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- NX Inverters FI4 8
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- 97 Pages
Vacon NX Inverters FI4 8 User Guide
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vacon nxi ® inverters fi4-fi8 user manual • • • • • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 WARNING WARNING HOT SURFACE WARNING NX I 0000 5 Nominal mains voltage: 5 = 465...800VDC, 6 = 640...1100VDC Nominal current e.g. 0004 = 4 A, 0022 = 22 A Reserved for cooling method, now always air cooling: _ = air cooling (= no symbol) W = liquid cooling Code: I = Inverter Unit (INU) Product series: NX nxik2.fh8 - Interval Maintenance 12 months (if unit stored) Capacitor reforming, see Chapter 3.2.1 6 - 24 months (The interval is different in different environment.) Check tightening torque of the input and output terminals and I/O terminals. Clean the heat sink. Clean the cooling tunnel. Check operation of the cooling fan, check for corrosion on terminals, bus bars and other surfaces. Check the door filters. 5 - 7 years Change the cooling fans. • Main fan of the unit. • Fan of the LCL filter. • Internal IP54 (UL Type 12) fan. • Cabinet cooling fan/filter. 5 - 10 years - Change the DC bus capacitors if DC voltage ripple is high. Power module IGBT Inverter Current Sensors Mains B+ D C+ = Integrated charging circuit D C- U Output V EMC- 3~ Charg.res. Fan Power Supply Measurements Gate Drivers Control Keypad Motor and Application Control Control module Control I/O - Control I/O Control I/O Motor Control ASIC Control I/O Motor Control I/O W filter - - - - 3~ 0- - / 1.4 - B 120% C 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0% A 11167A_00 - - 5000 4500 90% 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 110% 100% A 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Ø W2 D1 H1 H2 H3 W1 E1Ø E2Ø* Ø fr5ip21.fh8 - W2 H4 D1 H5 D2 H1 H2 W1 H3 Ø fr5ip21kaulus.fh8 - H2 Ø W3 H3 W2 W1 H4 H1 fr6aukko.fh8 H7 W4 W2 H6 D1 H4 D2 H3 H1 H2 H4 W3 W1 H5 fr7kaulusip21.fh8 H2 H5 H2 H4 H3 H6 H1 W1 W2 W3 Ø fr7aukko.fh8 C B A A A2 A2 B D NK5_2 B+ DC+ B+ PE DC- B- U V W M - - - - ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Distance between cables [m] 0.3 1.0 Shielded cable [m] 50 200 ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Earth conductor DC SUPPLY C1 A2 C2 D1 B2 D2 MOTOR - - 1. 2. 3. A B C D E -G1 Ext +24VDC Power Supply -F1 PE/GND -F2 1A gG/ Class CC -Q1 3A #6 -F3 1A gG/ Class CC #7 -Q2 3A #6 -F4 1A gG/ Class CC #7 -Q3 3A #6 -F5 1A gG/ Class CC #7 -Q4 3A #6 -F6 1A gG/ Class CC #7 -Q5 3A #6 -F7 1A gG/ Class CC #7 -Q6 3A #6 #7 Basic I/O board NXOPTA1 OPT-A2 OPT-A3 Board OPT-A1 Boards OPT-A2 and in slot A OPT-A3 in slot B 1 +10Vref 2 AIA1+ 3 GND 4 AIA2+ 5 AIA26 24Vout 7 GND 8 DIA1 9 DIA2 10 DIA3 11 CMA 12 24Vout 13 GND 14 DIB4 15 DIB5 16 DIB6 17 CMB 18 Iout+ 19 Iout20 DO1 Dotted line indicates the connection with inverted signal levels Reference (voltage) Reference (current) 24 V GND 24 V GND 0(4)/20mA RL<500 + U<+48V I<50mA - - - - - +24V Ground Ground DIN1 DIN1 DIN2 DIN2 DIN3 DIN3 CMA nk6 _16 Positive logic (+24V is the active signal) = the input is active when the switch is closed +24V CMA Negative logic (0V is the active signal) = the input is active when the switch is closed. Requires setting of jumper X3 to position ‘CMA/CMB isolated from ground’ Jumper block X1: AI1 mode A B C D A AI1 mode: 0...20mA; Current input A B C D B C D A B C D Jumper block X6: AO1 mode A B C D AO1 mode: 0...20mA; Current output A B C D AO1 mode: Voltage output; 0...10V = Factory default WARNING D B C D B C D AI2 mode: Voltage input; 0...10V (differential) A AI1 mode: Voltage input; -10...10V C AI2 mode: Voltage input; 0...10V A AI1 mode: Voltage input; 0...10V (differential) B AI2 mode : 0...20mA; Current input A AI1 mode: Voltage input; 0...10V A Jumper block X2: AI2 mode B C D AI2 mode: Voltage input; -10...10V Jumper block X3: CMA and CMB grounding CMB connected to GND CMA connected to GND CMB isolated from GND CMA isolated from GND CMB and CMA internally connected together, isolated from GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 STOP READY ALARM FAULT RUN I/O term Keypad Bus/Comm a ready I b run II c fault II I 7045.jpg • •• ••• • •• ••• reset select enter RUN READY Local Monitor V1èV14 READY R EADY I/Oterm R EADY I/Ote rm A:NXOPTA1 Expander boards G1èG5 STOP I/Oterm Parameters G1èG1 R EADY STOP I/Ote rm R EADY I/Ote rm System Menu S1èS9 English Browse READY I/Ote rm READY I/Ote rm Fault history H1èH3 STOP I/Oterm 11 Output phase T1èT7 FAULT STOP I/Ote rm Active faults F0 or: R EADY ST OP Control Place I/O Terminal R EADY RU N I/Ote rm R EADY I/Ote rm Monitor V1èV15 Operation days 17 enter Browse R EADY I/Ote rm Change value READY L oc al Basic parameters P1èP15 RUN FAULT R EADY I/Ote rm Parameters G1èG9 STOP T1 èT7 F Keypad control P1èP3 17 I/Ote rm 11 Output phase I/Ote rm Operation days FAULT I/Ote rm ST OP Change value enter Language READY P1èP3 Min Frequency 13.95 Hz READY I/Oterm Output frequency 13.95 Hz No editing! enter Browse Change value RUN R EADY Lo ca l FreqReference 13.95 Hz RUN READY Local Monitor V1èV14 V1.1 V1.2 V1.3 V1.4 V1.5 V1.6 V1.7 V1.8 V1.9 V1.10 V1.11 V1.12 V1.13 V1.14 V1.15 V1.16 - RUN READY Local Output frequency 13.95 Hz ▪ ▪ Ke ypa d Input signals G1èG8 READY READY Keypad Keypad Parameters G1èG8 Basic parameters P1èP18 READY READY Keypad Keypad Min Frequency 13.95 Hz Min Frequency enter READY Keypad 14.45 Hz Min Frequency 13.95 Hz I/O term Keypad Bus/Comm STOP READY STOP READY I/Oterm I/Oterm Keypad control P1èP4 STOP READY Control Place Keypad Control Place Control Place I/O Remote I/O Remote STOP READY I/Oterm Keypad enter STOP READY I/Oterm Control Place Keypad enter READY I/Oterm Active faults F0 I/Oterm Operation hours 34:21:05 STOP FAULT I/Oterm 11 Output phase F T1 èT13 STOP FAULT I/Oterm Operations days 17 - - - I/Oterm I/Oter m 5 ChargeSwitch Operation hours 13:25:43 READY I/Oterm Fault history H1èH3 READY READY I/Oterm I/Oterm 11 Output phase T1èT7 PUSH enter to reset Operation days 17 Code Function Min Max Unit Default Cust Selections - READY READY I/Oterm I/Oterm Language System Menu S1èS11 English READY READY I/Oterm I/Oterm Language English enter Langue Francais STOP STOP READY READY I/Oterm I/Oterm Application System Menu S1èS11 STOP Standard STOP READY Application Standard READY I/Oterm I/Oterm enter Application Multi-step READY READY Parameter sets Parameter sets Select LoadFactDef Parameter sets Parameter sets Wait... OK Copy Parameters P1èP4 CONFIRM CANCEL READY READY READY READY enter READY Up to keypad Up to keypad Select All param. READY READY Up to keypad Up to keypad Wait... OK enter CONFIRM CHANGE VALUE CANCEL READY READY Set1 ParamComparison C1èC3 0 OR READY READY Set1 P2.1.2= 50.0 P1 èP6 20.0 Hz READY EDIT VALUE P2.1.2= 50.0 20.0 Hz READY I/Oterm Password Not in use enter CONFIRM CHANGE enter I/Oterm READY READY I/Oterm Password 0 OR: enter Password 00 READY READY READY I/Oterm I/Oterm I/Oterm Security P1èP4 System Menu S1èS9 READY Parameter Lock ChangeEnable READY I/Oterm I/Oterm Parameter Lock enter ChangeEnable Parameter Lock ChangeDisabl READY READY I/Oterm I/Oterm READY I/Oterm Startup wizard Startup wizard Startup wizard No No Yes - enter CONFIRM CANCEL READY READY I/Oterm READY I/Oterm I/Oterm Multimon. items Multimon. items ChangeEnable ChangeEnable enter Multimon. items ChangeDisable - READY READY I/Oterm I/Oterm Default page Keypad settings P1èP5 0. - READY READY I/Oterm I/Oterm Default page 0. - READY enter I/Oterm Default page 0. Default page 1. CONFIRM CHANGE REPEAT TO SET DEFAULT SUBMENU/PAGE CANCEL READY Timeout time 90 s - READY READY Timeout time Timeout time 90 s. 60 s. enter CONFIRM CHANGE CANCEL READY READY I/Oterm I/Oterm HW settings P1èP4 System Menu S1èS8 READY READY I/Oterm InternBrakeRes Connected READY I/Oterm I/Oterm InternBrakeRes Connected enter InternBrakeRes Not conn. - READY READY I/Oterm I/Oterm Fan control Fan control Continuous Continuous READY I/Oterm enter Fan control Temperature - ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ READY I/Oterm HMI ACK timeout HMI ACK timeout 200ms 200ms - - READY I/Oterm enter - STOP STOP READY Trip counters T1èT5 STOP Reset - - - Clr Optime cntr Not reset Not reset STOP enter READY Clr Optime cntr READY Clr Optime cntr READY READY STOP READY Clr Optime cntr Clr Optime cntr Reset Not reset I/Oterm I/Oterm Standard D1èD3 READY I/Oterm - - 2.01 READY I/Oterm Applications A1 èA7 Version Basic D1 èD3 READY I/Oterm Application id NXFIFF01 I/Oterm I/Oterm B:NXOPTA2 E1èE2 READY I/Oterm Expander boards E1èE5 Software version 10001.0 READY READY I/Oterm A:NXOPTA1 E1èE2 I/Oterm State Run - - - R EA DY R EA DY I/Oterm I/Oterm D:NXOPTC2 Monitor G1 èG2 READY READY Expander boards G1èG5 V1 èV2 C:NXOPTC1 READY Parameters G1 èG2 READY P1èP4 READY C H AN GE VAL UE Slave address 126 R EA DY I/Oterm Baud rate Auto - Slave address 126 enter C ON FIR M CHANGE WARNING HOT SURFACE + - a) b) c) d) e) a) b) c) - www.danfoss.com Document ID: Vacon Ltd Member of the Danfoss Group Runsorintie 7 65380 Vaasa Finland DPD00908C Rev. C Sales code: DOC-USERFI4FI8+DLUK