AIM SMARTYCAM GP HD Rev. 2.2 User Guide
SmartyCam GP HD
Rev. 2.2
User Manual 1.00
– SmartyCam GP HD Rev.2.2 in a few words
– Connections
– Power, battery charge, ON/OFF
– SD card management
– Start/Stop recording
– Manual Start/Stop recording
– Automatic Start recording in standalone mode
– Automatic Start recording in slave mode
– Automatic Stop in slave mode
– SmartyCam GP HD Rev.2.2 MENU
– GPS Status
– Dash
– Settings
– Language:
– Time Setting
– Accel Calibr
– Video set
– Exposure set
– Audio set
– Rec Counter
– Conf Load
– Overlay
– Info
– Auto Power off
– Key Settings
– Display T/O
– Auto Start REC and Auto Stop REC delay
– Tracks
– Video file
– SmartyCam GP HD Rev.2.2 and the PC
– SmartyCam GP HD Rev.2.2 configuration
7.1.1 -
Loading an ECU in
SmartyCam GP HD Rev.2.2 configuration
7.1.2 -
SmartyCam GP HD Rev.2.2 overlay
– Track Management
– Video Management
– Technical specification and drawings
SmartyCam GP HD
Rev. 2.2
The professional video recorder bullet version with data overlay for motorsports
1. SmartyCam GP HD Rev 2.2 in a few words
What is SmartyCam GP HD Rev 2.2?
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 is the new AiM video recorder with bullet cam developed for motorsport environments that connects directly to the vehicle ECU and automatically overlays the vehicle data to an HD video using graphical items.
Components specifically designed to fit the needs of motorsport environments, like coaxial cable for bullet cam connection, special lenses and CMOS sensor, reliability under vibrations, straight connectivity to the vehicle data and automatic video recording start/stop are among your available features.
images (i.e. logos).
Is it possible to configure the graphical overlays?
Of course it is and a wide library of graphical overlays is available as well as the possibility of placing them where wanted on the video.
End of scales can be defined using Race Studio 3 software included in the kit.
Can SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 be connected to other AiM systems?
Of course; through the AiM CAN network
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 connects to all
AiM loggers, to say all MX series, EVO series,
MyChron5, Solo series and ECU bridge.
What data does it show?
Does it also work in a standalone mode?
Overlaid data come from your vehicle ECU, from the internal accelerometers, from GPS and from datalogger analog/digital inputs.
It also displays the map of the track and personal
Yes. SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 has an internal battery and can work also without being connected to the AiM CAN network.
In this last case, of course, only lateral acceleration coming from SmartyCam GP HD
Rev. 2.2 internal sensor can be shown in overlay.
If an optional GPS Module is connected,
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 can show the position on the track, GPS speed and lap times too.
Is it possible to connect more SmartyCam
GP HD Rev. 2.2 cameras on the same CAN network?
Which video format does SmartyCam GP HD
Rev. 2.2 generate?
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 generates “.mov” files with H264 compression codec.
Three different compression levels are available: low, medium and high as well as three different frame rates: 15, 25 and 30 frames per second
Does SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 start and stop automatically?
Yes. Each SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 has its own configuration and automatically retrieves the data it needs from the network, without interfering with the others.
Is it possible to synchronize video and data recorded by the loggers?
Yes. Race Studio 3 software automatically synchronizes video and data and shows them on the same dedicated view.
Yes. SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 offers different logics for starting and stopping video recording.
Acceleration or speed can be used to trigger when to start/stop.
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 setting is mainly made using the keyboard.
02 03
SmartyCam GP HD kit includes:
- SmartyCam GP HD 2.2
- External CAN Cable or
External powercable
- 110/220v Battery Charger
with AC power adapter
- Software Race Studio 3 CD
- Bullet
Video format n
Display resolution n
Lens n
Field of view n
Internal battery n
Battery charge n
Internal battery duration n
External power n
Support SD Card n
Memory required n
Accelerometer n
Working temperature range n
Auto power ON/OFF n
Auto power OFF n
Auto Start/Stop recording n
Body n
Dimensions n
Bullet cable length n
Weight n
H264 – 1280x720 pixels at 30 fps
2.4” - 240x320 pixels telecentric with 6 elements
67° – 84°
Rechargeable lithium battery 1.500 mA
700 mA – 12V
60-70 min of recording
9 -15V up to 128 Gb – not included
1.5 GB (one hour low quality recording)
2 GB (one hour medium quality recording)
4 GB (one hour high quality recording) three-axial accelerometer +/-5 G
Yes if connected to AiM logger
Anodized aluminium
Recording unit 104.6x79.6x26.6mm
Bullet camera: 24 diameter x48.2 mm
recording unit 320g battery included bullet camera 45g
2. Connections
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 can be connected to GPS08
Module (optional) using the 5 pins Binder 712 female connector labelled “GPS”.
It can as well work in slave mode being connected to AiM
Dashes and loggers through AiM CAN network supplied by 5 pins Binder 712 female connector labelled “EXP”.
The images show some examples of connection.
3. Power, Battery Charge,
Although SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 features an internal
Lithium battery it is preferable to power it through the vehicle battery using the external power cable included in the kit. Connect it to the 7 pins Binder 712 female connector.
When SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 is powered by an external 12V power source a plug icon is shown on the display and the video recorder works in a fully automatic way switching ON/OFF with the external power.
Meanwhile the internal battery too is charged; it can
record up to 60-70’ and when its level is low a pop up message showing “Battery Low!” appears for a few seconds on the display.
In this case the video closes and SmartyCam GP HD Rev.
2.2 shuts down.
To charge SmartyCam GP HD Rev 2.2 internal battery use the battery charger included in the kit.
Battery can also be charged using SmartyCam GP HD Rev
2.2 USB cable included in the kit: plug the mini USB connector in SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 mini USB port and the USB connector in the PC USB port.
The LED right of the mini USB plug is red when battery is charging and turns green when the battery is fully charged.
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 can be switched ON/OFF using the central button. The system asks for confirmation.
When SmartyCam GP HD Rev 2.2 is internally powered it also possible to set an automatic shut down after a period of inactivity.
To do so follow this path:
Available options are: n
30 sec n 1 min n 5 min n 15 min n 30 min (default value) n
1 h n 2 h n 3 h
Please note: ONLY
in case the recorder locks up you can switch it off pressing the central button for
10 seconds.
4. SD card management
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 can support up to 128 GB SD cards.
Its housing is closed by a metal screw to be carefully screwed after insertion.
Moreover, SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 features an useful microswitch that detects when the slot is open and automatically closes the video in less than one second, allowing safe SD card removal.
5. Start/Stop recording
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 can start/stop recording in three ways: n manually n automatically in standalone mode n automatically in slave mode
5.1 Manual Start/Stop recording
To manually start recording press SmartyCam GP HD Rev.
2.2 left button. It will turn to “Stop”: press it to stop recording.
To make this start/stop recording mode to be set as permanent set it following this path:
5.2 Automatic Start recording
in standalone mode
If SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 works in standalone mode, its internal three axis accelerometer can be used to set start/stop recording function.
This way SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 can start recording according to set speed and acceleration threshold (Th.) values. Follow this path: “MENU –>SETTINGS –>AUTO
START REC” and select among these options: n Spd 10mph-15kmh n Spd 20mph-35kmh n Spd 30mph-50kmh n Accel Th. Low n Accel Th. Med n Accel Th. High
5.3 Automatic start in slave
If SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 works in slave mode
(connected to an AiM device) it can be set to start recording when the logger gives the signal.
Follow this path:
Logger Command”.
This is default setting.
5.4 Automatic Stop in
standalone slavemode
Setting SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 start recording as automatic, stop recording is automatic too.
This way SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 stops recording after a fixed time of inactivity (standalone mode) or after a fixed time period from logger “Stop recording” command.
Follow this path:
“MENU –>SETTINGS –>AUTO STOP REC” and select among these options: n 5 sec n 20 sec n 1 min n 2 min n 5 min
6. SmartyCam GP HD Rev.
2.2 MENU
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 can be set mainly via the bottom keyboard. Pressing “MENU” this page shows up: n Available options are: n GPS STATUS n DASH n SETTINGS n TRACKS n VIDEO FILE
In any situation use “Down” button to scroll the options,
“Sel” to select and “Exit” to quit and save
6.1 GPS Status
Shows the number of connected satellites with the related signal level.
6.2 Dash
It shows: n Lateral acceleration n Longitudinal acceleration n RPM value n Speed value n ECU Manufacturer n ECU Model (sliding text)
Press “ECU” to enter the ECU page that shows some data provided by the vehicle ECU.
Data showed change according to the ECU Manufacturer and Model.
6.3 Settings
Pressing “Settings” SmartyCam enters the related page that shows multiple options in a circular way; here it is possible to set some parameters, select some settings etc.
6.3.2 Time Setting
To set SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 Date and Time format as well as GMT option; Daylight saving time option can be enabled/disabled.
Use “CHANGE” button to switch among the option of each function and “Next” button to scroll the functions.
6.3.1 Language
Is the first option to set at very first start. Available options are: n English (default setting) n Italian n French n
Spanish n German n Portuguese n Deutch n Japanese
6.3.3 Accel Calibr
To calibrate the internal three axis accelerometer placed in the bullet cam: n install SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 and the bullet
(paying attention that the serigraphy is visible on top of
the bullet) n fix both in the preferred position n switch SmartyCam On n reach this page and press “Calibr”.
6.3.4 Video set
To set SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 Video output; available options are: n Video quality: High (default), low, normal n Frame rate: 30 (default), 25 or 15 fps (frames per second)
6.3.5 Exposure set
This option is very useful if SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 is installed on a closed vehicle. Available options are: n Open Cockpit vehicle (default) – no further setting needed n
Close Cockpit Vehicle.
Setting “Close Cockpit Vehicle” the part of the shot to be used as reference to set video light exposure can be decided. With reference to the images below: n use “Shape” button to resize the part of shot to be used (red rectangle in the images below) n use “Change” button to displace the red rectangle n use “Exit” button to save and exit
6.3.6 Audio set
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 comes with an internal microphone but an optional external one is available.
To set both microphones.
n Use “Change” button to set the gain n Use “Next” button to switch between internal and
external microphone n Use “Exit” button to save and exit
6.3.7 Rec Counter
This page shows the number of recording of SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2. Press “Reset” to reset the counter.
6.3.8 Conf Load
Shows a list of all the configurations transmitted to SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2. Select the one to load. Available options are: n GPS Conf: the tracks included in GPS08 n
Overlay2 Conf: the overlay transmitted to SmartyCam GP HD Rev 2.2; (the camera can store only one overlay at a
time) n Load all: loads overlay and tracks
6.3.9 Overlay
In this page you can enable/disable the overlay of your SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 configuration. Default setting is enabled.
6.3.10 Info
Here are 4 pages shown in loop mode with all info about SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 processors, firmware, hardware, etcetera.
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6.3.11 Auto Power off
See SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 power, battery charge,
ON/OFF chapter (chapter 3).
6.3.12 Key Settings
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 keyboard can be enabled/ disabled (default setting) during recording. Use “Change” button to enable/disable.
6.3.13 Display T/O
Enabling this option SmartyCam GP HD Rev 2.2. display goes to stand-by after 1 minute of inactivity.
6.3.14 Auto Start REC and Auto Stop REC delay
See SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 Start/Stop recording chapter (chapter 5).
6.4 Tracks
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 can manage tracks in two ways: automatic (default) and manual. “Change” button switches between the two options.
In AUTO mode SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 can detect if a known track is available in a 10 km area, shows its name and the distance from current position (Dst). In case no track is available this flowing message will be shown on SmartyCam
GP HD Rev. 2.2 screen: “NO track for current position, download it” (left image below).
With “Down” button reach “TRACK SHOW” option; “Change” button will then switch to “Sel” and pressing it all Tracks transmitted to SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 will be shown (second image from the left below).
Pressing “Show” button the track map is shown; pressing it again tracks start/finish line coordinates are shown.
To switch to MANUAL mode press “Change” in Auto mode (left image here above) and “MODE: MANUAL” enables.
If a track has been previously selected it is shown with the related distance form current position (COTA, 5291 miles away in the first image on the left below).
To select another track scroll to “MANUAL SEL” and “Change” button switches to “Sel”: press it. The list of all tracks loaded in SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 is shown (second image from the left below).
Pressing “Sel” the track map of the selected track (Cota in the example) is shown; pressing it again the track is selected.
6.5 Video file
This page shows the list of video file stored in SmartyCam
GP HD Rev. 2.2 SD card. Press “Del” to delete them.
7 SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 and the PC
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 connects directly to the vehicle ECU. This function is to be configured using Race Studio 3 software.
7.1 SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 configuration
To load the ECU in SmartyCam GP HD Rev 2.2 configuration, set its channels and choose the graphic items to be set on
SmartyCam video Race Studio 3 software is needed.
n Run Race Studio 3 software n select an existing configuration to modify it or press “NEW” to create a new one n “New configuration” panel appears n select “SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2” n SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 configuration panel appears: fill in configuration name and press OK
7.1.1 Loading an ECU in SmartyCam GP HD Rev 2.2
Once the configuration created the software opens SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 Overlay layer. To set the vehicle ECU press “Use ECU”.
“choose ECU Protocol” panel shows up: select ECU Manufacturer and Model ( Pectel/Cosworth LoA here below) and press “OK”.
22 23
“ECU and SmartyCam Stream “
layer shows: n “SmartyCam function” panel (
) All channels that can be shown on SmartyCam video. Each function can be matched
to the corresponding channel. If for any reason the desired channel is not found enable “Enable all channels for
function” checkbox and all channels will be shown;
please note
: this setting applies to all panels of this layer n
SmartyCam GPS Function panel (
): if an optional GPS is connected it is possible to set GPS channels as well as the
same channels coming from the ECU.
n SmartyCam Lap function panel (
): some ECU provides lap time information and if the ECU installed on the vehicle
gives this information it is possible to show them on SmartyCam video.
n SmartyCam GP HD Rev 2.2 can send message to the CAN network (
) enabling the related checkbox; this CAN
message contains some configurable parameters; to see its structure press “View Message structure” button;
please note: this is a function for expert users only.
7.1.2 Configuring SmartyCam GP HD Rev 2.2 overlay
layer shows
On the left of the page (
) a preview window shows how the video would be with all graphic items set on it.
On the right of the page (
) are two layers: n “Set” where all available graphic items are grouped by sets: just drag and drop them in the preview window (1)
left of the page n “Maps & Logos” where track box and all available logos are grouped; to add a new logo press “Add new logo” button
in this layer, while to add the map or a logo to SmartyCam video drag and drop it in the preview window (1)
When all controls are placed on the preview window (1) the related control panel appears left bottom the preview
window (2) to set all parameters.
The box right of the control panel (
) allows, pressing the related buttons, to: n start/stop Live view of SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 n take a snapshot of the screen n calibrate SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 accelerometer
Once all graphic items placed press “Transmit” button on the top left keyboard and the configuration is transmitted to
SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2.
Please note:
if using SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 in slave mode
to match channels received by AiM logger with channels shown by SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 overlay as explained in any AiM logger user manual.
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7.2 Track Management
Track Manager is the Race Studio 3 section dedicated to tracks management. Here is possible to create and delete new tracks, modify the settings, transmit and receive them to/from the AiM devices. To access, press the “Tracks” icon on
Race Studio 3 top left keyboard.
The main page is divided in three columns: on the
n on top, the filters that allow to collect many tracks following customized criteria; by default all tracks are shown
(light blue “All Tracks (3705)” filter in the image below).
n bottom left, the connected devices (in the image, “SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 ID 4106742”)
The column
in the middle
shows: n on top a fast search bar, that allows to select the tracks which satisfy personal research criteria; pressing “?” a pop-up
window explains research criteria (highlighted in red below); to say:
n long name is the name in bold in each track box
n short name is the track name shown top right of each track box
n track city is the name of the city the track is located in n all the tracks listed in Race Studio 3 database. It automatically updates at start up if a connection to the Internet
is available.
The column on the
shows: n the data sheet of the track you are mousing over.
When SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 is connected it is shown on the left bottom part of the page as said before. Clicking on it all the tracks it contains are shown in the right column of the page.
Tracks created by the user are labelled “User” and if the track stored in SmartyCam GP HD Rev 2.2 is different from the one stored on AiM database this is notified as shown here below.
The page keyboards are used to manage the tracks.
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The keyboard above the central column allows to: n
: create a new track n
: import one or more tracks stored in SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 or on another external device n
: export one or more tracks to a specific PC folder or to another peripheral device n
: receive from SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 the tracks created by the user
(if no device is connected the button is disabled) n
: transmit one or more tracks from the PC to SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 (if no device is connected
the button is disabled) n
: delete one or more tracks from Race Studio 3 Database
The keyboard you find above the right column allows to: n
: refresh the track list stored in SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 n
: delete one or more tracks from SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 memory n
Delete All
: delete all tracks stored in SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 memory n
Save All
: save all the tracks stored in SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2; it creates a zip file that can be loaded to another
AiM device n
Load Saved
: load the tracks previously saved in SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 memory
Please note
: for further information about Race Studio 3 Track Management visit documentation area, software/firmware section where a Track Manager manual is available.
7.3 Video Management
Once a track session is over it is possible to review SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2 video on a PC. They are recorded in “.mov” format with H264 compression codec. To view them on your PC: n remove SD card from SmartyCam GP HD Rev. 2.2
n place it in the PC SD Card slot and manage it as an USB peripheral n press “Video” button on Race Studio 3 top left keyboard
In the page that shows up press “Path Manager” button and browse the PC to find the SD Card and load SmartyCam GP
HD Rev. 2.2 Videos.
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Video page shows up: select the video to see.
Once the video opens it is possible to decide to see: n whole session or n one single lap as in the example below and select the lap to see.
8 Technical specifications and drawings
Video format n
Display resolution n
Lens n
Field of view n
Internal battery n
Battery charge n
Internal battery duration n
External power n
Support SD Card n
Memory required n
Accelerometer n
Working temperature range n
Auto power ON/OFF n
Auto power OFF n
Auto Start/Stop recording n
Body n
Dimensions n
Bullet cable length n
Weight n
H264 – 1280x720 pixels at 30 fps
2.4” - 240x320 pixels telecentric with 6 elements
67° – 84°
Rechargeable lithium battery 1.500 mA
700 mA – 12V
60-70 min of recording
9 -15V up to 128 Gb – not included
1.5 GB (one hour low quality recording)
2 GB (one hour medium quality recording)
4 GB (one hour high quality recording) three-axial accelerometer +/-5 G
Yes if connected to AiM logger
Anodized aluminium
Recording unit 104.6x79.6x26.6mm
Bullet camera: 24 diameter x48.2 mm
recording unit 320g battery included bullet camera 45g
8 SmartyCam GP HD Rev 2.2 Pinout
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AiM Tech srl.
Via Cavalcanti, 8
20063 Cernusco S/N (MI)
Tel.(+39) 02.9290571

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