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Super Combe ALIGN TREX550EPRODFC a = "TITRE I E Y Г. YT WWF, y E г Ч ; E 1] I iF fa | hs O [| JE a ii TE CS fi E" A ALS — | RHS5SE06XT — ————— [E INTRODUCTION AIS 1-2 SAFETY NOTES SHIRT al EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY EE PACK AGE ILLUSTRATION df memes 4 SAFETY CHECK BEFORE FLYING MITA EE E 5~14 Assen BLY SECTION BRUSHLESS SPEED CONTROLLER BeSTALITION SUGGESTION ESC |miplnEE TR ERE 2GX FLYBARLESS SYSTEM INSTALLATION 36H FM RO CANOPY ASSEMBLY WARES ELECTRICEQUP MENT ILLUSTRATION EFE E DE SERVO AND LINKAGE ROD SETTING ILLUSTRATION FREE EE ROR ADJUSTH ENTS FOR Gf RO AND TAIL NEUTRAL SETTING EER RIE RR EG PITCH AND THROTTLE SETTING = KRISE EEL ELS lee SGX FLYBARLESS MANUAL 20-32 passa mie 33] 3GXV40SETL TABLE Compact‘ | 2 RCM-EL 72090 B50KY POWER COLLOCATION REFERENCE BENE E НА i 1H SOV ЕСАя | oe. | Tie || Fic 34-35) CASTIE TADN 90 BRUSHLESS ESCINSRUCTION MaMIML| (Baas) es) ui) os) CG) S805) Es omni ti) LD) ov) (ai) es 30~37] 5X FLBARLESS FLIGHT TEST PROCECURE Thank you for buying ALIGN products. The T-REX 550E PRO DFC = is the latest technology in Rotary RC models. Please read this 27-40 a. T aa ld manual carefully before assembling and flying the new T-REX 550E PRO DFC helicopter. We recommend that you keep this manual for future reference regarding tuning and maintenance. a0 SGX FLYBARLESS PREFLIGHT CHECK MATAN an TROUBLESHOOTING REMOTE PUDE AAN Es» EAN E - ENE UA 2 HUES dl 31 = #9 ВР РО В EE A DUERMES ESE MEE MEE LEZ - 42) fs {EIS HR IE 280 HSE DER EE » 1618 — CEA SIT RIE Xam ED LBNL EREEIREE LIFRE BEE 1.INTRODUCTION 5 RE Thank youfor buying ALIGN Products. TheT-REX 550E PRO DFC Helicopteris designed as an easy to use, full featured Helicopter R/C model capable of all forms of rotary flight. Please readthe manual carefully before assembling the model, andfollowall precautions and recommendations located within the manual. Be sure to retain the manual forfuture reference, routine maintenance, andtuning. The T-REX 550E PRO DFC is a new product developed by ALIGN. It features the best design available on the Micro-Heli market to date, providing flying stability for beginners, full aerobatic capability for advanced fliers, and unsurpassed rdiability for customer sup port. ERAS EER + 2 TES ENED T-REXSS0EPRODFC HE FE 48 - MEHMET EXRAE ABR TRRDEREESH EE Е) EEE EN TEER ER - (FARR ETREL EEE NEE - T-REX 550E PRO DFC SES 158 {TH 2 80S AREA + RISER 6 BRITE Em PERS EXT ESS « T-REX 650E PRO DFC Уре ВН НЯ - WARNING LABEL LEGEND 5: 28% | FORBIDDEN Do not attempt under any circum stances. = Ib fe CE ELLAS ANA FP M7 BEA + | WARNING] | Mishandling dueto failure to follow these instructions may result in damage or injury. = 5 E] 0 SEE EF AS + To REVES EA STA ART RENA CRU RAE RE + AC Mishandling due to failure to follow these instructions may result in danger. x MM EREREERERE + mE PENA NES UE PE ‹ IMPORTANT NOTES SEHEN a , a ” в "Ч oh RC helicopters, including the T-REX 550E PRO DFC are not toys. R/C, helicopter utilize vario us high-tech prod ucts and tec hnologies to provide superior performance. Improper use of this product can resultinserious injury or even death. Please read this manual carefully before using and make sureto be conscious of your own personal safety and the safety of others and your environment when operating all ALIGN products. Manufacturer and seller assume no liability for the operation orthe we of this product. This product is intended foruse. only by adults with experience flying remote control helic opters at a legal fiying field. After the sale of this product we cannot maintain any control over its operation or usage. As the user of this product, you are solelyresponsiblefor operating it inamanner that does notendanger yourself and others or result in damage to the product orthe property of others. yy > T-REXSS0E PRODFC if A Mi FR» A TE SENA MINE MENE + fr LSE EE ATE AAA E Ne 1 0 E e E EXEC: EE. TAE E EDO Ea E 57 E - ENEE EAS A NEE AA R SUE ECT E PAEZ SAO AE PEA EEE AA MS AA E SBS A AE ETE ME HE ME FEEL - EGEL E 6 ENECA (EME MERECE E EA E EE + На Е EEES UE e SE CRFORAATAR ES HOME ZA - We recommend that vou obtain theassistance o an experienced pilot before attempting to fly our products for the first time. Alocal expert is the best way to properly as semble, setup, and fly your model for the first time, The T-REX 550E PRO DFC requires a certain degree of skill to operate, andis a consumer item. Any danage or dissatisfaction as a result of accidents or modifications are note overed by any warrantee and cannot be returned forrepair or replacement. Please contact our distributors for free technica consultation and parts atdiscounted rates when you experience problems during operation or maintenance. AS Align Corporation Limited has no control over use, setup, final as sembly, modification or misuse, no lability shall be assumed nor accepted for any resulting damage or injury. By the act of use, setup or assembly, theuser accepts all resulting ability BE ES ES STE PE 0 EA ARE 28 a MISH AERE WEATSHRTHAE - FAFEMAMEN SS ERFENTEE - BRENE EET PIE ¡RT E UE + DESEA RENE NOAA E OE 60 052 ETE MA dia > FREA REE - HEREOF EED NE BE 8 ETI RANEY УР НИИ ' ED RAE AE - CO + ВЕ НН ОБ - ENFARE MBR MA - BER + РАНЕЕ NE PAY Na AR A (ON EES fi ALIGN Y - Fly only in safe areas, away fromotherpeople Do not operate R/C aircraft within the vicinityof homes or crowds of peopl e. R/C aircraft are prone to accidents, failures, and crashes due to avarietyof reasons including, lack of maintenance, pilot error, and radio interference. Pilots areresponsiblefor thar actions and damage or injury occurring during the op eration or as of a result of R/C aircraft models. - Priorto every dla carefully check rotorhead spinde shaft screws and tail blade grip screws, linkage balls and screws, ensure theyare firmly secured. EERTRA -ERAEESREER RTHBELERAR LAEETENATEE - EFOHEETR - DRESS FO F5E - HERES WR fT HZ REE AI RENE ARTE HOERERTE 2 « WRK 3 WER RE PY SH 1H BA + SERIES EATEN TCE Manan > ANTE CERAS + DES SENTIR - RA - FETE BIR TRE BR TERT « LOCATE AN APPROPRIATE ГОСАТЮМ а AH R/C helicopters fly at highspeed, thus posing acertain degree of potential danger. Choose a legal flying field consisting offlat, smooth ground without obstacles. Do not flynear buildings, high voltage cables, or trees toensurethe safety of you rsdf, others and your model. For the first practice, please choosea legalflying field. Do not fly your model in inclement weather, such as ran, wind, snowor darkness NOTE ON LITHIUM POLYMER BATTERIES EXE LithiumPolymer batteries are significantly more volatile than a kaline or Ni-Cd/Ni- МН batteries used in RC applications. All manufacturers instructions and warnings must befollowed closely. Mishanding of Li-Po batteries can result infire. Always follow the mamufacturer's instructions when disposing of Lithium Polymer batteries. E AO — MERC EEE a - MRE > MECO aE Rs BNE EY - WE EaT EY RENAE ERE EER VERRE VA SEES FERS HERS + 1277 | PREVENT MOISTURE Я RIC models are composed of many precision electrical components. It is critical to keep the model and associated equipment away from moisture and other contaminants. The introduction or exposure to water or moisturein anyform can cause the modelto malfunction resulting in loss ofuse, ora crash. Do not operate or exposeto rain or moisture. 8 F3" PAK RA RS PAT i Ws BR Sh Rm ERR ARs ZE [OF] PROPER OPERATION 7228428 Please us ethe replacement of parts on the manualto ensure the safety of instructors. This product is for R/C model, so do not use for other purpose. U Ja "| OBTAIN THE ASSISTANCE OF AN EXPERIENCED P Before tuming onyour model and transmitter, check to make sure no one elses op erating on the same frequency. Frequency interferencecan cause your model, or other models to crash. The guidance provided by an experienced pilot will be invaluable for the assembly, tuning, trimming, and-actual first flight or unforeseen SRL may happen. (Recommend you to practice with computer-based flight simulator) A MY у TERT BER Boa BREE FETT + CAS RUSTE 008168 NES BRE, Teme ПОНОС BRIAc] Rr Ro Ee Be (BRA TR de ı AO 4 FE FE A — MERE TARA ASE ATION ZE1#/F Operate this unit within your ability. Do not fly under tired condition and improper operation may cause in danger. Never take your eyes off the model or leave it un attend ed while it is turned on. Immediately turn off the model and transmitter when you have landed the mo del. AE pc AREE— ES MEM PRES EA ' AS - METRES SUIT: ENEE Da SSA EE + 00 7 MODO ET + Me SEUA AS. RAR ES er 90 FEE a » A = = | ALWAYS BE AWARE OF THE ROTATING BLADES BREE cE During the operation ofthe helicopter, the main rotor and tail rotor will be spinning at ahigh rate of speed. The blades are capable of inflicting serious bodily injury and damage to the environment. Be conscious of your actions, and careful to keep yourface, eyes, hands, and loose sn away fromthe blades. Alwaysfly the model a safe distance from yourself and others, as well as surrounding ob jects. RERSERE" WR BaRO BERANE wx" DR AEE A TREES REA A4 = | KEEP AWAY FROM HEAT 48545 R/C models are made of various forms of plastic. Plastic is very susceptible to damage or deformation due to extreme heat and cold climate. Make sure not to store the model near any source of heat such as anoven, or heater. It isbest to store the model indoors, in a cimate<controlled, room temperature environment. BIER - ERASER LPARETRCN - BF ERA THE - CULE BE МНЕ МЫЙ - OR + Li E SEA SEES SAHNE + 2 3. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY Effi ALIGN /// RADIO TRANSMITTER AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY EMissræsin =) ES — or E Transmitter {7 -dhannel or more, helicopter system) Recel ver (6-channel or more) Remoterecelver SRE (RS LLL IR Pe TOE TE) ERT EB) i JA Li-Po Batt ery Charger RCC-6CX 22.2V 68 2600-5200mAhLi-Po Battery x pe. В, Li -Pog 357 52 ACC-6CX 22.2V65 2600-52 00mAh Li Poz ten, à ADDITIONAL TOOLS REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY ву O a ——— —— п. = EE EES E Er ms NE тои на E ——— ve Multi-function Tester se n В Veltmeter /Servo Diagnosis с е afin ab. uu Eu Pra X | la > Philips Screw ОБЩИЕ ge Hexagon Screw Driver += | Cutter Knife UNO Needle Nose Pliers Oil CA E es 1Hmm | ad a Imm 25mm/2 и NER 3 a EEN | ; TO E TO] Mess ALIGN 7 5503G Carbonfiberblade x iset RCM-ELA:30MX Motor (SS0RV) x 1 55016 WET х 198 ROM.EL 730 Y 5 B60 13 5 50K Vy x 1 Castle Talon 90 Bnshless ESCx 1 Castle Talon 90 RUE x 1 DS615 Digital Servo х 3 DSH IEEE E DS6E55 Digital Servo x 1 DS655 3 Ве = 1 Lo 3GX Flybarless System PGE AA GOHTE S0HT013 CRSA SH edo | Sed QS ll Sl oI (CR Trig b= ALIGN т CAREFULLY INSPECT BEFOREREAL FLIGHT BEES TRITA HERS « Before flying, please checkto make sureno one else is operating on the same frequency for the safety. « Before flight, please check if the batteries of transmitter and rec eiver are enough for the flight. - Before turn on the transmitter, please check if the throttle stick is in the lowest position. IDLE switch is OFF. - When turn off the unit, please follow the power on/off procedure. Power ON-Pleaseturn onthe transmitter first, and then turn on receiver. Power OFF - Please turn off the receiver first and then turn off the transmitter. Improper procedure maycause out of control, so please to havethis correct habit. « Before operation, check every movement is smooth and directions are correct. Carefully insp ect servos for interference and broken gear. + Check for missing or loose screws and nuts. See if there is any cracked and incomplete assembly of parts. Carefully check main rotor blades and rotor holders. Broken and premature failures of parts possibly cause resulting in a dangerous situation. « Check all bal links to avoid excess play and replace as needed Failure to do so will resultin poorflight stability - Check the battery and power plug are fastened. Vibration and violent light may cause the plug loose and result out of control. - BERTIER ERE ATA AE EG FALDA, CEA ES MAA ME © - EXAMENES E 19 350 15 UN 25 MG ASE ETE (290 MENTES ADE + * МОМЕНТЕ Ва СЕВ РАЗНЫЕ НО ЕЗВНЕ В + ООН НН + ТЕНЕЙ AIDLE)E ESA AA ARTE - MEU :E E EEE MIE - 19 EA E Ma BEHESE SEE : REA TAO Snes - OS HRS + FIERA MES OR SEL ES - EE ANA MES + ENERO EN - y - MBE AO 60 NIF SAS: ESA AS EN- SGEN, EA TONE WE i Je EP SIREN ET IEE Éric RE © - MATAME 3 Be E Sib 0 IA EEE - BEE GE ET ER REET + BRET TE EETFEE RAT - FEAS AT UA MEA - E: A EE ETRE - HEMANAENEES ARI - 160 FEE EMS E em women = - BEEN ERERESHEFER RODH Bi UU EAT › МЫ ав пя Нет, IP Ея M El N Ti eh GORE TRES AIR я BE or wi xh REN у IP 3GXFlybarless System | IX THR FR TT — ОЕН ео Screwx 1 RCM-BL730MX 05615 Raita Servo x 3 peed) Helical Gear 16T x1 REIL Fao an D515 ORs Ba * 1 | Castle Talon 90 Brushless ESC x1 550 36 Carbon Fiber Blade EN 167 х 1 X x 1 Castle Talon SC EBIQUEES x 1 16 5 НН When you see the marks as below, please use glue or grea se to ensure A BETH a CREO LEFSEZIRE - CA: Apply CA Glue to fix R48: Apply Anaerobics Retainer to fix T43: Apply Thread Lock to fix ise Ce - E T43 Glue width: approx 1mm OL: Add Grease. T43 ERRE mm AT R42 metal tubular adhesive (eg. Bearings). T43 thread lock, y RAS: В РАЗА ИНГЕ u ve (eg. 5): read IocK, app Ta DEAD a small amount on screvs or metal parts andwipe surplus off. OIL: ADA When disassembling, recommend to heat the metal joint about 15 When assembling ball links, make sure the "A" character Seconds.(NOTE: Keep plastic parts away from heat. faces outside. | Sr Hs fk en RCE Roe aE STR EEE ENT EDS + ASE + SETA EA» CEM | SOMA E 6. ASSEMBLY SECTION 185255 Pa Bearing BE (of xo Adm 4 © [hm Socket collar screw FEA" A SM m m X | 1 9. Thrust bean ng iH ET (obx a 14 mn «2 o) spindle bearing spacer O RESF MAS (a 1x a 1 3x0 Ame x2 a Ae Already assembled by Factory! | Before flying, please check if the screws are fixed with glue. Riis 0 57 ah me E Eo Exe 1 mn ts 1 O DFC E [85 17 96 Sm 7 1 OC (ex ati Set mm x 2 © | [мии Socket screw БА РАЯ НМ 4340 ити) жа Washer Же 2027 (ade e 12:dmnja? 4 Obverse ofbearing faces inside. MELE D 8A Bearing Bee 14 =dmm Thrust bearing and bearing are wear items, be inspected for space 20 Might: For fig hts with h ye ion interv Spindlebearing spacer У А пт ket collar screw TO Metal man rotor hdder REFEREE ml E Smaller ID r Metal main holder "35 EN logo on the top ENE] FRR I + Bl PRE BE Thrust bearing 15 #54 # REN Featheringshaftsleeve КТО Жан лин / Meta main rotor housing ETH ETE — | 7 | | | A Le Feathering shaft sleeve y E ru 3 A CT SS, AER bearing spacer Feathering shaft Rap Th] wo “©; q 1 Retry ae man screw SECA Linkage ball M3:3 5) Fa Sit Samim = 2 SALATE I PA AB al et AE ESL Already assembled by Factory Before flying, please check if the screws are fixed with glue. RENE TE DAT IE SH Е: ESE UE When tightening a screw to a plastic part, please tighten it firmly, but not over tightened, or they will strip. = EE Doe Lirkage ball DM3:3.5) Pam 60FLH4 | © Bearing MA (435 $7 Im) xd Washer #5 (63x64 840, 3e) =2 socket colar screw Er A ME ELA (M319 mm) x2 700 DFC Linka rod 700 DFC EA ME xMmmx 2 OT Elevator ball link FF PRES SX 4 60FLH4A fe a a LE Da ai © © | pme Socket screw В ой A PB E МЗ № MINE 1 Socket colar screw В) TO BE БА (МЗ ин) x 1 \ Socket collar screw Tk048:03 mm 2 OS Main rotor grip linkage bearing = eave В еаг! ZERRIEEE Dering 3 =f mm Man rotor grip arm integrated control linkage A SE Tm ecu io rod A) RO Hime Er 06x 04351 mm AIS cor PIBE LA Te >. Main shaft ana men LA Socket collar sc ro я Socket screw _ = EAT AED me 24 PA Fa MD Im 4 Already assembled by Factory. Before o [NI flying, lease check ifthe screws are Banting M3 Set screw glue. BR (4 Des Bodmm) x 2 ! МЗ ЕЯ НИЗ (МЗ эти se À FERA В ЛЖ ТОНА ЗОНЫ AE (©) en tightening a screw to a plastic | Pr art, please tighten E firmiy, but not E e Bearing ER d Wx G1 2b mm nstalafioniocation (1) Carbon fiber main frames (RIL) PETER CF Bottom plate Had ES Front frame ounting block | EE! Larding skid x x 61.25mm осо = e re end a Nh Skid pipe Ве Te 254 mm CAUTION | Ae Main shat ae ET AA Main frame assembly point: TS FE RTE 5 First do not fully tighten the screws of ÓN "E main frames. Put the main shaft through the two bearings and check if la e the movements (up/d are smooth. Mainframe The bottombracke mustbe firmly E touched PIE table top (glass surface); please keep thesmooth movements on man shaft and level bottom bracket, then slowly tighten the screws. A correct assembly can help Glass surface for the power and flight paformance. | ET FRE EATERS PIES SCT RE MAT HE TF MZ BL o Ej RR af “€ BETA Recommend sanding the marked position with a waterproof abrasive paper (4800-1000) as below illustration to avoid the wires of electric parts to be cut. he: TE SRR TE SIE РА #900 — 10004 BEET - STEM ME 00-27 НАЧ Я = a me abrasive paper E Already assembled by Factory. Before fying, please check ifthe screws are fixed with glue. HE БР DORT BCE Rd = en tightening a screw to a plastic art, please tighten & firmly but not ver tightened, or they will strip. LS EF ce =, O 5) Socket button head self tap pi а — He on head s ng NN TT ds LOPNA (M dame A A PPP MODO ASN(o 475012 Tam) eo mm (O) [eve Socket screw (EER Pry FU 2A TAE deme] Socket button head self Е q scew E Ma a TZ med y 2 2 a re if Nut MI x fo Ritu wi DEDF Servohom (a e = ry ЕТУ: Servo horn EA Mas ball A IFRAME 53.5) HE SH ЛВ Tail serve mount EMPERO E LnkageballB x3. ae) + = 18 men DEDO F DEDF (306 iH MZ Mut PEE IT 3GX Fiybarless system inner holejA РаПе НЕ outer hole(E) E 3G XH TE aE AIL (A) AT = || STEN FREE RIEUE) 8 50HT013 i © ) % Socket button head self Joost Suen Aw ] ] 3 EPL RE TR (12 Bm) x 2 Already assembled by Factory. Before urna fying, please check ifthe screws are Tall boom mou fixed with glue. ad xa9xdmm кент) п А) g A mm BEE. rene nT a: lazo tube Emi BUENO р п Log umbrella gear ver tightened, or they will strip. | ERR Bearin | 6 Ffe 12x4 18x4mm) x2 J Socket button head seif Sa sie (LIP) E xo 18d mm = Me LL e Ag Tata bolt TUNES М a + Umbrella gear case(R) Es EER Umbrella gear case(L) PRE EEE Hearing Socket screw Tall umbrella gear EAS 10mm) x2 FEARS mm| xd E E LEA e 12 418.1 0mm «1 A Metal tall unit >>. dE à GE Г E ESSE >> $17 Axs18x10 mm _ Bearing a Mil Socket screw SM e Metal plate (L) E MU SE EM BE e (fa Collar screw I= Socket button head screw Collar serew META Em) (7 542 mer) 2 | | | AE mo FE MES (ME „бк Би) еб (OO) Kd Set scraw MU medad de md = À Thrust bearing Bearing 10 dm x2 WH (s Tx mm) x 2 LENNY] 03% 9 10 bmi) x © fm o" O EMOL AS” Slide shaft Bearing O | RE (40x47 <176mm)x 1 ЯНГ обх 910 Bmm) x4 a © | BFL 20d 7 Ix mm) + R' O Collar Á Socket colar screw FE MAME (e 2x0 dm) x2 O (fu er 1757 (4 8 x 1003 many x2 ©) | Om Was her Linkage bal A x WE 93x 98x Tn) x2 ESAMSAS) |g 4.5x8.98 mm) x1 ATT] Socket colar screw BS on mE Om | | will cause the operation of control link; Du À (Mans aus 2 pa i M2x8mm collar screw firmly but | | APRES not over tightened, pleaseuse suitable amount || of T43 on thethread Overtightenthe screw unsmoothiy. 4 EPIM2XS mms IE ARE BRE FEES 70S - BEES TASAS CE + EA TA E ESPE AAA + e Hy While assembly amount of T43 onthe thread. Pleasedo not use R48 anaerobics retainer or other high strength glue to avoid damages while maintena fixed position, o mesh with each o OESMOMEBIE EN Me || Socket button ROTH: the slide shaft, please use suitable’ = ea a ES, ‘repairs. TRF Ee BH EARN ГЕ eE ee Cdlar screw Ме ОГ el FC MELE 8 FE3mm) Bearing Mmm "E 11:3mm Ttype arm EX ENEE make sue the gears ther smoothly. head screw Bearing Sa 71 6 mm Slide shaft e AZ Tail pitch bell crank REIFE Bearing A xa 7 132 fmm Socket button head screw 305 MI A EA ME mm Bearing HE a Eg 103mm Cdlar screw Already assembled by Factory. Before flying, please check ¥ the screws are fixed with glue SEER. SANTE NICE = entightening a screw to a plastic part, please tighten it firmly, but not over tightened, or they will strip. E. CF Tall blade Socket colar GATE screw Ed Socket collar SC rew BI Ae Washer “E El & Ing Bl mm « Thrust bearing iE 4 153 10 mem Washer see ñ 10x03 ap 3 Ox 10x03mm ==] Tail rotor hub d 6d ome + a Ele [Aeon] Aster complete the y tail rotor assembly, pleasecheckif it rotates smoothly Lie 10 10 Already assembled by factory, please note to check again RES RT BEE When assembling into the tail boom, please apply some oil on the surface, to make it smooth during the assembling and keep it vertical with the torque tube for smooth rotation. E EEE 7 RARA CNE E sa Torque tube aisée Socket sel нЕ: When assembling the tail bo omplease aim at thefixing hole à 5.1. | BR ER BOE FR SEEN, Ball link Be stabilizer E Tal control guide — are Er AO EE HR Socket sel „” аррипа зсгем pra oe Tal boom brace set De E EE A A a Carbontal pushrod tt 1 EE Sarke+ esfftanninacc GER Ps AUTO i a. Skewed Torque tube bearing holder will interfere with torque tube rotation and cause unusual vibration ¿o ЕН ВН Зо ВЕН ЗОН НЕТ EA EEE ЧОН Л — TIPTOF Please apply so may cause thi and use the into the tail boom : BALL LEE CA 168 BE a ME SS 11 EE Ps - EA A SME Fh ER EERE HR CEA eN SEIS 0 ; | Tora ln men helper Tal boom В Eo na oil Neutral point | pus ng EZ mm, с bn cta TA ESE SO / Torque tube | 77D La . erm ый ha | Tube front | Tube and Torque ube bearing holder spray sien dlinsidethetalboon Bearing Tim 5 Tem ESENAEE HABS $ Hi $20.713 UT SE = “Ч вот Tail control guide JIC tn meen al ry ео) | = a” be |] Carbon fiber tal “Чат но ZZ ntrol pus hrod [A ra ma ZZ y > After moving the tail control rod adjustment slee e ad = de to suitable position, glue the sleeve to carbon tail a control rod with instant glue. 0 RUTAS e = ti JK CF Vertical stabilizer IKE ian iN LY Al AT IATA [$ Te $ Bm х 2 Socket colar screw В 700 RE ER (ME mom x 2 | NG Specialtywasher Socket screw Socket screw BoA Md Dra) 12 970 E (MI <10ment x2 Washer A 22{s 3x5 Bximmix2 Socket button head screw ESA (VE ma Y Socket button head screw FL mA Ж | Tail boom fixing screw ВЕНЕ ATT Already assembled by Factory. Before fying, please check ifthe screws are fixed with glue. ВЕНЕ 8 280 AAC ARR = en tightening à screw to a plastic art, please tighten & firmiy but not ver tightened, or they will strip. 7 E SHEDERT - Socketscrew Washer Mt ax ¿Bic ima 12 2 Anny alias amrmnt af TA4 thron: 4» Apply a litle amount of T43 thread rd La Е К || н К а ра | ai ape aa mie race as || Ld FY msn yay pa ry Ry te LAS nen fixing ame ba oC J так FTE E pu = FL E я a | | MG Set screw [a | F A | LES 50HB6 PT | ex 6 Socket collar screw BEE EMO mm) x À В "TA: Lo Ns Sad m i TX sh A E E. № № Already assembled by Factory. Before Main shaft spacer(05) | | flying, please check ifthe screws are ph 1 (dina fixed with glue. but Socket button head ser | MS + 1 tapping screw Er M3 Tecos | pm ey om (Dxómm) x 7 | (+ Dixg UxDImajx 1 part, please tighten & firmly but not over tightened, or they will strip. Main shaft spacer(03) Adal LES pane яв: я Mean es OT ERR = © en tightening a screw to a plastic A ” 4 o Swahplae Levele etl shaft — + Horizontally Level E el Swashplate +FE Before setting upthe 3GX FEL system please use aswashplateleveler to | outthe swashplate. Adjust thelengthof servo linkage rodto make surethe swashplate is leveled before start setting up 3GX toensure 3G X provides thebest performance. Раны М Е В ВПО 2-Я М НЕ * Я 87 RAR ICKR (THe Ems BERR E standard Equipment : Main shaft acer 3 Cr main drive gear i sagwoy) Oo Man gear case SE CPL RE e [a On eway beari PIES Lo 125 if ST. 1 Flat head self tapping screw ME О ЕЛА (ТЗ эбит п) E the + 2.6 holes ofthe sant main gear. REESE EEE 253.40 ЛИ IE Flat head sdf \ i | с BEATE NA VÁ EA an NE 77 & 12% 4 16 x4mm One-way Oneway bearing shaft Washer BRS BE о Эхо ТУЗ той У! EEES EE [+ 11.5% 4 190 Вет х 1 Before tightening the screw, please rotate Ny gehalt zum || |the bearing and check the concentricity of 9 Эхе CxH7mm | the bearing in order to have thescrew | =| |firmlysecured, to avoid the bearing stuck or heavy load at one side and cause slip. rd | EPT - 13 a y Apply a TT ttle > à amo moun ni tos ТАЗ A F lockw he en fixing a met al part = — ANTES MAS o AE. E | Eee — rh WE кух Already assembled by Factory. Before т + 4 © О - RSE x fying. ease check F the screws are glue Má Nut a MU ESTARE 2 — ses RES TES CET Rah ЛЕ CAUTION © MI Aa dare entightening a screw to a plastic Ae Má Set screw MA mm part, please tighten it firmly, but not Tip for Motor instalation ED over tightensd, or ley val strip. please loosen the Frame © [re eh fer Е | mounting block screws, next Socket pcrew mounted the motor on the Eo A: (Mail mim) x2 Motor mount, than tighten en dosh co ea block. [EEE | | ma washer Eo. da messe _ MAR EI( d4x 68m = 5503G Carbonfiberblade == {= 5503G mans — Te hos = Socket screw AT 9 q Cpt A Ze 167 3 —= {| the fixing point = 12 (06 SEM + cie > o = EZ AD E INT 17 7 E TT 1 IE e "Socket bttton head self % e Set the motor pinion gear to main drive gear mesh to approximately 0.1mm to avoid excess power UTE or motor burnt due to ovortoad. After assembling the motor pinion gear and main drive gear, the horizontal distance must be within 1mm and keep the gear mesh at a proper distance. FS Aa E EL e TEA A mm - ESTARSE EEE ® ¡er MT NIV = TM LEERY E CE 14 7.BRUSHLESS SPEED CONTROLLER INSTALLTION SUGGESTION ESCRABZAET=EFCE ALIEN И Use and Loop Tape, tape the Hoop side (hoo on the battery mounting plate and the Loop side fuzzy) on the battery to fix the battery n order to prevent any slip. PTE" Use Adhesivefoam or Hoop & Loop tape to fix. DE ENGE + CAUTION MEE When TREES hd speed controller, _ please keep a distance at least 5cm Ter fee ae = > from the receiver to avoid any interference. oy BY EAR 25 6er 5 Gem LL PAIE * EC FIRE» Hook and Loop Tape mai 15 8.3GX FLYBARLESS SYSTEM INSTALLATION 36X5E85% TA ALIGN т 1. Consult the following diagram for 3GX installation direction, arrow pointing toward nose or tail of helicopter. 3GX needs to be mounted flat on gyro mourting platfor ee! away from vibration Sources. = a 2. Two pieces of foam mounting tape can be used if helicopter experiences vibration induced flight instability. However, if this still doesn't cure the problem, please check the hdicopter mechanics and minimize mechanical vibrations, or reduce the eg oa soe 3. Please secure with genuine factory issued double sided anti-vibration mounting tape. x: IF 3GX was to be mounted inverted, se enter comect anti-torque compensation section and set it as "revers TATUS LED tums red); to avoid the effect of the performance of gyro lock. 1. IGXRETAR £8 7 PASTAS REA E KTR FERRE EEE - 11 EH EI » 2. dirt SAR TIRE (50) - WA RET TRE - SR3GX —- | FAME‘ SR - 1 E ERA E HEN EEE = 3 BE AERA ESE RY ERE T - И, X MSIE THRE Thi + BRE AE IR HET RTE) ARTE AT HI E ce Directional Arrow MEA 3GX Flybarless System ЗОН НЕЙ AR AUGN //A Canopy nut 7 AA it Е В Вх? Socket button head self tapping screw BEATE (T 3mm) x 2 | When assembling the canopy to the unit, please completely wedge into the groove of the bottom plate. FARBEN ARE FARBEN 16 a AN 7 a 5 Carbon fiber tail control pushrod x 1 tl MENE MUS x 1 me 684mm : ml == 539 Castle Talon 2) Brushless ESC Cas de Talon 90 tampa ot PARTS IDENTIFICATION uz Ч an 3GX FLYBARLESS SYSTEM JGX 2 MO VEA | = = w (Door Remote receiver 1 Remote receiver 2 EE 2 Govemor sensor The default factory setting for aleron a [Jial turnedto 17 otclock position). If leftright or fronward/after oscillation is noticed, reduce ELE gain 10 degrees at a time, until the oscillation disappears. If helicopter drifts left/right or forward/after PE hon, increase the AIL or ELE gain 10 degrees at a time until drifting is = © — < 14 |--- un и, = — - a LL = = — e LU > 1a = 5 ir - Ш а — eliminated UB FH NE SERIA + LIBEL SOU] IHRIEG 12 BEA) - RITHE RE RESH Bai he - BRETES - Beis BEALS EVER || | aa ft te ve SENERE › ДАО ИЮНЕ К 10 ЕЕ 07, MINE + ET Bet Daln FFT SHEE TE MEE RNA - RTE RE - IRR FEAL a EVE GENE LEE 10 WENN 1 11.SERVO SETTING AND ADJUSTMENT {55 2536 Esai ALIGN /// To set this option is to tum on the ransmitter and connect to helicopter power. Note: For the safety, please do not connect ESC to the brushless motor beforethe settin 9 In order to Po any accident caused Hat motor running during the ph URI REDEE - BR LERARFETINTEE - I8 ATE2ER RENA ALA E PLE E + HEEE MENE MS + JR TRANSMITTER/SERVO JR 5 (228518 EN Positions of CH? + CH6 are not exchangeable After assembling as photo (Note:S5 et the trarsmitter under CCPM 120 degrees mode), pull throttle stick (pitch) upward. If one swashplate servo (or two servos) moves downward, adjust reverse switch (REV) on the transmitter to make it moves upward. If three servo move downward, adjust the travel value [+-) of SWASH PIT on the trans miter to make them move upward. When the actions of Aileron and Elevator are opposite, adjust travel values of SWASH AIT and ELE CH - CHERS BIC» AE SR (ER EE 3% FREES CCPM 120° + FEEL) FRPUEE(Pitchi{E PE - + TSE HS | MERLE IC ER BH MREVR REBEL B38 SHARE I A 5% SWASHPIT REE Ma + (ER ARE CS E + MALE ENTER - PRES SWASHAIT : ELEFE EF AA + BREE Positions of сни. * “CHE arenot exéhangeable. After assembling as photo (Note:S et thetransmitter under CCPM 120 degrees mode), pull throttle stick {I h) upward. If one swashplate servo ог two Servos) mo s downward, adjust reverse switch (REM on a ris moves ward. If three servo К the travel meron NO к Alleran : CHI SIE: CH ¡Make them d whenthe actions of Aileron And Elevator are PP nosite, adjust travel values of SWASHAIL and ELE. e вас), A CrM Or Fr T a | ket Pt REV) (E 24 I * 530 2 ESP T > - 3 238 SWASH PIT {712 BEUTF All © @EESAMNE FTE + = a “ MA Ue - ENEE SWASHAIL - ELE TEBIEA A - | 12.ADJUSTMENTS FOR As AND TAIL En SETTING Po SVE hl AB [= 77 Turn off Revolution mixing {RVMX) к the r— sien sett the gain switch on the transmitter andthe g qyro to Head lock mode. Thegain setting is about pout 70 after transmitter setting, connect to BEC power to work on tail neutral setting. Mote : When turn on le a do (da not otich tail rudder stick and the helicopter. Then waitfor 3 seconds, make tail servo armand tail servoat a PU 0 si” grees), tail pitch assembly must be correctly fixed about in the middle of the travel of tail rotor shaft for standard neutral setting. et 710 EEE oe но AO MUNI ONE VEZ EE › > EA 70% D ERA ETAPE PRE CHN MZ + RÍE {PL EEE an Et NM ин. ' (5 SPORE MIC Ti FES AR RI (RR AO + Fe PSR I 4A TRIE WE EN EEA TIR POP RS AE + | AL SETTING Fumie HEAD LOCK DIRECTION SETTING OF GYRO® After setting Head Lock mode, correct setting position of tail To check the head lock direction of gyro is to move the tail servo and tail pitch assemblyis as photo. If the tail pitch counterclockwise and the tail servo horn will be trimmed assembly is not at the neutral position, please adjust the length clockwise IF it tims inthe reverse direction, please switch of rudder control rod to trim. the gyro "REVERSE". Pitch AA TEE EE + SP Pitch AAA PEREA EA EA EDO el el MED que > = BIE + RIE DIRE ea SUELE + Approx. 10mm 1 Ha 110 me Tail servo hom Fes fee fees Tail moving direction ВНЕ РЫБА a Trim direction for tail servo horn. ME GE SR 18 13.PITCH AND THROTTLE SETTING Еве HEE ALIGN /// GENERAL FLIGHT — dt, Throttle Pitch 100%HIgh speed DONE +0 85% A} TE = + + REE +5 Stck ition at hiThrottl el 00% 40% RISA SE Ia Pie +0 0% Low speed |... 3D FLIGHT 30 нон "Г L IFA E 1 2 3 4 Throttle Curve{Simple Aerobatic Flight) TRC EE EY Eh e + m = X} > eThrotle 9079 h C gis MT a) = = Sick position at low Throttle 100%0P itch-12° EE EP 100% Pitch 42 7 1. Pitchrangs © Approx. +15 degrees. 3 © 2. Ifthepitchis set too high, it vil resul in shorter flight duration and poor motor performance 3. Setting the throttle to provide a higher speed is preferable to increasing the pitch toohigh. 1. EE(Pitch)iR 13¥E Ke + 16 2 87 RENE EEL BE RTHEEE - 3. ENTER he ma SORTEA EDAD SE - 19 14.35X FLYBARLESS MANUAL EE Ets hn ALIGIN Y FEATURES Æ54€ 3-axis gyroscopic flybariess system to simulate the stability of mechanica flybar system, yet a the same time achieving agile 3D performance. INEA PATA - OUR PAIR RAE EE - EMS DIE © Utilizes MBMS gywo sensors, which feature small footprint, high reliability, and excellent stabil S/MMEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems ) MEMES E SIR EE ER + Sensor with 12 bit ukra high resolution, resulting in highly precise controls. ERiRIE312 {IT + CATE + 19 EIR TREE = Supports APS Gyro. SAPO RES - Supports Spektrum and JR satellite receivers. TE SPEKTRUM [RJR TEE - Supports Futaba S.Bus architecture. 30% Futaba 5S.BUS HE - tr Che h PC interface adapter. BREA, ETE » ba TR simplistic setup process without the need ofexterna devices. Setup is done through 5 steps “и 2 A adjustments Rudder setup is identical to GP780 , minimizing learning curve IE MORA EEE + ATTE > BSE EE EEE SE UE › ARRIVE) CPTS0ER - 9H вне: Se Flybarless sy stem dramatically improves 3D power output and efficiency, resulting in reduced fuel or slectricity consumption. TE RRR © TNR ESD AER THERE - SRE RR EA RCD B BIE SEE aD - Highly sensitive gyroscopic sensors cp with advanced control d'otoc routine providing higher hovering and aerobatic stability than other fiybarless ; , 8 ¡EE FE EER RES Rn IRIE alt + ON REE — RRR LER IEEE = > Y à Ч 3 > Suitable for all CCPM and mechanical mixing system a” LY = ARE IAEA ERR CPM ARE HERR A a + “ à Built in speed governor function. AT P” Wu PER BESTE 2 BB a “un C omaptible with helicopter of al sizes from TREX 250 to TREX 300, FF” 3GX Flybarless BF REE RUE FHT A VE PRT -REX 250~ T-REX 800.» => Capable to operate between 3.5 to 8.4\ compatible with high voltage Servos. AD REISV~8.4V » EERE RE - Small footprint, ight weight, minimalists and reliable des gn EAA - HEE + BEASTS * ERE NS . RoHS € Ce Y ь В HER mE Ty к и“ BEE EH EE AEE В - 3GX = = ENIDNDICATORS INERTES MUERAS FLYBARLESS SYSTEM SETUP MODE FIS ENE т, Direct mode bypassing gyro, Collective mixing type Elevator reverse settings Aileron endpoints settings me reverse settings for mechanicd travel and recognition andelevator HERNE RS EN DOT ELOTE E TER neutral point setup. endpoint settings |S ERT NEE Pe PEA E: ARE E RUDDER GYRO SETUP MODE EINES — Pl E STE Wa | Tu a uE + Amitorque compensation En TEE el uE Servo frame rate setings Digtal/Aralog Rudder Serve Reverse Rudder endpoints Ruedder servo delay and Anti-torque (1520 | sand760 a 5) servo settings settings setings helicopter size settings compensafion setting 411520 LI s BREA BE ERLE EARS EE E AD SRN IE oe TE EARTERE "E BE) ELA EVER FORTE 760 Li s НЕ STE 20 SETUP PRE-CHECK ¡EME AS | | While using 3GX FBL system, be sure to tum off the following functions in the transmitter (FA IGX ТАС Ел НЕ Е ТОЛЩЕ БАСТЕН ВВ КН * Swash Ring # Linkage Compensation * Swash Mix _ x Mixing * Acceleration 1. Connect the recaver and servos to theflybaress control unit as per diagram found on page 21— 727. Z. Digital servos must be used on cyclic to avoid damage to servos. Commended servo spec: minimum speed 0.02 sec/60, torque or higher. 3. Thetrim must be zero when using 3GX, and should not be adusted at anytime. Ifthe helicopter hovering tend to one side, it means the swashplate doesn't keep horizontal when setting. Go to flybarless system "Direct mode bypassing gyro, for mechanical travel and neutral point setup” to adjust the level of the swashplate and then re-<complete the setup. 4. When the 3GX Fiybarless system is installed for the first time, a few simple setup steps and fly tests need to be performed in the fiybarless setup mode. these steps need to be performed only during initial setup, and does not needto be repeated for subsequent flights. Just poweru р the systemnormally, check the proper servo operations, and fly. The initia setup procedure only need to be repeated after re upgrade, pitch range res et, or subtrims are added in the transmitter. 1. VERBS PRES HE TIE (EA 21 — 228) - de. TEE TAE MESS - OHI SR (a EE RIRE ER0088560 9 ; 871 2kg.on EE 3. JA ENTERA MTI RE SEH ERE + RTT FORRES HA + JET AAA RN OS GRA — AS UN» A TENE FER ATOR + MET REE AA TR ESPIAR " + ME EE + MTC EE + 4. E— NT 36 Fiybarless FRI BER NTE - LF HJR AUDE ESTE TO TE ARO DE REE CUORE | РОСНО РОВНОМ ЛЕНЕ AECA BEGET fol 2% WE ENE ADIT : SORE A, > MARA IEN ES A ES PR E (sub. trim) ES A ARE MEL ESO AR PANDO A» 8GX CONNECTIVITY METHOD 365 =, — METHOD 1:STANDARD RECEIVER CONNECTIVITY METHOD a ES - ALLE HH 1. Connect allwires as shown in diagram, Receiv erand 3GX EL ESE | wires are color codéd to distinguis h the different connection Pl Toren channels. Care Shou TE properwire color to Sn = chamel e О Purple = 2 Whil the speed controller that not incl ding = vou THR ie to O nnect Fe Se with3GX EAT Receiver power TREE connectingthe зех a. BUS/BIND" portto thech7 orBA | rec giver using supplied signal Á wire. añ Г 4 To avoid. dé AA р digital servos should be used a | b | for swash ate, Recommended spec: 0.08s/60" or faster, with12 | Ч М “a Kg orhighertorque. 1 8 3GX has bultin speed gove mor function which can be utilized by Ë | hl - : lasing the optional speed sensor. Governorsetting is done || A throu channel Ton the receiver. ETH В X 1. НОЕ 1H ER SGX BER EF АВА E ESE FEA Tan] 008 y à DE» a yl Se 2 MEED VE Ras , TONE IG ES BATT IL147TI8 2 BE CTERA + 3 1 AL TA E IGX 9 "S.BUSIBIND" 1,6712 255 iil =F = Eads SENEE PENA SAA 26 * НО ЕН ОО8 9160 CIPy - 1777 1249 ELE + A A ЕНе › ‚ | SUE 3 E HENO ECO IEEE BE ET Поп её ее ha nge ad AT com AILE PIT FO | METHOD 2: FUTABA'S. BUS CONNECTIVITY METHOD AFÆ:FUTABA S.BUSIZ#E A | 1. For Futaba S.BUS receivers, connect wires as shown in diagram. 2. While using the speed controller that not including BEC, you need to connect the BEC power with 3GX "BATT" port. 3. Receiver power is supplied through S.BUS signal wire connected to 3GX's "S.BUS/BIND" port. 4. The default channelfunction mapping when using S.BUS are: (1JAIL (2)ELE (3)THR (4)RUD (B)GAIN (6)PIT (7)GOV 1. Fl S.BUS ThifERD Futaba те, АННО ИЕ ТЕ - 2. (BFE EB ECE Hai i=E: iy, ANF hac X gD "BATT" 3.0 EA BEC EH - 3. BRE WE HAH 3 BUS BREESE 36X 1 "3.BUSIBIND" Jif * 4. EM S.BUS Mba - PITA DIEE A TAIL (ELE (3THR (4RUD (5)GAIN (EPT (AGOV If channel (3) is set as PIT and channel (6)set as THR on trans mitter, THR RUD PIT ELE AIL Such as8F G, 12Z, 14MZ, and etc, ple ase reprogram the transmitter Est to utilize channe (3) as THR and channe (6) as PIT, ENTE FE EE PEN STE (3) a PAT (6) 8572 THR ES | {ВРС > 127 > 1dMZ E + TEC ES PONENTE (3) 164 THR (6) 638 PIT + 5, To avoid damage to servos, only digital servos should be used for sweshplate. Recommended spec: 0.069/60 orfaster, with 12Kg orhigher torque, Fer 6. 3GX has built in speed governor function which canbe utilized by ZA === = purchasing the optional speed sensor. x Son Governor setting ls done through channel 7 onthe receiver, Do not exchange AIL Tra BATT our 5. + EAT SE SAN nd Prr comecióna + +i BEE: FEB BO Lif (BH 12kgl LE + АМ В ATF offi - 5. ACA - JE ESA E - EEE ERE N 21 | METHOD 3: JR/SPEKTRUM SETELLITE CONNECTIVITY METHOD 755%= :RSPEKTRUM ME RER 1. Do notmix satellite receivers of different makers, à. Even under correct startup sequence, if transmitter is powered off first, LED1~LEDS will also flash. Thus the receiver shoud always be powered off before the transmitters 3. 3G X supports satellite receivermodels curently available on the mark et. Should new receiver version comes out 1. For JR or Spektrum satellite receivers, connect wires as shown in diagram. 2. While using the speed controller that not including BEC, you need to connect the BEC power with 3GX "BATT port. 3. To avoid damage to servos, only digital servos should be used for swashplate. Recommended spec: 0.08/60 or faster, with 12K g or higher torque. 4. 3GX has buik in speed governor function which can be utilized by purchasing the optional speed sensor. Governor setting is done through channel 7 onthe receiver. Channel 5/GEAR controls RFM of speed governor, channd 7/AUX? controls rudder gyro gain. For radios with less than 6 channels, please usethe standard receiver connectivity method. 5. For radios with less than 6 channels, channel S/GEAR is used for rudder gywo gain Speed governor cannot be used. For safety concem, satellite receivers should be used, with each antenna perpendicular [90 degrees) from each other. A satellite receiver should beinstalled on each side of the frame, separate by minimum distance of 5cm. 6. Should both satellite receivers loose comectivity during Flight, LED1~ LED5 will flash ag as warning A single power cycle of the system will not clear this error. The system need to be power cycled the second time to reset, 7. Default channel/function mapping when psing satellite receiver are. (1)THR (2)AL _(3)ELE a à (4)RUD es OFT (7]GAN 1. a ха £ Spektrum SUR FUR E19 2 6 ad oo) 336K ДАВЛ ВЕСТИ, Ii ‘ A ZE 0.08 436 e LL CHRD EES a AD NI A TULA FIRE Be 5 Вен Нео авт N EEC ATL Be Ww). 8 Fil compatibility issues, firmware will be up dated to vean 6 E TES aa LEDI — LEDS Wisimeg mes В EL us a \ < e ESA dar MA LED! — LEDS MOTA 04 TENE > 2, du 7 DE Nang esse | Leos NE L 8 ROUE AE BEES: HE WR ERESMA: ERE OTR © X I, (ROD RUD (5)GOV (B)PIT (GAIN | FAILSAFE RA (REM) | When helicopter Jost consi an yourradio under this setting, all channels will hold at the last command position, except throttle channel which goes to a pre-set position. 1. Push throttle stick to the desired fail safe position. 2, Plug the bindin plug i into 3GX's BIND port, and perform radio binding 3. After succ essful binding, do not power off the 3GX, unplug the binding plug and allow 3GX to enter initializing process. The last position hold function will be active after the 3GX initializes. 4. Test Method: Power off transmitter. The throttle channel should move to preset position, while all other channel should hold in their last position. TELE BOE RAR ETRE HME RAHRTE * HMS СЕНО E * 1. ES nMEEN ER EMEEENT RIE « 2. EE MERE E IG XMBINDIEE + UTERO MEE + 3, PESA TAE - TEME ALE + FTE A IGXEE > MENE - FIG MT - ERRE SEE + 4. METE - ETA - 147 MAA MER EE) - JERIA AC o eS AE * ea ont using DSMX remote receiver, need to press 3G X SET bottom first, then turn onthe power and start binding process. NFER DMX RR Xie, TEE 3GX SET |, BH Si Hi - FAILSAFE (PRE-SET POSITION HOLD) 262 (E) When helicopter lost connectivity with your radio under this setting, al chamels will moveto the pre-set position. 1. Plug the binding plug into 3GX's BIND port, and power up the 3GX. After the rapid flash of satellites LEDs, pull the binding plug off. 2. Power up radio transmitter, and perform radio binding steps. After radio is bound, LED on the satellite antennas will end the i, rl flash, following by slower flash. 3. Move e transmitter sticks to the desired failsafe posifion while the LED is flashing in slower mode. 4. Satellite antennas LED will lit up after 5 seconds, and 3GX goes through initialzing process. The falsafe position will be set after the 3GX initializes. 5. Test Method: Power off transmitter, and al chamels should move to the pre-setfailsafe position. ELLE - SUAREZ AD FEE METE NE - 1. ЛО 36 A ABIND EEE * THÉICX TA - FEAR ET LED GE CARE + 105197 E RA» 2, MEE AO + ATEO ERAN » EASTER + OX ARE LED ERECTA + - EEES AER + 3 ERE + Neil $2 9%. BPRS IE I NOS EP START [Ц 4. SHEMET LED RRIER + SOX BOAL « EX MATE Bl 72 Bik IE ER ERE + 5 ASE о OTEIZA + PTE AT» AE TE» When using DSMX remote recelver, need to press 3G X SET bottom first, then turn onthe power and start binding process. MENE DSMX ME CIR, ISTE ES IGXSET if, SFE UA 2177 + 22 'FLYBARLESS SYSTEM INITIAL SETUP STEPS ¡RFMERMINE STEP1.1 : ENTER THE DIR SETTINGS 4600 1.1 © EA DIRME Press and hold the SET button while powering up the receiver. Release the button when LED 1-5 beginto cyde. Please power cycleto enter DIR mode. The DR green LED will light up indicating the gyro has been bypassed for neutral and mechanical travel range setup. A ER RE PER SRE AT Flybarless JiGiT REP ITRIETER « Note: If pressed formorethan 2 seconds, 3GX will enter 3GX throttle calibration mode. Re-power and enter DIR 1.DIR : DIRECT MODE TO BY PASSING GYRO FOR MECHANICAL TRAVEL AND NEUTRAL POINT SETUP DIR HET ERA CP TIMES EME RES 00 GX WE AIG AMITREFE - RENTE DIR settings CATION 1. When entering setup mode during pom up, 3GX will initiate 1. ne Hh startup process. Do not move the helicopter at this time, otherwise swashplate will be tilted after start up. Should this A occurs, restart the setup mode. 1. If 3GX was to be mounted inverted, please enter connect an torque compensation section and set it as "reverse" am т r pid CES ah ra Ч > — me dl aid tha elo el Ho poto ag y UR - a. lock. - = — il | TO SERVO MA ~ SWASHPLATE FUNCTION CHECK Aen FUNCTION T ‘0 SERVO MAP at 12: doit Servo onright side of heli frame is AL, middle is ELE, left side is PIT. Do not exchangeAIL and PIT connections, otherwise some compensation feature may be reversed. EX 7 MAELE + £RPIT + BEE AILR PTRSH 5 Ko MEERE = Verifythe comrect swashplate movements for PIT, AIL, and ELE NE inputs ETF TE AT - AIL < ELEZ SRE - fi, CAUTION] iE E In case of incorrect servo movement DIR Sols or no movement at all, please check Bis for proper connection between 3GX : | flybariess connection to servos, as 4 | well as io setup on transmitter. EIRE ADF + BREE 3GX De ТЭО БАИЯ НОЕ LA SE TEA STEP 1.3 : MECHANICAL SETUP HEE 1.3 - PENAS IMENE Adjust the servo neutral point and main blade pitch. ERISA > E RE (ET) AE Horizontally Level Pay extra attention to these setup steps. Incomect neutral points О Же will affect flight stability, and worse lead to loss of control. FERRESRT SOL IRIER FEREERITEREY - BUR SE ESLER - Adjust subtrims en - transmitter só servo hom is horizontal ly level RE APIEZ TF (MEA) Subida STEP1.4 : COLLECTIVE PITCH SETUP + 12" Collective pich range 50 14 | ENTE CEA ERES) TE 417 85 E Adjust the maximum collective pitch using thetransmitter's swashplate mixing function pitch swash AFR). Recommended pitch range + 1Z maximum pitch range for advanced pilot shall not exceed + 14. RIEREREL 12 ОЛА СЕРЫ EA + CAR ‹ While using 3GX FEL system, be sureto turn off the following functions in the transmitter = > EFESOX ASE E 5 191 RENA IE IT! * Swash Ring 1».% Linkage Compensation * Swash Mix *x Mixing * Accderation Do not adjust individual servos endponts through theservo ATYAFR function, use only swashplate mixing adjustments. Should any changes made to the endpoints or subtrims on the transmitterin the future, the flybarles s system initial setup must be performed again. CCPM ELITE Ei + FEED Svasht SÉRIE (Piteh swash AFR ) 25 - O He SR AVE - Me EOI SEE - SRE ETT Flybarless SHEE - A eee A pf a swashplate cyclic | _ 0455 =| to helicopter body, cea is 0d aileron stick all the O. the ht, a us the doris more within rad in va menu so blade pitch is the factory recommended value + 8 i, The ELE mixing ratio i № SWASH menu can be set tothe same i pe: as ine añ. 5 TY — frente ma ng à | Honma DANA = 8% 51575 Svesh ELE LR HRS EAR À < If adjustments is is needed for aileron and elevator roll rate, it “_canbe done through 3GX interface*s flight mode settings, or through 3GX PC interface, Ч = MERS S636 Xa HEA 3GX RTI HE ENE . h a Ae ane + = a I E A. oh \ Вы Хх | т ЕЯ | > Adjustments to the E CCPM: SED should Bs dos through trans mitter's swashplate mix ng function | {lk swash AFR). Do not aqust oe individual servos endpoints thro ugh 1 the servo ATVIAFR function. : made to theendpoints or subtrims on the ransmitter should amy ch in the future, the fiyk E setup must be performed again. CCPM fu TE ar Wash +T ERE ERES © A E FiVpariess 2 AM TER - PEZ NMANOAeE SABE 2. E.LIM SWASHPLATE MIXING TYPE RECOGNITION STEP2.1 | ENTERING E.UM SETUPMODE AND ELEVATOR ENDPOINT SETUP : 52.1 : ÉAELMÈE ЕН МОРЗЕ БОННЕ ЯР Же ETE, : While keeping swashplate level and main pitch at zero degrees, press the SET button to register the neutral point and enter E.LIM setup mode The E.LIM LED will lit up after DR turns off. E ee > HE PUSE a BH ET EE ER CSET MDIR ES E.LIM EEES - 2 "ELIM AEEfE {TE NE ENTE - E.LIM settings AE IN. | The throttle stick position where main pitch is 0 degree mustbe mantained through this setup process. EEE AIR 24 STEP2.2 : SWASHPLATEMIXING TYPE RECOGNITION AND ELEVATOR ENDPOINT SETUP 552.2 : + EE ARE 17 ENS TE With al channels staionary move the transmitter elevator stick forward, and then back to center position This completes the swashplate mixing type recognization process. The control unit will determine the CCPM mixing ratio or traditional mechanic almixing maximum elevaor endpoints re ie Ls 175 ( Ben E EE has ifr ) - ARTES ERE SE FEA © 3G X FlybarlessiERy CCP MES HFRS E +5 B58 RE os JE * > LX) (EU ! MIE Ч Ш AL E.LIM settings SARIS maintained through this setup process. maras stick position where main pitch is 0 degree must be PUSE E REA 0 OE + 4570658) + 3. E.REV ELEVATOR REVERSE SETUP MODE : Press the SET buttonto enter E. %. mode. The EREV LED will lit u after ELIM 5 off. A mode sets the ERE V FEMI aE ANE ME = ие, cu uu Ip 1. Tilt the | pe НЫ 98 and check if Se swashplate чо correctly cL back. 2 If the swashplate is tilting at the wrong direction, move the - ES ‘transmitter elevator stick until STATUS LED changes color, morn correction sa vis 4 Y and rech MU» tilting direction. + MEA e Ya Ste ~~ A” =e . <a | pea IRATE TE), "E REV FER IIRE [ER 9 "ТЕ = Es | fie um ' E.REVIBTE > dhl SU PFE MOM (ME E778 - о | X MS ANARE +FÉME FDA ES FR» = OPT TANBIEN BTE ТН #65 (ue STATUSIE HER 3 4} A E.REV settin a. Helicopter titing ed | direction E En TNA DT L 4 d, ALIM Al LERON ENDPOINTS SETUP: Press the SET button to enter A.UM setup mode. The ALIM ALMERSERERTET : LED will Jit up after E.REV turns off. With all channels stationary, move thetransmitter alleron stick to the right, and then back to center position. This completes the aileron endpoint setup process. The control unit will determine the maximum aileron endpoints. EEE SETE EES EEA ALMERT ES RE ' 9 EREVIRIEH » ALIMIBFEES - JOR SETI - REESE C5 EEE - MG Fiybarless EXE Oe (TE - ALIM settings ALIN $58 Throttle stick must be maintained XA PO AE TE Ae The throttle stick position where main pitch is 0 degree must be maintained throughthis setup process. ЗВ РОЖЕ НЧ АНИ ЕЕ ЛЕА ЕО НЕ НО АЕ + A SE Zo . Press the SET button to enter A.REV setup mode. The A.REV >. A.REN AILERON REVERSE SETUF MODE . LED will lit up after A.LUM turns off. Tilt the helicopter right as A.REV SIMS MENE Mo, - shown in diagram, and checkif swashplateis tilting correctly toward the left. If the swashplate is tilting a the wrong direction, move the transmitter alleron stick until STATUS LED changes color, and re-check the swashplate tilting direction. Press the SET bufton again, and the control unit will restart with all LED's == < Ple on tilting flashing This completes theflybarless portion of the setup Jp A] PTE HE AT E ВНЕ AL ARE BEE "DES + dl НРА НМ 58 - AREVIEJE - [7107 SIS ME ETE Se NNER Swashplate conection SEG * 3GXFlybalessi@te+© dia MSIE + WAS + JAH ES a "STATUS" FEA FAKE] direction ni ar Tr RE ET "SET" METAL NRTA EE - ATA LED DE + e ATT E A | 3GX Flybarless system must remain | stationary during dartup Do not move A.REV settings | the hdicopter until the swashplate jumps ¡up and down slightly 3 times, indicating hy | the completion of initialization. [please refer to paged7 step 3) I | 3GX Flybarie ss BEE AH 5 is | DAS EDMUARA FESTE FM | я > [REIS Rob (ASP) 3GX THROTTLE CALIBRATION BEST _ThrottlePitch curve ATE AE While setfing throttle calibration, reset throttle curve and pitch curve to default 0-50-100. ES BS EP FE ERS + 216 7 mena E ERO 50 Mea finish eo Eddins dnd 36H rec sivet Bower . ere, was. NENE ; 3GX METAN “| FLIGHT MODE SETTING ATi Operation Instruction 1. With 3GX in operation mode, push rudder to left or right, and press the SET button for about a second. 2. After entering setting mode, the STATUS LED will flash specific number of times to indicate specific settings. 3. During setting process, LED1 to 5 indicate the rate of setting; flashing LED represents 10%, while steady lit LED represents 20%. For example, if LED1 and LED are steady lit with LED3 flashing, the set rate is 2*20+10=507%. ER 1. ТЕЗСХ BiH EP ERE ERET TENG ERA ATEO < 2. № ARE: STATUS [ipa SS POM OR de DEA ie A RIRE « 1 ENTSECLED-5 VE » LEDO SE LED {ER 22 20% - S100 LED1~LED2 33% LEDS РОДЕ › ENFIEZA 2 20+10=50% + The LEO filas ing frequency indicates sefting position, e flash: Flip rae adjustment a e. 30 Li flash: Éfeyator end polnt setting dob e == iris HE Flash in group of 3: Alleron end point setin tl A TA Flash in AT e 4: swashplate co mena s etting = gE LL rad LR 10=50% Flash in group of 5: Swashplate accelerate setting "В = de Mer ls EE La bg nit RE SF PR ВА LEC mie . ET] ТУ ib = er: RE Move rudder stick о e: Bi es = Ce 4 sf E a len ат états Ces EEE 1. AILERON ROLL RATEADJUSTMENT sins: Setting Instruction: 1. After entering setting mode, STATUS LED flashes once. 2. Alleron and elevator rate can be adjusted independently. 3. Moving the aileron stick will display aileron roll rate on the LED. The more LEDs, the faster theroll rate. Movin mes e aleron stick can intreaseor decrease the n er of LEDs that lights up between LED1 to LEDS, which sets the aileron roll method is used to adjust the elevator flip rate when elevator stick is moved 4. Elevator flip rate is adjusted based on aileron roll rate. When the difference between elevator flip rate and aileron roll rate differs 20% or Il automatically adjust until the error rate falls within range. Therefore, we recommend adjustment leron roll rate rst and then adjust elevator flip rate. 5. Moving the related control stick, LED will automatically jump to the set rate display of the specFic stick function. For example, moving the aileron stick, LED1 to LED5 will display aileron set rate. Moving elevalor stick, LED to LED5 will display elevator set № 1. EA BCE i STATUSH © à. RARE ES EL AIRES © 3. Ii ER IE 157 WT 6 CA EP LE DIS + 15 CNE EUA A › ARE EA 167 El RUS MERA ALEDI-LEDS EEE + SETA BIR EER BE FER TF AE RENE IPR IE TH FEE IE 2 LEDER + OT EEE A {ER E 4. An UU DN SLT INES MF ESTAN DS TUBO USE LT AO LE - IGX EE MALE UR Al TELA SEC 9 + РАСА По АННЫ OS EE 5. ISERE ENS SEE EN НОО КН Е LED -5 37 EA EE (E - AEE LED SE A RAT (E © STATUS Single FED || Move elevator stick to adjust elevator filp rate | STATUS Single flash - NOSE UTE ID IO E e ER MET Sil | 2. ELEVATOR END POINT SETTING #R# RER | «Mii. UR = Y ——— Setting Instruction: 1. Before entering elevator and aileron limit setting, please switch the за, tothrottie hold mode and on the throttle down to 0° position to avoid mechanical interference due to excess travel range. Y bh 2. After entering setting mode, STATUS LED flashes twice, ro 3. After entering setting mode, elevator may deviate as much as 8 degrees plus compensating rate either forward or back. sp ged elevator stick can adjust servo travel limit. For example, if LED shows AD: travel range is 340.58 = égrées. 4. Generally 7 70% is suitable for most helicopter frame. If recommend ей value is not used, please adjust setting until maximum is reached without mechanical inding. 1 Ч ai КЕНЯ НВ 1. JE FEE SiR BI 1798 EIRENE. "A 2. ERIN EA ER, Cone. FER SEL ARE RE TR ER + SIMLE DENT MIF 250% FHFR{TREE TEN R8+05 8-121 - 4 — а ТОФ ТЫ EA BE © RR TERE eta: 3 в " а ий = = PEE = eve clevator sick to adjust elevator Havel Tit Wr SA | RU PD 49 UE FEO 47 E RE ‘Гав . г à : 5 cas Lo а | > o —.l | — == STATUS Double flash Ar RIE re Ни | 3. AILERON END POINT SETTING — SIR 5 (210 [218 € | setting Instruction 1. After entering setting mode, STATUS LED flashes 3 times. 2. After entering setting mode, alleron may deviateas much as 8 degrees plus compensating rate either forward or back Moving aileron stick can adjust servo travel limit. For example, if LED shows 50%, total elevator travel range Is 8+0.5°E= 12 degrees 3. Generally 70% is suitable for mosthelic opter frame. If recommended value E not used, please adust setting until maximumis reached without mechanica binding. ROSE LS 1. BARRE és TATUSET =a 2, 35 EB NW REE BE - SCENE WING BERR EAT LINER ETE ERE * 61 SOL EDI TENE AS0% - ¡EE MAD+0.50=120 + 3. —EMME To: FLAME A 20E FN NRE - RTE RENE - SEES MEE NTE T5280 + Move ailern stick to adjust aileron travel limit BE RE НЕ РН СЛЕ НЕ STATUS Flash in group of 3 в | A = — SRE SN LI BE = 14, SWASHPLATE DAMPENING SETTING TFERERE Setting Instruction : 1. After entering setting mode, STATUS LED flashes 4 times. 2. Move the aileron stick to adjust cyclic pitch dampening rate; the more LED lights up, the more dampening effect. Please note aileron and elevator dampening cannot be adjusted separately. Moving aileron stick is for adjusting cyclic pitch dampening rate, but moving elevator stick is for adjusting collective pitch dampening rate, NOT elevator dampening rate. 3. The more dampening effect, the smoother helicopter flies, but feels less direct. The rate of dampening should be adjusted to suit pilot's preferences. ESTE BEER 1. EA ENE STATUS giR SRR Ion 2. A PL SRE HUE LED CE! #1 ES ERIERREA ER RSE - FLBTRESANEEEREERL + B FAR ECIE NE E MAS ILENE | MIR 3. CILA - SEITE + ERA EE EE FA - Move aileron stick to adjust cyclic Move elevator stick to adjust : itch dampenin STATUS Flashin collective pitch d in STATUS Flash in Bitch dampening 7 roupoof 4 ADO E JU HOZ MRS E (CA group of 4 STATUS ER | 5. SWASHPLATE ACCELERATE SETTING +=%303:E Setting Instruction: 1. After entering setting mode, STATUS LED flashes 5 times. 2. Move the aileron stickto adjust cyclic pitch acceleration rate; the more LED lights up, the more acc an effect. Please note aleron and elevator acceleration cannot be adjusted separately Moving aileron stick is for adjusting cydic pitch acceleration rate, but moving elevator stick is for adjusting collective pitch acceleration rate, NOT elevator accderation rate. 3. When cyclic pitch acceleration is active, hovering point fixation ability may be reduced. Begin or FIC Ш should minimize cyclic pitch acceleration rate value, or set it to zero, a ENEE : 4 1. HEA BEE STATUSH ERP BT 2. ZT EDS E TUE ES (0 DR MUA A 20 51 Fs 3 18 Ez 3. BIG (5 EAR IE 3 8 BA RY ERE НЫЕ, WEE HFICH (TER IEEE NEN DEEE seno « Setting swas hplate acceleration may increase the burst amp draw of servos. Therefore, BEC output capability should - be confirmed to handle burst current when setting collective pitch acceleration, otherwise insufficient cu supply may resultin flight accidents. We rec ommend direct power supplhyif acceleration is higher than 50%. METE AMES e AI Ae BET os » TÉLÉ M RS IR “1h FES BEC 2% o 2 PRIVEE Ri - 58 Soka TRE SEA id RATE + ENT + REL PUE ALT EL ES BUERTE (E + Mo Deva to STATUS Flash in group of 5 ARR Ses} FES RUDDER GYRO SETUP ен After the system rebo ois, fiybarless setup is completed. Push and hold the SET button for 2 seconds to enter the rudder gyro setup mode. If your transmitter has the following settings, please disable it or set the value to zero. ELH EFivbarliess DOCH TERE - BEBRNTRE EDGE - HEREE TRE SET '@ 2 BE ERIE EET + SOMA AE + NÉE ERNE OFF) EERE EE © @ ATS @ Rudder to gyro mixing $ Pilot authority mixing @ Pitch to rudder mixing @ Throttle to rudder mixing @ Revolution mixing MAGEE | 3GX Fiybarless rudder gyro hasthe factory sefting of 1520 | s and DS digital servo. Double check your servo spec and changethe gyro setting as needed to avoid damages to the servo. 3GX Flybarless BRIEVBHERTES © 1520 p S AURA DS AEREA E - SUE ES AEREA - TEE ESAS (SER ME + | 1.1520 | S (STANDARD) OR 760 | S(NARROW BAND) SERVO FRAME RÄTE SETUP. 1520 1 s( 1542) 7 760 u s( 584 EEE 3GX Flybariess system is pl with both the 760 | 5 narrow frame rate servos (such as Futaba 59256, 59251, ELS251), as well as the standard 1520 ame rate servos [most others). Proper frame rate must be selected based on your servo's specifications. To enter the setup mode : Press and hold the SET button for? seconds until STATUS LED flashes. The 1520/7660 LED will light up indicating servo frame rate setup mode. Push the transmitter rudder stick left or right to select the frame rate. For example, if rudder is pushed to the left (or right) and STATUS LED turns green, theframe rate is setto 1520 ju 5. To set it to 760 u s, the rudder stick need to be pushed from the center to the opposing end 3 times for the STATUS LED to turn red, indicating frame rate set to 760 ju 5. 3GX Flybarless panel : Each setting value is labeled on the 36X flybarless control unit with either green or red lettering, which corresponds to the STATUS LED color. Subsequent setup mode is entered by a single press of the SET button. 28 JGX Flybarless 05 ATAN SPEARS 760 | SR (0 Futaba 50256 + 59251 + BLS251) - ME :ETE IGX Flybaless BER: Т6О - MATER 760 y SIERO — ET 1620 1 SH - SEER 1620 gill « A ENTE - FREE LED"SET" ERA ZF - ¡ERFUSTATUS" HERE TIENE E 20760" MERO TRTE SRE - EEA ME FRE EERE ER AER COIE ETO SOREEREE PS FRER E (6) 1 + STATUS" Ema Ao - RETA Das TU Fly SEE TRATO | ss - DEFETE PUB IBER DEERE 3 - [ESTATUS DER > À 36X Fiybarless fii - Sm LEE, LA STATUS MEM REDEE - ER iil SEN UIAF EEE + a 10 97 MIRE AT ORDER Green LED : 1570 ::5 standard band AL LED /60 45 nærow band 1620, SMS (a es 7601 57} i {SER Select by moving the rudder stick left and right E ERE ca CA rrow band mode CE ть o 2.DS5 (DIGITAL) /AS (ANALOG) SERVO SELECTION = Dsmf{ AS JEAN SE ь There E a direct correlation between servos’ speed to gyro's performance. Faster servos are able to execute commands from the gyro at faster and higher precision. Due to the high performance gyro sensors used in the 3GX high speed digital rudder servos are mandatory for optimal tail performance. Some of the recommend led rude » der servos, Setup method : Press and hold the SET button for 2 seconds to tn the setup mode, then p press the ser button to select DS/AS setup mode, as indicated bythe a DS/AS LED. Stal ar e ru mode (ST LED is green),or analog servo AS mode (STATUS LED “El toa digital servo DS EE ES — tés E e EE E ee 3GX x Fiybariess y — EA HOE 75% + SIR SETA PALA ENT AS: a _e | 18) BEE AS ( STATUS 24118) e EU a EEE TDS | STATUS 82 Green LED : DS digital servo [Using an analog servo in DS mode will Red LED : AS analog servo ах Lm Bll cause damages to the servo. РЕ Ч, < DD E OS MAT ME" ASMLE (SERES "16 US RELE + (AIRE Et ; Ш = ; TE Ter mode | a pt LE Move thetradefritter rudder stick leftright, and check forthe comect direction of the rudder servo. If needed, servo reverse is done fromthe trans mitter's REV (reverse) function For tall pkch adpstment, center the rudder servo by either setting the 3GX fliybarl ess to normal rate mode (non-heading lock), or er and hold the SET button for 2 seconds. With the rudder servo centered and servo hom at 90 degrees, adjust the linkage th until tail pitch sider is centered on the tail output shaft as shown in diagram. EEE RIE EEN GE RENTES Ea - ET ERE EE Ch? ARMA ESTE AE - #83 GX Flybarless {RAGE INTEL 712 "SET" BE 219 - (RENE ES AE HP ITASET E | - DELE Re A RTE PACE A TERME DE 46 ERHEEBER REFEEPitch RHEE ED - | | Approx. Wmm E 10mm Tail servohorn Rie ES Ae pe AA TT LL inc] Le | To — | | <= | rl | rie e teat + — Wl 4. GYRO NOR/REV SETTING NOR / REV PERE 8 ¡E62 16) DORA TE Lift up the helicopter by hand, and turn it to the left yaw). Check if the rudder servo is applying correct compensation to the right If reversed, set the NOR/REV setting as follow Setup method ©: Press and hold the SET button for 2 seconds to enter the setup mode, then press the SET button to select NOR/REV setup mode, as indicated by the lighting of NOR/REV LED. Using the trarsmitter's rudder stick, select either NOR (STATUS LED is green), or REV (STATUS LED is red). en ASHE HT 1) + ERE ROR Ea FRETS ER 1 ENT ERDE + IR PEA OO $ 1675 (o EE TNE + ERIE Me BRETT IN + SET HZ AL ER ERS, + EENOR REVERE © LIGA BENOR STATUS IE) REV ( STATUSA (DE ) + Green LED : normal direction Select by moving the rudder stick left and right Red LED : reverse direction E HEEE E 59: NORIE( k=l a SAE bated] A settings La HL TYE ETA A far? 3 5.LIMIT RUDDER SERVO ENDPOINT SETTING NCTE A NE NET à Press and hold the SET button for 2 seconds to enter the setup mode, then press the SET button repeatedy to. select LIMIT setup mode, as indicated by the lighting ofLIMIT LED, Fush the transmitter udder stick left until | pitch slider reaches the end, then center the rudder stick and wait 2 seconds for the STATUS LED to flash red. Then push the rudder stick right until tail pitch slider reaches the end then center the rudder stick and wait 7 seconds for. thie STATUS LED to flash red. This completes the left and right endpoint limit adjustment of servo travel. Insufficient Servo a Nimes RI Tormace while excessive travel wil cause binding and damage rudder servo. Á > 1910 "SET" EZ 19 LEDO ES + MHRA BE BR Eb TREY va 4 Tas A, ve ERE RATE SE A TRE + JONES ELE B53) - 5 289 STATUS” PINE WTA EAE FE e RATE HSA AT EA e > ERE 1 2044 "STATUS" TREN DD END E TRRTR aE BAA RAR TRES ETS Push the transmitter rudder stick left until tail pitch slider Push the rudder stick right until tal pitch slider reaches the reaches the end then center the rudder stick and wait 2 end, then center the rudder stick and wait 2 seconds for the seconds for the STATUS LED to flash red. This completes the STATUS LED to flashred. This completes the rudder rudder endpoint limit adjustment for the left side. endpoint limit adjustment for the right side. HO EEE ETA EN - FTE RE ARR AT IER EE GEREN 140 ERE EE 1 SR ВЕНА ETE BG STIR BE EEE ETA - 32500 STATUS" EDEN TOC ACI FE EDU + Mo UTE SZ EME "STATUS ЕЛЕ ВБ НН EST A+ Flashing red LED indicates reid have been registered Ce de E y Cam Rudder travel limit setting lower than 50% will not be registered. Mechanical fix {moving link ball closer to center of servo hom) is needed for excessive servo travel when LIMT function is below 50%. TERE « EE ORISA TE THERM IE End tlimitsetti E y IA 8 R07 STE RAIDER EAE - 20 | 6.HELICOPTERSIZEANDDELAY SETTINGS HANDEL AY EEE Я; This setting includes two functions : (1) For small helicopters such as T-REX 250450, set this setting to small helicopter (STATUS LED red). For larger helicopters suchas T-REX 500/550/600/7 00/800 set this setting to large helicopter [STATUS LED green). НОЕ SPA AE - (1) 3GXFiybarlessTiE: E EM ETE + AAA A A SE» 00: TREX0MEO EE) Hem DE (807 "STATUS" 165 EMITE ) : T-REX90/5 5600700600 E EP AU RARE | ES STATUS Sm IAE) + Green LED: suitable for larger helicopters such as TREX500/550/600/700/800 Red LED: suitable for smaller helicopter such as TREX pale iy rE (EEE ES pra AH AEE Ral Ao LT LR) = fee Helicopter size selection and servo delay settings WORE EAE ng ns by moving the transmitter rudder stickle helicopters STATUS LED will be red, and large he far you push the rudder stick, followed b (2) (E ER ARC SE AA e MAS! ss ATH NE FL GE ES UTÉRE EC TUE ARRETE LS Ha RE DN IES REESE TR * — Mme VE EE MORE A RA RAT AE me - TERE FEA BEE - Green LED for T-REX550 LEA 0% when DELAY LED begins flashing DELA YE 19 26 POTES 0 ti Tu k untildesire d delay ar E press th 1e SET button to Lores Ister Max pro mis 100% delay dder stick Green LED for T-REX 550 = EER i › ЛЕЙ PES ages dre AT == e ЧОН + SA О , LILES 31 7.ANTITORQUE COMPENSATION DIRECTION SETTING ESMERO To achieve consistent gyro gain on left and right, 3GX has built in anti-torque compensation function Userneed to confirm if 3GX is mounted right side up or upside down. Right side up : Installed with 3GX label facing up, anti-torque compensation setto positive (green STATUS LED). Upside down: Installed with 3GX label facing down, anti-lorque compensation set to negativered STATUS LED). DI EEE OE —El + 36 X PERA RE Mik, (iF FE Ml 536 XE Blea + ER: ZEICHEN EMI AE (STATUS HS ) + Es: CENICERO - CEEI As ESTATUS (DE) + Setup method: Press andhold the SET button for 2 seconds to enter setupm ode, select urtil arti torque compensation section, as ind cated by lighting of all 5S setup mode LEDs. Liking the rudder stick to select either positive ant-torque compensation (green STATUS LED) for right side up mounting or negative anti-torque compensation (red STATUS LED|for upside down installation. RELI SET M2 E AMMINE DES - NEE ER LY SERRE BRIE SN - BELO ERESRE 5 ICX FEES ANZ REE (STATUSERE) | BIG XRER « RIE RRE(STATUS i118) = Green © Right side up mounting Red | Upside down mountin rege ich Na RNR ear N ALT Rich rd Rr eal NEA PY Select by movingthe ET k left and right Anti Torque Compensation direction setting LEE ET ” \ | dé | 8.SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENT EM | À al” a a ee НИ ” For radio with built in gyro gain settings, gain can be adjusted dir y. Forexample, 5071 00% setting on the radio translates to 0% - 100% gan in the heading logkimode; 50%-0% sefti ng onthe radio translates to 0%-100% gain in the normal (non-heading) lock mode. “TT aod, 3 bh 1 a _ Y à Е с, Ч Actual gain value differs. amo ngstservos and hdicopters. The goal is to find the maximum gain without tail hunting. This can only be done through actual flight tests. ve — В — The recommended starting point for transmitter's gyro gain setting should be 70~80%; for hovering, 60~707 for idle-up. Value should be tuned under ws Ld flight conditions by increasing to the maximum gain without tail hunting. — GR TERR IE RE hi НИ об» OF HIRE G Y ROI IEA NT e MAS E + A SO AN FeR EST НЕО › В ТЕ B50%-~100% ACERA MUA 23 UE A MESIO 100% ENEE SO9- 0% + 1 POUR ES (LTS JEAN E NAS GO 100% - SEAT EXA RE BE RAR (0 TRE ER — RE - ETE: BIS ( ERSEMPIRESE MAR ) 112 FE aa os + АН АЕ IFS SE RAT Ci 1 A + EE EEE AA + A ЕЕ (Е АОН IR STE РЕ ГО ВОС © ее ира Ita E ES0-0%T6 + Zi BER IN Tat ST SIE + i) RE REE ENS SR MEE - 5 SEEN A REDEE - | Ae | For radios (IE Futaba) using 0-100% as heading lock gain scales, therecommended gain setting is 30%to 35% For radio that uses the 50 -100% scalejsuch as JR and Hitec), the recommended gain setting is 70% to 75%. METE da 0- 100%: 173 Futaba - MiG 105 430-5455 : INE BEE E50~100% FEE - JR + HITEC - RE EE TE 10-764 D * SPECIFICATIONS БЫ 1. Operating voltage range - DC 3,.5V— 8.4V 1. HAE E : DC3.5V-—8.4v 2. Operating current consumption ; <80mA@ 4.8V 2 HERE! <BOmA @4.8V 3. Rotational detection rate : +300” /sec 2 (1) EE Ae SE: + 300 sec 4, Rudderyaw detection rate : +600 /sec 4 (¡RE НЫНЕ: + 600 */sec 5. Sensor resolution : 12bit & MES METE + 126126776) 6. Operating temperature : -20'C ~ 65°C E HEAR: -20'0-— 65°C 7. Operating humidity : 0% ~ 95% 7. BER E : 0%~95% 8. Dimension/Weight : 36.5x25.2x15.6mm/11g a REE: 355x25.2x156mm11g H - 9. RoHS certification stamp à FSRoHSRARF Tarn on TX, es hrottle call | With 3GX = emmy up. press | With ET powered up, push sh the rudder stick LED lit LEDS 57 pressinold SET, power on the way down, pressinold SET for about one second. left or right and holdthe SET button for SRS hell, release SET before SET, power on heli, release | EC HELLE 5 SETER —# + about one second. Made LEDs stop scrolling. SET after LEDs step seralling. {ЕЗСХ ПНЕННЕСР НИНЕ СЕЛЕ БН SERA e ee SET DE | а E Ш: ЗЕТ И) * Un 8 A | he oli LED #294 LED1 Lit LED x LED'-Seilitup LE DIS |LEDi lit LeD1 STATUS flashs green 1 once 5ТАТИЗ НМ Mes = cal Travel and Зе IGX throthe calibration Wide/narrow servo band settin lic pitch speed adjustment. mee |Neut nt setting |SCXHPHTIFIQIE RE (EES REE E Se pot 1 М WEGE Setup swashplate Push throttle open fully to (Setservo widemarrow band Move aileron stick to increaselde crease the Setting movement on TX, and set | complete setup indicated [using rudder stick. Green LED number of LEDs lit between LECH ~LEDS, 1 the right aileron cyclic by flashing of LED1-5, and |fer standard wide band serves. |More LEDs means faster rolls. Same га. pitch to 8 degrees, The then enter normal Lo narrow band se ЕР methods applies to devator using elevator BE | Setup | ELE mixing ratio in operation condition. willbe orange until rudder | ctickto control flip rate. Aileron and Method | SWASH menu can be set PURE EM PORT: SEER IS RULES Saas te elevator roll rate need to remain close, with REST | to the same value as AIL. |LEDI-LEDS MI - A rl Satie setting deviation to remain within e Eps willl turn to red. A ‚ BEE me PE La TEN REO SPICE NEO - LED #9! ru Lit LEDS = rT LEOZ + STA TUS flashes green 7? twice STATUS am Seto Elev ator Travel Limit Setting Digital Analog Servo Selection [Elevator travel I mit setting HEN ITZA E HE HE) ES iE ARTE forward to limit. and MENTE E a ias E a ka Seine Setup | “lease. Ë EL en |effsetpe contago. or example, LED displays mess | EEE quee ma servo, red indicates malog _ [50% setting 5, total elevator travel will be | p= | BEST - FA GRANT + à Ein ld de ге tto a value with no Fit Tr Ще di textreme end or keep «on - : Ne + TE e y LED 18:38 LEDS Lit LEDS 3 LED3 lite a — —E ATUS flashes Tes twice STATUS Bug EF Setting | Elevator setting ud de or Gyo 0 NORIREY Y hilar pra = seting REC | A SR AOE er: Ра en BE En Tilt heli fo rward and back Yaw the = leftrightwhile, -— While ie aa may deviate while abs erving gyre Eo , (leftiight by as much as 6 degrees + offset Setting correction direction. If > \percentage. For example, LED displays 50% reversed, move elevator settings, total aileron travel will be 840 5°8=12 3 Boks stick until STATUS LED degrees. Setto a value with no mechanical _ Method changes color ta reverse binding at extreme end or keep default valueat RE= E e gre rection. 70%. LED hg HONG 1 an Rudder Servo Travel SE 17 ZE STATUS flashes greend once STATUSMIMEE MT Swashplate Dampening Setting + SE RE Setting EEE LS 4 so rud cer stick to [efüi Mo ve elevator stick to à djust collective pitch dampening level. Move aileron stick to KEN adjust cyclic pitch dampening. More LED s indicates more dampening. y RELE Fide RESO CLE SREEELCER | EEE Pirée г e RU REA AE DES DE + E LEDS it LED Don STATUSflashs geenSonce SATUSIR EF | o Heli Size and Delay Value ate bump (acceleration) Setting | E Marin E A DA = pcs A Tilt hel left and right while Move rudder stick to change — |Move elevator stick to adjust collective pitch Setting observing gyro correction STATUS color, green STA acceleration level. Move aileron stick to adjust 5 direction. If reversed for large heli more, red STATUS | ev elie pitch acceleration level, More LED's move aileron stick unt for small Heli mode. Moving indicates m ere acceleration. If acceleration KT | Setup | STATUS LED changes color Ea si Mes any one prin level exceeds 50%, check the BEC to ensure it Method | to reverse se aio direction, pa bm he Ampl ror] | tan supply enough current to serves. BEST 55 17 bar dk io the 5 onl Flog Dedicated receiver battery is Kies shi AT MENS: Press a té sat. for acceleration higher t than x Te us or LS EA a | je mari BEATE Hi, LED М LED 1-5 all lit up LED +57 Setting” Setting Gyro instal reverse setting 6 Em PE IR UF FOIRE Use rudder stick to set install BER | Setup Bosman Green STATU s normal, Method red STATUS is install upside down, BEST DIENTES TATU SIE - ¿548 — PONER RE & degrees SWAS et indicate For example, LE and LED degrees do not n в mado Author TOS are ful a while LEDS 5 Is flashing, thisis If adjustment to helicopter's| transl 0 2"20+10=50% Warnings гой або па pated. he LEO ET 0 il in mode roll rate pich sedion 3 Vine the BUENAS Cp! the stick a = ac tech se OM se value. For exam ie ct p moving aleron stick will result in LEO -LECS display! alerorra pr value ТИ al E y ERE UN - ACI 33 16.RCM-BL730MX 850KV POWER COLLOCATION REFERENCE REEIN#EEER ALIGN Y This new Brushkss motor developed by the ALIGN POWER RED TEAM, is packed with the latest, cutting edge technology avail able today. It features exceptional levels of hightorgque power. The T30MX utilizes an 8-pole cutrunnerstatorsotorand unrivaled Mdfeb extra strong magnets that traditional magnets cannotcomp are to. Also included is ahigh temperature, wear-resisting, lowfriction, double ZZ high efficiency bearing. The T30MX will be the mostrevolutionary motor op erating on low current amperage, and delivering high terque to RC models. NEO AAA EA ER PER - REE Tie R12 [NPE 5 - 6 MEN LENA SALE ASE REA EE ol + 16 Aces HTA pa LZ HE TNE Eas ARE + EE + 187798 + 1652 F— HR PAAR RCM-BL730MX MOTOR RCM-BL730MX HEIRS Е SPECIFICATION R18 В о | 55.5 33.4 x LY KV Kvæ |850KV[RPMWV] Inputvoltage )\ wARE|6s Stator Arms РОЖЕ |112 Magnet Poles a , ERE) Max continuous current SER | LSA | [Maxinstantafieous current fix 55% | 195A(5s ec) Max continuous power BEE | 2550W q À E | Мах instantaneóus power >: Er ME: | 433005 sec) Dimension RI |Shaft $ 6x52x89.4mm | Weight: > HE | Approx. 350g <=. Y 5 h Er ILLUSTRATION £27 2. + > - — a DD at. % A | Red Гос Power | I AS: + NW, EF Qu Ч 2 Throttle Signal + > ЯН | бек (Receiver) | a PAR The motor ro tates in di rent direction with different brand ESCs. Ifthe wrong rotating direction happens, please switch any two ables to make the motor rotates in right direction. BEE NE EFEEGOAEENBISTREE SUHEWE BEN - WHR RE ETD RENE REM Fw Bao + 17.CASTLE TALON 90 BRUSHLESS ESC INSTRUCTION MANUAL CASTLE TALON 80 7 EE 2202 RF AUGN ///4 PRODUCT FEATURES 255 1. Brushless motor operation up to 90 amps with 65 (25.2V) max input. 2. Up to 20 amp BEC output. Continuous rating of 9 amps. J. Userselectable BEC voltage, 6 or 3 volts. 4. Advanced governor modes and autorotate bailout capabilities may be accessed using Castle Link USE adapter (coupon included in this package) and free Windows software. (www.castlecreations com) 1. E65 ( 25.2V ) EMI RENE 9 {F - fC AS 90 IE + Z. BECA P20 E - HEEE « = 3. (DET ¡HER BE CIA EE + GERS OX » 4, 8 Castle Link LSB a 25 - BS WY) Windows 811% (www castlecreations. com) - TIE FA IE EEE A EEE R50 O) HE - = Brush Mot WIRING ILLUSTRATION EBGEE amg Castle Talon 90 Brushless ESC Caste Talon 90 $ MIES J4 SPECIFICATION ERS 1. Operating Voltage - 35 Min 65 Max (17675.77 1.057. TIE ME : 35-65 (1725.72) + 2 Continuous Current : 90 amps. 2. Wd FIRE - 90 amps * 3. Peak Current : 140 amps for 5 seconds. With proper 3 E. 1403 РНЕ + RAPE SAP MESC ME FRE cooling and ESC exerior temp ator below ГОС. 4. BEC output : 20 peak 9 amps continuous. Always = JS SOU 43 9 > ones РО НВА E SE + check servo draw prior to flight. CES 455705 150mm ias - 5% Dimensions : S0[L) x 43 (VW) x 18H) mm TE RPM : 320,000 kL! = Brn Say « 6. Weight : 84.5g with 150mm power wires. 7. Max RPM : 320,000 divided by motor pole count. INITIAL SETTINGS AND OPERATION 466% M401%1F 1. Threttle Type : Fimved-Endpoints BE + ESTE 2. Throttle Response © 5 medium 4. Inital Spod-Up Rate : 5 medium 2 100 8 (5) 4. Head SpeedChangeRate - $ high 5. KEN En 5. Low Voltage CutoffType : Soft Cutoff “hs 5 IED a: 37 Vitara 6. PAM Rate : 12 kHz SEINE SN ofl 7. Auto-Lipo Volts/Cel : 3.2 Volts/Cell o. BUE Auto LP 9, BEC . 5.0 8. Cutof Voltage : Auto-LiPo LH EZ 9. BECVoltage : 6.0V This controller E configured with settings chosen by Align Corporation for this heli and motor combination. No controller progs mming is required to operate your heli. SC is configured to run your heli motor using a traditional helicopter throttle curve in your radio, Per to your radio transmitter's et dia for directions. The Talon 90 ESC requires a LOW throttle setting after power up to arm Futaba users may have to reverse throttle channel operation for proper operation. 4 à dt FAI EE Ait SI RATE RC TF + НЕРВ УМНОЕ Hn Ч Talon 20 ESC — RISE E de Toe EE PRO Ce MEE de + Futaba EE AAA HERE REE TIENEN E à CHANGING USER SELECTABLE SETTINGSBY comu This controller supports a number of helicopter throttle types including Castles direct entry govem or modi e. Users may access these settings using a Castle Link USB adapter (Acoupon for an adapter 5 included pe thispackage) and Castle's may download able Castle Link software. [ Most pilots prefer using the direct entry governor mode as it is extremely easy tosé up and it E. them optimal (LTR Tre Please visit the Castle website for instructions on how to set up the advanced programmable features of your Castle Taon HSER IES er ES Castle NTE © atan Castle LinkuSB WEEP BEET RY Castle Link sm APREZ -ARPSSME - dt A te pie de e E BSD Castle IMOSEDBUNS 0.7 PIN DERE Castle Talon Y TRANSMITTER PUES eSATA ES = al 7 mai и CHANGING USER SELECTABLE SETTIN Once ESC is connected to a motor and radio receiver, follow these steps to enter programming mode and change selected values, 1. Power ESC with TX throttle stick (stick) in the top position (full throttle). LED will repeat a quick single flash. 2. Move stick to the middle. Дают wie os and LED repeats a quick double flash Repeat high/ medium through to a triple flash. | 3. ESC sounds four short nes) and. the ай r Le a long hr). ge flash. 4, Step through settings and values by answer Ves"(ful throttie) or-NO (low throtbe). Thesetting and value are "Flashed” out by the LED. Example: setting =: #2,=3 ems в shes, then Z beeps/flashes. Answering"NO"movesto the next value. A"YES"answer is signaled, by rapid LED flashes and a constant ie 5. Move the stickto the middle position to move to next setting. Re steps 4 and 5 as needed. 6. Once the desired settings are entered, remove, then reconnect power. Arm speed control as normal. — DESCUENTO 4 ВНЕ > RARE ZE › ЖРО ARE d » HER. WHT EEE HERESIES (=) AE FOR Castle Talon ESC uE - LED УЗЫ РА НЕМ PIRE — + HZ FEI EN: Py - Castle Talon ESCE ES ЕН то, + LED ¡E AA A » JER 48 A 8 —e AP] — PEA QUE EA + 53. Castle Talon ESCHE LEDER « PE. EREE"E" (E80) HS" SZ SENDE A N Jem » 6190: ERI 2 SME 2 ОЗ aa EE 26 Mr e 2: STE AAs as e AE EE LEDS E EA I AR Ten. === ue. ae NA AER Me TAR * da SEM BEE + Settin B cell cutoff voltage Brake Type LowVoltage Cutoff Type РУММ Switching Rate ESTE 1 +6 (0 Es Pe Free =, {EC TER fot EET TERE о, PWM 95 Value 1 Only infixed wing mode Hard #1 = ERNST 20 8kHz Only in fixed wing mode Soft (factory setti 12kHz (factory Setti Te sv НЕ ВВ Оле) О) a (EE) О) Value 3 3.2V (Factory setti Only in fixed win d RPM TEE Sov me) | CN RPMS 16kHz Value 4 зам Only in fixed ne mode Pulsing throttle _ Mina ES REE 7L A Е e YE CE Value 5 a AN | Only in fixed wing mode = = EAS ER ENTE BETA value 6 DISABLED Brake disabled (factory setting) er _ ms RA ERE (ADS ENTE) 1. Always refer to battery vendor's instructions for voltage setting. 2. Refer to motor manufacturer's instructions for frequency setting. 1. WH LEH TH HEE rE rE EEE 2. ERNE BEELER TERT - Jo Turn on Transmitter, and thenreceiver power. Jt NE ELE › PEE SE © = 8 LE o 36X ( Flybariess system will go through initialization process, as —E£d 1 то ml) © == indicated by flashing of dl LED's. Do not move the helicopter or Swashplate | di яя A ‘ | ] = transmitter sticks until initialization process completes. ВЕНЕ Ls HH ILSSCX Fiybariess io ips STATUS DIR A REV EME) - Mis pd UE == E ESAS + LAURE AREA EEE À ARS (HER » - VE" стезя. x y The completion of initialization process is indic ated by the rapid up and down motion of swashplate 3 times while remaining level. Should the swashplate jumps up and down at a tilted position, the flybarless s m ta setup need to be performed again. [Refer to page 23: Flybaress system initial setup) The pitch of helicopter will remain locked unti successful initialization. If the initialization process is unable to complete, with STATUS LED blinking red, Re-check all connections, and perform another reboot with helicopter remain stationary. Following successful initialization proces 5, green STATUS LED indicates rudder is in heading lock mode, x indicates normal non-heading mode. В (Refe fer to P.37 Gain - = = = = a Green = rudder in heading lock mode tacon 0 Red = rudderin normal mode nT: ua eL AS STEP4 54 Ш Tiltthe helicopter forward and swashplate should tiltb ack to compensate. |freversed, perform the flybaress initial setup again and adjust the ge valor reverse setting (Refer to P.25:E.REY setup) MR SE + FETO + EEE - OSA: + STA, arless les PRE METE FNCA INTE CT + (ME P-25:E.REV FER sienta te mui drection += EEE = Helicopter titing direction TA BEE Helcopter tilting direction REBELDE Helic tiling roc ЖАН E Swashplate comection drection e 5 Helicopter tilti docto по STO 5) Tilt the helic compensate again and adjust the are reverse setting (Refer to P.26: A:REV setup) HERMITE EMER Fae EE EEE JE, Flybarlessi®iF S50 ERNIE REE [E0E « (MAE ME : SEPA: A. RENE RPC IE RAR PRE ) ate should tik left to ne the arta and swash rmthe rless initial setup with throttle stick al the way up [and down), and cyclic stick all the way left/right and up/down, check for any binding on the swashplate. If binding occurs, perform the flybarless initial setup again and adjust the endpoint limits. 15 BPE PEE EHE TC RIE EIR - +F Em iFES RH E av PEA Flybaress ТЕ MEET E « Check the Galle tar of gra (CG) and adjust component placement until CG point is right on main shaft of the helicopter. a E E CA iE ERR SH BE ERC FO + With all above steps checkec sais ystem and beginflight test WEN - HR » EUR TIER + NCADTED ARM ML TE LICOP 1 E оО СГ НЕ ne Once the helicopter stops rotating, the helicopter's CGcan be seen at where thehead is pointing relative to the main shaft. NACO ELE CEA › TI A EE BERG = DER AStA (EEE) ON Adjust the frame's CG within +- 60 degrees from level. FKP E TEA 60° Ail EE VE RAS AA E + HECK Cr PROCEL URE E r я не не NE After thebatteryis assembled, hold the helicopter as shown. e Lei > 19.FLIGHT ADJUSTMENT AND SETTING apr REY RER PLEASE PRACTICE SIMULATION FLIG À safe and effective practice method is to use the renier чт simulator software sold on the market. Do a simulation flight u with the movements of the rudders, and keep practicing until the fingen move naturally. 1. Place the helicopter in a clear open field and the tail of helicopter point to yourself. erate the throttle stickfas REI BSS IRC) Shi) and горим practicing "Throttle high/low", 2. Practice to “Alleron ght", “Rudder left/right”, and "Elevator up/ 3. The simulation flight practice is very important, please keep practicing until the fingers move naturally when you hear operation orders being call out. FEMME RAS MENE РОМ BREEERT PTRTRER ERTIES EAN RENEE M ' DP ENEE + EE FECA a ER EE = iE TEN EBERT * LES STRESS RAT + ES Dee RE RDA « 1, RATS RES - EEE + 2 == gs a SANTE) * MERS EE 3. METAS ETE - MEET E ES - FINES REESE ET > EI ARCE RAZA A on a" co == amu you famili ze your fingers 37 Mode 1 Mode 2 Illustration ET Move right SE > Raate ri == Fly backward HEEE backward rotate ac rok == FLIGHT ADJUSTMENT AND NOTICE! pre EEE CAUTION | If there are other radio control aircraft at the field, make sure to check their frequencies andtell them what frequency you are using. Frequency inte ferenc e can cause your model, or other models to crash and increase the risk of danger. STARTING AND STOPPING THE MOTOR | Ву ERE Fes e. E + First check to make sure no one else is operating on the same frequency. Then place the throttle stick at lowest position and Check if the throttle stick is set at turn on the tran smitter. the lowest position. SOCIE ER AH НВР SRE AD EA + 26:48 TT Shi 35 iS PIE IT E TER PE PAE 75 E CAN TE + BERS + - Check the movement. - Are therudders moving accordingto the controls? aM’ FE - Follow the transmitter's instruction manual to do a range test. A DS DEE - ON! Step1 ON! Step2 OFF! Step3 First turn onthe transmitter. Comect to the hel copter power Reverse the above orders to turn off. ERE № ЕЯ БЕ FARES YE HE BREF ER WT + 38 This procedure is best paformed on soft surfaces such as grass. The use of rubber skid stopper is recommended on hard surface to prevent vibration feedback from the ground to 3GX, resulting in over-corrections. GER AE FACE + AA EN POTES - EEE - FAA E ANTEJAS A ERA AE dE AA SES ARR CAG X + EAT AA AA A AE TE * Rubber skid stoppers installed E CRE AE If swashplate should tilt prior to lift off, do not try tomanualy trimthe svashplate level. This is dueto vibration feedbackto the 3GX and will disappear once helicopter lifts off the ground If manual tim is applied, helicopter will tilt immediately after lift off. E FA REO Ey + +E HA SGX TERNS + 18 +88 SMA SACA + LE NE EEE RK + EA A ERES ATEOS LIE RR © SF ET EASES EEE MTR FW EEE + "MAIN ROTOR ADJUSTMENTS 3 EEE 1. Before ad ASIN, apply ared piece of tape onone blade, or paint ared stripe with a marker or paint to identify on blade. 2. Raise the ick slowly and stop just before the helicopter lifts-off ground Look at the spinning blades fromthe side of the helicopter. 3. Look at the path of the rotor carefully. If the two blades rotate in the same path, it does not need to adjustment. If one blade is higher or lower than the other blade, adjust the tracking immediately. + CE CE e "RER EE CAER ao 2 ERENT ALE FRR HOE Y + LE PTA EA E EE 3. HOR E (ADA e DEPRESION E AFA | O 20 — ENRDEZAEEE HA GM ' SA . A. When rotating, the blade with higher path means the pitch too big. Please shorten DFC ball ¡infor r qular trim. B. When rotating, the blade with lower path means the pitch too small. Please len MET balllin "Ш ula trim. A. NETE TN PE EA ESE NE De ES (PATCH: + ERED FC IR SEE + = veu B. HERE EN 10 (SENA ENE EZ PS (PATCH)A | + IESO RCA PAE E + a Tracking adjustment is very dangerous, so pleasekeep away. 5 == AE from the helicopter at a distance of al least 10M. a VEE IERIE RR BS - INSEE MRA 4100 AREER + A Incorrect tracking may cause vibrations. Please repeat, gl i tracking to make sure the 1 foberia correctiy digned. After tracking adjustment, please check the pitch angle is approx. when hovéring _ PIERA E SE BAS TEE REE sara ER 68 RP cfa (HS RIE RAIS - FLIGHT ADJUSTMENT AND NOTICE | - During the operation of the "Ca please stand approximately 1 om a cua behind the helicopter. MATES - MG PA 1D * Y an | Make sure that no one or rua ns. inthe Vicinity. | AEE Do not attempt until youhavesome Far E Safety, please 24 everymovement expériences withthe operation of rections are Cold helicopter. EEE ARE e RE CMA Ae DA SE TT NES ME EME 1 = SERA TORR AR FECES - FEE CONTROL PRACTICE amenas o В mm mmm fm mn me Боны т sn mln Bem men - When the helicopter begins to Ift-off the ground, slowly reduce the | Mode 1 1 Mode 2 throttie to bring the helicopter back down. Keep practicing this | Mode 1 action untilyou control the throttle smooth ly. E ES NERD - (ERE (EE ART + Frill ER SH ECF 30 Ка ЗНС ОВС НЕС ЧА + » “STEP 2 AILERON AND ELEVATOR CONTROL PRACTICE am#reissez 1. Raise the throttle stick slowly. » 2. Move the helicopter in any direction back, forward, left and right, | моде | не? > A slowly move the aileron and elevator sticks in the opposite direction to fly back to its original position. 1. 18872 НН © 2. 28 РНБ : ESE: ¡Ed Ea BEB RFE 18 El HE) ES AE © Ле - Fthe nose of the helicopter moves, please lower the throttle stick and land the helicopter. Then move your position diagonally behind the helicopter 10M and continue practicing * Dare er Lo too far away from you, please land the helicopter and move your pos Lion behind 10M and E AFRAMESS - MEE ERRE - MEE CEI mR RATE 875 10 SR ERE EE + НИИ MEAN EEE 10 4A ER - 39 STEP 3 RUDDER CONTROL PRACTICING Tamir 1. Slowly raise thethrottle stick. 2. Move thenose of the helicopter to right or left, and then slowly move therudder stick in the opposite direction to fly back to its original position. 118187 EW PY AEN - 2.10 HA AA EN THE 7 ESE EE BD At ENE RE AR fe BFA I + STEP 4 After you arefamiliar with al actions from Step1 to 3, draw a circle on the ground and practice within the circle to increase your accuracy. - You can draw a smaller circle when you get more familiar with the actions BRE step ~-3 WARE 5 - oil 1 SE E00 vr 0 RENTE PRE RNT + LUS DO ЗЕ MEE + EE ESTA DE ENE + (EFT CUES ERE - STEP 5 DIRECTION CHANGE AND HOVERING PRACTICE if ERE TSH S FE After you are familiar with Step1 to 4, stand a side of the helicopter and continue practicing Step1 to 4. Then repeat the Step1 to 4 by standing in front of the helicopter. E Estept-4 057 + (TENE A EUA E RE&stepl~4 + 2 {& - 0 10 FA da REE © With the helic plex hovering, observe for any rapid leftiright Daran k, orward/aft oscillation is observed, land the helicopter, turnthe ELE gain dial counterclockwise gradually, and testagain. Do this until oscillation disappears. KIA RA AT mii § de E 190 St DERE HAF RUE DOSE KERR © LUE бо МЛН {BE SR + Elevator gain adjustment dial N % > ade tat 3 ods ЖЕНЫ À ” Pr 5? wd [fl TMT) Decrease ELE gain = $ 7 mr T=" [I | hs hd : À AI PRE LEA FE D) mi A 5 Forward/back oscillation If leffright oscillation, is serves land the helicopter, turn the AIL gain dia counterclockwise gradually, and test again. Do this until oscillation disappears. MATE a BU ДАН НЕ © EEE rr SETE + SET THE DIAL TO 12 0' CLOCK POSITION AS STARTING POINT EAN S Alleron gain adjustment dial Edad EEE о Lah oi oscillation FORWARD STRAIGHT LINE FLIGHT ®ER®N ERT After hovering, proceed to fast forward fight. Should there be similar oscillation, ri reduce elevator gain. Should the helicopter pitch up or experience slow response during flight, increase elevator gain. Repeat this process until ideal gain value is achieved. Similar method is used to set the aileron gain Pe After a justing gyro gains, adjust the roll rate in 3GX flight mode settings based on your preference Higher the rol rate, the faster the roll/flips are. Pilot can also adjust the cyclic EXP setting for the preferred stability. After all adjustments are Rn Ay the pilot can enjoy the stability of slow fig nt and the fast agility fromflybarkess system. FF REST Oh SE ATE RT - BENE BA ERE EE + AA RER BA › a tatty MY + NSEREX - BENE EERREEREEE - AE OZONE TE Bi = RETENEER - SiliE RATA 36 XA ERE SSA Aa PRIX 1 Ae ROO EA AE + (EFE MES ARE E AEREAS RE MEXF ELIO RT - ZA + MOE Fi ybarless A HE ERITHRTE REED RSE - = Flight ji) ы 40 21. TROUBLESHOOTING Headspeedtoo low TRUE RE EB or Pitch linkage rods are not even lent} | PITCH НЕ Adjust length of DFC ball link. BRE OFC UE CAME Excessive pitch EMEMPITCHAE Adjust DFC ball link to reduce pitch by 4 to 5 degrees. Hovering headspeed should be around 1750RPM O Hovering hrottle curveis too low SELENA Increase throttle curve a hovering point on trmsmitte r (around 65 56) TE SEE PSERÈR | #9 69%) Héadspesdtoo high ERES Notenough piteh ERE PITCH ME Adjust DFC ball linto increase pitch by 4 to 5 degrees. Hoverng headspeed should be around 1 750RP M. Ш ОРС НИНЕ Pitch) + 4-5 0 ( 5 BT ERE ALA 17SORPM Hovering throttle curveis too high Decrease throttle curve & hovering point on transmitter (around 65%) VO PEA BESTE PE 6) 6%) Drifting oftail occurs during hovering, or delay of rudder response when centering rudder stick, SOON UE DER BE ME E + Rudder neutral point improperiy set РОЗЫ Rudder gyro gaintoo low FREE AE Tail oscillates (hunting, or wags) at hover orfull throttle FEDS AMER ES FOES - | Rudder gyro gaintoo hg Forvard/after oscillation wh en elevator is applied Fr FET FIRED TES - MASH EAE Helicopter front bobbles (nods) Oscillation pt forward Mic ant Reset rudder neutral point WERE uE Acre ges nudder GEOL Reduce rudder g N ein: NE | he ELE gain dial on control box counterclockwise, 10 degrees at a time until SRC 5 ema ated. AE jt A STA 3 LE IA Wom Servo, or slack in control links RESTE ASE Replace servo, ball link, or linkage balls. FRE + UN ISA + ERA | Aileron gyro gain too high BOR EY GR * à TENTE Tum the AIL gain dial on control box counterclockwise, 10 degrees at a time until escillation is eliminated. HC Dit DRE FREY 25 OER OE ME DE CIN EE ENEE - MEE Wom servo, orslack incontrol links ERBREN + ¡TENEN Replace servo, ball link, orlinkage balls. AE a. Helicopterpitches up during forward flight EL MOTE TRA 18 hE inc a fig ee 2 Elevator gyro gan too low FE E E Tum the ELE gain dial on control box clockwise, 10 degrees ata time until drifting is eliminated. EEE es поки Alleron input causes helicopter to drift Alleron gyro gain too low Tum the AIL gain dial on control box clockwise, 10 degrees ata time until drifting HY) HT ET Rr EE ЕН sr aa I is eliminated. ME [Fd BOE FE BE 65 Hi a Я ЗИ | ПАН Я 2108657, Я ЗЕЕ Slow Forward/A fl eft/Right Roll rate too low Adjust roll mte within 3GX flight mode Input response EEE EE setting. HE BR SBE EERE 23 GIR TH CERO eh BI ES (E Sensitive Forward/AftiLeftiRight Roll rate too high Adjust roll mte within 3GX flight mode Input res ponse Rae Gb setting. TES GX AT CHR ÉPIÉSRATEE i If above solution does not resolve your issues, please check with experienced pilots or contact your Align dealer. HEE DLE REE » (DPR FACS GRY + FELL BI LRT Seri Asia ny) MTF is ay Se [aE iin © 41 AUGN ///4 asa ll asad A сы auld ÉCPM a asad a add Failure in 3GX update, resulting in unbootable, how to deal with? Please restore the version of 3GX V1.0, let the 3G X hardware operate funclionally. Step 1 : Install 3GX USE driver with compuler and 3GX hardware, do not turn on the power of 3GX hardware atthis time. Step 2: seled C drive at your computer, than follow below steps to find the 3GX welcome screen of " 3GX_Update V1 .0.exe ", C: Wy setting 3GX ALIGN _sys Update Wormer\3GX_Update V1.0. exe, then perform 3GX_ Update V1.0.exe. Step 3: Turn on the power df 3GX hardware, click "Update" boltom at 3GX welcome screen, then 3GX software will revert lo 3GA Y1.0. Step 4 {LAE ca JGX hardware canbe operale functionally, then can be update 3GX V4.0 Or aher your favorite 3GX version. 3G XIE MSY + OUR ERE AE + UR т ETFS EI CHR EL VI DR NOA E = ФН ОЗС ( USE) M3GA [HG BRE 3G ME ET EN = | FE. EA SE SERE 36X Update V1 Dies + CAMy setting r3G/ALIGN_ sysUpdae Fomer36x Update vi.0.exe » 67 НИЗ MBC HEL RER + TER MEN GU poste Mi » 267 A ERA 1.0 + BWA. IB 3 EOL EA AECE V4.0 BIE - Pitches up during fast forward flight. CN Elevator gyro gaintoo low, increase the mer gel by gradually turning the ELE did clockwise. Elevator tim not centered. Chedk if helicopter Is tilting backwards during hover. JER TE AA EE 18 7 (1) LE METE: MARA ELE MECA ES 2 E - (2) LE OUR + DAS FES » À PRO IE MS GE + Insufficient gain during flight, butincreasing ‚gain results in oscillation. 1) Check and resolve possible mechanical vibration from helicopter. 2) Use softer 3GX mounting foam, or double up the stock 3GX foam. Eb the 3GX to location less prone to vibration. HEE (res EL Fun + ENE (1) SEA ARES AREER RENEE - (2) Fils SRP AE ED ETE GA + (3) H5IGXIB EC EPA E AE + Drifting during 30 maneuvers. 1) Increase AL and ELE gan by tumin bathedials clockwise 2) Check if cyclic servos aretoo slow (minimumO 08sec / 60 degrees 3D FT RARER R 7 (1) 2574 HE la NE IDES EEO RIB E - (2) 19 MN a CIC RARE В ES € MENA MERO Y ELLO Unstable hover, control inputs aretoo sensitive. Can adjust the roll rate vilmin 36X Flight Mode settings, as well asincrease the EXP seting to increase hovering stability. For achimes, decrease swvashiplate mixdng parcentage on the transmitter. In addition, exponential can be added toaleron and ns E |) 3 E GA FRENO) EXP HER TE » El 15 IO EEE - Helicopter oscillates after fast forward flight or after tumbles. adually reduce both All and ELE gain by turning them counterclockwise, 10 degrees at a time. hard ephead dampener. FERA SE - [1] SESE SCX LAR ERERERE + ELE 10 EAT + JU E + (2) A EHEN AA + While in Mybarless setup mode, unable to complete ELE/AIL endpoint and reverse settings Disable all trims/subiims onthe {га пули ег. i# Flybarlessi 58 + SEW FISEHRELE - ALIFE - ELE SAIL REVISE 7 ЭЕ НОА ЗЕМНАЯ НА Heal = Incorrect CCPM mixing after initia flybaress setup. (1) Trm/subtims notzeroed out on ransmiter. (2) After any tim adjustments are done on transmitter, the initial fivbarless sefup procedure needio be performed again. (3) fess tum о the swashring, Linkage Compensation, Swash Mix. Mixing, Acceleration and other cdlective mixing Functions n the transmitter. FEEFlybarless ig E+ ECCPMBERIERER (1) TEA Fyboress 197204 346 9453 RSS - >| À | = ness a (3) Иа бло 2 571 Swoohing — Loge Comeensalion - Swesh Mi + Méng - Acceleniion EEE 3GX fiybarless system unable to power up. 1) Check proper vollage source. Check AILVELE/PIT conneclions between flybaress control unit and receiver. (3) Check the power connection of 3GX and receiver. 3G X Flybarl ess SE 9 19 7 (1) Hid ik WHE SER - (2) SEAL + BE RPITÉO AR TES ASE EE EE - (3) Hl 30 MT DAA GA AE TED + 42 оО 53 ask] 2 adó ad ahd ak6 ask / Jo ak 9 flybarless sys po Sh E with LED flashing, but swashplate did not jump 3 times, pitch is locked, unable to veto the initi aization ssible movement during initialization process. Make sure helicopler is absolutely stationary. de IFSTATUS LED flashes red, check the connedion between coniroller and receiver. 3GXFiybarless NIE PYR IES + HER - PITEE « REESE: + (1) ARTE EA 1 TUE A EA + (2) 1 HE STATUS RLENE 38 — PIAR + DE TAS Sins Las ESE AA | noticed swashplate tilts sl oT, de eg h due to servo interactions, should | make efforts to level it out? Mo. Level the swashplate at ees using subtrims ONLY in DIR setup mode. (please refer to page 23 step1.3) End point tarde interactions are automatically compensated by the 3GX system while in fligh + DEA ESE AA. REE EE HE EEE & + iE OR SERES PIE PIN (Subtrims)H8-H583 00€ BAN EEE [de EA 1 EH Sl 13) » ERROR 361 Ft TEE WE FAR + vihal adusiments can | make on the transmiller aflerthe DIR setup has been compleled? You can adjust the trim tabs, dual rates, exponential, collective pitch. Againdo NOT adjust the subtrims unless followed by repealing of DIR setup steps. ТЕЛЕ ОЛА ВЕСЕ „ЧА Rode URE TIME ЙЕ Е ВО OMA + [RUSOS CA FEO E DOE EE ЯР UE (dual rates, exponential) - MIA ERIE (collective pitch) = During step 5 of DIR setup mode, only aileron swash mixing was menfioned. Should | set devator swash mixing as well? Mo. The 3GX system automatically calculates a cyclic fing based onthe aleron swash mix percentage. Selting of elevator swash mix has no affect on the 3GX system. Sel the cyclic pitch by the aileron swash mix & just use the same value for elevator. {EWE - SEE AURA ENR EE 7 : GX FELER EARTH FEREE+E— EEE FT » MUTASE RERNERE REES A Helicopter feels lack of stability durin pes Try to adjust the gain dials on the 3 GX. the diference of optimaliga recommend the gain dias to be set to mid position, then adjust the in die re. E reached. Ifyou feel ihe gain cannot be increase roffelicopter, uni optima er and proper mounting Is there spring acti (1) First check Гог этой (2) Check rudder servo | from sudden stops after rou ett 355 on rudder pushroë d tail pitch assembly. udderanti-torque compensation value. | GX rudder configuration function. ie > EI E ( dday ) & * pter cyclic response too fast ortoo slow? Can be adjusted Vase software interface. KF response if too fast, raise the Flight Condition Control value fo soften the pause after maneuvers: On the olher hand, lowering the Flight Condition Control value will result in crisper stop points. EA ELO E REO ESA т of LEE FIC TE + 90 CR + STEG RT SEES + PTIT PE RS) 5 20 HERE SE DE + ACRE TE = Unable to maintain flat plane during pirouettes, or helicopter has tendency to tik frontbackfleft/right during takeoff? Please level the swashplate again, and perform swash selfing again. RE RES RT REET eR Helicopter has tendency to tilt front/back during straight ascend/descend? Hpbi er fils forward during ascend, lower the collective pitch to elevator compensation value through 3GX software Interface. ackwards, raise this value. MEMENTO EN SU LE ? ИННЫ CE EER ME + AUR 36 ME TTOCIA (SN SA FEA ZA + Tail overshoots during fast pirouettes? Lower the rudder ATV value on your transmitter. Rudder ATV should not exceed 110%, or else overshoot may occur, E SEE dy RAREMENT NE UNE: RE EEE AT IE > FRE ATV FEDER 110% + SAME E E TE: + 43 Mene www. tw “еНеЫт ALIGN Specifications 6 Equipment/ +5 FSE16 : Length/ 2:58 :1160mm Height/ 355 :330mm Main Blade Length ENEE :550mm Main Rotor Diameter/ ENEE (E :1248mm Tail Rotor Diasmeter! EXA :254mm Motor Pinion Gear/ EE 505 :1ôT Main Drive Gear E 6) :112Т Autorotation Tail Drive Gear/ 556162 :131T Tail Drive Gear! =% (6165 :34T Drive Gear Ratio! 3 15/56 :7 :1 :3.85 Meight(Without battery) 2556 :Approx. 2400g 1248mm 1160mm * ALIGN CORPO http: // 2013.Sep.1s coses