. This mark, much like the NMMA certification here in the US, gives you the boat owner specific information concerning your craft. For more information, turn to Section 1 - Safety, subsections 8 and 12 which explains in detail the CE plate and its importance. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) INTRODUCTION 8. SERVICE, PARTS AND REPAIR FOR YOUR BOAT When your boat needs service, parts or repair, take it to an authorized Sea Ray” dealer. To find a dealer in your area call: Domestic: 1-800-SRBOATS Fax: 1-314-213-7878 International: 1-314-216-333 To find repair and parts facilities for the equipment installed on your boat, refer to the manual for that component. If a problem is not handled to your satisfaction: 1. Discuss any warranty-related problems directly with the service manager of the dealership or your sales person. Give the dealer an opportunity to help the service department resolve the matter for you. 2. If a problem arises that has not been resolved to your satisfaction by your dealer, contact Sea Ray® Boats at 1-800-SRBOATS and the appropriate customer service department information will be provided to you. 9. CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS INTERNET ADDRESSES Sea Ray Boats USA Phone 1-800-SRBOATS FAX oii, 1-314-213-7878 Internet Sea Ray Boats International ........ 1-314-216-3333 United States Coast Guard PHONE ee 1-800-368-5647 Internet ................... Phone 1-800-336-2628 Internet ......... Canadian Coast Guard PHONE ee 1-800-267-6687 Internet .... 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) ABOUT YOUR LIMITED WARRANTY Sea Ray offers an express Limited Warranty on each new Sea Ray purchased through an authorized Sea Ray dealer. A copy of the Limited Warranty was included in your owner’s packet. If for any reason, you did not receive a copy of the Limited Warranty, please contact your local dealer or call 1-800 SR BOATS for a replacement copy. Under the Limited Warranty, Sea Ray covers structural fiberglass deck or hull defects which occur with five (5) years of the date of delivery and parts founds to be defective in factory material or workmanship within one (1) year of the date of delivery. In addition, laminate blisters resulting from defects in factory material or workmanship are covered for five (5) years on a pro-rated basis. Sea Ray’s obligation under the Limited Warranty 1s limited to repair or replacement of parts that are judged defective by Sea Ray and does not include transportation, haul out, or other expenses. The foregoing is the sole and exclusive remedy provided by Sea Ray. The Limited Warranty does not cover engines, stern drives, controls, propellers, batteries, trailers, or other equipment or accessories carrying their own individual warranties, nor does the Limited Warranty cover engines, parts or accessories not installed by Sea Ray. The Limited Warranty does not cover cosmetic gel coat finish. Boats used for commercial purpose are excluded from coverage. See the Sea Ray Express Limited Transferable Warranty for other exclusions. SEA RAY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. NEITHER SEA RAY NOR THE SELLING DEALER SHALL HAVE ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSS OF USE OF THE BOAT, LOSS OF TIME, INCONVENIENCE, COMMERCIAL LOSS OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. The unexpired term of the Limited Warranty may be transferred to a subsequent owner upon the new owner ’s written request to Sea Ray Division of Brunswick Corporation, 2600 Sea Ray Blvd., Knoxville, Tennessee, 37914 and payment to Sea Ray of Fifty Dollars ($50.00). Thank you for your decision to buy a Sea Ray. The Sea Ray Express Limited Transferable Warranty is subject to change at any time at Sea Ray’s discretion. The information contained herein is general information about the Limited Warranty for the owner’s general knowledge, but does not alter or amend the terms of the Limited Warranty. Vi 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 390 MY OWNER’S MANUAL ® TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT 1. This Manual eae, Il 1. Docking/Lifting/Storage DA 21 2. Your responsibilities ..............c.oo || A. Bow and Stern Cleats oo 2 + 3. Source of Information ..................——......eeeeeeeere ii B. Supporting the Boat ........................ mm... 29 4. Dealer Responsibilities Muanaenanne nen en Anne ne neCNe NE NECNECECNE EFE lil 2. Passenger LOCAUON errar 29 5. Warranties ererrr RR R RR RR RR RER R ER R RER lil 3. Basic Boat Dimensions and Clearances ................ 24 6. Hull Identification Number (HIN) renoue 4. Propulsion System ..................... e. 2.4 7. Manufacturer's Certificate... IV 5.Propellers ....................eenin ne 2.4 8. Service, Parts and repairfor Your Boat ...................... V 6.General Deck Layout..................... 2.5 9. Contact Phone Numbers & Intemet Addresses .......... V 7. Cabin LayOUt en 26 10. Express Limited Transferable Warranty .................. 7 ooo 2.7 9. Control Station Gauge and Switch Layout............... 2.7 10. Function and Location of Thru-Hull Fittings . and CUtOULS ..........ooooiiiiiiiii E EEE EEE E EEE 2.9 SECTION 1 * SAFETY 11. Major Control ..........................e es 2.11 1. Safety Labels ......... ES EE 1.1 A. Gear Shifts and Throttle Controls ................... 2411 2. Legally Mandated Minimum Reguired Equipment .. 1.2 B. Engine Synchronizers (Optional) .................. 2.12 3. Fire Extinguishing Equipment ..................—.————... 1.2 С. Hydraulic Trim Tabs ...................e...00e0 0... 2.12 4. Carbon Monoxide em eres 1.2 12. Important Gauges 214 A. Carbon Monoxide Monitors .....................—.—... 1.4 A. Hourmetet eee es 2.14 5. Life Saving Equipment .....................—..—....——— 14 B. Tachometer .......................00ii0i e 2.14 A. PFD Classifications ..............—..—.—.——.—.——————————. 14 C. Fuel Gauge ee 2.14 6. Additional recommended Equipment for D. Voltmeter ........................reeriricereecee er eee 2.14 Safe Operation peones 1.5 E. Oil Pressure Gauge ......................... 215 7. Impaired Operation REP 1.5 F. Water Temperature Gauge............................ 2 45 8. Load Capacity PUPP ee 1.5 G. Magnetic Compass ................................ 215 9. Power Capacity RP 1.6 H. Systems Monitor ............................ 216 10. Stability eee eee Eee ener arene 1.6 Display Control Module (DCM) 11. Maintain Control ..…..…..….…….…..…..……..…rresreresrenee rene 1.7 Function Table 218 A. General Considerations ............................... 1.7 |. Engine Monitoring System (EMS) .................. 2.19 21. Weather ...........ooi RKERER KK EEKEE EEG 1.7 J. Sea Ray Navigator (SRN) (Optional) .............. 2.19 A. Ocean ceva 1.8 13. Navigation and Anchor Lights ............................. 220 B. Offshore ......................eeee A 1.8 A. Console Dimmer ...........................erecceeceerezs 220 C.INShOKE .....eee EKKRR KR KK EEG 1.8 14. Switch & Receptacle Layout …………………….….….……. 221 D. Sheltered Waters ........................—..—..——— 18 45, Lighting Layout ........................ es 2.24 13. Chart Your Courseíeeeeeer 1.9 14. Water Sports .......................e.eevriiirccieeree DD 1.9 A. Swimming eee eee reer ere reer 19 SECTION 3 © Using YOUR BOAT B. SKIiNG cee KRRERRKRERRK KERN 1.9 C.DIVING veers, 110 1.Pre-Launch, Launch and Post-Launch Checklist ..... 3.1 15. Emergency Situations esse 1.10 2. Fueling The Boat …….….…..….....…...….....…..crrecsserensecsnere 3.2 A. Medical Emergency 1.10 A General ......oooee RR 3.2 B. Water RESCUE «ooo eee, 1.11 B. Filing The Tank... 3.2 C. Fir@ covets 1.11 0 3.2 D. Flooding, Swamping and Capsizing ............... 1.11 3. BOAFdiNG ….....….…......……..crrrrerccararer cena re nacre 3.3 E. Collisions and Leaking ………………………………….…….………. 1.12 4. Personal Flotation Devices (PFD) 3.3 F. Grounding ..................eeeeeeienn e 1.12 5.Passenger Instruction and Location ................... 3.3 G. Propulsion, Control or Steering Failure .......... 1.12 6. Starting The Engines ......................eevv0reeeeereeeee 3.4 16. Safety Hotlines ........................... 1.12 7.Shifting to Drive The Boat 3.6 17. International Requirements .............................. 1.13 8.Stopping The Engines ...........................e—— 3.7 18. Nautical terms ..................... e 1.13 9. Starting The Generator... 3.7 19. Environmental Considerations ........................... 1.14 10.Stopping The Generator ..........................——— 3.8 20. Warning Label Locations ....................e-..—.e=e==vv... 1.15 11. Shore Power Hookup PS 3.8 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 390 MY OWNER’S MANUAL ® TABLE OF CONTENTS 12. Shifting From Shore Power to Generator Power .... 3.9 13. Steering System ……..…...….…….....……….eesrrreccneseecceues 3.10 A. Auto Pilot (Optional) es 3.10 14. ANCROFING cei sara een esse eee 3.10 A. Anchoring Arrangement.......................=...——.. 3.10 B. ANCNOFMNNG ..….........…........nesrreserre ere a asc re ses annee 3.11 C. Lowering Anchor essences 3.11 D. Setting Anchor ……..…...….….....…cerereerccneseene 3.11 E. Weighing Anchor …….…..…...…..…….…ressecssenenss 3.12 F. Clearing À Fouled Anchor ser 3.12 С. А Final Word eek nca neree 3.12 15. WindlasS re ner esrr sen rene rene 00e 3.12 A. To Operate From The Helm .......................... 3.13 B. To Operate From The Bow ........................... 3.13 C. To Operate Manually reee... 3.13 D. Maintenance ….….......…........…..rsercssecsserenss 3.13 16. Bow Thruster (Optional) 3.14 SECTION 4 * BILGE AND UNDERWATER GEAR SECTION 5 * FUEL SYSTEM 1. Fuel System .................eeeeemieienececeerrreeerer De 5.1 A. Fuel Tank .................eeeeeeieecerceeceececere eee: 5.1 B. Fuel Fill Inlet ...........cooiiii EEE 5.1 A EEE 5.1 2. Fuel Recommendations .....................eeeeeeeeereecceee D.2 3. Electric Fuel Valve ..................._eereeee 5.2 4. Fuel Filters..….......…..……..…….crrecrereserase caserne case encens 5.2 A. Fuel Filters (Diesel Option) ..................———..... 5.2 B. Generator Fuel Filter (Diesel Option) ............... 5.3 C. Fuel Filter Maintenance .......................eee..... 5.3 5. Fueling Precautions .......................e.......eeee en, 5.4 A. General ……..….....…...….crrresserecseeeessea casa annees 5.5 В. Before & During Fueling - Checklist ................ 5.5 C. After Fueling - Checklist ..................... 5.5 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1. DC System ................eereeecircececeneceneeneeeeens5esse nee. 6.1 1. Bilge .................eeeericicereeee reee e ee e e e er eres 4.1 2. Batteries ......................eieeeeeceeeeeene ee 6.1 A. Fuel & Oil Spillage es 4.1 A. To Remove The Battery Cables ...................... 6.2 2. Bilge Pumps -................eeeeeeveiecicreeeceneeneeeneeee eee. 4.1 B. Battery Maintenance ee 6.2 3. Bilge Blowetrs ....................errrcriccreneecanereoeeceneaceen——. 4.2 3. Main DC Breaker Panel ....................e...eeeeeiericee 6.2 4. Engines .....................eiiiiiee RR eee 43 4.Battery Switches and Solenoids ............................ 6.2 A. Fresh Water Cooling System ........................ 4.3 A. Main battery Solenoids .………….....…...….…..…...….……… 6.2 B. Coolant Recommendations ......................—.—.—.... 4.3 B. Bow Thruster Solonoid 6.3 5. Engine Mounts ….…….…...…..……....…..…cseerserensecsnerensecn ne 4.3 5. Control Station Breaker Panels .......................eee=... 6.5 6. Marine Gears .................e..eevrervecrciorecenecene eee. 4.4 6. Electrical System Fuse Blocks and Breaker .......... 6.5 A. Reduction Gears er 4.4 7.12 Volt Accessory Receptacle ..........................—... 6.6 B. Reverse Gears ..................eeceevcrerececccrcenenecenos 4.4 8. Emergency Start System ................e..e.eeeeeieeeeceecees 6.6 7. Engine Exhaust system ................e...eeeeveeeeececeenes 4.4 9. Electronics Circuit ..................—r.erexeeeeiere ares 6.6 8. Vibrations 6 Causes ................ereeesierecrecerecreneceeno. 4.4 10. AC System ................eeeercerecececoereneecenesceoecenen<.. 6.6 A. Foreign Object Interferring With 11. DC Distribution Panel ...........................2... 6.7 Propeller Action ...................._....ieeerein 4.4 12. Servicing The Main Distribution Panel ................... 6.7 В. Bent Propeller and/or Shaft ............................ 4.5 A. To Replace A Faulty Component On The Main C. Engine and Shaft Out of Alignment ................. 4.5 Distribution Panel ...................ccccoooi 6.7 D. Coupling Out of true 4.5 13. Generator..…….…....…..….....……...rereeeseseeceses rence ee 6.1 E. Engine Part Hitting Boat Structure .................. 4.5 A. Generator Operation 6.11 F. Other Possible Causes …………….……………..………….………….….……. 4.5 14. Shore Power .....................evvrerreerecenece0 e DD 6.11 9. Oil Exchange System (Optional) 4.5 A. Shore Power Cord ser 6.11 A. Operating Instructions == —e........ 4,5 B. Cablemaster………......….…….....……...srrrccseseeccenss 6.11 10.Underwater Gear …….…...…....……...…….….crrrrccsreccsaecees 4.6 C. Isolation Transformer ....................eeeeeeeereeeeos 6.12 A. Propellers ......................e.eeervccicereecceeee e. 4.6 D. IsoBoost Transformer (Optional) ................... 6.12 B. Shafts ..................ecereeeeeereeeie e e e De 4.9 E. Shore Power Breaker Box............................ 6.13 C. Carrier Seal Kit .......................eeeeeemmmeien eee 4.9 F. Maintenance for Shore Power Cable Set & D.Strut ooo, 4.10 Shore Power Inlets ...............................—.— 6.13 11. Rudder 6: Rudder Stuffing Box ......................—... 4.10 15. Battery Chargers recense 6.13 12. Seacocks & Strainers…….….….……....…..…….……rsressernnre 4,11 A. Charging Characteristics ee 6.14 13. Power Steering System are 4.12 B. Charging Characteristics of the Bow Thruster 14. Bilge Layout .....................eeeiiriiicciiee e DA 4.13 Battery Charger .....................eeeeeeeeeeereeeeee 6.14 16. Halogen Lighting erreurs 6.14 Vili 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 390 MY OWNER’S MANUAL ® TABLE OF CONTENTS 17. Ground Fault Interrupter Receptacle (GF) ........... 6.15 A. International Receptacle .............................. 6.15 18. Electrolytic Corrosion and Zinc Anodes .............. 6.16 19. AC & DC Electrical Schematics a Wiring Harnesses ........................=..e...ieeee 6.17 SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS 1. Layout and Accessories ...................ee2eeeíveeerceeeeee 7.1 2.Carbon Monoxide Monitors ....................eeeeveeevieeos 7.1 A. Testing The CO Monitor ..................... eee... 7.1 3. Air Conditioning & Heating 7.1 A. To Start System …..….....….....……...…ecsrrecserccnnerees 7.2 4. Water System ................eereveeeciececcrnreeeeneeee De. 7.3 A. WatertanK..........coooiiiiii K EHEN 7.3 Filling The Water Tank 7.3 To Begin Initial Operation 7.3 Sanitizing The System ..................reeevvereevecio 7.5 B. Water Pumps & Filters 7.5 C. Water System Pressurization ........................ 7.5 D. Water Distribution Manifold ............................ 7.6 eee 7.6 Initial Start-Up or After Winterization ................ 7.6 F. Fresh Water Washdown ................................ 7.7 G. Dockside Water Inlet ................................. 7.7 To Use The System .................eneereeecrcreeceeneees 7.7 H. Transom Shower ....................e.eeeriiieccieerecee_s 7.8 |. Gray Water SUMmbp ...............e.eeeeerecereceeieereneeee. 7.8 J. Gray Water Drain Lines 7.8 5. Head System ..................eeeerereeeceerceeeeereen eee. 7.10 A. Requirement for Vessel Operators ................ 7.10 B. Vacu*-Flush Head ...................eeeevcecerccceeeee. 7.10 To Operate Vacu*-Flush Head ................... 7.11 C. Holding tank Operation .....................-——...... 7.11 Dockside Pump-Out 7.12 D. Vent Filter …..…..…....…...…..…….reccseceseecrec races 7.12 6. Macerator Discharge Pump with Seacock Interlock System (Optional) 7.12 To Operate the Macerator ....................... 7.12 Maintenance..............ccooeiviici iii, 7.12 7.Communication System .................e.=.eeeeeveeeeeeecees 7.13 A. Dockside Telephone Hookup ..................—..... 7.13 To Connect Telephone System ................ 7.13 8. Entertainment Centers ces 7.13 A. Salon Entertainment Center ......................... 7.13 B. Forward Stateroom Entertainment (Optional) . 7.13 C. Master Stateroom Entertainment .................. 7.13 D. Cockpit Entertainment .......................e.e...... 7.13 E. Satellite Radio (Optional) ..........................—.. 7.13 F. Dockside Television Hookup ......................... To Connect Cable Television 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) G. TV Signal Selector ee 7.14 9. Automatic Fire Extinguisher ...................——..—...—.. 7.14 A. Gasoline Engine Boats ..................—.— re... 7.14 B. Diesel Engine Boats 7.14 C. Manual Fire Extinguishing System ............... 7.15 D. Hand Held Extinguishers 7.16 10. Utility Room ................-.....eexreeeneeenree ee RER KKEE 7.16 11.Bow Thruster (Optional) ...........................eeee..... 7.16 12. Refrigerator/Freezer ie 7.17 A. Cockpit Ice Maker .....................e...evieeeerenenos 7.17 13. Coffee Maker ..........ccccooiiiiii e. 7.17 14. Stove & Microwave …..…....…......……rreessecnerensecc nee 7.18 A. Electric Stove …….…...…....……...……csrrrccrscecsseaccnee 7.18 B. Microwave/Convection Oven ......................... 7.18 15. Power Ventilation System ................-.....=reeeeeeeees 7.18 16. Central Vacuum System (Optional) .................... 7.18 17. Washer á Dryer (Optional) ................................ 7.19 18. Shore Power .......................eeervriierierree cree. 7.19 19. Expandable Salon Sofa ...................eeeeeeexrieecees 7.19 20. Expandable Bunk 7.00 21. HOY .............eeeeemeneerenerenenenereneneeeese entrenar rDe 7.20 22. CANVAS EEE 7.20 A. Care & Maintenance ….…….….…..…..….……….……….……….……. 7.20 B. Storage ...............—..eenesiecieeneerreeneneereeeee ne. 7.20 C. Installation TipS ...................-.eeeeeeeiiieeeeeee_s 7.20 23. Floor Plan EEE 7.21 SECTION 8 * SERVICE INFORMATION 1. Summary Guide For Inspection, Service and Maintenance ...................e...eeeeeeirir DD 8.1 2. Useful Service Information ..................... 8.3 3. Inspection, Service and Maintenance Protocol ........ 8.4 A. Bilge Area ......c.cooeviiiiiiii 8.4 O RER RER ERKRER RER ER RER EE 8.4 2. ENGINE coi, 8.4 3. Fuel System ...............eeeeeveeeerrecerreaceeeee. 8.4 4, Wiring System ee 8.5 5. Fittings, Hoses and Clamps ....................... 8.5 B. Topside and Supplies 8.5 4. Winterization Checklist for Boats Stored on Land.... 8. A.BoatStorage .........coovveiiiiiiii 8.5 B. ENgines ….….....….....…........errreserre serre ses creer rene 8.5 C. Battery(ies) …….….…..…….…...…....…….rrrccrrercsreceeneee 8.5 D. Head System …….…….....…...….…….rrccrrreceseacssanecnee 8.6 E. Water System... ares 8.6 F. Fuel System …..…..…...…......….….crrrercrserena seen cn eree 8.6 5. Fitting Out After Storage 8.7 A. Fuel System erste 8.7 B. Battery (ies) …….……....…..….…...…..rcrrrcrreccnerenaeces 8.7 C. Miscellaneous 1 a ne 8.7 390 MY OWNER’S MANUAL ® TABLE OF CONTENTS 6. Security Considerations ...................—..eeeeeeeereeeees 8.7 7. Seacock Lubrication secs 8.8 8. Engine Oil Change System viii, 8.8 A. GAS seen n RR KRERKRRERKR RER KR RER K EEE 8.8 B. Diesel (Optional) «eek 8.8 9. Quick Reference Checklist ………......…….….....………………. 8.9 A. Boarding the Boat……...….....…...…......…....….….…….….…… 8.9 CE EEE 8.9 Boat Systems ..................e.eeeveiererceeerccereeeceee 8.9 ENGINE ooo R KR ER KR EEGG 8.9 B. Preparing to Depart and After Launching ....... 8.10 General ….....….....….....…reccserercaeerecanare rca ere 8.10 ENGINE o.oo, 8.10 Starting the Engine ..................... reee... 8.10 C. While Underway .....................evíereeeereeeee. 8.11 General ........coooviiiiii ERR KR KEG 8.11 Boat Systems .................eeeeveerercreeecereeeeene. 8.11 ENGINE o.oo, 8.11 D. Retumingto Port ............coooii 8.11 General .................eeeiiciericcceeere cerro 8.11 Boat Systems .................eeeeveerercreeecereeeeene. 8.11 ENGINE o.oo, 8.11 E. Securing the Boat..................= eee... 8.12 General ..................eeeeiecreccnereereceocee reee ee_ es 8.12 Boat Systems .................ereveeeciereeneeeeeeee. 8.12 Engine ….….…....…....….…........ccrressrrensre ner r esse een rene 8.12 F. If the Engine Does Not Start ......................... 8.12 No Motor Response 8.12 Starter Motor Responds, But No Ignition ....... 8.12 G. Operating the Generator ...................——_........ 8.13 Starting the Generator .......................e..eeee0.. 8.13 Stopping the generator ...................——..._.....e... 8.13 10. After Market Equipment Checklist ...................... 8.14 11. Maintenance Log .....................2..... 200 ee, 8.15 SECTION 9 * CARE & REFINISHING 1. Maintenance & Reconditioning .......................—.—.—.—.. 9.1 2. Paint Cleaning Agents & Other Substances ........... 9.1 3. Fiberglass & GelCOA ee, 9.1 A. About Colored Gelcoats ………...…..……….…..…….……. 9.1 B. Permanently Moored or Docked Boats ........... 9.2 C. Keep Bilge Area DIy .....................eeenmiieenes 9.2 4. Stains & Scratches .........coooevvviiiiii 9.2 5. Permanently Moored or Docked Boats ................... 9.2 6. Care For Bottom Paint .............ccccooii niin 9.2 7.Bilge/Engine Compartments 9.3 8. Topside Areas ....................eseeereerrceeeeeecenecenenenem en. 9.3 A. Stainless Steel and Alloy Fittings ................... 9.3 B. Salt Crystals ........cccooooiviiiiii K EEE 9.3 9. Gauge & Switch Panels see 9.3 10. Acrylic Plastic Sheeting (Plastic Glass) ............... 9.4 11. Canvas and Clear Vinyl ................... reee 9.4 12. Exterior Upholstery Fabric 9.4 13. Interior Upholstery Fabric ...................... e... 9.4 Information in this publication is based upon the latest product specifications available at printing. Sea Ray” Boats, Inc. reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice, in the colors, equipment, specifications, materials and prices of all models, or to discontinue models. Should changes in production models be made, Sea Ray* is not obligated to make similar changes or modifications to models sold prior to the date of such changes. 390 Motor Yacht Owner's Manual Printed in the U.S.A - August, 2002 Revised February 2003 Revised May 2003, June 2004 O Sea Ray Boats, Inc. * A Brunswick Company MRP #1773969 The following are registered trademarks of the Brunswick Corporation: Sea Ray® & The SR Wave Logo 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 1 * SAFETY Safe Boating Means: Knowing the limitations of your boat; * Following the rules of the road; * Keeping a sharp lookout for people and objects in the water; Not boating in water or weather conditions that are beyond the boat's and the operator's capability; * Never go boating when the operator is under the influence of drugs or alcohol; Being aware of your passenger’s safety at all times; and Reducing speed when there is limited visibility, rough water, nearby people in the water, boats, or structures. Boating in beautiful weather and calm water conditions can be a wonderful experience. Pleasurable boating, however, requires considerably greater skills than operating a land vehicle. To obtain these skills, you must: e Take a Coast Guard, U.S. Power Squadron or equivalent boating safety course. Call the Boat/ U.S. Foundation at 1-800-336-2628 for information on available courses. (Get hands-on training on how to operate your boat properly. In addition: Maintain your boat and its safety and other systems as recommended in this manual. Have the boat inspected by a qualified mechanic or dealer, at least annually. Ensure that the Coast Guard required safety equipment is on board and functions. (See page iv). 1. SAFETY LABELS Safety precautions are given throughout this manual and labels are mounted at key locations throughout the boat. This safety information advises the owner/ operator and passengers of imperative safety precautions to follow when operating and/or servicing equipment. Figures 1.15.1 thru 1.19.1 show the location of the safety labels on your boat. Do not remove or obstruct any safety label. * Replace any label which becomes illegible. Replacement safety labels can be obtained by calling your dealer or Sea Ray at 1-800- SRBOATS for information on how to contact the manufacturing facility for your boat. The meaning associated with each of the four basic types of label is: f в A DANGER DANGER - Immediate hazards which WILL result in severe personal injury or death if the warning is | ignored. J WARNING - Hazards or unsafe practices which COULD result in severe personal injury or death if the warning is ignored. J CAUTION —- Hazards or unsafe practices which could result in minor injury or product or property damage if the warning is ignored. NOTICE Information which is important to proper operation or maintenance, but is not hazard-related. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 1.1 SECTION 1 * SAFETY 2. LEGALLY MANDATED MINIMUM REQUIRED EQUIPMENT Consult your national boating law enforcement agency. The following equipment is the minimum required by the U.S. Coast Guard for a boat from 26’ to less than 40’ [7.9 meters to less than 12.2 meters] in length. Personal Flotation Devices (PFD’s): One Coast Guard approved Type |, Il or lll device is mandatory for each person aboard. One throwable Type IV device is also required to be on board. A Type V device is acceptable if worn for approved use. See Page 1.4 for a description of these PFD classifications. Always wear a PFD when boating. NOTICE \. A PFD REQUIREMENTS DIFFER N Depending on the state or country of operation the operator of a vessel may be fined for failure to comply with local or national rules regarding PFD usage. J Fire Extinguisher - Portable: With a fixed fire extinguishing system installed in the engine and generator spaces, the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) recommends that you have three (3) Type B-I ABC fire extinguishers on board, one each located at the helm station and outside the engine compartment and in the galley. Whistle, Horn: You must have on board some means of making a loud sound signal, for example, whistle or horn. Visual Distress Signals: If you operate your boat in coastal waters or on the Great Lakes, you must have visual distress signals for day and night use on board. At least three (3) U.S. Coast Guard approved pyrotechnic devices marked with date showing service life must be carried, be readily accessible, in serviceable condition and not expired. Store pyrotechnic signals in a well-marked waterproof container in a dry location. Other: Your Sea Ray is equipped with the required navigation lights, engine exhaust and ventilation systems. 3. FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM Your boat is equipped with an automatic fire extinguisher system. Located in the engine compartment. In the event of a fire, the heat sensitive automatic head in the engine compartment will release a fire-extinguishing vapor, totally flooding the area. The dashboard contains an indicator light for the automatic fire extinguishing system. The light will be ON when the ignition is on and indicates that the system is ready. If the light goes out while the ignition IS on, the system has discharged. WHEN DISCHARGE OCCURS, IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN ALL ENGINES, POWERED VENTILATION, ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND EXTINGUISH ALL SMOKING MATERIALS. DO NOT IMMEDIATELY OPEN THE ENGINE COMPARTMENT! THIS FEEDS OXYGEN TO THE FIRE AND THE FIRE COULD RESTART. Wait at least fifteen (15) minutes before opening the engine compartment. This permits the fire- extinguishing vapor to “soak” the compartment long enough for hot metals and fuels to cool. Have portable extinguishers at hand and ready to use in case the fire reignites. Do not breathe fumes or vapors caused by the fire. 4. CARBON MONOXIDE f в A DANGER Fumes from engine, generators, and other equipment and appliances using burning fuel contain carbon monxide. Carbon Monoxide can kill you. Open all doors, curtains, windows, and hatches to let fresh air circulate, when running engine, generator or burning any fuel when boat is anchored, moored or docked. \. J 1.2 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 1 * SAFETY 1 N ÆA DANGER Even in rainy cold weather ventilation must be maintained to avoid Carbon Monoxide poisoning. You will get wet and/or cold. J ÆA DANGER Sleeping on boat requires an operating Carbon Monoxide detection system in each sleeping location. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are dizziness, ears ringing, headaches, nausea and unconsciousness. A poisoning victim's skin often turns cherry red. Because carbon monoxide gas (CO) is odorless, colorless and tasteless, it is unlikely to be noticed until a person is overcome. Dangerous concentrations of carbon monoxide will be present if: * the engine and/or generator exhaust systems leak; insufficient fresh air is circulating where people are present; and fumes move from the rear of the boat into the cockpit and cabin area. Figure 1.3.1 gives examples of boat operating conditions that can lead to high concentrations of carbon monoxide gas. To minimize the danger of CO accumulation when the engine and/or generator are running, or using burning fuel applications. Be sure to have sufficient ventilation when using canvas or window-type side curtains when underway, anchored, moored or docked. If the convertible top is installed, operate with the forward hatch open and leave cabin door open. Operate all burning fuel appliances, such as charcoal, propane, LPG, CNG or alcohol cooking devices in areas where fresh air can circulate. Do not use such devices where there IS No noticeable air movement, especially in the cabin, when anchored, moored or docked. | EXAMPLES Or How HicH LEVELS Or CARBON MONOX] (Fıc. 1.3.1) i BLOCKED HULL EXHAUSTS. OPERATING AT SLOW SPEED OR RUNNING ENGINES WHILE MOORED OR DOCKED. ILLUSTRATION #A DE MAY ACCUMULATE OPERATING ENGINE AND/OR GENERATOR IN CONFINED SPACES. ILLUSTRATION #D USING CANVAS CURTAINS WITHOUT PROPER AIRFLOW. ILLUSTRATION HB WINDS BLOWING EXHAUST TOWARD ILLUSTRATION #C BOAT OCCUPANTS. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 1 * SAFETY e Donotidle engine without moving boat for more than 15 minutes at a time. Inspect the exhaust system regularly. (See Section 8, Required Inspection, Service and Maintenance. If CO poisoning is suspected, have the victim breath fresh air deeply. If breathing stops, resuscitate. A victim often revives, then relapses because organs are damaged by lack of oxygen. Seek immediate medical attention. A. CARBON MONOXIDE MONITOR Your boat has carbon monoxide (CO) monitors mounted throughout the boat . The CO monitor is an electronic instrument that detects CO. When there is a buildup of CO, the monitor will alert the occupants by a flashing DANGER light and alarm. The CO monitor is wired through a breaker on the DC distribution panel. It is extremely important that you become totally familiar with your CO monitor and its functions. Read and understand the CO monitor information and operating instructions located in your Owner’s Manual Packet. S. LIFESAVING EQUIPMENT Even strong swimmers can tire quickly in the water and drown due to exhaustion, hypothermia, or both. The buoyancy provided by a personal flotation device (PFD) will allow the person who has fallen overboard to remain afloat with far less effort and heat loss, extending survival time necessary to find and retrieve them. Boat operators are required to carry one wearable personal flotation device (Type |,II,!I! or V) for every person on board. Boats must also have at least one throwable device (Type IV). The law requires that PFD’s must be readily accessible, if not worn. “Readily accessible” means removed from storage bags and unbuckled. But, children and nonswimmers must wear PFDs at all times when aboard. It is common sense to have everyone on board wearing PFDs. A throwable device must also be right at hand and ready to toss. A. PFD CLASSIFICATIONS Off-Shore Life Jacket (Type |) — most buoyant, it is designed to turn an unconscious person face up; used in all types of waters where rescue may be slow, particularly in cold or rough conditions. q J (Fic. 1.4.1) Near-Shore Life Vest (Type Il) — “keyhole” vest with flotation-filled head and neck support is also designed to turn a person face и up, but the turning action is not as pronounced; used in calm, Inland waters or where quick | J rescue is likely. Flotation Aid (Type Ill) — vest is [(Fic. 1.4.3) designed so conscious wearers can turn face up; often designed for comfort while engaged in sports such as skiing. Na J Throwable Devices (Type IV) — (Fic. 1.4.4 horseshoe buoys, ring buoys and buoyant cushions are designed to be grasped, not worn. Special-Use Devices (Type V) — sallboat harnesses, white-water vests, float coats, and hybrid vests which have minimum inherent buoyancy and an inflatable chamber. 1.4 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 1 * SAFETY Before purchasing PFDs, ensure that there is an attached tag indicating they are approved by the U.S. Coast Guard or by your national boating law enforcement agency. Children and nonswimmers must wear PFDs at all times when aboard. All passengers and crew should wear them. A loose PFD is often useless in an emergency. The operator is responsible for instructing everyone aboard on the location and use of PFDs. Size PFDs for the wearer. Children require special attention in the use of PFDs. Test PFD buoyancy at least once a year. 6. ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT FOR SAFE OPERATION In addition to legally mandated equipment, the following items are necessary for safe boating, especially if your boat is out of sight of land. e First ald kit Visual distress signals for day and night use (required in some areas; consult local regulations) Charts of your intended cruising area * Compass e GPS or Loran position locating devices e Marine VHF radio with weather channels * Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) Manual bilge pump Moisture repellant * Anchors, chain and line (The anchors must be properly sized for your boat. Ask your dealer or marine supply store for recommendations). e Mooring lines e Fenders * Boat hook * Waterproof flashlight(s) Extra batteries for flashlights and portable electronic devices * High power spotlight, if you intend to boat at night * Spare keys * Instruction manuals for engine and accessories Lubricating oll e Toolkit: - Assorted screwdrivers (Phillips and flat blade) - Pliers (regular, vise-grip, and tongue & groove) - Wrenches (box, open-end, allen, adjustable) - Socket set (metric or U.S. Standard as appropriate) - Electrical tape and duct tape - Hammer - Utility Knife * Spare parts kit (spark plugs, fuses, hose clamps and ask your dealer to recommend other parts) * Extra propeller 7. IMPAIRED OPERATION Drugs and/or alcohol will prevent you from operating your boat safely. This single factor is involved in more marine accidents and deaths than any other. The detrimental effects of alcohol and drugs are Increased by the wind, waves and sun, quickly impairing your ability to react properly and promptly in an emergency. f A Drugs and/or alcohol impair the operator’s ability to control the boat safely. Death or serious injury can result from improper boat operation. \. J 8. LOAD CAPACITY The certification plate (See fig. 1.6.1) located near the helm indicates maximum weight and number of persons your boat can handle under calm sea conditions. Do not exceed the load capacities stated. The number of people on board must be 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 1.5 SECTION 1 * SAFETY reduced if you go out in poor weather and rough water. The information present on the certification plate does not relieve the operator from responsibility. Use common sense and sound judgement when placing equipment and/or passengers in your boat. BUILDER” S PLATE | (Fıc. 1.6.1) BOAT MANUFACTURER MFR’S MODEL DESIGNATION / \ ( Sea Ray Boats 390 MY 0609 AT MAXIMUM XT IMCL, A ° в [15+ = 1,815 ко 7 \ / = > 7x MAXIMUM NUMBER MAXIMUM LOAD Phd DESIGN №. OF PASSENGERS CAPACITY CATEGORY — NS | == When engine is running, keep passengers away from areas not designed for riding, such as seat backs, bow, gunwales, transom platform, swim platform, front and rear decks and on sun pads. Passengers can fall overboard if not seated properly | on the seats provided. | f в ÆA DANGER Never carry more weight or passengers than indicated on the certification plate, regardless of weather or water conditions. The boat can capsize, swamp or sink. J Do not load to capacity in poor weather or rough water. * The number of seats does not indicate how many people a boat can carry in poor weather and rough water. * Above idle speed, all passengers must be seated on the seats provided. 9. POWER CAPACITY The engine options available for your boat have been selected as the best suited for general use for this size boat. Do not install an engine larger than the largest option available. Your boat will be difficult to handle and will be less stable. Your Sea Ray® has been equipped with a propeller which our tests have shown to be the best suited for general use with our engine under normal conditions and load. Do not change the pitch of your propeller without getting your dealer’s recommendations first. If you change to a different propeller pitch, under no circumstances use a propeller which allows the engine to operate at higher than recommended RPM. (your engine manual specifies the maximum recommeded (RPM). To maintain rated power, propellers should be free of nicks, excessive pitting and any distortions that alter them from their original design. Badly damaged propellers should be replaced, but those that are chipped, bent or merely out of shape can be reconditioned by your marine dealer. It is advisable to carry an extra propeller aboard in case you damage the one in use. 10. STABILITY Your boat was manufactured to specific stability and flotation standards for the capacity shown on the certification plate. Any increase from the f A Distribute passengers and gear as uniformly as possible from front to rear and left to right. The manufacturer’s load rating is the maximum allowed under calm conditions. Reduce boat loading if weather, water or other conditions are adverse. = J 1.6 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 1 * SAFETY recommended load capacities will put your boat in jeopardy of capsizing, swamping and/or sinking. IN ADDITION: e Stability may be substantially reduced if equipment is added above the deck. e Stability is substantially reduced by loose fluids or weight within the hull. Keep bilge area as dry as possible, and close all openings, hatches and windows in rough weather. 11. MAINTAIN CONTROL On the water there are no marked traffic lanes, no traffic signs or lights, and boats have no turn signals. The boat operator must keep his or her attention focused not only on what's ahead but what's on the left, right and behind the boat. The operator must always be alert to approaching boats (from the rear, right and left sides, as well as those ahead). There can be people in the water, partially submerged debris, and other navigational hazards such as rocks, sand bars and dangerous currents, to name a few. Your passengers are relying on you to operate and maneuver the boat safely so that they are not in danger of going overboard. If you turn to quickly, Increase or decrease speed abruptly, your passengers are at risk of being thrown overboard or thrown about the boat. When visibility becomes impaired because of weather, time of day or high bow angle you must slow down so that you have sufficient time to react if an emergency occurs. Nearby boats face similar risks in avoiding a collision with you. A. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS e Know how your boat handles under different conditions. Recognize your limitations and the boat’s limitations. Modify speed in keeping with weather, sea and traffic conditions. Instruct passengers on location and use of safety equipment and procedures. Instruct passengers on the fundamentals of operating your boat in case you are unable to do so. * You are responsible for passenger’s actions. If they place themselves or the boat in danger, Immediately correct them. Observe the safety rules listed below. f A Death or serious injury can result if you fail to observe these safety rules: * Anyone who controls the boat must have taken a boating safety course and have trained in the proper operation of the boat. Always operate the boat at speeds that will not put people or property in danger. * Be constantly aware of conditions in all directions when underway and before turning. * Reduce speed, use a lookout to identify possible hazards or difficulties, and turn on navigation lights when: - visibility is impaired; - in rough water; and - in congested waterways. * Watch your wake. It can capsize a small boat or damage moored boats or other property. You are responsible for damage caused by your wake. 12. WEATHER There are four design categories of boats based upon their ability to withstand wind and sea or water conditions. Your boat rating is displayed on the builders plate located near the helm. Do not operate your boat beyond the conditions listed for your boats rating. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 1.7 SECTION 1 * SAFETY A Ocean Wind speed: above 40 knots (46 mph) Wave height: above 4 meters (13 feet) Boat may be used for extended ocean voyages. B. Offshore Maximum wind speed: 40 knots (46 mph) Maximum wave height: 4 meters (13 feet) Boat can be used offshore, but not for extended ocean voyages. C. Inshore Maximum wind speed: 27 knots (31 mph) Maximum wave height: 2 meters (6.5 feet) Boat use is limited to caostal waters, large bays, estuaries, lakes and rivers. D. Sheltered waters Maximum wind speed: 15 knots (18 mph) Maximum wave height: 0.5 meters (1.5 feet) Boat use is limited to small lakes, rivers and canals. Your 390 MY is Design Category B. The wind speed and wave height specified as the upper limit for your category of boat does not mean that you or your passengers can survive if your boat IS exposed to these conditions. It is only the most experienced operators and crew that may be able to operate a boat safely under these conditions. You must always be aware of weather conditions and head for port or protected waters in sufficient time to avoid being caught in high winds and rough water. Do not take chances! f A 4h DANGER DO NOT ATTEMPT TO BOAT IN SEVERE WEATHER CONDITIONS DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY CAN OCCUR GET TO SHORE BEFORE THE WEATHER TURNS BAD J Getting caught in severe weather is hazardous. Bad weather and/or rough sea or water conditions can cause an unsafe situation. Consult local weather information, or listen to the NOAA weather reports for the latest weather conditions or any impending deterioration of the weather before setting out and while underway. Following are a few basic weather- related rules: * Check the weather forecast and the water conditions before leaving and while underway. e A sudden change in wind direction or speed or an increase in wave height indicates deteriorating weather. e Have everyone wear a personal flotation device. о [fa storm approaches, immediately seek a safe harbor. e [fa storm hits, have everyone sit in the cabin or on the cockpit deck in the boat. head the bow into the wind with enough power to maintain slow headway. If you encounter fog, determine your position, set a safe course, slow down and alert other boats of your presence with a sound signal. e [falightning storm approaches, the safest action is to dock and disembark. If you cannot return to shore, have passengers go inside the cabin and remain there until the storm passes. Lightning seeks a ground when it strikes. The best protection is a properly grounded lightning rod placed high enough over the deck to provide a protective umbrella over the hull. Depending upon the likelyhood of your being in a lightning storm, consult your dealer for installation of a lightning rod. Stay clear of the lightning rod, all attached wiring and all metal parts of the boat. Hitting an object in or under the water or boating in dangerous currents can cause serious injury or death to boat occupants. You must know where the hazards are and avoid them. In uncharted waters, boat very slowly and post a lookout. = J 1.8 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 1 * SAFETY e Stay out of the water during a lightning storm. If caught swimming during a storm, get back into the boat and remain there until the storm passes. 13. CHART YOUR COURSE To avoid boating in unsafe areas where there are underwater obstructions, shallow water, unnavigable conditions such as dangerous currents, and others, you must chart a course. This means having and using the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) charts for coastal waters, observing and understanding all navigational aids, using the knowledge and guidance of experienced boaters, and being aware of the tide times where appropriate. Shut engine off if an object is struck or if you run aground. Check for hull leaks and drive line damage, before restarting engines. Use hand pump if bilge pumps don’t remove water. Boat very slowly, if you must proceed with a damaged | drive line. | If you are in an unfamiliar area without knowledge of the hazards, proceed very slowly and have someone watch for hazards. Let others know where you are going. A float plan describes your intended cruising course and itinerary, boat description, and your expected time and date of return.Give the float plan to a friend or relative, so they can give the information to a national boat agency, like the U.S. Coast Guard, in the event you fail to return. 14. WATER SPORTS A. SWIMMING * Do not permit anyone to swim from a moving boat, or a boat with an engine running. * Many localities prohibit swimming from boats except in designated areas. e Make sure boat's engines are turned off before allowing people to swim anywhere near your boat. Shut the engine OFF and remove the key from the ignition switch so that nobody will accidentally start the engine while swimmers are nearby. * Turn off engines when taking swimmers or skiers aboard or when they are entering the water. Never permit use of the transom or swim platform while engines are running. * Slow down and look for swimmers or skiers when cruising in an area where there might be persons in the water. B. SKIING While it is unlikely that anyone would ski behind your 390 MY, it is advised that you become familiar with water skiing safety and hand signals. You will, on occasion, find yourself in the vicinity of water skiing activity. Anyone who water skis must know how to swim. e Never drive the boat directly behind a water skier. At 22 knots (25 m.p.h.), it takes only 5 seconds to overtake a fallen skier who was 60 meters (200 feet) in front. a NN SKIING SIGNALS (F16. 1.9.1) Ny 7 TURN TURN RIGHT TURN LEFT STOP ~~ —— \ OR In ON — > > OR Ts GO FASTER GO SLOWER OK AFTER FALL —SKIERINWATER IN WATER CUT MOTOR BACK TO DOCK \_ J 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 1.9 SECTION 1 * SAFETY * Keep a downed skier in sight and on the operator's side of the boat when approaching the skier. Never back up to anyone in the water. Learn the signals to communicate with a skier. The skier is to control the boat through hand signals (Fig. 1.9.1). Turn — Arm raised, circle with index finger extended. Skier in Water — Extend one ski vertically out of water. Back to Dock — Pat top of head. Cut Motor — Draw finger across throat. Slow Down — Thumb pointed down or palm down, move hand up and down. Faster — Thumb pointed up or palm up, move hand up and down. OK — Raise arm and form a circle with thumb and index finger. Stop — Raise arm with palm vertical and facing forward. Turn Right — Extend arm out from body to the right. Turn Left — Extend arm out from body to the left. OK After a Fall — Clasp hands together overhead. e |f the skier suddenly releases the tow rope, it can backlash into cockpit. Spotters who are watching the skier must be aware of this fact and be prepared to deflect the rope by hand to avoid injury. C. Diving Recognize and respect diving flags (Fig. 1.10.1). Keep at least 30 meters (100 feet) away. Sport Divers Flag — Red flag with diagonal white stripe marks a diver in the water. Code Alpha Flag — Blue and white pennant designates boat being used in dive operations. ‘Divers FLAGS (FiG. 1.10.1) SPORT DIVER'S FLAG FLAG CODE ALPHA \, J IN GENERAL When engaged in water sports, be safe and courteous to others sharing the water: Be considerate to fishermen. Do not water ski in congested areas. Keep the boat and skier away from navigation markers. о Stay well clear of other boats and skiers. ASSISTING OTHER BOATERS М. A All boaters have a legal obligation to help other boaters who are in distress, as long as rendering assistance does not endanger you, your passengers or your boat. Na J 15. EMERGENCY SITUATIONS Prevention is the safest approach. We hope that you are never involved in an emergency situation. If you are involved in an emergency situation, it is imperative that you know how to react, in order to protect the lives in your care. A. MEDICAL EMERGENCY You may be far from professional medical help when you are boating. At least two people on board your boat should be CPR certified, and should have taken a first aid course. Equip your boat with a first aid Kit. 1.10 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 1 * SAFETY B. WATER RESCUE A person who has fallen overboard will die from hypothermia in water temperatures below 70°F if not rescued quickly. Water rescue consists of three steps: returning to the victim, making contact with the victim, and getting the victim back on board. RETURNING TO THE VICTIM * Immediately make everyone aware of the Incident and keep the victim in sight. e Slow the boat and keep pointing toward the person overboard. At night, direct the best available light source at the person. * Throw a life preserver, even if the person is wearing a PFD. It will serve as another marker. MAKING CONTACT e Stop or slow the boat and circle toward the victim. Try to approach heading into the wind or into the waves. Keep the victim constantly in sight. * When almost alongside, stop the engine in gear to prevent propeller “windmilling.” GETTING BACK ABOARD e Tryto reach the victim with a pole, or by throwing a life preserver. Do not swim to rescue the victim, except as a last resort. Assist the person in boarding the boat. The person should normally be brought in over the stern. e Ifthe person is injured or cannot get into the boat, a rescuer should put on a PFD with a safety line attached to the boat and enter the water to assist the victim. Handle the victim with care. Spinal injuries may have occurred. C. FIRE Fire is a serious boating hazard. Boats will burn quickly. Do not remain on board and fight a fire for more than a few minutes. If the fire cannot be extinguished within a few minutes, abandon the boat. Have fire extinguishers handy. A small fire can be extinguished quickly with the right size and type of fire extinguisher. e Extinguish smoking materials, shut off blowers, stoves, engines and generators. Throw burning materials overboard, if possible. If the fire is accessible, empty the contents of fire extinguishers at the base of the fire. e [Ifthe fire is inthe engine compartment and you have an automatic extinguisher for the engine, wait 15 minutes before opening the compartment. Have a portable extinguisher ready in case the fire flares up. e Signal for help. Grab distress signals and survival gear. Put on PFDs. Prepare to abandon ship. D. FLOODING, SWAMPING AND CAPSIZING In the event of flooding, swamping or capsizing: Tryto shut off engines, generators and blowers, before leaving the boat. * Have everyone put on Personal Flotation Devices (PFD's). e Account for all who were on board. e |f the boat is floating stay with the boat. Hang on, or climb on the boat and signal for help. e Only as alastresort should you attempt to swim to shore - itis further away than it looks and you can tire and drown. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 1 * SAFETY E. CoLLISIONS AND LEAKING In the event of collision and leaking: * Slow down or stop to reduce water intake, unless maintaining speed will keep the hole above water. e Switch on bilge pumps. Account for everyone on board and check for injurys. * Have everyone put on PFDs. e Stay with the boat. e Signal for help. If a leak patch is attempted, it should be done from the outside. In the event of a collision, you are required to file an accident report. Contact a state enforcement agency or the nearest Coast Guard office. If you are boating outside of U.S. waters, consult the nation you are visiting for accident reporting requirements. F. GROUNDING In the event of running aground: Check for leaks. If water is coming in, stop the intake of water before attempting to get the boat free. e Inspect for damage to the hull, propulsion and steering systems. * Determine if the tide, wind and current will drive the boat harder aground or will help to free it. * Determine the water depth all around the boat, and the type of bottom (sand, mud, rocks, etc.). If it can be done without exposing persons to risk of injury, the boat should be moved away from hard obstructions and toward open water with soft ground. ® Do not attempt to have your boat towed by other than a trained and competent service, such as the Coast Guard or a salvage company. Recreational craft are not designed to tow other recreational craft. G. PROPULSION, CONTROL OR STEERING FAILURE: If the drive train fails, or controls or steering do not respond properly at all: * Shut off engine. e Put out the anchor to prevent drifting. * Determine whether or not you can repair the problem yourself. See the proper manuals for assistance in troubleshooting the engine, steering and engine controls. e |f you are not sure you can fix the problem, or if conditions are adverse, signal for help. 16. SAFETY HOTLINES The safety information in the preceeding pages gives only the general areas of concern for boating safety. It is not intended to be, nor can it be, exhaustive. You must take a boating safety course, and get hands-on instruction in the proper and safe operation of your boat from experienced persons before cruising. The U.S Coast Guard offers many pamphlets on safety and other information not covered in this book. Contact your local Coast Guard unit or call the toll- free safety hotlines below for information. * U.S. Coast Guard 1-800-368-5647 e (Canadian Coast Guard 1-800-267-6687 In other countries, ask your marine dealer for information on how to contact the national boating law enforcement agency. 1.12 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 1 * SAFETY 17. INTERNATIONAL REQUIREMENTS This vessel and its systems have been constructed in accordance with standards and specifications in effect at the time of manufacture as published by the various regulatory authorities listed below. 1. Ministere De La Mer - France 2. Registro Italiano Navale - Italy 3. Det Norske Veritas - Norway 4. Securite des Nauires - Canada 5. J.C.l. (Japan Craft Inspection) - Japan 6. N.K.K. (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai) - Japan 7. B.S.1. (British Standards Institute) - England 8. Ministerio Obras Publicas Y Transportes - Spain 9. EC Recreational Craft Directive - European Community. Further information concerning these requirements may be obtained from Sea RayS Customer Service: 1-800-SRBOATS. 18. NAUTICAL TERMS Abeam — object 90 degrees to center line on either side of boat. Abaft — a point on a boat that is aft of another. Aft — toward the rear or stern of the boat. Beam — the width of a boat. Bow — the fore part of a boat. Bow Eye — Bolt with looped head mounted on extreme forward part of bow. Bulkhead — vertical partition in a boat. Chine — meeting juncture of side and bottom of boat. Chock — deck fitting, used as guides for mooring or anchor lines. Also, a wedge to stop wheels from rolling. Cleat — deck fitting with arms or horns on which lines may be made fast. Cockpit — an open space from which a boat is operated. Deck — upper structure which covers the hull between gunwales. Draft — depth of water required to float boat and its propulsion system. Fathom — six feet. Fenders — rope or plastic pieces hung over the side to protect the hull from chafing. Freeboard — height of exposed hull from water line to deck. Ground tackle — general term referring to anchors, anchor lines, etc. Gunwale (pronounced gun’l) — meeting juncture of hull and deck. Hatch — an opening in deck to provide access below. Head — toilet or toilet area in a boat. Headroom — vertical distance between the deck and cabin or canopy top. Helm — steering console. Hull — the basic part of a boat that provides buoyancy to float the weight of the craft and its load. Keel — the major longitudinal member of a hull; the lowest external portion of a boat. Knot — unit of speed in nautical miles per hour. Lee — the side that is sheltered from the wind. PFD — Personal Flotation Device; life preserver. Port — term designating left side of the boat. Rudder — Movable fixture at the stern used for steering. Scupper — hole permitting water to drain overboard from deck or cockpit. Sheer — curve or sweep of the deck as viewed from the side. Snub — to check or tighten a line suddenly. Starboard — term designating right side of the boat Stern — the aft end of a boat. Stern drive — outboard unit of an inboard/outboard (1/0) engine installation. Stringer — longitudinal members fastened inside the hull for additional structural strength. Transom — transverse part of stern. Wake — disturbed water that a boat leaves behind as a result of forward motion. Windward — toward the direction from which the wind is blowing. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 1.13 SECTION 1 * SAFETY 19. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS A. FUEL & OIL SPILLAGE Regulations prohibit discharging fuel or oily waste in navigable waters. Discharge is defined as any action which causes a film, sheen or discoloration on the water surface, or causes a sludge or emulsion beneath the water surface. Acommon violation is bilge discharge. Use rags or sponges to soak up fuel or oily waste, then dispose of it properly ashore. If there is much fuel or oil in the bilge, contact a knowledgeable marine service to remove it. Never pump contaminated bilge overboard. Help protect your waters. Fill tank(s) less than rated capacity. Allow for fuel expansion. B. WASTE DISPOSAL Many areas prohibit overboard sewer discharge. Close and disable flow-through waste systems to prevent discharge in such areas. Bagall refuse until it can be disposed of ashore. Regulations prohibit disposal of plastic anywhere in the marine environment and restrict other garbage disposal within specified distances from shore. f A NOTICE A. J * There is a possibility of being fined for having an operable direct overboard discharge of waste in some waters. Removing seacock handle, in closed position, or other means must be used to avoid fine. e lt is illegal for any vessel to dump plastic trash anywhere in the ocean or navigable waters of the United States. The Coast Guard is requiring any ocean-going boats 40 feet or larger to have a written “waste management” plan on board. While the requirement is aimed at commercial and passenger ships, there is no exception for recreational boats. “Ocean-going” means any boat going beyond the three-mile coastal U.S. boundary. The written plan can be as simple as: All vessel refuse is placed in trash bags which are stored on board until they can be disposed of in dumpsters on shore. This policy is reviewed by all crew and passengers. The person in charge of carrying out the plan is: Name: FOR BOATS WITH VACUFLUSH® HEADS ONLY Do not place facial tissues, paper towels or sanitary napkins in head. Such material can damage the waste disposal system and the environment. C. EXCESSIVE NOISE Many areas regulate noise limits. Even if there are no laws, courtesy demands that boats operate quietly. D. WAKE / WASH SPEED HAZARD - Watch your wake. It might capsize a small craft. You are responisble for damage caused by your wake. Power boat wakes can endanger people and vessels. Each power boat operator is responsible for injury or damage caused by the boat's wake. Be especially careful in confined areas such as channels or marinas. Observe “no wake” warnings. Reduce speed in congested waterway. Be alert for No Wake markers. 1.14 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 1 * SAFETY 20. 390 MY WARNING LABEL LOCATIONS = Save Our Seas It is illegal to dump plastic trash anywhere into the ocean or navigable waters of the United States. Violation of these requirements may result in civil penalty up to $25,000, a fine of $50,000 and imprisonment for up to five years. PLASTIC - Includes but is not limited to: plastic bags, styrofoam cups and lids, sixpack holders, stirrers, straws, milk jugs, egg cartons, synthetic fishing nets, ropes, lines, and bio or photo degrad- able plastics. GARBAGE - Means paper, rags, glass, metal, crockery (generated in living spaces aboard the vessel-what we normally call trash), and all kinds of food, maintenance and cargo-associated waste. “Garbage” does not include fresh fish or fish parts, dish- water, and gray water. INSIDE 3 MILES (and in U.S. Lakes, Rivers, Bays and Sounds) PLASTICS DUNNAGE, LINING AND PACKING MATERIALS THAT FLOAT ANY GARBAGE EXCEPT DISHWATER/ GRAYWATER/FRESH FISH PARTS 3 TO 12 MILES PLASTICS DUNNAGE, LINNING AND PACKING MATERIALS THAT FLOAT ANY GARBAGE NOT GROUND TO LESS THAN ONE SQUARE INCH 12 TO 25 MILES PLASTICS DUNNAGE, LINING AND PACKING MATERIALS THAT FLOAT 12 TO 25 MILES PLASTICS DUNNAGE- Material used to block and brace cargo, and is considered a cargo associ- ated waste. DISHWATER- Means the lig- uid residue from the manual or automatic washing of dishes and cooking utensils which, have been pre-cleaned to the extent that any food particles adhering to them would not normally interfere with the operation of auto- matic dishwashers. GRAYWATER - Means drain- age from a dishwasher, shower, laundry, bath, and washbasin, and does not in- clude drainage from toilets, urinals, hospitals, and cargo spaces. COCKPIT WET BAR > BEHIND CABINET DOOR 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 1.15 SECTION 1 * SAFETY THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK 1.16 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 390 MY Warning Label Locations и N WARNING LABEL LOCATIONS (Fra. 1.17.1) Na STAINLESS STEEL SLIDING SWIM LADDERS SUGGESTED CARE & MAINTENANCE AFTER EACH USE: Fully extend ladder and thoroughly rinse all ladder and slide surfaces with fresh water. Pay special attention to flushing any debris and salt water from the slide areas. MONTHLY: Examine the ladder slide grooves and remove any foreign particles lodged within the grooves. Wash entire ladder, uning ONLY a clean, soft cloth, and mild soa solution. Rinse thoroughly with fresh water. To prevent damage NEVER USE ABRASIVES or ABRASIVE CLEANERS! Allow ladder to dry after washing. Apply a light coating of spray lubricant or clear silicone grease to the slide areas ONLY. Work ladder back and forth to assure distribution of lubricant and ease of operation. CAUTION - TO PREVENT THE POSSIBILITY OF PERSONAL INJURY ENSURE THAT ANY LUBRICANT IS CLEANED FROM LADDER RUNGS AND STILES PRIOR TO USE. Inspect the ladder for damage and check the security of all fasteners. Repair damage and/or tighten any hardware that may have become loose prior to use. MRP 1573112 SR-505 UNDER HATCH SHORE POWER WARNING To minimize shock hazard, connect and disconnect cable as follows; 1. Turn off boat's shore power switch. 2. Connect cable at boat first. 3. Ifequipped with polarity indicator which activates, disconnect and connect polarity. 4. Disconnect at shore outlet first. 5. Close inlet cover tightly. DO NOT ALTER SHORE POWER CABLE CONNECTORS ! E и TO AVOID RISK OF SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH SHUT OFF ENGINE WHEN NEAR SWIMMERS OR PRIOR TO USING SWIM PLATFORM AND BOARDING LADDER. MRP 1112879 SR-214 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) и 7 o do - DO NOT LEAVE BOAT UNATTENDED WITH TH DOCKSIDE WATER HOSE CONNECTED. - DOCKSIDE WATER SHOULD BE CONNECTED DURING PERIODS OF HEAVY WATER USE ONLY. MRP 852616 SR-124 12VDC - 15A MAX BO INDUCE EXHAUST FUMES INTO CABIN. SEE OWNERS MANUAL FOR INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING CARBON MONOXIDE. MRP#1672112 YACHT CERTIFICATION DESIGN COMPLIANCE WIIM MUMA REQUIREMENTS IN ESTE CA TRE DATE OF CERTIFICATION 16 VERIFIED. MANUFACTURER RESPONSIBLE COR SAODUCTION CONTROL HATIONAL MARINE MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION 415 BOAT COMPLIES WITH US COAST GUARD SAFE 17 2:7) % TRANSOM DOOR MUST BE CLOSED AND SECURE WHEN ENGINE IS RUNNING MRP 811000 SR-102 DOMESTIC NO SMOKING GASOLINE VAPORS ARE EXPLOXIVE GASOLINE RECOMMENDATION Minimum octane rating of 87 AKI. Refer to the engine owner’s manual for additional information. MRP 852533 SR-119A SLING IMPORTANT SAFETY AND OPERATIONAL INFORMATION! MRP# 1199363 SR-218 Sea Ray Boats 390 MY MAXIMUM 15§+m= 1,815kg CE OPTION STAY CLEAR OF MOVING PARTS MRP # 921759 SR - 162 UNDERSIDE OF HATCH WARNING —READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE OPERATING THE WINDLASS. —KEEP HANDS AND FEET AWAY FROM GYPSY AND CHAIN AT ALL TIMES. —WHEN WINDLASS IS NOT IN USE OR BEFORE USING THE HANDLE, TURN OFF THE WINDLASS AT THE MAIN SWITCH. —ENGAGE THE CHAIN STOPPER AFTER ANCHORING. WINDLASS MUST NOT BE USED AS SOLE MEANS OF SECURING ANCHOR IN BOW FITTING. ANCHORS MUST BE INDEPENDENTLY SECURED TO PREVENT ACCIDENTAL RELEASE. —BE SURE THE CLUTCH AND THE CHAIN STOPPER ARE WELL ENGAGED BEFORE SAILING. 390 MY Warning Label Locations 4 N WARNING LABEL LOCATIONS (FIG. 1.18. 1) AVOID COLLISIONS * Maintain Look-out as required by the “Rules of the Road”. * Visibility can be limited by high boat trim angles. persons, gear, weather and light conditions. DO NOT CLIMB UPON OR STORE * At all times proceed at a Safe Speed so that you can take d effecti tion t idh d diti . DISCHARGE OF OIL PROHIBITED ice ar considered under ie eal of pape EQUIPMENT ON HARDTOP THE FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT PROHIBITS THE AVOID COLLISIONS — MRP 1017375 SR-198 In all gasoline powered boats, engine and generator exhaust DISCHARGE OF OIL OR OILY WASTE INTO OR UPON THE NAVIGABLE systems produce colorless and odorless carbon monoxide gas ON UNDERSIDE OF HATCH WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES OR THE WATERS OF THE CONTIGUOUS (“CO”). Direct prolonged exposure can result in CO poisoning which may be harmful or fatal. To prevent excess exposure and ZONE IF SUCH DISCHARGE CAUSES A FILM OR SHEEN UPON OR A reduce the possibility of accumulations of CO in the cabin and DISCOLORATION OF THE SURFACE OF THE WATER OR CAUSES A 1 ah Un abla and olaaa, ro ono ca SLUDGE OR EMULSION BENEATH THE SURFACE OF THE WATER. hatches, cabin doors, cabin windows, cockpit windshield windows VIOLATORS ARE SUBJECT TO A PENALTY OF $5,000. cabin and cockpit areas. The following conditions tend to Increase the accumulation of CO in and about the boat and require the 7 N MRP # 258509 operator’s particular attention: 1. Operation at slow speeds or dead in the water. ; ms EE 2.0 ti ith a high b le attitude. ( NOTICE ) 3. The utilization of canvas tops. sde curtains and back THIS VESSEL IS EQUIPPED WITH SHORE LINE ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS. 4. Conulbuting climatic condtions, such as a head wind THE NEUTRAL AND GROUNDING CONDUCTORS ARE CONNECTED ON A CHECK BATTERY CELL FUEL 5. Operation of engines and/or generator inconfined COMMON NEUTRAL/GROUNDING BUS AT THE MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL. STAY CLEAR OF MOVING PARTS LEVEL APPROXIMATELY EVERY 4 6 A blockage of hull exhaust outlets. TO MAINTAIN ELECTRICAL SYSTEM INTEGRITY THE WEEKS AND MORE OFTEN IN Indications of excessive exposure to CO concentrations may NEUTRAL AND GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE KEPT ISOLATED SUMMER AND HOT ZONES. include nausea, dizziness and drowsiness. AT ALL OTHER LOCATIONS ABOARD THE VESSEL. MRP # 921759 MRP # 914341 SR-139 DO NOT USE-Sun Pads, Boarding Ladder or Swim Platform J and Transom Door should be closed when engine is running. \ MRP 1589795 SR-507 J N \ MRP 987719 SR-193 ) ( NOTICE ) LEAKING FUEL IS A FIRE AND EZPLOSION THIS BOAT 1S EQUIPPED WITH HAZARD, INSPECT SYSTEM REGULARY. AN OPTIONAL DIRECT OVERBOARD EXAMINE FUEL TANKS FOR LEAKS OR DISCHARGE VALVE. DISCHARGING <> CORROSION AT LEAST ANNUALLY. OF SEWAGE DIRECTLY OVERBOARD I IS FOR USE WHERE APPROVED ONLY ` sI т | МВР # 852632 SR-151 } (МВР 955278 SR-118 NN ‘ т о \ LZ Se PRIOR TO TOWING VESSEL: * LOCK PROPELLOR SHAFT(S) TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO SHAFT SEAL AND TRANSMISSION BEARINGS. * CLOSE SEACOCKS ON NON-OPERATING ENGINES TO PREVENT SEA WATER INGESTION. MRP # 1089242 SR - 203 UNDER HATCH 2 AND EXHAUST FAN ON WHILE LEAVING WINDOW OPEN COULD MR PLIANCES ARE IN USE. INDUCE EXHAUST FUMES TURN OFF COFFEE MAKER INTO CABIN RESULTING IN SEVERE INSIDE CABINET BEFORE CLOSING DOOR PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH MRP 852616 SR-134 UNPLUG SHORE POWER AND TURN MRP 852566 SR-135 OFF GENERATOR BEFORE INSIDE CABINET REMOVING COVER. TYPICALONALL OPENING PORTLIGHTS MRP 852582 SR-154 UNDER CABINET ON GALLEY J-BOX. TYPICAL ONALL J-BAX COVERS N J 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 390 MY Warning Label Locations WARNING LABEL LOCATIONS (Fic. 1.19.1) THE NEUTRAL AND GROUNDING CONDUCTORS ARE CONNECTED ON A FWD COMMON NEUTRAL/GROUNDING BUS AT THE MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL. — TO MAINTAIN ELECTRICAL SYSTEM INTEGRITY THE NEUTRAL AND GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE KEPT ISOLATED AT ALL OTHER LOCATIONS ABOARD THE VESSEL. ( MRP 1589795 SR-507 J a. \ T O = LL == \ , BATTERIES | | i * BATTERIES ENCLOSED i i * SERVICE WEEKLY | i e REPLACE COVER WHILE UNDER WAY | TYPICAL UNDER ALL BATTERY COVERS — E | | a HA CE Tk AE el || Ц — / L / le ——— hh E y . — п, — — UNPLUG SHORE POWER AND = | TURN OFF GENERATOR LEAKING FUEL IS A FIRE AND NE BEFORE REMOVING COVER EXPLOSION HAZARD, INSPECT A MRP # 852582 SR - 154 SYSTEM REGULARY. EXAMINE ON ALL J-BOXES FUEL TANKS FOR LEAKS OR — В | CORROSION AT LEAST ANNUALLY. | A MRP # 852632 SR-151 er — N | > N | —|| IN — _ THIS VESSEL IS EQUIPPED WITH SHORE LINE ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS. | Ш >= | = THE NEUTRAL AND GROUNDING CONDUCTORS ARE CONNECTED ON A E = COMMON NEUTRAL/GROUNDING BUS AT THE MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL. ln A р TO MAINTAIN ELECTRICAL SYSTEM INTEGRITY THE — — © = T 7h ГЦ A NEUTRAL AND GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE KEPT ISOLATED NEL e É e /1/ = a | AT ALL OTHER LOCATIONS ABOARD THE VESSEL. | DN | / f-------- a — 7 | MRP 1589795 SR-507 | | O B _ = : | A/ Е | т n// Ш | И — | | Ш M IN > Had -F— | / - / : [ / SYSTEMS ( NOTICE ) MONITOR MODULE CHECK BATTERY CELL FLUID LEVEL APPROXIMATELY EVERY 4 WEEKS AND MORE OFTEN IN SUMMER AND HOT ZONES. TYPICAL ON TOP OF ALL BATTERIES N 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) . 19 SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT 1. DocKING/LIFTING/STORAGE Do Not use cleats for lifting. A. Bow AND STERN CLEATS Cleats must not be used for lifting the boat, they are intended for docking or mooring use only. CLEAT LOCATIONS (Fra. 2.1.1) TRANSOM DETAIL | STARBOARD SIDE SHOWN - PORT SIDE TYPICAL J When lifting the boat always keep the bow higher than the stern to drain the exhaust lines and to prevent water from running forward through the manifold and into the engine where it can become trapped. It may seem expedient to lift only the stern when changing a propeller, but this can result in water entering the engine cylinders, causing hydrostatic lock and resulting in possible engine failure. Even a small amount of water in the engine can cause rust and is to be avoided. With fiberglass boats, severe gelcoat crazing or more serious hull damage can occur during launching and hauling if pressure is created on the gunwales by the slings. Flat, wide belting-type slings and spreaders long enough to keep pressure from the gunwales are necessary. Cable-type slings should be avoided. Do not place the slings where they may lift on the propeller shaft or other underwater fittings. The slings should be placed directly over the sling tags imprinted on the deck to assure the least amount of stress on the hull. Never hoist the boat with an appreciable amount of water in the bilge. Fuel and water tanks should preferably be empty, especially if of large capacity. PROPER LIFTING AND STORAGE OF THE 390 MY (FIG. 2.1.2) SLING STRAPS A SLING TAG 8’ 11 1/2” Na A SLING TAG 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 2.1 SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT B. SUPPORTING THE BOAT A cradle is the ideal support for the boat whenever it is not in the water. Properly designed and constructed, it will provide support at the proper points, which is essential to avoid stress on the hull. Boat placement on the cradle should line up as closely as possible to the sling tags on the side of the deck. Do not rest boat on underwater fittings. | PROPER SUPPORT OUT OF WATER (FIG. 2.2.1) INCORRECT SUPPORT (GAP CREATES UNDUE STRESS BETWEEN HULL AND CRADLE) CORRECT SUPPORT (NO GAP BETWEEN HULL AND CRADLE) While the person at the wheel must alert passengers before any sudden or erratic boat movement, such as crossing wakes, rapid turns, sudden acceleration or deceleration, etc., an emergency action may be necessary before passengers can be warned. All passengers must be prepared for rapid boat movement and be able to hold on to prevent loss of balance. When persons are on the working deck area, for anchoring, mooring or in emergencies, they must be holding on and be positioned so as to prevent falling. In bad weather and/or rough water, if it is essential to be on deck, persons should be closely tied to cleats, railing stanchions or other securely fastened boat hardware. Engines must be turned off if the boat is near swimmers or persons are on the swim platform or the swim ladder. 2. PASSENGER LOCATIONS 1. When the boat is moving, all passengers must be in the cockpit area or in the cabin and must be on seating provided or, if standing, holding on firmly (See Figure 2.3.1). Boat motion can be erratic. You can fall overboard or be injured by hitting something in or on the boat. All persons must be in cockpit area or cabin and be prepared for sudden boat movement. Use front or bow deck area only during anchoring, mooring or emergencies. 2.2 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT fr N PASSENGER LOCATIONS (COCKPIT & DECK) (FIG. 2.3.1) ПИ, WORKING DECK ИИ, (DECK AREA INTENDED FOR OCCUPATION NS вв в DURING ANCHORING, MOORING AND ~ 7 SR FWD EMERGENCY OPERATION ONLY) 7747777) 77 VEIA "77777 XA ЛИ ИИ "77/7/77 NE ИИ ND ns ©) LLLLLY и \ (DECK AREA INTENDED FOR OCCUPATION / И И, MMA 2 JUN LIL NZ DURING NORMAL OPERATION) ff 7 VW € 7 \ 1 DO NOT STAND OR WALK ON THIS AREA. SERIOUS INJURY COULD RESULT. PERSONAL INJURY HAZARD When underway, keep occu- pants clear of areas not de- signed for riding. Especially hazardous areas include seat backs, bow, gunwale, transom platform and fore and aft decks. N SA à EAN NASA AAN N АА NY N NN NN SS AAN NN ET NE IN Ñ**N SSS 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 / 5 7 SLIPPING HAZARD - Wet 7 Z decks are slippery. Wear 7 7 proper footwear and use ex- 7 Z treme caution on wet sur- 77 75 ZA 79 | faces. J Z ZA 7 7 7 7 7 VA LAN HYV//// > 7) #7 77 7 DO NOT CLIMB ON OR STORE 7 NC EQUIPMENT ON HARD TOP. f A A DANGER TO AVOID RISK OF SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH SHUT OFF ENGINE WHEN NEAR SWIMMERS OR PRIOR TO USING FE УТУ NNO DO SWIM PLATFORM AND BOARDING Ми IAA AAA NA Y///1/ INT 17/7/65 IN AA Г 7% >= IN) LADDER. y 7 7 A 777777777 |. y y 4 XT A IP, 7 La 7 LO117//7//7777777777777/77/7/77 TITAN, ПЕНИИ ии ИИ И ИИ ИИ а НУДНО LE `. J 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 2.3 SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT 3. BAsIC BOAT DIMENSIONS AND CLEARANCES a BOAT DIMENSIONS AND CLEARANCES (Fıc. 2.4.1) 19’ 3 1/2” 471’ 9” 52’ 9 3/4” Overall Length -------------- 41' 9” 12.72m Beam 14 3 4.34m Draft 36” 91cm Dry Weight (Ibs.) ---------- 26,500 11,794kg Fuel Capacity (gal.) ------- 300 1136 (liters) Water Capacity (gal.) ----- 100 378.5 (liters) Holding Tank (gal.) --------- 54 204 4 (liters) Dead Rise 159 159 \. 4. PROPULSION SYSTEM The inboard engines on your 390 MY are the heart of your Sea Ray®. Proper attention to and maintenance of your engines will assure you many hours of pleasurable, safe boating and will prevent unnecessary engine problems. You must, therefore, become thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the engine’s proper operation outlined in the Engine Operator’s Manual. A general maintenance program consists of proper lubrication, cleaning of the fuel filters, fuel lines and air filters. When washing down, or any other time, take care that water does not enter the air inlets. Water entering the air inlets when the engines are not operating may go directly into the cylinders, resulting in rust and possibly internal engine damage. 14’ 7 5/8 12’ 2 5/8” 9 9 7/8” 1 4’ 3” Height Dimensions: Overall Length -------------- 41' 9” 12.72m Beam 143 4.34m Draft 36” 91cm Dry Weight (Ibs.) ---------- 26,500 11,794kg J The engines are warranted directly by the engine manufacturer, not by Sea Ray”. 5. PROPELLERS Your Sea Ray has been equipped with propellers which our tests have shown to be the best suited for general use under normal conditions and load. Under no circumstances use a propeller which allows the engine to operate at higher than maximum RPM for your engine. REFER TO ENGINE OPERATOR'S MANUAL FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION. 2.4 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT 6. GENERAL DECK LAYOUT GENERAL DecK LAYOUT (FIG. 2.5.1) Na (4) ANCHOR CHUTE WINDLASS (C) DECK HATCH (D) STARBOARD NAV LIGHT (E) ELECTRIC VENT WINDOW (F) CONTROL STATION (G) STARBOARD FUEL TANK FILL (H) PORT FUEL TANK FILL (1) CAPTAIN'S CHAIR (J) STARBOARD DECK ACCESS DOOR (K) COCKPIT WET BAR (1) WATER TANK FILL (M) SWIM LADDER (N) COCKPIT SEATING (0) PORT DECK ACCESS DOOR (P) WASTE PUMP-OUT (Q) PORT NAV LIGHT (R) WINDLASS REMOTE FOOT PEDALS (S) SPOTLIGHT (OPTIONAL) 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 2.5 SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT 7. CABIN LAYOUT 1 CABIN (FIG. 2.6.1) „= = == = — (A) V-BERTH STARBOARD BUNK (EXPANDABLE) (©) V-BERTH TV/VCR (D) GALLEY STOVE (E) GALLEY SINK (F) COFFEE MAKER (G) REFRIGERATOR (H) MICROWAVE (1) GALLEY STEPS (LIFT TO ACCESS UTILITY ROOM) (J) SALON CONVERTIBLE COUCH (K) SALON ENTERTAINMENT CENTER (D) AFT STATEROOM TV/VCR (M) AFT STATEROOM SHOWER (N) AFT STATEROOM VANITY (О) AFT STATEROOM (P) AFT STATEROOM HEAD (@ AFT STATEROOM HANGING CLOSET (R) AFT STATEROOM STEPS (©) MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANELS (© PORT SALON COUCH (U) WASHER DRYER (IN UTILITY ROOM) (V) FWD SHOWER (W) FWD HEAD (X) FWD VANITY (Ÿ) V-BERTH HANGING CLOSET (Z) V-BERTH PORT BUNK 2.6 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT 8. HARDTOP HARDTOP (Fıc. 2.7.1) (A) GPS ANTENNA STERN NAVIGATIONAL LIGHT (©) TVANTENNA (D) RADAR (OPTIONAL) (E) MAST LIGHT (E) HARDTOP HATCH 9. CONTROL STATION GAUGE AND SWITCH LAYOUT CONTROL STATION (FIG. 2.7.2) (А) COMPASS A/C OUTLET (OPTIONAL) (©) GAUGE PANEL (©) GPS PLOTTER (E) SMARTCRAFT SYSTEM VIEW (F) SWITCH PANEL (©) THROTTLE CONTROLS (H) BOW THRUSTER (OPTIONAL) TOGGLE (1) STEREO REMOTE © FUSE BLOCK AND BREAKER PANEL ACCESS (K) TRIM TABS SWITCH (D) AMBIENT AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR (SMARTCRAFT) (M) 12 VOLT ACCESSORY PLUG (N) GEAR SHIFT CONTROLS (0) AUTOPILOT (OPTIONAL) (P) VHF RADIO SPEAKER (Q VHF RADIO HANDSET (R) RADAR (OPTIONAL) (S) SPOTLIGHT CONTROL NOTE: ELECTRONICS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGES IN LOCATION AND EQUIPMENT WITHOUT NOTICE. THIS INFORMATION WAS CORRECT AT TIME OF PRINTING. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 2.7 2.8 SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT CONTROL STATION GAUGE AND SWITCH LAYOUT | CONTROL STATION GAUGE PANEL (FIG. 2.8.1) (A) PORT ENGINE QUAD GAUGE © STARBOARD ENGINE TACHOMETER PORT ENGINE TACHOMETER ©) STARBOARD ENGINE QUAD GAUGE \. 1 CONTROL STATION SWITCH PANEL (FIG. 2.8.2) AUTOMATIC O EXTINGUISHER SYSTEM О .- LIGHT ON - UNIT CHARGED . - LIGHT OFF - UNIT DISCHARGED . - IF SYSTEM DISCHARGES SHUT DOWN ENGINES, BLOWERS AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. В = NING ANCHOR DIMMER SPOTLIGHT RUN OVERHEAD { а! AL Pl о coer m L ï ain = VENT SHER sTBD WI NDSHELD ; © POR (WIPERS LEFT SIDE OF PANEL © BEFORE STARTING ENGINES GASOLINE VAPORS CAN - CHECK ENGINE COMPARTMENT BILGE © EXPLODE RESULTING IN FOR GASOLINE OR VAPORS AND INJURY OR DEATH. - OPERATE BLOWERS FOR FOUR MINUTES, - VERIFY BLOWER OPERATION RUN BLOWERS WHEN VESSEL IS OPERATING BELOW CRUISING SPEED. == 24V BOW MAIN CONTROL A = THRUSTER WINDLASS CCY ACCY AFT AFT BILGE PUMP PUMP ENGINE ви. sv GE © NC B o ARTRUN — LOWERS ON G O START sto RTRUN О Смит, ON RIGHT SIDE OF PANEL 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT 10. FUNCTION AND LOCATION OF THROUGH-HULL FITTINGS AND CUTOUTS 1 STARBOARD THROUGH-HULL FITTINGS (Fıc. 2.9.1) (A) MASTER STATEROOM A/C DISCHARGE (©) COCKPIT A/C (OPTIONAL) DISCHARGE AFT BILGE PUMP DISCHARGE (H) STARBOARD FUEL FILL VENT (©) STARBOARD EXHAUST (1) VACUUM (OPTIONAL) (D) PORT FUEL FILL VENT (9) POWER VENT (E) SALON A/C DISCHARGE (X) BOW LOCKER DRAIN ® COCKPIT SINK DRAIN © BOW HATCH DRAIN PORT THROUGH-HULL FITTINGS (Fic. 2.9.2) (A) PORT BOW HATCH DRAIN (H) HOLDING TANK VENT BOW LOCKER DRAIN (1) WASHER DISCHARGE (OPTIONAL) (©) V-BERTH A/C DISCHARGE (J) BILGE PUMP (D) DRYER VENT (OPTIONAL) (K) SUMP DISCHARGE (E) BOW THRUSTER (OPTIONAL) — (1) BILGE PUMPS (E) POWER VENT (M) PORT ENGINE EXHAUST (G) WATER HEATER VENT (N) GENERATOR EXHAUST a 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 2.9 SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT FUNCTION AND LOCATION OF THROUGH-HULL FITTINGS AND CUTOUTS 1 BILGE THROUGH-HuLL FITTINGS (Fic. 2.10.1) B L (A) PORT RUDDER POST (G) GENERATOR SEACOCK (M) STARBOARD SHAFT LOG PORT STRUT (H) SPEED TRANSDUCER (OPTIONAL) (N) STARBOARD STRUT (©) PORT SHAFT LOG (D) DEPTH FINDER (©) STARBOARD RUDDER POST (D) PORT EXHAUST (J) MASERATOR SEACOCK (OPTIONAL) (E) A/C SEACOCK (K) STARBOARD ENGINE SEACOCK (E) PORT ENGINE SEACOCK (U) STARBOARD EXHAUST 2.10 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT 11. Major CONTROLS A. GEAR SHIFTS AND THROTTLE CONTROLS Standard on the 390 MY are dual hydraulic gear shift and throttle engine controls. Read and understand the information in the Owner's Manual Packet for your yacht model’s gear and throttle control. For safety’s sake and as a good habit to get into, always put the gear selector in the NEUTRAL position and the throttle selector in the IDLE position before starting the engines. There are two gear shift levers and two throttle control levers. The gear shift levers have three positions: FORWARD, NEUTRAL (center), and REVERSE. The gear shift levers must be in the NEUTRAL position when starting the engines. A detent can be felt when the control is in exact neutral. Forward and reverse positions should always be in the full travel extremes in either direction for positive engagement and minimum wear. Each gear shift lever can be used independently from the other, for example, when idling one shift can be put in forward and the other in reverse for tight maneuvering. Shift gears only with engines idling. The throttle controls regulate the RPM of the engines. Pushing the levers forward will increase engine RPM. Regulating RPM of the engines will control the speed of the boat through the water. NOTE: Prior to starting engines, put throttles at IDLE and gearshifts in NEUTRAL. OPERATION 1. Throttle Levers: Forward motion - increases Throttle Aft Motion - Decreases Throttle 2. Gearshift Levers: Forward Position - FORWARD Center Position - NEUTRAL Aft Position - REVERSE MAINTENANCE The gear and throttle lever bodies are made of anodized aluminum. To clean them, a warm soapy water solution should be used. DO NOT use an abrasive compound. ENGINE SHIFT AND THROTTLE FUNCTIONS (HYDRAULIC) (Fic. 2.11.1) PORT STBD FORWARD NEUTRAL REVERSE ENGINE GEARSHIFTS No 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) FULL THROTTLE VARIABLE IDLE ENGINE THROTTLES 2.11 SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT NOTE: Refer to your engine Owner’s Manual to operate the throttle arm by hand for maintenance. REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. f \ Shift selector(s) to NEUTRAL before starting engines. Shift only when engine is at IDLE. Reversing at high speeds can cause flooding/ swamping due to water being pushed over the transom. Shift quickly; easing into gear can damage the transmission. Hydraulic controls FORWARD and REVERSE positions should always be in full travel extremes in either direction for positive engagement and minimum wear. B. ENGINE SYNCHRONIZERS (OPTIONAL) When the engine synchronizers are in operation, any engine speed differential is immediately sensed and automatically corrected. A single throttle movement is all that is necessary to ensure that both engines maintain identical RPM. If you have this option, refer to your Owner’s Manual Packet for the correct operating instructions for your yacht engine synchronizers. OPERATION: 1. Have both engines running and advance speed slightly above idle. 2. Turn ON synchronizer switch located on the control station switch panel. 3. Move slave (starboard) engine throttle lever to maximum speed position. Since the synchronizer is now controlling the slave engine, the lever is “limp” or noneffective. Advancing the slave engine lever eliminates the synchronizer of undue strain in moving the entire control system. C. HYDRAULIC TRIM TABS The trim tabs on your Sea Ray® are operated with a rocker type momentary switch at the control station. They are protected by a circuit breaker on the control station breaker panel (See Figure 6.5.1) which must be ON to use the trim tabs . To trim the bow of your boat down, push the top halves of BOTH rockers down in momentary bursts. If you hold the rockers down, you will over trim the f A TRIM TABS SWITCH AS 2 (Fıc. 2.12.1) “ing \ J a A RUNNING ATTITUDE LIST PUSH BOWUP | 6... TOP OF BOTH ROCKERS BOW UP PORT TOP OF STARBOARD ROCKER BOW UP STARBOARD TOP OF PORT ROCKER BOW DOWN PORT BOTTOM OF STARBOARD ROCKER BOW DOWN STARBOARD BOTTOM OF PORT ROCKER Ne J boat and the bow will dig in. To correct over- trimming, push bottom halves of BOTH rockers to obtain desired planing angle. The trim tabs on the transom of your boat can also be used to trim the list of your boat (See chart above) that may be caused by improper storage of gear, too many people on one side or a strong cross wind. Operation of the rocker switch should be momentary bursts to achieve proper attitude of the hull. When running wide open, most boats do not require any trim unless heavily loaded. 2.12 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT HYDRAULIC TRIM TABS (Fra. 2.13.1) (A) TRIM PLANE SWITCH (AT HELM) HYDRAULIC RAMS (©) TRIM PLANE ZINC (©) STBD TRIM PLANE (E) PORT TRIM PLANE (F) RESERVOIR FILL (G) TRIM TAB PUMP \. J In heavy following seas or when running in an inlet, best maneuverability is obtained with a bow high attitude. To be sure the tabs are full up in the zero position, push the bottom halves of BOTH rockers for several seconds. The trim tab pump is located on the aft bilge bulkhead, mounted on the inside of the transom and f A MANEUVERING/CONTROL HAZARD Ensure continuous visibility of other boats, swimmers, and obstacles during bow-up transition to planing. \. J can be accessed through a hatch in the aft wall of the master stateroom head. To service the unit, remove the tinted plastic cover to gain access to reservoir fill plug and motor parts. Hydraulic trim tabs use Type A Dexron || automatic transmission fluid, which should be filled up to the FULL mark on the pump base. Add fluid with the trim tabs in the up position only. Your boat is designed to plane at a particular speed and weight distribution. As speed decreases or EFFECTS OF TRIMMING (F1G6.2.13.2) pe ооо — 7 C= ZZ == KL) = > Der ST бе / a em em ZN == o — T° == === О hs = ————— T_T / но — = нее Lee —— ен —A JS о Ia mT = Ce ee ее BOW-UP (“PORPOISING”) EFFECTS OF PORT AND STBD TRIM TAB ADJUSTMENT PORT TAB DOWN PORT STERN UP STBD BOW DOWN BOTH NEUTRAL NO CHANGE IN LIST STBD TAB DOWN STBD STERN UP PORT BOW DOWN weight increases, the stern will settle lower in the water and the hull will create and push a hill of water, Increasing drag and requiring more power to move through the water. Hydraulic trim tabs are adjusted independently of each other, enabling adjustment of bow attitude up and down as well as to correct for side to side list. Trim tabs can also be used to provide attitude adjustment at lower speeds. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 2.13 SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT A PROPERLY TRIMMED BOAT: Operates at a correct running attitude of a 3 to 5 degree angle to the water (bow slightly up). Reduces drag and increases fuel efficiency. Preserves good forward visibility. e Increases safety. Use short bursts of rocker switches to adjust trim tabs. Pushing switches too far at once may cause sudden steering problems. Adjusting one trim tab more than the other will adjust list caused by improper equipment storage, too many people on one side or a strong cross wind. REFER TO OWNER’'S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 12. IMPORTANT GAUGES A. HOURMETER The hourmeters measure cumulative hours of operating time. They should be used to keep a careful log of engine maintenance as well as performance data and fuel consumption. Do not leave ignition key on with the engines off, as this will increase the engine hours on the hourmeter. The generator hourmeter is located on the generator gauge panel. If equipped with optional Caterpillar® propulsion there are hourmeters on top of each Caterpillar® engine and an hourmeter readout on the main EMS display (Page 2.18) by method of scrolling. C. TACHOMETER The tachometer Indicates the revolutions per minute (RPM) of the engine. (It does not indicate the speed of the boat.) Your Engine Operator’s Manual Indicates the maximum TACHOMETER (Fi. 2.14.1) full throttle RPM at + ’ which your engine should operate. This must not be exceeded or serious engine damage will occur. The tachometer should also be used to determine the most comfortable and economical cruising RPM. D. O1L PRESSURE, WATER TEMPERATURE, VOLTMETER AND FUEL GAUGES Your yacht is equipped with a quad gauge unit which displays, in analog format, engine oil pressure, water temperature, voltage and respective port and ‘QUAD GAUGEE (Fra. 2.14.2) starboard fuel tank levels. FUEL GAUGE | QUAD FUEL GAUGE | The fuel gauge | (F1G.2.14.3) indicates the amount of fuel in the fuel tank. The most accurate reading of the fuel gauge is at idle speeds when your boat is in an approximately level * A position. At slow plane, when your boat is in a bow up position the gauge will read inaccurately because the fuel in the tanks travel to the rear of the tanks and away from the fuel sending unit. Because gauge readings are approximate, they should be compared to the hours of use versus known fuel consumption (GPH). VOLTMETER QuAD VOLTMETER The voltmeter gauge | (Fic.2.14.4) Indicates battery bank voltage. Each engine operating voltage will range between 12.0 to 16.5 volts when the alternator is charging. Significantly higher or \ , lower readings indicate 2.14 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT a battery problem, alternator ,malfunction or heavy battery drain. ~ O11. PRESSURE (GAUGE f QUAD OrL PRESSURE The oil gauge is often | (Fiac. 2.15.1) the best indicator of engine problems or difficulties. Maximum pressure is controlled by a preset valve in the oil pump. Note the reading which this gauge records after the break-in-period, as it is the “norm” which can be used as reference during the life of the engine. IF A COMPLETE LOSS OF OIL PRESSURE OCCURS, TURN ENGINE OFF AT ONCE. Continued running after loss of pressure will cause engine damage. First, manually check the oil level. If low oil level is not the cause, consult your Sea Ray® dealer. DO NOT RESTART THE ENGINE UNTIL THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN CORRECTED. Slight fluctuations in gauge readings are not uncommon during operation and may be due to the characteristics of the lubricating oil. Greater fluctuations should be investigated. The cause may be a clogged oil filter element which should be replaced with every oil change. WATER TEMPERATURE - QUAD WATER TEMP GAUGE (Fıc. 2.15.2) The water temperature gauge indicates temperature of the cooling water circulating inside the engine. Your engine is equipped with a thermostat so a predetermined engine temperature should be reached soon after starting the engine and maintained thereafter while the engine is running. Refer to your Engine Operator’s Manual for proper gauge readings. If the temperature approaches above normal on your gauge, shut down engine at once. \. J G. MAGNETIC COMPASS Your compass (See Figure 2.7.2), properly corrected, will indicate magnetic North (not true North). A compass must be adjusted by a qualified person. The reason for this is that nearby Instruments or objects containing magnets or current-carrying electrical wires will influence the compass reading. This is especially true if you add electronic devices to the helm station. After your compass has been professionally adjusted. You will be given a deviation card or chart Indicating the correction to be applied when laying out a compass course or making navigational calculations. Keep this correction card or chart at the helm. NOTE: The compass adjustment is only good for the equipment arrangement that existed at the time of the adjustment. If you place different equipment or remove equipment from the vicinity of the compass, you cannot rely on the compass reading. The compass must be readjusted by a qualified person after equipment is added or removed from the vicinity of the compass. NOTE: The compass roses shown on navigational charts have both true North and magnetic North directions superimposed. Make certain you plot course compass directions from the magnetic North compass rose. When not in use, the compass should be protected from excessive and prolonged sunlight. If your compass becomes sluggish or erratic, it should be serviced by an authorized repair station. To keep the plexiglass dome free from scratches, remove salt deposits and dust with a damp cloth. An occasional treatment with paste wax will help preserve the dome surface. REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 2.15 SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT H. SYSTEMS MONITOR f SYSTEMS MONITOR DISPLAY CONTROL MONITOR (DCM) (F1c.2.16.1) f A SYSTEMS MONITOR ALARM SELECT Sea Lugs \. J The Systems Monitor consists of a Display Control Module (DCM) located at the control station and a Bilge Interface Module (BIM) located on the bilge component boarD. The DCM and BIM are connected to each other by a coax cable and the BIM is continuously looking at all inputs for an alarm condition. The Systems Monitor is connected directly to the 12 volt battery bank through a circuit breaker and continuously monitors two emergency high water pumps, two bilge pumps and the bilge heat detector. The engine and generator functions are only active when ignition voltage is turned on. The circuit breaker is on the main DC breaker panel located on the bilge component board. The BIM collects signals from critical engine functions, generator oil pressure, bilge pumps, high water emergency bilge pumps and bilge heat detection and transmits that information to be displayed on the DCM. The features of the DCM include a two line LCD display with backlighting of the display, audible alarm and an Audible Reset/Alarm Select push button switch. The LCD display will read in two lines. For example, at normal operation it will read: SEA RAY BOATS ALL SYSTEMS NORMAL NOTE: Some functions only read on one line. See page 2.18 (DCM functions) for all DCM display readouts. Backlighting of the LCD is achieved by turning ON the running lights switch. Intensity is controlled by the electronic dimmer control. Both are located on the control station switch panel. AUDIBLE ALARMS An audible alarm will sound to alert the operator to look at the DCM and determine the high level fault. Only high level faults such as critical engine functions, generator, emergency pumps and bilge heat detector will have an audible alarm. The forward and aft bilge pumps do not have an audible alarm, instead the DCM will display those functions. Never ignore an alarm. AUDIBLE RESET/ALARM SELECT The Audible Reset/Alarm Select push button switch on the DCM is a dual purpose switch. It enables the operator to reset an audible alarm or to manually scroll the display during multiple alarms. The Audible Reset is used to temporarily quiet an alarm that is displayed on the LCD. If that function Is not corrected within 30 seconds, the audible alarm will sound again. Pushing the switch again Will permanently quiet (turn off) the audible alarm for that function. The LCD will still display that fault until it is corrected. The Alarm Select is active only during multiple alarms. For example, if the engine oil pressure, forward emergency pump and transmission temperature had faults at the same time, the 2.16 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT systems monitor would sound an audible alarm and would display the alarm with the highest priority. Each push of the switch will show the new alarm and then the LCD will automatically scroll through the multiple alarm functions approximately every three (3) seconds. By pushing on the switch, the operator will be able to manually scroll the LCD for faulting functions. To monitor critical engine functions and generator oil pressure: 1. The 24 volt main battery solenoid switches must be energized either at the main DC breaker panel on the aft port engine room component board or the DC distribution panel on the port side just aft of the galley. 2. Atthe DC distribution panel, turn the port and starboard master ignition key switches to the ON position. 3. At the control station, locate the port and starboard START/RUN switches. Without starting the engines, push the START/RUN switches to the RUN position. The Display Control Monitor (DCM) will display: SEA RAY BOATS ALL SYSTEMS NORMAL NOTE: The generator and engines will have an alarm as soon as ignition is turned on. 4. Start the engines per the engine start instructions in Section 3, page 3.4. 5. Start the generator per the generator start instructions in Section 3, page 3.8. With the main engines and generator engine running, the yacht's Systems Monitor is fully activated. When the engine and generator engine ignition is turned OFF, approximately five (5) minutes later the LCD will go into a “Sleep Mode” and the display will be blank. Engine and generator functions are disabled because they are unnecessary, however, the bilge heat detector and all pumps are still being monitored. The DCM Function Table (page 2.18) shows each function, describes the function and shows how it is displayed on the DCM. If your Systems Monitor does not operate or display functions correctly per the instructions provided, recycle the circuit breaker by pushing the circuit breaker to the OFF position and then pushing it to the ON position. Use a small tool that will fit through the hole to push the breaker to the OFF position. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 2.17 SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT DisPLAY CONTROL MODULE (DCM) FUNCTION TABLE 1 \. Function Description DCM | Normal Operation No Alarms SEA RAY BOATS ALL SYSTEMS NORMAL BIM Coax Cable to DCM Cable Connection Fault DATALINK FAILURE ALARM SYSTEM OFF-LINE Forward Emergency * Forward Emergency Pump Under the PUMP ALARM Master Stateroom Hatch is Running FORWARD EMERGENCY Aft Emergency * Aft Emergency Pump in the Engine PUMP ALARM Room is Running AFT EMERGENCY Forward Bilge Forward Bilge Pump in the Engine PUMP ALARM Room is Running FORWARD BILGE Aft Bilge Aft Bilge Pump in the Engine Room PUMP ALARM is Running AFT BILGE Oil Pressure * Water Temperature * Transmission Temperature * Exhaust Temperature * Generator Alarm * CAT Diagnostics * Caterpillar Electronic Engines Only The CAT Diagnostic feature is for Caterpillar electronic engines and will refer the operator to look at the port or starboard Caterpillar Engine Monitoring System (EMS) on the gauge panel at the helm. See page 2.19 for more Engine Oil Pressure Too Low Engine Cooling System Too Hot Transmission Cooling System is Hot Engine Malfunction, Exhaust Too Hot Generator Oil Pressure is Low Generator Stopped Running For CAT Diagnostic Engines information on the EMS gauge unit. * Function has an audible alarm PORT (OR STBD) ENGINE ALARM OIL PRESSURE PORT (OR STBD) ENGINE ALARM WATER TEMPERATURE PORT (OR STBD) ENGINE ALARM TRANSMISSION TEMPERATURE PORT (OR STBD) ENGINE ALARM EXHAUST TEMPERATURE GENERATOR ALARM (No Second Line Reading) PORT (OR STBD) ENGINE ALARM CAT DIAGNOSTIC 2. 18 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT I. ENGINE MONITORING SYSTEM (EMS) (CATERPILLAR® DIESEL OPTION ONLY) Your yacht may be equipped with the Caterpillar® Engine Monitoring System (EMS) which Incorporates three individual gauge units per engine. They are the Main EMS Gauge, Quad Gauge and Tachometer. MAI EMS GAUGE UNIT (Fıc. 2.19.1) © De) e © E @® oe kPa_RPM_ SERV CODE 0 x10 со a = al = a © © Refer to the Owner's Manual Packet for more information about your gauge display operation and instructions. MAIN EMS DISPLAY EMS is an electronic monitoring system designed to display various engine/transmission parameters. The main EMS gauge has ten (two rows of five indicators to display system related diagnostics. A digital LCD is functional to scroll through the different engine/transmission parameters monitored. A port and starboard scroll switch is located at the sthd control station. The parameters monitored by the EMS include the following functions: Engine Overspeed (Main and Back-up Speed Sensors) Engine Oil Pressure Engine Coolant Temperature and Coolant Level e Transmission Oil Pressure and Oil Temperature Percent Load (Actuator) Fuel Rate (Throttle) * Engine Hours J. SEA RAY NAVIGATOR (SRN) (OPTIONAL) Your boat may be equipped with the optional Sea Ray Navigator. The SRN is an onboard computer touch screen navigation aid capable of navigating you through the waters and your boat. - SEA RAY NAVIGATOR (OPTIONAL) (Fic. 2.19.2) a в ® О a N > J Some features include: * Sea Ray Navigator (Charts, GPS and Navigation) * Contour (Contour and Depth of Ocean Floor) e Tides & Currents (For your location & destination) * Weather (Satellite) e Virtual captain (Owners Manual) Help (Sea Ray Navigation Owner’s Manual) (NOTE: Chart and contour data for your area may need to be installed. Maptech® is continually updating software and systems. Some features may still be under development. Refer to the SRN owner’s manual in the owner’s packet for all SRN operating instructions.) To turn ON the SRN press the “PWR” switch on the face of the unit. Under normal operating conditions the power switch on the SRN power supply under the helm should be left in the ON position. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 2.19 SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT The SRN power supply is powered through the 12 volt electronics fuse block under the helm. If the SRN fails to turn on check the power switch on the SRN power supply and the fuse on the fuse block. REFER TO OWNERS MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 13. NAVIGATION AND ANCHOR LIGHTS Navigation lights MUST be on while underway from sunset to sunrise or in conditions of reduced visibility. “Underway” means the boat is not docked or at anchor. Trolling or drifting with engine off is considered “underway” and navigation lights must be used. If you are anchored in open water, i.e. where other boats can approach yours, you must display your anchor light: a white light that can be seen from all possible directions, i.e. 360 degrees. Read the “Federal Requirements and Safety Tips for Recreational Boats” provided in your kit. To OPERATE THE RUNNING LIGHTS: Push RUNNING switch on control station switch panel to the ON position. To OPERATE THE ANCHOR LIGHTS: Push ANCHOR switch on control station switch panel to the ON position. A. CONSOLE DIMMER There is a DIMMER control switch located on the control station switch panel which controls the intensity of the gauge and switch panel lights. The gauge and switch panel lights are energized when the navigation running lights are turned on. If you opt to install additional equipment on the hard top, it then becomes your responsibility to reevaluate your lighting situation to make certain the navigation lights on your boat meet government navigational lighting requirements. You will most likely have to NAVIGATION LIGHTS (116. 2.20.1) GREEN LIGHT (VISIBLE 2 NAUTICAL MILES) RED LIGHT (VISIBLE 2 NAUTICAL MILES) MAST LIGHT, WHITE LIGHT (VISIBLE 3 NAUTICAL MILES) STERN LIGHT, WHITE LIGHT (VISIBLE 2 NAUTICAL MILES) ALL-ROUND LIGHT, WHITE LIGHT (VISIBLE 3 NAUTICAL MILES) \. J raise the mast light. Consider the weight of the equipment you install; be certain it is not to heavy for your sport spoiler or optional hard top. 2.20 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT 14. SWITCH AND RECEPTACLE LAYOUT (FORWARD) SWITCHS & RECEPTACLES (F16.2.21.1) (A) ACCENT LIGHTING (G) GFI RECEPTACLE (M) WASTE LEVEL INDICATOR (8) 220V RECEPTACLE (EUROPEAN STATEROOM LIGHT (H) 12 VOLTACCESSORY PLUG (N) HEAD CEILING LIGHT © OPTION) (© 110VOLTRECEPTACLE (1) SALON LIGHTS ©) POWER VENT FUSE BREAKER (RCGB) (EUROPEAN (D) GALLEY LIGHTS (J) BILGE (P) POWER VENT OPTION) (© POWER VENT FUSE (K) SALON INDIRECT LIGHTS (@ COMONITOR (F) GALLEY POWER VENT (D TELEPHONE RECEPTACLE (R) A/C CONTROL UNIT = J 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 2.21 SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT SWITCH AND RECEPTACLE LAYOUT (AFT) 1 SWITCHS & RECEPTACLES (Fra. 2.22.1) — = — rN - 4 mi ld NA — [I | Y зы "о | 7 NV \/ NX? ( A | и” TU Ts / \ = / \ \ = В — == I 0 7 24 Ра 7 3 % J N ` WV, 1 ) Na // L © WASTE LEVEL [=] © OT (CMT © (A) CO MONITOR (H) POWER VENT (P) SALON INDIRECT LIGHTING VACUUM HOSE INLET (1) WASTE LEVEL INDICATOR (Q) TV SIGNAL SELECTOR (©) MASTER STATEROOM (J) TELEPHONE PLUG (R) 220V RECEPTACLE (EUROPEAN OPTION) © SHOWER (K) A/C CONTROL UNIT (S) RESIDUAL CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKER MASTER STATEROOM (RCCB) (EUROPEAN OPTION) VANITY (LD) MASTER STATEROOM (®) GFI RECEPTACLE (M) MASTER STATEROOM ACCENT LIGHTS (E) 110 VOLT RECEPTACLE @ SHORE POWER BREAKER (G) MASTER STATEROOM HEAD (©) 12 VOLT RECEPTACLE 2.22 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SWITCH AND RECEPTACLE LAYOUT (COCKPIT) 1 N SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT SwITCHS 62 RECEPTACLES (F1G6.2.23.1) INSIDE CABINET 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) (4) COCKPIT A/C (OPTIONAL) COCKPIT TV HOOKUP (©) COCKPIT GFI (©) CABIN STEREO (E) COCKPIT STEREO (F) COCKPIT LIGHTS (G) SALON STEP LIGHTS (H) SALON CENTER LIGHTS (1) SALON PERIMETER LIGHTS (J) 12 VOLT RECEPTACLE ® FIRE EXTINGUISHER MANUAL PULL (D) 220V RECEPTACLE (EUROPEAN OPTION) (M) RESIDUAL CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKER (RCCB) (EUROPEAN OPTION) 2.23 SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT 15. LIGHTING LAYOUT LIGHTING (F1G. 2.24.1) BULB REPLACEMENT HALOGEN 12V 10W BI-PRONG BULB REPLACEMENT HALOGEN 12V 10W BI-PRONG BULB REPLACEMENT FUSE TYPE BULB #12864 12V 5W BULB REPLACEMENT HALOGEN 12V 10W BI-PRONG BULB REPLACEMENT BULB#CEC1141 \. J 2.24 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 2 * GENERAL BOAT ARRANGEMENT LIGHTING LAYOUT \ LIGHTING | (16. 2.25.1) BULB REPLACEMENT PASSER G ) ( BULB ACPLACEMENT CE K м, ) | ) ( O ) | ( O 7 О = O — O DD We О O \_ J 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 2.25 SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT 1.PRE-LAUNCH, LAUNCH AND POST- LAUNCH CHECKLIST Listed below are the critical items you must check and do each time you use your boat. It does not list all of the necessary maintenance and service items required to keep your boat running properly. These other items are found in Section 8. BEFORE LAUNCH JJ Drain plug installed Enough fuel for trip Float plan given to friend or relative Navigation charts for trip a a aa Weather forecast - safe IN THE WATER, BEFORE BOARDING PASSENGERS OR STARTING ENGINE Equipment stored and balanced No gas smell in engine compartment Engine oil and steering fliud levels - OK Battery switch on Bilge pump working Bilge blower on ua dd Oadad Radio and navigation equipment functioning PASSENGERS Wearing PFDs Seated properly Given safety instructions STARTING ENGINE ÿ Make sure you have read and understand the dangers of Carbon Monoxide (CO) information in this manual. J Bilge blower on for at least four (4) minutes. Feel to confirm airflow at hull vent on hull side. Inspect bilge area for visual and odor confirmation that there are no fuel leaks. Gear shift in neutral position. Throttle pumped before starting, if necessary. ÿ Oil pressure, engine temperature, voltage - OK after starting and warm up. UNDERWAY @ Gradual acceleration and deceleration and turning. a Aware of surroundings at all times. Operate so as to prevent buildup of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Monitor weather a Use navigational aids in water and on shore Keep passengers safe Check fuel consumption regularly Check all gauges frequently uaauaa END OF TRIP ÿ Equipment dry and stored. Electronic equipment and switches off. Battery switch off. Notify person who had float plan. Qa 00 Boat covered properly for trailering, docking or mooring. u If boat is pulled from water, drain plug removed. U If boat is pulled from water, hull and propeller inspected for damage. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 3.1 SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT 2. FUELING THE BOAT Certain precautions must be carefully and completely observed every time a boat is fueled, even with diesel fuel. Diesel fuel is nonexplosive but it will burn. Á DANGER NO SMOKING GASOLINE VAPORS ARE EXPLOSIVE NOTICE GASOLINE RECOMMENDATIONS Minimum octane rating of 87 AKI. Refer to the engine owner's manual for additional information Á DANGER Gasoline vapors can explode from static electricity if fueling is not done properly. Read and understand this section NOTICE OPTIONAL DIESEL RECOMMENDATIONS #2 Diesel Fuel \. J f A FUEL FILL LOCATIONS (Fıc. 3.2.1) STBD FUEL FILL PORT FUEL FILL Check the fill plate label to ensure that fuel is placed ONLY in the fuel tank. The fuel fill plates are located on the starboard deck walkway. A. GENERAL Fuel during daylight. e If possible, position the boat with the starboard side against the fueling dock so that the fuel caps are easily accessible from the dock. e Fire extinguisher — close at hand. * Mooring — tie boat securely to fueling pier. e Crew — at least one knowledgeable person present. Passengers — unnecessary people off the boat. Power — shut off engines, bilge blowers and all other electrical equipment. e Close all hatches, doors and keep engine compartment closed to prevent gaasoline fumes from entering the cabin or cockpit areas. Smoking material — no smoking or any flames within 20 feet of the boat, before, during and for at least 5 minutes after fueling is complete . e Fuel nozzle — must be in contact with fuel fill opening BEFORE adding fuel to prevent static sparks. Avoid spills —fill less than rated capacity of tank; allow for fuel expansion. B. FILLING THE TANK Keep nozzle in contact with fuel fill opening at all times during fueling. e Listen asthe tank fills and stop adding fuel before it spills from the fuel fill opening. Gasoline must have room for expansion. C. AFTER FILLING Fuel tank - secure filler cap. e DO NOT wash spilled fuel overboard. Wipe up 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT any spill with rags or paper towels and dispose of them properly on shore. Snifftest - open engine compartment and check for gasoline fumes. Iffumes are detected, leave engine compartment open until no gasoline odor is apparent. Close compartment. If fumes in the engine compartment (bilge) do not disappear, do not turn on blower or start engines. Get help from trained and experienced persons brfore using the boat. If fumes are not present, turn on bilge blower for four minutes (minimum), then start engines. Passengers may now be reboarded. Know your fuel capacity and consumption. Record the amount of fuel used since your last fill up, and compute the engine’s hourly fuel usage. As a fuel gauge backup check, deduct the average hourly fuel usage from fuel tank capacity. Observe the “Rule of Thirds”: one-third fuel for trip out, one-third for return and one-third for reserve. Allow an additional 15 percent fuel reserve when operating in rough seas. 3. BOARDING Transfer gear and equipment by handing it from a person on the dock to a person on board. You can lose your balance and be injured if you attempt to board while carrying equipment or gear. Distribute the weight of equipment and passengers as evenly as possible to keep the boat balanced. Stow gear and equipment so that it is accessible, but everything is to be stored in places so as to prevent it from flying about if the boat encounters rough water or weather. 4. PERSONAL FLOTATION DEVICES (PFD?s) Operator must instruct all passengers on location and use of PFD’s (See Section 1- Safety, page 4 for type and usage). Children less than sixteen (16) years of age and all non-swimmers, adults as well as children, must wear properly-sized PFDs at all times when aboard. ALL passengers should wear PFDs. By the time someone falls overboard, it can be to late for them to put on a PFD and fasten it properly. This is especially true in colder waters, below 70°F, where survival time, before hypothermia sets in, is measured in minutes. If there are passengers not wearing PFDs, the Wet decks are slippery. PFDs must be readily accessible. “Readily accessible” means out of the storage bag and You can be seriously injured if you slip and fall. unbuckled. Wear slip-resistant footwear secured to your feet and hold onto rails or boat structure. e \. J All throwable flotation devices (cushions, rings, etc.) must be right at hand. e DO NOT overload the boat. Refer to builder’s plate located near the helm (See Figure 1.6.1). Load to less than capacity in adverse conditions. 5. PASSENGER INSTRUCTION AND LOCATION Everyone on board must be told about the boat's Board one person at a time and give assistance behavior from starting to getting up on plane. as needed. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 3.3 SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT * Before the operator does any high-speed maneuvers or rapidly accelerates or decelerates the boat, passengers must be warned to sit and hold on and must heed the warning. The operator may have to make rapid changes in speed and/or direction to avoid a problem, with little or no time for alerting passengers. ltis critical that all passengers be seated in the designated seating areas and holding on to prevent falling overboard or getting knocked about in the boat at all times when the boat is underway. 6. STARTING THE ENGINES Gasoline vapors can explode Before starting the engines, open engine compartment and check for gasoline smell. e If you smell gasoline, do not start engine; get everyone off the boat and get trained help to find and fix the problem. If there is no gasoline smell, perform checks specified by manual, then and only then, close engine compartment and run blower for at least 4 minutes before starting. | Na À The engine operation and maintenance manual furnished with your boat describes pre-start and starting procedures. The following notes are basic reminders and not intended to cover every detail of starting. We urge you to thoroughly read and understand your engine manual. Listed below are basic pre-start and starting reminders. These are not a substitute for the engine manufacturer's specific recommendations. Open the engine compartment and check for the smell of gasoline. If you smell gasoline, get everyone off the boat, do not operate any electrical switches or light any matches, lighters, etc. Get trained help to find and fix the problem before starting the engines or operating any switches on the boat.Do not start the engines until the source of fumes is determined and corrected and the bilge area is safely ventilated. If you DO NOT smell gasoline: Place battery solenoids in ENERGIZED position. Battery solenoid switches are located on the main DC breaker panel in the engine room and the DC distribution panel located behind an access door in the port aft salon. (see Section 6 — Electrical System, Fig. 6.8.1 & 6.9.1). Check all fluid levels and any other necessary checks as specified in Section 8 and in the engine manual. Verify that bilge pumps are operating by depressing the bilge pump switch and listening for the pump running and check to see that water is being pumped overboard. AFT BILGE PUMP Check the fuel tank levels. Be sure you have enough fuel for your trip. Remember the “Rule of Thirds”. Use no more than 1/3 of your fuel for the outbound trip; use 1/3 of the fuel for the return trip; keep 1/3 of the fuel for reserve in case of emergency. Check engines for coolant drain plug installations. DO NOT run the engine or generator in an enclosed area, such as a closed boat house, as there is the possibility of buildup and inhaling of carbon monoxide. J 3.4 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT 6. 8. 10. Check seacocks for open position Make sure strainers are clean and water tight (see Section 4 — Bilge and Underwater Gear, page 4.11). Run bilge blowers for at least 4 minutes before attempting to start engine BILGE Unlike your automobile engine which is naturally ventilated even when it Is not moving, your boat engine compartment (the bilge) does not have sufficient natural ventilation when the boat is not moving or moving slowly. That is why the engine compartment must have forced ventilation, using the bilge blowers, to remove potentially explosive gasoline vapors, before the engine is started and when the boat is moving slowly. Because it may be difficult to remember to turn on the bilge blowers every time you slow down the boat, it is recommended that the bilge blowers run all the time when the engines are To Start The Engine Place control station ignition switches in RUN position. running. O | e) START/RUN START/RUN EMERG STBD ENGINE PORT ENGINE START 11. 12. 13. 14. Turn on the master key switches located on the DC distribution panel (see Section 6 — Electrical System, Fig. 6.9.1). Listen for alarms which indicate ignition power. MASTER IGNITION ‘5 - > `` After ignition power is verified, check that the gear shift lever(s) are in the NEUTRAL position and the throttle lever(s) are at the IDLE position. For a: о > п о COLD ENGINE - Move throttle lever forward to full open throttle, then return to about 1/4 throttle. WARM ENGINE - Move throttle lever about 1/4 open throttle position. DO NOT pump lever. FLOODED ENGINE - move throttle lever to full open position. DO NOT pump lever. When engine starts, move throttle back rapidly to decrease engine speed to between 1000 and 1500 rpm. Push on the top of the ignition switches until the engines start. Do not operate starter for more than 10 seconds without allowing starter to cool for two (2) minutes. This will also allow the batteries to recover between starting attempts. Once engine has started and sufficient oil pressure is achieved, alarm buzzer will stop. Important: Check engine RPM on tachometer as soon as engine starts. Do not allow RPM to exceed 1,500. Move throttle lever down to decrease RPM. START/RUN STED ENGINE START/RUN PORT ENGINE EMERG START Check the oil pressure. If correct, let the engines warm up to normal temperature 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 3.5 SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT range as specified in the engine manual before shifting into forward or reverse gear. If engine is cold, run for a short period of time at fast idle speed that does not exceed 1500 RPM. IF OIL PRESSURE GOES ABOVE OR BELOW OPERATING RANGE, SHUT ENGINE DOWN IMMEDIATELY. GET TRAINED HELP TO FIND AND FIX THE PROBLEM. 15. Look at exhaust port to assure that engine is pumping water. IF ENGINE TEMPERATURE GOES ABOVE NORMAL RANGE, SHUT DOWN THE ENGINES IMMEDIATELY. GET TRAINED HELP TO FIND AND FIX THE PROBLEM. NOTE (Diesel Option Only): If your yacht is equipped with the Caterpillar? EMS (Engine Monitoring System), the Caterpillar”? gauges on the control station gauge panel will undergo an automatic self-test on power-up. While executing this internal test, the display will also provide a visual indication by ramping gauges and displaying all digits to the operator that the panel is (or is not) functioning properly. Refer to your Engine Owner’s Manual in the Owner’s Manual Packet. NOTE: For general operation of the boat, its instruments and the engine, follow detailed instructions on “Engine Break-in” in the Engine Operators Manual. REFER TO OWNER'S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 7. SHIFTING To DRIVE THE BOAT Move throttle lever to idle position. The gear shift lever for each engine (twin lever controls on port side of the control station) has three positions: FORWARD, NEUTRAL and REVERSE. The control lever must be in the NEUTRAL (center) position when starting the engine(s). A positioning ENGINE SHIFT AND THROTTLE FUNCTIONS (HYDRAULIC) (FIG. 3.6.1) PORT STBD PORT STBD FULL FORWARD / 4 SN 7, THROTILE x + -_- ^^ NEUTRAL | | VARIABLE ЧН & 4 ! a e 7 x REVERSE | DLE ENGINE GEARSHIFTS ENGINE THROTTLES \. J indent can be felt when the control is in exact NEUTRAL. Move gear lever quickly, either forward or reverse. FORWARD and REVERSE positions should always be in full travel extremes in either direction for a positive engagement and minimum wear. Once clear of the dock, mooring, people and/or the no-wake zone and the boat has been shifted into forward gear, move throttle lever forward to desired engine speed. f в Shift selector(s) to NEUTRAL before starting engines. Shift only when engine is at IDLE. Reversing at high speeds can cause flooding/ swamping due to water being pushed over the transom. transmission. Hydraulic controls FORWARD and REVERSE positions should always be in full travel extremes in either direction for positive engagement and minimum wear. Na J 3.6 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT 8. STOPPING THE ENGINES 1. Bring throttle controls to IDLE position. i. 2. Bring gear shift controls to т NEUTRAL position. " 3. Depress bottom of . . O engine switches at control station. START/RUN EMERG PORT ENGINE START = START/RUN STBD ENGINE 4. Secure mooring lines. 5. Turn master key switches to OFF. MASTER IGNITION > 4; Ur a 6. If you are leaving the boat for an extended period of time, turn OFF the battery switches. 2. Check oil and coolant levels. For DIESEL OPTION ONLY: Idle for five (5) minutes to cool the engines before stopping engines and turning master key switches to OFF. 9. STARTING THE GENERATOR Sea Ray® strongly urges you to fully comply with the manual provided by the generator manufacturer. The generator is warranted separately by the generator manufacturer, NOT Sea Ray®. Follow the recommended maintenance and warranty schedule in your Generator Operators Manual included in the Owners Manual Packet. Generator abuse or improper maintenance may adversely affect claims made under generator manufacturer separate warranty. If fuel fumes are detected, do not start the generator until the source of fumes is 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 3. Check generator for coolant 4. Open the generator seacock. 5. Place generator NOTICE Pre-start generator prior to getting underway as there Is a possibility that it will not pick up water if started underway. Make sure the MAIN GENERATOR breaker is OFF and there is no load on the generator before starting it. DO NOT run the engine or generator in an enclosed area, such as a closed boat house, as there is the possibility of buildup and inhaling of carbon monoxide. determined and corrected and the bilge area is safely ventilated. Run the bilge blowers for at least four minutes before starting and any time the generator is running. (Remote start/run and stop switches are located on the main distribution panel in the aft salon.) 1. Check fuel tank levels. See Generator Operator's Manual for proper readings. drain plug installation. battery solenoid in ENERGIZED position. Battery solenoid switches are located on the main DC breaker panel in the engine room and the DC distribution panel located behind an access door in the port aft salon. (see Section 6 — Electrical System, Fig. 6.9.1). 3.7 SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT 6. Depress top of Generator ON switch located on the DC main distribution panel located in the aft salon. GENERATOR ON START/RUN STOP 7. Depress top of generator start/run switch on the main on distribution panel until generator starts, then release switch. GENERATOR START/RUN STOP 8. Check generator exhaust port (stbd) to verify that water is flowing. If not, shut generator down and refer to your Generator Operator's Manual. READ THE OWNER’S MANUAL IN THE OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR YOUR GENERATOR MODEL. 10. STOPPING THE GENERATOR 1. Prior to generator shut down turn OFF all AC equipment and breakers including main breakers and allow the generator to run a few minutes to cool down. If desired, transfer to shore power. 2. Stop the generator by switching START/RUN switch on DC distribution panel to STOP position. 3. Leave stop switch on main distribution panel in the stop position when generator is not in use to prevent overheating electric fuel valve. Note: After the generator stops, the multiplex system must reset for 20-30 seconds and then may be restarted at any time. REFER TO OWNER'S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 11. SHORE POWER HOOKUP The 240/120 VAC main distribution panel distributes the required voltage for all the boat's AC equipment and accessories. It is very important to know and understand where the power originates and how the power is distributed to the different voltage equipment and accessories. To connect to shore power: 1. Assure that the main shore power breakers (located on HAN the aft wall of the master stateroom aft hanging closet) are turned OFF. 2. Turn all AC systems and branch circuit breakers OFF. Slide the source selector to expose the SHORE breaker and assure that the shore breaker is OFF. — | ll (IO Le Under no circumstances override the source select system. 3. Attach shore cord(s) (located in transom storage locker) to power plugs located on the port aft transom of the boat. OR: 3.8 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT 6. Check the POWER [== = | с нон lights on the main — — The use of extension shore power cords is not distribution panel. The A | e recommended. Excessive power cord extensions POWER lights "o o can cause a voltage drop and may prevent some should be ON. If not 7 electronic devices from operating correctly. have the dockmaster check the dockside power. Shore power cord should be secured or routed to avoid laying or falling into water and to avoid stress on shore power plug and inlet. If equipped with the optional cablemaster, using the remote switch located above the transom shower, advance the shore power cord to 7. Turn ON SHORE breake r. GENERATOR SHORE Verify proper voltage.(240 Volt System: 220V to 250V) - (International 220 Volt System: 205V to dockside power box. 230V). 8. Individual breakers and — switches can now be a energized. oe me 5 o 4. Ensure dockside am breaker is OFF, then ВЕ Ве plug the shore power : : cord into the shore power outlet box on the dock and turn dockside circuit breaker ON. 12. SHIFTING FROM SHORE POWER TO GENERATOR POWER It is imperative that the shore power outlet is dry 1. Turn all AC systems before plugging into the dock power inlet. and branch circuit breakers OFF. Assure that the generator and shore power source 5. Switch the main shore breakers are OFF. Rio i Fg 5 я @ ers = == ROSES: : 2 $ ° [EE 205 3 3 £ LEER I 13 | : т 240VAC power breakers ON. SHORE MAIN 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 3.9 SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT 2. Start the generator (See page 3.7). 3. Slide the source select switch to expose the GENERATOR branch switch on the AC panel and turn it ON. GENERATOR 4. Individual breakers and switches can now be o 240 VOLTS AC of lo of o o o © o of To FT rg | = FT ITI [Te IJ 120 VOLTS AC [Jos «0 Es PT sree N aa IN q py PA a oe [Jena of Jo 13. STEERING SYSTEM The hydraulic power steering system uses the boat's engines to provide the “power” for the steering system, via a mechanical or electrical motor driven hydraulic pump. A manual hydraulic steering system, consisting of a helm and a hydraulic cylinder (fitted with an integral servo cylinder and a power steering valve), supplies the “control” portion of the steering system. Under normal conditions, with engines running, a hydraulic oil supply is in a standby mode, ready to be directed to the steering cylinder as dictated by the steering wheel, servo cylinder and power steering valve. Turning the steering wheel left or right makes the system go from “standby” into “operating” mode and move the steering cylinder accordingly. "HYDRAULIC POWER STEERING SYSTEM (F1G6. 3.10.1) 2 A YE Ne 1 7. eN Y Aa (A) STARBOARD OUTBOARD STRINGER (B) STARBOARD RUDDER POST (C)RUDDER ANGLE INDICATOR (D)STEERING RAM (E) PORT RUDDER POST (F) AUTOPILOT RUDDER REFERENCE ARM (OPTIONAL) \. J In the event of a power source failure, hydraulic oil from the steering helm is automatically diverted into the servo and steering cylinder, providing the helmsman with manual backup steering. An oil reservoir located on the aft component board in the bilge allows easy fill and assists the in-line cooler in cooling the hydraulic oil. An in-line oil filter helps to protect the steering system components against contaminants. A. AUTO PILOT (OPTIONAL) If equipped, the auto pilot course computer is located on the control station component board under the control station. The autopilot controls are located on the control station (See figure 2.7.2) and the autopilot pump is located in the aft bilge which can be accessed through a hatch in the master stateroom head. REFER TO OWNER'S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 3.10 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT 14. ANCHORING A. ANCHORING ARRANGEMENT The 390 MY is equipped with a windlass and an | ANCHOR ARRANGEMENT (Fic. 3.11.1) (A) ANCHOR (IN CHUTE) (E) PORT BOW LOCKER STARBOARD CHAIN LOCKER (F) WINDLASS FOOT SWITCHES (©) WINDLASS (G) SAFETY LANYARD (D) V-BERTH HATCH (H) CHAIN STOP \. J anchor chute. Stow the anchor in the chute when not in use. NOTE: Before using the anchor, be sure the anchor safety hook is removed from the anchor, the chain stop is released from the chain and the anchor is secured to the windlass chain. B. ANCHORING To anchor, bring the bow into the wind or current and put the engine in neutral. When the vessel comes to a stop, lower the anchor from the bow. The anchor line should be 5 to 7 times the depth of the water. Proper anchoring requires knowledge of RODE and SCOPE. Read this section carefully, understanding the relationship between rode, scope and anchor performance. The rode is the line connecting the anchor to the boat. The 390 MY utilizes an all-chain anchor rode. The scope is technically defined as the ratio of the rode length to the vertical distance from the bow to the sea floor. Since you want to know how much rode to use when anchoring, the formula is: Rode Length = (Bow Height + Water Depth) x Scope о Scope depends on the type of anchor, bottom, tide, wind and sea conditions. e Minimum is 5:1 for calm conditions; normis 7:1; severe conditions may require 10:1. Example: Rode Length = (3 feet + 10 feet) x 7 Rode Length = 13 feet x 7 Rode Length = 91 feet NOTE: Scope factor may range from 5 to 10 or more. Less than 5, the anchor breaks out too easily. | ANCHORING (F16.3.11.2) (A) BOW HEIGHT RODE (С) ANCHOR (D) WATER DEPTH 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 3.11 SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT C. LOWERING ANCHOR * Be sure there is adequate rode. Secure rode to both the anchor and the boat. Stop boat completely before lowering anchor. If using windlass, refer to windlass operator’s manual. * Keep feet clear of coiled line. Turn on anchor light when at anchor or drifting (not under power). D. SETTING ANCHOR * There is no best way to set an anchor. Experiment to see how your anchor performs. * One method is to turn the rode around a bit and slowly pay out as the boat backs from the anchor site. When the proper scope has been reached, snub the rode quickly, causing the anchor to dig into the bottom. * Reverse engine slowly to drive the anchor in and prevent it from dragging. e Close chain stop. E. WEIGHING ANCHOR * Run the boat slowly up to the anchor, taking in the rode as you go. The anchor will usually break out when the rode becomes vertical. Be careful that trailing lines do not foul in the SINKING HAZARD - Anchor from the bow if using one anchor. A small current can make a stern-anchored boat unsteady; a heavy current can drag a stern- anchored craft under water. COLLISION HAZARD — Anchor only in areas where your boat will not disrupt other boats. Do not anchor in a channel or tie up to any navigational aid. It is dangerous and illegal. NOTE: Use the fresh water washdown spigot in the port bow locker to hose down the chain in the locker after haul-in . F. CLEARING A FOULED ANCHOR A fouled anchor can test your patience and ingenuity. One of the best methods of breaking free is to set a tripline before you lower anchor. To SET À TRIPLINE: e Attach a line to the crown or head of the anchor and the other end to a float. The line should be just long enough to reach the surface of the water, allowing for tides. A polypropylene line is a good choice because it is light, strong and floats. e [fthe anchor snags, pull vertically on the tripline to lift the anchor by the crown. G.A FINAL WORD An anchored boat is affected by wind and sea propeller. conditions. Because there is no headway, there is TRIPLINE ARRANGEMENT = (Fra. 3.12.1) SZ (A) FLOAT TRIPLINE (С) ANCHOR (©) RODE J 3.12 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT no control. Be alert! If leaving the boat, be sure the anchor will hold under all circumstances. We suggest you read this section on anchoring again and fully understand rode and scope and their affect on anchor performance. 15. WINDLASS The windlass is wired to the 12 volt system through the 150 amp WINDLASS fuse in the main DC breaker panel which is located on the FWD component board in the bilge The windlass facilitates the anchoring of your yacht by automatically raising and lowering the anchor. To operate the windlass the WINDLASS MAIN switch on the control station switch panel must be ON. WINDLASS SAFETY LANYARD AND CHAIN STOP (Fic. 3.13.1) (A) WINDLASS W / SAFETY LANYARD (©) ANCHOR (©) W / CHAIN STOP NOTICE | Use the safety hook supplied to ensure that the anchor is held in place should the windlass fail. Do not use the safety hook to support the anchor in a stored position. The windlass should always support the anchor and ensure that it is held in the roller device securely. e Turn the WINDLASS MAIN rocker switch ON. e Push the top of the CONTROL rocker switch (located beside the WINDLASS MAIN on the control station switch panel) to raise the anchor. To lower the anchor, push the push the bottom of the rocker switch. B. TO OPERATE FROM THE BOW: Make sure that the safety lanyard and/or chain stop are removed from the anchor chain. e Lift protective cap on foot switches at port bow and depress UP or DOWN switch for the desired result. | WINDLASS BOW SWITCHES | (F16.3.13.2) FOOT SWITCHES C. To OPERATE MANUALLY? 1 Keep hands, feet, hair and loose clothing clear of moving parts. Entanglement may cause severe bodily N. J A. TO OPERATE FROM THE HELM: Make sure that the safety lanyard and/or chain stop (See Figure 3.13.1) are removed from the anchor chain. injury (i.e. lose of fingers or toes). \. J Make sure that the safety lanyard and/or chain stop are removed from the anchor chain. f в WINDLASS EMERGENCY HANDLE (F16. 3.13.3) 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT * Insert the emergency handle (located in the stbd bow locker) into the clutch nut. e Turn handle clockwise to retrieve anchor. D. MAINTENANCE: Make sure that the power is off before any work is performed on the windlass. Periodically check the motor and control box electrical connections, remove any residue and cover the connections with a small coating of grease. It is recommended at least once a year to disassemble the windlass and remove any residue build-up. Using the emergency handle ( located under the stbd bow locker cover), unscrew the clutch nut by turning the handle counterclockwise. * Remove the drum, upper cone, chain wheel and lower cone. * Wash down with fresh water and remove any residue. WINDLASS (MAINTENANCE PROFILE) (Fi1G. 3.14.1) (A) EMERGENCY HANDLE CLUTCH NUT ©) DRUM (D) UPPER CONE (E) CHAIN PULLEY (F) LOWER CONE * Coat contact surfaces with a light film of lubricant. * Reassemble the unit and tighten clutch by turning the handle clockwise. NOTE: Use the fresh water washdown spigot in the port bow locker to hose down the chain in the locker after haul-in. f A NOTICE N J It is important that the windlass clutch is tight for proper operation and safety. Periodically check the clutch and tighten if necessary. To Tighten Clutch: With the anchor in the stowed position, tighten the windlass clutch by inserting the emergency handle into the clutch nut (see Fig. 3.14.1) and | turn clockwise. | REFER TO WINDLASS OPERATOR’S MANUAL IN YOUR OWNERS PACKET FOR DETAILED OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. 16. Bow THRUSTER (OPTIONAL) The bow thruster is electrically driven and gives the operator more maneuverability of the bow when f A Bow THRUSTER OPERATION N (F16.3.14.2) BOW THRUSTER TOGGLE CONTROL (SEE FIGURE 2.7.2) NM Bow #7 \- J р. DIRECTION ni THRUST = NNZZ THRUST \_ J 3.14 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 3 * USING YOoUR BOAT docking or maneuvering the vessel in narrow channels or where space is at a premium. The bow thruster is located forward of utility room and can be accessed by lifting the galley steps and entering the utility room. To OPERATE THE Bow THRUSTER Activate the bow thruster by turning the 24V BOW THRUSTER switch ON. The switch is located on the control station switch panel (See figure 2.8.2). By manipulating the the joy stick also located on the control station the operator is able to move the bow slowly to port and starboard. The bow thruster motor is equipped with an internal thermally activated breaker. The thermal breaker protects the motor from overheating. When the thermal breaker is activated the thruster motor will not operate and must be allowed to cool down for normal operation. REFER TO OWNER'S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 3.15 SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR 1. BILGE A. FUEL & OIL SPILLAGE Regulations prohibit discharging fuel or oily waste in navigable waters. Discharge is defined as any action which causes a film, sheen or discoloration on the water surface, or causes a sludge or emulsion beneath the water surface. A common violation is bilge discharge. Use rags or sponges to soak up fuel or oily waste, then dispose of it properly ashore. If there is excessive amount of fuel or oil in the bilge, contact a knowledgeable marine service to remove it. Never pump contaminated bilge overboard. As a precaution against fuel spillage,fill fuel tank(s) less than rated capacity. Allow for fuel expansion. 2. BiLGE Pumps The 390 MY is equipped with four (4) bilge pumps, including two (2) emergency high water bilge pumps. Your yacht is also equipped with a gray water sump, with pump and float switch. Each of the bilge pumps are equipped with switches on the control station switch panel. These switches have MANUAL and AUTO positions. When the switch is in the MANUAL position, the pump will run continuously. When the switch is in the AUTO position, the pump is activated when there is enough water in the bilge to raise the float switch to its highest position; and deactivated when the water recedes. The pumps should NOT be left in the MANUAL mode unless the bilge is being pumped out for servicing. The emergency bilge pumps and high water float switches are wired to the systems monitor located on the dash at the control station (see “SYSTEMS MONITOR” in Section 2 - page 2.16). Whenever a bilge pump turns ON, either manually or automatically, the systems monitor will display which pump is active. Should the high water alarms become activated, immediate attention to the area indicated on the systems monitor panel is required. (Fig. 4.1.1) \ | FWD BILGE Pump & FLOAT SWITCH (A) EMERGENCY HIGH WATER FLOAT SWITCH FORWARD BULKHEAD EMERGENCY HIGH WATER BILGE PUMP (D) CHECK VALVE (Fic. 4.1.2) a | MID BILGE Pump & FLOAT SWITCH (A) EMERGENCY HIGH WATER (BD) SHOWER SUMP BILGE PUMP © BILGE PUMP EMERGENCY HIGH WATER FLOAT SWITCH (® CHECK VALVES (C) FLOAT SWITCH (Fic. 4.1.3) AFT BiLGE PUMP & FLOAT SWITCH a FLOAT SWITCH (B) CHECK VALVES (©) BILGE PUMP 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 4.1 SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR f A BILGE PUMP ASSEMBLY (Fıc. 4.2.1) (A) PUMP HEAD/ MOTOR ASSY DISCHARGE (©) IMPELLER (D) WATER INLET (E) LOCK TAB © N J SINKING HAZARD - Ensure the bilge pumps are operating properly. Run bilge pumps in the manual position only as long as necessary to remove water. Running bilge pumps dry can damage the pump motor. J Each pump is protected by a breaker on the main DC breaker panel located on the forward component board in the bilge. MAINTENANCE: Frequently inspect the area under the float switches to ensure they are free from debris and gummy bilge oil. To clean, soak in heavy duty bilge cleaner for 10 minutes, agitating several times. Check for unrestricted operation of the float. Repeat the cleaning procedure if necessary. Inspect the bilge pump intakes and keep them free of dirt or material which may impede the flow of water through the pump. To clean the pump strainer, depress the lock tabs on both sides of the pump and lift the pump motor. TROUBLESHOOTING: If water does not come out of discharge hose: 1. Depress the breaker on the main DC breaker panel located on the forward component board in the bilge to ensure it has not tripped. 2. Remove the motor module to see if the impeller rotates with the power on. 3. Remove any debris that may have accumulated In the nozzle section or strainer base. 4. Check hose and connection on hull side for debris and proper connections. 3. BILGE BLOWERS The two (2) bilge fans (one each port & stbd) in the forward engine room remove odors and excessive heat and provide ventilation through the hull vents. The blowers are wired through circuit breakers on the main DC breaker panel located on the forward bilge component board and are activated by a switch on the DC distribution panel on the port aft salon. The blowers can also be activated by a switch on the control station switch panel. Run the blowers when operating below cruising speed and when vessel is at rest with the generator running to dissipate heat buildup in the bilge. BILGE BLOWERS (FIG. 4.2.2) — TT 7 о H i ММ ее — HO VS T- T El ml — y EU Y A = В = nn ann = = С e о + + Н ©, [+ à rH 4.2 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR EXPLOSION/FIRE HAZARD - Run blower at least four (4) minutes before starting engine or generator. | Check bilge and engine compartment for fumes. Do not allow obstructions to interfere with bilge blower or ventilation intake operation. Engine | performance may be adversely affected. MAINTENANCE: The bilge blowers should be checked periodically to ensure that all electrical connections are secured in place and that the blower motors are operating efficiently. TROUBLESHOOTING: If your bilge blowers fail to operate, depress the breakers on the main DC breaker panel on the forward component board in the engine room to ensure that they have not tripped. 4. ENGINES The inboard engines on your yacht are the heart of your Sea Ray®. Proper attention to and maintenance of your engines will assure you of many hours of pleasurable, safe boating and will prevent unnecessary engine problems. You must, therefore, become thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the engine's proper operation outlined in the Engine Operator's Manual. A general maintenance program consists of proper lubrication, cleaning of fuel filters, fuel lines and air filters. When washing down, or at any other time, take care that water does not enter the air inlets. Water entering the air inlets when the engines are not operating may go directly into the cylinders, resulting in rust and possibly internal engine damage. The engines are warranted directly by the engine manufacturer, not by Sea Ray”. Sea Ray® strongly urges you to fully comply with the manual provided by the engine manufacturer. Follow the recommended maintenance and warranty schedule in your Engine Operator's Manual included in the owner’s packet. Engine abuse or improper maintenance may adversely affect the claims made under the independent warranty provided by the engine manufacturer. A. FRESH WATER COOLING SYSTEM The fresh water cooling system is a closed system which helps protect engines from internal corrosion and provides more even distribution of engine temperature. Change the coolant annually. B. CooLANT RECOMMENDATIONS: The standard mixture of water and coolant is a mixture of 30% environmentally safe, non-toxic antifreeze and 70% water, which protects to O*F (-18°C). This will allow the coolant to expand properly and maintain normal operating engine temperature. In colder climates, the coolant level should be increased to 50/50, which protects to - 34°F (-37°C), for proper coverage. To find engine coolant requirements for the specific engine on your yacht, refer to your Engine Owner’s Manual in the Owner’s Manual Packet. 5. ENGINE MOUNTS The adjustable type engine mounts permit adjustment sideways as well as vertically. Vertical adjustment nuts lock up or down on the threaded vertical stud, with a slot provided to allow side to side adjustment on the engine. ENGINE MOUNT (Fıc. 4.3.1) PLASTIC COVER NOTE: All bolts to be torqued to 50 Ft pounds | 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 4.3 SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR IMPORTANT: The large adjustment locknuts on these mounts must be tightened properly to retain alignment. It is also advisable to spray a protective coating on the studs and nuts to prevent corrosion. 6. MARINE GEARS А. REDUCTION GEARS A reduction gear reduces the rotating speed of the propeller shaftin relation to the engine RPM. This permits the use of a larger propeller while allowing the engine to attain its rated RPM, thereby increasing efficiency. B. REVERSE GEARS The reverse gear incorporates the clutch and controls the rotation of the propeller. The position of the clutch control or shifting lever indicates the motion which the clutch and reverse gear are transmitting. The center position of the lever indicates neutral. Engine RPM should never exceed 1000 when engaging or disengaging the clutch. Higher RPM will result in unnecessary wear and shortened life of the unit, and perhaps breakage. Marine reverse gears are hydraulically operated, thereby making it imperative to periodically maintain and check oil level. If the correct oil level is not maintained, slippage occurs, causing damage to the clutch plates. Too much oil will cause foaming and erratic clutch operation. For additional information see the Engine Operators Manual. 7. ENGINE EXHAUST SYSTEM The exhaust system on Sea Ray® boats with inboard engines is designed so that water from the raw water cooling system enters the exhaust system through elbows (engine side) where water and exhaust are mixed. Water and exhaust are then pumped through the mufflers and then overboard through the exhaust outlet. Make sure water is flowing from the exhaust outlets while the engines are operating. Prior to every boat use, examine the exhaust system fittings to ensure tightness. 390MY ENGINE EXHAUST (Fi. 4.4.1) (A) EXHAUST HOSE © MUFFLER (C) EXHAUST OUTLET PORT EXHAUST SHOWN, STARBOARD EXHAUST TYPICAL. GENERATOR EXHAUST FEEDS INTO STARBOARD EXHAUST SYSTEM A drain plug is located on each muffler. When servicing or winterizing, remove the plug to drain the water out of each muffler. Replace the plug after all water has drained from the muffler. 8. VIBRATION & CAUSES Some vibration is to be expected in your boat because of the action of the engines and the propeller. But excessive vibration indicates conditions which must be promptly corrected to avoid damage. Contact your Sea Ray® dealer immediately if you are experiencing severe vibration. The following are some conditions which may cause vibrations. A. FOREIGN OBJECT INTERFERING WITH PROPELLER ACTION Weeds, ropes, fishing lines or nets can become wrapped around the propeller and/or shaft, causing vibration and loss of speed. Always stop and then reverse the propeller after going through a weedy area to unwrap and clear away any weeds which may have accumulated. Although reversing will sometimes help to unwrap lines and nets, they are difficult to remove without hauling the boat. Always check for loose or trailing dock lines before getting underway. When towing a dinghy, 4.4 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR remember that a long line may easily become entangled with the propeller when backing down. B. BENT PROPELLER AND/OR SHAFT A badly damaged or distorted propeller or shaft is an obvious cause of vibration. Even when the propeller appears to be perfect, make sure it has not been pulled off-center by the propeller key. C. ENGINE AND SHAFT OUT OF ALIGNMENT Although the shaft is properly aligned when it leaves the factory, after transit and after the boat has been in the water a few days, the alignment should be rechecked. The shaft coupling is the connecting point between the shaft and the engine and the alignment should be set at .005 or less. Referto SHAFTS (pg. 4.9) in this section of this Owner's Manual. D. COUPLING OUT or TRUE Although an extremely unlikely condition, check the couplings if other efforts to correct the vibration fail. Check the engine half of the coupling (with dial indicator on the face) to see that it runs true with the shaft coupling. Also check the coupling keys. They must fit correctly to prevent forcing the couplings off center. E. ENGINE PART HITTING BOAT STRUCTURE Engines are flexibly mounted to reduce transmission of vibration to the hull structure. If some part of the engine, such as the oil pan, reverse gear or reduction gear housing, contacts a stringer, brace or part of the hull, vibration will result. The flexible shaft log allows a limited side motion of the shaft, but an excessive “whip” can cause the shaft to strike the sides of the shaft hole or the shaft log with resultant vibration. F. OTHER POSSIBLE CAUSES Other causes of vibration include the following: engine out of tune, a bent rudder, a worn strut bearing, a component of the exhaust system vibrating against the hull or improper contact between shaft taper and the propeller hub bore. 9. OIL EXCHANGE SYSTEM (OPTIONAL) If equipped the oil change system, located on the inboard port stringer, center of the port engine, simplifies changing the oil in the engines and the generator. The pump is self-priming and pumps in either direction. The oil change pump is protected by the 12 volt OIL CHANGE PUMP breaker on the DC breaker panel on the forward component board in the engine room. OrL EXCHANGE SYSTEM (OPTIONAL) (Fic. 4.5.1) (A) TO STARBOARD ENGINE TO PORT ENGINE (©) TO GENERATOR (D) OPEN/CLOSE VALVE (E) DRAIN/FILL HOSE (E) PUMP (©) PUMP FLOW SWITCH (H) PORT INBOARD STRINGER A. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: (SERVICE ONE (1) ENGINE AT A TIME.) 1. Run engines or generator for several minutes to warm the oil and mix the sludge. 2. Selectthe first unit to be serviced. Turn the valve to the open position, in line with valve body. 3. Turn the pump on (switch position indicates the direction of flow) and pump the old oil into containers to be disposed of properly. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 4.5 SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR On CHANGE Pump (USED OIL) (FIG. 4.6.1) AB Y 0) == —A (D) OPEN/CLOSE VALVE (E) USED OIL (F) FLOW SWITCH (A) TO STARBOARD ENGINE TO PORT ENGINE (С) ТО GENERATOR Na J 4. After oil has been pumped out of unit being serviced, place the pump discharge hose into a container of pre-measured fresh oil and reverse the pump switch to pump the fresh oil into the engine. NOTE: Fresh oil should be at least 60° F (16° C). 5. When pumping is complete, shut the pump off and close the valve leading to the unit being serviced. Check oil level and adjust if necessary. On CHANGE Pump (FrEsH OIL) (FIG. 4.6.2) (A) TO STARBOARD ENGINE — (D) OPEN/CLOSE VALVE TO PORT ENGINE (E) FRESH OIL (С) ТО GENERATOR (E) PUMP FLOW SWITCH 6. Repeat for generator and each engine to be serviced. REFER TO OWNER'S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 10. UNDERWATER GEAR A. PROPELLERS Propellers should be free of nicks, excessive pitting and any distortions that alter them from their original design. Badly damaged propellers should be replaced, but those that are chipped, bent or merely knocked out of shape can be reconditioned by your marine dealer. When doing extensive cruising, it is advisable to carry extra propellers aboard. Basic PROPELLER CHARACTERISTICS Propellers have two basic characteristics: e Diameter e Pitch Diameter is that distance measured across the propeller hub line from the outer edge of the 360° that is made by the propeller’s blade during a single rotation. Pitch is that distance in inches that a propeller will travel if rotated one revolution without any slippage. , PROPELLER PITCH AND DIAMETER (Fic. 4.6.3) 7 / | PITCH — 1 DIAMETER \. J For example, a propeller with a 12-inch pitch, when rotated 360° would, theoretically, advance 12 inches through the water. Actually, no propeller applied to any boat is 100% efficient. No 12-inch pitch blade 4.6 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR Will, in a single rotation, advance a boat 12 inches. This variance is referred to as slippage. VENTILATION, ITS CAUSES AND CORRECTIONS 7 While often called “cavitation,” ventilation is really a different effect. At times when a boat enters or leaves a sharp turn, the propeller seems to slip and lose thrust and the engine may over-speed (Figure 4.8.2). This problem Is normally caused by air or aerated water entering the propeller. (A damaged propeller can also cause ventilation.) Ventilation can usually be corrected by replacing the damaged or incorrect propeller with the recommended one. | PROPELLER VENTILATION (Fi. 4.7.1) — il ~~ OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE > \. J CAVITATION, ITS CAUSES AND CORRECTIONS Cavitation is a phenomenon that occurs in all propeller-driven craft under certain conditions. The surface of propeller blades are not perfectly flat, and as water is drawn through the blades to be discharged aft into the propeller’s slip stream, the water flowing over the curved surface of the blade encounters areas of greater and less pressure. In those areas of reduced pressure, air bubbles are formed. When they move out of the low pressure area these bubbles collapse. If they collapse while in contact with an object, such as part of the propeller blade or trim plane, the bubbles create such highly localized forces that they erode the surface of the object. In the case of the propeller, such damage is sometimes called a “burn.” It may be caused by an irregularity in the propeller’s leading edge, and it should be corrected by reconditioning Have only one (1) valve open at a time. Make sure other valves are closed to prevent accidental over filling. - COUNTER-ROTATING PROPELLERS Na J the propeller or by replacement. Cavitation is a normal occurrence in modern sport boats, and prop inspection should be part of routine maintenance. PROPELLER TORQUE AND ITS CORRECTION Some of the more powerful motors create a considerable torque effect; that is, a twisting motion causing the boat to ride with one sheer lower than the other. This twisting reaction is caused by the direction of propeller rotation lifting one side of the boat. This causes an uneven drag, so that a boat's bow may tend to fall off in one direction or the other from the intended course given by the wheel. Torque action may occur when maximum or close to maximum rated horsepower is applied. Any slight torque may be offset by shifting passenger or gear weight laterally to the high side of the boat. COUNTER-ROTATING PROPELLERS On twin engine yachts, one propeller turns in a clockwise direction while the other turns counterclockwise in order to maintain a straight course through the water. When removing or replacing propellers, be sure to install the correct propeller on the correct drive. (Fıc. 4.7.2) 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 4.7 SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR PROPELLER INSTALLATION For proper rotation, the installation of propellers on Inboard engine boats requires the right hand propeller to be installed on the starboard side and the left hand propeller to be installed on the port side. Install in the following manner: 1. Inspect the key. It must be chamfered so that the corners of the key do not touch the keyway fillets. 2. Install the propeller on the shaft without the key in the keyway. Slide the propeller all the way on the shaft until it seats. Mark the shaft on the leading edge of the hub with a felt tip marker and remove the propeller. 3. Install the key in the keyway and slide the propeller on the shaft. If the key is not pinned, tap the key back slightly as the propeller slides up the taper. This will ensure that the propeller does not ride the key up the keyway end radius, thus forcing the propeller off-center. The propeller is properly seated if the hub is in the same position as previously marked. 4. Install a board (2 x 4) against the hub perpendicular to the keel and rotate the propeller clockwise until one blade rotates against the Jam Nut Shaft Thread | Prop Torque | Torque Diameter Size Nut Ft. Lbs. | Ft. Lbs. 1" 3/4" Bronze | 100-125 100 11/4" 7/8" Bronze | 150-175 100 11/2" 11/8" | Bronze | 250-275 100 1 3/4" 1 1/4" | Bronze | 275-300 100 2" 11/2" | Bronze | 325-350 100 21/2" 13/4" | Bronze | 400-425 100 J x NOTICE If the jam nut and prop nut are installed properly, the propeller should not loosen. If you tighten both nuts holding only the propeller blade, the nuts could possibly thread back on the shaft to the cotter pin. It is important that the above procedure be followed. J board. Do not put a board between the strut and the rudder. Install the large bronze prop nut on the propeller shaft and seat the propeller with the correct torque as listed on the table below. Install the jam nut and torque to 100 ft. Ibs. Install the cotter pin. 1 TOP RADIUS IN KEYWAY SHOULD BE 1/2 THE FILLET RADIUS WITH NO SHARP EDGES PROPELLER INSTALLATION (Fic. 4.8.1) IMPROPER CHAMFER ON KEY WILL RESULT IN KEY RIDING UP IN KEYWAY CHAMFER ON KEY SHOULD BE LARGER THAN FILLET IN || KEYWAY KEY SHOULD SEAT IN KEYWAY CORRECT FIT KEY RIDING UP IN KEYWAY INCORRECT FIT ILLUSTRATION #1 © (&) PROP NUT KEY (С) ЗНАЕТ (D) KEYWAY (E) COTTER PIN ® Prop (G) JAM NUT ILLUSTRATION #3 ALL CORNERS OF KEY SHOULD BE CHAMFERED S ILLUSTRATION #2 2X4WEDGE BLOCK ILLUSTRATION #4 J 4.8 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR B. SHAFTS The shaft coupling is the connecting point between the shaft and the engine (Figure 4.10.2). The alignment should be set at a maximum of .005" (0.13mm). A slight misalignment will cause loss of power, excessive wear, noise and vibration and should not be tolerated. When checking for parallel coupling faces (the proof of proper alignment), use a feeler gauge not more than .003 to .005 of an inch thick (0.08 — 0.13mm). With coupling faces brought together by hand — not bolted — the feeler gauge should be tightly gripped at all points around the edges of the couplings. Next, hold the engine coupling flange stationary and rotate the shaft coupling flange 90 degrees in either direction. The feeler gauge should still be tightly gripped at all points around the edges of the couplings. | SHAFT MISALIGNMENT (Fıc. 4.9.1) TRANSMISSION SHAFT COUPLING | SHAFT LOG & STRONG SEAL (F1G. 4.9.3) (D) CARRIER SEAL KIT (E) HULL (4) SHAFT LOG TUBE HOSE CLAMPS LJ MAX .005 — — ЗНАЕТ Гос & STRONG SEAL™ The shaft log is a fiberglass tube which provides an opening through the bottom of the (©) WATER INJECTION FITTING boat for the propeller shaft. The Strong Seal” is connected to it by a short length of special flexible hose which serves to absorb normal shaft vibration. The Strong Seal” prevents water from leaking around the shaft and into the boat. Shaft alignment and straightness must be correct to assure proper operation of the Strong Seal™. Refer to the Strong Seal™ information for the seal carrier kit in the Owner's Manual packet. C. CARRIER SEAL KIT Your boat is equipped with spare carrier seals located on the port and starboard engine shafts. Seal failure can be corrected by replacing the seal with the spare seals provided. To REPLACE THE CARRIER SEAL: 1. Clean any accumulated dirt and scale from the exposed shaft. MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO SHARP EDGES OR BURRS ON THE SHAFT. SHAFT LOG & STRONG SEAL™ ASSEMBLY (FiG. 4.9.2) = D EN, @ “ / J (A) HOSE CLAMPS (© CARRIER SEAL KIT (E) STAINLESSSTEEL ~~ (G) SHAFT LOG WATER INJECTION (©) STRONG SEAL BANDS (9) HULL | FITTING (F) FLEXIBLE HOSE | 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 4.9 SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR | CARRIER SEAL KIT (F16.4.10.1) (A) SHAFT LOG & STRONG SEAL (D) CARRIER SEAL SEAL HOUSING (E) SHAFT COUPLING (©) COVER SCREW (F) PROPELLER SHAFT \. J 2. Separate the two halves of the Carrier Seal Kit housing by removing the screws. If there are two lip seals in the carrier kit, move the forwardmost one forward on the shaft until out of the way. 3. Remove the retaining ring from the Strong Seal™ using a small screwdriver (for a spiral ring) or snap-ring pliers (for a snap ring). Work the retaining ring around the new lip seal and move the ring forward out of the way. 4. Re-assemble the empty Carrier Seal Kit housing onto the shaft just forward of the new lip seal with the small diameter facing aft. Leave the screws loose enough that the housing can move along the shaft. The Carrier Seal Kit housing is now ready to be used as a lip seal installation tool. 5. Push needle-nose pliers or a hook into the exposed body of the lip seal and pull it out of the Strong Seal™ housing. Cut the old seal off the shaft with wire cutters. BE CAREFUL NOT TO SCRATCH THE SHAFT. 6. Inspect and clean the inside of the Strong Seal™ housing and the newly exposed area of the shaft that was under the old lip seal. 7. Push the new lip seal and installation tool aft until the lip seal contacts the Strong Seal™ housing. Using a rubber mallet, tap the face of the installation tool until the lip seal is seated within the Strong Seal™ housing. You will know the lip seal is fully seated when the retaining ring groove is exposed. 8. Remove the Carrier Seal Kit housing from the shaft. Re-install the retaining ring into its groove in the Strong Seal™ housing. 9. If the Carrier Seal Kit came with two lip seals, position the remaining lip seal back onto a convenient location on the shaft at least 2" forward of the Strong Seal™. Re-assemble the Carrier Seal Kit housing around the lip seal with the smaller diameter facing forward. Tighten the screws and make sure the assembly is firmly secured on the shaft. NOTE: As the Carrier Seal Kit is turning with the shaft and the Strong Seal™ is not, it is important that the two do not touch. D. STRUT The strut is the bronze casting fastened to the - STRUT (Fic. 4.10.2) p (A) STRUT (C) PROPELLER SHAFT SHAFTLOG (D) BEARING bottom of the hull to support and form a bearing for the propeller shaft. A replaceable rubber bearing is inserted to minimize wear and protect the shaft where it passes through the strut hub. During lay up periods, squirt castor oil into this bearing to keep it from freezing to the shaft. Never use machine oil or grease on rubber bearing. Periodically check all strut fastenings to assure that they are secure. 11. RUpDER & RUDDER STUFFING Box The rudder is the vertical flat surface aft of the propeller that pivots about a vertical axis and changes the direction of the boat through the water. The rudder stuffing box prevents water from leaking into the boat where the rudder 4.10 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR | RUDDER & RUDDER STUFFING Box (F16.4.11.1) (A) RUDDER STUFFING BOX (D) RUDDER POST PACKING (E) HULL As a safety measure, close all seacocks when leaving boat for any length of time to impede water (© JAM NUT (F) RUDDER Na À post enters the hull. Spot check for leaks before and after using your boat. 12. SEACOCKS & STRAINERS Seacocks and strainers provide cooling water to the engines, generator and A/C units located throughout the bilge area. SEACOCK & STRAINER (F16.4.11.2) (A) O-RING CAP (C) STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN (D) STRAINER BODY (E) SEACOCK (F) HANDLE (OPEN POSITION) To open the seacock, turn the handle in line with water flow (vertically). To close, turn the handle against water flow (horizontally). The strainers should be inspected frequently and cleaned out when plugged. If operation of the air conditioning is excessive it is important that the A/C unit strainers are inspected more frequently than other strainers. ingress in the event of water hose failure. J The seacock body should be inspected and lubricated annually. TO CLEAN THE STRAINER Close the seacock by turning the handle against water flow direction (horizontally). NOTE: Some seacocks are equipped with locking tee handles which must be loosened before operating the handle [Loosen strainer cap with the adjustable spanner wrench provided. It is stowed on the port inboard stringer. STRAINER MAINTENANCE (F16.4.11.3) ADJUSTABLE SPANNER WRENCH (SUPPLIED) Rotate strainer cap clear of strainer housing. Pull upward on stainless steel screen basket handle. Clean basket and replace. STRAINER MAINTENANCE (F16.4.11.4) (4) CAP ( © > O-RING | AD (© STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN (D) STRAINER BODY 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 4.11 SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR 13. POWER STEERING SYSTEM The power steering ram ensures identical positioning of the port and starboard rudders. Check that rudder arms are tight and free of play. Ensure that fluid resevoir is up to level and filter is clean. The fluid reservoir and filter are located on the aft component board in the engine room along with the optional auto pilot pump. Sea Ray® recommends Sea Star hydraulic steering fluid or Dextron 3 auto transmission fluid for the power steering system. \. POWER STEERING (Fic. 4.12.1) (A) STARBOARD RUDDER POST (©) AUTO PILOT RUDDER RUDDER ANGLE SENSOR (©) STEERING RAM REFERENCE (OPTIONAL) (E) PORT RUDDER POST 4.12 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR 14. 390 MY BiLGE LAYOUT 390 MY BILGE (F16.4.13.1) FWD f (A) DRAIN LINE ROUTING DC MAIN BREAKER PANEL (©) BILGE & GALLEY VENTILATION (©) VACU-FLUSH® SYSTEM (E) MASCERATOR (OPTIONAL) BOW THRUSTER BATTERIES (OPTIONAL) (G) MASCERATOR SEACOCK (OPTIONAL) (H) STARBOARD FUEL TANK (1) GENERATOR STRAINER (J) GENERATOR SEACOCK (K) STARBOARD ENGINE EXHAUST Q Р (LD) HIGH WATER BILGE PUMP (M) ENGINE STRAINER (N) FLOAT SWITCH (©) BILGE PUMP (P) AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHER (Q) SHOWER SUMP (R) PORT ENGINE EXHAUST (S) OIL EXCHANGE PUMP (OPTIONAL) (7) PORT FUEL TANK (U) HOLDING TANK (V) STARBORD ENGINE BATTERIES но JA (W) PORT ENGINE MAIN BATTERIES (X) GENERATOR (Y) GENERATOR MUFFLER (Z) FORWARD BILGE PUMP WATER HEATER (8) BILGE & FORWARD STRM VENTILATION Сб) WASHER/DRYER (OPTIONAL) 6D FORWARD FLOAT SWITCH (EE) ISOLATION TRANSFORMER (FF) BOW THRUSTER (OPTIONAL) 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 4.13 4.14 SECTION 4 * BILGE & UNDERWATER (GEAR 390 MY BILGE LAYOUT 390 MY BILGE (F16.4.14.1) — РР - == JS \ Le" Ci “ e AM >= FE LA CE = A 7 < / & 5 7 17 N | то вы QA \ UN © \ \ 24 4 ® PORT ENGINE EXHAUST DRAIN LINE ROUTING © BILGE BLOWER (TYPICAL PORT & STARBOARD) (D) AUTO PILOT PUMP (E) ACCUMULATOR BOTTLE (E) WATER PUMP (G) TRIM TAB PUMP (4) STEERING RAM (D) WATER TANK (3) AFT BILGE PUMP (K) AFT FLOAT SWITCH (1) PORT TRIM TAB (M) PORT ENGINE SHAFT (N) POTABLE WATER LINE ROUTING 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 5 * FUEL SYSTEM 1. FUEL SYSTEM Section 3 - Using Your Boat contains important fueling information. Take time to read all the fuel related information in the owner's manual. Fuel lines, filters and all fuel system components should be checked at the start of each season and periodically thereafter, particulariy after any work has been done aboard the boat which might have affected any part of the system. Be certain that all are in proper condition and that the entire system is fuel tight. Each fuel tank has manual shut-off valves on the top of the tank to close off the fuel system in case of leakage or line failure. A. FUEL TANKS The 390 MY standard gasoline fuel system consists of two (2) aluminum fuel tanks with a capacity of 150 gals. (568 liters) each, for a total capacity of 300 gals. (1136 liters). The port and starboard fuel tanks are connected directly to the respective engines through an electric fuel shut-off valve. Fuel is supplied to the generator from the port tank. B. FUEL FILL INLET The fill inlets for the fuel tanks are located on the starboard deck walkway forward of the deck entry doors. C. FUEL VENT Your Sea Ray® is equipped with a fuel tank vent (See figure 5.2.1) for each tank which serves as a pressure/vacuum release and safety overflow. The through-hull fitting has a flame arrester, making it imperative that you keep the screen clean and in excellent repair. Replace the screen immediately if it becomes damaged or displaced. Periodically check the vent to assure that it is not clogged. 390 MY FUEL TANKS (Fra. 5.1.1) г (Е) © a DT e A = Na 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) (A) STARBOARD FUEL TANK STARBOARD ENGINE FUEL FEED (C) STARBOARD FUEL VALVE (D) STARBOARD FUEL VENT (E) PORT FUEL VENT (F) STARBOARD FUEL FILL (©) PORT FUEL FILL (1) PORT FUEL VALVE (J) PORT ENGINE FUEL FEED (K) GENERATOR FUEL FEED (1) GENERATOR FUEL VALVE (M) PORT FUEL TANK 5.1 SECTION 5 * FUEL SYSTEM f = FUEL FiLL & VENT WITH SCREEN/FLAME ARRESTER (A) FUEL FILL FUEL VENT f в ELECTRIC FUEL VALVE (Fıc. 5.2.2) (A) ELECTRIC FUEL VALVE FROM PORT FUEL TANK (С) TO PORT ENGINE (D) PORT FUEL TANK (E) PRIMARY FUEL FILTER MANUAL OVERRIDE ON/OFF KNOB KEEP IN OFF POSITION FOR NORMAL OPERATION (C) SCREEN/FLAME ARRESTER Na A 2. FUEL RECOMMENDATIONS The quality of the fuel is very important for satisfactory engine performance and long engine life. Fuel should be clean and free of contamination. Your fuel tanks should be kept full of fuel whenever possible. This will reduce the amount of water condensation and reduce the possibility of contamination. NOTE: In rough seas, allow approximately 15% reserve when planning fuel consumption. 3. ELECTRIC FUEL VALVE The electric fuel valves on the fuel tanks are wired to the ignition switch. When the ignition is turned ON the valve opens, when the ignition is turned OFF the valve closes. The manual override knob on the side of the valve should be left in the OFF position at all times. PORT FUEL TANK SHOWN - STARBOARD TANK TYPICAL \. J In the event of an electrical malfunction, the valve can be opened and closed manually by turning the manual override knob. The electric fuel valve is installed in-line on the fuel hose between the fuel tank and engines & generator. 4. FUEL FILTERS Primary fuel filters are located in-line between the fuel tank and the engine. To help keep the fuel as clean as possible, Sea Ray® strongly urges you to fully comply with the recommended maintenance and/or replacement of the filters. Improper maintenance may adversly affect the claims made under the independant warranty provided by the engine manufacturer. A. FUEL FILTERS: (DIESEL OPTION) Primary Racor® fuel filters are located on the aft component board in the bilge. To help keep the fuel as clean as possible, Sea Ray® strongly urges you to fully comply with the recommended maintenance 5.2 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 5 * FUEL SYSTEM | RACOR® FUEL FILTER (FiG. 5.3.1) (4) T-HANDLE TURBINE (C) SEE-THRU BOWL (D) HEAT DEFLECTOR (E) DRAIN PLUG (5) LID \. J program consisting of proper lubrication and cleaning of the fuel filters, fuel lines and air filters provided by the engine manufacturer. Engine abuse or improper maintenance may adversly affect the claims made under the independant warranty provided by the engine manufacturer. NOTE: Use of any methanol, gasohol or alcohol based fuel additive will damage the fuel filter. B. GENERATOR FUEL FILTER (DIESEL OPTION) A Racor® fuel filter located at the starboard fuel tank provides clean fuel to the generator. (GENERATOR RACOR* FUEL FILTER (FIG. 5.3.2) (A) STARBOARD FUEL TANK GENERATOR FUEL FILTER = J C. FUEL FILTER MAINTENANCE A major cause of poor starting or power loss is the result of a clogged filter element or a fuel system air leak. Check that the filter lid and drain plug are properly tightened. Inspect or drain the collection bowl of water daily. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) TO DRAIN WATER: 1. Shut down the engine. 2. Loosen the T-handle on the top lid to break the vacuum within the filter. 3. With a suitable collection container in place, remove the drain plug and allow water and contaminants to drain. q J 4. Replace the drain plug and, if necessary, prime the filter by removing the lid and filling the filter with clean fuel. 5. Replace the lid and tighten the lid T-handle by hand only. Do not overtighten. Replace the filter element at regular intervals or if a power loss is detected. TO REPLACE THE FILTER: 1. Shut down the engine. 2. Remove the lid. 3. Remove the old rubber lid seal and dispose of the old seal properly. 4. Apply a coating of clean fuel or motor oil to the rubber lid seal supplied with the new element. 5. Place the new seal in position on the lid. f \ RACOR® FUEL FILTER MAINTENANCE (FIG. 5.3.3) a (4) T-HANDLE RUBBER SEAL (C) FILTER ELEMENT (©) DRAIN PLUG 5.3 SECTION 5 * FUEL SYSTEM DIESEL FUEL SYSTEM (DIESEL FUEL OPTION) (FIG. 5.4.1) © © \ 6. Remove the filter element by holding the molded handle and slowly pulling upward with a twisting motion. 7. Insert the new filter element with a slow downward twisting motion. 8. Fill the filter with clean fuel, then replace the lid. Tighten the lid T-handle by hand only. Do not overtighten. 9. Start the engine and check for any leaks. 10. Correct any leaks with the engine shut down. It is recommended that spare filter elements be carried aboard as contaminated fuel can easily plug a filter. REFER TO THE ENGINE OPERATOR'S MANUAL FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION. (F) (A) STARBOARD FUEL TANK FUEL VENT (©) FUEL FILL (D) TO STARBOARD FILTER (E) STARBOARD FUEL FILTER (E) PORT FUEL FILTER (G) TO PORT ENGINE (H) TO PORT FILTER (1) TO STARBOARD ENGINE (J) FROM PORT ENGINE (K) PORT FUEL TANK (D) FROM STARBOARD ENGINE (M) TO GENERATOR (N) FROM GENERATOR (©) FUEL CROSSOVER BOARD (P) TO GENERATOR FILTER (Q) FROM STARBOARD ENGINE 5. FUELING PRECAUTIONS Certain precautions must be carefully and completely observed every time a boat is fueled, even with diesel fuel. Diesel fuel is nonexplosive but it will burn. CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and other reproductive harm. 5.4 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 5 * FUEL SYSTEM A. GENERAL: Fuel during daylight. Check fill plate label to ensure fuel is placed only in fuel tank. Fuel fill plates are located on the port and starboard deck walkway forward of the deck entry doors (see Fig. 5.2.1). Avoid spills. Know your fuel capacity and consumption. Record the amount of fuel used since your last fill up, and compute the engine's hourly fuel usage. As a fuel gauge backup check, deduct the average hourly fuel usage from fuel tank capacity. Observe the “Rule of Thirds”: one-third fuel for trip out, one-third for return and one-third for reserve. Allow an additional 15 percent fuel reserve when operating in rough seas. B. BEFORE & DURING FUELING — CHECKLIST: Fire extinguisher — close at hand. Mooring — boat tied securely to fueling pier. Crew — at least one knowledgeable person present. Passengers — unnecessary people off the boat. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) Engines — stopped. Electrical equipment, including blowers — power off. Windows, doors, hatches — closed. Smoking material — extinguished. Inboard tanks — grounded. Filler pipe — marked DIESEL. Fuel nozzle — in contact with filler pipe to prevent static sparks. Fill level — fill less than rated capacity of tank; allow for fuel expansion. Trim — fuel weight distributed equally. C. AFTER FUELING — CHECKLIST: Windows, doors, hatches — open. Sniff test — if fuel fumes remain, operate blowers until fumes are gone. Fuel tank — secure filler cap. Spills — wipe; dispose of rags ashore. Never start an engine until you are certain that fuel fumes are not present in the engine compartment or elsewhere in the boat. 5.5 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1. DC SYSTEM The 12 volt direct current (DC) electrical system derives its power from the batteries, which are kept charged by an engine-driven alternator and/or AC converter. The battery voltage is indicated by the voltmeter on the main distribution panel and control station instrument panel. Each battery bank can be checked with the battery voltage test switch only on the DC distribution panel. The batteries supply power to the circuit breakers on the main DC breaker panel in the bilge, then to the control station breakers and DC distribution panel breakers in the salon. The 12 volt dash systems are protected by the ELECTRONICS and CONTROL STATION breakers on the main DC breaker panel on the forward bulkhead of the bilge. The 12 volt functions on the salon DC distribution panel are protected by the “CABIN MAIN” breaker on the main DC breaker panel. The negative terminal of each bank of batteries is attached to the main DC negative buss ground studs of the propulsion engines and the generator. This “negative ground system” is the approved system for marine DC electrical systems. 2. BATTERIES The batteries in your boat have been selected for their ability to furnish starting power based on engine and generator starting requirements as well as their ability to supply power to the DC system. The following table describes the recommended marine cranking batteries to install in your boat. Application | Group | Volts | CCA*|Reserve | Qty. Engines 31 12 800 200 4 Bow Thruster 31 12 800 200 2 *COLD CRANKING AMPS The main engine cranking batteries consist of two (2) 31 series, 12 volt batteries connected in parallel for each engine. If equipped, there are two (2) 31 series, 12 volt marine batteries connected in series to create the 24 volts required for operation of the bow thruster. Recommended batteries are available through your local Sea Ray® dealer. | BATTERIES (FIG. 6.1.1) \. (A STBD MAIN ENGINE BATTERIES PORT MAIN ENGINE BATTERIES (© HOLDING TANK (©) BOW THRUSTER BATTERIES (OPTIONAL) 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.1 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM f A * Never use an open flame in the battery storage area. e Avoid striking sparks near the batteries. e A battery will explode if a flame or spark ignites the free hydrogen given off during charging. Na A. To REMOVE THE BATTERY CABLES: 1. Turn OFF all items drawing power from the batteries. 2. Turn OFF the “CONVERTER” breaker at the main distribution panel. 3. Turn OFF battery solenoid switches. 4. Remove the positive cable first, then the negative cable. To replace the cables, reverse the procedure. B. BATTERY MAINTENANCE: Check the fluid level in the cells approximately every 4 weeks, and more often in summer and hot zones. While the engine or generator is running, the battery terminal clamps must not be loosened or detached nor should the battery solenoid switch(es) be turned off. The alternator and other electronic units will be damaged. Ne A * The fluid level must be between the lower and the upper markings. * Only replenish with distilled water. Do not use metal funnels. * Coat battery terminal clamps with silicone grease. Keep battery clean and dry. Always disconnect battery cables before doing any work on the engine's electrical system or alternator wiring to prevent arcing or damage to the Only use a battery charger designed to charge automotive/marine type batteries when batteries are disconnected from the boat's electrical circuit. f в Use ONLY Marine Rated parts to replace such items as starters, distributors, alternators, generators, etc. Do not use Automotive Parts because they are not ignition protected and could cause a fire or explosion. 3. MAIN DC BREAKER PANEL The main DC breaker panel (Figure 6.4.1) is located on the forward bulkhead in the bilge. The breaker panel contains switches for various equipment plus the main battery solenoids. NOTE: The bilge pumps, emergency bilge pumps, stereo memory, bilge blowers, battery chargers, engine unswitched positive, smartcraft unswitched, sump pump and systems monitor CANNOT be turned OFF with the battery solenoid switches. The entire remaining DC system CAN be turned OFF with the battery solenoid switches. 4. BATTERY SWITCHES AND SOLENOIDS The main engine battery and generator switches are located on the Main DC Breaker Panel in the bilge (See figure 6.4.1) and the DC distribution panel in the port salon (See figure 6.9.1). A. MAIN BATTERY SOLENOIDS The battery solenoids are located inside the Main Battery Solenoid Access Panel on the forward engine room component board (See figure 6.3.1). When the switches are in the OFF position all 12 volt current to the engines and accessories are turned off except power to the equipment listed in the above NOTE. The battery switches must be ON to start the engines or generator. Turn battery solenoids OFF when leaving boat for extended duration. 6.2 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM fr MAIN BATTERY SWITCHES AND LATCHING SOLENOIDS (Fıc. 6.3.1) (A) B. Bow THRUSTER SOLENOID The latching solenoid for the bow thruster is located on the aft component board in the utility room which can be accessed by lifting the galley companionway steps. Bow THRUSTER LATCHING SOLENOID (FIG. 6.3.2) (В) (А) \MAIN BATTERY SOLENOIDS O PORT GEN STED О ENERGIZE — — (ZE @ © = = = (A BOW THRUSTER BATTERY CHARGER COVER === =| |= (© BOW THRUSTER SOLENOID © 150 AMP FUSE DE-ENERGIZE O О) \ À (A) MAIN DC BREAKER PANEL @ ELECTRONICS MAIN BLOWER MODULE © TERMINAL STUD CONTROL STATION MAIN © WINDLASS MAIN SOLENOID TERMINAL STUD STARBOARD BATTERIES SOLENOID (D CABIN MAIN TERMINAL STUD © EMERGENCY START SOLENOID CD GENERATOR MAIN SOLENOID (© PORT BATTERIES SOLENOID \. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.3 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MAIN DC BREAKER PANEL MAIN DC BREAKER PANEL (FIG. 6.4.1) FWD EMERGENCY CABIN STEREO MEMORY BLOWER #1 ENGINE UNSWITCHED POSITIVE MAIN BATTERY SOLENOIDS r \ O _PORT GEN STBD_ 0 O SMARTCRAFT ENERGIZE UNSWITCHED BATTERY CHARGER О — —— DE-ENERGIZE — (O IF SWITCH 1S TURNED OFF WHILE ENGINE IS RUNNING ALTERNATOR WILL BE DAMAGED © O © o © °° MAIN DC BREAKER PANEL 12 VDC CABIN MAIN CONTROL STATION ENGINE ENGINE IGNITION IGNITION CABLEMASTER ELECTRONICS ELECTRONIC OIL CHANGE CONTROL PUMP ACCESSORY ELECTRONIC O CONTROL О ACCESSORY ACCESSORY EMERGENCY BILGE PUMP PUMP FWD BILGE SE PUMP A7 SUMP PUMP AFT EMERGENCY AFT BILGE PUMP ® PUMP AFT PUMP SYSTEMS MONITOR BRIDGE STEREO MEMORY BLOWER #2 ENGINE UNSWITCHED POSITIVE SMARTCRAFT O UNSWITCHED BATTERY CHARGER O ©, NOTE: Panel layout and labeling are subject to variance due to customized optional accessories and equipment. 6.4 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 5. CONTROL STATION BREAKER PANEL The control station breaker panel is located behind an access door under the helm at the control station. In the event one of the breakers trip, determine and correct the fault, then reset by depressing the tripped breaker. | FUSsE BLOCK, 1 YPICAL (FIG. 6.5.3) | ED Ei 1 LJ CONTROL STATION BREAKER PANEL (FIG. 6.5.1) 4 о O LIGHTING NAV SPOT TRIM PORT STBD LIGHTS LIGHT TABS WIPER WIPER WINDSHIELD HORN 12V ENGINE ACCY ACCY VENT RECEPT SYNC 6. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM FUSE BLOCKS & BREAKERS Fuse blocks utilizing automotive type blade fuses are used to provide overload protection. The electronics fuse block is located next to the breaker panel behind the access door under the helm at the control station. f A ELECTRONICS FUSE BLOCK AT CONTROL STATION (FIG. 6.5.2) O — © — © 1 VHF 2 GPS 4 CHART PLOTTER O 3 DEPTH/SPEED 5 RADAR 6 AUTOPILOT 7 CELLULAR PHONE 8 B8GNETWORK [а Ц ВЦ [| |е |) | 9 ACCESSORY 10 ACCESSORY f A «a A \. J There is also an accessory fuse block on the accessory board located behind the distribution panel in the salon. In the event it becomes necessary to replace a fuse or an electrical breaker, REPLACE THE FUSE OR BREAKER ONLY WITH A FUSE OR BREAKER OF THE SAME RATING. The amperage is marked on the fuse or breaker. If a fuse or breaker is replaced with one of lower amperage, it will be insufficient to carry the electrical load of the equipment it is connected to and cause nuisance tripping or blowing. Conversely if a fuse or breaker is replaced with one of higher amperage, it will not provide adequate protection against an electrical malfunction and could create a possible fire hazard. Some of the various types of breakers used on your boat are as follows: This type is an in-line fuse holder and uses an automotive-type blade fuse. (FIG. 6.5.4) This type of breaker is found on the control station DC breaker panel located behind the access panel below the control station switch panel. These breakers protect the trim tabs, wipers, windshield \ J vent, navigation lights, spot 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM light, engine synchronizer, horn, instrument lights, 12V receptacle and accessories. This type of breaker is typically found on the main distribution panel. It selects the electrical power source, either from the generator or from shore power. (Fic. 6.6.1) This type of breaker is found on the main DC breaker panel. ltis used to protect the bilge pumps, sump pumps, bilge blowers, control station main, electronics, systems monitor, oil change pump, stereo memory and accessories. This is a manual (FIG. 6.6.2) SLOT FOR DE-ENERGIZING reset breaker. It can be turned off by inserting a small screwdriver in the slot on the toggle switch. This type is a current limiting fuse which is used to isolate faults in battery operated systems and equipment (motor circuits, panel feeders, etc.). (FIG. 6.6.3) 7.12 VoLT ACCESSORY RECEPTACLE The 390 MY is equipped with four (4) 12 volt accessory receptacles located at the control station, inside the galley cabinet above the sink, 12 VoLT ACCESSORY RECEPTACLE (FIG. 6.6.4) in the port cabinet of the salon forward of the MDP panel and in the port cabinet of the master stateroom (See pages 2.21 thru 2.23). The receptacle is to be used with any 12 volt accessories using this type of plug. 8. EMERGENCY START SYSTEM The emergency start system utilizes amomentary switch located on the control station switch panel and an emergency start solenoid located in the main DC main breaker panel. Holding the switch energizes the solenoid which parallels the batteries to assist in starting. Use the emergency start system when the charge of one bank of batteries is insufficient to start its corresponding engine. To engage the engine emergency start system, start whichever engine has sufficient battery power, then hold the emergency start switch while starting the other engine. 9. ELECTRONICS CIRCUIT The 50 amp electronics circuit utilizes a circuit breaker on the main DC breaker panel on the forward component board in the bilge to energize the electronics fuse block at the control station. f в EXTREME HAZARD - Swimming near a boat operating on AC electrical system can lead to severe shock and death. Never swim or allow swimming when AC system is in use. 10. AC SYSTEM The 390 MY's AC standard electrical system operates on a 240V/60 cycle, 50 amp shore power cable. Take time to become familiar with the Main Distribution Panel in the port salon. NOTE: An optional 220V/50 cycle, dual 30 amp system is available. Line voltage from the generator or shore power is shown by the voltmeters on the AC main distribution 6.6 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM panel. The ammeters indicate amperes being drawn through the selected power source's circuit breakers on the main distribution panel. NOTE: Actual usage of equipment will depend on the amperage output of the power source available. This vessel is equipped with a shore line isolation transformer. NOTE: Refer to page 6.12 for information regarding the Isolation Transformer. The main breakers located on the 240VAC main distribution panel are equipped with a source selector slide to prevent the generator and shore power from being energized at the same time and damaging the electrical system. Both breakers must be in the OFF position before switching to an alternate power source. Under no circumstances override the source select system. The main breakers may trip if there is a surge in line voltage, an electrical storm or an onboard system overload. The main breaker interrupts both the neutral and hot feeds in the AC circuit to prevent equipment damage due to internal overloads and external surges. The 240 volt wiring installed on Sea Ray® boats consists of four (4) color-coded wires. The black and red wires are the “hot” feed, white is the common, or neutral, and the green wire is the ground. All branch breakers and switches for AC equipment are installed on the “hot” wire. The green conductor of the shore power is connected through the isolation transformer to the AC grounding buss bar behind the main distribution panel (See page 6.35). Never operate 240 volt shore power at less than 220 volts. NOTE: The 220V/50Hz European option uses Brown (Hot),Lt. Blue (Neutral) and Green (Ground) wiring. 11. MAI DC DISTRIBUTION PANEL Your boatis equipped with a Main DC distribution panel located on the port salon. The breaker panel contains switches for various equipment throughout the boat plus the 12VDC battery switch and generator switch. The bilge pumps, emergency bilge pumps, blowers, engine event recorder, CO monitors, stereo memory and engine ECM remain energized at all times and CANNOT be turned OFF with the battery solenoids. The entire remaining DC system CAN be turned OFF with the battery switches. 12. SERVICING THE MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL NOTE: Servicing should be referred to a qualified electrician. A. To REPLACE A FAULTY COMPONENT ON THE MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL: Turn all breakers OFF. Make sure the generator is OFF. Unplug the shore power. Remove screws from all sides except the hinged side of panel. The main distribution panel is hinged to swing open for servicing. 5. Reverse the procedure for closing the panel. SS © № + 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.7 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AC MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL fr N AC MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL (Fic. 6.8.1) о O O o) MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL POWER POWER 240 VOLTS AC —1 1 AC CONDITIONER PUMP RELAY 100 200 | | 400 200 ADVOLTS AOVOLTS CONDITONER O WATER HEATER GENERATOR SHORE O SALON AIR © AFTAR CONDITIONER #1 CONDITIONER 10 20 30 490 - = | AC AMPERES SALON AIR О O CONDITIONER #2 о CN о Го AJ r 1 O [ Je ACCESSORY O [Je ACCESSORY 120 VOLTS AC GENERATOR SHORE N GALLEY SYSTEMS PORT SYSTEMS | T ] © BATTERY CHARGER о [| O MICROWAVE BOW THRUSTER im 1 REFRIGERATOR/ O BATTERY CHARGER o | ||] O FREEZER CAUTION O O ACCESSORY O O WASHER/DRYER [|] PRIOR T R SHORE A Ä — = AND BREAKER AT DOCKSIDE RECEPTACLE OR o [J ACCESSORY o [Je ACCESSORY O O O ©) NOTE: Panel layout and labeling are subject to variance due to customized optional accessories and equipment upgrades N J 6.8 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AC MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL (220V/50HZ) fr N AC MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL (INTERNATIONAL OPTION) (Fi. 6.9.1) Го о о o | 40 60 40 60 EN BOE AC AMPERES AC AMPERES LINE 1 LINE 2 с FT Je a. POWER POWER O 1 | O GALLEY SYSTEMS POWER я КОМЕ O [| | O STBD SYSTEMS A — Lo a] о о O PORT SYSTEMS O ||| O AFT SYSTEMS о GENERATOR SHORE — — GENERATOR SHORE — — O [Je MICROWAVE O 1] O WATER HEATER [o | a E] ® — ® —— REFRIGERATOR/ о O FREEZER o [|] O STOVE — — | Cl — IC aa Га Mo SALON AIR о В О A/C PUMP/RELAY о 1) O CONDITIONER #2 [a — Lo je Zu — ee — SALON AIR FWD AIR o au O CONDITIONER #1 o ||| © CONDITIONER [Cl | [Gu EV] cu = Г — AFT AIR © | ДО сомотомен o [ | © WASHER/DRYER PRIOR TO CONNECTING OR DISCONNECTING SHORE Г —— PRIOR TO CONNECTING OR DISCONNECTING SHORE п ини] POWER CABLE, TURN OFF PANEL MAIN BREAKER POWER CABLE, TURN OFF PANEL MAIN BREAKER BRIDGE/COCKPIT AND BREAKER AT DOCKSIDE RECEPTACLE OR O O BATTERY CHARGER AND BREAKER AT DOCKSIDE RECEPTACLE OR O O SHORE POWER CABLE MAY BE DAMAGED. Ш A} SHORE POWER CABLE MAY BE DAMAGED. ha AJ AIR CONDITIONER Fa — r <q BOW THRUSTER o o BATTERY CHARGER O O ACCESSORY (a — Le И A N LP N ke d 4 _ O O O O y NOTE: Panel layout and labeling are subject to variance due to customized optional accessories and equipment upgrades \ J 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.9 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DC MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL f в DC MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL (F16. 6.10.1) WATER LEVEL WASTE SYSTEM CONTROL FULL FULL 16 20 24 DO NOT FLUSH 8 12 28 32 3/4 1/2 1/2 DCVOLTS DC Amperes 1 EMPTY EMPTY POWER NOTICE WITH SWITCH ON, BATTERY BILGE GENERATOR INDICATOR OFF<CHECK SEACOCK VOLTAGE TEST BLOWERS ON START/RUN DISCHARGE OF SEWAGE DIRECTLY OVERBOARD IS FOR USE WHERE APPROVED ONLY. S MANUAL FOR OPE PORT SEE OWNER: RATING INSTRUCTIONS OF OVERBOARD DISCHARGE VALVES O | O MASTER HEAD O | O FWD LIGHTING STBD STOP О O GUEST HEAD O O AFT LIGHTING SEE OWNERS MANUAL FOR O O OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS O | O DISCHARGE PUMP O | | О BILGE LIGHTING FRESH WATER MAIN BATTERY SOLENOIDS SATELLITE TV , \ O | | O STEREO O O YSTEM ENERGIZE 4 REFRIGERATOR/ О | | O FREEZER O [| ] QO 12V RECEPTACLE O | | O ACCESSORY O | | O ACCESSORY a PORT MASTER IGNITION STBD E: = ` J A WARNING O GASOLINE VAPORS CAN EXPLODE O A CAUTI О № RESULTING IN INJURY OR DEATH BEFORE STARTING ENGINES OR GENERATOR - CHECK ENGINE COMPARTMENT BILGE IF SWITCH IS TURNED OFF FOR GASOLINE OR VAPORS, AND WHILE ENGINE IS RUNNING OPERA E NUNES. AND ALTERNATOR WILL BE DAMAGED RUN BLOWERS WHEN VESSEL IS OPERATING BELOW CRUISING SPEED. NOTE: Panel layout and labeling are subject to variance due to customized optional accessories and equipment upgrades 6.10 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 13. GENERATOR Do not run the generator in an enclosed area, such as a closed boathouse, as there is a possibility of build-up and inhaling of carbon monoxide. Sea Ray® strongly urges you to fully comply with the manual provided by the generator manufacturer. The generator is warranted separately by the generator manufacturer, NOT Sea Ray®. Follow the recommended maintenance and warranty schedule in your Generator Operators Manual included in the Owner's Manual Packet. Generator abuse or improper maintenance may adversely affect claims made under generator manufacturer separate warranty. | (GENERATOR (Fic. 6.11.1) (A) GENERATOR PORT FUEL TANK © GENERATOR MUFFLER Na J The generator is located in the bilge forward of the port fuel tank. Generator gauges are located on the generator. The generator is powered by the port engine battery bank. A. GENERATOR OPERATION The procedures for starting, stopping and switching between generator and shore power are explained in Section 3 - Using Your Boat, pages 3.7 thru 3.9. For access to the Onan generator breaker and coolant cap from the salon, remove the access hatch located in the base of the aft port salon sofa. | GENERATOR SALON ÂCCESS (Fic. 6.11.2) | — = © (A) ACCESS TO GENERATOR BREAKER AFT PORT SALON SOFA O Access COVER ® = J 14. SHORE POWER A. SHORE POWER CORD A 50° shore power cord is supplied and stored in the transom storage cabinet on the aft transom. Two (2) 50’ shore power cords are supplied for the International option. See Section 3 - Using Your Boat, Pg. 3.8 for operation of the cablemaster system. B. CABLEMASTER (OPTIONAL) Your 390 MY may be equipped with a cablemaster system which provides remote control access to automatically advance/ CABLEMASTER (OPTIONAL) (Fi1G. 6.11.3) REMOTE SWITCH 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM retrieve the 50amp240V/60 cycle shore power cords for hookup to dockside power. See Section 3 - Using Your Boat, Pg. 3.8 for operation of the cablemaster system. C. ISOLATION TRANSFORMER Your yacht is equipped with an isolation transformer located under the forward steps in the utility room . The boat's electrical system and grounding conductor are not actually connected to the dockside system. The Isolation Transformer transfers power from the dockside electrical system ISOLATION TRANSFORMER (Fi. 6.12.1) (A) ISOLATION TRANSFORMER © STARBOARD INBOARD STRINGER BOW THRUSTER © BOW THRUSTER OIL RESERVOIR BOTTLE | (IF REQUIRED BY MANUFACTURER) to the boat's electrical system by magnetic coupling. This means there is no direct electrical connection between the earth-grounded shore AC power and boat AC power. Isolating the power this way has several benefits which are listed below: 1. Eliminates shock hazards to people swimming around the boat. 2. Prevents reverse polarity due to a miss-wired shore power pedestal providing futher protection to people onboard as well as sensitive AC appliances. 3. Prevents galvanic current corrosion due to the direct connection to AC shore power. REFER TO OWNERS MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. D. IsoBoosT TRANSFORMER (OPTIONAL) The IsoBoost Transformer combines a shoreline Isolation Transformer, described above, with a voltage sensing and switching circuit providing the ability to automatically increase the line voltage on your boat, all in a single unit. The isolation transformer completely isolates input power from output power giving you an improved degree of safety and preventing galvanic current corrosion due to the direct connection to AC shore power. The IsoBoost increases the boat's voltage when it falls below 204 volts due to low shoreline voltage. The IsoBoost gives you the reliability and assurance that adequate voltage is provided for all the AC equipment on the boat. IsoBoosT TRANSFORMER FEATURES: 1. The output voltage is boosted (increased) by 15% if the suppied voltage is to low. This low voltage commonly occurs when connecting to marina power sources that are derived from a 208 volt system rather than from a 240 volt system. The IsoBoost Transformer can extend the useful life of many electrical components installed on the boat. 2. Monitors the incoming voltage and alarms to warn you that the shore voltage has dropped to a level outside the boosting range. It will automatically shut down under conditions of extreme low voltage. 3. The remote indicator panel (installed at the main distribution panel in the cabin) allows you to monitor the operating status of your IsoBoost Tranformer without having to go physically to the utility room to look at it. Refer to IsoBoost manual in owner's manual packet for detailed instructions. 4. Boat system protection: if the boat's voltage drops below 192 VAC for more than four seconds, the IsoBoost output is turned off. Power will not be supplied again until shore voltage has increased by at least 20 VAC. If the boat’s voltage exceeds 260 VAC for five seconds, the IsoBoost output is turned off. Refer 6.12 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM to IsoBoost manual in the owner's manual packet for detailed instructions. If the IsoBoost Transformer turns off for a prolonged period of time, turn on the generator to supply AC power. Follow generator operating instructions (See Section 3 - Using Your Boat, page 3.8). E. SHORE POWER BREAKER Box The 240VAC main shore power breaker box is located inside the master stateroom port hanging closet. The breaker(s) must be ON to operate the shore AC power system. a NN MAI SHORE POWER BREAKER (F16. 6.13.1) е 5 O O O O e e] \_ J F. MAINTENANCE FOR SHORE POWER CABLE SET & SHORE POWER INLETS Disconnect the power cable from power source before performing maintenance. The metallic parts of your cable set and inlet are made to resist corrosion. In salt water environment life of the product can be increased by periodically wiping the exposed parts with fresh water, drying and spraying with a moisture repellent. A soiled cable can be cleaned with grease-cutting household detergent. A periodic application of vinyl protector will help both ends and cable maintain their original appearance. In case of salt water spray or immersion: Rinse plug end and/or connector end thoroughly in fresh water, shake or blow out excess water and allow to dry. Spray with a moisture repellent before reuse. 15. BATTERY CHARGERS The battery charging units located on the aft component board in the utility room are fully automatic and designed specifically for the marine environment. The high frequency characteristic has allowed these chargers to achieve a huge size and weight reduction over their previously used equipment. Commonly called high frequency or smart chargers, these units bring a new sophistication to the battery charger field. f A BATTERY CHARGERS (Fıc. 6.13.2) A MAIN ENGINE BATTERY CHARGER ©) BOW THRUSTER BATTERY CHARGER © BOW THRUSTER SOLENOID © BOW THRUSTER FUSE (175 AMPS) Never block air circulation through the unit. Never | NOTICE | Leave the converter running at all times to | maintain the 12 volt system voltage. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.13 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM A. CHARGING CHARACTERISTICS Bulk Charge - this is initiated at power up and provides the chargers full-rated current to the battery bank until a predetermined voltage level of 14.2V to 14.4V is achieved and/or a certain time has passed. Absorption Charge - this stage immediately follows the bulk charge mode. It maintains the battery voltage at the bulk charge voltage level, but gradually decreases the current as the battery accepts the charge until it reaches a predetermined current level. Float Charge - this stage is designed to hold the battery at a safe, low voltage (typically 13.3V) providing up to the chargers full rated amperage to accommodate DC load requirements. The charge will remain in this mode until the AC power is cycled off and then on again. B. CHARGING CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BOW THRUSTER BATTERY CHARGER. Bulk Charge - this is initiated at power up and provides the chargers full-rated current to the battery bank until a predetermined voltage level of 28.5V to 28.8V is achieved and/or a certain time has passed. Absorption Charge - this stage immediately follows the bulk charge mode. It maintains the battery voltage at the bulk charge voltage level, but gradually decreases the current as the battery accepts the charge until it reaches a predetermined current level. Float Charge - this stage is designed to hold the battery at a safe, low voltage (typically 26.5V) providing up to the chargers full rated amperage to accommodate DC load requirements. The charge will remain in this mode until the AC power is cycled off and then on again. REFER TO OWNERS MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 16. HALOGEN LIGHTING Your 390 MY uses 12 volt Halogen lights throughout as the primary lighting system. The system is powered by the 12volt batteries and is activated by the lighting breakers on the DC distribution panel located in the salon. = The bulb MUST be protected from contaminates. Use appropriate protection, such as clean cloth gloves, when handling or disposing of all halogen-cycle bulbs. Wear eye protection. Turn power OFF when installing or before removing lamp. Allow lamp to cool before removal. q J | HALOGEN BULB (Fic. 6.14.1) The filament bulbs used in all halogen-cycle lamps generate intense heat. To avoid the possibility of fire, do not use lamp at close range to materials that are combustible or affected by heat or drying. Halogen-cycle bulbs are pressurized and could shatter if scratched or damaged. Glass halogen- cycle bulbs should be protected against contact with liquids when operating. \_ J CHANGING A BLOWN BULB: Use appropriate protection, such as a clean cloth or gloves when handling or disposing of all Halogen- cycle bulbs. Wear eye protection. Turn power off when installing or before removing lamp. Allow lamp to cool before removal. Remove grease or fingerprints from new Halogen bulbs with a grease-free solvent before use. Grab light fixture housing and pull gently from ceiling or wall. Take care when pulling the housing as it is spring loaded in the socket and the clips will snap quickly downward when { р released from the ceiling or wall. (Fic. 6.14.2) 3 `` РЕМ i y Po 6.14 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Grab the fixture containing the (FiG. 6.15.1) bulb and twist counter clockwise. Pull the fixture out of the housing and replace the bulb with a bulb of equal wattage. NOTE: The glass face plate in the housing is very fragile. Be careful that it remains in place — and does not fall out, as it will break easily. To replace the housing, (FiG.6.15.3) reverse the previous . directions. Grab the clips and a +) hold them upwards until the CES housing is placed into its receptacle in the wall or ceiling. Push gently to seatthe \ J light housing securely. 17. GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER RECEPTACLE (GFI) Ground fault interrupter receptacles are located in the galley inside the upper cabinet, In the master head upper cabinet over the sink, In the guest head upper cabinet over the sink, under the salon entry steps and in the cockpit under the wet bar. The GFI receptacles are out of sight and wired in-line with the exposed Vmar N GEI OUTLET г (F1G6. 6.15.4) N _ J Persons with heart problems or other conditions which make them susceptible to electric shock may still be injured by ground faults on circuits protected by the GFl receptacle. No safety devices yet designed will protect against all hazards or carelessly handled or misused electrical equipment or wiring. Ne J receptacles throughout the yacht. This allows your yacht to have an elegant exposed receptacle while still providing protection from shock hazards. Please read and understand the CAUTION block above. The GFI receptacle is designed to protect people from the line-to-ground shock hazards which could occur from defective power tools or appliances operating from this device, or from down-line outlets protected by it. It does not prevent line-to-ground electric shock, but does limit the time of exposure to a period considered safe for normally healthy persons. It does not protect persons against line-to-line or line-to-neutral faults. The GFI receptacle does not protect against short circuits or overloads. This is the function of the circuit breaker. A. INTERNATIONAL RECEPTACLE All readily accessible 220V outlets are protected by a Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) located in an out-of-sight location such as under a cabinet and includes a test switch to verify proper operation. Its function is similar, but not identical to the 120V СА. - INTERNATIONAL RECEPTACLE (FIG. 6.15.5) — a NN 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.15 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM RESIDUAL CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKER (F16. 6.16.1) Premere Premere mensilmente test Соб IAN= 10mA 18. ELECTROLYTIC CORROSION AND ZINC ANODES Electrolysis corrosion of metals on power boats can result in serious deterioration. The boat owner must be aware of the possibilities of galvanic action (the deterioration of metals due to dissimilar characteristics when placed in salt water), and/or electrolysis. № 15 the owner’s responsibility to check for and replace damaged parts due to galvanic deterioration. Refer to your Sea Ray® dealer to investigate the source of stray corrosive currents. Zinc plates are installed on the transom and trim tabs to protect underwater hardware. Zinc, being much less “noble” than copper based alloys and f A ZINC ANODES ON TRANSOM AND TRIM TABS (FIG. 6.16.2) (A ZINC ANODE ON TRIM TABS TRIM TABS © ZINC ANODE © TRANSOM ZINC ANODE Replace zinc anodes if they are corroded 50% or more. aluminum used in underwater fittings, will deteriorate first and protect the more noble parts. Zinc anodes generally require replacement about once a year. (In salt water areas, replace every six (6) months). The need to replace anodes more frequently may indicate a stray current problem within the boat or at the slip or mooring. If zinc anodes do not need replacing after one year, they may not be providing proper protection. Loose anodes or low-grade zinc may be the problem. When an AC shore power system is connected to the boat, the underwater metal fittings will, in effect, be connected through the water to grounded metals ashore. The zincs will be consumed at a faster rate unless the marina maintains a protective system to prevent this. In this case, hanging a zinc in the water bonded to the metal outlet box on the dock will reduce zinc loss on the boat. DO NOT connect this zinc to the boat's ground system. It is extremely important that all electrically operated DC equipment and accessories be wired so that the ground polarity of each device is the same as that of the battery. Sea Ray® boats have a negative ground system, which is the recommended practice throughout the marine industry. All metal items (fuel tanks, underwater gear, etc.) in the boat are connected to the zinc anode by the green bonding wire. Never disconnect the green wire (safety ground) from the engine terminal. \. J @ NOTICE | DO NOT PAINT BETWEEN THE ZINC AND THE METAL IT CONTACTS, AND DO NOT PAINT OVER (THE ZINC. „ 6.16 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Electrolytic corrosion can also be caused by “stray currents” due to a fault in an electrical item, even though correctly grounded. 19. AC < DC ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICS & WIRING HARNESSES This owner's manual contains electrical schematics and wiring harness illustrations for your boat (See pages 6.18 thru 6.52). These electrical schematics were generated by electrical CAD designers at the engineering division for technical reference and service technicians. Sea Ray® does not recommend that you attempt to work on the boat's electrical system yourself. Instead we recommend that you take your boat to your authorized Sea Ray® dealer for service. Sea Ray® reserves the right to change or update the electrical system on any model at any time without notice to the consumer and is NOT obligated to make any updates to units built prior to changes. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.17 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Y BONDING HARNESS (Fic. 6.18.1) 1 (A) AC PUMP MANIFOLD TO AFT BUSS BAR © STARBOARD ENGINE (© GENERATOR (D TO MAIN DC NEGATIVE BUSS ® FORWARD BUSS BAR DRAWING NO. 09-205 (1 OF 4) BONDING HARNESS (Fic. 6.18.2) < © PORT ENGINE ©) TO MAIN DC BUSS (©) TOAFTBUSSBAR DRAWING NO. 09-205 (2 OF 4) = & > 1. 2 = LO Y J = © > _ © O > © © o 6.18 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BONDING HARNESS (F16. 6.19.1) A (A) MAIN DC NEGATIVE BUSS WASTE DISCHARGE / DRAWING NO. 09-205 (3 OF 4) No 1 BoNDING HARNESS (F16. 6.19.2) (В ® (A) STARBOARD RUDDER SUPPORT ZINC PLATE © PORT RUDDER SUPPORT (D) PORT BOWRAIL (E) PORT RUDDER ARM J (F) PORT RUDDER PACK GLAND @ PORT STRUT (© To RORWARD BUSS (1) STARBOARD STRUT (J) STARBOARD RUDDER PACK GLAND (K) AFTBUSS BAR (D STARBOARD BOW RAILMAST LIGHT DRAWING NO. 09-205 (4 OF 4) \. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM BILGE HARNESS (F16. 6.20.1) (A) MASTER STATEROOM HEAD GF CONTROL STATION © Tv COAX (D) A/C RELAY (E) SALON A/C UNITS SYNCHRONIZER, A/C PUMP, BILGE LIGHT #3, EXTINGUISHER © BILGE LIGHT #4 Bb TRANSOM COMPONENTS MASTER STATEROOM, SALON ENTRY SWITCHES (J) MDP WIRING ® ENGINE HARNESS D PORT FUEL TANK, BLOWER m BILGE PUMPS, SUMP PUMP N GENERATOR ©) HOLDING TANK, OIL CHANGE PUMP (OPTIONAL) (P) FORWARD EMERGENCY BILGE PUMP (@ MAIN DC BREAKER PANEL DISCHARGE PUMP (OPTIONAL), SYSTEMS MONITOR, MAIN DC BREAKER PANEL TERMINAL STUDS ©) VAC-GEN, BILGE LIGHT #2 (T) STARBOARD FUEL TANK, BLOWER (U) STARBOARD ENGINE HARNESS (V) MASTER STATEROOM HEAD HARNESS CONNECTOR J DRAWING NO. 09-801 (1 OF 2) BILGE HARNESS (F16. 6.20.2) B (A) WATER PUMP (B) TRIM TAB PUMP (C) WATER TANK SENDER ©) AFT PUMP ® (E) CABLEMASTER (OPTIONAL) (E) MASTER STATEROOM BUNK SWITCHES (O) BILGE HARNESS AFT WIRING (1) AUTO PILOT PUMP DRAWING NO. 09-801 (2 OF 2) REVISIÓN 1 6.20 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM PORT CABIN HARNESS (F16. 6.21.1) (A) SHORE MAIN BREAKER MASTER STATEROOM HANGING CLOSET LIGHT © MASTER STATEROOM CO MONITOR © mor (E) FORWARD STATEROOM VENT MOTOR (F) FORWARD STATEROOM HEAD GF FORWARD STATEROOM HEAD HARNESS CONNECTOR | FORWARD STATEROOM A/C UNIT (D FORWARD STATEROOM CO MONITOR FORWARD STATEROOM SWITCHES / PHONE FORWARD STATEROOM PORT TASK LIGHT FORWARD STATEROOM STARBOARD DRAWING NO. 09-821 (1 OF 2) REVISION 1 TASK LIGHT Ss J [ A PORT CABIN HARNESS (Fıc. 6.21.2) E No ère, N 3 GALLEY HARNESS CONNECTORS ISOLATION TRANSFORMER BOW THRUSTER CHARGER (OPTIONAL) MAIN ENGINE CHARGER WASHER/DRYER (OPTIONAL) RECEPTACLE WATER HEATER MDP & MASTER STATEROOM FORWARD STATEROOM HEAD VENT MOTOR ©0690 5000 DRAWING NO. 09-821 (2 OF 2) REVISION 1 \. J 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.21 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1 Na STARBOARD CABIN HARNESS (F16. 6.22.1) SN 2 (A) CONTROL STATION WIRING SALON TV RECEPTACLE COAXIAL CABLE © PORT NAV LIGHT (© SPOT LIGHT MODULE (РЁ) HORN COMPRESSOR (B) FORWARD STATEROOM RECEPTACLE (© STARBOARD NAV LIGHT (E) FORWARD STATEROOM TV RECEPTACLE / COAXIAL CABLE (D) SALON GFI RECEPTACLE / SALON PHONE (J) CONTROL STATION CONNECTOR DRAWING NO. 09-827 - ENGINE HARNESS (Fic. 6.22.2) (A) CONTROL STATION CAT DATA TERMINALS (OPTIONAL) (© STARBOARD ENGINE O) PLUG 51 (E) PORT ENGINE (E) MAIN DC BREAKER PANEL DRAWING NO. 09-812 J 6.22 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM FORWARD STATEROOM HEAD/SHOWER HARNESS (F16. 6.23.1) DRAWING NO. 09-824 Na (A) LIGHTS PORT CABIN HARNESS CONNECTOR (© HEAD INDICATOR LIGHTS (D) SWITCH BOX 1 GALLEY HARNESS (FIG. 6.23.2) DRAWING NO. 09-830 N (A) GALLEY GFI, 12VAC RECEPTACLE COFFEE MAKER (© GALLEY RECEPTACLE, SWITCHES (D) STOVE RELAY (Е) MICROWAVE RECEPTACLE (B) REFRIGERATOR (GQ) REFRIGERATOR RECEPTACLE (В) PORT CABIN HARNESS (P47, P48) OL? (J) FORWARD SALON SWITCHES (K) GALLEY VENT BLOWER 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.23 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MASTER STATEROOM HEAD HARNESS (FIG. 6.24.1) > ha | (К / i @ A VAN © CA (A) SHOWER LIGHT TO CABIN STEREO Ae = ; == A | | HEAD HARNESS TO BILGE HARNESS | CONNECTOR | A (D GFIRECEPTACLE N D (E) VANITY RECEPTACLE \ (E) VANITY SWITCHES — > @ HEAD SWITCHES, INDICATOR PANEL A (E) VENT MOTOR (1D) BUNK RECEPTACLE e (J) STEREO SPEAKERS KW HEAD LIGHT (Р (D VANITY LIGHTS DRAWING NO. 09-834 | DECK HARNESS (FIG. 6.24.2) DECK INVERTED FOR CLARITY (A) WIPER SOLENOID, COCKPIT LIGHTS STARBOARD WIPER (C) STARBOARD SALON SPEAKER (D) SALON LIGHTS (D CENTER SALON LIGHTS (F) WINDSHIELD VENT @ PORT SALON SPEAKER (E) PORT WIPER (D SALON ENTRY SWITCH (J) CABIN STEREO (K) CONTROL STATION SWITCH PANEL É (D CONTROL STATION NEGATIVE BUSS, DRAWING NO. 09-842 TS-6, HORN RELAY 6.24 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM fr NN CONTROL STATION HARNESS (FIG. 6.25.1) (A) e © @) AUTOPILOT VHF 7 Г © CONNECTORS F95, F96, F110 x h ri 04 (D) CONNECTOR M98 TO DASH = Gr (E) CHART PLOTTER/ SEA RAY NAVIGATOR € FU | й = (OPTIONAL) POWER ly € LI (E) RADAR A — ~—_\ @ SMART CRAFT J-BOX (F111) 7 Xe А / (E) SYSTEM MONITOR (D TRI-DATA (J) EXTINQUISHER MODULE ® TRIM TABS (D ELECTRONICS FUSE BOX (M) CONNECTOR M69 TO SWITCH PANEL CONNECTOR F98 TO HELM COMPONENT BOARD ©) CONNECTORS F70, F72 (P) CONNECTOR M97 TO SWITCH PANEL DRAWING NO. 09-848 Na A WINDLASS HARNESS (FIG. 6.25.2) (A) TO CONTROL SOLENOID AND CONTROL STATION BATTERY CABLES TO WINDLASS AND MAIN NEGATIVE BUSS © WINDLASS DECK INVERTED FOR CLARITY (D SPOTLIGHT MODULE ® WINDLASS CONTROL SOLENOID ® FOOT SWITCHES DRAWING NO. 09-853 REVISION 1 \. J 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.25 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1 Na HARDTOP HARNESS (FIG. 6.26.1) (A) LIGHT #4 LIGHT #6 (© PORT AFT COCKPIT LIGHT (D) PORT ENTRY LIGHT SWITCH (E) PORT FORWARD SPEAKER (E) LIGHT 45 © LIGHT #4 (E) MAST LIGHT (D LIGHT #3 (J) STARBOARD FORWARD SPEAKER (K) STARBOARD ENTRY LIGHT SWITCH (© STARBOARD AFT COCKPIT LIGHT M LIGHT #2 (N) STERN ENTRY LIGHT SWITCH ©) STARBOARD AFT SPEAKER (P STERN LIGHT @ TV ANTENNA COAX (В STEREO ANTENNA COAX (© PORT AFT SPEAKER DRAWING NO. 09-839 (1 OF 2) 1 HARDTOP HARNESS (FIG. 6.26.2) (A) STARBOARD AFT COCKPIT LIGHT CONNECTORS M73, F73 © THRU HARDTOP (D PORT AFT COCKPIT LIGHT (BE) CONNECTORS M103, F103 (E) CONTROL STATION CONNECTIONS DRAWING NO. 09-839 (2 OF2) J 6.26 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DC WIRING SCHEMATIC (Fra. 6.27.1) Drawing No. 09-601 (1 of 5 Revision 3 - Ww al 14 LT BLU 14 TAN 14 GRY 14 VIO VOLTS E WATER TEMPERATURE RI 14 YEL/RED 14 BLK OL PRESSURE ONO WN TACHOMETER Ww o 14 LT BLUY 14 TANT 14 GRY - SYNCHRONIZER 14 VIO + REFERENCE 09-612 14 YEL/RED y 14 BLK 1 NANNY] + о чо АК TACHOMETER F 30 OIL PRESSURE M 30 IREF DWG 09-604 FOR INTERFACE TO OPTIONAL ENGINE HARNESSES! 8 313-12 BRN/RED 7 314-12 BRN 1 318-12 BRN/RED + 319-12 BRN y 1 WATER TEMPERATURE Z 4 NAN] = EXTINGUISHER INDICATOR LIGHT VOLTS o ~ INSTRUMENT PANEL 14 RED/VIO - REF DWG 09-900 14 BLK + 14 RED/VIO - 14 BLK + FUEL 4 NN] [Ер-— 16 BLK COMPASS LIGHT 16 о 9 А Вс CH 14 RED/VIO - 14 RED/VIO 7 10 RED/VIO - 14 BLK 1 14 BLK 1 10 RED/VIO - SYSTEMS MONITOR me BACK LIGHTING 16 D E EG NY] AUTOPILOT CONTROL STATION AFT BILGE PUMP TERMINAL STUDS - 17 WHT/BLU Y WHT/RED + RED 5065-16 RED/VIO 5066-16 ВСК + AFT PUMP 103-8 BLACK TO ELECTRONICS FUSEBLOCK 101-8 RED/VIO TO ELECTRONICS FUSEBLOCK 102-8 BLK TO CONTROL STATION GROUND BUS 100-8 RED/VIO 103-2 BLK FROM BILGE HARNESS REF SH 3 101-2 RED/VIO FROM BILGE HARNESS REF SH 3 2 NANA 24V BOW THRUSTER 5 102-2 BLK FROM EILGE HARNESS 5 REF SH 3 100-2 RED/VIO FROM BILGE HARNESS REF SH 3 - 5 WINDLASS MAIN WHT/BLU WHT/RED RED - RED/VIO - = o YVAN AAA RED/VIO - 206A-16 GRN/WHT - В R 400U-16 WHT + ORN + RED/VIO - PNK 202-16 PNK/BLK 4 VIO + VIO + RUNNING LIGHTS LIGHTS OUOZEMT ACIOTMUOU”> DIMMER LIGHTING LS 20 NAV LIGHTS Ls SPOTLIGHT PLUG 67 CAP 67 12 RED/VIO +>[1 TRIM TABS 14 RED/VIO PORT WIPER x PORT WIPER 6050-14 BLU GRY/WHT 225-14 GRY STBD WIPER SUNT ) 7 NY 4 WINDSHIELD VENT N Q F 150 1 2 3 4 ) 215-12 RED/VIO y 218-12 RED/VIO 1 512-12 RED/VIO 1 1 o a m oO > < o STBD WIPER BILGE BLOWERS 14 RED/VIO YJ) 2 o DY YY] | || WINDSHIELD VENT? DG HORN - © CAP 68 PLUG 1 12V RECPT 577-14 GRN Y 578-14 BLU Y 235-12 GRY j 575-14 RED/VIO 7 F 250-16 ORN 25116 ORN/RED RED/VIO 254-16 ORN 255-16 ORN/GRN 256-16 RED/VIO 260-14 BLU 261-14 GRN ! 14 RED/VIO 14 RED/VIO 14 RED/VIO YT ENGINE SYNC DY] SUNT ACCESSORY — 5 ) =) 7 ACCESSORY [£ 14 RED/VIO 14 RED/VIO 14 RED/VIO x ) 1 ОНИ ACCESSORY Hyp —— 66 CONTROL STATION BREAKER PANEL REF DWG 09-908 CONTROL STATION SWITCH PANEL REF DNG 09-902 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RED 6088-16 WHT 6086-14 BLU 6084-14 BLU 10 Il 12 NOTES: 1) INDICATOR LIGHTS NOT SHOWN. 2) ALL PANEL GROUNDS CONNECT TO WIRE 4 138. 12 VDC RECEPTACLE F SI oT 580-14 138-14 BLK SS] | Lg 58-4 BLK 58-14 BLK +> 2 ORN/BLK >| 3 RED/VIO >| 4 TRIM TAB SWITCH PANEL REF DWG 09-910 - N(X<CHOD y - ~ N TO EXTINGUISHER oe We DISPLAY /OVERRIDE — 210-18 BLK TO SYSTEMS — 331-16 RED/VIO MONITOR DISPLAY|— 332-16 BLK a5 8 | — 10 RED/VIO 7 12 YEL T y le — A a 12 GRN REF SH 4 QU AUNT REF SH 4 NGINE HARNESS EF DWG 09-604 ENGINE HARNESS REF DWG 09-604 BILGE HARNESS REF SH 4 2 CONTROL STATION 3 HARNESS REF SH 2 ONTROL STATION ARNESS REF SH 2 -S UNUSED 3 BOW THRUSTER HARNESS 4 REF DWG 09-616 ILGE HARNESS EF SH 4 R-X UNUSED HARDTOP HARNESS REF SH 2 BILGE HARNESS REF SH 4 STBD CABIN HARNESS REF SH 2 DECK HARNESS REF SH 2 DECK HARNESS REF SH 2 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.27 O fr Оо с 79 о e = о = = D ) 5 Z — © O N о = O - mn — O N —h a MI9 575 PART OF STBD |! LD 1 577-14 GRN | WINDLASS REF DWG 09-610 CABIN HARNESS | dD CONTROL STATION 2|> 578-14 BLU SOLENOID | FOR WIRING SCH. | < SWITCH PANEL 3[>+ 235-12 GRY — REF SH | 4 > 575-10 RED/VIO N TO CONTROL STATION CONNECTIONS | =. | WINDLASS MOTOR | | TIVE TER O | NEGATIVE TERMINAL SPOTLIGHT | 5 HORN | | COMPRESSOR | Co 15023-2 ВСК FROM PORT CABIN HARNESS ГО 593-10 BLK 5095-COAX SPOTLIGHT | | PN | | 591-2 RED FROM C.S. BREAKER PNL 108 RED £— 576-10 ELK CABLE | | HORN CONTROL STATION NEGATIVE BUS | Co TERMINAL STUD ll 3 | | | HARDTOP LIGHTS HARDTOP HARNESS | | | #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 | | | | 6048-14 BLU—— 6052-14 BLU—— 6054-14 BLU— 6056-16 BLU—— 6058-16 BLU | —6051-14 BLK 6049-14 BLK —— 6053-14 BLK—— 6055-14 BLK—— 6057-16 BLK —— 6059-16 BLK | | | STBD ENTRANCE STERN ENTRANCE | MZ LIGHT STBD LIGHT STERN | | | [> 6050-14 BU——— FWD MAST3& ALL ROUND STERN LICHT СЕ ENTRANCE | CONTROL STATION 2 |>t 226-14 GRY/WHT LIGHT SWITCH PORT ENTRANCE | SWITCH PANEL 3 225-14 GRY I 227-14 GRY Le и LIGHT | REF SH | | | — 2284 BLK 7 229-14 BLK | 6064-16 BLU ENTRANCE | | 1 6065-16 BLK SWITCH | || 6070-16 WHT — | | i 6071-16 BLK —— | M72 | 6066-16 BLU | 6067-16 BLK | STEREO HARNESS — |1|>f 5001-16 САМ + | STBD FWD —— 6072-16 WHT REF DWG 09-6ll 2 5001-16 GRN - SPEAKER | 6073-16 BLK | 3 |>+ 5003-16 RED + / | 4 |>- 5003-16 RED 5000-16 СРМ (+) STBD AFT | 5 |>1 573-14 RED STEREO i i Y | 6 |S- 574-14 BLK —— ANTENNA PORT Fp 9999716 GAN H SPEAKER | SPEAKER | | _ M73 | 5002-16 RED (-) SPEAKER | | 1 6062-14 BLU SPLICE POINT A | 2 |>- 6063-14 BLK STBD AFT | | 3 (> 6068-16 WHT SPLICE PONT B M 105 COCKPIT | _ _ _ 1 4 |>+ 6069-16 BLK F105 LIGHT | | 15 6076-14 BLU N 6078-14 BLU 1<|1 | 16 6077-14 BLK 6079-14 BLK 1<|2 | | 7 > 6о5Н4 вк — — РОВТ АРТ | | _ LL Y | | в [> 228-14 BLK MIO3 F 103 COCKPIT | | | | —— 6082-14 BLU 1 | a 6083-14 BLK Be | | 1 1|<+ 6062-14 BLU | | 12 |< 6063-14 BLK | | | 3 |<t 6068-16 WHT | L_ _1 4 | 6069-16 ВСК | 5 |< 6076-14 BLU | | 6 |< 6077-14 ВСК | 17 |< 6051-14 BLK | | 8 |<t 228-14 BLK = | CONTROL STATION E = = NEGATIVE BUS | PA A © T T TT TT TT 1 Mes; | I [> 250-16 ORN LOW DECK HARNESS | 3 |> 252-16 RED/VIO PARK W | 4 [> 254-16 ORN | GR | — 25314 BLK | 5 |>1 255-16 ORN/GRN | COW | | CONTROL STATION 6 [> 256-16 RED/VIO | HIGH | тар WIPER | SWITCH PANEL 7 [> 260-14 BLU WINDSHIELD PARK | REF SH 1 8 |> 261-14 GRN VENT GR HF 257-14 BLK | 9 |>! 265-16 RED WINDSHIELD — | 10 |>- 6088-16 WHT ; WASHER | Il [> 6086-14 BLU - SOLENOID | 12 > 6084-14 BLU 262-16 BLK | I | | | | | | | | мы COCKPIT ILLLLLLL | 1 138-4BLKm..—— LIGHTS EEE CONTROL STATION 2 58-14 BK—— FF | ENTRANCE CONTROL STATION | SWITCH PANEL 3 590-14 ОВМИВСК — — — — — — — MULTI - DROP MULT! - DROP| LIGHTS | REF SH1 4 59-14 RED/VIO — CONTROLLER CONTROLLER 16 BEN | | 5 BRN pl UNUSED | | UNUSED © 9 | | — SALON ENTRANCE | 16 RED == | SWITCH | | —— 6 BLU ——— 20 ) | — 16 НТ — Резо — 6093-16 WHT—" 7 | | 16 BLK 046 — 608514 BLK— — 609416 BLK | | | | | 959 | STBD FWD PORT FWD | | 060 COCKPIT COCKPIT | | 16 RED 70 LIGHT LIGHT | | 16 BLU SE 6089-14 BLU—— 6091-14 BLU | | 16 WHT » 9 | | 18 BLK 010 6087-14 BK—-_—-+— 6090-14 BLK-— 6092-14 BLK | | HORN RELAY | | || &— ДО 591-2 RED/VIO FROM STBD CABIN HARNESS | | > REF SH2 | | - - | | . PLANT TO PROVIDE | | 592-14 af | | = | мех О | au | ИТР ANTÓN | |[> 14 RED/VIO DEPTH/SPEED ——— DEPTH/ CONTROL STATION HARNESS — | SLA 2 [4 14 BLK DEPTH/SPEED ——— SPEED | 3 14 RED/VIO GPS GPS | 4 [3114 BLK GPS | I | Meo | F 98 M 98 | CONTROL STATION A |> 14 RED/VIO GPS A 10 RED/VIO AUTO PILOT | AUTO PILOT | SWITCH PANEL B_|> 14 RED/VIO DEPTH/SPEED B 10 BLK AUTO PILOT | COURSE COMPUTER | REF SH | C |>+ 10 RED/VIO AUTO PILOT LINE e 12 RED/VIO RADAR | RADAR | D |> М BLK GPS D 12 BLK RADAR | E |> 14 BLK DEPTH/SPEED E 14 RED/VIO CHARTPLOTTER CHART | F |> 10 RED/VIO AUTO PILOT LOAD F 14 BLK CHARTPLOTTER PLOTTER | > G 14 RED/VIO VHF RADIO VHF GS UNUSED H [> 14 BLK VHF RADIO RADIO | ELECTRONICS — | FO Fl FUSE BLOCK JS UNUSED | BILGE HARNESS 1 970-168 RED/VIO < A al — | REF SH 5 2 |€+ 922-16 BLK B +2; 1 | 3 9721-16 RED/ VIO =< C SMARTCRAFT J-BOX — 0 | — — | 4 T<|D ReF DWG 09-701, 09-702 ke. — | T<|E OL 10; | | <|F | | Es © И ! | +< H яз i © | | <|J © Ail | | K|K | BILGE HARNESS F g5 | | REF SHEET 5 | Е | | BILGE HARNESS F og ' AUTO PILOT | REF SHEET 5 1 < COURSE COMPUTER | | | o oO © O = O = Q O > = ~~ A — o O ~~ о > Na N WALSAS TVORLLOATH e 9 NOLLIAS SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM f NN FI G 6 29 1 SEE NOTE BELOW e e e 7 4 RED 00 SURFACE MOUNT BREAKER NOTE: A RED 1) WIRES SHALL NOT EXCEED 40” IN LENGTH. GENERATOR WINDLASS 2) VENDOR TO SUPPLY WITH PANEL. SOLENOID MAIN 3) LABEL AS INDICATED. BUS BARA UT SOLENOID 2 RED Y N 2 RED TO WINDLASS CONTROL SOLENOID REF DWG 09-610 F8 E € sens 7 1 e YA 6 RED 557-16 RED {>| С BILGE HARNESS VENDOR TO SUPPLY WITH PANEL, | | 558-168 RED/VIO D LABEL AS INDICATED. CABIN MAIN | TERMINAL STUD PORT TO BILGE 3 AN 104 8 RED/VIO 104 2 RED/VIO — HARNESS o, р Kole REF 09-802 SOLENOID F1 LABEL 543-16 WHT/BLU 5] 1 3 CABLEMASTER —e4 — —— 5858 10OREDVIO — — || BATTERY 544-16 WHT/RED >| 2 PORT LOAD ELECTRONIC = O O SOLENOID 45-16 RED >| 3 kz EL PLANT TO WIRE 100 8 RED/VIO 5 8 546-16 RED/VIO >| 4 [| CONTROL + CABLEMASTER BREAKER J 547-18 WHT/BLU 1S| 5 BILGE HARNESS ap SR ACCESSORY ©— 546-16 WHT/RED {>| 6 REF SH 4 BUS BAR VENDOR TO SUPPLY CONTROL STATION | | | EMERGENCY || 49-16 RED {>| 7 ко ACCESSORY START 550-16 RED/VIO 1>| 8 WITH PANEL,L ABEL TERMINAL STUD | SOLENOD | | 40116 BLK 5] 9 AS INDICATED. 402-168 RED El 10 400-16 WHT 15] 11 = FWD EMERGENCY TO BILGE HARNESS 551-186 WHT/BLU +| 12 5 PUMP REF SH 1 552-16 WHT/RED >| 13 <> FWD BILGE PUMP N 553-16 RED 1>| 14 o AFT EMERGENCY Ot 100 2 RED/VIO- | ODO BS LABEL . ria ELECTRONICS | IL URI PORT LINE 5 \ TERMINAL STUD | UNUSED {>| 19 CABIN STEREO \ UNUSED 15| 20 A 5. MEMORY \ o 101 2 RED/VIO — > UNUSED 21 BUS BAR 6” BLOWER + || TO BILGE HARNESS 920-14 RED/VIO 2) 22 23-31 UNUSED — ENGINE UNSWITCHED P* POSITIVE REF SH Lo SMARTCRAFT F2 © UNSWITCHED 101 8 RED/VIO 404-14 YEL E] A “50 BATTERY CHARGER ¿00-17 VEL В D 300-14 BRN/YEL E BILGE HARNESS | | N F REF SH 4 G CONTROL 308-14 BRN/YEL >| H Ss 311-14 BRN/RED >| J SAND 313-14 BRN/RED >| K > 316-14 BRN/RED +>| L LABEL IGNITION 318-14 BRN/RED >| M STBD LOAD => ELECTRONICS 322-14 BRN/ORN >| N | ~ OIL CHANGE 328-14 RED/VIO P | РОМР 538-14 ORN 1>| R | ly ELECTRONIC 5 BUS BAR © CONTROL + 4 ACCESSORY 4 R EMERGENCY BILGE 25-9 RED/VIO 5 PUMP 218LN-10 RED/VIO | u ME SUMP PUMP 559-10 RED/VIO Y BILGE HARNESS LABEL AFT BILGE y REF SH 4 STBD LINE © РР Y “E>-SYSTEMS MONITOR 7 7. BRIDGE STEREO BUS BAR— [** MEMORY > BLOWER #2 FIA MIA L—— 40lu-16 BLK >] A > 16 BLK—— ——— La ENGINE UNSWITCHED 4046 BLK >| B > IS BLK——— TERMNATE TO POSITIVE 14 BLK C>4BK— MAIN DC |) SMARTCRAFT 4 ; 14 BLK >| D [> 14 BLK——— UNSWITCHED 20 Ver 14 BLK E 14 BK——— 1 NEGATIVE BUS Lay BATTERY CHARGER a 4020-16 RED PORT MAIN © © © 4062-16 RED+— BATTERY SOLENOID OR 4388 A 7 4 M8 16 WHT/BLU BLOWER 16 WHT/RED CONTROLLER a TT 23 16 RED 16 RED/VIO -—| PO STE MAN | | из BATTERY SOLENOID IL YEE 7 4_g 18 16 WHT/BLU (II VENDOR TO SUPPLY WITH PANEL, 16 WHT/RED LABEL PORT MAIN BATTERY al T €3 16 RED SOLENOID. 18 RED/VIO GENERATOR MAIN SOLENOID | 7 4 518 16 WHT/BLU | VENDOR TO SUPPLY WITH PANEL, 16 WHT/RED LABEL STBD MAIN BATTERY в T 23 16 RED \ 7 SOLENOID. 16 RED/VIO < 14 BLK 8 GRN PANEL GROUND STUD — MAIN DC ENCLOSURE VENDOR TO SUPPLY WITH PANEL, BREAKER PANEL GROUND 2/0 LABEL GENERATOR MAIN SOLENOID. REF DWG 09-950 STUD BLK MAIN DC” NEGATIVE BUS 107 8 RED- egRED———M8M8M — — — PLANT TO SUPPLY WIRES 2 RED 4/0 RED 4/0 RED 109-8 BLK (В) | 4/0RED 4/0 RED МАМ DC_ 7 1 | NEGATIVE BUS PORT STBD 123 ENGINE ENGINE CONVERTER 2 BLY TO MDP STBD 2 GRN| T ALTERNATOR BATTERIES GENERATOR Г = = STARTER 4/0 BLK MAIN DC NOTE: NEGATIVE BUS NOTE: REFERENCE ENGINE OWNER'S MANUALS 500006 60 1) WIRE SHALL NOT EXCEED 40" IN LENGTH AND MUST BE ALL BATTERY JUMPERS ARE 4/0 CABLE | 006000 FOR COMPLETE ENGINE WIRING DETAIL. CONTAINED IN A SHEATH FOR IT'S ENTIRE LENGTH. 4/0 BLK 2) PLANT TQ SUPPLY WIRE AND BREAKER. 3) BREAKER TO BE LABELED WINDLASS. 4/0 BLK 4/0 BLK L 700-8 GRN TO AC MDP Drawing No. 09-601 (3 of 5) Revision 3 renee Rs Na J 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.29 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM r NOTE: SEE NOTE BELOW (FIG. 6. 3 0 . 1 ) 1 WIRES SHALL NOT EXCEED 40" IN LENGTH, / 4 RED où | SURFACE MOUNT BREAKER 2) VENDOR TO SUPPLY WITH PANEL. WITH LABEL 3) LABEL AS INDICATED. 4 RED ANT TO INSTALL - 2 RED-—— PL RED WINDLASS 6 RED A SOLENOID VENDOR TO SUPPLY WITH PANE 2 RED TO WINDLASS CONTROL SOLENOD REF DWG 08-610 re UPPLY WITH L, . LABEL AS INDICATED. CABIN MAIN AE, 556-6 МН RED SIA BILGE HARNESS TERMINAL STUD PORT BATTERY // Y ‚657-46 НЕО {>| С REP SH5 PORT SOLENOID 558-16 RED/VIO >| D TO BILGE d E = CAO 104 8 RED/VIO 104 2 RED/VIO — HARNESS a REF 09-602 — |. ENGINE F1 5" IGNITION | BATTERY SOLENOIDS | | 543-16 WHT/BLU >| | PORTES ap | [EBCABLEMASTER —~———— 558 10 RED/VIO LL FUSE SO SES 544-16 WHT/RED >| 2 ago ELECTRONIC [PLANT TO WIRE 100 8 RED/VIO 54616 RED/VIB 15, 4 A CONTROL + CABLEMASTER BREAKER 547-16 WHT/BLU >| 5 BILGE HARNESS 5% ACCESSORY 548-16 WHT/RED >| 6 REF SH 5 BUS BAR = VENOOR TO SUPPLY CONTROL STATION —_ 54946 RED >| 7 foc ACCESSORY WITH PANEL,LABEL TERMINAL STUD 50-160 REDAVIO 131 8 EGATIVE BUS -16 WH > END EMERGENCY TO BILGE HARNESS 551-168 WHT/BLU >| 12 \ RÉF SH 1 552-16 WHT/RED 1>| 13 > FWD BILGE PUMP \ ) 554-6 ROME E LN Fa) — - a APT EVERGENCY \ Г 100 2 RED/VIO ИЦ 4000-68 FED 151 ly tm U- PORT LINE ИБ) АРТ PUMP \ TERMINAL STUD ©) 4010-16 BLK | 18 _. CABIN STEREO \ STBD BATTERY 210-18 BLK 1>| 19 » EM JER #1 + 101 2 RED/VIO — © = 208. 16 ño 2 BUS BAR 6 ENGINE UNSMITCHED L TO BILGE HARNESS 4 | MAN DC T° 23-31 UNUSED POSITIVE REF SH | = NEGATIVE BUS —. SMARTCRAFT 101 8 RED/VIO Fe 5 UNSMTCHED 0414 YEL A LS НТА ГЭС a | 60 BATTERY Ct IAROLET 200-14 YEL С 506-10 YEL 300-14 BRN/YEL 1>| E BILGE HARNESS 303-14 EBRN/RED {>| Е ВЕР SH 5 STBD 305-14 BRN/RED >| 6 308-14 BRN/YEL +>| H <> CONTROL 31-14 BRN/RED >| J 50 STATION - \ TAN 253 I ERN/BED K > 316-14 BRN/RED 1>| L LABEL 5" IGNITION 318-14 BRN/RED >| M STBD LOAD “=> ELECTRONICS 322-14 BRN/ORN 1>| N > OIL CHANGE 328-16 RED/VIO >| P 7 la ELECTRONIC 5 BUS BAR % CONTROL + 4/0 RED—— —— GENERATOR > ACCESSORY 5 xx EMERGENCY START —2 RED F4 SOLENOID ; 215LN-10 RED/VI 5 1 L| - Е EMERGENCY BILGE 204-14 RED/VIO >| T 218LN-10 RED/VIO >| U lB SUMP PUMP 559-10 RED/VIO y BILGE HARNESS REF SH5 LABEL > AFT BILGE 22114 RED/VIO +>| X STBD LINE PUMP NEGATIVE 222-14 RED/VIO >| Y F>SYSTEMS MONITOR (4) BUS z | #|_. BRIDGE STEREO BUS BAR— | [** MEMORY s> BLOWER #2 Fe Le ENGINE UNSHITCHED 206-16 GRN/WHT E] A Lag. SMARTCRAFT 7 250-18 ve В BILGE HARNESS UNSWITCHED JOH TEL 950-16 RED/WHT 1>| D FEF SHS Le BATTERY CHARGER ' MAIN DC | 959-16 BLK/GRY >| E = NEGATIVE BUS | 402U-18 RED E REY то > PORT VAN 9 D ©4 402-16 RED-— (8 PES | 0 | | - _ TS Zu | I BATTERY SOLENOID OK 4880 WT = 2 y A 19 RED/VIO 3 2 | 2 A O | | | Ts 16 WHT/BLU BLOWER I “Te NEL TS | | 10 RED/VIO 12/ U ENGINE HARNESS | 16 WHT/RED CONTROLLER м 1 B 2 14 VIO 12 | Y REF DWG 09-604 16 RED/VIO DO ss] ë| | io © | l4 RED/VIO >| X | STBD MAIN ||| Ly yes —— “is er | i VO BI 7 BATTERY SOLENOID E A 1 “Et — Tol, весит | 16 WHT/BLU [VENDOR TO SUPPLY WITH PANEL, ofS [am | | corpo 7 : | 16 WHT/RED LABEL PORT MAIN BATTERY so], | Le | | 16 RED SOLENOID. — ados | ккал ||| велел: = 16 RED/VIO \@ = 14 VIO | | | | GENERATOR JUMPERS | WIRING FOR CUMMING 4B80C-E | | МАМ SOLENOID 6 WHT/BLU | PIGTAIL INCLUDED WITH ENGINE HARNESS PLANT TO INSTALL | HF 16 WHT/RED-— REF 09-604 FOR ENGINE HARNESS | 8 3 16 RED \ | a TTT TIT TIoT - 16 RED/VIO 14 BLK VENDOR TO SUPPLY WITH PANEL, ро . LABEL STBD MAIN BATTERY | F7 UN SOLENOID. | RUN TO EXTINGUISHER MODULE POSITION 10 14 vio $1] A | 8 DUNN PANEL GROUND STUD + = RUN TO EXTINGUISHER MODULE POSITION 16 14 VIO >| B | MAIN DC MAIN DC VENDOR TO SUPPLY WITH PANEL, | RUN TO EXTINGUISHER MODULE POSITION 13 14 VIO C | BREAKER PANEL NEGATIVE BUS LABEL GENERATOR MAIN SOLENOID. | RUN TO EXTINGUISHER MODULE POSITION 17 14 VIO 2 ENGINE HARNESS | | REF DWG 09-604 | REF DWG 09-950 | F | | | | | WIRING FOR CAT 3126TA | | PIGTAIL INCLUDED WITH ENGINE HARNESS PLANT TO INSTALL | | REF 09-604 FOR ENGINE HARNESS | | | 07 8 RED- PLANT TO SUPPLY WIRES Co ; 08 8 RED 109-8 BLK MAIN DC = NEGATIVE BUS 4/0 RED 4/0 RED 4/0 RED NOTE: ® ® 1 WIRE SHALL NOT EXCEED 40" IN LENGTH AND MUST BE 4/0 RED 4/0 RED CONTAINED IN A SHEATH FOR IT'S ENTIRE LENGTH. 2) PLANT TO SUPPLY WIRE AND BREAKER. PORT STBD 3) BREAKER TO BE LABELED WINDLASS. ENGINE ENGINE 4/0 BL PORT 2/0 GRN BATTERIES GENERATOR 4/0 BLK NOTE: | oo Y | MAIN DC NEGATIVE BUS ALL BATTERY JUMPERS ARE 4/0 CABLE 4/0 BLK L 4/0 BL} 4/0 BLK . Ra 700-8 GRN TO AC MOP Drawing No. 09-601 (4 of 5) Revision 1 705-4 GEN TO FND BONDNS BUS «a J 6.30 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM r DC W [RING SCI || ‘MATIC REF SH 1 R-X UNUSED REF SH 1 REF SH | “ne REF SH1 REF SH1 REF SH 2 REF SH 2 REF SHe Mes ME M 150 ма M 109 M 110 M112 ABCDEFGHJKLMNOPQ ys ABCDE M72 RSTUV¥XYZ yp 1 1 1234 1234 123456 1234 1234 A (Fra. 6.31.1) PO YY YY M M mM Ma Mm MAY Ye o dada NSASSTISS”EN E gga a 5 5 DER HRS 3 SOS SD TOA THENNDONIO PON RAPE th © LE ATEO © NT SE 2I5LN-10 RED/VIO F<] A 5555 Араб бб 552095 SNONN = о 200 ONOIN a 559 55 215-10 RED/VIHK |B == 12 ОО о = ото < <= = == В 0 р 0 < 10) 1 m _ DU оо o = © _ Lima nofF»z=IM>Z05 ASCAL mmm oO = mmm III с mem 10 ZIBLN-10 RED/VIO 1<|C Z390 OSRMIZORS [0 a = ОГ бе О DOS <<< D о^ < gx 218-10 RED/VIO +<|D OS > >< T 9 >15 < < се la = >< N == DC DISTRIBUTION PANEL Ра |< << < | a = = SES AR = | & 3 531-10 BRN/WHT E Ms _ СЕ |6 о% 515 9 AUTOPLOT 909 OC 6 | © m ES2-1D ALK le|r REF DWG 09-602 A >} 555-6 WHT/BELU——————— | 7 PUMP | G MAN DC BREAKER PANEL 5 > 556-6 HHT/RED VAN DIST: H REF SH 384 и SPLICE PONT A . D [> 558-18 RED/VIO NT AN REF PE cal 646 Е au Be E . - B47- > 57 OK I MAIN DC © R,S UNUSED Mi PMP NEGATIVE BUS 1 « 543-16 yay © 2 544-16 WHT/RED 3 > 545-16 RED | VATER Р.М M 20 4 [> 546-18 RED/VIO 543-18 WHT/BLU {<1 5 [> 547-18 WHT/BLU | 544-16 WHT/RED +<|2 6 [> 548-16 WHT/RED 545-16 RED 1<|3 MAN DE ERCARER PANEL 7 Sl 549-16 RED | 546-16 RED/VIO 1<|4 E |> 550-16 RED/VIO 547-16 WHT/BLU 1<|5 9 [> 40116 BLK 54816 WHT/RED 1<|6 10 [>t 402-18 RED 540-18 RED +<|7 It [>1 400-16 WHT 1<|8 DC DISTRIBUTION PANEL 12 [> 551-16 WHT/BLU 550-16 RED/VIO +<|9 REF DWG 09-802 13 [>1 552-16 YHT/RED <<|10 14 [>t 553-16 RED 55146 WHT/BLU +<|11 15 [> 554-16 RED/ VIO +<l12 16 |[>] 400-46 WHT 552-16 WHT/RED +<|13 17 |>- 402U-16 RED м 18 |>} 401U-16 BLK 553-16 RED 1<|15 19 [> 210-18 BLK «| 16 2D > 206-18 WHT 554-16 RED/VIO +<| 17 21 |>- 208-18 RED +<|16 23-31 UNUSED 22 [> 920-18 RED/VIO J19 M4 R [> C 42 S [> 215LN-10 RED/VIO 646-2 BLU I<] | MAIN DC BREAKER PANEL | |>T 204-14 RED/VIO 64742 BLK 1<| 2 REF SH 3 & 4 О [27 218LN-10 RED/VIO 420-4 YEL 4<| 3 у > 559-10 RED/VIO—&®—5608 вк 42114 BLK <I 4 MASTER HEAD HARNESS AN DC - 7 REF DWG D9-602 x > CABLEMASTER MAN 5275-16 GRN 4<! 5 W Y NEG BUS 5285-16 WHT 4<| 6 5205-16 RED +<| 7 Z > 5305-16 BLK-<| a =< g A [>] 206-18 GRN/WHT 207-16 BLK— SYNCERONIZER = 14 BRN des RSS MS © i ° — ra иг UN BOTTLE 400- Г ss © Kj seman aa = CEE > > —& 402-16 RED 1<| 3 С 526-16 BLK/YEL +<| 4 CABIN STEREO 524-14 ON el 5 M2 REF DWG 09-60 5205-16 RED +<| 6 PORT BLOWER M F1 4n4- & - ASTERHADP E о о 5305-16 BLK <| 7 A > 4040 TEL STBD BLONER 40740 ях 405-10 BLK VACUUM 520-4 RED/VIO +<| H SI 500- > + GENERATOR | VACULÍ Ra Mad 587-16 BLK/YEL 1<| 9 581 900710 TEL ; | 58 Sic 5285-6 WHT 1<| 10 DC DISTRIBUTION PANEL Е [> 300-10 BRN/YEL LA, Ted SN ne ere oN X > REF DVG 09-602 MAIN DC BREAKER PANEL д > FWD EMERGENCY | 7 BRN >| 522-14 RED/VIO | 13 REF SH3 4 4 ST nga BRN/YEL PUP BLK/YEL +>|4 582-16 BLK/YEL 1<| 14 5 Sl 3110 aveo 8° BRN — | WHT 15> 42114 BLK 1<| 5 K [> 313-10 BRN/RED 3010 BLK —_ LT — — 0 BkKpe>- 52H14 BLK 1 527-16 GRN 1<| 16 - = т 526-16 WHT 1<|17 L [> 318-10 BRN/RED - — 520-15 YEL +<|18 М [>] 318-10 BRN/RED К a N [>t 322-10 BRN/ORN GUEST HEAD” — — —_ — — — — — — — A FF 53046 В К - OIL CHANGE ——— 5393-16 ORN 1<| 2D P |> 326-14 RED/VIO VACUUM В [>| 538-12 OAN PUE GENERATOR | 534-16 GAN |Z! s | M @— 539-712 Вск — _ VACUNN 535-16 YEL <| 22 и Sump = | | Ре 536-16 BLU {<| 23 PUMP EMERGENCY BILGE &— 32416 BRN— A, Lk 537-18 BLK<| 24 27-31 UNUSED PUMP - 3084-15 BRN [_ 393- | 2 575-RED/VIO-<| 25 ART 20-16 BAN—, — 36310 ВСК vor LUE S76-BLK 1<| 26 M 51 BIL GE 5 al | =) — MP _ = > M 23 > 900-16 GRN PU 309-10 BLK 1 |2] 900-16 GRN 315-16 BRN L 7— BLK {57 — 523-1 BLK—_ 4321 2 |>1 90316 YHT/BIN——— AFT 2-10 BLK L TT = F 23 3 [>} 904-16 WHT/BLU —— PUMP = TO SATELLITE 4 [>| 905-6 6RN —— —— 3 ® 2016 BN ANTENNA PROVIDED ENGINE HARNESS 5 |>+ 908-16 WHT/BAN 3740 BLK — = W/ SYSTEM SATELLITE REF DWG 09-6D4 6 [> 9009-16 WHT/ELU = TV FL FRESH 7 >} 910-16 WHT — — — SYSTEM do WATER 8 [> 9-48 HT —— 4 TANK S >t 912-16 TAN/BLU7 FY 1D [>t 913-16 TAN/BLU HOLDING TANK Le M 26 2 > — 950-16 RED/WHT 1 950-16 BLK/GRY 1<|2 GENERATOR HARNESS M5 953-16 BLK/WHT 1<| 3 REF DWG 09-620 > 952-16 WHT/RED +<) 4 2 > 912-16 TAN/BLU 3 |>} 909-18 WHT/BLU 4 [>] 90-18 WHT/BAN 5 [> 910-16 WHT 6 > 310-16 BRN 7 [>t 302-16 BRN 8 > a ELECTRIC POWER 10 [>+ 316-16 BRN STEERING PUMP 1OPT) IL >+ 800-16 GRN 12 > AN DC BREAKER PANEL 13 [>1 913-18 TAN/BLU ect VIO 120-4 RED MAN DC BH sia N м >t 904-16 YHT/BLU ——— 15 >} 90316 WHT/BAN 16 > 7 > IB [> SYSTEMS MONITOR 19 [> 324-16 BRN P14 BLK REF DNG 09-606 ZO > 21 [>1 98 MT—— 22 [>1 905-16 GRN ——————— PLANT TO SPLICE 23 > 24 > 25 > 26 [>1 217-16 VIO > 27 [>t 320-16 BRN 28 >] CRN 29 > 3268-14 ВЕО//Ю — — — ————V [ —m— 701-8 GAN 30 > 331-16 RED/VIO 203 20) 7028 6N— | Al >t 95316 ELK/NHT 116 BD LEN = = = 2 > STBD FUEL) [FORT FUEL MAIN DC 33 > TANK TANK NEGATIVE BUS 34 [> _— => 36 [>1 220-16 VIO 37 >t 952-18 YHT/RED 28 > 39 [>1 332-18 BLK 40 [>] 320-16 BLK— NOTE; ALL GROUNDS GO TO MAIN DC NEGATIVE BUS UNLESS SPECFIED OTHERWISE. < 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.31 ce 9 CABIN MAIN TERMINAL STUD FROM BILGE HARNESS REF DWG 09-601 104-8 RED/ VIO 104-2 RED/VIO WATER LEVEL WASTE SYSTEM CONTROL 8 7 В AN 0 CD u 27, 3 FULL FULL + N 3/4 E 1/2 1/2 3 EMPTY 1/4 POWER 16 BLK EMPTY —— 400L-16 WHT - 401-16 BLK + 402-16 RED - 526-16 BLK/YEL 4 524-14 ORN - 5205-16 RED - 5305-16 BLK + 10 RED 520-14 RED/VIO 7 BLOWERS 587-16 BLK/YEL - 7 5285-16 WHT + 5275-16 САМ - 211 | 420-14 YEL + 1 522-14 RED/VIO 7 562-16 BLK/YEL - 421-14 BLK + 527-16 GRN + 528-16 WHT + 529-16 YEL - 530-16 BLK + 533-16 ORN ~ 534-16 САМ - 535-16 YEL A 536-16 BLU A 537-16 BLK A VOLTMETER AMMETER N CABIN DC NEGATIVE BUS Z UOISIASH (Z JO |) 209-60 "ON Sume1G BILGE HARNESS REF DWG 09-601 © 00 Noa UNT o = N Ww al o CD 553507555583 © | М М ММ М М М М М М М М М МИ М М М | BATTERY VOLTAGE TEST | GENERATOR | | STBD PORT | ALL JUMPERS 14 AWG 25-31 UNUSED 957-16 RED/WHT 4 951-16 WHT /RED - 954-16 BLK/GRY - START/STOP 956-16 BLK 1 955-16 YEL/RED + 952-16 WHT/RED + L — о | LE II E — + E | | | | | о = 1 с KOHLER GAS GENERATOR HARNESS D REF DWG 09-623 E F G-J UNUSED L— = — — —10 RED ———m0 — 410-14 YEL ~ —— 10 RED ————— р 41-14 BLK + 520P-16 RED + GUEST HEAD 10 530P-16 BLK + 6800-14 BLU + MASTER HEAD #10 — 60-14 BLK A 527P-16 GRN - DISCHARGE PUMP 10 ~——— 528P-16 WHT 14 YEL: | POWER VENTS > 14 YEL STEREO 50 PORT CABIN HARNESS REF SHEET 2 CIP AMOUOOD > K-X UNUSED YY YY YY YY CV NN NN NY] x =< m г - Ww 0 582-16 RED/VIO + REFRIGERATOR/ 593-16 BLK FREEZER 590-16 RED/VIO + 591-16 BLK + 562 16 RED/VIO - FWD LIGHTING K20> — 6563-14 BLK + 596-16 RED/VIO - GAN PORT CABIN HARNESS REF SHEET 2 12V RECEPTACLE 15 = AFT LIGHTING K20 | 597-16 BLK + — 615-14 BLU 4 BILGE/COCKPIT | у57^ Ñ 20 616-14 BLK FIGHTING | 6050-16 BLU - FRESH WATER || Е Gomme au d PUMP SATELLITE TV LAN 5020-14 RED/VIO 1 SYSTEM XK 5021-14 BLK - 5022-14 RED/VIO 5023-14 BLK - © 0 чо “а м ACCESSORY E (М М М М ММ М М М М М М ММ 17-31 UNUSED ) © a ACCESSORY [+ Хх = CABIN DC NEGATIVE BUS - EN © 10 RED ——Z —— 5010-12 RED/VIO - 5011-12 BLK - 5012-12 RED/VIO - 5013-12 BLK - 415-14 YEL - 416-14 BLK - 6020-12 BLU 4 6021-12 BLK - PORT CABIN HARNESS REF SHEET 2 == [НН © = = [~] O, —|5 N 5 mo ==] o (T'T£‘9 DL) OLIVNAHOS PNRIM IO NIgYI 63-12 BLU - 632-12 BLK + 6013-14 ВСК — M-S UNUSED г хто > ds Тю ©| == [5] Le] = эту на ме KIMORLTSS Ae yin X DETAIL V 215LN-12 RED/VIO + 215-12 RED/VIO + 218LN-12 RED/VIO - | 218-12 RED/VIO + STBD IGNITION Li” | 531-12 BRN/WHT + _— erRD— | 532-12 BLK + PORT IGNITION | — 7 [| === | @ © E] =+—— F 41 BILGE HARNESS REF DWG 09-601 - 695-12 BLU - DETAIL A FUSEBLOCK LABELS 696-12 BLK - 655-12 BLU - 656-12 BLK 4 646-12 BLU - 647-12 BLK - FR 1.800 — — —> — 1.350 J78 + 450 | 1 SALON 2 MASTER ST. RM 3 GLEST ST. RM 4 CREW QUTRS. в. A B С D E F G H J K L M N P R,S UNUSED (М М ММ М М М М М МММ] АМ М М М М NV NV] 502-6 RED/VIO ——— — BILGE HARNESS MAIN BATTERY SOLENOIDS REF DWG O9-6ll o 5036 BLK—— — == F 20 543-16 WHT/BLU - 544-16 WHT/RED - 172 545-16 RED - 546-16 RED/VIO + STBD 547-16 WHT/BLU 4 548-16 WHT/RED + 549-16 RED + CAB Ir Sal oO Oo =" ill I | II uy > — ll 5 ill СО м! C wn PORT = 5 AFT STATE RM. 6 GUEST ST. RM PORT = 7 GUEST ST. RM, 8 FWD. STAM. 4, 5 6 STBD. CO MONITORS 1 AMP os, MR 9 TV AMP 3 AMP 10 MDP LTS 5 AMP 3.000 140 |4— ‚250 ss 625 | 6 8 10 X + 422 E BILGE HARNESS REF DWG 09-601 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 550-16 RED/VIO — o | 3 5 7 9 551-16 WHT/BLU + 552-16 WHT/RED - = N ВВК 3 8 Ww | MATERIAL: ‚010 POLYCARBONATE TEXT: 25" WHITE REVERSE SILKSCREEN | BACKGROUND: BLACK | CABIN DC 553-16 RED - Lo 1 NEGATIVE BUS - 554-16 RED/VIO - DC DISTRIBUTION PANEL 7 REF DWG 09-965 | O ul ~ SCOIDSAFTUNES o YY М М М М М И М М М | GENERATOR ALL JUMPERS 14 AWG BLK YEL/RED - 954-16 BLK/GRY - 951-16 WHT /RED + — — — — ORN > > — — — | | | | ONAN DIESEL ! GENERATOR HARNESS | REF DWG 09-624 | | RED/WHT + | WHT /RED + UNUSED - | UNUSED - | o o © = = O = о O = X — Ol = o ~~ 3 > — WALSAS TVORLLOATH e 9 NOLLIAS SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM nas O ste GUESTHEADHANESS | CABIN DC WIRING SCHEMATIC CAP 45 PLUG 45 Cn ro Cer ONO OS: | M37 1 600-14 BLU (FIG. 6.3 3 - 1) A [> 410-14 YEL É so VEL LL Swe LE € # | + 410- 3 - 77,5 A ^^ P B |>+ 41-14 ELK 4 41Z-14 YEL 1 iB | C |>+ 520P-16 RED 5|<+ 527P-16 GRN | + GUEST | FORT CABIN D |>+ S30P-16 BLK | s|<+ 5289-16 WHT b HEAD, HARNESS > 600-14 BLU 520P-18 RED INDICATOR | REF SHEET | E 7 F |>+ 60-14 BLK g|<+ 530P-16 BLK | G |>- 527P-16 GRN GUEST HEAD <le HEAD LIGHTS H |>t 5289-18 WHT VENT 3 604-16 BLK | > | 2 8603-16 BLU— KX UNUSED J 411-14 BLK | | > HE O2 BLU r——— — — —— М 38 1 [>] 592-16 RED/VIO FWD STRM 2 |> 59316 BLK CO MONITOR 627-16 BLU Ta NO EN ER 3 [>t 590-16 RED/VIO SALON 622-168 BLK LIGHT PORT CABN 4 >| 591-16 ВСК CO MONITOR HARNESS - 562-168 RED/VIO FWD STATEROOM REF GREET J I Seo BLK Y TE TERRA TASK LIGHTS El + FWD STATEROOM 7 |>+ 5906-16 RED/VIO MASTER STRM ONE STATERUOM VALANCE LIGHTS a |>1 597-16 BLK CO MONITOR 9 |>+ 6815-14 ELU Г — 6817-14 BLU 619-168 BLU 10 |>+ 8616-14 BLK 618-14 BLK 620-16 BLK y |>} 6050-16 a 8% MASTER ST Ев — 62-14 BLU | 62316 BLU 625116 BLU 12 |>- 6051-16 BLK LIGHT 622-14 BLk + 524-16 BLK— 626-16 BLK 13 |>— 5020-14 RED/VIO O MASTER STATEROCM 14 >+ 5021-14 BLK 12vDC RECEPTACLE TT TA 15 |>- 5022-14 RED/VIO CAP Е AUS 45 GALLEY HARNESS y SL 202344 BK REF DWG D9-829 16 | 5012-10 RED/ VIO GALLEY 17-31 UNUSED > 5013-10 BLK + [REFRIGERATOR] | SALON | 12VDC RECEPTACLE GALLEY VENT GALLEY M40 CAP 47 PLUS 47 SMICH VENT GALLEY J2VDC | A [> 5010-10 RED/VIO 45-14 YEL +<l 1 < пу — 417-14 YEL RECEPTACLE Care | в | > 501-10-BLK | 46-14 BLK TS 2|<7—— 416-14 BLK GALLEY +3 C | >t 5012-10 RED/VIO 5010-10 RED/VIO 4<| 3 © SWITCH | PORT CABN D |>+ 5013-10 BLK 501-10 BLK 1<| 4 HARNESS E |>+ 415-14 YEL 63-12 ALU+<|5|<+ 64-12 BLU — 633-16 BLU 635-14 BLU 637-16 BLU | REF SHEET | F >. 4168-14 BLK 632-12 BLK 1<|6 | <+- 632-12 BLK ND SALON ENNICHES + 634-14 BLK 636-14 BLK 636-16 BLK | 1 - + — e |>t+ 6020-12 BLU | 689-10 BLU 1<| 7 6299-10 BLU "550010 BLU |) H [> 6021-14 BLK 698-10 Sols В 698-0 BLU — SALON CENTER LIGHTS | © L sai 6000-10 BLU] 9 = = = = = = = — = = — — — — — — — — — — — 4 |>} 63-12 ELU 6 po Be _ 8 _ i _ 5 47 #3 T OF BILGE HARNESS K [> 632-12 BLK 6010-12 ELU 1<|ID BAI0-12 BLU —__ sp BLU | REF DNG 09-800 | MS LNUSED | > 6013-14 BLK ' 6009-12 BLU + Ц 6009-12 BLU — SALON STEP LIGHTS | x воще BLU 1<[12 | ACCESSORY ROOM BILGE LIGHTS | 6021-14 BLK +13) <+ 6021-16 вк) | ICHT: | COO 1 | #1 #2 6020-12 BLU 7S 14 ACCESSORY LIGHTS | | Г 6022-12 BLU 1<|15| << 6022-12 BLU L_ 10 | — = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J 6033 J0-BLU JUMPER | > 6022-12 BLU 602516 BLU- 6026-16 BLU-H- 8030-16 BLU | _ _ — г — 8924-14 BLK—+ 6026-16 BLK—+ 6029-16 BLK—+ 6031-16 BLK BILGE LIGHT SPLICE AT SALON НАК BALLEY STEP PORT CABIN 8077-14 B_K SWITCH | F 90 Mg ENTRANCE SWITCH SALON CENTER LIGHTS LIGHTS HARNESS | | TO SALON — 698-10 BLU REF DWG D8-820 MAIN DC NEGATIVE BUS ENTRY SWITCH оО | N — 60-10 HB U—— | 6012-14 BLU 5014-15 BLU | | 6032 — 69910 BLU > (A |>T 6990 ELU 6013-14 BL_K— 6015-16 BLK | —— 692-0 BLU +> 8|>+ 8698-10 BLU Lo — -— 2 > > > > > > > > >> >—- 7 6000-10 BLU +>|C | > 6000-10 BLU E ENTRANCE ON STEP LIGHTS PART OF DECK HARNESS 6009-12 BLU >| p| > 6009-12 BLU +— "8000-12 BLU | CENTER SALON REF hee 09-844 E 6010-12 BLU >| E > 6010-12 BLU — — 8010-12 BLU | я | PART OF DECK HARNESS | 6012-14 BLU >| | > 6012-14 BLU | SALON G-S UNUSED — 6001-14 BLU B0D3-M BLU-+- BD05-16 BLU-4 6D07-16 BLU | LIGHTS | 6002-14 ELK— 6004-14 BLK—+ 6006-16 BLK — 6008-16 BLK | | | #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 | al 42 PART OF BILGE - | | PART OF — — — — ОО ро SALON ENTRANCE HARNESS - _ - - - Mi PART OF BILGE HARNESS | HEP LIGHTS REF DVG 08.600 | | 657-14 BLU 659-14 BLU 661-14 BLU 663-14 BLU 665-16 BLU | REF DWG D9-B00 | | 658-14 BLK— 680-14 BLK—4 6862-14 BLK— 6884-14 BLK— 666-16 BLK G 8032-12 BLU | 6017-14 BLU} 6DIB-16 ALU | | | J 895-10 BLU 696-14 BLK —+ 6019-16 BLK BILGE | | | | HARNESS K 806-12 BLK SALON ENTRANCE LL REF SHEET | L |> 655-10 BLU A SACTOH | | & DNG 09-601 Y, 656-10 BLK DL LU — — — — — — DT — — — — — DZ — — — — — — 4 N 646-12 BLU SPLICE AT SALON и OT e O 0 - ENTRANCE SWITCH 41 42 MASTER STR | MASTER STRM 4 #2 ASTER STH P 647-12 BLK MASTER STRM 660-10 BLU— ENTRANCE SWITCHES STEP LIGHTS № ASTER STRM TASK LIGHTS CEILING HARNESS | RS UNUSED A | BUNK SWITCHES REF DWG 09-835 ; 670-10 BLK . —67+ - - | 67-16 BLU 6753-16 BLU | | 877-14 BLU 6/9-16 BLU MASTER STRM CEILING & | | 12 BLUE 672-16 BLK—+ 674-16 BLK | 676-14 BLK— 680-16 BLK VALANCE LIGHTS | — 67512 BLU i JUMPERS — PAU | | #2 43 #4 #5 #6 #7 +8 | | | — 69112 BLU | | — ea || 6823-14 BLU — 625-14 BLU-—+ 697-168 BLU—+- 8689-16 BLU—#-6033-16 BLU-+- 6035-16 BLU+- 6037-18 BLU+F 6030-16 BLU 71a Bri | . 664-14 BLK— 686-14 BLK—+ 686-16 BLK—+ 630-16 BLK—+5034-16 BLK — 6036-16 BLK—+ 6036-18 BLK—e 6040-16 BLK | | MASTER STRM | 691-16 BLU — Tn 55 TV CABINET/ | | 692.16 BLK LOCKER LIGHT | | ео — — — — — M | PTT EA A —_ NA Aaa | CAP 42 PLUG 42 MASTER STATEROOM MASTER STATEROOM | VANITY LIGHT # VANITY LIGHT #2 | | 1 646-14 BLU MASTER STATEROOM MASTER STATEROOM PART OF >< 847-14 BLK | tn PR V2 FULL VANITY SWITCHES SHOWER LIGHT | Mai 3|<+ 420-14 YEL IZ Fh x £ 6 5205-16 RED y 421-14 BLK 75 A — 644-16 BLU 653-16 BLU | BILGE 7 }Q7 520516 BLK | 5 <+ 5275-16 GAN | GUEST — 6516 BLU 05416 BLK | HARNESS 10 5285-16 WHT +<l6 5285-16 MIT + HEAD 645-16 BLK REF SHEET | y EN || INDICATOR | & DNG 09-601 7|<] 5205-16 RED 652-16 BLK VASTER STATEROOM 12 420-14 YEL- a|<+ 5305-16 BLK u MASTER HEAD HEAD LIGHT | 15 421-14 BLK K|s 4292-14 VEL 648-16 BLU SWITCH 42114 BLK MASTER HEAD — 26580 BLY MASTER HEAD HARNESS | — “el VENT _ | | | N 650-16 BLK REF DWG 09-831 | EL | J 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.33 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AC WIRING SCHEMATIC 240/60Hz (F1G. 6.34.1) MAIN DC NEGATIVE BUS GENERATOR 5/3 BOAT CABLE 9,0 KW 1 6 GAN |240 vac TN ED ENCLOSURE ‚| 60 НА | REF SHEET 2 -8 aan ——# GROUNDING NOTE 2 | | > ID G (GRN -8 GRN N (WHT) _ POWER E POWER _ > CN — Г GROUNDING AT | RED RED | /T> OLTS | | | | OL TS И 3 GRN NOTE 2 | NOTE 2 GEN 160A 50 SHORE AC SOURCE NEUTRAL & COMMON A | GROUNDING BUS BAR O NOTE | o JUMPERS ARE О а СА LOAD NEUTRAL BUS BAR TE) NEUTRAL /GROUNDING BUS 240VAC LOAD S BLA 14/3 AC PUMP/RELAY LL 3 ео 5 3 BLK 120VAC LOAD 14/3 FWD AIR CONDITIONER N ‘20 GALLEY SYSTEMS —14/3 1273 SALON AIR DP ‘20 PORT SYSTENS—— 14/73 — CONDITIONER #1 — 20 O5 BATTERY CHARGER 2/3 XX CONDITIONER 2 MH IO BATTERY CHARGER TS хх ACCESSORY ——*X XX__ ACCESSORY S— ACCESSORY ———X 12/3 STOVE DO STBD SYSTEMS — — 4/3 30 LP AFT SYSTEMS ——XX 14/3 WATER HEATER An b ——<15>— MICROWAVE 14/3 ие REFRICERATOR/ муз 12/3 AFT AIR CONDITIONER | 2 FREEZER 10° — +OO— WASHER/DRYER —2/3 10/3 BRIDGE AR CONDITIONER —X>— ACCESSORY ——XX N XX m XX ACCESSORY Drawing No. 09-631 (1 of 2) Revision 1 6.34 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) AC WIRING ScHEMATIC 240/60Hz (FIG. 6.35.1) CABLEMASTER SHORE POWER PLUG 1207 240VAC750A Drawing No. 09-631 (2 of 2) 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) NOTE | SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOTES: 1 NEUTRAL WIRE FOR 120/240VAC INPUT NOT INSTALLED IN CABLEMASTER SHORE CORD ON BOATS W/SHORE POWER TRANSFORMERS. 2) INCOMING SHORE GROUND IS CONNECTED ONLY TO THE SHIELD OF THE ISOLATION TRANSFORMER AND 15 NOT GROUNDED ON THE BOAT. 3) REF DWG 06-110 FOR ISOLATION TRANSF OMER INSTALLATION, SeÉMER A EE yA N EL BLK N A | 2 (RED) | | — > 6 (САМ — — | — — H CSA IE ВК = ++ MHT — REF SHEET I | | Ва ин SEC PRI ST NS BOAT GNDING Co aa 7 TRANSFORMER AN 0/3, 86/1 CAOV PRIMARY ICOV/ZAOV SECONDARY CONNECTION TO CASE [ZKVA GROUND 6.35 AC WIRING SCHEMATIC (Euro OPTION 220V/50HZ) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Drawing No. 09-633 (1 of 2) Revision 1 6.36 GROUNDING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE KEPT ISOLATED AT ALL OTHER LOCATIONS ON BOARD THE VESSEL, 6) PLANT TO BLUG SALON A/C #2 & AFT SYSTEMS BREAKERS. (FIG. 6.36.1) GENERATOR | 75 KW o——G (BRN — S GRN MAIN DC NEGATIVE BUS 220 VAC e— N LT. BLU —— — В СРМ > | 50HZ ——L BAN — D— ENCLOSURE 7 GROUNDING NOTE 2 4 STUD BOAT CABLE DEE er 8/3 SHEET 2 SHEET 2 [| [| | GRN САМ | LT. BLU LT. BLU POWER POWER TA - РЕ ПЕН | E NOTE | e ^^ — 1 Art 1 SO Sd I _ GEN | LINE sore | [A INE | SHORE 35 AW | с AD, 35 AMP |35 AMP / LOAD 35 AMP | da 7 3 BRN | OLTS an 10 AWG | BRN 8 GRN OLTY an 10 AWG AMPS BRN + AC SOURCE NEUTRAL & COMMON | GROUNDING BUS BAR О AMPS 10 O TN 14/3 ——GALLEY SYSTEMS 0 LOAD NEUTRAL BUS BAR —10- STBD SYSTEMS 14/3 14/3 —— PORT SYSTEMS 40— AE 21D — 2% AFT SYSTEMS XX 14/3 — — — — MICROWAVE A060 — MDF Nu NEUTRAL /GROUNDING BUS >—10- WATER HEATER 14/3 REFRIGERATOR/ — | ое 14/2 e ERER7ER 10 NOTES: S8- STOVE 12/3 14/3 —— AC PUMP/RELAY —5—3 1) DENOTES SLIDE SHUTTLE, ONLY ONE SOURCE ХХ SALON TIONER #3 XX SALON AR — CAN BE ENERGIZED AT ONE TIME. — FWD AIR 14/3 CONDITIONER #1 20 2) REF DWG 09-962 FOR PANEL PRINT, 10 FONDITIONER 12/3 AFT AIR — 3) AC SOURCE NEUTRALS, AND ALL EQUIPMENT | 14/3 CONDITIONER 29] SAFETY GROUNDS RETURN TO THE AC SOURCE 10~ WASHER/DRYER 14/3 Ч NEUTRAL AND COMMON GROUNDING BUS BAR ON | — BRIDGE AIR 12/3 — BATTERY CHARGER 10) THE AC NEUTRAL/GROUNDING BUS SUT CONDITIONER 10/3 BOW THRUSTER — 4) ALL EQUIPMENT NEUTRALS RETURN TO THE LOAD ~ 14,3 — —SX- ACCESSORY XX CHARGER > NEUTRAL BUS BAR ON THE AC NEUTRAL /GROUNDING BUS. XX KX ———— ACCESSORY <— 5) IMPORTANT: NEUTRAL & GROUND ARE TIED TOGETHER 3 ACCESSORY YX AT THE AC NEUTRAL /GROUNDING BUS. NEUTRAL AND 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) AC WIRING SCHEMATIC (Euro OPTION 220V/50HZ) (Fıc. 6.37.1) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOTE: 1) INCOMING SHORE GROUND IS CONNECTED ONLY TO THE SHIELD OF THE ISOLATION TRANSFORMER AND IS NOT GROUNDED ON THE BOAT. 2) FOR 220/50HZ APPLICATIONS THE LT. BLUE NEUTRAL TERMINATES ON THE L2 TERMINAL; N TERMINAL IS UNUSED. Drawing No. 09-633 (2 of 2) 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) BOAT CABLE MAIN 8/3 35 AMP | d—L1ERN TT — | BIN AD OL TN BLU) — LT. BLU 6 Ol L2 SHORE POWER PLUS 1 NOTE | \ 220VAC/32A | <TC (CRN) — — \ GIN ——— AO OH | / \ | \ | N = REF SHEET 1 | | © © Т.В е|12 | | GRD SEC PRI — | — \ 1 SAN (BOAT GNDING) — TRANSFORMER A 220V PRIMARY 220V SECONDARY CONNECTION TO CASE 1IKVA GROUND BOAT CABLE MAIN a "e 8/3 x 35 AMP EL BAN N и | BRN ——— © S| LI LINE 2 + N (BLU — LT. BLU — — 9 DL? SHORE POWER PLUG CON NOTE] | 220VAC/32A) <7 6 GN — — | GEN —— © ©) SH / | EAN || 75, DO | \ REF SHEET | | | | © © cv LT.BU——D 6/L2 | | CRD SEC PRI — || — SAN BOAT GNDING — TRANSFORMER A 220vY PRIMARY 220V SECONDARY CONNECTION TO CASE /5KYA GROUND 6.37 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AC SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAM (FIG. 6.38.1) FWD STATEROOM RECEPTACLE | 844 FWD STATEROOM TV RECEPTACLE | 843 — 842 — MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL 240 VOLTS AC 300 GENERATOR SHORE LINE Во) ISOLATION Вог BREAKER TRANSFORMER 3 A/C PUMP AIR CONDITIONER | | AIR CONDITIONER iB JUNCTION BOX 504 PUMP/RELAY 503 PUMP/RELAY ЭТОУЕ Sc STOVE | | FWD AIR | FWD AIR iB 578 CONDITIONER |827 SONDITIONER WATER HEATER 821 — | WATER HEATER SALON AIR SALON AIR AFT AIR AFT AIR 373 — — 872—- —— 874 — MASTER STRM CONDITIONER #1 CONDITIONER #1 CONDITIONER CONDITIONER E E 375 SALON AIR BRIDGE AIR || вот BRIDGE AIR 35 CONDITIONER #2 CONDITIONER CONDITIONER | MASTER STRW ACCESSORY ACCESSORY ЕН — 808 57" 120 VOLTS AC MASTER HEAD 347 — GF COFFEE MAKER GALLEY GALLEY GFI | Pa SALON GF] SALON TV RECEPTACLE clé RECEPTACLE B13 RECEPTACLE Sle GALLEY SYSTEMS STBD SYSTEMS 540 REVEPTACLE 341 RECEPTACLE PORT SALON FWD STRM HEAD FWD STRM HEAD a RECEPTACLE 930 RECEPTACLE slo GF1 RECEPTACLE 809— PORT SYSTEMS AFT SYSTEMS COCKPIT COCKPIT GFI | BATTERY | | MICROWAVE REFRIG./ICEMAKER 860 RECEPTACLE 805 CHARGER 916 BATTERY CHARGER MICROWAVE 919 RECEPTACLE BOW THRUSTER ву || BOW THRUSTER REFRIGERATOR, | | gg pe BATTERY CHARGER BATTERY CHARGER FREEZER ÓN E | WASHER/DRYER ACCESSORY WASHER/DRYER 876 —) WAREN ACCESSORY ACCESSORY Drawing No. 09-640 (1 of 2) Revision 2 SALON FWD RECEPTACLE 6.38 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AC SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAM (Euro OPTION 220V/S0HZ) Drawing No. 09-640 (2 of 2) — 842 — (Fic. 6.39.1) SHORE SHORE LINE | ISOLATION _ a INLET 390 BREAKER 992 TRANSFORMER 994 MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL 300 GENERATOR MASTER Sii |] — | Do |] [ PUNK RECEPT SHORE SHORE LINE 2 ISOLATION о 220 VAC 50 HZ INLET > BREAKER 999 TRANSFORMER 999 аб, | ea MASTER HEAD 350 MASTER STR GFI RECEPTACLE VANITY RECEPT COFFEE MAKER GALLEY GALLEY GFI || Pa SALON TV SÉCEBTAGE (84 mee 1—3— DALEY STL Lg GALLEY SYSTEMS STBD SYSTEMS 840—— БАКОМ СР! 841 — oncom PORT SALON FWD STRM HEAD FWD STRM HEAD Ш SALON RECEPTACLE 330 RECEPTACLE 810 GF1 RECEPTACLE 808—71 PORT SYSTEMS AFT SYSTEMS RECEPTACLE 845 COCKPIT MICROWAVE | | REC oTACIE |-—80— COCKPITGFI —805 А | 819 MICROWAVE WATER HEATER 821 — WATER HEATER | 661 GALLEY REFRIGERATOR/ | REFRIGERATOR | 98] FREEZER = OVE O > OE COCKPIT REFRIC/ICEMARER AIR CONDITIONER 303—-1 AC PUMP/RELAY SALON AIR RELAY CONDITIONER #2 AIR CONDITIONER SALON AIR || sALoN AR FWD | “WD STATEROOM PUMP BOX 504 9/3 CONDITIONER B72 CONDITIONER #1 AIR CONDITIONER 627 AIR CONDITIONER B86 MASTER STRM || AFT AIR | 875—| AE CONDITIONER [874 SONDITIONER WASHER/DRYER 876—| WASHER/DRYER BATTERY || BRIDGE AIR | | COCKPIT AIR CHARGER ale BATTERY CHARGER CONDITIONER 807 CONDITIONER 806 20W THRUSTER BOW THRUSTER BATTERY CHARGER Si BATTERY CHARGER ACCESSORY ACCESSORY ACCESSORY SALON FWD RECEPTACLE | 343 FWD STATROOM TV RECEPTACLE | 844 FWD STATROOM RECEPTACLE 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.39 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM CABLEMASTER REMOTE SCHEMATIC (FiG. 6.40.1) F 63 BILGE HARNESS / O O \ SWITCH DEUTSCH DTPO4-2F a CABLEMASTER RELAY ASSSEMBLY N REF DWG 09-801 #04034- (12,24 VOL T DCI le/24/32v POWER DC INPUT SWITCH | 559-10 RED/VIO С < > RED () || гов | FED || QG REMOTE-RED > > 560-10 BLK e WHT >| (2 — WHITE ; o = ; S AU U REMOTE-YELLON ——— BLK 3 REMOTE-GREE == | — eu - BLACK) N 4110 a м LIMIT 5 ? OUTPUT SWITCH 5 O ORANGE OO [RNE | E Ó F e с LIMIT € > BLACK (OO ||влск — |SMTCH 7) | O C > [2 or: Z24voc OUT-LIMIT MOTOR SWITCH _ Een RE MAR Por, ne. 7 \ © o PLANT TO PROVIDE SN J == A N PURPLE — 1 TNT UNUSED TAN X [=] AUXILIARY NOTES: PORT + D WITH NEW RELAY ASSEMBLY ==" A 12VDC REMOTE CONTROL 1S — SUITABLE FOR ALL VOLTAGES. (12,24) 2) CIRCUIT BREAKER SPECS: ZOO TWO CABLEMASTER CM7-12VDC 20 AMP BREAKER 8-10 RUNNING AMPS u OPERATION D CM7-24VDC 15 AMP BREAKER 5-8 RUNNING AMPS O Drawing No. 09-608 Revision 2 REMOTE KEY PAD IN CHANNEL #] (CHANNEL #3 7 QUT CHANNEL #2 | 6.40 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE HARNESS SCHEMATIC (Fıc. 6.41.1) PLUG 3P PLUG 35 PORT ENGINE STBD ENGINE NOTES: | MARK FORT WITH RED TAPE AND STBD WITH GREEN TAPE 6" BACK FROM CONNECTOR. 2) ALL EMPTY CONNECTOR SPACES TO BE PLUCED. 3) REF DWG 09-808 FOR HARNESS CONSTRUCTION. Po [A- 14 BLACK + 16 LT. BLU —Æ] 1 ><} 16 GRAY © — 16 TAN =<] 2 4l<- 18 TAN/BLUE | 14 VIO =<] 4 5<4 14 VIOLET —<| 9 7<- 14 YELLOW/RED 14 BLACK =<] 7 3<- 18 LT. BLU 118 10/<- UNUSED SPLICE H Ш SPLICE 6 —_ | 14 BLACK TE 16 LT. BLU —X| 1 ?<- 16 GRAY — 16 TAN —<| ? 3< 16 TAN 16 GRAY —<| 3 4< 16 TAN/BLUE \ | 14 VIO =<} 4 5<— 14 VIOLET = SS 7< 14 YELLOW/RED 14 BLACK =<] / a<- 18 LT. BLU +</ 8 10<4— UNUSED | | | | | | | | [| | BILGE HARNESS | II TAM 52 F 51 12 POS) [7237567890112 [234 REF DWG 09-601 | ЛЛЛМЕ 52 | 16 GRAY TO ENGINE 16 GRAY | SYNCHRONIZER 14 VIOLET 48 TYP PORT — 1011-10) ELEC FUEL SHUTOFF 1010-20 VALVE SPLICE A PORT MA 1006-16 GRAY E 1008-16 GRAY A BLACK B|<— 1007-16 BLACK aD 1009-16 BLACK B ny SPLICE B SPLICE C TAN р STBD MI A 1000-16 GRAY С) 1002-16 GRAY A TAN/BLUE AST 1001-16 BLACK © 1003-16 BLACK <<) B VIOLET SPLICE D MOLDED PVC ENGINE PLUG 10 STBD 1005 ELEC FUEL — 1004-00) SHUTOFF 48 TYP VAL VE Drawing No. 09-604 (1 of 4) Revision 1 INSTRUMENT PANEL M 35 REF DWG 09-601 INSTRUMENT PANEL M 36 REF DWG 09-601 PORT (F) S1BD (F] 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.41 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM (FiG. 6.42.1) PORT ENGINE SMARTCRAFT FUEL CONNECTOR PORT ENGINE PLUG 3P O STBD ENGINE PLUG 35 O STBD ENGINE SMARTCRAFT FUEL CONNECTOR ENGINE HARNESS WITH SMART CRAFT SCHEMATIC NOTES: Ow > ON O OA ON 00 —! ©) ОЛ | (6) О) A AAN A B C A AAN AAA] I) MARK PORT WITH RED TAPE AND STBD WITH GREEN TAPE 6" BACK FROM CONNECTOR. 2) ALL EMPTY CONNECTOR SPACES TO BE PLUGED. 3) PLANT TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL ENGINE ALARMS, 4) REF DWG 09-809 FOR HARNESS CONSTRUCTION. UNUSED 16 PINK/RED UNUSED PORT FUEL TANK SENDER — UNUSED — 16 GRAY — UNUSED SPLICE © — 16 TAN/BLU 14 VIO — — 14 VIOLET — UNUSED D | 14 YELLOW/RED — — 14 YELLOW/RED — UNUSED — UNUSED — UNUSED — 16 GRAY MER 14 VIO — Nu, peu TT — UNUSED \ — 16 TAN/BLU © — 14 VIOLET — UNUSED — 14 YELLOW/RED — UNUSED — UNUSED — UNUSED STBD FUEL — 16 PINK/GRN — UNUSED TANK SENDER —> W M 52 F 52 16 GRAY TO ENGINE 16 GRAY SYNCHRONIZER BLACK GREY TAN TAN/BLUE VIOLET MOLDED PVC ENGINE PLUG LIGHT BLUE YELLOW/RED Drawing No. 09-604 (2 of 4) Revision 1 14 VIOLET J Г [Г] Е) ENGINE ALARMS SEE NOTE 3 #8 TYP — 101-010) 1010-00 SPLICE A 14 YELLOW/RED — OO NOUAUN= AAAAAAAA] PORT ELEC FUEL SHUTOFF VAL VE J PORT M A 1006-16 GRAY B 1007-16 BLACK MD SPLICE B и С J A J 1008-16 GRAY A 1009-16 BLACK B SIBDM A 1000-16 GRAY B 1001-16 BLACK SPLICE D 1005-00 — 10040 #8 TYP 1002-16 GRAY A 1003-16 BLACK B STBD ELEC FUEL SHUTOFF VALVE CONTROL STATION SWITCH PANEL F 30 REF DWG 09-601 PORT (F) S1BD (F) 6.42 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM KOHLER GAS GENERATOR SCHEMATIC (FG. 6.43.1) Drawing No. 09-623 FROM DC DISTRIBUTION PANEL KOHLER GAS GENERATOR SCHEMATIC F 25 5 7 7 1 Ha = > 5 — — 3 — = = START/STOP ON > T +> SPDT (MOMIW/IND LAMP DPST LS Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y- < N O1 - 9560-16 BLK - UNUSED - UNUSED - UNUSED - 957-16 RED/WHT UNUSED — UNUSED —+—> > F - 9351-16 WHT/RED - 954-16 BLK/GRY | 56-06 BLK — UNUSED — - 955-16 YEL/RED UNUSED — Э5 7-16 RED/WHT — - 952-16 WHT/RED 955-160 YEL/RED — — 954-160 BLK/GRY — У У У - O ИИ < С N UNUSED — 953-16 BLK/WHT — UNUSED — UN = > SPLICE POINT B FUEL VALVE 964A-16 BLK 963A-16 RED/VIO SPLICE POINT A 951-16 WHT/RED = UNUSELH UNUSED- Ul > VV 904-160 BLK 9363-16 KED/VIO | | 964-16 BLK 963-16 RED/VIO AN VV BILGE HARNESS REF DWG 09-601 Me 7 CONNECTOR USED FOR M 26 Е DIESEL ONLY > 950-16 RED/WHT > 959-16 BLK/GRY————+— | > 953-16 BLK/WHT | SYSTEMS MONITOR > 952-168 WHT/RED | REF DWG 09-606 KOHLER GAS GENERATOR REFERENCE GENERATOR OWNER'S MANAUL FOR COMPLETE GENERATOR WIRING DETAIL. (О — BATTERY NEGATIVE - WATER TEMP — OIL PRESSURE - BATTERY POSITIVE (RUN) — CRANK/START - SHUT DOWN с N Y Y Y Y Y Y — BATTERY NEGATIVE — SWITCH NEG FAULT SHUT DOWN CIRCUIT - BATTERY POSITIVE (TIMED/RUN) — BATTERY POSITIVE (10 AMP FUSE) — UNUSED — UNUSED | | GENERATOR FUEL > PUMP CONNECTOR GENERATOR FUEL 2 PUMP CONNECTOR 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.43 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ENGINE SYNCHRONIZER MODULE SCHEMATIC (Fig. 6.44.1) PORT IGNITION GROUND IN O € S Р PORT ENGINE TACH SENDER O GND O [GN SO OP out > 1BU IGNI TION GROUND > 1BD ENGINE TACH SENDER Drawing No. 09-612 6.44 lo VIO lo BLK lo GrRY/RED 16 GRY lo GRY/YEL lo GRY lo VIO lo VIO lo BLK lo BLK lo GRY/GRN lo GRY NOTE: WIRED AS SHOWN, GAUGE WILL INDICATE TOWARD SLOWER ENGINE. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SYSTEMS MONITOR SCHEMATIC (Fic. 6.45.1) SYSTEMS MONITOR INDICATOR PANEL TWO LINE LCD DISPLAY SYSTEMS MONITOR AUDIBLE ALARM & N О ль Л Л S С Е Е LUN NN < АСС М NN NS \ NS S _ М > Ds SYSTEMS MONITOR INTERFACE MODULE 7 BILGE HEAT DETECTOR PORT ENG DIAGNOSTIC (+) PORT OL PSI PORT WATER TEMP PORT TRANSMISSION TEMP EMERGENCY BILGE PUMP FWD EMERGENCY PUMP 330 RGe/U COAX AFT EMERGENCY PUMP lo ON —— lo BLK 10 RED/VIO 10-ORN NN A O BACK LIGHT REF 09-601 SHEET | EXT. ALARM. PLANT TO INSTALL WHEN SYSTEMS MONITOR Is LOCATED ON STBD COMBING. A SN 16-BLK — 39-16 RED/VIO D Drawing No. 09-606 — 3316 BLK PIE -/2 M/Z 33-60 RED/ VIO - WD BILGE PUMP AFT BILGE PUMP PORT EXHAUST TEMP PORT FUEL FILTER COND s1BD ENG DIAGNOSTIC (+) 519) UL PSI STBD WATER TEMP PORT CAT DIAGNOSTIC STBD CAT DIAGNOSTIC PORT SERVICE ENG SOON FWD SUMP AFT SUMP STBD TRANSMISSION TEMP = STBD EXHAUST TEMP Y S 18D FUEL FILTER COND v V PORT GN AFT PUMP 5160 SERVICE ENG SOON + 127 24МОС + 12/Z4VDC GEN OIL S 18D IGN YY GEN IGN GROUND Ÿ GROUND N OONOUAUN-+O Y Y Y Y YY Y YY YY YY YY YY YY YY YY Y Y Y Y YY YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y < UN 331 lo RED/ VIO 332 10 BLK — 332-160 BLK REF. DWG 09-001 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.45 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM STovE Tor SWITCH SCHEMATIC (F1G. 6.46.1) Drawing No. 09-607 Revision 1 NOTES: I RELAYS SHOWN IN DEENERGIZED POSITION,SWITCH SHOWN WITH 4 © STOVE COVER IN PLACE. STOVE BREAKER REF. DWS 09-631 4 Ze © D STOVE TOP REMOTE MICRO SWITCH NEUTRAL GROUNDING BUSS STOVE BREAKER REF DWG 09-633 — $? и NEUTRAL BUSS GROUNDING BUSS | | | | | TT | | | —e D— 12 BLK | | | | | 12 RED —æ@ B— 12 RED STOVE 240VAC | | CD > | | C | | > | $B | | | 12 GRN 240VAC/80HZ STOVE TOP REMOTE MICRO SWITCH q e Cr | | | | + &— 12 BLK — ®— 12 BLK | | | | 12 WHT —e > 12 WHT STOVE 220VAC | C | В D | | | 12 GRN 220VAC/50HZ 6.46 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM MAIN NEGATIVES, GROUNDING, AND BONDING SCHEMATIC (Вс. 6.47.1) MAIN DC BREAKER 3 GRN—— PANEL FACE DIESEL) MAIN DC BREAKER PANEL AC GROUNDING BUS MAIN DC BREAKER PANEL FACE E EAN AT MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANEL 5 GAN 2/0 GRN ENCLOSURE 8 BRN —— NL DAE PANEL DC DISTRIBUTION PANEL 3 GRAN ——— — 8 GRN FACE | CABIN DC NEGATIVE BUS | 2 BLK —— 2 BLK ELECTRONICS NEGATIVE 2 BLK CONTROL STATION NEGATIVE BUS PORT © MAIN DC BATTERY © NEGATIVE BUS GENERATOR 4 GRN о SORT ® m7 4/0 BLK | 2 BLK >= ® STBD o BATTERY + GAN © 4/0 BLK — 4/0 BLK — TED ® 4/0 BLK BATTERY 4/0 BLK © PORT STBD ENGINE ENGINE = = = = WD BONDING 3 — 1 BY 3 STARTER STARTER 4 GRN AFT BONDING —— 5% JAS 1-83.15 MERCRUISER ESE CA 3260 À CATERPILLAR & CUMMINS 480CE Drawing No. 09-603 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.47 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 1 WINDLASS SCHEMATIC (F1G. 6.48.1) | MAIN DC BREAKER PANEL | | REF DWG 09-601 5 AMP | | FUSES | | WINDLASS FUSE CONTROL STATION | REF 09-601 77— | SWITCH PANEL o | | POT т | | ve Ls Met WI NDLASS | O LATCHING ' MAIN A 555-16 WHT/BLU | | SOLENOID | | 3 |>- 556-16 WHT/RED a |, | WINDLASS C |>} 557-16 RED a | CONTROL D | >+ 558-16 RED/VIO a | | | | a | | МВ FE | | | | A|<} 555-16 WHT /BLU | B |< 556-16 WHT /RED C|<t 557-16 RED——Ö— | D|<+ 558-16 RED/VIO | | IE | | a В ——— БОо20-2 Rep ——_t 0 | STBD CABIN HARNESS | 2BK Ц. REF DWG 09-601 + | 577-14 GRN | WINDL ASS | 2 | >+ 578-14 BLU | MAIN DC - | | J NEGATIVE BUS - 19 | M 19 | 750-4 GEN 7 N | | + | | MAIN DC | | NEGATIVE BUS | yp WINDLASS DOWN | = | | | | | | | | | | | | 5021 5027 | | O RED 6 RED 6 RED | | | | | 5026-6 RED | | — 5024-6 RED | | | | 5028 | | < o 14 BLK | EDT 1 B | ` | | | Vas 83 | “о | | Eb CONTROL BOX Drawing No. 09-610 \ J 6.48 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Bow THRUSTER SCHEMATIC (F1G. 6.49.1) 2/0 GRN FROM MOTOR NEG. TO CASE GROUND y SEE NOTE 9 — 2/0 BLK BOW THRUSTER Drawing No. 09-616 Revision 2 VENDOR SUPPLIED [I MAIN FEED NOT TO EXCEED 72" AND ENTIRE LENGTH MUST BE SHEATHED, 2) FUSE LEAD ATTACHES DIRECTLY TO ANL FUSEHOLDER. FUSE LEAD MUST NOT EXCEED 7" OR 40" IF ENTIRE LENGTH IS SHEATHED). 3 FUSE LEAD ATTACHES DIRECTLY TO SOLENOID. FUSE LEAD MUST NOT EXCEED 7/7 [OR 40" IF ENTIRE LENGTH IS SHEATHED 4) REF. DWG 07-130 FOR BOW THRUSTER MOTOR INSTALLATION. 3) BOW THRUSTER MOTOR WIRE CONNECTIONS TO BE TORQUED TO 8.8 FT. LES. BOW THRUSTER CONTROL JOYSTICK BOW THRUSTER SOLENOID y BATTERIES SOW | aa | & ca 2/0 RED THRUSTER Sl 4 RED > > (+ SEE NOTE 51 MOTOR > o 3 > 14 BLK 3 > 41 >t 14 WHT 417 = 2/0 RED 530 gs 75 | ©, 9 2/0 RED ~~ LL NOTE 3 NOTE | NOTE 2 506! 5060 10 BLK 10 RED PLANT TO INSTALL dd _ a _ JUMPERS N | BOW THRUSTER HARNESS | | CONTROL STATION | Ye | REF DWG 09-854 o SWITCH PANEL | 1 © | | | REF DWG 09-601 | | M 3 F 3 M 17 | ı 5 17 | THRUSTER | |< 5062-16 WHT /BLU | | BATTERY | 2|<+ 5063-16 WHT /RED > | CHARGER | 3 <+ 5064-16 RED 3 q y € | 4 5065-16 RED/VIO 4 | 5 <+ 5066-16 BLK 5 | | <p <r <a | | | | | аду ) NOTE: 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.49 SMART CRAFT SYSTEM WIRING (Fra. 6.50.1) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM NOTES: 1 CHI = CUSTOMER HELM INTERFACE. 2) PCM = PROPULSION CONTROL MODULE. 3) CAN = CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK SYSTEM TYPE OF COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL USED FOR DATA TRANSFER. 4) TERMINATOR = RESISTOR DESIGNED TO REDUCE NOISE AND PROVIDE PROPER VOLTAGE LEVELS ON THE CAN BUS CIRCUITJEXACTLY TWO PER CIRCUIT MUST BE INSTALLED ONE 6 EACH END OF CIRCUIT) 5) CAN BUS POWER = 3 POSITION PLUG AND CAP LOCATED BY SMARTCRAFT HARNESS CONNECTOR, DISCONNECT FROM EACH OTHER ON BOTH ENGINES AND PLUG USING WEATHER CAPS, 6) SMARTCRAFT HARNESS PLUGS ARE LOCATED ON THE PORT AFT SIDE OF ENGINE. = 7) DEPTH TRANSDUCER PLUGS INTO DIAGNOSTIC PORT. SHIPS MAIN DC 8) POS. "A" UNUSED, POS. "B” TANK #1, POS. "C" TANK #2. NEGATIVE BUS 9) POSITION "A™ UNSWITCHED +12V, POSITION "F™ SWITCHED +12V FROM STBD KEY SWITCH © DC DISTRIBUTION PANEL, POSITION "B" NEGATIVE. 10) REF DWG 09-601 FOR CAN BUS POWER. 11) REF DWG 09-604 FOR FUEL SENDER WIRES, 16-PINK/RED J PORT ENGINE O — SMARTCRAFT HARNESS CONNECTOR ON ENGINE LOCATED AT LOCATED IN BILGE N STBD ENGINE - SMARTCRAFT HARNESS CONNECTOR ON ENGINE — В ||| = | Т | 19° ABC < ro DICIBÍA SHIPS MAIN DC OS NEGATIVE BUS © mM DA Nu 16-PINK/GRN XO =! ШС Q ro pd X 14] T « 7 Drawing No. 09-701 Revision 1 PART OF BOAT WIRING CONTROL STATION PART OF BOAT WIRING PORT FUEL TANK SENDER 307 SYSTEM VIEW < 307 WARNING HORN PART OF CHI HARNESS PART OF BOAT WIRING STBD FUEL TANK SENDER 5 CHI HARNESS 6" 5" J 6” ] 4" OI | WHT/BLU + NMEA 0183 BLU/WHT - —— | CONNECTION : AIR TEMP SENSOR ITEM | от“. DESCRIPTION ME ORTA | SEA RAY PARTS OF | 1 | W/ CHIHARNESS & AR TEMP SENSOR | | 9798752 1610385 02 4 SPIN LOCK NUT - 5" 06 036 630 1690382 03 2 4 IN | GAUGE - 5" 02 069 004 1609007 04 > TACHOMETER — 6K 5" 02 068 002 1608934 05 | SC 1000 HARNESS 30 879968830 1507276 06 2 SC 1000 HARNESS 10" 879968BI0 1676600 07 2 J BOX 4 WAY 57849264 1507326 08 > TERMINATOR/RESISTOR 5593188] 1507334 09 - - - - 10 2 WEATHER CAP 1 3 POSITION CAP ) 881176A1 1610500 | 2 WEATHER CAP 13 POSITION PLUG ) SBI75A] 1610518 12 | DEPTH / TEMP TRANSDUCER (NYLON) 5819338] 1690371 13 | STEERING SENSOR ASSEMBLY SE318874 1610427 14 | STEERING EXT HARNESS S64210A] 1689718 5 | STEERING PIGTAIL S63S3IAI 1689719 * * * * * 6.50 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM SEA RAY NAVIGATOR INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM (Fic. 6.51.1) ITEM | QTY, DESCRIPTION MAPTECH # SEA RAY PART+ | SEA RAY NAVIGATOR 10.4 (PACKAGE) SRHWPACKIO 1619352 | SEA RAY NAVIGATOR 12.1 (РАСКАСЕ) SRHWPACKIZ 1619378 O! | COMPUTER MODEL 10.4 SRCHWIO 1619360 02 COMPUTER MODEL 12.1 SRCHWI2 1819386 03 | SRN POWER SUPPLY SRPOWER 1619303 04 | DEPTH/TEMP X-DUCER W/PIGTAIL NYLON) | SRDTTPIGTAIL 1690359 05 1 DEPTH/TEMP Х-ООСЕВ ЕХТ. НАВМ. - 30' |[SRDTTHARNESS30 1690360 06 ] DEPTH/ TEMP X-DUCER EXT. HARN. - 60" |SRDTTHARNESS60 1690361 07 l MOUSE W/CABLE SRCMOUSE 161931! 08 | ISR GPS ANTENNA W/20' CABLE & BNC CONN. [SRCGPSANTENNA 1619329 09 < BNC CONNECTOR * 1596360 10 BNC COUPLER * 1688702 | REMOTE CD DRIVE SRCCDDRIVE 1619345 l OWNERS PACKET-SRN SOF TWARE SROWNERSKIT 1690077 | 1 SRN CABLE KIT SRCABLEKIT 1619295 Drawing No. 09-703 NMEA DATA OUT WHT (+) BLK (-) ELECTRONICS FUSE BLOCK PARALLEL EXTENSION CABLE FOR CD-ROM DRIVE CHART PLOTTER 15 AMP FUSE USB EXTENSION CABLE FOR KEY BOARD INLINE CONNECTOR 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 6.51 SECTION 6 * ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Drawing No. 09-611 COCKPIT SUBWOOFER Revision 3 5004 574-16 BLK VENDOR SUPPLIED A AA] M72 Il 2 3 45 6 NAN F 72 | VV Fs | 2 345 6 7 8 Y Y | М 74 REMOTE EXTENSION STEREO REMOTE 574-16 BLK и SIDE (A) FRONT SIDE) 5753-16 BLU/WHT COCKPIT AMPLIFIER SOZA-10 RED/VIO EF STEREO WIRING DIAGRAM (F1G. 6.52.1) SATELLITE RADIO ANTENNA SAT ANTENNA ji STANDARD RCA CABLE N > ADAPTER STEREO VENDOR SUPPLIED ANTENNA COAX EXTENSION REAR CHANNEL +. = STANDARD RCA CABLE INPUT SELECT 1 Ш CIM my = + CONNECT AUX RCA TO ` REAR X OVER on SALON TV AUDIO OUT FRONT FREQUENCY FRONT X<-OVER MODE FEAR MU TIPLER X-OVER MODE mía i ———— +» Q ШТ | N | ГП | Toh] XMO3 ISAT READY! Г * STEREO > <Q < SSD oa IQ FH POWER SUPPLY ' | PACK SIDE CONNECTION 10 O'CLOCK \ 1 LEFT CHANNEL 183 @ © NOT USED RIGHT CHANNEL /&4 À | \ CD LINK CABLE JACK | 15 AMP INLINE (81 SPEAKER FUSE 7 WIRES UNUSED | = RIL GE HARNESS (= ) SATELLITE REF DWG 09-801 DOLL YEL RADIO RECIEVER 5 MP SIA-16 BLU/WHT F USE | MUTE SAITOH a | TOP SIDE / | | — \_ с | Emme: 4 о STBD AFT ATA 6 5 | CABIN Ce NET CABLE | SIDE (8) mr SPEAKER | | BACK SIDE) SPEAKER | | CE NET CABLE 5000 — \— 5002 EN 6-DISC CHANGER SIDE [Al STED FWD A ur Zz ss A (FRONT SIDE HARDTOP a 5028-10 RED/VIO ——— SPEAKER O— SPEAKER all HOZA-1D RED / VIO J — DCZ625 005 16 BLU/WHT 5118-16 BLU/WHT +, OL a 5038-10 BLK > 573-16 BLU/WHT 503A-10 BLK — CABIN AMPLIFIER PORT SALON SPEAKER MASTER STRM PORT SPEAKER 503A-10 BLK SiLC-16 BLU/WHT 503-8 BLK REF DWG 09-602 O So 502-8 RED/VIO REF DWG 09-602 NOTE: — | KE — Ne 5017 STBD SALON SPEAKER STRD SPEAKER ) als 11 SEE MANUFACTURERS MANUAL FOR ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION INFORMATION. MASTER STRM 6.52 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS 1. LAYOUT AND ACCESSORIES Figures 7.21.1 and 7.22.1 identify the location and arrangement of the equipment and components on your yacht. We strongly suggest that you walk through your yacht, locate the features illustrated, and become familiar with their operation and maintenance. 2. CARBON MONOXIDE MONITORS The 390 MY is equipped with a carbon monoxide (CO) monitors throughout the boat. The CO monitor is an electronic instrument that detects carbon monoxide. When there is a build-up of CO in any room, the monitor in that room will alert the occupants by a flashing a DANGER light and sounding an alarm. The CO monitors are powered through a breaker on the DC Distribution panel at the control station. CARBON MONOXIDE MONITOR (Fra. 7.1.1) LES RADEON ES (A POWER INDICATOR DANGER INDICATOR © HORN ©) TEST BUTTON Na J f A Actuation of the CO monitor indicates the presence of carbon monoxide which can be FATAL. EVACUATE THE PREMISES IMMEDIATELY. DO A HEAD COUNT TO CHECK THAT ALL PERSONS ARE ACCOUNTED FOR. CALL THE NEAREST FIRE DEPARTMENT AND ASK THEM TO DETERMINE THE SOURCE OF CARBON MONOXIDE. DO NOT REENTER PREMISES UNTIL IT HAS BEEN AIRED OUT AND THE PROBLEM IS CORRECTED. ” This detector will only indicate the presence of carbon monoxide gas at the sensor. Carbon monoxide may be present in other areas. = J It is important that you read and understand the CO monitor information and operating instructions. It is extremely important that you become familiar with the CO monitor and its functions. A. TESTING THE CO MONITOR Test the monitors on your boat for at manufacturers required intervals by pushing the TEST button on the side of the unit. If the unit is operating correctly both audible and visual warning indicators will be activated. f в To reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, test the monitor operation when not in use for 10 days or | more. J REFER TO THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION MANUAL IN THE OWNERS MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 3. AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING The 390 MY air conditioning/heating system consists of three (3) standard air conditioning/ heating units, a raw water pump with seacock and strainer and a relay unit so the water pump will be activated by demand when any AC unit comes on. An optional cockpit A/C unit is also available. Care should be taken so as not to stow items around the air handlers that may block the return air grill or damage the freon lines running to the compressor. The air filters for each unit should be removed and cleaned periodically to assure fresh, clean air circulation and to reduce stress on the unit. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 7.1 SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS The forward stateroom unit is located under the hanging closet and can be accessed through the vent on the side of the closet. The controls for the unit are located on the forward wall of the hanging closet. The removable air filter can be accessed by removing the air intake vent on the side of the hanging closet. The salon unit is located in the aft starboard salon behind an access hatch above the sofa. The controls for the unit are located on the port side of the salon above the DC distribution panel. The removable air filter is located on the face of the unit. The master stateroom unit is located under the head of the bunk. The controls for the unit are located on the port hanging closet wall. The removable air filter can be accessed by removing the air intake vent on the starboard side of the bunk. The cockpit unit (Optional) is a split system air unit with the air handler located under the companion seat at the control station. The compressor for the unit is located in the aft starboard salon and can be reached through an access panel under the entertainment center in the salon. The controls for the unit are located on the starboard side of the cockpit wet bar. The removable air filter is located on the face of the unit. The system is cooled to maintain optimal operating temperature by the raw water pump located in the bilge. The pump draws water through a seacock and filters it through a sea water strainer. The water passes through each compressor cooling the condensing coils, then flows overboard through various thru-hull drains. (The sea water strainer should be inspected frequently and cleaned out when plugged. To clean strainer, refer to Section 4- Bilge & Underwater Gear, pg. 4.11, Seacocks & Strainers). The condensation drains for all the compressor units connect into the common drain. A. TO START SYSTEM: 1. Make sure the seacock for the cooling water pump is open. 2. Turn ON the A/C WATER PUMP & RELAY circuit breaker on the main AC distribution panel. Turn ON each A/C UNIT circuit breaker located on the same panel. 3. Refer to air conditioner owner’s manual in the owner's packet for instructions on operation of the control panels. REFER TO OWNER'S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. f A AIR CONDITIONING/HEATING LOCATIONS (Fıc. 7.2.1) V-BERTH STATEROOM AIR HANDLER SALON AIR HANDLER т ZT MASTER STATEROOM AIR HANDLER x COCKPIT AIR HANDLER (OPTIONAL) 7.2 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS 4. WATER SYSTEM The fresh water system consists of a 100 gallon (378.5 liter) water tank, 12 volt water pump with a filter on the input side of the pump, water heater, accumulator tank and hot and cold distribution manifolds. The fresh water system is activated by the fresh water pump breaker on the salon 12VDC distribution panel. The breaker must be ON to operate the head, shower, ice maker, fresh water washdowns and faucets. A. WATER TANK The water tank is located between the port and starboard inboard stringers beneath the swim platform . To check the water level in the tank, press the water level switch on the 12 volt DC distribution panel located in the salon. The lights will indicate the amount of water in the tank. FILLING THE WATER TANK The tank is filled through a fill plate located on the starboard transom at the bottom of the steps. Fill the water tank only from a source known to provide safe, pure drinking water. To fill your water tank you should use a plastic hose. Do not use a rubber hose; it can give the water a disagreeable flavor. The hose should be kept for filling use only. After using the hose it should be emptied. Start at one end and raise the hose to shoulder level and walk to the opposite end of the hose, allowing the remaining water to flow out. You should store your water tank filling hose in a clean dry place. ltis also a good practice to cover the ends of the hose to keep the inside clean. To BEGIN INITIAL OPERATION: Fill the water tank with potable water. 2. Switch the water pump breaker to the ON position. 1 FRESH WATER SYSTEM (Fic. 7.3.1) \. (A) TO TRANSOM SHOWER SEE FIGURE 7.3.3 © TO BOW WASHDOWN ©) SEE FIGURE 7.3.2 (E) SEE FIGURE 7.3.1 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS FRESH WATER SYSTEM (FG. 7.4.1) O (A WATER TANK (E) WATER PUMP W/FILTER SENDING UNIT © FROM MANIFOLD TO MASTER HEAD © AFTBULKHEAD (E) TO WATER MANIFOLD © FILL HOSE (D TOACCUMULATORBOTTLE (E) WATER FEED TO PUMP (J) ACCUMULATOR BOTTLE = FRESH WATER SYSTEM (Fra. 7.4.3) (A) FROM WATER TANK @ GUEST SHOWER WATER MIXER WATER MANIFOLD (H) COLD WATER TO GUEST SHOWER © TO WASHER/DRYER (OPTIONAL) (1) COLD WATER TO GUEST VANITY © FROM WATER HEATER (J) HOT WATER TO GUEST VANITY (E) WATER HEATER (K) HOT WATER VENT TO THRU-HULL (® HOT WATER TO GUEST SHOWER — (1) FEED TO WATER HEATER 1 FRESH WATER SYSTEM (FIG. 7.4.2) (A FEED TO MASTER HEAD (E) HOT WATER TO MASTER SHOWER AFT ENGINE BULKHEAD (E) HOT WATER TO MASTER VANITY © COLD WATER TO MASTER SHOWER (6) COLD WATER TO MASTER VANITY (D) SHOWER WATER MIXER (H) FROM TANK TO MANIFOLD 7.4 Na A N J 3. One at atime, open all hot and cold faucets to bleed air from the water lines. 4. Once air has been eliminated from water lines, close faucets. 5. Shutting off the last faucet should cause the pump to shut off. FRESH WATER TANK © (Fıc. 7.4.4) (E) WATER FEED HOSE (A) WATER TANK SENDING UNIT (E) WATER PUMP W/FILTER © AFTBULKHEAD (BG) TO WATER MANIFOLD \. J © FILL HOSE (В ACCUMULATOR BOTTLE 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS SANITIZING THE WATER SYSTEM Although your dealer initially sanitizes the water system, if the system has not been used for a long period of time, or you suspect it may be contaminated, use a water treatment additive to sanitize the potable water system. Water treatment additives are available at marine/RV supply stores. If water treatment additives are not available, adhere to the following procedure for complete sanitation of your potable water system. 1. Prepare a chlorine solution using one (1) gallon of water and one (1) cup Clorox or Purex household bleach (5% Hypochlorite solution). FRESH WATER FILL PLATE (Fra. 7.5.1) (A WATER FILL TRANSOM © COCKPIT STEPS With tank empty, pour chlorine solution into tank, using one (1) gallon solution for each sixty (60) gallons of tank capacity. 2. Complete filling of tank with fresh water. Open each faucet until air has been released and the entire system is filled. 3. Allow to stand for three (3) hours. 4. Drain and flush with potable fresh water. 5. To remove excessive chlorine taste or odor which might remain, prepare a solution of four (4) quarts of vinegar to twenty (20) gallons of f в water and allow this solution to agitate in the tank for several days by vehicle motion. 6. Drain tank and again flush with potable water. 7. Replace water filter. B. WATER Pump & FILTER The pump for the fresh water system is located aft of the master stateroom head (See figure 7.4.1) and can be reached through an access panel on the aft wall of the head. The pump activated by the FRESH WATER PUMP breaker on the salon 12VDC main distribution panel. A filter is situated on the input side of the pump to filter any particles that may have accumulated in the water tank. The filter should be checked and cleaned periodically. Before servicing the system, turn the FRESH WATER PUMP breaker OFF and release pressure on the system by opening a faucet. C. WATER SYSTEM PRESSURIZATION Water system pressure is regulated by a pneumatic accumulator bottle (See figure 7.4.1) located inline on the cold water outlet from the pump. The accumulator tank smooths water flow and reduces on/off cycling of the pumps by lessening the variation in pressure and flow between the pump and the outlets in the system. The even flow of water gives better control of hot water adjustment at the faucet. The reduced on/off cycling reduces noise from the pump motor, and from shock pressures (pipe hammer). It also reduces battery drain, and gives longer pump life. REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 7.5 SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS D. WATER DISTRIBUTION MANIFOLD The distribution manifold is located on the aft wall of the utility room, which is accessed by lifting the companionway steps leading to the galley. The manifold directs fresh water to the various equipment throughout the yacht. | FRESH WATER MANIFOLD (Fıc. 7.6.1) (A) FROM HOT WATER HEATER TRANSOM SHOWER © MASTER HEAD SINK/SHOWER ©) GALLEY (E) GUEST HEAD SINK/SHOWER (F) WASHER (OPTIONAL) © TRANSOM SHOWER (В) WASHER (OPTIONAL) (1) GUEST HEAD SINK/SHOWER (J) GUEST HEAD TOILET (K) BILGE/COCKPIT (1) GALLEY (V) MASTER HEAD SINK/SHOWER (M MASTER HEAD TOILET © TO WATER HEATER (© FROM FRESH WATER TANK @ WATER MANIFOLD ® FROM WATER HEATER ©) WATER HEATER (T) TO WATER HEATER (U) FROM WATER TANK If away from the boat for an extended period of time it is suggested that you relieve the hose pressure of the fresh water system by turning OFF the FRESH WATER PUMP breaker on the DC main distribution panel and then opening a faucet on the boat. REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. E. WATER HEATER The 11 gallon (41.6 liters) water heater is located on the port side of the utility room and can be accessed by lifting the galley companionway steps. The water heater is powered by a breaker on the 240VAC main distribution panel located in the salon. The water heater has a check valve to prevent hot water from back-washing into the cold water source and a pressure relief valve to avoid damage to the heater from over pressure or excessive temperature. | Hot WATER HEATER (FIG. 7.6.2) (A WATER HEATER MANIFOLD INITIAL START-UP OR AFTER WINTERIZATION: 1. Make sure the WATER HEATER breaker on the 240VAC distribution panel is OFF. 7.6 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS 2. Fill the heater with water. 3. Open the hot water faucets until all air is eliminated from the system. 4. Make certain the heater is full of water. COMPLETE FAILURE OF THE HEATING ELEMENTS WILL RESULT IF THEY ARE NOT COMPLETELY IMMERSED IN WATER AT ALL TIMES. 5. Turn the WATER HEATER breaker ON. To maintain water heater properly, drain whenever the possibility of freezing occurs and frequently inspect lines and connections for leaks. fr = Make certain the hot water lines are air free, indicating the water heater is full. Damage will occur to water heater if it is not full when turned on. \. J REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. F. FRESH WATER WASHDOWN f в WASHDOWN SPIGOT (FG. 7.7.1) A COCKPIT WET BAR STARBOARD BOW LOCKER © BILGE STARBOARD INBOARD STRINGER N. J The 390 MY is equipped with three (3) fresh water spigots; one in the bilge located on the starboard Inboard stringer, one in the starboard bow locker and one in the cockpit wet bar. The washdowns come with a 12-foot hose and a strap for storage when not in use. The system uses water from the fresh water tank. The FRESH WATER PUMP breakers on the salon 12VDC distribution panel must be ON to operate the system. С. DoCKSIDE WATER INLET The dockside water inlet, located on the port transom allows use of a dockside water source to provide water for the boat's fresh water system . DocKSIDE WATER INLET (FIG. 7.7.2) To UsE THE SYSTEM: 1. Make sure the “FRESH WATER PUMP” breakers are OFF. 2. Remove the plug from the face of the dockside water inlet. 3. Connect a drinking water hose to the water outlet on the dock, then to the dockside water inlet on the boat and turn on the water at the dock. All fresh water faucets and showers are now usable. To disconnect the system, reverse the procedure, making sure the plug is reinstalled tightly. о ОО МОТ leave boat unattended with the dockside water hose connected. * Dockside water should be connected during periods of heavy water usage only. Na J 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 7.7 SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS H. TRANSOM SHOWER The transom shower has a hot and cold control and shower wand which are located in a receptacle on the port wall of the transom area. Squeeze the button on the shower wand to dispense water and turn the knob to adjust water temperature. The FRESH WATER PUMP breakers on the main distribution panel must be ON to operate the shower. TRANSOM SHOWER (FIG. 7.8.2) I. GRAY WATER SUMP Your yacht is equipped with a gray water/ condensate sump located between the port and f = GRAY WATER SUMP (FIG. 7.8.1) Г NS A Nena AER o, HE cu tE LAS 25D) 4 к t (TL UT (A) BILGE PUMP COMMON DRAIN (C) FLOAT SWITCH ® sump (ВР) FWD STATEROOM A/C CONDENSATE INLET ® SUMP THRU-HULL DISCHARGE starboard inboard stringers in the aft bilge. Gray water from the head systems, galley systems and air conditioner condensation drains into the sump through the common drain to be pumped overboard. The sump pump is fully automatic and protected by breakers on the main DC breaker panel on the forward bulkhead of the bilge. Periodically remove the clear cover, check and clean the pump and float switch. Check the pump and float switch for obstructions and proper working order. The sump pump comes on when there is enough water in the sump to raise the float switch and start the pump. If it does not come on after one or two gallons of water drain from the shower, turn the water off and check the pump and float switch for proper operation. After using the shower, it is recommended that you run a gallon of clean water through the shower drain to clean out soap residue. J. GRAY WATER DRAIN LINES Tthe Gray water from the head systems and galley systems plus the air conditioner condensation and raw water is carried to the sump or common drains by the gray water drain lines located throughout the boat. 7.8 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 7 e ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS GRAY WATER LINE ROUTING (Fıc. 7.9.1) (A MID BILGE PUMP THRU-HULL DISCHARGE SUMP THRU-HULL DISCHARGE © sump (©) BILGE PUMP (E) HIGH WATER BILGE PUMP (E) GUEST SHOWER DRAIN (© GUEST HEAD SINK DRAIN M MASTER STATEROOM SHOWER DRAIN (H) FWD STATEROOM A/C CONDENSATE DRAIN (N) MASTER STATEROOM SINK DRAIN (D FWD HEAD FLOOR DRAIN (© MASTER STATEROOM HEAD FLOOR DRAIN (D FWD BILGE PUMP (P) AFT BILGE PUMP (K) GALLEY SINK DRAIN (@ MASTER STATEROOM A/C CONDENSATE DRAIN (D COMMON DRAIN 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 7.9 SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS 5. HEAD SYSTEM The standard head system on your Sea Ray* includes a holding tank with dockside pump-out and fluid level indicators, with a macerator and overboard discharge seacock available as an option. Below is a description of the head system and options. You should be aware of whether your boat is equipped with the optional overboard discharge system and read the section pertaining to it. The owner’s packet in your boat contains information pertaining to your head system that should be read carefully. A. REQUIREMENTS FOR VESSEL OPERATORS The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards state that in freshwater lakes, freshwater reservoirs or other freshwater impoundments whose inlets or outlets are such as to prevent the ingress or egress by vessel traffic subject to this regulation, or in rivers not capable of navigation by interstate vessel traffic subject to this regulation, marine sanitation devices certified by the U.S. Coast Guard installed on all vessels shall be designed and operated to prevent the overboard discharge of Do not flush facial tissue, paper towels or sanitary napkins in head. sewage, treated or untreated, or of any waste derived from sewage. The EPA standards further state that this shall not be construed to prohibit the carriage of Coast Guard-certified flow through treatment devices which have been secured so as to prevent such discharges. They also state that waters where a Coast Guard certified marine sanitation device permitting discharge is allowed include coastal waters and estuaries, the Great Lakes and interconnecting waterways, freshwater lakes and impoundments accessible through locks, and other flowing waters that are navigable interstate by vessels subject to this regulation (40 CFR 140.3). B. VAcCU-FLuSH? HEAD The Vacu-Flush® head utilizes the HEAD breakers on the DC distribution panel in the salon. Individual breakers on the DC distribution panel control the GUEST HEAD and MASTER HEAD. The foot pedal at the base of the toilet opens a mechanical seal 1 VACU-FLUSH? HEAD SYSTEM (Fic. 7.10.1) N (А) ue © — (A THRU-HULL VENT FWD STATEROOM HEAD © FOOT PEDAL (В) VENT FILTER (E) MACERATOR (OPTIONAL) (E) FWD STATEROOM VACU-FLUSH? @ MASTER STATEROOM VACU-FLUSH® (В) MASTER STATEROOM HEAD (1) MACERATOR SEACOCK (OPTIONAL) D (D) HOLDING TANK (8) MANUAL DOCKSIDE PUMPOUT J 7.10 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS and vacuum forces waste through the opening in the bowl to the vacuum generator, through the vacuum pump and then to the holding tank. To OPERATE VACU-FLUSH? HEAD: 1. Turn ON the FRESH WATER PUMP breaker. 2. Turn ON the HEAD SYSTEM breaker. 3. If there is no water in bowl, lift foot pedal until enough water fills the bowl. 4. To flush, depress foot pedal to floor until bowl IS clear. C. HOLDING TANK OPERATION Waste from the head is directed into the 54 gallon holding tank located in the forward bilge between the port and starboard inboard stringers. Holding tank fluid level indicators are located on the DC distribution panel in the salon and in each head. The indicators show FULL-DO NOT FLUSH, 1/2 and POWER. When the FULL-DO NOT FLUSH light is on, the holding tank must be emptied before the head can be reused. However it would be a good practice to empty - WASTE LEVEL INDICATOR AND DISCHARGE CONTROL Nu J N (Fic. 7.11.2) WASTE SYSTEM CONTROL FULL-DO NOT FLUSH 1/2 EMPTY POWER NOTICE WITH SWITCH ON, INDICATOR ON - NORMAL INDICATOR OFF - CHECK SEACOCK DISCHARGE OF SEWAGE DIRECTLY OVERBOARD IS FOR USE WHERE APPROVED ONLY. SEE OWNERS MANUAL FOR OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS OF OVERBOARD DISCHARGE VALVES INDIVIDUAL HEAD - WASTE LEVEL INDICATOR (F16.7.11.3) WASTE LEVEL POWER Y FULL - DO NOT FLUSH the holding tank when the 1/2 light is on to avoid overflowing the holding tank and ruining the vent filter. - HOLDING TANK (Fıc. 7.11.1) а ik | | \ \ \ N NX 4 (A HOLDING TANK (UNDER FLOOR) VENT FILTER (© MACERATOR (OPTIONAL) (© MASTER STATEROOM VACUUM GENERATOR (E) FWD STATEROOM VACUUM GENERATOR (E) MACERATOR SEACOCK (OPTIONAL) \. ~~ AN À \ X % X re 4 4 ` a 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 7.11 SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS DocKSIDE PUMP-OUT To empty the holding tank, the services of a dockside pump out station will be needed. Follow instructions at the station and make sure pump out station hose is inserted into the deck plate marked WASTE, located on the port side deck walkway.lf equipped, the holding tank can also be emptied by the optional macerator. See MACERATOR DISCHARGE PUMP in this section. D. VENT FILTER The vent filter is designed to control odors associated with the head system operations. The vent filter is located on the engine room forward bulkhead. The filter must be changed at the beginning of each boating season to be effective. The vent filter is installed in-line on the holding tank ventilation hose. NOTE: Do not overfill the holding tank as this will flood the vent filter and render it useless. Filter replacement will then be required. See Parts Manual for correct replacement filter. 6. MACERATOR DISCHARGE Pump WITH SEACOCK INTERLOCK SYSTEM (OPTIONAL) If equipped, the optional macerator gives the boat operator the means of discharging the holding tank contents directly overboard through a seacock in the bottom of the hull. This is available in conjunction with the dockside pump out. Since direct overboard discharge is prohibited in many areas, the macerator seacock is normally closed. The macerator seacock is equipped with a system interlock switch which prevents the operation of the macerator when the macerator seacock is closed. The light on the MACERATOR switch on the DC Distribution Panel will be lighted when the macerator is operational. If the light is not lighted, it is visual confirmation the macerator seacock is closed and that the macerator cannot be operated. Check that the macerator seacock f в MACERATOR (OPTIONAL) (F16.7.12.1) — [> i ow RK a = FT te À NADA \ \ 5 CN Co __! \} + IE = (A) MACERATOR (OPTIONAL) MACERATOR SEACOCK (OPTIONAL) (© HOLDING TANK = J f A This boat may be equipped with an optional overboard discharge valve. Discharging of sewage directly overboard is for use where approved only. NOTICE There is the possibility of being fined for having an operable overboard discharge in U.S. waters. Removing handle of seacock while in closed position, or other means must be utilized to avoid fine. \. J handle is in the open position and the light on the switch is lighted before operating the macerator. To OPERATE THE MACERATOR: 1. Turn ON the DISCHARGE PUMP breaker on the salon DC distribution panel and open the waste discharge seacock located on the bilge floor (See Fig. 7.12.1 for seacock location). 2. Operate DISCHARGE switch under the WASTE SYSTEM CONTROL area on the main distribution panel. 3. When tank is empty, release the switch and close waste discharge seacock. MAINTENANCE Prior to each use and at regularly scheduled Intervals, cycle the macerator seacock handle open and shut to ensure proper operation of the seacock. 7.12 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS 7. COMMUNICATION SYSTEM The 390 MY is equipped with a land-line telephone in the forward stateroom, the salon and the master stateroom. These phones can be operated when dockside and hooked up to the dockside telephone hookup. A. DocKsIDE TELEPHONE HOOKUP The dockside telephone hookup is located on the port transom. A fifty foot shore cord with waterproof connectors is supplied. DocKSIDE TELEPHONE AND TV Hookup (FG. 7.13.1) y (A DOCKSIDE TELEPHONE HOOKUP DOCKSIDE TV HOOKUP Na J TO CONNECT TELEPHONE SYSTEM: 1. lift cover plate. 2. Connect shore cord to dock telephone inlet and then to the boat inlet. 3. Telephone system is now operational. REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 8. ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS A. SALON ENTERTAINMENT CENTER The salon entertainment center consists of a 20" LCD TV/DVD/VCR combo with digital remote control, a 6-disc CD changer and and a Clarion stereo system located in the starboard cabinet in the aft salon. A selector switch for cockpit entertainment is located below the TV. The CABIN MAIN and CABIN STEREO MEMORY on the main distribution panel breaker must be ON to operate the systems. Note: The television, DVD and stereo systems are plugged into a surge suppression power strip located behind the entertainment center. B. FORWARD STATEROOM ENTERTAINMENT (OPTIONAL) If equipped, the forward stateroom entertainment center consists of a 13” television/DVD combination with remote control. C. MASTER STATEROOM ENTERTAINMENT The master stateroom entertainment center consists of a 13” television/DVD/radio combination with remote control. D. COCKPIT ENTERTAINMENT The cockpit entertainment consists of a set of speakers connected to the salon stereo system. The speakers can be activated and controlled by the remote stereo control in the salon or on the starboard side of the control station E. SATELLITE RADIO (OPTIONAL) If equipped, the satellite radio is located below the salon TV unit with a receiver behind the stereo cabinet. The satellite radio is connected to speakers throughout the interior and the cockpit through the Clarion stereo equipment. F. DOCKSIDE TELEVISION HOOKUP For television reception dockside, attach the dockside television cable to the inlet located on the port transom (See figure 7.13.1). 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 7.13 SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS TO CONNECT CABLE TELEVISION: 1. Lift cover plate. 2. Screw the TV coax cable into the TV cable connector (See figure 7.13.1). 3. Run the cable to the dockside receptacle and screw coax cable into receptacle. G. TV SIGNAL SELECTOR The antenna/cable selector panel is located above the AC main distribution panel in the aft salon. Turn the selector to MAX GAIN for onboard TV antenna reception. Turn the selector to SHORE for dockside cable reception. TV SIGNAL SELECTOR (FG. 7.14.1) | Y / | e _ NT ALT —> pa { AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHER (GAS) (Fra. 7.14.2) AUTOMATIC FIRE “ v EXTINGUISHER \. J REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 9. AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHER The 390 MY is equipped with an automatic fire extinguisher system located aft of the engines on the aft component board. In the event of a fire, the heat sensitive automatic head will release the extinguishant as a vapor, totally flooding the area in fire-killing concentrations. A. GASOLINE ENGINE BOATS The system indicator light, located on the control station switch panel, indicates to the helmsman when the unit has discharged. Under normal circumstances, when the engines are operating, the charge indicator light is ON. If the unit discharges, the charge light will indicate OFF. f A AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHER INDICATOR LIGHT (Fıc. 7.14.3) AUTOMATIC EXTINGUISHER SYSTEM - LIGHT ÓN - UNIT CHARGED >. LIGHT OFF - UNIT DISCHARGED 3. - IF SYSTEM DISCHARGES SHUT © pow ENGINES, BLOWERS AND LECTRICAL SYSTEMS. eee 28 VENT WASHER Se BD WINDSHIELD X POR PERS WHEN ACTUATION OCCURS, IMMEDIATELY SHUT DOWN ALL ENGINES, POWERED VENTILATION, ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND EXTINGUISH ALL SMOKING MATERIALS. DO NOT IMMEDIATELY OPEN THE ENGINE COMPARTMENT!!! THIS FEEDS OXYGEN TO THE FIRE AND FLASHBACK COULD OCCUR. Allow the extinguishant to “soak” the compartment for at least fifteen (15) minutes and for hot metals or fuels to cool before cautiously inspecting for cause of damage. Have portable extinguishers at hand and ready. Do not breathe fumes or vaporscaused by the fire. B. DIESEL ENGINE BOATS The system indicator and switch module (ENGINE SHUTDOWN AND OVERRIDE SYSTEM) located at the control station is wired to the ignition and 7.14 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHER (DIESEL OPTION) (Fi. 7.15.1) AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHER N J { A DIESEL AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHER INDICATOR (Fıc. 7.15.2) NN J turned ON when ignition is turned ON. The CHARGE and DISCHARGE indicator lights, indicate to the helmsman when the unit has discharged. Under normal circumstances, when the ignition is ON the CHARGE indicator light ia ON. If the unit discharges, the CHARGE light will go OFF and the DISCHARGE light will turn ON. The system incorporates an engine shutdown switch with override system. When the system discharges it will shut down the engines. After the engine room has been inspected and it has been determined safe and you are ready to restart the engines, activate the OVERRIDE switch on the ENGINE SHUTDOWN OVERRIDE SYSTEM, then restart the engines. C. MANUAL FIRE EXTINGUISING SYSTEM Located at the control station under the starboard operators seat, the manual fire extinguisher system allows the operator to manually activate the automatic extinguisher in the engine room. Early detection and use of the manual override system will reduce fire damage by eliminating the time MANUAL FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM (16. 7.15.3) N J necessary for heat in the engine room to rise to a temperature necessary to activate the automatic fire extinguisher. To OPERATE: 1. Pull pin securing the handle. 2. Pull red FIRE handle quickly and briskly. SAFETY PIN The safety pin, located at the neck of the extinguisher bottle in the engine room is for shipping and transfer of the bottle only. The pin MUST be removed in order to manually operate the system. THE SAFETY PIN MUST BE REMOVED AFTER CABLE S-HOOK & ATTACHMENT PIN ARE INSTALLED. FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN INABILITY TO MANUALLY OPERATE SYSTEM. | 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 7.15 SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS f ENGINE ROOM FIRE EXTINGUISHER (F16.7.16.1) NOTE: THE MANUAL SYSTEM WILL NOT OPERATE IF SAFETY PIN IS INSTALLED. \. J This pin should be removed upon installation of the system. Ensure that this has been done. The manual system will not function unless the safety pin has been removed from the fire extinguisher bottle. D. HAND HELD EXTINGUISHERS A hand held extinguisher is located on the inboard side of the control station companion seat. The extinguisher should be checked frequently and recharged as necessary. the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) recommends that you have three (3) Type B-1 ABC fire extinguishers on board, one each located at the helm station and outside the engine compartment and in the galley. NOTE: Inspect extinguishers monthly to ensure that: * Seals and tamper indicators are not broken or missing. * Pressure gauges or indicators read in the operable range. (CO, extinguishers do not have gauges) There is no obvious physical damage, corrosion, leakage or clogged nozzles. Weigh extinguishers annually to assure that the minimum weight is as stated on the extinguisher label. REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 10. UTILITY Room Access to the water manifold, battery chargers, water heater, optional washer/dryer combo, forward bilge pump, bow thruster and thruster oil reservoir, and forward storage can be obtained by raising the galley companionway steps. UTILITY Room (FIG. 7.16.2) \. 11. Bow THRUSTER (OPTIONAL) The bow thruster is electrically driven and gives the operator more maneuverability of the bow. The bow thruster motor is located under the forward steps in the utility room. An oil reservoir bottle for the bow thruster is located on the aft wall of the utility room. Periodically check the oil reservoir and top off if necessary. The 24V BOW THRUSTER switch which supplies power to the bow thruster is located on the control station switch panel (See figure 2.8.2) and the joy stick with station enabled indicator ligh which is used to direct the bow thruster is located at the helm (See figure 2.7.2). f A Bow THRUSTER ET (Fic. 7.16.3) _ = e ib. “чп —]a—————[ E —]—_— —].— WATER LINE BOW THRUSTER — N J 7.16 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS The bow thruster motor is equipped with an internal thermally activated breaker. The thermal breaker protects the motor from overheating. When the Bow THRUSTER (F16.7.17.1) (A BOW THRUSTER MOTOR BOW THRUSTER OIL RESERVOIR BOTTLE (IF REQUIRED BY THE MANUFACTURER) Na A Bow THRUSTER OIL RESERVOIR & BATTERY CHARGER (FiG. 7.17.2) В (A) BOW THRUSTER OIL RESERVOIR BOTTLE (IF REQUIRED BY MANUFACTURER) BATTERY CHARGER © 150 AMP FUSE © SOLENOID (E) GALLEY STEPS \. J thermal breaker is activated the thruster motor will not operate and must be allowed to cool down for normal operation. REFER TO OWNER'S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 12. REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER The galley refrigerator/freezer is supplied power by the REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER breaker on the AC main distribution panel. To operate dockside, connect the shore power system, turn the MAIN breaker(s) ON. Then turn the REFRIGERATOR/ FREEZER breaker on the AC main distribution panel and the switch on the bottom of the unit ÓN. A. Cockpit ICE MAKER The cockpit ice maker is located on the starboard side of the cockpit wet bar. The STBD SYSTEMS breaker on the AC main distribution panel powers the unit. | CockPIT ICE MAKER (F16.7.17.3) ICE MAKER (INSIDE CABINET) \. J REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION 13. COFFEE MAKER The drip coffee maker located in a cabinet above the stove in the galley operates on the 120 volt system. It is powered by the GALLEY SYSTEMS breaker on the AC main distribution panel which must be ON to operate the coffee maker. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 7.17 SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS Tun off coffee maker before closing cabinet doors. Failure to do so may result in damage to | the coffee maker or cabinet. J To keep the coffee maker operating efficiently, the mineral deposits left by water must be flushed out using the cleaning method described in the Instruction booklet. REFER TO OWNER'S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 14. STOVE & MICROWAVE A. ELECTRIC STOVE The STOVE breaker on the AC main distribution panel located in the aft port of the salon supplies power to the stove and must be ÓN to operate the stove. The stove has two (2) burners with control knobs to provide a variation of heat. A stove cover is provided to cover the burners when not in use. A power safety switch is installed on the cover recess. When the stove cover is installed it depresses the switch turning power OFF to the stove control knobs. REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. B. MICROWAVE/CONVECTION O VEN The microwave/convection oven is located in the cabinet next to the refrigerator/freezer. The 120VAC MICROWAVE breaker on the AC main distribution panel supplies power to the microwave and must be ON to operate the unit. NOTE: Turn on the galley power ventilation system when operating the convection oven. REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 15. POWER VENTILATION SYSTEM The power ventilation system removes stagnant & foul air from the master stateroom head, galley and guest head by means of 12 volt exhaust fans. They are powered by the POWER VENTS breaker on the DC main distribution panel in the salon and individually turned on and off by the power vent switch in the heads and the galley (See pages 2.21 & 2.22 for location of vent switch). 16. CENTRAL VACUUM (OPTIONAL) The central vacuum unit is located under the salon companionway steps. The STBD SYSTEMS breaker must be ON to operate the system. | CENTRAL VACUUM SYSTEM (OPTIONAL) (F1G.7.18.1) (A VACUUM CLEANER SALON COMPANIONWAY STEPS \. J The built in switch on the hose inlet fittings activate the vacuum when the hose is inserted. The disposable bag is located under the removable panel on the top of the vacuum unit. The 24 foot hose is stored under the port salon sofa. The hose connects to the central vacuum through the hose inlet which is located on the port side of the salon companionway steps. J 7.18 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS 17. WASHER & DRYER (OPTIONAL) The washer/dryer is a stacked front load washing and drying combination unit located in the utility room on the portside. The unit can be accessed by lifting the galley companionway steps. The unit operates on the 120VAC WASHER/DRYER breaker on the AC main distribution panel. f в WASHER/DRYER (OPTIONAL) (FiG. 7.19.1) Ce | D | 0 / A == == © LI || » | by -— © Ee \ \ UA (A) (5) WASHER/DRYER \ GALLEY COMPANIONWAY Ne J The washer/dryer is connected to hot and cold water shutoff valves on the water manifold located on the aft bulkhead in the utility room (See figure 7.5.2). The supply valves should be on only when the unit IS being used. REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 18. SHORE POWER A 50° shore power cord is supplied and stored in the transom storage cabinet on the aft transom. Two (2) 50’ shore power cords are supplied for the International option. An optional cablemaster system which allows the operator to play out and retrieve the shore power cord for dockside access is also available. If CABLEMASTER (OPTIONAL) (F16. 7.19.2) Na J equipped with the optional cablemaster, the switch to activate the power cord is located above the transom shower on the port transom. See Section 3 - Using Your Boat, Pg. 3.8 for operation of the cablemaster system. 19. EXPANDABLE SALON SOFA The starboard sofa in the salon can be expanded by pulling out the seating area to accomodate additional overnight guests. After pulling the seating unit out fully, place the additional cushions stored under the port seating area. SALON SOFA (F1G6. 7.19.3) рее ® 7 ADDITIONAL CUSHIONS (STORED UNDER THE PORT SALON SEATING) 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 7.19 SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS 20. EXPANDABLE BUNK The starboard bunk in the forward stateroom can be expanded to accomodate two persons by pulling on the bunk edge. Place cushions, stored in the cabinets under the bunk, on the back edge of the bunk to complete the transition. 21. HORN The horn, located in the starboard bow chain locker Is protected by a breaker on the control station breaker panel which can be accessed through the door underneath the helm. The compressor bottle for the horn is located on the aft side of the chain locker bulkhead in the gunwale cabinet. | HORN (Fra. 7.20.1) - : AS E $ A @ HORN >, COMPRESSOR BOTTLE © CHAIN LOCKER BULKHEAD No J To activate the horn, depress the HORN switch on the control station switch panel. 22. CANVAS lt is recommended that you read Section 1e Safety, pages 1.2 thru 1.4 and understand the effects of exhaust emissions. A. CARE & MAINTENANCE Care and maintenance instructions have been provided by the canvas manufacturer for the canvas used on your Sea Ray®. The information can be found in the Owner's Manual Packet. By following the provided instructions, your canvas set will give you protection from the elements and comfort that you expect. Most of all, the instructions provide you with installation and removal procedures that will simplify the task. Components of your canvas set consist of zipper tracks and snaps. These components can be found in the parts manual located in the Owner’s Manual Packet. B. STORAGE: Do not fold or store any of the canvas set pieces while wet. All canvas should be rolled or folded when dry and stored in a clean, dry place. e For clear vinyl pieces, rolling or laying down flat are the recommended methods for storage. The clear vinyl should never be folded or creased as cracking will result. To protect the clear vinyl from rubbing against itself while rolled or stored flat, place a piece of very soft, nonabrasive cloth between the pieces, or rolled up in it. If the surface of your clear vinyl becomes scratched, the canvas manufacturer has provided a canvas care sheet in your Owner's Manual Packet. C. INSTALLATION TIPS: e The zippers attached on the hardtop and cockpit overhead are mounted on a zipper track. Once Installed, do not remove these zippers or zipper tracks. When attaching any of the pieces of the canvas set, attach the top edges first and zip the zippers only partially. This helps to hold the piece in place and relieves tension, helping the other sides to Zip or snap easier. After all of the sides of the piece are secure, finish zipping the top of each piece. This will ensure a tight fit. REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 7.20 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS 23. FLOOR PLAN INTERIOR (F16.7.21.1) Na —— yy, (4) V-BERTH STARBOARD BUNK (EXPANDABLE) (©) V-BERTH TV/VCR (D) GALLEY STOVE (Е) GALLEY SINK (©) COFFEE MAKER (G) REFRIGERATOR (H) MICROWAVE GALLEY STEPS (LIFT TO ACCESS UTILITY ROOM) (J) SALON CONVERTIBLE COUCH (K) SALON ENTERTAINMENT CENTER (D) AFT STATEROOM TV/VCR (M) AFT STATEROOM SHOWER (N) AFT STATEROOM VANITY (©) AFT STATEROOM (P) AFT STATEROOM HEAD (Q) AFT STATEROOM HANGING CLOSET (R) AFT STATEROOM STEPS (S) MAIN DISTRIBUTION PANELS (7) PORT SALON COUCH (0) WASHER DRYER (IN UTILITY ROOM) (V) FWD SHOWER (W) FWD HEAD (X) FWD VANITY (Ÿ) V-BERTH HANGING CLOSET (2) V-BERTH PORT BUNK 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 7.21 SECTION 7 * ACCESSORIES AND OPTIONS FLOOR PLAN GENERAL DecK LAYOUT (Fra. 7.22.1) (4) ANCHOR CHUTE WINDLASS (C) DECK HATCH (D) STARBOARD NAV LIGHT (E) ELECTRIC VENT WINDOW (F) CONTROL STATION (G) STARBOARD FUEL TANK FILL (H) PORT FUEL TANK FILL (1) CAPTAIN'S CHAIR (J) STARBOARD DECK ACCESS DOOR (KX) COCKPIT WET BAR W / ICE MAKER (D) WATER TANK FILL (M) SWIM LADDER (N) DOCKSIDE WATER INLET (©) TRANSOM SHOWER (P) SHORE POWER PLUG (Q) TV/TELEPHONE INLET (R) COCKPIT SEATING (S) PORT DECK ACCESS DOOR (T) WASTE PUMP-OUT (U) PORT NAV LIGHT (V) WINDLASS REMOTE FOOT PEDALS (W) SPOTLIGHT J 7.22 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Routine inspection, service and maintenance of your boat's systems are vital to assure your safety, as well as for prolonging the life of your boat. You should develop regular routines for inspecting your boat. The chart below summarizes inspection, service and maintenance activities. This section also contains descriptions of some convenient methods for evaluating the condition of some of your boat's systems. The interval between necessary service or maintenance is highly variable, depending on the environment your boat is in, and on the severity of operating conditions. For example, corrosion of parts on boats operated in salt water proceeds much faster than the corrosion of parts on a boat operated in fresh water. The intervals listed below are recommended maximums, and you must reduce the time between inspections if your observations indicate the need. 1. SUMMARY GUIDE FOR INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Battery Check water level Owner’s Manual p. 6.1 ° ° Bilge Area Clean and check Owner's Manual p. 9.2 Bilge Blowers Hose connections tight Owners Manual p. 4.2 ° Bilge Pump Float switch operates freely | Owner's Manual p. 4.1 Canvas Clean Owners Manual p. 9.3 As Needed Controls Steering Check for proper operation To be done by Sea Ray dealer every six months Power steering oil level Engine Manual ° Throttle Lubricate. Include all shift Engine Manual . . linkage and pivot points Electrical Connections Check for looseness To be done by Sea Ray dealer annually GFCI (120V) Outlet Check for operation Owners Manual p. 6.12 Engine Alarm Check Engine Manual ° Cooling System Check for leaks Engine Manual ° Connections with engine running Crankcase Clean Engine Manual ° ° ventilating system Drive belts Check Engine Manual ° Exhaust System Check for leaks Engine Manual ° ° ° Flame Arrestor Clean Engine Manual ° ° Fuel Filter Replace Engine Manual ° Mounts (Fasteners) | Tighten Engine Manual ° Oil and Filter Replace Engine Manual ° Oil Level Check Engine Manual ° Fuel System Connections & Lines |Check for leaks Engine Manual ° ° ° Tanks Check for leaks Owners Manual, Section 5 ° ° ° Water Separating Replace Engine Manual ° Fuel Filter *Use in salt water or other severe operating conditions requires shorter maintenance/service intervals 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE SUMMARY GUIDE FOR INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Propeller Inspect for Always after object Seaworthiness drain Installed and Hull damage Check for loose, damaged Always after striking object or Topside & Supplies Check for loose, damaged Owners Manual p. 8.5 or missing parts Transmission Oil Strainer Screen Clean To be done Sea dealer Trim Tabs Zincs Transom Check and replace as Owner's Manual р. 6.13 Every 25 hours of operation needed Trim Tabs Check fluid level Trim Tab Manual Every 25 hours of operation *Use in salt water or other severe operating conditions requires shorter maintenance/service intervals 8.2 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 2. USEFUL SERVICE INFORMATION OWNER HOME PORT BOAT NAME REGISTRATION NUMBER STATE HULL SERIAL NUMBER WARRANTY REGISTRATION DATE ENGINE MAKE 8: MODEL SERIAL NUMBER PORT STARBOARD GEAR MAKE 8 REDUCTION RATIO SERIAL NUMBER PORT STARBOARD PROPELLER SIZE PORT STARBOARD PART NUMBER PORT STARBOARD SHAFT SIZE (DIAMETER X LENGTH) MATERIAL FUEL CAPACITY PORT TANK STARBOARD WATER CAPACITY KEY NUMBER, IGNITION DOOR SELLING DEALER CITY & STATE LENGTH BEAM DRAFT VERTICAL CLEARANCE ESTIMATED WEIGHT GENERATOR SERIAL # MODEL # KILOWATTS 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 8.3 SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 3. INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE PROTOCOL A. BILGE AREA Many of your boat's systems have critical features located in the bilge area. Athorough and organized inspection of the bilge area will address many of these critical features. For example, engine oil leaks and fuel system leaks will show themselves as contamination on the surface of the liquid that remains in the bilge. When you see such contamination, you should look for its source. Once or twice a year, pump the bilge areas dry and remove all loose dirt. Be sure that all the limber holes are open. Limber holes are the openings in the stringers that allow water to flow from the outboard areas of the bilge to the bilge sump. Check the bilge pump float switch by moving it manually. (Figure 4.1.3) The bilge pump should start when the float switch is raised and should stop when lowered. If it does not, first try resetting the bilge pump breakers, if the pump will still not run replace the float switch before using your boat. The float switch should also move freely without sticking, if it does not, have it serviced or replaced before boating. DO NOT USE FLAMMABLE SOLVENTS to clean any part of the bilge. Fumes can accumulate and can be the source of an explosion. 1. Оп. If there is oil contamination, look for leaks in engine oil lines and engine gaskets. If parts of the bilge have been stained by oil, the stain can be removed using a bilge cleaner available from your dealer or a marine store. 2. ENGINE Engine failure or malfunction, when away from shore, can be dangerous. Make certain you do the following each time you use the boat: * Wipe off the engine to remove accumulated dust, grease and oil. * Check all exposed nuts, bolts and screws for tightness. e Inspect the belts for wear. If they do not require replacement, check and adjust the belt tension according to the engine manufacturer's recommendation. * Inspect engine wiring, and clean and tighten the terminals on the engine electrical system. e (Clean and lubricate the battery cables. * Add distilled water to the battery cells as needed. Refer to your Engine Operator's Manual for additional engine maintenance requirements. 3. FUEL SYSTEM Inspect the entire fuel system for evidence of leakage, including the fuel tank fill lines and vents. Any stain around a joint could be an indication of a leak. Test all fittings with a wrench to be sure they are not loose, but do not forcefully overtighten the fittings. * Clean fuel filters and vent screens. Work on electrical wiring can create shock hazards or sparks. Always shut off battery switch, breakers and/or pull fuses before checking electrical wiring or connectors. N J 8.4 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 4. WIRING SYSTEM Check all wiring for proper support. Check all wiring insulation for signs of fraying or chafing. e (Check all terminals for corrosion - corroded terminals and connectors should be replaced or thoroughly cleaned. Tighten all terminals securely and spray them with light marine preservative oil. 5. FITTINGS, HOSES AND CLAMPS Inspect the entire bilge area for evidence of damage or deterioration. Evidence of deterioration will first appear around hull fittings, hoses and clamps. e Straighten kinked hoses. Replace any hose that does not feel pliable. * Check all hose clamps for tightness and corrosion. Corroded clamps must be replaced. e (Check the nuts, bolts and screws that retain equipment, hoses, etc. in the bilge for tightness and corrosion. Corroded fasteners must be replaced. B. TOPSIDE AND SUPPLIES Once a year, you should undertake a thorough review of the topside equipment, as well as of the critical safety supplies on your boat. * Check cleats, rings, rails, etc. for loose or corroded fasteners, breaks, sharp edges or other conditions that could lead to malfunction or unsafe use. Repair or replace as necessary. e Inspect PFDs (life jackets) for tears and deterioration. * Make certain you have enough PFDs on board for the maximum number of persons you can carry. e Check your first aid kit, making certain it is complete and that the items in it have not passed an expiration date. Check the signaling equipment and emergency flares. Make sure all items are within their expiration dates. * Inspect the anchor, mooring and towing lines. Repair or replace as required. e Check fire extinguishers for full charge. 4. WINTERIZATION CHECKLIST FOR BoATS STORED ON LAND A. BOAT STORAGE e Store boat in a bow high attitude. e Remove hull drain plug. e Pour one (1) pint (half-liter) of 50% water/ antifreeze mixture in each bilge pump sump.. B. ENGINES Flush engines with fresh water. * Remove engine drain plugs. REFER TO YOUR ENGINE OPERATOR'S MANUAL FOR DETAILED INFORMATION ON PREPARING THE ENGINES FOR STORAGE AND WINTERIZATION. C. BATTERY(IES) * Remove from boat. Remove the negative (-) cable first, then the positive (+) cable. * Remove grease and dirt from top surface. (Grease terminal bolts. e Store on wooden pallet or thick plastic in a cool dry place. Do not store on concrete. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 8.5 SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Keep under a trickle charge. When placing battery back into service, remove excess grease from terminals, recharge as necessary and reinstall in boat. D. HEAD SYSTEM e Flush entire system thoroughly with fresh water. Pump out holding tank. * Remove water line from inlet fitting located on back bottom half of water valve on head. Flush one gallon (four liters) antifreeze mixed with one gallon (four liters) of water through toilet and let vacuum pump run for one or two minutes. e Shut WATER SYSTEM breaker OFF. Pump out holding tank. E. WATER SYSTEM * Turn ÓN the WATER SYSTEM switch. Open water faucet, let system drain completely. e Turn OFF the WATER SYSTEM switch. * Water must be removed from the water lines with air pressure or flushed with a nontoxic antifreeze. Using pressurized air to remove water from water lines: * You must have an air compressor with air hose and air nozzle. * Remove water hoses from water pump. e Alternate opening one faucet at a time to make sure water is removed from each line. Blow air through the water lines removed from the water pump. NOTE: When blowing air be careful not to blow air with all faucets closed. System could be damaged by overpressurization and create water leaks. e (Cover hose ends with screen or broad weave cloth and tape in place to keep out dirt and bugs. USING NONTOXIC WINTERIZING ANTIFREEZE: Purchase a nontoxic winterizing antifreeze for fresh water systems from a marine or RV supply retailer. With all water pumped out of the system add nontoxic antifreeze to the water tank. Pour in enough to be pumped to all faucets and showers. * Close all faucets and turn on water system. * (Open one faucet at a time. Close faucet when nontoxic antifreeze comes out of faucet. e Afterall faucets and showers have been treated, open all faucets and pump out remaining nontoxic antifreeze. WATER HEATER WINTERIZATION e Refer to your water heater Owner's Manual for detailed information on preparing water heater for storage and winterization. F. FUEL SYSTEMS (GASOLINE: e Fill fuel tank with gasoline and the recommended amount of stabilizer and conditioner such as “Stabil®”. Run engine(s) for ten minutes to ensure that all gasoline in the carburetor and fuel lines are treated. 8.6 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE DIESEL * Fill fuel tank with diesel and recommended amount of biocide, “Biobor”, which prevents bacteria and fungi from contaminating diesel fuel that contains some water. * Diesel fuel should also get a petroleum distillate additive, such as “Stabil® or Racor? RX100”. This will absorb water in the fuel and prevent freezing problems. e Run engine(s) for ten minutes to ensure that all diesel fuel in injectors and fuel lines is treated. DETAILED WINTERIZING, OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED BY THE EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER AND CAN BE FOUND IN THE OWNER’S PACKET. Do not overfill. Filling a tank until the fuel flows from vents is dangerous. Allow room for expansion. 5. FITTING OUT AFTER STORAGE A. FUEL SYSTEM Check the entire fuel system for loose connections, worn hoses, leaks, etc. and repair. This is a primary safety precaution. Check fuel lines for damage and make sure that they do not come in contact with any moving parts. B. BATTERY (IES) Before installing the batteries, clean the terminal posts with a wire brush or steel wool and then attach the cables. After the cable clamps are tightened, smear the post and clamps with vaseline or grease to exclude air and acid. Do not apply grease before attaching and tightening the terminal clamps. Examine all wiring. C. MISCELLANEOUS e Check all thru-hull fittings for unobstructed water passage. Be alert for any deteriorated hoses and/or fittings below the water line which might fail in service and admit water. e Test the navigation lights. e Check all wiring for loose connections. e Check all switches and equipment for proper operation. e Check bilge blowers for proper operation. Turn ON blowers and place hand over hull blower vent to make sure air is coming from vent. * Anchor lines and gear should be inspected and replaced if necessary. * Make sure the hull drain plug is in place and tight. e (Clean bilge thoroughly if it was not done at lay-up. * Check all engine fluid levels. Check fuel lines for damage and/or leaks. Make sure that they do not come into contact with moving parts. 6. SECURITY CONSIDERATIONS Be conscious of the security of your boat. Always remove the keys from the ignition, lock hatches, lock the cabin door, remove and stow any removable electronic gear (fishfinders, GPS, etc.) and personal gear (fishing poles, etc.) normally left aboard your boat. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 8.7 SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 7. SEACOCK LUBRICATION * With boat out of water, remove the hose from top of the seacock. Put seacock handle in closed position. Add a few drops of lubricating oil inside. * Work handle back and forth a few times. Add oil as needed. * Replace hose and tighten clamp. Add afew drops of oil to the handle pivot point. N | SEACOCK (FIG. 8.8.1) SEACOCK HANDLE HOSE HOSE CLAMPS SEACOCK BODY dSO 19 PIVOT POINT 8. ENGINE OIL CHANGE SYSTEM A. GAS To change the oil in your boat equipped with standard gas propulsion: 1. Remove oil fill cap. (To allow ventilation) 2. Remove dipstick. 3. Have enough empty containers at hand to hold all of the used oil. 4. Insert oil pump into dipstick. 5. Pump used oil into empty containers. When all of the used oil has drained out of the engine(s) reinsert the oil dipstick and fill engine with fresh oil through the oil filler cap. A. DIESEL (OPTIONAL) Follow the oil exchange instructions found in Section 4 - Bilge and Underwater Equipment, page 4.5. In each case follow the intervals and oil change instructions provided by the engine manufacturer. REFER TO THE ENGINE OWNER'S MANUAL FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 8.8 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 9. QuicK REFERENCE CHECKLIST As the owner/operator of a Sea Ray® Sport Boat, you are responsible for the safe operation your boat and the safety of your passengers. Always be sure that required documents, navigational equipment and Coast Guard required safety equipment is aboard and in proper working order. A. BOARDING THE BOAT* GENERAL Weather Conditions ……....…….....….….....…….…reseseccncess Is it going to be safe to go out 2. Transom Drain Plug ........cccoooiiiiii ee, Installed 3. PFDs and all other Coast Guard required safety equipment... Available for all children and adults 4. Ignition keys ....................—.e.xeeeneeeereeerr ener Available 5. TOO (0) CT Stocked with a variety of appropriate tools BOAT SYSTEMS 1. Bilge Pumps .................. 0222200000 KR K EEK K KERN Working. Discharge any appreciable amounts of water overboard 2. BIOWErS ..…..................ncrcecssrres cernes esrr es err era creer Working. “Sniff” the bilge/engine compartment for fuel odor 3. Navigation Lights …...….....….....……...rrerecssecreneeeccnnere Working. Have spare bulbs (and if applicable fuses) aboard 4. Radio/Electronics ……....…….......…...rrrecesessencensere Working 5. HOM cen Working 6. THM TADS cco ere Full range of motion. No excessive play or binding 7. Fresh Water Tank... Filled and sanitized 8. Head System Holding Tank... Empty 9. SeacCocks...................eeeerecercrecoeneeceereeceneseteneae eee Generator Open (handle parallel to hose), Head System Holding Tank Closed (handle perpendicular to hose) ENGINE 1. Batteries ....ccooovviiii K RER KR RRKKEEEHG Fully charged (Check water cell levels) 2. Fuel Tank ee K RER KR RK ER REKEN Filled with recommended fuel 3. Fuel System .................eeeeecrccerrcececerrreeneeeeeeeeeee. Check for leaks 4. Fuel Filters ......cooooiiii DA Check that filters are clean and tight 5. Diesel Racor Fuel Filters .......................—..__—— Check that filters are clean, tight and free of water 6. Engine Coolant Drain Plugs Secured 7. Steering Fluid …..............……ccrrrreececrerra cc srs rence Full 8. Throttle á Gearshift Controls Test..................———... Full range of motion *Note: If trailering boat, many of these items should be checked before leaving the house. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 8.9 SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Quick REFERENCE CHECKLIST (CONT’D) B. PREPARING TO DEPART AND AFTER LAUNCHING GENERAL 1. Bilge/Engine Compartment .............cccceei vive. “Sniff” the bilge/engine compartment for fuel odor. Run the bilge blowers for at least four (4) minutes. 2. Shore Power Cable esse Disconnected from dockside power inlet 3. Lines, Fenders and AnChOF ee Ready for use 4. Passengers/Crew .……....….....…...…crrerccrera ces cac ssaancn ee Instructed in duties for getting underway and fitted for a correct size PFD ENGINE 1. Battery Switches ........ccooiiiiiiii In the ON position 2. Fuel Valves (Diesel Only) ..........................=ee... Opens 3. Engine Alarm... erre Test. Should sound after a few seconds 4. Gear Shift 8% Throttle Controls .....................—....... In NEUTRAL and IDLE positions STARTING THE ENGINE* 1. Gearshift á Throttle Controls.......................———.—.——.—.. Shift in NEUTRAL (Refer to your Engine Owner's Manual for startup procedures for your specific engine) 2. |gnition ooo ERKREKRERKRRKRERKRKEERKRKEEKHG Turn master ignition keys on DC distribution panel to the ON position. Depress ignition switch on the helm switch panel to START position until engine starts, then release to RUN position (light on). IMPORTANT: Do not continue to operate starter for more than 10 seconds without pausing to allow starter motor to cool off for 2 minutes. This also will allow the battery to recover between starting attempts.” Do not run the engine or generator in an enclosed area, such as a closed boat house, as there is the possibility of buildup and inhaling of carbon monoxide. *If engine fails to start, refer to the Engine Owner's Manual for further troubleshooting procedures 8.10 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Quick REFERENCE CHECKLIST (CONT’D) C. WHILE UNDERWAY GENERAL 1. Passengers/CreWw ....................—rreeíreeerrcenrrrer DD Safely seated with PFD’s on or immediately accessible 2. Lines, Fenders and Anchor... Stowed BOAT SYSTEMS 1. Trim Tabs coe, Bring boat to “On Plane”. Adjust as neccessary 2. Navigation Lights ........ccoooiiii en, On at night or in reduced visibility ENGINE 1. Tachometers ....................... K AA Engines operating in safe RPM range 2. Engine Gauges.................—..e..eieeeeenerre KR Continually monitor 3. Engine Operation .......................eeeeeeie eee, Check idle and shift. Listen for abnormal noises and visually check the engine compartment while underway D. RETURNING TO PORT GENERAL 1. Passengers/Crew ....................eeeeeeieereenerree DA Instructed in duties for line handling 2. Lines and Fenders..................._.eee.eeeeerrereceree A. Ready for use BOAT SYSTEMS 1. Navigation Lights .......ccc.ooiii A Turned OFF when secured 2. Anchor Light …....…......…....…..srereesesere ses r ere s een ON if necessary 3. Bilge/Engine Compartment …….......….….....………...……………. “Sniff” the bilge/engine compartment for fuel odor. Run the bilge blowers if necessary. Check for water in bilge. Run bilge pumps if necessary ENGINE 1. Gearshift & Throttle Controls.............ccccee eevee. Bring to NEUTRAL and IDLE positions 2. Tachometers ..……..….......…...…...….rcsrrccecereresee seen secure Idle the engines for five (5) minutes to cool down 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 8.11 SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Quick REFERENCE CHECKLIST (CONT’D) 3. Ignition ee, Depress ENGINE STOP switches on the helm switch panel when engines are cooled down. 4. Engine Operation .........................eeeieieei eee Check idle and shift. Listen for abnormal noises E. SECURING THE BOAT GENERAL 1. Shore Power Cable as re Connected to dockside power inlet 2. Lines and Fenders.…...…..…..…..……...…...…..……rresecseenseences Fenders in place, lines tied securely to dock BOAT SYSTEMS US CE Closed (handle perpendicular to hose) 2. Helm Switch Panel es re All switches in the OFF position 3. Gearshift á Throttle Controls ...................—._._... In the NEUTRAL and IDLE positions ENGINE 1. Ignition ….…....….......……ecrercrerearere ser e rene racer ne nee Switched in the OFF position (lights off) and master ignition keys removed from DC distribution panel 2. Battery Switches ee EEE In the OFF position 1. Fuel Valves (Diesel Only) ee Closed (handle perpendicular to hose) F. IF THE ENGINE DOES NOT START No STARTER MOTOR RESPONSE 1. Check gearshift/throttle control levers in the NEUTRAL positions Check battery condition for sufficient charge Check battery cable connections tight and free from corrosion Check battery switches in the ON position Check starter motor and solenoid connections о со К © № Check ignition switch connections STARTER MOTOR RESPONDS, BUT NO IGNITION 1. Check that fuel tanks are not empty 2. Check fuel filters and filter/water separators clean 3. Check electrical connections on engine wiring harness and ignition wiring 8.12 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE Quick REFERENCE CHECKLIST (CONT’D) G. OPERATING THE GENERATOR STARTING THE (GENERATOR 1. Generator SeacoCk..................e.eeíieeeeeerceneereee ee KEG Open 2. Bilge BIOWEIS ......oviiiii ass rennes rennes Run for at least 4 minutes and any time the generator is running 3. Depress PREHEAT/ON .......cccoooiiiiiiii eee, Preheat time should not exceed 30 seconds 4. Depress START/RUN Switch ...............eeeeeeeeeeeeeeree_s Depress until generator starts 5. When the Generator Starts... Release the START switch only continue holding PREHEAT/ ON for a few seconds) 6. Load The Generator ................... ee... eee, Turn ÓN the generator main breaker on the Main Distribution Panel. Turn AC breakers ON STOPPING THE GENERATOR 1. Breakers o.oo, Turn AC breakers OFF. Turn OFF the generator main breaker on the Main Distribution Panel 2. GeneratOf eK RER REERKRR RER KR EERK RR ER KRK EEE Let it run a few minutes to cool down 3. STOP SWItCh cco, Depress to stop the generator set Do not run the generator or engines in an enclosed area, such as a closed boat house, as there is the possibility of buildup and inhaling of carbon monoxide. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 10. AFTER MARKET EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST Any safety or operational equipment added to your boat after delivery should be checked for seaworthyness and proper working condition. Use the area below to list any equipment and the proper operating condition of that equipment before getting underway. Equipment Proper Operating Condition 8.14 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE 11. MAINTENANCE LoG Follow the recommended maintenance listed on pages 1 á 2 of this section and keep a record of this and ALL maintenance performed on your boat. Date Maintenance Description Engine Hours 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 8.15 SECTION 8 * REQUIRED INSPECTION, SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE LOG (Cont’p) Date Maintenance Description Engine Hours 8.16 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 9 * CARE & REFINISHING 1. MAINTENANCE AND RECONDITIONING Your new boat has been designed to provide you with years of enjoyment and satisfaction. In order to maintain the factory new appearance of your boat, we recommend the use of SM™ Marine's one step Maintenance and Reconditioning Products designed specifically for pleasure boats. Following proper fiberglass maintenance guidelines will help maintain your boat's performance, value, and enjoyment. 2. PAINT CLEANING AGENTS & OTHER SUBSTANCES EXPLOSION/FIRE HAZARD Care and refinishing materials may contain ingredients that are flammable or explosive. Do not use such materials in the bilge Shut off electrical power and ventilate when using such materials anywhere on the boat or in the cabin. Do not create sparks or use lighted materials. Na J Do not use products containing chlorine, phosphates, perfumes and non-degradable ingredients. Consult your marine dealer regarding environmental regulations before painting the hull. Fumes can last for hours, and chemical ingredients can harm people, property and the environment. Common household cleaning agents may cause hazardous reactions. Read and understand directions on all paint, cleaning and polishing materials before using. 3. FIBERGLASS & GELCOAT The fiberglass hull, deck and some interior parts consist of the molded shell and exterior gelcoat. The gelcoat is the outer surface, often colored, that presents the shiny smooth appearance which is associated with fiberglass products. In some areas, this gelcoat surface is painted or taped for styling purpose. Wash the fiberglass regularly with clean, fresh water. Wax gelcoated surfaces to maintain the luster. In northern climates, a semiannual waxing may suffice for the season. In southern climates, a quarterly application of wax will be required for adequate protection. Gelcoat surfaces are slippery when wet. Use extreme care when walking on wet gelcoat. Always wear non-slip foot gear while washing and waxing boat. Care should be utilized in waxing commonly walked upon areas of the boat to ensure that they are not dangerously slippery. NOTE: For colored gelcoats, it is important to follow waxing recommendations in order to maintain the luster of the gelcoat. A. ABOUT COLORED GELCOATS Colored hulls add a beautiful contrast to all white boats making them distinctive and attractive. Similar to paint on cars, colors need more care and protection (waxing). Chemical lab tests have proven that colored gelcoats will show more chalking than white gelcoat due to an eventual degradation from weathering. Chalking results from a breakdown of a gelcoated surface into an extremely fine powder. When this happens, the color of the part whitens. The chalk is strictly on the surface. Most house paints are designed to chalk and then wash off clean with water. Gelcoat chalk, however does not wash off. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 9.1 SECTION 9 * CARE & REFINISHING One can extend the life of white or colored gelcoat by following Sea Ray's® recommended maintenance instructions. 3M Ultra Performance paste wax or an equivalent marine grade paste wax will help maintain the luster of the original gelcoat. В. PERMANTNTLY MOORED OR DOCKED BOATS Boats should be rotated in a slip as often as they are waxed. This will eliminate too much ultra violet exposure and degradation to occur on only one side of the boat. REFER TO 3M ONE STEP MAINTENANCE AND RECONDITIONING PRODUCTS PAMPHLET IN YOUR OWNER'S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. C. KEEP BILGE AREA DRY Water may accumulate in the engine room where it is not able to drain to the bilge pump. Check all areas of the engine room for accumlated water and dry throughly. Water left standing may penitrate through the gelcoated surfaces and wick into the fiberglass affecting the life of the product. 4. STAINS & SCRATCHES Although gelcoat and painted surfaces are resistant to deep stains, a need for cleaning will occasionally arise. But, the use of some common cleaning agents will permanently discolor or otherwise damage the finish on your boat. * Do not use abrasive porcelain-cleaning powders. These are too abrasive and contain chlorine and ammonia, either of which will permanently discolor gelcoat and paint. Never use nail polish remover (acetone) or any ketone solvents. * Use diluted household detergents to remove surface soil and stains. Before using a given brand, check to make sure it contains no chlorine or ammonia. * Alcohol can be used to remove difficult stains. But it must be promptly washed off with mild detergent and water. Minor scratches and deeper stains that do not penetrate the gelcoat may be removed by light sanding and buffing. 5. PERMANENTLY MOORED OR DockED BOATS If permanently moored or docked in salt water or fresh water, your boat will collect marine growth on its bottom. This will detract from the boat's beauty and greatly affect its performance. There are two methods of preventing this: Periodically haul the boat out of the water and scrub the bottom with a bristle brush and a solution of soap and water. * Paint the hull below the waterline with a good grade of antifouling paint. DO NOT paint the engine drive surfaces. NOTE: There are EPA regulations regarding bottom paint application. Consult your Sea Ray® dealer for proper application methods. 6. CARE FoR BOTTOM PAINT From time to time a slight algae or slime forms on all vessels. The bottom painted portion of the hull can be wiped off with a coarse turkish towel or a piece of old rug while the boat is in the water. Do not use a stiff or abrasive material to clean the bottom paint. The bottom paint should be inspected annually. If it needs repainting consult your Sea Ray® dealer. 9.2 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) SECTION 9 * CARE & REFINISHING 7. BILGE/ENGINE COMPARTMENT 1. Pump the bilges dry and remove all loose dirt. Be sure that all limber holes are open. If there Is oil in the bilge and the source is not known, look for leaks in engine oil lines or engine gaskets. Qil stains can be removed by using a bilge cleaner available from your dealer or a marina. DO NOT use flammable solvents. 2. Check all wiring to be sure it is properly supported, that its insulation is intact, and that there are no loose or corroded terminals. If there are corroded terminals, they should be replaced or thoroughly cleaned. Tighten all terminals securely and spray them with light marine preservative oil. 3. Inspect the entire fuel system (including fill lines and vents) for any evidence of leakage. Any stains around joints could indicate a leak. Try a wrench on all fittings to be sure they are not loose, but do not over tighten them. Clean fuel filters and vent screens. 4. Inspect the entire bottom for evidence of seepage, damage or deterioration, paying particular attention to hull fittings, hoses and clamps. Straighten kinked hoses and replace any that do not feel pliable. Tighten loose hose clamps and replace those that are corroded. Tighten any loose nuts, bolts or screws. 5. Refer to your engine operator’s manual for engine maintenance details. Wipe off engine to remove accumulated dust and grease. If a solvent is used, make sure it is nonflammable. Go over the entire engine and tighten nuts, bolts, and screws. Inspect the wiring on the engine and clean and tighten the terminals. Inspect the belts and tighten them if needed. Clean and lubricate the battery terminals; fill the battery cells with distilled water as needed. 8. TOPSIDE AREAS A. STAINLESS STEEL AND ALLOY FITTINGS Stainless steel and alloy fittings should be cleaned with soap and water or household glass cleaner. Remove rust spots as soon as possible with a brass, silver or chrome cleaner. Irreversible pitting will develop under rust that remains for any period of time. Never use an abrasive like sandpaper or steel wool on stainless. These may actually cause rust. To help protect the stainless, we recommend the use of a good car wax. B. SALT CRYSTALS When instruments are exposed to a saltwater environment, salt crystals may form on the bezel and the plastic covers. These salt crystals should be removed with a soft, damp cloth; never use abrasives or rough, dirty cloths to wipe plastic parts. Mild household detergents or plastic cleaners can be used to keep the instruments bright and clean. REFER TO THE OWNER'S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 9. GAUGE & SWITCH PANELS No special care is needed. Just wipe off with a soft, fresh water damp cloth to remove dust or salt. Dry after with chamois or soft cloth. Use of protective chemicals is not required. 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) 9.3 SECTION 9 * CARE & REFINISHING 10. AcryLic PLASTIC SHEETING (PLASTIC GLASS) Never use a dry cloth or duster or glass cleaning solutions on acrylic. To clean acrylic, first flood it with water to wash off as much dirt as possible. Next, use your bare hand, with plenty of water, to feel and dislodge any caked dirt or mud. A soft, grit-free cloth may then be used with a nonabrasive soap or detergent. A soft sponge, kept clean for this purpose, is excellent. Blot dry with a clean damp chamois. Grease and oil may be removed from acrylic with kerosene, hexane, white (not aviation or ethyl) gasoline or aliphatic naphtha (no aromatic content). Do not use solvents such as acetone, silicone spray, benzine, carbon tetrachloride, fire extinguisher fluid, dry cleaning fluid or lacquer thinner on acrylic, since they attack the surface. Remove fine scratches with fine automotive acrylic rubbing and polishing compounds. 11. Canvas AND CLEAR VINYL Do not fold or store any of the canvas pieces while wet. All canvas should be rolled or folded when dry and stored in a clean, dry place. For clear vinyl pieces, the recommended methods for storage are rolling or laying down flat. The clear vinyl should never be folded or creased as cracking will result. To protect the clear vinyl from rubbing against itself while rolled or stored flat, place a piece of very soft, nonabrasive cloth between the pieces. If the surface of the clear vinyl becomes scratched, the canvas manufacturer has provided a canvas care sheet located in your Owner's Manual Packet. When storing the rear (aft) curtain, fold the canvas over the clear vinyl window (do not fold clear vinyl), then roll or store flat. The fabric should be cleaned regularly before substances such as dirt, pollen, etc. are allowed to accumulate on and become embedded in the fabric. The fabric can be cleaned without being removed from the installation. Simply brush off any loose dirt, particles, etc.; hose down and clean with a mild solution of a natural soap in lukewarm water (no more than 100°F, 38°C); rinse thoroughly to remove soap. DO NOT USE DETERGENTS. Allow to completely dry. Wash and clean vinyl windows with a warm soap solution. Use a soft cloth or sponge and do not scratch the surface. If you have stubborn cleaning cases, call your dealer for proper procedures. Do not try your own cleaning procedures as they may permanently damage the canvas. After each use, especially in salt water areas, rinse the canvas completely with fresh cold water. Then let the canvas dry completely before stowing. All metal components of the canvas should be rinsed with fresh cold water and exposed components wiped dry to maintain appearance and working order. 12. EXTERIOR UPHOLSTERY FABRIC Exterior fabrics should be cleaned with a sponge or very soft scrub brush and a mild soap and warm water solution. After scrubbing, rinse with plenty of cold, clean water and allow the fabric to air dry in a well ventilated place, preferrably away from direct sunlight. Mildew can occur if your boat does not have adequate ventilation. Heat alone will not prevent mildew; you must also provide for fresh air circulation. REFER TO THE OWNER'S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 13. INTERIOR UPHOLSTERY FABRIC Cleaning and maintenance information provided by the material manufacturer, is in your Owner’s Manual Packet. | NOTICE | Always clean spots, stains, etc., immediately. Test an unseen area of fabric before cleaning stain, to insure that cleaning material will not cause damage. REFER TO THE OWNER'S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND OTHER CLEANING INFORMATION. 9.4 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) INDEX A AC & DC Electrical Schematic & Wiring Harnesses 6.17 AC System 6.6 Accessories, Layout and 7.1 Accessory Receptacle, 12 Volt 6.6 Acrylic Plastic Sheeting (Plastic Glass) ------------ 9.4 Additional Recommended Equipment for Safe Operation 1.5 After Market Equipment Checklist --------------- 8.14 Air Conditioning & Heating 7.1 To Start The System 7.3 Anchoring 3.10 Anchoring Arrangement 3.10 Anchoring 3.11 Lowering Anchor 3.11 Setting Anchor 3.11 Weighing Anchor 3.12 Clearing A Fouled Anchor 3.12 A Final Word 3.12 Automatic Fire Extinguisher 7.14 Gasoline Engine Boats 7.14 Diesel Engine Boats 7.14 Manual Fire Extinguisher System -------------- 7.15 Hand Held Extinguishers 7.16 B Basic Boat Dimensions and Clearances ----------- 2.4 Batteries 6.1 To Remove The Battery Cables --------------- 6.2 Battery Maintenance 6.2 Battery Chargers 6.13 Charging Characteristics 6.14 Charging Charateristics of the Bow Thruster Battery Charger 6.14 Battery Switches and Solenoids 6.2 Main Battery Solenoids 6.2 Bow Thruster Solenoid 6.3 Bilge Blowers 4.2 Bilge Layout 4.13 Bilge Pumps 4.1 Bilge 4.1 Fuel & Oil Spillage 4.1 Bilge/Engine Compartment 9.3 Boarding 3.3 Bow Thruster (Optional) 3.14,7.16 Breaker Panel, Control Station 6.5 Bunk, Expandable 7.19 C Cabin Layout 2.6 Cablemaster (Optional) 6.11 Canvas and Clear Vinyl 9.4 Canvas 7.20 Care & Maintenance 7.20 Storage 7.20 Installation Tips 7.20 Carbon Monoxide Monitor 1.4, 7.1 Testing The CO Monitor 7.1 Carbon Monoxide 1.2 Care For Bottom Paint 9.2 Central Vacuum (Optional) 7.18 Certification, Manufacturers NV Chart Your Course 1.9 Cockpit Ice maker 7.17 Coffee Maker 7.17 Communication System 7.13 Dockside Telephone Hookup 7.13 Contact Phone Numbers & Internet Addresses ----- у Control Station Breaker Panel 6.5 Control Station Gauge and Switch Panel ---------- 2.7 D DC Breaker Panel, Main 6.2 DC Distribution Panel, Main 6.7 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) INDEX DC System 6.1 Dealer Responsibilities m Deck Layout, General 2.5 Docking/Lifting/Storage 2.1 Bow and Stern Cleats 2.1 Supporting The Boat 2.2 E Electric Fuel Valve 5.2 Electrical System Fuse Blocks & Breakers ------- 6.5 Electrolytic Corrosion and Zinc Anodes ---------- 6.16 Electronics Circuit 6.6 Emergency Situation 1.10 Medical Emergency 1.10 Water rescue 1.11 Fire 1.11 Flooding, Swamping and capsizing ------------ 1.11 Collision and Leaking 1.12 Grounding 1.12 Propulsion, Control or Steering Failure ------- 1.12 Emergency Start System 6.6 Engine Exhaust System 4.4 Engine Mounts 4.3 Engine Oil Change System 8.8 Engines 4.3 Fresh Water Cooling System 4.3 Coolant Recommendations 4.3 Engines, Starting The 3.4 Engines, Stopping The 3.7 Entertainment Centers 7.13 Environmental Considerations 1.14 Fuel & Oil Spillage 1.14 Waste Disposal 1.14 Excessive Noise 1.14 Wake/Wash 1.14 Exhaust System, Engine 4.4 Expandable Bunk 7.20 Expandable Salon Sofa 7.19 Exterior Upholstery Fabric 9.4 F Fiberglass & Gelcoat 9.1 About Colored Gelcoats 9.1 Fire Extinguishing System 1.2 Fitting Out After Storage 8.7 Fuel System 8.7 Battery(ies) 8.7 Miscellaneous 8.7 Floor Plan 7.21 Fuel Filters 5.2 Fuel Filters (Diesel Option) 5.2 Generator Fuel Filter (Diesel Option) ---------- 5.3 Fuel Filter Maintenance 5.3 Fuel Recommendations 5.2 Fuel System 5.1 Fuel Tanks 5.1 Fuel Fill Inlet 5.1 Fuel Vent 5.1 Fueling Precautions 5.4 General 5.5 Before & During Fueling-Checklist ------------ 5.5 After Fueling-Checklist 5.5 Fueling The Boat 3.2 General 3.2 Filling The Tank 3.2 After Filling 3.2 Function and Location of Through-Hull Fittings and Cutouts 2.9 Fuse Blocks & Breakers, Electrical System ------ 6.5 G Gauge & Switch Panels 9.3 Gauge and Switch Panel, Control Station --------- 2.7 Generator Power, Shifting From Shore Powerto 3.9 Generator 6.11 Generator, Starting The 3.7 Generator, Stopping The 3.8 Ground Fault Interrupter Receptacle (GFI) ------ 6.15 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) INDEX H Halogen Lighting 6.14 Changing A Blown Bulb 6.14 Hardtop 2.7 Head System 7.10 Requirements For Vessel Operators ---------- 7.10 Vacu-Flush® Head 7.10 Holding Tank Operation 7.11 Vent Filter 7.12 Heating, Air Conditioning and 7.1 Horn 7.20 Hull Identification Number (HIN) м Hydraulic Power Steering Control 4.12 | Impaired Operation 1.5 Important Gauges 2.14 Hourmeter 2.14 Tachometer 2.14 Fuel Gauge 2.14 Voltmeter 2.14 Oil Pressure Gauge 2.15 Water Temperature Gauge 2.15 Magnetic Compass 2.15 Systems Monitor 2.16 Engine Monitoring System (EMS) ------------ 2.19 Sea Ray Navigator (SRN) (Optional) -------- 2.19 Inspection, Service and Maintenance Protocol --- 8.4 Bilge Area 8.4 Topside Supplies 8.5 Interior Upholstery Fabric 9.4 International receptacle 6.15 International Requirements 1.13 IsoBoost Transformer (Optional) 6.12 Isolation transformer 6.12 L Layout and Accessories 7.1 Legally Mandated Minimum Required Equipment - 1.2 Lighting Layout 2.24 Limited Warranty М Livesaving Equipment 1.4 Load Capacity 1.5 M Macerator Discharge Pump with Seacock Interlock System (Optional) 7.12 Main DC Breaker Panel 6.2 Main DC Distribution Panel 6.7 Maintain Control 1.7 Maintenance Log 8.15 Maintenance Reconditioning 9.1 Major Controls 2.11 Gear Shifts and Throttle Controls ------------- 2.11 Engine Synchronizers (Optional) -------------- 2.12 Hydraulic Trim Tabs 2.12 Manufacturer’s Certification м Marine Gears 4.4 Reduction Gears 4.4 Reverse Gears 4.4 Microwave/Convection Oven 7.18 N Nautical Terms 1.13 Navigation and Anchor Lights 2.20 Console Dimmer 2.20 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) INDEX O Orl Exchange System (Optional) ......................... 4.5 Oil Exchange System, Engine .............................. 8.8 ALGAAS coi EEE EEE E RER EEEEEEEERR RE EEEKEEERR REG 8.8 B. Diesel (Optional) .........................eeeecccccccceo. 8.8 Operating The Generator 8.13 P Paint Cleaning Agents & Other Substances -------- 9.1 Passenger Instruction and Location 3.3 Passenger Locations 2.2 Permantely Moored or Docked Boats ------------- 9.2 Personal Flotation Devices (PFD’s) 3.3 PFD Classifications 1.4 Power Capacity 1.6 Power Steering System 4.12 Power Ventilation System 7.18 Pre-Launch, Launch and Post-Launch Checklist -- 3.1 Propellers 2.4 Propulsion System 2.4 Q Quick Reference Checklist ..........................e...... 8.9 A. Boarding The Boat... 8.9 B. Preparing To Depart... 8.10 C. While Underway ........................0000. 8.11 D. Returning To Port ee 8.11 E. Securing The Boat ess 8.12 F. If The Engine Does Not Start 8.12 G. Operating The Generator ........................... 8.13 R Radio, Satellite (Optional) 7.13 Refrigerator/Freezer 7.17 Cockpit Ice Maker 7.17 Responsibilities, Dealer m Responsibilities, Your m Rudder & Rudder Stuffing Box 4.10 S Safety Hotlines 1.12 Safety Labels 1.1 Salon Sofa, Expandable 7.19 Satellite Radio (Optional) 7.13 Seacock Lubrication 8.8 Seacocks & Strainers 4.11 Security Considerations 8.7 Service, Parts and Repair for Your Boat ------------ м Servicing The Main Distribution Panel ------------- 6.7 Shifting From Shore Power to Generator Power - 3.9 Shifting to Drive The Boat 3.6 Shore Power Hookup 3.8 Shore Power to Generator Power, Shifting From 3.9 Shore Power 6.11, 7.19 Isolation Transformer 6.10 IsoBoost Transformer (Optional) ------------ 6.10 Glendinning Cablemaster 6.11 Shore Power Breaker Box 6.13 Shore Power Hookup 3.8 Maintenance For Shore Power Cable Set & Inlets 6.13 Solenoids, Battery Switches and 6.2 Source of Information Il Stability 1.6 Stains & Scratches 9.2 Starting The Engines 3.4 Starting The Generator 3.7 Steering System 3.10 Auto Pilot (Optional) 3.10 Stopping The Engines 3.7 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) INDEX Stopping The Generator 3.8 Stove and Microwave 7.18 Summary Guide for Inspection, Service and Maintenance 8.1 Switch and Receptacle Layout 2.21 T This Manual Ill Through-Hull Fittings and Cutouts, Function and Location of 2.9 Topside Areas 9.3 TV Signal Selector 7.14 Twelve Volt Accessory Receptacle 6.6 U Underwater Gear 4.6 Propellers 4.6 Shafts 4.9 Carrier Seal Kit 4.9 Strut 4.10 Useful Service Information 8.3 Utility Room 7.16 Vv Vacuum, Central (Optional) ...................e.e........ 7.18 Ventilation System, POWer ...................erececcnacooos 7.18 Vibration éz Causes ...................mmeeeeccecerenecenenenes 4.4 Foreign Object Interferring With Propeller Action ess 4.4 Bent Propeller and/or Shaft ............................ 4.5 Engine and Shaft Out of Alignment ................. 4,5 Coupling Out Of True …….…......….….….….….rererss 4,5 Engine Part Hitting Boat Structure 4.5 Other Possible Causes ................eeeeeererereereeeeeene.. 4.5 W Warning Label Locations 1.15 Warranties m Warranty, Limited у Washer & Dryer (Optional) 7.19 Water Sports 1.9 Swimming 1.9 Skiing 1.9 Diving 1.10 Water System 7.3 Water Tank 7.3 Water Pump & Filter 7.5 Water System Pressurization 7.5 Water Distribution Manifold 7.6 Water Heater 7.6 Fresh Water Washdown 7.7 Dockside Water Inlet 7.7 Transom Shower 7.8 Gray Water Sump 7.8 Gray Water Drain Lines 7.8 Weather 1.7 Welcome I Windlass 3.12 To Operate From The Helm 3.13 To Operate From The Bow 3.13 To Operate Manually 3.13 Maintenance 3.13 Winterization Checklist for Boats Stored on Land 8.5 Boat Storage 8.5 Engines 8.5 Battery(1es) 8.5 Head System 8.6 Water System 8.6 Fuel System 8.6 Y Your Responsibilities .................eeeeeeeeeeeecciciceriee eee. Ill 390 Motor Yacht (415 Motor Yacht) ">

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Key features
- Several warranties for different components and systems
- Hull Identification Number (HIN) for easy identification
- Compliant with Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971
- Third party certification by NMMA
- Uses ABYC standards for design, construction, service and repair
Frequently asked questions
The HIN is located on the starboard side of the transom.
The HIN is the most important identifying factor for your boat and must be included in all correspondence and orders.
The Federal Boat Safety Act of 1971 is a law that establishes guidelines for boat manufacturers to ensure the safety of their products.
NMMA is the National Marine Manufacturers Association, an organization that represents the marine industry and assists manufacturers, boat dealers, marinas, repair yards and component suppliers.
ABYC is the American Boat and Yacht Council, a non-profit organization that develops and publishes voluntary standards and recommended practices for boat and equipment design, construction, service and repair.