AeroGarden Cherry Tomato Manual
Tending & Harvesting Guide
Planting Date:
Thank you for your purchase of our
AeroGarden. We have spent years developing and refining our technology to create a growing system that assures you will have a pleasurable and successful year-round gardening experience.
I sincerely hope you enjoy your AeroGarden and sharing your healthy harvest with your family and friends.
Best Regards,
Michael Bissonnette
Founder and CEO
AeroGrow International, Inc.
Your AeroGarden
AeroGarden Features. . . . . . .
Seed Kit Components . . . . . .
Smart Garden Control Panel
Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tending Your Garden
Tomato Garden Timeline . . . .
Remove Domes. . . . . . . . . . .
Thin Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Add Water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feed Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Raise Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prune Tomato Plants . . . . . .
Pollinate Tomato Flowers. . .
Keep Your Tomato Garden
Healthy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Plant Problems and
Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Harvesting Your Garden
Harvest Your Tomatoes. . . . .
Tomatoes Galore! . . . . . . . .
Reminders About Planting
Your Garden . . . . . . . . . . . .
Questions and Answers
About Your Nutrients . . . . . .
Questions and Answers
About Your Lights . . . . . . . .
Set Your Light Timer . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . 31
Prepare for Your
Next Garden . . . . . . . . . . . .
If You Have The
AeroGarden PRO 100 . . . . . .
If you have an AeroGarden
PRO 100 , please refer to the supplemental instructions starting on page 38 of this
hoever plants a garden plants happiness.
our AeroGarden
AeroGarden Features
Lamp Hood
Lamp Arm
Lamp Cord
Seed Pod
View Door
Power Cord
3 Your AeroGarden
Smart Garden
Control Panel
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Seed Kit Components
Dome (3)
Seed Pod (3)
2 Starting Nutrients
2 Growing Nutrients
18 Fruiting Nutrients
Spacer (4)
Smart Garden Control Panel Features
Water Level Low
Light blinks when it is time to add water
Add Nutrient
Light blinks when it is time to add nutrient tablets (every 2 weeks)
Manually turns the lights on or off
Sets Control Panel to your Seed Kit type
Press after adding nutrients to restart the nutrient timer and turn off the blinking lights
Your AeroGarden 4
ending Your Garden
A little bit of care for your Garden will ensure rapid growth and bountiful harvests. You will start to see sprouts in a few days. In a few months, you will experience the transformation of your seeds into sweet, ripe, juicy tomatoes.
Please take a moment to review this section shortly after planting your Garden (see page 25 for Reminders About
Planting Your Garden ).
Tomato Garden Timeline
Your tomatoes will germinate in just a few days. You will see them
After 2 weeks
5 Tending Your Garden
After 4 weeks
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Cherry Tomato Planting Layout
P lant
S pacer
Giving your plants room to grow.
Red Heirloom
(Sprouts in 4-7 days)
Red Heirloom Plant Spacer
P lant
S pacer
Giving your plants room to grow.
Plant Spacer
Red Heirloom
(Sprouts in 4-7 days)
Red Heirloom
Nutrient Box
P lant S pacer
Giving your plants room to grow.
Plant Spacer
P lant S pacer
Giving your plants room to grow.
Golden Harvest
(Sprouts in 4-7 days)
Golden Harvest Plant Spacer
Check that your
Bio-Dome Seed
Pods are in the same position on the Grow
Surface as they appear in the Seed Kit Tray .
We find that this arrangement gives the plants optimal spacing and light exposure.
grow very quickly after that.
After 8 weeks After 14 weeks
Tending Your Garden 6
Remove Domes
• A few days after planting your
AeroGarden, tiny plants will appear through the center hole in the Label on each Seed Pod .
When this occurs, remove the Domes from each Seed Pod and discard or recycle. Do not remove the label.
• Remove the Domes only from Seed
Pods with emerging plants.
• To reduce plant stress, we recommend removing the Domes shortly after the lights turn off or near the end of the light cycle.
• Leave the Plant Spacers in the Grow
Surface . These provide room for your tomato plants to grow and reduce algae growth.
Each Seed Pod Label indicates the number of days until your seeds sprout.
Don’t let this happen!
If your plant is curled inside the
Dome , it was left on too long.
Immediately remove Dome .
Never remove the labels.
They promote germination, decrease algae growth and identify your plants.
7 Tending Your Garden
Thin Plants
• When your tomato plants are about 1” tall, check each Seed
Pod for multiple tomato plants.
Using scissors gently snip the smallest plants at the base of the stem, leaving ONE healthy tomato plant in each Seed Pod .
• Thinning seedlings ensures that the remaining plant in each Seed
Pod will have room to grow, get enough nutrients and water, and produce many, many tomatoes.
Be sure to cut, not pull, the extra seedlings to avoid damaging the roots of the strongest tomato plant in each Seed Pod .
Tending Your Garden 8
Add Water
• When additional water is needed, the “Water Level Low” light on the Control Panel will blink. Add water to raise the level up to “Fill
To Here” inside the Bowl .
• It is okay to add water up to “Fill
To Here” before the “Water Level
Low” light blinks.
• When your tomato plants mature, they may need water as often as twice a week. Be sure to check the
“Water Level Low” light regularly.
Smart Garden Control Panel
• Use room-temperature water. Very hot or very cold water will hurt your plants.
• We recommend using municipal tap, bottled or purified water. Well or softened water SHOULD NOT be used because the extra minerals in these sources may be harmful to aeroponically grown plants.
9 Tending Your Garden
Feed Garden
Every 2 weeks, both the “Add Nutrient” and “Water Level Low” lights will blink on and off. At that time:
First Feeding After Planting
1 Add the 2 nutrient tablets from the bag labeled
“Growing Nutrients.”
Feedings After “Growing
Nutrients” Are Gone
1 Add 2 nutrient tablets from the bag labeled “Fruiting
Nutrients” and reseal the bag.
Every Time You Add Nutrient Tablets, Be Sure To:
2 Add water to raise the water level up to “Fill To Here” in the Bowl .
This will ensure that the nutrients do not become too concentrated.
Press the “ Reset ” button to restart the nutrient timer and turn off the blinking lights.
Note: We recommend checking for bugs every time you add nutrients.
See Troubleshooting on page 34 of this guide for details.
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Tending Your Garden 10
Raise Lights
As your plants begin to grow, leave approximately 1-2 inches of space between the top of plants and the lights.
To raise the lights:
Unplug the AeroGarden (the backup system will save your settings).
Carefully remove the Bowl from the Base and set aside.
Turn the AeroGarden around so the back of the Lamp Arm is facing you.
Firmly hold the lower section of the Lamp Arm and push in the
Locking Button on the Arm . With your other hand, grasp the silver ring at the top of the Arm (where the Lamp Hood attaches to the
Arm ). Pull up firmly on Lamp
Hood until the Locking Button becomes visible in the next hole.
Move Locking Button up only one hole at a time. The lights need to be close to the plants for optimal light intensity.
Replace the and plug in your AeroGarden.
Lift the
View Door of this guide.
on the Base
to check that the water is flowing. If not, refer to Troubleshooting on page 33
If the Grow Bulbs are too close to the plants, the leaves may brown and burn.
If they are too far away, your plants will “stretch” towards the light and look floppy and unhealthy.
11 Tending Your Garden
Prune Tomato Plants
Pruning 4- to 5-Week-Old Plants
About 4 to 5 weeks after planting your Garden, it is time to prune to strengthen the main stem and encourage the plant to branch out. A strong plant with many branches will be able to bear the weight of many tomatoes without breaking or tipping over.
• From the base of the plant, follow the main stem up past the first
5 branches.
• Cut the main stem just above the 5 th branch.
The photo at left shows how your plant should look after it has had its first pruning.
Skip this pruning if your Garden is older than 5 weeks and has flowers or considerably more growth than pictured at left.
(Continued on next page)
Tending Your Garden 12
Prune Tomato Plants
Pruning to Control Horizontal Spreading (Ongoing)
To optimize the growth of your tomato plants and ensure strong plants and bountiful harvests, you’ll need to occasionally prune branches that are growing outside the reach of the Lamp
Hood’s lights.
The picture at right shows a bird’s eye view of plants that need pruning. The circled branches hang too far over the edge of the
Grow Surface and do not receive enough light from the Lamp
Hood to be productive.
Use scissors to cut branches that hang over the edge of the
Grow Surface . Make your cut so that the branch is even with the Grow Surface.
The photo at right shows the same Garden after pruning. The branches no longer hang over the edge of the Grow Surface.
Note: You don’t need to remove the Lamp
Hood to prune your plants.
13 Tending Your Garden
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Pruning to Control Plant Height
Branches that touch the lights when the Lamp Hood is at the highest setting need to be pruned.
Use scissors to cut branches that are growing into the lights.
Follow the branch to where it meets another branch – make cut just before this junction.
Don’t be discouraged if you end up cutting a branch with some flowers, or even a few small unripe tomatoes. Pruning strengthens your plants and allows your Garden to put energy into growing branches that can support many tomatoes.
The photo at right shows the same Garden after pruning.
The branches are no longer growing into the Lamp Hood .
Tending Your Garden 14
Pollinate Tomato Flowers
In nature, pollination is done by the bees and the wind. Indoors, your tomato plants depend on you to pollinate them.
You will need to start pollinating your plants regularly once they begin to flower (approximately
4 weeks after planting).
1 Place an open hand gently inside the tomato plant branches.
Move your hand rapidly back and forth about 10 times to shake the plants. This movement will spread the pollen, though you will not be able to see it moving.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each tomato plant.
Pollinate your flowering tomato plants at least every other day, and only when the lights are on.
Hand pollinating is an important task. Tomatoes will only grow from pollinated flowers.
15 Tending Your Garden
Keep Your Tomato Garden Healthy
Keeping a watchful eye on your Garden is not only a joy, but also a smart way to make sure your tomato plants stay healthy.
As your tomato plants age you may see some brown or yellow leaves. This is perfectly normal.
• Remove these leaves with scissors or pinch off with your fingers.
• Keep the Grow Surface clear of dead leaves.
• Remove dead, brown stems at the base with scissors.
These older branches will not continue to produce tomatoes.
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Tending Your Garden 16
Plant Problems and Remedies
These pictures show plants that are stressed. Follow the suggestions to restore your Garden’s health.
Tomato plant is not getting enough water. Check water level.
Tomato plant is too close to the
Grow Bulbs . Raise the Lamp Hood .
Curled Inside Dome
Dome was left on too long.
Immediately remove Dome .
Blossoms Falling Off Plant
If you see flower blooms on your
Grow Surface, your tomato plants are not being pollinated sufficiently.
Pollinate your plants as described on page 1 5.
17 Tending Your Garden
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Support Tomato Plants
If you did not prune as described earlier in this Guide, you may find your plants are starting to tip over or even break due to the many juicy tomatoes now growing and ripening on the vines.
When this occurs, support your tomato plants and bring them back to the upright position by securing each plant to the Lamp Arm with a tie .
Suggested Materials to Use for Supporting Tomato Plants
There are a variety of materials you can use to support your tomato plants, all of which are easy to find at a local hardware store or even in your own home. Some options are shown at right.
Ribbon (at least 1/4 inch), velcro plant ties, or old stockings will all work for securing your plants.
Do not use ties that will dig into (and damage) the stem, such as string or wire. Also avoid materials that stretch, such as stretch ties sold in gardening shops, as these are not strong enough to support heavily laden tomato branches.
(Continued on next page)
Tending Your Garden 18
Plant Problems and Remedies
How To Support Tomato Plants
The plant on the right is in need of support. The following steps explain how to support your plants.
• Loop a tie around the main stem at a point where it: a) is strong enough not to bend or break when the tie is secured, and b) stands upright when the tie is pulled towards the
Lamp Arm .
Helpful Hint: The best way to figure out where to place the tie, is to very gently push on the main stem with your fingers, testing for strength and ability to support the plant. Typically, your tie will be no more than 2” above the base of the plant.
19 Tending Your Garden
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• Tightly loop one end of the tie two times around the Lamp Arm .
Hold the tie in position with one hand. With the other hand, gently pull the opposite end of the tie to bring the main stem to an upright position.
• Secure the two ends of the tie to each other (in this case, we used velcro).
• If you notice other heavy branches that need additional support, secure them to the
Lamp Arm as well.
The photo at right shows the same Garden after tie supports have been added.
Loosen or untie the supports before raising the Lamp Hood, to avoid damaging the plant stems.
Tending Your Garden 20
arvest Your Tomatoes
After approximately 10 to 12 weeks, you can begin harvesting your tomato plants!
• Pick your tomatoes gently with your fingers.
• A ripe tomato feels firm, but has a little bit of “give” when pressed.
• Ripe yellow tomatoes will still be a little green.
• Continue to hand pollinate tomato flowers.
• Harvest tomatoes just before eating for a “sun-ripened” sweet flavor.
• After harvesting your tomatoes, lower your lights, if necessary.
(See ”Raise Lights” on page 11.)
Yellow Cherry
Under Ripe
21 Harvesting Your Garden
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Red Cherry
Under Ripe
Harvesting Your Garden 22
23 Harvesting Your Garden
Tomatoes Galore!
• Great for snacking – right off the plant.
• For a wonderful, low-calorie tomato salad, try splashing chopped tomatoes with balsamic vinegar instead of olive oil.
• Harvest tomatoes in clusters to retain freshness if they are not going to be used immediately. If you leave the tomatoes on their stems they will continue to draw moisture and nutrients several days after they’ve been harvested.
• Never Refrigerate Fresh Tomatoes!
Cold temperatures make the flesh of a tomato pulpy and destroy the flavor.
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For more recipes visit
Harvesting Your Garden 24
Reminders About Planting Your Garden
Please use the Quick Start Guide included in your original
AeroGarden box for more detailed setup instructions. If you no longer have your Quick Start Guide, you can find a copy of it on our website at
Setting up Your AeroGarden
Is the Lamp Arm firmly inserted into the Base ?
Are the Grow Bulbs firmly inserted into the sockets in the Lamp Hood ?
Is the Lamp Cord plugged into the Lamp Hood ?
Is the Bowl securely placed in the Base ?
Is there water in your Bowl up to “Fill To Here” ?
Is your Lamp Hood at the lowest level?
Planting Your Garden
Does the Seed Pod arrangement in the Grow
Surface match the layout in the Seed Kit Tray ?
Did you put a Dome on each
Seed Pod ?
Are the Seed Pods pressed firmly into the Grow Surface openings (until the rim of the
Dome almost touches the
Grow Surface )?
Did you add 2 Starting
Nutrient tablets?
Did you record your planting date on the cover of this guide?
Starting Your Garden
Did you plug in your
• Is the water flowing?
• Are the Grow Bulbs on?
Did you select your plant type?
25 Appendices
C herry
T omato
7 8
Tendin g
& Harve sting G uide
Plantin g Date
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Appendices 26
Questions and Answers About Your Nutrients
What is in the nutrient tablets?
AeroGarden nutrient tablets consist mainly of mineral salts.
These provide the 13 micro- and macro-nutrients that all plants require, in just the right proportions for your tomato plants. The tablets also contain:
• Seaweed for a boost of
65 micro-nutrients and trace elements
• A buffer so you can use tap water for your plants
• A binder to hold the tablet together
Are the nutrients organic?
The AeroGarden nutrient tablets are organic, according to current AAPFCO (American
Association of Plant Food
Control Officials) standards.
Can I use leftover nutrient tablets from a different Seed
Kit with my Cherry Tomato
No. The nutrient tablets are specially formulated for each
Seed Kit . Using nutrient tablets from a different Seed Kit type may harm your tomato plants and result in less than optimal flavor and growth.
What happens if I run out of nutrients while my Garden is still growing?
You can extend the life of your
Garden by ordering additional nutrients. Call 1-800-476-9669 and select the “Place an Order” option.
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27 Appendices
Questions and Answers About Your Lights
Do I need to turn the
AeroGarden lights on and off manually?
No. Your AeroGarden includes a built-in timer that turns your lights on and off at specific intervals. These intervals are designed to maximize the growth of your tomato plants. The timing system started as soon as you plugged in your AeroGarden. Every day it will automatically turn your lights on for 16 hours beginning at that time.
For example, if you plugged in your AeroGarden at 7:00 in the morning, your lights will stay on until 11:00 in the evening, then automatically turn off for 8 hours, and automatically turn back on at
7:00 the next morning.
Can I change the time of day the lights go off?
Yes. To change the time your lights go off, follow the simple steps in
“Set Your Light Timer” in the next section of this guide.
Does it matter what time of day the lights go off?
Yes. Tomato plants require a daily dark period in order to produce flowers. If your tomatoes will receive any room light during the day (either natural or artificial) we recommend that you set your
AeroGarden grow lights to be on during the day and off at night.
Can I change the number of hours the lights are on and off?
Only by selecting a different plant type on the Smart Garden Control
Panel . The “Tomatoes/Peppers” setting will keep your lights on for 16 hours and off for 8 hours, which is an ideal light cycle for rapid growth of tasty tomatoes.
Can I temporarily turn off my lights (for example, to darken the kitchen for a candlelight dinner)?
Absolutely. The “Lights” button on the Smart Garden Control Panel is an on/off switch. Just push and then immediately release this button to manually turn the lights off (or back on). This will not change any of the settings for your AeroGarden and your lights will turn on (or off) at the next regularly programmed time. Occasional use of this feature will not harm or slow the growth of your plants.
Appendices 28
Set Your Light Timer
Your Built-In Light Timer
Your AeroGarden has lights and a built-in timer that automatically provide your plants with 16 hours of
“sunlight” and 8 hours of
“night,” which is optimal for the healthy growth of tomatoes.
Tomato plants require a daily dark period in order to produce flowers. If your tomatoes will receive any room light during the day
(either natural or artificial) we recommend that you set your AeroGarden grow lights to be on during the day as well.
5 Simple Steps...
In order to make this as simple as possible you only need to set the time you want the lights of your
AeroGarden to go off (Off Time) and your built-in light timer automatically sets the On Time...
nothing more for you to do.
Do the following to set the time you want your lights to go off:
Decide what time of day you want the lights to go OFF.
AT THAT TIME check that the lights are on. If they are off, quickly press the Lights button and immediately release.
Press and hold the Lights button until the green light next to “Tomatoes/Peppers” starts blinking – about 5 seconds .
Release the button.
When the blinking stops ( about
9 seconds ), the lights will go off.
Your lights are now set to go off at this time every day.
29 Appendices
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Lights Button
Blinking Light
Now, each day, your AeroGarden lights will automatically
• Turn off at the time you set using the steps on the
previous page
• Remain off for 8 hours
• Turn on for 16 hours
You can reset your timer as often as you want.
Note: In case of power failure, your AeroGarden has a backup system that stores your light and nutrient timers and plant selection settings. When the power is restored, your
AeroGarden will go back to the Off-On cycle you have set.
Appendices 30
What do I do when one of my Grow Bulbs burns out?
Replacement bulbs can be ordered from our website at
. You should replace your Grow
Bulbs after 6 months of use.
What should I do if my Grow
Bulbs aren’t working?
Make sure the Grow Bulbs are firmly inserted into the sockets in the Lamp Hood . Also check that the Lamp Cord is plugged into the Lamp Hood .
How long does the backup
battery last?
If your AeroGarden has a backup battery located in the underside of the Base , it will work for
6 months after activation. To replace it, use any CR2032
3-volt lithium battery.
( Newer AeroGardens no longer rely on batteries to power the backup system.
What do I do if I want to move my AeroGarden to another location?
Go right ahead! Your AeroGarden has a built-in backup system that lets you unplug it without losing any of the settings.
To move your AeroGarden, be sure to pick it up by holding the
Lamp Arm with one hand and sliding your other hand under the bottom of the Base .
Why have my tomato seeds not sprouted a week after planting my Garden?
Tomato seeds need temperatures above 60°(F) to germinate (sprout) and temperatures between 70-80° are optimal. Perhaps you have placed your AeroGarden close to an air conditioning unit or a very cold window. Move your
AeroGarden to a warmer location in your house. The seeds should germinate within five days.
Why do I have many flowers on my tomato plants, but not even one green tomato seven weeks after planting my Garden?
The flowers on your tomato plants are not pollinated. Make sure
31 Appendices
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What do I do if I see bugs?
Occasionally bugs might decide to visit your tomato plants. You will mainly see aphids who usually find their way into homes by hitching a ride on clothing or cut flowers. They are clever about hiding under leaves and in the joints between leaves and plant stems, so they can be difficult to see at first.
Initial signs that you have bugs are either unhealthy-looking plants or a sticky substance on your AeroGarden’s Grow
Surface .
To identify the bugs, we recommend you visit either or the entomology (bug) department at Texas A&M University at imageindex.html
This is the easiest way we’ve found to get rid of bugs:
1 Remove the Bowl from the
Base .
Carefully lift the entire Seed
Pod and plant out of the
Grow Surface .
Turn the plant upside down in a sink and gently run room temperature water over the underside of the leaves to rinse the bugs off.
Check your plant for any remaining bugs – rinse again if necessary – and then return the plant and Seed
Pod to the AeroGarden.
Check all surrounding plants to make sure the bugs haven’t spread. If they have, follow the above steps with any other buggy plants.
Replace Bowl onto the Base .
(Continued on next page)
Appendices 32
How do I take care of my
Garden when I go out of town?
Add water to raise the level up to “Fill To Here.
” A newly planted
Garden with Domes removed may not need care for up to 2 weeks. However, if your Garden is mature and you will be out of town for several days, we recommend you make arrangements for someone to care for your Garden while you are away.
Shouldn’t water always be flowing over my Seed Pods and plant roots?
Yes and no. When you selected
“Tomatoes/Peppers” on your
Smart Garden Control Panel you selected a setting that has been specially designed to optimize the growth of tomato plants by regulating the flow of water to the roots of your plants.
On the “Tomatoes/Peppers” setting, the AeroGarden moves water through the Seed Pods whenever the lights are on, and for an additional 4 hours when the lights are off to achieve maximum growth and flavorful tomatoes.
If your lights are on and the water isn’t flowing in your AeroGarden, please check the following:
• Is the Lamp Arm fully inserted into the Base ? (see your Quick
Start Guide, step 1B).
• Is the Bowl firmly seated in the
Base ? (see your Quick Start
Guide, step 1F).
If the water still isn’t flowing, contact Customer Service ( see back cover of this Guide for contact options ).
My tomato plants are over 8 weeks old and they have no flowers yet.
There are two possible reasons for this.
1. Not enough dark hours - tomato plants require a daily
33 Appendices
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Visit Our Website: dark period in order to produce flowers. If your tomatoes will receive any room light during the day
(either natural or artificial) we recommend that you set your AeroGarden grow lights to be on during the day as well. (See “Set Your Light
Timer” on page 29).
2. Room Temperature – tomatoes also prefer cool temperatures during this dark period. In order to maximize tomato plant flowering, room temperatures should not exceed 90° during the day and 75° at night.
My Tomato garden doesn’t look healthy. What can I do?
If you are concerned about the health of your garden, please go through the following before calling Customer Service…
• Keep the lights as close to your plants as possible, without the leaves touching the Grow Bulbs .
• Follow the pruning instructions in the Prune Tomato Plants section of this guide.
• Follow the pollinating instructions in the Pollinate Tomato
Flowers section of this guide.
• Don’t use softened or unfiltered well water.
• Continually harvest ripe tomatoes.
What can I do to reduce the sound of water dripping from the Seed Pods into the Bowl ?
Keeping the water level in the
Bowl up to “Fill To Here” will help reduce the sound of dripping water. You can further reduce the dripping sound by wrapping or tying a string around the post of each Plant Spacer and allow it to extend into the water. The water will run down these strings instead of dripping directly into the Bowl . As your plants grow and the roots reach the water in the Bowl , the dripping noise will go away completely.
Appendices 34
Prepare for Your Next Garden
After the final harvesting of your tomatoes:
1 Unplug the AeroGarden.
2 Carefully remove the Bowl and Grow Surface from the
Base and bring to a sink.
Set the Base and Lamp
Hood aside.
3 Remove the Grow Surface from the Bowl and place on a counter near the sink.
4 Empty contents of Bowl into sink.
Do not pour the water on your houseplants. The nutrient mixture may be too concentrated for them.
35 Appendices
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Remove Seed Pods and plants from Grow Surface .
• Pull the Seed Pods out of the Grow Surface openings.
• Throw away Seed Pods and plant debris (plant growth and roots). These cannot be reused. If you compost, the plant debris can be composted.
Rinse and clean the Pump Stand and Pump Filter*.
• Use a soft scrub brush to clean tangled roots from the
Pump Stand.
• Remove the Pump Filter from the Pump Stand . Gently scrub the roots from the Pump Filter .
• Place the Pump Filter back into the Pump Stand .
After cleaning, there may still be a few roots in your Pump Stand or
Pump Filter . This will not affect the operation of your AeroGarden.
*IMPORTANT NOTE: We recommend replacing the Pump Filter after
growing two Gardens. Order Pump Filters at:
(Continued on next page)
Appendices 36
Prepare for Your Next Garden
Clean the Bowl and Grow
Surface .
• Use a soft cloth or sponge to thoroughly wipe the Bowl and Grow Surface . A mild soap may be used if desired, but rinse thoroughly.
9 Towel dry the Bowl and
Grow Surface before putting them back together and setting them back onto the Base .
10 Your AeroGarden is now ready for replanting.
Sanitize your AeroGarden.
• Fill Bowl 3/4 full with water.
• Add 1 cup of chlorine bleach or disinfectant cleaner.
• Replace Grow Surface on
Bowl , place Bowl on Base and plug in AeroGarden for 1-2 minutes. ( Select Salad Greens on Control Panel to make sure the water is flowing.)
• Unplug AeroGarden and empty sanitizing water from Bowl .
• Refill Bowl with tap water and replace on Base .
• Plug in and run AeroGarden for 1-2 minutes. (Select Salad
Greens again.)
• Unplug AeroGarden and empty water from Bowl .
11 If you have an AeroGarden with a backup battery and you plan on storing your garden before replanting, remove the backup battery from the underside of the
Base . If you need to replace the backup battery, use any
CR2032 3-volt lithium battery.
( Newer AeroGardens no longer rely on batteries to power the backup system.
Use only water and mild soap when cleaning your
AeroGarden (except when
Sanitizing - Step 8). Do not use abrasive cleaners or run through the dishwasher.
37 Appendices
About the...
PRO 100
To take full advantage of the enhanced features on your AeroGarden
PRO 100 , please refer to this section when using your Tending &
Harvesting Guide. Enhanced features on the AeroGarden PRO 100 include:
• Replace Grow Bulbs – indicator light lets you know when it is time to replace your Grow Bulbs. With this feature, you’ll be sure your plants are always getting the right intensity and full spectrum of light needed for optimal growth.
• Adaptive intelligence – automatically adjusts the amount of light, water and oxygen your plants receive at every stage of your plant’s life.
• “ Super Grow” 24-Hour light Cycle – this setting is not recommended for cherry tomatoes!
AeroGarden PRO 100 Smart Garden Control Panel Features
Water Low
Light blinks when it is time to add water
Add Nutrient
Light blinks when it is time to add nutrient tablets
(every 2 weeks)
Temporarily turns the lights on or off
Press after adding nutrients and after replacing Grow
Bulbs to reset timers and turn off the blinking lights
Replace Grow Bulbs
Light blinks when it is time to put in new
Grow Bulbs
Sets Control Panel to your Plant type or
Super Grow Setting
Light tracks garden growth from
Germination to
Mature Growth
(Continued on next page)
Appendices 38
Tend Your AeroGarden PRO
For the most part, tending your garden with the AeroGarden PRO 100 is identical to the original AeroGarden. You still set the unit to your specific plant type and indictor lights will tell you when to add nutrients and when the water level is low. But now, you can enjoy two additional features: the “Replace Grow Bulbs” indicator and
Adaptive Growth Intelligence ™ .
Replace Grow Bulbs
After 6 months of use, the quality of light from the Grow Bulbs in your
AeroGarden PRO 100 begins to degrade. This happens with all fluorescent bulbs, but it is a critical issue when growing plants. In order for plants to be healthy and productive, they must receive the appropriate intensity and spectrum of light. For this reason, the AeroGarden PRO 100 is designed with a built-in timer that lets you know when it is time to replace your Grow Bulbs .
The light on the Control Panel next to “Replace Grow Bulbs” will blink after approximately 6 months of use.
NOTE: If you store your AeroGarden PRO 100 between uses, the “Replace
Grow Bulbs” timer stops when the unit is unplugged. The timer restarts when the AeroGarden PRO 100 is once again plugged in.
When the red light next to “Replace Grow Bulbs” blinks, it is time to replace your Grow Bulbs .
39 Appendices
To replace Grow Bulbs :
• Unplug AeroGarden PRO 100 .
• Remove old Grow Bulbs and carefully discard.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To avoid burning, be sure the lights are off and the
Grow Bulbs are cool to the touch before handling.
• Insert new Grow Bulbs into
Lamp Hood .
• Plug in AeroGarden PRO 100 .
• Quickly press and release the
“Reset” button to restart the “Replace Grow Bulbs” timer.
If for some reason you need to replace the Grow Bulbs before the
“Replace Grow Bulbs” light illuminates, be sure to restart the “Replace
Grow Bulbs” timer as follows:
• Press and hold the “Lights” button until the white light next to the plant type selected starts blinking – about 5 seconds.
• Release the “Lights” button. The plant type selected light will continue to blink for about 9 seconds. While the plant light is still blinking…
• Quickly press and release the “Reset” button. The “Replace Grow
Bulbs” light will blink once and the plant selected light will stop blinking.
• The “Replace Grow Bulbs” timer is now reset.
Order replacement Grow Bulbs at:
Appendices 40
Adaptive Growth Intelligence
(Light and Pump Cycles for Cherry Tomato)
The AeroGarden PRO 100 automatically adjusts the amount of light and w ater your plants receive based on plant growth to provide optimal growing conditions for every stage of your plants’ life. The green lights on the Control Panel track garden growth from germination through mature growth.
The light and pump cycle on the “Tomatoes/
Peppers” setting on the AeroGarden PRO 100 differs from what is described in other portions of this Tending &
Harvesting Guide, which describes the original AeroGarden. The following information will help you take full advantage of the
AeroGarden PRO 100 .
Light Cycle
On the “Tomatoes/Peppers” setting, the AeroGarden PRO 100 automatically turns the lights on for 18 hours and off for 6 hours during “Germination” and “Initial Growth” phases. When the plants are mature, less light is needed and the light cycle changes to 16 hours on and 8 hours off. Your lights will continue to turn off at the same time of day when the light cycle changes, but the time of day the lights turn on will shift.
For example, if your lights are programmed to turn off at 11:00 at night, they will remain off for 6 hours during “Germination” and “Initial
Growth” and automatically turn back on at 5:00 the next morning. The lights will stay on for 18 hours and then automatically turn off at 11:00 at night. When your garden is in the “Mature Growth” phase, the lights will now turn on at 7:00 in the morning (two hours later). After 16 hours, the lights will automatically turn off at 11:00 at night (the same time as during earlier growth phases) and remain off for 8 hours and then turn back on at 7:00 the next morning.
41 Appendices
I f you find the new timing of the light cycle inconvenient, you can reset the time your lights turn off. Please see “Set Your Light Timer” on page
29 of this Guide. Use the table below to help you with changing the light timer. plant Stage
Initial Growth
Mature Growth
Hours of light
Pump Cycle
“Adaptive Intelligence” also adjusts the amount of water your tomato plants receive based on actual plant growth. As a result, the number of hours the pump moves water over the Seed Pods changes as your garden matures. During “Germination,” the AeroGarden PRO 100 moves water through the Seed Pods 12 hours a day. There are 6 hours of each day when the pump is not running and the lights are on, providing your tomato seeds with ideal conditions for sprouting.
During “Initial Growth,” your plants need more water so the pump is on whenever the lights are on. When your garden moves into the “Mature
Growth” phase, additional moisture and oxygen is needed to produce flavorful tomatoes and the pump remains on at all times (24 hours a day).
Appendices 42
Prepare for Your Next
AeroGarden PRO
Before planting a new garden in the AeroGarden PRO 100 it is important to restart the nutrient timer and set the “Adaptive Intelligence” program to “Germination” – the first phase of plant growth. Before planting a new garden:
• Press and hold the “Reset” button until the red “Add Nutrient” light blinks 3 or 4 times (approximately 9 seconds.)
• Release the “Reset” button. The “Add Nutrient” light will turn off.
NOTE: These steps do not reset the “Replace Grow Bulbs” timer.
43 Appendices
y Garden Notes
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Email: [email protected]
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Appendices 44
y Garden Notes
NEEd AdditiONAl HElp?
Call: 1-800-476-9669
Email: [email protected]
Visit Our Website:
45 Appendices
What is Covered
This warranty covers any defects in materials or workmanship or non-germination on all Seed Kits, and unsuccessful harvest either within 28 days of planting for non-fruiting Seed Kits with Basil or within 40 days of planting for non-fruiting Seed
Kits without Basil, with the exceptions stated below.
How long Coverage lasts
This warranty runs until the expiration shown on the Seed Kit box.
What is Not Covered
The warranty shall not apply to problems arising from: normal wear; failure to adhere to included Tending & Harvesting instructions; serial numbered products if the serial number has been removed or defaced; products subject to negligence, accident, improper use, maintenance or storage; products damaged by circumstances beyond AeroGrow International, Inc.’s control; loss or damage to removable parts; or products modified (including, but not limited to, modifications through the use of unauthorized parts or attachments) or repaired by anyone other than AeroGrow International, Inc. or its designee. This warranty excludes all incidental or consequential damages. This warranty becomes void if the Seed Kit is used in a growing system other than the AeroGarden and/or made by any manufacturer other than AeroGrow International, Inc., or if materials not provided or recommended by AeroGrow are used in or on the AeroGarden or applied to the plants grown using this Seed Kit.
What AeroGrow Will do
AeroGrow International, Inc., at its option, will repair any defects in materials or workmanship or will replace these products with ones of similar features and price. For unsuccessful harvest, AeroGrow International, Inc. will replace this Seed
Kit with an equivalent Seed Kit of AeroGrow’s choosing. For a non-germinating seed pod, AeroGrow will replace it with a new seed pod of the same seed variety.
AeroGrow International, Inc.’s sole obligation and your exclusive remedy under this warranty shall be limited to such repair or replacement.
How to Return this product
If you have questions or concerns with your AeroGarden, please do not return to retailer . Call Customer Service at 1-800-476-9669 for return authorization and instructions. Unauthorized returns, as well as C.O.D. shipments, will be refused.
Due to continuing improvements, actual product may differ slightly from the product described herein. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other legal rights that vary from state to state. If you have any questions please feel free to contact our customer service representatives at [email protected].
AeroGrow International, Inc., P.O. Box 18450, Boulder, CO 80308
© 2006-2007 AeroGrow International. Inc.
Appendices 46
AeroGrow International, Inc.
P.O. Box 18450
Boulder, CO 80308
NEEd AdditiONAl HElp?
Call: 1-800-476-9669
Email: [email protected]
Visit Our Website:
300054 AL 6/26/07 © 2006-2007 AeroGrow International, Inc. Patents Pending

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