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Bang &Olufsen
Beosystem 3300
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I Beogram 3300 is the record
player designed for the Beosystem 3300. The other units in the
Beosystem 3300 are:
- the Beomaster 3300 tuner/amplifier
- the Terminal 3300 remote control
- the Beocord 3300 tape recorder
- the Beogram CD 3300 compact disc player
The controls on the Beogram 3300 are in the form of “rocker”
buttons. The graphics immediately above the buttons indicate
which end to press to carry out the corresponding function.
If connected to the Beomaster 3300, the Beogram 3300 can
be remote controlled using the Terminal 3300. For details about
remote control, please refer to the Beomaster 3300 manual.
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Setting up, 4
Playing a record, 7
Maintenance, 10
Technical specifications, 11
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How to use this manual
e This manual explains how to set up and ope- e The instructions refer to the buttons under the
rate the Beogram 3300 record player. dust cover. Each function is indicated by a
small box with the appropriate text or symbol
inside it.
For the UK market only
The wires in the mains lead supplied with this appara- The wire which is coloured blue must be connected to
tus are coloured in accordance with the following code; the terminal which is marked with the letter N or
Blue: Neutral coloured black.
Brown: Live The wire which is coloured brown must be connected to
As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this the terminal which is marked with the letter L or
apparatus may not correspond with the coloured mar- coloured red.
kings identifying the terminals in your plug proceed as Ensure that your equipment is connected correctly. If
follows: you are in any doubt, consult a qualified electrician.
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Table of contents
Setting up
Loosening the transport screws
Making the record player ready for play
Where to put the record player
Connection to the Beomaster
Stand-by mode
Adjusting stylus pressure
Oo: QU OT N SS = =>
Playing a record
Start playing
Setting speed
Stepping through the record
Stop playing
Repeating a record
Operating the record player with the dust cover closed
LO LS SS Co CD =] =l =]
Maintenance 10
Stylus 10
Surfaces 10
Technical specifications 11
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Setting up
Loosening the transport screws
a Place the record player on a table, with its front
= Zen protruding over the edge of the table. Hold the
record player firmly and turn it carefully until
you have located and loosened each screw. The
screws cannot be removed from the holes but
should be turned several times using a screw-
driver or a coin.
If you ever have to move the record player again,
Before using the record player you must loosen we strongly recommend that you retighten the
the three transport screws underneath it. three transport screws.
ре ВК,
Making the record player ready for play
When removing the foam rubber pieces Check that the turntable can move freely with a
protecting the tonearm, be careful not to touch kind of springy movement.
the stylus.
Place the turntable platter on the turntable
Raise the stylus guard on the cartridge.
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Where to put the record player
The record player must be placed horizontally on
a stable surface. Allow a space of at least 25
cm above the record player so that the dust
cover can open freely. Avoid placing it in direct
sunlight or near radiators or other sources of
Connection to the Beomaster
Connect the record player to the Beomaster 3300
using the cable with 7-pin DIN plugs attached
to the record player. Plug the cable into the PH
socket on the Beomaster.
Stand-by mode
Once connected to the mains supply, the record At the end of a record, playing stops automatic-
player is in so-called stand-by mode and ready ally and the record player reverts to stand-by
to be operated. mode.
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Adjusting stylus pressure
The stylus pressure must be adjusted to match Set the slider on the right-hand side of the
the type of Bang & Olufsen MMC cartridge tonearm to the appropriate value:
mounted on the tonearm.
MMC 1 = 1.0 gram
MMC 2 = 1.0 gram
MMC 3 = 1.2 grams
MMC 4 = 1.2 grams
MMC 5 = 1.5 grams
Г ==
1815 1087] If you keep your finger on [LIFT>] for more than
two seconds, the tonearm will lower onto the
aluminium top plate. This enables you to check
the stylus pressure using a special gauge,
placed underneath the stylus.
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Playing a record
Start playing
Place the record on the turntable. Press [PLAY] to start playing.
Press [<TURN] if you want to make the turntable If there is no record on the turntable, the
rotate in order to clean the record. The turntable will only rotate a few times, and the
tonearm will then move towards the lead-in tonearm will not leave its resting position.
groove of the record and be hovering there
while the turntable is rotating.
Setting speed
The record player automatically registers the However, you may have to set the speed
size of the record and determines the speed manually, if for instance your record is one of
accordingly (33 or 45 rpm). This appears on LP size but requiring 45 rpm. To do so, start
the indicator arm parallel to the tonearm. playing by pressing and then press [45]
(or [33] as the case may be). You can change
the speed any time during play, if you like.
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Press [LIFT>] to lift the tonearm off the record. If you don’t resume playing within approximately
The turntable will continue rotating and the 8 minutes of lifting the tonearm,
tonearm will hover above the groove from the record player will automatically revert to
which it was lifted. stand-by mode,
Press to lower the tonearm and continue
Stepping through the record
Without stopping the record and without Keep [<TURN] or depressed until you find
touching the tonearm, you can move the the spot where you want playing to be
tonearm to any position on the record you like resumed. Release the button and press [PLAY] to
and resume playing from there. resume playing.
Press [<TURN] to move the tonearm towards the During this procedure a tiny beam of light will
centre of the record, and press to move illuminate the record to help you find the right
the tonearm towards the edge of the record. spot.
Stop playing
Press [0] to stop playing the record. If you keep [0] depressed for more than
2 seconds, the other units in the Beosystem
The tonearm will lift off the record and automa- 3300, if any, will also switch to stand-by mode.
tically revert to its resting position. Then the
record player will switch to stand-by mode.
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Repeating a record
You can, if you like, make the record player play If a record is going to be repeated, the speed
a record up to 7 times in a row. indicator will blink.
Press once to start playing. Then press If you use [<TURN], [LIFT=] or [0], the repeat
[PLAY] again the number of times you want the function will be cancelled.
record to be repeated.
Operating the record player with the dust cover closed
The buttons on the dust cover give access to the The graphics on the dust cover indicate which
same functions as their counterparts under- function they give access to:
neath the dust cover.
- lifting the tonearm and moving it : starting playing
towards the center of the record
>] : lifting the tonearm and moving it [О] : stopping playing
towards the edge of the record
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Ио р A rc
Fluff and dust can build up on the tip of the Reducing the amount of dirt and dust on the
stylus and cause distortion during play. record to a minimum is of course the best way
Therefore, clean the stylus every now and then to keep the stylus clean and thus to ensure
using the tiny brush provided. optimum performance. For this purpose we
Carefully brush the stylus only from the back recommend you use the Bang & Olufsen LP
of the cartridge towards the front. Protector record maintenance kit. The Bang &
Any stylus cleaning fluid should be used in Olufsen LP Protector is available from your
moderate amounts, Bang & Olufsen dealer.
Wipe off dust with a soft, dry cloth. Use window Never use denatured alcohol to clean any parts
cleaner to remove grease stains. of the record player,
Be careful not to touch the cartridge and the
stylus. This manual was scanned by
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Technical specifications
Beogram 3300
Type no. 5931/5935 В
Tonearm Tangential Optimum Pivot Point Ша
Motor Servo-controlled DC
Wow and flutter, DIN <0.06%
Wow and flutter, WRMS <0.03%
Rumble DIN weighted >80 dB
Rumble DIN unweighted >55 dB
Speeds 33-45 rpm.
_ Speed deviation <+0.2%
Power supply 190-265 V
Power frequency 50-60 Hz
Power consumption <10 watts
Dimensions W x H xD
42 х 7.5 х 32.5 ст / 16%" х 3" x 12%”
9.4 kg / 11.7 Ibs
MMC 4 cartridge
Recommended tracking force
12 mN/1.2 grams
Frequency range
Channel separation:
20-20,000 Hz +2.
5 de
1000 Hz >22 dB
50-15,000 Hz >17 dB
Channel difference <2 dB
Stylus Elliptical diamond 6 x 17 um
Cantilever Tapered aluminium tube
Effective tip mass 0.4 mg
Compliance 25 um/mN
Sensitivity mV/cm/s RMS >0.6 mV
Qutput 5 cm lateral RMS >2.12 mV
Cartridge weight 1.6 gram This manual was scanned by
Subject to change without notice
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This Beogram fulfils the conditions stated in the EEC directive 82/499 concerning radio frequency
International guarantee
This Bang & Olufsen product carries a guarantee
against defects in workmanship and materials.
it is a national guarantee, extended by Bang &
Olufsen in the country in which the product
was bought. The terms of the guarantee apply
principally to the country of purchase but will
be met by authorized Bang & Olufsen dealers
in other countries.
In order to obtain service under this guarantee
from a dealer in a country other that that in
which the product was bought, the guarantee
form must be completed in full and presented
to the dealer.
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3505474 04-87 Ermalish Printed in Denmark by Boatrykkergärden a-s, Struer Beog AUN 3300