Shimano FH-MJ05 Freehub Exploded View
SHIMANO SHIMANO (EUROPA) GmbH. Kleinhülsen 1-3 40724 Hilden, Germany Tel. 02103-5005-0 SHIMANO AMERICAN CORPORATION One Shimano Drive, P.O. Box 19615, Irvine, California U.S.A. 82713-9615 Tel. (714) 951-5003 Small parts list for after market. e You may photocopy this sheet and use it as an order form. e Sie kónnen dieses Blatt kopieren und als Bestellformular verwenden. e Vous pouvez photocopier cette feuille et l'utiliser comme bon de commande. e Dit blad kan gecopieerd en als bestelformulier gebruikt worden. e Potete fotocopiare questo foglio e usarlo come modulo di commissione. SHIMANO MJ-II Freehub F H = M J 05.6 6-Speed e Use with CS-HG30-6. ту | ТЕМ QTY | № | PART NO. 1 3SA 9802 0200 3 00 000 9131 Over Lock Nut Dimension: 126 mm (4-31/32") WEIGHT / | QTY / PACK PACK 818 DESCRIPTION e Hu ul / 1 e Freewhee 8 1 01 Printed in Japan 9404-1440A ">

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