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Install Power SUPD)Y-a rer EEG
Install Motherboard. ieee
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Connect case leads to motherboard................. 8
Complete the installation...........———— e eseve=sí=e...
USB/Audio cable pin assignments....................
X-Sniper 2
Finished Appearance
NOTE: CPU and memory installation is not covered in this
manual. Please refer to each components’ documentation
for instructions.
1. Install Power Supply:
1.1 Remove thumbscrews from the 1.2 Grab the notch on the edge of the
rear of the X-Sniper 2 on the side panel. Pull to release.
right side of the case.
1.3 Install power supply below 1.4 Make sure that the power supply
mounting ledges from the inside is correctly installed, and that
of the case at the bottom. screw mount points are aligned
(as seen in Step 1.5).
static electricity before handling PC components. An anti-static
wrist strap should also be worn to further minimize the possibility of
| NOTE: Touch an unpainted metal section of the chassis to discharge
2. Install Motherboard:
2.1 Refer to the motherboard holes
index for standoff placement for
your motherboard type. A full
ATX (12"x9.6") board will use
notches listed as “A”. A Flex-ATX
board will use notches listed as
“Е”, A Mini-ATX board will use
notches listed as “M”. A Micro-
ATX board will use notches listed
as “U”. A Mini-ITX board will
use notches listed as "B”. Some
1.5 Fasten screws to the back of the motherboards may not use all
case. Keep a hand on the power notches. Use any notches that
supply to keep the holes aligned. line up with your motherboard.
2.2 If your motherboard included an
I/O shield, fit the shield in the
provided hole on the back of the
case until it clicks into place.
Make sure that the holes on the
shield match up with the 1/0
connectors on the motherboard.
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2.4 Put standoff screws in place. Align
motherboard with standoffs and
mount to case. This ATX mother-
board (12"x8.3") only used the left
six notches.
2.3 If you have a hard time installing
the motherboard standoffs, you
can use the included screwdriver
to make sure they re placed
2.5 There is room for a water-
cooling system in the case.
Punch out the areas indicated
above by the red circles.
Refer to the cooler manual
for installation instructions.
There is also a spot to thread
wires through if needed (as
shown by the red square).
3. Install 212", 312", and 5%" drives:
3.1 To install an optical drive, first 3.2 For 5 1/4” drives, align the device
remove the drive bay covers by with the drive bay and insert.
pinching the tab holding both You might have to wiggle the
sides in place and pulling it off. drive around to sit it flush with
Next, remove the metal shield that the front panel.
sits behind each drive bay cover.
3.3 Line up the screw holes of the 3.4 For 3.5” hard-disk drives, find the
drive with the holes in the drive longer mounting rails in the screw
bay. Once they are in place, bag. Attach rails to both sides of the
click the locking latch closed. drive.
Use screws to secure the drive
if using the bottom bay.
3.5 Align rails with wider hard drive 3.6 For 2.5” hard-disk drives, find the
bay and insert. shorter mounting rails in the screw
bag. Attach rails to both sides of the
3.7 Align rails with thinner hard drive 3.8 Another 2.5” hard drive can be
bay and insert. installed at the bottom of the case
underneath the 3.5” hard drive
3.9 Secure the bottom drive as
indicated by the red circles.
4.1 First, remove the PCI slot covers. 4.2 Read your PCI expansion card's
Take a long flat object and insert documentation. Install PCI card
it into the provided hole in the into correct slot for your card
cover. Pull the cover out at a type (x1, x16, etc.).
diagonal angle. Wiggle the
cover until it comes loose. Be
careful as there could be sharp
edges that can cut you.
5. Fan installation and setup:
4.3 Once the card is seated firmly, 5.1 The case comes with one fan,
secure it with a screw in the but has spots for up to eight.
appropriate hole. Each fan comes with two
connectors (male and female).
If you decide to add extra fans,
you can either connect each one
directly to the power supply or
daisy-chain them together, male
end to female end, and plug the
remaining male connector to
the power supply.
NOTE: We recommend daisy-
chaining the fans together to
save any extra peripheral
connectors for other devices.
6. Connect case leads to motherboard:
6.1 Locate the above front panel 6.2 Locate the above front panel leads.
leads. Your motherboard user's Refer to your motherboard user's
manual will provide schematics. manual for placement schematics.
The triangular markings À on The Power LED leads are for the
the leads indicate positive wires. top circular “grill”. The HDD LED
The blue cable is for the USB3.0 leads are for the bottom circular
port on the front. You can use “grill”,
the USB2.0 connector attached
to it if your motherboard does
not support the newer USB3.0
(Remove right-side panel to better access wiring.)
7. Complete the installation:
7.1 With all components properly installed,
gently return side panels to their
original positions and replace all
Congratulations! You have completed
assembly of the X-Sniper 2!
8. USB/Audio cable pin assignments:
X-Sniper2 Cable Module