UNITED $ Me Tnv eyyünon Tnç AMOIPIAHZ - ZABBIAHZ A.E. By AMIRIDIS — SAVVIDIS S.A. Oonyieg xpnong ATUOKABApIOTHG XEIPÔGC SC-5196 Instruction Manual Hand Steam Cleaner SC-5196 CE i AyaTttntoí TTEAATEC O aryokaBapioTipac dev KaBapilel ATTAWCG TIC ETTIPAVEIEC UYIEIVA aAAG TIC ATTO- Aupaível KIÓNAG. Aev XpeIÓTEOTE XNUIKÁ ATTOPPUTTAVTIKÁA. H cuoKeuñ XpeIá- CETAI uÓVO Mya AETITÁ VIA VA METATPÉWEI TO VEPÓ OE ATUÓ. O! akadapoíec KaI N OKÔVN PEÚYOUV EÚKOMNA. AIABáoTE KAI AKONOUOÑOTE ÓNEG TIC OONVÍEG OE ÓNA TA KEPÁNAIO uE TN CEIPÁ VIA VA ECOIKEIWOEÍTE ME TN XPÑON TNG OUOKEURG. PUNAETE TIC OONVÍEG VIA HEMOVTIKÑ avapOPá. О! OONVIEG TTEPIÉXOUV ONMAVTIKÁ OTOIXEÍA VIA TO XEIPIOUÓ TNG GUOKEUMG. AV OWOETE TN CUOKEUÑ OE KÁTTOIOV ÓMOV, PPOVTÍOTE VA OWOETE KAI TIC OONVYÍEG paCí! AlaBdoTte TIC OONVÍEC AOMANEíac! О! обпу!ЕС ООС DIEUKOAÜVOUV OTO XEIPIOUÔ TNGÇ CUOKEUÁÑG Kal das PondoUv va aTTOMÚYETE TTAPAVOÑOEIC Kai TTIGAVÁ Спи И TPAULATIONÓ. = Dear Customers The steam cleaner does not only clean your surfaces hygienically but disinfect it. You do not need any chemicals for cleaning. The appliance needs only a few minutes to transform water to damp. Dirt and dust will be easily removed. Please familiarize yourself with the proper usage of the device by reading and following each chapter of this manual, in the order presented. Keep these operating instructions for further reference. This operating instruction contains im portant details for handling the device. Please pass it on along with the appliance if it is handed over to a third party! Please read the safety instructions! These instructions will make it easie r for you to handle the device and help prevent misunderstandings and possible damage or injury. | ETTIOKÓTTINON| Overview NY N i ETTIOKÓTTINON| Overview NY N 1 Kattáki aompareíac Safety Seal 2 Макро стою Long Nozzle 3 EvOeIKTIKÁ Auyvía Indicator Light 4 KaAwdio peupatog Power Cord 5 XelpoAaBi Handle 6 KOUNTTÍ aTHOÚ Steam Button 7 BauBakepó Traví Cotton Towel 8 Aoxeio pétpnonc Measuring Cup 9 2wAÑvac TTPOÉKTAONC Extension Hose 10 | Гомако оторю Bend Nozzle 11 2 TÓUIO ME OTPOYYUAN BoupToa Round Brush Nozzle 12 | ZTÔpIO TATTETOAPÍAC Upholstery Nozzle 13 | Мактро пара@орому Window Squeegee | [leplexopeva 2nuEIWOEIC AOMANEÍAG...................rerrerrrareanresenesenaseevasesanevanEneNENeNEÑNvNn. 2eNida 2 Npiv a1tó TV TTPWTN XPÑ ——.. ..esreesarirererire ree reee. 2.eNida 4 8 10 To 1 > sance sance sance nana ce naar een sance sance nan een annee 2eAida 4 2 uvapuoNóynon TNG OUOKEUIÑG............... ere. .reeesscereccereceerereenee eee. Zelda 4 TOTTODÉTNON TwWV ECOOTNUPÔTUV....................ecccrececrece creer ener cena ace nannene 2eNida 5 DN EITOUPYIO een e reese e eae e eae ne anne anne annee 2eNida 6 ZUUTTANPWON VEPOÛ OTO VOXEÍO..............._e.-rreerrrerresarenanesenneseeneneeme ne 2.eNida 7 KaBápioua Kai aTTOOÁKEVON TOU ATHOKABAPIOTÍ............... eee... Zehida 8 KaBápioNa Tou PauBakepoúÚ TTAVIOÚ................ ee. —..eeeerereesierrereenees 2ENDA 8 TEXVIKÓ OEDOMÉVO...........e.ereercrcorecoaraseorasearasseeassenessen=5asene1asen=«aee nene ZeAida 16 > Table of Contents Safety NOtes.…….......….............…reccccsserecenesreeceerarencenaear een asan nca nanen ne nn e Page 9 Before first - area een esee ce cnrs Page 11 al Page 11 Assembling the Appliance.....................-—_.e...e.ííeeeerreeeereene er eee. Page 11 Inserting the Accessory....................._....r..eeveieerrercereeenee eee eee re Page 12 Operating.......…........….....……....rerceceseceecensereceneneeeceasen cena anen eee aa e acer Page 13 Filling the Water Tank again... eee, Page 14 Cleaning and Storing the Hand Steam Cleaner Page 15 Cleaning the Cotton Towel ...........ccoo reer Page 15 Technical Data.…..…..............…...…cserceseecenercenerce mere a ner ce ser cena rene r een e nee Page 16 I ZNHEIWOEIG AGHAAEIAC AAfBETE UTTOWN TIG TTAPAKATW ONNEIWOEIG ACPANEIAG VIA VA ATTOPÙ- VETE dUONEITOUPYÍEG, TNUIÓ Ñ TPAUNMATIONÓ: AuTú n cuoKeuñ dev TTPOOPÍCETA!I VIA XPHON ATTÓ áTONA (CULTTEPINAMBaAVOLÉ- Vuwv TWYV TIAIOIWV) HE pEIWUÉVES OUMATIKÉG I WUXIKES IKAVOTNTES 1 EMeIUN EMTTEIPIAC KAI YVWONG, EKTOC AV UTTAPXEI ETTOTTTEIA Ñ TOUC dwBoUv odnyvíiec OXETIKA WE TN XPAON TNS OUOKEUNG, ATTÖ KÄTTOIO ÁTOMO TTOU EÍVAI UTTEÚSUVO YiQ TNV AOQÁXEIÁ TOUC. Та паба TTPÉTTEI VA ETTOTITEÚOVTAI WOTE VA NV TTAÍCOUV NE TN CUOKEUN. BePawoeite ÔTI N TáON PEÚNMATOC CUUIQWYVEÍ NE TV ETIKÉTA TNG CUOKEUÑG. NoTé UNV APAVETE TN OUOKEUR VA NEITOUPYEÍ XWPÍG ETTOTITEÍA. AIATANPÑOTE TV pHAKPIú aTTÓ TIAIOIÓ Ñ áTOLIA TTOU Y PEIÁCoVTaI ETTOTITEÍA. OTAV dev XPNOIMOTOLEI- TE TN CUOKEUÑ, BPYÁCETÉ TV ATTÓ TV TIPICAa. Mnv KatTEUOÚveTE TTOTÉ TOV ATHOKAGAPIOTÁ TTPOC AVOPWTTOUG, CWA N PUTA. Mnv KaTeuBUVETE TOV ATHOKABAPIOTH TTPOC NAEKTPOVIKÓ ECOTTINOUÓ 1 euqicBn- TEC ETTIPAVEIEG. | MposidoTroinon: Kivôuvoc eykaüpaTog! AAciête TTpocoxn ôTav xpn- CIMOTTOIEÏTE TOV ATHOKABAPIOT. O ATHÔG OTTÔ TA AVOIYPATA EÏVAI KAUTÔG. Mnv EvepyOTToIEÏTE TOV ATUOKABAPIOTA AV ÖEV EXETE VEMIOEI TO dDOXEIO VEPOÚ. Потё nv avoíyete TO KATTÓKI AOCAÄEICAG KATÁ TI AEITOUPYÍa. YTTápxeI KiVduvoc TEAULATIONOÚ ECaITÍAC TNG UTTÁáPYOLUOAC TriEONC! [ ENÍOTE TO DOYEÍO VEPOÚ LÓVO NE ATTOOTAYUÉVO VEPÓ. Mn Pátete áMa uypá OTO doxeEÍo. Y TTúpxel Kivduvoc EKpnEnc! XpPNOIPOTTOINOTE TOV ATHOKABAPIOTA XEIPÓG NOVO PE TA CUVODEUTIKA ECAPTÁLJA- Ta. Hpocoxn! Ta céapTjuaTta evOEXETAI va gival KAUTA KATÁ TN XPÑon. Na va Pyáxete éva eCÁápTIua, apÑoTE TTPWTA VA KPUWOEL. Mn BaleTe avTiKEiEVA NECA OTA aAVOÍYHATA TOU ATHOKABAPIOT. Mn BuBilete TN OUOKEUR oe vepd 1 áMO UYPÓ Kal uN XPNOINOTIOLEÍTE TI OU- oKEUÑ uE Apeyuéva xépia. ВуаЛте тоу aTHOKABAPIOTÁ XEIPÓG ATTÓ тпу пра ÓTAV TTPÓKEITAI VA TOV KABaA- píoeTEe, va BáÑETE VEPÓ Á óTAV deV TTPÓKEITAI VA XPNOILOTIOINOEÍ yIa TTOXÚ Y póvo. AQAOTE TOV aTUOKABAPIOTÁ XEIPÔG VA KPUWOEI TEAEIWG TTPIV TOV ATTOONKEUOETE. METAPÉPETE TN OUOKEUR UÔVO ATTÔ TN XEIPONABÁ Ñ uE TOV IMáVTA WHO. 2 i 2 NUEIWOEIC ATPAAEIAC Mnv a@riveTe Tn CUOKEUN OTN BPOXNA KAI INV KATEUBUVETE TOV ATHO TTPOC тоу ATHOKABAPIOT. ATroOnKeÚoTE TOV ATUOKABAPIOTA XEIPÔG dE OTEYVÓ MÉPOC. 2 UVOÉOTE TO QIG PEUPATOG UÔVO O€ TTpiCa pe yveiwon. Fa va To BVAAETE ATTÔ TNV TTpICA, TPABHÈTE TO PIC KAI ÓXI TO KANWOIO TOU PEÚJATOC. Mn uaykwvete TO KANWOIO OE TTOPTEC KAI UNV TO TUANIYETE OE KOPTEPEC AKUÉC Ñ ywvíec. Mnv ToakiCete Kai un oTPÍBETE TO KANWOIO ME OTTOIOVONTTOTE TPÔTTO. Mnv a@rveTe To KAAWDIO KOVTA 0& (EOTEC ETTIPAVEIEC. BePawoeitTe óTI dev UTTÁpxel KivVduvoac va OKOVTÁWEI KÁTTOIOG OTO KANWOIO. XprnoiuoTToIÑOTE TA CUOKEUÑ NÓVO VIA OIKIAKÁ XPÑon KaI HE TOV TPÓTIO TTOU Ddelxvouv ol odnyiec. H ouokeuñ dev ÉXel OXEdIAOTEÏ VIA CUVEXÁ, ETTAYYENUA- TIKN XprRon. Av n ouokeuñ Trd6e1 CnuIá, nv TI XPNCINOTIOIÑOETE KAI OWOTE TNV VIA ETTI- OKEUM O€ ETTAVVEAUATIA OTO TUHUA UTTOOTAPIENG TWV TTEAATWV PAG. Mn xpnoiuoTToIEÍTE TOV ATHOKABAPIOTÁ XEIPÓC av N OUOKEUR TO KAAWOIO Éxouv Trd60e1 Cnhpid. Mnv aTTroouvapuoÂoyeltTe TN CUOKEUÁ KAI UNV TTPOCTTABÑOETE VA TV ETTIOION- BwoeTe HÓVO!I Oac. | == Xpnon Mpiv ard TV TTPWTN XPHON Афсирёсте ОЛп TN OUOKEUAGIA ATTÔ TOV ATUOKABAPIOTN. AÄICTNPNOTE TI OUOKEUAOIA paKpIú ATTÓ Ta TIAIVIA. YTTapxel KivOuvog aoc@uéiac! Еботас тому dokKIpIWwV AEITOUPYÍAG TTOU OIECÁYOVTAI OTO EPYOOTÁDIO, EVOÉXETAI VA UTTÓpxEI UTTÓNEINNMA VEPOÚ OTO doyeEÍO VEPOÚ. Mn aviiouyeíte yIa aUTÓ. Утобе1 6516 O atuoKaBapiOTÁC XEIPÓG EÍvVaI MINKÓS OTO TTEPIBÁMov, pIaG KaI XPNOILOTIOIEÍ HÓVO TV IOYÚ TOU ATHOÚ. MoTé hn BágteTE ATTOPPUTTAVTIKÁ, ANKOÓXEC À OPACTIKEC XNMIKES oUCÍEG OTO doyeEÍO VEPOÚ. O atuoKaBapiOTÁGC XEIPÓS amíVveI TTOAU Aiya ¡ICÁNaTA OTO doyeEÍo KAI deV ATTAITEÍ TN XpÑon aTTOOTAYHÉVOU vepou. QoTdoo, av To vepd Tou BIKTUOU OTNV TTEPIOXN COC ÉXEI TTOAÜ AOPÉOTIO, TÓTE TTPOTEÍVETAI N XPÑON ATTOOTAYUEVOU VEPOU. Mnv kadapítete euaíoBntec ETTIPAVEIES, ОТОС UN OTEYAVOTITOINUÉVA EUAIVA TTATWHA- TA Á AVTIKONANTÁ PÚMAG, HE TOV aTHOKABAPIOTÁ. Mn KadapíCeTe ETTIPÁveIEG ITEPA- OuÉévEGC ME Adol Á Kepí. To Kepí evdéxeTaI Va TTÁBEI CNUIÓ Ñ Va MÚyeI HE TOV KAUTÓ AT- hó. Fa va EíoTE CÍYOUPo! VIA TNV KATAAANAOTNTA, PWTACTE TOV KOTAOKEUAOTH TOU TTATWHUATOG. O aTuokaBapIoTHG XEIPÔG diABÉTEI TTPOCOTACÍA ATTÓ TV UTTEPOÉpuavon. AuTi N TTPOOTAOIA EVEPYOTTOIEÏTAI OV OEV UTTAPXEI ETTAPKNG TTOCOTNTA VEPOÚ сто doxEÍO vePOU. ZuvapmoNóynon TNG CUOKEUNÑC 1. Fa va avoífeTe TO KATTÁKI AOMAXrEÍaG (1), TTIÉOTE TTPOG TA KÁTW KAI OTPÍYTE TOV METPNTÁ TOU KATTAKIOÚ APIOTEPÓSTPOMPa TTOMÉG MopéG. =EBIDWOTE TENEÍWC TO каттак! асфаЛеюс кои ВуаЛтЕ то. 2. Ta va yeuíoeTe uE VEPÓ TO doxEÍO VEPOÚ, XPNOINOTTOINOTE UÔVO TO CUVODEUTIKÓ doyeío HÉTENONG. BeBaiwBeite 611 TO doxeio vEPoÚ EeívalI Ádelo TTPpiv BáxEeTE VEPÓ. Ma va TTETUXETE TN MEVIOTN OuVaTÁ TTÍEON, MN PágteTE TTáVW ATTÓ 220 MI vepoú сто doyEÍO VEPOÚ. TottrOOETÑOTE TO KATTÁKI ACMANEÍaC OTI Вёстп тои софиута. Ш Xprion TorrodTNON TWV ECAPTNUÁTWV OX\a Ta ecapTHpaTa Évouv OÙVDEON TÜTTOU UITTAVIOVÉT. 1. ‚ Па ма сф!бетЕ То Ебартпрна, отр1уте то DECIÓSTPOPA . Ta va Pyáxete TO ECÁPTNVA, TTPWTA OTPÍYTE TO TTPOC ToTToBEeTHOTE TO EEÜ@PTNUA, TT.X. TO NMAKPÚ OTÓJIO (2), Ó0O Trio uÉCa VÍVETAI OTINV UTTODOXÁ TOU ATHOKABDA- PIOTÁ. OXa Ta eECaPTÍuaTA PÉEPOUV CÚLBONA BÉNOLUC Kal OTIC OÚO TTNEUPEG. OTAV OUVOÉETE uE TV UTTODO- XN, TO Eva BEAOC TTPETTEI va DEiXVEl TTPOC TA TTAVW! MÉXPI N AIXUH TOU BÉÂOUG VA DEÏXVEI OTO ONUAOI TOU TrEPIBANULATOG. TPaBÁETE ENACQPIÓ TO ECÁPTIUA TTPOC та ё60). Ау то Ебартпна dev Byaivel, TÔTE ÉXEI TOTTO- OeTnOei Kai acpalicel GWOTd. TA ApIOTEPÀ KOI META TPAPNETE TO £CW ATTÔ TO TTEpI- BAnpa. Torro0éTnon Tou ywWviakoÜ oTouiou (10) TNC OTPOYYUAÑC Boûproac (11) TOTTOBETHOTE TO YVWVIAKÓ OTÓNIO Ñ TO OTÓJIO OTPOYYUNÁC BOÚPTOaAC OTO накро OTÓLIO TOU ATHOKABAPIOTÁ. 2TO ECWTEPIKÓ TTEPÍBANNaA TOU YWVIAKOÚ OTOLÍOU 0a delTE Eva ВЕЛос кан нЁса OTA OTÓMIA UTTÁPXEI MIA EYKOTIÁ. AUTÁ n EYVKOTIÁ TaIPIA- бе! акриВос pe EVA AVTIOTOIXO KOMMATI TOU NaKPIOÚ OTONÍOU. 2TTPWETE TO OTÓLIO TTPOG TA TTAVW MÉXPI TO TÉPHA TOU HAKPIOÚ OTOJÍOU. Ha va BYAAeTE TO OTOMIO, KPATACTE oTADEPÁ TOV ATHOKABAPIOTÁ UE TO EVA XÉPI KAI TPABHETE TO ECAPTNUA ÉEW ATTÓ TO HAKPÚ OTÓNIO. Хойстп точ ибктроу парадобром (13) Прота, ВаЛте ка! та: DUO AYKIOTPA TOU нактроу парабором ста катаЛЛпЛа а- уотурата точ OTOLMÍOU TATTETOAPÍAG (12). Miéote TO OTÓNIO TATTETOAPÍAC TTPOG TA KATW MÉXPI VA AKOUOTEÍ O ÑXOG TOU KAEIOWUATOG OTO KAITT. Ha va Pyáxete TO OTÓLIO TATTETOAPÍAC ATTÓ TO HÓKTPO TTAPAGÚpuwv, TTIÉOTE TIPWTA TO KAIK KAEIOWUATOC ENAPMPÁ TTPOC Ta £CW Kal BYAATE TO OTOMIO. Xpron Tou oTouiou TaTreToapiac (12) uaci ue To BauBakepé Travi (7) Torro0eToTe To BauBakepô Travi (7) OTO OTÔUIO TaTreTOoapiac. BefBaiwOeiTe От! Ol AKPEC TOU TTAVIOU EYOUV TOTTOOETNOEÍ pe dOMÁXEIA OTO OTÓJIO. TO Traví EÍVAI 100% BauBakepó Kar uTTOPEÍ VA XPNOINOTIOINOEÍ Kar aTTÓ TIC dÚO ÓVEIC. Ш Xprion Xpñon TOU CWAÑVva TTRPOÉKTAONC 2 UVOEOTE TO OUVOECHO TÚTTOU MTTAVIOVÉT OTO TTEPÍBANLUA. TotroOETÑOTE TO ECúPTINA (OTÓLIO TATTETOAPÍAC Á MAKPÚ OTÓLIO OTO ÓMO AKPO TOU CWANVA TTPOEKTAONG. ZTPIYTE TO ECÁPTIUA TTPOG TA DECI HÉXPI O ACOVÍOKOG OTOTT VA TAIPIALEI OTO AVOIYHA TOU ECAPTHHATOG. FI VA APAIDÉOETE TO ECAPTNUO, TTIÉOTE TTOWTA TOV OCOVIOKO OTOTT KAI OTPIWTE TO ECAPTNUA TTPOG TA APIOTEPÁ. TpafnêTe TO EEAPTNMA EEW ATTÔ TO CWANVA TTPOEKTAONC. AcsiToupyia 1. 2. ZUVOÉOTE TO QIG PEUPATOG GE MIA TIPIZa TOÍYOU HE YEÍWON. Oa aváwel n EVdel- KTIKÑ Auyvía (3). To vepó xpeIáCeTaI TOUNÁXIOTOV 3 AETITÁ VIA Va CEOTADEÍ KaI va oxnuaTÍCEI APKETÓ ATHÓ. OTav PTÄOEI OTN CWOTÁ OEpNokKpacía, n EVOEIKTI- KA Auxvia 8a opíoel. OTav XPNOIMOTOIEITE TOV ATUOKABAPIOTÁ, NETAMÉPETE TN CUOKEUÑ LÓVO ATTÓ TN XEIPONABÁ KAI KPATÑOTE TNV OPICÓVTIA. MiéoTE TO KOULTTÍ ATHOÚ (6) CÚVTOLA NÓ- vo pia popd. Av éxel OnpioupynBel aTuôc, N cuUOKEUÑ EÍVAI ÉTOINN VIA XpÑoN. Av OÉNETE OUVEXÔOUEVN poñ ATHOÚ, KPATÁOTE TTATNUÉVO TO KOUMTTÍ ATHOÚ. MpPOTEÍVOLU- ME VO XPNOINOTTOIEÏTE TOV OTUOKABAPIOTH PE OUVTOUEG DIAKOTTÉG, OUTWG WOTE N CUOKEUR VA ÉXEI TN OUVOTOTNTA VA DNHNIOUPYEÏ VÉO ATUÓ. . [piv XpnoINOTTOIÑOETE TN CUOKEUÑ VIA KAOÁpPIONa, TTPOTEÍVOUNE VA BOKINÁDETE TOV ATHOKAVAPIOTÁ OE MIA ETTIPÁVEIA TTOU deV MaíveTal. Mnv KaTteuBUVETE TOV ATUOKABAPIOTÁ CE EUAIOONTEG ETTIPAVEIEC VIA TTONÚ XPÔVO AMÁá uETAKIVEÍTE TOV ONOIÓNOPMa TTáVW OTIV ETTIPÁvEIA TTOU da KABapíoeTte. Otav XpnOIUOTIOIEITE TO NOKPU OTOMIO padi UE TO BauBakepô Travi, UNV AQNVETE тоу AaTHOKAGAPIOTÁ OTO ÍdIO ONUEÍO VIA TTOMÁ wpa. Mn KaTEUQÚvVETE TOV ATHO- KaBapioTÁ de Kpúa ñ TTAYWuÉVa TTAPÁBLUpa. Aóyu) TNG aTTÓTONNC aMavic Bep- нокрас1ас, то парадиро EVOÉXETAI VA OTTÜOEI. Mn vépvetTe TOV aTHOKABAPIOTÁ OE VWVÍA HEYANÚTEPN ATTÓ 45° dIÓTI MITOPEÍ VA UTTÁpEel diAppoñ aTUOÚ AMÁ KAI KAUTOÚ VEPOÚ. 4. Av TENEIWOETE TV EPYaACÍaC Jac KaI dev UTTÁPyEI @аЛЛос ATHÓG, PYÁNTE TO MIC OTTÔ TV TIPICA. I Xprion ZUUTTÀAnñpwon Tou doyEÍOU VEPOÚ 1. 2. 4. Npiv yvepíoeTe TTÓN TO doyeío VEPOÚ, BYÄATE TA OUOKEUR OTTÔ TV TrpiCa. Патйсте то коурти ATHOÚ TTOMÉC POPÉC VIA VA pEIWOEÍ TTONÚ N TTÍEON TOU ATHOÚ MÉOA OTO dOXEIO VEPOU. MiéoTE KAI OTPÍWTE ME TTPOCOXÁ TO KATTÂKI ACOPAAEIAG DECIOOTPOPA VIA VA TO EEßI- OWOETE. [MEPIPEVETE TTEPITTOU 6 DEUTEPOAETTTA TTPIV APAIPÉOETE TO KOTTAKI ACHA- Agiac. Npoooxn, To KaTTaki gival TTOAÜ CEOTO! Mn BACETE TTEPIGOÔTEPO VEPÔ ATTÔ ÓJO ÖEIXVEI N EVÖEIEN. Ka0àpI0ua Kai ATTOONKEUON TOU ATHOKABÜAPIOTH XEIPÔG = BydAte Tnv TTpiCa Kal APHOTE TN GUOKEUR VA KPUWOEI TTPIV TNV ATTOONKEÚOETE. AdeIGoTE TUYÓV UTTONEÍNLMATA VEPOÛ TTPIV ATTÓ KÁBE ypÑon. 2 KOUTTÍOTE TV ETTIPÁVEIA TNG CUOKEUÁC uE Eva ENAMPÁ UYPÓ Traví. XPNOIMOTTOI- MOTE OTTOPPUTTAVTIKO AV Y pEIÁTEeTAI. Mn kaBapíTeTe Ta CUOKEUÑ uE EPAOCTIKÁ XN- HIKÓ A SIABPWTIKÁ VIA VA HNV TTPOKANOEÍ CNuIá OTN CUOKEUÑ. O atuoKaBapioTrÁGc XEIPÓC ATTODÉTE!I TTOAÚ Miya ¡CÁLaTA dOBEOTÍOU OTO doyeEÍO KAI HTTOPEÍ VA XPNOILOTIOINOEÍ NE VEPÓ Apúoanc. Edv TO vepó otnv TTEPIOXÁ Сас ÉXEI TTONÚ doBÉOTIO, TTPOTEÍVOUNE VA XPNOIMOTIOIÑOETE ATTOOTAYUÉVO VEPÓ VIA KANÚ- TEPN ATTÓDOON. Mn xpnCINOTIOLEÍTE XNUIKÁ ATTAOBEOTWHÉVO VEPÓ AMÁ ATTOOTAY- HÉVO VEPÓ WOTE VA UEIWOEÍ OTO ENÁXIOTO N ÚTTAPEN ACBEOTÍOU OTO CÚOTIUA. Av OéXeTEe va aATTAOBEOTWOETE TOV ATHOKAGAPIOTÁ, UN XPNCINOTIOIEÍTE EUOI. КаЛо- TEPA XPNOINOTIOIÑOTE KÁTTOIA TUTTIKÁ OUCÍA AMAÍPEONS ACBÉOTOU TTOU PaciteTal OE KITPIKÓ OEÚ. AKONOUOÑOTE TIC OSNVÍEG TOU KATAOKEUCOTÁ TNG OUCÍAC. Na va aTTAONBEOTWOETE, BÁXTE TNV OUCÍA ATTAOÑPÉCOTWONC KAI EVA PAUTCAVI VEPÔ сто OOYEÍO. AOMaAÑÍOTE KANÁ TO KATTAKI dOMAXEÍAC KAI KOUVÍOTE OUVATA TN OU- OKEUN. 2TN OUVÉXEIA, ADEIGOTE TO VEPÓ AUÉCVUIC. AQACTE TOV aTHOKABAPIOTÁ VA KPpuwoel TENEÍWC TTPIV TOV OTTOONKEVOETE. Kadápio ua Tou BauBakepou TTAVIOU АфП0отЕе то ВанВакеро пам! уа OTEYVWOEI TENEÍWC. MTTOpeíTe ETTÍONG VA TO EETTAÚ- VETE uE TDEXOÚNEVO VEPÓ Ñ VA TO TTAÚVETE OTO TIAUVTÁPIO OTOUG 30”. To Pap pPake- ро офасна eíval aTTÓ 100% PauPákI. = Mn oTeyvwveTe To Baupakepô Travi O£ OTEYVWTAPIA VIOTI UTTOPEÍ VA набЕце!. > A a Safety Notes Please note the following safety notes to avoid malfunctions, damage or physical injury: = This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been give n supervision or instruction concern- ing use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. = Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. = Make sure the voltage corresponds to the type label on the appliance. = Never leave the appliance unsupervised when in use. Keep out of reach of children or persons in need of supervision. When not in use pull the power plug. = Never direct the hand steam cleaner to wards people, animals or plants. Do not point the hand steam cleaner towards equipment containing electronic components or against sensitive surfaces. = Warning: Danger of Scalding! Please use caution when using | the steam cleaner. The steam emitted from the openings is very hot. = Do not switch on the hand steam clea ner before filling the water tank. Never open the safety seal during operation. Due to the existing pressure there is risk of injury! = Only fill the hand steam cleaner tank with water resp. distilled water. Do not fill any other liquids in the tank. There is risk of explosion! = Use the hand steam cleaner only withthe included accessory. Attention! The accessory might become hot during use. First allow the accessory to cool down before removing. = Do not insert any objects into the hand steamer openings. = Do not immerse the appliance in water or any other liquid or use the appliance with wet hands. " Please unplug the hand steam cleaner from the power supply before cleaning, filling water or when not in use. = Do not overtill the water tank. Only use the included measuring cup for filling. = | et the hand steam cleaner fully cool down before storing it. Only carry the appliance by the handle or by the shoulder strap. a Safety Notes Do not expose the appliance to rain and do not direct the steam towards the hand steam cleaner. Store the hand steam cleaner in a dry place. Insert the power plug to a grounded wa || socket only. Do not pull the power cord to unplug, but grasp the plug to remove from the wall socket. Do not close cord in doors or pull cord around sharp edges or corners. Do not pinch or crimp the power cord in any way. Keep the power cord away from hot surfaces. Make sure the cord does not become a tripping hazard. Only use the appliance for domestic purposes and in the way indicated in this manual. The appliance is not designed for continuous, professional use. Should the appliance become damaged do not use it and have it repaired by a professional or contact our customer support department. Do not use the hand steam cleaner if the appliance itself or the power cord is damaged. Do not disassemble the appliance or try repairing it yourself. a Using Before first Use Remove all packaging from the hand steam cleaner. Keep packaging out of reach of small children. There is risk of suffocation! Due to function tests carried out by the factory, residual humidity may remain in the water tank. This is no reason for concern. Hints As the hand steam cleaner only uses acti ve power of steam it is environment- friendly. Never fill any detergent, alcohol or aggressive chemicals in the water tank. The hand steam cleaner deposits very less calcification in the tank and does not require distilled water. If the tap water in your area is very limy, we recommend using distilled water. Do not clean sensitive surfaces such as unsealed wood floors or laminate with this hand steam cleaner. Avoid cleaning oiled or on wax treated surfaces. The wax may be damaged or removed by the hot steam. Check with your floor manufacturer to ensure suitability to steam cleaning. The hand steam cleaner is provided with overheating protection. This overheating protection activates if there is insufficient water in the water tank. Assembling the Appliance 1. To open the safety seal (1) press down and turn the seal counter clockwise for several times. Unscrew the safety seal completely and remove it. 2. Only use the included measuring cup to fill in water in the tank. Make sure the water tank is empty before filling fresh water. In order to achieve maximum pressure, fill not more than 220 ml water _ in the water tank. Secure the safety seal hand tight. 10 a Using Inserting the Accessory All accessories are provided with a bayonet joint. 1. Insert the accessory, e. g. the long nozzle (2) as far as it will go into the collet of the hand steam cleaner. All accessories have arrow symbols on both sides. One arrow symbol has to face up when connecting to the collet! 2. For tightening the accessory, turn it to the right until the tip of the arrow symbol is directed to the marking on the housing. Lightly pull the acces- sory outwards. If the accessory cannot be pulled out, it is correctly inserted and engaged. 3. To remove the accessory, first turn the accessory to the left and pull the part out of the housing. Inserting the Bend Nozzle (10) resp. the Round Brush Nozzle (11) Either insert the bend nozzle or the round brush nozzle into the long nozzle of the hand steam cleaner. On the outer shell of the bend nozzle and the round brush nozzle you will find an arrow and inside t he nozzles you will find a notch. This notch fits exactly into the suitable matching part of the long nozzle. Push the nozzle up to the end into the tip of the long nozzle. For removing the nozzle, hold the hand steam cleaner firmly with one hand and pull the accessory straight out of the long nozzle. Using the Window Squeegee (13) First, insert both hooks of the window squeegee into the suitable openings on the upholstery nozzle (12). Press the upholste ry nozzle down until the nozzle locks audibly in the clip lock. For removing the upholstery nozzle out of the window squeegee, fist press the clip lock lightly outwards and remove the nozzle. Using the Upholstery Nozzle (12) together with the Cotton Towel (7) Put the cotton towel (7) on the upholstery nozzle. Make sure the edges of the towel are securely placed over the nozzle. The towel is made of 100% cotton and can be used both-way. 11 a Using Using the Extension Hose (9) Connect the bayonet joint with the housing. Insert the accessory (upholstery nozzle or long nozzle) into the other side of the extension hose. Turn the accessory to the right until the stop pin on the extension hose fits into the opening of the accessory. To remove the accessory, first press the stop pin down and turn the accessory to the left. Pull the acces- sory straight out of the extension hose. Operating 1. Connect the power plug with an earthed wall socket. The indicator light (3) turns on. The water needs at least 3 minutes to heat up and to form enough steam. If the temperature is reached, the indicator light turns off. When using the hand steam cleaner, carry the appliance by the handle (5) only and hold it horizontally. Press the st eam button (6) shortly once. If steam is formed the appliance is ready for use. If you wish continuous steam, hold the steam button pressed. We recommend using the hand steam cleaner with short time intervals so in the meantime, the appliance can form new pressure. Before using the appliance for cleaning, we recommend testing the hand steam cleaner on a hidden place. Do not direct hot steam towards sensit ive surfaces for long time but evenly move the hand steam cleaner over the surface to be cleaned. When using the upholstery nozzle with the cotton towel do not let the hand steam cleaner to stand on a place for long time. Do not direct the hand steam cleaner to a cold or frosted window. Due to the quick temperature change the window might break. Do not tilt the hand steam cleaner more than 45° because not only steam will escape but also boiled water. After finishing work resp. if no steam is formed, pull the power cord from the wall socket. 12 a Using Filling the Water Tank again 1. 2. 4. Before filling the water tank again, pull the power plug. Press the steam button for several times _ in order to completely reduce the pressure inside the water tank. Carefully press and turn the safety seal counter clockwise to unscrew. Wait for approx. 6 seconds before removing the safety seal. Attention, the seal is very hot! Do not fill more than the atted water quantity in the tank. Cleaning and Storing the Hand Steam Cleaner = Pull the power plug and allow the appliance to cool down before storing. Empty remaining water after each use. = Wipe the surface of the appliance with a lightly moistened cloth. Use detergent as needed. Do not clean the appliance with aggressive chemicals or abrasives in order not to damage the surface. The hand steam cleaner deposits very less calcification in the tank and can be used with tap water. If the water in you area is very limy, we recommend to use distilled water for better performance. Do not use chemically decalcified water but use distilled water to keep calc deposition in the steam system to a minimum. If you want to decalcify the hand steam cleaner from time to time, do not use vinegar, but rather a customary decalcifying agent based on citric acid. Follow the instructions from the manufacturer of the decalcifying agent. To decalcify, fill the decalcifying agent and one cup water in the tank. Secure the safety seal and shake the appliance strongly. After this, empty the water immediately. = Allow the hand steam cleaner to cool fully before storing it. Cleaning the Cotton Towel = Allow the cotton towel to dry fully. You can also rinse it under running water or wash in the washing machine at 30°. The cotton towel is made of 100% cotton. = Do not dry the cotton towel in the dryer as it may shrink. 13 I TÚTTOC ОуонНастки таст [Micon OvoypaotTikf 10XUG Xpóvoc epyacíac XuWPNTIKÓTNTA doYEÍOU Вабнос простас1ос Варос NocórITA YVEHÍO HATOS Xpóvoc Oépuavonc MúKos KaAwdiou KAdon простас1ас Мастасес Texvika dedopéva | Technical Data SC 5196 230 V- 50 Hz 3 Bar 1000 W 12 AeTTTà / minutes 350 mi IPX4 1350 yp. / gr 200 ml 3 AeTTTà / minutes 5 pétpa / meters | 270 x 132 x 220 mm Type Nominal Voltage Pressure Nominal Power Working Time Tank Capacity Protection Degree Weight Max. Fill Quantity Heating Time Cord Length Protection Class Dimensions 14 2HMEIQZH ZXETIKA ME THN ANAKYKAQZzH A.M.T1. 00510 (MA 117/2004) mes TO TrPOIÓV TTOU AYOPÁCATE ÉXEI OYEDIACOTEÍ KAI KATAOKEUAOTEÍ HE UNIKÓ UYINNWYV TTPOdIAYPAPWYV Kai ECAPTÁNMATA TTOU HTITOPOÚV VA AVAKUKÄWBOUV Kal Va EAVAXPNOIMOTTOINBOUV. To cUPBOAO UTTOBEIKVUEI OTI N NAEKTPIKES KAI NAEKTPOVIKEG OUOKEUEG, OTO TEAOG TRG {WIG TOUG, Ba TTPÉTTEI VA NETAMÉPOVTAI OE EIdIKOÚC YWPOUC ATTOPPINLMÁTWYV, EEXWPIOTÁ ATTÓ TA OKOUTTIÍdIA TOU OTIITIOÚ CAC. NapakaNoÚute, PWTÑOTE TOV TOTTIKÓ Sac duo yia TOV YWPo ATTÓPPIUNC NAEKTPIKUWV KA NAEKTPOVIKWY CUCKEUWV Ñ VIA TOTTOBECIA ATTÔPPIWNG OUOKEUVV TTPOG AVAKÜKAWON. ZTIG XWPEG TNG EupuTraikNç Evwong, UTTAPXOUV onueía cuUYKÉVTPWONC XPNCIMOTIOINHÉVWYV NAEKTPIKWV KAI NAEKTPOVIKWV CUOKEUWYV. NapakaXoÚue, Bondote uac va TIPOCOTATÉWOULE TO TTEPIBÁMoOV TTOU TOÚE! AHAQZH ZYMMOP®OQEHZ To Trpoióv aUTÓ CULMOPEWVETAI ME TIG ATTAITHOEIG том TTAPAKÁTUW OSNVYILV: EMC-Directive: 2004/108/EC Low Voltage Directive: 2006/95/EC Trou SnAwvouv ÔTI TO povTéÀo SC-5196 OUNMNMOPQWVETAI NE TA TTAPAKATW TTPÔTUTIA: EN55014-1:2006 EN55014-2:1997/+A1:2001 EN61000-3-2:2006 EN61000-3-3:1995/+A1,2001/+A2:2005 EN60335-2-54:2003/+A1:01/+A11:06/+A2:07 EN62233:2008 EN60335-1:2002/+A11,A1:04/+A12,A2:06/+A13:08 AMOKAEÏIZTIKOE ANTIMNPOZQMHOE Ayoipiônç — ZaBBiônç A.E. * Bao. ONyac 33 — T.K. 54641 — OccocAovikn TnA: 2310-850107, 2310-850108, Fax: 2310-867835 * MNooeidwvog 45 — T.K. 18344 — Мосхато TnA: 210 9402064, Fax: 210 9402137 - NOTICE ABOUT RECYCLING Your product is designed and manufactured with high quality materials and components which can be recycled and reused. me This symbol means that electrical and electronic equipment, at their end-of-life, should be disposed of separately from your household waste. Please dispose of this equipment at your local community waste collection/ recycling centre. In the European Union there are separate collection systems for used electrical and electronic products. Please help us to conserve the environment we live in! DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY This product complies with the requirement of the directives EMC-Directive: 2004/108/EC Low \bltage Directive: 2006/95/EC declare that model SC-5196 is in compliance with the following norms: EN55014-1:2006 EN55014-2:1997/+A1:2001 EN61000-3-2:2006 EN61000-3-3:1995/+A1,2001/+A2:2005 EN60335-2-54:2003/+A1:01/+A11:06/+A2:07 EN62233:2008 EN60335-1:2002/+A11,A1:04/+A12,A2:06/+A13:08 EXCLUSIVE IMPORTER IN GREECE: Amiridis — Savvidis S.A. * 33, Vas. Olgas avenue P.O. 54641, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: +30 2310 850107, +30 2310 850108, Fax: +30 2310 867835 * 45, Posidonos street P.O. 18344, Moschato, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 9402064, Fax: +30 210 9402137 * ">

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