Sea Ray 2008 44 SEDAN BRIDGE Owners Manual
Sea Ray 2008 44 SEDAN BRIDGE is a motor yacht with a length of 45' 5” and a beam of 14' 3”. It has a dry weight of 22,000 lbs. and a fuel capacity of 350 gallons. The boat can accommodate up to 12 passengers and has a maximum speed of 32 knots.
Some of the features of the Sea Ray 2008 44 SEDAN BRIDGE include:
- A spacious cabin with a comfortable seating area, a galley, and a head.
- A large cockpit with a wet bar, a refrigerator, and a grill.
- A flybridge with a helm station, a seating area, and a sun lounge.
- A swim platform with a ladder and a shower.
Specific Information Manual 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Specific Information Manual Table of Contents 1. Load Capacity........................................................... 1 2. Passenger Locations................................................ 1 3. Safety Label Locations............................................. 2 4. Basic Boat Dimensions and Clearances ................. 5 5. Function and Location of Through-Hull Fittings and Cutouts...................................................................... 6 6. Control Station Gauge and Switch Layout................ 8 7. Deck Layout............................................................ 11 8. Cabin Layout........................................................... 12 9. Spoiler..................................................................... 13 10. Switch and Receptacle Layout ............................ 14 11. Cleats.................................................................... 16 12. Navigation and Anchor Lights............................... 16 13. Lighting Layout...................................................... 17 14. Bilge Layout.......................................................... 19 15. Fire Extinguishing System.................................... 21 16. Fuel System.......................................................... 21 17. Recommended Batteries...................................... 21 18. Water System....................................................... 21 19. Washer/Dryer (Optional)....................................... 21 20. Salon Sofa /Bed (Optional) .................................. 21 21. Port Stateroom Bunks........................................... 21 22. Salon Dinette Table............................................... 22 23. Entertainment Centers.......................................... 22 A. Salon Entertainment Center............................ 22 B. Master Stateroom Entertainment..................... 22 C. Cockpit/Bridge Entertainment . ...................... 22 D. Dockside Television Hookup............................ 22 E. TV Signal Selector........................................... 22 24. Communication System........................................ 22 25. Electrical Schematic............................................. 22 Information in this publication is based upon the latest product specifications available at printing. Sea Ray® Boats, Inc. reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice, in the colors, equipment, specifications, materials and prices of all models, or to discontinue models. Should changes in production models be made, Sea Ray® is not obligated to make similar changes or modifications to models sold prior to the date of such changes. Owner’s Manual 44 Sedan Bridge Printed in the U.S.A. November 2007 © Sea Ray Boats, Inc. • A Brunswick Company Sea Ray Boats, Inc. 2600 Sea Ray Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37914 For information call 1-800-SRBOATS or fax 1-314-213-7878 (International 1-314-216-3333) Internet Address: Note: Not all accessories shown in pictures or described herein are standard equipment or even available as options. Options and features are subject to change without notice. The following are registered trademarks of the Brunswick Corporation: Sea Ray ® & The SR Wave Logo 44 Sedan Bridge i This Page Intentionally Left Blank ii 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 1. Load Capacity Refer to the General Information Manual for a detailed explanation of Load Capacity. Passenger Locations (Fig. 1.2) working deck (deck area intended for occupation during anchoring, mooring and emergency operation only) ! DANGER Never carry more weight or passengers than indicated on the certification plate, regardless of weather or water conditions. accomodation deck (deck area intended for occupation during normal operation) The boat can capsize, swamp or sink. DO NOT STAND OR WALK ON THIS AREA. SERIOUS INJURY COULD RESULT. Builder’s Plate (international) (Fig. 1.1) Boat Manufacturer Maximum Number of Passengers Mfr’s Model Designation Maximum Load Capacity 2. Passenger Locations Refer to the General Information Manual for a detailed explanation of Passenger Locations. ! WARNING Boat motion can be erratic. You can fall overboard or be injured by hitting something in or on the boat. All persons must be in cockpit area or cabin and be prepared for sudden boat movement. Use front or bow deck area only during anchoring, mooring or emergencies. ! WARNING Wet decks are slippery. You can be seriously injured if you slip and fall. Wear slip resistant footwear secured to your feet and hold on to rails or boat structure. 44 Sedan Bridge ! DANGER Rotating propellers can injure or kill you. Shut off engine when persons are in water near boat, or on swim platform or ladder. ! WARNING Rear facing transom seats MUST NOT be used while engine is running or boat is moving. 1 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 3. Safety Label Locations Safety Label Locations (Fig. 2.1) under hatch 2 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge SR-166 REPLACES SR-44 ON CE OPTION ONLY SR-44 UNDER HATCH WITH MACERATOR OPTION ONLY MRP # 258509 THE FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT PROHIBITS THE DISCHARGE OF OIL OR OILY WASTE INTO OR UPON THE NAVIGABLE WATERS OF THE UNITED STATES OR THE WATERS OF THE CONTIGUOUS ZONE IF SUCH DISCHARGE CAUSES A FILM OR SHEEN UPON OR A DISCOLORATION OF THE SURFACE OF THE WATER OR CAUSES A SLUDGE OR EMULSION BENEATH THE SURFACE OF THE WATER. VIOLATORS ARE SUBJECT TO A PENALTY OF $5,000. DISCHARGE OF OIL PROHIBITED MRP # 934539 DISCHARGE OF OIL OR OILY WASTE INTO NAVIGABLE WATERS IS PROHIBITED OF SUCH A DISCHARGE CAUSES A FILM, SHEEN OR A DISCOLORATION OF THE SURFACE, OR CAUSES A SLUDGE OR EMULSION BENEATH THE SURFACE OF THE WATER. VIOLATORS ARE SUBJECT TO PENALITIES. PREVENT THE DISCHARGE OF POLLUTANTS SAFETY & OPERATIONAL INFORMATION BOOKLET MRP# 1199363 SR-218 !IMPORTANT SAFETY AND OPERATIONAL INFORMATION! typical on all opening portlights domestic CE OPTION 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Safety Label Locations (Continued) Safety Label Locations (Fig. 3.1) 3 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Safety Label Locations (Continued) Safety Label Locations (Fig. 4.1) TYPICAL ON P & S STRINGER ON ALL BATTERY COVERS ON ALL BATTERY COVERS FWD 4 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 4. Basic Boat Dimensions and Clearances Boat Dimensions and Clearances (Fig. 5.1) 20’ 2 5/8” 6.2m 19’ 4 7/8” 5.92m 18’ 3 1/8” 5.57m 14’ 6 1/4” 4.43m 4’ 2” 1.27m 10’ 3 1/8” 4.43m LOAD WATER LINE 2’ 6 1/8” .77m 45’ 5” 13.73m 1’ 1 7/8” .42m 14’ 3” 4.34m Dimensions: Overall Length Height Dimensions: Keel to top of mast light------ 20’ 2 5/8” 6.2m w/swim platform------------- 45’ 5” 13.84m Keel to top of radar------------ 19’ 4 7/8” 5.92m Beam--------------------------- 14’ 3” 4.34m Keel to top of spoiler---------- 18’ 3 1/8” 5.57m Draft---------------------------- 44” 111.8cm Keel to top of bridge----------- 11’ 1 1/4” 3.38m Dry Weight (lbs.)------------ 22,000 9, 979kg Keel to top of bow rail--------- 10’ 3 1/8” 4.43m Fuel Capacity (gal.)-------- 350 1,325 (liters) Water Capacity (gal.)------ 120 454.2 (liters) Holding Tank (gal.)---------- 40 151.4 (liters) Dead Rise-------------------- 18.5 o 44 Sedan Bridge 18.5o 5 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 5. Function and Location of Through-Hull Fittings and Cutouts Starboard Through-Hull Fittings (Fig. 6.1) S R Q A B C D F E G H I J K L M N P O A generator exhaust F water heater overflow k dryer vent (optional) p B engine exhaust bypass G galley sink drain l galley vent q rope locker drain bow thruster (OPTIONAL) C liner hatch drain H forward bilge pump m master head sink drain r horn D salon ac discharge I cabin bilge pump n shower sump s bow hatch drain E J washer discharge (optional) o master head vent fuel tank vent Port Through-Hull Fittings (Fig. 6.2) L A B C D E G F H I J 6 A rope locker drain E guest head sink drain I salon floor drain B bow thruster (OPTIONAL) F water tank vent J liner hatch drain C guest head vent G holding tank vent K engine exhaust bypass D H fuel tank vent L aft bilge pump a/c discharge K 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Function and Location of Through-Hull Fittings and Cutouts Bilge Through-Hull Fittings (Fig. 7.1) B fwd D C E A l NEED NEW DRAWING F G k J I H A PORT engine exhaust e engine raw water pickup i B waste discharge (optional) f transducer j a/c pickup C generator pickup g tridata (optional) k starboard rudder post D port engine shaft log tube h starboard engine shaft log tube l port rudder post 44 Sedan Bridge starboard engine exhaust 7 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 6. Control Station Gauge and Switch Layout Control Station (Fig. 8.1) z x cc aa y bb A B w C D E F G v u t S R Q P O L N K M NOTE: Electronics are subject to changes in location and equipment without notice. THIS informATION was correct at time of printing. J I H A MAGNETIC COMPASS B starboard ENGINE TACHOMETER C STARBOARD ENGINE MULTI-GAUGE D fire extinguisher indicator E stereo remote F ENGINe SYNCHRONIZER G switch panel H fire extinguisher manual pull I starboard ACCESS PANEL J engine syncronization panel (OPTIONAL) K throttles L spotlight control M bow thruster control stick N breaker panel O trim tabs switch P vhf radio speaker Q ambient temperature sensor (smartcraft option) R 12 volt accessory plug S gear shifts T smartcraft system view (optional) U port ACCESS PANEL V sea ray navigator mouse control (optional) switch W autopilot (optional) X radar (optional) Y vhf radio Z port engine multi gauge AA port engine tachometer bb systems monitor cc sea ray navigator (optional) 8 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Control Station Gauge and Switch Layout Control Station Gauge Panel (Fig. 9.1) C D E F G B H A i A PORT ENGINE multigauge F STARBOARD ENGINE multigauge B PORT ENGINE tachometer G fire indicator and override switch C tridata gauge H stereo remote D GPS i engine syncronization gauge E STARBOARD ENGINE TACHOMETER Control Station Gauge Panel With Smartcraft System View (Fig. 9.2) D C E F G B h i A A B PORT ENGINE multigauge F STARBOARD ENGINE multigauge PORT ENGINE tachometer G fire indicator and override switch C Smart craft system view D gps h stereo remote I engine synchronizer gauge (optional) E starboard engine tachometer 44 Sedan Bridge 9 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Control Station Gauge and Switch Layout Control Station Gauge Panel With Sea Ray Navigator (Optional) C (Fig. 10.1) D E F B G A h 10 A PORT ENGINE multigauge E STARBOARD ENGINE multigauge B PORT ENGINE tachometer F fire indicator and override switch C sea ray navigator (optional) G stereo remote D STARBOARD ENGINE TACHOMETER h engine syncronization gauge (optional) 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 7. Deck Layout Deck Layout (Fig. 11.1) A B CC C BB AA A ANCHOR/ANCHOR chute B WINDLASS C STARBOARD BOW STORAGE LOCKER WITH WINDLASS HANDLE D D DECK HATCH E STARBOARD NAV LIGHT F windshield G bRIDGE WINDSHIELD E Z H CONTROL STATION I CAPTAIN’S CHAIR WITH THIGH RISE J STORAGE CABINET WITH TABLE TOP K REMOVABLE TABLE TOP (CONVERTS TO SUN PAD) L BRIDGE AFT SEATING m AFT COCKPIT SEATING F n STARBOARD FUEL FILL o TRANSOM HATCH p SWIM LADDER q TRANSOM DOOR r SWIM PLATFORM s DOCKSIDE WASTE PUMP-OUT t PORT FUEL FILL U TRANSOM SHOWER v fUEL CROSSOVER BOARD WITH GENERATOR GAUGES g W BRIDGE STEPS h X BRIDGE COMPANION SEAT i Y FRESH WATER FILL Z PORT NAV LIGHT AA PORT BOW STORAGE LOCKER BB WINDLASS FOOT SWITCHES CC SPOTLIGHT j Y k X L W m v u n t s o r p q 44 Sedan Bridge 11 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 8. Cabin Layout Cabin Layout (Fig. 12.1) A A MASTER STATEROOM BUNK B ACCESS HATCH FOR MASTER STATEROOM AC (UNDER MATTRESS) C MASTER STATEROOM HANGING LOCKER D MASTER STATEROOM HEAD E MASTER STATEROOM VANITY F MASTER STATEROOM SHOWER G microwave H REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER (UNDER MICROWAVE) I 2-BURNER stove J galley sink K coffee maker L GALLEY CABINET M STARBOARD SALON SOFA n SALON ENTERTAINMENT UNITS o MDP PANELS p SALON TABLE WITH STOOLS (OPTIONAL) q PORT SALON SOFA (PULL OUT BED OPTIONAL) r WASHER/DRYER (UNDER STEPS) (OPTIONAL) s DINETTE TABLE t DINETTE SEATING u GALLEY STEPS (LIFT FOR UTILITY ROOM ACCESS) v GUEST SHOWER w GUEST VANITY x GUEST HEAD y master stateroom entertainment unit z guest stateroom hanging closet B C y x D w E F g v u h i j t k AA guest stateroom bunks (convertible to king size bed) s l r q GUEST STATEROOM (LOWER LEVEL, below DINETTE AREA) m Z n p o AA 12 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 9. Spoiler Spoiler (Fig. 13.1) C D E F B A g 44 Sedan Bridge A GPS ANTENNA B SEA RAY NAVIGATOR GPS ANTENNA (OPTIONAL) C RADAR D tv antenna E MAST LIGHT F vhf antenna g STEREO SPEAKER 13 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 10. Switch and Receptacle Layout Switchs & Receptacles (Fig. 14.1) A B OR H c U T e V D C d E F G A Q R S A 120V RECEPTACLE B 220v receptacle (european option only) C HEAD LIGHTS D HOLDING TANK INDICATOR E POWER VENT F GALLEY LIGHT G POWER VENT H A/C CONTROL I COCKPIT/BRIDGE LIGHT J SALON LIGHTS K INDIRECT LIGHTS L BILGE LIGHTS M COCKPIT LIGHTS N INDIRECT LIGHTS O COMPANIONWAY LIGHTS P INDIRECT LIGHTS Q SWIVEL LIGHTS OR B O S STATEROOM LIGHTS T VALANCE LIGHTS U INDIRECT LIGHTS H J R INDIRECT LIGHTS V STATEROOM LIGHTS P A I A CABIN AC & DC POWER DISTRIBUTION PANELS OR OR B B J M K L M N 14 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Switch and Receptacle Layout (Continued) Switchs & Receptacles (Fig. 15.1) D F B A OR A GFI B RESIDUAL CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKER (EUROPEAN OPTION ONLY) C 12 VOLT RECEPTACLE D TELEPHONE PLUG E FIRE EXTINGUISHER MANUAL PULL F CARBON MONOXIDE MONITOR G VACUUM INLET H 120V RECEPTACLE I 220V RECEPTACLE (EUROPEAN OPTION ONLY) A F B H OR OR I C A B OR D PORT STATEROOM G C F E 44 Sedan Bridge 15 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 11. Cleats Cleats must not be used for lifting the boat; they are intended for docking or mooring use only. Navigation Lights (Fig. 16.2) Cleat Locations (Fig. 16.1) RED LIGHT (VISIBLE 2 NAUTICAL MILES) GREEN LIGHT (VISIBLE 2 NAUTICAL MILES) 12. Navigation and Anchor Lights Navigation lights MUST be on while underway from sunset to sunrise or in conditions of reduced visibility. “Underway” means the boat is not docked or at anchor. Trolling or drifting with engine off is considered “underway” and navigation lights must be used. If you are anchored in open water, i.e. where other boats can approach yours, you must display your anchor light: a white light that can be seen from all possible directions, i.e. 360 degrees. MAST LIGHT, WHITE LIGHT (VISIBLE 3 NAUTICAL MILES) STERN LIGHT, WHITE LIGHT (VISIBLE 2 NAUTICAL MILES) ALL-ROUND LIGHT, WHITE LIGHT (VISIBLE 3 NAUTICAL MILES) Read the “Federal Requirements and Safety Tips for Recreational Boats” provided in your kit. To Operate The Running Lights: Push RUNNING switch on control station switch panel to the ON position. To Operate The Anchor Lights: Push ANCHOR switch on control station switch panel to the ON position. Console Dimmer when the navigation running lights are turned on. With Smart Craft installed, gauge lighting will be controlled by the system view display. If you opt to install additional equipment on the hard top, it then becomes your responsibility to reevaluate your lighting situation to make certain the navigation lights on your boat meet government navigational lighting requirements. You will most likely have to raise the mast light. Consider the weight of the equipment you install; be certain it is not to heavy for your sport spoiler or optional hard top. There is a DIMMER control switch located on the control station switch panel which controls the intensity of the gauge and switch panel lights. The gauge and switch panel lights are energized 16 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 13. Lighting Layout Lighting (Fig. 17.1) SWIVEL LIGHT A A bulb replacement HALogen 12v 10W bi-prong A ROUND LIGHT B D D B B PORT STATEROOM D B A B B B bulb replacement HALogen 12v 10W bi-prong B B COCKPIT OVERHEAD LIGHT A C B B B B bulb replacement HALogen 12v 10W bi-prong STORAGE LIGHT E B B B B B B BULB REPLACEMENT BULB#CEC1141 D B GALLEY AREA INDIRECT LIGHTING 12V BULBS ARE NOT REPLACEABLE. MUST REPLACE STRING OF LIGHTS F B F F C C E B STEP LIGHT D F 44 Sedan Bridge LED 17 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Lighting Layout Lighting (Fig. 18.1) COCKPIT LIGHT & STERN NAV. LIGHT BULB REPLACEMENT Fuse Type BULB #12V10WPERKO #70-0 A SPOILER LIGHTING STORAGE & ENGINE ROOM D FWD BULB REPLACEMENT B A BULB#CEC1141 BRIDGE SIDE NAV. LIGHT BULB REPLACEMENT BULB #70dp/67dp2 C COCKPIT & ENGINE ROOM LIGHTING C C A B MAST NAV. LIGHT A SALON ENGINE HATCHES BULB REPLACEMENT FUSE TYPE BULB 12V10WPERKO #70 A D B B COCKPIT ENGINE ROOM HATCH B A B A C B 18 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 14. Bilge Layout Bilge Layout (Fig. 19.1) A B C D FWD E kk F jj G hh H I gg J ff K ee L m dd n cc o bb p aa q r z s y t x w v u A PORT ENGINE STRAINER M STARBOARD FUEL TANK VENT Y ENGINE EXHAUST B FORWARD BILGE PUMP N WATER HEATER Z port FUEL FILL C STARBOARD ENGINE STRAINER O A/C STRAINER D STARBOARD FUEL TANK P E FIRE EXTINGUISHER Q STARBOARD FUEL FILL CC HOLDING TANK F STARBOARD ENGINE FUEL FILTER R STARBOARD EXHAUST BYPASS DD MACERATOR (OPTIONAL) MASTER STATEROOM VACU-FLUSH® A A GUEST STATEROOM VACU-FLUSH® B B MAIN ENGINE BATTERY BANK G STARBOARD BLGE BLOWER S GENERATOR EXHAUST H OIL EXCHANGE UNIT T GENERATOR FF A/C WATER PUMP I BOW THRUSTER BATTERIES (OPTIONAL) U TRIM TAB PUMP GG PORT BILGE BLOWER EE MAIN DISCONNECT ENCLOSURE J OIL BOTTLES V cockpit WASHDOWN K isolation transformers W GENERATOR FUEL FILTER JJ PORT ENGINE EXHAUST L WATER HEATER VENT X SMARTCRAFT RUDDER SENSOR kk PORT FUEL TANK 44 Sedan Bridge HH PORT ENGINE FUEL FILTER 19 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Bilge Layout (Continued) Bilge Layout (Forward) (Fig. 20.1) A FWD L B K C D J I E F G H 20 A forward a/c unit G water pump B shower sump H vacuum cleaner C forward stateroom head I water tank D forward stateroom head blower J guest stateroom head blower E galley blower K guest stateroom head F water manifold L bow thruster (optional) 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 15. Fire Extinguishing System 17. Recommended Batteries Your 44DB has an automatic fire extinguisher system installed standard. Refer to the General Information Manual for a detailed explanation of the automatic fire extinguisher system. *Cold Cranking Amps 16. Fuel System 18. Water System The 44 DB standard fuel system consists of two (2) aluminum fuel tanks with a capacity of 175 gals. (662.45 liters) each, for a total capacity of 350 gals. (1,324.9 liters). The port and starboard fuel tanks are connected directly to their respective engine through the port and starboard Racor® fuel filters. The fresh water system consists of a 120 gallon (454.24 liter) water tank, a 12 volt water pump, 11 gallon (41.6 liters) water heater and accumulator tank. Refer to the General Information Manual for a detailed explanation of the water system. Generator Fuel Crossover System The generator crossover fuel system allows the generator to draw fuel from either tank. This allows switching to an alternate tank in case of fuel contamination or for even fuel weight distribution. The generator draws fuel from the fuel tanks utilizing valves on the fuel crossover board labeled FEED and RETURN. Under normal operation both feed and return should be on the same tank. The generator crossover board is located behind an access door on the port aft of the cockpit Generator Fuel Crossover Board (Fig. 21.1) Application Group Volts CCA* Reserve Qty Engines 31DCM 12 800 200 4 Bow Thruster 31DCM 12 800 200 2 19. Washer/Dryer (Optional) If equipped, the washer/dryer combination unit is located under the galley steps. REFER TO OWNER’S Manual PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 20. Salon Sofa /Bed (Optional) If equipped, the optional port salon sofa can be converted into bedding to accomodate additional overnight guests. Remove the cushions and pull the bed out toward the starboard salon until fully extended. 21. Port Stateroom Bunks Port Stateroom Bunk (Fig. 21.2) TO CONVERT BUNKS TO FULL SIZE BED PLACE SUPPORTS HERE. VACUUM HOSE INLET The single bunks in the guest stateroom can be converted to full size bedding by placing the supports located under the port bunk between the bunks. Remove the back cusion from the port bunk and place on the supports. 44 Sedan Bridge 21 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual 22. Salon Dinette Table SHORE for dockside cable reception. The salon dinette table swivels and folds to accomodate entrance and egress to/from the dinette area. REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL PACKET FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. To swivel the table, pull the locking handle out and rotate the table to the desired position. 23. Entertainment Centers A. Salon Entertainment Center The salon entertainment center consists of a 20” LCD flat screen television and remote located in the upper cabinet in the starbord aft salon. A stereo system with 6-disc CD changer and stereo selector switch for bridge/cockpit and salon entertainment is located below the LCD unit and a DVD/CD unit located below the stereo system. The CABIN MAIN and CABIN STEREO MEMORY breakers on the Main DC Breaker Panel must be ON to operate the systems. 24. Communication System The 44 DB is equipped with a land-line telephone connection in the master stateroom and the salon. These phones can be operated when dockside and hooked up to the dockside telephone hookup. Dockside Telephone Hookup The dockside telephone hookup is located on the port side inside the transom storage locker. A fifty foot shore cord with waterproof connectors is supplied. Dockside Telephone and TV Hookup (Fig. 22.1) A B. Master Stateroom Entertainment B The master stateroom entertainment center consists of a 13” television/DVD combination unit with remote control. A DOCKSIDE TELEPHONE HOOKUP B DOCKSIDE TV HOOKUP C TRANSOM STORAGE LOCKER C. Cockpit/Bridge Entertainment The cockpit entertainment consists of a set of speakers connected to the salon stereo system. The system is activated by the COCKPIT/BRIDGE STEREO switch located next to the stereo unit in the salon and controlled by the remote stereo control at the control station. D. Dockside Television Hookup For television reception dockside, attach the dockside television cable to the inlet located in the starboard transom. E. TV Signal Selector The antenna/cable selector switch is located next to the salon stereo unit in the aft starboard cabinet of the salon. Turn the selector to MAX GAIN for onboard TV antenna reception. Turn the selector to 22 C 25. Electrical Schematics This owner's manual contains electrical schematics and wiring harness illustrations for your boat. These electrical schematics were generated by electrical CAD designers at the engineering division for technical reference and service technicians. Sea Ray® does not recommend that you attempt to work on the boat’s electrical system yourself. Instead, we recommend that you take your boat to your authorized Sea Ray® dealer for service. Sea Ray® reserves the right to change or update the electrical system on any model at any time without notice to the consumer and is NOT obligated to make any updates to units built prior to changes. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual DC Wiring Schematic (Fig. 23.1) Drawing No. 09-601 (1 0f 4) 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 23 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual DC Wiring Schematic (Fig. 24.1) Drawing No. 09-601 (2 0f 4) 24 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual DC Wiring Schematic (Fig. 25.1) Drawing No. 09-601 (3 0f 4) 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 25 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual DC Wiring Schematic (Fig. 26.1) Drawing No. 09-601 (4 0f 4) 26 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Cabin DC Wiring Schematic (Fig. 27.1) Drawing No. 09-602 (1 of 2) 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 27 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Cabin DC Wiring Schematic (Fig. 28.1) Drawing No. 09-602 (2 0f 2) 28 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Engine Harness Schematic (Fig. 29.1) Drawing No. 09-604 (1 of 2) 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 29 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Engine Harness Schematic (Fig. 30.1) Drawing No. 09-604 (2 of 2) 30 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual DC Wiring Schematic (Lower Control Station) (Fig. 31.1) Drawing No. 09-605 (1 0f 2) 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 31 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual DC Wiring Schematic (Lower Control Station) (Fig. 32.1) Drawing No. 09-605 (2 0f 2) 32 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Engine Harness Schematic (Lower Control Station) (Fig. 33.1) Drawing No. 09-608 (1 0f 2) 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 33 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Engine Harness Schematic (Lower Control Station) (Fig. 34.1) Drawing No. 09-608 (2 0f 2) 34 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Windlass Schematic (Fig. 35.1) Drawing No. 09-610 (1 0f 2) 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 35 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Windlass Schematic (Optional Lower Control Station) (Fig. 36.1) Drawing No. 09-610 (2 of 2) 36 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Bow Thruster Schematic (Fig. 37.1) Drawing No. 09-609 (1 of 2) 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 37 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Bow Thruster Schematic (Fig. 38.1) Drawing No. 09-609 (2 of 2) 38 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Stereo Wiring Diagram (Fig. 39.1) Drawing No. 09-611 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 39 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual TV & Stereo Antenna Schematic (Fig. 40.1) Drawing No. 09-613 40 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Satellite Stereo System Schematic (Fig. 41.1) Drawing No. 09-619 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 41 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Cablemaster Remote Schematic (Fig. 42.1) Drawing No. 09-621 42 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Interconnect Diagram (Fig. 43.1) Drawing No. 09-622 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 43 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Generator Schematic (Fig. 44.1) Drawing No. 09-624 44 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual AC System Schematic (Fig. 45.1) Drawing No. 09-631 (1 of 2) 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 45 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual AC System Schematic (Fig. 46.1) Drawing No. 09-631 (2 of 2) 46 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual AC System Schematic (220/50HZ Option) (Fig. 47.1) Drawing No. 09-632 (1 of 2) 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 47 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual AC System Schematic (220/50HZ Option) (Fig. 48.1) Drawing No. 09-632 (2 of 2) 48 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual AC System Wiring Diagram (Fig. 49.1) Drawing No. 09-640 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 49 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual AC System Wiring Diagram (240V/50HZ Euro Option) (Fig. 50.1) Drawing No. 09-641 50 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual VHF Interconnect Diagram (Fig. 51.1) Drawing No. 09-750 44 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 51 44 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Sea Ray Navigator Diagram (Fig. 52.1) Drawing No. 09-751 52 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 44 Sedan Bridge Index A R Anchor Lights.............................................................. 16 Receptacle Layout...................................................... 14 C S Cabin Layout.............................................................. 12 Clearances................................................................... 8 Safety Label Locations............................................... 13 D T Deck Layout................................................................ 11 Dimensions................................................................... 5 Telephone................................................................... 22 Television.................................................................... 22 Through-Hull Fittings.................................................... 6 E W Electrical Schematics................................................. 22 Washer/Dryer............................................................. 21 N Navigation Lights........................................................ 16 P Passenger Locations.................................................... 1 44 Sedan Bridge Index i Index THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Index ii 44 Sedan Bridge ">

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