HO5RN-F 3 X 1mm? WWW.ELRO.EU = Roos Electronics bv, y — Postbus 117, 5126 ZJ Gilze, Holland WWW.ELRO-NL.COM - WWW.ELRO-BE.COM Roos Electronics GmbH Arnsberg-Germany {| EDEN, Vallauris, France WWW.EDEN.FR C H Byron Corporation, Bromsgrove, U.K. \ WWW.CHBYRON.COM J 3 Ze A _Attachement ooscopooo OT gl INSTRUCTIONS! \ Hosrn-F/ 3x 1mm= PB Mestidetector: 1- TIME — — 2- LUX = 1% 3- V% GO ssconds Useldetectorn TIME LUX > TIME LUX prose 7 7 ‘@ ' T_ \, ©! WAttachement cy © al FE (PT 5 | — 4 / EA Kain" 15 = INSTRUCTIONS! 10min 7) Ssec ">

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