Sea Ray 2009 SEA RAY 58 SEDAN BRIDGE Owners Manual
Sea Ray 2009 SEA RAY 58 SEDAN BRIDGE comes with a number of great features that can enhance your boating experience. Here's a quick summary of some of the key capabilities of your new boat:
Passenger Capacity: The Sea Ray 58 Sedan Bridge has a maximum passenger capacity of 17 people. This makes it a great choice for large groups or families.
Comfortable Accommodations: The 58 Sedan Bridge offers a spacious cabin with a variety of amenities, including a full galley, two staterooms, and two heads. This makes it a great choice for extended cruises or overnight stays on the water.
Powerful Performance: The 58 Sedan Bridge is powered by two 900hp engines, which gives it plenty of power for cruising or towing.
Specific Information Manual 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Specific Information Manual Table of Contents 1. Load Capacity........................................................... 1 2. Passenger Locations................................................ 1 3. Safety Label Locations............................................. 2 4. Basic Boat Dimensions and Clearances................... 5 5. Floor Plan (Deck & Salon Level)............................... 6 6. Hardtop..................................................................... 8 7. Bridge Wet Bar.......................................................... 8 8. Function and Location of Through-Hull Cutouts....... 9 9. Control Station and Switch Layout.......................... 10 10. Switch and Receptacle Layout.............................. 13 11. Engine Room Layout............................................ 15 12. Lighting Layout...................................................... 16 13. Cleats.................................................................... 19 14. Fire Extinguishing System.................................... 19 15. Fuel System.......................................................... 19 16. Recommended Batteries...................................... 19 17. Water System....................................................... 19 A. Water Tank....................................................... 20 B. Water Distribution Manifold.............................. 20 C. Water Pump & Filter . ...................................... 20 D. Water Heater.................................................... 20 E. Fresh Water Washdown................................... 20 F. Dockside Water Inlet......................................... 20 G. Cockpit Shower............................................... 20 H. Washer/Dryer (Optional).................................. 20 18. Air Conditioning & Heating.................................... 20 19. Communication System........................................ 21 20. Entertainment Centers.......................................... 21 A. Digital Satellite System (Optional)................... 21 B. Salon Entertainment Center............................ 21 C. Master Stateroom Entertainment..................... 21 D. Forward Stateroom Entertainment................... 21 E. Guest Stateroom Entertainment...................... 22 F. Bridge Entertainment........................................ 22 G. Dockside Television Hookup............................ 22 H. TV Signal Selector........................................... 22 21. Spotlight................................................................ 22 22. Hydraulic Swim Platform (Optional)...................... 22 23. Baitwell (Optional)................................................. 22 24. Electrical Schematic............................................. 22 Information in this publication is based upon the latest product specifications available at printing. Sea Ray® Boats, Inc. reserves the right to make changes at any time, without notice, in the colors, equipment, specifications, materials and prices of all models, or to discontinue models. Should changes in production models be made, Sea Ray® is not obligated to make similar changes or modifications to models sold prior to the date of such changes. Owner’s Manual 58 Sedan Bridge Printed in the U.S.A. May 2008 © Sea Ray Boats, Inc. • A Brunswick Company Sea Ray Boats, Inc. 2600 Sea Ray Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37914 For information call 1-800-SRBOATS or fax 1-314-213-7878 (International 1-314-216-3333) Internet Address: Note: Not all accessories shown in pictures or described herein are standard equipment or even available as options. Options and features are subject to change without notice. The following are registered trademarks of the Brunswick Corporation: Sea Ray ® & The SR Wave Logo 58 Sedan Bridge i This Page Intentionally Left Blank ii 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Manual 1. Load Capacity Refer to the General Information Manual for a detailed explanation of Load Capacity. ! DANGER Never carry more weight or passengers than indicated on the certification plate, regardless of weather or water conditions. Passenger Locations (Fig. 1.2) DO NOT WALK ON THIS AREA WORKING DECK (deck area intended for occupation during anchoring, mooring and emergency operation only) accomodation deck (deck area intended for occupation during normal operation) The boat can capsize, swamp or sink. Builder’s Plate (international) Boat Manufacturer (Fig. 1.1) Maximum Number of Passengers Maximum Load Capacity 2. Passenger Locations Refer to the General Information Manual for a detailed explanation of Passenger Locations. ! WARNING Boat motion can be erratic. You can fall overboard or be injured by hitting something in or on the boat. All persons must be in cockpit area or cabin and be prepared for sudden boat movement. Use front or bow deck area only during anchoring, mooring or emergencies. ! DANGER Rotating propellers can injure or kill you. ! WARNING Wet decks are slippery. You can be seriously injured if you slip and fall. Wear slip resistant footwear secured to your feet and hold on to rails or boat structure. 58 Sedan Bridge Shut off engine when persons are in water near boat, or on swim platform or ladder. ! WARNING Rear facing transom seats MUST NOT be used while engine is running or boat is moving. 1 58 Sedan Bridge Manual 3. Safety Label Locations Safety Label Locations (Fig. 2.1) FIRE EXTINGUISHER MANUAL RELEASE ENCLOSED 2 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Manual Safety Label Locations (Cont'd) Safety Label Locations (Fig. 3.1) SAFETY & OPERATIONAL INFORMATION BOOKLET (BACKSIDE OF DOOR) This tag installed when boat is ordered with CE international option BEHIND THE AC DISTRIBUTION PANEL ON ALL PORTLIGHTS WHICH ARE ABLE TO BE OPENED 58 Sedan Bridge 3 58 Sedan Bridge Manual Safety Label Locations (Cont'd) Safety Label Locations (Fig. 4.1) THIS TAG LOCATED ON BLOCK HEATER, GENERATOR CONVERTER, MAIN BATTERY CHARGER/CONVERTER, BATTERY EQUALIZERS & ALL A/C JUNCTION BOXES 4 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Manual 4. Basic Boat Dimensions and Clearances Boat Dimensions and Clearances (Fig. 5.1) 20’ 7 1/8” (6.28m) 18’ 3 7/8” (5.58m) 1’ 4 1/8” (40.64cm) WATERLINE 51” (129.5cm) KEEL 54’ 6 1/2” (16.62 m) 58’ 7” (17.86 m) 16’ (4.88 m) 58 Sedan bridge Specifications Hull Length.................................... 54ft. 6 1/2in. 16.62m Overall Length With Std. Swim Platform....... 58ft. 7in. 17.86m Beam (Width)................................ 16ft. 0in. 4.88m Draft............................................... 51”* Height Dimensions Keel To Top Of Hardtop.....................20ft. 7 1/8 in. 6.28 m Waterline to Top of Hardtop.............18ft. 3 7/8 in. 5.58 m HardtopTo Top Of Mastlight.............1ft. 4 1/8 in. 40.64 cm 129.5cm* *MINIMUM WATER DEPTH TO PREVENT RUNNING AGROUND Dry Weight................................ 51,500 lbs. 23,360 kg. Fuel Capacity........................... 700 gal. 2,649.5 liters Useable Fuel............................ 595 gal. 2,252.3 liters Water Capacity......................... 150 gal. 567.8 liters Holding Tank............................ 68 gal. 257.4 liters Dead Rise................................. 17 58 Sedan Bridge o 5 58 Sedan Bridge Manual 5. Floor Plan (Deck & Salon Level) Floor Plan (Deck, Salon & Galley) (fig. 6.1) bb A A wINDLASS B B sTARBOARD BOW STORAGE aa C DECK HATCH (EMERGENCY EXIT) D STATEROOM COMPANIONWAY STEPS C E FRESH WATER FILL Z F FREEZER G TWO BURNER STOVE H REFRIGERATOR I GALLEY SINK J MICROWAVE K PORT & STARBOARD FUEL FILL L STARBOARD SALON SOFA M SALON ENTERTAINMENT CENTER N BRIDGE STEPS O ACCESS TO FUEL VALVE (IN port and STARBOARD STORAGE) y P SWIM PLATFORM (bolt on standard) (lift D platform optional) E Q SWIM LADDER R TRANSOM STORAGE x F S WASTE PUMP OUT T COCKPIT AFT SEATING U DISTRIBUTION PANELS G V PORT SALON SOFA W GALLEY DINET TABLE X GALLEY DINET SEATING H Y SKYLIGHT I w Z PORT BOW STORAGE J AA WINDLASS FOOT PEDALS K v BB SPOTLIGHT L u M N O o t P s r 6 Q 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Manual Floor Plan (Lower Level) Floor Plan (Staterooms & Head) (fig. 7.1) A A fORWARD STATEROOM BUNK B FORWARD STATEROOM HANGING CLOSET C GUEST SHOWER D WASHER/DRYER (OPTIONAL) T E STARBOARD STATEROOM UPPER BUNK F STARBOARD STATEROOM LOWER BUNK G VACUUM CLEANER (UNDER STEPS) S B H GALLEY COMPANIONWAY C R Q D E I STARBOARD STATEROOM ENTERTAINMENT J STARBOARD STATEROOM HANGING CLOSET K MASTER STATEROOM BUNK L MASTER STATEROOM AFT HANGING CLOSET M MASTER STATEROOM ENTERTAINMENT CENTER N MASTER STATEROOM FORWARD HANGING CLOSET P F O MASTER STATEROOM HEAD P G O H R GUEST HEAD I N MASTER STATEROOM HEAD VANITY Q MASTER STATEROOM SHOWER S GUEST VANITY T FORWARD STATEROOM ENTERTAINMENT CENTER J M K L 58 Sedan Bridge 7 58 Sedan Bridge Manual 6. Hardtop Hardtop (fig. 8.1) C B D A G E F H K J I A sATELLITE INTERNET (OPTIONAL) G SATELLITE ANTENNA (oPTIONAL) B sATELLITE tv (oPTIONAL) H HORN C sATELLITE tELEPHONE (OPTIONAL) I HAILER D MAST LIGHT J VHF ANTENNA E GPS ANTENNA K TV ANTENNA (GLOMEX) F RADAR 7. Bridge Wet Bar Bridge Wet Bar (fig. 8.2) B C D E F G H A A i j k l upper console MAN 900HP A/C VENT g STORAGE B 110 RECEPTACLE (LOCATED INSIDE CABINET) h CONTROL STATION i storage D STEREO REMOTE j storage (contains a/c control) E REFRIGERATOR k CD changer F ICE MAKER l gauge panel C DOCKSIDE TV HOOKUP (LOCATED INSIDE CABINET) 8 A A A 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Manual 8. Function and Location of Through-Hull Cutouts Starboard Through-Hull Cutouts (Fig. 9.1) ENGINE exhaust ONLY FUEL TANK VENTS WASHER EXHAUST GALLEY POWER VENT VACUUM EXHAUST VENT WATER TANK VENT HATCH DRAIN WASHER DRAIN ROPE LOCKER DRAIN Port Through-Hull Cutouts (Fig. 9.2) HEAD POWER VENT CENTRAL DRAIN ENGINE exhaust ONLY Bilge Through-Hull Cutouts (Fig. 9.3) port propeller shaft log BRIDGE air conditioner cooling water pick-up seacock port rudder head discharge seacock baitwell pick-up seacock (optional) starboard rudder generator pick-up seacock STARBOARD propeller shaft log 58 Sedan Bridge port & starboard engine seacocks Electronic transducer (optional) depth / speed transducer cabin a/c pick-up seacock 9 58 Sedan Bridge Manual 9. Control Station and Switch Layout Bridge Control Station (Fig. 10.1) A B A a/c outlets C A B stereo w/single CD D C radar E A q D compass E sea ray navigator f autopilot g vhf radio speaker h switch panel p i gear and throttle control j control (mouse) for sea ray navigator o k 12 volt accessory plug l usb input for sea ray n navigator m trim tab switch n spotlight control m f g o bow thruster joy stick p halon fire extinguisher indicator q safety information booklet l j i h (inside cabinet) k inside cabinet 10 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Manual Control Station and Switch Layout (Cont'd) Bridge Control Station Upper Console (MAN 800HP) (Fig. 11.1) A B upper console C D f E i g J h A CD changer g port engine quad gauge B gauge panel h port engine tachometer C cabinet contains bridge a/c control & PHONE OUTLET i K rudder position gauge D port engine diagnostics j starboard engine tachometer E systems monitor k starboard engine quad gauge f starboard engine diagnostics 58 Sedan Bridge 11 58 Sedan Bridge Manual Control Station and Switch Layout (Cont'd) Bridge Control Station Upper Console (MAN 900HP) (Fig. 12.1) A B upper console C G K I f D h E j A CD changer g port engine quad gauge B gauge panel h port engine tachometer C cabinet contains bridge a/c control & PHONE OUTLET i rudder position gauge D port engine diagnostics j starboard engine tachometer E systems monitor k starboard engine quad gauge f starboard engine diagnostics 12 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Manual 10. Switch and Receptacle Layout Mid Level Switches & Receptacles (Fig. 13.1) A B C D A q E A w A 110 receptacle B fuse C power vent D galley v E 12 volt accessory f f air conditioner control g gfi A h tv antenna controller i A manual fire extinguisher (in starboard cockpit storage unit under bridge steps) j cockpit lights E k baitwell pump l SWIM PLATFORM Remote (Optional) (storage unit under bridge steps) t u s g m STEREO REMOTE n COVERED 110 RECEPTACLE o salon reostat p salon indirect lighting r q h q cockpit indirect lighting r cockpit overhead lights s salon T salon indirect i p B U bilge v telephone jack o W co monitor j k n m 58 Sedan Bridge l 13 58 Sedan Bridge Manual Switch and Receptacle Layout (Cont'd) Bridge Switches & Receptacles (Fig. 14.1) UPPER CONSOLE E INSIDE CABINET A 110 receptacle B B dockside tv jack A C stereo remote C D cockpit/bridge light switch A 14 D E air conditioning control 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Manual 11. Engine Room Layout Bilge Layout (Fig. 15.1) EEE pp qq rr ss tt uu vv ww xx yy zz aaa bbb ccc FFF ddd oo A B nn C mm d ll e kk f jj ii g hh h gg ff i ee j dd cc k bb aa z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l A guest head vacuum generator u AIR HORN COMPRESSOR nn OVERBOARD DISCHARGE SEACOCK B master head vacuum generator v starboard engine MUFFLER oo dockside pumpout C PORT engine strainer w power steering reservoir pp generator muffler d starboard engine seacock x main ground bus bar qq macerator e halon fire extinguisher y mastervolt converter rr port common drain f shower sump z main system batteries ss port bilge blower g fwd bilge pump float switch aa starboard bilge blower h starboard engine strainer bb 220V/50Hz Cablemaster tub Option) i port engine seacock j water heater k fuel fills l oil containers m starboard fuel tank n cabin a/c seacock o cabin a/c pump p cabin a/c strainer q starboard engine fuel filter r generator fuel filter s battery solenoids t aIR HORN TANK 58 Sedan Bridge tt 240v isolation transformer (CE cc intermediate ac breaker dd generator battery ee 240V/50amp/60 cycle cablemaster tub ff trim tab pump gg generator seacock hh generator strainer ii emergency high water bilge pump jj generator kk stern thruster ll aft float switch mm aft bilge pump uu generator charger vv bow thruster battery ww port engine MUFFLER x x bow thruster charger y y main dc breaker panel zz bridge a/c strainer aaa port engine fuel filter bbb bridge a/c pump ccc bridge a/c seacock ddd oil changer eee port fuel tank FFF forward bilge pump 15 58 Sedan Bridge Manual 12. Lighting Layout Lower Level Lighting (Fig. 16.1) SWIVEL LIGHT A A A bulb replacement HALogen 24v 10W bi-prong ROUND LIGHT B B C B B B B B bulb replacement HALogen 24v 10W bi-prong STORAGE LIGHT B B A B A B BULB REPLACEMENT fuse type BULB #12864 24V5W B B B C B B B B D D E D STEP LIGHT C D D E C C E A D LED E AC LOW VOLTAGE LIGHT E C A C E E E E E E C bulb replacement xelogen 24v 10W bi-prong E 16 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Manual Lighting Layout (Cockpit) Mid Level Lighting (Fig. 17.1) ROUND LIGHT A bulb replacement XELOGEN 242v 10W bi-prong STEP LIGHT B LED COCKPIT LIGHT F A A E A E A E E E E E BULB REPLACEMENT Fuse Type BULB #24V10WPERKO #70-0 C COCKPIT OVERHEAD LIGHT bulb replacement HALogen 24v 10W bi-prong D E E E E D C E F D AC LOW VOLTAGE LIGHT F B B bulb replacement xelogen 24v 10W bi-prong B E C Lighting transformer F 58 Sedan Bridge 17 58 Sedan Bridge Manual Lighting Layout (Hardtop) Mast Lights (Fig. 18.1) forward MAST NAV. LIGHT BULB REPLACEMENT FUSE TYPE BULB B A 24V10WPERKO #70 all-round mast LIGHT B BULB REPLACEMENT FUSE TYPE BULB 24V10WPERKO #70 A 18 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Manual 13. Cleats 15. Fuel System Cleats must not be used for lifting the boat; they are intended for docking or mooring use only. The 58DB has two (2) aluminum fuel tanks with a capacity of 350 gallons (1,325 liters) each, for a total capacity of 700 gallons (2,650 liters). The fuel fill inlets are located on the starboard deck walkway. The selector valves are located in the port and starboard outboard cockpit storage. Cleat Locations (Fig. 19.1) cleat cleat cleat cleat 16. Recommended Batteries The following table describes the recommended marine cranking batteries to install in your boat. All batteries should be of the same type, age & rating. cleat Application cleat Group Volts CCA* Reserve Qty Engines 8-D 12 1,400 310 2 Bow Thruster 31DCM 12 800 200 2 *Cold Cranking Amps @ 0ºF 14. Fire Extinguishing System The 58DB is equipped with dual automatic fire extinguisher systems one (1) located in the engine room. The indicator light, located on the control station instrument panel indicates to the helmsman when the unit has discharged. Refer to the General Information Manual for a detailed explanation of the automatic fire extinguisher system. Fuel System (Port View) (Fig. 19.2) A 17. Water System The fresh water system consists of two (2) 72 gallon (272.5 liter) water tanks, a 24 volt water pump with two (2) water filters, one primary on the pump and a secondary water system filter, water heater, and hot and cold distribution manifold. A port fuel tank B B port engine fuel feed C port fuel fill o d starboard fuel fill P e port fuel vent f starboard fuel vent g starboard fuel tank n h starboard engine fuel C m d feed i starboard engine fuel return j generator fuel filter e k crossover fuel board l generator g h l i f m starboard engine fuel filter n port engine fuel filter o port engine fuel return ENGINE COMMON RAIL SAFETY P DISCHARGE j k 58 Sedan Bridge 19 58 Sedan Bridge Manual The fresh water system can be activated two ways. One by the 24 volt water pump breaker on the salon 24/12VDC distribution panel. Or by the use of the dockside inlet. Ship side operation requires the 24 volt water pump breaker to be ON to operate the head, shower, ice maker, fresh water washdowns or faucets. Dockside operation only requires that dockside pressure be applied to the inlet regulator. A. Water Tank The two (2) 72 gallon (757 liter) water tanks are located between the port and starboard inboard stringers under the companionway steps in the cabin. B. Water Distribution Manifold The distribution manifold is located under the cabin floor outside the port stateroom, and is accessed by lifting the hatch. C. Water Pump & Filter The pump for the fresh water system are located forward in the sub floor of the cabin companionway and can be readily serviced. through the cabin floor access hatch. D. Water Heater The 18 gallon (68.1 liters) water heater is located forward of the starboard engine in the engine room. It operates on the 240 volt dockside system or generator and has a circuit breaker on the 240VAC Main Distribution Panel located in the salon. E. Fresh Water Washdown The 58DB is equipped with three (3) fresh water spigots; one in the bilge, one in the transom and one in the bow rope/chain locker. The bilge spigot comes with a 12-foot hose and a strap for storage when not in use. The transom spigot is located in the starboard transom storage. The rope/chain locker spigot is accessible through the bow deck 20 F. Dockside Water Inlet The dockside water inlet, located inside the aft transom hatch, starboard side, allows use of a dockside water source to provide water for the boat’s fresh water system. G. Cockpit Shower The cockpit shower has a hot and cold control and shower wand which are located in a receptacle on the starboard transom. Note: To get hot water the water heater must be ON. See water heater instructions before turning ON. H. Washer/Dryer (Optional) The washer/dryer unit is located in the port guest stateroom. Hot and cold water lines are connected to the back of the unit. Shutoff valves for the unit are on the water system manifold located in cabin floor outside the port stateroom. The water valves for the unit should be turned OFF when not in use. 18. Air Conditioning & Heating The 58DB air conditioning/heating system consists of five (5) standard self contained air conditioning/ heating units, two (2) raw water pumps with seacocks and strainers and a relay unit so the water pumps will be activated by demand when any AC unit comes on. The forward stateroom unit is located under the bunk and can be accessed through a hatch under the mattress. The controls for the unit are located on the port hanging locker. The removable air filter is located on the face of the unit. This unit supplies conditioned air to the forward stateroom, forward head and shower as well as the starboard stateroom. The master stateroom unit is located under the port salon sofa and can be accessed by removing the sofa cushion. The removable air filter is located on the face of the unit. The return air plenum is built into the port aft hanging locker in the master stateroom. The unit supplies conditioned air not only to the master stateroom but to the master stateroom 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Manual head as well. The controls for the unit are located on the side of the starboard hanging locker. There are two units in the salon located under the starboard sofa. The forward unit supplies conditioned air to the galley and lower companionway through plenums located on the dash and companionway ceiling. The aft unit supplies conditioned air to the main salon through plenums in the starboard entertainment center and mid salon column. The controls for the unit are located above the starboard sofa. The removable air filter is located on the face of the unit and are accessed for service by lifting the sofa cushions. The Bridge unit is located behind an access panel on the lower port side of the helm. The controls for the bridge unit are located in the upper bridge storage. The removable air filter is located on the face of the access panel. 19. Communication System The telephone system consists of a waterproof inlet located inside the aft transom hatch, a fifty foot shore cord and telephone outlets in various locations throughout the boat. In addition there is an outlet located on the port wall under the dinette for modem access. Hand set connections are located in the forward stateroom, the guest starboard stateroom, salon and one on the bridge. These phones can be operated when hooked up to the dockside telephone connection. Because the system configuration is an individual preference the installed equipment will vary. It is important to read and understand the operating manuals for the various components installed on your boat. A data port for computer aided diagnostics of the DSS system would be located inside the salon entertainment cabinet. The data port is for use by qualified technicians only. REFER TO OWNER’ S MANUAL Package FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. B. Salon Entertainment Center The salon entertainment center consists of a 30” flat screen LCD TV, VCR, with remote, coax outlet and gain control panel; and a Bose® LifeStyle 48 Surround sound system with DVD player, and antenna. The 120 volt “ENT” breaker must be ON to operate the Bose LS-48 system. The system has five (5) speakers in the salon with a subwoofer under the starboard salon sofa. There are also two (2) powered speakers & a subwoofer in the master stateroom. REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL Package FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. Note: The television and stereo systems are plugged into a surge suppression power strip located behind the entertainment center. C. Master Stateroom Entertainment The entertainment center equipment options may vary from boat to boat. Refer to the Owner’s Manual Package to find individual instructions for the equipment installed on your boat. The master stateroom entertainment center consists of a TV 20” flat screen LCD (120V) w/DVD/ CD/VCR combo w/remote coax outlet, SA-3 amp w/ Acoustimas with two (2) cube speakers . To operate, turn ON the 120VAC MASTER STATEROOM SYSTEMS breaker and the 120VAC ENT breaker on the AC Main Distribution Panel. A. Digital Satellite System (Optional) D. Forward Stateroom Entertainment If equipped, the digital satellite system antenna is located on the hardtop (See figure 2.6.1). The various digital equipment is located in the salon entertainment cabinet and in the master stateroom. The forward stateroom entertainment center consists of a 17” LCD/DVD combo unit with remote control and coax outlet. To operate, turn ON the 120VAC FORWARD SYSTEMS breaker on the AC Main Distribution Panel. 20. Entertainment Centers 58 Sedan Bridge 21 58 Sedan Bridge Manual E. Guest Stateroom Entertainment The guest stateroom entertainment center consists of an optional 13” LCD flat screen television with remote control and coax outlet. To operate, turn ON the 120VAC STARBOARD FWD SYSTEMS breaker on the AC Main Distribution Panel. F. Bridge Entertainment The bridge entertainment system consists of a 12V stereo with CD changer. To operate the 12V stereo, energize the 12 volt battery switch on the DC Main Distribution Panel. To operate the optional LCD flatscreen TV, turn on the 110V AC breaker located on the Main Distribution Panel in the salon. 22. Hydraulic Swim Platform (Optional) The swim platform is powered through the SWIM PLATFORM breaker (Figure 6.5.1) located in the engine room on the forward engine room component board. It is operated by the swim platform remote control unit located inside the starboard transom locker. Swim Platform Remote (Fig. 22.1) G. Dockside Television Hookup For television reception dockside, attach the dockside television cable to the inlet located on the starboard transom. H. TV Signal Selector The antenna/cable selector panel is located in the upper entertainment center in the salon. Turn the selector ON (clockwise) to MAX GAIN for onboard TV antenna reception. Turn the selector OFF (counterclockwise) to SHORE for dockside cable reception. 21. Spotlight Remote stored in locker under bridge steps 23. Baitwell (Optional) If equipped the baitwell located on the top starboard of the transom is powered by the BAITWELL switch on the 24V main DC breaker panel. The baitwell seacock, strainer and water pump provide fresh sea water to the system. The baitwell can be activated by use of the baitwell switch located in the cockpit on the port transom. The 58DB spotlight is mounted on the bow. 24. Electrical Schematics To Operate the Spotlight: This owner's manual contains electrical schematics and wiring harness illustrations for your boat. These electrical schematics were generated by electrical CAD designers at the engineering division for technical reference and service technicians. Sea Ray® does not recommend that you attempt to work on the boat’s electrical system yourself. Instead, we recommend that you take your boat to your authorized Sea Ray® dealer for service. Sea Ray® reserves the right to change or update the electrical system on any model at any time without notice to the consumer and is NOT obligated to make any updates to units built prior to changes. 1. Turn ON the “SPOTLIGHT” breaker on the control station switch panel. 2. Press the POWER button on the spotlight pad to turn on the spotlight. 3. Press SPEED button to adjust the movement speed of the spotlight. REFER TO OWNER’S MANUAL Package FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND WARRANTY INFORMATION. 22 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual DC Wiring Schematic (Fig.23.1) Drawing No. 09-601 (1 0f 3) 58 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 23 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual DC Wiring Schematic (Fig. 24.1) Drawing No. 09-601 (2 of 3) 24 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual DC Wiring Schematic (Fig. 25.1) Drawing No. 09-601 (3 of 3) 58 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 25 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Main Battery Solenoid Schematic (Fig. 26.1) Drawing No. 09-609 26 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Cabin DC Wiring Schematic (Fig. 27.1) Drawing No. 09-602 (1 of 2) 58 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 27 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Cabin DC Wiring Schematic (Fig. 28.1) Drawing No. 09-602 (2 0f 2) 28 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Windlass Schematic (Fig. 29.1) Drawing No. 09-614 58 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 29 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Main negatives, Grounding, and Bonding Schematic (Fig. 30.1) Drawing No. 09-603 30 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Main DC Breaker Panel Wiring Diagram (Fig. 31.1) Drawing No. 09-604 58 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 31 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Systems Monitor Wiring Diagram (Fig. 32.1) Drawing No. 09-606 32 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Engine Borg/Warner Interface Schematic (Fig. 33.1) Drawing No. 09-610 58 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 33 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Bow Thruster Schematic (Fig. 34.1) Drawing No. 09-608 (1 of 2) 34 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Bow Thruster Schematic (Fig. 35.1) Drawing No. 09-608 (2 of 2) 58 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 35 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Man Engine Harness Schematic (Optional) (Fig. 36.1) Drawing No. 09-605 36 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual DSS Option (Digital Audio Modulation) (Fig. 37.1) Drawing No. 09-617 58 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 37 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Onan High Voltage Wiring Diagram (Fig. 38.1) Drawing No. 09-618 38 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Onan Diesel Generator Schematic (Fig. 39.1) Drawing No. 09-624 58 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 39 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual C-Phone Control Diagram (Fig. 40.1) Drawing No. 09-626 40 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Extinguisher/Blower Module Wiring (Fig. 41.1) Drawing No. 09-628 58 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 41 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual AC Wiring Schematic (Fig. 42.1) Drawing No. 09-631 (1 of 2) 42 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual AC Wiring Schematic (Fig. 43.1) Drawing No. 09-631 (2 of 2) 58 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 43 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual AC Wiring Schematic (220V/50Hz) (Fig. 44.1) Drawing No. 09-634 44 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 58 Sedan Bridge 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual AC System Wiring Diagram (Fig. 45.1) Drawing No. 09-640 58 Sedan Bridge Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 45 58 Sedan Bridge Owners Manual Lower Forward Cabin harness (Fig. 46.1) Drawing No. 09-896 46 Warning: DO NOT attempt to work on the electrical system of this boat without professional assistance. 58 Sedan Bridge Index A H Air Conditioning.......................................................... 20 Heating....................................................................... 20 B L Batteries..................................................................... 19 Builder’s Plate............................................................... 1 Lighting Layout........................................................... 16 Load Capacity............................................................... 1 C P Clearances................................................................... 5 Cleats......................................................................... 19 Communication System.............................................. 21 Passenger Locations.................................................... 1 S D Dimensions................................................................... 5 Dryer........................................................................... 20 E Safety Label Locations................................................. 2 Shower....................................................................... 20 Swim Platform............................................................ 22 T Through-Hull Cutouts................................................... 9 Electrical Schematics................................................. 22 Entertainment Centers............................................... 21 W F Washer....................................................................... 20 Water System............................................................. 19 Fire Extinguishing System.......................................... 19 Fuel System................................................................ 19 58 Sedan Bridge Index i Index THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK Index ii 58 Sedan Bridge ">

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