Eurotherm Action Instruments Product Handbook HA136731 Owner's Manual
Eurotherm Action Instruments Product Handbook HA136731
The Action Instruments product line offers a wide range of signal conditioning and isolation devices to meet the needs of any industrial application. Whether you need to amplify, convert, boost, transform, buffer, filter, alarm, or isolate process control signals, Action Instruments has a solution for you.
Our products are designed for easy installation, operation, and maintenance. They are ruggedized to survive the extremes of vibration, shock, temperature, and humidity common in industrial environments.
With over 35 years of experience in the industry, Action Instruments is a trusted name in signal conditioning and isolation. Our products are used in a wide variety of applications, including:
- Process control
- Machine automation
- Robotics
- Medical devices
- Aerospace
- Military
Contact us today to learn more about our products and how they can help you improve your application.
Eurotherm: a company that understands signal conditioning and isolating.
For over 35 years Eurotherm has built an international reputation for developing premium quality “fit for purpose” products and solutions. The Eurotherm brands (Action Instruments, Barber-
Colman, Chessell, Continental and Eurotherm) have long been recognized as the leaders in the industrial automation market.
Action Instruments provides the signal conditioning industry the highest quality, most innovative solutions to remote signal conditioning and isolation applications. Action defined the standard for accuracy and reliability and our focus on technological innovation continues to raise that standard. The people behind the Action
Instruments brand are devoted to understanding your needs and overcoming obstacles to the collection and transmission of industrial automation process signals.
What do Action Products Do?
A ground loop can occur if more than one ground connection is made to a single control signal. Because grounds are seldom at the same potential, an unwanted current will be generated and interfere with the control signal. Signal isolators break the ground loop current path and maintain the integrity of the measurement.
Signal Conversion
Industrial applications use a wide array of sensors to measure temperature, flow, length, speed, frequency, etc. These signals may then need to be converted into a form usable by the instrumentation to which they are connected. Any sensor signal (thermocouple, RTD, DC voltage, DC current, AC voltage, frequency, resistance, etc.) can be converted to any standard process signal.
Easy Solutions to Tough Problems
Every Action product is designed for easy installation, operation and maintenance. Whether you are amplifying or splitting signals, conditioning sensor outputs, isolating grounding problems, or adding more drive to current loops, Action’s complete product selection provides simple, convenient solutions to any analog signal conditioning need.
Noise Filtering
Isolators incorporate low pass filters that eliminate high frequency EMI/RFI and unwanted signals from power lines, generators and motors.
High Performance and Proven Reliability
Reliable signal processing under harsh conditions. That’s what
Action’s products deliver. Nearly three decades of proven success can assure you of our adherence to the highest quality standards and the best in manufacturing techniques.
Real World Ruggedness
Action products are in tune with the industrial environment - the real world of hard-hats, forklifts, and EMI/RFI - they are ruggedized to survive the extremes of vibration, shock, temperature and humidity that are common to the manufacturing arena.
Many sensors output a signal that is not linearly related to the engineering value being measured. For example, a thermocouple used to measure temperature has a nonlinear millivolt output. A thermocouple input signal isolator translates this to a standard, robust linear signal such as 4 to 20 mA.
Action’s Personal Commitment to Your Success
We know how tough it is on the plant floor and we realize that every application has different requirements. That’s why Action’s solutions are tailored to your problems.
Limit Alarms
Limit alarm units take in a process signal and compare it to one or more setpoints. They then provide an output signal, usually a relay contact, when the signal crosses the setpoint.
Best Engineering Support in the Industry
Experienced, knowledgeable and friendly engineers are available throughout the world to answer your questions.
Think Reliable, Think Smart, Think Action
Our goal is to be your exclusive supplier for industrial measurement and control products. What can we offer you? Plenty.
Isolators that can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square root, and averaging.
w w w . e u r o t h e r m . c o m / a c t i o n i o
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What is Signal Conditioning?
Signal conditioners are electronic instruments used in factory or machine automation. They can amplify, convert, boost, transform, buffer, filter, alarm and isolate process control signals.
There seems to be no limit to the variety of things control engineers want to do with control signals. Signal conditioners are known by many names: converters, transducers, isolators, transmitters, and black boxes. Conventionally, most signal conditioners and isolators fall into two categories based on the number of wires required for power and signal.
Four-wire Transmitters
A four-wire transmitter has two wires for power and two wires for the signal output. A four-wire transmitter can be either AC or DC powered. Four-wire transmitters provide a powered output, either a voltage signal (e.g., 0-10V, 1-5V); a current signal (e.g., 4-
20mA, 10-50mA); or in some cases a relay (e.g., solid state or contact closure). Four-wire transmitters require a power supply
- they do not use power from the input or output signal lines. The power supply allows four-wire transmitters to power their output signal. Because of this, they are often used to boost signal strength for retransmission.
Four-wire Transmitter
Two-wire Transmitters
A two-wire transmitter is powered by the same two wires that carry the output signal. A two-wire transmitter is always DC powered and the output can only be a current signal, typically 4-20mA, or sometimes 10-50mA. The two-wire transmitter is considered a field device and requires very little power (milliwatts). It is therefore appropriate for hazardous (explosive) environments, such as chemical refineries and pharmaceutical plants. The low DC power requirement, which ranges from 10-48VDC at currents as low as 4mA, reduces the chances of an electrical spark causing ignition of flammable vapors or dust. Additionally, two-wire of a four-wire transmitter. It is important to note that two-wire transmitters can be isolated or nonisolated. Many low cost two-wire transmitters are not isolated, which makes it important to ensure that the input sensor is not grounded.
All of Action’s two-wire transmitters are fully isolated. Members of this group include the TransPak series and most of the Q5xx products.
WV408 Ultra SlimPak II
Limit Alarms
Limit alarms are considered a four-wire transmitter since they have two wires for power and at least two wires for the relay signal output. Limit alarms are similar to a thermostat. On your thermostat at home you may have the temperature set to a cozy
72 ° F or 23 ° C. If the room temperature falls below that “setpoint” the heater will turn on. This is an example of on/off control. A limit alarm performs the same function. It has a setpoint which is compared to a process signal. If the temperature gets too high, the limit alarm is used to alert an operator or shut down the process. Other applications include limit alarms that can also act as backup for a control system to perform a controlled shutdown process in order to prevent damage or other hazards.
Digital Indicators
Digital indicators (or panel meters) will also accept direct sensor inputs. For the most part, AC powered indicators can be considered a four-wire transmitter if they are configured with an analog or relay output. Indicators are most commonly used to display process variables, however some have secondary functions, such as a 4-20mA transmitter output, limit alarm, or relay contact closure output.
Loop powered indicators such as Action’s V560 are an important type of digital indicator. These indicators are designed for field use and have operating characteristics similar to a two-wire transmitter. They use a 4-20mA signal for power and therefore, as low power devices, are ideal for use in hazardous environments.
Two-wire Transmitter transmitters save on wire costs since both the signal and power are on the same wires. Locating a two-wire transmitter as far as 2000 feet from the control room is possible and at half the wiring cost
VisiPak, 1/8 DIN Rail Mount Indicator w w w . e u r o t h e r m . c o m / a c t i o n i o
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Product Selection Guide
Ultra SlimPak™ II Ultra SlimPak™ ActionPak™
DC Volts
DC Current
Pages 1 - 50
WV108 WV408
Pages 139 - 186
G108 G408
G118 G418
Pages 225 - 280
AP4380, AP4382
AP4390, 4391, 4392
G128 G428
WV438 G438 AP4003
Strain Gauge WV448 G448 AP4081
AC Volts
AC Current
WV168 WV468 G168 G468 AP1690 AP6380
Frequency WV478 G478
Tools available
Tools available
Power Supplies
WV905 WV905
AP9046 AP9046
Ethernet Connectivity
PC and Button Setup
Removable Connectors
Fixed Connectors
Most Complete Range of Legacy Models w w w . e u r o t h e r m . c o m / a c t i o n i o
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II Order Entry: 703-669-1305
ActionIQ™ I/P TransPak™ VisiPak™ Miscellaneous
Pages 327 - 348
Limit Alarms and
Signal Conditioners
Pages 51 - 138
Limit Alarms and
Signal Conditioners
Loop Powered
2/3 Wire Transmitters
& Signal Conditioners
Page 337
Current to Pressure
Q403, Q406
Q404, Q408
Pages 187 - 224
2 Wire
T280, T287
T700, T703
T280, T287
T797, T798
Pages 281 - 326
V108, V116, V132
V408, V430, V438
V560, V561, V565
V108, V116, V132
V408, V432
T280, T287
T797, T798
V108, V116, V132
V408, V432
Q436 Q438
V408, V438
1/8 DIN Temperature
1/16 DIN Temperature
Q446 Q448 V408, V434
Hand-held Calibrator
Q466 Q468 T761
IQRL-2xxx required for AC power distribution.
Config Tools available
IQRL-Dxxx for DC power distribution.
Config Tools available
T773 V437
T287 requires
Software and Adapter
Tools available for V3200i
DIN Rail Mount
Temperature Controller
Wide Ranging
Math Capability
Ideal for Hazardous
Intrinsic Safety
Intrinsic Safety
Mini DIN
I/O Modules w w w . e u r o t h e r m . c o m / a c t i o n i o
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Table of Contents
Action Product Handbook Volume 18
Ultra Slimpak
...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Selection Guide .......................................................................................................................................................... 2
DC Powered DC Input Limit Alarm ........................................................................................... 3
DC Powered RTD Input Limit Alarm ......................................................................................... 7
DC Powered Thermocouple Input Limit Alarm .................................................................... 11
DC Powered AC Input Limit Alarm .......................................................................................... 15
DC Powered DC Input Signal Conditioner ............................................................................. 19
DC Powered RTD Input Signal Conditioner ........................................................................... 23
DC Powered Thermocouple Input Signal Conditioner ........................................................ 27
DC Powered Potentiometer Input Signal Conditioner ........................................................ 31
DC Powered Bridge Input Signal Conditioner ....................................................................... 35
DC Powered AC Input Signal Conditioner ............................................................................. 39
DC Powered Frequency Input Signal Conditioner ................................................................ 43
DC Powered Ethernet Interface Module ................................................................................ 47
® .......................................................................................................................................................... 51
Selection Guide ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
Q106 AC Powered DC Input Field Configurable Limit Alarm ....................................................... 53
Q116 AC Powered RTD Input Field Configurable Limit Alarm ..................................................... 57
AC Powered Thermocouple Input Field Configurable Limit Alarm .................................. 61
AC Powered DC Input Fast Response, Multi-Channel Signal Conditioner ....................... 65
AC Powered DC Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ........................................... 67
AC Powered Potentiometer Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ...................... 71
AC Powered Bridge Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner..................................... 73
AC Powered AC Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ........................................... 77
AC Powered Frequency Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ............................. 81
Q486-0001 AC Powered Universal Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ............................... 85
Q108 DC Powered DC Input Field Configurable Limit Alarm ....................................................... 89
Q404-1/2/4 DC Powered DC Input Signal Conditioners ........................................................................... 93
Q408 DC Powered DC Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ........................................... 95
DC Powered Potentiometer Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ...................... 99
DC Powered Bridge Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner................................... 101
DC Powered AC Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ......................................... 105
DC Powered Frequency Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ........................... 109
Q488-0001 DC Powered Universal Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ............................. 113
Q498 DC Powered DC Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner with Math Functions .. 117
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Loop Powered Loop-Powered Signal Conditioner, 1, 2 or 4 Channels .............................. 125
Loop Powered DC Input Isolating Two-Wire Transmitter, 1 or 2 Channels ....................... 127
Loop Powered RTD Input Isolating Two-Wire Transmitter, 2 or 4 Channels ..................... 129
Loop Powered Thermocouple Input Isolating Two-Wire Transmitter, 2 Channels .......... 131
AC or DC I/QRail Power Distribution Bus ....................................................................... 133
C681 Graphic User Intreface for Q486 & Q488 .......................................... 137
C698 Graphic User Interface for Q498 ......................................................... 138
Ultra Slimpak ® ...................................................................................................................................................... 139
Selection Guide ...................................................................................................................................................... 140
G108 DC Powered DC Input Field Configurable Limit Alarm ..................................................... 141
G118-0002 DC Powered RTD Input Field Configurable Limit Alarm ................................................... 145
G128-0001 DC Powered Thermocouple Input Field Configurable Limit Alarm ................................ 149
G168-0001 DC Powered AC Input Field Configurable Limit Alarm ..................................................... 153
G408 DC Powered DC Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ......................................... 157
G418-0001 DC Powered RTD Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ....................................... 161
G428-0001 DC Powered Thermocouple Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner .................... 165
G438 DC Powered Potentiometer Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner .................... 169
G448-0002 DC Powered Bridge Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ................................... 173
G468-0001 DC Powered AC Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ......................................... 177
G478-0001 DC Powered Frequency Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ........................... 181
HS01 Heat Sink ............................................................................................................. 185
tm ........................................................................................................................................................ 187
Selection Guide ....................................................................................................................................................... 188
DC Powered Universal Input Isolating 2-Wire Transmitter ............................................... 189
DC Powered Programmable Universal Input Isolating 2-Wire Transmitter ................... 191
DC Powered Transmitter Sensor Assemblies .................................................................... 193
T700-0001 Loop Powered Isolator ............................................................................................................... 195
T703 DC Powered DC Input Isolating Field Configurable 2-Wire Transmitter ........................ 197
DC Powered RTD Input Isolating Field Configurable 2-Wire Transmitter ...................... 201
DC Powered Thermocouple Input Isolating Field Configurable 2-Wire Transmitter ... 205
DC Powered Potentiometer Input Isolating Field Configurable 2-Wire Transmitter ... 209
DC Powered AC Input Isolating Field Configurable 2-Wire Transmitter ........................ 213
DC Powered Frequency Input Isolating Field Configurable 2-Wire Transmitter ........... 217
T797 & T798 DC Powered Temperature Input, Smart Isolating Field Configurable 2-Wire Transmitter ... 221
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Action Pak
® ........................................................................................................................................................ 225
Selection Guide ....................................................................................................................................................... 226
AP1080/1090 AC Powered DC Input Field Configurable Limit Alarm ..................................................... 227
AP1280/1290 AC Powered Thermocouple Input Field Configurable Limit Alarm ................................ 231
AP1690 AC Powered AC Input Field Configurable Limit Alarm ..................................................... 235
AP4003-0001 AC Powered Potentiometer Input Signal Conditioner ...................................................... 239
AP4081 AC Powered Bridge Input Field Configurable Isolator ...................................................... 243
AC Powered RTD Input Signal Conditioner ......................................................................... 247
AC Powered Thermocouple Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner.................... 251
AP4380-200X AC Powered DC Input Isolator ............................................................................................... 255
AC Powered DC Input Bipolar Output Field Configurable Isolator ................................ 259
AC Powered DC Input Dual Channel Isolators .................................................................... 263
AC Powered AC Input Field Configurable Isolator ............................................................. 267
AC Powered Frequency Input Field Configurable Signal Conditioner ........................... 271
AC Powered DC to Frequency Converter ............................................................................ 275
AC Powered Frequency Divider/Scaler ................................................................................. 279
tm ....................................................................................................................................................... 281
Selection Guide ....................................................................................................................................................... 282
AC Powered Temperature/Process Indicator ...................................................................... 283
AC Powered Temperature/Process Indicator ...................................................................... 289
AC Powered Miniature Temperature/Process Indicator ................................................... 291
AC Powered Universal Temperature/Pressure/Process Indicator .................................... 293
AC Powered Analog Input, Rate Indicator/Totalizer/Batch Controller ........................... 297
AC Powered Temperature Input Digital Indicator .............................................................. 301
AC Powered Bridge/Strain Gauge Input Digital Indicator ................................................. 305
AC Powered Frequency/Pulse Input, Rate Indicator/Totalizer/Batch Controller ......... 309
AC Powered DC Input Digital Indicator ................................................................................ 313
Loop-Powered LCD Indicator .................................................................................................... 317
Loop-Powered Explosion Proof LCD Indicator ...................................................................... 321
Loop-Powered High Performance LCD Indicator .................................................................. 323
Miscellaneous Products
7SC 1/16 DIN Temperature Controller ......................................................................................... 327
1/8 DIN Temperature Controller ........................................................................................... 329
Compact DIN Rail Mount Controller .................................................................................... 331
Mini DIN I/O DIN Rail Mount I/O Modules .................................................................................................. 335
IP51/IP61 Current to Pressure Transducers ........................................................................................... 337
MEMOCAL Hand-held Calibrator ................................................................................................................ 339
WV905 24 Vdc DIN Rail Mount Power Supply ................................................................................. 343
H910/H915 24 Vdc DIN Rail Mount Power Supplies .............................................................................. 345
AP9046 24 Vdc Power Supply ................................................................................................................ 347
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Application Notes
Pump Control .......................................................................................................................................................... 349
Pipeline Leak Detection ........................................................................................................................................ 349
Sensitive Flow Measurement ............................................................................................................................... 350
Tank Level (Unpressurized) .................................................................................................................................. 350
Tank Level (Pressurized) ........................................................................................................................................ 351
Motor Load.............................................................................................................................................................. 351
Overheating Control .............................................................................................................................................. 352
Power Usage Measurement ................................................................................................................................. 352
Low Air Pressure Detection .................................................................................................................................. 353
Multiple Temperature Zones................................................................................................................................ 353
Safe Water Temperature ....................................................................................................................................... 354
Combining Load Cells ............................................................................................................................................ 354
Loop Isolation ........................................................................................................................................................ 355
Tank Level Differential ........................................................................................................................................... 355
Controlling Thermocouple Calibration Errors Caused by Thermal Shock .................................................. 356
Displaying Flow ....................................................................................................................................................... 357
Mass Flow ................................................................................................................................................................ 357
Hazardous Environments ...................................................................................................................................... 358
Water Level .............................................................................................................................................................. 358
“Long Distance” 4-20mA ....................................................................................................................................... 359
Powering Multiple Transmitters ........................................................................................................................... 359
Ramping a 4-20mA Output .................................................................................................................................. 360
Remote Signal Conditioning for Industrial Sensors ......................................................................................... 360
Summing Two Flows ........................................................................................................................................... 363
PLC/DCS Loop Isolation ........................................................................................................................................ 363
Loop Drive Capability ............................................................................................................................................ 364
Differential Temperature - Measurement & Display ....................................................................................... 364
Differential Temperature Control ....................................................................................................................... 365
Debounce Circuit ................................................................................................................................................... 365
Breaking a Current-Loop, without breaking it... ............................................................................................... 366
High Current Sensing ............................................................................................................................................. 366
Articles by Arthur Holland
Who is Arthur Holland? ....................................................................................................................................... 367
A Look at 4-20mA Signals .................................................................................................................................... 367
Signal Conditioners -
the little hidden boxes that manipulate your process signals ............................................
Smart Field-Mounted Control Components -
they obey your commands and tell you how they are doing......
Traps and Color Confusion in Thermocouple Wiring ..................................................................................... 371
Thermocouples Part 1:
Eight Established Types to Choose From. What Type do I Need? .................................
Thermocouples Part 2:
Traps and Hazards and Why We Don’t Need Types J, K, T, E and S ...............................
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Dimensional Drawings
Action Pak (8-pin) Dimensions ............................................................................................................................ 375
Action Pak (11-pin) Dimensions .......................................................................................................................... 376
ActionI/Q Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................... 377
TransPak Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................. 378
Ultra Slimpak Dimensions .................................................................................................................................... 379
Ultra Slimpak II Dimensions ................................................................................................................................. 379
VisiPak V108, V116, V132 & V408 Dimensions ................................................................................................ 380
VisiPak V43X & V561 Dimensions ....................................................................................................................... 381
VisiPak V560 & V565 Dimensions ....................................................................................................................... 382
Agency Listings
Action Agency Approvals ..................................................................................................................................... 383
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The Ultra SlimPak II is an exciting new line of isolating signal conditioners from Action Instruments with greater accuracy and better stability than virtually any other signal conditioners on the market today.
Smart Power
The Ultra SlimPak II modules use Smart Power for their output power supplies, providing a potential power savings of almost 1/
2 Watt per unit. Previous technology allowed only for a single supply at the highest voltage required to drive the highest impedance load. Smart Power adjusts its output voltage and power, depending on the power output required to drive the current load. A low impedance current loop will now use less power than a high impedance current loop. For example, a low impedance load requires a supply voltage of only 5 volts. With a
20mA current, this consumes only 100mW of power. In comparison, a high impedance load (using and older style supply) would require a 26 volt supply, which at 20mA would consume 520mW of power.
Enhanced LED Diagnostics
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
RUN (Green):
On when unit is powered.
Flashes at 2Hz when input is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when input is over range.
On when Setpoint A is tripped.
On when setting Setpoint A.
Flashes while calibrating the input level.
Configuring Modules
Configuration is accomplished by setting DIP switches and using a pushbutton to calibrate the range. It is also possible to remotely modify parameters using an ethernet connection to the WVC16 and a remote PC-based web browser.
C620 Factory calibration of input range, setpoints and output relays.
WV16 Communications Interface (Optional)
The WVC16 Communications Interface adds functionality never before found in a signal conditioning system. The WVC16 interfaces with Ultra SlimPak II devices via an internal infrared communications link (no programming required) and provides the ability to connect as many as 32 modules to the intranet, allowing the user to view process data on a near real time basis, perform data logging functions on specified modules, calibrate the signal conditioners remotely, and view diagnostic information.
The WVC16 contains a web page server and an e-mail server.
Browsers supported include Internet Explorer 5 or later and
Netscape Navigator 4.7 or later. The user has the ability to have setpoint trip conditions generate an e-mail message for up to 10 recipients. The module also contains a countdown timer that can be used to notify when routine maintenance is required, such as re-calibration. The internal temperature of the module can also be monitored. All memory to support the signal conditioner’s historical data, storage of the web pages and all e-mail messages is contained in the WVC16.
The WVC16 downloads a JAVA applet to the client’s computer.
The applet provides access to the signal conditioner’s data, which includes the following:
• Module configuration summary
• Module configuration editing
• Diagnostic/warning status
• Alarm setup & status
• E-mail setup, editing & address book
• Process variable viewing
On when Setpoint B is tripped.
On when setting Setpoint B.
On while calibrating the input level.
An Under Range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value minus 6.25% of the operational span. An
Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value plus 6.25% of the operational span.
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Ultra SlimPak ™ II Selection Guide
I n p u t
D C V o l t a g e o r
( V , , m V , ,
C u r r e n t
A , , m A )
( 0 1 0 0
P o t e n t i o m e t e r
O h m s , u p t o 0 1 0 0 k O h m s )
( T y p e s s
P t , , N i i , , C u )
T h e r m o c o u p l e
( T y p e s B , , , , , E , , , J J , , K , R , S , , , , , T )
( 0 2
F r e q u e n c y
H z t o 0 1 0 k H z ) )
S t r a i n G a u g e
( ( 0 .
5 , t o 1
1 ,
0 V
3 , , ,
A d
5 j
, u
1 s t
0 , a
2 b l
0 e
, 5 0 m V / V )
E x c i t a t t i i o n
A C V o l t a g e o r
( ( V , , m V , , A , ,
C u r r e n t m A )
2 4 V o l t
P o w e r S u p
D p
C l l l i i i e s
T y p i c a l A p p l i c a t i o n D e s c r i p t i o n
V o l t a g e / C u r r e n t n o i s e r e d u c t i o n s c a l i n g , a n d s i g n i s a l o l a t i d r i v o n , e
D l e
C v e m o t l / p o o r / c s i t i o u r n r e n t c o n t r l i m i t , o l , H I / L O p r e s s u r e a l a r m t o t a l i z
, a p t i o w o n e r a l d e m a n d a r m , w a r n i
2 c h a n n e l n g , c o m p a r a t o r
F i e l d c o i s o l a t o r n f i g u r a b l e D C i n p u t
F i e l d a l a r m c o n f i g u r a b l e D C i n p u t l i m i t
T a n k l e v e l a c q u i s i t i o n , c o n t r o l , r e s i s t a n m c e o n i p o t o r i n g , s i t i o n c o n d i t i o n i n g d a t a s e n s o r
F i e l d i n p u t c o n f i g u r a b l e s i g n a l c o n d i p o t e t i o n e r n t i o m e t e r
T e m d a t a p e r a t u r e c o n t r o l , a c q u i s i t i o n m o n i t o r i n g ,
H e a t e r / c o o l e r t t e e m m p p e e r r a a t u t u r e r e c o n t r o l , H I / L O a l a r m , m o t o r m o n i t o r
F i e l d c o i s o l a t o r n f i g u r a b l e R T D i n p u t
F a i l e a l r d m c o n f i g u r a b l e R T D i n p u t l i m i t
T d e m a t a p e r a t u r e c o n t r o l , a c q u i s i t i o n m o n i t o r i n g ,
H e a t e r / c o o l e r t e m p e r a t u r e a l c o n t a r m , r o l , H I / L O m o t o r t e m p e r a t u r e m o n i t o r
F i e l d i n p u t c o n f i g u r a b l e i s o l a t o r t h e r m o c o u p l e
F i e l d i n p u t c o n f l i m i t i g u r a b l e a l a r m t h e r m o c o u p l e
F l o w / v e l o c i t y c o n t r o l o r m o n i t o r i n g , m o t o r s p e e d a c c u m u l a t i o n , c o n t r o l , i n t e g r a s t i c a l o n , i n g , t o p t a l i u l s e z i n g
P r e s s u r e c o n t r o l , p r e s s u r e s t a t u s m o n i t o r i n g , c o n d i t i o n i n g w e a n i g h d t , l o a d d a t a a c c q e u i l l s i t i o n
V m o l t a g e o n i t o r
/ C u r i n g , r i e s n o l t a s c a l i n g , t i o n , p o w e r b u f f e r i n g
A C m s t a t u s o t o r m o
/ c u r r e n t n i t o r l i m i t , A C p o w e r
F i e l d c o n f f r e q u e n c y
F b r i d g e
A i e i e
C l d l d i
F i e l d
A C i c c c o i o o n f n p n n p u t n n p u t f f i l i i g u r a b l e i n p u t i s u t o l i i g u r a b l e a t i g u r a b l e s o l a t o r i g u r a b l e m i t a l a s o l o r r m a t o r
S u p p l y
2 , 3 a n d
2 4 V D C
4 w i r e p o w e r t r a n s t m i o t t e r s
2 4 V D C , 5 0 0 m A
2 4 V D C , 1 .
0 A
2 4 V D C , 2 .
3 A
M o d e l
W V 4 0 8
W V 1 0 8
W V 4 7 8
W V 4 4 8
W V 4 6 8
W V 1 6 8
W V 9 0 5
H 9 1 0
H 9 1 5
W V 4 3 8
W V 4 1 8
W V 1 1 8
W V 4 2 8
W V 1 2 8
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 2 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
DC Powered DC Input Limit Alarm
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset DC Input Level
WV108-2000 (non-latching)
WV108-2001 (latching) n
Programmable HI or LO, Failsafe or Non-failsafe n
Improved Accuracy n
24VDC Transducer Excitation n
Bussed Power with Plug-in Power Clips n
Removable Terminals for Easy Service n n n n n
Touch Cal for Best Stability and Accuracy
RoHS Compliant
Adjustable Deadband
LED Trip and Input Indicators
Optional E-mail Notification of Alarms
The Ultra SlimPak II is an exciting new line of isolating signal conditioners from Action Instruments with greater accuracy and better stability than virtually any other signal conditioners on the market today.
The WV108 is a DC Voltage or Current Input Limit Alarm with dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The input type and alarm functions are field configurable, offering maximum flexibility. There are five input voltage ranges between ± 20mV and
± 200V, and two current input ranges, ± 10mA and ± 100mA. Alarm setpoints are fully adjustable throughout the entire range.
The WV108-2000 contains two standard non-latching SPDT relays.
When power is removed, the relays revert to their non-powered state. The WV108-2001 contains two latching relays. Whatever position the relays are in when power is removed is where they will remain when power is re-applied (a reset switch is provided to reset the relays after the alarm is no longer true). Both models are configurable as a single or dual setpoint alarm, with HI or LO trips.
The WV108-2000 supports failsafe or non-failsafe operation. In failsafe operation the relay coil is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the LO setpoint (opposite for nonfailsafe). In the failsafe mode, a power failure results in an alarm state output.
Each of the alarm setpoints has a respective HI or LO deadband.
Red LEDs will illuminate indicating an alarm condition. The trip will reset only when the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the LO deadband. (The WV108-2001 requires pressing the reset switch in order to reset the relays after being tripped.) The deadband can be left at the minimum level (the factory default) or can be set to whatever level is desired.
C620 Factory calibration of input range, setpoints and output relays.
Enhanced LED Diagnostics
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
RUN (Green):
On when unit is powered.
Flashes at 2Hz when input is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when input is over range.
On when Setpoint A is tripped.
On when setting Setpoint A.
Flashes while calibrating the input level.
On when Setpoint B is tripped.
On when setting Setpoint B.
On while calibrating the input level.
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
An Under Range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value minus 6.25% of the operational span. An
Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value plus 6.25% of the operational span.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 3 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Configuring Modules
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model WV108 as follows:
Input: Current
Range: ± 100mA
Output: Dual, SPDT
Trip: A: HI, B: LO
Failsafe: No
Deadband: A, B: minimum
Remote Cal: No
1. For other ranges, refer to the SWITCH SETTINGS table (see
Figure 4). Reconfigure switches S1 and S2 for the desired input type and range.
2. Set position 1 of S1 to ON if a WVC16 will be utilized and remote calibration capability is desired.
3. Set position 2 and 3 of S1 to ON for a Hi trip setpoint or to OFF for a Low trip setpoint.
4. Set position 4 of S1 to ON for failsafe operation (e.g. alarm trips upon power failure) or OFF for non-failsafe operation (-2000 only).
It is also possible to remotely select the setpoints using an Ethernet connection and the optional WVC16 WebView Communications
Interface module.
24VDC Transducer Excitation
The 24VDC source, which is isolated from line power, is used for transducer excitation. Typical connections for voltage and current are shown in Figure 5.
Relay Protection and EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved using external protection (see Figures
2 & 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize all lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properlyrated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1mF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47ohm, 1/2W carbon resistor.
For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV > DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-) to anode (the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
See the calibration flowchart in Figure 7. The complete calibration procedure is contained in the Installation & Calibration Instructions document, which is available on our website
( You can also obtain it by telephoning Action technical support (703-669-1318).
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within the units specifications). For a
C620, specify the following: a) Input Type (mA, mV, V).
b) Setpoint A trip point and reset point.
c) Setpoint B trip point and reset point.
d) Failsafe (ON/OFF).
Note that if a deadband entry is not specified, the default setting of 0.25% will be used.
F u n c t i o n S 1 S 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2
V o l t a g e I n p u t
+ /
+ / -
2 0 0 m
+ / 2 V
+ / 2 0 V
C u r r e n t I n p u t
0 m V
2 0 0 V
n n n n n n n n n n
+ / -
/ 1 0 m
1 0 0 m
n n n
n n n n
R e m o t e
C a l
H i /
H i /
E n
L o w
L o w a b l e
( H
( H i ) i ) n
n -
F a li s a f e n
K e y : n = 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a
Figure 4: Switch Settings
Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 4
ON = Closed ON = Closed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Remote Cal Enable
Remote Cal Disable
"A" Hi Trip
"A" Low Trip
"B" Hi Trip
"B" Low Trip
Range: +/-100 ma
(see Table)
Default Switch Settings
1 2
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 5: Typical Connections
P i n
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
2 3
4 1
4 2
4 3
5 1
5 2
5 3
Figure 6: Wiring Connections
D e s c r i p t i o n
N .
O .
R e l a y B
C o m .
R e l a y B
N .
C .
R e l a y B
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
N o C o n n e c t i o n
A n a l o g I n p u t ( + )
A n a l o g I n p u t ( )
2 4 V D C E x c i t a t i o n ( + )
N .
O .
R e l a y A
C o m .
R e l a y A
N .
C .
R e l a y A
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 7: Calibration Flowchart
Page 5 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Voltage Input Ranges: ± 20mV, ± 200mV, ± 2V, ± 20V & ± 200V
Impedance: >100k ohms
Overvoltage: 200Vrms, max.
Current Input Range: ± 10mA & ± 100mA
Impedance: 20 ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 170mA rms, max
Overvoltage: 60VDC
Minimum Deadband:
Range Deadband
± 20mV 0.2% (80 microvolts)
± 200mV 0.2% (800 microvolts)
± 2V 0.1% (4mV)
± 20V
± 200V
0.1% (40mV)
0.025% (100mV)
± 10mA
± 100mA
0.1% (20 microamps)
0.025% (50 microamps)
Response Time:
Dynamic Deadband: Relay status will change when proper setpoint/ process condition exists for 100mSec or greater
Normal Mode: <250mSec (analog filtering)
Effectivity: Setpoints are adjustable (by pushbutton) over 100% of the selected input span
>200mV/10mA: 0.1% of full scale (constant temperature)
<200mV/10mA: 0.2% of full scale
Relay Contacts:
2 SPDT (2 form C) Relays
1 relay per setpoint
Current rating (general use)
120VAC: 5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Gold flash over silver alloy
Electrical Life:
Reset Switch:
10 5 operations
For unlatching the relay once the process is no longer in the alarm state (WV108-2001 only).
Local Range Selection:
24VDC @ 20mA
Host Module Interface: IR link
Size: DIN rail case – refer to Dimensions drawing
Operating Temperature: 0 ° C to +60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage Temperature: -25 ° C to +85 ° C (-13 to 185 ° F)
Operating Humidity (non-condensing): 15% to 95%RH @45 ° C
Storage Humidity (non-condensing): 90%RH @ 60 ° C for 24 hrs
Agency Approvals EMC & Safety:
CE: EN61326, EN61010-1
UL and CSA Combined mark
RoHS compliant
By DIP switch
100ppm of FS/ ° C
Common Mode Rejection: 120dB @ DC, >90dB @ 60Hz, or better
1800VDC or peak AC between contacts, input & power
ESD Susceptibility: Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3 (8kV)
Humidity: Operating: 15 to 95% RH non-condensing @45 ° C
Soak: 90% RH non-condensing for 24hrs @60 ° C
Temperature: Operating: 0 to 60 ° C
Storage: -25 to +85 ° C
Power: 9 to 30VDC; 1.2W typ., (2.2W max. with both relays energized)
Excitation Voltage:
Ordering Information
Model: WV108-2000 (non-latching) or
WV108-2001 (latching)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration (specify C620 , see required settings under "Calibration, page 2).
All WV Series modules will mount on standard TS35 (model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
WVC16 Communications Interface
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail (2 meters)
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C650 Utility software for WVC16
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 6 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
DC Powered RTD Input Limit Alarm
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset Temperature Level
WV118-2000 (non-latching)
WV118-2001 (latching) n
Programmable HI or LO, Failsafe or Non-failsafe n
Improved Accuracy n
Adjustable Deadband n
Bussed Power with Plug-in Power Clips n
Removable Terminals for Easy Service n
Touch Cal for Best Stability and Accuracy n
RoHS Compliant n
LED Trip and Input Indicators n
Optional E-mail Notification of Alarms n
Supports 2-Wire and 3-Wire RTDs
The Ultra SlimPak II is an exciting new line of isolating signal conditioners from Action Instruments with greater accuracy and better stability than virtually any other signal conditioners on the market today.
The WV118 is an RTD Limit Alarm with dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The input type and alarm functions are field configurable, offering maximum flexibility. The WV118 supports Pt100, in both 0.00385 and 0.00392 alphas, and Cu10 RTDs.
All ranges allow the setpoints to be fully adjustable throughout the entire range.
The WV118-2000 contains two standard non-latching SPDT relays.
When power is removed, the relays revert to their non-powered state. The WV118-2001 contains two latching relays. Whatever position the relays are in when power is removed is where they will remain when power is re-applied (a reset switch is provided to reset the relays after the alarm is no longer true). Both models are configurable as a single or dual setpoint alarm, with HI or LO trips.
The WV118-2000 supports failsafe or non-failsafe operation. In failsafe operation the relay coil is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the LO setpoint (opposite for nonfailsafe). In the failsafe mode, a power failure results in an alarm state output.
Each of the alarm setpoints has a respective HI or LO deadband.
Red LEDs will illuminate indicating an alarm condition. The trip will reset only when the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the LO deadband. (The WV118-2001 requires pressing the reset switch in order to reset the relay after being tripped.) The deadband can be left at the minimum level (the factory default) or can be set to whatever level is desired.
C620 Factory calibration of input range, setpoints, and output relays.
Enhanced Diagnostics
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
RUN (Green):
On when unit is powered.
Flashes at 2Hz when input is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when input is over range.
On when Setpoint A is tripped.
On when setting Setpoint A.
Flashes while calibrating the input level.
On when Setpoint B is tripped.
On when setting Setpoint B.
On while calibrating the input level.
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
An Under range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value by 5 ° C. An Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value by 5 ° C.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 7 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Configuring Modules
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model WV118 as follows:
Input: Pt100
Range: -200 ° C to 600 ° C
Output: Dual, SPDT
Trip: A: HI, B: LO
Failsafe: No
Deadband: A, B: minimum
Remote Cal: No
1. For other ranges, refer to the SWITCH SETTINGS table (see
Figure 4). Reconfigure switches S1 and S2 for the desired input type and range.
2. Set position 1 of S2 to ON if a WVC16 will be utilized and remote calibration capability is desired.
3. Set position 2 and 3 of S2 to ON for a Hi trip setpoint or to OFF for a Low trip setpoint.
4. Set position 4 of S2 to ON for failsafe operation (e.g. alarm trips upon power failure) or OFF for non-failsafe operation (-2000 only).
It is also possible to remotely select the setpoints using an Ethernet connection and the optional WVC16 WebView Communications
Interface module.
Relay Protection and EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved using external protection (see Figures
2 & 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize all lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properlyrated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1mF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47ohm, 1/2W carbon resistor.
For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV > DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-) to anode (the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
See the calibration flowchart in Figure 6. The complete calibration procedure is contained in the Installation & Calibration Instructions document, which is available on our website
( You can also obtain it by telephoning Action technical support (703-669-1318).
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within the units specifications). For a
C620, specify the following: a) RTD type and temperature range.
b) Setpoint A trip point and reset point.
c) Setpoint B trip point and reset point.
d) Failsafe (ON/OFF)
Note that if a deadband entry is not specified, the default setting of 0.25% will be used.
F u n c t i o n S 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
P t 1 0 0 I n p u t
2 0
0 t o t t t o o o
1 0 0
n n
n n
n n
n n
1 8 t o 3 0 0 C
C u 1 0 I n p u t
2 0 0 t o 2 6 0 C
2 0 0 t o 1 0 0 C
2 0 0 t o 1 0 0 C
5 0 t o 1 0 0 C
1 8 t o 2 6 0 C
n n
n n n
n n n n
R T D C o n f i g
W i
W i r e r e n
R T D A l p h a
P t 0 .
0 0 3 8 5 -
P t 0 .
0 0 3 9 2 n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a
F u n
R T D T y p e c t i o n
P t 1
C u
1 2
3 4
5 6 n n
A e a m li s o a
H i / L t f e e
C o w a l
( H
E i ) n a b l e n
B H i / L o w ( H i ) n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a
Figure 4: Switch Settings
Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 8
ON = Closed ON = Closed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
RTD Config: 3-wire
(see Table)
RTD Alpha:
Input: -200 to 600 ° C
(see Table)
1 2 3 4 5 6
RTD Type:
"B" Hi Trip
"B" Low Trip
"A" Hi Trip
"A" Low Trip
Remote Cal Enable
Remote Cal Disable
Default Switch Settings
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 5: Wiring Connections
4 1
4 2
4 3
5 1
5 2
5 3
2 1
2 2
2 3
P i n
1 1
1 2
1 3
D e s c r i p t i o n
N .
O .
R e l a y B
C o m .
R e l a y B
N .
C .
R e l a y B
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
N o C o n n e c t i o n
R T D I n p u t ( + )
R T D I n p u t ( )
R T D R e t u r n
N .
O .
R e l a y A
C o m .
R e l a y A
N .
C .
R e l a y A
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 6: Calibration Flowchart
Page 9 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Sensor Types: Pt100 0.00385, Pt100 0.00392, Cu10
Sensor Connection: 2-wire or 3-wire
Pt100 RTDs:
° C
-200 to 600
° F
-32 to 1112
-200 to 260
-200 to -100
-50 to 100
-18 to 300
-200 to 600
-200 to 260
-200 to -100
-50 to 100
-18 to 300
Cu10 RTDs:
-328 to 500
-328 to -148
-58 to 212
0 to 572
-328 to 1112
-328 to 500
-328 to -148
-58 to 122
0 to 572 alpha range no.
° C
-200 to 260
° F
-328 to 500
-200 to 100
-200 to -100
-50 to 100
-18 to 260
-328 to 212
-328 to -148
-58 to 212
0 to 500
RTD Excitation:
Pt100: 0.45mA, max.; Cu10: 5.0mA, max.
Lead Wire Resistance:
40% of the base sensor resistance maximum or 100 ohms
(whichever is less)
Lead Wire Effect: range no.
Changing from 0 ohm lead resistance (each lead) to maximum allowed lead resistance: Error <1% of largest span PT and Cu ranges;
-200 to 600 ° C for Pt and –200 to 260 ° C for Cu.
Pushbutton Adjustment: Effective zero offset: >95%
(Inputs >10mV): Effective span turn down: >95%
Local Range Selection: By DIP switch
Response Time:
Dynamic Deadband: Relay status will change when proper setpoint/ process condition exists for 100mSec.
Normal Mode: <250mSec (analog filtering)
Setpoint Effectivity:
Setpoints are adjustable (by pushbutton) over 100% of the selected input span
Repeatability: ± 0.05% of FS, ± 1 ° C (constant temp)
Relay Contacts: 2 SPDT (2 form C) Relays, 1 relay per setpoint
Current rating (general use): 120VAC: 5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Material: Gold flash over silver alloy
Electrical Life: 10 5 operations at rated load
Reset Switch:
For unlatching the relay once the process is no longer in the alarm state (WV118-2001 only).
Stability: ± 100ppm of full scale/ ° C ( ± 0.01%/ ° C)
Common Mode Rejection: 120dB @ DC, >90dB @ 60Hz, or better
Isolation: >1800VDC or peak AC between input, output and power.
ESD Susceptibility: Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3 (8kV)
Humidity (non-condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% RH (@45 ° C)
Soak: 90% RH for 24hrs (@60 ° C)
Operating: 0 to 60 ° C
Storage: -25 to +85 ° C
Power: 9 to 30VDC, 1.0W typical, 2.0W max
Host Module Interface: IR link, same specs as Phase 1 modules
Size: DIN rail case – refer to Dimensions drawing
Operating Temperature: 0 ° C to +60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage Temperature: -25 ° C to +85 ° C (-13 to 185 ° F)
Operating Humidity (non-condensing): 15% to 95%RH at 45 ° C
Storage Humidity: 90%RH at 60 ° C for 24 hours
Agency Approvals (EMC & Safety):
CE: EN61326, EN61010-1
UL and CSA Combined mark
RoHS compliant
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Ordering Information
WV118-2000 (non-latching) or
WV118-2001 (latching)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration (specify C620 , see required settings under "Calibration, page 2).
All WV Series modules will mount on standard TS35 (model MD03)
DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
WVC16 Communications Interface
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail (2 meters)
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C650 Utility software for WVC16
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 10 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
DC Powered T/C Input Limit Alarm
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a
Preset Temperature Input Level
WV128-2000 (non-latching)
WV128-2001 (latching) n
Programmable HI or LO, Failsafe or Non-failsafe n
Improved Accuracy n
Adjustable Deadband n
Bussed Power with Plug-in Power Clips n
Removable Terminals for Easy Service n n n n
Touch Cal for Best Stability and Accuracy
RoHS Compliant
LED Trip and Input Indicators
Optional E-mail Notification of Alarms
The Ultra SlimPak II is an exciting new line of isolating signal conditioners from Action Instruments with greater accuracy and better stability than virtually any other signal conditioners on the market today.
The WV128 is a Thermocouple Input Limit Alarm with dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The input type and alarm functions are field configurable, offering maximum flexibility. There are seven thermocouple types (B, E, J, K, R, S and T) from which to choose. Alarm setpoints are fully adjustable throughout the entire range.
The WV128-2000 contains two standard non-latching SPDT relays.
When power is removed, the relays revert to their non-powered state. The WV128-2001 contains two latching relays. Whatever position the relays are in when power is removed is where they will remain when power is re-applied (a reset switch is provided to reset the relays after the alarm is no longer true). Both models are configurable as a single or dual setpoint alarm, with HI or LO trips.
The WV128-2000 supports failsafe or non-failsafe operation. In failsafe operation the relay coil is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the LO setpoint (opposite for nonfailsafe). In the failsafe mode, a power failure results in an alarm state output.
Each of the alarm setpoints has a respective HI or LO deadband.
Red LEDs will illuminate indicating an alarm condition. The trip will reset only when the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the LO deadband. (The WV128-2001 requires pressing the reset switch in order to reset the relays after being tripped.) The deadband can be left at the minimum level (the factory default) or can be set to whatever level is desired.
C620 Factory cal of input range, setpoints and output relays.
Enhanced LED Diagnostics
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
RUN (Green):
On when unit is powered.
Flashes at 2Hz when input is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when input is over range.
On when Setpoint A is tripped.
On when setting Setpoint A.
Flashes while calibrating the input level.
On when Setpoint B is tripped.
On when setting Setpoint B.
On while calibrating the input level.
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
An Under Range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value minus 6.25% of the operational span. An
Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value plus 6.25% of the operational span.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 11 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Configuring Modules
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model WV128 as follows:
Input: Type J
Output: Dual, SPDT
Trip: A: HI, B: LO
Failsafe: No
Deadband: A, B: minimum
Remote Cal: No
1. For other ranges, refer to the SWITCH SETTINGS table (see
Figure 4). Reconfigure switches S1 and S2 for the desired input type and range.
2. Set position 1 of S1 to ON if a WVC16 will be utilized and remote calibration capability is desired.
3. Set position 2 and 3 of S1 to ON for a Hi trip setpoint or to OFF for a Low trip setpoint.
4. Set position 4 of S1 to ON for failsafe operation (e.g. alarm trips upon power failure) or OFF for non-failsafe operation (-2000 only).
It is also possible to remotely select the setpoints using an Ethernet connection and the optional WVC16 WebView Communications
Interface module.
Relay Protection and EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved using external protection (see Figures
2 & 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize all lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properlyrated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1mF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47ohm, 1/2W carbon resistor.
For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV > DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-) to anode (the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
See calibration flwchart in Figure 6. The complete calibration procedure is contained in the Installation & Calibration Instructions document, which is available on our website
( You can also obtain it by telephoning Action technical support (703-669-1318).
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within the units specifications). For a
C620, specify the following: a) Input type.
b) Setpoint A trip point and reset point.
c) Setpoint B trip point and reset point.
d) Failsafe (ON/OFF).
Note that if a deadband entry is not specified, the default setting of 0.25% will be used.
F u n c t i o n S 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I n p u t
+ 8 0 m V / 2 0
J t / c
S m t t t t t
/ c
/ c
/ c
/ c
/ c -
n n n
n n
n n
n n n n
T t / c -
R e m o t e C a l E n a b l e
A H i / L o w ( H i ) n
B H i / L o w
F a li s
( H a f i e
) n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a
Figure 4: Switch Settings
Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads
ON = Closed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Remote Cal Enable
Remote Cal Disable
"A" Hi Trip
"A" Low Trip
Input: Type J T/C
(see Table)
"B" Hi Trip
"B" Low Trip
Default Switch Settings
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 12 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 5: Wiring Connections
1 3
2 1
2 2
2 3
4 1
4 2
4 3
P i n
1 1
1 2
5 1
5 2
5 3
D e s c r i p t i o n
N .
O .
R e l a y B
C o m .
R e l a y B
N .
C .
R e l a y B
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
N o C o n n e c t i o n
T / C I n p u t ( + )
T / C I n p u t ( )
N o C o n n e c t i o n
N .
O .
R e l a y A
C o m .
R e l a y A
N .
C .
R e l a y A
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 6: Calibration Flowchart
Page 13 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Thermocouples Supported: B, E, J, K, R, S, T
° C
+75 to 1820
° F
+167 to 3308
E -265 to 1000
-210 to 760
-265 to 1372
-25 to 1760
-445 to 1832
-346 to 1400
-445 to 2502
-13 to 3200
-25 to 1760
-265 to 390
-13 to 3200
-445 to 734
Overvoltage: ± 10V differential
Common Mode: 1800VDC (Input to Ground)
Limit Differential (deadband): 0.2% to 100% of span. Set by
Pushbutton Adjustment.
Response Time:
Dynamic Deadband: Relay status will change when proper setpoint/ process condition exists for 100mSec.
Normal Mode: <250mSec (analog filtering)
Effectivity: Setpoints are adjustable (by pushbutton) over 100% of the selected input span.
Repeatability: ± 0.05% of FS, ± 1 ° C (constant temp)
Relay Contacts:
2 SPDT (2 form C) Relays
1 relay per setpoint
Current rating (general use):
120VAC: 5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Material: Gold flash over silver alloy
Electrical Life: 10 5 operations
Reset Switch:
For unlatching the relay once the process is no longer in the alarm state. (WV128-2001 only)
Local Range Selection: By DIP switch
Stability: ± 100ppm of FS/ ° C
Common Mode Rejection: 120dB @ DC, >90dB @ 60Hz, or better
Isolation: 1800VDC or peak AC between contacts, input & power.
ESD Susceptibility: Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3 (8kV)
Power: 9 to 30VDC; 1.2W typ., (3.25W max both relays energized)
Host Module Interface: IR link
Wire Terminations: Screw terminations for 12-22 AWG
Size: DIN rail case – refer to Dimensions drawing
Operating Temperature: 0 ° C to +60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage Temperature: -25 ° C to +85 ° C (-13 to 185 ° F)
Operating Humidity (non-condensing): 15% to 95% at 45 ° C
Storge Humidity (non-condensing): 90% at 60 ° C for 24 hours
Agency Approvals (EMC & Safety):
CE: EN61326, EN61010-1
UL and CSA Combined mark
RoHS compliant
Ordering Information
WV128-2000 (non-latching) or
WV128-2001 (latching)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration (specify C620 , see required settings under "Calibration, page 2).
All WV Series modules will mount on standard TS35 (model MD03)
DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
WVC16 Communications Interface
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail (2 meters)
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C650 Utility software for WVC16
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 14 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
DC Powered AC Input Limit Alarm
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset AC Input Level
WV168-2000 (non-latching)
WV168-2001 (latching) n
Programmable HI or LO, Failsafe or Non-failsafe n
Improved Accuracy n
Adjustable Deadband n
Bussed Power with Plug-in Power Clips n
Removable Terminals for Easy Service n n n n
Touch Cal for Best Stability and Accuracy
RoHS Compliant
LED Trip and Input Indicators
Optional E-mail Notification of Alarms
The Ultra SlimPak II is an exciting new line of isolating signal conditioners from Action Instruments with greater accuracy and better stability than virtually any other signal conditioners on the market today.
The WV168 is an AC Voltage or Current Input Limit Alarm with dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The input type and alarm functions are field configurable, offering maximum flexibility. There are eight input voltage ranges between 50mV and 250V, and two current input ranges, 20mA and 100mA. Alarm setpoints are fully adjustable throughout the entire range.
The WV168-2000 contains two standard non-latching SPDT relays.
When power is removed, the relays revert to their non-powered state. The WV168-2001 contains two latching relays. Whatever position the relays are in when power is removed is where they will remain when power is re-applied (a reset switch is provided to reset the relays after the alarm is no longer true). Both models are configurable as a single or dual setpoint alarm, with HI or LO trips.
The WV168-2000 supports failsafe or non-failsafe operation. In failsafe operation the relay coil is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the LO setpoint (opposite for nonfailsafe). In the failsafe mode, a power failure results in an alarm state output.
Each of the alarm setpoints has a respective HI or LO deadband.
Red LEDs will illuminate indicating an alarm condition. The trip will reset only when the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the LO deadband. (The WV168-2001 requires pressing the reset switch in order to reset the relay after being tripped.) The deadband can be left at the minimum level (the factory default) or can be set to whatever level is desired.
C620 Factory cal of input range, setpoints and output relays.
Enhanced LED Diagnostics
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
RUN (Green):
On when unit is powered.
Flashes at 2Hz when input is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when input is over range.
On when Setpoint A is tripped.
On when setting Setpoint A.
Flashes while calibrating the input level.
On when Setpoint B is tripped.
On when setting Setpoint B.
On while calibrating the input level.
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
An Under Range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value minus 6.25% of the operational span. An
Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value plus 6.25% of the operational span.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 15 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Configuring Modules
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model WV168 as follows:
Input: mVAC
Range: 0-500mV
Output: Dual, SPDT
Trip: A: HI, B: LO
Failsafe: No
Deadband: A, B: minimum
Failsafe: Off
1. For other ranges, refer to the SWITCH SETTINGS table.
Reconfigure switches S1 and S2 for the desired input type and range.
2. Set position 1 of S1 to ON if a WVC16 will be utilized and remote calibration capability is desired.
3. Set position 2 and 3 of S1 to ON for a Hi trip setpoint or to OFF for a Low trip setpoint.
4. Set position 4 of S1 to ON for failsafe operation (e.g. alarm trips upon power failure) or OFF for non-failsafe operation (-2000 only).
It is also possible to remotely select the setpoints using an Ethernet connection and the optional WVC16 WebView Communications
Interface module.
Relay Protection and EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved using external protection (see Figures
2 & 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize all lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properlyrated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1mF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47ohm 1/2W carbon resistor.
For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV > DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-) to anode (the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
See the calibration flowchart in Figure 6. The complete calibration procedure is contained in the Installation & Calibration Instructions document, which is available on our website
( You can also obtain it by telephoning Action technical support (703-669-1318).
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within the units specifications). For a
C620, specify the following: a) Input type.
b) Setpoint A trip point and reset point.
c) Setpoint B trip point and reset point.
d) Failsafe (ON/OFF).
Note that if a deadband entry is not specified, the default setting of 0.25% will be used.
F u n c t i o n
C u r r e n t I n p u t
2 0 m A
1 0 0 m A -
S 1 S 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 4
V o l t a g e I n p u t
5 0
5 m
1 5 0 m V
5 0 m V -
n n n n
n n
n n n n n
n n n n n n n n
n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
R e m o t e C a l E n a b l e
A H i / L o w ( H i ) n
B H i / L o w
F a li s
( H a f i e
) n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a
Figure 4: Switch Settings
Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads
Page 16
ON = Closed ON = Closed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Remote Cal Enable
Remote Cal Disable
"A" Hi Trip
"A" Low Trip
Range: 0 to 500 mV
(see Table)
"B" Hi Trip
"B" Low Trip
1 4
Default Switch Settings
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Action Product Agency Approvals
Approval Agencies
Conformite Europeenne, European Union
Canadian Standards Association, Canada
Canadian Safety Approval from UL
Factory Mutual Research Corporation, USA
NEC National Electronics Council, USA
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer's Association, USA
UL Underwriters Laboratories, USA
CE Mark (CE)
CE mark approval for the Ultra SlimPak, the Ultra SlimPak II,
VisiPak and ActionI/Q are defined by European Norms
(EN#50081-1 and EN# 50082-2). Consult Action Technical
Support for more details.
CSA Certification
The CSA certification of the Action Pak series, Ultra SlimPak,
Ultra SlimPak II and ActionI/Q complies with CSA standard
C22.2 No. 0-M1982: General Requirements/Canadian Electrical
Code, Part II, and No. 0-M1983: Process Control Equipment/
Industrial Products, Certificate No. LR 42272. The only Action
Paks to qualify are those with an 8 or 11-pin base.
Action Pak ®
AP1000 Series: All models except those with 20 pin base.
AP4000 Series: All models.
AP4400 Series: AP4440 only.
AP4500 Series: AP4570 and AP4580 only.
AP6000 Series: AP6380 only.
AP7000 Series: AP7380 only.
AP7500 Series: AP7500 and AP7501 only.
AP9000 Series: AP9046 only.
Ultra SlimPak ®
G100 Series: All models.
G400 Series: All models.
Ultra SlimPak ® II
WV100 Series: All models.
WV400 Series: All models.
Q400 Series: All models.
Q500 Series: All models.
The CSA certification of the T700 series allows intrinsically safe installations in Class I, Division 1, Groups A-D hazardous locations.
All installations require approved intrinsic barriers per manufacturer's drawing 790-0025-00. Certificate No. LR 42272.
The CSA certification of the T797-1 and T798-1 allows intrinsically safe installations in Class I, Division 1, Groups A-D; Class II, Division
1, Groups E, F and G; and Class III, Division 1, when installed in accordance with drawing 732-0220-00 or 732-0221-00.
T700 Series: T703-2000, T761, and T773.
T797 & T798: All models.
The CSA certification of the V508/V509 complies with CSA
Standard C22.2 No. 0-M1982: General Requirements/Canadian
Electrical Code, Part II, and No. 0-M1983: Process Control
Equipment/Industrial Products. Certificate No. LR 42272. V508 and V509 only.
The CSA certification of the V560 series allows intrinsically safe installations in Class I, Division 1, Groups A-D hazardous locations.
All installations require approved intrinsic barriers per manufacturer's drawing 790-0027-00. Certificate No. LR 42272-10. V560, V560C and V565. See enclosure ratings for V560EP and V561.
Factory Mutual (FM)
The FM approval of the T600/T700 series allows intrinsically safe installations in Class I, Division 1, Groups A-D hazardous locations. All installations require approved intrinsic barriers per manufacturer's drawing 790-0024-00.
The T700 series (except the T700-0001 and T703-2000) is also permitted in non-incendive Class I, Division 2, Groups A-D; and
Class II and III, Division 2, Group G areas. Division 2 locations do not require barriers. Certificate No. J.I.2M2A5.AX(3611).
The T703-2000 is approved Intrinsically Safe, Entity, Class I, II, III,
Division 1, Groups A-G hazardous locations per drawing 790-
0028-00; and non-incendive Class 1, Division 2, Groups A-D hazardous indoor locations per manufacturer's drawing 790-
0028-00. Certificate No. J.I.1V4A5.AX.
T700 Series: All models except T700, T761, and T773.
T797 & T798: All models.
The FM approval of the V560/V565 series permits intrinsically safe installations in Class I, Division 1, Groups A-D hazardous locations and non-incendive Class I, II, III, Division 2, Groups A-
D and G areas. All Division 1 installations require approved intrinsic barriers per manufacturer's drawing 790-0024-00. Division 2 installations do not require a barrier. Certificate No.
J.I.2M2A5.AX (3611). V565 is Entity Approved, drawing 790-
0029-00, Certificate No. J.I.3V1A5.AX. V560, V560C, V565 and
V565C only.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 383 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Underwriters Laboratories (UL and CUL)
UL recognition for Action Pak, Ultra SlimPak, Ultra SlimPak II,
ActionI/Q and VisiPak complies with UL standard 508 for Industrial Equipment. Canadian safety requirements C22.2 are met with CUL (as indicated).
Action Pak ®
AP4382, AP4390, AP4391, AP4392, AP6380, AP7380
Ultra SlimPak ®
G100 Series: All models.
G400 Series: All models.
Ultra SlimPak ® II
WV100 Series: All models.
WV400 Series: All models.
Q400 Series: All models.
Q500 Series: All models.
V108, V116, V132, V408: UL and CUL listed.
V430 Series: All UL and CUL listed except V436.
V508-5000 Series only.
V509-5000 Series only.
M Series Sockets: All except M020.
Explosion Proof Ratings for Enclosures
Action Pak ®
TransPak ®
T690/691EP: NEC, NEMA 4.
T79E (except T79E-1): NEMA 4X and 7, CSA, FM
T800: NEC, NEMA 4, CSA
T805: NEC, NEMA 4, CSA, FM
Housing and transmitter are approved separately. Refer to the
T805 housing and the T700 TransPak series.
The NEC and CSA approvals for the C008, C011, T690EP, T691EP and T800 enclosures permit installations in Class I, Group D (also
Group C with approved 3/4" or smaller reducer); Class I, Groups
E and G; Class III hazardous locations per Articles 500 through 517
(1987 edition). The above enclosures are equipped with 3/4"
NEC approved reducers for Group C rating and a gasket for NEMA
4 protection against liquids. The use of the supplied gasket does not void the hazardous rating.
The NEC, CSA and FM approvals for the T805 and F700 enclosures permit installations in Class I, Groups B, C, D; and Class II, Groups
E, F, G hazardous locations. All enclosures are equipped with a gasket for NEMA 4 protection aganst washdowns. The use of the supplied gasket does not void the hazardous rating.
The CSA and FM approvals for the T79E explosion proof housings, available with and without windows, permit installations in Class
I, Divisions 1 and 2, Groups B, C and D; Class II, Divisions 1 and 2,
Groups E, F and G; and Class III, and are rated for NEMA 4X and
NEMA 7 environments.
The NEC, CSA and FM approvals for the V560EP and V960 enclosures permit installations in Class I, Groups C and D; and
Class II, Groups E, F and G hazardous locations. Both enclosures are NEMA 4 rated.
The NEC, CSA and FM approvals for the V561 enclosure permits installations in Class I, Groups B, C and D; and Class II, Groups E, F and G hazardous locations. The V561 enclosure is NEMA 4 rated.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 384 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
DC Powered DC Voltage/Current Input
Isolating Signal Conditioner
High Accuracy Signal Conditioner with an
Isolated DC Voltage or Current Output
WV408-2000 n
Lower Power Requirements with SmartPower n
Improved Accuracy n
Bussed Power with Plug-in Power Clips n
Removable Terminals for Easy Service n
Approved for use in Class I Div 2 Group A, B, C, D areas n
RoHS Compliant n
Touch Cal for Best Stability and Accuracy n
DIP Switch Configuration n
Optional E-mail Notification of Alarms
The Ultra SlimPak II is an exciting new line of isolating signal conditioners from Action Instruments with greater accuracy and better stability than virtually any other signal conditioners on the market today. The Ultra SlimPak II features Smart Power, which eliminates wasted power for low loop resistance loads in the current output mode.
The WV408 has both voltage and current input ranges. Four voltage input ranges ( ± 150mV, ± 1.5V, ± 15V and ± 150V) are DIP switch selectable. Each of these ranges has at least 95% zero and span adjustment, which, for example, would allow you to set a 0-
20mV user range on the ± 150mV full scale range. Two current input ranges ( ± 2.5mA and ± 25mA) are also DIP switch selectable.
"Sigma-Delta" conversion produces an effective resolution of 15 bits. Both voltage and current have input accuracies of 0.015% of full scale. Outputs include 0-10V, 0-20mA and 4-20mA. The
WV408 also supports reverse output. The WV408 is recognized for use in Class 1, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D hazardous locations.
Smart Power
The Ultra SlimPak II uses Smart Power to control its output supply.
Smart Power automatically adjusts the the voltage to drive the output loop to the required current. A low impedance current loop will subsequently require less voltage than a loop with higher impedance. Previous designs provided only a single supply at the highest voltage required to drive the highest impedance load.
Using Smart Power results in power savings and reduces the operating temperature of the signal conditioner.
Approved for use in Class I Div 2 Group A, B, C, D areas
Users can now enjoy significant labor savings over traditional protection methods since there is no need for explosion proof enclosures and conduits.
A Class I hazardous location is one in which flammable gases or vapors may be present in the air to be ignitable or explosive
(typical applications include petroleum refineries, spray finishing areas, utility gas plants and fuel servicing areas).
A Division 2 area is one in which the flammable gases or vapors are normally not present in an explosive concentration, but could accidentally exist.
Group A is acetylene; Group B includes hydrogen; Group C includes ether; and Group D includes hydrocarbons, fuels and solvents.
Enhanced LED Diagnostics
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
Flashes at 2Hz when the input is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when the input is over range.
Flashes at 2Hz when the output is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when the output is over range.
An Under Range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value minus 6.25% of the operational span. An
Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value plus 6.25% of the operational span.
A voltage output short circuit may cause an under range condition
(RED blinking at 2Hz rate). A current output open circuit may cause an over range condition (RED blinking at an 8Hz rate).
There could be two or more LEDs blinking at the same time, which means the module has more than one error condition. Only when all error conditions have been removed, will the LEDs be back to normal (Green ON, Red and Yellow Off).
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 19 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Configuring Modules
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model WV408 as follows:
Input: Current
Range: 4-20mA
Output: Current
Range: 4-20mA
Reverse Out: Off
Remote Cal: Off
1. For other ranges, refer to the SWITCH SETTINGS table.
Reconfigure switches S1 and S2 for the desired input type and range.
2. Set position 1 of S1 to ON if a WVC16 will be utilized and remote calibration capability is desired.
3. Set position 2 and 3 of S1 for the desired output type.
4. Set position 4 of S1 to ON for reverse output operation.
5. Set positions 5-7 of S1 and positions 1and 2 of S2 for the desired input range.
It is also possible to remotely select the setpoints using an Ethernet connection and the optional WVC16 WebView Communications
Interface module.
See the calibration flowchart in Figure 3. The complete calibration procedure is contained in the Installation & Calibration Instructions document, which is available on our website
( You can also obtain it by telephoning Action technical support (703-669-1318).
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within the units specifications). For a
C620, specify the following: a) Input Type, Range & Units (mA, mV, V).
b) Output Type, Range & Units (ma, mV, V).
c) Reverse Output (ON/OFF)
F u n c t i o n S 1
R e m o t e C a l E n a b l e
1 4 n
R e v e r s e O u t
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n
F u n c t i o n S 1
2 3
O u t p u t R a n g e s
0 t o 1 0 V
0 t o 2 0 m A n n n
4 t o 2 0 m A
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
F u n c t i o n S 1 S 2
5 6 7 8 1 2
I n p u t R a n g e s
+ / 1
1 .
5 V n n n n
+ / 1 5 0 V
+ / 2 .
5 m A n n n
+ / 2 5 m A n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
ON = Closed ON = Closed
Remote Cal Enable
Remote Cal Disable
1 2
Output Range: 4 to 20ma
(see Table)
3 4 5 6 7 1 2
Input Range: +/-25ma
(see Table)
Reverse Output
Direct Output
Default Settings
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 1: Switch Settings
Page 20 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 2: Wiring Connections
P i n
1 1
1 2
2 1
2 2
4 1
4 2
5 1
5 2
D e s c r i p t i o n
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
I n p u t ( + )
I n p u t C o m m o n
O u t p u t ( + )
O u t p u t C o m m o n
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 3: Calibration Flowchart
Page 21 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
± 150mV, ± 1.5V, ± 15V or ± 150VDC
Impedance: >100k Ohms
Over voltage: 180Vrms
± 2.5mA or ± 25mA
Impedance: <75 Ohms
Over current: 170mA, protected by resetting fuse
Over voltage: 60V
Zero & Span Adjustment: ± 95% of Full Scale
Input Accuracy: ± 0.015% of Full Scale
Voltage: 0 to 10VDC
Source Impedance: <10 Ohms
Drive: 10mA
Current: 0 to 20mA
Source Impedance: >100k Ohms
Compliance: 20V@20mA (1k Ohms max)
Output Accuracy: ± 0.05% of Full Scale Local Range
Selection: By DIP switch
Response Time: 100mSec (10 to 90%)
Stability: ± 100ppm of full scale/ ° C ( ± 0.01%/ ° C)
Common Mode Rejection: 120dB @ DC,
>90dB @ 60Hz, or better
Isolation: 1800VDC or peak AC between input, output & power
ESD Susceptibility: Capable of IEC 801-2 level 3 (8kV)
Power: 9-30VDC; 1.0W typ., 2.0W max.
Host Module Interface: IR Link
Size: DIN rail case – refer to Dimensions drawing
Operating Temperature: 0 to +60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage Temperature: -25 to +85 ° C (-13 to 185 ° F)
Operating Humidity: 15% to 95% RH,non-condensing @ 45 ° C
Storage Humidity: 90% RH, non-condensing @ 60 ° C for 24 hours
Agency Approvals (EMC & Safety):
CE: EN50081-1, EN50082-2, EN61010
CSA C22.2, No. 0-M91, 142-M1987
RoHS compliant
Ordering Information
Optional Custom Factory Calibration (specify C620 , see required settings under "Calibration, page 2).
All WV Series modules will mount on standard TS35 (model MD03)
DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
WVC16 Communications Interface
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail (2 meters)
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C650 Utility software for WVC16
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 22 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
WV418-2000 n
Lower Power Requirements with SmartPower n
Improved Accuracy n
Bussed Power with Plug-in Power Clips n
Removable Terminals for Easy Service
DC Powered RTD Input
Isolating Signal Conditioner
High Accuracy Signal Conditioner with an
Isolated DC Voltage or Current Output n
RoHS Compliant n
Touch Cal for Best Stability and Accuracy n
DIP Switch Configuration n
Supports 2, 3 or 4 Wire RTD's
The Ultra SlimPak II is an exciting new line of isolating signal conditioners from Action Instruments with greater accuracy and better stability than virtually any other signal conditioners on the market today. The Ultra SlimPak II features Smart Power, which eliminates wasted power for low loop resistance loads in the current output mode.
The WV418 supports 2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire Pt100 RTDs with alphas of either 0.00385 or 0.00392, as well as Cu10. Ranges are
DIP switch selectable or (optionally) PC programmable. Outputs include 0-10V, 0-20mA and 4-20mA.
Smart Power
The Ultra SlimPak II uses Smart Power to control its output supply.
Smart Power automatically adjusts the the voltage to drive the output loop to the required current. A low impedance current loop will subsequently require less voltage than a loop with higher impedance. Previous designs provided only a single supply at the highest voltage required to drive the highest impedance load.
Using Smart Power results in power savings and reduces the operating temperature of the signal conditioner.
Enhanced LED Diagnostics
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
Flashes at 2Hz when the input is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when the input is over range.
Flashes at 2Hz when the output is under range.
Flashes at8Hz when the output is over range.
An Under Range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value minus 6.25% of the operational span. An
Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value plus 6.25% of the operational span.
A voltage output short circuit may cause an under range condition
(RED blinking at 2Hz rate). A current output open circuit may cause an over range condition (RED blinking at an 8Hz rate).
There could be two or more LEDs blinking at the same time, which means the module has more than one error condition. Only when all error conditions have been removed will the LEDs be back to normal (Green ON, Red and Yellow Off).
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 23 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Configuring Modules
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model WV418 as follows:
Input: Pt100, 3-wire, alpha = 0.00385
Range: -200 to 600 ° C
Output: 4-20mA
Reverse Out: Off
Remote Cal: Off
1. For other ranges, refer to the SWITCH SETTINGS table.
Reconfigure switches S1 and S2 for the desired input type and range.
2. Set position 1 of S2 to ON if a WVC16 will be utilized and remote calibration capability is desired.
3. Set position 2 and 3 of S2 for the desired output type and range.
4. Set position 4 of S2 to ON for reverse output operation.
5. Set positions 1-7 of S1 and positions 5 & 6 of S2 for the desirred input range.
It is also possible to remotely select the setpoints using an Ethernet connection and the optional WVC16 WebView Communications
Interface module.
See the calibration flowchart in Figure 3. The complete calibration procedure is contained in the Installation & Calibration Instructions document, which is available on our website
( You can also obtain it by telephoning Action technical support (703-669-1318).
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within the units specifications). For a
C620, specify the following: a) Input Type, Range and Units.
b) Output Type, Range and Units.
c) Reverse Output (ON/OFF)
F u n c t i o n S 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
P t 1 0 0 I n p u t R a n g e
2 0 0 t o 1 0 0 C
0 0
1 8 t t t t o o o o
6 0
0 0
n n
n n
n n
n -
C u 1 0 I n p u t R a n g e
2 0 0 t o 2 6 0 C
5 0
8 t o t t t o o o
0 0
R T D C o n f i g u r a t i o n
n n n
n n
n n
4 W i r e
3 W i r e
2 W i r e
n n
R T D a l p h a
P t 0 .
0 0 3 8 5 -
P t 0 .
0 0 3 9 2 n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a
F u n c t i o n S 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
R T D T y p e
R e v e r s e O u t p u t
R e m o t e C a l
P t 1 0 0
C u 1 0
n n n n
O u t p u t R a n g e
0 t
0 o t o
2 0
1 0 m
n n
4 t o 2 0 m A -
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a
ON = Closed ON = Closed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
RTD Config: 3-wire
(see Table)
RTD Alpha:
Input: -200 to 600 ° C
(see Table)
1 2 3 4 5 6
RTD Type:
Reverse Output
Direct output
Output Range: 4-20mA
(see Table)
Remote Cal Enable
Remote Cal Disable
Default Switch Settings
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 1: Switch Settings
Page 24 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
53 Sense
(4-wire only)
41 RTD +
42 RTD -
43 RTD Return 5 1
5 2
5 3
2 3
4 1
4 2
4 3
P i n
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
D e s c r i p t i o n
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
N o C o n n e c t i o n
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
N o C o n n e c t i o n
R T D I n p u t ( + )
R T D I n p u t ( )
R T D R e t u r n
O u t p u t ( + )
O u t p u t ( )
R T D S e n s e ( + )
Figure 2: Wiring Connections
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 3: Calibration Flowchart
Page 25 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Sensor Types:
Pt100, 0.00385 alpha & 0.00392 alpha
Sensor Connection:
Pt100 RTDs:
° C
-200 to 600
-200 to 260
-200 to -100
-50 to 100
-18 to 300
-200 to 600
-200 to 260
-200 to -100
-50 to 100
-18 to 300
Cu10 RTDs:
° C
-200 to 260
-200 to 100
-200 to -100
-50 to 100
-18 to 260
2-wire, 3-wire or 4-wire RTD
RTD Excitation:
Pt100: 0.45mA, max
Cu10: 5.0mA, max
° F
-328 to 1112
-328 to 500
-328 to -148
-58 to 212
0 to 572
-328 to 1112
-328 to 500
-328 to -148
-58 to 122
0 to 572
° F
-328 to 500
-328 to 212
-328 to -148
-58 to 212
0 to 500 alpha
Ordering Information
Optional Custom Factory Calibration (specify C620 , see required settings under "Calibration, page 2).
All WV Series modules will mount on standard TS35 (model MD03)
DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
WVC16 Communications Interface
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail (2 meters)
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C650 Utility software for WVC16
Lead Wire Resistance: 40% of the base sensor resistance maximum or 100 ohms (whichever is less)
Lead Wire Effect: Changing from 0 ohm lead resistance (each lead) to maximum allowed lead resistance: Error <1% of largest span PT and Cu ranges; -200 to 600 ° C for Pt and –200 to 260 ° C for Cu.
Pushbutton Adjustment (Inputs >10mV):
Effective zero offset: >95%
Effective span turn down: >95%
Local Range Selection: By DIP switch
Voltage: 0 to 10V
Source Impedance: <10 ohms
Drive: 10mA
Current: 0 to 20mA
Source Impedance: >100k ohms
Compliance: 20V
Output Accuracy: 0.05% of Full Scale
Response Time: 100mSec (10 to 90%)
Stability: ± 100ppm of full scale/ ° C ( ± 0.01%/ ° C)
Common Mode Rejection: 120dB @ DC, >90dB @ 60Hz, or better
Isolation: >1800VDC or peak AC between input, output & power.
ESD Susceptibility: Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3 (8kV)
Humidity (non-condensing):
Operating:15 to 95% RH @45 ° C
Soak: 90% RH for 24hrs @60 ° C
Operating: 0 to 60 ° C
Storage: -25 to +85 ° C
Power: 9 to 30VDC; 1.0W typical, 2.0W max
Host Module Interface: IR link
Size: DIN rail case – refer to Dimensions drawing
Agency Approvals (EMC & Safety):
CE: EN61326, EN61010-1
UL & CSA combined mark
RoHS compliant
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 26 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
DC Powered Thermocouple Input
Isolating Signal Conditioner
High Accuracy Signal Conditioner with an Isolated,
Linearized DC Voltage or Current Output
WV428-2000 n
Lower Power Requirements with SmartPower n
Improved Accuracy n
Bussed Power with Plug-in Power Clips n
Removable Terminals for Easy Service n
Approved for use in Class I Div 2 Group A, B, C, D areas n
RoHS Compliant n
Touch Cal for Best Stability and Accuracy n
DIP Switch Configuration n
Optional E-mail Notification of Alarms
The Ultra SlimPak II is an exciting new line of isolating signal conditioners from Action Instruments with greater accuracy and better stability than virtually any other signal conditioners on the market today. The Ultra SlimPak II features Smart Power, which eliminates wasted power for low loop resistance loads in the current output mode.
The WV428 supports B, C, E, J, K, N, R, S & T thermocouples that are DIP switch selectable. The WV428 also supports a millivolt range of –20 to +80mVDC. The input accuracy of the WV428 is
± 0.05% with a CJC error of £ ± 1 ° C. Both voltage and current have an input accuracy of 0.015% of full scale. Outputs include 0-10V,
0-20mA and 4-20mA. The WV428 is recognized for use in Class 1,
Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D hazardous locations.
Smart Power
The Ultra SlimPak II uses Smart Power to control its output supply.
Smart Power automatically adjusts the the voltage to drive the output loop to the required current. A low impedance current loop will subsequently require less voltage than a loop with higher impedance. Previous designs provided only a single supply at the highest voltage required to drive the highest impedance load.
Using Smart Power results in power savings and reduces the operating temperature of the signal conditioner.
Approved for use in Class I Div 2 Group A, B, C, D areas
Users can now enjoy significant labor savings over traditional protection methods since there is no need for explosion proof enclosures and conduits.
A Class I hazardous location is one in which flammable gases or vapors may be present in the air to be ignitable or explosive
(typical applications include petroleum refineries, spray finishing areas, utility gas plants and fuel servicing areas).
A Division 2 area is one in which the flammable gases or vapors are normally not present in an explosive concentration, but could accidentally exist.
Group A is acetylene; Group B includes hydrogen; Group C includes ether; and Group D includes hydrocarbons, fuels and solvents.
Instant Accuracy TM
Instant Accuracy maximizes accuracy and performance during warmup and during changes in ambient temperature. This patented cold-junction compensation technique utilizes two temperature sensors to measure the differential temperature near the terminal block. Using heat transfer calculations with the measured differential temperature and the known thermal conductivity of the PCB, the terminal junction temperature is determined with extreme accuracy. Even during unstable thermal states such as start-up, ambient temperature changes, or changing load or power, the WV408 performs extremely accurate thermocouple temperature measurement. Instant Accuracy improves system performance and productivity due to reduced warm-up time, fewer temperature measurement errors, and tighter process control for higher quality. Most significantly, it allows calibration to be checked quickly and accurately without the effects of rapid ambient temperature changes due to opening a control panel door, which often causes erroneous readings and miscalibrations
- a common cause of measurement errors.
Enhanced LED Diagnostics
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
Flashes at 2Hz when the input is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when the input is over range.
Flashes at 2Hz when the output is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when the output is over range.
YELLOW : Flashes at 2Hz for a TC burnout.
An Under Range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value minus 6.25% of the operational span. An
Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value plus 6.25% of the operational span.
A voltage output short circuit may cause an under range condition
(RED blinking at 2Hz rate). A current output open circuit may cause an over range condition (RED blinking at an 8Hz rate).
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 27 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
There could be two or more LEDs blinking at the same time, which means the module has more than one error condition. Only when all error conditions have been removed, will the LEDs be back to normal (Green ON, Red and Yellow Off).
Configuring Modules
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model WV428 as follows:
Input: Type J thermocouple
Range: -210 ° C to 760 ° C
(-346 ° F to 1400 ° F)
Output: 4-20mADC
Burnout: Upscale
Remote Cal: Off
1. For other ranges, refer to the SWITCH SETTINGS table.
Reconfigure switch S1 for the desired input type and range.
2. Set position 1 of S1 to ON if a WVC16 will be utilized and remote calibration capability is desired.
3. Set position 2 and 3 of S1 for the desired output type.
5. Set positions 4-7 of S1 for the desired input range.
It is also possible to remotely select the setpoints using an Ethernet connection and the optional WVC16 WebView Communications
Interface module.
See the calibration flowchart in Figure 3. The complete calibration procedure is contained in the Installation & Calibration Instructions document, which is available on our website
( You can also obtain it by telephoning Action technical support (703-669-1318).
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within the units specifications). For a
C620, specify the following: a) Input Type, Range & Units ( ° C or ° F).
b) Output Type, Range & Units (mA, V).
c) Burnout (Upscale or Downscale).
F u n c t i o n S 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I n p u t
T y y
T y
T p e y p e y y p e y
T y p e p e p e p e p e
T h e r h e r h e r h e r h e r h e r h e r h e r m o c o u p l e m o c o u p l e m o c o u p l e m o c o u p l e m o c o u p l e m o c o u p l e m o c o u p l e m o c o u p l e
T y p e T T h e r m o c o u p l e
2 0 m V t o + 8 0 m V
n n n
n n n
n n
n n n n n n
n n n
n n
n n n n
R e m o t e C a l E n a b l e n
O u t p u t R a n g e
0 t
0 o t o
2 0
1 0 V m A
n n
4 t o 2 0 m A -
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 1: Switch Settings
Page 28
ON = Closed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Input: Type J T/C
(see Table)
Output Range: 4 to 20 mA
(see Table)
Remote Cal On
Remote Cal Off
Default Switch Settings
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
2 1
2 2
4 1
4 2
P i n
1 1
1 2
5 1
5 2
Figure 2: Wiring Connections
D e s c r i p t i o n
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
I n p u t ( + )
I n p u t ( )
O u t p u t ( + )
O u t p u t ( )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 3: Calibration Flowchart
Page 29 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Type ° C ° F
B 75 to 1800
C 0 to 2315
E -200 to 1000
J -210 to 760
K -200 to 1370
N -200 to 1300
0 to 1760
0 to 1760
T -200 to 400
167 to 3272
32 to 4199
-328 to 1832
-346 to 1400
-328 to 2498
-328 to 2372
32 to 3200
32 to 3200
-328 to 752
Millivolts: -20 to +80mV
Accuracy: ± 0.05% of F.S. & CJC to ± 1 ° C
Pushbutton Adjustment:
Effective zero offset: +95% (Inputs >10mV)
Effective span turn-down: = -95%
Voltage: 0 to 10VDC
Source Impedance: <10 ohms
Drive: 10mA
Current: 0 to 20mA
Source Impedance: >100k ohms
Compliance: 20V @ 20mA (1k ohms max)
Output Accuracy:
Response Time:
Common Mode
Burnout Detection:
0.05% of Full Scale
Local Range Selection: By DIP switch
Programmable for upscale, downscale or none
100mSec (10 to 90%)
100ppm of full scale/
° C ( ± 0.01%/ ° C)
120dB @ DC, >90dB @ 60Hz, or better
1800VDC or peak AC between input, output & power
ESD Susceptibility: Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3 (8kV)
9-30VDC; 1.0W typ., 2.0W max
Host Module Interface: IR Link
DIN rail case – refer to Dimensions drawing
Operating Temperature: 0 ° C to +60 ° C (32 ° F to 140 ° F)
Storage Temperature: -25 ° C to +85 ° C (-13 ° F to 185 ° F)
Operating Humidity: 15% to 95% RHNC @ 45 ° C
Storage Humidity: 90% RHNC @ 60 ° C for 24 hours
Agency Approvals (EMC & Safety):
CE: EN50081-1, EN50082-2, EN61010
CSA C22.2, No. 0-M91, 142-M1987
RoHS compliant
Ordering Information
Optional Custom Factory Calibration (specify C620 , see required settings under "Calibration, page 2).
All WV Series modules will mount on standard TS35 (model MD03)
DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
WVC16 Communications Interface
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail (2 meters)
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C650 Utility software for WVC16
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 30 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
WV438-2000 n
Lower Power Requirements with SmartPower n
Improved Accuracy n
Bussed Power with Plug-in Power Clips n
Removable Terminals for Easy Service
DC Powered Potentiometer Input
Isolating Signal Conditioner
High Accuracy Signal Conditioner with an
Isolated DC Voltage or Current Output n
RoHS Compliant n
Touch Cal for Best Stability and Accuracy n
DIP Switch Configuration n
Optional E-mail Notification of Alarms
The Ultra SlimPak II is an exciting new line of isolating signal conditioners from Action Instruments with greater accuracy and better stability than virtually any other signal conditioners on the market today. The Ultra SlimPak II features Smart Power, which eliminates wasted power for low loop resistance loads in the current output mode.
The WV438 is a potentiometer input signal conditioner supporting
3-wire potentiometers and slidewire devices from 100 ohms to
100k ohms. The switch selectable output ranges are 0-10VDC,0-
20mA and 4-20mA. All of the output ranges are fully adjustable via pushbutton calibration. The input default range is 0 to 100% of the potentiometer range, but can be adjusted via pushbutton calibration to any 20% portion of the potentiometer. The default output range is 4-20mA.
Smart Power
The Ultra SlimPak II uses Smart Power to control its output supply.
Smart Power automatically adjusts the the voltage to drive the output loop to the required current. A low impedance current loop will subsequently require less voltage than a loop with higher impedance. Previous designs provided only a single supply at the highest voltage required to drive the highest impedance load.
Using Smart Power results in power savings and reduces the operating temperature of the signal conditioner.
Enhanced LED Diagnostics
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
Flashes at 2Hz when the input is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when the input is over range.
Flashes at 2Hz when the output is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when the output is over range.
An Under Range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value minus 6.25% of the operational span. An
Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value plus 6.25% of the operational span.
A voltage output short circuit may cause an under range condition
(RED blinking at 2Hz rate). A current output open circuit may cause an over range condition (RED blinking at an 8Hz rate).
There could be two or more LEDs blinking at the same time, which means the module has more than one error condition. Only when all error conditions have been removed, will the LEDs be back to normal (Green ON, Red and Yellow Off).
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 31 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Configuring Modules
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model WV438 as follows:
Input: Potentiometer
Range: 100 ohms to 100k ohms
Output: Current
Range: 4-20mA
Reverse Out: Off
Remote Cal: Off
1. Set position 1 of S1 to ON if a WVC16 will be utilized and remote calibration capability is desired.
2. Set position 2 and 3 of S1 for the desired output type.
3. Set position 4 of S1 to ON for reverse output operation.
It is also possible to remotely select the setpoints using an Ethernet connection and the optional WVC16 Communications Interface module.
See the calibration flowchart in Figure 3. The complete calibration procedure is contained in the Installation & Calibration Instructions document, which is available on our website
( You can also obtain it by telephoning Action technical support (703-669-1318).
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within the units specifications). For a
C620, specify the following: a) Potentiometer Input Range, in percent
(for example: Input = 25 to 75% of pot rotation).
b) Output Type & Range
(for example: 4-20mA).
c) Reverse Output Function (ON/OFF).
F u n c t i o n S 1
R e m o t e C a l E n a b l e
1 2 3 4 n
O u t p u t R a n g e
0 t o 1 0 V
0 t o 2 0 m A
4 t o 2 0 m A
n n
R e v e r s e O u t n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a
ON = Closed
1 2 3 4
Reverse Output
Direct Output
Output Range: 4 to 20 mA
(see Table)
Remote Cal On
Remote Cal Off
Default Switch Settings
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 1: Switch Settings
Page 32 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
2 1
2 2
4 1
4 2
P i n
1 1
1 2
5 1
5 2
D e s c r i p t i o n
P o t e n t i o m e t e r I n p u t ( f u ll C W )
P o t e n t i o m e t e r I n p u t ( f u ll C C W )
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
P o t e n t i o m e t e r I n p u t ( w i p e r )
S h i e l d G r o u n d
O u t p u t ( + )
O u t p u t ( )
Figure 2: Wiring Connections
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 3: Calibration Flowchart
Page 33 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Potentiometer Resistance (end to end):
100 ohms (min.) to 100k ohms (max.)
Input Ranges: Pushbutton adjustable
Linearity: ± 0.1% of span, typical
Excitation: 300mV, nominal
Turn-Up/Turn-Down: 80% (90% to ± 0.2% linearity)
Common Mode Rejection:
60Hz: >100dB
DC: >120dB
Output Ranges:
0 to 10VDC
0 to 20mA
4 to 20 mA
Response Time: 100mSec typical
Stability: ± 100ppm of full scale/ ° C
Output Ripple: 0.2% of span, or 5mVrms, whichever is greater
Output Impedance:
Voltage Output: <10 ohms
Currnet Output: >100k ohms
Output Drive:
Voltage Output: 10 mA, max
Current Output: 20V compliance @ 20mA
Power: 9-30VDC; 1.0W typ., 2.0W max.
Isolation: 1800VDC input to output to power
Host Module Interface: IR Link
Size: DIN rail case – refer to Dimensions drawing
Operating Temperature: 0 to +60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage Temperature: -25 to +85 ° C (-13 to 185 ° F)
Operating Humidity: 15% to 95% RH,non-condensing @ 45 ° C
Storage Humidity: 90% RH, non-condensing @ 60 ° C for 24 hours
Agency Approvals (EMC & Safety):
CE: EN50081-1, EN50082-2, EN61010
CSA C22.2, No. 0-M91, 142-M1987
RoHS compliant
Ordering Information
Optional Custom Factory Calibration (specify C620 , see required settings under "Calibration, page 2).
All WV Series modules will mount on standard TS35 (model MD03)
DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
WVC16 Communications Interface
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail (2 meters)
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C650 Utility software for WVC16
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 34 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
WV448-2000 n
Lower Power Requirements with SmartPower n
Improved Accuracy n
Bussed Power with Plug-in Power Clips n
Removable Terminals for Easy Service n
Optional E-mail Notification of Alarms
DC Powered Bridge Input
Isolating Signal Conditioner
High Accuracy Signal Conditioner with an
Isolated DC Voltage or Current Output n
RoHS Compliant n
Touch Cal for Best Stability and Accuracy n
DIP Switch Configuration n
120mA Excitation to Drive up to Four 350
Ohm Load Cells
The Ultra SlimPak II is an exciting new line of isolating signal conditioners from Action Instruments with greater accuracy and better stability than virtually any other signal conditioners on the market today. The Ultra SlimPak II features Smart Power, which eliminates wasted power for low loop resistance loads in the current output mode.
The WV448 is a bridge input signal conditioner supporting bridge input full scale ranges of ± 5mV to ± 200mV, (default is ± 50mV). The switch selectable output ranges are 0-10VDC, 0-20mA and 4-20mA.
All the input and output ranges are fully adjustable via pushbutton calibration. The default output range is 4-20mA.
Smart Power
The Ultra SlimPak II uses Smart Power to control its output supply.
Smart Power automatically adjusts the the voltage to drive the output loop to the required current. A low impedance current loop will subsequently require less voltage than a loop with higher impedance. Previous designs provided only a single supply at the highest voltage required to drive the highest impedance load.
Using Smart Power results in power savings and reduces the operating temperature of the signal conditioner.
Enhanced LED Diagnostics
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
Flashes at 2Hz when the input is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when the input is over range.
Flashes at 2Hz when the output is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when the output is over range.
An Under Range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value minus 6.25% of the operational span. An
Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value plus 6.25% of the operational span.
A voltage output short circuit may cause an under range condition
(RED blinking at 2Hz rate). A current output open circuit may cause an over range condition (RED blinking at an 8Hz rate).
There could be two or more LEDs blinking at the same time, which means the module has more than one error condition. Only when all error conditions have been removed, will the LEDs be back to normal (Green ON, Red and Yellow Off).
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 35 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Configuring Modules
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model WV448 as follows:
Input: 0-30mV
(using ± 50mV range)
Excitation: 10V
Output: Current
Range: 4-20mA
Remote Cal: Off
1. For other ranges, refer to the SWITCH SETTINGS table.
Reconfigure switch S1 for the desired input type and range.
2. Set position 1 of S1 to ON if a WVC16 will be utilized and remote calibration capability is desired.
3. Set position 2 and 3 of S1 for the desired output type.
5. Set positions 4-6 of S1 for the desired input range.
It is also possible to remotely select the setpoints using an Ethernet connection and the optional WVC16 WebView Communications
Interface module.
See the calibration flowchart in Figure 3. The complete calibration procedure is contained in the Installation & Calibration Instructions document, which is available on our website
( You can also obtain it by telephoning Action technical support (703-669-1318).
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within the units specifications). For a
C620, specify the following: a) Input Range.
b) Output Type, Range & Units (mA, V).
c) Excitation Voltage.
F u n c t i o n S 1
1 2 3 4 5 6
I n p u t
+ / 5 m V
+ / 1 0 m V
+ / 2 0 m V
+ / 5 0 m V
+ / 1 0 0 m V
+ / 2 0 0 m V
n n n n n
n n n
R e m o t e C a l E n a b l e n
O u t p u t R a n g e
0 t
0 o t o
0 m
n n
4 t o 2 0 m A -
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 1: Switch Settings
Page 36
ON = Closed
1 2 3 4 5 6
Input Range: +/-50mV
(see Table)
Output Range: 4 to 20 mA
(see Table)
Remote Cal On
Remote Cal Off
Default Switch Settings
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
P i n
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
2 3
4 1
4 2
4 3
5 1
5 2
5 3
Figure 2: Wiring Connections
D e s c r i p t i o n
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
N o C o n n e c t i o n
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
N o C o n n e c t i o n
B r i d g e I n p u t ( + )
B r i d g e I n p u t ( )
E x c i t a t i o n ( + )
O u t p u t ( + )
O u t p u t ( )
E x c i t a t i o n ( )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 3: Switch Settings
Page 37 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Full Scale Range: ± 5mV, ± 10mV, ± 20mV, ± 50mV, ± 100mV, ± 200mV
Impedance: 1M ohms
Over-voltage: 400Vrms (intermittent); 264Vrms (continuous)
Operation: Direct or reverse acting
Bridge Excitation: 1 to 10VDC, 120mA
Input Accuracy: 0.015% of span
Pushbutton Adjustment:
(Inputs <10mV):
Effective zero offset: >95%
Effective span turn down: >95%
(Inputs <10mV):
Effective zero offset: >50%
Effective span turn down: >50%
Local Range Selection: By DIP switch
0 to 10V (pushbutton adjust. to 75% of range)
Source Impedance: <10 ohms
Drive: 10mA
0 to 20mA (pushbutton adjust. to 75% of range)
(4mA min position available on range switch)
Source Impedance: >100k ohms
Compliance: 20V
Output Accuracy: 0.05% of Full Scale
Overall Accuracy: 0.065% of Full Scale
Output Ripple: 0.03% rms
Response Time: 150 mSec, 10 to 90%
Stability: ± 100ppm/ ° C
Common Mode Rejection: 120dB @ DC, >90dB @ 60Hz, or better
Isolation: 1800VDC or peak AC between input, output & power.
Size: DIN rail case – refer to Dimensions drawing
Operating Temperature: 0 ° C to +60 ° C (32 ° F to 140 ° F)
Storage Temperature: -25 ° C to +85 ° C (-13 ° F to 185 ° F)
Operating Humidity: 15% to 95% RH (non-condensing) at 45 ° C
Non-operating Humidity: 90% RH (non-condensing) at 60 ° C for 24hrs
Power: 9 to 30VDC, 1.5W typ, 3.5W max.
Agency Approvals (EMC & Safety):
CE: EN61326, EN61010-1
CSA & UL Combined mark
RoHS compliant
Bridge Reference Designations
Ordering Information
Optional Custom Factory Calibration (specify C620 , see required settings under "Calibration, page 2).
All WV Series modules will mount on standard TS35 (model MD03)
DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
WVC16 Communications Interface
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail (2 meters)
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C650 Utility software for WVC16
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 38 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
WV468-2000 n
True RMS Output n
Lower Power Requirements with SmartPower n
Improved Accuracy n
Bussed Power with Plug-in Power Clips n
Removable Terminals for Easy Service
DC Powered AC Voltage/Current Input
Isolating Signal Conditioner
High Accuracy Signal Conditioner with an
Isolated DC Voltage or Current Output n
RoHS Compliant n
Touch Cal for Best Stability and Accuracy n
DIP Switch Configuration n
Optional E-mail Notification of Alarms
The Ultra SlimPak II is an exciting new line of isolating signal conditioners from Action Instruments with greater accuracy and better stability than virtually any other signal conditioners on the market today. The Ultra SlimPak II features Smart Power, which eliminates wasted power for low loop resistance loads in the current output mode.
The WV468 has both voltage and current input ranges. Eight AC voltage input ranges (50mV, 150mV, 500mV, 5V, 20V, 50V, 150V &
250V) are DIP switch selectable. Each of these ranges has at least 95% zero and span adjustment. Two AC current input ranges (20mA and
100mA) are also available. Outputs include 0-10V, 0-20mA and 4-
20mA. The WV468 also supports reverse output mode.
Smart Power
The Ultra SlimPak II uses Smart Power to control its output supply.
Smart Power automatically adjusts the the voltage to drive the output loop to the required current. A low impedance current loop will subsequently require less voltage than a loop with higher impedance. Previous designs provided only a single supply at the highest voltage required to drive the highest impedance load.
Using Smart Power results in power savings and reduces the operating temperature of the signal conditioner.
Enhanced LED Diagnostics
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
Flashes at 2Hz when the input is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when the input is over range.
Flashes at 2Hz when the output is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when the output is over range.
An Under Range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value minus 6.25% of the operational span. An
Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value plus 6.25% of the operational span.
A voltage output short circuit may cause an under range condition
(RED blinking at 2Hz rate). A current output open circuit may cause an over range condition (RED blinking at an 8Hz rate).
There could be two or more LEDs blinking at the same time, which means the module has more than one error condition. Only when all error conditions have been removed, will the LEDs be back to normal (Green ON, Red and Yellow Off).
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 39 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Configuring Modules
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model WV468 as follows:
Input: mVAC
Range: 0-500mV
Output: DC Current
Range: 4-20mA
Reverse Out: Off
Remote Cal: Off
1. For other ranges, refer to the SWITCH SETTINGS table.
Reconfigure switches S1 and S2 for the desired input type and range.
2. Set position 1 of S1 to ON if a WVC16 will be utilized and remote calibration capability is desired.
3. Set position 2 and 3 of S1 for the desired output type.
4. Set position 4 of S1 to ON for reverse output operation.
5. Set positions 5-8 of S1 and positions 1 & 4 of S2 for the desired input range.
It is also possible to remotely select the setpoints using an Ethernet connection and the optional WVC16 WebView Communications
Interface module.
See the calibration flowchart in Figure 3. The complete calibration procedure is contained in the Installation & Calibration Instructions document, which is available on our website
( You can also obtain it by telephoning Action technical support (703-669-1318).
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within the units specifications). For a
C620, specify the following: a) Input Type, Range and Units.
b) Output Type, Range and Units.
c) Reverse Output (ON/OFF).
ON = Closed ON = Closed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
Reverse Output
Direct Output
Output Range: 4-20ma
(see Table)
Input: 0 to 500mvDC
(see Table)
Remote Cal On
Remote Cal Off
F u n c t i o n S 1
R e m o t e
C e a l v e
E n r s e a b l e
O u t
1 4 n n
K e y : n = 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
F u n c t i o n S 1
2 3
O u t p u t R a n g e s
0 t o 1 0 V
0 t o 2 0 m A n n n
4 t o 2 0 m A
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
F u n c t i o n S 1 S 2
5 6 7 8 1 4
I n p u t R a n g e s
5 m m m
V n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
1 0
0 m m
A n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n n n n n
Default Switch Settings
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 1: Switch Settings
Page 40 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 2: Wiring Connections
2 2
4 1
4 2
5 1
5 2
P i n
1 1
1 2
2 1
D e s c r i p t i o n
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
A C I n p u t ( h o t )
A C I n p u t ( n e u t r a l )
O u t p u t ( + )
O u t p u t C o m m o n
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 3: Calibration Flowchart
Page 41 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Voltage Ranges:
50mV, 150mV, 500mV, 5V, 20V, 50V,
150V, 250V @ ± 0.15% of FS accuracy
Impedance: >100k ohms
Over-voltage: 275Vrms
Current Ranges:
20mA, 100mA @ ± 0.15% of FS accuracy
Impedance: 10 ohms typical
Over-current: 200mA, protected by self-resetting fuse
Over-voltage: 60V
Frequency Range: 40 to 400Hz
Linearity: ± 0.1% of span, typical
Input Ranges:
Pushbutton adjustable
Effective zero offset: > 95%
Effective span turndown: > 95%
Turn-Up/Turn-Down: 80% (90% to ± 0.25%)
Output Ranges: 0-10VDC; 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Output Accuracy: ± 0.05% of Full Scale
Response Time: 100mSec typical
Stability: ± 100ppm of span/ ° C
Output Ripple: 0.2% of span, or 5mVrms, whichever is greater
Output Impedance:
Voltage Output: <10 ohms (source impedance)
Current Output: >100k ohms
Common Mode Rejection: 60Hz: >90dB; DC: >120dB
Output Drive:
Voltage Output: 10mA, max
Current Output: 20V compliance @ 20mA (1k ohms max)
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 ° to 60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -20 ° to 85 ° C (-4 to 185 ° F)
Power: 9 to 30VDC; 1W typical, 2W maximum
Isolation, Input to Output to Power: 1800VDC
Host Module Interface: IR Link
Size: DIN rail case – refer to Dimensions drawing
RoHS compliant
Ordering Information
Optional Custom Factory Calibration(specify C620 , see required settings under "Calibration, page 2).
All WV Series modules will mount on standard TS35 (model MD03)
DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
WVC16 Communications Interface
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail (2 meters)
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C650 Utility software for WVC16
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 42 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
WV478-2000 n
Lower Power Requirements with SmartPower n
Improved Accuracy n
Bussed Power with Plug-in Power Clips n
Removable Terminals for Easy Service
DC Powered Frequency Input
Isolating Signal Conditioner
High Accuracy Signal Conditioner with an
Isolated DC Voltage or Current Output n
RoHS Compliant n
Touch Cal for Best Stability and Accuracy n
DIP Switch Configuration
The Ultra SlimPak II is an exciting new line of isolating signal conditioners from Action Instruments with greater accuracy and better stability than virtually any other signal conditioners on the market today. The Ultra SlimPak II features Smart Power, which eliminates wasted power for low loop resistance loads in the current output mode.
The WV478 accepts a frequency of up to 10kHz, with a minimum input span of 2Hz. The input amplitude can range from 150mVp to 150Vrms.
Smart Power
The Ultra SlimPak II uses Smart Power to control its output supply.
Smart Power automatically adjusts the the voltage to drive the output loop to the required current. A low impedance current loop will subsequently require less voltage than a loop with higher impedance. Previous designs provided only a single supply at the highest voltage required to drive the highest impedance load.
Using Smart Power results in power savings and reduces the operating temperature of the signal conditioner.
Enhanced LED Diagnostics
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
Flashes at 2Hz when the input is under range.
Flashes at 8Hz when the input is over range.
Flashes at 2Hz when the output is under range.
Flashes at8Hz when the output is over range.
An Under Range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value minus 6.25% of the operational span. An
Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value plus 6.25% of the operational span.
A voltage output short circuit may cause an under range condition
(RED blinking at 2Hz rate). A current output open circuit may cause an over range condition (RED blinking at an 8Hz rate).
There could be two or more LEDs blinking at the same time, which means the module has more than one error condition. Only when all error conditions have been removed, will the LEDs be back to normal (Green ON, Red and Yellow Off).
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 43 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Configuring Modules
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model WV478 as follows:
Input: Frequency
Range: 0-1000Hz
Sensitivity: Low (set at 1Vrms)
Output: DC Current
Range: 4-20mA
Remote Cal: Off
1. For other ranges, refer to the SWITCH SETTINGS table.
Reconfigure switches S1 and S2 for the desired input type and range.
2. Set position 1 of S1 to ON if a WVC16 will be utilized and remote calibration capability is desired.
3. Set position 2 and 3 of S1 for the desired output type.
4. Set position 4 of S1 to ON for reverse output operation.
5. Set position 1 of S2 for the desired input sensitivity.
It is also possible to remotely select the setpoints using an Ethernet connection and the optional WVC16 WebView Communications
Interface module.
See the calibration flowchart in Figure 3. The complete calibration procedure is contained in the Installation & Calibration Instructions document, which is available on our website
( You can also obtain it by telephoning Action technical support (703-669-1318).
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within the units specifications). For a
C620, specify the following: a) Input Frequency Range (for example: 0 to 5000Hz).
b) Input Amplitude (for example: 2.5 Volts, Peak).
c) Output Type and Range (for example: 4 to 20mA).
F u n c t i o n
R e m o t e C a l
S 1
1 2 3 n
O u t p u t
0 t
0 o t o
2 0
1 0 V m A
n n
4 t o 2 0 m A -
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a
F u n c t i o n S 2
I n p u t S e n s i t i v i t y
H i g h R a n g e ( 5 0 0 m V p t o 1 5 0 V r m s )
L o w R a n g e ( 1 5 0 m V p t o 5 0 V r m s )
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a n ON = Closed ON = Closed
1 2 3 1
Input Sensitivity: 150mVp to 50Vrms
(see Table)
Output Range: 4 to 20 mA
(see Table)
Remote Cal On
Remote Cal Off
Default Switch Settings
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 1: Switch Settings
Page 44 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
P i n
1 1
1 2
2 1
2 2
4 1
4 2
5 1
5 2
D e s c r i p t i o n
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
I n p u t ( + )
I n p u t ( )
O u t p u t ( + )
O u t p u t ( )
Figure 2: Wiring Connections
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 3: Calibration Flowchart
Page 45 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Frequency Input Range: 0 to 10kHz
Minimum Input Span: 2Hz
Amplitude (switch selectable):
Low Range: 150mVp to 50Vrms
High Range: 500mVp to 150Vrms
Voltage: 0 to 10VDC;
Source Impedance: 10 ohms
Drive: 10mA
Current: 0 to 20mA
Source Impedance: >100k ohms
Compliance: 20V@20mA (1k ohms max)
Output Accuracy:
± 0.05% of full scale local range
Response Time:
100mSec + 3 input cycles (10-90%) typical
± 100ppm of full scale/ ° C ( ± 0.01%/ ° C)
Common Mode Rejection:
60Hz: >90dB
DC: >120dB
Input to Output to Power: 1800VDC
ESD Susceptibility:
Capable of meeting IEC801-2 level 3 (8kV)
9 to 30VDC
1W typical, 2W maximum
Host Module Interface:
IR Link
DIN rail case – refer to Dimensions drawing
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 ° C to 60 ° C (32 ° F to 140 ° F)
Storage: -25 ° C to 85 ° C (-13 ° F to 185 ° F)
Humidity Range:
Operating: 15% to 95% RHNC @ 45 ° C
Storage: 90% RHNC @60 ° C for 24 hrs
Agency Approvals (EMC & Safety):
CE: EN50081-1, EN50082-2, EN61010
CSA C22.2, No. 0-M91, 142-M1987
RoHS compliant
Ordering Information
Optional Custom Factory Calibration (specify C620 , see required settings under "Calibration, page 2).
All WV Series modules will mount on standard TS35 (model MD03)
DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
WVC16 Communications Interface
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail (2 meters)
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C650 Utility software for WVC16
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 46 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Communications Interface
Provides Ethernet Connection for
Ultra SlimPak II Modules n
Interface with up to 32 Signal Conditioning Modules n
Bussed Power with Plug-in Power Clips n
Removable Terminals for Easy Service n
RoHS Compliant n
Battery Backed Data n
No Programming Required
The Ultra SlimPak II Communications Interface adds functionality never before found in a signal conditioning system. A single
WVC16 interfaces with as many as 32 Ultra SlimPak II devices by means of an internal infrared communications link. Through an
Ethernet link in the WVC16, the information can then made available over the user's intranet. This powerful combination allows the user to view process data on a near real time basis, perform data logging functions on specified modules, view diagnostic information, and (under certain conditions) calibrate the modules remotely.
The WVC16 can send email messages to people who might need to be notified when an alarm condition exists. It can also send an email message letting maintenance personnel know when it's time to perform calibration checks. All of this functionality is made possible by a signed Java applet which is (transparently) downloaded to run on the client's computer. Using an applet rather than a traditional web page allows data to be updated in near real time. The applet provides access to the signal conditioner's data, which includes:
• Module configuration summary
• Module configuration editing
• Diagnostic/warning status
• Alarm setup & status
• E-mail setup, editing & address book
• Process variable viewing
• Data logging capabilities
All memory to support the signal conditioner's historical data is battery backed. The web pages and all e-mail messages are stored in non-volatile memory.
The Software
There are two software programs built into the WVC16. The first is a web server that provides the connection between the WVC16 and the client's computer. The second is the Ultra SlimPak II Data
Viewer applet.
The web server (see Figure 1) is the "Home" page. Other functions can be selected from there. The Statistics frame contains information on the Ethernet connection, the frames sent and received, as well as information about the infrared bus between the modules.
An Error Log will list any errors that have occurred. The Help file contains the entire user instruction manual for the WVC16.
The Data Viewer applet is launched from the Home page. Note that in order to install the Data Viewer, you must first have the Java
Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.3.1 (or greater) plug-in installed on the client machine. If the plug-in has not been installed, the web browser will detect the fact and automatically connect to Sun Microsystems
Java site in order to download and install the plug-in. Once the plugin is installed, the Data Viewer will download and open.
The Data Viewer is used to view process data, define data logging parameters, and set up e-mail and address book information. The applet runs in a window of its own. The window shows all of the modules connected to the WVC16 (see Figure 2). The data logging function is defined in this window. Note that data logging is not simultaneous data from channel to channel - there is a time delay from sample to sample, as well as network delays that may need to be considered. The time-stamped data gathered here would then be downloaded to a program like MS Excel for further analysis.
Clicking on a module name brings up a window showing the signal connected to the selected module. From this window, the input and output ranges can be viewed, high and low alarm limits can be set, and module calibration can be performed. The About tab will list the firmware revision, the current temperature of the module, the high and low temperature to which the module has been subjected, and the number of hours it has been in operation.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 47 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
LED Indicators
There are six LED indicators, in two groups of three, that can be viewed through the translucent front cover. They are located down the left side of the unit. There is also a power LED located on the right side of the unit. There functions are described as follows:
POWER (Green):
On when 9 to 30VDC is applied to the unit.
(Upper Group)
ERROR (Red):
Flashes if a module error has been logged into the non-volatile SRAM or if the battery was disabled prior to applying power.
CONNECT (Green):
On to indicate Ethernet Client connection.
Flashes if no connection.
Off if network parameters need to be set.
MODULE (Yellow):
On when modules are detected on IR bus.
Flashes if no modules are detected on IR bus.
(Lower Group)
On to indicate a network socket connection fault.
TRAFFIC (Yellow):
On to indicate 10Base-T transmit/receive and collision activity.
LINK (Yellow):
On to indicate 10Base-T link activity.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 1: The Webserver Home Page
Page 48 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 2: Data Viewer Home Page
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 3: Module Page
Page 49 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
AM186ESLV, 25MHz
Data Logging Capacity:
>24k samples
Host Interface:
Type: Ethernet, 10Base-T
Connector: RJ45
Cable: Cat 5 recommended
Utility Interface:
Type: RS-232
Baud Rate: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: None
Flow Control: None
Module Interface:
Type: Infrared
32 Modules max
User Interface:
Type: Web Browser, requires Java 2 Plug-in; Internet Explorer 5.01
(or later) or Netscape Navigator 4.7 (or later)
1500Vrms between 10Base-T port and all other external connections.
Type: 3V Lithium, non-rechargeable cr2032 or BR2032. Life expectancy is 16 months typical in use (battery enable switch ON).
Shelf life 10 yrs.
9-30VDC; 1.2W max
DIN rail case – refer to Dimensions drawing
Operating Temperature:
0 ° C to +60 ° C (32 ° F to 140 ° F)
Storage Temperature:
-25 ° C to +85 ° C (-13 ° F to 185 ° F)
Operating Humidity:
15% to 95% RHNC @ 45 ° C
Storage Humidity:
90% RHNC @ 60 ° C for 24 hours
Agency Approvals (EMC & Safety):
CE: EN50081-1, EN50082-2, EN61010
CSA C22.2, No. 0-M91, 142-M1987
RoHS compliant
Ordering Information
2. Accessories:
C650-0000 - Utility CD and Serial Interface Cable (one C650-0000 accessory kit is necessary per installation, in order to set the IP address on the WVC16's).
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 50 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
The ActionI/Q DIN rail mount package was developed to reduce the cost of signal conditioning. The two primary design considerations were to house as many channels of isolated I/O as possible and to reduce the number of power connections and I/
O disconnects. Providing more I/O channels per module reduces per channel material cost and wiring savings reduces the long term cost of ownership.
The result is a 3/4" wide plug-in DIN rail mount package containg two full size printed circuit boards and fitted with up to 26 terminals for plug-in I/O. The ActionI/Q provides some of the most cost effective signal conditioning and isolation solutions in the world, including the the four channel RTD transmitter (model Q510) and the four channel, 4-20mA loop powered isolator (model Q500) from the original ActionI/Q series of multi-channel transmitters.
Original ActionI/Q Series
The original ActionI/Q series consists of loop powered, two-wire and three-wire transmitters for sensor signal inputs including DC voltage, DC current, Platinum 100 Ohm RTDs and thermocouples.
These DC powered, fixed range, multi-channel signal conditioners and isolators offer stable 0.1% accuracy over an operating ambient temperature range of 20 ° to 80 ° C. Their multi-channel design ensures high density and low material cost. Plug-in terminal sockets make wiring quick and easy.
To isolate a powered 4-20mA loop, the Q500 loop powered isolator is available for one, two or four channel applications.
Voltage or current DC inputs can be specified by range for the
Q501 two-wire transmitter, which is available with one or two 4-
20mA output channels. The Q510 two-wire transmitter provides two or four RTD input channels and the Q520 two-wire transmitter provides two channels for the most popular thermocouple input types and ranges.
AC ActionI/Q Series
The AC powered ActionI/Q series of four-wire transmitters offer many of the most advanced microprocessor and ASIC based signal condioning solutions available. Field configurable and wide ranging, these modules are an off-the-shelf solution for most isolation, signal condioning, and limit alarm applications. The benefits enjoyed by users include lower spares inventories and quick availability for DC, RTD, thermocouple, potentiometer, strain gauge, AC and frequency input signal applications.
Action's unique TouchCal™ pushbutton calibration provides increased stability, as well as higher repeatability and accuracy since it replaces adjustment potentiometers which can be thermally sensitive and mechanically less reliable. Additional cost of ownership benefits are realized in terms of reduced calibration time and the wiring savings provided by the use of an I/QRail. The
I/QRail is used to power all AC ActionI/Q modules and provides an added level of safety.
For temperature measurement, the model Q486 with patented
Instant Accuracy cold junction compensation technology, is twice as accurate and four times more stable than older temperature measurement instruments. The Q486 can be field configured using DIP switches, or it can be configured using a PC, which reduces setup time to seconds.
DC ActionI/Q Series
The DC ActionI/Q series is similar to the AC series except that it must be powered by a 9-30Vdc supply. The DC series can be wired using the power terminals or an optionally available DC powered I/QRail.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 51 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
AC ActionI/Q
Selection Guide
I n p u t T y p i c a l A p p l i c a t i o n D e s c r i p t i o n
( ( 0
0 y
D p
( 0 .
5 t o
, ,
O e s h
V o l t a g e
1 0 V
1 , ,
( V
P o t e n t i o m e t e r m
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( V , m V , A , m A )
/ t h
V i m o
) n s ) )
( P t t 1 0 0 O h m , , ,
N i i i 1 1 0 O h m , , , C u 1 0 O h m )
( 0 2
F r e q u e n c y
H z t o 0 1 0 k H z )
D C l i m i t a l a r m
P r o c e
V o l t a s s g e / a l a r m i n g ,
C u r r e n t
D C t o s c a l i n g s
D C a n d i s o l a t i o n , c o n v e r s i o n s f o r P L C a n d D C S I / O i n t e r f a c e
P o s i t i o n f e e d b t r a n s m i t t e r , a c k , s e t p o i n t l e v e l t r a n s m i t t e r
T e m p e r a t u r e a l a r m i n g , m o t o r s ,
H V A C , p r o c e s s s a f e t y
D C i s o l a t o r ( f a s t r e s p o n s e t i m e )
F i e l o p t i d d u a l o c o n a l n f i g u e x c i t a t i o n o u t p u t s r a b l e D C i s o l a s u p p l y t o r , a n d
F i e l d t o D C c o n f i g s i g n a l u r a b l e p o t e n t i o m e t e r c o n d i t i o n e r
R T D l i m i t a l a r m
T m e m p e r a t u r e o n i t o r i n g , t r a n s m i t t i n g , s i g n a l i s o l a
T e m p e r a t u r e
H V A C , a p r o c e s s l a r m i s a f e t n g , y t i o n m o t o r s ,
I n s
D I P t i a s n t s o l a t o r , w i t
A c c u r a c y t e m p e r a t u r e c o n f i g u r a b l e t o v i a c h f o r i e l d
F i e l d c o n f i g u r a b l e T / C l i m i t a l a r m
I n s t a n t
D C i s o l a
A c c t o r , u f r a c y i e l d t e m p e r a t u r e c o n f i g u r a b l e t o v i a
D I P s w i t c h o r P C
T e m p e r a t u r e t r a n s m i t t i n g , m o n i t o r i n g , s i g n a l i s o l a t i o n
F l o w / v e l o c i t y c o n t r o l o r m o n i t o r i n g , m o t o r s p e e d a c c u m u l a t i o n , c o n t r o l , s c a l i n g , i n t e g r a t i o n , t o p t a l i u l s e z i n g
P r e s s u r e m o n i t o r i c o n g , n t w r o l e i g
, p r e s s u r e h t , l o a d s t a t u s c e l l c o n d i t i o n i n g a n d d a t a a c q u i s i t i o n
V o l t a g e / C u r r e n t m o n i t o r i n g , i s c a l s o l a t i o n , i n g , p o w e r b u f f e r i n g f
A i e r e
F i e
F i e
C l d q u l d l d c o e n c b r i d g e c o i o n f c y n f n p n i n p u t f i i g t i g u t i g u o s o l r i s a b
D C o l a t o r l e i u r a b l e a t u r a b l e s o l o r a t o r
( N o .
M o d e l o f C h a n n e l l s )
Q 1 0 6
Q 4 0 3 ( 1 , 2 )
Q 4 0 6 ( 1 , 2 )
Q 4 3 6
Q 1 1 6 ( 2 s e t p o i n t s )
Q 4 8 6
Q 1 2 6 ( 2 s e t p o i n t s )
Q 4 8 6
Q 4 7 6
Q 4 4 6
Q 4 6 6
DC ActionI/Q
Selection Guide
I n p u t T y p i c a l A p p l i c a t i o n D e s c r i p t i o n
( 0 1 0 0 O h
P o t e n t i o m e t e r m s , u p t o 0 1 0 0 k O h m s )
( P t 1 0 0 O h m , , N i i 1
1 0 O h m , , C u 1 0 O h m )
( T y p e s
T h e r r m o c o u p l l l e
B , , C , E , , , , , J , K , N , R , , , , , S , T )
( ( 0 .
5 , , t o 1
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0 V
1 , ,
( V ,
F r e q u e n c y
S t r
3 , ,
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, , i u
V t o n
1 s
, t
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, ,
C u r r e n t m A )
0 k H z ) )
G a u g e
, , a
2 0 , , , b l e
E x
0 m c i t
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V o l t a g e
( ( V , , m V , o r
A , ,
C u r r e n t m A ) )
/ t i
V i o
) ) n
D C l i m i t a l a r m
V r o c e s s o l t a g e / a l a r m i n g ,
C u r r e n t
D C t o s c a l i n g s
D C i a n d s o l a t i o n , c o n v e r s i i n t e r f a c e o n s f o r P L C a n d D C S I / O
P t r o s i t i o a n s m n i t t f e e d b a c k , e r , l e v e l s e t p o i n t t r a n s m i t t e r
T e m p e
H V A C , r a t u r e a l a r m i n g , p r o c e s s s a f e t y m o t o r s ,
D C i s o l a t o r ( f a s t r e s p o n s e t i m e )
F i e l d c o n f i g u r a b l e o p t i o n a l d u a l o u t e x c p u t s i t a t i o n
D C i s o l a s u p p l y t o r , a n d
F i e l d t o D C c o n f i g u r a b l e s i g n a l c o n d i p t i o t e n o n e r t i o m e t e r
I n s t a n t A c c u r a c y
D I P i s o l a t o r , s w i t c h o r f i e l d
P C t e m p e r a t u r e c o n f i g u r a b l e t o v i a
T e m p e r a t u r e m o n i t o r i n g , t r a n s m i t t i n g , s i g n a l i s o l a t i o n
F l o w / v e l o c i t y c o n t r o l o r m o n i t o r i n g , m o t o r s p e e d a c c u m u l a t i o n , c o n t r o l , i n t e g r a s t i c a l o n , i n g , t o p t a l i u l s e z i n g
P r e s m o n i s u r e t o r i c o n g , n t r w e o i l , g h p r e s s u r e t , l o a d s t a t u s c e l l c o n d i t i o n i n g a n d d a t a a c q u i s i t i o n
V m o l t a o n i t g e / C o r i n u r g , i r e n s o t l a s c a l i n g , t i o n , p o w e r b u f f e r i n g
F f r e q u e n c y
A i e i e i e
C l d l d l d i c c b r i d g e c o o i o n n f f n p n n p u t f i i g u r a b l e t o D C i g u r a b l e s u t o l i a s o l t a t o r i g u r a b l e o r i s o l a t o r
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 52
( N o .
M o d e l o f C h a n n e l s )
Q 1 0 8 ( 2 s e t p o i n t s )
Q 4 0 4 ( 2 )
Q 4 0 8 ( 1 , 2 )
Q 4 3 8 ( 1 )
Q 4 8 8 ( 1 )
Q 4 7 8 ( 1 )
Q 4 4 8 ( 1 )
Q 4 6 8 ( 1 )
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
AC Powered DC Input Limit Alarm
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset DC Input Level
Q106-0000 n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
TouchCAL TM Technology n
Setpoints Programmable HI or LO and Failsafe or
Non-Failsafe n
DIN Rail Mounting with IQRL n n n n
Universal AC Power 85 to 265 VAC
24VDC Transducer Excitation
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability
The ActionI/Q model Q106 is a DIN rail mount, DC voltage or current input limit alarm with dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The field configurable input and alarm functions offer flexible setpoint capability. Input voltage spans from 10mV to 200V and input current spans from 1mA to 100mA can be field configured. Bipolar inputs are also accepted.
The Q106 is configurable as a single or dual setpoint alarm, with
HI or LO trips and failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Also included are adjustable deadbands (up to 100% of full scale input) for each setpoint, a 24VDC voltage source (isolated from line power) for transducer excitation, and a universal AC power supply which accepts any voltage between 85 and 265VAC.
TouchCAL Technology
Action has simplified setpoint calibration. Using a pushbutton instead of potentiometers, improvements in calibration resolution and reliability are realized due to the elimination of the potentiometers’ mechanical variability.
For calibration, simply input the signal level of the desired trip and press the pushbutton to store it in non-volatile memory.
Deadband is entered the same way with another pushbutton press to store.
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q106 is equipped with three front panel LEDs. The green LED is a dual function LED labeled IN, which indicates line power and input signal status. Active AC power is indicated by the illuminated
LED. If this LED is off, check AC power and wiring connections. If the input signal is 7% above or below the configured input range the green LED will flash at 8Hz or 4Hz, respectively.
The two red LEDs indicate the relay state of each setpoint. An illuminated red LED indicates the tripped condition for the respective setpoint.
The Q106 is equipped with two SPDT (form C) relays, rated at
120VAC or 28VDC at 5 amperes. Each of these relays is independently controlled by the field configurable setpoint and deadband.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 53
The Q106 limit alarm setpoints can be configured for HI or LO, failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Each of the setpoints has a respective HI or LO deadband. In a tripped condition, the setpoint is exceeded and the appropriate red LED will illuminate. The trip will reset only after the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the low deadband (see Figure 1). For proper deadband operation, the HI setpoint must be set above the LO setpoint. In failsafe operation, the relay is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the LO setpoint (opposite for nonfailsafe). In the failsafe mode, a power failure results in an alarm state output.
Dynamic Deadband
Circuitry in the Q106 prevents false trips by repeatedly sampling the input. The input must be beyond the setpoint for 100 milliseconds, uninterrupted, to qualify as a valid trip condition.
Likewise, the input must fall outside the deadband and remain there for 100 milliseconds to return the alarm to an untripped condition. This results in a “dynamic deadband” —based on time— in addition to the normal deadband.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model Q106 as follows:
Input: Current
Range: 0-20mA
Output: Dual, SPDT
Trip: A: HI, B: LO
Failsafe: No
Deadband: A, B: 0.25%
The AC power input accepts any AC source between 85 and 265VAC.
Note: An I/QRail is required to power the modules. See ordering information.
For other I/O ranges, refer to Table 1 and Figure 5. Reconfigure switch SW1 for the desired input type, range and function.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. With the module removed from the rail and not powered, snap off the face plate by lifting the right edge away from the heat sink.
Note the input switch (SW1) is located under the face plate. Set positions 9 & 10 for voltage or current input (see Table 1).
2. Set positions 1 through 4 of input range switch “SW1” for the desired input range (see Table 1).
3. Set position 5 of input range switch “SW1” to ON (closed) for unipolar (e.g., zero based, 0-20mA) range or OFF (open) for bipolar (e.g. -100% offset, -20 to 20mA) range.
4. Set positions 6 and 7 of input range switch “SW1” to ON for a
HI trip setpoint or OFF for a LO trip setpoint.
5. Set position 8 of input range switch “SW1” to ON for non-failsafe operation or OFF for failsafe operation (e.g., alarm trips on power failure).
1. After configuring the DIP switches, connect the input to a calibrated DC source and apply power. Refer to the terminal wiring in the specifications section.
Note: For best results, calibration should be performed in the operating environment, mounted on a DIN rail, allowing at least one hour for thermal equilibrium of the system.
2. After applying power to the unit all three LEDs will flash for approximately 10 seconds. Adjust the input signal level for the
Relay “A” setpoint. The green LED should be on. Press and hold the CAL button for four seconds (until the red LED starts flashing) to enter the calibration mode. The green LED will be on and the red Relay “A” LED will be be flashing.
NOTE: If the green LED is flashing , the input is out of range (i.e. 7% above or below the configured range). Check to make sure the input signal is within the DIP switch configuration range. Double check the DIP switch settings.
3. Setpoint "A": Input the desired trip level for Relay "A" and press the CAL button. The green LED and the red Relay "A" LED will be flashing. Note that the green LED will stop flashing when the input drops below a high setpoint or rises above a low setpoint.
4. Deadband "A": For minimum deadband (approximately 0.25%), press and hold the CAL button for 4 seconds. For high setpoints, lower the input level to the desired deadband point and push the
CAL button. For low setpoints increase the input level (green LED turns off) to the desired deadband level and push the CAL button.
The green LED will be on and the red Relay "B" LED will be flashing.
5. Setpoint “B”: Input the desired trip level for Relay “B” and push the CAL button. The green and the red Relay “B” LED will be flashing. Note that the green LED will stop flashing when the input drops below a high setpoint or rises above a low setpoint.
6. Deadband “B”: For minimum deadband (approximately 0.25%), press and hold the CAL button for 4 seconds. For high setpoints lower the input level (green LED turns off) to the desired deadband point and push the CAL button. For low setpoints increase the input level to the desired deadband level and push the CAL button. The green LED will be on and both the red LEDs will be flashing.
7. Press the CAL button once again to exit the calibration mode.
Check the setpoint and deadband to validate calibration.
Relay Protection and EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved by using external protection (see
Figures 2 and 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properly rated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1mF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47 ohm, 1/2W carbon resistor.
For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV > DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-) to anode
(the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
Table 1: Q106 Input Range Switch
I n p u t R a n g e
S e l e c t t o r S W 1
V o l t a g e C u r r e n t
1 2 3 4
0 m m m m m m
0 m m m m m m m
2 0 0 V
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 54 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads
Figure 4: Typical Connections for Voltage or Current for Q106
Figure 5: Q106 Input Range/Function Selection (SW1) Factory Default Settings
Note: For voltage inputs Current Enable must be off. For current inputs Voltage Enable must be off.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 6: Q106 Calibration Flow Chart
Page 55 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Voltage Input:
Range: 10mV to +200V; Impedance: >100K ohms
Overvoltage: 200V rms, max.
Current Input:
Range: 1mA to +100mA; Impedance: 20 ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 170mA rms, max.
Overvoltage: 60VDC (self-resetting fuse)
Common Mode (Input to Gnd): 1800VDC, max.
LED Indicators:
Input (Green):
>110% input: 8Hz flash
<10% input: 4Hz flash
Setpoint (Red):
Tripped: Solid red
Safe: Off
Limit Differential (Deadband):
>50mV/5mA: 0.25% to 100% of span
<50mV/5mA: 1% to 100% of span
Response Time:
Dynamic Deadband:
Relay status will change when proper setpoint/process condition exists for 100msec.
Normal Mode (analog filtering): <250mSec, (10-90%)
Effectivity: Setpoints are adjustable over 100% of the selected input span.
Repeatability (constant temp.):
>50mV/5mA: 0.1% of full scale
<50mV/5mA: 0.2% of full scale
Temperature: +0.05% of full scale/ ° C, max.
Excitation Voltage:
24VDC, 20mA, maximum
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1800VDC between contacts, input and power
ESD & Transient Susceptibility: Meets IEC 801-2, Level 3 (8KV)
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Power: 2.5W max.,100 to 240VAC +10%, 50Hz -400Hz
Relay Contacts: 2 SPDT (2 form C) Relays; 1 Relay per setpoint
Current Rating (resistive) 120VAC:5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Material: Gold flash over silver alloy
Electrical Life:10 5 operations at rated load
Note: External relay contact protection is required for use with inductive loads.
Mechanical Life: 10 7 operations
Wire Terminations: Screw terminations for 12-22 AWG
Weight: 0.56 lbs.
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2 (File No LR42272)
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No E99775)
CE EN61326, EN61010-1
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Specify (model number)
1) Q106-0000
2) Specify I/QRail type and quantity (required)
3) Accessories: (see Accessories)
4) Optional Custom Factory Calibration: Specify C620 with desired input, setpoint and deadband.
ActionI/Q series modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
IQRL-2002 2 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2004 4 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2008 8 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
T e r m
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4 i n a l C o n n e c t i o n
R e l a y A , N .
O .
R e l a y A , C o m m o n
R e l a y A , N .
C .
R e l a y B , N .
O .
A 5
A 6
R e e l l a a y y
N .
o m
C .
m o n
C 1 , C 2 , C 3 N o t I n t e r n a ll y C o n n e c t e d
T e r m i n a l
C 4
C 5
C 6
P 1
P 2
P 3
P 4
C o n n e c t i o n
2 4 V D C E x c i t a t i o n
I n p u t ( )
I n p u t ( + )
A C P o w e r ( H o t )
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
A C P o w e r ( N e u t r a l )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 56 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
AC Powered RTD Input Limit Alarm
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset RTD Input Level
Q116-0000 n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
TouchCAL TM Technology n
Setpoints Programmable HI or LO and Failsafe or
Non-Failsafe n
DIN Rail Mounting with IQRL n n n
Universal AC Power 85 to 265 VAC
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
ASIC Technology
The ActionI/Q model Q116 is a DIN rail mount, RTD input limit alarm with dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The field configurable input and alarm functions offer flexible setpoint capability. There are up to eight temperature ranges available for each RTD type to ensure accuracy and maximize setpoint resolution.
The Q116 is configurable as a single or dual setpoint alarm, with
HI or LO trips and failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Also included are adjustable deadbands (up to 100% of full scale input) for each setpoint and a universal AC power supply which accepts any voltage between 85 and 265VAC.
TouchCAL Technology
Action has simplified setpoint calibration. Using a pushbutton instead of potentiometers, improvements in calibration resolution are realized due to the elimination of the potentiometer's mechanical variability.
For calibration, simply input the signal level of the desired trip and press the pushbutton to store it in non-volatile memory.
Deadband is entered the same way with another pushbutton press to store.
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q116 is equipped with three front panel LEDs. The green LED is a dual function LED labeled IN, which indicates line power and input signal status. Active AC power is indicated by the illuminated
LED. If this LED is off, check AC power and wiring connections. If the input signal is 7% above or below the configured input range the green LED will flash at 8Hz or 4Hz, respectively.
The two red LEDs indicate the relay state of each setpoint. An illuminated red LED indicates the tripped condition for the respective setpoint.
The Q116 is equipped with two SPDT (form C) relays, rated at
120VAC or 28VDC at 5 amperes. Each of these relays is independently controlled by the field configurable setpoint and deadband.
The Q116 limit alarm setpoints can be configured for HI or LO, failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Each of the setpoints has a respective HI or LO deadband. In a tripped condition, the setpoint is exceeded and the appropriate red LED will illuminate. The trip will reset only after the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the low deadband (see Figure 1). For proper deadband operation, the HI setpoint must be set above the LO setpoint. In failsafe operation, the relay is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the LO setpoint (opposite for nonfailsafe). In the failsafe mode, a power failure results in an alarm state output.
Dynamic Deadband
Circuitry in the Q116 prevents false trips by repeatedly sampling the input. The input must be beyond the setpoint for 100 milliseconds, uninterrupted, to qualify as a valid trip condition.
Likewise, the input must fall outside the deadband and remain there for 100 milliseconds to return the alarm to an untripped condition. This results in a “dynamic deadband” —based on time— in addition to the normal deadband.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model Q116 as follows:
Input: Platinum (100 ohm)
Range: 0 to 250 ° C
Output: Dual, SPDT
Trip: A: HI; B: LO
Failsafe: No
Deadband: A, B: 0.25%
The AC power input accepts any AC source between 85 and
Note: An I/Q Rail is required to power the modules. See ordering information.
For other I/O ranges, refer to Tables 1 through 4 and reconfigure switches SW1 and SW2 for the desired input type, range and function.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 57 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. With the module removed from the rail and not powered, snap off the face plate by lifting the right edge away from the heatsink.
Slide the heat sink off the module. Note the input switches (SW1
& SW2) are located under the heatsink. Set positions 1 through 8 on "SW2" and position 8 on SW1 for RTD type (see Tables 1 & 4).
2. Set position 1 through 4 of input range switch “SW1” for the desired RTD type and input temperature range (Table 3).
3. Set position 5 and 6 of input range switch “SW1” to ON (Closed) for a HI trip setpoint or OFF (Open) for a LO trip setpoint (Figure
6 & Table 2).
4. Set position 7 of input range switch “SW1” to ON (Closed) for non-failsafe operation or OFF (Open) for failsafe operation (e.g., alarm trips on power failure).
1. After configuring the DIP switches, connect the input to a calibrated RTD source or a resistance decade box and apply power.
Note: For best results, calibration should be performed in the operating environment, mounted on a DIN rail, allowing at least one hour for thermal equilibrium of the system.
2. After applying power to the unit all three LEDs will flash for approximately 10 seconds. Adjust the input signal level for the
Relay "A" setpoint. The green LED should be on. Press and hold the
CAL button for 4 seconds (until the red LED starts flashing) to enter the calibration mode. The green LED will be on and the red Relay
"A" LED will be flashing.
Note: If the green LED is flashing, the input is out of range (i.e. 7
% above or below the configured range). Check to make sure the input signal is within the DIP switch configuration range. Double check the DIP switch settings.
3. Setpoint "A": Input the desired trip level for Relay "A" and push the CAL button. The green LED and the red Relay "A" LED will be flashing. Note that the green LED will stop flashing when the input drops below a high setpoint or rises above a low setpoint.
4. Deadband "A": For minimum deadband (approximately 0.25%), press and hold the CAL button for 4 seconds. For high setpoints, lower the input level to the desired deadband point and push the
CAL button. For low setpoints, increase the input level (green LED
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 58 turns off) to the desired deadband level and push the CAL button.
The green LED will be on and the red Relay "B" LED will be flashing.
5. Setpoint "B": Input the desired trip level for Relay "B" and push the CAL button. The green and the red Relay "B" LED will be flashing. Note that the green LED will stop flashing when the input drops below a high setpoint or rises above a low setpoint.
6. Deadband "B": For minimum deadband (approximately 0.25%), press and hold the CAL button for 4 seconds. For high setpoints, lower the input level (green LED turns off) to the desired deadband point and push the CAL button. For low setpoints, increase the input level to the desired deadband level and push the CAL button. The green LED will be on and both the red LEDs will be flashing.
7. Press the CAL button once again to exit the calibration mode.
Check the setpoint and deadband to validate calibration.
Relay Protection and EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved using external protection (see Figures
2 and 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize all lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properly rated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1mF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47 ohm 1/2W carbon resistor.
For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV > DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-) to anode (the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).loads, place a properly-rated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1mF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-) to anode (the
RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads
Table 1: RTD Input Type
R T D I n p u t T y p e
P t 1 0 0 ,
P t 5 0 0 , N
C i F
P t
C u 1 0 u e
N i 1 2 0
S e l e c t o r S W 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 n n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Table 2: Setpoint Function
S e t p o i n t F u n c t i o n
T r i p " B " H I
T r i p " A " H I
N o n F a li s a f e
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
S e l e c t o r S W 1
5 n
6 7 n n
Table 3: Input Range
P t 1 0 0 ,
5 0 0 ,
0 0
0 0
0 t t
D I n o p u
1 0 0 0
0 t t
0 o o o o t t t t o o o
1 0
2 5
1 0
0 °
2 5 t
( a l
0 °
0 °
0 °
0 °
0 °
C a n p h a
( g e
5 8
4 8
3 2 8
3 2
3 2
0 .
0 0 t t o t o t t t t t o o o o o o
1 2
1 2
2 1
2 1
4 8
3 8 5 )
2 °
2 °
2 °
2 °
2 °
2 °
1 0 2 2 °
1 5 6 2 °
F )
S e l e c t o r S W 1
1 2 3 4 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
R e s i
1 s t
a n
P t t t t t t t t c e o o o o o o
1 o
O h
1 9
3 8
3 8
9 4
9 4
9 7
9 0
3 m
2 0 0
2 t t
2 5
3 0
2 5 t o
2 5
0 0
2 5
5 t o o t t o
C t o t o o t o
2 6 0 °
C t o
1 o
2 6 u
0 °
2 6
0 °
7 0 °
7 0 °
1 2
1 2 0 °
2 6 0 ° u 1
2 5 t o
0 °
0 0
( 3 2 8
7 5 ° C t o 7 5 ° C
1 5 0 °
0 °
C (
( 7 7
( 2 2
( 7 7
( 9 4
( 7 7 t t o t o o t o t o t o
( 7 7 t o
( 1 3 t o
( 7 7
1 4 8
7 7
3 2 8 t t t t o o o o
1 5 8 °
1 5
2 4
2 4
5 0 0 °
5 0
8 °
8 °
8 °
0 °
F )
F )
1 6 7 ° F )
1 6 7 °
3 0 2 °
5 0
0 °
F )
F )
) n n
1 2 3 4 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
1 2 3 4 n n n n n n n n n
1 0
0 .
8 t t t t u t t t t u o t t t o o o o o o o o o o
3 .
1 5
1 5
4 8
1 .
3 .
9 1
9 1
6 7
7 4
6 7
1 6
8 0
0 0 t t
0 t t t t o o o o o
4 o t
0 i o
1 0
2 4 i
3 0 t o t
1 e o
5 0 °
5 0 °
0 °
0 °
3 0 ° C t o 3 0 ° C
1 0 0 °
2 0 0 °
3 2 0 °
( -
( 2 2 t o
( 1 1 2 t o
( 2 2
( 2 2
( 2 2
( 4 0
4 0
( 3 2 8
3 2 8
3 2 8 t t t t o t o t o t o t o o o o
8 6 ° F )
8 6 ° F )
2 1
3 9
6 0
1 2
2 °
2 °
8 °
2 °
2 °
1 2 3 4 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
1 2 3 4 n n n n n n n n n n
9 9
4 5
5 .
3 i
F t t t t i 1 t o t t t t o o o e o o o o o
2 0
1 4 2 .
K e y : n = 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
* R e s i s t a n c e o f P t 1 0 0 , v a l u e s f o r r e s p e c t i v e l y .
P t 5 0 0 a n d P t 1 0 0 0 a r e 5 a n d 1 0 t i m e s t h e r e s i s t a n c e
4 2
0 4
5 1
5 1
1 7
7 5
6 s )
Table 4: Excitation Type
S W 1
R T D E x c i t a t i o n
3 w i r e R T D
4 w i r e R T D
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
8 n
S W 2
7 8 n n
Figure 4: Q116 Calibration Flow Chart
Figure 5: Q116 RTD Connections
Figure 6: Q116 Input Range/Function Selection (SW1) Factory Default Settings
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 59 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Sensor Types:
Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000 (0.00385
Ω / Ω / ° C); Cu10, Cu100; Ni120, NiFe604
Sensor Connection: 3-wire.
Input Ranges: see Table 1.
Excitation Current (Maximum):
<2mA for Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000, Ni120, Cu100 or NiFe604
<10mA for Cu10
Leadwire Resistance:
40% of base sensor resistance or 100 ohms (whichever is less), maximum per lead.
Leadwire Effect:
Less than 1% of full scale over entire leadwire resistance range.
Input Protection:
Normal Mode: Withstands ± 5VDC.
Common Mode (Input to Ground): 1800VDC, max.
LED Indicators:
Input Range (Green)
>110% input: 8Hz flash
<-10% input: 4Hz flash
Setpoint (Red)
Tripped: Solid red
Safe: Off
Limit Differential (Deadband): 0.25% to 100% of span
Response Time:
Dynamic Deadband: Relay status will change when proper setpoint/process condition exists for 100msec.
Normal Mode (analog filtering): <250mSec, (10-90%)
Effectivity: Setpoints adjustable over 100% of the selected input span
Repeatability (constant temp.): ± 0.2% of full scale
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Specify (model number)
1) Q116-0000
2) Specify I/QRail type and quantity (required)
3) Accessories: (see Accessories)
4) Optional Custom Factory Calibration: Specify C620 with desired input, setpoint and deadband.
ActionI/Q series modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
IQRL-2002 2 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2004 4 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2008 8 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
A 3
C o n n e c t i o n
R e l a y A , N .
O .
R e l a y A , C o m m o n
R e l a y A , N .
C .
A 4
A 5
A 6
C 1
C 2
R e l a y B , N .
O .
R e l a y B , C o m m o n
R e l a y B , N .
C .
R T D I n p u t S e n s e
R T D I n p u t ( + )
T e r m i n a l
C 3
C 4
C o n n e c t i o n
R T D I n p u t ( )
R T D I n p u t R e t u r n
C 5 N o t U s e d
C 6
P 1
P 2
P 3
P 4
A o
C t o t o t
U s
U s
U s e
P o w
P o w d e r e d e d e r
( H
( N o t ) e u t r a l )
Line Voltage: ± 0.01%/%, max.
Temperature: ± 0.05% of full scale/ ° C, max.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
>60Hz: 100dB
Isolation: 1800VDC between contacts, input and power
ESD Susceptibility: Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3(8KV)
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: -15 to 55 ° C (5 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 75 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Power: 2.5W max.; 100 to 240VAC +10%; 50-400Hz
Relay Contacts:
2 SPDT (2 form C) Relays, 1 Relay per setpoint
Current Rating (resistive):
120VAC: 5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Material: Gold flash over silver alloy
Electrical Life: 10 5 operations at rated load
Note: External relay contact protection is required for use with inductive loads.
Mechanical Life: 10 7 operations
Weight: 0.56lbs.
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2 (File No LR 42272).
UL recognized per standard UL 508 (File No E99775).
CE EN61326, EN61010-1
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 60 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
AC Powered T/C Input Limit Alarm
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset Temperature Input Level
Q126-0000 n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
TouchCAL TM Technology n
Setpoints Programmable HI or LO and Failsafe or
Non-Failsafe n
DIN Rail Mounting with IQRL n
Universal AC Power 85 to 265 VAC n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals n
ASIC Technology
The ActionI/Q model Q126 is a DIN rail mount, thermocouple input limit alarm with input terminal cold junction compensation
(cjc), dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The field configurable input and alarm functions offer flexible setpoint capability. There are up to six temperature ranges available for each thermocouple type to ensure accuracy and maximize setpoint resolution. A bipolar input switch is provided for temperature ranges below 0 ° C.
The Q126 is configurable as a single or dual setpoint alarm, with
HI or LO trips, upscale or downscale thermocouple burnout detection and failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Also included are adjustable deadbands (up to 100% of full scale input) for each setpoint and a universal AC power supply which accepts any voltage between 85 and 265VAC.
TouchCAL Technology
Action has simplified setpoint calibration. Using a pushbutton instead of potentiometers, improvements in calibration resolution and reliability are realized due to the elimination of the potentiometer's mechanical variability. For calibration, the user simply inputs the signal level of the desired trip, then presses the push-button to store it in non-volatile memory. The deadband, or hysteresis, level is input next and is stored with another press of the button.
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q126 is equipped with three front panel LEDs. The green LED is a dual function LED labeled IN, which indicates line power and input signal status. Active AC power is indicated by the illuminated
LED. If this LED is off, check AC power and wiring connections. If the input signal is 7% above or below the configured input range the green LED will flash at 8Hz or 4Hz, respectively. The two red
LEDs indicate the relay state of each setpoint. An illuminated red
LED indicates the tripped condition for the respective setpoint.
The Q126 is equipped with two SPDT (form C) relays, rated at
120VAC or 28VDC at 5 amperes. Each of these relays is independently controlled by the field configurable setpoint and deadband.
The Q106 limit alarm setpoints can be configured for HI or LO, failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Each of the setpoints has a respective HI or LO deadband. In a tripped condition, the setpoint is exceeded and the appropriate red LED will illuminate. The trip will reset only after the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the low deadband (see Figure 1). For proper deadband operation, the HI setpoint must be set above the LO setpoint. In failsafe operation, the relay is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the LO setpoint (opposite for nonfailsafe). In the failsafe mode, a power failure results in an alarm state output.
Dynamic Deadband
Circuitry in the Q106 prevents false trips by repeatedly sampling the input. The input must be beyond the setpoint for 100 milliseconds, uninterrupted, to qualify as a valid trip condition.
Likewise, the input must fall outside the deadband and remain there for 100 milliseconds to return the alarm to an untripped condition. This results in a “dynamic deadband” —based on time— in addition to the normal deadband.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model Q126 as follows:
Input: Type J
Range: 0 to 350 ° C
Output: Dual, SPDT
Trip: A: HI, B: LO
Failsafe: No
Deadband: A, B: 0.25%
The AC power input accepts any AC source between 85 and
Note: An I/QRail is required to power the modules. See ordering information.
For other I/O ranges, refer to Table 1 and reconfigure switches
SW1 and SW2 for the desired input type, range and function.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 61 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
5. Setpoint “B”: Input the desired trip level for Relay “B”, and push the CAL button. The green and the red Relay “B” LED will be flashing.
6. Deadband “B”: For minimum deadband (approximately 0.25%), press and hold the CAL button for 4 seconds. For high setpoints lower the input level to the desired deadband point and push the
CAL button. For low setpoints increase the input level to the desired deadband level and push the CAL button. The green LED will be on and both the red LEDs will be flashing.
7. Press the CAL button once again to exit the calibration mode.
Check the setpoint and deadband to validate calibration.
Note: Pressing and holding the CAL button for >8s or no action for more the 2 min will quit the calibration process without saving changes anywhere within the calibration process.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. With the module removed from the rail and not powered, snap off the faceplate by lifting the right edge away from the heatsink.
Note the input switches (SW1 & SW2) are located under the faceplate. Set positions 1 through 3 on "SW1" and positions 1 through 8 on "SW2" for the desired input and range (see Table 1).
2. Set positions 4 and 5 of “SW1” to ON (closed) for a HI trip setpoint or OFF (open) for a LO trip setpoint (Figure 5).
3. Set position 6 of “SW1” to ON for non-failsafe operation or OFF for failsafe operation (e.g., alarm trips upon power failure).
4. Set positions 7 and 8 of "SW1" to upscale or downscale burnout.
1. After configuring the DIP switches, connect the input to a calibrated t/c source and apply power.
Note: For best results, calibration should be performed in the operating environment, mounted on a DIN rail, allowing at least one hour for thermal equilibrium of the system.
2. After applying power to the unit all three LEDs will flash for approximately 10 seconds. Adjust the input signal level for the
Relay “A” setpoint. The green LED will be on. Press and hold the
CAL button for 4 seconds (until the red LED starts flashing) to enter the calibration mode. The green LED will be on and the red Relay
“A” LED will be flashing.
Note: If the green LED is flashing, the input is out of range (i.e. 7% above or below the configured range). Check to make sure the input signal is within the DIP switch configuration range. Double check dip switch settings.
3. Setpoint “A”: Input the desired trip level for Relay “A” and push the CAL button. The green and the red Relay “A” LED will be flashing. Note that the green LED will stop flashing when the input drops below a high setpoint or rises above a low setpoint.
4. Deadband “A”: For minimum deadband (approximately 0.25%), press and hold the CAL button for 4 seconds. For high setpoints lower the input level to the desired deadband point and push the
CAL button. For low setpoints increase the input level to the desired deadband level and push the CAL button. The green LED will be on and the red Relay “B” LED will be flashing.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 62
Relay Protection and EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved using external protection (see Figures
2 and 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize all lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properlyrated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1mF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47 ohm, 1/2W carbon resistor. For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV
> DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-
) to anode (the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
Table 1: Input Range
T C I n p u t R a n g e
2 7 0
2 7 0
0 t t t t o o o o
0 t
0 t o t o
0 o t t t o t t
2 o o o o
4 9
8 2
5 5
0 0
3 2
0 °
0 °
0 °
0 °
0 °
1 5
2 9 t o 1 5 0 °
2 9 0 °
1 9
3 5
0 °
0 °
6 6 0 °
0 °
0 °
1 0 0 0 ° C
3 2
3 2
3 2
3 2
3 2
( 3 2
( 3 2
( 3 2
( 4 5 4
( 3 2
( 3 2 t t t t t o o o o o t o t o t o
( 3 2 t o
C ( 4 5 4 t o t o t o t o
7 1
3 0
0 2
8 3
2 0
3 0
5 5
3 7
6 6
4 °
8 °
2 °
2 °
8 °
2 °
4 °
1 2 2 0 °
5 5 4 °
4 °
2 °
F )
1 8 3 2 ° F )
3 0 2 ° F )
F )
0 t o 7 6 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 1 4 0 0 ° F )
2 1 0 t o 1 9 0 ° C ( 3 6 4 t o 3 7 4 ° F )
2 1 0 t o 3 5 0 ° C ( 3 6 4 t o 6 6 2 ° F )
0 t o t o
0 t t o o 2 5
4 8
0 °
0 °
1 2 8 0 °
1 3 7 2 °
C ( 3 2
( 3 2
( 3 2
( 3 2 t t o t o t o o 4 8
8 9
2 °
6 °
2 3 3 6 °
2 5 0 2 °
F )
F )
7 0
7 0 t t o o
2 5
4 8
0 °
0 °
( -
( -
4 5 4
4 5 4 t t o o
4 8
8 9
2 °
6 °
2 0 0 t o 3 0 0 ° C ( 3 2 8 t o 5 7 2 ° F )
0 t o 3 0 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 5 7 2 ° F )
0 t t o t t o t o o o
5 5
3 0
9 7
0 °
0 °
0 °
1 6 9 0 °
1 7 6 0 °
3 2
3 2
3 2
( 3 2
( 3 2 t t t o o o t o t o
0 2
3 7
7 7
2 °
2 °
8 °
3 0 0 0 °
3 2 0 0 °
F )
F )
0 t o 1 0 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 1 9 2 2 ° F )
0 t o 1 7 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 3 1 8 2 ° F )
T 2 7 0
0 t o t t o o
2 1
3 9
2 1 0 °
0 °
0 °
( 3 2
( 3 2
( 4 5 4 t o t o t o
4 1
7 3
0 °
4 °
4 1 0 °
F )
T 2 7 0 t o 3 9 0 ° C ( 4 5 4
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d t o 7 3 4 ° F )
S e l e c t o r S W 2 S W 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads
Figure 4: Q126 Calibration Flow Chart
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 5: Input Range/Function Selection (SW1) Factory Default Settings
Page 63 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Range: See Table 1
Impedance: >1 Megohm
Input Bias Current (burnout detect): <1.5 microamp
Overvoltage: ± 10V differential
Common Mode (Input to Ground): 1800VDC, max.
LED Indicators:
Input Range (Green)
>110% input: 8Hz flash
<-10% input: 4Hz flash
Setpoint (Red):
Tripped: Solid red
Safe: off
Limit Differential (Deadband):
0.25% to 100% of span
Response Time:
Dynamic Deadband:
Relay status will change when proper setpoint/process condition exists for 100msec
Normal Mode (analog filtering):
<250msec, (10-90%)
Effectivity: Setpoints adjustable over 100% of the selected input span.
Repeatability (constant temp.):
0.2% for temp > 0 ° C
0.3% for temp < 0 ° C
Temperature: ± 0.05% of full scale/ ° C, max.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Specify (model number)
1) Q126-0000
2) Specify I/QRail type and quantity (required)
3) Accessories: (see Accessories)
4) Optional Custom Factory Calibration: Specify C620 with desired input, setpoint and deadband.
ActionI/Q series modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
IQRL-2002 2 Position I/QRail &DIN rail
IQRL-2004 4 Position I/QRail &DIN rail
IQRL-2008 8 Position I/QRail &DIN rail
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
C 1
C 2
C o n n e c t i o n
R e l a y A , N .
O .
R e l a y A , C o m m o n
R e l a y A , N .
C .
R e l a y B , N .
O .
R e l a y B , C o m m o n
R e l a y B , N .
C .
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
T e r m i n a l
C 3
C 4
C 5
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
T h e r m o
C c o o n u p n e c t l e I n i o n p u t ( )
T h e r m o c o u p l e I n p u t ( + )
A C P o w e r ( H o t )
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
A C P o w e r ( N e u t r a l )
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1800VDC between contacts, input and power
ESD Susceptibility:
Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3 (8kV)
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -15 to 70 ° C (5 to 158 ° F)
2.5W max. 100 to 240VAC ± 10%, 50 to 400Hz
Relay Contacts:
2 SPDT (2 Form C) Relays, 1 Relay per setpoint
Current Rating (resistive):
120VAC: 5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Material: Gold flash over Silver alloy
Electrical Life: 10 5 operations at rated load
Note: External relay contact protection is required for use with inductive loads.
Mechanical Life: 10 7 operations
Wire Termination:
Screw terminations for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2 (File No LR 42272).
UL recognized per standard UL 508 (File No E99775).
CE EN61326, EN61010-1
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 64 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Q403-1 (1 input; 1 output)
Q403-2 (2 inputs; 2 outputs) n
Multi-Channel Design n
2000VAC Isolation n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting
AC Powered DC Input
Multi-Channel Isolator
Provides 1 or 2 Fully Isolated DC Output Signals in Proportion to 1 or 2 DC Inputs n
Universal AC Power 85 to 265 VAC n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals n
Fast Response
The model Q403 is a fast response, DIN rail mount, DC input signal conditioner with 2000VAC isolation between input, output and power. It is available as a single channel signal conditioner (1 input/1 output) or multi-channel signal conditioner (2 inputs/2 outputs).
Factory configured input and output ranges support bipolar voltage signals (+5 Volts and +10 Volts) or unipolar ranges of 4-
20mA, 0-5 Volts, 0-10 Volts and 1-5 Volts. Front accessed zero and span potentiometers allow adjustment of offset and gain to compensate for sensor errors or signal losses.
All ActionI/Q modules feature SnapLoc plug-in, screw terminals for easy installation. Two or more modules can slide together and interlock for solid, high density mounting (remove either the DIN rail foot or the adjacent unit’s face plate, for right side or left side mounting, respectively). The module to be attached will easily slide on to the side of the mounted unit.
DC input four-wire transmitters are used to isolate and convert DC voltage or current signals into proportional, standard industrial control signals such as -5/5V or -10/10V. Typically an industrial control system such as a DCS or PLC requires standard industrial control signals and isolation to ensure reliable strong signals.
In most industrial process control or data acquisition applications several different input sources, including voltages and currents from various field instruments (e.g. level, flow, pressure and position sensors), are common. Four-wire transmitters accept these field inputs and provide the controller (DCS & PLC) with the standard industrial signals it requires. The four-wire transmitter will increase the signal drive to high impedance loads and may improve resolution of the process variable.
The 2000VAC isolation capability of the Q403 prevents ground loops from causing errors in DC signals. Filtering and common mode rejection are included to reduce susceptibility to EMI and
RFI. Isolation also provides protection from high voltages and current spikes which can damage expensive Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) equipment.
The Q403 operates as a four-wire transmitter; each channel derives its power from an independent, transformer isolated, AC to DC power source (85 to 265VAC).
The Q403 has fixed input/output ranges. The standard I/O ranges in Tables 1 are calibrated to rated accuracy. One range per module; two channels per module, maximum.
Note: For best results, calibration should be performed with the intended output load, in the operating environment, mounted on a DIN rail, allowing at least one hour for thermal equilibrium of the system.
1. To check calibration connect the input to a calibrated DC source. Connect the output to a DC voltage or current meter and the input power to an AC source (between 85 and 256 VAC) capable of providing up to 0.5 Amps.
2. Set the calibrator to the specified minimum DC input value and adjust the zero potentiometer for minimum (e.g. -10V) output.
3. Set the calibrator to the specified maximum DC input value and adjust the span potentiometer for maximum (e.g. +10V) output.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to validate calibration to the output load.
Table 1: Standard Ranges
M o d e l
Q 4 0 3 1 L 0 8
Q 4 0 3 1 L 0 9
Q 4 0 3 1 L 2 8
Q 4 0 3 2 L 0 0
A v a i l a b l e M o d e l s
I n p u t
0 t o 1 0 V o l t s
0 t o
0 t o t o
1 0 V o l t s
1 0
1 0
V o l t s
V o l t s
1 0 / 1 0
1 0 / 1 0
V o l t s
V o l t s
4 t o 2 0 m A
( b o t h C h a n n e l s )
O u t p u t
4 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 5 V o l t s
1 t t o o 5
1 0
V o l t s
V o l t s
1 0 /
/ 5
V o l t s
0 V o l t s
4 t o 2 0 m A
( b o t h C h a n n e l s )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 65 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Range: see Table 1
Impedance: >1M ohms (voltage inputs)
< 20 ohms (current inputs)
Protection: withstands up to 24VDC (current input), 120VAC (voltage input) without damage
Common Mode: 2000VAC, input to ground
Range: see Table 1
Voltage Output Drive: 10mA (1k ohms, min.)
Current Output Compliance: 15V (750 ohms, max.)
Output Accuracy:
< +0.1% of full-scale input typical,
< +0.2% maximum @ 23 ° C including linearity, repeatability and hysteresis
LED Indication:
Green LED indicates power on
Front accessed 10 turn pot. for zero and span
< 0.025%/ ° C maximum for full-scale and zero
ESD Susceptibility:
Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3 (8kV)
> 2000VAC between input, output, power and channel to channel
Response Time:
100 microSec, -3dB @ 3500Hz (bipolar)
25mSec (10 to 90%)(unipolar)
85 to 256VAC, 2.5W per channel max.
Operating: -5 to 60 ° C (23 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -40 to 80 ° C (-40 to 176 ° F)
Humidity (non-condensing):
Operating: 15 to 90% @45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @60 ° C
Wire Terminal:
Socketed screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard 22.2 (File No LR42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No E99775).
CE compliance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and low voltage 73/23/EEC.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: Q403-1: One Input, one output
Q403-2: Two inputs, two outputs
Input Range: (see Table 1)
Output Range: (see Table 1)
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Action I/Q modules mount on standard TS3(model MD02) or TS35 (model
MD03) DIN rail. In addition the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
C o n n e c t i o n
C h a n n e l 1 , O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 1 , O u t p u t ( )
A 5
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 2 , O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 2 , O u t p u t ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 2 , D C I n p u t ( )
T e r m i n a l
C 3
C 4
C 5
C 6
B 1
B 2
B 3
B 4
C o n n e c t i o n
C h a n n e l 2 , D C I n p u t ( + )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h
C h
N o
N o
C a n a n n e n e
P o w t C t C
P o w l l
1 e r o n n o n n e r
( H e c t e e c t e
C o t ) d d
( N e u
I n n p p u u t r a l ) t t
+ )
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AC Powered DC Input
Multi-Channel Isolator
Q406-A000 (1 input; 1 output)
Q406-A001 (1 input; 1 output with Excitation Source)
Q406-A002 (signal splitter: 1 input; 2 output)
Q406-A003 (1 input; 2 output with Excitation Source)
Q406-A004 (2 input; 2 output)
Provides 1 or 2 Fully Isolated DC Output Signals in Proportion to 1 or 2 DC Inputs n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
Field Configurable Output Ranges n
1800VAC Isolation n
TouchCAL™ Technology n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting n
Universal AC Power 85 to 265 VAC n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
The model Q406 is an AC powered, DIN rail mount, DC input signal conditioner, with 1800V isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable input and output feature offers flexible, wide ranging capability for DC current and voltage signals.
The Q406 is available as a single channel signal conditioner (1 input/1 output) or as a multi-channel signal conditioner (1 input/
2 outputs, or 2 inputs/2 outputs). All models maintain the high
1800V isolation level from channel to channel, as well as input to output to power.
TouchCAL Technology
Action has simplified setpoint calibration. Using a pushbutton instead of potentiometers, improvements in calibration resolution and reliability are realized due to the elimination of the potentiometers’ mechanical variability. The thermal drift and mechanical variability of the potentiometers has been removed and replaced with a digitally stable circuit. Additionally, the inherent zero and span interactivity of analog amplifier circuitry is removed, providing 100% non-interactive adjustment.
The Q406 can be configured for input ranges from 10mV to 100V or 1mA to 100mA, with >90% input offset or will adjust down to
<10% of full scale input span (except on 20mV/2mA range where maximum offset or gain adjustment is 50%). Unless a specific custom calibration is specified, the factory presets the Model
Q406 as follows:
Input Range: 20mA (Current on)
Input Configuration: Unipolar
Calibrated Input: 4-20mA
Operation: Direct (Reverse off)
Calibrated Output: 4-20mA
For other I/O ranges, refer to the tables below.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. With power off, snap off the faceplate by lifting the right edge away from the heatsink. Slide the heatsink forward and off the module.
The Q406 can be field configured for virtually any DC input to DC output within the limits specified. Calibration utilizes “TouchCAL” technology where the user simply configures the input for the current or voltage range via switches, then follows the Calibration
Flow Chart. The output is set by adjusting the input until the desired output is present and then pressing the CAL button to store the output level.
Optionally available is a 24VDC excitation source (20mA max.) common to the input and isolated from AC power, which can be used to power a two- or three-wire transducer.
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q406 has three diagnostic LEDs. The green (RUN) LED is used for diagnostics to indicate that power is on. It will flash quickly if the input signal is above the calibrated range or slowly if the input signal is below range. It is on continuously when the unit is functioning within the calibrated range.
The yellow (IN) LED is on while calibrating the input and the red
(OUT) LED is on while calibrating the output.
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2. The single channel module has two eight position switch blocks, one for input and one for output. The dual output modules have a second board behind the heatsink. Gently lift this board away from the main board, rocking it back while lifting. The one input, two output module has one ten position switch block for input and channel 1 output, along with a two position switch for the second output. The two input, two output module has two ten position switch blocks, one for each channel.
3. For single channel modules, choose the desired input, function and output range from Table 1, 2, and 3. For multi-channel modules, use Table 4. Set the dip switches for the desired I/O.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Connection for a loop powered 2-wire transmitter (a),
or a powered 4-20mA input (b).
Note: For best results, calibration should be performed with the intended output load, in the operating environment, mounted on a DIN rail, allowing at least one hour for thermal equilibrium of the system.
1. Install the module on to a piece of DIN rail and the I/Q Rail mounting combination. See the I/Q Rail Data sheet for details.
Note: An I/QRail is required to deliver power to the modules. See ordering information.
2. Connect the input to a calibrated DC source and the output to a voltage or current meter. Apply power and allow the system to reach thermal equilibrium (approx. 20 minutes ).
3. Adjust the input signal to the desired maximum and observe that the green LED is on or flashing. Push the CAL button and hold it down for more than 5 seconds (until the yellow and Green LEDs are flashing).
4. When the yellow and green LEDs stop flashing, the yellow and red LEDs will be on. Push the CAL button momentarily (the yellow and green LEDs will be on).
Note: To quit the calibration mode and reset the unit, push the CAL button and hold for more than 5 seconds. Or, wait for more than two minutes and the unit will timeout and reset itself to the previously stored calibration.
5. Apply the maximum input signal level desired, and push the CAL button to store (the yellow LED will be on).
6. Apply the minimum input signal level desired, and push the CAL button to store (the green and red LED will be on.
7. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired maximum level (e.g. 20.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the red LED will be on).
8. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired minimum level (e.g. 4.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the yellow, green and red LEDs will be on).
9. Push the CAL button one final time to store the calibration data.
The green LED will be on if the input is within the calibrated range.
Table 3: Output Range Settings for Single Channel Modules
R a n g e s S e l e c t o r S W 2
4 t t t t
O o o o o u
2 t
0 m
0 p u
A m t
0 t o 2 0 m A
K e y : n
= 1 =
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Table 1: Input Range Settingsfor Single Channel Modules
R a n g e s S e l e c t o r S W 1
V o l t a g e C u r r e n t 1 2 3 4
5 m m m m m
0 m m m m m m
1 0 0 V
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
Table 2: Input Function Settings for Single Channel Modules
S e l e c t o r S W 1
T y p e
B i n p i p o l o a l r a r
5 6 7 8 n
R e v e r s e
D i r e c t -
C u r r e n t n
V o l t a g e n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 68
Table 4: I/O Range & Function Settings
5 0 0 m V
1 V
2 V
5 V
1 0 V
2 5 V
5 0 V
1 0 0 V
R a n g e s
V o l t a g e C u r r e n t
2 0 m V
5 0 m V
1 0 0 m V
2 0 0 m V
0 m m m m
5 0 m A
1 0 0 m A
S e l e c t o r S W 1 o r S W 2 *
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
1 0
S W 2 * *
1 2
U n i p o l a r
V o l t a g e
C u r r e n t for Dual Channel Modules n n n
0 t t o o
0 u
0 t o 1 m A t p u t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 2 n n n n n n n n
4 t o 2 0 m A
K e y : n
* A p p
= il e s
* * S W 2 ,
1 = O N o r C l o s e d t o t w o d u a l p o s i t c h a i o n n n s w e i t l c m o d e l h a p p il e s o n l y t o 1 i n p u t , 2 o u t p u t m o d u l e
Note that 0-20mA output is NOT available on multichannel units. Note also that Reverse Action is NOT available on multichannel units.
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Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 2: Q406 Calibration Flow Chart
Page 69 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Range Limits: 10mV to 100V (see Table 1)
Impedance: >100k ohms
Overvoltage: 200V continuous
Current Input:
Range Limits: 1mA to 100mA
Impedance: 20 ohms typical
Overcurrent: 170mA, protected by self resetting fuse
Overvoltage: 60V
Pushbutton Adjustment (inputs>10mV)
Effective zero offset: > 90%
Effective span turn down: > 90% except 20mV/2mA range in which 50% is max. zero offset and span turndown
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <10 ohms
Drive: 10mA max.
Output: 4-20mA, 0-1mA (0-20mA on single channel versions only)
Source Impedance: >100k ohms
0-1mA: 7.5V max. (7.5k ohms)
4-20mA: 12V max. (600 ohms)*
0-20mA: 12V max. (600 ohms)
*10V max. (500 ohms) on dual out versions
Output Ripple:
<50% offset or span adjust:<0.1% off full scale span or 25mV RMS, whichever is greater
>50% offset or span adjust:<0.2% of full scale span or 50mV RMS, whichever is greater.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Q406-A000 : one input, one output DC Isolator
Q406-A001 : one input, one output DC Isolator with 24VDC excitation source
Q406-A002 : one input, two output DC Isolator
Q406-A003 : one input, two output DC Isolator with 24VDC excitation source
Q406-A004 : two input, two output DC Isolator
Specify I/QRail type and quantity (required)
Custom Calibration: C620 - calibrates units to a customer specified range.
Accessories: (see Accessories)
ActionI/Q modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35 (model
MD03) DIN rail. In addition the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
IQRL-2002 2 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2004 4 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2008 8 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
Output Accuracy:
>2mA / >20mV input spans:
+0.1% of full-scale input typical, +0.2% maximum
<2mA / <20mV input spans:
+ 0.35% of fullscale input typical, + 0.5% maxmum; including linearity, repeatability and hysteresis @23C.
Response Time: 200mSec, typical
Stability: +0.025% of full scale /C, maximum for fullscale and zero
Excitation Voltage (optional): 24VDC, 20mA maximum
Common Mode Rejection: 120dB at DC, >90dB at 60Hz
Isolation: > 1800VDC or peak AC between input, output, power and channel to channel
ESD Susceptibility: Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3(8kV)
Humidity (non-condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% RH @45 ° C
Soak: 90% RH for 24 hours @60 ° C
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Power: 2.5W max; 100 to 240VAC, +10%, 50 to 400Hz
Wire Terminals: Socketed screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22,2 (File No LR 42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99775).
CE compliance per EMC directive 89/336/EECand low voltage 73/23/EEC.
T e r m i n a l
B 1
B 2
B 3
B 4
C 1
C 2
C 3
C o n n e c t i o n
C h a n n e l 1 O u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 1 O u t ( )
C h a n n e l 2 O u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 2 O u t ( )
C h a n n e l 2 I n ( )
C h a n n e l 2 I n ( + )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
T e r m i n a l
C 4
C 5
P 2
P 3
P 4
C o n n e c t i o n
V o l t a g e S u p p l y ( + 2 4 V D C )
C h a n n e l 1 I n ( )
C h a n n e l 1 I n ( + )
A C P o w e r ( H o t )
A o o
C t t
P s s e e o w d d e r ( N e u t r a l )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 70 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Q436-0000 n
Accepts Potentiometers from
100 Ohms to 100k Ohms n
Wide Ranging Zero and Span n
ASIC Technology
AC Powered Potentiometer Input
Signal Conditioner
Provides a DC Output in Proportion to a Potentiometer Input n
DIN Rail Mounting with IQRL n
Universal AC Power 85 to 265 VAC n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
The Q436 is a DIN rail mount, potentiometer input signal conditioner with 1800VDC isolation between AC power and the input/ output circuitry. The input provides a constant voltage and is designed to accept any 3-wire potentiometer from 100 ohms to
100k ohms. The field configurable output is switch selectable providing a 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, 0-20mA or 4-20mA DC signal. Wide ranging, precision zero and span pots, used in conjunction with DIP switches, allow 80% adjustablity of offset and gain to transmit a full scale output from any 20% portion of the potentiometer input.
The Q436 is useful in transmitting process control setpoints to remote
PID controllers or interfacing position or level sensors to data acquisition and control systems. The high density DIN rail mounting offers an extremely compact solution for saving valuable panel space.
In a valve positioning application a potentiometer is sometimes used as a feedback signal. Quite often a wide open valve is only a 25% turn of the feedback potentiometer. The Q436 can easily be adjusted with the zero and span to provide a fullscale output signal (e.g. 4-20mA) representing 0-25% or even 50-75% of the potentiometer input.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model Q436 as follows:
Input Range: 0 to 100%
Output: 4 to 20mA
For other output ranges, refer to Tables 1 and 2 to reconfigure switches SW1 and SW2 for the desired input and output ranges.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
Note: For best results, calibration should be performed with the intended output load, in the operating environment, mounted on a DIN rail, allowing at least one hour for thermal equilibrium of the system.
1. With power disconnected, set the output and input switch selectors (SW1 and SW2) to the desired ranges (see Tables 1 and 2).
Note: An I/Q Rail is required to power the modules. See Ordering
2. Connect the input to a potentiometer. Connect the output to the actual device load (or a load approximately equivalent to the actual device load value) and apply power.
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing approximately 1 to 2 hours for warm up and thermal equilibrium of the system.
3. Set the input to the desired minimum and adjust the zero potentiometer for the desired minimum output.
4. Set the input to the desired maximum and adjust the span potentiometer for the desired maximum output.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, if necessary.
Table 1: Input Range Settings
S p a n
S e l e c t o r S W 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
( d e f a u l t )
2 0 1 0 0 %
% n n
1 2 3 4 5 6 O f f s e t
( d e f a u l t ) 0 2 0 %
2 0 4 5 %
4 5 6 5 %
6 5 8 0 %
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n
Table 2: Output Range Settings
0 t o + 1 0 V
0 t o 1 m A
( d e f a u l t ) 4 t o 2 0 m A
S e l e c t o r S W 1
O u t p u t
0 t o t o
5 m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n = 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 71 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Potentiometer Input:
End-to-end Resistance: 100 ohms up to 100k ohms
Input Impedance: >1M ohms
Input Excitation: 500mV, 5mA maximum drive.
Zero Turn-Up: 80% of full scale input
Span Turn-Down: 80% of full scale input
Common Mode Rejection: 1800VDC (input to power)
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <10 ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1k ohms min. @10V)
Current Output
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Source Impedance: >100k ohms
0-1mA: 7.5V, max. (7.5k ohms, max.)
0-20mA: 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
4-20mA: 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis):
± 0.1% maximum at 25 ° C.
Temperature: < ± 0.05%/ ° C maximum of full scale range.
Response Time (10 to 90%):
<200mSec., typical.
Common Mode Rejection:
120dB @ DC, >100dB @ 60Hz
800VDC between line power and input, output
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emissions: EN50081-1
Immunity: EN50082-2
Safety: EN50178
Ordering Information
Models and Accessories
Model: Q436-0000
Specify I/QRail type and quantity (required)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output range
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Action I/Q modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN Rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
IQRL-2002 2 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2004 4 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2008 8 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
C620 Factory Calibration
LED Indication (green):
Active DC power
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range :
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5W max
Range: 100 to 240VAC, ± 10%, 50 to 400Hz
0.48 lbs
Agency Approvals:
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99775).
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (Cert. # 2500003630).
CE Compliance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC.
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
C 1
C 2
C o t
C u u s o t p t p e n d
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d n u t u t e c
( + )
( ) t i o n T e r m i n a l
C 3
C 4
C 5
C o n n e c t i o n
S h i e l d G r o u n d
P o t .
I n p u t ( f u ll y C C W )
P o t .
I n p u t W i p e r
C 6
P 1
P 2
P 3
P 4
P o t .
A o t o t
I n p u t
P o w e r
U s
P s e d e o w d e r
( f u
( ll y
H o t )
N e u t
W r a l )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 72 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Q446-0000 n
Adjustable Bridge Excitation n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
Field Configurable Output Ranges n
TouchCAL Technology
AC Powered Bridge Input
Signal Isolator
Provides an Isolated DC Output in Proportion to a Bridge/Strain Gauge Input n
DIN Rail Mounting with IQRL n
Universal AC Power 85 to 265 VAC n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
The Q446 is a DIN rail mount, bridge or strain gauge input signal conditioner with 1800VDC isolation between input, output and power. Advanced digital technology combined with ASIC technology allows the Q446 to be field configured for virtually any Bridge input to DC output within the limits specified. The input can be set via DIP switches for any one of 11 voltage ranges from 10mV to ± 200mV (see
Table 1). The output is linear to the input and can be set for either
0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA or 4-20mA, direct or reverse acting.
TouchCAL TM Technology
The Q446 utilizes TouchCAL technology which greatly simplifies calibration. Once the unit is configured via DIP switches, the pushbutton is used to precisely calibrate the minimum and maximum levels. The thermal drift and mechanical variability of the potentiometers has been removed and replaced with a digitally stable circuit. Additionally, the inherent zero and span interactivity of potentiometer based analog amplifier circuitry is removed, providing 100% non-interactive adjustment.
TouchCAL provides more than 90% offset of the zero value and adjustment down to 10% of the full scale input span for most of the 11 switch selectable input ranges. For example, the DIP switch configured 0-100mV input range could be calibrated via pushbutton for 0-40mV (i.e. 60% span reduction) or offset to a range of 60-100mV (i.e. 60% offset and 60% span reduction). If the output was configured for 0-10V, then 60-100mV input would correspond to the 0-10V full scale output. Thus, an input range such as 90-100mV is possible using the 0-100mV range. A TARE function is also provided to allow batch offsets.
To calibrate the input within the DIP switch configured range, simply apply the high input signal and push the CAL button. The low input signal is then applied and pushing the CAL button again stores the low input signal (these steps are reversed for reverse mode operation).
The high and low input levels are stored in nonvolatile memory and correspond to the high and low output levels. These output levels are precisely adjusted using the input signal.
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q446 has three diagnostic LEDs. The green (RUN) LED is used for diagnostics to indicate that power is on. It will flash quickly if
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 73 the input signal is above the calibrated range or slowly if the input signal is below range. It is on continuously when the unit is functioning within the calibrated range.
The yellow (IN) LED is on while calibrating the input and the red
(OUT) LED is on while calibrating the output.
The Q446 bridge input signal conditioner is useful in isolating ground loops and interfacing bridge sensors to data acquisition and control systems.
Three-way isolation completely eliminates ground loops from any source. Isolation protects expensive SCADA systems from ground faults and provides filtering for noise reduction which can be a significant problem with millivolt bridge signals.
Wide ranging flexibility allows the user to easily zero out deadloads in weighing systems or configure bipolar input ranges for tension-compression or vacuum-pressure bridge applications.
High density DIN rail mounting offers an extremely compact solution for saving valuable panel space.
The Q446 can be configured for input ranges from 10mV to +/-
200mV, with 90% input offset, or it will adjust down to 10% of fullscale input span (except on 10mV, +/-5mV range where maximum offset or gain adjustment is 50%).
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model Q446 as follows:
Input Setting:
Input Range:
0 to 50mV
0 to 30mV (3mV/V)
4 to 20mA
For other I/O ranges, refer to the tables.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. With power off, snap off the faceplate by lifting the right edge away from the heat sink. Slide off the metal heatsink.
2. Note that the module has two eight position switch blocks, one for input and one for output.
3. Choose the desired ranges from Tables 1-4. Return the heatsink to its original position and attach the faceplate before beginning calibration.
For best results, calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing at least one hour for thermal stability of the system. If pre-calibration on a test bench is preferred, then an output load equal to the input impedance of the device connected to the Q446 output is recommended, along with a 1 hour warm up period.
1. For best results install the module on to a piece of DIN rail or the I/Q Rail mounting accessory. See the I/Q Rail data sheet for details.
Note: An I/QRail is required to power the modules. See ordering information.
2. Connect the input to a calibrated DC source and the output to a voltage or current meter. Apply power and allow the system to reach thermal equilibrium (approximately 20 minutes).
3. Adjust the input signal to the desired maximum and observe that the green LED is on or flashing. Push the CAL button and hold it down for six flashes of the yellow LED (until the yellow and green
LEDs are flashing), then release the button.
Table 1: Input Range Settings
S e l e c t o r S W 1
I n p u t R a n g e
1 2 3 4 5
0 t t
5 t t t t o t o t o o o t
2 o o o o
1 0 m V
2 0 m V
5 0 m V
0 0
0 0
1 0
2 0
5 0 m V m V m V m V m V m V n n
0 t t o o
0 m m
V n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
Note: To quit the calibration mode and reset the unit, push the CAL button again and hold for more than 5 seconds. Or wait for more than two minutes and the unit will time-out and automatically reset to the previously stored calibration.
Note: For the reverse operating mode (SW1-6 closed), input the minimum signal in step 4 of calibration.
4. The yellow and red LEDs will be on. Push the CAL button. Apply the maximum input signal level desired and push the CAL button to store. The yellow LED will now be on.
Note: For the reverse operating mode (SW1-6 closed), input the maximum signal in step 5 of calibration.
5. Apply the minimum input signal level desired and push the CAL button to store. The green and red LED will now be on.
6. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired maximum level (e.g. 20.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the red LED will be on).
7. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired minimum level (e.g. 4.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the yellow, green and red LEDs will be on).
8. To finish calibration, push the CAL button once again. The green
LED will be on if the input is within the calibrated range.
Note: The TARE function is enabled by depressing the TARE/(CAL) until the yellow LED flashes at least once and less than six times. The input present at that time will be used as the TARE value and the output will be the minimum output when the module was calibrated.
Table 3: Bridge Excitation Settings
E x c i t a t i o n
V o l l l t t a g e
9 .
8 t o 1 0 .
1 V
4 .
8 t o 5 .
2 V
0 t o 1 0 V n
0 t o 2 .
5 V
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
7 n
S W 1
8 n n
Table 2: Direct or Reverse Setting
O p e r a t i o n
S W 1
D i r e c t
R e v e r s e n
K e y : n = 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 74
Table 4: Output Range Settings
0 t o 1 m A
S e l e c t o r S W 2
O u t p u t R a n g e
0 t o t o
4 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 2 0 m A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Q446 Calibration Flow Chart
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 2: Bridge Reference Designations
Page 75 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Full Scale Range: 10mV to ± 200mV (Table 1).
Impedance: >1M ohm
Intermittent 400V, max.
Continuous 264V, max.
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
1800VDC, max.
Pushbutton Adjustment:
Effective zero offset: >90%
Effective span turn down: >90% except for 10mV & +/-5mV range in which 50% is max. zero offset and span turndown
Operation: direct or reverse acting
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Impedance: <10 ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K ohms, min. @ 10V)
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Impedance: >100K ohms
0-1mA; 7.5V, max. (7.5K ohms, max.)
0-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
4-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
Bridge Excitation:
1 to 10VDC, 120mA max. Current drive decreases at 10mA/V below
5V (e.g. 4V, 110mA max.)
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis):
± 0.1% typical, ± 0.2% maximum of selected input range at 25 ° C.
± 0.025%/ ° C typical, 0.05%/ ° C maximum, of selected full scale input range.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: Q446-0000 ;
Specify optional I/QRail, type and quantity (required)
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Factory Custom Calibration, specify C620 - with desired input and output ranges.
Action I/Q modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35 (model
MD03) DIN rail. In addition the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
IQRL-2002 2 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2004 4 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2008 8 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
T e r m i n a l
A 1
C o n n e c t i o n
D C O u t p u t ( + )
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
C 1
C 2
B r
B r
C o t o t o t o t
O u
U s
U s
U s
U s i d g e i d g e t p e d e d e d e d u t
I n p u t
( )
E x c i t a t i o n ( + )
( + )
T e r m i n a l
C 3
C o n n e c t i o n
B r i d g e I n p u t ( )
C 4
C 5
C 6
B r i d g e E x c i t a t i o n ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
N o t C o n n e c t e d
P 1
P 2
P 3
P 4
A C P o w e r ( H o t )
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
A C P o w e r ( N e u t r a l )
Output Noise (maximum):
0.1% rms of span, or 10mV whichever is greater.
Response Time (10 to 90%):
<200mSec., typical.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB, 100dB (0 -1mA, range)
1800VDC between input, output and power.
EMC Compliance (CE Mark)
Emissions: EN50081-1; Immunity: EN50082-2; Safety: EN50178
LED Indication (Green):
Input Range (approx.)
>110% input: 8Hz flash
<0% input: 4Hz flash
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
2.7W typical (one 350 ohm bridge),
5W max. (four 350 ohm bridges).
Range: 100-240VAC
Shipping Weight:
0.54 lbs.
Wire Terminations:
Screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals:
UL recognized per standard UL508.
CSA certified per standard 22.2 No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987.
CE Compliance per EMC directive 89/3/36 EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 76 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Q446-0000 n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
Field Configurable Output Ranges n
TouchCAL Technology
AC Powered AC Input Field
Configurable Isolator
Provides an Isolated DC Output in Proportion to an AC Input n
DIN Rail Mounting with IQRL n
Universal AC Power 85 to 265 VAC n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
The Q466 is a DIN rail mount, AC input signal conditioner with
1800VDC isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable input and output offers flexible, wide ranging capability for scaling, converting or buffering AC inputs ranging from
5mA to 100mAAC or 50mV to 300VAC.
For current inputs above 100mA, it is recommended that an input shunt resistor be used and the Q466 be configured for the proper input range. For example, a 5A current transformer output can use the C006 shunt resistor (0.1 ohm, 5W) with the input of the Q466 set for 0-500mVAC.
The DC output of the Q466 is proportional to the average of the fully-rectified AC input signal, and is calibrated for sine waves between 40-400Hz.
TouchCAL TM Technology
The Q466 utilizes TouchCAL technology which greatly simplifies calibration. The thermal drift and mechanical variability of the potentiometers has been removed and replaced with a digitally stable circuit. Once the unit is configured via DIP switches for voltage or current, the pushbutton is used to precisely calibrate the minimum and maximum levels.
To set the input level within the dip switch configured range, simply apply the high input signal (voltage or current) and push the
CAL button. The low input signal is then applied and pushing the
CAL button again stores the low input signal. The high and low input levels are stored in nonvolatile memory and correspond to the high and low output levels. These output levels are precisely adjusted using the input signal.
TouchCAL technology enables precise calibration and provides more than 90% offset of the zero value and adjustment down to 10% of the full scale input span for most of the 16 switch selectable input ranges.
For example, the dipswitch configured 0-200V input range could be calibrated via pushbutton for 0-80V (i.e. 60% span reduction) or offset to a range of 120-200V (i.e. 60% offset and 60% span reduction). If the output was configured for 0-10V, then 120-200V input would correspond to the 0-10V full scale output. Input ranges such as 180-
200V or 0-20V are possible using the 0-200V range.
Advanced digital technology combined with Action’s exclusive
ASIC technology allows the Q466 to be field configured for virtually any AC input to DC output within the limits specified.
The Q466 is useful in applications requiring an isolated, conditioned DC output from an AC signal. Typical applications include energy management, load shedding, motor current/load monitoring, locked rotor detection, isolation and data acquisition. The output of the Q466 can drive a digital meter for direct display or can interface with alarm or control devices including PLCs and computers.
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q466 has three diagnostic LEDs. The green (RUN) LED is used for diagnostics to indicate that power is on. It will flash quickly if the input signal is above the calibrated range or slowly if the input signal is below range. It is on continuously when the unit is functioning within the calibrated range.
The yellow (INPUT) LED is on while calibrating the input level. The red (OUTPUT) LED is on while calibrating the output level.
The Q466 can be configured for input ranges from 50mV to 300V or 5mA to 100mA, with >90% input offset or it will adjust down to <10% of full scale input span (except on the 100mV/10mA range in which maximum offset or gain adjustment is 50%).
Unless a specific custom calibration is specified, the factory presets the Q466 as follows:
Input Range: 0 -500mV
Calibrated Output: 4-20mA
For other I/O ranges, refer to the tables.
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WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. With power off, snap off the faceplate by lifting the right edge away from the heatsink. Slide the heatsink forward and off the module.
2. Choose the desired range from Tables 1-3. Return the heatsink to its original position and attach the faceplate before beginning calibration.
For best results, calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing at least one hour for thermal stability of the system. If pre-calibration on a test bench is preferred, then an output load equal to the input impedance of the device connected to the
Q466 output is recommended, along with a 1 hour warm up period.
1. For best results install the module on to a piece of DIN rail or the I/Q Rail mounting accessories if desired. See the I/Q Rail Data sheet for details.
Note: An I/QRail is required to power the modules. See ordering information.
2. Connect the input to a calibrated AC source and the output to a voltage or current meter. Apply power and allow the system to reach thermal equilibrium (approx. 20 minutes ).
3. Adjust the input signal to the desired maximum and observe that the green LED is on or flashing. Push the CAL button and hold it down for more than 5 seconds (until the yellow and Green LEDs are flashing), then release the button.
Note: To quit the calibration mode and reset the unit, push and hold the CAL button for more than 5 seconds. Or, wait for more than two minutes and the unit will timeout and automatically reset to the previously stored calibration.
4. When the yellow and green LEDs stop flashing, the yellow and red LEDs will be on. Push the CAL button momentarily (the yellow and green LEDs will now be on).
5. Apply the maximum input signal level desired and push the CAL button to store. The yellow LED will now be on.
6. Apply the minimum input signal level desired and push the CAL button to store. The green and red LED will now be on.
7. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired maximum level (e.g. 20.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the red LED will be on).
8. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired minimum level (e.g. 4.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the yellow, green and red LEDs will be on).
9. To finish calibration, push the CAL button once again. The green
LED will be on if the input is within the calibrated range.
Table 1: Input Range Settings
R a n g e s
A C V o l t a g e
1 0 0 m V
A C C u r r e n t
1 0 m A
2 0 0 m V
5 0 0 m V
1 V
2 V
0 m m m
5 V
1 0 V
2 0 V
5 0 V
1 0 0 V
2 0 0 V
3 0 0 V
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
S e l e c t o r S W 1 n n n
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
Figure 1: Load monitoring using a current transformer and the Q466
Table 3: Input Type Settings
S W 1
I n p u t T y p e
C u r r e n t
V o l t a g e
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
8 n
Table 2: Output Range Settings
R a n g e s S e l e c t o r S W 2
O t o t o t o u t p
5 V u
1 0 V
1 m A t
4 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 2 0 m A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
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Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 2: Q466 Calibration Flow Chart
Page 79 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Output :
Ranges: 100mVAC to 300VAC
Impedance: >100K ohms
Overvoltage: 330VAC
Ranges:10mAAC to 100mAAC
Impedance: 20 ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 170mAAC
Overvoltage: 60V peak
Frequency Range:
40Hz to 400Hz, factory calibrated at 60Hz
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
1800VDC, max.
Pushbutton Adjustment:
Max. zero offset and span turn down is 50%
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <10 ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K ohms, min. @ 10V)
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Source Impedance: >100K ohms
0-1mA; 7.5V, max. (7.5K ohms, max.)
0-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
4-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
LED Indication
RUN (green):
On when unit is powered flashes at 8Hz when input is 7% above max.
INPUT (yellow):
On while calibrating the input level
OUTPUT (red):
On while calibrating the output level
Ordering Information
Models And Accessories
Model: Q466-0000 ; one input, one output AC Isolator
Specify I/QRail type and quantity (required)
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration: specify C620 with desired input and output range.
Action I/Q modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35 (model
MD03) DIN rail. In addition the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
IQRL-2002 2 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2004 4 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2008 8 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
Accuracy (Including Linearity & Hysteresis):
+0.1% of span, typical, +0.2% max.
+0.5% of span, maximum (100mV range)
+0.025%/ ° C of selected input span, typical.
Response Time (10 to 90%):
250mSec., typical.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 90dB
1800VDC between input, output and power.
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emmissions: EN50081-1; Immunity: EN50082-2; Safety: EN50178
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5W max.
Range: 100 to 240 VAC ± 10%, 50 to 400 Hz
Wire Terminations:
Screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Shipping Weight:
0.48 lbs.
Agency Approvals:
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99775)
CSA certified per standard C22.2 No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987
(File No. LR42272-84).
CE Compliance per EMC directive 89/3/36 EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC.
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
C o n n e c t i o n
O u t p u t ( + )
O u t p u t ( )
A 6
C 1
C 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
N o o o o t t t o t o t t
U s s s
U s
U s s e e e d d d e d e d e d
T e r m i n a l
C o n n e c t i o n
I n p u t V o l t a g e ( L i n e )
N o t U s e d
C 5
C 6
P 1
I n
A p n p
C u t u t
( N e u t
C u r r o w e r r a l ) e n t
( L
H o t ) i n e )
P 2
P 3
P 4
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
A C P o w e r ( N e u t r a l )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 80 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Q476-0000 n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Field Configurable Input Ranges 2Hz to 10,000Hz n
Field Configurable Output Ranges n
150mV to 150V Input Amplitude
AC Powered Frequency Input
Field Configurable Isolator
Provides an Isolated DC Output in Proportion to Input Frequency n
TouchCAL Technology n
DIN Rail Mounting with IQRL n
Universal AC Power 85 to 265 VAC n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
The Q476 is a DIN rail mount, frequency input signal conditioner with 1800VDC isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable input and output offers flexible, wide ranging capability for variable frequency drives, magnetic pickups, turbine flowmeters, and other pulse or frequency output transducers.
The input of the Q476 can be configured for any frequency span from 2Hz to 10,000Hz. The input amplitude threshold sensitivity can be adjusted from 150mVp to 10Vp to ensure accurate frequency measurement and minimize transient noise related errors. The maximum input amplitude is 150 Vrms. The output can be set for either 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, 0-20mA or 4-20mA.
The Q476 can be field configured for virtually any frequency input to DC signal output within the ranges specified. There is also an
8VDC excitation source common to the input. This can be used as a signal source for relay contacts or as an excitation source for open collector type proximity sensors. The Q476 is AC powered and will accept any power between 85 and 265VAC.
TouchCAL Technology
The Q476 utilizes TouchCAL Technology to greatly simplify configuration. The high and low input ranges are stored in nonvolatile memory and correspond to the high and low output range which is selected via DIP switches.
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q476 utilizes three diagnostic LEDs. The green (RUN) LED indicates DC power and input signal status. Active line power is indicated by an illuminated LED. If the input signal is 7% or more high, the LED will flash at 8Hz. If the input signal is 7% or more low, the LED will flash at 4Hz.
The yellow (IN) LED is lit when calibrating the input. The red (OUT)
LED is lit when calibrating the output.
The Q476 field configurable, frequency input signal conditioner is useful in eliminating ground loops and interfacing pulse output transducers, such as turbine flow meters and magnetic pickups, to data acquisition and control systems.
Advanced digital technology, combined with ASIC technology, provides a stable output at low frequencies for higher accuracy, and 3-way isolation which completely eliminates ground loops from any source.
Any 2Hz range from 0 to 10,000Hz can be converted to a full scale output signal (e.g. 0-2Hz/4-20mA or 9998-10,000Hz/4-20mA).
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model Q476 as follows:
Input Range: 0 to 1000Hz
Sensitivity: 1V RMS
Output Range: 4 to 20mA
Note that "Sensitivity" refers to the noise rejection level (the trigger threshold of the input).
For other I/O ranges, refer to the tables below.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. With power off, snap off the faceplate by lifting the right edge away from the heatsink. Then slide the heatsink forward and off the module. The output switch block (SW2) is located under the heatsink. Choose the desired output voltage/current range from
Table 1 and set positions 1-8 of SW2.
2. Set the input sensitivity switch (SW2, 9 & 10) to LO for input amplitudes between 150mVp and 50Vrms, with noise rejection to
1Vp; or to HI for input amplitudes between 500mVp and 150Vrms, with noise rejection up to 10Vp.
3. Return the heatsink to its original position and attach the faceplate before beginning calibration.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 81 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
For best results, calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing at least one hour for thermal stability of the system. If pre-calibration on a test bench is preferred, then an output load equal to the input impedance of the device connected to the Q476 output is recommended, along with a 1 hour warm up period.
Note: An I/QRail is required to power the modules. See Ordering
1. Install the module on a piece of DIN rail and the I/Q Rail mounting combination. See the I/Q Rail data sheet for details.
2. Connect the input to a calibrated frequency source and the output to a voltage or current meter. Apply power and allow the system to reach thermal equilibrium (approx 20 minutes).
3. Adjust the input frequency to the desired maximum and observe that the ouput has increased and is sensing the input. If the output fails to increase, turn the sensitivity potentiometer in a counterclockwise direction until the output begins to change proportionally to the input.
Note: The level LED may not appear to be on if the new range is less than 10% of the previously calibrated range.
4. With the green LED on press the CAL button for 5 seconds to enter the calibration mode. The yellow and green LEDs will now be on.
5. Input the maximum desired frequency and press the CAL button to store. The yellow LED will now be the only LED on.
6. Input the minimum desired frequency and press the CAL button to store. The green and red LEDs will now be on.
Note: The most reliable way to input 0Hz is to short circuit the input pins (C5 & C6).
7. To precisely adjust the maximum output, adjust the input frequency until the output reads within +0.1% of the maximum selected output range. This typically occurs near 90% of the HI input frequency. Press the CAL button to store the value. The red
LED will now be on.
8. To precisely adjust the minimum output, lower the input frequency until the output reads within +0.1% of the minimum selected output. This typically occurs near 10% of the HI input frequency. Press the CAL button to store the value. The yellow and Red LEDs will be on. The green LED should be dim.
9. Press the CAL button once again to exit the calibration mode.
The green LED will now be on.
10. Check the minimum and maximum input-to-output calibration. Repeat steps 1 to 8 if calibration is not within desired specifications.
Note 1: To reset the unit while in the calibration mode, push the CAL button and hold for 5 seconds.
Note 2: Removing power to the unit at anytime before Step 8 will restore previous settings and calibration.
Optimal Sensitivity
If the amplitudes of the input frequency are within the sensitivity parameters (i.e. 150mVp - 1Vp for LO and 0.5Vp - 10Vp for HI), then the sensitivity parameters can be set for optimum noise rejection.
1. Set the input near midrange (50% input) or to a frequency that exhibits the minimum pulse amplitude.
2. Turn the sensitivity pot (SENS) clockwise (CW) until the output drops to minimum.
3. Turn the sensitivity pot counter-clockwise (CCW) a turn or two until the output returns to the previous level.
4. Run the input through the entire frequency range to make sure that the pulses are sensed at both the low and high input frequencies. If the output drops out during this test, turn the sensitivity pot counterclockwise another turn or two until the output picks up. Repeat to validate sensitivity settings.
Table 1: Output Range Settings
0 t o 1 0 V
0 t o 1 m A
4 t o 2 0 m A
S e l e c t o r S W 2
R a n g e s t o
2 t
0 o 5 m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Table 2: Input Sensitivity Settings
S e n s i t i v i t y
H i g h ( 0 .
1 5 0 V r m s m t a o x i
1 0 V p m u m )
L o w ( 1 5 0 m V p t o 1 V p ;
5 0 V r m s m a x i m u m )
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
S W 2
1 0 n
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Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 1: Q476 Calibration Flow Chart
Page 83 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Full Scale Range: 2Hz to 10,000Hz.
Amplitude Range: 150mVp to 150Vrms
Impedance: >10K ohms
Overvoltage: 180Vrms, max.
Over-range: 20KHz, max.
Common Mode (Input to Gnd): 1800V, max.
Zero Turn-Up: 99% of full scale range (9998Hz)
Span Turn-Down: 99% of full scale range (2Hz)
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <100 ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K ohms, min. @ 10V)
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Source Impedance: >100K ohms
0-1mA; 7.5V, max. (7.5K ohms, max.)
0-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
4-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
Accuracy (Including Linearity & Hysteresis):
+0.1% of selected range at 25 ° C
+0.025%/ ° C maximum of selected range.
Excitation Voltage:
8VDC, for open collector and contact closure inputs. 5mA short circuit current max.
Response Time (10 to 90%):
500mSec., or 100 times the period of the full scale frequency.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC: 100dB
>60Hz: 80dB
1800VDC between input, output and power.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: Q476-0000
Specify I/QRail type and quantity (required)
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output range
Action I/Q modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN Rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN Rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail
IQRL-2002 2 Position I/QRail &DIN rail
IQRL-2004 4 Position I/QRail &DIN rail
IQRL-2008 8 Position I/QRail &DIN rail
ESD Susceptibility:
Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3(8KV)
LED Indication (green):
LVL (green):
Lit when power is on
Input < 107% then 8Hz flash
Input > -7% then 4Hz flash
IN (yellow):
Input range programming status
OUT (red):
Output range programming status
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (5 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
2.5W max., 100 to 240VAC +10%, 50 to 400Hz
0.50 lbs
Wire Terminations:
Screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2 (File No LR 42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No E99775).
T e r m i n a l
B 1
B 2
B 3
B 4
C 1
C 2
C 3
C o n n e c t i o n
D C O u t p u t ( + )
D C O u t p u t ( )
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
T e r m i n a l
C 4
C 5
C o n n e c t i o n
E x c i t a t i o n S o u r c e ( 8 V D C )
F r e q u e n c y I n p u t ( )
P 2
P 3
P 4
F r e q u e n c y I n p u t ( + )
A C P o w e r ( H o t )
A o o t t
P s s o e e w d d e r ( N e u t r a l )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 84 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Q486-0001 n
Instant Accuracy TM n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
PC or DIP Switch Configuration n
Eliminates Ground Loops
AC Powered RTD, T/C, Ohm & mV
Input Field Configurable Isolator
Provides an Isolated DC Output in Proportion to the Temperature Signal Input n
TouchCAL Technology n
DIN Rail Mounting with IQRL n
Universal AC Power 85 to 265 VAC n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
The Q486 is a DIN rail mount, RTD, thermocouple, mV or Ohm input signal conditioner with 1800V isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable input and output offers flexible, wide ranging capability for most temperature signal conditioning applications. The Q486 is configured via DIP switch for the thermocouple type (B, C, E, J, K, N, R, S, T) or the RTD type
(Pt, Ni & Cu). Additionally, functions such as signal linearization, up or down scale burnout, number of RTD leads (2, 3, 4) and voltage or current output are also set via dip switches (see Tables).
Configuration software, along with a serial port adapter cable is available for those who would prefer PC configuration capability.
This Graphic User Interface (GUI) program takes the place of setting DIP switches and using the pushbutton for ranging. With this software, an input signal calibrator is not required for ranging since the values only need to be typed into the program and downloaded.
Instant Accuracy TM
Instant Accuracy TM maximizes accuracy and performance during warmup and during changes in ambient temperature. This patented cold-junction compensation technique utilizes two temperature sensors to measure the differential temperature near the terminal block. Using heat transfer calculations with the measured differential temperature and the known thermal conductivity of the PCB, the terminal junction temperature is determined with extreme accuracy. Even during unstable thermal states such as start-up, ambient temperature changes or changing load or power, the Q486 performs extremely accurate thermocouple temperature measurement.
Instant Accuracy improves system performance and productivity due to reduced warm up time, fewer temperature measurement errors and tighter process control for higher quality. Most significantly, it allows calibration to be checked quickly and accurately without the effects of rapid ambient temperature changes due to opening a control panel door, which often causes erroneous readings and miscalibrations; a common cause of measurement errors.
TouchCAL TM Technology
TouchCAL TM technology allows easy field ranging for any of the thermocouple or RTD input types. For example, the dip switch
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 85 configured range for the J type thermocouple is -210 to 760 ° C.
Using a thermocouple simulator as a reference, the model Q486 could be ranged for 0 to 50 ° C or 0 to 500 ° C by simply applying the desired minimum and maximum input levels and pushing the range button to store the levels in non-volatile memory. The output is ranged by applying an input signal to achieve an accurate output level and pushing the range button.
The model Q486 field configurable thermocouple or RTD input isolator is useful in eliminating ground loops and interfacing temperature sensors to data acquisition and control systems.
Three-way isolation completely eliminates ground loops from any source. Isolation protects expensive SCADA systems from ground faults and allows the noise reduction benefits of grounded thermocouples or sensors to be realized.
The Q486 employs the latest analog to digital signal processing technology and advanced low-power microprocessors. Instant
Accuracy cold-junction-compensation (CJC) of thermocouples, and lead length compensation for RTDs ensures an extremely accurate and stable signal for virtually any temperature sensor to
DC signal conversion.
High density DIN rail mounting offers a very compact solution and saves valuable panel space. Power is delivered to the Q486 using the exclusive I/QRail which reduces wiring requirements and the need to daisy-chain power. SnapLoc terminals ensure easy installation and low Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR).
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q486 is equipped with front panel LEDs for input power
(green-on), input overrange and underrange; input open circuit
(yellow-on); and switch setting error (red-on).
The Q486 can be configured via DIP switchs for a wide variety of temperature input ranges for RTD, thermocouple, ohm and millivolt sensors. Inputs can be offset by >90% or adjusted down to <10% of the full scale span.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Unless a specific customer range is ordered, the factory presets the Q486 as follows:
Input Type: Thermocouple, J-Type
Input Range: 0 to 500 ° C
Burnout: Up Scale
Output Range: 4/20mA
Refer to the tables for other I/O ranges.
1. With power off, snap off the faceplate by lifting the right edge away from the heatsink.
2. For RTD or Resistance inputs, set position 1 and 2 of SW2 for 2,
3 or 4 wire resistance input (see Table 1). For thermocouple inputs these switches ignored and can be in any position.
3. Configure the output for voltage or current using position 3 of
SW2 (see Table 2).
6. Set Burnout detection with position 6 of SW2 (see Table 5). The
ON position (up scale) will force the output beyond full scale when the t/c input is open circuit. The OFF position (down scale) will force the output below 0% when the input is open circuit.
7. Set the t/c Linearization function with position 7 of SW2 (see
Table 6). The ON position will provide an output linear to the temperature input signal. The OFF position will provide an output directly proportional to the thermoelectric (mV) input (i.e. not linearized to temperature).
Note: The unit must be configured with linearization turned ON. Once the configuration is saved, linearization can then be turned OFF.
8. Set the Configuration Mode with position 8 of SW2 (see Table
7). The ON position is for DIP switch configuration. The OFF position is for configuring via PC using a serial interface cable
(consult factory regarding cable and software).
4. If the input range desired is the full scale range for the input type
(e.g. Pt100 Ohm = -200 ° C to 850 ° C), then set position 4 of SW2 to
ON (or closed) for this default range (see Table 3). If configuration of a sub-range is preferred (e.g. Pt100 Ohm, 0 to 500 ° C), then set position 4 of SW2 to OFF (or open) to enable use of the ranging pushbutton adjustment.
5. If the output range desired is the full scale range for the output type (e.g. 4-20mA or 2-10V), then set position 5 of SW2 to ON for either of the full scale default output ranges (see Table 4). If configuration of a sub-range is preferred (e.g. 12-20mA or 1-5V), then set position 5 of SW2 to OFF (or open) to enable use of the ranging pushbutton adjustment.
Table 1: RTD Type
R T D T y p e
W i i r r e e
2 W i r e
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
1 n n
S W 2
2 n n
Table 5: Input Type
I n p u t T y p e
T h e r m o c o u
R p
T l e
D m V o r O h m s
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
1 n n
S W 3
2 n n
Table 2: Output Type
O u t p u t
C u r r e n t
S W 2
3 n
V o l t a g e
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
Table 6: Burnout Detection
S W 2
B u r n o u t D e t e c t i o n
U p s c a l e
D o w n s c a l e
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
6 n
Table 3: Input Range Type*
S W 2
I n p u t R a n g e
D e f a u l t
U s e r D e f i n e d
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
4 n
Table 7: Output Linearization
O u t p u t t o T e m p
L i n e a r e r a t u r e
O n
O f f
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
7 n
Table 4: Output Range Type*
O u t p u t R a n g e
D e f a u l t
S W 2
U s e r D e f i n e d
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
5 n
Table 8: Config Mode
C o n f i g u r a t i o n
M o d e
B y D I P S w i t c h
B y P C
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
8 n
*Default for Outputs is either 2-10V or 4-20mA. Default for Inputs is the “Input Range” specified in Table 9. Note that if the input or output is set for default, then the input or output calibration will be skipped in the pushbutton programming sequence.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
9. Set the Input Type with position 1 and 2 of SW3 (see Table 8).
10. Set the specific RTD, thermocouple, millivolt or resistance input with position 3 through 6 of SW3 (see Table 9).
Note: For PC configuration refer to the software manual and help files associated with the model C681 accessort kit.
Table 9: Input Select
T / C T y p e
S W 3
3 4 5 6 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
S W 3
I n p u t
R a n g e
0 t o + 1 7 6 0 ° C
2 1 0 t o + 7 6 0 ° C
0 t o + 1 7 6 0 ° C
0 t o + 1 8 0 0 ° C
2 7 0 t o + 4 0 0 ° C
2 7 0 t o + 1 3 7 0 ° C
2 7 0 t o + 1 3 0 0 ° C
0 t o + 2 3 2 0 ° C
2 7 0 t o + 1 0 0 0 ° C
A c c u r a c y
R a n g e
+ 2 0 0 t o + 1 7 6 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o + 7 6 0 ° C
+ 4 0 0 t o + 1 7 6 0 ° C
+ 4 0 0 t o + 1 8 0 0 ° C
0 t o + 4 0 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o + 1 3 7 0 ° C
7 0 t o + 1 3 0 0 ° C
0 t o + 2 3 2 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o + 1 0 0 0 ° C
I n p u t ( A / D )
A c c u r a c y
+ / 1 .
0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 5 ° C
+ / 1 .
0 ° C
+ / 2 .
0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 5 ° C
+ / 0 .
3 ° C
+ / 0 .
4 ° C
+ / 0 .
5 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 5 ° C
R T D T y p e
C u 9 .
0 3 5
N i 1 2 0 0 6 7
P t 1 0 0 3 8 5
P t 1 0 0 3 9 1 1
P t 1 0 0 3 9 2
P t 2 0 0 3 8 5
P t 2 0 0 3 9 2
P t 5 0 0 3 8 5
P t 5 0 0 3 9 1 1
P t 5 0 0 3 9 2
P t 1 0 0 0 3 8 5
3 4 5 6 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
I n p u t R a n g e
4 0 t o + 2 6 0 ° C
8 0 t o + 3 2 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 8 5 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 6 3 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 6 3 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 8 5 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 6 3 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 8 5 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 6 3 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 6 3 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 8 5 0 ° C
I n p u t ( A / D ) A c c u r a c y
+ / 0 .
2 5 ° C
+ / 0 .
1 5 ° C
+ / 0 .
1 5 ° C
+ / 0 .
1 5 ° C
+ / 0 .
1 5 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 0 ° C m V & O h m
T y p e
S W 3
3 4 5 6
I n p u t R a n g e A c c u r a c y R a n g e
I n p u t ( A / D )
A c c u r a c y
M i n i m u m
S p a n
+ / 9 0 m V
+ / 9 0 0 m V
0 t o 4 0 0 0 O h m s n n n n n n n n n n
9 0 t o + 9 0 m V
1 0 0 t o 9 0 0 m V
1 0 t o 4 0 0 0 O h m s
9 0 t o + 9 0 m V
1 0 0 t o 9 0 0 m V
1 0 t o 4 0 0 0 O h m s
+ / 1 2 u V
+ / 2 5 u V
+ / 1 .
0 O h m s
3 m V
3 m V
1 0 O h m s
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
Input to Output error at 25
C is less than or equal to the Input Accuracy, plus the Linearization
Accuracy, plus the Output Accuracy (plus the CJC Error for T/C Inputs).
Page 86 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
The Q486 is a microprocessor based circuit with internal references that are factory calibrated to better than 0.000005V. For this reason the Q486 does not need field calibration, but it can be configured (ranged) in the field for virtually any temperature to
DC I/O combination.
For best results ranging should be performed in the operating installation, allowing at least 30 minutes for thermal equilibrium of the system. If ranging on a test bench is preferred, then an output load equal to the input impedance of the device connected to the output is recommended, along with a 30 minute warm up period.
Note: An I/QRail is required to deliver power to the module. See ordering information.
1. After configuring the unit, install the module onto a piece of DIN rail and the I/Q Rail mounting combination. See the I/Q Rail data sheet for details.
2. Connect the input to a calibrated thermocouple simulator or resistance source and the output to a voltage or current meter.
Apply power and allow the system to reach thermal equilibrium
(approx. 20 minutes).
3. Adjust the input signal to the desired maximum and observe that the green LED is on. Push the CAL button and hold it down for more than 5 seconds (until the yellow and red LEDs are on).
Note: To quit the calibration mode and reset the unit, push the CAL button and hold for more than 5 seconds. Or, wait for more than five minutes and the unit will time-out and automatically reset to the previously stored calibration.
4. Push the CAL button momentarily (the yellow and green LEDs will now be on).
5. Apply the maximum input signal level, then push the CAL button to store. The yellow LED will now be on.
6. Apply the minimum input signal level, then push the CAL button to store. The green and red LEDs will now be on.
7. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired maximum level (e.g. 20.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the red LED will be on).
8. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired minimum level (e.g. 4.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the yellow, green and red LEDs will be on).
9. To finish calibration, push the CAL button once again. The green
LED will be on if the input is within the calibrated range.
Figure 1: Q486 Calibration Flow Chart
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 87
Figure 2: RTD Wiring Detail
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
C 1
C 2
C o n n e c t i o n
C u r r e n t O u t p u t ( + )
V o l t a g e O u t p u t ( + )
O u t p u t C o m m o n ( )
P C I n t e r f a c e R e t u r n
T X , T r a n s m i t
R X , R e c e i v e
R T D S e n s e
R T D I n p u t ( + ) o r R e s i s t a n c e
T e r m i n a l
C 3
C 4
C 5
C 6
P 1
P 2
P 3
P 4
C o n n e c t i o n
R T D I n p u t ( ) o r R e s i s t a n c e
R T D R e t u r n
T / C I n p u t ( ) o r m V ( )
T / C I n p u t ( + ) o r m V ( + )
A C P o w e r ( H o t )
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
A C P o w e r ( N e u t r a l )
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Sensor Types: 2, 3 or 4-wire; see Table 9
Ranges: Any span within the Accuracy Range in Table 9
Impedance: > 1.0M ohms typical for t/c and mV inputs
RTD Excitation: < 0.3mA
Burnout Detection: upscale or downscale CJC Error: < +0.1
° C max.
(Instant Accuracy ensures the output is within +0.5
° C of rated accuracy 30 seconds after powering
Range: 0-10V
Drive: 10mA (1000 ohm load min.)
Range: 0-20mA
Drive: 15V (750 ohms max.)
1800VDC or peak AC between input, output and power
SW1: Pushbutton, input and output ranging
SW2: Linearization, Burnout, Output (voltage or current), and initialization mode
SW3: Input Type
Input (A/D): see Table 9
Linearization: < +0.05% of accuracy range, max.
Output: < +10mA for current output
< +5mV for voltage output
Thermal Stability:
CJC: + 0.01
° C/ ° C change in ambient, max.
Zero: + 0.0075% of full scale/ ° C change in ambient, max.
Span: + 0.0075% of full scale/ ° C change in ambient, max.
Long Term: + 0.1% max. over a 9 month period
Response Time:
400mSec, typical.
Turn On Time:
< 5 seconds to establish output within 99% or 2 ° C of final value or
° C within 30 seconds
LED Indicator:
Power (green):
On when power is on,
Flashes for t/c burnout
Input (yellow):
Flashes for out of range
Flashes for switch setting error
Calibration: 1 green, 1 yellow and 1 red LEDs indicate steps in ranging process
Common Mode Rejection:
120dB at DC,
> 90dB at 60Hz
ESD Susceptibility:
Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3 (8kV)
Humidity (non-condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% RH for 24 Hours @ 60 ° C
Operating: -25 ° C to +65 ° C (-13 to 149 ° F)
Storage: -25 ° C to +70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
2.5W max., 100 to 240VAC + 10%, 50 to 400Hz
Wire Terminal:
Socketed screw terminals for 12-22AWG
Agency Approvals
CSA certified per standard C22.2 (File No. LR42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No.E99755).
CE Compliance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: Q486-0001
Specify I/QRail type and quantity (required)
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output ranges.
Action I/Q series modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
C681-0001 PC Adapter & Configuration Software
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
IQRL-2002 2 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2004 4 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-2008 8 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
C620 Factory Calibration
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 88 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
DC Powered DC Input Limit Alarm
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset DC Input Level
Q108-0000 n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
TouchCAL TM Technology n
Setpoints Programmable HI or LO and Failsafe or
Non-Failsafe n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting n n n n
Flexible 9 to 30VDC Power Supply
24VDC Transducer Excitation
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
ASIC Technology
The ActionI/Q model Q108 is a DIN rail mount, DC voltage or current input limit alarm with dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The field configurable input and alarm functions offer flexible setpoint capability. Input voltage spans from 10mV to 200V and input current spans from 1mA to 100mA can be field configured. Bipolar inputs are also accepted.
The Q108 is configurable as a single or dual setpoint alarm, with
HI or LO trips and failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Also included are adjustable deadbands (up to 100% of full scale input) for each setpoint, a 24VDC voltage source (isolated from line power) for transducer excitation, and a universal DC power supply which accepts any voltage between 9 and 30VDC.
TouchCAL Technology
Action has simplified setpoint calibration. Using a pushbutton instead of potentiometers, improvements in calibration resolution and reliability are realized due to the elimination of the potentiometers’ mechanical variability.
The Q108 limit alarm setpoints can be configured for HI or LO, failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Each of the setpoints has a respective HI or LO deadband. In a tripped condition, the setpoint is exceeded and the appropriate red LED will illuminate. The trip will reset only after the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the low deadband (see Figure 1). For proper deadband operation, the HI setpoint must be set above the LO setpoint. In failsafe operation, the relay is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the LO setpoint (opposite for nonfailsafe). In the failsafe mode, a power failure results in an alarm state output.
Dynamic Deadband
Circuitry in the Q108 prevents false trips by repeatedly sampling the input. The input must be beyond the setpoint for 100 milliseconds, uninterrupted, to qualify as a valid trip condition.
Likewise, the input must fall outside the deadband and remain there for 100 milliseconds to return the alarm to an untripped condition. This results in a “dynamic deadband” —based on time— in addition to the normal deadband.
For calibration, simply input the signal level of the desired trip and press the pushbutton to store it in non-volatile memory.
Deadband is entered the same way with another pushbutton press to store.
Diagnostic LEDS
The he Q108 is equipped with three front panel LEDs. The green
LED is a dual function LED labeled IN, which indicates line power and input signal status. Active DC power is indicated by the illuminated LED. If this LED is off, check DC power and wiring connections. If the input signal is 10% above or below the configured input range the green LED will flash at 8Hz or 4Hz, respectively.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model Q108 as follows:
Dual, SPDT
A: HI; B: LO
A, B: 0.25%
The two red LEDs indicate the relay state of each setpoint. An illuminated red LED indicates the tripped condition for the respective setpoint.
The Q108 is equipped with two SPDT (form C) relays, rated at
120VAC or 28VDC at 5 amperes. Each of these relays is independently controlled by the field configurable setpoint and deadband.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 89
The DC power input accepts any DC source between 9 and 30VDC.
Note: An I/QRail is an optional accessory to power the modules. A
2, 4, or 8 position rail is available. See ordering information.
For other I/O ranges, refer to Table 1 and Figure 5. Reconfigure switch SW1 for the desired input type, range and function.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. With the module removed from the rail and not powered, snap off the face plate by lifting the right edge away from the heat sink.
Note the input switch (SW1) is located under the faceplate. Set positions 9 & 10 for voltage or current input (see Table 1).
2. Set positions 1 through 4 of “SW1” for the desired input range
(see Table 1).
3. Set position 5 of “SW1” to ON (closed) for unipolar (e.g., zero based, 0-20mA) range or OFF (open) for bipolar (e.g., -100% offset,
-20 to 20mA) range (see Figure 5).
4. Set positions 6 and 7 “SW1” to ON for a HI trip setpoint or OFF for a LO trip setpoint (see Figure 5).
5. Set position 8 of “SW1” to ON for non-failsafe operation or OFF for failsafe operation (e.g., alarm trips upon power failure).
1. After configuring the DIP switches, connect the input to a calibrated DC source and apply power. Refer to the terminal wiring in the specifications section.
Note: For best results, calibration should be performed in the operating environment, mounted on a DIN rail, allowing at least one hour for thermal equilibrium of the system.
2. After applying power to the unit all three LEDs will flash for approximately 10 seconds. Adjust the input signal level for the
Relay "A" setpoint. The green LED should be on. Press and hold the
CAL button for 4 seconds (until the red LED starts flashing) to enter the calibration mode. The green LED will be on and the red Relay
"A" LED will be flashing.
Note: If the green LED is flashing, the input is out of range (i.e. 7
% above or below the configured range). Check to make sure the input signal is within the DIP switch configuration range. Double check the DIP switch settings.
3. Setpoint "A": Input the desired trip level for Relay "A" and push the CAL button. The green LED and the red Relay "A" LED will be flashing. Note that the green LED will stop flashing when the input drops below a high setpoint or rises above a low setpoint.
4. Deadband "A": For minimum deadband (approximately 0.25%), press and hold the CAL button for 4 seconds. For high setpoints, lower the input level to the desired deadband point and push the
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 90
CAL button. For low setpoints, increase the input level (green LED turns off) to the desired deadband level and push the CAL button.
The green LED will be on and the red Relay "B" LED will be flashing.
5. Setpoint "B": Input the desired trip level for Relay "B" and push the CAL button. The green and the red Relay "B" LED will be flashing. Note that the green LED will stop flashing when the input drops below a high setpoint or rises above a low setpoint.
6. Deadband "B": For minimum deadband (approximately 0.25%), press and hold the CAL button for 4 seconds. For high setpoints, lower the input level (green LED turns off) to the desired deadband point and push the CAL button. For low setpoints, increase the input level to the desired deadband level and push the CAL button. The green LED will be on and both the red LEDs will be flashing.
7. Press the CAL button once again to exit the calibration mode.
Check the setpoint and deadband to validate calibration.
Relay Protection and EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved by using external protection (see
Figures 2 and 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properly rated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1mF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47 ohm, 1/2W carbon resistor.
For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV > DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-) to anode
(the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
Table 1: Q108 Input Range Switch
V o l t a g e C u r r e n t
S n e l l p e u c t t t
R a n g e o r r S W 1
1 2 3 4
0 m m m m m m
0 m m m m m m m
2 0 0 V
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads
Figure 4: Typical Connections for Voltage or Current for Q108
Figure 5: Q108 Input Range/Function Selection (SW1) Factory Default Settings
Note: For voltage inputs Current Enable must be off. For current inputs Voltage Enable must be off.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 6: Q108 Calibration Flow Chart
Page 91 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Voltage Input:
Range: 10mV to +200V; Impedance: >100k ohms
Overvoltage: 200V rms, max.
Current Input:
Range: 1mA to +100mA; Impedance: 20 ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 170mA rms, max.
Overvoltage: 60VDC (protected by self resetting fuse)
Common Mode (Input to Ground): 1800VDC, max.
LED Indicators:
Input Range (Green)
>110% input: 8Hz flash
<10% input: 4Hz flash
Setpoint (Red)
Tripped: Solid red
Safe: Off
Limit Differential (Deadband):
>50mV/5mA: 0.25% to 100% of span
<50mV/5mA: 1% to 100% of span
Response Time:
Dynamic Deadband:
Relay status will change when proper setpoint/process condition exists for 100msec.
Normal Mode (analog filtering): <250mSec (10-90%)
Effectivity: Setpoints are adjustable over 100% of selected input span.
Repeatability (constant temp.):
>50mV/5mA: 0.1% of full scale
<50mV/5mA: 0.2% of full scale
Temperature Stability: +0.05% of full scale/ ° C, max.
Excitation Voltage: 24VDC, 20mA, maximum
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Specify (model number)
1) Q108-0000
2) Specify I/QRail type and quantity (optional)
3) Accessories: (see Accessories)
4) Optional Custom Factory Calibration: Specify C620 with desired input, setpoint and deadband.
ActionI/Q series modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (500mA)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
IQRL-2002 2 Position I/QRail &DIN rail
IQRL-2004 4 Position I/QRail &DIN rail
IQRL-2008 8 Position I/QRail &DIN rail
Common Mode Rejection: DC to 60Hz: 120dB
Isolation: 1800VDC between contacts, input and power
ESD & Transient Susceptibility: Meets IEC 801-2, Level 3 (8KV)
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Power: 2.5W max., 9 to 30VDC
Relay Contacts
2 SPDT (2 form C) Relays; 1 Relay per setpoint
Current Rating (resistive)
120VAC: 5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Material: Gold flash over silver alloy
Electrical Life:10 5 operations at rated load
Note: External relay contact protection is required for use with inductive loads.
Mechanical Life: 10 7 operations
Wire Terminations: Screw terminations for 12-22 AWG
Weight: 0.56lbs.
Agency Approvals
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99775).
CSA certified per C22.2 No. 0-M91 & 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272-84).
CE Compliance per EMC directive 89/3/36 EEC and Low Voltage73/23/EEC.
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
C 1
C 2
C o n n e c t i o n
R e l a y A , N .
O .
R e l a y A , C o m m o n
R e l a y A , N .
C .
N o t C o n n e c t e d
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
R e l a y B , N .
O .
R e l a y B , C o m m o n
T e r m i n a l
C 3
C o n n e c t i o n
R e l a y B , N .
C .
C 4
C 5
C 6
P 1
P 2
P 3
P 4
V n n
D o p p o o
C l t t t u u a t t
P g
( s s
) e e o w o w
S d d e r e r u
( p p
) l y ( + 2 4 V D C )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 92 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
DC Powered DC Input
Multi-Channel Isolator
Provides 1 or 2 Fully Isolated DC Output Signals in Proportion to 1 or 2 DC Inputs
Q404-2 (2 inputs; 2 outputs)
Q404-3 (1 input; 1 output; 24V Exc)
Q404-4 (signal splitter: 1 input; 2 outputs) n
Multi-Channel Design n
2000VAC Isolation n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting n
Universal DC Power 10.8 to 26.4VDC
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals n
Fast Response Time
The model Q404 is a DIN rail mount, DC input signal conditioner, with 2000VAC isolation between input output and power. It is available as a single channel signal conditioner (1 input/1 output) or as a multi-channel signal conditioner (1 input/2 outputs or 2 inputs/2 outputs).
Factory configured input and output ranges support standard industrial control signals such as 4-20mA and 0-10V. Front accessed zero and span potentiometers allow 50% adjustment of offset and gain to compensate for sensor errors or signal losses.
All ActionI/Q modules feature SnapLoc plug-in screw terminals for easy installation . Two or more modules can slide together and interlock for solid, high density mounting (remove either the DIN rail foot or the adjacent unit’s faceplate, for right side or left side mounting, respectively). The module to be attached will easily slide onto the side of the mounted unit.
DC input four-wire transmitters are used to isolate and convert DC voltage or current signals into proportional, standard industrial control signals such as 4-20mA or 0-10V. Typically an industrial control system such as a DCS or PLC requires standard industrial control signals with full isolation to ensure reliable, strong signals.
In most industrial process control or data acquisition applications, several different input sources, including voltages and currents from various field instruments (e.g. level, flow, pressure and position sensors), are common. Four-wire transmitters accept these field inputs and provide the controller (DCS & PLC) with the standard industrial signal it requires. The four-wire transmitter will increase the signal drive to high impedance loads and may improve resolution of the process variable.
The ActionI/Q model Q404 operates as a four-wire transmitter; each channel derives its power from an independent, transformer isolated DC power source (10.8 to 26.4VDC).
The Q404 has fixed input and output ranges. The standard input and output ranges shown in Table 1 are calibrated to rated accuracy. One range per module; two channels per module, maximum.
Note: For best results, calibration should be performed with the intended output load, in the operating environment, mounted on a DIN rail, allowing at least one hour for thermal equilibrium of the system.
1) To check calibration, connect the input to a calibrated DC source. Connect the output to a DC voltage or current meter and the input power to a DC source (10.8 to 26.4VDC) capable of providing up to 0.5 Amps.
2) Set the calibrator to the specified minimum DC input value and adjust the zero potentiometer for minimum (e.g. 4mA) output.
3) Set the calibrator to the specified maximum DC input value and adjust the span potentiometer for maximum (e.g. 20mA) output.
4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 to validate calibration to the output load.
M o d e l
Q 4 0 4 2 L 0 8
Q 4 0 4 2 L 0 8
Q 4 0 4 2 L 2 8
Q 4 0 4 3 L 0 0
Q 4 0 4 3 L 0 1
Q 4 0 4 4 L 0 0
S t a n d a r d R a n g e s
I n p u t
0 t o 1 0 V o l t s
0 t o 1 0 V o l t s
0 t o t o
1 0
1 0
V o l t s
V o l t s
1 0 / 1 0 V o l t s
1 0 / 1 0 V o l t s
4 t o 2 0 m A
4 t o 2 0 m A
O u t p u t
4 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 5 V o l t s
1 t t o o 5
1 0
V o l t s
V o l t s
5 / 5
1 0 / 1 0
V o l t s
V o l t s
4 t o 2 0 m A
1 t o t o
V o l t s
V o l t s
0 t o 1 0 V o l t s
4 t o 2 0 m A
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 93 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Range: see Table 1
>1M ohms (voltage inputs)
< 20 ohms (current inputs)
Protection: withstands up to 24VDC (current input)
120VAC (voltage input) without damage
Common Mode: 2000VAC, input to ground
Output :
Range: see Table 1
Voltage Output Drive: 10mA (1k ohms, min.)
Current Output Compliance: 15V (750 ohms, max.)
LED Indication:
Green LED indicates power on
Output Accuracy:
< +0.1% of full-scale input typical
< +0.2% maximum @ 23
° C including linearity, repeatability and hysteresis
Front accessed 10 turn pot., + 50% of range for zero and span
< 0.025%/C of full-scale maximum for full-scale and zero
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emmissions: EN50081-1
Immunity: EN50082-2
Safety: EN50178
> 2000VAC between input and output and channel to channel
Response Time:
285microSec, -3db @ 3500 Hz (bipolar)
25mSec typical (10 to 90%) 9unipolar)
10.8 to 26.4VDC, 2W per channel max.
Operating: -5 to 60 ° C (23 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -40 to 80 ° C (-40 to 176 ° F)
Humidity (non-condensing):
Operating: 15 to 90% @45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @60 ° C
Wire Terminal:
Socketed screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard 22.2 (File No LR42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No E99775).
CE compliance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and low voltage 73/23/EEC.
Powered 4-20mA from
4-Wire Transmitter
Input (+)
Input (-)
Figure 1. Connections for a Loop Powered 2-Wire Transmitter or a Powered 4-20mA Input
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: Q404-2L08: Two 0-10Vdc inputs, two 4-20mA outputs
Q404-2L09: Two 0-10Vdc inputs, two 0-10Vdc outputs
Q404-2L28: Two -10/+10Vdc inputs, two -10/+10Vdc outputs
Q404-3L00: One 4-20mA input, one 4-20mA output, 24V Exc.
Q404-3L01: One 4-20mA input, one 0-10Vdc output, 24V Exc.
Q404-4L00: One 4-20mA input, two 4-20mA outputs
Input Range: (see Table 1)
Output Range: (see Table 1)
Accessories: (see Accessories)
ActionI/Q modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35 (model
MD03) DIN rail. In addition the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (500mA)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
T e r m i n a l
C o n n e c t i o n
C h a n n e l 1 , O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 1 , O u t p u t ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 2 , O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 2 , O u t p u t ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 2 , D C I n p u t ( )
T e r m i n a l
C 3
C 4
C 5
C 6
B 1
B 2
B 3
B 4
C o n n e c t i o n
C h a n n e l 2 , D C I n p u t ( + )
V o l t a g e S u p p l y ( + 2 4 V D C )
C h a n n e l 1 , D C I n p u t ( )
C h a n n e l 1 , D C I n p u t ( + )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
N o t C o n n e c t e d
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
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Q408-A000 (1 input; 1 output)
Q408-A004 (2 inputs; 2 outputs) n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
Field Configurable Output Ranges n
1800VAC Isolation n
TouchCAL™ Technology
DC Powered DC Input
Multi-Channel Isolator
Provides 1 or 2 Fully Isolated DC Output Signals in Proportion to 1 or 2 DC Inputs n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting n
Universal DC Power 10.8 to 26.4VDC
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
The model Q408 is a DC powered, DIN rail mount, DC input signal conditioner, with 1800V isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable inputs and outputs provide flexible, wide ranging capability for DC current and voltage signals.
The Q408 is available as a single channel signal conditioner (1 input/1 output) or a multi-channel signal conditioner (2 inputs/2 outputs). All models maintain the high 1800V isolation level from channel to channel, as well as input to output to power.
TouchCAL Technology
Action has simplified setpoint calibration. Using a pushbutton instead of potentiometers, improvements in calibration resolution and reliability are realized due to the elimination of the potentiometers’ mechanical variability. The thermal drift and mechanical variability of the potentiometers has been removed and replaced with a digitally stable circuit. Additionally, the inherent zero and span interactivity of analog amplifier circuitry is removed, providing 100% non-interactive adjustme
The field configurable input of the Q408 can be set via DIP switches for any one of 12 voltage ranges from 10mV to 100V or 6 current ranges from 1mA to 100mA (see Table 1). The field configurable out put is linear to the input and can be set for either 0-5V, 0-
10V,0-1mA or 4-20mA.
The ActionI/Q Q408 field configurable isolator is useful in eliminating ground loops, converting signal levels, and providing signal drive. The field configurable, wide ranging capabilities ensure maximum flexibility for most DC to DC applications, minimizing spare parts requirements.
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q408 has three diagnostic LEDs. The green (RUN) LED is used for diagnostics to indicate that power is on. It will flash quickly if the input signal is above the calibrated range or slowly if the input signal is below range. It is on continuously when the unit is functioning within the calibrated range. The yellow (IN) LED is on while calibrating the input and the red (OUT) LED is on while calibrating the output.
The Q408 can be configured for input ranges from 10mV to 100V or 1mA to 100mA, with >90% input offset or it will adjust down to <10% of fullscale input span (except on 20mV/2mA range where maximum offset or gain adjustment is 50%).
Unless a specific custom calibration is specified, the factory presets the Q408 as follows:
Input Range: 20mA (Current on)
Input Configuration: Unipolar
Calibrated Input: 4-20mA
Operation: Direct (Reverse off)
Calibrated Output: 4-20mA
For other I/O ranges, refer to the tables below.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. With power off, snap off the faceplate by lifting the right edge away from the heatsink. Slide the heatsink forward and off the module.
2. The single channel module has two eight position switch blocks, one for input and one for output. The dual output modules have a second board behind the heatsink. Gently lift this board away from the main board, rocking it back while lifting. The one input, two output module has one ten position switch block for input and channel 1 output, along with a two position switch for the second output. The two input, two output module has two ten position switch blocks, one for each channel.
3. For single channel modules, choose the desired input, function and output range from Table 1, 2, and 3. For multi-channel modules, use Table 4. Set the dip switches for the desired I/O.
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Note: For best results, calibration should be performed with the intended output load, in the operating environment, mounted on a DIN rail, allowing at least one hour for thermal equilibrium of the system.
1. Install the module on to a piece of DIN rail and the I/Q Rail mounting combination. See the I/Q Rail Data sheet for details.
Note: An I/QRail is required to deliver power to the modules. See ordering information.
2. Connect the input to a calibrated DC source and the output to a voltage or current meter. Apply power and allow the system to reach thermal equilibrium (approx. 20 minutes ).
3. Adjust the input signal to the desired maximum and observe that the green LED is on or flashing. Push the CAL button and hold it down for more than 5 seconds (until the yellow and Green LEDs are flashing).
4. When the yellow and green LEDs stop flashing, the yellow and red LEDs will be on. Push the CAL button momentarily (the yellow and green LEDs will be on).
Note: To quit the calibration mode and reset the unit, push the CAL button and hold for more than 5 seconds. Or, wait for more than two minutes and the unit will timeout and reset itself to the previously stored calibration.
5. Apply the maximum input signal level desired, and push the CAL button to store (the yellow LED will be on).
6. Apply the minimum input signal level desired, and push the CAL button to store (the green and red LED will be on.
7. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired maximum level (e.g. 20.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the red LED will be on).
8. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired minimum level (e.g. 4.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the yellow, green and red LEDs will be on).
9. Push the CAL button one final time to store the calibration data.
The green LED will be on if the input is within the calibrated range.
Table 1: Input Range Settings for Single Channel Modules
R a n g e s S e l e c t o r S W 1
V o l t a g e C u r r e n t 1 2 3 4
0 m m m m m
0 m m m m m
A n n n n n n n n n n
1 0 0 m A n n n n n n n n
V n n n n n n
1 0 0 V n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
Table 2: Input Function Settings for Single Channel Modules
S e l e c t o r S W 1
B i n p i
R e v p o l o a e r l a r s
T y p e r e
5 6 7 8 n
D i r e c t -
C u r r e n t n
V o l t a g e n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d ; = n / a
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Table 3: Output Range Settings for Single Channel Modules
R a n g e s S e l e c t o r S W 2
0 t t t
O o o o u
1 t p
0 m u
A t
4 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 2 0 m A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Page 96
Table 4: I/O Range & Function Settings for Dual Channel Modules
V o l t a
R a n g e s g e C u r r e n t
1 0
2 0
0 m
0 m
0 m
0 m m
2 V
2 m A
5 m A
1 0 m A
2 0 m A
5 0 m A
1 0 0 m A
5 V
1 0 V
2 5 V
5 0 V
1 0 0 V
S e l e c t o r S W 1 o r S W 2 *
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
1 0
U n i p o l a r
V o l t a g e
C u r r e n t n n n
0 t t t o o o
0 m u
A t p u t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 n n n n
4 t o 2 0 m A
K e y : n
* A p p il e s
= 1 t o
= d u
O a l
N o r C l o s c h a n n e l e d m o d e l
Note that 0-20mA output is NOT available on multichannel units. Note also that Reverse Action is NOT available on multichannel units.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 1: Q408 Calibration Flow Chart
Page 97 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Range Limits: 10mV to 100V (see Table 1)
Impedance: >100k ohms
Overvoltage: 200V continuous
Range Limits: 1mA to 100mA
Impedance: 20 ohms typical
Overcurrent: 170mA, protectedby self resetting fuse
Overvoltage: 60V
Pushbutton Adjustment (inputs>10mV)
Effective zero offset: > 90%
Effective span turn down: > 90% except for 20mV/2mA range where 50% is max. zero offset and span turndown
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <10 ohms
Drive: 10mA max.
Output: 4-20mA, 0-1mA
(and 0-20mA on single output channel versions only)
Source Impedance: >100k ohms
0-1mA: 7.5V max. (7.5k ohms)
4-20mA: 12V max. (600 ohms)*
0-20mA: 12V max. (600 ohms)
*10V max. (500ohms) on dual output versions
Output Accuracy:
>2mA / >20mV input spans:
+0.1% of full-scale input typical,
+0.2% maximum
<2mA / <20mV input spans:
+ 0.35% of fullscale input typical,
+ 0.5% maxmum; including linearity, repeatability and hysteresis @23 ° C
Output Ripple:
<50% offset or span adjust:
<0.1% off full scale span or 25mV RMS, whichever is greater
>50% offset or span adjust:
<0.2% of full scale span or 50mV RMS, whichever is greater.
Response Time: 200mSec, typical
Stability: +0.025% of fullscale/ ° C, max. (fullscale & zero)
Common Mode Rejection: 120dB at DC, >90dB at 60Hz
> 1800VDC or peak AC between input, output, power and channel to channel
ESD Susceptibility: Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3 (8kV)
Humidity (non-condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% RH @45 ° C
Soak: 90% RH for 24 hours @60 ° C
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Power: 2.5W max; 9-30VDC
Wire Terminals: Socketed screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals
CSA certified per standard C22,2 (File No LR 42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99775).
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
C 1
C 2
C o n n e c t i o n
C h a n n e l 1 O u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 1 O u t ( )
C h a n n e l 2 O u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 2 O u t ( )
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
C h a n n e l 2 I n ( )
C h a n n e l 2 I n ( + )
T e r m i n a l
C 3
C 4
C 5
C 6
P 1
P 2
P 3
P 4
C o n n e c t i o n
N o t C o n n e c t e d
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 1 I n ( )
C h a n n e l 1 I n ( + )
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Q408-A000 : one input, one output DC Isolator
Q408-A004 : two input, two output DC Isolator
Specify optional I/QRail, type and quantity.
Optional Factory Custom Calibration, specify C620 - with desired input and output ranges.
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Action I/Q modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35 (model
MD03) DIN rail. In addition the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
IQRL-D002 2 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D004 4 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D008 8 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3Amp)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 98 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
DC Powered Potentiometer Input
Signal Conditioner
Provides a DC Output in Proportion to a Potentiometer Input
Q438-0000 n
Accepts Potentiometers from 100 Ohms to 100k Ohms n
Wide Ranging Zero and Span n
ASIC Technology n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting n
Flexible DC Power Supply 9 to 30VDC n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
The Q438 is a DIN rail mount, potentiometer input signal conditioner with 1800VDC isolation between DC power and the input/ output circuitry. The input provides a constant voltage and is designed to accept any three-wire potentiometer from 100 ohms to
100k ohms. The field configurable output is switch selectable providing a 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, 0-20mA or 4-20mA DC signal. Wide ranging, precision zero and span pots, used in conjunction with DIP switches, allow 80% adjustablity of offset and gain to transmit a full scale output from any 20% portion of the potentiometer input.
The Q438 is useful in transmitting process control setpoints to remote
PID controllers or interfacing position or level sensors to data acquisition and control systems. The high density DIN rail mounting offers an extremely compact solution for saving valuable panel space.
In a valve positioning application a potentiometer is sometimes used as a feedback signal. Quite often a wide open valve is only a 25% turn of the feedback potentiometer. The Q438 can easily be adjusted with the zero and span to provide a fullscale output signal (e.g. 4-20mA) representing 0-25% or even 50-75% of the potentiometer input.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model Q438 as follows:
Input Range: 0 to 100%
Output: 4 to 20mA
For other output ranges, refer to Tables 1 and 2 to reconfigure switches SW1 and SW2 for the desired input and output ranges.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
Note: For best results, calibration should be performed with the intended output load, in the operating environment, mounted on a DIN rail, allowing at least one hour for thermal equilibrium of the system.
1. With power disconnected, set the output and input switch selectors (SW1 and SW2) to the desired ranges (see Tables 1 and 2).
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 99
2. Connect the input to a potentiometer. Connect the output to the actual device load (or a load approximately equivalent to the actual device load value) and apply power.
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing approximately 1 to 2 hours for warm up and thermal equilibrium of the system.
3. Set the input to the desired minimum and adjust the zero potentiometer for the desired minimum output.
4. Set the input to the desired maximum and adjust the span potentiometer for the desired maximum output.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, if necessary.
Table 1: Input Range Settings
S p a n
S e l e c t o r S W 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
( d e f a u l t )
2 0 1 0 0 %
4 5
8 5 -
1 0
1 0
0 %
0 % n n
1 2 3 4 5 6 O f f s e t
( d e f a u l t ) 0 2 0 %
2 0 4 5 %
4 5 6 5 %
6 5 8 0 %
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n
Table 2: Output Range Settings
0 t o + 1 0 V
0 t o 1 m A
( d e f a u l t ) 4 t o 2 0 m A
S e l e c t o r S W 1
O u t p u t
0 t
0 o t o
2 0
+ 5 m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Potentiometer Input:
End-to-end Resistance: 100 ohms up to 100k ohms
Input Impedance: >1M ohms
Input Excitation: 500mV, 5mA maximum drive.
Zero Turn-Up: 80% of full scale input
Span Turn-Down: 80% of full scale input
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <10 ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1k ohms min. @10V)
Current Output:
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Source Impedance: >100k ohms
0-1mA; 7.5V, max. (7.5k ohms, max.)
0-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
4-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis):
± 0.1% maximum at 25 ° C
< ± 0.05%/ ° C maximum of full scale range
Response Time (10 to 90%):
<200mSec., typical.
Common Mode Rejection:
120dB @ DC, >100dB @ 60Hz
1800VDC between line power and input, and power and output
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emissions: EN50081-1
Immunity: EN50082-2
Safety: EN50178
LED Indication (green):
Active DC power
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range :
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5W max
Range: 9 to 30VDC
0.48 lbs
Agency Approvals:
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99775)
CSA certified per standard C22.2 No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272-84).
CE Compliance per EMCdirective 89/3/36 EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC.
Ordering Information
Models And Accessories
Model: Q438-0000
Specify optional I/QRail, type and quantity.
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output range
Accessories: (see Accessories)
ActionI/Q modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN Rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
IQRL-D002 2 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D004 4 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D008 8 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3Amp)
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
C o n n e c t i o n
D C O u t p u t ( + )
D C O u t p u t ( )
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
T e r m i n a l
C 1
C o n n e c t i o n
N o t U s e d
C 4
C 5
C 6
N o t U s e d
P o t .
C a s e G r o u n d
P o o o t t t
I n n n p p p u u u t t t
W f f u u i p ll ll y e y r
W )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 100 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Q448-0000 n
Adjustable Bridge Excitation n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
Field Configurable Output Ranges n
TouchCAL Technology
DC Powered Bridge Input
Signal Isolator
Provides an Isolated DC Output in Proportion to a Bridge/Strain Gauge Input n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting n
Flexible DC Power Supply Accepts 18 to 30VDC n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
The Q448 is a DIN rail mount, DC powered bridge or strain gauge input signal conditioner with 1800VDC isolation between input, output and power. Advanced digital technology combined with
ASIC technology allows the Q448 to be field configured for virtually any Bridge input to DC output within the limits specified.
The input can be set via DIP switches for any one of 11 voltage ranges from 10mV to ± 200mV (see Table 1). The output is linear to the input and can be set for either 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA or 4-
20mA, direct or reverse acting.
TouchCAL TM Technology
The Q448 utilizes TouchCAL technology which greatly simplifies calibration. Once the unit is configured via DIP switches, the pushbutton is used to precisely calibrate the minimum and maximum levels. The thermal drift and mechanical variability of the potentiometers has been removed and replaced with a digitally stable circuit. Additionally, the inherent zero and span interactivity of potentiometer based analog amplifier circuitry is removed, providing 100% non-interactive adjustment.
TouchCAL provides more than 90% offset of the zero value and adjustment down to 10% of the full scale input span for most of the
11 switch selectable input ranges. For example, the DIP switch configured 0-100mV input range could be calibrated via pushbutton for 0-40mV (i.e. 60% span reduction) or offset to a range of 60-100mV (i.e. 60% offset and 60% span reduction). If the output was configured for 0-10V, then 60-100mV input would correspond to the 0-10V full scale output. Thus, an input range such as 90-
100mV is possible using the 0-100mV range. A TARE function is also provided to allow batch offsets (0285 and later firmware).
To calibrate the input within the DIP switch configured range, simply apply the high input signal and push the CAL button. The low input signal is then applied and pushing the CAL button again stores the low input signal (these steps are reversed for reverse mode operation).
The high and low input levels are stored in nonvolatile memory and correspond to the high and low output levels. These output levels are precisely adjusted using the input signal.
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q448 has three diagnostic LEDs. The green (RUN) LED is used for diagnostics to indicate that power is on. It will flash quickly if the input signal is above the calibrated range or slowly if the input signal is below range. It is on continuously when the unit is functioning within the calibrated range.
The yellow (IN) LED is on while calibrating the input and the red
(OUT) LED is on while calibrating the output.
The Q448 bridge input signal conditioner is useful in isolating ground loops and interfacing bridge sensors to data acquisition and control systems. Three-way isolation completely eliminates ground loops from any source. Isolation protects expensive SCADA systems from ground faults and provides filtering for noise reduction which can be a significant problem with millivolt bridge signals.
Wide ranging flexibility allows the user to easily zero out deadloads in weighing systems or configure bipolar input ranges for tension-compression or vacuum-pressure bridge applications.
High density DIN rail mounting offers an extremely compact solution for saving valuable panel space.
The Q448 can be configured for input ranges from 10mV to +/-
200mV, with 90% input offset, or it will adjust down to 10% of fullscale input span (except on 10mV, +/-5mV range where maximum offset or gain adjustment is 50%).
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model Q448 as follows:
Input Setting: 0 to 50mV
Input Range: 0 to 30mV (3mV/V)
Excitation: 10V
Operation: Direct
Output: 4 to 20mA
For other I/O ranges, refer to the tables below.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 101 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. With power off, snap off the faceplate by lifting the right edge away from the heat sink. Slide off the metal heatsink.
2. Note that the module has two eight position switch blocks, one for input and one for output.
3. Choose the desired ranges from Tables 1-4. Return the heatsink to its original position and attach the faceplate before beginning calibration.
For best results, calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing at least one hour for thermal stability of the system. If pre-calibration on a test bench is preferred, then an output load equal to the input impedance of the device connected to the Q448 output is recommended, along with a 1 hour warm up period.
1. For best results install the module on to a piece of DIN rail or the
I/Q Rail mounting accessory. See the I/Q Rail data sheet for details.
Note: An I/QRail is required to power the modules. See ordering information.
2. Connect the input to a calibrated DC source and the output to a voltage or current meter. Apply power and allow the system to reach thermal equilibrium (approximately 20 minutes).
3. Adjust the input signal to the desired maximum and observe that the green LED is on or flashing. Push the CAL button and hold it down for six flashes of the yellow LED (until the yellow and green
LEDs are flashing), then release the button.
Note: To quit the calibration mode and reset the unit, push the CAL button again and hold for more than 5 seconds. Or wait for more than two minutes and the unit will time-out and automatically reset to the previously stored calibration.
Note: For the reverse operating mode (SW1-6 closed), input the minimum signal in step 4 of calibration.
4. The yellow and red LEDs will be on. Push the CAL button. Apply the maximum input signal level desired and push the CAL button to store. The yellow LED will now be on.
Note: For the reverse operating mode (SW1-6 closed), input the maximum signal in step 5 of calibration.
5. Apply the minimum input signal level desired and push the CAL button to store. The green and red LED will now be on.
6. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired maximum level (e.g. 20.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the red LED will be on).
7. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired minimum level (e.g. 4.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the yellow, green and red LEDs will be on).
8. To finish calibration, push the CAL button once again. The green
LED will be on if the input is within the calibrated range.
Note: The TARE function is enabled by depressing the TARE/(CAL) until the yellow LED flashes at least once and less than six times. The input present at that time will be used as the TARE value and the output will be the minimum output when the module was calibrated.
Table 1: Input Range Settings
S e l e c t o r S W 1
I n p u t R a n g e
1 2 3 4 5
0 t t
5 t t t o o t t t o o o t
2 o o o
1 0
2 0
5 0
0 0
0 0 o
0 m V m V m V m V m V m V m m m
V n n
0 t t o o
0 m m
V n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
Table 3: Bridge Excitation Settings
E x c i t a t i o n
V o l l t a g e
9 .
8 t o 1 0 .
1 V
4 .
8 t o 5 .
2 V
0 t o 1 0 V n
0 t o 2 .
5 V
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
7 n
S W 1
8 n n
Table 4: Output Range Settings
S e l e c t o r S W 2
O u t p u t R a n g e
0 t t
0 t
0 o o t o o
2 t o
0 m
0 m
0 m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n = 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Table 2: Direct or Reverse Setting
S W 1
O p e r a t i o n
D i r e c t
R e v e r s e n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 102 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Q448 Calibration Flow Chart
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 2: Bridge Reference Designations
Page 103 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Full Scale Range: 10mV to ± 200mV (Table 1).
Impedance: >1M ohm
Intermittent 400V, max.; Continuous 264V, max.
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
1800VDC, max.
Pushbutton Adjustment:
Effective zero offset: >90%
Effective span turn down: >90% except for 10mV & +/-5mV range in which 50% is max. zero offset and span turndown
Operation: direct or reverse acting
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Impedance: <10 ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K ohms, min. @ 10V)
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Impedance: >100K ohms
0-1mA; 7.5V, max.(7.5K ohms, max.)
0-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
4-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
Bridge Excitation
1 to 10VDC, 120mA max. Current drive decreases at 10mA/V below
5V (e.g. 4V, 110mA max.)
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis):
± 0.1% typical, ± 0.2% maximum of selected input range at 25 ° C.
± 0.025%/ ° C typical, 0.05%/ ° C maximum, of selected full scale input range.
Output Noise (maximum):
0.1% of span, rms, or 10mV, whichever is greater.
Response Time (10 to 90%):
<200mSec., typical.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB, 100dB (0 -1mA, range)
800VDC between input, output and power.
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emissions: EN50081-1; Immunity: EN50082-2; Safety: EN50178
LED Indication (green):
Input Range (approx.)
>110% input: 8Hz flash
<0% input: 4Hz flash
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
2.7W typical (one 350 ohm bridge)
4W max. (four 350 ohm bridges).
Range: 18 to 30VDC
Shipping Weight:
0.54 lbs.
Wire Terminations:
Screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals:
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99775).
CSA certified per standard C22.2 No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987
(File No. LR42272-84).
CE Compliance per EMC directive 89/3/36 EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC.
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
A 3
C o n n e c t i o n
D C O u t p u t ( + )
D C O u t p u t ( )
N o t U s e d
A 4
A 5
A 6
C 1
C 2
N o t U s e d
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
B r i d g e E x c i t a t i o n ( + )
B r i d g e I n p u t ( + )
T e r m i n a l
C 3
C 4
C 5
C o n n e c t i o n
B r i d g e I n p u t ( )
B r i d g e E x c i t a t i o n ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C 6
P 1
P 2
P 3
P 4
N o t C o n n e c t e d
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
Dimensions Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: Q448-0000 ;
Specify optional I/QRail, type and quantity.
Optional Factory Custom Calibration, specify C620 - with desired input and output ranges.
Accessories: (see Accessories)
ActionI/Q modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35 (model
MD03) DIN rail. In addition the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
IQRL-D002 2 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D004 4 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D008 8 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3Amp)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 104 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Q468-0000 n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
Field Configurable Output Ranges n
TouchCAL Technology
DC Powered AC Input
Signal Isolator
Provides an Isolated DC Output in Proportion to an AC Input n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting n
Flexible DC Power Supply Accepts 9 to 30VDC n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
The Q468 is a DIN rail mount, AC input signal conditioner with
1800VDC isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable input and output offers flexible, wide ranging capability for scaling, converting or buffering AC inputs ranging from
5mA to 100mAAC or 50mV to 300VAC.
For current inputs above 100mA, it is recommended that an input shunt resistor be used and the Q468 be configured for the proper input range. For example, a 5A current transformer output can use the C006 shunt resistor (0.1 ohm, 5W) with the input of the Q468 set for 0-500mVAC.
The DC output of the Q468 is proportional to the average of the fully-rectified AC input signal, and is calibrated for sine waves between 40-400Hz.
TouchCAL TM Technology
The Q468 utilizes TouchCAL technology which greatly simplifies calibration. The thermal drift and mechanical variability of the potentiometers has been removed and replaced with a digitally stable circuit. Once the unit is configured via DIP switches for voltage or current, the pushbutton is used to precisely calibrate the minimum and maximum levels.
To set the input level within the dip switch configured range, simply apply the high input signal (voltage or current) and push the
CAL button. The low input signal is then applied and pushing the
CAL button again stores the low input signal. The high and low input levels are stored in nonvolatile memory and correspond to the high and low output levels. These output levels are precisely adjusted using the input signal.
TouchCAL technology enables precise calibration and provides more than 90% offset of the zero value and adjustment down to 10% of the full scale input span for most of the 16 switch selectable input ranges.
For example, the dipswitch configured 0-200V input range could be calibrated via pushbutton for 0-80V (i.e. 60% span reduction) or offset to a range of 120-200V (i.e. 60% offset and 60% span reduction). If the output was configured for 0-10V, then 120-200V input would correspond to the 0-10V full scale output. Input ranges such as 180-
200V or 0-20V are possible using the 0-200V range.
Advanced digital technology combined with Action’s exclusive
ASIC technology allows the Q468 to be field configured for virtually any AC input to DC output within the limits specified.
The Q468 is useful in applications requiring an isolated, conditioned
DC output from an AC signal. Typical applications include energy management, load shedding, motor current/load monitoring, locked rotor detection, isolation and data acquisition. The output of the
Q466 can drive a digital meter for direct display or can interface with alarm or control devices including PLCs and computers.
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q468 has three diagnostic LEDs. The green (RUN) LED is used for diagnostics to indicate that power is on. It will flash quickly if the input signal is above the calibrated range or slowly if the input signal is below range. It is on continuously when the unit is functioning within the calibrated range.
The yellow (INPUT) LED is on while calibrating the input level. The red (OUTPUT) LED is on while calibrating the output level.
The Q468 can be configured for input ranges from 50mV to 300V or 5mA to 100mA, with >90% input offset or it will adjust down to <10% of full scale input span (except on the 100mV/10mA range in which maximum offset or gain adjustment is 50%).
Unless a specific custom calibration is specified, the factory presets the Q468 as follows:
Input Range: 0 -500mV
Calibrated Output: 4-20mA
For other I/O ranges, refer to the tables.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 105 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. With power off, snap off the faceplate by lifting the right edge away from the heatsink. Slide the heatsink forward and off the module.
2. Choose the desired range from Tables 1-3. Return the heatsink to its original position and attach the faceplate before beginning calibration.
For best results, calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing at least one hour for thermal stability of the system. If pre-calibration on a test bench is preferred, then an output load equal to the input impedance of the device connected to the Q468 output is recommended, along with a 1 hour warm up period.
1. For best results install the module on to a piece of DIN rail or the I/Q Rail mounting accessories if desired. See the I/Q Rail Data sheet for details.
Note: An I/QRail is required to power the modules. See ordering information.
2. Connect the input to a calibrated AC source and the output to a voltage or current meter. Apply power and allow the system to reach thermal equilibrium (approx. 20 minutes ).
3. Adjust the input signal to the desired maximum and observe that the green LED is on or flashing. Push the CAL button and hold it down for more than 5 seconds (until the yellow and Green LEDs are flashing), then release the button.
Note: To quit the calibration mode and reset the unit, push and hold the CAL button for more than 5 seconds. Or, wait for more than two minutes and the unit will timeout and automatically reset to the previously stored calibration.
4. When the yellow and green LEDs stop flashing, the yellow and red LEDs will be on. Push the CAL button momentarily (the yellow and green LEDs will now be on).
5. Apply the maximum input signal level desired and push the CAL button to store. The yellow LED will now be on.
6. Apply the minimum input signal level desired and push the CAL button to store. The green and red LED will now be on.
7. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired maximum level (e.g. 20.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the red LED will be on).
8. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired minimum level (e.g. 4.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the yellow, green and red LEDs will be on).
9. To finish calibration, push the CAL button once again. The green
LED will be on if the input is within the calibrated range.
Table 1: Input Range Settings
R a n g e s S e l e c t o r S W 1
A C V o l t a g e
1 0 0 m V
2 0 0 m V
5 0 0 m V
1 V
2 V
A C C u r
1 r e n
0 m m m m
5 V
1 0 V
2 0 V
5 0 V
1 0 0 V
2 0 0 V
3 0 0 V
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d t
A n n n
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
Figure 1: Load monitoring using a current transformer and the Q468
Table 3: Input Type Settings
S W 1
I n p u t T y p e
C u r r e n t
V o l t a g e
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
8 n
Table 2: Output Range Settings
R a n g e s S e l e c t o r S W 2
0 t t t t t
O o o o o o u
2 t p
0 m u
0 m
0 m t
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n = 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 106 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 2: Q468 Calibration Flow Chart
Page 107 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Ranges: 100mVAC to 300VAC
Impedance: >100K ohms
Overvoltage: 330VAC
Ranges: 10mA to 100mAAC
Impedance: 20 ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 170mAAC
Overvoltage: 60V peak
Frequency Range:
DC to 400Hz, factory calibrated at 60Hz
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
1800VDC, max.
Pushbutton Adjustment:
Effective zero offset: >90%
Effective span turn down: >90% except for 100mV/10mA range in which 50% is max. zero offset and span turn down
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <10 ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K ohms, min. @ 10V)
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Source Impedance: >100K ohms
0-1mA; 7.5V, max. (7.5K ohms, max.)
0-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
4-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
LED Indication:
RUN (green):
On when unit is powered flashes at 8Hz when input is 7% above max.
INPUT (yellow):
On while calibrating the input level
OUTPUT (red):
On while calibrating the output level
Ordering Information
Models and Accessories
Model: Q468-0000
Specify optional I/QRail, type and quantity.
Optional Factory Custom Calibration, specify C620 - with desired input and output ranges.
Accessories: (see Accessories)
ActionI/Q modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35 (model
MD03) DIN rail. In addition the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
IQRL-D002 2 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D004 4 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D008 8 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3Amp)
Accuracy (Including Linearity & Hysteresis):
+0.1% of span, typical
+0.5% of span, maximum (100mV range)
+0.025%/ ° C of selected input span, typical.
Response Time (10 to 90%):
250mSec., typical.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1800VDC between input, output and power.
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emmissions: EN50081-1; Immunity: EN50082-2; Safety: EN50178
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5W max.
Range: 9 to 30VDC
Wire Terminations:
Screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Shipping Weight:
0.48 lbs.
Agency Approvals:
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99775).
CSA certified per standard C22.2 No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987
(File No. LR42272-84).
CE Compliance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC.
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
C o n
O u t p u t ( + )
O u t p u t ( ) n e c t i o n
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
C 1
C 2
N o o
C o o t t t t
U s s o o s s e e w w e e d d e e d d r r
T e r m i n a l
C 3
C 4
C 5
C 6
C o n n e c t i o n
I n p u t V o l t a g e ( L i n e )
I n p u t ( N e u t r a l )
I n o p t u
U t s
C e d u r r e n t ( L i n e )
P 3
P 4
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
P o w
P o w e r e r
( +
( )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 108 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
DC Powered Frequency Input
Field Configurable Isolator
Provides an Isolated DC Output in Proportion to an Input Frequency
Q478-0000 n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Field Configurable Input Ranges 2Hz to 10,000Hz n
Field Configurable Output Ranges n
150mV to 150V Input Amplitude n
TouchCAL Technology n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting n
Flexible DC Power Supply Accepts 9 to 30VDC n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
The Q478 is a DC powered DIN rail mount, frequency input signal conditioner with 1800VDC isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable input and output offers flexible, wide ranging capability for variable frequency drives, magnetic pickups, turbine flowmeters, and other pulse or frequency output transducers.
The input of the Q478 can be configured for any frequency span from 2Hz to 10,000Hz. The input amplitude threshold sensitivity can be adjusted from 150mVp to 10Vp to ensure accurate frequency measurement and minimize transient noise related errors. The maximum input amplitude is 150 Vrms. The output can be set for either 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, 0-20mA or 4-20mA.
The Q478 can be field configured for virtually any frequency input to DC signal output within the ranges specified. There is also an
8VDC excitation source common to the input. This can be used as a signal source for relay contacts or as an excitation source for open collector type proximity sensors. The Q478 is DC powered and will accept any power between 9 and 30VDC.
TouchCAL Technology
The Q478 utilizes TouchCAL Technology to greatly simplify configuration. The high and low input ranges are stored in nonvolatile memory and correspond to the high and low output range which is selected via DIP switches.
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q478 utilizes three diagnostic LEDs. The green (RUN) LED indicates DC power and input signal status. Active line power is indicated by an illuminated LED. If the input signal is 7% or more high, the LED will flash at 8Hz. If the input signal is 7% or more low, the LED will flash at 4Hz.
The yellow (IN) LED is lit when calibrating the input. The red (OUT)
LED is lit when calibrating the output.
The Q478 field configurable, frequency input signal conditioner is useful in eliminating ground loops and interfacing pulse output transducers, such as turbine flow meters and magnetic pickups, to data acquisition and control systems.
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Advanced digital technology, combined with ASIC technology, provides a stable output at low frequencies for higher accuracy, and 3-way isolation which completely eliminates ground loops from any source.
Any 2Hz range from 0 to 10,000Hz can be converted to a full scale output signal (e.g. 0-2Hz/4-20mA or 9998-10,000Hz/4-20mA).
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model Q478 as follows:
Input Range: 0 to 1000Hz
Sensitivity: 1V RMS
Output Range: 4 to 20mA
Note that "Sensitivity" refers to the noise rejection level (the trigger threshold of the input).
For other I/O ranges, refer to the tables.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. With power off, snap off the faceplate by lifting the right edge away from the heatsink. Then slide the heatsink forward and off the module. The output switch block (SW2) is located under the heatsink. Choose the desired output voltage/current range from
Table 1 and set positions 1-8 of SW2.
2. Set the input sensitivity switch (SW2, 9 & 10) to LO for input amplitudes between 150mVp and 50Vrms, with noise rejection to
1Vp; or to HI for input amplitudes between 500mVp and 150Vrms, with noise rejection up to 10Vp.
3. Return the heatsink to its original position and attach the faceplate before beginning calibration.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
For best results, calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing at least one hour for thermal stability of the system. If pre-calibration on a test bench is preferred, then an output load equal to the input impedance of the device connected to the Q478 output is recommended, along with a 1 hour warm up period.
Note: An I/QRail is required to power the modules. See Ordering
1. Install the module on a piece of DIN rail and the I/Q Rail mounting combination. See the I/Q Rail data sheet for details.
2. Connect the input to a calibrated frequency source and the output to a voltage or current meter. Apply power and allow the system to reach thermal equilibrium (approx. 20 minutes).
3. Adjust the input frequency to the desired maximum and observe that the ouput has increased and is sensing the input. If the output fails to increase, turn the sensitivity potentiometer in a counterclockwise direction until the output begins to change proportionally to the input.
Note: The level LED may not appear to be on if the new range is less than 10% of the previously calibrated range.
4. With the green LED on press the CAL button for 5 seconds to enter the calibration mode. The yellow and green LEDs will now be on.
5. Input the maximum desired frequency and press the CAL button to store. The yellow LED will now be the only LED on.
6. Input the minimum desired frequency and press the CAL button to store. The green and red LEDs will now be on.
Note: The most reliable way to input 0Hz is to short circuit the input pins (C5 & C6).
7. To precisely adjust the maximum output, adjust the input frequency until the output reads within +0.1% of the maximum selected output range. This typically occurs near 90% of the HI input frequency. Press the CAL button to store the value. The red
LED will now be on.
8. To precisely adjust the minimum output, lower the input frequency until the output reads within +0.1% of the minimum selected output. This typically occurs near 10% of the HI input frequency. Press the CAL button to store the value. The yellow and Red LEDs will be on. The green LED should be dim.
9. Press the CAL button once again to exit the calibration mode.
The green LED will now be on.
10. Check the minimum and maximum input-to-output calibration. Repeat steps 1 to 8 if calibration is not within desired specifications.
Note 1: To reset the unit while in the calibration mode, push the CAL button and hold for 5 seconds.
Note 2: Removing power to the unit at anytime before Step 8 will restore previous settings and calibration.
Optimal Sensitivity
If the amplitudes of the input frequency are within the sensitivity parameters (i.e. 150mVp - 1Vp for LO and 0.5Vp - 10Vp for HI), then the sensitivity parameters can be set for optimum noise rejection.
1. Set the input near midrange (50% input) or to a frequency that exhibits the minimum pulse amplitude.
2. Turn the sensitivity pot (SENS) clockwise (CW) until the output drops to minimum.
3. Turn the sensitivity pot counter-clockwise (CCW) a turn or two until the output returns to the previous level.
4. Run the input through the entire frequency range to make sure that the pulses are sensed at both the low and high input frequencies. If the output drops out during this test, turn the sensitivity pot counterclockwise another turn or two until the output picks up. Repeat to validate sensitivity settings.
Table 1: Output Range Settings
0 t o 1 0 V
0 t o 1 m A
4 t o 2 0 m A
S e l e c t o r S W 2
R a n g e s t o
2 t
0 o 5 m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Table 2: Input Sensitivity Settings
S e n s i t i v i t y
H i g h ( 0 .
1 5 0 V r m s m t a o x i
1 0 V p m u m )
L o w
5 0
( 1 5
V r
0 m m s
V p t o 1 V p ; m a x i m u m )
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
S W 2
1 0 n
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Figure 1: Q478 Calibration Flow Chart
Page 111 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Full Scale Range: 2 Hz to 10,000Hz.
Amplitude Range: 150mVp to 150Vrms
Impedance: >10K ohms
Overvoltage: 180Vrms, max.
Over-range: 20KHz, max.
Common Mode (Input to Gnd): 1800V, max.
Zero Turn-Up: 99% of full scale range (9998Hz)
Span Turn-Down: 99% of full scale range (2Hz)
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <100 ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K ohms, min. @ 10V)
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Source Impedance: >100K ohms
0-1mA; 7.5V, max. (7.5K ohms, max.)
0-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
4-20mA; 12V, max. (600 ohms, max.)
Accuracy (Including Hysteresis & Linearity):
+0.1% of selected range at 25 ° C
+0.025%/ ° C maximum of selected range.
Excitation Voltage:
8VDC, for open collector and contact closure inputs, 5mA short circuit current max.
Response Time (10 to 90%)
500mSec., or 100 times the period of the full scale frequency.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC: 100dB
>60Hz: 80dB
1800VDC between input, output and power.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: Q478-0000
Specify optional I/QRail, type and quantity.
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output range
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Action I/Q modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN Rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
IQRL-D002 2 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D004 4 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D008 8 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3Amp)
ESD Susceptibility
Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3(8KV)
LED Indication:
LVL (green):
Lit when power is on
Input < 107% then 8Hz flash
Input > -7% then 4Hz flash
IN (yellow):
Input range programming status
OUT (red):
Output range programming status
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (5 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
2.5W max., 9 to 30VDC
0.50 lbs
Wire Terminations:
Screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals:
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99775).
CSA Certified per standard C222 No.0-M91 and 142-M1987
(File No. LR42272-84.)
A 6
C 1
C 2
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
T e r m i n a l
A 1
C o n n e c t i o n
D C O u t p u t ( + )
D C O u t p u t ( )
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
D C P o w e r ( + )
C o o t t
U o s s w e e e d d r ( )
T e r m i n a l
C 3
C o
N o t U s e d n n e c t i o n
C 4
C 5
C 6
P 1
N x c i t a r e q u r e q u o t U t i o n e n c y e n c y s e d
I o u n p n p r c u t u t e
8 V D C )
( + )
P 2
P 3
P 4
N o t U s e d
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
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Q488-0001 n
Instant Accuracy TM n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
PC or DIP Switch Configuration n
Eliminates Ground Loops
DC Powered RTD, T/C, Ohm & mV
Input Field Configurable Isolator
Provides an Isolated DC Output in Proportion to the Temperature Signal Input n
TouchCAL Technology n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting n
Flexible DC Power Supply 9 to 30VDC n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
The Q488 is a DC powered, DIN rail mount, RTD, thermocouple, mV or Ohm input signal conditioner with 1800V isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable input and output offers flexible, wide ranging capability for most temperature signal conditioning applications.
The Q488 is configured via DIP switch for the thermocouple type
(B, C, E, J, K, N, R, S, T) or the RTD type (Pt, Ni & Cu). Additionally, functions such as signal linearization, up or down scale burnout, number of RTD leads (2, 3, 4) and voltage or current output are also set via dip switches (see Tables).
Configuration software, along with a serial port adapter cable is available for those who would prefer PC configuration capability.
This Graphic User Interface (GUI) program takes the place of setting
DIP switches and using the pushbutton for ranging. With this software, an input signal calibrator is not required for ranging since the values only need to be typed into the program and downloaded.
Instant Accuracy TM
Instant Accuracy TM maximizes accuracy and performance during warmup and during changes in ambient temperature. This patented cold-junction compensation technique utilizes two temperature sensors to measure the differential temperature near the terminal block. Using heat transfer calculations with the measured differential temperature and the known thermal conductivity of the PCB, the terminal junction temperature is determined with extreme accuracy. Even during unstable thermal states such as start-up, ambient temperature changes or changing load or power, the Q488 performs extremely accurate thermocouple temperature measurement.
Instant Accuracy improves system performance and productivity due to reduced warm up time, fewer temperature measurement errors and tighter process control for higher quality. Most significantly, it allows calibration to be checked quickly and accurately without the effects of rapid ambient temperature changes due to opening a control panel door, which often causes erroneous readings and miscalibrations; a common cause of measurement errors.
TouchCAL TM Technology
TouchCAL TM technology allows easy field ranging for any of the thermocouple or RTD input types. For example, the dip switch configured range for the J type thermocouple is -210 to 760 ° C.
Using a thermocouple simulator as a reference, the model Q486 could be ranged for 0 to 50 ° C or 0 to 500 ° C by simply applying the desired minimum and maximum input levels and pushing the range button to store the levels in non-volatile memory. The output is ranged by applying an input signal to achieve an accurate output level and pushing the range button.
The model Q488 field configurable thermocouple or RTD input isolator is useful in eliminating ground loops and interfacing temperature sensors to data acquisition and control systems.
Three-way isolation completely eliminates ground loops from any source. Isolation protects expensive SCADA systems from ground faults and allows the noise reduction benefits of grounded thermocouples or sensors to be realized.
The Q488 employs the latest analog to digital signal processing technology and advanced low-power microprocessors. Instant
Accuracy cold-junction-compensation (CJC) of thermocouples, and lead length compensation for RTDs ensures an extremely accurate and stable signal for virtually any temperature sensor to
DC signal conversion.
High density DIN rail mounting offers a very compact solution and saves valuable panel space. Power is delivered to the Q488 using the exclusive I/QRail which reduces wiring requirements and the need to daisy-chain power. SnapLoc terminals ensure easy installation and low Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR).
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q488 is equipped with front panel LEDs for input power
(green-on), input overrange and underrange; input open circuit
(yellow-on); and switch setting error (red-on).
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The Q488 can be configured via DIP switchs for a wide variety of temperature input ranges for RTD, thermocouple, ohm and millivolt sensors. Inputs can be offset by >90% or adjusted down to <10% of the full scale span.
Unless a specific customer range is ordered, the factory presets the Q488 as follows:
Input Type: Thermocouple, J-Type
Input Range: 0 to 500 ° C
Burnout: Up Scale
Output Range: 4/20mA
Refer to the tables for other I/O ranges.
1. With power off, snap off the faceplate by lifting the right edge away from the heatsink.
2. For RTD or Resistance inputs, set position 1 and 2 of SW2 for 2,
3 or 4 wire resistance input (see Table 1). For thermocouple inputs these switches ignored and can be in any position.
3. Configure the output for voltage or current using position 3 of
SW2 (see Table 2).
5. If the output range desired is the full scale range for the output type (e.g. 4-20mA or 2-10V), then set position 5 of SW2 to ON for either of the full scale default output ranges (see Table 4). If configuration of a sub-range is preferred (e.g. 12-20mA or 1-5V), then set position 5 of SW2 to OFF (or open) to enable use of the ranging pushbutton adjustment.
6. Set Burnout detection with position 6 of SW2 (see Table 5). The
ON position (up scale) will force the output beyond full scale when the t/c input is open circuit. The OFF position (down scale) will force the output below 0% when the input is open circuit.
7. Set the t/c Linearization function with position 7 of SW2 (see
Table 6). The ON position will provide an output linear to the temperature input signal. The OFF position will provide an output directly proportional to the thermoelectric (mV) input (i.e. not linearized to temperature).
Note: The unit must be configured with linearization turned ON. Once the configuration is saved, linearization can then be turned OFF.
8. Set the Configuration Mode with position 8 of SW2 (see Table
7). The ON position is for DIP switch configuration. The OFF position is for configuring via PC using a serial interface cable
(consult factory regarding cable and software).
4. If the input range desired is the full scale range for the input type
(e.g. Pt100 Ohm = -200 ° C to 850 ° C), then set position 4 of SW2 to
ON (or closed) for this default range (see Table 3). If configuration of a sub-range is preferred (e.g. Pt100 Ohm, 0 to 500 ° C), then set position 4 of SW2 to OFF (or open) to enable use of the ranging pushbutton adjustment.
Table 1: RTD Type
S W 2
R T D T y p e
3 W i r e
4 W i r e
1 n n
2 n
2 W i r e
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d n
Table 2: Output Type
S W 2
O u t p u t
C u r r e n t
3 n
V o l t a g e
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
Table 3: Input Range Type*
S W 2
I n p u t R a n g e
D e f a u l t
U s e r D e f i n e d
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
4 n
Table 5: Input Type
I n p u t T y p e
T h e r m o c o u p
R T l e
D m V o r O h m s
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
1 n n
S W 3
2 n n
Table 6: Burnout Detection
S W 2
B u r n o u t D e t e c t i o n
U p s c a l e
6 n
D o w n s c a l e
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
Table 7: Output Linearization t
O o u t p u t L i n e a r
T e m p e r a t u r e
O n
O f f
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
7 n
Table 4: Output Range Type*
S W 2
O u t p u t R a n g e
D e f a u l t
U s e r D e f i n e d
K e y : n = 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
5 n
Table 8: Config Mode
C o n f i g u r a t i o n
B y o d
D I e
P S w i t c h
B y P C
K e y : n
= 1 = O n o r C l o s e d
8 n
*Default for Outputs is either 2-10V or 4-20mA. Default for Inputs is the “Input Range” specified in Table 9. Note that if the input or output is set for default, then the input or output calibration will be skipped in the pushbutton programming sequence.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
9. Set the Input Type with position 1 and 2 of SW3 (see Table 8).
10. Set the specific RTD, thermocouple, millivolt or resistance input with position 3 through 6 of SW3 (see Table 9).
Note: For PC configuration refer to the software manual and help files associated with the model C681 accessort kit.
Table 9: Input Select
T / C T y p e
S W 3
3 4 5 6 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
I n p u t
R a n g e
0 t o + 1 7 6 0 ° C
2 1 0 t o + 7 6 0 ° C
0 t o + 1 7 6 0 ° C
0 t o + 1 8 0 0 ° C
2 7 0 t o + 4 0 0 ° C
2 7 0 t o + 1 3 7 0 ° C
2 7 0 t o + 1 3 0 0 ° C
0 t o + 2 3 2 0 ° C
2 7 0 t o + 1 0 0 0 ° C
A c c u r a c y
R a n g e
+ 2 0 0 t o + 1 7 6 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o + 7 6 0 ° C
+ 4 0 0 t o + 1 7 6 0 ° C
+ 4 0 0 t o + 1 8 0 0 ° C
0 t o + 4 0 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o + 1 3 7 0 ° C
7 0 t o + 1 3 0 0 ° C
0 t o + 2 3 2 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o + 1 0 0 0 ° C
I n p u t ( A / D )
A c c u r a c y
+ / 1 .
0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 5 ° C
+ / 1 .
0 ° C
+ / 2 .
0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 5 ° C
+ / 0 .
3 ° C
+ / 0 .
4 ° C
+ / 0 .
5 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 5 ° C
R T D T y p e
C u 9 .
0 3 5
N i 1 2 0 0 6 7
P t 1 0 0 3 8 5
P t 1 0 0 3 9 1 1
P t 1 0 0 3 9 2
P t 2 0 0 3 8 5
P t 2 0 0 3 9 2
P t 5 0 0 3 8 5
P t 5 0 0 3 9 1 1
P t 5 0 0 3 9 2
P t 1 0 0 0 3 8 5
S W 3
3 4 5 6 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
I n p u t R a n g e
4 0 t o + 2 6 0 ° C
8 0 t o + 3 2 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 8 5 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 6 3 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 6 3 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 8 5 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 6 3 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 8 5 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 6 3 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 6 3 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 8 5 0 ° C
I n p u t ( A / D ) A c c u r a c y
+ / 0 .
2 5 ° C
+ / 0 .
1 5 ° C
+ / 0 .
1 5 ° C
+ / 0 .
1 5 ° C
+ / 0 .
1 5 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 0 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 0 ° C m V & O h m
T y p e
S W 3
3 4 5 6
I n p u t R a n g e A c c u r a c y R a n g e
I n p u t ( A / D )
A c c u r a c y
M i n i m u m
S p a n
+ / 9 0 m V
+ / 9 0 0 m V
0 t o 4 0 0 0 O h m s n n n n n n n n n n
9 0 t o + 9 0 m V
1 0 0 t o 9 0 0 m V
1 0 t o 4 0 0 0 O h m s
9 0 t o + 9 0 m V
1 0 0 t o 9 0 0 m V
1 0 t o 4 0 0 0 O h m s
+ / 1 2 u V
+ / 2 5 u V
+ / 1 .
0 O h m s
3 m V
3 m V
1 0 O h m s
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
Input to Output error at 25
C is less than or equal to the Input Accuracy, plus the Linearization
Accuracy, plus the Output Accuracy (plus the CJC Error for T/C Inputs).
Page 114 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
The Q488 is a microprocessor based circuit with internal references that are factory calibrated to better than 0.000005V. For this reason the Q488 does not need field calibration, but it can be configured (ranged) in the field for virtually any temperature to
DC I/O combination.
For best results ranging should be performed in the operating installation, allowing at least 30 minutes for thermal equilibrium of the system. If ranging on a test bench is preferred, then an output load equal to the input impedance of the device connected to the output is recommended, along with a 30 minute warm up period.
1. After configuring the unit, install the module onto a piece of DIN rail and the I/Q Rail mounting combination. See the I/Q Rail data sheet for details.
2. Connect the input to a calibrated thermocouple simulator or resistance source and the output to a voltage or current meter.
Apply power and allow the system to reach thermal equilibrium
(approx. 20 minutes).
3. Adjust the input signal to the desired maximum and observe that the green LED is on. Push the CAL button and hold it down for more than 5 seconds (until the yellow and red LEDs are on).
Note: To quit the calibration mode and reset the unit, push the CAL button and hold for more than 5 seconds. Or, wait for more than five minutes and the unit will time-out and automatically reset to the previously stored calibration.
4. Push the CAL button momentarily (the yellow and green LEDs will now be on).
5. Apply the maximum input signal level, then push the CAL button to store. The yellow LED will now be on.
6. Apply the minimum input signal level, then push the CAL button to store. The green and red LEDs will now be on.
7. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired maximum level (e.g. 20.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the red LED will be on).
8. Adjust the input signal while monitoring the output signal until the output is at the desired minimum level (e.g. 4.00mA), then push the CAL button to store (the yellow, green and red LEDs will be on).
9. To finish calibration, push the CAL button once again. The green
LED will be on if the input is within the calibrated range.
Figure 2: RTD Wiring Detail
Figure 1: Q488 Calibration Flow Chart
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T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
C 1
C 2
C o n n e c t i o n
C u r r e n t O u t p u t ( + )
V o l t a g e O u t p u t ( + )
O u t p u t C o m m o n ( )
N o t U s e d
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
R T D S e n s e
R T D I n p u t ( + ) o r R e s i s t a n c e
T e r m i n a l
C 3
C 4
C 5
C 6
P 1
P 2
P 3
P 4
C o n n e c t i o n
R T D I n p u t ( ) o r R e s i s t a n c e
R T D R e t u r n
T / C I n p u t ( ) o r m V ( )
/ C o o
C t t
P n p s s o e e w o w u t d d e e r r
( + )
) o r m V ( + )
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Sensor Types: see Table 9
Ranges: Any span within Range in Table 9
Impedance: > 1.0M ohms typical for t/c and mV inputs
RTD Excitation: < 0.3mA
Burnout Detection: up or down scale
CJC Error: < +0.1
° C max. (Instant Accuracy TM ensures the output is within +0.5
° C of rated accuracy 30 seconds after powering
Output :
Ranges: 0-5V or 2-10V (default)
Drive: 10mA (1000 ohm load min.)
Ranges: 0-20mA or 4-20mA (default)
Drive: 15V (750 ohms max.)
1800VDC or peak AC between input output & power
SW1: Pushbutton, input and output ranging
SW2: Linearization, Burnout, Output (voltage or current), and initialization mode
SW3: Input Type
Input (A/D): see Table 9
Linearization: < +0.05% of accuracy range, max.
Output: < +10 µ A for current output
< +5mV for voltage output
Thermal Stability:
CJC: + 0.01
° C / ° C change in ambient, max.
Zero: + 0.0075% of full scale / ° C change in ambient, max.
Span: + 0.0075% of full scale / ° C change in ambient, max.
Long Term: + 0.1% max. over a 9 month period
Response Time:
400mSec, typical
Turn On Time:
< 5 seconds to establish output within 99% or 0.5
° C of final value
LED Indicator:
Power (green):
On when power is on
Flashes for t/c burnout flash
Input (yellow):
Flashes for out of range
Flashes for switch setting error
Calibration: 1 green, 1 yellow and 1 red LEDs indicate steps in ranging process
Common Mode Rejection:
120dB at DC
> 90dB at 60Hz
ESD Susceptibility:
Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3 (8kV)
Humidity (non-condensiing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% RH for 24 Hours @ 60 ° C
Operating: -25 ° C to +65 ° C (-13 to 149 ° F)
Storage: -25 ° C to +70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
2.5W max., 9 to 30VDC + 10%
Shipping Weight:
0.5 lbs.
Wire Terminal:
Socketed screw terminals for 12-22AWG
Agency Approvals
CSA certified per standard C22.2 (File No. LR42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99755).
CE Compliance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: Q488-0001
2. Accessories: (see Accessories)
3. Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output ranges.
ActionI/Q series modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
C681-0001 PC Adapter & Configuration Software
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.1Amp)
IQRL-D002 2 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D004 4 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D008 8 Position I/QRail & DIN rail
C620 Factory Calibration
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DC Powered DC Input Field Configurable
Isolator with Math Functions
Provides 2 Isolated Analog Inputs, 1 Analog Output & 1
Frequency Output, as well as a Discrete Input & Output
Q498-0000 n
Multi-Function, Multi-Channel Input n
TouchCAL TM Technology n
DC-Frequency or Frequency-DC Converter n
Optional PC Based Programming Software n n n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting
Math Function Capability
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals
The Q498 is a DC powered, DIN rail mount, DC input signal conditioner. The unit is fully isolated to 1800V between input, output and power. It has two isolated analog inputs that each accept either a DC voltage or current input signal. The one analog output delivers either DC bi-polar voltage or uni-polar current.
The Q498 also has a separate frequency input channel and a frequency output, as well as a discrete input and output channel.
The field configurable input and output feature provides flexible, wide ranging capability for DC current and voltage signals. The
Q498 can also be configured via a PC with the optional C698
Windows based GUI software. The Q498 is also capable of performing math calculations on the input values. This provides the ability to perform single or double input math functions. The frequency input can also have the math functions applied (with the exception of Sq and Sqroot). The available operators are: +,
-, *, /, Sq, Sqroot & Average. Process control functions include Hi/
Lo Select (utilizing the Digital Output for channel identification),
Rate of Change Limiter and Track & Hold (utilizing the Digital Input for the hold control). A 25-point linearization function is available for the Channel 1 Analog input only. Note that all output math and process control functions require the C698 software.
The field configurable input of the Q498 can be set via DIP switches. Voltage input ranges are: ± 150mV, ± 1.5V, ± 15V and
± 150V. The current input ranges are: ± 2.5mA and ± 25mA. All ranges are fully adjustable over a ≈ 90% range from zero or span.
Simply choose the range closest to your needs and perform the calibration based on zero and span values.
There are three analog output ranges, 0 to 20mA, 0 to 10VDC and
–10 to +10VDC, which are also fully adjustable. If the application requires a 4-20mA output, simply choose the 0-20mA range and calibrate with the zero point at 4mA (the Math Functions can be used to scale the output).
The frequency section has two separate inputs, depending on voltage levels, only one of which can be active at a time. The LoV input supports signals with amplitudes from 150mVp to 5Vp
(50Vrms max) and the HiV input supports signals between
500mVp and 20Vp (150Vrms max). The frequency range is from
2Hz to 10kHz in software selectable ranges.
The Q498 can be used in many types of operations. This section describes a few process control applications and how to configure the unit in order to perform the various operations.
Track & Hold
The Digital Input is used as the control element for Track & Hold.
Short the Digital Input (Pin A6) to Digital Common (Pin A3) using an external relay or switch. The Analog Output will be held at the current output level until the connection is opened. Because the system is under microprocessor control, when the digital input is grounded, the current output level that is being processed cannot be stopped. As an extreme example, if the output has been told to make a step change from 0V to 10V, the output could still be in the process of slewing to that value (which could take as long as 700mSec). When the Hold input is applied during that 700mSec window, the output will continue to rise to the 10V level and then hold at that point. The Hold function only stops any future input changes from having an effect on the output.
If a step response is not desired when the Hold line is released, ensure that the Output Changing Limit is set to the desired amount (in the
Configuration Window section of the C698 Configuration Software).
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Hi/Lo Select
This function is accomplished by selecting either the Max or Min function for F1(x). (Refer to the Output Math section of the
Specifications.) After F1(x) has been assigned the Max or Min function, the higher input (or lower if Min is selected) will drive the output. If a step response is not desired when the input channels switch control, then ensure the Output Changing Limit (accessed in the Configuration window of the configuration software) is set to the desired amount. Take note that the coefficients A and B and the exponents of each channel also effect the comparison.
The digital output can be programmed to go high when CH1>CH2, or when CH1<CH2. The Yellow LED indicates the status of the digital output.
25-Point Linearization
The Q498 provides the ability to input unique linearization tables.
This feature is only available through the C698 software package, and can only be used on analog input 1 (Ch 1).
Digital & Frequency Output Loads
The digital and frequency outputs are designed to be powered with a 24VDC external supply. These outputs will each safely sink a maximum of 20mA. If an external supply is not used, the digital and frequency outputs are limited to 1mA.
Math Functions
All of the basic math functions perform percentage math, not true math. The formulas are as follows:
%Output = (%Ch1 + %Ch2)/2
%Output = (%Ch1 - %Ch2),
Ch1 must be ≥ Ch2
Multiplication: %Output= (%Ch1)(%Ch2)
Sq. Root:
%Output = %Ch1/%Ch2
%Output = %Chx 0.5
PC Programmable
The Model Q498 is calibrated either by using a serial port from a
PC or by using the onboard DIP switch and pushbutton. Math and
Process Control Functions are only configurable using the optional
PC Configuration Software Model C698.
The software comes with a serial cable to connect the Q498 to a serial port of a PC. The software is also available on our Website.
The software is compatible with Windows 95, 98, 2000 and NT operating systems. Instructions are included in the program as
Help screens.
TouchCAL TM Technology
Touch-CAL TM technology allows for the replacement of zero and span adjustment potentiometers with a pushbutton. The thermal drift and mechanical variability of the potentiometers is removed and replaced with a digitally stable circuit. Additionally, the inherent zero and span interactivity of potentiometer based analog amplifier circuitry is removed, providing 100% non-interactive adjustment.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
TouchCAL enables precise calibration and provides more than
90% offset of the zero value and adjustment down to 10% of the full scale input span for most of the six switch selectable input ranges. For example, the DIP switch set for ± 25mA input range could be configured via the pushbutton for an offset range of 4 to 20mA (58% offset and 68% span reduction) or –25 to 0mA (a 50% span reduction). If the output was configured for 0-10V, then –25 to 0mA input would correspond to the 0-10V full scale output.
Thus, input ranges such as 4-20mA or 0-5mA are possible using the
± 25mA range.
Diagnostic LEDS
The Q498 has three diagnostic LED’s. The green (RUN) LED is used to indicate that power is on, and for diagnostics. It flashes quickly if the input signal is above the configured range or slowly if the input signal is below range. It is continuously on when the unit is functioning within the configured range. The red LED flashes when the output is over/under range. The yellow LED indicates the status of the Discrete Output. The LED’s also provide indication of which steps are being performed during pushbutton calibration.
Wiring Connections
Power can be applied either by means of an IQ Rail adapter (see the Accessories section), in which case pins P3 and P4 will apply the power through the adapter; or if the IQ Rail adapter is not utilized, power is applied via connector “B” on the top rear of the unit (the connector nearest the DIN rail mounting foot). Pin B1 is for the positive (+) 9-30VDC and pin B2 is for the common (-).
Analog Inputs
The DC voltage or current inputs are applied using connector “C” on the bottom front of the unit. Each channel has its own separate voltage or current input. Channel 1 (CH1) positive voltage input is pin C6.
Channel 1 positive current input is pin C4. The common connection for
CH1 is pin C5. The Channel 2 inputs are pin C3 for positive voltage, pin
C1 for positive current and pin C2 for the common. [ Note: In order to utilize CH2, the C698 software is required.] Either channel can be set independently for voltage or current.
Frequency Inputs
The Frequency Input is applied using connector “D” on the bottom rear of the unit (the connector next to the DIN rail mounting foot).
There are two inputs shown: IN LOV for voltages of 150mV to
50Vrms max.; IN HIV for voltages of 0.5V to 150Vrms max. Note that there are NOT two separate frequency inputs - only one set of terminals can be used at a time. The Frequency Input Common is pin D4. The positive terminal for the low voltage range is pin D5, and the positive terminal for the high voltage range is pin D6. [ Note: In order to utilize the frequency input, the C698 software is required.]
The outputs and the discrete function are applied to connector
“A” on the top front of the Q498. Pin A1 is the positive terminal
(+) of the Voltage or Current output. Pin A3 is the Voltage Return and Pin A2 is the Current Return. Pin A3 is also the Common
Return (-) for the Discrete (digital) Input and Output, as well as the
Frequency Output Common. Several wires can be twisted together for the various commons as long as the combined wire size does not exceed the 12 AWG limit of the terminal. The Discrete Output
(+) is pin A4 while the Discrete Input (+) is pin A6. The Frequency
Output (+) is pin A5.
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Default Settings
The default settings are 4-20mA input on Analog Channel 1 (pins
C4/C5) and 4-20mA output from the Analog Output (pins A1/A2).
The frequency and digital inputs and outputs are not active, and require the C698 Configuration Software to utilize. The Output
Math equation for the Analog Output is set as follows: A=1,
F1(x)=”+”, B=0, F2(x)=”+”, C=0, D=1. Any change to the output math requires the C698 software.
The Analog Inputs (CH1 & CH2) are isolated from each other, as well as from the Analog Output and Power. The Frequency Input circuitry is in the same isolation section as Analog Input CH2, so it is isolated from CH1, but not CH2. The Frequency Output is referenced to the same common as the Analog Output, therefore, the Frequency Output is not isolated from the Analog Output, but is isolated from the Frequency Input, Analog Inputs CH1 & CH2 and
Power. The Digital Input and Digital Output are not isolated from each other and are referenced to the same common as the Analog
Output and Frequency Output. The Serial Port is also referenced to the output section, so it is not isolated from the Output circuitry, but is isolated from the Analog and Frequency Input Sections. The
Isolation level between all isolated sections is 1800VDC.
Serial Port
The serial port connection for using the C698 software is located below the DIP switch. The cable is provided with the C698 software option. Please refer to the software Help File for further explanation.
For best results, calibration should be performed in the operating environment, allowing at least one hour for thermal stability of the system. If pre-calibration on a test bench is preferred then an output load equal to the input impedance of the devices connected to the Q498 output is recommended.
1. For the optimum results, install the module on to a piece of DIN rail or an I/Q Rail.
Note: An I/Q Rail is an optional accessory to deliver power to the modules. A two, four or eight position rail is available. See the ordering information.
2. Connect the analog input to be calibrated (usually starting with
Ch. 1) to a calibrated DC source and the analog output to a voltage or current meter. A frequency source should be connected to the frequency input and a frequency counter to the frequency output.
Apply power and allow the system to reach thermal equilibrium
(approx. 20 minutes).
The Q498 can be calibrated by either of two methods, manually, as described in this procedure, or by means of the C698 configuration software utility. For software calibration, first set DIP switch position
SW1-10 to ON to enable PC Calibration. Refer to the information in the Help files of the software for the correct procedure.
While performing a manual calibration, refer to the flow charts in
Figures 1a & 1b.
3. While it is not mandatory, less button-pushing is involved if all inputs are calibrated before calibrating the output. To start the process, the Green LED should be on.
4. Press and hold the calibration button for 4 seconds. The Green
LED will be lit and the Yellow LED will be flashing. From this point, to calibrate channel 1, press and hold the button down again for
4 seconds. The Red and Yellow LED’s will be lit indicating the input is ready to calibrate.
5. Press the button once. The Yellow and Green LED’s will be lit.
6. Apply the maximum input signal and press the button once. The
Yellow LED will be lit.
Note: After any calibration step, you can abort by pressing the button and holding for 4 seconds. This will take you back to normal operation without saving the new data. You then step back through the flowchart to return to where you were in your calibration.
7. Apply the minimum input signal and press the button once. All three LED’s will be lit.
8. Press the button once again. The Channel 1 input data is saved and you are back at the beginning with the Green LED lit.
9. Press and hold the button for 4 seconds. The Green LED will be lit and the Yellow LED will be flashing. Press the button one more time and the Red LED will be lit and the Yellow LED will be flashing.
From this point, to calibrate channel 2, press and hold the button down for 4 seconds. The Red and Yellow LED’s will be lit.
10. Repeat steps 5 through 8.
11. After completing the analog input calibration, the Green LED is lit. Press and hold the button for 4 seconds. The Green LED will be lit and the Yellow LED will be flashing. Press the button twice.
The Green LED will be lit and the Red LED will be flashing, indicating that the frequency input is ready for calibration.
12. Press and hold the button for 4 seconds. The Red LED and
Yellow LED’s will be flashing.
13. Repeat steps 5 through 8.
14. After completing the frequency input calibration, the Green
LED is lit. Press and hold the button for 4 seconds. The Green LED will be lit and the Yellow led will be flashing. Press the button three times. The Yellow LED will be lit and the Red LED will be flashing.
The analog output is now ready for calibration.
15. Press and hold the button for 4 seconds. The Red and Yellow
LED’s will be lit.
16. Press the button once. The Red and Green LED’s will be lit.
17. While monitoring the output, increase the input (from either
Ch1 or Ch2) until the desired maximum output signal level is reached. Press the button once. The Red LED will be lit.
18. Monitor the output and decrease the input until the desired minimum output signal level is reached. Press the button once. All three LED’s will be lit. Press the button once again to save the data and you will be back to the Green LED lit.
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19. Press and hold the button for 4 seconds. The Green LED will be lit and the Yellow LED will be flashing. Press the button 4 times
(until the Green LED is flashing). The frequency output is now ready for calibration.
20. Press and hold the button down for 4 seconds. The Red and
Yellow LED’s will be lit. Manually calibrating the output frequency requires first selecting the desired frequency output range with
DIP Switch SW1, positions 9 & 10, as described in Figure 1B. These switch settings are not required if calibrating via the software utility. After the output frequency is calibrated, the switches can be reset to their previous settings for calibration method. Press the button one more time and the Red and Green LED’s will be lit.
21. Set the input frequency to maximum. While monitoring the output of the frequency output channel with a frequency counter, decrease the input until the desired maximum output is reached.
Press the button once and the Red LED will be lit.
22. Set the input to minimum. While monitoring the output, increase the input until the desired minimum output value is reached. Press the button once and all three LED’s will be lit.
23. Press the button once again and you are back to the Green LED lit (normal operating condition).
Table 1: Input Settings
I n p u t S e t t i n g s S W 1
C h a n n e l 1 C h a n n e l 2
R a n g e
1 2 3 4 5 6
+ / 1 5 0 m V
/ -
V m A
2 5 m A n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n n
Table 2: Enable 25-Point Calibration Setting
E n a b l e 2 5 P o i n t C a l S W 1
E n a b l e 2 5 P o i n t C a il b r a t i o n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
9 n
Table 2: Enable PC Calibration Setting
E n a b l e P C C a l S W 1
E n a b l e P C C a il b r a t i o n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
1 0 n
Table 5: Output Settings
O u t p u t S e t t i n g s S W 1
R a n g e 7 8
0 1 0 V
+ / 1 0 V
0 2 0 m A
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n
Table 5: Manual Calibration Frequency Settings
M a
F r e q u e n c y n u a l l C a l l i i b r
O u a t t i i t p o n u t
R a n g e n l y S W 1
R a n g e
H z z
0 1 , 0 0 0 H z
0 1 0 , 0 0 0 H z
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
9 1 0 n n n n
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Figure 1a: Q498 Input Calibration Flow Chart
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Figure 1b: Q498 Output Calibration Flow Chart
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Analog Input Ranges (2 Isolated Channels):
+/-150mV, +/-1.5V, +/-15V, +/-150V
+/-2.5mA, +/-25mA
Pushbutton Adjustment:
Effective zero offset: >90%
Effective span turn-down: >90%
Analog Maximum Overload (continuous):
200V DC for voltage inputs;
170mA DC or 60V DC maximum for current inputs (protected by self-resetting fuse)
Analog Output Ranges:
0-20mA, 0-10V, -10 to +10V
Analog Output Drive:
0-20mA: 12VDC compliance. (600 ohms max.)
Voltage ranges: 10mA drive (1000 ohm load min.)
Analog Output Accuracy:
+0.005% of the FS Input Range ( ± 0.05% on 150 volts range), plus +0.05% of the FS Output
Range ( ± 0.1% for output loads <200 ohms)
Analog Stability:
+0.005% of Full Scale/ ° C typical ( ± 0.01% maximum) for zero and span
Analog Response Time:
750mSec max. (10-90%)
Analog Input Impedance:
>100k ohms on voltage ranges > 1.5V
>10M ohms on voltage ranges < 1.5V
70 ohm typ. (non-overload) on all current ranges
Analog Output Impedance:
Less than 3 ohms on voltage output ranges
> 500k ohms on current output ranges
Frequency Input:
One frequency channel with two different voltage range inputs,
LOV for 150mV to 50Vrms with 5Vp noise suppression, or HIV for 0.5V to150Vrms with 20Vp noise suppression, 2Hz to 10kHz in software selectable ranges.
Frequency Output:
2Hz to 10kHz in software selectable ranges.
Open collector pulled up through 20k to 18V, with 1mA drive.
Sinks up to 20mA through a load from a 24V external supply.
Frequency Output Accuracy:
± 0.1%
Discrete Output:
Open collector pulled up through 20k to 18V, with 1mA drive.
Sinks up to 20mA through a load from a 24V external supply.
Operation under software control.
Discrete Input:
Input active to Common, with soft pull-up (1mA) to +18V.
Operation under software control.
Output Math:
Vout = (A*CH1 y F1(x) B*CH2 z F2(x) C*CH3)/D
Fout = (A*CH1 y F1(x) B*CH2 z F2(x) C*CH3)/D
CH1: Output value contributed by channel 1 input only
CH2: Output value contributed by channel 2 input only
CH3: Output value contributed by frequency input only
Fx(x) can be: +, -, *, /, Min, Max, Average, and y & z can be: 0, 1,
2, or 1/2
The constants A-D can be any number from 0 to 255 (except D cannot be equal to 0).
When using the square or square root functions, the relative input channel should be calibrated in the positive direction only.
Process Control Functions:
Hi/Lo Select (Max/Min), Rate of Change Limiter, Track & Hold and
25-Point Linearization (25-point linearization only on Analog
Input Ch 1 and only effects the Analog Output channel. Also, in this mode the square and square root functions are not available.)
Default Settings:
Analog Input 1 (Ch1):
± 25mA range, calibrated for 4-20mA
Analog Output:
0-20mA range, calibrated for 4-20mA
(1*CH1 + 0*CH2 + 0*CH3)/1
Analog Input 2 (Ch2):
Not active (nulled by the math)
Not active (nulled by the math)
(The unit can be reconfigured manually for different ranges on input and output, using only Analog Input 1 (CH1) and the
Analog Output. In order to utilize scaling factors, math functions, other inputs/outputs and process control functions, the C698 software is required.)
Common Mode Rejection:
> 90dB for 60 Hz
120 dB @ DC
Green LED Indicator flashes for over or under range
Red LED flashes for output malfunction
(Voltage short circuit or current open)
Yellow LED indicates status of Discrete Output
Power Requirements:
9-30VDC, 2.5 watts max
Power Supply Current:
280mA max. @ 9VDC; limited to prevent in-rush currents from exceeding steady-state value. (At turn on, the unit appears as a capacitive load up to 100mF.)
Wire Terminals:
Socketed screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Input to Input to Output to Power, 1800VDC (Analog Input 2 and the Frequency input are both considered Channel 2. The
Frequency Input is isolated from Analog Input 1 but not from
Analog Input 2. The Discrete Input is not isolated from the
Discrete Output, but is isolated from the Analog and Frequency
Inputs. All of the outputs are isolated from the Analog and
Frequency Inputs.)
DIN rail case (0.88” x 4.0” x 4.59”)
Operating Temperature:
0 ° C to +55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage Temperature:
-25 ° C to +70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Operating Humidity:
15% to 95%RHNC at 45 ° C
Non-operating Humidity:
90%RH at 65 ° C for 24 hours
Agency Approvals (EMC & Safety):
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99775).
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987
(Cert. # 2500003630).
CE Compliance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC.
Minimum PC for the C698 Calibration Software:
100MHz CPU, 16MB RAM, 20MB hard disk space
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 123 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
B 2
B 3
B 4
C 1
C 2
C 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
B 1
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
A 3
C o n n e c t i o n
O u t p u t ( + ) V o l t a g e & C u r r e n t
C u r r e n t O u t p u t ( )
V o u t , D i g i t a l I / O , F r e q u e n c y
O u t C o m m o n ( )
D i s c r e t e O u t p u t ( + )
F r e q u e n c y O u t p u t ( + )
D i s c r e t e I n p u t ( + )
D C P o w e r ( + )
D C P o w e r ( )
N o t U s e d
N o t U s e d
I n p u t 2 C u r r e n t
I n p u t 2 C o m m o n
I n p u t 2 V o l t a g e
T e r m i n a l
C 4
C 5
C o n n e c t i o n
I n p u t 1 C u r r e n t
I n p u t 1 C o m m o n
I n
D p o o o o t o t
C t t t u
F r e q
F r e q t
1 s s s
U s
U s
V o l e e e o w o w d d d u e n c u e n c
F r e q u e n c e d e d y y y e r e r t a g e
I n p n p n p
+ )
) u t u t u t
C o
( L o m m o n
V o l t a g e )
( H i V o l t a g e )
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
1. Model: Q498-0000
2. Optional Factory Custom Calibration, C620 – with desired input and output ranges for 25-point linearization.
3. Optional I/QRail, and other accessories (see Accessories list).
C698-0000 Configuration Software & PC Serial Cable (recommended)
MD02 TS32 DIN rail (2 meters)
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail (2 meters)
IQRL-D002 2-Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D004 4-Position I/QRail & DIN rail
IQRL-D008 8-Position I/QRail & DIN rail
WV905 0.5Amp, 24VDC Power Supply
H910 1Amp, 24VDC Power Supply
H915 2.3Amp, 24VDC Power Supply
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 124 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Q500-1B00 (1 channel)
Q500-2B00 (2 channel)
Q500-4B00 (4 channel) n
Up to 4 Loop Isolators in a Single Package n
Prevents Ground Loops n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting
Loop Powered Multi-Channel Isolator
Provides up to 4 Isolated DC Current Outputs in
Proportion to the Input Currents n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals n
ASIC Technology
The Q500 is a DIN rail mount, loop-powered isolator with single, dual or quad (4) channel capability. Each channel accepts a 0-
20mA or 4-20mA input and outputs a proportional 0-20mA or 4-
20mA signal. The Q500 provides 1800VDC signal isolation from input to output and channel to channel.
All ActionI/Q modules feature SnapLoc plug-in screw terminals for easy installation and low Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR). Two or more modules can slide together and interlock for solid, high density mounting. This is accomplished by removing either the foot or the adjacent unit's faceplate (for right-hand side or lefthand side mounting, respectively). The module to be attached will easily slide on to the side of the mounted unit.
Loop-powered isolators are used to isolate process signals transmitted between field instrumentation, Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Distributed Control Systems (DCS) and Data Acquisition Systems (DAS). Outputs from these systems can also drive one or more isolator channels of the Q500. Field devices such as flow, level or temperature transmitters can also drive a Q500 isolator channel. The 1800VDC isolation capability prevents ground loops from causing errors in 4-20mA current signals and can reduce susceptibility to Radio Frequency Interference (RFI).
Isolation also provides protection from high voltages and current spikes which can damage expensive Supervisory Control And Data
Acquisition (SCADA) equipment, such as a PLC or DCS.
The Q500 operates as a loop-powered isolator, with each channel deriving its power from the input loop current, 0(4)-20mA. The effective load of a Q500 isolator channel on a loop is 300 ohms plus the output load resistance. For example, if the load on an output of the Q500 is 500 ohms, then the current loop connected to the input would need to drive 300 ohms plus 500 ohms (i.e. 800 ohms) at a maximum current of 20mA, or 800 ohms x 20mA which equals 16.0V.
The Q500 is protected from reverse input polarity and output short circuit. A span pot is provided for each channel in order to calibrate the output to the load.
1. Connect the input to a calibrated milliamp source. Connect the output to the actual device or to a load (between 100 and 500 ohms) equivalent to the actual device. Monitor the output current with a milliamp meter in series with the load or monitor the voltage across the load.
2. Set the calibrator to 20mA and adjust the span potentiometer for 20mA output.
3. Set the calibrator to 4mA and confirm that the output is 4mA.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 125 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Input Range:
0(4) to 20mA, 30VDC max, each channel
Voltage Drop: 6V (300 ohms), plus output load
Output Range:
0(4) to 20mA,
Drive: 10V or 500 ohms maximum @ 20mA, 100 ohms minimum
Output Accuracy:
Better than +0.2% of full-scale, including linearity, hysteresis and repeatability, maximum
0.1% of span typical, from 4 to 20mA at 250ohm load
± 0.02%/ o C of span max. for full-scale and zero
Load Regulation:
± 0.1% of span, typical per 10 ohm change
Common Mode Rejection Ratio:
> 100dB (DC to 60Hz)
1800VDC, input to output and channel to channel.
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
Q500-1B Terminals
C o n n e c t i o n T e r m i n a l C o n n e c t i o n
C h a n n e l 1 O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 1 O u t p u t ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
N o t C o n n e c t e d
N o t C o n n e c t e d
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C 1
C 2
C 3
C 4
C 5
C 6
N o t C o n n e c t e d
N o t C o n n e c t e d
N o t C o n n e c t e d
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 1 I n p u t ( )
C h a n n e l 1 I n p u t ( + )
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
Q500-2B Terminals
C o n n e c t i o n
C h a n n e l 1 O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 1 O u t p u t ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 2 O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 2 O u t p u t ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
T e r m i n a l
C 1
C 2
C 3
C 4
C 5
C 6
C o n n e c t i o n
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 2 I n p u t ( )
C h a n n e l 2 I n p u t ( + )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 1 I n p u t ( )
C h a n n e l 1 I n p u t ( + )
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Q500-1B00 , Single (1) Channel,
Q500-2B00 , Dual (2) Channel, or
Q500-4B00 , Quad (4) Channel
Loop-Powered Isolator
Accessories: (see Accessories)
ActionI/Q modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35 (model
MD03) DIN rail. In addition the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
ESD Susceptibility:
Capable of meeting IEC 801-2 level 3 (8kV)
Response Time:
50mSec typical, 100mSec max 10 to 90% (each channel)
Operating: -40 to 80 o C (-40 to 176 o F)
Storage: -40 to 80 o C (-40 to 176 o F)
Humidity (non-condensing):
25 to 95% (@40 o C)
Wire Terminals:
Socketed screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2 (File No. LR42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No.E99775).
CE conformance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and Low voltage 73/23/EEC.
T e r m i n a l
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
B 1
B 2
B 3
B 4
Q500-4B Terminals
C o n n e c t i o n T e r m i n a l C o n n e c t i o n
C h a n n e l 1 O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 1 O u t p u t ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 2 O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 2 O u t p u t ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 3 O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 3 O u t p u t ( )
C h a n n e l 4 O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 4 O u t p u t ( )
C 4
C 5
C 6
D 1
D 2
D 3
C 1
C 2
C 3
D 4
D 5
D 6
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 2 I n p u t ( )
C h a n n e l 2 I n p u t ( + )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 1 I n p u t ( )
C h a n n e l 1 I n p u t ( + )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 4 I n p u t ( )
C h a n n e l 4 I n p u t ( + )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 3 I n p u t ( )
C h a n n e l 3 I n p u t ( + )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 126 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Multi-Channel Design n
Prevents Ground Loops n
Standard Input Ranges
Q501-1xxx (1 channel out)
Q501-2xxx (2 channel out)
Loop Powered Multi-Channel DC Input
Isolating, 2-Wire Transmitter
Provides One or Two Isolated 4-20mA Output Current
Loops in Proportion to One or Two DC Inputs n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals n
Output Loop Powered from 12 to 35VDC
The Q501 is a DIN rail mount, DC input, single or dual channel, twowire transmitter. Each channel accepts a DC voltage or current input and provides an isolated 4-20mA output. Each channel is fully isolated (1800VDC) from input to output and channel to channel.
All I/Q modules feature SnapLoc plug-in screw terminals for easy installation and low Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR). Two or more modules can slide together and interlock for solid, high density mounting. This is accomplished by removing either the foot, or the adjacent unit's faceplate (for right-hand side or left-hand hand side mounting, respectively). The module to be attached will easily slide on to the side of the mounted unit.
DC input, two-wire transmitters are used to isolate and convert a
DC voltage or current into a proportional 4-20mA signal. Twowire transmitters are primarily used in remote locations near the sensor since they reduce the probability of signal errors and save wiring costs by utilizing the two power wires to send the 4-20mA signal. The current signal is usually monitored by a control system or displayed for an operator.
Typically, DC voltages or currents from various field instruments
(e.g. level, flow, pressure and position sensors) are used to monitor and control a manufacturing process. Voltage signals can only run a short distance to a panel without errors caused by noise or lead resistance in the wires. These sensor (voltage) signal wires are usually terminated at the two-wire transmitter and converted into a 4-20mA signal which is highly immune to noise and not affected by lead resistance, both of which can cause significant errors in voltage signals transmitted over long distances.
The 1800VDC isolation capability of the Q501 prevents ground loops from causing errors in DC voltage or current signals and can reduce susceptibility to Radio Frequency Interference (RFI).
Isolation also provides protection from high voltages and current spikes which can damage expensive Supervisory Control And Data
Acquisition (SCADA) equipment, such as a PLC or DCS.
The Q501 operates as a two-wire transmitter; each channel derives its power from a 12-35VDC source connected in series with the 4-20mA output loop. Typically a 24VDC source is used for power, allowing 12VDC (600 ohms @ 20mA) for other devices connected in series in the current loop. The outputs of the Q501 are isolated from the inputs and protected from reverse polarity.
Zero and span pots are provided for each channel to calibrate the output to the input source (+/-5%).
Standard input ranges (see Table) are calibrated to rated accuracy.
One range per module; one or two channels per module.
1. Connect the input to a calibrated DC source. Connect the output in series to a voltage source capable of supplying at least
20mA and a milliamp current meter.
Note: The voltage source (Vs) must be sufficient to accommodate all other device loads (R
) in the current loop:
Vs > 12 + (0.02R
2. Set the calibrator to the specified minimum DC input value and adjust the zero potentiometer for 4mA output.
3. Set the calibrator to the specified maximum DC input value and adjust the span potentiometer for 20mA output.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, as necessary.
0 t o 1 m A
0 t o 2 0 m A
4 t o 2 0 m A
Q 5 0 1 I n p u t R a n g e s
0 t o 5 0 m V 0 t o 1 V t o 1 0 0 m V
0 t o 5 0 0 m V
0 t o 5 V
1 t o 5 V
0 t o 1 0 V
0 t o 1 0 0 V
*Consult factory for non-standard ranges
+ / 1 0 V
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Order Entry: 703-669-1305 Page 127
Ranges: see Table
>100K ohms (voltage inputs)
< 20 ohms (20mA Inputs),
< 400 ohms (1mA Inputs)
Protection: withstands up to 24VDC (current input), 120VAC
(voltage input) without damage
Output Range:
Supply Voltage Range:
12 to 35VDC, each channel
Output Accuracy:
< 0.1% of full-scale input typical, < 0.2% max. @23 o C including linearity, repeatability and hysteresis
Front accessed 10 turn, + 5% of span for zero and span, typical
Q501-1B00: 1 Channel; 4-20mA input; 4-20mA outputs
Q501-1B01: 1 Channel; 0-20mA input; 4-20mA output
Q501-1B02: 1 Channel; 0-1mA input; 4-20mA output
Q501-1B03: 1 Channel; 0-10Vdc input; 4-20mA output
Q501-1B04: 1 Channel; 0-5Vdc input; 4-20mA output
Q501-1B05: 1 Channel; 1-5Vdc input; 4-20mA output
Q501-1B07: 1 Channel; 0-500mVdc input; 4-20mA output
Q501-1B08: 1 Channel; 0-1Vdc input; 4-20mA output
Q501-1B09: 1 Channel; 0-100mVdc input; 4-20mA output
Q501-1B11: 1 Channel; -10/10Vdc input; 4-20mA output
Q501-1B13: 1 Channel; 0-100Vdc input; 4-20mA output
Q501-2B00: 2 Channel; 4-20mA inputs; 4-20mA outputs
Q501-2B01: 2 Channel; 0-20mA inputs; 4-20mA outputs
Q501-2B02: 2 Channel; 0-1mA inputs; 4-20mA outputs
Q501-2B03: 2 Channel; 0-10Vdc inputs; 4-20mA outputs
Q501-2B04: 2 Channel; 0-5Vdc inputs; 4-20mA outputs
Q501-2B05: 2 Channel; 1-5Vdc inputs; 4-20mA outputs
Q501-2B07: 2 Channel; 0-500mVdc inputs; 4-20mA outputs
Q501-2B08: 2 Channel; 0-1Vdc inputs; 4-20mA outputs
Q501-2B09: 2 Channel; 0-100mVdc inputs; 4-20mA outputs
Q501-2B11: 2 Channel; -10/10Vdc inputs; 4-20mA outputs
Q501-2B13: 2 Channel; 0-100Vdc inputs; 4-20mA outputs
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
1. Model: Q501 (see above)
2. Channels: 1 or 2
3. Input Range: (see Table)
4. Accessories: (see Accessories)
ActionI/Q modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35 (model
MD03) DIN rail. In addition the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (500mA)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 A)
< 0.025%/ o C of full-scale maximum
Meets IEC 801-2 level 2 (4kV)
ESD Susceptibility:
Meets IEC 801-2 level 2 (4kV)
1800VDC or peak AC between input and output and channel to channel
Response Time:
100mSec typical (10 to 90%)
Operating: -40 to 80 o C (-40 to 176 o F)
Storage: -40 to 80 o C (-40 to 176 o F)
Humidity (non-condensing):
Operating: 15 to 90% (@45 o C)
Wire Terminals:
Socketed screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Weight :
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2 (File No. LR42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99775).
CE conformance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and low voltage
73/23/ EEC (Input <75VDC)
T e r m i n a l
C o n n e c t i o n
C h a n n e l
P o w e r &
O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l
P o w e r &
O u t p u t ( )
A 3
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 2
P o w e r & O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 2
P o w e r & O u t p u t ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
T e r m i n a l
C 1
C o n n e c t i
N o t C o n n e c t e d o n
C h a n n e l
D C I n p u t
( )
C h a n n e l 2
D C I n p u t ( + )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 1
D C I n p u t ( )
C h a n n e l
D C I n p u t
( + )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 128 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Loop Powered Multi-Channel RTD Input
Isolating, 2-Wire Transmitter
Provides 2 or 4 Current Loop Outputs in Proportion to the PT100 Ohm RTD Inputs
Q510-0xxx (2 Channel)
Q510-4xxx (4 Channel) n
Up to 4 Two-Wire Transmitters in a Single Package n
Output Linear to Input Temperature n
Standard Input Ranges n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals n
Output Loop Powered from 10 to 35VDC
The Q510 is a DIN rail mount, RTD Input, dual or quad channel twowire transmitter. Each channel accepts an RTD input and provides an output loop powered 4-20mA signal, linear to the temperature input. Each channel is an independent transmitter with 600VDC channel to channel isolation.
All ActionI/Q modules feature SnapLoc plug-in screw terminals for easy installation and low Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR). Two or more modules can slide together and interlock for solid, high density mounting (remove either the foot, or the adjacent unit's faceplate for right-hand side or left-hand hand side mounting, respectively). The module to be attached will easily slide on to the side of the mounted unit.
RTD input, two-wire transmitters are used to convert a specific temperature range into a regulated 4-20mA signal. Two-wire transmitters are primarily used in remote locations near the sensor since they reduce the probability of signal errors and save wiring costs by utilizing the two power wires to send the 4-20mA signal.
The current signal is usually sensed by a control system or displayed for an operator.
Typically, several RTDs are used to measure temperatures in a vessel or cell. The lead wires can run a short distance to a panel, or farther with the use of shielded wire, without errors caused by noise or lead resistance in the wires. These sensor wires are then terminated at the two-wire transmitter and converted into a 4-
20mA signal which is highly immune to noise and not affected by lead resistance, both of which can cause significant errors in voltage signals transmitted over long distances.
The Q510 operates as a two-wire transmitter; each channel derives its power from a (10-35VDC) source connected in series with the
4-20mA output loop. Typically a 24VDC source is used, allowing
14VDC (700 ohms @ 20mA) for other devices connected in series in the current loop. The outputs of the Q510 are protected from reverse polarity. Zero and span pots are provided for each channel to calibrate the output to the input RTD. Standard input temperature ranges (see Table) are calibrated to the rated accuracy. One range per module; two or four channels per module.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 129
1. Connect the input to a calibrated three-wire resistance source
(not a resistance simulator). Connect the output in series to a voltage source capable of supplying at least 20mA and a milliamp current meter.
2. Set the calibrator to the specified minimum temperature resistance value and adjust the zero potentiometer for 4mA output.
Note: The voltage source (Vs) connected to the output must be sufficient to accommodate all other device loads (RL) in the current loop:
3. Set the calibrator to the specified maximum temperature resistance value and adjust the span potentiometer for 20mA output.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, as necessary.
2 C h a n n e l M o d e l s
Q 5 1 0 0 B 0 1
Q 5 1 0 0 B 0 2
Q 5 1 0 0 B 0 3
Q 5 1 0 0 B 0 4
Q 5 1 0 0 B 0 5
Q 5 1 0 0 B 0 6
Q 5 1 0 0 B 0 7
Q 5 1 0 0 B 0 8
Q 5 1 0 0 B 0 9
Q 5 1 0 0 B 1 0
Q 5 1 0 R a n g e s
4 C h a n n e l M o d e l s
Q 5 1 0 4 B 0 1
Q 5 1 0 4 B 0 2
I n p u t s
0 t o 1 0 0 ° C
0 t o 1 5 0 ° C
0 t o 2 0 0 ° C Q 5 1 0 4 B 0 3
Q 5 1 0 4 B 0 4
Q 5 1 0 4 B 0 6
0 t o 5 0 0 ° C
0 t t o o
5 0
0 0
0 t o 3 0 0 ° F
Q 5 1 0 4 B 0 8
Q 5 1 0 4 B 0 9
Q 5 1 0 4 B 1 0 0
0 t o t o t o
4 0 0 °
5 0 0 °
1 0 0 0 °
O u t p u t s
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Accepts two or four, 3-wire Pt100 RTDs (alpha = 0.00385Ohms/Ohm/ ° C)
Ranges: see Table
Input Excitation:
0.8mA, typical, each channel
Input Leadwire Effect:
<1% of full scale output, max. @40Ohms max./ lead
Output Range:
Supply Voltage Range:
10 to 35VDC, each channel
Output Accuracy:
< 0.1% of full-scale input typical, <0.4% max., including linearity, repeatability and hysteresis
Front accessed 10 turn pot., +2% of span for zero and span, typical.
< 0.025%/ o C of full-scale maximum for full-scale and zero
ESD Susceptibility:
Meets IEC 801-2 level 2 (4kV)
Response Time:
50mSec typical (10 to 90%)
Q510 (2 Channel) Terminals
T e r m i n a l
C o n n e c t i o n
C h a n n e l
P o w e r &
O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l
P o w e r &
O u t p u t ( )
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l
P o w e r &
O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l
P o w e r &
O u t p u t ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
T e r m i n a l
C o n n e c t i o n
C h a
R T D n n e l 2
I n p u t R e t u r n
C h a
R T D n n e l 2
I n p u t ( )
C h a
R T D n n e l 2
I n p u t ( + )
C h a
R T D n n e l 1
I n p u t R e t u r n
C h a
R T D n n e l 1
I n p u t ( )
C h a
R T D n n e l 1
I n p u t ( + )
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: Q510 (see Table)
Channels: 2 or 4
Input Range: (see Table)
Accessories: (see Accessories)
ActionI/Q modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35 (model
MD03) DIN rail. In addition the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (500mA)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 A)
Operating: -40 to 80 o C (-40 to 176 o F)
Storage: -40 to 80 o C (-40 to 176 o F)
Humidity (non-condensing):
Operating: 15 to 90% @45 o C
Wire Terminals:
Socketed screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2 (File No. LR42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99775).
CE conformance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and low voltage
73/23/EEC (Input <75VDC).
A 3
A 4
A 5
A 6
B 1
B 2
B 3
B 4
Q510 (4 Channel) Terminals
T e r m i n a l
C o n n e c t i o n
C h a n n e l
P o w e r &
O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l
P o w e r &
O u t p u t ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l
P o w e r &
O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l
P o w e r &
O u t p u t ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 3
P o w e r & O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 3
P o w e r & O u t p u t ( )
C h a n n e l
P o w e r &
O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l
P o w e r &
O u t p u t ( )
T e r m i n a l
C o n n e c t i o n
C h
R T a
D n n e l
I n p
2 u t R e t u r n
C h
R T a
D n n e l
I n p
2 u t ( )
C h
R T a
D n n e l
I n p
2 u t ( + )
C h
R T a
D n n e l
I n p
1 u t R e t u r n
R h a
T D n n e l 1
I n p u t ( )
R h a
T D n n e l 1
I n p u t ( + )
R h a
T D n n e l 4
I n p u t R e t u r n
R h a
T D n n e l 4
I n p u t ( )
C h
R T a
D n n e l
I n p
4 u t ( + )
C h
R T a
D n n e l
I n p
3 u t R e t u r n
C h
R T a
D n n e l
I n p
3 u t ( )
C h
R T a
D n n e l
I n p
3 u t ( + )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 130 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Q520-2xxx (2 channel) n
Two 2-Wire Transmitters in a Single Package n
Output Linear to T/C Millivolt Input n
Standard Input Ranges
Loop Powered Multi-Channel T/C Input
Isolating, 2-Wire Transmitter
Provides 2 Isolated Current Loops in Proportion to 2 Thermocouple Millivolt Inputs n
High Density DIN Rail Mounting n
SnapLoc TM Plug-in Terminals n
Output Loop Powered from 12 to 35VDC
The Q520 is a DIN rail mount, thermocouple input, dual channel, two-wire transmitter. Each channel accepts a thermocouple input and provides an isolated, 4-20mA output signal, linear to the millivolt input. Cold junction compensation is provided and each channel is fully isolated (1800VDC) from input to output and channel to channel.
All ActionI/Q modules feature SnapLoc plug-in screw terminals for easy installation and low Mean-Time-To-Repair (MTTR). Two or more modules can slide together and interlock for solid, high density mounting (by removing either the foot, or the adjacent unit's faceplate, for right-hand side or left-hand side mounting, respectively). The module to be attached will easily slide on to the side of the mounted unit.
Thermocouple input, two-wire transmitters are used to convert a specific temperature range into a regulated 4-20mA signal. Two-wire transmitters are primarily used in remote locations near the sensor since they reduce the probability of signal errors and save wiring costs by utilizing the two power wires to send the 4-20mA signal. The current signal is usually monitored by a control system or data recorder.
1. Connect the input to a calibrated thermocouple simulator or millivolt source (thermocouple wire corresponding to the input range may be required; check your calibrator's capabilities).
Connect the output in series to a voltage source capable of supplying at least 20mA and a milliamp current meter.
Note: The voltage source (Vs) connnected to the output must be sufficient to accommodate all other device loads (RL) in the current loop:
Typically, thermocouples are used to measure high temperatures such as in an oven or furnace. Thermocouple wires can be run a short distance to a panel, or farther with the use of shielded wire, without errors caused by noise or lead resistance in the wires. These sensor wires are usually terminated at the two-wire transmitter and converted into a 4-20mA signal which is highly immune to noise and not affected by lead resistance, both of which can cause significant errors in voltage signals transmitted over long distances.
Each channel derives its power from a (12-35VDC) source connected in series with the 4-20mA output loop. Typically a 24VDC source is used for power, allowing 12VDC (600 ohms @ 20mA) for other devices connected in series in the current loop. The outputs of the Q520 are isolated from the inputs and protected from reverse polarity. Zero and span pots are provided for each channel. Standard input temperature ranges (see Table) are calibrated to the rated accuracy. One range per module; two channels per module.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 131
2. Set the calibrator to the specified minimum temperature or equivalent millivolt value and adjust the zero potentiometer for
4mA output.
3. Set the calibrator to the specified maximum temperature or equivalent millivolt value and adjust the span potentiometer for
20mA output.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, as necessary. Note that the output is linear to mV (not temperature).
2 C h a n n e l s
Q 5 2 0 0 B 0 1
Q 5 2 0 0 B 0 2
Q 5 2 0 0 B 0 3
Q 5 2 0 0 B 0 4
Q 5 2 0 0 B 0 5
Q 5 2 0 0 B 0 6
Q 5 2 0 0 B 0 7
Q 5 2 0 0 B 0 8
Q 5 2 0 0 B 0 9
Q 5 2 0 0 B 1 0
Q 5 2 0 R a n g e s
I n p u t s
T y p e J ; 0 t o 5 0 0 ° F
T y p e J ; 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° F
T y p e J ; 0 t o 5 0 0 ° C
T y p e K ; 0 t o 5 0 0 ° F
T y p e K ; 0 t o 2 0 0 0 ° F
T y p e K ; 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C
T y p e T ; 0 t o 5 0 0 ° F
T y p e T ; 0 t o 2 5 0 ° C
T y p e K ; 0 t o 4 0 0 ° C
T y p e K ; 0 t o 5 0 0 ° C
O u t p u t s
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
4 2 0 m A
Consult factory for non-standard ranges
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Accepts two J, K or T Type thermocouples
Ranges: see Table
Burnout Detection:
Upscale standard; Downscale, option B
Cold-Junction Compensation Error
1 o C typical, 0 to 80 o C ambient;
3 o C typical, -40 to 0 o C ambient
Output Range:
Supply Voltage Range:
12 to 35VDC, each channel
Output Accuracy:
< 0.1% of full-scale input (mV) typical, < 0.2% max. @23 o C including linearity, repeatability and hysteresis (not including CJC error)
Front accessed 10 turn pot., + 5% of span for zero and span
<0.025%/ o C of full-scale max. for full-scale and zero
ESD Susceptibility:
Meets IEC 801-2 level 2 (4kV)
1800VDC or peak AC between input and output and channel to channel
Response Time:
100mSec typical (10 to 90%)
Operating: -40 to 80 o C (-40 to 176 o F)
Storage: -40 to 80 o C (-40 to 176 o F)
Humidity (non-condensing):
Operating: 15 to 90% (@45 o C)
Wire Terminals:
Socketed screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
0.34 lbs
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2 (File No. LR42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508 (File No. E99775).
CE conformance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and low voltage
73/23/EEC (Input <75VDC).
T e r m i n a l
C o n n e c t i o n
C h a n n e l
P o w e r &
O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 1
P o w e r & O u t p u t ( )
A 3 N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a n n e l 2
P o w e r & O u t p u t ( + )
C h a n n e l 2
P o w e r & O u t p u t ( )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
T e r m i n a l
C 1
C o n n e c t i o
N o t C o n n e c t e d n
C h a
T / C n n e l
I n p u t
( )
C h a
T / C n n e l
I n p u t
( + )
N o t C o n n e c t e d
C h a
T / C n n e l
I n p u t
( )
C h a
T / C n n e l
I n p u t
( + )
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
1. Model: Q520 (see Table)
2. Option: B (downscale burnout detection), upscale standard
3. Input Range: (see Table)
4. Accessories: (see Accessories)
Action I/Q modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35 (model
MD03) DIN rail. In addition the following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (500mA)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1A)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3A)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 132 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
IQRL-D002 (powers 2 DC modules)
IQRL-D004 (powers 4 DC modules)
IQRL-D008 (powers 8 DC modules)
IQRL-2002 (powers 2 AC modules)
IQRL-2004 (powers 4 AC modules)
IQRL-2008 (powers 8 AC modules) n
Reduces Wiring Time n
Improves Reliability with Fewer Wire to Terminal
Power Distribution Bus
Provides Power to ActionI/Q
Signal Conditioning Modules n
Attaches Directly to the ActionI/Q Module n
SnapLoc™ Plug-In Terminals
The I/QRail is a power distribution bus for the ActionI/Q Series of multi-channel signal conditioners. It can be used optionally on DC powered units, but is required for AC powered units. The I/QRail provides a means of effectively distributing 24VDC or 120/240VAC power to ActionI/Q modules.
DC Powered Rails AC Powered Rail Assemblies
IQRL-D002 (up to 2 modules) IQRL-2002 (up to 2 modules)
IQRL-D004 (up to 4 modules) IQRL-2004 (up to 4 modules)
IQRL-D008 (up to 8 modules) IQRL-2008 (up to 8 modules)
The I/QRail is a two-layer printed circuit board with power and ground planes protected to withstand an 1800VDC differential.
There are 2, 4 or 8 female plug-in connectors to mount as many as 2, 4 or 8 modules. All assemblies include DIN rail and Action
I/Q mounting feet.
The I/QRail is designed to reduce the time and cost associated with power wiring. It eliminates the need to daisy chain or make power connections to individual modules. The I/QRail is held in place by the ActionI/Q mounting feet, which are already attached to the I/
QRail. The mounting foot is simply attached to a DIN rail. The I/Q
Rail allows the user to easily remove or replace any module, with or without power applied.
The DC powered versions are designed to power 3-wire or 4-wire transmitters in the ActionI/Q product family, specifically models
Q1x8, Q4x4, Q4x5 and Q4x8. The AC powered versions are designed to power 4-wire transmitters in the ActionI/Q family, specifically models Q1x6, and Q4x6.
Individual modules can be removed or replaced with power applied to the I/QRail without damage to the rail or the modules.
Note: When installing modules while power is on, it is highly recommended that the input and output connections be made after mounting the module to the I/Q Rail, making certain that the output circuit will not cause a hazardous condition in the event of minimum or full-scale output from the module.
The ActionI/Q modules are designed to hold the I/QRail firmly in place and parallel to the DIN mounting rail. No additional mounting holes or cutouts are required for I/QRail installation.
ActionI/Q modules mount on standard TS32 (32mm) or TS35
(35mm) DIN rails which then support the complete installation.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 133 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
1. Separate the DIN rail from the I/Q Rail assembly by either sliding it off or releasing each mounting foot tab. Mount the DIN rail in the panel or rack at the desired location.
Note: The module which is to mount on the I/QRail and DIN rail has a base (foot) which is removable from the body. This foot has one bracket to mount on a DIN rail (32mm or 35mm) and another bracket to hold the I/QRail (see Figure 1).
2. Once the DIN rail is firmly in place, snap the foot and I/QRail assembly to the DIN mounting rail, starting from the center unit on the rail and working outward. When all the feet are mounted to the DIN rail the I/QRail should be held firmly in place parallel with the DIN mounting rail (see Figure 2).
3. To mount the first module on its foot, start with the farthest left hand foot (P1 or P2 on I/QRail). Snap the module to this foot making sure that the rail connector matches the opening receptacle on the base of the module. Check that both tabs on the foot have snapped in place.
4. The second module can now slide on to the first module's metal heatsink. Align the plastic ridges, which start at the base of the second unit, into the grooves on the metal heatsink. Slide the second unit down until the foot tabs snap in place. Repeat this procedure for the remaining modules to be attached.
5. To remove a module from a row, first detach the faceplate of the unit to the right of the unit to be removed (see figure 3). Then remove the terminal connectors by gently pulling them away from the module. Once the terminals are clear, use a blade screw driver to release the foot tabs from the base of the module while pulling the unit gently free (see Figure 4). Replace the faceplate of the adjacent unit.
6. Installation can be accomplished by reversing step 5, making sure the right hand unit's faceplate is removed before installation.
7. Individual modules can be removed or replaced with power applied to the I/QRail, without damage to the rail or the modules.
8. Calibration should be performed as specified on the specific module’s data sheet.
Figure 1: ActionI/Q Module and Mounting Foot
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 134
Figure 2: ActionI/Q Mounting Foot Attached to IQRail and DIN Rail
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
1800V DC, between power conductors
Power Rating:
DC Versions: 30VDC max., powering up to 8 two channel modules
AC Versions: 265VAC max., powering up to 8 two channel modules
ESD Susceptibility:
Meets IEC 801-2 Level 2 (4kV)
Operating: 0 to 65 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -40 to 80 ° C (-40 to 176 ° F)
Humidity (non-condensing):
Operating: 25 to 95% @40 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @60 ° C
Wire Terminals:
Socketed screw terminals for 14-22 AWG
Agency Approvals
The IQRL is designed to operate with and support the UL, CE and
CSA approvals for the specific signal conditioners listed. Refer to the signal conditioner data sheets for specific approvals.
Figure 3: ActionI/Q Module and Removable Faceplate
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 4: ActionI/Q Modules and Interlocking Slides
Page 135 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Dimensions are in inches (millimeters)
IQRL-D002 (DC Power Only)
IQRL-D004 (DC Power Only)
IQRL-D008 (DC Power Only)
IQRL-2002 (AC Power Only)
IQRL-2004 (AC Power Only)
IQRL-2008 (AC Power Only)
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
1. Model:
IQRL-D002 (powers 2 DC modules), or
IQRL-D004 (powers 4 DC modules), or
IQRL-D008 (powers 8 DC modules), or
IQRL-2002 Assembly (powers 2 AC modules) includes DIN rail, or
IQRL-2004 Assembly (powers 4 AC modules) includes DIN rail, or
IQRL-2008 Assembly (powers 8 AC modules) includes DIN rail
2. Accessories: (see Accessories):
ActionI/Q modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN rails. The I/QRail mounts to the ActionI/Q.
The following accessories are available:
MD02 TS32 DIN rail
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (500mA)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1A)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3A)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 136 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Q486 & Q488 Graphic User Interface
Provides a Graphic User Interface and Communication
Cable to Speed Transmitter Configuration
C681-0001 n
Quickly Configures Q486 & Q488 Transmitters n
CD ROM Contains Program & User Guide n
Configure Multiple Modules Quickly & Easily n n
Displays Measured Temperature to Check Accuracy
Displays Diagnostics Information to Check Switch
The C681 is a Graphic User Interface (GUI) program and interface cable used to configure Q486 and Q488 Temperature Transmitters. The C681 speeds configuration and can also be used as a diagnostic tool to confirm switch positions or read the measured temperature to check accuracy.
Note that this software is designed to be used as a configuration tool for normal setup and operation. In some cases under abnormal circumstances it may not always report sensor data values correctly. For example, during burnout or open circuit sensor conditions, the software may report high or low default values and not necessarily the actual sensor input and output data.
Instruction Manual
A complete instruction manual is contained on the CD ROM. The file ("Q486HELP.doc.") can be read directly using Microsoft Word or WordPad or it can be read using the online help command while running the application. For detailed information relating to system requirements, program installation and operation, read
Section 3 of the instruction manual.
Program Installation
1. Insert the CD into the CD ROM drive.
2. If the program does not start automatically, click on the
"Setup.exe" file.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the program onto your hard drive.
4. To run the application, click the AIQ486GUI.exe icon.
Connecting the Q488 or Q486-0001 to a Personal Computer
1. Connect the communication cable to an unused RS-232 serial port of the PC (e.g., com1, com2).
2. Remove the front panel of the Q488 (or Q486-0001) to access the communication jack connector and plug the cable into the jack connector.
Connecting the Q486-0000 to a Personal Computer
1. Connect the communication cable to an unused RS-232 serial port of the PC.
2. Install the cable adaptor provided to the output connector, A4 to A6, and plug the cable into the jack connector.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305 Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 137
Q498 Graphic User Interface
Provides a Graphic User Interface and Communication
Cable to Speed Transmitter Configuration n n
Quickly Configures Q498 Math Modules
CD ROM Contains Program & User Guide n
Configure Multiple Modules Quickly & Easily n
Displays Diagnostics Information to Check Switch
The C698 is a Graphic User Interface (GUI) program and interface cable used to configure the Model Q498 Math Function Module.
The C698 speeds configuration and can be used as a diagnostic tool to confirm switch positions. This software is required in order to take advantage of the math functions.
Instruction Manual
A complete instruction manual is contained on the CD ROM. The file ("Q498HELP.doc.") can be read directly using Microsoft Word or WordPad or it can be read using the online help command while running the application.
Program Installation
1. Insert the CD into the CD ROM drive.
2. If the program does not start automatically, click on the
"Setup.exe" file.
3. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the program onto your hard drive.
4. To run the application, click the AIQ498GUI.exe icon.
Connecting the Q498 to a Personal Computer
1. Connect the communication cable to an unused RS-232 serial port of the PC (e.g., com1, com2).
2. Remove the front panel of the Q498 to access the communication jack connector and plug the cable into the jack connector.
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The Ultra SlimPak is the result of over 10 years of experience in wide-ranging, field configurable instrument design. The Ultra
SlimPak utilizes ASIC and microprocessor technology to provide
1800VDC isolation and wide ranging adjustments for easy, accurate, discrete signal conditioning. The power supply of the Ultra
SlimPak will accept any AC or DC source between 9 and 30 volts, typically a 12 or 24VDC supply is used.
The value of a field configurable instrument is that it allows the user to easily set the instrument for their specific (or custom) I/O range.
This flexibility reduces spare parts inventory and increases the efficiency of the process by maximizing resolution in critical process measurements.
Ultra High Density
The Ultra SlimPak was developed for high density applications in which panel space cannot be wasted. From 17 to 24 Ultra SlimPaks can mount on one linear foot of DIN rail. DIN rail mounting also provides easy "snap in place" installation.
Limit Alarms
Limit alarms are setpoint controllers that regulate industrial processes – discrete, batch or continuous. Two-position (On/Off) controllers simplify processes through automation, and by removing personnel from tedious and possibly harmful environments.
Alarms are indicators of problems – whether it is a production line fault, a process upset, an equipment failure or a control system abnormality. Limit alarms safeguard industrial facilities and workers by alerting and informing process personnel of abnormal conditions.
Ultra SlimPak G1X8 Series of Limit Alarms
The Ultra SlimPak G1X8 series of limit alarms accept the most popular process signals: DC voltage and current (G108); RTD
(G118); thermocouples (G128); and AC voltage and current
(G168). Their output is a dual contact closure (2 SPDT relays) that can be used to light hazard beacons, sound audible alarms or alert control systems of abnormalities.
Setpoint Flexibility
Wide ranging, field configurable Ultra SlimPaks allow the user to configure the input type, input range, setpoint, deadband, HI/LO operation and failsafe or non-failsafe relay state.
These features provide the flexibility required to solve many diverse process control applications, with the additional benefits of reduced spare parts inventory and the convenience of an offthe-shelf solution.
Signal Conditioners
Signal conditioners amplify and condition weak signals generated by process sensors. They send signals long distances without degradation by electrical noise. They are also used to drive devices such as indicators, alarms, controllers, computer interfaces and other process instrumentation.
Ultra SlimPAk G4X8 Series of Conditioners
The Ultra SlimPak G4X8 series of signal conditioners accepts a variety of process signals: DC voltage and current (G428); RTD
(G418); thermocouple (G428); potentiometer (G438); strain gauge
(G448); AC voltage and current (G468); and frequency/pulse
(G478). Three port isolation – input to output to power – ensures that common ground faults are eliminated from any source.
ASIC Reliability
Action's exclusive analog ASIC increases reliability by reducing components and interconnections by up to 70%.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 139 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Ultra SlimPak ™ Selection Guide
I n p u t
D C V o l t a g e
( V , , m V , , o r
A , ,
C u r r e n t m A )
( 0 1 0 0
P o t e n t i o m e t e r
O h m s s , u p t t o 0 1 0 0 k O h m s )
( T y p e s
P t , , , , N i i , C u )
( T y p
T h e r m o c o u p l e e s s B , E , J , K , R , S , , , T ) )
( 0 2
F r e q u e n c y
H z t t o 0 1 0 k H z )
( 0 t
5 , , 1 , , , ,
1 0 V
3 , , t r a
5 , , , , , i n
1 0
G a u g e
, , , , , 2 0 , , , , , 5 0 m V / V )
A d j j u s s t a b l e E x c i i t a t i o n
A C V o l t a g e
( V , m V , o r C u r r e n t
A , m A )
2 4 V
P o w e r o l
S u t p
D p
C l l i i i e s
T y p i c a l A p p l i c a t i o n D e s c r i p t i o n
V o l t a g e / C u r r e n t n o i s e r e d u c t i o n a s c a l i n d n g , i s o l a t i o n , s i g n a l d r i v e
D C l e v e m o t o r / c u r r e n t l / p o s i t i o n l i m c o n t r o l , i t ,
H I / L O p r e s s u r e a l a r m t o t a l i
, z a p o w e t i o n r d e m a n d a l a r m , 2 w
c h a a r n i n n e l n g , c o m p a r a t o r
F i a e l d l a r m c o n f i g u r a b l e D C i n p u t l i m i t
T a a c n q k u i l s i e t i v e o l n , c c o n d i t i o n i n g o n t r e s i r o s t l , a n m o n i t o r i n g , c e p o s i t i o n d a t a s e n s o r
F i e l d i n p u t c o n f i g s i g n a l u r c a b l e o n d i t i p o t e o n e r n t i o m e t e r
T e m d a t a p e r a t u r e a c q u i s i t i c o o n n t r o l , m o n i t o r i n g ,
H e a t e r / c o o l e r t t e e m m p e p e r a r a t u t u r e r e c o n t r o l , H I / a l a r m , m o t o r m o n i t o r
F i e l d c o n f i g u r a b l e i s o l a t o r
D C i n p u t
F i e l d c o n f i g u r a b l e i s o l a t o r
R T D i n p u t
F a i l e a l d r m c o n f i g u r a b l e R T D i n p u t l i m i t
T e m p e r a t u r e d a t a a c q u i s i t i c o o n n t r o l , m o n i t o r i n g ,
H e a t e t e m p e r / c o r a t u o l r e e r a l c o n t a r m , r o l , H I / L O m o t o r t e m p e r a t u r e m o n i t o r
F l o w / v e l o c i t y c o n t r o l o r m o n i t o r i n g , m o t o r s p e e d a c c u m u l a t i o n , c i o n t n t e r o l , g r a t s c a l i n g , i o n , p u l s e t o t a l i z i n g
F i e l d i n p u t c o n f i g u r a b l e i s o l a t o r t h e r m o c o u p l e
F i e l d i n p u t
F i e f r e l d q u c o n f i e l i n m c i y t g u r a b l e a l a r m c o n f i g u r a b l e i n p u t i t h e r m o c o u p l e s o l a t o r
P r e s m o n s u r e i t o r i c o n g , n t r o w e i l , g h p r e s s u r e t , l o a d s t a t u s c e l l c o n d i t i o n i n g a n d d a t a a c q u i s i t i o n
V o l t a g e / C u r r e n t m o n i t o r i n g , i s o l a s t i c a l o n , i n g , b u f p o w e r f e r i n g
A C m s t a t u s o t m o r / c u r r e o n i t o r n t l i m i t , A C p o w e r
F i b r i d g e
F i
A e l d e l d
F i e l d
A C c c c o n o o i n n i n p u t n i n p u t p i f i f i f i l i g u r a b l e u t i s o l a t g u r a b l e s o l m i a t o r g u r a b l e t
2 4 V D C , 5 0 0 m A a l a o r r m
S u p p l y
2 , 3
2 a n d
4 V
D C w i r e p o w e r t r a n s m t o i t t e r s
2 4 V D C , 1 .
0 A
2 4 V D C , 2 .
3 A
M o d e l
G 4 0 8
G 1 0 8
G 4 7 8
G 4 4 8
G 4 6 8
G 1 6 8
W V 9 0 5
H 9 1 0
H 9 1 5
G 4 3 8
G 4 1 8
G 1 1 8
G 4 2 8
G 1 2 8
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 140 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
G108-0001 n
Programmable HI or LO, Failsafe or Non-failsafe n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
24VDC Transducer Excitation n
LED Trip and Input Indicators
DC Powered DC Input Limit Alarm
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset DC Input Level n
Flexible Power Supply Accepts 9 to 30 VDC n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability n
RoHS Compliant
The Ultra SlimPak G108 is a DIN rail mount, DC voltage or current input limit alarm with dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The field configurable input and alarm functions offer flexible setpoint capability. Input voltage spans from 10mV to
200V and input current spans from 1mA to 100mA can be field configured. Bipolar inputs are also accepted.
The G108 is configurable as a single or dual setpoint alarm, with
HI or LO trips and failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Also included are adjustable deadbands (0.25 to 5% of full scale input) for each setpoint, a 24VDC voltage source (isolated from line power) for transducer excitation, and a flexible DC power supply which accepts any voltage between 9 and 30VDC.
Diagnostic LEDS
The G108 is equipped with three front panel LEDs. The dual function green LED is labeled INPUT and indicates line power and input signal status. Active DC power is indicated by an illuminated
LED. If this LED is off, check DC power and the wiring connection.
If the input signal is more than 110% of the full scale range, the LED will flash at 8 Hz. Below 0%, it flashes at 4 Hz. Two red LEDs indicate the relay state for each setpoint. An illuminated red LED indicates the tripped condition.
The G108 is equipped with two SPDT (form C) relays, rated at
120VAC or 28VDC at 5 Amperes. Each of these relays is independently controlled by the field configurable setpoint and deadband.
The field configurable G108 limit alarm setpoints can be configured for HI or LO, failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Each of the setpoints has a respective HI or LO deadband. In a tripped condition, the setpoint is exceeded and the appropriate red LED will illuminate. The trip will reset only when the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the low deadband (see Figure 1).
For proper deadband operation, the HI setpoint must always be set above the LO setpoint. In failsafe operation, the relay is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the
LO setpoint (opposite for non-failsafe). In the failsafe mode, a power failure results in an alarm state output.
Dynamic Deadband
Circuitry in the G108 prevents false trips by repeatedly sampling the input. The input must remain beyond the setpoint for 100 milliseconds, uninterrupted, to qualify as a valid trip condition.
Likewise, the input must fall outside the deadband and remain there for 100 milliseconds to return the alarm to an untripped condition. This results in a “dynamic deadband” (based on time) in addition to the normal deadband.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model G108 as follows:
Input: Current
Range: 0-20mA
Output: Dual, SPDT
Trip: A:HI, B:LO
Failsafe: No
Deadband: A, B: 0.25%
The DC power input accepts any DC source between 9 and 30V.
Typically a 12V or 24VDC source is used (see Accessories).
For other I/O ranges, refer to Table 1. Reconfigure switch SW1 for the desired input type, range and function.
1. With DC power off, set position 9 and 10 of SW1 for current or voltage (see Figure 4).
2. Set position 1 through position 4 of input range switch “SW1” for the desired input range (see Table 1).
3. Set position 5 of input range switch “SW1” to ON for unipolar
(e.g. zero based, 0-20mA) range or OFF for bipolar (e.g. -100% offset, -20 to 20mA) range.
4. Set position 6 and 7 of input range switch “SW1” to ON for a HI trip setpoint or OFF for a LO trip setpoint.
5. Set position 8 of input range switch “SW1” to ON for non-failsafe operation or OFF for failsafe operation (e.g. alarm trips upon power failure).
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 141 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
1. After configuring the DIP switches, connect the input to a calibrated DC source and apply power. Refer to the terminal wiring
(Figure 7).
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing approximately 1 to 2 hours for warm up and thermal equilibrium of the system.
2. Setpoint: Set deadband to its minimum (fully counterclockwise) before adjusting the setpoint. With the desired trip voltage or current input applied, adjust the setpoint until the relay trips. For
HI trip calibration, start with the setpoint above the desired trip
(full clockwise). For LO trip calibration, start below the desired trip
(full counterclockwise).
3. Deadband: Set deadband to its minimum (fully counterclockwise). Set the setpoint to desired trip. Adjust the input until the relay trips. Readjust deadband to 5% (fully clockwise). Set the input signal to desired deadband position. Slowly adjust deadband until relay untrips.
Table 2: G108 Trip Settings
S e l e c t o r S W 1
F u n c t i o n
5 6 7 8
T r i n p i p o
B l a
H r
N o n
F i p a li
A s a
H f e
I n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n
Relay Protection & EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved using external protection (see Figures
2 and 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize all lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properly rated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1uF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47 ohm, 1/2W carbon resistor. For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV
> DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-
) to anode (the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads
Table 1: G108 Input Range Settings
R a n g e s S e l e c t o r S W 1
V o l
5 t a
1 g
0 e m m m
0 m m m
C u r
1 r e
0 m m
2 0 m A
0 n
0 t m m m
0 m
1 2 3 4 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
2 0 0 V
I n p u t T y p e
C u r r e n t
V o l t a g e
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
9 n
1 0 n
Figure 4: G108 Input Range/Function Selection (SW1) Factory Default Settings
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 142 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 5: G108 Factory Cal; 0-20mA, A-HI/B-LO, Non-Failsafe Figure 6: Typical Connections of Voltage or Current Inputs
Figure 7: Terminal Wiring Diagram for G108
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 143
Note: All Ultra SlimPak modules are designed to operate in ambient temperatures from 0 to 55
C when mounted on a horizontal DIN rail. If five or more modules are mounted on a vertical rail, circulating air or model HS01 Heat Sink is recommended. Refer to HS01 Technical
Bulletin (#721-0549-00) or contact the factory for assistance.
Figure 8: Mounting Multiple Modules
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Range: 10mV to +200V
Impedance: >100K ohms
Overvoltage: 200V rms, max.
Range: 1mA to +100mA
Impedance: 20 ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 170mA rms, max.
Overvoltage: 60VDC (protected by self resetting fuse)
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
1800VDC, max.
LED Indicators
Input Range (Green)
>110% input: 8Hz flash
<0% input: 4Hz flash
Setpoint (Red)
Tripped: Solid red
Safe: Off
Limit Differentials (Deadbands)
>50mV/5mA: 0.25% to 5% of span
<50mV/5mA: 1% to 5% of span
Response Time
Dynamic Deadband:
Relay status will change when proper setpoint/process condition exists for
Normal Mode (analog filtering):
<250mSec, (10-90%)
Setpoints are adjustable over 100% of the selected input span.
Repeatability (constant temp.):
>50mV/5mA: 0.1% of full scale
<50mV/5mA: 0.2% of full scale
Temperature: +0.05% of full scale/ ° C, max.
Excitation Voltage
24VDC, 20mA, maximum
Common Mode Rejection
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1800VDC between contacts, input & power
EMC Compliance (CE Mark)
Emmissions: EN50081-1
Immunity: EN50082-2
Safety: EN50178
Humidity (Non-Condensing)
Operating: 15 to 95% @45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24hours @65 ° C
Temperature Range
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5W max.
Supply Range: 9 to 30VDC, inverter isolated
Relay Contacts
2 SPDT (2 form C) Relays
1 Relay per setpoint
Current Rating (resistive):
120VAC: 5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Material: Gold flash over silver alloy
Electrical Life:10 5 operations at rated load
Note: External relay contact protection is required for use with inductive loads
(see Figures 2 & 3).
Mechanical Life: 10 7 operations
Wire Terminations
Screw terminations for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272)
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No.E99775)
CE Conformance per EMC directive 89/
336/EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC
(Input < 75VDC, only).
RoHS Compliant
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our web site.
Dimensions Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: G108-0001
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output range.
SlimPak “G” series modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
HS01 Heatsink (vertical rail applications)
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5A)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1A)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3A)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C664 I/O Descriptive Tags
C006 Shunt Resistor (0.1 ohm, 5A max.)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 144 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
G118-0002 n
Programmable HI or LO, Failsafe or Non-failsafe n
Field Configurable Ranges for Platinum, Nickel and Copper RTDs n
Ultra Slim Housing for High Density Installations
DC Powered RTD Input Limit Alarm
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset RTD/Resistance Input Level n
LED Trip and Input Indicators n
Flexible Power Supply Accepts 9 to 30 VDC n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability n
RoHS Compliant
The Ultra SlimPak G118 is a DIN rail mount, RTD input limit alarm with dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The field configurable input and alarm functions offer flexible setpoint capability. There are up to eight temperature ranges available for each RTD type to ensure accuracy and maximize setpoint resolution.
The G118 is configurable as a single or dual setpoint alarm, with
HI or LO trips and failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Also included are adjustable deadbands (0.25 to 5% of full scale input) for each setpoint and a flexible DC power supply which accepts any voltage between 9 and 30VDC.
Diagnostic LEDS
The G118 is equipped with three front panel LEDs. The dual function green LED is labeled INPUT and indicates line power and input signal status. Active DC power is indicated by an illuminated
LED. If this LED is off, check DC power and the wiring connection.
If the input signal is more than 110% of the full scale range, the LED will flash at 8 Hz. Below 0%, it flashes at 4 Hz. Two red LEDs indicate the relay state for each setpoint. An illuminated red LED indicates the tripped condition.
The G118 is equipped with two SPDT (form C) relays, rated at
120VAC or 28VDC at 5 Amperes. Each of these relays is independently controlled by the field configurable setpoint and deadband.
The field configurable G118 limit alarm setpoints can be configured for HI or LO, failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Each of the setpoints has a respective HI or LO deadband. In a tripped condition, the setpoint is exceeded and the appropriate red LED will illuminate. The trip will reset only when the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the LO deadband (see Figure 1).
For proper deadband operation the HI setpoint must always be set above the LO setpoint. In failsafe operation, the relay is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the LO setpoint
(opposite for non-failsafe). In the failsafe mode, a power failure results in an alarm state output.
Dynamic Deadband
Circuitry in the G118 prevents false trips by repeatedly sampling the input. The input must remain beyond the setpoint for 100 milliseconds, uninterrupted, to qualify as a valid trip condition.
Likewise, the input must fall outside the deadband and remain there for 100 milliseconds to return the alarm to an untripped condition. This results in a “dynamic deadband” (based on time) in addition to the normal deadband.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model G118 as follows:
Input: Platinum (100 Ohm)
Range: 0 to 250 ° C
Output: Dual, SPDT
Trip: A:HI, B:LO
Failsafe: No
Deadband: A, B: 1.0%
The DC power input accepts any DC source between 9 and 30V; typically a 12V or 24VDC source is used (see Accessories).
For other I/O ranges, refer to Tables 1 through 3 and reconfigure switches SW1 and SW2 for the desired input type, range and function.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. With DC power off, position input switches 1 through 6 on
“SW2” for RTD type (Table 1).
2. Set position 1 through 4 of input range switch “SW1” for the desired RTD type and input temperature range (Table 3).
3. Set position 5 and 6 of input range switch “SW1” to ON for a HI trip setpoint or OFF for a LO trip setpoint (Figure 4).
4. Set position 7 of input range switch “SW1” to ON for non-failsafe operation or OFF for failsafe operation (e.g. alarm trips upon power failure).
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 145 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
1. After configuring the DIP switches, connect the input to a calibrated RTD source or a resistance decade box and apply power.
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing approximately 1 to 2 hours for warm up and thermal equilibrium of the system.
2. Setpoint Calibration: Before adjusting the setpoint, adjust the deadband pot to its minimum (fully counterclockwise). With the desired trip RTD resistance input applied, adjust the setpoint pot until the relay trips. For HI trip calibration, start with the setpoint pot above the desired trip (fully clockwise). For LO trip calibration, start with the setpoint pot below the desired trip (fully counterclockwise).
3. Deadband Calibration: Set the deadband pot to its minimum
(fully counterclockwise). Adjust the setpoint pot to the desired trip. Adjust the RTD resistance input until the relay trips. Readjust the deadband pots to 5% (fully clockwise). Set th RTD resistance input to the desired deadband position. Slowly adjust deadband
(counterclockwise) until the relay untrips.
Table 1: G118 RTD Type Settings
P t 5 0 0 , N i F e 6 0 4
S e l e c t o r S W 2
K e y :
R T D T y p e
P t 1 0 0 , C
P n
= 1 = t
C u
1 u
0 0
N i 1 2 0
O N o r
1 2 3 4 5 6 n n n n n n n n
C l o s e d
Table 2: G118 Trip Settings
S e l e c t o r S W 1
F u n c t i o n
T r i p B H I
5 n
T r i p A H I n
N o n F a li s a f e
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
7 n
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Relay Protection & EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved using external protection (see Figures
2 and 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize all lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properly rated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1uF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47 ohm, 1/2W carbon resistor. For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV
> DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-) to anode (the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
Page 146
Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads
Table 3: G118 Range Settings
0 t o 1 4 9 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 2 7 1 4 ° F )
0 t o 1 8 2 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 3 3 0 8 ° F )
0 t o 2 9 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 5 5 4 ° F )
0 t o 6 6 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 1 2 2 0 ° F )
0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
2 7 0 t o 1 5 0 ° C ( 4 5 4 t o 3 0 2 ° F )
2 7 0 t o 2 9 0 ° C ( 4 5 4 t o 5 5 4 ° F )
0 t o 1 9 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 3 7 4 ° F )
0 t o 3 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 6 6 2 ° F )
0 t o 7 6 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 1 4 0 0 ° F )
2 1 0 t o 1 9 0 ° C ( 3 6 4 t o 3 7 4 ° F )
0 t o 1 2 8 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 2 3 3 6 ° F )
0 t o 1 3 7 2 ° C ( 3 2 t o 2 5 0 2 ° F )
2 7 0 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 4 5 4 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
2 7 0 t o 4 8 0 ° C ( 4 5 4 t o 8 9 6 ° F )
0 t o 9 7 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 1 7 7 8 ° F )
0 t o 1 6 9 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 3 0 0 0 ° F )
0 t o 1 7 6 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 3 2 0 0 ° F )
0 t o 1 0 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 1 9 2 2 ° F )
0 t o 1 7 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 3 1 8 2 ° F )
T 2 7 0 t o 2 1 0 ° C ( 4 5 4 t o 4 1 0 ° F )
T 2 7 0 t o 3 9 0 ° C ( 4 5 4 t o 7 3 4 ° F )
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
S W 1 S e l e c t o r S W 2
0 t
I n p u t R a n g e o 1 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 3 0 2 ° F )
2 1 0 t o 3 5 0 ° C ( 3 6 4 t o 6 6 2 ° F )
0 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 4 8 2 ° F
0 t t t o o o
4 8
2 1
3 9
0 °
0 °
0 °
C (
( 3
2 t t t o o o
8 9
4 1
7 3
6 °
0 °
4 °
F )
) n n n n
1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 4: G118 Input Range/Function Selection (SW1) Factory Default Settings
Figure 5: G118 Factory Cal; 0-250 ° C (Pt 100),
A-HI/B-LO, Non-Failsafe
Figure 6: Terminal Wiring Diagram for G118
Note: All Ultra SlimPak modules are designed to operate in ambient temperatures from 0 to 55
C when mounted on a horizontal DIN rail. If five or more modules are mounted on a vertical rail, circulating air or model HS01 Heat Sink is recommended. Refer to HS01 Technical
Bulletin (#721-0549-00) or contact the factory for assistance.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 7: Mounting Multiple Modules
Page 147 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000 (0.00385Ohms/Ohm/ ° C);
Cu10, Cu100; Ni120, NiFe604
Sensor Connection: 3-wire.
Input Ranges: See table 1.
Excitation Current (Max)
<2mA for Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000, Ni120,
Cu100 or NiFe604
<10mA for Cu10
Leadwire Resistance
40% of base sensor resistance or 100 Ohms
(whichever is less), maximum per lead.
Leadwire Effect
Less than 1% of selected span over entire leadwire resistance range.
Input Protection
Normal Mode: Withstands ± 5VDC.
Common Mode (Input to Gnd): 1800VDC, max.
LED Indicators
Input Range (Green):
>110% input: 8Hz flash;
>-10% input: 4Hz flash
Setpoint (Red):
Tripped: Solid red;
Safe: Off
Limit Differentials (Deadbands)
0.25% to 5% of span
Response Time
Dynamic Deadband:
Relay status will change when proper setpoint/ process condition exists for
Normal Mode (analog filtering):
<250mSec, (10-90%)
Setpoints are adjustable over 100% of the selected input span
Repeatability (constant temp.):
± 0.2% of full scale
Line Voltage: ± 0.01%/%, max.
Temperature: ± 0.05% of full scale/ ° C, max.
Common Mode Rejection
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
>60Hz: 100dB
1800VDC between contacts, input & power
EMC Compliance (CE Mark)
Emissions: EN50081-1
Immunity: EN50082-2
Safety: EN50178
Humidity (Non-Condensing)
Operating: 15 to 95% @45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @65 ° C
Temperature Range
Operating: -15 to 55 ° C (5 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 75 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5W max.
Supply Range: 9 to 30VDC, inverter isolated
Relay Contacts
2 SPDT (2 form C) Relays, 1 Relay per setpoint
Current Rating (resistive)
120VAC: 5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Material: Gold flash over silver alloy
Electrical Life:10 5 operations at rated load
Note: External relay protection is required for use with inductive loads (see Figures 2 & 3).
Mechanical Life: 10 7 operations
Agency Approvals
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272)
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No.E99775)
CE Compliance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our web site.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: G118-0002
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output range.
SlimPak “G” series modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN rail . In addition, the following accessories are available:
HS01 Heat Sink
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C664 I/O Descriptive Tags
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 148 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
DC Powered T/C Input Limit Alarm
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset Temperature Input Level
G128-0001 n
Programmable HI or LO, Failsafe or Non-failsafe n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
LED Trip and Input Indicators n
Flexible Power Supply Accepts 9 to 30 VDC n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability n
RoHS Compliant
The Ultra Slim Pak G128 is a DIN rail mount, thermocouple input limit alarm with input terminal cold junction compensation (cjc), dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The field configurable input and alarm functions offer flexible setpoint capability. There are up to six temperature ranges available for each thermocouple type to ensure accuracy and maximize setpoint resolution.
The G128 is configurable as a single or dual setpoint alarm, with
HI or LO trips, upscale or downscale thermocouple burnout detection and failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Also included are adjustable deadbands (0.25 to 5% of full scale input) for each setpoint and a flexible DC power supply which accepts any voltage between 9 and 30VDC.
Diagnostic LEDS
The G128 is equipped with three front panel LEDs. The dual function green LED is labeled INPUT and indicates line power and input signal status. Active DC power is indicated by an illuminated
LED. If this LED is off, check DC power and the wiring connection.
If the input signal is more than 110% of the full scale range, the LED will flash at 8 Hz. Below -10%, it flashes at 4 Hz. Two red LEDs indicate the relay state for each setpoint. An illuminated red LED indicates the tripped condition.
The G128 is equipped with two SPDT (form C) relays, rated at
120VAC or 28VDC at 5 Amperes. Each of these relays is independently controlled by the field configurable setpoint and deadband.
Dynamic Deadband
Circuitry in the G128 prevents false trips by repeatedly sampling the input. The input must remain beyond the setpoint for 100 milliseconds, uninterrupted, to qualify as a valid trip condition.
Likewise, the input must fall outside the deadband and remain there for 100 milliseconds to return the alarm to an untripped condition. This results in a “dynamic deadband” (based on time) in addition to the normal deadband.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model G128 as follows:
Input: J Type
Range: 0 to 350 ° C
Output: Dual, SPDT
Trip: A: HI, B: LO
A, B: 0.25%
The DC power input accepts any DC source between 9 and 30V; typically a 12V or 24VDC source is used (see Accessories).
For other I/O ranges, refer to Table 1 and reconfigure switches
SW1 and SW2 for the desired input type, range and function.
Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
The field configurable G128 limit alarm setpoints can be configured for HI or LO, failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Each of the setpoints has a respective HI or LO deadband. In a tripped condition, the setpoint is exceeded and the appropriate red LED will illuminate. The trip will reset only when the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the LO deadband (see Figure
1). For proper deadband operation, the HI setpoint must always be set above the LO setpoint. In failsafe operation, the relay is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the
LO setpoint (opposite for non-failsafe). In the failsafe mode, a power failure results in an alarm state output.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 149
1. With DC power off, set SW1-1, 2, 3 and SW2-1 through 6 for the desired input range (Table 1).
2. Set positions 4 and 5 of “SW1” to ON for a HI trip setpoint or
OFF for a LO trip setpoint (Figure 4).
3. Set position 6 of “SW1” to ON for non-failsafe operation or OFF for failsafe operation (e.g., alarm trips upon power failure).
4. Set positions 7 and 8 of "SW1" to upscale or downscale burnout.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
1. After configuring the DIP switches, connect the input to a calibrated TC source and apply power. Refer to the terminal wiring
(Figure 5).
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing approximately 1 to 2 hours for warm up and thermal equilibrium of the system.
2. Setpoint: set deadband at its minimum (fully counterclockwise) before adjusting the setpoint. With the desired trip thermocouple millivolt input applied, adjust the setpoint until the relay trips. For
HI trip calibration, start with the setpoint above the desired trip
(fully clockwise). For LO trip calibration, start below the desired trip (fully counterclockwise).
3. Deadband: Set deadband to its minimum (fully counterclockwise). Set the setpoint to the desired trip. Adjust the thermocouple millivolt input until the relay trips. Readjust deadband to
5% (fully clockwise). Set the input to the desired deadband position. Slowly adjust deadband until the relay untrips
Relay Protection & EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved using external protection (see Figures
2 and 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize all lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properly rated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1uF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47 ohm, 1/2W carbon resistor. For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV
> DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-
) to anode (the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads
Table 1: G128 Input Range Settings
T C I n p u t R a n g e
0 t o 1 4 9 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 2 7 1 4 ° F )
0 t o 1 8 2 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 3 3 0 8 ° F )
0 t o 1 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 3 0 2 ° F )
0 t o 2 9 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 5 5 4 ° F )
0 t
0 t o
2 7 0
2 7 0 t o o 6 6 0 ° C
1 0 0 0 ° C
1 5 0 ° C t o 2 9 0 ° C
0 t o 1 9 0 °
( 3 2
( 3 2
( 4 5 4 t o t o
1 2 2 0 °
1 8 3 2 ° t o 3 0 2 °
( 4 5 4 t o 5 5 4 °
C ( 3 2 t o 3 7 4 °
F )
2 1 0
2 1 0
0 t o 3 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 6 6 2 ° F )
0 t o 7 6 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 1 4 0 0 ° F ) t t o o
1 9
3 5
0 °
0 °
( -
( -
3 6 4
3 6 4 t o t o
3 7 4 °
6 6 2 °
0 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 4 8 2 ° F
0 t o 4 8 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 8 9 6 ° F )
0 t o 1 2 8 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 2 3 3 6 ° F )
0 t o 1 3 7 2 ° C ( 3 2 t o 2 5 0 2 ° F )
2 7 0 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 4 5 4 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
2 7 0 t o 4 8 0 ° C ( 4 5 4 t o 8 9 6 ° F )
R 0 t o 9 7 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 1 7 7 8 ° F )
0 t o 1 6 9 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 3 0 0 0 ° F )
0 t o 1 7 6 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 3 2 0 0 ° F )
0 t o 1 0 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 1 9 2 2 ° F )
0 t o
1 7 5 0 ° t o 2 1 0 °
( 3 2
( 3 2 t o t o
3 1 8 2 °
4 1 0 °
T 2 7 0 t
0 t o 3 9 0 ° C ( 3 2 t o 7 3 4 ° F ) o 2 1 0 ° C ( 4 5 4 t o 4 1 0 ° F
T 2 7 0 t o 3 9 0 ° C ( 4 5 4
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d t o 7 3 4 ° F )
S W 1 S e l e c t o r S W 2 n n n n
1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
Table 2: G128 Trip Settings
T r i p B H I
T r i p A H I
B u r n o u t U p
S e l e c t o r S W 1
F u n c t i o n
N o n F a li s a f e
B u r n o u t D o w n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N
4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n o r C l o s e d
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 150 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 4: Input Range/Function Selection (SW1) Factory Default Settings
Figure 5: G128 Factory Cal: J-Type, 0 to 350 ° C,
A-HI/B-LO, Non-failsafe
Figure 6: Wiring Diagram for G128
Note: All Ultra SlimPak modules are designed to operate in ambient temperatures from 0 to 55
C when mounted on a horizontal DIN rail. If five or more modules are mounted on a vertical rail, circulating air or model HS01 Heat Sink is recommended. Refer to HS01 Technical
Bulletin (#721-0549-00) or contact the factory for assistance.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 7: Mounting Multiple Modules
Page 151 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Range: See Table 1
Impedance: >1M Ohm
Input Bias Current (burnout detect): <1.5 uAmp
Overvoltage: ± 10V differential
Common Mode (Input to Gnd): 1800VDC, max.
LED Indicators
Input Range (Green)
>110% input: 8Hz flash
<-10% input: 4Hz flash
Setpoint (Red):
Tripped: Solid red
Safe: off
Limit Differentials (Deadbands)
0.25% to 5% of span
Response Time
Dynamic Deadband:
Relay status will change when proper setpoint/process condition exists for 100msec
Normal Mode (analog filtering):
<250msec, (10-90%)
Setpoints are adjustable over 100% of the selected input span
Repeatability (constant temp.):
0.2% for temp > 0 ° C
0.3% for temp < 0 ° C
Temperature: ± 0.05% of full scale/ ° C, max.
Common Mode Rejection
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1800VDC between contacts, input & power
EMC Compliance (CE Mark)
Emissions: EN50081-1
Immunity: EN50082-2
Safety: EN50178
Humidity (Non-Condensing)
Operating: 15 to 95% @45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @65 ° C
Temperature Range
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -15 to 70 ° C (5 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5W max.
Supply Range: 9 to 30 VDC, inverter isolated
Relay Contacts
2 SPDT (2 Form C) Relays, 1 Relay per setpoint
Current Rating (resistive)
120VAC: 5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Material: Gold flash over silver alloy
Electrical Life: 10 5 operations at rated load
Note: External relay contact protection is required for use with inductive loads
(see relay protection Figures 2 & 3).
Mechanical Life: 10 7 operations
Wire Terminations
Screw terminations for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272)
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No.E99775)
CE Compliance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and low voltage 73/23/EEC.
RoHS Compliant
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our web site.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: G128-0001
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output range.
SlimPak “G” series modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
HS01 Heat Sink
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5A)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1A)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3A)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C664 I/O Descriptive Tags
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 152 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
DC Powered AC Input Limit Alarm
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset AC Input Level
G168-0001 n
Programmable HI or LO, Failsafe or Non-failsafe n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
LED Trip and Input Indicators n
Flexible Power Supply Accepts 9 to 30 VDC n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability n
RoHS Compliant
The Ultra Slim Pak G168 is a DIN rail mount, DC powered, AC voltage or current input limit alarm with dual setpoints and two contact closure outputs. The field configurable input and alarm functions offer flexible setpoint capability. Input voltage spans from 100mV to 250VAC and input current spans from 10mA to
100mA AC can be field configured. For current input spans of 1 to
5 Amps a 0.1 Ohm (5W) shunt resistor (Model# C006) is available.
The G168 is configurable as a single or dual setpoint alarm, with HI or
LO trips and failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Also included are adjustable deadbands (0.25 to 5% of full scale input) for each setpoint.
The G168 will accept any DC voltage between 9 and 30VDC.
Diagnostic LEDS
The G168 is equipped with three front panel LEDs. The dual function green LED is labeled INPUT and indicates line power and input signal status. Active DC power is indicated by an illuminated
LED. If this LED is off, check DC power and the wiring connection.
If the input signal is more than 110% of the full scale range, the LED will flash at 8 Hz. Below 0%, it flashes at 4 Hz. Two red LEDs indicate the relay state for each setpoint. An illuminated red LED indicates the tripped condition.
The G168 is equipped with two SPDT (form C) relays, rated at
120VAC or 28VDC at 5 Amperes. Each of these relays is independently controlled by the field configurable setpoint and deadband.
The field configurable G168 limit alarm setpoints can be configured for HI or LO, failsafe or non-failsafe operation. Each of the setpoints have a respective HI or LO deadband. In a tripped condition, the setpoint is exceeded and the appropriate red LED will illuminate. The trip will reset only when the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the LO deadband (see Figure 1).
For proper deadband operation, the HI setpoint must always be set above the LO setpoint. In failsafe operation, the relay is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the
LO setpoint (opposite for non-failsafe). In the failsafe mode, a power failure results in an alarm state output.
Dynamic Deadband
Circuitry in the G168 prevents false trips by repeatedly sampling the input. The input must remain beyond the setpoint for 100 milliseconds, uninterrupted, to qualify as a valid trip condition.
Likewise, the input must fall outside the deadband and remain there for 100 milliseconds to return the alarm to an untripped condition. This results in a “dynamic deadband” (based on time) in addition to the normal deadband.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model G168 as follows:
Input: Voltage
Range: 0-500mVAC
Output: Dual, SPDT
Trip: A:HI, B:LO
Failsafe: No
Deadband: A, B: 0.25%
The DC power input accepts any DC source between 9 and 30V; typically a 12V or 24VDC source is used (see Accessories).
For other I/O ranges, refer to Table 1 and Figure 4 to reconfigure switches SW1 and SW2 for the desired input type, range and function.
1. With DC power off, position input switch "SW1-9, 10" for voltage or current.
2. Set position 1 through 8 of “SW1” for the desired input range
(see Table 1).
3. Set position 1 and 2 of "SW2" to ON for a HI trip setpoint or
OFF for a LO trip (see Figure 4).
4. Set position 4 of "SW2" to ON for non-failsafe operation or OFF for failsafe operation (e.g., alarm trips when power fails).
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 153 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operation installation, allowing approximately 1 to 2 hours for warm up and thermal equilibrium of the system.
1. After configuring the dip switches, connect the input to a calibrated AC source and apply power. Refer to the terminal wiring (Figure 6).
2. Setpoint: set deadband at its minimum (fully counterclockwise) before adjusting the setpoint. With the desired trip input applied, adjust the setpoint until the relay trips. For HI trip calibration, start with the setpoint above the desired trip (fully clockwise). For LO trip calibration, start below the desired trip (fully counterclockwise).
3. Deadband: Set deadband to its minimum (fully counterclockwise). Set the setpoint to the desired trip. Adjust the input until the relay trips. Readjust deadband to 5% (fully clockwise). Set the input signal to the desired deadband position. Slowly adjust deadband until the relay untrips
Relay Protection & EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved using external protection (see Figures
2 and 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize all lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properly rated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1uF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47 ohm, 1/2W carbon resistor. For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV
> DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-) to anode (the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads
Table 1: G168 Input Range Settings
V o l t a g
R a n g e m m m
0 V
0 V
0 V
V e s
C u r r e n t
0 m m m m
2 5 0 V
I n p u t T y p e
C u r r e n t
V o l t a g e
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
S e l e c t o r S W 1 n n n
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
Table 2: G168 Trip Settings
T r i p B H I
T r i p A H I
S e l e c t o r S W 2
F u n c t i o n
N o n F a li s a f e
1 2 3 4 n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 154 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 4: G168 Function Selection Switch-Settings (SW4) Factory Default Settings
Figure 5: G168 Factory Calibration; 0-500mV,
A-HI/B-LO, Non-Failsafe
Figure 6: G168 Wiring Diagram
Note: All Ultra SlimPak modules are designed to operate in ambient temperatures from 0 to 55
C when mounted on a horizontal DIN rail. If five or more modules are mounted on a vertical rail, circulating air or model HS01 Heat Sink is recommended. Refer to HS01 Technical
Bulletin (#721-0549-00) or contact the factory for assistance.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 7: Mounting Multiple Modules
Page 155 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Voltage Input
Range: 100mV to 250VAC
Impedance: >100K Ohms
Overvoltage: 300VAC, max.
Current Input
Range: 10mA to 100mA AC
Impedance: 20 Ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 200mA AC, max.
Overvoltage: 60V peak (protected by self resetting fuse)
Frequency Range: 40 to 400Hz
Common Mode (Input to Gnd):1800VDC, max.
LED Indicators
Input Range (Green)
>110% input: 8Hz flash
Setpoint (Red)
Tripped: Solid red
Safe: Off
Limit Differentials (Deadbands)
>50mV/5mA: 0.25% to 5% of span
<50mV/5mA: 1% to 5% of span
Response Time
Dynamic Deadband:
Relay status will change when proper setpoint/process condition exists for 100msec.
Normal Mode (analog filtering):
<250mSec, (10-90%)
Setpoints are adjustable over 100% of the selected input span
Repeatability (constant temp.):
0.2% of full scale
Temperature: +0.025% of full scale/ ° C, max.
Common Mode Rejection
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1800VDC between contacts, input & power
EMC Compliance (CE Mark)
Emmissions: EN50081-1
Immunity: EN50082-1
Safety: EN50178
Humidity (Non-Condensing)
Operating: 15 to 95% @45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24hours @65 ° C
Temperature Range
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5W max.
Supply Range: 9 to 30VDC, inverter isolated
Relay Contacts
2 SPDT (2 form C) Relays, 1 Relay per setpoint
Current Rating (resistive):
120VAC: 5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Material: Gold flash over silver alloy
Electrical Life:10 5 operations at rated load
Note: External relay contact protection is required for use with inductive loads
(see Figures 2 & 3).
Mechanical Life: 10 7 operations
Wire Terminations
Screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272)
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No.E99775)
CE Conformance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC
& Low Voltage 73/23/EEC (Input <50VAC, only).
RoHS Compliant
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our web site.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: G168-0001
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output range.
SlimPak “G” series modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or
TS35 (model MD03) DIN. In addition, the following accessories are available:
HS01 Heat Sink
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN Rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C664 I/O Descriptive Tags
C006 Shunt Resistor (0.1W, 5A max.)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 156 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
G408-0001 & G408-1001
DC Powered DC Input Field
Configurable Isolator
Provides a Fully Isolated DC Output in Proportion to a DC Input
G408-0001 (standard outputs)
G408-1001 (bipolar outputs) n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Field Configurable Input Ranges: 10mV to 100V,
1mA to 100mA n
Field Configurable Output Ranges: 0-5V, 0-10V,
0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA, ± 5v, ± 10V n n n n
Ultra Slim Housing for High Density Installations
Flexible Power Supply Accepts 9 to 30 VDC
ASIC Technology
RoHS Compliant
The Ultra SlimPak G408 is a DIN rail mount, DC input signal conditioner with 1800VDC isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable input and output offers flexible, wide ranging capability for DC current and voltage signals.
The input can be configured for any one of 12 voltage ranges from
10mV to 100V or 6 current ranges from 1mA to 100mA (see Table
1). The output is linear to the input and can be set for either 0-
5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, 0-20mA or 4-20mA (for models G408-0001) and -5 to +5V or -10 to +10V (for model G408-1001).
Wide ranging, precision zero and span pots allow 50% adjustability of offset and span turn-down within each of the 18 switch selectable ranges. For example, the 0-2mA input range could be turned down to 0-1mA and provide a full scale output signal (e.g.
4-20mA), or turned down and offset to achieve a 1-2mA/4-20mA
I/O combination.
The G408 also accepts bipolar inputs (e.g. 10V range set to bipolar =
-10 to +10V) and offers selectable normal or reverse operation (e.g.
4-20mA/20-4mA). The ASIC based I/O channel is optically isolated to 1800VDC and is transformer isolated from the power supply.
The G408 is useful in eliminating ground loops, converting signal levels, and providing signal drive. The field configurable, wide ranging capability ensures maximum flexibility for most DC to DC applications, minimizing spare part requirements.
Diagnostic LED
The G408 is equipped with a dual function LED signal monitor. The green, front mounted LED indicates both DC power and input signal status. Active DC power is indicated by an illuminated LED.
If the input signal is more than 110% of the full scale range, the LED will flash at 8Hz. Below -10%, the flash rate is 4Hz.
The G408 has 18 input range settings. Trim potentiometers allow
50% input zero and span adjustability within each of the 18 full scale input ranges.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model G408-
0001 and G408-1001 as follows:
Input Range: 4-20mA
Output Range: 4-20mA
Input Range: 4-20mA
Output Range: -10 to +10V
The DC power input accepts any source between 9 and 30V; typically a 12V or 24VDC source is used (see Accessories).
To minumize interference from electrical and magnetic fields, the use of shielded, twisted pair wires on the input and output is recommended.
WARNING! Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
Refer to Tables 1 through 4 for the proper switch settings. Use the switches on SW1 to select the input type (voltage or current) and also to select the desired input range and function setting. Use
SW2 to select the desired output type.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 157 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: G408 Block Diagram
Table 1: G408 Input Range Settings
R a n g e s S e l e c t o r S W 1
V o l
5 t a
5 g
0 0
0 0
0 0
5 e m m
V m V m V m V
C u r
1 r e
0 n
0 t m m m A m A m A m
1 0 0 V
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
1 2 3 4 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
Table 2: G408 Function Settings
R e v e r s e O u t p u t
C u r r e n t I n p u t
V o l t a g e I n p u t
S e l e c t o r S W 1
F u n c t i o n n i p o l a r I n p u t
5 6 7 8 n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
1. After configuring the DIP switches, connect the input to a calibrated
DC source. Connect the output to the actual device load (or a load approximately equivalent to the device load) and apply power.
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing approximately 1 to 2 hours for warm up and thermal equilibrium of the system.
2. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum input and adjust the zero potentiometer for the desired minimum output.
3. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum input and adjust the span potentiometer for the desired maximum output.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, as necessary, for best accuracy.
Table 3: G408-0001 Output Settings
G 4 0 8 0 0 0 1
R a n g e s
4 t o t
0 t t o o o
2 t o
5 V
0 m
0 m
A m
S e l e c t o r S W 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Table 4: G408-1001 Output Settings
S e l e c t o r S W 1
G 4 0 8 1 0 0 1
R a n g e s
5 V t o + 5 V
1 0 V t o + 1 0 V
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
1 0 n
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 158 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 2: G408-0001 Factory Cal; 4-20mA,
Unipolar Input, Normal Operation, 4-20mA Output.
Figure 3: G408-1001 Factory Cal; 4-20mA,
Unipolar Input, Normal Operation -10 to 10V Output.
Figure 4: Wiring Diagram for G408-0001 and G408-1001
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 159
Note: All Ultra SlimPak modules are designed to operate in ambient temperatures from 0 to 55
C when mounted on a horizontal DIN rail. If five or more modules are mounted on a vertical rail, circulating air or model HS01 Heat Sink is recommended. Refer to HS01 Technical
Bulletin (#721-0549-00) or contact the factory for assistance.
Figure 5: Mounting Multiple Modules
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Range Limits: 10mV to 100V
Impedance: >100K Ohms
400 Vrms, max.(Intermittent);
264 Vrms,max. (Continous)
Range Limits: 1mA to 100mA
Impedance: 20 Ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 170mA RMS, max.
Overvoltage: 60VDC
Zero Turn-Up: 50% of full scale input
Span Turn-Down: 50% of full scale input
Common Mode (Input to Gnd): 1800 VDC, max.
Output (G408-0001):
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <10 Ohms
Drive: 10mA, max.
Output: 0-1mA,4-20mA,0-20mA
Source Impedance: >100K Ohms
0-1mA: 7.5V, max (7.5K Ohms)
4-20mA: 12V, max (600 Ohms)
0-20mA: 12V, max (600 Ohms)
Output (G408-1001):
Output: -5V to +5V, -10 to +10V
Source Impedance: <10 Ohms
Drive: 10mA, max.
LED Indication (green):
Input Range
>110%(approx) input:8Hz flash
< -10%(approx) input: 4Hz flash
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis):
<2mA/<20mV: ± 0.35% of full scale, typical; 0.5%,max.
>2mA/>20mV: ± 0.1% of full scale, typical; 0.2%, max.
Response Time (10-90%):
200mSec., typical
Stability (Temperature):
± 0.025% of full scale/ ° C,typical; ± 0.05%/ ° C, max.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 100dB
Isolation (Input to Output):
1800VDC between input, output & power
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emissions: EN50081-1
Immunity: EN50082-2
Safety: EN50178
Mean Time Between Failures:
60K Hours
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Wire Terminals:
Screw terminals for 12-22AWG
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5W max.
Range: 9 to 30VDC
0.5 lbs.
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No.E99775).
CE Conformance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC
(Input < 75VDC, only).
RoHS Compliant
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our web site.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: G408-0001 (standard outputs) or
G408-1001 (bipolar outputs)
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output range.
SlimPak "G" series modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35 (model MD03) DIN rail and include model HS01 heat sink. In addition, the following accessories are available:
MD03 TS35x7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDCPower Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C664 I/O Descriptive Tags
C006 0.1 Ohm, 5W, 1% shunt resistor
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 160 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
RTD Input Field Configurable Isolator
Provides an Isolated, Linearized DC Output in Proportion to an RTD Input
G418-0001 n
Field Configurable Input Ranges for Platinum and
Copper RTDs n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Field Configurable Output Ranges: 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-
1mA, 0-20mA and 4-20mA n
Ultra Slim Housing for High Density Installations n
Flexible Power Supply Accepts 9 to 30 VDC n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability n
RoHS Compliant
The Ultra SlimPak G418 is a DIN rail mount, RTD input signal conditioner with 1800VDC isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable input and output offers flexible, wide ranging capability for Platinum and Copper RTDs.
The G418 can be configured for any one of up to 16 temperature ranges (see Tables 1 & 2). The output is linear to the RTD temperature input and can be set for either 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA,
0-20mA or 4-20mA.
Wide ranging, precision zero and span pots allow 50% adjustablity of offset and span turn-down within each of the switch selectable ranges.
For example, the 0-500 ° F range could be offset and turned down to provide a 4-20mA signal representing 0-250 ° F (or 250-500 ° F).
Three way isolation in the G418 completely eliminates ground loops from any source. Isolation protects expensive SCADA systems from ground faults and significantly reduces the effect of high common mode voltages which are prevalent in many RTD applications.
The constant current RTD excitation circuitry uses the third lead of the RTD to sense and compensate for the RTD lead resistance, resulting in an accurate RTD temperature measurement.
High density DIN rail mounting offers an extremely compact solution for saving valuable panel space.
Diagnostic LED
The G418 is equipped with a dual function LED signal monitor. The green, front mounted LED indicates both DC power and input signal status. Active DC power is indicated by an illuminated LED.
If the input signal is more than 110% of the full scale range, the LED will flash at 1Hz. Below -10%, the flash rate is 0.5Hz. If the LED flashes very fast, then the RTD input wires are open circuit. An 8Hz flash indicates that RTD (+) input (terminal 41) is open circuit, or a 4Hz flash indicates that either RTD (-) or RTD Return (terminal
42 or 43) are open. The CAL LED is on under normal operating conditions. If the CAL LED is off when the unit is powered, consult the factory for assistance.
The G418 has 16 input temperature range settings, six RTD type settings and five output range settings. Trim potentiometers allow
50% input zero and span adjustability within each of the 16 full scale input ranges.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model G418 as follows:
Input: Pt100 Ohm
Range: -200 to 600 ° C
Output: 4-20mA
The DC power input accepts any DC source between 9 and 30V; typically a 12V or 24VDC source is used (see Accessories).
1. After configuring the dip switches, connect the input to a calibrated RTD source or decade resistance box. Connect the output to the device load (or a load approximately equivalent to the device load) and apply power.
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing approximately 1 to 2 hours for warm-up and thermal equalibrium of the system.
2. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum temperature and adjust the zero potentiometer for the desired minimum output.
3. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum temperature and adjust the span potentiometer for the desired maximum output.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, as necessary for best accuracy.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 161 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
2 0 0 t o 6 0 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 4 0 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o 4 0 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 2 6 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 1 0 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o 2 6 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o 1 0 0 ° C
5 0 t o 5 0 ° C
1 8 t o 5 0 ° C
1 8 t o 1 0 0 ° C
1 8 t o 2 6 0 ° C
1 8 t o 3 0 0 ° C
1 8 t o 4 0 0 ° C
Table 1: G418 Platinum RTD Ranges
P t 1 0 0 , P t 5 0 0 & P t 1 0 0 0
R a n g e
C e l s i u s F a h r e n h e i t
3 2 8 t o 1 1 1 2 ° F
3 2 8 t o 7 5 2 ° F
1 4 8 t o 7 5 2 ° F
3 2 8 t o 5 0 0 ° F
3 2 8 t o 3 2 ° F
3 2 8 t o 1 4 8 ° F
1 4 8 t o 5 0 0 ° F
1 4 8 t o 2 1 2 ° F
5 8 t o 1 2 2 ° F
0 t o 1 2 2 ° F
0 t o 2 1 2 ° F
0 t o 5 0 0 ° F
0 t o 5 7 2 ° F
0 t o 7 5 2 ° F
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 0
1 1
1 8 t o 5 0 0 ° C 0 t o 9 3 2 ° F 1 5
1 8 t o 6 0 0 ° C 0 t o 1 1 1 2 ° F 1 6
Table 2: G418 Copper RTD Ranges
C u 1 0 , C u 2 5 & C u 1 0 0
R a n g e
C e l s i u s
2 0 0 t o 2 6 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 1 0 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o 2 6 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o 1 0 0 ° C
5 0 t o 5 0 ° C
1 8 t o 5 0 ° C
1 8 t o 1 0 0 ° C
1 8 t o 2 6 0 ° C
F a h r e n h e i t
3 2 8 t o 5 0 0 ° F
3 2 8 t o 3 2 ° F
3 2 8 t o 1 4 8 ° F
1 4 8 t o 5 0 0 ° F
1 4 8 t o 2 1 2 ° F
5 8 t o 1 2 2 ° F
0 t o 1 2 2 ° F
0 t o 2 1 2 ° F
0 t o 5 0 0 ° F
1 0
1 1
1 2
Table 3: RTD Range Settings
S W 2
R a n g e
1 0
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 2 3 4 5 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
1 6
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
(SW2-1 is undefined)
Table 4: G418 RTD Input Type
T y p e
S W 2
6 7 8
P t
C t 1 t 5
1 u u
0 0
0 0
0 n n n n n n n n n n
C u 1 0 0 n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
Table 5: G418 Excitation Type
P t
E x c i t a t i o n
T y p e
1 0
0 t
C t
5 u
0 0
0 u
1 0
C u 2 5
1 0 0
S W 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
(SW3-8 is undefined)
Table 6: G418 Output Settings
0 t o 1 0 V
0 t o 1 m A
4 t o 2 0 m A
S W 1
O u t p u t
0 t o 5 V
0 t o 2 0 m A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 162 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: G418 Factory Cal: -200 to 600 ° C
(Pt 100) Input; 4-20mA Output
Figure 2: Wiring Diagram for G418-0001
Figure 3: RTD Reference Designations
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 163
Note: All Ultra SlimPak modules are designed to operate in ambient temperatures from 0 to 55
C when mounted on a horizontal DIN rail. If five or more modules are mounted on a vertical rail, circulating air or model HS01 Heat Sink is recommended. Refer to HS01 Technical
Bulletin (#721-0549-00) or contact the factory for assistance.
Figure 4: Mounting Multiple Modules
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Sensor Types:
Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000
(alpha: 0.00385Ohms/Ohm/ ° C or
0.00392Ohms/Ohm/ ° C); Cu10, Cu25, Cu100.
Sensor Connection:
Input Ranges: see table 1.
Common Mode (Input to Gnd): 1800VDC, max.
Zero Turn-Up:
50% of full scale range
Span Turn-Down:
50% of full scale range
Excitation Current:
<2mA for Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000;
<5mA for Cu100;<10mA for Cu10, Cu25.
Leadwire Resistance:
40% of base sensor resistance or 100 Ohms
(whichever is less), max per lead.
Leadwire Effect:
Less than 1% of the max. input temperature span
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <10 Ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K Ohms, min @10V)
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Source Impedance: >100K Ohms
0-1mA; 7.5V, max.(7.5K Ohms)
0-20mA; 12V, max.(600 Ohms)
4-20mA; 12V, max.(600 Ohms)
LED Diagnostics:
Solid Green: power on
Flashing Green:
0.5Hz input under range (<-10%)
1.0Hz input over range (110%)
4Hz input open circuit (terminal 41)
8Hz input open circuit (terminal 42 or 43)
Yellow ON = CAL OK
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis):
± 0.1% typical, ± 0.2% max. of the maximum input temperature range configurable for the RTD type; @ 25 ° C ambient and 0 Ohms lead resistance.
± 0.015% of the max. input temperature range for the RTD type per ° C change in ambient temperature, max.
Response Time (10 to 90%):
200mSec., typical.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1800VDC between input, output & power.
ESD Susceptibility:
Meets IEC801-2, Level 2 (4kV)
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range :
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Wire Terminations:
Screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5 W Max.
Range: 9-30VDC
0.54 lbs
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272)
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No.E99775)
CE Conformance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and low voltage 73/23/EEC.
RoHS Compliant
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our web site.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: G418-0001
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output range.
SlimPak "G" series modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
HS01 Heat Sink
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5A)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1A)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3A)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C664 I/O Descriptive Tags
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 164 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
T/C Input Field Configurable Isolator
Provides an Isolated, Linearized DC Output in Proportion to a Thermocouple Input
G428-0001 n
Field Configurable Input Ranges for J, K, T, R, S, E, and B Type Thermocouples n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Field Configurable Output Ranges: 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-
1mA, 0-20mA and 4-20mA n
Ultra Slim Housing for High Density Installations n
Flexible Power Supply Accepts 9 to 30 VDC n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability n
RoHS Compliant
The G428 is a DIN rail mount, thermocouple input signal conditioner with 1800VDC isolation between input, output and power.
The field configurable input and output offer flexible, wide ranging capability for J, K, T, R, S, E and B type thermocouples.
The G428 input can be configured for over 60 thermocouple temperature ranges (see Table 6). The output is linear to temperature and can be set for either 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, 0-20mA or 4-20mA.
This yellow LED is continuously on when the device is calibrated.
This yellow LED is off during the normal operation. Consult factory if this LED is on, indicating a microprocessor malfunction.
The G428 offers 50% input zero and span adjustablity within each of the fullscale input ranges. Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model G428 as follows: Wide ranging, precision zero and span pots allow 50% adjustablity of offset and span turn-down within each of the ranges. For example, the 0-1000 ° C range could be offset and turned down to provide a 4-20mA signal representing 500-1000
1000 ° C temperature input.
° C. Similarly, adjustment can be referenced to the output range. The example above could be used to provide a 12-20mA signal from a 750 to
Three way isolation in the G428 completely eliminates ground loops from any source. Isolation protects expensive SCADA systems from ground faults and allows the noise reduction benefits of grounded thermocouples to be realized.
Input: J-type
Range: 0 to 500 ° C
Output: 4 to 20mA
Burn Out: Upscale
The DC power input accepts any DC source between 9 and 30V; typically a 12V or 24VDC source is used (see Accessories).
For other I/O ranges, refer to Tables 1 through 6 and reconfigure switches SW1 and SW2 for the desired input type range and output.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
The G428 is equipped with cold junction compensation (CJC) circuitry to provide ice-point reference. Upscale or downscale thermocouple burnout detection is switch selectable.
High density DIN rail mounting offers an extremely compact solution to save valuable panel space.
Diagnostic LEDs
The G428 is equipped with front panel LEDs for INPUT (green),
TROUBLE (yellow) and CAL OK (yellow). At start-up, both the
INPUT and the CAL OK LEDs flash alternately for 10 seconds.
This green LED is lit continuously when the input is within the specified range. In the full temperature range setting, for the overrange condition the LED flashes at 8Hz; for the under range condition it flashes at 4Hz. In a sub-range temperature setting, for the overrange condition the LED flashes at 1Hz; for the under range condition it flashes at 0.5Hz.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 165
1. Choose the desired temperature range from Table 6, then use
Table 1 and 2 to configure the switches (as described in the following steps) for thermocouple type and range.
2. With DC power off, position input switches 1 and 2 of SW2 for the desired burnout detection mode.
3. Set positions 4 through 10 of SW2 for the desired thermocouple range and type.
4. Set positions 1 through 8 of SW1 for the desired output signal.
(Table 4)
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
1. After configuring the dip switches, connect the input to a calibrated thermocouple source. Connect the output to the device (or a load approximately equivalent to the device) and apply power.
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operation installation, allowing approximately 1 to 2 hours for warm up and thermal equilibrium of the system.
2. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum input and adjust the zero potentiometer for the desired minimum output.
3. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum input and adjust the span potentiometer for the desired maximum output.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, if necessary for best accuracy.
Table 5:
G428 Thermocouple Accuracy
T C T y p e
T e m p e r a t u r e R a n g e
( -
2 0 0
3 2 8 t t o o
7 5 0 °
1 3 8 2 °
F )
2 0 0
( 3 2 8 t t o o
1 4 0 °
2 2 0 °
F )
1 4 0
( 2 2 0 t o t o
1 2 5 0 °
2 2 8 2 °
F )
1 2 5 0
( 2 2 8 2 t o t o
1 3 7 0 °
2 4 9 8 °
F )
1 5 0
( 2 3 8 t o t o
1 0 0 0 °
1 8 3 2 °
F )
1 5 0
( 2 3 8 t o t o
4 0 0 °
7 5 2 °
F )
5 0
1 2 2 t o 1 7 6 0 ° t o 3 2 0 0 °
F )
5 0
( 1 2 2 t o t o
1 7 6 0 °
3 2 0 0 °
F )
5 0 0
( 9 3 2 t o t o
1 8 2 0 °
3 3 0 8 °
F )
A c c u r a c y
+ / 2 .
0 °
( + / 3 .
6 °
F )
+ / 5 .
0 °
( + / 9 .
0 °
F )
+ / 2 .
0 °
( + / 3 .
6 °
F )
+ / 4 .
0 °
( + / 7 .
2 °
F )
+ / 2 .
5 °
( + / 4 .
5 °
F )
+ / 3 .
0 °
( + / 5 .
4 °
F )
+ / 6 .
0 °
( + / 1 0 .
8 °
F )
+ / 6 .
0 °
( + / 1 0 .
8 °
F )
+ / 5 .
0 °
( + / 9 .
0 °
F )
Table 1:
G428 T/C Types
S W 2
T y p e
8 9 1 0
K n n n n n n n n
T n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
Table 3:
G428 Burnout Settings
S W 2
B u r n o u t
N o
D t o
U w ll o w p n s s c a c a e d l e l e
1 2 n n n n
N o n e
K e y : n = 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
Table 2:
G428 Range Settings
S W 2
R a n g e
4 5 6 7 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
1 6
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
Table 4:
G428 Output Settings
S W 1
O u t p u t
0 t t o t o o
1 0 V
5 V m A
4 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 2 0 m A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n = 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
T C T y p e
1 0
1 2
1 3
1 4
R a n g e
1 1
1 2
1 5
1 6
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 0
Table 6: G428 Thermocouple Range Settings
T C T y p e
T e m p e r a t u r e R a n g e
5 0 0 t o 1 8 2 0 ° C ( 9 3 2 t o 3 3 0 8 ° F )
1 0 0 0 t o 1 8 2 0 ° C ( 1 8 3 2 t o 3 3 0 8 ° F )
5 0 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C ( 9 3 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
5 0 0 t o 1 8 2 0 ° C ( 9 3 2 t o 3 3 0 8 ° F )
7 5 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C ( 1 3 8 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C ( 0 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 5 0 0 ° C ( 0 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 0 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 1 2 5 ° C ( 0 t o 2 5 7 ° F )
5 0 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C ( 9 3 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
2 5 0 t o 5 0 0 ° C ( 4 8 2 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
1 2 5 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 2 5 7 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
7 5 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C ( 1 3 8 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
3 7 5 t o 5 0 0 ° C ( 7 0 7 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
1 5 0 t o 7 5 0 ° C ( 2 3 8 t o 1 3 8 2 ° F )
1 5 0 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 2 3 8 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
1 5 0 t o 0 ° C ( 2 3 8 t o 3 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 7 5 0 ° C ( 0 t o 1 3 8 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 5 0 0 ° C ( 0 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 0 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 1 2 5 ° C ( 0 t o 2 5 7 ° F )
5 0 0 t o 7 5 0 ° C ( 9 3 2 t o 1 3 8 2 ° F )
2 5 0 t o 5 0 0 ° C ( 4 8 2 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
1 2 5 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 2 5 7 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
3 7 5 t o 5 0 0 ° C ( 7 0 7 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
2 0 0 t o 7 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 8 t o 1 3 8 2 ° F )
2 0 0 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 8 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
2 0 0 t o 0 ° C ( 3 2 8 t o 3 2 ° F )
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 0
R a n g e
1 0
1 2
1 5
1 6
1 0
1 3
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
T e m p e r a t u r e R a n g e
1 8 t o 1 3 7 0 ° C ( 0 t o 2 4 9 8 ° F )
1 8 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C ( 0 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 5 0 0 ° C ( 0 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 0 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 1 2 5 ° C ( 0 t o 2 5 7 ° F )
1 0 0 0 t o 1 3 7 0 ° C ( 1 8 3 2 t o 2 4 9 8 ° F )
5 0 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C ( 9 3 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
2 5 0 t o 5 0 0 ° C ( 4 8 2 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
1 2 5 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 2 5 7 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
7 5 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C ( 1 3 8 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
3 7 5 t o 5 0 0 ° C ( 7 0 7 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
2 0 0 t o 7 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 8 t o 1 3 8 2 ° F )
2 0 0 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 3 2 8 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
2 0 0 t o 0 ° C ( 3 2 8 t o 3 2 ° F )
5 0 t o 1 7 6 0 ° C ( 1 2 2 t o 3 2 0 0 ° F )
5 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C ( 1 2 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
5 0 t o 5 0 0 ° C ( 1 2 2 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
5 0 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 1 2 2 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
1 0 0 0 t o 1 7 6 0 ° C ( 1 8 3 2 t o 3 2 0 0 ° F )
5 0 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C ( 9 3 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
2 5 0 t o 5 0 0 ° C ( 4 8 2 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
1 2 5 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 2 5 7 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
7 5 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C ( 1 3 8 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
3 7 5 t o 5 0 0 ° C ( 7 0 7 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 4 0 0 ° C ( 0 t o 7 5 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 0 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
1 8 t o 1 2 5 ° C ( 0 t o 2 5 7 ° F )
2 5 0 t o 4 0 ° C ( 4 8 2 t o 7 5 2 ° F )
1 2 5 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 2 5 7 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
3 7 5 t o 4 0 0 ° C ( 7 0 7 t o 7 5 2 ° F )
1 5 0 t o 4 0 0 ° C ( 2 3 8 t o 7 5 2 ° F )
1 5 0 t o 2 5 0 ° C ( 2 3 8 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
1 5 0 t o 0 ° C ( 2 3 8 t o 3 2 ° F )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 166 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: G428 Factory Cal: J-Type, 0-500 ° C,
4-20mA, Upscale
Figure 2: Wiring Diagram for G428
Note: All Ultra SlimPak modules are designed to operate in ambient temperatures from 0 to 55
C when mounted on a horizontal DIN rail. If five or more modules are mounted on a vertical rail, circulating air or model HS01 Heat Sink is recommended. Refer to HS01 Technical
Bulletin (#721-0549-00) or contact the factory for assistance.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 3: Mounting Multiple Modules
Page 167 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Sensor Types: J, K, T, R, S, E, B
Input Ranges: See Table 6.
Impedance: >1M Ohms
Bias Current (burnout detection):
Overvoltage: ± 10V differential
Common Mode (Input to Gnd): 1800VDC, max.
Zero and Span Adjustability:
50% of any selected range
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <10 Ohms
Drive: 10mA, max.
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Source Impedance: >100K Ohms
0-1mA; 7.5V, max.(7.5K Ohms)
0-20mA; 12V, max.(600 Ohms)
4-20mA; 12V, max.(600 Ohms)
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis): see Table 5
+0.04% of the maximum full scale range per ºC change in ambient temperature, maximum.
Response Time (10 to 90%):
500mSec., typical.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1800VDC between input, output & power.
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emissions: EN50081-1
Immunity: EN50082-2
Safety: EN50178
LED Indication:
INPUT (Green): continuously on if input is within selected range, flashes otherwise
TROUBLE (Yellow): off during normal device operation.
CAL OK (Yellow): continuously on in normal device operation
Thermocouple Burnout Detect:
Field configurable upscale, downscale, or disabled
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5W max.
Range: 9 to 30VDC
Terminations and Wire:
Screw terminals for 12-22 AWG. Use twisted pair for output and power connections.
0.54 lbs
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272)
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No.E99775)
CE Conformance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC
RoHS Compliant
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: G428-0001
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output range.
All SlimPak "G" series modules will mount on standard TS32 (model
MD02) or TS35 (model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
HS01 Heat Sink
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5A)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1A)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3A)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C664 I/O Descriptive Tag
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our web site.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 168 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Potentiometer Input Field
Configurable Isolator
Provides an Isolated, Linearized DC Output in Proportion to a Potentiometer Input
G438-0001 n
Potentiometers from 100 Ohms to 100K Ohms n
Wide Ranging Zero & Span Adjustability n
Field Configurable Output Ranges: 0-5V, 0-10V,
0-1mA, 0-20mA and 4-20mA n
Ultra Slim Housing for High Density Installations n
Flexible Power Supply Accepts 9 to 30 VDC n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability n
RoHS Compliant
The G438 is a DIN rail mount, potentiometer input signal conditioner with 1800VDC isolation between input, output and power.
The input provides a constant voltage and is designed to accept any three-wire potentiometer from 100 Ohms to 100K Ohms. The field configurable output is switch selectable providing either a 0-
5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, 0-20mA or 4-20mA DC signal.
Wide ranging precision zero and span pots used in conjunction with DIP switches allow 80% adjustablity of offset and gain to transmit a fullscale output from any 20% portion of the potentiometer input.
The G438 is useful in transmitting process control setpoints to remote PID controllers or interfacing position sensors to data acquisition and control systems. The high density DIN rail mounting offers an extremely compact solution for saving valuable panel space.
In a valve positioning application a potentiometer is sometimes used as a feedback signal. Quite often a wide open valve is only a
25% turn of the feedback potentiometer. In a case such as this, the
G438 can easily be adjusted with the zero and span to provide a fullscale output signal (e.g. 4-20mA) representing 0-25% or even
50-75% of the potentiometer input.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model G438 as follows:
Input Range: 0 to 100%
Output: 4 to 20mA.
The DC power input accepts any DC source between 9 and 30V; typically a 12V or 24VDC source is used (see Accessories). For other output ranges, refer to Tables 1 and 2 to reconfigure switches SW1 and SW2 for the desired input and output ranges.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 169 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing approximately 1 to 2 hours for warm up and thermal equilibrium of the system.
1. With power disconnected, set the output and input switch selectors (SW1 and SW2) to the desired ranges (Tables 1 and 2).
2. Connect the input and output as shown in Figure 1. Connect the output to the device (or a load approximately equivalent to the device) and apply power.
3. Set the input potentiometer to the desired minimum and adjust the zero potentiometer for the desired minimum output.
4. Set the input potentiometer to the desired maximum and adjust the span potentiometer for the desired maximum output.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, if necessary, for best accuracy.
Table 1: G438 Input Ranges
S p a n
S e l e c t o r S W 2
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 0 1 0 0 %
4 5 1 0 0 %
8 5 1 0 0 % n n
O f f s e t
1 2 3 4 5 6
0 2 0 %
2 0 4 5 % n
% n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
Table 2: G438 Output Ranges
S W 1
O u t p u t
0 t t o t o o
+ 5 V
+ 1 0 V
1 m A
4 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 2 0 m A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 170 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Wiring Diagram for G438
Note: All Ultra SlimPak modules are designed to operate in ambient temperatures from 0 to 55
C when mounted on a horizontal DIN rail. If five or more modules are mounted on a vertical rail, circulating air or model HS01 Heat Sink is recommended. Refer to HS01 Technical
Bulletin (#721-0549-00) or contact the factory for assistance.
Figure 2: Potentiometer Wiring for G438
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure 3: Mounting Multiple Modules
Page 171 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Potentiometer Input:
Resistance (End to End):
100 Ohms up to 100K Ohms
Input Impedance: >1M Ohms
Input Excitation: 500mV, 5mA max. drive.
Zero Turn-Up: 80% of full scale input
Span Turn-Down: 80% of full scale input
(Table 1)
Common Mode Rejection:
1800VDC (input to ground)
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <10 Ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K Ohms min. @ 10V)
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Source Impedance: >100K Ohms
0-1mA; 7.5V, max. (7.5K Ohms, max.)
0-20mA; 12V, max. (600 Ohms, max.)
4-20mA; 12V, max. (600 Ohms, max.)
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis):
± 0.1% maximum at 25 ° C.
Temperature: < ± 0.05%/ ° C max. of full scale range.
Response Time (10 to 90%):
<200mSec., typical.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1800VDC between line pwr & input, output
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emissions: EN50081-1
Immunity: EN50082-2
Safety: EN50178
LED Indication (green):
Active DC power
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Horizontal DIN rail mounting is recommended.
Vertical DIN rail mounting requires heatsink (model HS01, included) and circulating air is recommended.
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5W max
Range: 9 to 30VDC
0.48 lbs
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272)
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No.E99775)
CE Conformance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and low voltage 73/23/EEC
RoHS Compliant
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: G438-0001
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration: specify C620 with desired input and output range.
SlimPak “G” series modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
HS01 Heat Sink
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C664 I/O Descriptive Tag
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our web site.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 172 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Bridge Input Field Configurable Isolator
Provides an Isolated DC Output in Proportion to a Bridge/Strain Gauge Input
G448-0002 n
Adjustable Excitation 1 to 10V with up to 120mA drive n
Field Configurable Inputs from 10mV to ± 200mV
(0.5mV/V to >50mV/V) n
Field Configurable Outputs:
0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, 0-20mA and 4-20mA n
Ultra Slim Housing for High Density Installations n
Flexible Power Supply Accepts 9 to 30 VDC n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability n
RoHS Compliant
The G448 is a DIN rail mount, bridge or strain gauge input signal conditioner with 1800VDC isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable input and output offer flexible, wide ranging capability for bridge or strain gauge input applications from 0.5mV/V to over 50mV/V.
Wide ranging, precision zero and span pots allow 50% adjustablity of offset and gain within each of the 11 switch selectable input ranges. The output can be set for either 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, 0-
20mA or 4-20mA.
Three way isolation in the G448 completely eliminates ground loops from any source. Isolation protects expensive SCADA systems from ground faults and provides filtering for noise reduction which can be a significant problem with small, millivolt, bridge signals. Wide ranging flexibility allows the user to easily zero out dead-loads in weighing systems or configure bipolar input ranges for expansion-compression or vacuum-pressure bridge applications.
Diagnostic LED
The G448 is equipped with a dual function LED signal monitor. The green, front mounted LED indicates both DC power and input signal status. Active DC power is indicated by an illuminated LED.
If the input signal is more than 110% of the full scale range, the LED will flash at 8Hz. Below -10%, the flash rate is 4Hz.
The G448 has 11 input range switch settings. Trim potentiometers allow 50% input zero and span adjustablity within each of the 11 full-scale, input ranges.
For example, the 200mV switch setting in Table 1 configures the input for a 0 to 200mV range. Since the span can be contracted by 50%, this enables an input span as narrow as 100mV of the range, or 50%. This span can be positioned anywhere within the
0-200mV range with a zero off-set as large as 50% of the full scale range (e.g. 100 to 200mV input).
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model G448 as follows:
Input Setting: 0 to 50mV
Input Range: 0 to 30mV (3mV/V)
Excitation: 10V
Operation: Direct
Output: 4 to 20mA
The DC power input accepts any DC source between 18 and 30V, typically a 24VDC source is used (see Accessories).
For other I/O ranges refer to Tables 1 through 4 and reconfigure switches SW1 and SW2 for the desired input range, function, excitation and output range.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 173 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
1. After configuring the DIP switches, connect the input to a calibrated millivolt source. Connect the output to the device (or a load equivalent to the device) and apply power. (see Wiring
Diagram, Figure 2 or 3).
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing approximately 1 to 2 hours for warm up and thermal equilibrium of the system.
2. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum and adjust the zero potentiometer for the desired minimum output.
3. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum and adjust the span potentiometer for the desired maximum output.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, if necessary for best accuracy.
Table 1: G448 Input Ranges
I n p u t
R a n g e
S e l e c t o r S W 1
1 2 3 4 5
0 t o t o t o
1 0 m V
2 0 m V
5 0 m V n n n n n n n n n n
0 t t o o
5 t t t o o o t
2 o
0 0
0 0
1 0
2 0
5 0 m m
V m V m V m V m V n n n n n n n n n n n n n
1 0 0 t o 1 0 0 m V n
2 0 0 t o 2 0 0 m V n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n
Table 3: G448 Bridge
Excitation Settings
B r i d g e
E x c i t a t i o n
S W 1
9 .
8 t o 1 0 .
1 V
7 8 n
4 .
8 t o 5 .
2 V
0 t o 1 0 V n n
0 t o 2 .
5 V
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Table 2: G448 Direct or Reverse Operation
O p e r a t i o n
R e
D i v e r e c t r s e
S W 1
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
6 n
Page 174
Table 4: G448 Output Settings
0 t o + 5 V
0 t o + 1 0 V
S W 2
O u t p u t t o 1 m A
4 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 2 0 m A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: G448 Factory Cal: 0 to 30mV (0 -50mV Switch Settings)
10V Excitation, Direct Operation, 4-20mA Output
Figure 2: Wiring Diagram for G448-0001/0002
(-0001 for reference only, not an active product)
Figure 3: Wiring Diagram for G448-0000
(for reference only, not an active product)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 175
Note: All Ultra SlimPak modules are designed to operate in ambient temperatures from 0 to 55
C when mounted on a horizontal DIN rail. If five or more modules are mounted on a vertical rail, circulating air or model HS01 Heat Sink is recommended. Refer to HS01 Technical
Bulletin (#721-0549-00) or contact the factory for assistance.
Figure 4: Mounting Multiple Modules
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Full Scale Range: 10mV to ± 200mV (Table 1).
Impedance: >1M Ohms
Overvoltage: intermittent 400V, max.; continuous 264V, max.
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
1800VDC, max.
Zero Turn-Up:
50% of full scale range
Span Turn-Down:
50% of full scale range
Operation: direct or reverse acting
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Impedance: <10 Ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K Ohms, min. @ 10V)
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Impedance: >100K Ohms
0-1mA; 7.5V, max.(7.5K Ohms, max.)
0-20mA; 12V, max. (600 Ohms, max.)
4-20mA; 12V, max. (600 Ohms, max.)
Bridge Excitation:
1 to 10VDC, 120mA max.
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis):
± 0.1% typical, ± 0.2% maximum of selected input range at 25 ° C.
± 0.025%/ ° C typical, 0.05%/ ° C maximum, of selected full scale input range.
Output Noise (maximum):
0.1% of span, rms, or 10mV whichever is greater.
Response Time (10 to 90%):
<200mSec., typical.
Common ModeRejection:
DC to 60Hz: ≈ 120dB, ≈ 100dB for 0 -1mA range
1800VDC between input, output & power.
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emissions: EN50081-1
Immunity: EN50082-2
Safety: EN50178
LED Indication (green):
Input Range (approx.)
>110% input: 8Hz flash
<0% input: 4Hz flash
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
2.5W typical (one 350 Ohm bridge),
4W max. (four 350 Ohm bridges).
Range: 18 to 30VDC
0.54 lbs.
Wire Terminations:
Screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No.E99775).
CE Conformance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and low voltage 73/23/EEC.
RoHS Compliant
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our web site.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: G448-0002
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output ranges.
Slim Pak “G” series modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or
TS35 (model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
HS01 Heat Sink
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C664 I/O Descriptive Tags
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 176 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
AC Input Field Configurable Isolator
Provides an Isolated DC Output in Proportion to an AC Input
G468-0001 n
Field Configurable Input Ranges: 50mV to 250VAC,
5mA to 5A AC n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Field Configurable Outputs: 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA,
0-20-mA and 4-20mA n
Ultra Slim Housing for High Density Installations n
Flexible Power Supply Accepts 9 to 30 VDC n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability n
RoHS Compliant
The G468 is a DIN rail mount, AC input signal conditioner with
1800VDC isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable input and output offers flexible, wide ranging capability for scaling, converting or buffering AC inputs ranging from
5mA to 100mA or 50mV to 250V.
For AC current measurements above 100mA, use the model C006 shunt resistor (0.1 Ohm, 5Watt). This resistor must be wired in series with the current source, with the G468 configured to measure the voltage generated across the resistor (see Figure 3 for an example).
The DC output of the G468 is proportional to the average of the fully-rectified AC input signal, and is calibrated for sine waves between 40-400Hz.
The G468 is useful in applications requiring an isolated, conditioned DC output from an AC signal. Typical applications include energy management, load shedding, motor current/load monitoring, locked rotor detection, isolation and data acquisition. The output of the G468 can drive a digital meter for direct display or it can interface with alarm or control devices, including PLCs and computers.
Diagnostic LED
The G468 is equipped with a dual function LED signal monitor. The green, front mounted LED indicates both DC power and input signal status. Active DC power is indicated by an illuminated LED.
If the input signal is more than 110% of the full scale range, the LED will flash at 8Hz. Below -10%, the flash rate is 4Hz.
The G468 has 15 input range switch settings. Trim potentiometers allow 50% input zero and span adjustablity within each of the 15 fullscale, input ranges.
Since the unit has 50% adjustability, it can be ranged so that any
100 volt input span can create the full output (e.g., 25 to 125Vac
= full output).
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model G468 as follows:
Input Range: 0-500mVAC
Output: 4-20mA
The DC power input accepts any DC source between 9 and 30V; typically a 12V or 24VDC source is used (see Accessories).
Refer to Tables 1 through 3 for the proper switch settings. With power disconnected, use the switches (9 & 10) on SW1 to select the input type (voltage or current), on SW2 to select the desired output ranges, and (1-8) on SW1 to select the desired input range.
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
Order Entry: 703-669-1305 Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 177
1. After configuring the DIP switches, connect the input to a calibrated AC source. Connect the output to the device (or a load approximately equivalent to the device) and apply power. Refer to the Terminal Wiring Diagram (Figure 2).
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing approximately 1 to 2 hours for warm up and thermal equilibrium of the system.
2. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum and adjust the zero potentiometer for the desired minimum output.
3. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum and adjust the span potentiometer for the desired maximum output.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, if necessary for best accuracy.
Table 1: G468 Input Ranges
R a n g e s S e l e c t o r S W 1
V o l
5 t a
0 g
5 e m m m
C u r r e
1 0 n
0 t
0 m
0 m m
0 m
1 0 0 V
2 0 0 V
2 5 0 V
I n p u t T y p e
C u r r e n t
V o l t a g e
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
1 0 n
Table 2: G468 Output Ranges
S W 2
O u t p u t t t t o o o
1 0 m
4 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 2 0 m A
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 178 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: G468 Factory Cal: 0-500mVAC, 4-20mA Figure 2: Wiring Diagram for G468
Figure 3: A Typical Application - Load Monitoring
Using a Current Transformer and the G468
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 179
Note: All Ultra SlimPak modules are designed to operate in ambient temperatures from 0 to 55
C when mounted on a horizontal DIN rail. If five or more modules are mounted on a vertical rail, circulating air or model HS01 Heat Sink is recommended. Refer to HS01 Technical
Bulletin (#721-0549-00) or contact the factory for assistance.
Figure 4: Mounting Multiple Modules
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Ranges: 100mV to 250VAC
Impedance: >100K Ohms
Overvoltage: 300VAC
Ranges:10mA to 100mA AC
Impedance: 20 Ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 200mAAC
Overvoltage: 60V peak
Frequency Range:
DC or 40 to 400Hz AC, factory calibrated at 60Hz
Common Mode(Input to Ground):
1800VDC, max.
Zero and Span Range:
Zero Turn-Up: 50% of full scale range
Span Turn-Down: 50% of full scale range
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <10 Ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K Ohms, min. @ 10V)
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Source Impedance: >100K Ohms
0-1mA; 7.5V, max. (7.5K Ohms, max.)
0-20mA; 12V, max. (600 Ohms, max.)
4-20mA; 12V, max. (600 Ohms, max.)
LED Indicator (green):
8Hz flash when input is 110% of full scale range
4Hz flash when input is 10% below full scale range
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis):
+0.1% of span, typical
+0.5% of span, maximum
+0.025%/ ° C of selected input span, typical.
Response Time (10 to 90%):
250mSec., typical.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1800VDC between input, output & power.
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emmissions: EN50081-1
Immunity: EN50082-2
Safety: EN50178
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5W max.
Range: 9 to 30VDC
Wire Terminations:
Screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
0.48 lbs.
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No.E99775).
CE Compliance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC.
RoHS Compliant
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our web site.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: G468-0001
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration; specify C620 with desired input and output ranges.
SlimPak "G" series modules mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or TS35
(model MD03) DIN rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
HS01 Heat Sink
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C664 I/O Descriptive Tags
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 180 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Frequency Input,
Field Configurable Isolator
Provides an Isolated DC Output in Proportion to a Frequency Input
G478-0001 n
Field Configurable Input Ranges from 2Hz to 10,000Hz n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Field Configurable Output Ranges: 0-5V, 0-10V,
0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA n
Ultra Slim Housing for High Density Installations n
150mV to 150V Input Amplitude Level n
Touch-Cal TM for Simplified Ranging n
Flexible Power Supply Accepts 9 to 30 VDC n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability n
RoHS Compliant
The G478 is a DIN rail mount, frequency input signal conditioner with 1800VDC isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable input and output offer flexible, wide ranging capability for variable frequency drives, magnetic pick-ups, turbine flow meters, and other pulse or frequency output transducers.
The input of the G478 can be configured for any frequency span from 2Hz to 10,000Hz. The input amplitude threshold sensitivity can be adjusted from 150mVp to 10Vp to ensure accurate frequency measurement and minimize transient noise related errors. The maximum input amplitude is 150 Vrms. The output can be set for 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, 0-20mA or 4-20mA.
The G478 to be field configured for virtually any frequency input to DC signal output within the ranges specified. Calibration utilizes
‘Touch-Cal’ technology in which the user simply applies the minimum and maximum input frequencies, and touches a recessed button to configure the corresponding minimum and maximum output range.
The Ultra SlimPak housing allows installation of up to 24 units per linear foot. The wide ranging power supply is inverter isolated and accepts any voltage between 9 and 30VDC.
The G478 is useful in eliminating ground loops and interfacing pulse output transducers, such as turbine flow meters and magnetic pick-ups, to data acquisition and control systems.
Advanced digital technology, combined with Action’s ASIC technology, provide a stable output at low frequencies for higher accuracy.
‘ Touch-CAL TM Technology
The G478 utilizes ‘Touch-Cal’ technology to greatly simplify configuration. To set the input frequency range, simply apply the high input frequency and push the CAL button while the INPUT
LED is lit. The low input frequency is then applied and pushing the
CAL button once again stores the low frequency input. The high and low ranges are stored in non-volatile memory and correspond to the high and low output range which is selected via DIP switches.
To precisely adjust the output, the user adjusts the input frequency while the OUTPUT LED is lit until the desired output level is achieved. The output levels are locked-in by pushing the CAL button. Status LEDs show the operation mode of the device.
Status LEDs
The G478 utilizes three status LEDs.
The green LED varies intensity as the frequency changes from 0 to
100% of full scale range (e.g., for a configuration of 0-1000Hz, the LED will be off with an input of 0Hz and fully illuminated at 1000Hz. With an input of 500Hz, the LED will be dim). If the input signal is 10% more than full scale range (over-ranged), the LED will flash at 8Hz.
The yellow INPUT LED denotes input programming modes.
The red OUTPUT LED denotes output programming modes (see
Configuration, Calibration and Figure 2 for details).
Any 2Hz range from 0 to 10,000Hz can be converted to a full scale output signal (e.g. 0-2Hz/4-20mA or 9998-10,000Hz/4-20mA).
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model G478 as follows:
Input Range: 0 to 1000Hz
Sensitivity: 1V RMS
Output Range: 4 to 20mA
Note: "Sensitivity" refers to the noise rejection level (the trigger threshold) of the input.
For other I/O ranges, refer to Table 1 and 2. For calibration mode reference, see the step-by-step flow chart in Figure 4.
1. With DC power off, choose the desired output voltage/current range from Table 1 and set position 1 through 8 of SW1.
2. Set the Input sensitivity switch (SW1, 9 & 10) to LO for input amplitudes between 150mVp and 50Vrms, with noise rejection to
1Vp. Set the switch to HI for input amplitudes between 500mVp and 150Vrms, with noise rejection up to 10Vp (see Table 2).
Order Entry: 703-669-1305 Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 181
1. Connect the input to a calibrated frequency source and apply power. Wait 1 hour for thermal stability before monitoring the voltage or current output.
2. Adjust the input frequency to the desired maximum and observe that the ouput has increased and is sensing the input. If the output does not increase, turn the sensitivity potentiometer in a counter-clockwise direction until the output begins to change proportionally to the input, plus another full turn.
3. Press the CAL button once to enter the calibration mode. The yellow and green LEDs will be on.
4. Input the maximum desired frequency and press the CAL button to store. The yellow LED will now be the only LED on.
5. Input the minimum desired frequency and press the CAL button to store. The green and red LEDs will now be on.
Note: The most reliable way to input 0Hz is to short circuit the input
(Pins 41 & 42). It is usually easier to choose a value greater than 0Hz
(e.g.,10% of full scale) when calibrating the minimum input and output (also 10%). When using this method signals below 10% are still converted linearally.
6. To precisely adjust the maximum output, adjust the input frequency until the output reads within +0.1% of the maximum selected output range. This typically occurs near 90% of the HI input frequency. Press the CAL button to store the value. The red
LED will now be on.
7. To precisely adjust the minimum output, lower the input frequency until the output reads within +0.1% of the minimum selected ouput. This typically occurs near 10% of the HI input frequency. Press the CAL button to store the value. All three LEDs will be on.
8. Press the CAL button one final time to exit the calibration mode.
The green LED will now be on.
9. Check the minimum and maximum input-to-output calibration.
Repeat steps 1 through 8 if calibration is not within desired specifications.
Note 1: To skip Steps 6 and 7 (output adjustment), press CAL button two times after Step 5.
Note 2: Removing power to the unit at any time before Step 8 will restore previous settings and calibration.
Optimal Sensitivity
If the amplitude of the input frequency is within the sensitivity parameters (i.e. 150mVp - 1Vp for LO and 0.5Vp - 10Vp for HI), then the sensitivity parameters can be set for optimum noise rejection:
1. Set the input near midrange (50% input) or to a frequency that exhibits the minimum pulse amplitude.
2. Turn the sensitivity pot (SENS) clockwise (CW) until the output drops to minimum.
3. Turn the sensitivity pot counter- clockwise(CCW) a turn or two until the output returns to the previous level.
4. Run the input through the full frequency range to make sure that the pulses are sensed at both the low and high input frequencies. If the output drops out during this test (and the input freq. >0%) then turn the sensitivity pot counter-clockwise another turn or two until the output picks up. Repeat to validate sensitivity settings.
Table 1: G478 Output Ranges
S W 1
O u t p u t
0 t t t t o o t o o o
V m
V m m
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n n n n n n n n n n n n
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n n
Table 2: G478 Input Sensitivity Settings
S W 1
S e n s i t i v i t y
( 1
H i g h : 0 .
5 0 V r m s t o 1 0 V p m a x i m u m )
L o w :
( 5 0 V
1 5 r m
0 s m V p t o 1 V p m a x i m u m )
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
1 0 n
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 182 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Factory Cal: 0 to 1000Hz, 1Vrms, 4-20mA Figure 2: Wiring Diagram for G478
Note: All Ultra SlimPak modules are designed to operate in ambient temperatures from 0 to 55
C when mounted on a horizontal DIN rail. If five or more modules are mounted on a vertical rail, circulating air or model HS01 Heat Sink is recommended. Refer to HS01 Technical
Bulletin (#721-0549-00) or contact the factory for assistance.
Figure 3: Mounting Multiple Modules
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 183
Figure 4: G478 Calibration Flowchart
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Frequency Input
Full Scale Range: 2 Hz minimum from 2Hz to 10,000Hz.
Amplitude Range: 150mVp to 150Vrms
Impedance: >10K Ohms
Over-voltage: 180Vrms, max.
Over-range: 20KHz, max.
Common Mode (Input to Gnd):
1800VDC, max.
Zero Turn-Up:
99% of full scale range (9998Hz)
Span Turn-Down:
99% of full scale range (2Hz)
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Source Impedance: <100 Ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K Ohms, min. @ 10V)
Output: 0-1mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Source Impedance: >100K Ohms
0-1mA; 7.5V, max. (7.5K Ohms, max.)
0-20mA; 12V, max. (600 Ohms, max.)
4-20mA; 12V, max. (600 Ohms, max.)
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis):
+0.1% of selected range at 25 ° C.
+0.025%/ ° C maximum of selected range.
Response Time (10 to 90%):
3 input cycles + 250ms
Common Mode Rejection:
DC: 100dB
>60Hz: 80dB
1800VDC between input, output & power.
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emissions: EN50081-1
Immunity: EN50082-2
Safety: EN50178
LED Indication:
LEVEL (green): lit when power is on
Input > 110% then 8Hz. flash
Input < -10% then 4Hz flash
INPUT (yellow): input range programming status
OUTPUT (red): output range programming status
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% @ 45 ° C
Soak: 90% for 24 hours @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (5 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 1.5W typical, 2.5W max.
Range: 9 to 30VDC
0.50 lbs
Wire Terminations:
Screw terminals for 12-22 AWG
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No.E99775).
CE Conformance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC and Low Voltage 73/23/EEC
(Input < 75Vp or < 50Vrms, only).
RoHS Compliant
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: G478-0001
Accessories: (see accessories)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration: specify C620 with desired input and output range
SlimPak "G" Series modules will mount on standard TS32 (model MD02) or
TS35 (model MD03) DIN Rail. In addition, the following accessories are available:
HS01 Heat Sink
MD03 TS35 x 7.5 DIN rail
WV905 24VDC Power Supply (0.5 Amp)
H910 24VDC Power Supply (1 Amp)
H915 24VDC Power Supply (2.3 Amp)
MB03 End Bracket for MD03
C664 I/O Descriptive Tags
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our web site.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 184 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Ultra SlimPak Series
Model HS01 Heat Sink
All Ultra SlimPak (USP) modules are designed and tested to operate in ambient temperatures from 0 to 55 ° C when mounted on a horizontal rail (see figure A) or with approximately 1/2" between modules on a vertical or horizontal rail
(see figure B) to allow adequate air circulation.
When more than five modules are mounted in close proximity, our model HS01 Heat Sink is recommended (see figures
C & D).
Figure B Figure A
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Figure C
Page 185
Figure D
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
The HS01 heat sink mounts tightly between Ultra SlimPaks and the DIN mounting rail. Simply fit the HS01 heat sink to the Ultra SlimPak as shown above and snap both onto the rail.
To remove the Ultra SlimPak without removing the heat sink or combi-foot from the rail, slide the Ultra SlimPak up approximately
0.75", (off the combi-foot) and remove the module.
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our web site.
Material: Aluminum Alloy 5052H32, 0.063" thick
Anodized: Black, MIL-A-8625
Ordering Information
Specify: Model: HS01
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 186 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Transmitters are used to amplify and condition the very small electrical signals which are generated by sensors as they measure the physical variables of a process. Once conditioned to usable levels, these signals are used to drive other instrumentation such as industrial computers, dataloggers, chart recorders, alarms, panel meters and controllers.
The TransPak Series
TransPak series two-wire transmitters are compact, rugged units that receive signals and direct sensor inputs, and operate from power derived from the output signal loop. The TransPak series provides a complete line of direct interface and conditioning modules for use with temperature, pressure, flow, strain, and other parameters. TransPak transmitters also accept a wide range of other electrical DC and AC voltage and current inputs.
Two-wire Transmitters
Two-wire transmitters (also called "field transmitters" because they can be placed anywhere along the signal in a process) offer several major advantages over conventional four-wire types, which require two wires for the output signal and two more for the power supply, typically 120VAC. In applications where the process sensor might be located up to several thousand feet from the instrument, two-wire transmitters are more advantageous because their current output signals do not attenuate or degrade over distance as do the voltage signals of typical four-wire conditioners. There can also be significant savings in wiring costs since only two wires are needed for the power and signal when compared to the four-wire type.
Intrinsic Safety
Because two-wire transmitters are powered by low-level 4-20mA or 10-50mA output current signals, no additional power has to be supplied to the remote transmitting location. This eliminates the associated problem of having to provide and maintain long runs of expensive wiring, and adds the benefit of being able to comply with safety requirements restricting the use of high voltage
(120VAC) in hazardous locations.
Due to their low energy consumption and storage, two-wire transmitters are the only types of transmitters considered for intrinsically safe applications. Many of Action's TransPaks are
Factory Mutual (FM), Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and
CENELEC approved for intrinsically safe operation in hazardous even explosive - environments when installed in accordance with the manufacturer's drawings.
Input Selection
Six types of inputs are available to suit your process needs:
DC Voltage or Current
AC Voltage or Current
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 187 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Selection Guide
I n p u t
D C V o l t a g e o r
( V , , m V , A ,
C u r r e n t m A )
( 5 0 O h
P o t e n t i o m e t e r m s s , , , u p t o 2 0 0 k O h m s s )
( ( T y p e P t , , , ,
N i i 1 1 0 , , , , C u 1 0 )
( T y p e s
T h e r m o c o u p l e
B , , , , , C , E , , , , , J J , , K , N , R , , , , , S , , , T ) )
( 0 5 0
F r e q u e n c y
H z t o 0 1 0 k H z )
A C V o l t a g e
( V , , m V , , o r
A ,
C u r r e n t m A )
T y p i c a l A p p l i c a t i o n
R e m o t e d a t a a c q u i s i t i o n , i n t r i n s i c i s a f e s o l a t y t i
, o c u r r e n t n t h a t t o p r e s p r o v i d e s s u r e e q u
, a i p n d m e n t a n d p e r s o n a l p r o t e c t i o n .
D e s c r i p t i o n
I n c l u d e s t o r e d u c e t r a n s i e n t s f i l t e r i n g a n d c o n d i t i o n i n g s u s c e p t i a n d s i g n b i a l l i t y t o n o i s e .
R e m o t e t a n k l e v e l d p r o v i d e s e q u i p m e n t p r o t e c t i o n .
a s e t p o i n t p o s i t i o n i n t r i n s i c t r a n s m i s s i o n , r e s i s t s s e n s o r a f e t y c o a n d n i d i t i o n i n g s o l a t i o n a n c e t a h n a d t a t a n d a c q u i s i t i o n , p e r s o n a l
I n c l w t o i r e u d e s e x m i n i m i z e c i t p o t e n t i o m e t e r c i a r t c i o u i n t r s u p p l y o r s l i d f o e w r 3 i r e s , y a t t h e s e n s o
R e m o t e
B T U t r a t e m n s f e r p e r a r a t e t u r e
, i n t r i d a t a n s i c a c q u i s i t i o n , s a f e t y a n d i a s o l a n d t i o n t h a t p e r s o n a l p r o v i d e s e q u i p m e n t p r o t e c t i o n .
I n c l u d e s D C e x c i t a t i o n s u p p l y
3 w i r e s e n s o r
R T D r e s b u r n o u t i s t a n c e d e t e c t s e n i o n .
s o r s f o r a n d r .
R e m o t e t e m p e r a t u r e d a t a a c q u i s i t i o n , i n t r i n s i c p r o v i d e s s a f e t y a n d e q u i p m e n t i s o l a a n d t i o n t h a t p e r s o n a l p r o t e c t i o n .
I n c l u d e s e n c a p s u l a t e d c o l d j u n c t i o n s e n s o r c o m p e b u r n o u t n s a t i o n d e t e c t
( C i o n .
J C ) a n d
M o t o r / p u m p s p e e d , r e m o t e f l o w i d a a t a s o l a n d t i a c q u i o n s i t i t h a t p e r s o n a l o p n r
, o i n t r i n s i c v i d e s a n d e q u i p m e n t p r o t e c t i o n .
s a f e t y
R e m o t e A C d a t a a c q u i s i t i o n , A C m o t o r t h a t p s r o t a v i t u s d e s c o n t r o l e q u i p m a e n d n t i s o a n d l a t i o n p e r s o n a l p r o t e c t i o n .
I n c l u d e s 5 0 % o r g r e a t e r s p a n i
" t n u r n d p u t o w n a m p l i
" t a d j u d e u s t s f a b i l r o m i t y .
1 0 0
A c c e p t s
M v p p t o
2 0 V r m s .
n c l u d e s f t o r e d u c e t r a n s i e n t s i l t e r i n g a n d c o n d i t i o n i n g s u s c e a n d s i p t i b i g n a l l i t y t o n o i s e .
M o d e l
T 7 0 0
T 7 0 3
T 2 8 0 ,
( L o o p I s o l a t o r )
( W i d e
T 2 8 7
R a n
( m V g i o n g ) n l y )
T 7 5 2
T 2 8 7
( W i d e
( 0 2 0
R k a n o h g i m n g ) s )
T 7 1 3 ( W i d e R a n g i n g )
T 7 9 7 / 8
T 2 8 0 ,
( P r o g r a m m a b l e / H a r t )
T 2 8 7 ( P t 1 0 0 o n l y )
T 7 2 3
T 7 9 7 / 8
( W i d e R a n g i n g )
( P r o g r a m m a b l e / H a r t )
T 2 8 0 , T 2 8 7
T 7 7 3 ( W i d e R a n g i n g )
T 7 6 1 ( W i d e R a n g i n g )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 188 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
see next page n
Universal Input Reduces Inventory Levels n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Low Profile Design
The T280 is an isolated, 2-wire temperature and mV input transmitter designed to fit in a standard industrial thermal-head.
The T280 supports Pt-100 RTD and thermocouple inputs as well as voltages up to 100mV. Thermocouples supported include B, E, J,
K, L, N, R, S and T. If thermal-head mounting is not required, the
T280 can either be mounted directly on a bulkhead or to a DIN rail using the included DIN rail clip.
Three different series make up the T280 family. The –1xxx units are for Pt-100 RTD inputs. The default configuration from the factory is 3-wire, but the units can be easily reconfigured for 2-wire, as explained in the installation instructions. The –2xxx units are for thermocouple inputs and the –3xxx units are for millivolt inputs.
The list of model numbers shows our most popular ranges. Contact the Technical Services Group for information about other ranges.
Isolated Universal 2-Wire Transmitter for
Pt-100 RTD, Thermocouple, & mV
Miniature Thermal-Head Mounted,
1000VDC Input to Output Isolation n
Hinged Cover Protects Potentiometers from the Environment n
Embedded Terminals
Head Mount Enclosure
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Thermocouple: B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T
RTD: Pt-100, 2-wire or 3-wire mV: 100mV max.
Input Span
Thermocouple: 5mV min. span
RTD: 20 ° C min. 500 ° C max.
mV: 5mV min span
± 15% for both zero & span
Output Span
4-20mA, limiting @ <28mA
Thermocouple Models
0 to 500
0 to 760
-200 to 600 ° C
0 to 1000 ° F
0 to 1400 ° F
-350 to 1100 ° F
0 to 500 ° C
0 to 1000 ° C
0 to 1200 ° C
-270 to 500 ° C
0 to 1000 ° F
0 to 2000 ° F
0 to 2500 ° F
-450 to 1000 ° F
0 to 250 ° C
0 to 400 ° C
-270 to 400 ° C
Burnout Detection
Better than ± 0.1% of span, linear to mV input
Better then ± 0.1% of span, linear to temperature
0.02% of span/ ° C (25mV input)
0.02% of span/ ° C (100 ° C span)
Thermocouple Models (cont'd)
0 to 500 ° F
0 to 750 ° F
-450 to 750 ° F
0 to 400
0 to 500
200 to 600 ° F
0 to 1500 ° F
0 to 1500 ° C
0 to 600 ° C
0 to 500 ° C
-100 to 300 ° C
0 to 300 ° F mV Models
0 to 20mV
0 to 50mV
0 to 100mV
RTD Models
° C/ ° C of ambient temperature
Supply Voltage
10 to 40VDC polarity protected
Maximum Load
Rmax = (Vsupply – 10V)/20mA
Operating Temperature
-20 ° C to +70 ° C
0 to 95% RH, non-condensing
Agency Approvals
CE Compliance per EMC directive 89/3/36 EEC
0 to 100 ° C
0 to 150 ° C
0 to 200 ° C
0 to 300 ° C
0 to 500
0 to 200
0 to 300
0 to 50 ° C
32 to 390
0 to 400 ° F
0 to 500 ° F
0 to 900 ° F
0 to 100 ° F
0 to 250 ° F
-328 to 100
-200 to 100
° F
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
T280-1xxx -C (F) for RTD Input, or
T280-2xxx -[tc type] C (F) for thermocouple, or
T280-3xxx for mV input
AP9046 Action Pak 24/40VDC, 65mA Loop Power Supply
V560/565 3-1/2 digit remote loop powered indicator with wide ranging display.
T25H-0000 Head Mount Enclosure - 1/2 NPT for Thermowell and Conduit.
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Programmable Isolating
Universal Input 2-Wire Transmitter
Provides an Isolated, Linearized Current Loop in
Proportion to a Thermocouple, RTD, Millivolt,
Potentiometer or Resistance Input n
User-Friendly Configuration n
Custom Linearization for Special T/C Types n
DIN Rail Mounting Adapter Included n
Universal Input Reduces Inventory Levels n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Supports Single or Dual Inputs
The T287 is a programmable two-wire transmitter that is configured to provide an isolated 4-20mA signal in proportion to the input signal. The T287 accepts thermocouple, 2-wire, 3-wire, or 4wire RTD, potentiometer, resistance and millivolt inputs. The T287 supports either single or dual inputs. In the dual input mode, either input can be selected to control the output, or math functions can be applied in which both inputs have an effect on the output. The functions available are Sum, Difference, Average, Higher of the two or Lower of the two inputs. Typical applications include providing accurate, stable signals to distributed control systems
(DCS), supervisory control and data acquisition systems (SCADA), environmental monitoring and control systems (EMCS), data acquisition and control systems (DACS) and custody transfer/ pipeline systems.
Configuration is performed by connecting the transmitter to a standard (9-pin RS-232) PC serial port using an isolated interface adapter, and running a user-friendly Windows-based program. All of the configuration information can be defined and modified using only a PC, the interface adapter, and the transmitter. No loop supply, input simulation or meter on the output is required. The fully isolated adapter reduces the risk of damage to the PC which can be caused by spikes and surges on field wiring entering the computer via its unprotected serial port.
The T287 yields higher accuracy and long-term stability with lower power consumption than prior generation transmitters. The T287 automatically performs self-tests and auto-calibration while in service, resulting in a stability of better than ± 0.1% of span over 12 months.
Every T287 is factory calibrated and can be configured to perform the desired function using the Device Configuration screen and the Sensor Selection Screen. Just fasten the DB-9 connector to the computer’s serial port and the keyed 6-pin connector to the port under the access cover on the top of the transmitter. There is no need to provide an external power supply and load to the T287’s output to configure the transmitter.
Units already in service can have their configuration “up-loaded” to the PC. Their operating parameters can be reviewed, and if necessary, revised and downloaded again. All configuration parameters can be stored in a configuration file on the PC for future use. The Configuration & Calibration Software, Isolated RS-232/
T287 Communications Adapter and User’s Guide are included in the model C680-0001. A zero and span trimmer (model C680-
0002) is also available which allows users to adjust the zero and span without connecting a PC. Just plug the trimmer into the programming port and press the up or down button.
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Input Types:
Most standard types & all special types using customer defined tables & polynomials.
2-, 3- & 4-wire, Pt-100, Ni-110, Ni-120
& other RTDs. Includes Callandar-Van-
Dusen adaptation and custom sensors linearization with user defined tables and polynomials.
DC mV: -10 to 100mV
Potentiometers: 0 to 20k Ohms
Resistance: 0 to 400 Ohms
General Specifications:
Minimum Range: 2mV
Output: 4-20mA
Supply Voltage: 9-40VDC @ no load, reverse polarity protected
Maximum Load:
R max
= (V supply
– 9V) / 20mA
Operating Temperature:
-40 to 85 ° C
Storage Temperature:
-55 to +125 ° C
0 to 95% RHNC
Response Time:
0.3 seconds, to 90% of input (>3 updates/sec)
Damping Factors:
Programmable 0 to 64 seconds, to 0 to
120% of input range, using config software
Better than ± 0.1% of span for 12 months
2000VDC, input to output
RFI Protection:
<1% effect of span at 20-1000MHz and at field strength of 20V/m
Performance Specifications:
Output Resolution:
0.015% of span (2.5uA)
Output Linearity (D/A):
Better then 0.02% of output span
Terminal Assignments
Sensor Linearization:
Better than 0.1
° C for RTDs
Better than 0.2
° C for Thermocouple
Cold Junction Compensation:
Automatic to within ± 0.7
° C for all thermocouples
Temperature Stability:
0.015%/ ° C combined zero and span.
Supply Voltage Effect:
< ± 0.003% per volt.
Automatic, unit includes all calibration parameters. The unit performs periodic zero and span self-test, and auto calibration.
Input Linearity:
Better than 0.01% of span (mV input)
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: T287-0000
Model: C680-0001 Isolated Communications Adapter, Configuration and Calibration Software, and User’s Guide.
Model: C680-0002 Zero/Span Trimmer
AP9046 Action Pak 24/40VDC, 65mA Loop Power Supply
V560/565 3-1/2 digit remote loop powered indicator with wide ranging display.
T25H-0000 Head Mount Enclosure - 1/2 NPT for Thermowell and Conduit.
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Head Mount Enclosure
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T287 Transmitter Sensor Assemblies
Thermocouple and RTD Assemblies with the T287 2-Wire Transmitter Installed
Preassembled, Preconfigured
Temperature Sensor Solutions n
T287 Configured to Desired Range n
Type J, K, T or Pt-100 Sensors n
Four Head Styles n
Spring Loaded Available n
Three Types of Thermowells n
Mounting Bushings Included
Eurotherm/Barber-Colman manufactures thermocouples and
RTDs with the Action T287 transmitter already installed. The sensor assembly ships with the transmitter already configured to the customer specified temperature range. Some of the more common styles are listed here.
Class II, Div. II, Groups E, F & G. The white polypropylene head is suitable for wash down environments or applications in which corrosion resistance is an issue.
The SKS-6416 series and SKS-6415 series are identical except that the SK-6416 is equipped with a spring loaded bushing, making it suitable for applications in thermowells. The stainless steel spring loaded bushing provides greater than 1/2” travel.
The SKS-6415 series are general purpose probes with 1/2” NPT mounting bushing. Thermocouples have ungrounded MgO insulated elements. Type J and T elements have a 304 stainless steel sheath. Type K elements have an Inconel sheath.
PT-100 RTDs are available with either Teflon® or fiberglass insulated leads. The Teflon insulated units are rated for operation to 260 ° C. The fiberglass insulated RTDs are rated for operation to 500 ° C.
Four styles of NEMA 4 connecting heads are offered. The aluminum or cast iron screw cover heads provide excellent protection in most conditions. The aluminum explosion proof head is FM/CSA approved for Class I, Div. I, Groups B, C & D, and
Cast Aluminum
Explosion Proof
The SKS-6417 series are complete assemblies that include a thermowell and a spring loaded bushing. Three styles of thermowells are available; straight shank, heavy duty tapered and reduced tip. All have 3/4” NPT threads and are manufactured from
304 stainless steel.
Cast Iron Polypropylene
Eurotherm/Barber-Colman manufactures a complete line of thermocouples and RTDs. Contact us with your requirements.
Reduced Tip
Contact us at s e n s o r s @ e u r o t h e r m . c o m
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 193 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
SKS-6415 and SKS-6416
"X" Dimension in 00.0 inches
Ungrounded Junction on Thermocouples
Supply +
4 3
3 2
"X" Dimension in 00.0 inches
Ungrounded Junction on Thermocouples 6416
S K S - 6 4 1 X -X X X- 0 -X X
MgO Sensor Assembly
5 = with Action T287 Transmitter
and Double-Ended Bushing
6 = with Action T287 Transmitter
and Double-Ended, Spring Loaded Bushing
"X" Dimension in 00.0 inches for example: 075 = 7-1/2 inches
Head Type
0 = Aluminum
1 = Cast Iron
2 = Explosion Proof
3 = Polypropylene
Sensor Type and Sheath Material
0 = Type J T/C, 1/4" dia. 304 Stainless Steel Sheath
1 = Type K T/C, 1/4" dia. Inconel Sheath
2 = Type T T/C, 1/4" dia. 304 Stainless Steel Sheath
3 = RTD, 1/4" dia. 304 Stainless Steel Tube, Teflon Insulated Wire
4 = RTD, 1/4" dia. 304 Stainless Steel Tube, Fiberglass Insulated Wire
"U" Dimension in 00.0 inches
S K S - 6 4 1 7 - U U U -X-X X
MgO Sensor Assembly
7 = with Action T287 Transmitter, Double-Ended,
Spring Loaded Bushing and Thermowell
"U" Dimension in 00.0 inches for example: 075 = 7-1/2 inches
Thermowell Style
= Straight Shank
= Tapered Shank
= Reduced Tip
Head Type
0 = Aluminum
1 = Cast Iron
2 = Explosion Proof
3 = Polypropylene
Sensor Type and Sheath Material
0 = Type J T/C, 1/4" dia. 304 Stainless Steel Sheath
1 = Type K T/C, 1/4" dia. Inconel Sheath
2 = Type T T/C, 1/4" dia. 304 Stainless Steel Sheath
3 = RTD, 1/4" dia. 304 Stainless Steel Tube, Teflon Insulated Wire
4 = RTD, 1/4" dia. 304 Stainless Steel Tube, Fiberglass Insulated Wire
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1800V Input-to-Output Isolation n
1:1 Current Transfer Ratio from 1 to 20mA
Loop Powered Isolator
Provides an Isolated
DC Current Output n
Input Loop-Powered Design Eliminates Output
Power Supply n
500 Ohm Output Drive, up to 10V Compliance
The T700-0001 is a loop-powered isolator that accepts a current input (typically 4-20mA). It takes its power source voltage and the output current loop drive (500 Ohm, 10V compliance, max.) from the input current loop. The 1-20mA output current follows the input current signal. Span adjustment is provided to adjust for load variations. There are two (+) output terminals. Terminal #3 is for loads less than 100 Ohms (e.g., current meter inputs) and terminal
#4 is for loads greater than 100 Ohms.
The T700 is designed for installation in industrial field environments. Circuitry is enclosed in the TransPak’s rugged, diecast aluminum housing which is sealed for protection against corrosion, moisture, dust and electrical noise, such as radio frequency interference (RFI) and electromagnetic (EMI) interference. Topmounted barrier terminal strip connections are provided. Optional mounting solutions and enclosures are also available (see
The T700 is useful in eliminating ground loop problems in existing systems, and as a preventative measure in the design of new systems. The DC current isolation allows a difference in potential of up to 1800V between the input, output signal and case ground.
This isolation provides the benefits of grounded inputs without creating signal errors or ground loops.
1. Connect the input to a calibrated milliamp source. Connect the output to the actual device or to a load equivalent to the actual device (use terminal #3 for loads <100 Ohms, terminal #4 for load
>100 Ohms). Monitor the output current with a milliamp meter in series with the load or monitor the voltage across the load.
2. Set the calibrator to 20mA and adjust the span potentiometer for 20mA output.
3. Set the calibrator for 4mA and confirm that the output is 4 mA.
(P/I, Temp., etc.)
Figure 1: Typical 2-Wire Transmitter Installation
Controller or
(Temp., Pressure, etc., to Current)
Figure 2: Typical 4-Wire Transmitter Installation
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 195 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Ranges: 1-20mA and 4-20mA, 30Vdc max.
Voltage Drop: <3V, plus output load
Common Mode Rejection:
>100dB (DC to 60Hz)
Range: 1-20mA and 4-20mA
Terminal #4 Drive: 100 to 500 Ohm loads,
10V Max. at 20mA
Terminal #3 Drive: 0 to 100 Ohm loads,
2V Max. at 20mA
Note that only one (+) output terminal
(either #3 or #4) can be used at a time.
Output Accuracy:
+0.1% of full-scale typical (250 Ohm load),
+0.2% maximum including linearity, hysterisis and repeatability.
< 0.02%/ ° C of span max. for full-scale and zero
Load Regulation:
< 0.1% of span, typical per 10 Ohm change, from 100 to 500 Ohms
1800Vdc, input to output to case ground
ESD Susceptibility:
Meets IEC 801-2 level 3 (8kV)
Response Time:
50mSec maximum, 10 to 90%
Operating/Storage: -20 to 80 ° C (-4 to 176 ° F)
25 to 95% @ 40 ° C, non-condensing
0.56 lb.
Agency Approvals:
UL recognized per standard UL508,
(File No. E99775).
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M91, and 142-M1987, (Certificate No. 2500001267).
Optional Mounting Hardware Dimensions
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
T805 Field Mountable Housing
(EP, NEMA 4 rated) 3/4" Hub
(Includes T903 Retainer Ring & NEMA 4 Gasket)
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model T700-0001
M004 Snap-in Channel Track, 4 feet.
T805 Explosion-Proof Housing.
T902 Mounting Plate for M004, includes 4" track.
T903 Extra Retaining Ring for T805 (included in T805).
T906 Extra Mounting Plate w/slotted thumbscrews for Visipak
V565C (included in V565C).
T910 Bulkhead Mounting Plate.
AP9046 Action Pak 24/40VDC, 65mA Power Supply.
V565C 3-1/2 Digit LCD Indicator, wide-ranging display, NEMA 4X
Housing, Option C to house Transpak.
Note that detailed installation instructions are available on our website.
Terminal Wiring
Case Ground
Output (Loads >100 Ohms)
Output (Loads <100 Ohms)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 196 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Field Configurable Input Ranges: 20mV to 200V,
1mA to 50mA n
Eliminates Ground Loops
DC Input Isolating, Field Configurable
Two-Wire Transmitter
Provides an Isolated Current Loop in Proportion to a
DC Current or Voltage Input n
Wide Ranging Zero and Span n
Super Bright LED Provides Go/No-Go Loop Status n
FM and CSA Safety Approval for Hazardous Installations
The T703 has 16 overlapping input ranges which are field selectable via top-accessed DIP switches (see Table 1). The T703can accept input voltage spans from 20mV to 200 volts and input current spans from 1mA to 50mA. Bipolar selection modifies the unipolar range to include a negative offset (e.g. 200V becomes
± 100V). The T703 provides 1000Vrms of transformer-coupled isolation and 120VAC continuous input overload protection. The top-mounted super bright LED illuminates when the loop current is above 3.3mA. Standard surface mount RFI filters reject walkietalkie interference and noise. Current output is in proportion to the selected voltage or current input.
The T703 has 80% zero “turn-up” and 80% span “turn-down” adjustments within any user-selected input range. For example,
Range 11 of Table 1 specifies 0 to 100V with a minimum span of
20V (100V - 20V = 80V, or 80%). This 80% adjustability allows the user to field-calibrate the unit from the maximum (0 to 100V) down to any minimum (20V) span (e.g. 25V to 45V) within the selected 0 to 100V range. The same is true in any user-selectable range: all spans are field adjustable from 20% (minimum span) to
100% of the specified range.
The T703 is useful in any application requiring an isolated two-wire loop current from a DC source. Typical applications include long distance signal transmission and the elimination of ground loops.
The output of the T703 can be used to drive a digital meter for direct display, or to interface with a computer for monitoring and control applications.
The model T703 is FM approved for intrinsically safe operation, entity, Classes I, II, III, Division 1, Groups A-G and Nonincendive,
Class I, Division 2, Groups A-D hazardous when installed per manufacturer’s drawing 790-0028-00.
The model T703 is CSA approved for intrinsically safe operation for Class 1, Division 1, temperature code T3C, Groups A, B, C and
D hazardous locations when installed per manufacturer’s drawing
790-0025-00. Refer to model F703 for NEMA 4, FM/CSA/CENELEC approved explosion-proof housing.
U Urethane coating of circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres.
Note: Factory settings are:
Input Range: 0 - 10V
Output: 4-20mA
1. Open the access lid on the top of the unit (see Top View
2. Select the input range from Table 1 and configure switches S1 through S6. Bipolar span selection will divide the unipolar span in half (e.g., 20mA span = ± 10mA bipolar span).
3. Determine the Span turn-down % (see Table 2).
% =
Desired Min. Input*
Limit Span x 100%
Example, Input: 0-10V
% =
11.2V - 10V
x 100% = 10.7%
4. Set the coarse Span rotary switch to the nearest span turn-down
% setting (e.g., 10.7% = 20% position 1).
5. Determine the Zero turn-up % (see Table 3).
% =
(Limit Span) - (Desired Span)
Limit Span x 100%
*Note: On range 14, subtract 4mA from Desired Min. Input.
Example, Input: 0-10V
% =
x 100% = 0%
6. Set the coarse step Zero turn-up switch to the nearest % setting
(e.g., 0% = position 0).
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 197 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
I n p u t
R a n g e
I n p u t
L i m i t s
Table 1: T703-2000 Input Ranges
S e l e c t o r S w i t c h
M i n i m u m
S p a n
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 0
1 1
1 0
0 t o
4 t o
0 t o t o t o t o
0 t o
0 t o
0 t o t o t o t o t o t o
1 0
2 0
3 1
6 3 t o
0 m V
0 m V
6 m V
2 m V
1 .
7 8 V
3 .
5 6 V
5 .
6 2 V
1 1 .
2 V
3 1 .
6 V t o
6 3 V
1 0 0 V
2 0 0 V
2 0 m A
2 0 m A
5 0 m A m A
K e y : n = 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
2 .
3 V
6 .
4 V
1 2 .
6 V
2 0 V
4 0 V
4 m A
3 .
2 m A
1 0 m A
1 m A
2 0 m V
4 0 m V
6 5 m V
1 3 0 m V
3 6 0 m V
7 1 0 m V
1 .
2 V
S 1 n n n n n n n n n
S 2 n n n n n n n n n n
S 3 n n n n n
S 4 n n n n n n
S 5
U n
O i p
P E o l a r
B i
C L p o l a
( n )
E r
S 6
1. To calibrate, use steps 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9. Adjust the coarse rotary switch before the fine potentiometer.
n n n n
2. Bipolar span selection will move the unipolar range to reflect a negative offset (e.g., 20mA = ± 10mA).
Table 2: Span Turn-Down Percent
S p a n T u r n D o w n
0 %
2 0 %
4 0 %
6 0 %
8 0 %
Table 3: Zero Turn-Up Percent
Z e r o T u r n U p
0 %
1 0 %
2 0 %
3 0 %
4 0 %
5 0 %
6 0 %
7 0 %
8 0 %
P o s i t i o n
P o s i t i o n
2 , 3
4 , 5 , 6 , 7
8 , 9 , A F
7. Connect the input to a calibrated DC voltage or current source.
Connect the output loop to a voltage supply and monitor the output current (refer to terminal wiring).
8. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum and adjust the fine zero to obtain an output of 4mA.
9. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum and adjust the fine span to obtain an output of 20mA. Repeat steps 8 and 9, if necessary, for maximum accuracy.
The T703 is designed for installation in industrial field environments. A sealed, diecast aluminum housing protects against corrosion, moisture, dust and electrical noise such as radiofrequency (RFI) and electromagnetic (EMI) interference.
For protection against extreme moisture, hose-directed water
(NEMA 4) or hazardous environments, use Action’s FieldPak model F703. The F703 2-wire transmitter offers the same wideranging features of the TransPak T703, but includes a rugged EP/
NEMA 4 enclosure with standard, 1/2" and 3/4" FPT ports for easy hook-up and operation in harsh process environments.
Top View Diagram
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 198 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Installation (Drawing No. 790-0028-00)
1. The T703 loop supply Entity parameters: Vmax - 33V, Imax - 178.5mA, Ci - 12, nF, Li - 0uH.
2. FMRC Entity Approved associated apparatus used in an Approved configuration with Voc or Vt less than
Vmax (33V) and lsc or lt less than Imax (178.5mA).
3. Ci of T703 (12 nF) plus total cable capacitance may not exceed Ca of associated apparatus.
4. Li of T703 (0uH) plus total cable inductance may not exceed La of associated apparatus.
5. Observe all requirements specified by the manufacturer's installation drawing for the Entity Approved x-mitter as well as the following requirements: a. Voc or Vt of associated apparatus supplying FMRC Entity Approved x-mitter may not exceed 30V or the Vmax of the x-mitter, whichever is lower.
b. Isc or It of associated apparatus supplying FMRC Entity Approved x-mitter may not exceed 60mA of the Imax of the x-mitter, whichever is lower.
c. Ci of FMRC Entity Approved x-mitter plus total cable capacitance may not exceed Ca of associated apparatus. T703 input terminals contribute 0uF.
d. Li of FMRC Entity Approved x-mitter plus total cable inductance may not exceed La of associated apparatus. T703 terminals contribute 0uH.
6. Control room equipment may not use or generate over 250 VRMS.
7. Install in accordance with the NEC and local codes.
8. Run all wiring within separate cables or separate shields.
Mounting Hardware
Dimensions in millimeters (inches)
T805 Field Mountable Housing (EP, NEMA 4 rated) 3/4" Hub
(Includes T903 Retainer Ring & NEMA 4 Gasket)
T703 Terminal Wiring
1. Loop Output (-)
2. Loop Output (+)
3. No Connection
4. Input (+)
5. Input (-)
6. Shield (Gnd)
Note 2: For best RF & common mode rejection, ground the case (pin 6).
Note 3: R
represents any other device loads in the current loop.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 199 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Input Span Range (Min/Max)
See Table 1. Note: Bipolar span selection will move unipolar range to reflect negative offset (e.g., 20mA = ± 10mA)
Input Inpedance:
Ranges 1-4: 5M Ohms, typical
Ranges 5-12: >200k Ohms, typical
Ranges 13-16: 20 Ohms, typical
Output Span (fixed):
Minimum Output Current:
3.3mA, typical
Maximum Output Current:
24mA, typical
Supply Voltage Range:
13 to 80VDC
Maximum Change In Supply Voltage Effect:
0.05% of Span
Maximum Changes In Load Effect:
0.05% of Span
Loop Voltage Drop:
13VDC @ 20mA
Output Current Limiting:
Active: 27mA
Fused (fixed): 0.25A
Entity Parameters:
= 33VDC, I
= 178.5mA,
= 12nF, L
= 0uH
Zero: ± 0.02% of span/ ° C, max. ( ± 0.05%, bipolar)
Span: ± 0.03% of span/ ° C, max.
Overall (Includes best straight line Linearity,
Hysteresis & Repeatability @ 25 ° C):
± 0.2% of any adjusted span, max.
Linearity: ± 0.1% of range
Hysteresis & Repeatability: ± 0.05% of range
Settability: ± 0.05% of range
Zero Adjustability:
80% “turn-up” of span (max)
Span Adjustability:
80% “turn-down” of full-scale range (max)
Response Time (63% response):
100ms, max.
Output Ripple:
0.1% of span, rms, typical 0.5%, max.
Normal Mode Rejection:
16dB @ 60Hz
Common Mode Rejection:
60Hz: 80dB, DC: 120dB
Common Mode Range:
60Hz: 1000Vrms
DC: 1000VDC
RFI Effect (1.5W, 470MHz at 1.7 ft):
<1% of span error
1000Vrms maximum, input to output, input to case, output to case.
Temperature Range :
Operating : -40 to 80 ° C
Storage:(-40 to 176 ° F)
Agency Approval:
FM approved intrinsically safe for hazardous locations, certificate
No. J.I. 1V4A5.AX.
CSA approved intrinsically safe for hazardous locations, Class I, Division I,
Groups A-D, when connected in accordance with manufacturer's drawing
790-0025 (File No. LR42272-40).
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model T703-2000
Option: U (see text)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration: Specify C620 with desired input and output range.
M004 Snap-in channel track, 4 ft. (non-conducting).
T902 Mounting plate for M004, includes 4" track.
T910 Bulkhead (flat surface) mounting plate.
T805 NEMA 4, explosion proof enclosure
AP9046 Action Pak 24/40VDC, 65mA power supply.
V565 3-1/2 digit remote loop-powered indicator, wide-ranging display, NEMA 4X enclosure.CSA & FM approval standard, specify Option C to house Transpak.
Dimensions in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 200 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
T713-0013 (-200 ° C offset) n
Field Configurable, Switch Selectable Input Ranges n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Wide Ranging Zero & Span
RTD Input Isolating, Field Configurable
Two-Wire Transmitter
Provides an Isolated, Linearized Current Loop in
Proportion to a 3-Wire Pt100 RTD Input n
Integral RTD Linearization/Output Linear to
Temperature n
FM Safety Approval for Hazardous Installations
The T713 series has 6 widely adjustable input ranges and 2 output ranges, all of which are field selectable via top accessed DIP switches. The T713 provides 600VDC of isolation with outputs of either 4-20mA or 10-50mA. Current outputs are linear to temperature. Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres is included as standard.
The T713 has an 80% zero and span adjustability within any user selected input range. For example, Range 1 of Table 1 specifies 0 to 1000 ° F with a minimum span of 200 ° F (1000 ° - 200 ° = 800 ° , or 80%). This 80% adjustability allows the user to field calibrate the unit for the maximum (0 to 1000 ° ) down to any minimum (200 ° ) span (e.g. 740 ° to 940 ° ) - as long as that adjusted span remains within the selected 0 to 1000 ° F range. The same is true for any user selectable range: all spans are field adjustable from 20% (minimum span) to 100% of the specified range.
The T713 is useful in any application requiring isolation of a 2-wire loop current from a 3-wire RTD. Typical applications include
SCADA and remote data acquisition such as monitoring boiler or custody transfer/pipeline temperatures. The output of the T713 can be used to drive a digital meter for direct display or interface with a computer for monitoring and control applications.
The T713 is FM approved for intrinsically safe operation in Class
I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, and D; Nonincendive Class I Division
2, Groups A, B, C and D, and Classes II & III, Division 2, Group G hazardous locations when installed per manufacturer’s drawing
Refer to model T805 for NEMA 4, FM/CSA/CENELEC approved explosion proof housing.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 201 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Note: Factory settings are:
Input: Range 1
Output: 4-20mA
1. Open the access lid on the top of the unit (see Top View Diagrams).
2. Select the output range using switch S4. The CLOSED position selects a 10-50mA output. The OPEN position selects a 4-20mA output.
3. Select the input range from Table 1 or 2 and configure switches
S1 through S4.
4. Connect the input to a calibrated 3-wire resistance source and monitor the output current (refer to terminal wiring).
5. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum temperature.
6. Adjust the coarse zero rotary switch to obtain an output of approximately 4mA or 10mA. Adjust the fine zero for exact calibration. Note that it may be necessary to switch coarse zero up or down one position.
7. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum temperature and perform similar adjustments using the coarse span switch and fine span potentiometer.
Table 1: T713-0000 Input Ranges
( 1 0
I n p u t
O h m a n
P t g e
R T D )
0 .
0 0 3 8 5 a l p h a
I n p u t L i m i t s
0 t t o o
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
0 t o 5 0
° C
M i n i m u m S p a n
1 2 0
6 0
1 0
I n p u t L i m i t s
0 t o 1 0 0 0
0 t o 5 0 0
3 0 t o 1 3 0
° F
M i n i m u m S p a n
2 0 0
1 0 0
2 0
S w i t c h
P o s i t i o n
1 2 3 n n n
Table 2: T713-0013 Input Ranges
( 1 0
I n p u t
O h m a n
P t g e
R T D )
0 .
0 0 3 8 5 a l l p h a
I n p u t L i m i t s
2 0 0 t o 3 6 0
2 2 0 0 t o 8 5
3 2 0 0 t o 1 5 5
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
° C
M i n i m u m S p a n
1 2 0
I n p u t L i m i t s
3 0 0 t o 7 0 0
3 0 0 t o 2 0 0
3 0 0 t o 2 5 0
° F
M i n i m u m S p a n
2 0 0
1 0 0
4 0
S w i t c h
P o s i t i o n
1 2 3 n n n
Field Mounting
The T713 is designed for installation in industrial field environments. A sealed, diecast aluminum housing protects against corrosion, moisture, dust and electrical noise such as radiofrequency (RFI) and electromagnetic (EMI) interference. All circuit boards are urethane coated for environmental protection and FM approval.
For protection against extreme moisture, hose directed water
(NEMA 4) or hazardous environments, use the T805, a rugged EP/
NEMA 4 enclosure with standard, 1/2" and 3/4" FPT ports for easy hookup and operation in harsh process environments.
Top View Diagram
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 202 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Mounting Hardware
Dimensions in millimeters (inches)
T805 Field Mountable Housing (EP, NEMA 4 rated) 3/4" Hub
(Includes T903 Retainer Ring & NEMA 4 Gasket)
T713 Terminal Connections
1. Loop Output (-)
2. Loop Output (+)
3. RTD Exc (+)
4. RTD (+)
5. RTD (-)
6. Shield (Gnd)
represents any other device loads in the current loop.
NOTE 2: For best RF and common mode rejection, ground the case (pin #6).
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 203 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Input Span Range (Min/Max):
See Tables 1, 2
Excitation Current:
1mA, typical
Leadwire Resistance Effect:
1% of span error with up to 40 Ohms/lead
Output Span:
4-20mA/10-50mA, switch selectable
Minimum Output Current:
3.3mA, typical
Maximum Output Current:
4-20mA: 24mA, typical
10-50mA: 58mA, typical
Supply Voltage Range:
4-20mA: 12 to 80VDC
10-50mA: 12 to 60VDC
Maximum Change in Supply - Voltage Effect:
0.05% of span
Maximum Change in Load Effect:
0.05% of span
Loop Voltage Drop:
12VDC @ 20mA
Linearizing Accuracy:
T713-0000: ± 0.1% of standard R/T tables, typical; 0.2% max.
T713-0013: ± 0.21% of standard R/T tables, typical; 0.3% max.
Zero: ± 0.02% of span/ ° C, typical, or 2mV, whichever is greater
Span: ± 0.01% of span/ ° C, typical
Overall Accuracy (Includes Linearity,
Hysteresis, Stability):
± 0.5% of any adjusted span, max.
Zero and Span Adjustability:
80% of any selected range
± 0.05% of span, typical
Response Time:
150ms, typical, 400ms max.
Output Ripple:
0.1% of span, rms, typical
RFI Effect (5W, 470MHz at 3 Ft.):
<1% of span error
600V DC maximum, input to output to case
Temperature Range:
Operating: -40 to 80 ° C (-40 to 176 ° F)
Agency Approval:
FM approved intrinsically safe for hazardous locations, certificate No. J.I. 2M2A5.AX (3611).
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
T713-0013 (-200 ° C offset)
Optional Custom Factory Calibration: Specify C620 with desired input and output range.
M004 Snap-in Channel Track, 4 ft. (nonconducting).
T902 Mounting plate for M004, includes 4" track.
T910 Bulkhead (flat surface) mounting plate.
AP9046 Action Pak 24/40VDC, 65mA Power Supply.
T805 NEMA 4, explosion proof enclosure.
V565 3-1/2 digit remote loop-powered indicator, wide ranging display, NEMA 4X enclosure, CSA & FM approval standard. Specify Option C to house Transpak.
C620 Factory calibration (user specified).
Dimensions in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 204 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
T723-0000 (Type J/K/T input)
T723-0001 (Type E/R/S input) n
Field Configurable Switch Selectable Input Ranges n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Integral Cold-Junction Compensation
Thermocouple Input Isolating, Field
Configurable Two-Wire Transmitter
Provides an Isolated Current Loop in Proportion to a Thermocouple Input n
600V Input to Output Isolation n
Wide Ranging Zero and Span Adjustability (80%) n
FM Safety Approval for Hazardous Installations
The T723 offers a choice of J/K/T or E/R/S input ranges and 2 output ranges, which are field selectable via top-accessed DIP switches (see Tables 1-2). The T723 provides 600 VDC input to output isolation with outputs of either 4-20mA or 10-50mA. The current output is linear to the equivalent mV thermocouple signal and non-linear to temperature, which is useful in data acquisition systems that utilize linearizing software. Upscale burnout (maximum output with an open thermocouple) is standard.
The T723 has 80% zero and span adjustability within any user selected input ranges shown in Table 1 and 2. For example, Range
K1 of Table 1 specifies 0 ° to 500 ° C with a minimum span of 100 ° C
(500 ° -100 ° = 400 ° , or 80%). This 80% adjustability allows the user to field calibrate the unit from the maximum (0 to 500 ° ) down to any minimum (100 ° C) span (e.g. 14 ° C to 114 ° C) as long as that adjusted span remains within the selected 0 to 500 ° C range. The same is true for any user selectable range: all spans are field adjustable from 20%
(minimum span) to 100% of the specified range.
The T723 is useful in any application requiring isolation of a 2-wire loop current from a thermocouple input. Typical applications include energy management and data acquisition such as monitoring remote boiler temperatures. The output of the T723 can interface with a digital meter for direct display or interface with a computer for monitoring and control applications.
The T723 is FM approved for intrinsically safe operation in Class
I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, and D; Nonincendive Class I Division
2, Groups A, B, C and D, and Classes II & III, Division 2, Group G hazardous locations when installed per manufacturer’s drawing
Refer to model T805 for NEMA 4, FM/CSA/CENELEC approved explosion proof, field mount housing.
B Downscale Burnout (minimum output with an open TC)
Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres is included as standard.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 205 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Factory settings are:
Input Range: J1
Output Range: 4-20mA
1. Open the access lid on the top of the unit (see Top View
2. Select the output range using switch S6. The CLOSED position selects a 10-50mA output. The OPEN position selects a 4-20mA output.
3. Select the input range from Table 1 or 2 and configure switches
S1 through S5.
4. Connect the input to a calibrated thermocouple source. Connect the output loop to a voltage supply and monitor the output current. Refer to Terminal Wiring.
5. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum.
6. Adjust the coarse zero rotary switch to obtain an output of aproximately 4mA or 10mA. Adjust the fine zero for exact calibration.
Note: It may be necessary to switch coarse zero up or down one position.
7. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum and perform similar adjustments using the coarse span switch and fine span potentiometer.
8. Repeat fine zero and span adjustment for maximum accuracy
Field Mounting
The T723 is designed for installation in industrial field environments. A sealed, diecast aluminum housing protects against
Table 1: T723-0000 Input Ranges
T C T y p e / R
J 1
J 2
J 3
K 1 a n g e
I n p u t L i m i t s
° C
M i n i m u m S p a n
2 0 0
0 t o t o t o
5 0 0
7 6 0 t o 6 0 0
5 0 0
0 t o 1 0 0 0
0 t o 1 3 7 0
2 7 0 t o 5 0 0 K 4
T 1 0 t o 4 0 0
T 2 2 7 0 t o 4 0 0
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
I n p u t L i m i t s
° F
M i n i m u m S p a n
0 t o 9 0 0
0 t o 1 4 0 0
3 5 0 t o 1 1 0 0
0 t o 9 0 0
5 t t t o o
5 0
0 o t t
2 o o
4 0 0
5 0 0
4 0 0
1 5 0
3 5 0
Table 2: T723-0001 Input Ranges
T C T y p e /
E 5
E 6
E 7
E 1
E 2
E 3
E 4
R a n g e
I n p u t L i m i t s
° C
M i n i m u m S p a n
0 t t t t o o o o
2 7 0 t o 0
2 7 0 t o 1 5 0
2 7 0 t o 3 5 0
E 8
R / S 1
2 7 0
0 t o t o
5 0
R / S 2 0 t o 1 7 6 0
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
3 0
6 0
1 0 0
2 0 0
1 0 0
1 5 0
2 0 0
S w i t c h P o s i t i o n
1 2 3 4 5 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
I n p u t L i m i t s
° F
M i n i m u m S p a n
0 t o 3 0 0
0 t o 6 0 0 0
0 t o t o
9 5 0
1 8 0 0
2 0
2 0 0
4 0 0
4 5 0 t o 0
4 5 0 t o 3 0 0
4 5 0 t o 6 5 0
1 6 0
2 0 0
3 5 0
4 5 0 t o 1 5 5 0
0 t o 1 7 0 0
0 t o 3 2 0 0
5 5 0
4 0 0
7 5 0
S w i t c h P o s i t i o n
1 2 3 4 5 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n corrosion, moisture, dust and electrical noise such as radio frequency (RFI) and electromagnetic (EMI) interference. All circuit boards are urethane coated for environmental protection and FM approval.
For protection against extreme moisture, hose-directed water
(NEMA 4) or hazardous environments, use the T805, a rugged
Explosion Proof (EP) NEMA 4 enclosure with standard, 1/2" and 3/
4" FPT ports for operation in harsh process environments.
Top View Diagram
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 206 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Mounting Hardware
Dimensions in millimeters (inches)
T805 Field Mountable Housing (EP, NEMA 4 rated) 3/4" Hub
(Includes T903 Retainer Ring & NEMA 4 Gasket)
T723 Terminal Connections
1. Loop Output (-)
2. Loop Output (+)
3. No Connection
4. Input (+)
5. Input (-)
6. Shield (Gnd)
Note 1: For best RF & common mode rejection, ground the case (pin 6).
Note 2: R
represents any other device loads in the current loop.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 207 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Input Span Range (Max/Min):
See Tables 1 and 2
Leadwire Resistance Effect:
<0.25 uV/Ohm
Burnout Detection Current:
250nA, max.
Output Span:
4-20mA/10-50mA, switch selectable
Minimum Output Current:
3.3mA, typical
Maximum Output Current:
4-20mA: 24mA, typical
10-50mA: 58mA, typical
Supply Voltage Range:
4-20mA: 12 to 80VDC
10-50mA: 12 to 60VDC
Maximum Change in Supply:
0.05% of span
Maximum Change in Load Effect:
0.05% of span
Loop Voltage Drop:
12VDC @ 20mA
Zero: ± 0.02% of span/ ° C, max.
Span: ± 0.01% of span/ ° C, max.
Overall Accuracy (Includes Linearity,
Hysteresis, Stability):
± 0.5% of any adjusted span, max.
Zero and Span Adjustability:
80% of any selected range
± 0.05% of span, typical
Cold-Junction Error (Ambient):
J/K/T/E Inputs
0 to 80 ° C: 1 ° C, typical
-40 to 0 ° C: 3 ° C, typical
R/S Inputs
0 to 80 ° C: 2 ° C, typical
-40 to 0 ° C: 5 ° C, typical
Response Time:
100ms, typical; 200ms, max.
Output Ripple:
0.1% of span, rms, typical
RFI Effect (5W, 470MHz at 3 Ft.):
<1% of span error, typical
600V DC or peak AC max., input to output to case
Temperature Range:
Operating: -40 to 80 ° C (-40 to 176 ° F)
Agency Approvals:
FM approved intrinsically safe for hazardous locations, certificate No. 2M2A5.AX.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Specify :
Model: T723-0000 : J/K/T Inputs
Model: T723-0001 : E/R/S Inputs
Option: B (Downscale Burnout)
Optional Custom Factoy Calibration: Specify C620 with desired input and output range.
M004 Snap-in Channel Track, 4 feet.
T902 Mounting plate for M004, includes 4" track.
T910 Bulkhead (flat surface) Mounting plate.
T805 Explosion Proof/NEMA4 enclosure
AP9046 Action Pak 24/40VDC, 65mA Power Supply.
V565 3-1/2 digit remote loop powered indicator. Wide ranging display, NEMA 4X enclosure. CSA & FM approval standard. Specify Option C to house Transpak.
Dimensions in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 208 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
T752-0000 n
Accepts 0-50 Ohm to 0-200k Ohm Potentiometers n
Protects Equipment with 600V Input-to-Output
Potentiometer Input Isolating, Field
Configurable Two-Wire Transmitter
Provides an Isolated Current Loop in Proportion to a 3-Wire Potentiometer Input n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Wide Ranging Zero and Span Adjustability n
FM Safety Approval for Hazardous Installations
The T752 accepts potentiometer inputs from 0 to 50 Ohms to 0 to
200k Ohms (end to end). The T752 provides 600 VDC of isolation with outputs of either 4-20mA or 10-50mA which are field selectable via top accessed DIP switch. The current outputs are in proportion to the potentiometer input. Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres is included as standard.
The T752 has 80% zero and span adjustability within the input range of the potentiometer. This allows the user to field calibrate the unit for a wide variety of input spans from the maximum
(100%) down to any minimum (20%) span (e.g., 4% to 24%) as long as the adjusted span remains within the input range of the potentiometer.
The T752 is useful in any application requiring isolation of a 2-wire loop current from a 3-wire potentiometer. Typical applications include tank level data acquisition and position sensor conditioning.
The output of the T752 can be used to drive a digital meter for direct display or interface with a computer for monitoring or control.
The T752 is FM approved for intrinsically safe operation in Class
I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C, and D; Nonincendive Class I Division
2, Groups A, B, C and D, and Classes II & III, Division 2, Group G hazardous locations when installed per manufacturer’s drawing
Factory settings are:
Input Range: 0-100%
Output Range: 4-20mA
1. Open the access lid on the top of the unit (see Top View Diagram).
2. Select the output range using switch 1. The CLOSED position selects a 10-50mA output. The OPEN position selects a 4-20mA output. (Switches 2-6 are not used.)
3. Connect the input to a potentiometer. Connect the output loop to a voltage supply and monitor the output current (refer to the terminal wiring).
4. Set the potentiometer to the desired minimum.
5. Adjust the coarse zero rotary switch to obtain an output of either 4mA or 10mA. Adjust the fine zero for exact calibration.
Note that it may be necessary to switch the coarse zero up or down one position.
6. Set the potentiometer to the desired maximum and perform similar adjustments using the coarse and fine span potentiometer.
It may be necessary to repeat steps 4, 5, and 6 for best accuracy.
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Field Mounting
The T752 is designed for installation in industrial field environments. A sealed, diecast aluminum housing protects against corrosion, moisture, dust and electrical noise such as radiofrequency (RFI) and electromagnetic (EMI) interference. All circuit boards are urethane coated for environmental protection and FM approval.
For protection against extreme moisture, hose-directed water
(NEMA 4) or hazardous environments, use Action’s T805 explosion-proof housing. The T805 provides a 1/2" and 3/4" FPT port for easy hook-up and operation in harsh process environments.
Model T805 is FM and CSA certified for use in Class I, Groups B, C
& D and Class II, Groups E, F & G hazardous locations.
T805 Explosion Proof Housing (Optional)
Top View Diagram
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Mounting Hardware
T805 Field Mountable Housing (EP, NEMA 4 rated) 3/4" Hub
(Includes T903 Retainer Ring & NEMA 4 Gasket)
T752 Terminal Connections
1. Loop Output (-)
2. Loop Output (+)
3. Pot (CW)
4. Pot wiper
5. Pot (CCW)
6. Shield (Gnd)
Note 1: For best RF & common mode rejection, ground the case (pin 6).
Note 2: R
represents any other device loads in the current loop.
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Input Span Range:
Max: 0 to 100% of potentiometer
Min: 0 to 20% of potentiometer
Excitation Voltage:
50mV typical
Potentiometer Resistance (End to End):
50 Ohms to 200k Ohms
Leadwire Resistance Effect:
<0.25 uV/Ohm
Input Impedance:
5M Ohms, typical
Output Span:
4-20mA or 10-50mA, switch selectable
Minimum Output Current:
3.3mA typical
Maximum Output Current:
4-20mA: 24mA typical
10-50mA: 58mA typical
Supply-Voltage Range:
4-20mA: 12 to 80VDC
10-50mA: 12 to 60VDC
Maximum Change in Supply Voltage Effect:
0.05% of span
Maximum Change in Load Effect:
0.05% of span
Loop Voltage Drop:
12VDC @ 20mA
Zero: ± 0.02% of span/ ° C typical, or 2uV, whichever is greater
Span: ± 0.01% of span/ ° C typical
Overall Accuracy (Includes Linearity,
Hysteresis, Repeatability):
± 0.05% of any adjusted span maximum
Zero and Span Adjustability:
80% of input
± 0.05% of span
Response Time:
50ms, max.
Output Ripple:
0.1% of span rms, typical
RFI Effect (5W, 470MHz at 3 Ft.):
<1% of span error
600V DC maximum, input to output to case
Temperature Range:
Operating: -40 to 80 ° C (-40 to 176F)
Agency Approval:
FM approved intrinsically safe for hazardous location, certificate No. J.I. 2M2A5.AX.
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
Model: T752-0000
Optional Custom Factory Calibration: Specify C620 with desired input and output range.
M004 Snap-in Channel Track, 4 feet.
T902 Mounting plate for M004, includes 4" track.
T910 Bulkhead (flat surface) Mounting plate.
T805 Side feed explosion-proof housing (NEMA 4 rated), uncoated (specify Option P for white polyester coating).
AP9046 Action Pak 24/40VDC, 65mA Power Supply.
V565 3-1/2 digit remote loop-powered indicator, wide-ranging display, NEMA 4X enclosure, CSA & FM approval standard, specify Option C to house TransPak.
Dimensions in millimeters (inches)
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T761-0000 n
Field Configurable Input Ranges n
Eliminates Ground Loops
AC Input Isolating Field Configurable
Two-Wire Transmitter
Provides an Isolated Current Loop in Proportion to an AC Input n
Wide Ranging Zero and Span Adjustability n
600V Input-to-Output Isolation
The T761 has 12 widely adjustable input ranges and 2 output ranges, all of which are field selectable via top-accessed DIP switches. The T761 provides 600 VDC of isolation with outputs of either 4-20mA or 10-50mA. The current outputs are in proportion to selected AC voltage or current input.
The T761 measures the average value of the AC input signal and is calibrated for sine wave signals over a frequency range of 20Hz to 3KHz. For other wave forms, the calibration may be different, but the T761 will remain linear for the same wave form. For example, if the unit is calibrated using a square wave, the calibration will be valid for all square wave inputs in that range.
The maximum DC component of the input signal is 50% of the range (e.g., 75VDC is half of a 0-150VAC range).
The T761 has 80% zero and span adjustability within most userselected input ranges. For example, Range 3 of Table 1 specifies
0 to 25V with a minimum span of 5V (25V-5V = 20V, or 80%). This
80% adjustability allows the user to field calibrate the unit from the maximum (0 to 25V) down to any minimum (5V) span (e.g. 10V to
15V) as long as that adjusted span remains within the selected 0 to 25V range.
The T761 is useful in any application requiring the isolation of a 2wire loop current from an AC signal source. Typical applications include AC motor status and energy management. The output of the T761 can be used to drive a digital meter for direct display or interface with a computer for monitoring and control.
U Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres.
C620 Factory calibration to customer's specifications.
1. Open the access lid on the top of the unit (see Top View Diagram).
2. Select the output range using switch S1. The CLOSED position selects a 10-50mA output. The OPEN position selects a 4-20mA output.
3. Select the input range from Table 1 and configure switches S2 through S6.
4. Connect the input to a calibrated AC voltage or current source.
Connect the output loop to a voltage supply and monitor the output current (refer to terminal wiring).
5. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum.
6. Adjust the coarse zero rotary switch to either 4mA or 10mA.
Adjust the fine zero for exact calibration. Note that it may be necessary to switch coarse zero up or down one position.
7. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum and adjust the fine span to obtain an output of either 20mA or 50mA. Repeat steps
5-7, if necessary for best accuracy.
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Field Mounting
The T761 is designed for installation in industrial field environments. A sealed, diecast aluminum housing protects against corrosion, moisture, dust and electrical noise such as radiofrequency (RFI) and electromagnetic (EMI) interference.
For protection against extreme moisture, hose-directed water
(NEMA 4) or hazardous environments, use the T805 explosionproof housing. The T805 provides a 1/2" and 3/4" FPT port for operation in harsh process environments. The T805 is FM and CSA certified for use in Class I, Groups B, C & D and Class II, Groups E,
F & G hazardous locations.
Table 1: T761 Input Ranges
R a n g e
I n p u t L i m i t s
0 t o 2 5 0 V A C
0 t o 1 0 0 V A C
0 t o 2 5 V A C
0 t o 5 V A C
0 t o 1 V A C
0 t o 2 0 0 m V A C
0 t o 5 0 m V A C
0 t o 1 0 m V A C
0 t o 2 A A C
1 0
1 1 0
0 t o t o
4 m A
0 0 m A
1 2 0 t o 2 0 m A A C
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
M i n i m u m S p a n
1 0 0 V A C
2 0 V A C
5 V A C
1 V A C
2 0 0 m V A C
4 0 m V A C
1 0 m V A C
2 m V A C
4 0 0 m A A C
8 0 u A A C
2 0 m A A C
4 m A A C
S w i t c h P o s i t i o n n n n n
2 3 4 5 6 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
T805 Explosion Proof Housing (Optional)
Top View Diagram
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Mounting Hardware
T805 Field Mountable Housing (EP, NEMA 4 rated) 3/4" Hub
(Includes T903 Retainer Ring & NEMA 4 Gasket)
T761 Terminal Connections
1. Loop Output (-)
2. Loop Output (+)
3. No Connection
4. Input
5. Input
6. Shield (Gnd)
Note 1: For best RF & common mode rejection, ground the case (pin 6).
Note 2: R
represents any other device loads in the current loop.
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Input Span Range (Max/Min):
See table 1
Leadwire Resistance Effect:
<0.25 uV/Ohm
Input Impedance:
Ranges 1-8: >1M Ohm
Ranges 9-12: 0.5 Ohm shunt
Output Span:
4-20mA/10-50mA, switch selectable
Minimum Output Current:
3.3mA, typical
Maximum Output Current:
4-20mA: 24mA, typical
10-50mA: 58mA, typical
Supply-Voltage Range:
4-20mA: 12 to 80VDC
10-50mA: 12 to 60VDC
Maximum Change in supply Voltage Effect:
0.05% of span
Maximum Change in Load Effect:
0.05% of span
Loop Voltage Drop:
12VDC @ 20mA
Zero: ± 0.02% of span/ ° C, typical, or 10uV/
° C, whichever is greater
Span: ± 0.02% of span/ ° C, typical
Overall Accuracy (Includes Linearity,
Hysteresis and Stability):
± 0.5% of any adjusted span
(50-400Hz sine wave input), max.
Frequency Response ( ± 0.5dB):
20Hz to 3KHz; average reading calibrated to sine wave input
Maximum DC Input Component:
50% of range
Zero and Span Adjustability:
80% of any selected range
± 0.05% of span, typical
Response Time:
500ms, typical
Output Ripple:
0.5% of span, rms, typical
RFI Effect (5W, 470MHz at 3 Ft.):
<1% of span error
600V DC maximum, input to output
Temperature Range:
Operating: -40 to 80 ° C (-40 to 176 ° F)
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
1. Model: T761-0000
2. Options: U (Urethane coating)
3. Optional Custom Factory Calibration: Specify C620 with desired input and output range.
M004 Snap-in Channel Track, 4 feet.
T902 Mounting plate for M004, includes 4" track.
T910 Bulkhead (flat surface) Mounting plate.
T805 Side feed field-mountable housing (EP & NEMA 4 rated), uncoated (specify Option P for white polyester powder coat).
C006 0.1W, 5W, 1% shunt resistor
AP9046 Action Pak 24/40VDC 65mA Power Supply.
V565 3-1/2 digit remote loop-powered indicator, wide-ranging display, NEMA 4X enclosure, CSA & FM approval standard, specify Option C to house TransPak
Dimensions in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 216 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
T773-0000 n
Digitally-Synthesized, Field Configurable Ranges
(105Hz to 18kHz) n
Eliminates Ground Loops
Frequency Input, Isolating Field
Configurable Two-Wire Transmitter
Provides an Isolated Current Loop in Proportion to a Frequency Input n
Wide Ranging Zero and Span Adjustability n
Direct Magnetic Pickup Input n
Protects Equipment with 1000VRMS Isolation
The T773 isolating two-wire transmitter has 5 input ranges and 2 output ranges, all of which are field selectable via top-accessed
DIP switches. The T773 can accept square, triangle or pulse waveforms up to 18KHz with amplitudes from 10mVrms to 35V peak-to-peak. The T773 provides 1000Vrms of transformercoupled isolation with outputs of either 4-20mA or 10-50mA.
Current outputs are in proportion to a selected frequency input.
The T773 has 30% zero “turn-up” and 80% span “turn-down” adjustments within any user-selected input range. For example,
Range 3 of Table 1 specifies 0 to 2100Hz with a minimum span of
420Hz (2100Hz - 420Hz = 1680Hz, or 80%). This 80% adjustability allows the user to field calibrate the unit for the maximum range of 0 to 2100Hz down to the minimum range of 0 to 420Hz. The maximum obtainable offset is 30% of the calibrated span: a calibrated range of 0 of 1000 Hz can be offset by 300Hz (e.g., 300Hz to 1000Hz).
The T773 is useful in any application requiring isolation of a 2-wire loop current from a pulse output transducer, such as a magnetic pickup or a turbine flowmeter. The output of the T773 can be used to drive a digital meter for direct display of flow or velocity, or to interface with a computer or PLC for monitoring and control applications.
The T773 is CSA approved for intrinsically safe operation in Class
I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C and D hazardous locations when installed per manufacturing drawing number.
U Urethane Coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres.
Factory settings are:
Input Range: 1
Output Range: 4-20mA
1. Open the access lid on the top of the unit (see Top View Diagram).
2. Select the output range using switch S6. The CLOSED position selects a 10-50mA output. The OPEN position selects a 4-20mA output.
3. Select the input range from Table 1 and configure switches S1 through S5.
4. Determine the percent of span by the ratio of the desired maximum input to the input limit in Table 1 (e.g., 1000Hz/2100Hz = 48%).
5. Set the step Span rotary switch to the desired percent of span
(e.g., 48% = position 4).
Percent of Span
≥ 90%
≥ 80%
≥ 70%
≥ 60%
≥ 50%
≥ 40%
≥ 30%
≥ 20%
6. Determine Zero turn-up % by the ratio of desired minimum input to the desired maximum input (e.g., 0/1000Hz = 0%).
Order Entry: 703-669-1305 Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 217
7. Set step Zero turn-up switch to offset %. (e.g., 0% = position 0).
Zero Turn-Up % Position
0% 0
≤ 10% 1
≤ 20% 2
≤ 30% 3
8. Connect the input to a calibrated frequency source. Connect the output loop to a voltage supply and monitor the output current
(refer to the terminal wiring).
9. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum and adjust the fine zero to obtain an output of either 4mA or 10mA.
10. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum and adjust the fine span to obtain an output of either 20mA or 50mA. Repeat steps
9 and 10, if necessary, for maximum accuracy.
Note: If loop current "swings" on input ranges 1-2, close S-5 for extra filtering.
Field Mounting
The T773 is designed for installation in industrial field environments. A sealed, diecast aluminum housing protects against corrosion, moisture, dust and electrical noise such as radiofrequency (RFI) and electromagnetic (EMI) interference.
For protection against extreme moisture, hose-directed water
(NEMA 4) or hazardous environments, use the T805 explosionproof housing. The T805 provides a 1/2" and 3/4" FPT port for operation in harsh process environments. The T805 is FM and CSA certified for use in Class I, Groups B, C & D and Class II, Groups E,
F & G hazardous locations.
Table 1: T773 Input Ranges
R a n g e
I n p u t L i m i t s
0 t t o o
8 K H
K H z z
3 0 t o 2 1 0 0 H z
4 0 t o 5 2 5 H z
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
M i n i m u m S p a n
3 6 0 0 H z
1 8 0 0 H z
4 2 0 H z
1 0 5 H z
S w i t c h P o s i t i o n
1 2 3 4 5 n n n n n n
T805 Explosion Proof Housing (Optional)
Top View Diagram
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Mounting Hardware
T805 Field Mountable Housing (EP, NEMA 4 rated) 3/4" Hub
(Includes T903 Retainer Ring & NEMA 4 Gasket)
T773 Terminal Connections
1. Loop Output (-)
2. Loop Output (+)
3. No Connection
4. Input Frequency
5. Input Frequency
6. Shield (Case)
Note 1: For best RF & common mode rejection, ground the case (pin 6).
Note 2: R
represents any other device loads in the current loop.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 219 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Span Range (Max/Min): See Table 1
Type: Capacitive coupled
Minimum Amplitude:
105-2150Hz: 10mVrms
>2150Hz: 15mVrms
Maximum Amplitude:
100-1KHz: >6k Ohms
>1KHz: >40k Ohms
Output Span:
4-20mA/10-50mA, switch selectable
Minimum Output Current:
3.3mA, typical
Maximum Output Current:
4-20mA: 24mA, typical
10-50mA: 58mA, typical
Supply Voltage Range:
4-20mA: 13 to 75VDC
10-50mA: 13 to 50VDC
Line Regulation:
0.07% of span (13-75V)
Load Regulation:
0.05% of span (0-3k Ohms)
Voltage Drop:
13VDC @ 20mA
Zero: ± 0.015% of span/ ° C, typical,
± 0.028%/ ° C, max.
Span: ± 0.022% of span/ ° C, typical,
± 0.043%/ ° C, max.
Overall Accuracy (Includes Linearity,
Hysteresis, Stability):
± 0.2% of adjusted span, max.
Zero Adjustability:
30% “turn-up” of span
Span Adjustability:
80% “turn-down" of full-scale limit (Table 1)
± 0.05% of span
Response Time (63% response):
<9KHz: 500mSec.
>9KHz: 40mSec.
Output Ripple, P-P (% at max. input range frequency; 0% turn-down):
Range 1: 0.5% (18KHz)
Range 2: 0.5% (9KHz)
Range 3: 0.7% (2100Hz)
Range 4: 1.2% (525Hz)
Common Mode Rejection:
60Hz: 97dB, DC: 120dB
Common Mode Range:
60Hz: 75Vrms, max.
DC: 1KV, max.
RFI Effect (1.5W, 470MHz at 1.5 ft.):
<1% of span error
1000Vrms maximum input to output, input to case, output to case
Operating Temperature Range:
4-20mA: -40 to 80 ° C (-40 to 176 ° F)
10-50mA: -40 to 60 ° C (-40 to 140 ° F)
Agency Approval:
CSA approved intrinsically safe for hazardous locations (File No. LR42272-70).
Ordering Information
Models & Accessories
1. Model: T773-0000
2. Options: U (Urethane coating)
3. Optional Custom Factory Calibration: Specify C620 with desired input and output range.
M004 Snap-in Channel Track, 4 feet.
T902 Mounting plate for M004, includes 4" track.
T910 Bulkhead (flat surface) Mounting plate.
T805 Side feed field-mountable housing (EP & NEMA 4 rated), uncoated (specify Option P for white polyester powder coat).
AP9046 Action Pak 24/40VDC 65mA Power Supply.
V565 3-1/2 digit remote loop-powered indicator, wide-ranging display, NEMA 4X enclosure, CSA & FM approval standard, specify Option C to house TransPak
Dimensions in millimeters (inches)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 220 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
T797 & T798
Temperature Input Smart,
Isolating Two-wire Transmitter
Provides an Isolated, Linearized Current Loop in
Proportion to an RTD or Thermocouple Input see back page n
HART Compatible Protocol (T798) or Field
Configurable with Optional Alphanumeric Display
(T797 & T798) n
Intrinsically Safe Operation or Display & EP Enclosure n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Programmable for 11 T/C Types, 6 RTD Types, mV or Ohm Inputs n
Minimal Calibration with Long Term Stability
The T798 is a Highway Addressable Remote Transducer (HART) based temperature transmitter that can be factory or field configured using an optional 1 or 2 line alpha-numeric display, optional
PC based software and cable. Alternatively an HC275 Hand Held
Communicator loaded with the T798 Device Description from the
Hart Foundation Library can be used.
The T797 is a programmable temperature transmitter that can be factory or field configured using the same optional 1 or 2 line alphanumeric display as the T798.
Both the T798 and T797 accept a wide variety of thermocouples
(B, C, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U & special) and 2-wire, 3-wire, or 4-wire
Platinum RTDs (DIN alpha = 0.00385, SAMA alpha = 0.003923 and special) as well as millivolt (mV) and resistance inputs. They provide an isolated 4-20mA output loop that is proportional and linear to the desired temperature input range. The factory can configure custom curves and accommodate other input types including 10 Ohm Copper and 120 Ohm Nickel RTDs.
Programming via HART
Utilizing the HART protocol, the T798 can be accessed and programmed for dual two-wire RTD or dual thermocouple measurement; transmitting or displaying differential or average temperatures. For RTDs secure or independent dual RTD measurements can be made. Other functions can be set using Hart, such as input dampening, burnout detection, fail-safe report (sensor or transmitter failure produces over or under output range condition), loop test (manual control of output current), line frequency filtering, smart smoothing (filters small changes but reacts quickly to large changes), internal temperature, cold junction temperature and display or transmitter identification (e.g. display label, tag ID, descriptor, message, sensor serial number, configuration date, etc.).
Configuring via Display
For quick and easy configuration the optional one line and two line alphanumeric displays (model T79D-1 and T79D-2) are useful for setting up and trimming the 4-20mA output or display reading to correct for sensor errors. These displays provide a 4 digit reading of the temperature (e.g. 2345, 234.5, 23.45) and will alert the user in the case of sensor failure or burnout for both RTDs and thermocouples by flashing ‘fail’ and ‘safe’ sequentially.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 221
The display will also indicate the measured temperature even if the signal is in an out of range condition for the output. For example the factory default setting is a J-type thermocouple 40 to 200 ° F input to 4-20mA output. If the input measures 300 ° F, which is out of the configured 40 to 200 ° F range, then the output will be forced to its maximum level 23mA, however the display will accurately read 300.0
° F.
The displays can be set for degrees F, C, R and K. The two-line display indicates the units and clearly displays the sensor types during configuration. The one line display does not show the units (i.e. F,
C, R or K) unless it is physically labeled and the input types during configuration are coded (see user manual for the 4 digit codes).
Safe Installations
Both the T797 and T798 are available in intrinsically safe and nonintrinsically safe configurations. The non-intrinsically safe versions are typically used with the alphanumeric displays and the windowed explosion proof (EP) enclosure for hazardous environments, or with the DIN rail mounting option instead of the EP enclosure for benign panel mount applications.
The intrinsically safe versions are designed to meet the Entity
Parameters necessary for FM, CSA and CENELEC approval (pending) for Class I Division I, Groups A, B, C and D; and Class II, Division
I, Groups E, F, & G and Class III Division I, when installed in accordance with Drawing #732-0220-00 for T797 and #732-0221-
00 for T798. See the specifications for Nonincendive approval ratings and for the approval ratings of the EP enclosures.
The T79X series of smart programmable transmitters offers the features, functions and options required for easy operation in the most demanding applications. Accuracy, repeatability and long term stability performance are essentially the best that technology has to offer. See the Specification section of this data sheet for more details.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
The T797 and T798 are ideal for any application requiring a 4-
20mA two-wire transmitter loop output in proportion to a temperature, mV or resistance input. In applications where the advantages of communications with a HART based host computer or hand held terminal unit are utilized, the T798 proves to be a valuable solution. It offers the on line diagnostic functions and calibration certification features employed by a growing number of advanced users. Additionally, the efficiency advantages of PC based range programming can also be realized.
The T797 with the easy field programming display option provides a flexible ‘off the shelf’ solution to the majority of process temperature measurement applications, minimizing inventory requirements for spares.
Either mounted in an explosion proof enclosure or wired through intrinsic safety barriers, the T79X series can meet the stringent safety requirements of most hazardous environments.
Trimming of the display and output, as well as calibration utilizing an external source is described in the user manual, which is included with each transmitter shipped.
Model T79A-M000 (for T797)
Model T79A-MH00 (for T798)
S e n s o r T y p e
T y p e B T h e r m o c o u p l e
T y p e C T h e r m o c o u p l e
T y p e E T h e r m o c o u p l e
T y p e J T h e r m o c o u p l e
T y p e K T h e r m o c o u p l e
T y p e L T h e r m o c o u p l e
T y p e N T h e r m o c o u p l e
T y p e R T h e r m o c o u p l e
T y p e S T h e r m o c o u p l e
T y p e T T h e r m o c o u p l e
T y p e U T h e r m o c o u p l e
1 0 0 O h m
D I N ( a l p
P l a t i n u m R T D h a = 0 .
0 0 3 8 5 ) )
1 0 0 O h m P l a t
S A M A ( a l l l p h a i n u m R T D
= 0 .
0 0 3 9 2 3 )
M i l l i v o l t
O h m
Table 1: T797 & T798 Input Ranges
R a n g e
+ 2 1 2 t o + 3 2 7 2 ° F
+ 3 2 t o + 4 2 0 8 ° F
5 8 t o + 1 8 3 2 ° F
2 9 2 t o + 1 3 8 2 ° F
2 9 2 t o + 2 2 8 2 ° F
3 2 8 t o + 1 6 5 2 ° F
+ 3 2 t o + 2 1 9 2 ° F
+ 3 2 t o + 2 8 2 2 ° F
+ 3 2 t o + 2 8 2 2 ° F
2 3 8 t o + 7 5 2 ° F
1 4 8 t o + 1 1 1 2 ° F
A c c u r a c y
+ / 1 .
0 8 ° F
+ / 0 .
9 ° F
+ / 0 .
3 6 ° F
+ / 0 .
3 6 ° F
+ / 0 .
3 6 ° F
+ / 0 .
7 2 ° F
+ / 0 .
3 6 ° F
+ / 0 .
9 ° F
+ / 0 .
9 ° F
+ / 0 .
5 4 ° F
+ / 0 .
7 2 ° F
R a n g e
+ 1 0 0 t o + 1 8 0 0 ° C
0 t o + 2 3 2 0 ° C
+ 5 0 t o + 1 0 0 0 ° C
1 8 0 t o + 7 5 0 ° C
1 8 0 t o + 1 2 5 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 9 0 0 ° C
0 t o + 1 2 0 0 ° C
0 t o + 1 6 0 0 ° C
0 t o + 1 5 5 0 ° C
1 5 0 t o + 4 0 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o + 6 0 0 ° C
3 2 8 t o + 1 5 6 2 ° F
3 2 8 t o + 1 1 9 3 ° F
1 5 t o 1 1 5 m V
0 t o 5 0 0 O h m s
+ / 0 .
1 4 ° F
+ / 0 .
1 4 ° F
+ / 0 .
0 0 6 m V
+ / 0 .
0 0 2 O h m s
2 0 0 t o + 8 5 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 6 4 5 ° C
A c c u r a c y
+ / 0 .
6 ° C
+ / 0 .
5 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 ° C
+ / 0 .
4 ° C
+ / 0 .
2 ° C
+ / 0 .
5 ° C
+ / 0 .
5 ° C
+ / 0 .
3 ° C
+ / 0 .
4 ° C
+ / 0 .
0 8 ° C
+ / 0 .
0 8 ° C
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 222 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
T79A-D DIN Mounting Kit T79A-P Pipe Mount Bracket
Dimensions Input Wiring
No Barrier
Figure 1: Normal Installation
T79E Explosion Proof Housing
Figure 2: Intrinsically Safe Installation
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 223 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Thermocouple and RTD linearization to
± 0.05
° C. Custom linearization with 22 pt curve (consult factory).
Input Impedance:
Greater than 1M Ohm
Analog, Two-wire 4 to 20mA
Transmitter Accuracy:
± 0.05% of the millivolt or ohm equivalent input reading, or the value from the
Accuracy Table, whichever is greater; plus
± 0.05% of the span. For thermocouples, add ± 0.5
° C (0.9
° F) for cold junction effect. Accuracy includes transmitter repeatability, hysteresis and linearity as well as ambient temperature effect. A/D conversion error, analog output error, line voltage effets, humidity effect under non-condensing conditions and vibration effect to 2g's & 500 Hz.
Transmitter Repeatability:
One-half the transmitter accuracy
Cold-Junction Compensation:
Digital self-correcting over the ambient temperature range to within ± 0.5
° C
Output Ranging Adjustments:
Analog Zero: 100% of Sensor range (Noninteracting)
Analog Full-scale: Normal or Reverse Acting
Ambient Temperature Stability:
Self-correcting over operating temperature range
Long Term Stability:
Deviation per year is less than: 0.025% of the output span ± 0.05% of the reading)
Factory selectable constant (63%) from 0 to 32 sec.
User settable to 3.6 or 23mA
Operating Temperature Range:
-40 ° C to +85 ° C, -40 ° F to +185 ° F
Display (full visibility):
-20 ° C to +70 ° C, -4 ° F to +158 ° F
Display (with reduced visibility):
-40 ° C to +85 ° C, -40 ° F to +185 ° F
Storage Temperature Range:
-50 ° C to +85 ° C, -58 ° F to +185 ° F
Mounting Position:
No effect on measurement value
T787: 6 oz.
T79E-O/D: 2 1 /
T79E-1: 12 oz.
500VAC Input to Output
Power Supply:
The transmitter operates on 12 to 42VDC
(30VDC for I/S installations) with no load.
Transmitter is protected against reverse polarity connection.
Load Limitation:
Loop resistance including optional indicator:
R(k Ohms) =
(Supply Voltage - 12 VDC)/(23mA)
Electromagnetic Compatability
(CE Compliance):
Transmitter operates within specification in fields from 20 to 1,000MHz with field strengths to 30V/m. Meets EN 50082-1
Generic Immunity Standard and EN 55011
Compatibility Emissions Standard.
Dynamic Response:
Update Rate:
150 milliseconds (7 times per second), typical
Response to Step Change:
250 milliseconds minimum; 1 second, typical
Start-up Time:
7 sec. Operation to spec in less than 30 sec.
Ambient Temperature Change:
Selfcorrecting for ambient temperature changes up to 20 ° C/hr.
Fully interchangeable without field calibration
Hazardous Location Certifications:
Explosion Proof:
Explosion Proof Housings available with and without windows; CSA and
FM approved for Class I, Div I & II,
Groups B, C & D; Class II, Div I & II,
Groups E, F,& G, Class III and are rated for NEMA 4X & NEMA 7 environments.
Transmitter is CSA & FM rated nonincendive in Class I, Div II, Groups
A, B, C & D and Class II, Div I, Groups F
& G, and Class III, Div II, CENELEC Ex N
IIC T4-T6 certification pending.
Intrinsic Safety:
The Intrinsically Safe Rated Models
T797-1 & T798-1 Transmitters are CSA and FM rated Intrinsically Safe for
Class I, Div I, Groups A, B, C & D and
Class II, Div I, Groups E, F & G, and
Class III, Div I, Installed in accordance with Drawing #732-0220-00 for T797 and #732-0221-00 for T798. CENELEC
EEx ia IIC T4-T6 Intrinsically Safe certification pending.
Standard Configuration:
Sensor Input: J Type Thermocouple
LRV (4mA): 40 ° F Lower Range Value
URV (20mA): 200 ° F Upper Range Value
Damping: 0 seconds
Output Linear with Temperature
Failsafe: Upscale (23mA)
Ordering Information
Specify: (model number)
1) Transmitter Model: T79X-XXXX
2) Optional Display, Configuration Cable, Software:
3) Optional Enclosure:
4) Optional Enclosure Mounting:
5) Optional Factory Configuration: Specify model C620 and desired configuration
T797-0000 Temperature Transmitter, Non IS
T797-1000 Temperature Transmitter, IS-FM/CSA
T797-2000 TemperatureTransmitter, IS CENELEC
T798-0000 Temperature Transmitter, Hart, Non IS
T798-1000 Temperature Transmitter, Hart, IS-FM/CSA
T798-2000 Temperature Transmitter, Hart, IS-CENELEC
Displays & Options
T79D-2000 Two Line Alphanumeric Display
T79D-1000 One line alpha-numeric Display
T79E-D000 Explosion Proof Housing w/ Window
T79E-0000 Explosion Proof Housing w/out Window
T79E-1000 Weather Proof Head-Mount Enclosure
T79E-H000 Explosion Proof Head-Mount Enclosure
T79A-P000 Pipe Mount Bracket for T79E-0/D only
T79A-B000 Bulkhead (flat surface) Mounting Plate
T79A-D000 DIN Rail Mounting Kit
T79A-M000 T797 PC Serial Configuration Cable (6')
T79A-MH00 T798 Hart Configuration Cable (6')
T79A-C000 Configuration Software for T797 & T798
T79A-E000 Mounting Kit for EP Enclosure
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 224 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Action Pak Alarms
Limit alarms are setpoint controllers that regulate industrial processes - discrete, batch or continuous. Two-position controllers simplify processes through automation, and by removing personnel from tedious and possibly harmful environments.
Alarms are used to indicate problems - production line faults, process upsets, equipment failures or control system abnormalities. Limit alarms safeguard industrial facilities and workers by alerting and informing process personnel of abnormal conditions.
The AP1000 Series
The AP1000 series limit alarms are compact, electronic plug-in modules that receive direct sensor inputs and operate from
120VAC power (or optionally on 24VDC on some models). They provide the broad range of limit alarm and control capabilities required in today's industrial processes. The AP1000 series accepts a variety of direct sensor or transducer inputs, and provides either single trip, latching or dual trip relay outputs.
Hard Control/Analog Back
Factory automation systems run the risk of central failures. A failure in a central system can prevent proper actions for critical conditions, resulting in costly downtimes and possible injury to personnel. Redundancy and reliability are important concerns that are best met with Hard Control/Analog Back (HC/AB) alarm systems.
The AP1000 series dedicated single-channel limit alarm provides excellent single-point control with a proven record of reliability.
Setpoint Control
Setpoint adjustment is available to suit many needs:
Single-turn or 10-turn screwdriver adjust.
10-turn clockface dial (for precise settings).
Setpoints are adjustable over the entire span to assure full-range alarm capabilities.
Field Configurable Alarms
The DC input AP1080/90, the thermocouple input AP1280/90 and the AC input AP1690 can all be configured in the field by setting
DIP switches for input range or type, alarm function (HI/LO) and alarm state (failsafe/non-failsafe). This minimizes spare parts inventory and provides an off-the-shelf solution for virtually any alarm function.
Action Pak Signal Conditioners
Signal conditioners amplify and condition weak signals generated by process sensors. They send signals long distances without being degraded by electrical noise. They are also used to drive devices such as indicators, alarms, controllers, computer interfaces and other process instrumentation.
The AP4000 - AP9000 Series
The AP4000 to AP9000 series signal conditioners are compact, electronic, plug-in modules that take direct sensor inputs and signals and convert them into useful high level signals. They operate from 120VAC power (or optionally on 24VDC on some models).
Four-wire Transmitters
The AP4000 series four-wire transmitters typically operate from external AC line power and require two wires for that operating power and two wires for the output signal. Outputs are conventional DC process signals, such as 4-20mA or 0-10V, and are fully compatible with all important process instrumentation equipment, including other Action Pak modules. When AC power is impractical or not available, most 4000 series modules are available with a DC option so that they can be operated from a 24VDC source.
Grounding remote sensors is generally advised in order to reduce noise pickup and protect equipment from being damaged by lightning or other high voltages. However, if both the sensor and the signal conditioner are grounded, it is possible to get an unwanted current (a "ground loop") due to ground-to-ground potential differences. Ground loops degrade signal quality to the point of uselessness and can harm personnel and receiving equipment.
Isolation eliminates ground loops and common mode voltage, and checks power surges. Isolation also simplifies the connection of loop elements by eliminating the need for special grounding systems.
Input Selection
Seven standard type of inputs are available to suit your process needs. Other input types are available on request.
DC Voltage or Current
Strain Gauge
AC Voltage or Current
Order Entry: 703-669-1305 Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 225
Action Pak ™ Limit Alarm Selection Guide
I n p u t
D C V o l t a g e
( V , , m V , o r C u r r e n t
A , m A )
T h e r m o c o u p l e
( T y p e s s E , , , J J , , K , R , S , , , , , T )
A C V o l t a g e
( V , , m V , o r
A ,
C u r r e n t m A )
T y p i c a l A p p l i c a t i o n
H e t e a t e m p e r / C o r a t u o l r e e r a l c o n t a r m , r o l , H I / L O
B T U m o n i t o r .
A C m s t a t u s o t o r m o
/ c u r r e n t n i t o r .
l i m i t , A C p o w e r
D e s c r i p t i o n
D l e a l
C v e a r m o t l / m , p o p o r / c s o i t w i o e u r n r r e c o n t n t l i m i t , r o l d e m a n d
, H I / L O p r e s s u r e w a r n i n g , t o t a l i z a t i o n c o m p a r a t o r .
a l a r m , 2 c h a n n e l f
I n c l u d e s i l t e r i n g
L S I a n d f a l s e c o n d i t r i p c i r c t i o n i n g u i t t r y , o r e d u c e a n d n o i s u s e .
s c e p t i b i l i t y t o t r a n s i e n t s j
I n c l u d e s e n c a p s u l a t e d c o l d u n c t i o n b u r n o u t c o m p e n s a t i o n d e t e c t i o n .
( C J C ) a n d
I n c l u d e s o p t i o n a l 0 .
1 s h u n t i n p u t r e s i s t o r f o r a p p l i c a t i o n s .
h i g h
O h m , 5 c u r r e n t
W a t t
M o d e l
1 0 8
0 e l
S i a n g y l e T r i p
O u t p u t s
0 9 0 D u a l
R e l a y O
T u t r i p p u t s
1 2 8
0 e l
S i a n g y l e T r i p
O u t p u t s
A P 1 2 9 0
S P D T R e l
D a y u a l T r i p
O u t p u t s
6 9 0 D u a l
R e l a y O
T u t r i p p u t s
Action Pak ™ Signal Conditioner Selection Guide
I n p u t T y p i c a l A p p l i c a t i o n D e s c r i p t i o n
D C V o l t a g e o r C u r r e n t
( V , m V , A , m A )
( ( 0 1 0 0
P o t e n t i o m e t e r
O h m s s , , , u p t o 0 1 0 0 k O h m s ) )
( T y p e s
P t , N i , C u )
T h e r m o c o u p l e
( T y p e s s E , , J J J J , , K , R , S , T , B ) )
( 1 , ,
( 0
, ,
F r e q u e n c y
H z t t o
S t r a i n
3 , , o w
5 V 1 0 V e r
, , , , ,
0 1 0 k H z )
1 0 , , , , , x c a u
A C V o l t a g e
( V , m V , o r
A , i
2 t
S u p p
0 a g e t m i o l i e s
V n
/ / V
C u r r e n t m A )
V o l t a g e / C u r r e n t b u f f e r i n g , n o i s e s c a l i n g , i s r e d u c t i o n , o l a t i o d r i v e .
n ,
F i e l d c o n f i g u r a b l e i s o l a t o r
T a n k l e v e l a c q u i s i t i o n , c o n t
R e s i r o s t l a
, m o n i t o r i n g , n c e p o s i t i o n d a t a s e n s o r a n d s e t p o i n t c o n d i t i o n i n g .
T e m p e r a t u r e d a t a a c q u i s i t c o n t r o l , i o n .
m o n i t o r i n g ,
T e m p e r a t u r e m o n i t o r i n g , c o n t r o l , d a t a a c q u i i s o l a t i s i t i o n .
o n ,
L i e n n e e a r r i a z l i p n u g r p o s e
F l o w / v e l o c i t y m o t o r s p e e d c o n t r o l c o n t r o l , a c c u m u l a t i o n , i n t e g r a t o r m o n s c a l i n g , i t o r i p u l s n g , e i o n , t o t a l i z i n g .
F i e l d i n a r i z c o n f i g u r a b l e , i n g i s o l a t o r
F i e l d c o n f i g u r a b l e i s o l a t o r
D C t o f r e q u e n c y
F r e q u e n c y s c a l e r
P r e s m o n s u r e i t o r i c o n g , n t r o w e i l , g h p r e s s u r e t , l o a d s t a t u s c e l l c o n d i t i o n i n g a n d d a t a a c q u i s i t i o n .
V o l t a g e m o n i t o r
/ C i n u r g , r e n t s c a l i n g , i s o l a t i o n , b u f p o w e r f e r i n g .
F i i e e l l d d c c o o n n f f i i g g u r u r a b a b l e l e i i s o l s o l a t o r a t o r
C u r r e n t l o o p s u p p l y , e x c i t a t i o n .
2 4 V D C s u p p l y
2 4 V D C s u p p l y ( h e a v y d u t y )
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 226
( N o .
M o d e l o f C h a n n e l l s )
A P 4 3 8 0 / A P 4 3 8 2 ( s i n g l e )
A P 4 3 9 0 / A P 4 3 9 1 / A P 4 3 9 2 ( d u a l )
A P 4 0 0 3
A P 4 1 5 1
A P 4 3 5 1
A P 7 3 8 0
A P 7 5 0 0 / A P 7 5 0 1
A P 7 5 1 0
A P 4 0 8 1
A P 6 3 8 0
A P 9 0 4 6
T 6 0 9
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
AP1080 (Single Trip, DPDT, 5A)
AP1090 (Single/Dual Trip, 2 SPDT, 5A) n
Field Configurable Input Ranges for DC Voltage and Current n
Exclusive “Dynamic Deadband” Prevents
False Trips
Action PAK ®
AP1080 & AP1090
DC Input, Field Configurable Limit Alarms
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset DC Input Level n
Setpoints Programmable HI or LO n
Selectable Failsafe/Latching Operation n
Selectable 120/240VAC Input Power
(9 to 30 VDC Available)
Action Pak models AP1080 single setpoint and AP1090 dual setpoint limit alarms offer flexible, wide-ranging DC input capability. Voltage spans from 10mV to 200 volts and current spans from
1mA to 100mA can be field configured. Bipolar inputs are also accepted. Both models offer configurable latching, failsafe and HI/
LO operation. The AP1080 and AP1090 also include 0.25%-50% adjustable deadbands and selectable 120/240VAC input power.
Diagnostic LED
Models AP1080-2000 and AP1090-2000 are equipped with a dual function diagnostic LED. The green center LED indicates line power and input signal status. Active line power is indicated by an illuminated LED. If the center LED is off, check line power and the wiring connection. If the input signal is above 100% full scale, the LED will flash at approximately 8Hz. Below 0%, the flash rate is approximately 4Hz.
Output Selection
The single setpoint AP1080 and the dual setpoint AP1090 provide the following relay outputs:
AP1080 Single Trip (DPDT, 5A)
AP1090 Single/Dual Trip (2 SPDT, 5A)
Setpoints are top accessed multi-turn potentiometers or option
"P" provides top mounted ten-turn dials.
The field configurable AP1080 and AP1090 limit alarm setpoints can be configured for HI, LO, latching or failsafe trip operation.
Non-latching HI and LO setpoints have respective HI and LO deadbands. In a tripped condition, the setpoint is exceeded and the appropriate red LED will illuminate. The trip will reset only when the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the
LO deadband (see figure 1). To reset a latched setpoint the signal must be in the safe region and the line power turned off for at least
5 seconds. For proper deadband operation, a HI setpoint must always be set above a LO setpoint.
In failsafe operation, the relay is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the LO setpoint (opposite for nonfailsafe). In the failsafe mode, the relays go to the tripped condition when the power fails.
Dynamic Deadband
The input must remain beyond the setpoint for 100 milliseconds, uninterrupted, to qualify as a valid trip condition. Likewise, the input must fall outside the deadband and remain there for 100 milliseconds to return the alarm to an untripped condition. This effectively results in a “dynamic deadband” - based on time - in addition to the normal deadband.
U Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres.
P Top Mounted, Ten-Turn Dial(s) for setpoint adjustment.
C620 Factory calibration to input range, setpoints and output relays. Not available with option P.
The factory presets models AP1080 and AP1090 as follows:
Single, DPDT
Dual, SPDT
A: HI, B: LO
A/B: 0.25%
For other I/O ranges, remove the four base screws and case to access the configuration switches.
Replace the cover before applying power.
Refer to Figure 5 for switch locations.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 227 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
1. Position input jumper “W2” for Current or Voltage inputs.
2. Set position 1 of the Mode Selector for Unipolar or Bipolar operation. Unipolar is the default.
1 2 3 4
5 6
1 2 3 4 5
Note: A bipolar span selection will double any span from Table 1
(e.g., 10V unipolar span = ± 10V bipolar span)
3. Using Table 1, configure positions 1 through 4 of the Input
Range Selector for the desired maximum setpoint input. Round desired maximum input values to the next highest range (e.g., 0-
120V = 200V range).
Configure the Mode Selector for the required function. See Figure 6.
Configure the AC jumpers for either 120 or 240 VAC operation.
See Figure 4.
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing approximately 1-
2 hours for warmup and thermal equilibrium of the system.
Setpoint : Set deadband at its minimum (factory default - 20 turns
Counter Clockwise) before adjusting the setpoint. With the specified trip voltage or current input applied, adjust setpoint until the relay trips. For HI trip calibration, start with the setpoint above the desired trip. For LO trip calibration, start below the desired trip.
Deadband : Set deadband to its minimum (factory default - fully
CCW). Set setpoint to desired trip. Adjust voltage/current input until relay trips. Readjust deadband to 50% (20 turns CW). Set voltage/current input to desired deadband position. Slowly adjust deadband until relay untrips.
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within specifications): a) Setpoint A: Type (HI/LO); Units (mA, mV, V); Deadband (%)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 228 b) Setpoint B (1090 only): Type (HI/LO); Units (mA, mV, V);
Deadband (%) c) Latching (ON/OFF) d) Failsafe (ON/OFF)
Note that if a deadband entry is not specified, the default entry will be used.
Relay Protection and EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved using external protection (see Figures
2 & 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize all lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properlyrated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1mF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47ohm, 1/2W carbon resistor.
For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV > DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-) to anode (the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
Table 1: AP1080 -2000 and 1090-2000
Input Ranges
*Note: Use Jumper (W2) to configure either voltage or current input.
All unipolar input ranges are zero based.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads Figure 4: 120/240 VAC Selection
ON = Closed
1 2 3 4 5 6
Single Trip (A)
Dual Trip Trip
"A" Hi Trip
"A" Low Trip
"B" Hi Trip
"B" Low Trip
Figure 5: AP1090-2000 Factory Calibration 0-20mA, Dual HI/
LO, Non-Latching, Non-Failsafe.
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. Mod els AP1080 and AP1090 use an 11pin base, either molded socket (M011) or DIN rail socket (MD11).
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Figure 6: Mode Selection Dual Trip/A: HI, B: LO, Non-
Latching, Non-Failsafe *AP1090-2000 only.
M011 (Track/Surface)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Mark III
Page 229
MD11 (DIN Rail)
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Voltage Input:
Range: 10mV to 200V
Impedance: >100Kohms
Overvoltage: 400V, max
Current Input:
Range: 1mA to 100mA
Impedance: 20ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 200mA, max
Overvoltage: 60VDC
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
1000VDC, max
LED Indications:
Input Range (Green)
>100% input: 8Hz flash
<0% input: 4Hz flash
Setpoint (Red)
Tripped: Solid red
Safe: Off
Limit Differential (Deadband):
>50mV/5mA: 0.25% to 50% of span
<50mV/5mA: 1% to 50% of span
Response Time:
Dynamic Deadband:
Relay status will change when proper setpoint/process condition exists uninterrupted for 100msec.
Normal Mode (analog filtering):
<250msec, (10-90%)
Setpoints are adjustable over 100% of the selected input span.
Repeatability (constant temp):
>50mV/5mA: 0.1% of full scale
<50mV/5mA: 0.2% of full scale
Line Voltage: ± 0.01%/%, max.
Temperature: ± 0.05% of full scale/ ° C, max.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1000VDC between contacts, input & power
ESD Susceptibility:
Meets IEC 801-2, Level 2 (4KV)
Operating: 15 to 95% (@45 ° C)
Soak: 90% for 24 hours (@65 ° C)
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -15 to 70 ° C (5 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 2W typical, 5W max.
Selectable 120/ 240VAC ( ± 10%, 50-60Hz)
9 to 30VDC, Inverter-Isolated
Relay Contacts:
AP1080: DPDT (2 Form C)
AP1090: 1 SPDT (1 Form C) per setpoint
Current Rating (resistive)
120VAC: 5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Material: Silver-Cadmium Oxide
Electrical Life: 10 5 operations at rated load
Note: External relay contact protection is required for use with inductive loads. See relay protection section (Fig 2 & 3).
Mechanical Life: 10 7 operations
Latch Reset Time:
5 seconds
AP1080: 0.46lbs; AP1090: 0.62lbs
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2,
No. M1982, File No. LR42272-8, 9)
UL recognized per standard UL508,
(File No. E99775)
Ordering Information
Model: AP1080-2000 , AP1090-2000
Options: U, P (see text)
Line Power (see specs.)(All power supplies are transformer-isolated from the internal circuitry.)
C620 Custom Calibration? (see Options)
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
M011-A 11 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD11-0000 11 pin DIN Mount Socket
Pin Connections
1 AC Power (Hot)
2 No Connection
3 AC Power (Neu)
4 Input (+)
5 Input (-)
6 (A) N.O.
7 (A) C
8 (A) N.C.
9 (B) N.O.
10 (B) C
11 (B) N.C.
N.O. = Normally Open
C = Common
N.C. = Normally Closed
DC Power: Pin 1 = (+)
Pin 3 = (-)
* Contacts are in the “normal” state when the relay is de-energized.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 230 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
AP1280 (Single Trip, DPDT, 5A)
AP1290 (Single/Dual Trip, 2 SPDT, 5A) n
Field Configurable Input Ranges for E, J, K, R, S and
T Type Thermocouples n
Exclusive “Dynamic Deadband” Prevents False Trips n
Burnout Detection
Action PAK ®
AP1280 & AP1290
Thermocouple Input,
Field Configurable Limit Alarms
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset Temperature Input Level n
Setpoints Programmable HI or LO n
Selectable Failsafe/Latching Operation n
Selectable 120/240VAC Input Power
(9 to 30 VDC Available)
Action Pak models AP1280 and AP1290 limit alarms offer wide ranging inputs and flexible setpoint capability. They accept six popular thermocouple types with inputs ranging from -270 ° C (-
454 ° F) to 1760 ° C (3200 ° F). The AP1280 provides a single-setpoint alarm while the AP1290 provides two independent setpoint alarms. The AP1280 and AP1290 also include 0.25%-50% adjustable deadbands and selectable 120/240VAC power.
Diagnostic LED
Models AP1280 and AP1290 are equipped with a dual function diagnostic LED. The green center LED indicates line power and input signal status. Active line power is indicated by an illuminated LED.
If the center LED is off, check line power and the wiring connection.
If the input signal is above 100% full scale, the LED will flash at approximately 8Hz. Below 0%, the flash rate is approximately 4Hz.
Output Selection
The two models of thermocouple limit alarms reflect two styles of output and setpoint selection:
Dynamic Deadband
The input must remain beyond the setpoint for 100 milliseconds, uninterrupted, to qualify as a valid trip condition. Likewise, the input must fall outside the deadband and remain there for 100 milliseconds to return the alarm to an untripped condition. This effectively results in a “dynamic deadband” - based on time -in addition to the normal deadband.
Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres.
Top mounted, ten-turn dial(s) for setpoint adjustment.
C620 Factory calibration of input range, set points and output relays. Not available with option P.
AP1280 Single Trip (DPDT, 5A)
AP1290 Single/Dual Trip (2 SPDT, 5A)
Setpoints are top accessed multi-turn potentiometers (or option
"P" provides top mounted ten-turn dials).
The field configurable AP1280 and AP1290 limit alarm setpoints can be configured for HI, LO, latching or fail-safe trip operation.
Non-latching HI and LO setpoints have respective HI and LO deadbands. In a tripped condition, the setpoint is exceeded and the appropriate red LED is lit. The trip will reset only when the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the LO deadband (see figure 1). To reset a latched setpoint the signal must be in the safe region and the line power must be turned off for at least 5 seconds. For proper deadband operation, the HI setpoint must always be set above the LO setpoint.
In failsafe operation, the relay is energized when the process is below a HI setpoint or above a LO setpoint (opposite for nonfailsafe). In the failsafe mode, a power failure results in an alarm condition.
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The factory presets for AP1280 and AP1290 are as follows:
Burn Out
0-360 ° C
0-360 ° C
Positive Positive
Single, DPDT Dual, SPDT
A: HI, B: LO
A/B: 0.25%
Refer to Figure 5 for switch locations.
For other I/O ranges, remove the four base screws and case to access the configuration switches.
Replace the cover before applying power.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Table 1: AP1280-1290 Input Ranges
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
1. Using Table 1, configure positions 1 through 3 of SW1 and 1 through 5 of SW2 for the desired input range. Round desired maximum/minimum input values to the next highest range (e.g.,
0-300 ° C = 0-350 ° C).
2. Choose the desired upscale/downscale thermocouple burnout detection by setting position 6 of SW2. See Figure 5.
1. Configure positions 4 through 8 of SW1 for the desired alarm functions. See Figure 6.
1. Configure the AC jumpers for either 120 or 240 VAC operation.
See Figure 4.
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing approximately 1-
2 hours for warmup and thermal equilibrium of the system.
S etpoint: Set deadband at its minimum (factory default - fully
CCW) before adjusting the setpoint. With the appropriate input applied, adjust setpoint until the relay trips. For HI trip calibration, start with the setpoint above the desired trip. For LO trip calibration, start below the desired trip.
Deadband: Set deadband to its minimum (factory default - fully
CCW). Set setpoint to desired trip. Adjust input until relay trips.
Readjust deadband to 50% (fully CW). Set input to desired deadband position. Slowly adjust deadband until relay untrips.
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within specifications): a) Input Type (see table) b) Setpoint A trip point and reset point c) Setpoint B trip point and reset point d) Latching (ON/OFF) e) Failsafe (ON/OFF)
Note that if a deadband entry is not specified, the default entry will be used.
Relay Protection and EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved using external protection (see Figures
2 & 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properlyrated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1mF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47ohm, 1/2W carbon resistor.
For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV > DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-) to anode (the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
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Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads Figure 4: 120/240 VAC Selection
Figure 5: AP1290 Factory Calibration Type "J" 0-360 ° C
Dual HI/LO, Non-Latching, Non-Failsafe
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. Models AP1280 and AP1290 use an 11-pin base, either molded socket (M011) or DIN rail socket (MD11).
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
ON = Closed
1 2
See Table 1
3 4 5 6 7 8
Single Trip (A)
Dual Trip Trip
"A" Hi Trip
"A" Low Trip
"B" Hi Trip
"B" Low Trip
Figure 6: Mode Selection; Dual Trip/A: HI, B: LO,
Non-Latching, Non-Failsafe
*AP1290-2000 only
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Mark II
Page 233
MD11 (DIN Rail)
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Ranges: See Table 1
Impedance: >1 M Ohms
Input Bias Current (burnout detect):
<1.5 microamp
Overvoltage: ± 10V differential
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
600VAC or 1000VDC, max
LED Indications:
Input Range (Green)
>100% input: 8Hz flash
<0% input: 4Hz flash
Setpoint (Red):
Tripped: Solid red
One LED for each setpoint
Limit Differential (Deadband):
0.25% to 50% of span
Response Time:
Dynamic Deadband:
Relay status will change when proper setpoint/process condition exists uninterrupted for 100msec
Normal Mode (analog filtering):
<250msec, (10-90%)
Effectivity: Setpoints are adjustable over
100% of input span
Repeatability (Constant Temp):
± 0.2% for inputs > 0 ° C
± 0.3% for inputs < 0 ° C
Line Voltage: ± 0.01%/%, max
Temperature: ± 0.05% of full scale/ ° C, max.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1000V DC between contacts, input and power
ESD Susceptibility:
Meets IEC 801-2, Level 2 (4KV)
Operating: 15 to 95% (@45 ° C)
Soak: 90% for 24 hours (@65 ° C)
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -15 to 70 ° C (5 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 2W typical, 5W max
Standard: Selectable 120/240VAC ( ± 10%,
Optional: 9 to 30VDC Inverter-Isolated
Relay Contacts:
AP1280: DPDT (2 Form C)
AP1290: 1 SPDT (1 Form C) per setpoint
Current Rating (resistive)
120VAC: 5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Material: Silver-Cadmium Oxide
Electrical Life: 10 5 operations at rated load
Note: External relay contact protection is required for use with inductive loads.
See relay protection.
Mechanical Life: 10 7 operations
Latch Reset Time:
5 seconds (with power removed)
AP1280 0.72lbs
AP1290 0.64lbs
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2,
No. 0-M1982, (File No. LR42272-8,9)
UL recognized per standard UL 508,
(File No. E99775)
Ordering Information
Model: AP1280 , AP1290
Options: U, P (see text)
Line Power (see specs.)(All power supplies are transformer-isolated from the internal circuitry.)
C620 Custom Calibration? (see Options)
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
M011-A 11 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD11-0000 11 pin DIN Mount Socket
Pin Connections
1 AC Power (Hot)
2 No Connection
3 AC Power (Neu)
4 Input (+)
5 Input (-)
6 (A) N.O.
7 (A) C
8 (A) N.C.
9 (B) N.O.
10 (B) C
11 (B) N.C.
N.O. = Normally Open
C = Common
N.C. = Normally Closed
DC Power: Pin 1 = (+)
Pin 3 = (-)
* Contacts are in the “normal” state when the relay is de-energized.
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Action PAK ®
AC Input, Field Configurable Limit Alarms
Provides Relay Contact Closures at a Preset AC Input Level
AP1690 (Single/Dual Trip, 2 SPDT, 5A) n
Field Configurable Input Ranges for AC Voltage or
Current n
Exclusive “Dynamic Deadband” Prevents
False Trips n
Setpoints Programmable HI or LO n
Selectable Failsafe/Latching Operation n
Selectable 120/240VAC Input Power
The Action Pak model AP1690 dual setpoint limit alarm offers flexible, wide ranging AC input and relay output capability.
Voltage spans from 100mV to 200VAC and current spans from
10mA to 100mA AC can be field configured. For current input spans of 1 to 5 Amps a 0.1W (0.1%) shunt resistor (Model #C006) is available. The AP1690 offers configurable latching, failsafe, and
HI/LO operation. The unit also includes 0.25% to 50% adjustable deadband and selectable 120/240VAC power.
Diagnostic LED
The Model AP1690 is equipped with a dual function diagnostic
LED. The green center LED indicates line power and input signal status. Active line power is indicated by an illuminated LED. If the center LED is off, check line power and the wiring connection. If the input signal is above 100% full scale, the LED will flash at approximately 8Hz.
Output Selection
The dual setpoint AP1690 provides the following relay outputs:
AP1690 Single/Dual Trip (2 SPDT, 5A)
Setpoints are top accessed multi-turn potentiometers or option
"P" provides top mounted ten-turn clock face dials.
The field configurable AP1690 limit alarm setpoints can be configured for HI, LO, latching or failsafe trip operation. Nonlatching HI and LO setpoints have respective HI and LO deadbands. In a tripped condition, the setpoint is exceeded and the appropriate red LED will illuminate. The non-latching trip will reset only when the process falls below the HI deadband or rises above the low deadband (see figure 1). To reset a latched setpoint the signal must be in the safe region and the line power turned off for at least 5 seconds. For proper deadband operation, the HI setpoint must always be set above the LO setpoint.
In failsafe operation, the relay is energized when the process is below the HI setpoint or above the LO setpoint (opposite for nonfailsafe). In the failsafe mode, the relays go to the trip condition when power fails.
Dynamic Deadband
The input must remain beyond the setpoint for 100 milliseconds, uninterrupted, to qualify as a valid trip condition. Likewise, the input must fall outside the deadband and remain there for 100 milliseconds to return the alarm to an untripped condition. This effectively results in a “dynamic deadband” – based on time – in addition to the normal deadband.
U Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres.
P Top Mounted, 10-Turn Clockface Dials for setpoint adjustment.
C620 Factory calibration of input range, setpoints and output relays. Not available with option P.
The factory presets are as follows:
Dual, SPDT
A: HI, B: LO
A/B: 0.25%
For other input ranges, remove the 4 base screws and case to access the configuration switches.
Replace the cover before applying power.
Refer to Figure 4 for switch locations.
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Typical Application
Figure 1: Limit alarm operation and effect of deadband.
1. Position input jumper “W1” for voltage or current inputs.
2. Using Table 1, set DIP switches “S1-S6" and jumper "W2" for the desired maximum setpoint input. Round desired maximum input values to the next highest range (e.g., 0-120V = 200V range).
1. Configure the Mode Selector for the required function. See
Figure 5.
1. Configure the AC jumpers for either 120 or 240VAC operation.
See Figure 6.
Note: To maximize thermal stability, final calibration should be performed in the operating installation, allowing approximately
1-2 hours for warmup and thermal equilibrium of the system.
Setpoint: Set deadband at its minimum (factory default - fully
CCW) before adjusting the setpoint. With the specified trip voltage or current input applied, adjust setpoint until the relay trips. For HI trip calibration, start below the desired trip.
Deadband: Set deadband to its minimum (factory default - fully
CCW). Set setpoint to desired trip. Adjust voltage or current input until relay trips. Readjust deadband to 50% (fully CW). Set voltage or current input to desired deadband position. Slowly adjust deadband until relay untrips.
Note that Custom Calibration (option C620) is available from the factory (settings MUST be within specifications): a) Setpoint A: Type (HI/LO); Units (mA, mV, V); Deadband (%) b) Setpoint B : Type (HI/LO); Units (mA, mV, V); Deadband (%) c) Latching (ON/OFF) d) Failsafe (ON/OFF)
Note that if a deadband entry is not specified, the default entry will be used.
Load monitoring using a current transformer and the AP1690
Relay Protection and EMI Suppression
When switching inductive loads, maximum relay life and transient
EMI suppression is achieved using external protection (see Figure
2 & 3). Place all protection devices directly across the load and minimize lead lengths. For AC inductive loads, place a properlyrated MOV across the load in parallel with a series RC snubber. Use a 0.01 to 0.1mF pulse film capacitor (foil polypropylene recommended) of sufficient voltage, and a 47ohm, 1/2W carbon resistor.
For DC inductive loads, place a diode across the load (PRV > DC supply, 1N4006 recommended) with (+) to cathode and (-) to anode (the RC snubber is an optional enhancement).
Table 1: AP1690 Input Ranges
Table 3: AP1690 Input Jumper Settings
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Figure 2: DC Inductive Loads Figure 3: AC Inductive Loads Figure 4: 120/240 VAC Selection
Figure 5: AP1690-2000 Factory Calibration 0-500mV,
Dual HI/LO, Non-Latching, Non-Failsafe.
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. Model AP1690 uses an 11-pin base and either molded socket M011 or DIN rail socket MD11.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
ON = Closed
1 2 3 4 5 6
"B" Hi Trip
"B" Low Trip
"A" Hi Trip
"A" Low Trip
Single Trip (A)
Dual Trip Trip
Figure 6: Mode Selection Dual Trip/A: HI, B: LO,
Non-Latching, Non-Failsafe
M011 (Track/Surface)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Mark III
Page 237
MD11 (DIN Rail)
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Voltage Input
Range: 100mV to 200VAC
Impedance: >100K Ohms
Overvoltage: 300VAC, max.
Current Input
Range: 10mA to 100mAAC
Impedance: 20 Ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 200mA AC, 60V peak, max
Frequency Range: DC 40-400Hz, factory calibrated at 60Hz
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
1000V, max
LED Indications:
Input Range (Green)
>100% input: 8Hz flash (approx)
Setpoint (Red):
Tripped: Solid red
Safe: Off
Limit Differentials (Deadbands):
0.25% to 50% of selected span
Response Time:
Dynamic Deadband:
Relay status will change when proper setpoint/process conditionexists uninterrupted for 100msec.
Normal Mode (analog filtering):
<250msec, (10-90%)
Setpoints are adjustable over 100% of the selected input span.
Repeatability (constant temp):
0.1% of selected input span
Line Voltage: ± 0.01%/%, max.
Temperature: ± 0.025% of full scale/ ° C, max.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1000VDC between contacts, input & power
ESD Susceptibility:
Meets IEC 801-2, Level 2 (4KV)
Operating: 15 to 95% (@45 ° C)
Soak: 90% for 24 hours (@65 ° C)
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -15 to 70 ° C (5 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 2W typical, 5W max
Selectable 120/240VAC (+10%, 50-60Hz)
Relay Contacts:
1 SPDT (1 Form C) per setpoint
Current Rating (resistive):
120VAC: 5A; 240VAC: 2A; 28VDC: 5A
Material: Gold flash over silver alloy
Electrical Life: 10 5 operations at rated load
Note: External relay contact protection is required for use with inductive loads.
See Relay Protection section.
Mechanical Life: 10 7 operations
Latch Reset Time:
5 seconds
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2
(File No.LR42272-54).
UL recognized per standard UL 805
(File No. E99775)
Ordering Information
1. Model: AP1690-2000
2. Options: U, P (see text)
Line Power (see specs.) (All power supplies are transformer isolated from the internal circuitry)
C006 (0.1ohm shunt for 1 to 5Amp current inputs).
C620 Custom Calibration? (see Options)
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
M011-A 11 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD11-0000 11 pin DIN Mount Socket
Pin Connections
1 AC Power (Hot)
2 No Connection
3 AC Power (Neu)
4 Input (+)
5 Input (-)
6 (A) N.O.
7 (A) C
8 (A) N.C.
9 (B) N.O.
10 (B) C
11 (B) N.C.
N.O. = Normally Open
C = Common
N.C. = Normally Closed
DC Power: Pin 1 = (+)
Pin 3 = (-)
Contacts are in the “normal” state when the relay is de-energized.
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AP4003-0001 n
Constant Voltage Excitation n
100 to 100k Ohm Potentiometers n
Tank Level and Position Applications n
Selectable Failsafe/Latching Operation
Action PAK ®
Potentiometer Input Signal Conditioner
Provides a DC Output in Proportion to a Potentiometer Position Input n
Plug-in Installation n
Selectable Failsafe/Latching Operation n
AC Line Powered
Model AP4003-0001 is the new version of the previous AP4003xxxx series. Wide-ranging technology from the Ultra Slimpak II series has been utilized in this new version. This single model contains all of the input capability of previous dash numbers without the need for custom ranging from the factory. The resistance range is still 100 to 100k ohms. The default range is 0 to 100% but any portion of the span from 10% to 100% can be selected by pushbutton ranging. Four output ranges (0-5VDC, 0-
10VDC, 0-20mA and 4-20mA) are available. A 15VDC output can also be used, but at a reduced drive level of 3mA. The default output is 4-20mA.
The AP4003-0001 is useful for converting potentiometer settings to voltage or current. It can be used anywhere a potentiometer or slidewire is used to determine position, displacement or rotation. The constant-voltage excitation allows use with potentiometers/slidewires with total resistances from 100 ohms to 100k ohms without affecting accuracy. For additional information on calibration, operation and installation, contact our Technical
Support Group.
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. Model AP4003 uses an 8-pin base, either molded socket (M008) or DIN rail socket (MD08).
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
M008 (Track/Surface)
Mark lll
MD08 (DIN Rail)
Order Entry: 703-669-1305 Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 239
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. The AP4003-0001 uses an 8-pin base, either the molded socket (M008) or the DIN rail socket (MD08). An optional retaining spring (M801) is available if required for the application.
Power Connections
See the pin connections at the back of this document. The unit supports either 115VAC input (the default) or 230VAC input. For
230VAC input, the jumpers next to the input transformer (on the base board) need to be changed according to the diagram below.
115 Vac
230 Vac
Diagnostic LEDS
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
GREEN: 2Hz when the input is under range 8Hz when the input is over range
RED: 2Hz when the output is under range 8 Hz when the output is over range
An Under Range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value minus 6.25% of the operational span. An
Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value plus 6.25% of the operational span.
A voltage output short circuit may cause an under range condition
(RED blinking at a 2Hz rate). A current output open circuit may cause an over range condition (RED blinking at an 8Hz rate). There could be two or more LEDs blinking at the same time. That means the module has more then one error condition present. Only when all error conditions have been cleared will the LEDs be back to their normal condition (Green ON, Red and Yellow OFF).
For best results, calibration should be performed in the operating environment, allowing at least one hour warm-up for thermal stability of the system. If pre-calibration on a test bench is desired, then an output load equal to the input impedance of the devices connected to the AP4003-0001 output is recommended, along with the warm-up period.
Note: Many applications do not require calibrating the output levels and simply utilize the default operational ranges of the unit
(0-5VDC, 0-10VDC, 0-20mA or 4-20mA). If the factory default calibration has been changed, the last saved operational output values are utilized. In those applications, the only calibration required is the operational input values. Once the maximum and minimum input values have been set, the Green and Red LEDs will be on. At this point, simply press the CAL button rapidly 3 times and you will exit the calibration routine without effecting the last saved calibration for the operational output values.
1. Connect a precision, multi-turn potentiometer of the required value to the input, with the CW lead connected to Pin 6, the Wiper lead to Pin 5 and the CCW lead to Pin 4. Connect the output to a voltage or current meter, depending on your application. Apply power and allow the system to reach thermal equilibrium.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 240
2. Rotate the pot fully CW or to the desired maximum point and observe that the Green LED is on or flashing. Push the CAL button and hold for more than 4 seconds. The Yellow and Red LEDs should be on. Push the CAL button momentarily and the Yellow and Green LEDs will be on. (From this point on, you can exit the calibration procedure at any step without saving new data by holding the CAL button for at least 4 seconds.)
3. With the pot at the maximum input signal level desired, push the
CAL button. The Yellow LED should now be on.
4. Rotate the pot to the full CCW position, or the exact minimum input signal level desired, then push the CAL button. The Green and Red LEDs should now be on. If you do not wish to change the output calibration, press the CAL button rapidly three times to exit the calibration routine.
5. If you do wish to do a custom operational range for the output, rotate the pot CW until the output is precisely at the desired maximum level (e.g. 20.00mA), then push the CAL button. The Red
LED should be on.
6. Rotate the pot CCW until the output is precisely at the desired minimum level (e.g. 4.00mA), then push the CAL button. All three
LEDs should now be on.
7. To finish calibration, push the button one final time. The calibration data is now saved. The Green LED should be on if the input is within the calibrated range.
Default Settings
Input Range: 0 to 100%
Output Range: 4 to 20mA
Table 1. Output Range
F u n c t i o n
O u t p u t R a n g e
4 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 5 V d c
0 t o 1 0 V d c
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d
S 1
1 2 3 n n n n
Table 2. Output Form
F u n c t i o n S 1
O u t p u t F o r m
D i r e c t O u t
R e v e r s e O u t
K e y : n
= 1 = O N o r C l o s e d n
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1. Calibration Flow Chart
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 241 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Impedance: >100M ohms
Linearity: ± 0.1% of span, typical
Excitation: 300mV, nominal
Potentiometer Resistance:
100 ohms (min) to 100k ohms (max)
(end to end)
Input Range:
Any portion of the potentiometer from
10% to 100% using pushbutton calibration
Turn-Up/Turn-Down: 75%
(90% of span @ 0.5% linearity; 80% of span @ 0.15% linearity)
Common Mode Rejection:
60Hz: >100dB
DC: >120dB
Output Ranges:
0-5VDC, 0-10VDC
(higher voltage to 15V @ 3mA drive)
Response Time:
100mSec, typical
± 100ppm ( ± 0.01%) of span/ ° C, typical
Output Ripple:
0.2% of span, or 5mVrms, whichever is greater
Output Impedance:
Voltage Output: <10 ohms
Current Output: >100k ohms
Output Drive:
Voltage Output: 10mA, max
Current Output: 20V compliance @20mA
LED Indication:
RUN (Green): On when unit is powered.
Flashes at 2Hz when input is below operational low minus 6.25% of operational span.
Flashes at 8Hz when input is above operational span plus 6.25% of operational span. INPUT (Yellow): On while calibrating the input level.
OUTPUT (Red): On while calibrating the output level. Flashes at 2Hz when output is below opertional low minus 6.25% of operational span.Flashes at 8Hz when output is above operational span plus
6.25% of operational span.
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -20 to 85 ° C (-4 to 185 ° F)
Operating: 15 to 95% RH non-condensing
Non-operating: 90% RH @ 65 ° C for 24 hrs
Power Consumption:
3W typical, 5W max
Standard: 115/230VAC ± 10%
Input to Output Power: 1500VDC
Agency Approvals:
CSA C22.2, No. 0-M91, 142-M1987
UL 508
Ordering Information
Model: AP4003-0001
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
M008-A 8 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD08-0000 8 pin DIN Mount Socket
Pin Connections
1 AC Power (Hot)
2 Shield (GND)
3 AC Power (Neu)
4 Pot CCW/Shield
5 Pot W
6 Pot CW
7 Output (+)
8 Output (-)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 242 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
AP4081-0000 n
Adjustable Bridge Excitation 1 to 10V with up to
120mA drive n
11 Field Configurable Input Ranges:
10mV to ± 200mV (0.5mV/V to > 50mV/V)
Action PAK ®
Bridge Input, Field Configurable Isolator
Provides an Isolated, DC Output in Proportion to a Bridge/Strain-Gauge Input n
4 Field Configurable Output Ranges:
0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, and 4-20mA n
Plug-in Installation n
Selectable 120/240VAC Input Power
The Action Pak AP4081 is a bridge or strain-gauge input signal conditioner with 1500VDC isolation between input, output and power. The field configurable input and output offer flexible, wide ranging capability for bridge or strain-gauge input applications from 0.5mV/V to over 50mV/V.
Wide-ranging, precision zero and span pots allow 50% adjustablity of offset and gain within each of the 11 switch selectable input ranges. The output can be set for either 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA or 4-
20mA. This flexibility, combined with an adjustable (1 to 10VDC) bridge excitation source, provides the user a reliable, accurate instrument to isolate and condition virtually any bridge or straingauge input.
The Action Pak AP4081 field configurable, bridge input signal conditioner is useful in isolating ground loops and interfacing bridge sensors to data acquisition and control systems.
Three way isolation completely eliminates ground loops from any source. Isolation protects expensive SCADA systems from ground faults and provides filtering for noise reduction, which can be a significant problem with small millivolt bridge signals.
Wide ranging flexibility allows the user to easily zero out deadloads in weighing systems or configure bipolar input ranges for expansion-compression or vacuum-pressure bridge applications.
The convenient Action Pak is easy to install, using sockets suitable for surface mount, DIN rail mount or snap track mount. Troubleshooting is easy since no wires need to be removed when swapping units. The wide ranging power supply accepts either 120 or
240VAC power.
Diagnostic LED
The AP4081 is equipped with a dual function LED signal monitor.
The green, top mounted LED indicates both line power and input signal status. Active line power is indicated by an illuminated LED.
If the input signal is more than 110% of the full-scale range, the LED will flash at 8Hz (or 4Hz when input < 0%).
A major advantage of the AP4081 is its wide ranging capabilities and ease of configuration. The AP4081 has 11 input range switch settings. Trim potentiometers allow 50% input zero and span adjustablity within each of the 11 full-scale, input ranges.
For example, the 200mV switch setting in Table 1 configures the input for a 0 to 200mV range. The span can be contracted by 50% which enables an input span of 100mV. This 100mV span can be positioned anywhere within the 0-200mV range. The zero offset can be as large as 50% of the full scale range (e.g. 100 to 200mV range), which can be useful to tare out a dead load in weighing applications.
Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets the Model AP4081 as follows:
Input Setting: 0 to 50mV
Adjusted Range: 0 to 30mV (3mV/V)
Excitation: 10V
4 to 20mA
For other I/O ranges refer to Tables 1 through 4 and reconfigure switches SW1 and SW2 for the desired input range, function, excitation and output range.
Warning: Do not attempt to change any switch settings with power applied. Severe damage will result!
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1. Connect the input to a calibrated millivolt source, load the excitation supply with the bridge or an equivalent load and apply power. Wait at least 15 minutes for thermal stability before monitoring the voltage/current.
2. Adjust excitation to the desired level.
3. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum input and adjust the zero potentiometer for minimum output.
4. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum input and adjust the span potentiometer for maximum output.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, as necessary for best accuracy.
Table 1: Input Range Selector-Switch settings
Table 2: Direct or Reverse Operation Setting
Table 3: Bridge Excitation Selector-Switch Settings
Table 4: Output Range Selector-Switch Settings
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WARNING: Do not attempt to change any switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
Figure 1: Factory Calibration; 0 to 50mV
(calibrated to 0-30mV), 10V excitation, Direct, 4-20mA.
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. Model AP4081 uses an 11-pin base, either molded socket (M011) or DIN rail socket (MD11).
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Figure 2: 120/240 VAC Selection
M011 (Track/Surface)
Mark II MD11 (DIN Rail)
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Voltage Input:
Full Scale Range: 10mV to ± 200mV
(see Table 1)
Impedance: >1M ohms
400Vrms, max (Intermittent);
264 Vrms, max (Continous)
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
1500VDC, max
Zero Turn-Up:
50% of full scale range
Span Turn-Down:
50% of full scale range
Operation: direct or reverse acting
Voltage Output:
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Impedance: <10 ohms
Drive: 10mA, max (1K ohms min. @ 10V)
Current Output:
Output: 0-1mA, 4-20mA
Impedance: >100K ohms
0-1mA; 10V, max (10K ohms max)
4-20mA; 15V, max (750 ohms max)
Bridge Excitation:
1 to 10VDC, 120mA max (84 ohms min)
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis):
± 0.1% typical, ± 0.2% maximum of selected range at 25 ° C.
± 0.025%/ ° C typical, 0.05%/ ° C maximum, of selected range.
Output Noise (maximum):
0.1% of span, rms, or 10mV whichever is greater.
Response Time (10 to 90%):
<200mSec., typical.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: >120dB,
>100dB on 0-1mA output range
1500VDC between input, output and power.
ESD & Transient Susceptibility:
Meets IEC 801-2, Level 2 (4KV) and IEC 801-4, Level 3
LED Indication (green):
Input Range
>110% input: 8Hz flash
<-10% input: 4Hz flash
Operating: 15 to 95% non-condensing @ 45 ° C
Soak: non-condensing 90% for 24 hrs @ 65 ° C
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 3W typical, 6.5W max.
Standard: selectable 120/240VAC, ± 10%,
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2
(File No. LR42272-64)
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No. E99775)
Ordering Information
Model: AP4081
Options: U, (see text)
Line Power (see specs.)(All power supplies are transformer-isolated from the internal circuitry.)
C620 Custom Calibration? (see Options)
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
M011-A 11 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD11-0000 11 pin DIN Mount Socket
Figure 3: Bridge Reference Designations
Pin Connections
1 AC Power (Hot)
2 No Connection*
3 AC Power (Neu)
4 Bridge (+)
5 Bridge (-)
6 No Connection*
7 Excitation (+)
8 Excitation (-)
9 Output (+)
10 Output (-)
11 No Connection*
*Pins 2, 6 and 11 should NOT be used as terminations for other wires.
Connections at these terminals will decrease isolation levels.
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AP4151-2000 n
Direct RTD Input n
Integral Lead-Length Compensation n
Wide-ranging input and output
Action PAK ®
RTD Input, Signal Conditioners
Provides a DC Output in Proportion to an RTD Input n
Plug-in Installation n
Selectable 120/240VAC Input Power
The AP4151-2000 is a wide-ranging, isolating signal conditioner for RTD inputs. The input is configurable for either 2- or 3-wire
RTDs (2-wire requires a jumper wire across terminals 4 and 5 of the mounting base). The RTD types supported are Platinum, Nickel and Copper. Pushbutton ranging is used for adjusting the input and output ranges. The output can be set to be either linear to resistance or linear to temperature.
In most applications, the model AP4151-2000 can be used to replace previous models of AP4001 and AP4151.
The Action Pak model AP4151-2000 is useful in any application requiring a DC output from an RTD input. Typical applications include energy management and data acquisition of process temperatures. The output of the AP4151-2000 can drive a digital meter for direct display, or interface with a computer for monitoring and control.
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. The model AP4151-2000 uses an
8-pin base and either molded socket M008 or DIN socket MD08.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
M008 (Track/Surface)
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Mark lll
Page 247
MD08 (DIN Rail)
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. The AP4151-2000 uses an 8-pin base, either the molded socket (M008) or the DIN rail socket (MD08). An optional retaining spring (M801) is available if required for the application.
Power Connections
Power is connected according to the table above. The unit supports either 115VAC input (the default) or 230VAC input. If you need 230VAC input, jumpers, located next to the input transformer on the base board, need to be changed according to the diagram below.
115 Vac
230 Vac
Diagnostic LEDs
Other than when executing the pushbutton calibration routine, the LEDs blink under the following conditions:
2 Hz when the input is under range 8 Hz when the input is over range
2 Hz when the output is under range 8 Hz when the output is over range
An Under Range condition exists when the signal is lower than the operational low value minus 6.25% of the operational span. An
Over Range condition exists when the signal is higher than the operational high value plus 6.25% of the operational span.
A voltage output short circuit can cause an under range condition
(RED blinking at a 2 Hz rate). A current output open circuit can cause an over range condition (RED blinking at an 8 Hz rate). There could be two or more LEDs blinking at the same time, which means the module has more than one error condition present. Only when all error conditions have been cleared will the LEDs retrurn to their normal condition (Green ON, Red and Yellow OFF).
For best results, calibration should be performed in the operating environment, allowing at least one hour warm-up for thermal stability of the system. If pre-calibration on a test bench is desired, an output load equal to the input impedance of the devices connected to the AP4151-2000 output is recommended, along with the warm-up period.
Note: Many applications do not require calibrating the output levels and simply utilize the default operational ranges of the unit
(0-5VDC, 0-10VDC, 0-20mA or 4-20mA). If the factory default calibration has been changed, the last saved operational output values are utilized. In those applications, the only calibration required is the operational input values. Once the maximum and minimum input values have been set, the Green and Red LEDs will be on. At this point, simply press the CAL button rapidly 3 times and you will exit the calibration routine without effecting the last saved calibration for the operational output values.
1. Connect a resistance decade box (with 0.01 precision) to the input (Pins 5 and 6). Jumper pin 4 to pin 5. Connect the output to a voltage or current meter, depending on your application.
Apply power and allow the system to reach thermal equilibrium.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
2. Hold down the pushbutton switch for 4 seconds. The Yellow and
Red LEDs should be on. Push the CAL button momentarily and the
Yellow and Green LEDs will be on. (From this point on, you can exit the calibration procedure at any step without saving new data by holding the CAL button for at least 4 seconds.)
3. Set the resistance to the value that matches your desired maximum operational input temperature and push the CAL button. The Yellow LED should now be on.
4. Set the resistance to the value that matches your desired minimum operational input temperature and push the CAL button. The Green and Red LEDs should now be on. If you do not wish to change the output calibration, press the CAL button rapidly three times to exit the calibration routine.
5. If you do wish to do a custom operational range for the output, increase the resistance until the output is precisely at the desired maximum level (e.g. 20.00mA) and push the CAL button. The Red
LED should be on.
6. Decrease the resistance until the output is precisely at the desired minimum level (e.g. 4.00mA) and push the CAL button. All three LEDs should now be on.
7. To finish calibration, push the button one final time. The calibration data is now saved. The Green LED should be on if the input is within the calibrated range.
Default Settings
Pt-100, 0-500 ° C
Page 248
Table 1. Switch Settings
F u n c t i o n
R T D T y p e
P t 1 0 0 3 8 5
P t 2 0 0 3 8 5
P t 5 0 0 3 8 5
P t 1 0 0 0 3 8 5
P t 1 0 0 3 9 1 1
P t 2 0 0 3 9 1 1
P t 5 0 0 3 9 1 1
P t 1 0 0 0 3 9 1 1
P t 1 0 0 3 9 2
P t 2 0 0 3 9 2
P t 5 0 0 3 9 2
P t 1 0 0 0 3 9 2
N i 1 0 0 6 1 8
N i 1 2 0 6 7 2
C u 9 .
0 3 5 4 2 7
S W 1 S W 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n
N o L i n e a r i z a t i o n n
O u t p u t
4 2 0 m A
0 2 0 m A
0 5 V
0 1 0 V
R e v e r s e O u t
K e y : n
= O N o r C l o s e d n n n n n
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Figure 1. Calibration Flow Chart
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Leadwire effect:
<+/- 0.1% of max input temperature span, max.
Leadwire Resistance (Max Ohms/lead):
40% of RTD resistance
RTD Excitation Current:
< 25uA to 2.5mA depending upon RTD type
Operating Modes:
Direct:: increasing input produces increasing output
Reverse: increasing input produces decreasing output
Output Ranges:
0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5VDC, 0-10VDC
(higher voltage to 15V @ 3mA drive)
Selectable between linear to temp or ohms
75% (90% of span @ 0.5% linearity,
80% @ 0.15%)
Output Drive:
0-20mA, 4-20mA ranges: 15V compliance
(750 ohm load maximum)
0-5V and 0-10V ranges: 10mA drive
(1000 ohm load minimum)
Output Accuracy:
Current Outputs: + 0.1% of full scale, max.
Voltage Outputs: + 0.1% of full scale, max.
+100ppm ( ± 0.01%) of full scale / ° C, typical
Configuration: switch selectable input type, output range and linearization type
Pushbutton: Pushbutton zero and span from maximum to minimum specified in input range table.
Response Time:
250mSec typical, 300mSec maximum.
LED Indicator:
GREEN: RUN, on when unit is powered.
Flashes at a 2Hz rate when the input is under range by 6.25%
Flashes at an 8Hz rate when the input is over range by 6.25%
RED: OUTPUT, on while calibrating output.
Flashes at a 2Hz rate when the output is under range by 6.25%
Flashes at an 8Hz rate when the output is over range by 6.25%
YELLOW: INPUT, on while calibrating input
Power Requirements:
120/240VAC 50-400Hz, jumper
selectable, 3W typical, 5W max.
1500VDC, Input to Output to Power
Operating Temperature:
0 ° C to +60 ° C (32 to 149 ° F)
Storage Temperature:
-20 ° C to 85 ° C (-4 to 185 ° F)
Operating Relative Humidity:
15% to 95% RHNC @ 45 ° C
Non-operating Relative Humidity:
90% RHNC @ 65 ° C for 24 Hrs.
Agency Approvals:
CSA C22.2, N0. 0-M91, 142-M1987
UL 508, combined mark (pending)
Ordering Information
Model: AP4151-2000
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
M008-A 8 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD08-0000 8 pin DIN Mount Socket
Pin Connections
1 AC Power (Hot)
2 Shield (Gnd.)
3 AC Power (Neu.)
4 RTD Return
5 RTD Input (-)
6 RTD Input (+)
7 Output (+)
8 Output (-)
Table 1: AP4151 Input Limits
I n p u t T y p e
P t 1 0 0 o h m , ( 0 .
0 0 3 8 5 , 0 .
0 0 3 9 1 1 , 0 .
0 0 3 9 2 )
P t 2 0 0 o h m , ( 0 .
0 0 3 8 5 , 0 .
0 0 3 9 1 1 , 0 .
0 0 3 9 2 )
P t 5 0 0 o h m , ( 0 .
0 0 3 8 5 , 0 .
0 0 3 9 1 1 , 0 .
0 0 3 9 2 )
P t 1 0 0 0 o h m , ( 0 .
0 0 3 8 5 , 0 .
0 0 3 9 1 1 , 0 .
0 0 3 9 2 )
N i 1 0 0 o h m , ( 0 .
0 0 6 1 8 )
N i 1 2 0 o h m , ( 0 .
0 0 6 7 2 )
C u 9 .
0 3 5 o h m , ( 0 .
0 0 4 7 2 )
I n p u t R a n g e
2 0 0 t o + 8 7 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 8 7 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 8 7 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 8 7 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o + 3 2 0 ° C
1 0 0 t o + 3 2 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o + 2 6 0 ° C
M i n i m u m
R e c o m m e n d e d S p a n
1 0 0 ° C
1 0 0 ° C
1 0 0 ° C
1 0 0 ° C
5 0 ° C
5 0 ° C
5 0 ° C
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AP4351-2000 n
Field Configurable Thermocouple Types n
Linearized Outputs n
Wide-Ranging Zero and Span Adjustability (50%
Action PAK ®
Field Configurable Isolator
Provides Isolated, Linearized DC Output in Proportion to Thermocouple Input n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Thermocouple Burnout Detection n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability
The AP4351 isolating thermocouple conditioner offers wide ranging input and output capability. The AP4351 can be field configured by the user to accept input from thermocouple types J, K, T,
R, S, E, and B and to provide current or voltage output. The output is linearized to temperature according to the particular thermocouple type.
The AP4351 is a three-port industrial isolator — the output is optically isolated from the input up to 1500V, and both input and output are transformer isolated from the line power. Isolation allows the noise reduction benefits of grounded thermocouples to be realized without creating ground loop problems and it provides faster response. The AP4351 utilizes the latest in advanced analog/ digital signal processing technology. In addition to its multiple microprocessors, it employs special ASIC circuitry for high accuracy and reliability.
The AP4351 is equipped with cold-junction compensation (CJC) circuitry to provide ice-point reference. Upscale, downscale or disabled thermocouple burnout detection is switch selectable.
The Action Pak Model AP4351 is useful in any application requiring an isolated DC output from a thermocouple input. Typical applications include energy management and data acquisition of process temperatures. The output of the AP4351 can drive a digital meter for direct display or interface with a computer for monitoring and control applications.
8Hz for under/over range, repectively. If the thermocouple is within the full temperature range, but outside the selected subrange (for example, if a type J thermocouple is set for range 13 and the temperature is either below 375 ° C or above 500 ° C) the LED will flash at 0.5 or 1Hz respectively.
This LED is continuously on when the device is properly storing the factory calibration reference voltage.
Trouble LED
This LED is off during normal operation of the device. If this LED is on contact Action's Technical Services Group.
U Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres.
C620 Factory calibration (specify input thermocouple type, temperature range and output).
A major advantage of the AP4351 is its wide ranging capabilities and ease of configuration. The AP4351 enables 50% input zero and span adjustability within the selected sub-range.
Status LEDs
Model AP4351 is equipped with top-mounted LEDs for INPUT
(green), TROUBLE (yellow) and CAL OK (yellow). At start-up, both the INPUT and the CAL OK LEDs light up momentarily for 1 second.
Afterwards, these LEDs flash alternately for 10 seconds while startup takes place.
Input LED
This input LED is a diagnostic tool. It remains continuously lit if the measured temperature is within the selected range of the thermocouple. However, if the measured temperature is outside the full range of the thermocouple (for example, for a type J - below minus 200 ° C or above 750 ° C), the LED will flash at a rate of 4 or
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 251
For example, range #5 for an E-Type thermocouple in Table 6 specifies -18 ° C to 125 ° C. Since the span can be contracted by 50%, this enables an input span as narrow as 50% of 143 ° C, or 72 ° C. This span can then be positioned anywhere within the temperature range and can have a zero step-up as large as 50% of the full scale range (e.g. span can start as high as 53 ° C).
Unless otherwise specified, the factory pre-sets the Model AP4351 as follows:
0-500 ° C
Burn Out:
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
For other settings, remove the four base screws and polycarbonate case to access the configuration switches.
2. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum input and adjust the zero potentiometer for the desired minimum output.
Refer to Tables 1 through 6 and Figures 1 through 3 for the proper switch locations and settings. Using the switch on the input board select thermocouple type, temperature range, and thermocouple burnout detection. Using the switch on the output board, select desired type of output. Replace the case prior to applying power to the unit.
3. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum input and adjust the span potentiometer for the desired maximum output.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, as necessary, for best accuracy.
Model AP4351 is pin-compatible with Action’s AP4100, AP4130,
AP4150, and AP4350, allowing for easy field upgrade.
1. Connect the input to a calibrated thermocouple source and apply power. Wait 1-2 hours for thermal stability before monitoring the voltage/current output. Refer to PIN CONNECTIONS.
Table 1: Thermocouple type switch settings
(SW 1 on Input Board)
Table 3: Range switch settings used in conjunction with Table 6
(SW 1 on Input Board, SW1-3 is not used)
Table 4: Output switch settings
(SW 1 on Output Board)
Table 5: AP 4351 Accuracy
Table 2: Thermocouple burnout detection switch settings
(SW 1 on Input Board)
Figure 1: Top View
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Figure 2: Input Board
Page 252
Figure 3: Output Board
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T C T y p e
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 0
1 3
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 0
1 2
R a n g e
N u m b e r r
1 1
1 2
T e m p e
5 0 0 t o 1 8 2 0 ° C
1 0 0 0 t o 1 8 2 0 ° C
5 0 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C
1 5 0 0 t o 1 8 2 0 ° C
7 5 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C
1 8 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C
1 8 t o 5 0 0 ° C
1 8 t o 2 5 0 ° C
1 8 t o 1 2 5 ° C
5 0 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C
2 5 0 t o 5 0 0 ° C
1 2 5 t o 2 5 0 ° C
7 5 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C
3 7 5 t o 5 0 0 ° C
1 5 0 t o 7 5 0 ° C
1 5 0 t o 2 5 0 ° C
1 5 0 t o 0 ° C
1 8 t o 7 5 0 ° C
1 8 t o 5 0 0 ° C
1 8 t o 2 5 0 ° C
1 8 t o 1 2 5 ° C
5 0 0 t o 7 5 0 ° C
2 5 0 t o 5 0 0 ° C
1 2 5 t o 2 5 0 ° C
3 7 5 t o 5 0 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 7 5 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 2 5 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 0 ° C r a t u r e R a n g e
( 9 3 2 t o 3 3 0 8 ° F )
( 1 8 3 2 t o 3 3 0 8 ° F )
( 9 3 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
( 2 7 3 2 t o 3 3 0 8 ° F )
( 1 3 8 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 2 5 7 ° F )
( 9 3 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
( 4 8 2 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
( 2 5 7 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 1 3 8 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
( 7 0 7 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
( 2 3 8 t o 1 3 8 2 ° F )
( 2 3 8 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 2 3 8 t o 3 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 1 3 8 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 2 5 7 ° F )
( 9 3 2 t o 1 3 8 2 ° F )
( 4 8 2 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
( 2 5 7 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 7 0 7 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
( 3 2 8 t o 1 3 8 2 ° F )
( 3 2 8 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 3 2 8 t o 3 2 ° F )
Table 6: Thermocouple Range Settings
T C T y p e
R a n g e
N u m b e r
1 0
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
T e m p e
1 8 t o 1 3 7 0 ° C
1 8 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C
1 8 t o 5 0 0 ° C
1 8 t o 2 5 0 ° C
1 8 t o 1 2 5 ° C
1 0 0 0 t o 1 3 7 0 ° C
5 0 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C
2 5 0 t o 5 0 0 ° C
1 2 5 t o 2 5 0 ° C
7 5 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C
3 7 5 t o 5 0 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 7 5 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 2 5 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 0 ° C r a t u r e R a n g e
( 0 t o 2 4 9 8 ° F )
( 0 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 2 5 7 ° F )
( 1 8 3 2 t o 2 4 9 8 ° F )
( 9 3 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
( 4 8 2 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
( 2 5 7 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 1 3 8 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
( 7 0 7 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
( 3 2 8 t o 1 3 8 2 ° F )
( 3 2 8 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 3 2 8 t o 3 2 ° F )
T C T y p e
R ,
1 0
1 1
1 2
1 3
R a n g e
N u m b e r
1 4
1 5
1 6
1 0
1 3
T e m p e
5 0 t o 1 7 6 0 ° C
5 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C
5 0 t o 5 0 0 ° C
5 0 t o 2 5 0 ° C
1 0 0 0 t o 1 7 6 0 ° C
5 0 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C
2 5 0 t o 5 0 0 ° C
1 2 5 t o 2 5 0 ° C
1 5 0 0 t o 1 7 6 0 ° C
7 5 0 t o 1 0 0 0 ° C
3 7 5 t o 5 0 0 ° C
1 8 t o 4 0 0 ° C
1 8 t o 2 5 0 ° C
1 8 t o 1 2 5 ° C
2 5 0 t o 4 0 0 ° C
1 2 5 t o 2 5 0 ° C
3 7 5 t o 4 0 0 ° C
1 5 0 t o 4 0 0 ° C
1 5 0 t o 2 5 0 ° C
1 5 0 t o 0 ° C r a t u r e R a n g e
( 1 2 2 t o 3 2 0 0 ° F )
( 1 2 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
( 1 2 2 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
( 1 2 2 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 1 8 3 2 t o 3 2 0 0 ° F )
( 9 3 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
( 4 8 2 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
( 2 5 7 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 2 7 3 2 t o 3 2 0 0 ° F )
( 1 3 8 2 t o 1 8 3 2 ° F )
( 7 0 7 t o 9 3 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 7 5 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 0 t o 2 5 7 ° F )
( 4 8 2 t o 7 5 2 ° F )
( 2 5 7 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 7 0 7 t o 7 5 2 ° F )
( 2 3 8 t o 7 5 2 ° F )
( 2 3 8 t o 4 8 2 ° F )
( 2 3 8 t o 3 2 ° F )
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. Model AP4351-2000 uses an
8-pin base and molded-sockets M008, or DIN-socket MD08.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
M008 (Track/Surface)
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Mark III
Page 253
MD08 (DIN Rail)
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Ranges: field configurable, see Table 6
Impedance: >1M Ohms
Input Bias Current (burnout detection):
<1.5 microamp
Overvoltage: ± 10V differential
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
1500VDC or peak AC, max
Zero and Span Range:
Zero Turn-Up:
0 to 50% of full scale range
Span Turn-Down:
100 to 50% of full scale range
Voltage Output: field-configurable
Ranges: 0-5V, 0-10V
Impedance: <10 Ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K Ohms, min.)
Current Output: field-configurable
Ranges: 0-1mA, 4-20mA
Impedance: >100K Ohms
Compliance: 10V, max. (500 Ohms, max. @ 20mA)
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis): see Table 5
Response Time(10-90%):
500 mSec, typical
± 0.04%/ ° C of full scale range
1500VDC or peak AC between input, output and power
ESD Susceptibility:
Meets IEC 801- 2, Level 2 (4KV)
Common Mode Rejection:
DC - 60Hz: 120dB
LED Indicators:
TROUBLE LED: Yellow - off during normal device operation
INPUT LED: Green - continuously on if input is within selected range, flashes otherwise
CAL OK LED: Yellow - continuously on in normal device operation
Thermocouple Burnout Detect:
Field-configurable Up or Downscale, or disabled
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 25 to 95% (@ 45 ° C)
Soak: 90% for 24 Hrs. (@65 ° C)
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -15 to 75 ° C (5 to 167 ° F)
Consumption: 3W typical, 5W max
Standard: 120VAC ± 10%, 50 - 60Hz
Optional: 240VAC
UL recognized per standard UL508.
(FileNo. E99775).
CSA certified per standards C22.2 No.
M1982 (File No. LR42272-41).
Ordering Information
Model: AP4351-2000
Option: C620 factory calibration (specify input thermocouple type, temperature range and output).
Option: U, see text
Line Power, see specifications (All power supplies are transformerisolated from the internal circuitry)
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
M008-A 8 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD08-0000 8 pin DIN Mount Socket
Pin Connections
1 Power (Hot)
2 No Connection
3 Power (Neu)
4 Do not use
5 Input (+)
6 Input (-)
7 Output (+)
8 Output (-)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 254 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Action PAK ®
DC Input,
Field Configurable Isolator
Provides Isolated DC Output in Proportion to a DC Input
AP4380-2000 (100Vdc max)
AP4380-2001 (200Vdc max) n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
50% Adjustable Field Configurable Input Ranges:
10mV to 100V (200V on -2001), 1mA to 100mA n
Four Field Configurable Output Ranges: 0-5V, 0-10V,
0-1mA, 4-20mA n
Plug-in Installation n
Selectable 120/240VAC Power
(9 to 30VDC Available) n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability
The field configurable AP4380 isolator offers wide ranging input and output capability for scaling and transmitting analog DC signals. The AP4380-2000 will accept input voltage spans from
10mV up to 100 volts, as well as input current spans from 1mA to
100mA. The AP4380-2001 will accept input voltages up to 200V, as well as the same input current ranges.The input zero and span potentiometers enable 50% input zero and span adjustability. For example, the 0-10V input range can be elevated to 5-10V, compressed to 0-5V or set to 2.5 - 7.5V. The AP4380 offers four
(4) popular output ranges: 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA and 4-20mA. The
4-20mA compliance is a powerful 20VDC. Model AP4380 can be configured to accept bipolar input ranges and offers selectable normal or reverse acting operation.
Refer to Figure 1 for configuration and program the I/O channel as desired. Replace the cover before applying power.
Warning: power applied. Severe damage will result!
Do not attempt to change any switch settings with
1. Position input jumper “W1” for Current (I) or Voltage (V) input.
Current Voltage
2. Set position 5 of the Input Range Selector for Unipolar (e.g. 0 to 5V) or Bipolar (e.g. -5 to 5V) operation.
The AP4380 is a 3-port industrial isolator -- the output is optically isolated from its input up to 1500 VDC. The ASIC*-based I/O channel is independently transformer isolated from the selectable
120/240VAC power supply.
The Action Pak AP4380 field configurable isolator is useful in eliminating ground loops, converting signal levels and providing signal drive and redundancy. The wide ranging capability of the
AP4380 provides quick universal spare part coverage.
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4
5 6
Note: A bipolar range selection will double any input range from
Table 1 (e.g, 10V span becomes a -10 to 10V bipolar span)
Diagnostic LED
The AP4380 is equipped with a dual function LED signal monitor.
The green, top-mounted LED indicates line power and input signal status. Active line power is indicated by an illuminated LED. If the input signal is 10% more than full scale range, the LED will flash at 8Hz. Below 0%, the flash rate is 4Hz.
3. Set position 6 of the Input Range Selector for Normal or Reverse operation. Reverse acting produces a decreasing output with an increasing input.
1 2 3 4
5 6 1 2 3 4
5 6
U Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres.
The factory presets the 4380-2000 input and output to 4-20mA, as shown in Figure 1. The 4380-2001 is preset to 0/200V input and 4/
20mA output. The supply power is configured for 120 VAC operation. For other I/O ranges, remove the four base screws and case to access the I/O card.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 255
4. Using Table 1, configure positions 1 through 4 of the Input Range
Selector for the desired maximum input. Round the desired maximum input value to the next highest range (e.g., 0-70V = 100V range).
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Warning: Do not configure the output ranges with the power on.
Damage to unit may result.
1. Using Table 2, configure Output Selector for one of the four (4) standard outputs.
1. Configure the AC jumpers for either 120 or 240 VAC operation.
See Figure 2.
1. Connect the input to a calibrated DC voltage or current source and apply power. Wait 1 hour for thermal stability before monitoring the voltage/current output. Refer to PIN CONNECTIONS.
2. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum input and adjust the
Zero, 20-turn, potentiometer for desired minimum output.
3. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum input and adjust the
Span, 20-turn, potentiometer for desired maximum output.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for best accuracy.
5V (-2000)
10V (-2001)
10V (-2000)
20V (-2001)
25V (-2000)
50V (-2001)
50V (-2000)
100V (-2001)
100V (-2000)
200V (-2001)
Input Range Selector
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3
4 5 6
0 to 10V
0 to 5V
0 to 1mA
4 to 20mA
Output Range Selector
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 256 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
I/O Card Configuration
I/V Input Selection
Input Range
Selector (SW1)
Output Range
Selector (SW2)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 1: AP4380-2000 I/O card factory calibration:
4-20mA input and output(shown sideways to view switches)
Warning: Do not configure I/O switch ranges with power on. Damage will result!
Warning: Applying voltage to the input with W1 in current (I) position will result in damage to the unit.
Top View Diagram
Warning: Do not change with power connected!
Figure 2: 120/240 VAC Selection
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. Model AP4380 uses an 8-pin base, either molded socket M008 or DIN socket MD08.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
M008 (Track/Surface)
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Mark II
Page 257
MD08 (DIN Rail)
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Voltage Input (field configurable)
Full Scale Range:
-2000: 10mV to 100V
-2001: 10mV to 200V
Impedance: >100K Ohms
Intermittent, 400Vrms
Continous, 264 Vrms
Current Input (field configurable)
Full Scale Range: 1mA to 100mA
Impedance: 20 Ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 170mA RMS, max
Overvoltage: 60VDC
Common Mode (Input toGround):
1500VDC, max
Zero Turn-Up:
50% of full scale range
Span Turn-Down:
50% of full scale range
Voltage Output
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Drive: 10mA, max (1K Ohms min. @ 10V)
Current Output
Output: 0-1mA, 4-20mA
0-1mA: 10V, max. (10K Ohms, max)
4-20mA: 20V, max. (1K Ohms, max)
LED Indication (green):
Input Range
>110% input: 8Hz flash
<0% input: 4Hz flash
Accuracy (Including Linearity Hysteresis):
<20mV/2mA: ± 0.35% of full scale, typical,
0.5%, max
>20mV/2mA: ± 0.1% of full scale, typical,
0.2%, max
Response Time (10-90%):
200 mSec., typical
Stability (Temp):
± 0.025% of full scale/ ° C, typical,
± 0.05%/ ° C, max.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
1500 VDC between input, output & power
ESD Susceptibility:
Meets IEC 801-2, Level 2 (4KV)
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% (@ 45 ° C)
Soak: 90% for 24 hours (@ 45 ° C)
Temperature Range:
Operating: -15 to 60 ° C (5 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
Consumption: 3W typical, 5W max
Standard: selectable 120/240VAC, ± 10%,
Optional: 9 to 30VDC, inverter isolated
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. M1982.
UL recognized per standard UL508.
Ordering Information
Model: AP4380-2000 or AP4380-2001
Option: U, see text
Line Power, see specifications
Factory calibration (C620): Specify input range, output range and power.
(All power supplies are transformer-isolated from internal circuitry.)
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
M008-A 8 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD08-0000 8 pin DIN Mount Socket
Pin Connections
1 Power (Hot)
2 Not Internally Connected
3 Power (Neu)
4 Spare Termination
5 Input (+)
6 Input (-)
7 Output (+)
8 Output (-)
DC Power: PIN 1 = (+); PIN 3 = (-)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 258 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
AP4382-2000 n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Field Configurable Input Ranges: 10mV to 100V,
1mA to 100mA n
Two Field Configurable Output Ranges: -5 to 5V and -10 to 10V
Action PAK ®
DC Input, Bipolar Output,
Field Configurable Isolator
Provides a Fully Isolated DC Output in Proportion to DC Input n
Plug-in Installation n
Selectable 120/240VAC Input Power
(9 to 30 VDC Available) n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability
The field configurable AP4382 isolator offers wide ranging input and output capability for scaling and transmitting analog DC signals. The AP4382 will accept input voltage spans from 10mV up to 100 volts, as well as input current spans from 1mA to 100mA.
The input zero and span potentiometers enable 50% input zero and span adjustability. For example, the 0-10V input range can be elevated to 5-10V, or compressed to 0-5V. The AP4382 offers two
(2) bipolar output ranges: -5 to 5V and -10 to 10V.
Model AP4382 also accepts bipolar inputs and offers selectable normal or reverse acting operation
Warning: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result!
1. Position input jumper “W1” for Current (I) or Voltage (V) input.
Current Voltage
The AP4382 is an industrial isolator - the output is optically isolated from its input up to 1500 VDC. The ASIC-based I/O channel is independently transformer isloated from the selectable 120/
240VAC power supply.
The Action Pak AP4382 field configurable isolator is useful in eliminating ground loops, converting signal levels and providing signal drive. The wide ranging capability of the AP4382 provides quick universal spare part coverage.
Diagnostic LED
The AP4382 is equipped with a dual function LED signal monitor.
The green, top-mounted LED indicates line power and input signal status. Active line power is indicated by an illuminated LED. If the input signal is 10% above the full scale range, the LED will flash at
8Hz. Below 0%, the flash rate is 4Hz.
U Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres.
2. Set position 5 of the Input Range Selector for Unipolar (e.g. 0 to 5V) or Bipolar (e.g. -5 to 5V) operation.
1 2 3 4
5 6
1 2 3 4
5 6
Note: A bipolar range selection will double any input range from
Table 1 (e.g, 10V span = -10 to 10V bipolar span)
3. Set position 6 of the Input Range Selector for Normal or Reverse operation. Reverse acting produces a decreasing output with an increasing input.
1 2 3 4
5 6 1 2 3 4 5
The factory preset input is 4-20mA and the output is -10 to 10V, as shown in Figure 1. The supply power is configured for 120 VAC operation. For other I/O ranges, remove the four base screws and case to access the I/O card.
Refer to Figure 1 for configuration and program the I/O channel as desired. Replace the cover before applying power.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 259
4. Using Table 1, configure positions 1 through 4 of the Input Range
Selector for the desired maximum input. Round the desired maximum input value to the next highest range (e.g., 0-70V = 100V range).
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Warning: Do not configure the output ranges with the power on.
Damage to unit will result.
1. Position output jumper "W2" for -5 to 5V or -10 to 10 V
W2 W2
-10 to 10V -5 to 5V
1. Configure the AC jumpers for either 120 or 240 VAC operation.
See Figure 2.
1. Connect the input to a calibrated DC voltage or current source and apply power. Wait 1 hour for thermal stability before monitoring the voltage/current output. Refer to PIN CONNEC-
2. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum input and adjust the
Zero, 20-turn, potentiometer for desired minimum output.
3. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum input and adjust the
Span, 20-turn, potentiometer for desired maximum output.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for best accuracy.
Table 1: AP4382 Input Ranges
Input Range
Selector (SW1)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
*Note: Use jumper (W1) to configure either voltage or current input.
For high voltage inputs >100V consult factory.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 260 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
I/O Card Configuration
I/V Input Selection
Input Range
Selector (SW1)
Output Range
Selector (W2)
1 2 3 4 5 6
-10 to 10 V
-5 to 5V
Figure 1: AP4382 I/O card factory calibration:
4-20mA input, -10 to 10V output
Warning: Do not configure I/O switch ranges with power on. Damage will result!
Warning: Applying voltage to the input with W1 in current (I) position will result in damage to the unit.
Top View Diagram
Warning: Do not change with power connected!
Figure 2: 120/240 VAC Selection
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. Model AP4382 uses an 8-pin base and either molded socket M008 or DIN socket MD08.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
M008 (Track/Surface)
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Mark II
Page 261
MD08 (DIN Rail)
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Voltage Input (field configurable):
Full Scale Range: 10mV to 100V
Impedance: >100K Ohms
400 Vrms, max (Intermittent)
264 Vrms, max (Continous)
Current Input (field configurable):
Full Scale Range: 1mA to 100mA
Impedance: 20 Ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 170mA rms, max
Overvoltage: 60VDC
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
1500VDC, max
Zero and Span Range:
Zero Turn-Up:
0 to 50% of full scale range
Span Turn-Down:
100 to 50% of full scale range
Voltage Output
Output: -10 to 10V, -5 to 5V
Impedance: <10 Ohms
Drive: 10mA, max (1K Ohms min. @ 10V)
LED Indication (green):
Input Range >110% input: 8Hz flash
<0% input: 4Hz flash
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis):
<20mV/2mA: ± 0.35% of full scale, typical,
0.5%, max
>20mV/2mA: ± 0.1% of full scale, typical,
0.2%, max
Response Time (10-90%):
200 mSec., typical
Stability (Temperature):
± 0.025% of full scale/ ° C, typical,
± 0.05%/ ° C, max
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
Isolation (Input to Output):
1500 VDC between input, output and power
ESD Susceptibility:
Meets IEC 801-2, Level 2 (4KV)
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% (@ 45 ° C)
Soak: 90% for 24 hours (@ 65 ° C)
Temperature Range:
Operating: -15 to 60 ° C (5 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
3W typical, 5W max
Standard: selectable 120/240VAC, ± 10%, 50-60Hz
9 to 30VDC, inverter isolated
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. M1982
(File No.LR42272-54).
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No. E150323).
Ordering Information
1. Model: AP4382-2000
2. Option: U, see text
3. Line Power: 120/240 VAC or 9 to 30 VDC
4. Factory calibration (C620): Specify input range, output range and power.
(All power supplies are transformer-isolated from the internal circuitry.)
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
M008-A 8 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD08-0000 8 pin DIN Mount Socke
Pin Connections
1 Power (Hot)
2 Shield (Gnd)
3 Power (Neu)
4 Spare Termination
5 Input (+)
6 Input (-)
7 Output (+)
8 Output (-)
DC Power: PIN 1 = (+); PIN 3 = (-)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 262 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Action PAK ®
DC Input, Dual Channel Isolators
n n
AP4390-0000 (ChA = I or V out; ChB = I or V out)
AP4391-2000 (ChA = I or V out; ChB = ± V out)
AP4392-2000 (ChA = ± V out; ChB = ± V out)
High Density 2-Channel Package
Eliminates Ground Loops with 1500V Isolation n
Six Configurable Output Ranges: 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA,
4-20mA, -5 to 5V and -10 to 10V
Provides Two Independent, Fully Isolated
DC Outputs in Proportion to Two DC Inputs n
Plug-in Installation n
Selectable 120/240VAC Input Power
The field configurable AP4390 series dual channel isolators offer wide ranging input and output capability for scaling and transmitting analog DC signals. The AP4390 series will accept input voltage spans from 10mV up to 100 volts, as well as input current spans from 1mA to 100mA. For a full scale output range, the input zero and span potentiometers enable 50% input zero and span adjustability. For example, the 0-10V input range can be elevated to 5-10V or compressed to 0-5V.
The AP4390 series offers 6 popular ouput ranges which are either positive voltages and currents (e.g. 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA and 4-
20mA) or bipolar voltages (-5 to 5V and -10 to 10V). The model number defines the ouput channel ranges as shown in Table 1.
The 4-20mA compliance is a powerful 20VDC per channel. All models in the AP4390 series accept bipolar inputs and each I/O channel offers selectable normal or reverse acting operation (e.g.
4-20mA or 20-4mA).
Each Action Pak in the AP4390 series is a dual, three-port, industrial isolator -- both output channels are optically isolated from their respective input channels up to 1500 VDC. The two
ASIC-based I/O channels are independently transformer isolated from the selectable 120/240VAC power supply.
Table 1: AP4390 Series Output Ranges
( Bold indicates factory preset ranges)
AP 4390
AP 4391
AP 4392
Output Selections
0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, 4-20mA
0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, 4-20mA
0-5V, 0-10V, 0-1mA, 4-20mA
-5 to 5V , -10 to 10V
-5 to 5V , -10 to 10V
-5 to 5V , -10 to 10V
The Action Pak AP4390 series of field configurable isolators is useful in eliminating ground loops, converting signal levels and providing signal drive. The AP4390 series' dual channel design conserves installation space in high density applications and offers superior cost-benefit value over single channel isolators. The wide ranging capability of the AP4390s provides universal spare part coverage.
Diagnostic LED
TThe AP4390 series is equipped with dual function LED signal monitors. The green, top-mounted LED indicates line power and input signal status. Active line power is indicated by an illuminated
LED. If the input signal is 10% above the full scale range, the LED will flash at 8Hz. Below 0%, the flash rate is 4Hz.
U Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres.
Each channel of the AP4390 series can be independently set for a wide variety of input and output ranges.
Factory Presets
The factory presets all inputs for 4-20mA. The preset for positive based output channels is 4-20mA and -10 to 10VDC for bipolar voltage output channels (as shown in Table 1 and Figures 1 and 2). The supply power is configured for 120 VAC operation. For other I/O ranges, remove the four base screws and case to access the I/O cards.
Refer to figures 1 & 2 for configuration and program the I/O channels as desired.
Replace the cover before applying power.
1. Position input jumper “W1” for Current (I) or Voltage (V) input.
W1 W1
Current Voltage
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 263 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
2. Set position 5 of the Input Range Selector for Unipolar or Bipolar input operation.
1 2 3 4
5 6 1 2 3 4
5 6
Note: A bipolar range selection will double any range from Table
2 (e.g, 10V span = ± 10V bipolar span)
3. Set position 6 of the Input Range Selector for Normal or Reverse operation. Reverse acting produces a decreasing output with an increasing input.
1 2 3 4
5 6 1 2 3 4 5
4. Using Table 2, configure positions 1 through 4 of the Input Range
Selector for the desired maximum input. Round the desired maximum input value to the next highest range (e.g., 0-70V = 100V range).
WARNING: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage will result.
1. For the AP4390 channels A and B, and the AP4391 channel B, use
Table 3 to configure the output selector switches for one of the four(4) standard output ranges.
2. For the AP4392 channels A and B, and the AP4391 channel B, position output jumper "W2" for -5 to 5V or -10 to 10V.
W2 W2
-10 to 10V -5 to 5V
1. Configure the AC jumpers for either 120 or 240 VAC operation.
See Figure 3.
1. Connect the input to a calibrated DC voltage or current source and apply power. Refer to PIN CONNECTIONS. Wait 1 hour for thermal stability before monitoring the voltage/current output.
2. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum input and adjust the
Zero potentiometer for the desired minimum output.
3. Set the calibrator to the desired maximum input and adjust the
Span potentiometer for the desired maximum output.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for best accuracy.
Table 2: AP4390 Series Input Ranges
Voltage* Current*
Input Range
Selector (SW1)
20mV 2mA
1 2 3 4 5 6
50mV 5mA
1 2 3 4 5 6
100mV 10mA
1 2 3 4 5 6
200mV 20mA
1 2 3 4 5 6
500mV 50mA
1 2 3 4 5 6
1V 100mA
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
*Use jumper (W1) to configure either voltage or current input.
All unipolar ranges are zero based.
Table 3: AP4390 and AP4391 Output Ranges
0 to 10V
0 to 5V
0 to 1mA
4 to 20mA
Output Range
Selector (SW2)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 264 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
I/O Card Configuration W1
I/V Input Selection
I/V Input Selection
Input Range
Selector (SW1)
Output Range
Selector (SW2)
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Input Range
Selector (SW1)
Output Range
Selector (W2)
1 2 3 4 5 6
-10 to 10 V
-5 to 5V
Figure 1: AP4390 and AP4391(A) I/O card factory calibration:
4-20mA input and 4-20mA output
Figure 2: AP4391(B) and AP4392 I/O card factory calibration:
4-20mA input, -10 to10V output
Warning: Do not change switch settings with power applied. Severe damage will result!
Warning: Applying voltage to the input with W2 in current (I) position will result in damage to the unit.
Top View Diagrams
Channel B
I/O Card
Channel A
I/O Card
Do not change with power connected!
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. Models AP4390, AP4391 and
AP4392 use an 11-pin base and either molded socket M011 or DIN socket
MD11 for mounting.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
M011 (Track/Surface)
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Mark II
Page 265
MD11 (DIN Rail)
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Voltage Input (field configurable):
Full Scale Range: 10mV to 100V
Impedance: >100K Ohms
400 Vrms, max(Intermittent);
264 Vrms, max (Continous)
Current Input (field configurable):
Full Scale Range: 1mA to 100mA
Impedance: 20 Ohms, typical
Overcurrent: 170mArms, max
Overvoltage: 60VDC
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
1500VDC, max
Zero Turn-Up:
50% of full scale range
Span Turn-Down:
50% of full scale range
Voltage Output:
Output:: 0-5V, 0-10V, -5 to 5V, -10 to 10V
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K Ohms min. load @10V)
Current Output:
Output: 0-1mA, 4-20mA
0-1mA: 10V, max (10K Ohms max load)
4-20mA: 20V, max (1K Ohms max load)
LED Indication (green):
Input Range:
>110% input: 8Hz flash
<-10% input: 4Hz flash
Accuracy (Including Linearity, Hysteresis):
<20mV, <2mA: ± 0.35% of full scale, typical, 0.5%, max
>20mV, >2mA: ± 0.1% of full scale, typical,
0.2%, max
Response Time:
(10-90%) 200 mSec., typical
Stability (Temperature):
± 0.025% of full scale/ ° C, typical,
± 0.05%/ ° C, max.
Common Mode Rejection:
DC to 60Hz: 120dB
Isolation (Input to Output):
1500 VDC between channels, input, output and power
ESD Susceptibility:
Level 2 (4KV)
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% (@ 45 ° C)
Soak: 90% for 24 hours (@ 65 ° C)
Temperature Range:
Operating: -15 to 60 ° C (5 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to 158 ° F)
4W typical, 6W max
Weight: selectable 120/240VAC, ± 10%, 50-60Hz
AP4390: 0.66lbs
AP4391: 0.68lbs
AP4392: 0.68lbs
CSA certified per standard C22.2 No. M1982
(File No. LR42272).
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No. E150323/E99775).
Ordering Information
Model: AP4390-0000
(ChA = I or V out; ChB = I or V out)
(ChA = I or V out; ChB = ± V out)
(ChA = ± V out; ChB = ± V out) AP4392-2000
Option: U, see text
Line Power: 120/240VAC
Optional Factory Calibration (C620): specify input range, output range and power. (All power supplies are transformer-isolated from the internal circuitry.)
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
M011-A 11 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD11-0000 11 pin DIN Mount Socket
Pin Connections
1 Power (Hot)
2 Spare Termination
3 Power (Neu)
4 Output B (+)
5 Input A (+)
6 Input A (-)
7 Output A (+)
8 Output A (-)
9 Output B (-)
10 Input B (+)
11 Input B (-)
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Action PAK ®
Input Isolated, Field Configurable Isolator
Provides a Fully Isolated DC Output in Proportion to an AC Input
AP6380-0000 n
Field Configurable Input Ranges: 50mV to 200V AC,
5mA to 100mA AC n
Four Field Configurable Output Ranges: 0-5V, 0-10V,
0-1mA, 4-20mA n
Eliminates Ground Loops n
Plug-In Installation n
Selectable 120/240VAC Input Power
The field configurable AP6380 signal conditioner offers wide ranging input capability for scaling, converting or isolating AC inputs ranging from 5mA AC to 100mA AC or 50mV AC to 200V
AC. The DC output of the AP6380 is proportional to the average of the fully-rectified AC input signal, and is calibrated for sine waves from DC to 1KHz.
For current inputs above 100mA AC, it is recommended that an input shunt resistor be used and the AP6380 be configured for the proper input voltage range. For example, for a 5A AC current transformer output, use the Action model C006 resistor (0.1W,
5W, 1%) and set the input for 0-500mV AC.
The Action Pak AP6380 is useful in applications requiring a conditioned DC output from an AC source. Typical applications include energy management, load shedding, motor current/load monitoring, locked rotor detection, isolation and data acquisition.
The output of the AP6380 can drive a digital meter for direct display or can interface with alarming or control devices including
PLCs and computers.
Diagnostic LED
Input power and signal status are indicated with a dual-function
LED on the AP6380. The green LED will illuminate when line power is applied, and will pulse quickly (8 Hz) if the input rises 10% above the set input full scale range. If this continues to occur, you may wish to change your full scale input range setting.
The AP6380 can be set for a wide variety of full scale input ranges.
The factory pre-sets the AP6380 with an input range of 0-500mV
AC (SW1 & W2) and an output range of 4-20mA DC (SW2) as shown in Figure 1. For other I/O ranges, remove the four base screws to access the I/O range configuration selectors.
The line power is preset at the factory for 120V AC. This may be reconfigured by referring to figure 2.
Warning: Do not change switch settings with power applied.
Severe damage may occur!
1. Before applying power to the Action Pak, set the DIP switches inside the Action Pak for your full scale input and full scale output ranges. Refer to Tables 1, 2 & 3 showing switch configuration settings.
2. Connect the AC input terminals (5 & 6) to a calibrated AC voltage or AC current source. Connect a meter to measure the output (terminals 7 & 8).
3. Connect power to terminals (1 & 3) on the Action Pak and turn on the power.
4. Wait approximately 1 hour to ensure thermal stability before calibrating.
5. Set the calibrator to the desired minimum AC input on the
Action Pak. Adjust the “Zero” potentiometer until the DC output coincides with the desired minimum output.
6. Set the calibrator input to the desired full scale AC input. Adjust the “Span” potentiometer until the DC output coincides with the desired full scale output.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6, as necessary, for best accuracy.
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Table 1: Input Range Selector Switch Settings
Input Range Selector
(SW1 & W2)
1 2
3 4 5 6
1 2
3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
1V 100mA
1 2
3 4 5 6
1 2
3 4 5 6
1 2
3 4 5 6
1 2
3 4 5 6
1 2
3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
*Use jumper (W1) to configure either voltage or current input.
All unipolar ranges are zero based.
Typical Application
Table 2: Output Range Selector Switch Settings
0 to 10V
0 to 5V
0 to 1mA
4 to 20mA
Output Range Selector
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Table 3: AP6380 Input Jumper Settings
Input Jumper Selector
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I/O Card Configuration
Current(I)/Voltage(V) Input Selection
Input Range
Output Range
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Input Range Selection
(see table 1)
Figure 1: I/O card factory settings shown:
0-500mV AC input, 4-20mA output
Top View Diagram
Warning: Do not change with power connected!
Figure 2: 120/240 VAC Selection
Warning: Do not configure I/O switch ranges with power on. Damage will result!
Warning: Applying voltage to the input with W1 in current (I) position will result in damage to the unit.
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. Model AP6380 uses an 8-pin base, either molded socket (M008) or DIN rail socket (MD08).
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
M008 (Track/Surface)
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Mark II
Page 269
MD08 (DIN Rail)
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Input Ranges (selectable):
Voltage: 50mV AC to 200V AC
Current: 5mA AC to 100mA AC
Input Frequency:
DC-1KHz, factory calibrated at 60Hz
Input Impedance:
Voltage: >100K Ohms
Current: 20 Ohms typical
Input Overload (without damage):
Voltage: 300V AC
Current: 200mA AC, 60V peak
Common Mode Voltage:
1500V DC, input to ground
Output Ranges (selectable):
Voltage: 0-5V DC, 0-10V DC
Current: 4-20mA DC, 0-1mA DC
Output Source Impedance:
Voltage: <10 Ohms
Current: >100K Ohms
Output Drive:
Voltage: 10mA, max (1K Ohms min. @ 10V)
Current: 20VDC compliance
(1K Ohms max @ 20mA)
Span Turn Down:
50% of full scale range
Zero Turn Up:
50% of full scale range
LED Indication:
8Hz flash when input is 10% above full scale configuration
Accuracy (including hysteresis and linearity):
± 0.1% of span, typical
± 0.5% of span, maximum
Response Time:
250mSec, typical
± 0.025% of full scale per ° C, typical
Common Mode Rejection:
120dB, DC to 60Hz
Isolation (input to output to power):
1500V DC or peak AC
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -15 to 70 ° C (5 to 158 ° F)
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
10 to 95% RH, at 45 ° C
Consumption: 3W typical, 5W max
Standard: Selectable 120/240V AC
( ± 10%, 50-60Hz)
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. M1982
(File No. LR42272-38).
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No. E150323).
Ordering Information
Model: AP6380-0000.
Option U (see text).
Line Power (see specs).
Optional Factory Calibration (C620):
Specify input range, output range and power.
C006 (0.1 Ohm shunt for 1 to 5 Amp current inputs).
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
M008-A 8 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD08-0000 8 pin DIN Mount Socket
Pin Connections
1 AC Power (Hot)
2 Shield (GND)
3 AC Power (Neu)
4 Spare Termination
5 Input
6 Input
7 Output (+)
8 Output (-)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 270 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
AP7380-0000 n
Field Configurable Input Rangesfrom 2Hz to 10,000Hz n
Four Field Configurable Output Ranges 0-5V, 0-10V,
0-1mA, 4-20mA n
Eliminates Ground Loops
Action PAK ®
Frequency Input, Field Configurable
Signal Conditioner
Provides an Isolated DC Output in Proportion to Frequency Input n
Plug-in Installation n
Selectable 120/240VAC Input Power n
ASIC Technology for Enhanced Reliability
The Action Pak Model AP7380 is a frequency input signal conditioner with 1500VDC isolation between input, output and power.
The field configurability of the input and output offers flexible, wide ranging capability for magnetic pick-ups, turbine flow meters, and other pulse or frequency output transducers.
The input of the AP7380 can be configured for any frequency span from 2Hz (e.g., 59-61Hz) to 10,000Hz. The input amplitude threshold (SENS POT) can be adjusted from 150mVp to 10Vp to ensure accurate frequency measurement and minimize transient noise related errors. The maximum input amplitude is 150 Vrms.
The output can be set for either 0-5V, 0-10V,0-1mA or 4-20mA.
Advanced digital technology allows the AP7380 to be field configured to convert virtually any frequency input to a DC signal output within the ranges specified. Calibration utilizes ‘Touch-Sample’ technology by which the user simply applies the desired input frequency, and touches a recessed button to configure the corresponding input range.
The convenient Action Pak is very easy to install using surface mount, DIN rail mount or snap track mounting sockets. Trouble shooting is very easy since no wires need to be removed when swapping units. The wide ranging power supply can be configured for either 120 or 240VAC power.
The AP7380 field configurable, frequency input signal conditioner is useful in eliminating ground loops and interfacing pulse output transducers, such as turbine flow meters and magnetic pick-ups, to data acquisition and control systems.
Advanced digital technology, combined with Action’s ASIC technology, provides a stable output at low frequencies for higher accuracy, and three-way isolation completely eliminates ground loops from any source.
U Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres
'Touch Sample' Technology
The AP7380 utilizes Action Instruments’ ‘Touch-Sample’ technology which greatly simplifies configuration. To set the input frequency range, the user simply applies the high input frequency and pushes the CAL button while the INPUT LED is on. The low input frequency is then applied and pushing the CAL button again stores the low frequency input.
The high and low ranges are stored in non-volatile memory and correspond to the high and low output ranges which have been selected via DIP switches.
To precisely adjust the output, the user adjusts the input frequency while the OUTPUT LED is on until the desired output level is achieved. The output levels are locked in by pushing the CAL button. Status LEDs show the operational mode of the device.
Status LEDs
The AP7380 utilizes three status LEDs. The green LEVEL LED changes in intensity with input level. Its intensity varies with the frequency of the input signal during normal operation. If the input signal is 10% more than full scale range, the LED will flash at 8Hz.
Below 0%, the flash rate is 4Hz.
The yellow INPUT LED, when on, denotes input programming modes.
The red OUTPUT LED, when on, denotes output programming modes (see Configuration, Calibration and Figure 1 for details).
A major advantage of the AP7380 is its wide ranging capabilities and ease of configuration. The AP7380 enables virtually 99% zero and span adjustability. Any 2Hz range from 0 to 10,000Hz can be converted to a full scale output signal (e.g. 0-2Hz/4-20mA or 9998-
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Unless otherwise specified, the factory presets are as follows:
Input Range: 0 to 1000Hz
Sensitivity: 1V peak (LO)
Output Range: 4 to 20mA
Power: 120VAC
Note: "Sensitivity" refers to the noise rejection level or the trigger threshold of the input.
For other I/O ranges, refer to Table 1 for output range (SW1) switch settings and to Figure 4 for sensitivity jumper setting (P3).
For quick and easy calibration mode reference, see the step-bystep flow chart in Figure 1.
1. With DC power off, choose the desired output voltage/current range from Table 1 and set position 1 through 6 of the output switch selector (SW1).
2. Set the Input sensitivity jumper (P3) to LO for input amplitudes between 150mVp and 50Vrms, with noise rejection to 1Vp. Set P3 to HI for input amplitudes between 500mVp and 150Vrms, with noise rejection up to 10Vp.
1. Connect the input to a calibrated frequency source and apply power. Wait 1 hour for thermal stability before monitoring the voltage or current output.
2. Adjust the input frequency to the desired maximum and observe that the output has increased and is sensing the input. If this is not observed, turn the sensitivity potentiometer in a counter-clockwise direction until the output changes proportionally to the input.
3. With the green LED on press the CAL button once to enter the calibration mode. The yellow and green LEDs should now be on.
4. Input the maximum desired frequency (if not done already) and press the CAL button to store. The yellow LED should now be the only LED on.
5. Input the minimum desired frequency and press the CAL button to store. The green and red LEDs should now be on.
Note: The most reliable way to input 0Hz is to short circuit the input pins (5&6).
6. To precisely adjust the maximum output, adjust the input frequency until the output reads within +0.1% of the maximum selected output range. This typically occurs near 90% of the HI input frequency. Press the CAL button to store the value. The red
LED should now be on.
7. To precisely adjust the minimum output, lower the input frequency until the output reads within +0.1% of the minimum selected ouput. This typically occurs less than 10% of the HI input frequency. Press the CAL button to store the value. The Yellow,
Red and Green LEDs should be on (see Figure 1).
8. Press the CAL button one final time to exit the calibration mode.
The green LED should now be on. (With only 5-10% of input, the green LED is off.)
9. Check the minimum and maximum input-to-output calibration.
Repeat steps 1 through 8 if calibration is not within desired specifications.
Note 1: To skip Steps 6 and 7 (output adjustment), press CAL button two times after Step 5.
Note 2: Removing power to the unit at any time before Step 8 will restore previous settings
Optimal Sensitivity
If the amplitudes of the input frequency is within the sensitivity parameters (i.e. 150mVp - 1Vp for LO and 0.5Vp - 10Vp for HI), then the sensitivity parameters can be set for optimum noise rejection.
1. Set the input near midrange (50% input) or to a frequency that exhibits the minimum pulse amplitude.
2. Turn the sensitivity pot (SENS) clockwise (CW) until the output drops to minimum.
3. Turn the sensitivity pot counter- clockwise(CCW) until the output returns to the previous level. A couple more CCW turns will provide optimal noise rejection.
4. Run the input through the full frequency range to make sure that the pulses are sensed at both the low and high input frequencies. If the output drops out during this test, when the input freq. >0% then turn the sensitivity pot counter -clockwise another turn or two until the output picks up. Repeat to validate sensitivity settings.
* Green LED may be very dim and appear off.
Figure 1: Calibration Flow Chart
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I/O Card Configuration Top View Diagram
Figure 2: I/O Card Factory Calibration: 0 to 1000Hz,
1V peak, 4-20mA (Shown sideways to view switches)
Warning: Do not configure I/O switch ranges with power on. Damage will result!
Warning: Applying voltage to the input with W1 in current (I) position will result in damage to the unit.
Table 1: Output Switch Settings
(SW1, 1 through 6)
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. Model AP7380 uses an
8-pin base and either molded socket M008 or DIN socket MD08.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
Warning: Do not change with power connected!
Figure 3: 120/240 VAC Selection
Warning: Do not change with power connected!
150mVp -1Vp,
Figure 4: Input Sensitivity Settings (P3)
(can reject voltage up to those shown)
M008 (Track/Surface)
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Mark II
Page 273
MD08 (DIN Rail)
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Input Ranges (selectable):
Frequency Input:
Full Scale Range: 2 Hz to 10,000Hz
Amplitude Range:
150mVp to 10Vp,150Vrms max
Impedance: >10K Ohms
Over-voltage: 180Vrms, max
Over-range: 20KHz, max.
Common Mode (Input to Ground):
1500VDC, max
Zero Turn-Up:
99% of full scale range (9998Hz)
Span Turn-Down:
99% of full scale range (2Hz)
Voltage Output:
Output: 0-5V, 0-10V
Impedance: <10 Ohms
Drive: 10mA, max. (1K Ohms, min @10V)
Current Output:
Output: 0-1mA, 4-20mA
Impedance: >100K Ohms
0-1mA; 10V, max.(10K Ohms, max)
4-20mA; 20V, max.(1K Ohms, max)
Accuracy (including Linearity & Hysterisis):
+0.1% of selected range at 25 ° C.
+0.025%/ ° C maximum of selected range.
Response Time (10-90%):
3 input cycles plus 250mSec
Common Mode Rejection:
DC: 100dB
>60Hz: 80dB
1500VDC between input, output and power.
ESD & Transient Susceptibility:
Meets IEC 801-2, Level 2 (4KV)
LED Indication:
LEVEL (green): lit when power is on
(Intensity varies with input signal); input > 107% then 8Hz flash input < -7% then 4Hz flash
INPUT (yellow): input range programming status
OUTPUT (red): output range programming status
Humidity (Non-Condensing):
Operating: 15 to 95% (@ 45 ° C)
Soak: 90% for 24 hours (@ 65 ° C)
Temperature Range:
Operating: -15 to 60 ° C (5 to140 ° F)
Storage: -25 to 70 ° C (-13 to158 ° F)
2W typical, 3W max
Standard: selectable 120/240VAC, ± 10%, 50-60Hz
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2 No. 0-M91 and 142-M1987 (File No. LR42272 - 64).
UL recognized per standard UL508
(File No. E99775)
Ordering Information
Model: AP7380-0000
Option: U, see text
Line Power: 120/240VAC
C620: Factory Calibration of input range, setpoints and output relays.
(All power supplies are transformer-isolated from the internal circuitry.)
Note: For UL applications above 100V (unrestricted), the signal must be transient limited (e.g. 150V MOV). For CSA applications above 100V
(unrestricted), the signal must be isolated from the primary by a 150VA transformer and no fire result from a short circuit at the input.
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
M008-A 8 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD08-0000 8 pin DIN Mount Socket
Pin Connections
1 Power (Hot)
2 Shield (Gnd)
3 Power (Neu)
4 Spare Termination
5 Frequency Input (+)
6 Frequency Input (-)
7 Output (+)
8 Output (-)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 274 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
n n n
AP7500-5012 (0-20mA in; square wave output)
AP7500-5016 (4-20mA in; square wave output)
AP7500-5065 (0-1Vdc in; square wave output)
AP7500-5068 (0-5Vdc in; square wave output)
AP7500-5070 (0-10Vdc in; square wave output)
AP7500-5085 (1-5Vdc in; square wave output)
AP7501-6007 (0-1mA in; relay contact output)
AP7501-6012 (0-20mA in; relay contact output)
AP7501-6016 (4-20mA in; relay contact output)
AP7501-6065 (0-1Vdc in; relay contact output)
AP7501-6068 (0-5Vdc in; relay contact output)
AP7501-6070 (0-10Vdc in; relay contact output)
AP7501-6085 (1-5Vdc in; relay contact output)
Switch Selectable Output Range
Adjustable Low End Cutout (0-10%)
Totalization/Integration Applications
Action PAK ®
AP7500 & AP7501
DC to Frequency Converters
Provides a Field Selectable Frequency Output in Proportion to a DC Input n
Plug-In Installation n
Square Wave (AP7500) or Relay Contact (AP7501) Output n
Selectable 120/240VAC Input Power
The AP7500 and AP7501 are useful in totalizing applications, where the total number of pulses counted in a given time period represents the time integral of the DC input. If, for example, the input represents a flow in gallons per hour, then the time integral of this flow signal (total count) will represent total gallons. The
AP7500’s 6V square wave output can be used to drive electronic counters (DTL, TTL, CMOS). The AP7501 can be used to drive electromechanical counters when connected to an external AC or
DC power source. In the AP7501, the DPDT relay contacts are pulsed (closed) for only a short duration (100 milliseconds) for compatibility with standard electromechanical counters. The
AP7500 can also be used in telemetry systems, where the dc signal is converted to a frequency, transmitted over long lines, and then decoded at the receiving end by means of a frequency to DC converter, such as the AP7380.
CS Canadian Standards Association Certification.
U Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from
C corrosive atmospheres.
Open collector output instead of the standard 6V output, sinks up to 50mA, up to 30V (AP7500 only).
Output Ranges
The output frequency range is selectable via the 16-position rotary switch accessible through the top cover. See tables 1 and 2 for output selection. Since ranging is accomplished through digital circuitry, the accuracy of the unit is unaffected by the switch position; each successive position exactly halves (clockwise) or doubles (counterclockwise) the previous output frequency (see
Input Ranges
Standard input ranges and limits are included in Tables 3 and 4.
The top accessed Cutout adjustment determines the input (level) at which the AP7500 or AP7501 no longer responds (i.e., the unit is effectively “off”) and is adjustable from 0-10% of the input span.
This feature is especially useful with low frequency spans, where the time between output pulses is excessively long at low input levels. A light-emitting diode (LED) visible through the top-cover aids in adjusting cutout. This LED lights when the unit is no longer responding to the input. With the input at the desired cutout level, adjust Cutout slowly clockwise until the LED lights. Then turn the adjustment counterclockwise until the LED just goes out. Cutout is now set for the input level present.
Zero, Span and Low-End Cutout adjustments are screwdriver adjustable, accessible through the top cover.
Zero and Span: Monitor the unit’s output using an accurate frequency counter. Apply an input equal to 5% of the specified input span. If the cutout LED (visible through the top cover) is lit, adjust Cutout counterclockwise until it turns off. Adjust Zero for
5% of the desired full scale output frequency. Apply full scale input and adjust Span for the desired maximum output frequency.
Repeat these adjustments for best accuracy.
Note: For faster calibration of low frequency spans, use the range selector switch to multiply the output frequency. Each position counterclockwise exactly doubles the output frequency. After calibration, return the selector switch to the proper range position.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305 Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 275
Table 1: AP7500 Output Ranges
S w i t c h
P o s i t i o n
M i n i m u m
R a n g e
0 5 k H z
0 2 .
5 k H z
0 1 .
2 5 k H z
0 6 2 5 H z
0 3 1 2 H z
0 1 5 6 H z
0 7 8 H z
0 3 9 H z
0 2 0 H z
0 1 0 H z
0 5 H z
0 2 .
5 H z
0 1 .
2 5 H z
0 3 6 p p m
0 1 8 p p m
0 9 p p m
M a x i m u m
R a n g e
0 1 0 k H z
0 5 k H z
0 2 .
5 k H z
0 1 .
2 5 k H z
0 6 2 5 H z
0 3 1 2 H z
0 1 5 6 H z
0 7 8 H z
0 3 9 H z
0 2 0 H z
0 1 0 H z
0 5 H z
0 2 .
5 H z
0 1 .
2 5 H z
0 3 6 p p m
0 1 8 p p m
Table 3: AP7500/AP7501 Standard Inputs
0 t o 1 V 1 t o 5 V 4 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 5 V 0 t o 1 0 V 1 0 t o 5 0 m A
Table 2: AP7501 Output Ranges
S w i t c h
P o s i i i t t i o n
M i n i m u m
R a n g e
M a x i m u m
R a n g e
0 6 5 p p m
0 3 2 p p m
0 1 6 p p m
0 8 p p m
0 4 p p m
0 2 p p m
0 1 p p m
0 0 .
5 p p m
0 0 .
2 5 p p m
0 8 p p h
0 4 p p h
0 2 p p h
0 1 p p h
0 0 .
5 p p h
0 0 .
2 4 p p h
0 0 .
1 2 p p h
0 1 3 0 p p m
0 6 5 p p m
0 3 2 p p m
0 1 6 p p m
0 8 p p m
0 4 p p m
0 2 p p m
0 1 p p m
0 0 .
5 p p m
0 1 6 p p h
0 8 p p h
0 4 p p h
0 2 p p h
0 1 p p h
0 0 .
5 p p h
0 0 .
2 4 p p h
M i n i m u m S p a n
( V o l t a g e )
Table 4: AP7500/AP7501 Input Limits
M i n i m u m S p a n
( C u r r e n t t ) )
M a x i m u m I n p u t
( V o l l l t t a g e )
M a x i m u m I n p u t
( C u r r e n t t ) )
2 0 0 m V 1 m A 2 0 0 V 1 0 0 m A
AP7500 Functional Diagram/Pin Connections
AC (Neu)
Zero Span
AC (Hot)
DC Input
NOTE: Input and Output are referenced to different levels.
DO NOT Ground both.
2 n
Output Stage
Power Supply
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 276 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
AP7501 Functional Diagram/Pin Connections
Zero Span
DC Input
Relay Contact
Set 1
AC (Neu)
AC (Hot)
Relay Contact
Set 2
2 n
Power Supply
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. The Action Pak AP7500 uses an 8-pin base and AP7501 uses an 11-pin base and either molded socket M008/M011, or DIN-Rail MD08/MD11 mounting sockets.
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
M008 (8 pin) shown, and
M011 (11 pin) (Track/Surface)
Mark II
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
MD08 (DIN/Surface)
Page 277
MD11 (DIN-Rail)
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Input Impedance:
Voltage Input: Greater than 100KW
Current Input: Less than 500mV shunt @ full scale (e.g. 20W for 20mA)
Input Protection: Withstands 200% of span
Linearity (Best Straight Line & Linear Input):
0.25% of span, typical
Low Input Cutout:
Adjustable, 0-10% of span (factory set at 1%),
LED cutout indication
AP7500: Square-wave, 0/6V, 1:1 mark/ space ratio, source 10mA, sink 50mA.
Option C 50mA sink, 30V.
AP7501: Isolated DPDT relay contacts, rated 120VAC @5A or 28VDC @ 5A
(100mSec min. on time).
Contact Material: Silver Cadmium Oxide
Life: 10 5 operations at rated load
Response Time:
100 milliseconds typical, 200 milliseconds max
Overrange Capability:
Output is linear to 120% of input
Better than 0.05% of span per degree C
Common Mode Rejection:
DC: > 100dB
60 Hz: > 80dB
Maximum Common Mode Voltage:
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 to 60 ° C (32 to 140 ° F)
Storage: -20 to 85 ° C (-4 to 185 ° F)
Consumption: 3W typical, 5W max
Standard: 120 VAC ( ± 10%, 50-400Hz)
Available: 240VAC ( ± 10%, 50-400Hz)
Agency Approvals:
CSA certified per standard C22.2, No. 0-M1982
(File No. LR42272-8, 9)
AP7500-5012 (0-20mA in; square wave output)
AP7500-5016 (4-20mA in; square wave output)
AP7500-5065 (0-1Vdc in; square wave output)
AP7500-5068 (0-5Vdc in; square wave output)
AP7500-5070 (0-10Vdc in; square wave output)
AP7500-5085 (1-5Vdc in; square wave output)
AP7501-6007 (0-1mA in; relay contact output)
AP7501-6012 (0-20mA in; relay contact output)
AP7501-6016 (4-20mA in; relay contact output)
AP7501-6065 (0-1Vdc in; relay contact output)
AP7501-6068 (0-5Vdc in; relay contact output)
AP7501-6070 (0-10Vdc in; relay contact output)
AP7501-6085 (1-5Vdc in; relay contact output)
Ordering Information
Model: AP7500 or AP7501 (see above)
Options: CS, U, C (see text)
Input Range (see Tables 3, 4)
Line Power (see specs)
C620 Factory Calibration of input, setpoints and output relays.
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
8 pin Track Mount Socket
11 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD08-0000 8 pin DIN Mount Socket
MD11-0000 11 pin DIN Mount Socket
Pin Connections
1 AC Power (Hot)
2 Shield (Gnd)
3 AC Power (Neu)
4 No Connection
5 Input (+)
6 Input (-)
7 Output (+)
8 Output (-)
1 AC Power (Hot)
2 Shield (Gnd)
3 AC Power (Neu)
4 Input (+)
5 Input (-)
6 N.O.
7 C Set 1
8 N.C.
9 N.O.
10 C Set 2
11 N.C.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 278 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
AP7510-6001 n
Adjustable Scaling Factors n
High Accuracy Digital Conversion n
Over-Current Protection
Action PAK ®
Frequency Divider/Scaler
Provides Adjustable Frequency Attenuation n
Plug-in Installation n
120 or 240VAC Input Power n
600V Input to Output Isolation
The AP7510 Frequency Scaler can be used to directly interface between totalizers and turbine flowmeters, magnetic tachometer sensors and other frequency transducers. A continuously adjustable scaling factor (input-to-output ratio) of 0.00001 to 0.99999 is provided to precisely match the frequency transducer and totalizer.
The AP7510 provides a square wave output which can be used to drive electronic counters with TTL, CMOS, or 24V inputs.
The AP7510 utilizes an unique combination of digital and analog conversion techniques, which features adjustable scaling and approaches the nearly absolute accuracy of purely digital frequency division. The Frequency Scaler accepts a variety of signal inputs, such as sine wave, square wave and pulses. It can also accept a contact closure input by attaching a jumper across pins
4 and 6. A top-mounted, single-turn sensitivity potentiometer permits an adjustable input sensitivity from 50mV to 5V. The conditioned and amplified frequency input is fed into an opto coupler, which consists of an LED and a phototransistor encapsulated in the same housing.
The opto-coupler provides full DC to DC isolation and feeds the input into the digital frequency divider circuitry. The input is then divided down and channeled through an over-current-protected output driver. The result is a proportionally reduced square wave frequency output. If a 5V TTL-compatible output is desired, use pins 9 and 10 for output. If a 24V square wave output is desired, connect the load between pins 7 and 9.
U Urethane coating of internal circuitry for protection from corrosive atmospheres.
Input/Output Ranges
Any frequency range or scaling factor is available for the AP7510 within the limits specified in table 1.
Sensitivity Adjustment
With a frequency input at the expected minimum amplitude, and with the sensitivity adjustment (SENS) fully clockwise, observe the steady oscillations of the frequency output. Adjust SENS counterclockwise until the frequency output disappears, then return clockwise (slowly) until output reappears.
Table 1: Input and Output Frequency Ranges
M a x i m u m
I I n p u t F r e q u e n c y
8 0 k H z
M i n i m u m
O u t p u t F r e q u e n c y
0 .
1 H z
M a x i m u m
O u t p u t F r e q u e n c y
0 .
9 9 9 9 9 x M a x .
I n p u t
Table 2: Amplitude/Frequency Limits
I n p u t A m p l i t u d
( M i n i i m u m ) e
5 0 m V p p
1 V p p
5 V p p
A b s
I n o p l u u t t e M a x i m u m
F r e q u e n c y t o t o t o
2 0 k H z
4 0 k H z
8 0 k H z
Frequency Scaler
Figure 1: AP7510 Scaling Factor Adjustments
(shown from top)
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Calibration Capability (includes Accuracy):
± 1 Input pulse
Input (see table 2):
Sine wave, square wave, or pulse;
50mVpp to 5Vpp to a max of 80kHz, or contact closures (15V pullup @ 1mA)
Adjustable input of 50mVpp to 5Vpp, user accessible
Input Impedance:
10k Ohms, nominal
Input to output, or either input/output to line power: 600VDC
5VDC pulse @10mA max, TTL compatible, or 24VDC pulse, 1KW load min.; frequency to 0.99999 of maximum input.
Scaling Range:
Multiplies input frequency by an adjustable factor of 0.00001 through 0.99999
Temperature Range:
Operating: 0 ° C to 60 ° C (32 to140 ° F)
Storage: -20 to 85 ° C (-4 to 185 ° F)
Consumption: 3W typical, 5W max.
Standard: 120VAC ( ± 10%, 50 - 400 Hz)
Available: 240VAC ( ± 10%, 50-400Hz)
Ordering Information
Model: AP7510-6001
Option U (see text)
Line Power (see specs)
C620 Factory Calibration. Specify input range, output range and power.
M801-0000 Retaining Spring
M011-A 11 pin Track Mount Socket
M004-0000 4 ft Long Channel Track
MD11-0000 11 pin DIN Mount Socket
All Action Paks feature plug-in installation. The Action Pak AP7510 uses an 11-pin base and either molded socket M011 or DIN-Rail MD11 mounting sockets.
24V Pulse Output
Pin Connections
1 AC Power (Hot)
2 Shield (Gnd)
3 AC Power (Neu)
4 Input (+)
5 Input (-)
6 For Contact Closure Input, connect to Pin 4.
7 For 24V Pulse Output, connect load with Pins 7 and 9 (see figure above).
8 No Connection
9 Output (+)
10 Output (-)
11 No Connection
Dimensions are in millimeters (inches)
M011 (Track/Surface)
Mark II MD11 (DIN Rail)
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VisiPak Digital Indicators
Action's VisiPak indicators are a reliable, cost effective solution for displaying virtually any sensor or process variable. All VisiPak indicators have NEMA 4 or higher front panel ratings and a variety of agency approvals.
V408 Modular, Universal Process Indicator
The V408 is Action's most advanced indicator. It accepts temperature (RTD and thermocouple), pressure or weight (strain gauge), and DC process signals. With better than 2 micro-volt input resolution and a bright red or green 5 digit display, the V408 accurately measures and displays the majority of signal types found in industrial process control or factory automation applications. The V408's modular design provides three I/O expansion slots and one communications slot to hold any of the 14 option modules. This allows the user to configure the best solution for an application by using modules to add functions, such as a second input, for signal comparison. Or add a retransmission module to transmit process variables or setpoint levels. Add digital inputs or outputs for remote pushbutton acknowledgment, function programming, alarm status signaling or annunciation. Add a voltage excitation module module to power a strain gauge or current loop. Finally, the Modbus serial communication module can make the V408 an excellent window to the process, providing measurement data to a local PLC or back to an office PC.
Miniature (1/32 DIN) to Standard (1/8 DIN) Indicators for Temperature and DC Signals
The V108, V116 and V132 are 1/8, 1/16 and 1/32 DIN indicators that are field configurable for temperature (RTD and thermocouple) or DC process signals. They are an economical solution that fits most panels and budgets. The V108 has three alarms, two relay outputs and a 5 digit display. The smaller V116 and V132 have three alarms, one relay output and a 4 digit display.
Programmable as failsafe or non-failsafe, latching or non-latching, the relays and alarms can be acknowledged remotely with a pushbutton signal or locally using the configuration buttons on the front panel.
Flow, Temperature, Weight, Pressure, AC Power, Frequency/Rate,
Totalization and DC Process
The V43x series has an indicator for every application. The V430 accepts 4-20mA DC flow signals and can display the flow rate, calculate the accumulated flow, and control the On/Off filling of containers with programmable alarm setpoint offsets. The V432 measures temperature (RTD or thermocouple) and, like all V43x indicators, has options for dual relay contact outputs and 4-20mA signal outputs. The V434 accepts bridge or strain gauge inputs and is designed for pressure or weight applications with tare, peak-hold and alarm setpoint offset options for easy application solutions. The
V436 True RMS AC input indicator measures AC voltage or AC current to monitor motor loads and help with preventive maintenance. The V437 accepts frequency or pulse inputs for rate and totalization applications, similar to the V430 for flow. The V438 is a DC process indicator with curve linearization capability, as well as full field programmability like the other V43x indicators.
Loop Powered Field Mount Indicators
The V56x series provides a reliable solution regardless of environmental conditions. The V560 and V565 are intrinsically safe, and are approved by CSA and FM for use in hazardous locations, either with safety barriers and the standard NEMA 4X housing, or with the optional explosion proof housing. The small V561 explosion proof, loop powered indicator is handy for easy viewing in pipe mount applications. The optional backlighting feature sheds light on measurements in those dark, hazardous locations. The V56x series is a rugged, reliable solution with 15 years of field proven quality.
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Selection Guide
I n p u t
D C V o l t a g e
( V , m V , o r
A ,
C u r r e n t m A )
( 0 3 0 0
P o t e n t i o m e t e r
O h m s , , , , , u p t o 0 1 0 k O h m s s )
( T y p e
P t , N i , C u )
T h e r m o c o u p l e
( T y p e s E , , , J J , , K , R , , , S , T )
F r e q u e n c y / T o t a l i z e r
( 0 1 H z t o 0 3 0 k H z )
( + / -
S t r a i n
1 5 m V
G a u g e t o 2 0 0 m V )
( 0 -
5 A ,
V o l t a g e
0 5 0 m V , , o r u
C u r r e n t p t o 2 5 0 V )
T y p i c a l A p p l i c a t i o n D e s c r i p t i o n i
D C p a l a r m s c a l i n r i n g o c g a e
, n s s i n c l u d i n g d r s i e g t n r a l a n m o n i t o r i n g
O s m i s
N s i
/ O o n
F F o f a n d c o n t r o l , p r o c e s s s i g n e x c i a l , t a t i t w o w i r e o n , t r a
4 2 0 m A n s m i l o o p t t e r p o w e r e d n d i c a t i o n , p r o c e s s i n g .
f l o w c o n t r o l a n d b a t c h
I n c l u d e s f i e l d c o n f i g u r a b l e i n p u t r a n a n d g e s s q
, u c u r v e a r e f i t r o o t t i e n g x t r l i n e a c t i a r i o n , z a t i o n w i d e r a n g i c o n d i n t i g o d i s p l a y n i n g t o w i t h f i l t e r i n g r e d u c e a n d s u s c e p t i b i l i t y n o i s e .
t o t r a n s i e n t s a n d
T a n k l e v e l , i n d i c a t i o n , p o s i m o n i t i o n t o r i a n d n g , s e t p o i n t a l a r m i n g a n d
O N / O F F c o n t r o l .
I n c l u d e s 5 o r 1 0 V e x c i t a t i o n s u p p l y f o r 3 w i r e s l i d e w i r e s , t h e s e s t a b l e n s o r m e a p o t e n t i o m e t e r s s t o m a n d u r e i p n m r i m o v e n t .
i i z e d e c i r o c u r i t r y a c c u r a t e , a t
T e m p e r a t u r e a l a r m i n g a n d t e m p e r a t u r e .
i n d i c a t i o n , r e t r a n s m i s s i m o n i t o r i n g , o n o f f
I n c o r l u d e s D C a c c u r a t e , m A e x s t a b l e c i t a t i o n m e a s u s r e u p p l y m e n t o f 2 w i r s e n s o r s .
e o r 3 w i r e R T D r e s i s t a n c e
T e m p e r a t u r e a l a r m i n g a n d t e m p e r a t u r e .
i n d i c a t i o n , r e t r a n s m i s s i m o n i t o r i n g , o n o f j
I n c u l u n c t i d e o s n e n c a p s u l a t e d c o m p e n s a t i o n c o l d
( C J C ) a n d c o n f i g u r a b l e b u r n o u t d e t e c t i o n .
F l o w t o t a l i a l a r
, m r a z a t i i n g t
, e , o n , s p e e d p e i n c l u a d i k n i g n d i c a t i d e t e c t o n , a n d p r e s e t t r a c k i n g o r c o n t a i n e r f i l l a p p l i c a t i o n s .
P c r o e n s m o n t s r u r e i t o r o l , i a n p e n g , a d l o a d a l a r m i n g , k h o l d , c e l l i p l u s n d i
T c a
A R t i
O N / O F F
E .
o n ,
A C p o w e r a n d l o a d a l a r m i n g o f c o n d i a n d i t i o n e d s o l s i a t e d g n a l .
m o n i t o r i n g , r e t r a n s m i s s i o n
P u l s e o r c o l l e c t o r s q u a r e o r c o n w a v t a c t e , c l
T T o s
L , o u r e , p e n
1 2 5 m V p p t o 1 2 0 V a m p l i t u d e s .
I n c l u d e s b r i d g e s
5 o r f r o m
O h m s .
1 0 V
3 0 0 e x c i
O h m t a t s t i o o n , f o r
1 0 k
T r u e R M S , h i g h v o l t a g e i n p u t o r h i g h s h u n t c u r r e n t r e s i s t o i r .
n p u t w i t h o p t i o n a l
M o d e l
V 1 0 8 I n d i c a t i n g A l a r m
V 1 1 6
V 1 3 2
4 0 8
I n
I n d d i i c a c a t t i i n n g g
A l a r m
A l a r m
U n i v e r s a l / M o d b u s
V 4 3 0
V 4 3
F l o w ,
R a t e ,
A l a r m s ,
T o t a l i
R e t r a n z e r
V 5 6 1
V 5 6 0
L o o p
L o o p p w r d p w r d
I S o u s i n g
V 5 6 5 , L o o p p w r d H i g h P e r f I S
V 4 0 8 U
V 4 3 8 n i
A l v e r s a l / M o d b u s a r m s , R e t r a n
V 1 0 8
V 1 1 6
I n d i c a t i n g
I n d i c a t i n g
A l a r m
A l a r m
V 1 3 2
V 4 0 8
I n d i c a t i n g A l a r m
U n i v e r s a l / M o d b u s
V 4 3 2 A l a r m s , R e t r a n
V 1 0 8 I n d i c a t i n g A l a r m
V 1 1 6
V 1 3 2
V 4 0 8
I n n d d i i c c a a t t i i n n g g
A l l a a r r m m
U n i v e r s a l / M o d b u s
V 4 3 2 A l a r m s , R e t r a n
V 4 3 7 A l a r m s , R e t r a n
V 4 0 8 U
V 4 3 4 n i
A l v e r s a l / M o d b u s a r m s , R e t r a n
V 4 3 6 A l a r m s , R e t r a n
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 282 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Universal Input n
PV Retransmission n
Scrolling Text Messages
V3204 (1/4 DIN)
V32h8 (1/8 DIN Horizontal)
V3216 (1/16 DIN)
Indicator and Alarm Units
Easy to Use, Versatile Units Provide
"Out of the Box" Performance n
Recipes n
Modbus Communications n
Optional PC Based Configuration
Action’s range of V3200i indicators offer accurate indication of temperature and process measurements. Process interlocks, including overtemperature furnace limits, are implemented using relay output channels.
The emphasis is on ease of use. A simple ‘Quick Start’ code is used to configure all the functions essential for indication and protection of your process, including input sensor type, measurement range and alarms, making ‘Out the Box’ operation truly achievable.
In operation every parameter has a scrolling text message describing its function and is available in English, German, French, Spanish or Italian. More advanced features, including scrolling text messages, are configured using iTools, a PC based configuration wizard, which is an easy to use and instructive guide to all the functions available.
Recipes iTools recipes can be created that can be used to change the operating parameters of the V3200i simply by selecting a recipe using the V3200i pushbuttons. This is very useful where multiple products are processed but require different parameters to be set.
It can also be used to change the set-up of a indicator therefore allowing one unit to be used as a spare for multiple applications.
Analogue Retransmission
The measured process value can be retransmitted as either a mA or voltage signal with a selection of outputs including 4-20mA and
0-10Vdc. In the V32h8i this signal is isolated from all other electronics within the unit.
Universal Input
A wide range of temperature and process inputs can be selected using the front panel pushbuttons without the need for any hardware change. This provides easy on-site set up.
Strain Gauge Input
Melt pressure and weigh scale inputs can be energised from an internal 10Vdc transducer supply. An automatic shunt calibration routine is provided to remove zero and span offsets. The display on the V32h8i can show a full 5 digit value.
Process Alarms
Four internal alarm setpoints are provided. They can be used to energise up to three relay outputs, which can be latched if required. A special ‘Alarm Blocking’ mode is available which ensures that when the unit is powered up an alarm must first enter a good state before the alarm becomes active. This is particularly useful for low alarms which can be blocked while the process is warming up.
Custom Text Messaging
Custom messages can be created with iTools and downloaded to the V3200i to display when an event, alarm or process condition occurs. This provides the operator with good visibility of what is happening in the process and provides messages that they can understand and act upon.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 283
Digital Communications
All units support both EIA232 and EIA485 communication using the Modbus protocol as a slave device. It is also possible to digitally retransmit one parameter using a Modbus broadcast to all other
Modbus devices on the network.
iTools Wizard
Used to simplify the set up of V3200i series indicators, the wizard guides the user through the configuration process with interactive help and graphical demonstrations of features.
Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Configuration Adaptor
PC configuration to all V3200i indicators can be achieved by using a configuration adaptor. It provides iTools with the ability to communicate with and configure devices without any power being connected.
Environmental performance
Temperature limits Operation: 0 to 55 ° C
Humidity limits
Panel sealing:
Storage: -10 to 70 ° C
Operation: 5 to 90% RH non condensing
Storage: 5 to 90% RH non condensing
IP65, Nema 4X
BS EN61010
2g peak, 10 to 150Hz
<2000 metres
Not suitable for use in explosive or corrosive atmosphere
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Emissions and immunity:
Electrical safety
(BS EN61010):
BS EN61326
Installation cat. II; Pollution degree 2
The rate impulse voltage for equipment on nominal 230V mains is 2500V.
Resolution ( µ V):
Resolution (effective bits):
Linearisation accuracy:
Drift with temperature:
Common mode rejection:
Series mode rejection:
Input impedance:
Cold junction compensation:
External cold junction:
Cold junction accuracy:
Linear(process) input range:
Thermocouple types:
Resistance thermometer types:
Bulb current:
Lead compensation:
Input filter:
Zero offset:
User calibration:
µ V with 1.6s filter (mV range)
<0.25mV with 1.6s filter (Volts range)
>17 bits
< 0.1% of reading
<50ppm (typical)
<100ppm (worst case)
48-62Hz, >-120db
48-62Hz, >-93dB
100M Ω (200K Ω on volts range C)
>30/1 rejection of ambient change
Reference of 0 ° C
< ± 1 ° C at 25 ° C ambient
-10 to 80mV, 0 to 10V requires 100K Ω / 806 Ω external divider module (not 32h8i)
K, J, N, R, S, B, L, T, C, custom download (2)
3-wire Pt100 DIN 43760
No error for 22 ohms in all leads
Off to 100s
User adjustable over full range
2-point gain & offset
Normally, only non-conductive pollution occurs. Occasionally, however, a temporary conductivity caused by condensation shall be expected
Panel mounting 3216i:
Dimensions and weight 3216i:
Panel cut-out:
Operator interface
Main PV display:
Lower display:
Status beacons:
Power requirements
1/16 DIN
1/4 DIN
1/8 DIN, horizontal
48W x 48H x 90D mm, 250g
96W x 96H x 90D mm, 420g
96W x 48H x 90D mm, 350g
45W x 45H mm
92W x 92H mm
92W x 45H mm
LCD TN with backlight
3216i, 3204i: 4 digits, green
32h8i: 5 digits, green or red
3216i, 3204i: 5 character starburst, green
32h8i: 9 character starburst, green
Units, outputs, alarms
85 to 264Vac, –15%, +10%, 48 to 62 Hz, max 6W
24Vac, -15%, +10%.
24Vdc, -15% +20% ± 5% ripple voltage max 6W
32h8i, 3204i: 85 to 264Vac, –15%, +10%, 48 to 62 Hz, max 8W
24Vac, -15%, +10%.
24Vdc -15% +20% ± 5% ripple voltage max 8W
CE, cUL listed (file E57766), Gost, FM, DIN 3440
(1) Calibration accuracy quoted over full ambient operating range and for all input linearisation types
(2) Contact Eurotherm for details of availability of custom downloads for alternative sensors
Strain gauge input (32h8i)
Input type:
Calibration accuracy:
Sample time:
Input span:
Zero balance:
Resolution (mV):
Resolution (effective bits):
Drift with temperature:
Common mode rejection:
Series mode rejection:
Input filter:
350 Ω Bridge
4 or 6 wire (6 uses internal shunt)
+0.1% of full scale
9hz (110ms)
264Vac double isolation from the PSU and communications
10Vdc +7%
1.4 to 4mV/V
-27% to +127% of full scale
(approx. –10mV to +5mV):
+25% of full scale
+25% of full scale
0.3mV/V(typical) with 1.6s filter
14.3 bits
<100ppm/ ° C of full scale
48-62Hz, >-120db
48-62Hz, >-60db
Off to 100s
Transmitter PSU (not 3216i)
24Vdc, 20mA
264Vac double insulated
Serial Communications Protocol: Modbus RTU slave
Transmission standard:
Modbus RTU Master broadcast (1 parameter)
264Vac, double insulated
EIA232 or EIA485 (2 wire)
Process variable input
Calibration accuracy:
Sample rate:
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
< ± 0.25% of reading ± 1LSD (1)
264Vac double insulation from the PSU and communication
AA relay
Form C (changeover)
Min 100mA@12Vdc, max 2A@264Vac resistive
Alarms, events
Digital input A/B (B not on 3216i, A not on 32h8i with SG or SD)
Contact closure: Open >600 Ω , closed <300 Ω
Input current:
None from PV or system; 264Vac double insulated from PSU and communications
Includes alarm acknowledge, keylock, alarm inhibit, freeze display, tare, auto zero, peak reset
Page 284 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Logic I/O module (3216i only)
ON: 12Vdc@<44mA,
OFF: <300mV@100 µ A
None from PV or system.
264Vac double insulated from PSU and comms
Alarms, events
Contact closure:
Open >500 Ω , closed <150 Ω
None from PV or system
264Vac double insulated from PSU and comms
Includes alarm acknowledge, keylock, alarm inhibit, freeze display, tare, auto zero, peak reset
Relay output channels
Type 3216i: Form A (normally open)
32h8i, 3204i: Form C (changeover)
Min 100mA@12vdc, max 2A@264Vac resistive
Alarms, events
Analogue output
OP1, OP2 (3216i only)
0-20mA into <500 Ω
± (<0.5% of Reading + <100 µ A)
11.5 bits
None from PV or system
264Vac double insulated from PSU and comms
OP3 (not on 3216i)
Current Output Rating:
264Vac double insulated
0-20mA into <500 Ω
± (<0.25% of Reading + <50
13.6 bits
Voltage Output Rating (not on 3204i): 0-10V into >500 Ω
µ A)
± (<0.25% of Reading +<25mV)
13.6 bits
Software features
Output assignment:
Other status outputs
Output assignment:
Custom messages
No of characters:
Transducer calibration
Calibration types:
Other features:
Other features
Display colour
Scrolling text:
Display filter:
Peak monitor:
FM/DIN 3440
Alarm 1 configuration:
Alarm setpoint:
Configuration security:
Absolute high & low, Rate of change
(rising or falling)
Auto or manual latching, non-latching, event only
Up to 4 conditions can be assigned to one output
Sensor break, power fail, new alarm, pre-alarm
Up to 4 conditions can be assigned to one output
15 scrolling text messages
127 characters per message max
English, German, French, Spanish, Italian
Active on any parameter status using conditional command
5 recipes with 19 parameters
HMI interface, communications or digital IO
Shunt, load cell, comparison
Auto-zero, tare
Upper display selectable green or red or change on alarm
Parameter help, custom messages
Off to zero last 2 digits
Stores high and low values
Absolute hi or lo, de-energised in alarm
Latching output on Form C (AA) Relay
All alarms active on sensor break and power fail
Adjustment protection via password
FM/DIN 3440 option prevents reconfiguration of alarm config
Isolation Diagrams
µ P & system circuits
Serial comms
All logic inputs and outputs & DC modules
Micro mounted
PV Input
Relays & Triacs
µ P & system circuits
Relays & Triacs
Analogue (OP3) output
Serial comms
All logic inputs and outputs & DC modules
Micro mounted
PV Input
Transmitter PSU
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 285 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
isolation Diagrams
+ 1A
+ +
100 to 240Vac or 24 Vac/dc
A(+) HE
B(-) HF
100 to 240Vac or 24 Vac/dc
DC Retran
Dig in B
N L 3D 3C 3B 3A LC LB 2B 2A 1B 1A
Dig in A mA
Txder Supply
Cal1 Cal2 ExtExt+
B (-) A (+) COM
Ordering Code
Model Function
Outputs AA Relay Options
& Access
1/16 DIN Unit
1/8 DIN Horizontal Unit
1/4 DIN Unit
Standard Unit
FM Alarm Unit
DIN 3440 Alarm Unit
Strain Gauge Input
(32h8i only)
Power Supply
85-264 Vac
20-29 Vac/Vdc
AA Relay
Form C (changeover)
Not Fitted
Digital Input A
RS232 + Digital Input A
RS485 + Digital Input A
Fascia Color
Product Language
Manual Language
Input Adaptor
0-10 Vdc* mA Burden Resistor
Ω , 0.1%)
*Not required for 32h8i
Calibration Certificate
Certificate of Conformity
5 Point Factory Calibration
Custom Label
F0734 Action Instruments
Specials and Accessories
250 Ω Resistor for 0-5Vdc OP
500 Ω Resistor for 0-10Vdc OP
User Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HA029005
Engineering Manual . . . . . . . . HA029006
Ω Precision Resistor . . . . . SUB35/ACCESS/2.49R.1
Configuration Clip . . . . . . . . . . iTools/None/3000CK
0-10V Input Adaptor . . . . . . . . SUB21/1V10
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 286 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Optional Quick Start Code
PV Color
Input A
Input B
Input Type
Type B
Type J
Type K
Type L
Type N
Type R
Type S
Type T
Type C
32h8i Only
G Strain Gauge
Display Limits
Pa mPa
Bar mBar
2 mmWG inWG mmHG
Deg C Full Range
Deg F Full Range
32h8i Only
Flow Rate
Amps mA mV
Ohms ppm
RPM m-s
Decimal Point nnnnn nnnn.n
nn.nnn (32h8i only) n.nnnn (32h8i only)
PV Color (32h8i Only)
Not Applicable
Change on any alarm
(Green to Red)
Home Display
PV Only
First Alarm SP Only
PV + Alarm SP
PV + Alarm SP (read only)
Range Low
Enter Value
Range High
Enter Value
High Alarm
Low Alarm
Rising Rate of Change
New Alarm
Sensor Break
P Power Fail
Combined with Sensor Break
High Alarm
Low Alarm
Rising Rate of Change
Combined with Power Fail
A High Alarm
Low Alarm
Rising Rate of Change
Combined with Sensor Break
E and Power Fail
High Alarm
Low Alarm
Rising Rate of Change
3216i Only
Analog Output PV Retran
Digital Input Logic Input
Alarm Acknowledge
Remote UP Button
Remote DOWN Button
Alarm Inhibit
Peak Reset
Freeze Displayed PV
Recipe 1/2 Select
OP2 (3216i), OP3 (32h8i & 3204)
Analog Out PV Retran
32h8i/3204i Only
Alarm 2
3216i Only
Relay or Logic Out (Alarm 2)
Combined with Power Fail
High Alarm
Low Alarm
Rising Rate of Change
New Alarm
Sensor Break
Power Fail
Combined with Sensor Break
7 High Alarm
Low Alarm
Rising Rate of Change
High Alarm
Low Alarm
Rising Rate of Change
Combined with Sensor Break and Power Fail
High Alarm
Low Alarm
Rising Rate of Change
OP4 (AA Relay)
High Alarm
Low Alarm
Rising Rate of Change
New Alarm
Sensor Break
P Power Fail
Combined with Sensor Break
High Alarm
Low Alarm
Rising Rate of Change
Combined with Power Fail
A High Alarm
Low Alarm
Rising Rate of Change
Combined with Sensor Break
E and Power Fail
High Alarm
Low Alarm
Rising Rate of Change
Digital Input A (n/a 32h81/SG)
Alarm Acknowledge
Remote UP Button
Remote DOWN Button
Alarm Inhibit
Peak Reset
Freeze Displayed PV
Recipe 1/2 Select
Digital Input B
Alarm Acknowledge
Remote UP Button
Remote DOWN Button
Alarm Inhibit
Peak Reset
Freeze Displayed PV
Recipe 1/2 Select
32h8i Strain Gauge
Tare Correction
Auto Shunt (Melt Pressure)
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Temperature/Process Indicator
Provides a 4 Digit Display and Alarm Output from RTD, Thermocouple or DC Inputs
V108-ALGNVH (green LEDs)
V108-ALRDVH (red LEDs) n
Field Configurable Input for Thermocouple, RTD, mV, and 4-20mA Signals n
Three Field Configurable Alarm Setpoints with Two
Alarm Outputs n
Red or Green 4-Digit Display n
Combination Alarm Functions, Alarm Blocking and
Programmable Latching/Non-latching n
NEMA 4 Front Panel n
85 to 264VAC Power Supply
The V108 is a compact, 4 digit indicator (with alarms) that fits 1/
8 DIN cutouts. It accepts temperature inputs from J, K, T, L, N, R,
S, B, C and Platinel II type thermocouples and three-wire Platinum
100 Ohm (Pt100) RTDs. Process variables such as 4-20mA or ranges within -9.99 to 80mV can also be measured. Other thermocouple types such as D and E and custom curves can be configured at the factory. Voltage ranges from 0 to 10V can be measured with the optional (model SUB2-1V1) adapter.
Three programmable setpoint alarms can be field configured as rate of change, high or low; non-latching, latching or new. The new alarm indicates when a latched alarm has not been acknowledged and the measured value crosses the setpoint trip level a second time. Alarm hysteresis (deadband) can be configured from 1 to
9999 process variable units. Each alarm has a programmable delay up to 999.9 seconds. The alarms can be linked to either of two relay outputs. Alarms can be configured in combination (e.g. one or all three alarms linked to one or both relays) and will operate in fail-safe (e.g., normally energized) or non fail-safe modes.
Additionally, the unit can be configured for password protection, limiting operator access to any or all functions. An alarm blocking function is also configurable to prevent alarm tripping during process or start-up. The unit also accepts wiring for remote alarm acknowledgment
Thermocouples, three-wire RTDs and mV inputs can be accepted directly into the indicator. Current signals such as 4-20mA are input using a 2.49 Ohm shunt resistor, included with the indicator and mounting hardware. Other shunt resistor values can be used to measure higher current levels, provided the produced signal is within the -9.99mV to 80mV input range. Similarly, voltage inputs such as 0-10V can be measured using the optional attenuator
(model SUB2-1V1). The input can be scaled as desired for display.
Offset and two point slope adjustments are fully programmable.
The V108 is excellent for temperature and process variable measurement. The NEMA 4, front plug-in, panel mount indicator fits standard 1/8 DIN cutouts.
The field configurable V108 makes an ideal standardized solution for a variety of temperature measurement and on-off control applications. For example, it can be used to control the heating and cooling elements in an oven or environmental control system using two setpoints for high and low temperature limits. Similarly, a 4-20mA pressure signal can be monitored and the setpoints used to control or alarm the gas pressure or liquid level in a tank or vessel. Weight, flow, pressure, temperature, speed, position and rate are just some of the process variables that can be accurately displayed and monitored with this flexible and effective unit.
Table 1: Input & Display Ranges
I n p u t
P t 1 0 0
T y p e J
T y p e K
T y p e T
T y p e L
T y p e N
T y p e R
T y p e S
T y p e B
D i s p l a y R a n g e
S e t p o i i n t M i i i n & M a x a n d
L i i m i i t s
2 0 0 t o 8 5 0 ° C 3 2 5 t o 1 5 6 2 ° F
2 1 0 t o 1 2 0 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 1 3 7 2 ° C
2 1 0 t o 4 0 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 9 0 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 1 3 0 0 ° C
5 0 t o 1 7 6 8 ° C
5 0 t o 1 7 6 8 ° C
0 t o 1 8 2 0 ° C
5 8
5 8
5 t t t t t t o t o o o t o o o o
2 1 9
2 5 0 0 °
3 3
7 5 0
6 5
2 3 7
2 °
0 8 °
3 2 0 0 °
3 2 0 0 °
0 °
T y p e P ( P l a t i n e l I I )
9 .
9 9 t o 8 0 m V
0 t o 2 0 m A
4 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 1 0 V *
* R e q u i r e s i n p u t a d a p t o r
0 t o 1 3 6 9 ° C 3 2 t o 2 4 6 9 ° F
9 9 9 t o 9 9 9 9
9 9 9 t o 9 9 9 9
9 9 9 t o 9 9 9 9
9 9 9 t o 9 9 9 9
Order Entry: 703-669-1305 Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 289
4 digit (-999 to 9999) with programmable decimal, green or red, 15.9mm (0.6 In.) high characters
See Table 1
Output :
Relay (isolated): 2A, 264VAC resistive.
Minimum 12Vdc, 100mA.
+/-1 ° C or +/-0.25% of reading, whichever is greater
Cold Junction Compensation:
>30:1 rejection of ambient temperature change. Uses Instant Accuracy cold junction sensing technology to eliminate warm-up drift and respond rapidly to ambient temperature changes.
Input Filtering:
Off to 999.9 seconds
Panel Sealing:
NEMA 4, or IP54 (EN60529)
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emissions: EN50081-2
Immunity: EN50082-2
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -30 to 75 ° C (-22 to 167 ° F)
5 to 95%RH, non-condensing
Standard 100 to 240VAC, -15%, +10%,
48 to 62Hz, 5Wmax.
Agency Approvals: cUL listed per standard UL508.
CE conformance per EMC directive
89/336/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC and Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC.
Ordering Information
Model Number:
V108 - ALGNVH (Green LEDs) or
V108-ALRDVH (Red LEDs)
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Factory Configuration, specify C620 with the desired configuration information.
The VisiPak model V108 is shipped with mounting brackets, a 2.49 Ohm shunt resistor and user manual. In addition, the following accessories are available:
SUB2-1V1 0-10V Input Adapter
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V116-ALVH (65-264 VAC)
V116-ALVL (20-29 VAC/VDC)
V116-ALVH (65-264 VAC)
V116-ALVL (20-29 VAC/VDC) n
Field Configurable Input for Thermocouple, RTD, mV and 4-20mA Signals n
Three Field Configurable Alarm Setpoints with One or Two Alarm Outputs n
Green 4 Digit (9999) Display
V116 & V132
Miniature Temperature/Process Indicators
Provides a 4 Digit Display and Alarm Output from RTD, Thermocouple or DC Inputs n
NEMA 4 Front Panel n
Combination Alarm Functions, Alarm Blocking and
Programmable Latching/Non-latching n
Power Supply: 85 to 264VAC or 20 to 29V DC or AC
The V116 and V132 are compact, 4 digit indicators (with alarms) that fit 1/16 and 1/32 DIN cutouts, respectively. They accept temperature inputs from J, K, T, L, N, R, S, C, B, and Platinel II type thermocouples and two-wire Platinum 100 Ohm (Pt100) RTDs.
Process variables such as 4-20mA or ranges within -12 to 80mV can also be measured. Other thermocouple types such as D and E and custom curves can be configured at the factory. Voltage ranges up to 0-10V can be measured with the optional (model SUB2-1V1) adaptor.
Three programmable setpoint alarms can be field configured as high or low, non-latching and high or low or new, latching. The new alarm indicates when a latched alarm has not been acknowledged and the measured value crosses the setpoint trip level a second time. Alarm hysterisis (deadband) can be configured from 1 to
9999 process variable units.
The alarms can be linked to either the relay output or the digital
I/O terminals. The digital I/O terminals can be configured for remote alarm acknowledgment. When configured as an output, those terminals will provide a TTL signal or drive an optional
(model SUB2-1R7) relay. These alarm outputs can be configured in combination (e.g., one or all three alarms linked to the relay) and will operate in fail-safe (i.e., normally energized) or non-failsafe modes. Additionally, the display can be configured for password protection, limiting operator access to any or all functions. An alarm blocking function is also configurable to prevent alarm tripping during process or start-up.
Thermocouples, two-wire RTDs and mV inputs can be accepted into the indicator. Current signals such as 4-20mA are input using the 2.49 Ohm shunt resistor, included with the indicator and mounting hardware. Other shunt resistor values can be used to measure higher current levels provided the produced signal is within the -12mV to 80mV input range. Similarly, voltage inputs such as 0-10V can be measured using the optional attenuator
(model SUB2-1V1). The input can be scaled as desired for display.
Offsets and two point slope adjustments are fully programmable to compensate for sensor variances.
The V116 and V132 are excellent for temperature and process variable measurement especially when panel space is limited.
Extremely compact and efficient, the NEMA 4X, plug-in from front, panel mount indicators can fit in the smallest enclosures or
OEM panels.
The field configurable VisiPak indicators make an ideal standardized solution for a variety of temperature measurement and onoff control applications. For example, either the V116 or the V132 can be used to control the heating and cooling elements in an oven or environmental control system using two setpoints for high and low temperature limits. Similarly, a 4-20mA pressure signal can be monitored and the setpoints can be used to control or alarm the gas pressure or liquid level in a tank or vessel. Weight, flow, pressure, temperature, speed, position and rate are just some of the process variables that can be accurately displayed and monitored with these highly compact and effective units.
Table 1: Input & Display Ranges
I n
P t p
1 u
0 t
T y p e J
T y p e K
T y p e T
T y p e L
T y p e N
T y p e R
S e t
D i s p l p o i n t t a y
M i
R n a n
& g e
M a x a n d
L i m i t s
2 0 0 t o 8 5 0 ° C 3 2 5 t o 1 5 6 2 ° F
2 1 0
2 0 0
2 1
2 0
0 0
0 t t o t o t t o t o o o
1 2 0 0 °
1 3 7 2 °
4 0 0 °
9 0 0 °
1 3 0
1 7 6
0 °
8 °
3 4 0 t o 2 1 9 2 ° F
3 2 5 t o 2 5 0 0 ° F
3 2 5 t o 7 5 0 ° F
3 2 5 t o 1 6 5 0 ° F
3 2 5 t o 2 3 7 0 ° F
5 8 t o 3 2 0 0 ° F
T y p e
1 2
T y
T y
P t o t o t o p e p e
2 0
( P l a t i n e l
8 0 m m A
2 0 m A
I I )
0 t o 1 0 V *
* R e q u i r e s i n p u t a d a p t o r
5 0 t o 1 7 6 8 ° C
0 t o 1 8 2 0 ° C
0 t o 1 3 6 9 ° C
5 8 t o 3 2 0 0 ° F
3 2 t o 3 3 0 8 ° F
3 2
9 9 9 t o 9 9 9 9
9 9 9 t o 9 9 9 9
9 9 9 t o 9 9 9 9 t o 2 4 6 9 ° F
9 9 9 t o 9 9 9 9
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 291 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
4 digit (-999 to 9999) with programmable decimal, green, 10mm (0.4 In.) high characters
See Table 1
Relay (isolated): 2A, 264VAC resistive.
Minimum 12V DC, 100mA.
Logic (non-isolated): 9VDC, 12mA. Can be used as alarm output or alarm acknowledge input.
+/-1 ° C or +/-0.25% of reading, whichever is greater
Cold Junction Compensation:
>30 to 1 rejection of ambient temperature change. Uses Instant Accuracy cold junction sensing technology to eliminate warm-up drift and respond rapidly to ambient temperature changes.
Input Filtering:
Off to 999.9 seconds
Panel Sealing:
NEMA 4X, or IP65 (EN60529)
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emissions: EN50081-2
Immunity: EN50082-2
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -30 to 75 ° C (-22 to 167 ° F)
5 to 95%RH, non-condensing
Standard 85 to 264VAC, 48 to 62Hz, optional 20 to 29V DC or AC, 5 W max.
Agency Approvals: cUL listed per standard UL508.
CE conformance per EMC directive 89/336/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC and Low Voltage
Directive 73/23/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC.
Dimensions Wiring
Ordering Information
Model Number:
V116-ALVH (65-264VAC powered) or
V116-ALVL (20-29VDC/AC powered) or
V132-ALVH (65-264VAC powered) or
V132-ALVL (20-29VDC/AC powered)
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Factory Configuration, specify C620 with the desired configuration information.
The VisiPak model V116 and V132 are shipped with mounting brackets,
2.49 Ohm shunt resistor and user manual. In addition, the following accessories are available:
SUB2-1R7 External Relay
SUB2-1V1 0-10V Input Adapter
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 292 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Universal Temperature/Pressure/Process Indicator
V408-ALGNVH (green LEDs, 100-240VAC)
V408-ALRDVH (red LEDs, 100-240VAC)
V408-ALGNVL (green LEDs, 20-29VAC/VDC)
V408-ALRDVL (red LEDs, 20-29VAC/VDC)
Provides a 5 Digit Display and Alarm Outputs from
Thermocouple, RTD, Strain Gauge or DC Inputs n
Universal Field Configurable Input for TC, RTD, mV, bridge, 0-10V and 4-20mA Signals n
Modular Design Provides 3 Option Slots plus an
Optional Modbus Communication Slot n
Option modules for 2 nd Input, DC Retran, Sensor
Excitation, 3 Digital Inputs & Outputs, and Relays n
Four Field Configurable Setpoints Support Combination Alarm Functions, Rate of Change, Deviation
Alarms, Alarm Blocking and Latching/Non-latching n
NEMA 4 Front Panel with Plug-in From Front Design n
Power Supply: 85 to 264VAC or optional 20 to 29V
DC or AC
The V408 is an 1/8 DIN, universal, 5 digit indicator with four alarms, two digital inputs and one SPDT relay output. Available with a green or red display, it accepts temperature inputs from J, K, T, L, N, R, S,
B, C and Platinel II type thermocouples and three-wire Platinum 100
Ohm (Pt100) RTDs. Process variables such as 4-20mA, 1-5V and 0-
10V as well as strain gauge bridge inputs can also be measured.
Other thermocouple types or high accuracy 20 to 80 point custom linearization curves can be configured at the factory. Square root extraction or eight-point curve linearization can be user defined in the field. A second process input is available to accept remote setpoints and compare signals such as the average or difference, or selecting minimum or maximum readings.
Four programmable setpoint alarms can be field configured as rate of change, deviation high or low, non-latching and high or low or new, latching . The new alarm indicates the situation when a latched alarm has not been acknowledged and the measured value crosses the setpoint trip level a second time. The deviation alarm enables the user to reference alarm setpoints relative to a remote (main) setpoint from a controller. This remote setpoint would be a DC signal input to the optional 2 nd process input module. Alarm hysterisis (deadband) can be configured from 1 to
9999 process variable units. Each alarm has a programmable delay up to 999.9 seconds.
The alarms can be linked to either the one standard relay output or up to three optional relay or digital output modules. These alarms can be configured in combination (e.g., one or all four alarms linked to one or all relays) and they will operate in fail-safe
(i.e., normally energized) or non-fail-safe modes. Additionally, the display can be configured for password protection, limiting access to any or all functions. An alarm blocking function is also configurable to prevent alarm tripping during process start-up.
Two digital input channels are provided to accept alarm acknowledgment (e.g., remote pushbutton). These two digital inputs or the optional triple-digital input modules can also be used for remote setpoint select, alarm acknowledge, process input select, bridge zero and span calibration and tare. Other functions include indicator control such as selecting full menu access, disabling the keypad lockout or simulating keypad functions.
The V408 indicator housing maintains a NEMA 4 (IP54) front panel seal and can be removed or unplugged from the front, without disconnecting any wiring. By disengaging the front panel clips the entire indicator and electronics can be quickly pulled from the panel.
Thermocouples, three-wire RTDs, bridge, voltage and mV signals can be accepted directly into the indicator. Current signals such as
4-20mA are input using the 2.49 Ohm shunt resistor included with the indicator and mounting hardware. The five-digit display
(99999) is available in green or red and can be field configured to match the input signal range to the preferred engineering units.
Offsets and two point slope adjustments are fully programmable to compensate for sensor variances.
The V408 is an excellent solution for temperature, pressure, level, flow and other process variable measurements. The modular design was developed to allow it to be optimally configured for most indication, alarm and data acquisition applications.
The wide variety of option modules and programming functions make the V408 a valuable plant-wide indication solution. For example, the secondary input enables functions such as differential measurement and summing with the use of K values for signal scaling. This function is useful in monitoring the mixing of products or raw materials. The deviation alarm can be used to ensure that a product is not diluted or spoiled by significant process excursions beyond the setpoint.
The field configurable V408 is an ideal standardized solution for a variety of temperature measurement and on-off control applications. For example, it can be used to control the heating and cooling elements in an oven or environmental control system using two setpoints for the high and low temperature limits.
Similarly, a 4-20mA or bridge pressure signal can be monitored and the setpoints can be used to control or alarm the gas pressure or liquid levels in a tank. Weight, flow, pressure, temperature, speed, position and rate are just some of the process variables that can be accurately displayed and monitored with this flexible and effective indicator.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Order Entry: 703-669-1305 Page 293
Table 1: Input & Display Ranges
I n p u t
P t 1 0 0
T y p e J
T y p e K
T y p e T
T y p e L
T y p e N
T y p e R
T y p e S
T y p e B
T y p e P ( P l a t i n e l I I )
9 .
9 9 t o 8 0 m V
0 t o 2 0 m A
4 t o 2 0 m A
0 t o 1 0 V
S e t
D i s p p o i i n t l a y
M i i
R a n g e n & M a a n d x L i i i m i i i t s
2 0 0 t o 8 5 0 ° C 3 2 5 t o 1 5 6 2 ° F
2 1 0 t o 1 2 0 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 1 3 7 2 ° C
4 0
2 5 t o t o
2 1 9 2 °
2 5 0 0 °
2 1 0 t o 4 0 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 9 0 0 ° C
2 0 0 t o 1 3 0 0 ° C
3 2
2 5
2 5
5 t o t o t o
7 5 0 °
1 6 5 0 °
2 3 7 0 °
5 0
5 0 t t o o
1 7
1 7
6 8 °
6 8 °
5 8 t o 3 2 0 0 ° F
5 8 t o 3 2 0 0 ° F
0 t o 1 8 2 0 ° C
0 t o 1 3 6 9 ° C
9 9 9 t o 9 9 9 9 t o t o
3 3 0 8 ° F
2 4 6 9 ° F
9 9 9 t o 9 9 9 9
9 9 9 t o 9 9 9 9
9 9 9 t o 9 9 9 9
Full Scale Alarms
Alarm messages are flashed on the main display. Beacons flash for a new alarm and go steady when acknowledged. Four alarms are configured to operate as one of seven types.
Deviation Alarms
Deviation alarms operate on the difference between the process value and a remote setpoint input. The input is normally the retransmitted setpoint of the temperature controller. An alarm will be generated if the process value deviates from the setpoint by more than a preset amount.
This is particulary useful for protecting a valuable product from excess temperature.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 294 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Alarm Modes
Latching or non-latching operation can be selected and alarm delays can be applied. A special ‘alarm blocking’ mode is also available. With alarm blocking, after power ON, the alarm must first enter a safe state before the alarms will become active. This is particularly useful for low alarms which can be blocked while the process is warming up. Up to four alarms can be combined to activate one output.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
Combining four alarms to activate one output
Page 295 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
5 digit (-9999 to 99999), 3 programmable decimal positions, red or green,
15.9mm (0.6 In.) high characters
Analog Process Value (including second input)
Low Level Range: -100 to 100mV
High Level Range: 0-20mA, 0-10V
Sample Rate: 9Hz
<2mV for low levels, <2mV for high levels
Better than 0.2
° C
Calibration Accuracy:
+0.2% of reading, or + 1 ° C or + 1LSD, whichever is greater
User Calibration:
Low and high offsets can be applied
Input Filtering:
Off to 999.9 seconds
Types J, K, T, L, N, R, S, B and Platinel II
Cold Junction:
In automatic mode, >30 to 1 rejection of ambient temperature change or external 0 ° C, 45 ° C, 50 ° C external references
3-wire Pt100: 0.3mA excitation current
Functions, 2 nd analog input:
2 nd process value, remote setpoint, select min, select max., derived value
Digital Inputs:
(contact closure or open collector)
Digital Inputs 1 and 2: switching voltage/current (non-isolated from the PV) 24VDC/20mA nominal
Off state Resistance: <100 Ohms
On State Resistance: >28K Ohms
Triple Contact Inputs:
Specification is as per digital inputs 1 & 2, except inputs are functionally isolated
Externally powered (triple logic inputs):
Off State: <5V DC
On State: 10.8 to 30V DC @ 2.5mA
Triple logic or contact inputs can be configured for disable, alarm acknowledge, keylock, remote setpoint select, PV input 2 select, and strain gauge 1&2 tare correction.
DC Retransmission:
Range: Scaleable between 0-20mA and 0- 10VDC
Resolution: 1 part in 10,000
Retransmission values:
Process value, setpoint or setpoint error
Transmitter supply:
Rating: 20mA, 24V DC
Strain gauge bridge supply:
Bridge voltage:
Software selectable, 5V or 10V DC
Bridge resistance: 300 Ohms to 10K Ohms
Number: Four alarms
Alarm types:
High, low, deviation high, deviation low, deviation band, rate of change
(seconds or minutes), new alarm status, and sensor break.
Alarm modes:
Latching or non-latching.
Energized or de-energized (failsafe) in alarm
Alarm delay:
Off to 999.9 seconds
Ordering Information
Model Number:
V408 - ALGNVH (Green LED, 100-240VAC)
V408 - ALRDVH (Red LED, 100-240VAC),
V408 - ALGNVL (Green LED, 20-29VAC)
V408 - ALRDVL (Red LED, 20-29VAC),
Accessories: (see Accessories)
Optional Factory Configuration, specify C620 with the desired configuration information.
Module types:
RS-232, 2-wire RS-485, and 4-wire RS-485
Protocols: Modbus
Panel Sealing:
NEMA 4, or IP54 (EN60529)
96mm (3.78In.)W x 48mm (1.89In)H x150mm (4.01In.)D
EMC Compliance (CE Mark):
Emissions: EN50081-2
Immunity: EN50082-2
Safety: EN61010
Operating: 0 to 55 ° C (32 to 131 ° F)
Storage: -30 to 75 ° C (-22 to 167 ° F)
5 to 95%RH, non-condensing
Standard 100 to 240VAC, -15%,+10%, optional 24V dc, -15%, +20%; 15 W max.
Agency Approvals: cUL approved per standard UL508.
CE conformance per EMC directive 89/
336/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC and Low
Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, amended by
The VisiPak model V408 is shipped with mounting brackets, 2.49 Ohm shunt resistor and user manual. In addition, the following accessories are available:
SUB2K-D5 2nd Input
SUB2K-R4 Form C Relay
SUB2K-D6 DC Re-trans
SUB2K-TK Triple Contact Input
SUB2K-TL Triple Logic Input
SUB2K-TP Triple Logic Output
SUB2K-RR Dual Relay
SUB2K-LR Logic Relay
SUB2K-Y2 485 Comms
SUB2K-A2 232 Comms
SUB2K-F2 422 Comms
SUB2K-MS 24V, 20mA Exc.
SUB2K-G3 5V, Transducer Exc.
SUB2K-G5 10V Transducr Exc.
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Analog Input, Rate Indicator/
Totalizer/Batch Controller
V430-0000 (no options)
V430-1000 (2 relays, rate or count)
V430-2000 (4-20mA output)
V430-3000 (4-20mA and 2 relays, rate or count) n
Field Configurable Input: 4-20mA, 1-5V, 0-5V, or 0-10V n
6 Digit Display for Counts to + 999999 n
Independent Scaling for Rate & Total n
Programmable Square Root, 11 Pt Linearization &
Peak Hold Functions
Provides a Digital Display of Rate or Totalized
Count from a DC Current or Voltage Input n
NEMA 4 Front Panel n
Optional 2 Relay Output & 4-20mA Transmitter
Output n
Isolated 24V Excitation Source
The V430 is a programmable, analog input LED indicator which displays either rate or the totalized count of the rate. The VisiPak housing provides a NEMA 4X water tight front panel that fits 1/8
DIN cutouts. The time base of the rate can be set for seconds, minutes, or hours (e.g., pulses per second, gallons per minute, or barrels per day) and the totalization factor can be set for conversion of rate units to totalization units (e.g., gallons per minute rate converted to totalized barrels). Additionally, square root, peak hold, low flow cut-off, square root and 11 point linearization functions are also included.
The four visual setpoint alarms are annunciated via individual front panel LEDs and come as standard on the unit. Two can be programmed to alarm on rate limits and two can be programmed to alarm on a specific count or total, complete with delays and offsets.
Two form C relays are available as optional outputs for the first two setpoints; either two for rate or two for totalized count. The rate alarms can be configured as high or low, failsafe or non-failsafe.
Each rate setpoint has a 100% adjustable deadband (or reset point) which can be effectively used in on/off control applications or as a latching alarm. An isolated 4-20mA transmitter output that follows the rate input is also available.
The totalized count alarms can be configured to trip at an absolute or offset count (e.g., setpoint #1 trips 10 counts before setpoint
#2), for applications where batch size varies. Additionally the
Priority Batch Programming feature allows quick access to the setpoints by holding the ENTER button down for three seconds.
The V430 accepts 4-20mA, 0-20mA, 0-5V, 1-5V, 0-10V analog inputs and displays the rate or the totalized count, and can alternate between the rate and count display on a ten second cycle. The unit has an isolated 24V excitation source to power a two-wire transmitter or the optional 4-20mA output.
Field configuration of the input range, alarm function, and analog transmitter output scaling is quick and easy. The indicator is factory calibrated to rated accuracy and can be field adjusted as necessary.
Terminals are provided for both remote alarm acknowledgment and remote count reset.
A lockout jumper is used to limit access to the configuration buttons. The lockout function can be used to display only those variables needed for operator use.
The V430 is ideal for indication, control and alarming of any analog rate signal. The input range can be scaled for display as required.
The peak hold and setpoint alarms can be used for flow and container filling applications. Alarms are useful as annunciators for critical process variables such as excessive motor speed or low coolant flow.
The unit accepts 11 user entered point-pairs for sensors with nonlinear inputs. The square root function resolves flow from a differential pressure transducer across an orifice plate.
In all applications the highly visible 0.56 inch, eight-segment LEDs provide a clear reading of the measured variable. The NEMA 4X rating allows the V430 to be used in most industrial control panels under harsh environmental conditions.
The wide selection of scaling and control functions make the V430 an excellent choice as a standard totalizer, batch controller, rate indicator and alarm. Its versatility makes it a cost effective solution.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Order Entry: 703-669-1305 Page 297
Dimensions in millimeters (inches)
1. Panel cutout required: 45mm x 92mm (1.77" X 3.62") 1/8 DIN
2. Panel thickness: 3.2mm - 6.3mm (0.12" - 0.25")
3. Allow 152mm (6 inches) behind the panel
4. Weight 16oz. (454g)
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 298 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
V430 Wiring Diagrams
Analog Input, Rate Indicator/Totalizer/Batch Controller
Wiring Instructions
1. All field connections to be made with insulated copper wire, either solid or stranded. Tighten all screw terminals to 7 in/lb. (0.8Nm). Strip length = 1/4 in
(7mm). DO NOT pre-treat wire with solder.
Terminals L & L: Use AWG #12-18 wire, 600 volt, 60 ° C. Only one wire to each terminal.
3. Terminals P+, P-, S-, S+, COM, RST & ACK: Use AWG #12-22 wire, 150 volt,
60 ° C. If using AWG #20 or smaller wire, up to 2 wires can be connected to each terminal. If using AWG #18 or larger wire, only 1 wire can be connected to each terminal.
The jumper array is located at the rear of the instrument, next to the screw ternminal block. Remove jumper J3 (if installed) to disable the Lockout feature.
Input Signal
1-5, 0-5 V
0-20, 4-20mA
Jumper 1:
Jumper 2:
4-20mA output signal powered by the V430’s internal 24V power supply.
4-20mA output signal powered by an external 24V power supply.
Terminal Assignments
Relay #1 Common
Relay #1 NC
Relay #1 NO
Relay #2 Common
Relay #2 NC
Relay #2 NO
Screw Terminal Block
1. Alarm acknowledgment terminals (ACK and COM) are located on the meter main board.
2. In the alarm condition, the NC contact is connected to common in the failsafe mode.
3. J2 Terminals are for Total relays and J3 Terminals are for Rate relays.
Switching Inductive Loads
To minimize the effect of electrical noise and also prolong the life of the relay contacts, the use of a suppression network is recommended.
RC networks can be purchased as an assembly. Refer to the following circuits for RC network assembly and installation:
AC & DC Loads
Low Voltage DC Loads
Choose R and C as follows
R: 0.5 to 1 Ohm for each volt across the contacts
C: 0.5 to 1 microfarad for each 1A through closed contacts
1. Use connectors rated for 240 VAC.
2. Snubbers may affect load release time of solenoid loads, check to confirm proper operational mode.
Use a diode with a reverse breakdown voltage two to three times the circuit voltage and forward current at least as large as the load current.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318
3. Install the RC network at the V430’s relay screw terminals. An RC network can also be installed across the load. Experiment for best results.
Page 299 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Field selectable 4-20mA, 0-20mA, 0-5V, 1-
5V, 0-10V
Calibration Range:
4mA (1V) input can be set anywhere in range of the meter; 20mA (5V) can be set anywhere above or below 4mA (1V) input.
Loop Power:
Isolated, up to 20 mA at 24VDC regulated ± 5%, noise less than 10mVpp. Max. loop resistance of 1200 Ohms. Use to power either external transmitter or 4-20mA output signal.
Linear Input Accuracy:
0.05% of calibrated span, ± 1 count
Square Root Extraction Accuracy:
± 0.1% F.S. ± 1 count from 10-100% of flow,
± 1% F.S. (0-10% flow)
Minimum Input Span:
1.6 mA between points
Input Impedance:
Voltage ranges; greater than 300k Ohms
Current ranges; 100 Ohms
6 digit, 0.56" (14.2mm) high efficiency red LED.
Rate: 0 to 29,999(0) with selectable extra zero.
Total: 0 to 999,999. Automatic lead zero blanking.
Alternating Display:
Display can be programmed to alternate between rate and total every 10 sec.
115VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz,10VA
Calculates total based on rate and field prog. multiplier to display total in engineering units.
Total Reset:
Via front panel ENTER button, external contact closure at terminals RST and
COM, or automatic via user selectable preset value #2.
Peak Hold:
Captures the peak rate and displays it via the front panel ENTER button.
Peak Hold Indication:
Front panel flashing “R” LED
Low Flow Cutoff:
1 count to 100% F.S., user selectable. To disable low flow cutoff, program cutoff value to zero.
Totalizer “rolls over” when display exceeds
999,999. Relay status reflects display.
Jumper at rear of instrument restricts modification of calibration values.
Operating range: 0 to +65 ° C
Storage range: -40 to +85 ° C
RH: 0 to 90%, non-condensing
Front Panel/Enclosure:
NEMA 4X, panel gasket provided/1/8 DIN, high impact plastic, UL 94V-0
Connections :
Removable screw terminal block
2 SPDT (form C); rated 2Amp @ 30VDC or 2Amp @ 250VAC resistive load;
1/14 HP @ 125/250VAC for inductive loads
Totalizer Presets:
Relays #1 and #2 are assigned to total and can be programmed anywhere in the range of the meter; relays trip when total exceeds preset value and reset when total is reset to zero. #2 preset is user programmable to reset total to zero when preset value is reached. A delay between 1 and 999 seconds can be programmed before relays #1 and #2 reset.
Preset Value Tracking:
Relay #1 can be programmed to trip at any point below relay #2 preset value.
If relay offset mode is selected, relay
#1 will always trip at programmed offset value before relay #2 trips, eg., if the relay offset is set at 10 then relay
#1 will trip at 10 counts before relay #2.
Rate Relays:
#3 & #4 assigned to rate, any combination of high or low alarms.
Rate Alarm Deadband:
0-100% of full scale, user selectable
Calibration Range:
The transmitter output (4-20mA) can be calibrated so that a 4mA output is produced for any rate displayed on the meter. The 20mA output must correspond to any rate that is at least 501 counts greater than or 501 counts less than the rate corresponding to 4mA (for example, 4mA = 0, 20mA = 501). If the span from 4 to 20mA is less than
501 counts, an error message will appear.
Output Loop Resistance:
24VDC: 10 Ohms min; 600 Ohms max
35VDC max (ext.): 600 Ohms min; 1k Ohms max
± 0.1% F.S., ± .004mA
500VDC or peak AC, input-to-output or input/output-to-power line
External Loop Power Supply:
Ordering Information
1. Model Number:
V430-0000 (no options),
V430-1000 (2 relays, rate or count)
V430-2000 (4-20mA output)
V430-3000 (4-20mA and 2 relays, rate or count)
Power: 115VAC (standard)
Optional Factory Configuration. Specify C620 with the desired configuration information.
Technical Support: 703-669-1318 Page 300 Order Entry: 703-669-1305
Temperature Input, Digital Indicator
Provides a Digital Display of Temperature from RTD and Thermocouple Inputs
V432-0000 (no options)
V432-1000 (2 relay outputs)
V432-2000 (4-20mA outputs)
V432-3000 (4-20mA and 2 relay outputs) n
Field Configurable Input Accepts Pt100 Ohm RTDs and J, K, T, E, R & S Type Thermocouples n
RTD Display to 1 ° or 0.1
° n
4 Visual Alarm Points with Front Panel LED Status n
NEMA 4 Front Panel n
Optional 2 Relay Output & 4-20mA Transmitter Output n
115VAC Power Supply std; 24VDC optional
The V432 is a versatile, field configurable, 1/8 DIN, RTD and thermocouple input LED indicator. Four visual setpoint alarms are annunciated via individual front panel LEDs and are a standard feature of the V432. The unit has a front panel NEMA 4X rating.
Two form C relays are available as optional outputs for the first two setpoints. They can be configured as high or low, failsafe or nonfailsafe. Each setpoint has a 100% adjustable deadband (or reset point) which can be effectively used in on/off control applications or as a latching alarm. An isolated 4-20mA transmitter output is also available as an option.
The V432 accepts types J, K, T, E, R, and S thermocouples and 100
Ohm Pt RTD (0.00385 and 0.00392 alpha curves) and displays temperature with 1 degree resolution ( ° F or ° C). In addition, type
T thermocouple and the 100 Ohm Pt RTD can be diplayed at 0.1
degree resolution.
Field configuration of the input type, alarm function, and analog transmitter output scaling is simple. The indicator is factory calibrated to rated accuracy and can be field adjusted as necessary.
A front panel button is used for acknowledgment of alarms. Wiring terminals are also provided for remote alarm acknowledgment.
A lockout jumper is used to limit access to configuration functions.
When in the lockout mode, only alarm setpoints and output scaling functions are displayed and cannot be altered.
The V432 is ideal for indication, control and alarming of process temperature variables. The unit can be used on heating and cooling systems to maintain the required temperature range, providing on/off control for refrigeration, oven or kiln applications. It can be used as a high or low temperature alarm and the current transmitter output can feed a multi-loop controller for zone furnace applications.
In all applications, the highly visible 0.56 inch, eight-segment LEDs provide a clear reading of the measured temperature. Constructed to withstand corrosion and moisture, the NEMA 4X rated
V432 can be used in most industrial control panels under harsh environmental conditions.
The field configurable design and wide selection of input and output types makes the V432 an excellent choice as a standard temperature display and alarm.
Table 1: V432 Input Ranges
T y y y y y p p p p e y p e e e e p e
0 e
0 n
T h
T s h e r m o h e r m o h
T h
O o h r m
T e r m y p
T e c o u p c o u p o c o u e r m o c o h e r m o e r m o c o
R D p u p l c o u p u p l l e l e l e e l e e
R a n g e
3 2 8
2 0 0 t o t o
1 3 8 2 °
7 5 0 ° C
3 2 8
2 0 0 t o t o
2 4 9 8 °
1 3 3 0 °
3 3 0
2 0 0 t o t o
7 6 0 °
4 0 4 °
3 2 8
2 0 0 t o t o
1 8 3 2 °
1 0 0 0 °
3 2
0 t t o o 1