Yamaha EL-25 Owner's Manual (Image)
Yamaha EL-25 is a high-quality electronic keyboard that is perfect for musicians of all levels. With its 61 keys, built-in speakers, and a variety of voices and rhythms, the EL-25 is a versatile instrument that can be used for a wide range of musical styles. Whether you're a beginner just starting out or an experienced musician looking for a portable keyboard, the EL-25 is a great choice.
YAMAHA F ña в on L gt TH Electone. E Li ES i | ТН SPECIAL MESSAGE SECTION PRODUCT SAFETY MARKINGS: Yamaha electronic pro- ducts may have either labels similar to the graphics shown below or molded/stamped facsimiles of these graphics on the enclosure. The explanation of these graphics appears on this page. Please observe all cautions indicated on this page and those indicated in the safety instruction section. RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK. BO NOT OPEN A A CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK). NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. See bottom of keyboard enclosure for graphic symbol markings. The exclamation point within the equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and main- tenance (servicing) instructions in the litera- ture accompanying the product. The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within the equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the products enclosure that may be of sufficient magni- tude to constitute a risk of electrical shock. IMPORTANT NOTICE: All Yamaha electronic products are tested and approved by an independent safety testing labo- ratory in order that you may be sure that when it is properly installed and used in its normal and customary manner, all foreseeable risks have been eliminated. DO. NOT modify this unit or commission others to do so unless specifically au- thorized by Yamaha. Product performance and/or safety standards may be diminished. Claims filed under the ex- pressed warranty may be denied if the unit is/has been modified. Implied warranties may also be affected. SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE: The information contained in this manual is believed to be correct at the time of printing. However, Yamaha reserves the right to change or modify any of the specifications without notice or obligation to update existing units. 92-469 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Yamaha strives to produce products that are both user safe and environmentally friendly. We sincerely believe that our products and the production methods used to produce them, meet these goals. In keeping with both the letter and the spirit of the law, we want you to be aware of the following: Battery Notice: This product MAY contain a small non- rechargeable battery which (if applicable) is soldered in place. The average life span of this type of battery is approximately five years. When replacement becomes necessary, contact a qualified service representative to perform the replacement. Warning: Do not attempt to recharge, disassemble, or incin- erate this type of battery. Keep all batteries away from chil- dren. Dispose of used batteries promptly and as regulated by applicable laws. Note: In some areas, the servicer is required by law to return the defective parts. However, you do have the option of having the servicer dispose of these parts for you. Disposal Notice: Should this product become damaged beyond repair, or for some reason its useful life is considered to be at an end, please observe all local, state, and federal regulations that relate to the disposal of products that contain lead, batteries, plastics, etc. NOTICE: Service charges incurred due to lack of knowledge relating to how a function or effect works (when the unit is operating as designed) are not covered by the manufacturer's warranty, and are therefore the owners responsibility. Please study this manual carefully and consult your dealer before requesting service. NAME PLATE LOCATION: The graphic below indicates the location of the name plate. The model number, serial number, power requirements, etc, are located on this plate. You should record the model number, serial number, and the date of purchase in the spaces provided below and retain this manual as a permanent record of your purchase. Model Senal No. Purchase Date FCC INFORMATION (U.S.A.) 1. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS UNIT! This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements. Modifi- cations not expressly approved by Yamaha may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the product. 2. IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to acces- sories and/or another product use only high quality shielded cables. Cable/s supplied with this product MUST be used. Follow all installation instructions. Failure to follow instruc- tions could void your FCC authorization to use this product in the USA. 3. NOTE: This product has been tested and found to comply with the requirements listed in FCC Regulations, Part 15 for Class “B” digital devices. Compliance with these requirements provides a reasonable level of assurance that your use of this product in a residential environment will not result in harmful interference with other electronic devices. This equipment generates/uses radio frequencies and, if not installed and used according to the instructions found in the users manual, may cause interference harmful to the operation of other electronic devices. Compliance with FCC regulations does not guarantee that interference will not occur in all installations. If this product is found to be the source of interference, which can be determined by turning the unit “OFF” and “ON”, please try to eliminate the problem by using one of the following measures: Relocate either this product or the device that is being affected by the interference. Utilize power outlets that are on different branch (circuit breaker or fuse) circuits or install AC line filter/s. In the case of radio or TV interference, relocate/reorient the antenna. If the antenna lead-in is 300 chm ribbon lead, change the lead-in to co-axial type cable. If these corrective measures do not produce satisfactory results, please contact the local retailer authorized to distribute this type of product. If you can not locate the appropriate retailer, please contact Yamaha Corporation of America, Electronic Service Division, 6600 Orangethorpe Ave, Buena Park, CA 90620. The above statements apply ONLY to those products distributed by Yamaha Corporation of America or its subsidiaries. CANADA THIS DIGITAL APPARATUS DOES NOT EXCEED THE “CLASS B"” LIMITS FOR RADIO NOISE EMISSIONS FROM DIGITAL APPARATUS SET OUT IN THE RADIO INTERFERENCE REGULATION OF THE CANADIAN DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATIONS. This applies only to products distributed by Yamaha Canada Music Ltd. LE PRESENT APPAREIL NUMERIQUE N'EMET PAS DE BRUITS RADIOELECTRIQUES DEPASSANT LES LIMITES APPLICABLES AUX APPAREILS NUMERIQUES DE LA “CLASSE B” PRESCRITES DANS LE REGLE- MENT SUR LE BROUILLAGE RADIO ELECTRIQUE EDICTE PAR LE MINISTERE DES COMMUNICATIONS DU CANADA. Ceci ne s'applique qu'aux produits distribués par Yamaha Canada Musie Lid. CAUTION: TO PREVENT ELECTRIC SHOCK, MATCH WIDE BLADE OF PLUG TO WIDE SLOT, FULLY INSERT. ATTENTION: POUR ÉVITER LES CHOCS ÉLECT- RIQUES, INTRODUIRE LA LAME LA PLUS LARGE DE LA FICHE DANS LA BORNE CORRESPONDANTE DE LA PRISE ET POUSSER JUSQU’AU FOND. Dette apparat overholder det gaeldende EF-Direktiv vedrarende radiostej. Cet appareil est conforme aux prescriptions de la directive communautaire 87/308/CEE. Diese Gerâte entsprechen der EG-Richtlinie 82/499/EWG und/oder 87/308/EWG. This product complies with the radio frequency inter- ference requirements of the Council Directive 82/499/EEC and/or 87/308/EEC. Questo apparecchio à conforme al D.M.13 aprile 1989 (Direttiva CEE/87/308) sulla soppressione dei radiodisturbi. Este producto está de acuerdo con los requisitos sobre interferencias de radio frequencia fijados por el Consejo 87/308/CEE. YAMAHA CORPORATION Wichtiger Hinweis für die Benutzung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Bescheinigung des Importeurs Hiermit wird bescheinigt daß die Elektronische Orgel Typ: EL-25 in Übereinstimmung mit den Bestimmungen der VERFUGUNG 1046/84 (Amtsblattverfügung) funkentstôrt ist. Der Deutschen Bundespost wurde die Berechtigung zur Uberprüfung der Serie auf Einhaltung der Bestimmungen eingeräumt. Das Funkschutzzeichen ist beim VDE beantragt. Yamaha Europa GmbH: (Name des Importeurs) * Dies bezieht sich nur auf cie von der YAMAHA EUROPE GmbH vertriebenen Produkte. IMPORTANT THE WIRES IN MAINS LEAD ARE COLOURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CODE: Blue: NEUTRAL Brown: LIVE As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this appa- ratus may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows: The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK. The wire which is coloured BROWN must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured RED. Making sure that neither core is connected to the earth terminal of the three pin plug. O YAMAHA Electone EL -=5 UPPER KEYBOARD VOICE REGAST. MEMORY zn E POWER > MASTER VOLUME ДД | a Table of Contents Page Quick Introductory Guide ........0000000000000000 5 Getting Started .......................00emirconrooo encon. 5 Playing Your Electone ........................0m0emeincooe. 6 Basic Registrations...................e=......eeevecconceo. 6 Registration Menu..................e..eemerreneononon 8 Canceling the A.B.C. Automatic Accompaniment Function .................—.... 11 Registration Menu/Organ Select List......... 12 1 Voice Sections.............ooncecces v00000000000000 14 Voice Display ...................ereeccccccacercnerecenencen 14 Selecting Voices from the Panel..................... 14 Selecting Additional Voices— Dotted Buttons and User Voices.................. 17 Voice Menus ..................e.eresscconcrocencorennernoos 19 2 Flute Voices ........ .00000000000000L0000000000000 we 20 Selecting Preset Flute VoOICes ......................... 22 3 Voice Controls and Effects... 23 Voice Condition Pages ......................=.000m..... 23 | 24 Vibrato......................omrcscecerireooeecesrenococoocenecee. 24 Touch Tone ................eerrirracrreooecooraconarecconconcane 26 | 26 Sustain ..............e..eeereresccruccarerrerorreneaceccecenee een 27 Tremolo/Chorus -....................000000iiereeeereeeeeeen 27 Glide ...........eeerccrcecncoceocecare rear ecarecenencacereere reee. 29 4 Rhythm, Accompaniment and Percussion...........occccccoo RO | Rhythm Patterns..................e.......mmeevconeone 30 Fill In Patterns .....................reerceccececacenneneoo 33 Page Auto Variation and Percussion Volume........ 33 Dotted Buttons ..................e.eemmsececcrracencerencenen. 34 Rhythm Menus..................e.ee0riiceceecereene 35 Accompaniment Controls .............-.-..-.—........ 36 Automatic Accompaniment— Auto Bass Chord ....................ee+errreriecerenconee 37 Keyboard Percussion.................=ereeeeeeencone 40 Melody On Chord... 41 SoloStyl€ ..................e.eeessccccareeneronenrenenaonecanncos 42 5 Registration Memory .......cccccoocco w......s. 43 Saving Registrations ...........................eeemuiencos 43 Registration Shift.......................ee-ereeme.. e... 44 Resetting the Registration Memory Buttons (Power On Reset) .......................ecomcoriaceees 45 6 Footswitches and Knee Lever ........... ‚ 46 Footswitch Control eee 46 Knee Lever ................escsccccccrccenorenccarecocaccancane 47 7 Pitch Controls ..........eoccccooconosccosooccccsoeo 49 8 MIDI Controls ........cccoscercccccooos | 9 Accessory ЗЛасК5 ............. eucocececccoacnces ... 32 Troubleshooting.........................ereerecrenennccco... 53 | [+1 /-) OO 54 Specifications ...................e...mse000ereicecccnoeenee 55 MIDI Implementation Chart ........................ 56 MIDI Specifications .......................e0000ncacorcoces 57 SoloStyle Voice Assignments ......................... 61 NU — Main Features > Your Yamaha Electone is packed with many sophisticated functions. Yet it is amazingly easy to use. The main features are described here so that you can quickly understand the capabilities of your Electone. Included among the main features are: Astoundingly True-to-life Sounds The new AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) and FM (Frequency Modulation) tone generation technologies, combined with authentic touch response for individual instrument voices, make the EL-25 a truly expressive musical instrument. (See page 14.) Limitless Variety of Organ Sounds The EL-25 also has separate voice sections that feature classic organ sounds — from Jazz and pop to church and theater — and lets you easily create your own organ sounds by adjusting the volumes of the various flute foot- ages. (See page 20.) | Wide Range of Voice Controls and Effects Electone voices can also be enhanced with a variety of voice controls and effects, including octave settings, Sustain, Reverb, Tremolo (for reproducing the sound of a rotating speaker) and Vibrato. (See page 23.) Dynamic Rhythm Patterns The Rhythm section of the EL-25 features authentic drum and percussion sounds, used by expert rhythm programmers in creating a total of 41 rhythm patterns, ranging across all styles of music. (See page 30.) A Keyboard Percussion function is also provided for playing the realistic percussion sounds from the Lower keyboard and Pedalboard. (See page 40.) Comprehensive Automatic Accompaniment The EL-25 is also equipped with various automatic accompaniment functions, including Auto Bass Chord, Ac- companiment, Melody On Chord and the exciting SoloStyle feature. Together or individually, they provide entertaining and inspiring instrumental backing and embellishment for your performance. (See pages 36 — 42.) Wide Variety of Registration Menus Your Electone also has convenient Registration Menus that allow you to instantly change all settings for the entire instrument in real time, as you play. Each Registration has been specially created by professional Electone artists to match virtually any style of music you play. (See page 8.) MIDI Compatibility The Electone is equipped with the worldwide standard Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), allowing your Electone to control (or be controlled by) other MIDI instruments. (See page 50.) Quick Introductory Guide Playing Your EL-25 Electone No matter what your level of playing experience, we recommend that you take the time to go through this basic section. It shows you in the simplest possible manner how to start playing your Electone. The basic operations and functions that you learn in this section will also be important when you later use the Electone's more advanced features. Getting Started Once you've set up your Electone and plugged the power cord into an electrical outlet, you're ready to get started and play. 1 e Turnon the Electone by pressing the POWER switch. POWER When you turn on the Electone, the following displays will appear in succession in the LCD: This last display (Voice Display) shows the currently assigned voice settings for each voice section of the instrument, with the abbreviation for each beside the voice name: Upper ( [I] ), Lower ( [4 ), Lead ( M[@ ), and Pedalboard ( [§ ). Turning the Electone off erases all panel settings you have made. When the Electone is turned on, Basic Registration 1 is automatically selected. If you have made panel settings you wish to keep, save them to Registration Memory (see page 43) before turning the Electone off. You can, however, restore the panel settings that were made before the Electone was last turned off. In doing this, first be careful NOT to press any panel buttons (excepting those in Basic Registration) after you turn the Electone back on. Then, to restore the previous settings, hold down the M (Memory) button and press the D (Disable) button. Quick Introductory Guide 2. Set the MASTER VOLUME control. The MASTER VOLUME control is an overall control which affects the volume of the entire instrument. MASTER VOLUME Set the control to roughly this position. This is the normal playing level. 3 e Press the Expression pedal down with your foot. The Expression pedal also controls the entire volume of the Electone. Once you have set the MASTER VOLUME control to a suitable level, you can use the Expression pedal to change the volume with your foot as you play. e E A en Eee - < pe = сон Е = gr NET. 005557 A —— Maximum volume Minimum volume For now, press the pedal down slightly beyond the halfway point. Playing Your Electone Your new Electone is equipped with an exceptionally wide variety of voices, rhythms, and other convenient functions. Since it may take some time to master the wealth of features available, the Electone includes conven- lent Registrations that let you completely and instantly change the voices and other settings for all of the key- boards, even as you play. Each registration is pre-programmed to be used for a specific music style or instru- mental combination. BASIC REGIST. | Basic Registrations The Basic Registration section has five factory preset registrations, each with a different set of voices for the Upper/Lower keyboards and Ped- alboard and each specially suited for playing in a different music style. KERN When you turn the power on, the Electone automatically selects Basic Registration 1. If another registration has been selected (the lamp on the ny button will be lit), press the button for Basic Registration 1. | y Try playing the melody line of the following piece of music on the Upper keyboard, using the indicated registration. : Basic Registration 1 From the New World _ A. Dvordk [32: Pops Orch 1] Tempo J =82 C G7 C G Am С F C O © © n о Cc EG A | Mu! Now, try out the rest of the Basic Registrations with the following music examples. Press the appropriate buttons to select the registrations. Each music example has been chosen to best suit its companion registration. ! || | las | 1 - ei *: * “ 1 La “jet | Down by the Riverside Traditional [13: Bigband 2] Tempo J =95 Basic Registration 2 C G7 C Emperor Waltz J. Strauss [9: Vienna Waltz] Tempo J =182 F С с F G7 с UN | 1=| | e ls] | of [a] | le el le ‚| Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star German Folk Song [16: Dixieland] Tempo J =108 F С G7 С G7 С | М med a Ode to Joy £L.V. Beethoven [10: March 1] Tempo J =123 G7 C Gr С С т I AUT .] + | i= lo wef Quick Introductory Guide The chart below lists the voices that have been set for the Upper/Lower keyboards and Pedalboard in each of the five Basic Registrations. Flute Cosmic 1 Strings Synth. Brass Strings Horn Piano Cosmic 2 Cosmic 3 Contra Bass Tuba Contra Bass Cosmic 2 Synth. Bass | Registration Menu In addition to the Basic Registrations, many more registrations are available on your Electone. These registra- tions include voice and rhythm/accompaniment selections and have been specially created by professional Electone performers to suit a variety of music styles. With the variety of registrations available, you're certain to find the right registration that perfectly suits any style of music you play. Registration Menu / Organ Select The EL-25 is equipped with a total of 41 specially programmed registra- tions, selected with the Registration Menu button on the panel. There is also an Organ Select function that lets you call up one of 15 different organ combinations. To select a registration from Registration Menu, or an organ sound from Organ Select: 1 e Press the corresponding button on the panel (REGIST. MENU or ORGAN SELECT). DISPLAY SELECT O O O O O о O O O O DSC A.B.C. SOLOSTYLE FOOT REGIST. PITCH U. FLUTE L. FLUTE TREMOLO REGIST SELECT ЗОО 6 6 à 2. From the display that appears, select the desired registration or organ sound. Selects next number Selects previous number The bottom left Data Control buttons step through the various selections, while the top left Data Control buttons are used to jump ahead or back by ten selections. 3 e Finally, call up the selected registration or organ sound by se- lecting SET in the display. (Pops Orch 1 [No. 32] and Jazz 1 [No. 10] here, for example.) | <> ENE == EE Note: The Data Control buttons are gen- erally used to select voice and rhythms, and are also used as described in this section. The left button of a Data Control button pair is usually used in a "negative" fashion — for instance, to decrease a value, or select a previous setting or position. The right button is used in a "positive" fashion — to increase a value, or select the next setting or position. You can now play the registration or organ sound. If you wish, try out some of the other selections by repeating the above steps. Then go onto step #4 and try out the rhythm and accompaniment features of your Electone. A chart included with this manual provides a list of all the available music styles, along with the rhythm patterns used. (See page 12.) 4. Once you've selected a registration, press the START button in the Rhythm section. This step starts up a rhythm pattern appropri- ate to the music style you have selected. (To turn the pattern off, press the START button again.) RHYTHM — | — SYNCHRO|| START START || CC) FILL IN | You can also adjust the tempo of the rhythm to your liking by turning the TEMPO dial, as indicated in the illustration below. Pressing any of these buttons selects SET Quick Introductory Guide BAR/BEAT Note: Some of the registrations in the Registration Menu and Organ Select sec- tion may not have assigned rhythm and Rhythms are an important part of each registration. Each registration's automatic accompaniment patterns, rhythm has been carefully chosen and programmed to best match the particular music style. The A.B.C. (Auto Bass Chord) automatic accompaniment feature of the Electone also plays an important role and is used in conjunction with the registrations and rhythm patterns. Like the rhythm patterns, A.B.C. patterns have been programmed to best match the selected registration. They allow you to add sophisticated bass and chord accompaniment patterns that suit the music, simply by playing chords on the Lower keyboard. To use the A.B.C. automatic accompaniment feature: 5 e Pressachordon the Lower keyboard. (Try the chord shown in the illustration on the right.) Example: This function provides automatic accompaniment specially tailored for С the music style in which you play. Notice that even after you release your fingers from the keyboard, the chord and accompaniment patterns continue to sound. For more details on automatic accompaniment, see page 37. Play a C chord on the keyboard 6. Now return to the first five written music examples in the Basic Registrations section above. (See page 7.) Select the regis- tration indicated at the top right of the score (for example, "Pops Orch 1" in the first song). Refer back to the steps on selecting registrations above (page 8) if necessary. 7. Adjust the tempo of the rhythm for each song by turning the Tempo dial until the tempo number indicated in the display matches that shown at the top right of each score. BAR/BEAT —Rhythm tempo 10 8. Play the melody line as you did before with your right hand on the Upper keyboard. This time, however, use the A.B.C. automatic accompaniment by pressing the chords with your left hand. The keys you should press are indicated by the small diagrams just below the melody in the score. 9. Now that you've heard what A.B.C. can do, try selecting other registrations from the Registration Menu. Use the A.B.C. function with these newly selected registrations as well, to get a better idea of the wide stylistic range of your Electone. See how easy itis? And remember, you don't have to hold the key down to use the automatic accompaniment. Just press the key once and the automatic accompaniment will continue until you press the next key. Example: G7 Note: If you have unintentionally changed the display by pressing a button on the panel, return to step #1 above (pressing the REGIST. MENU or OR- GAN SELECT buttons) to return to the Registration Menu. Canceling the A.B.C. Automatic Accompaniment Function You can, of course, cancel the automatic accompaniment patterns (Fingered mode) if you want and play the accompaniment by yourself on the Lower keyboard and Pedalboard. To cancel the A.B.C. Automatic Accompaniment: 1 e Press the A.B.C. button in the DISPLAY SELECT section, to the right of the LCD Display. DISPLAY SELECT O O O O O O O o O VOICE FOOT REGIST. PITCH U.FLUTE L.FLUTE TREMOLO DISPLAY ABC. SOLOSTYLE cy SHIFT TRANS. VOICE VOICE FAS O ORGAN SELECT > <> This display shows the current A.B.C. mode and Memory settings. 2 e Press one of the bottom left Data Control buttons repeatedly until "OFF" appears below ABC in the LCD. > ae ~ © Note: There are two ways to call up LCD displays: One is by pressing the panel's voice/rhythm buttons or the sus- tain controls; the other is by pressing the DISPLAY SELECT buttons. LA] Y] SHE НН | V These buttons correspond to the bottom left of the LCD and let you step through the various A.B.C. modes. 11 3. Turn the Memory function off as well by using the bottom right Data Control buttons. <> A solid or dark box in the LCD indicates that the function is on; an empty or outlined box indicates that the function is off. Make sure the boxes next to L (Lower) and P (Pedal) are both off, as shown in the example LCD above. Thus short introductory section has shown you just a small portion of the vast potential of your Electone. Now that you know how to select among the Basic Registrations and use the A.B.C. Automatic Accompa- niment, take some time to explore the other registrations and their rhythm patterns. There's a great wealth of realistic voices, authentic orchestration and stylistically varied rhythms — all instantly available from the Registration Menus and Organ Select features. | Registration Menu/Organ Select List Regist. Menu Quick Introductory Guide Turns the Pedalboard Memory (P) on and off Turns the Lower keyboard Memory (L} on and off Note: As in the operation described above, the Data Control buttons are also used simply to turn functions on and off. Note: Before going on to explore the remaining sections of this manual, we suggest that you turn the A.B.C. auto- matic accompaniment and memory functions off. Otherwise, single notes played on the Lower keyboard will sound as fuil chords, and the Pedal voices will not sound when playing the Pedalboard. To do this, return to the section "Canceling the A.B.C. Auto- matic Accompaniment Function” above and select the OFF setting in A.B.C. and press the buttons that correspond to LOWER and PEDAL in the display to turn memory off. Classic STYLE LCD DISPLAY RHYTHM TEMPO SoloStyle/MOC 1FEATURED VOICE(S) SONG EXAMPLES 1 String Ensemble Strgs Ens, Strings Serenade, C major, str. orch., op 48 (Tchaikovsky) Symphony No. 40 (Mozart) 2 Pizzicato Ensemble Pizz. Ens. Pizzicato Strings Pizzicato Polka (J. Strauss) 3 Orchestra 1 Orchestra 1 Strings & Brass The mastersingers of nuremberg (Wagner) Symphony No 1 (Brahms) 4 Orchestra 2 Orchestra 2 Wood winds & Strings The marriage of Figaro (Mozart) 5 Flute 4 Harp Flute/Harp Flute & Harp Sicilienne (Fauré) Menuet, L'Arlésienne (Bizet) 6 Wood Winds Ensemble Wood Winds Oboe, Flute & Bassoon Happy birthday to you Four Swans, The Swan Lake 7 Piano & Strings Piano/Strg Piano & Strings Piano Concerto (Mozart) Piano Concerto (Tchaikovsky) 8 Choir Ensemble Choir Ens. Chorus Swanee River (Foster) Sacred songs 9 Vienna Waltz Wien. Waltz Waltz 2 4= 190 MOC TYPE 1 Flute & Strings Story of the Vienna forest (J. Strauss) Spring feeling (J. Strauss) 10 March 1 March 1 March 1 d=123 MOC TYPE 1 Brass & Trumpet The Star & Stripes forever Under the double eagle march (Wagner) 11 March 2 March 2 March 2 1=128 SoloStyle Horn The Washington post El capitan 12 Jazz/Contemporary STYLE LCD DISPLAY RHYTHM TEMPO SoloStyle/MOC FEATURED VOICE(S) SONG EXAMPLES 12 Big Band 1 Big Band 1 Swing 1 J=182 SoloStyle Brass Take the A train Just friends 13 Big Band 2 Big Band 2 Bounce 2 J=95 MOC TYPE 1 Clarinet & Sax Moonlight serenade 14 Jazz Waltz Jazz Waltz Jazz Waltz J=168 SoloStyle Flute Bluesette 15 Jazz Ballad Ballad Jazz Ballad J=60 Saxophone Misty What's new 16 Dixieland Dixie Dixie J=112 SoloStyle Clarinet & Piano 12th street rag The easy winners 17 Euro. Beat Euro. Beat Dance Pop J= 120 Cosmic Toy boy Locomotion 18 Crossover 1 Crossover 1 16 Beat 1 4=85 Electric Piano We are all alone Tomorrow 19 Crossover 2 Crossover 2 Samba 3 J=112 Jazz Guitar Copacabana Captain caribe Latin STYLE LCD DISPLAY RHYTHM TEMPO SoloStyle/MOC FEATURED VOICE(S) SONG EXAMPLES 20 Samba 1 Samba 1 Samba 2 »=110 Marimba & Flute Samba de Orfeu Copacabana 21 Samba 2 Samba 2 Samba 1 4=110 Piano Brasil . Tico tico 22 Bossanova Bossanova Bossanova 1 J=126 SoloStyle Flute The girl from 1рапета Desafinado 23 Bossanova 66 Bossa 66 Bossanova 3 1=164 Piano Mas que nada Joker 24 Mambo Mambo Mambo 4=98 SoloStyle Trumpet Mambo No.5 Mambo jumbo 25 Chacha Cha-cha Chacha d=132 5oloStyle Flute & Piano Tea far two 26 Rhumba Rumba Rhumba J=122 SoloStyle Marimba Bésame mucho Miami beach rhumba 27 Beguine Beguine Beguine J=118 SoloStyle Piano Begin the beguine Andalucia 28 Tango 1 (Argentine) Tango 1 Tango 1 4=120 MOC TYPE 1 Accordion Kiss of fire Caminito 29 Tango 2 (Continental) Tango 2 Tango 2 J=120 Strings The song o* pearl fisher Blue tango 30 Bolero Bolero Bolero J=132 SoloStyle Trumpet Granada Malagueña 31 Caribbean Carib Reggae 2 J= 132 Whistle Don't worry, be happy Master blaster Pops/Folk STYLE LCD DISPLAY RHYTHM TEMPO SoloStyle/MOC FEATURED VOICE(S) SONG EXAMPLES 32 Pops Orchestra 1 Pops Orch 1 8 Beat 1 J=82 MOC TYPE 1 Oboe & Strings Sun flower The way we ware 33 Pops Orchestra 2 Pops Orch 2 Slow Rock 1 J=80 SoloStyle Flute The end of the world Can't help falling in love 34 Rock'n'Roll Rock á: Roll 8 Beat 3 J= 160 Saxophone & Trumpet Diana Rock and roll music 35 60's Pop 60's Pop Slow Rock 2 J=74 Elec. Guitar Where the boys are " Blue Hawaii 36 Musical Musical Broadway J= 132 Marimba & Tutti There's no business like show business 37 Popular Standard Standard Waltz 1 J=106 MOC TYPE 1 Violin & Strings Fascination La-la-lu 38 Bounce Bounce Bounce 1 J=136 Whistle Les champs-elysées Get out and get under the moon 39 Country Country Country 4=120 SoloStyle Harmonica & Piano Oh, bury me not on the lane prairie The five pennies . 40 Folklore Folklore Tango 3 1=97 Pan Flute El condor pasa 41 Hawalian Hawaiian Jazz Ballad J= 84 Hawaiian Guitar Blue Hawaii Hawaiian Wedding Song Organ Select STYLE LCD DISPLAY RHYTHM TEMPO SoloStyle/MOC FEATURED VOICE(S) SONG EXAMPLES 1 Classic Organ 1 Classic 1 Wedding march (Mendelssohn) Gothic suite op.25-1 2 Classic Organ 2 Classic 2 Toccata in D minor BWV565 Wedding march (Wagner) 3 Classic Organ 3 Classic 3 Silent night Vater unser Himmaelreich 4 Classic Organ 4 Classic 4 Fugue in Gm Jesus bleibet meine Freude 5 Classic Organ 5 Classic 5 Sheep may safely graze Choral No.1 in E 6 Theatre Organ 1 Theatre 1 Swing 1 J= 100 My romance Love is a many-spiendored thing 7 Theatre Organ 2 Theatre 2 Broadway J= 130 Start of somethin' big | could have a dance all night 8 Theatre Organ 3 Theatre 3 Swing 1 1=80 As long as he needs me Alley cat 9 Theatre Organ 4 Theatre 4 Bounce 2 4=125 Starlight serenade Try to remember 10 Jazz Organ 1 Jazz 1 Swing 1 J= 150 Satin doll Softly, as in a morning sunrise 11 Jazz Organ 2 Jazz 2 Samba 2 J=105 A night in Tunisia The cat 12 Jazz Organ 3 Jazz 3 Swing 1 J= 80 What's new Here's that rainy day 13 Jazz Organ 4 Jazz 4 Bossanova 2 = 180 Summer samba Days of wine and roses 14 Pop Organ 1 Pop 1 Jazz Ballad J=68 Ebb tide | left my heart in San Francisco 15 Pop Organ 2 Pop 2 8 Beat 3 J=80 A whiter shade of pale Yesterday Pda Hager I 1 Voice Sections The following illustration shows the various available voice sections. UPPER KEYBOARD VOICE LEAD VOICE [ ==> | — CHORUS || HARMO- [1] NICA SAXO- 0 0 * 0 — > ORGAN |! PIANO || GUITAR || viBRA- || CosMIC PHONE OOOO MAX VIOLIN FLUTE LOWER KEYBOARD VOICE PEDAL VOICE > m ce CHORUS || HORN MAX zz 00 | 0 H—0 VIBRA. || cosmic || Som a le LI IL . | MIN | ee The Electone has four voice sections: Upper Keyboard Voice, Lead Voice, Lower Keyboard Voice, and Pedal Voice. All voices are playable from the Upper or Lower keyboards or Pedalboard, allowing you to create richly textured voice layers on a single keyboard. Voice Display You can see at-a-glance which voices are currently selected for each of the voice sections by calling up the Voice Display. To do this, press the VOICE DISPLAY button in the DISPLAY SELECT section. DISPLAY SELECT Q o o O O о © о VOICE A. B.C. SOLOSTYLE FOOT REGIST. PITCH U. FLUTE L.FLUTE TREMOLO REGIST. ORGAN JODE OC 0) (0 Selecting Voices from the Panel Since selection of panel voices follows the same procedure throughout the various voice sections, instructions for only the Upper Keyboard Voice section are given here. 1 e Selecta voice from the Upper Keyboard Voice section by press- Note: Voices of the Upper and Lower ing one of the Voice buttons in that section. Flute Voice sections are selected by a different procedure. Refer to the Flute Voices section below for details. UPPER KEYBOARD VOICE > > с < —" CLARI- || SAXO- || CHORUS || HARMO- A] MAX NET PHONE NICA 10 HD (0-00 GUITAR || VIBRA- || coSMIC |! TUTTI 2] 00 PHONE 0 0 MIN If, for example, you have selected the PIANO voice, the following display will appear: Note: Some voice buttons have only one voice. Notice that several different voice names are shown on this display. These are variations of the basic Piano voice category. To select one of these voice variations: 2. Press one of the Data Control buttons that corresponds to the voice you wish to select. 1 The first character flashes to indicate the selected voice. > LEAD VOICE PLAYING LEAD AND PEDAL VOICES FROM THE LOWER —= KEYBOARD: The Electone has a special "To Lower" function that lets you assign Lead or Pedal voices to the Lower keyboard. Simply press the TO LOWER button on the voice section you wish to assign, and that voice will be playable from the Lower keyboard. PEDAL VOICE CONTRA || ELEC | MAX BASS BASS H—0 =a 55 15 3. Set the volume Tor each voice section, There are two volume controls: Coarse and Fine, Coarse: Use the VOLUME controls of each voice section on the panel to set the desired level for each voice, The controls have seven volume settings, from a minimum of 0, or no sound, to a maximum of full volume. ТЕТЕ АГ a TO | se = LI TET I Le] Fine: Pressing the same panel voice bution again calls up the Voice Condi- ton display. Re ZA] an GE Use the Data Control buttons that correspond to the Volume setting to change the level of the desired voice. The relative level is indicated by a numeric value (from 0 - 24). 4, Now select volces Tor the Lower Keyboard and Pedalboard as | you did for the Upper keyboard above. Also set the volumes of the voices. Follow steps #1 - #3 above, now using the controls of the Lower Key- board and Pedal Voices. 16 | Vales Sections Pressing this button docrosses the value Pressing this button increases the value | Note: Pressing a voice button once calls | up that voices Voice Menu display. Pressing it a second time calls up the Voice Condition display (as shown at left), Succersive presses aliemaie be Ivween The [wi displays. Note: The Lead Volce and Pedal Vokes soumis one note at à time; when you simultaneously press two or more keys, only the highest mote will sound, Selecting Additional Voices — Dotted Buttons and User Voices The EL-25 Electone has a variety of voices from which you can choose — far greater than what is immediately apparent from the front panel controls. You've already learned in the section above how to select the different voices that are available in the Voice Menu display of each panel voice. The Electone also has dotted buttons in each voice section, giving you convenient access to any voice. Selecting Voices From the Dotted Buttons Each voice section has one or two dotted buttons, found on the right side of each voice section. These dotted buttons function as "wild card” Voice Menu selectors; any internal voices can be selected from these buttons. | The dotted buttons have the following basic uses: ] ) For playing any voice of the Voice Menus from any of the Кеу- boards or Pedalboard. You can play on the Upper keyboard, for example, voices from the twenty-two Voice Menu pages (including User), and not be limited to only the twelve buttons (equivalent to twelve Voice Menu pages) that make up the Upper Voice section. Another advantage to this feature is that when the normally monophonic (one note) Lead and Pedal voices are assigned to the Upper or Lower key- board voice sections, they can be played polyphonically. The opposite 18 also the case: Upper or Lower voices assigned to the Lead or Pedal sections Will be monophonic. 2) For having three different voices from the same Voice Menu page available for selection in the same song. For example, you can assign one of the voices to a dotted button in the Upper Keyboard Voice section, the second voice to the other dotted button in the same section, and the third one on the Voice Menu. 3 ) For storing voices from a Voice Disk (when equipped with an optional Yamaha Music Disk Recorder, exclusive for use with the EL-25). 17 | | | 3 | | To select a voice from a dotted button: 1 e Press one of the dotted buttons in any of the voice sections. - UPPER KEYBOARD VOICE — | & | = <= — <= STRINGS || BRASS CLARI- SAXO- || CHORUS || HARMO- NET PHONE OA PS e— <= ==> > < ORGAN PIANO GUITAR ED | COSMIC TUTTI! p LAINE ME Each voice group appears in the LCD display when the page has been selected. I Voice Sections Note: You can directly view and select Voice Menu pages by holding down one of the dotted buttons and simultaneously pressing the desired voice buttons in succession. PAGE ABOUT THE PAGE SELECT BUTTONS: These buttons are used to select (when available) the various "pages" of the display, the numbers of which appear at the top right of the LCD. Press the Page P and € buttons to select the pages. 3. Select a voice from the display (PizzStrs, for example). <> Select the USER page when you wish to use a voice from a Voice Disk (when equipped with an optional Yamaha Music Disk Recorder, exclu- sive for use with the EL-25). 18 Note: The first character of the selected voice's name flashes to indicate that the voice has been selected. As long as you do not select a voice, this indication will not appear. | Voice Menus The following chart lists the voices available and their button/page as- signment. The numbers shown in the list correspond to the page num- bers shown in the display. 19 2 Flute Voices i The Flute Voice feature allows you to create your own organ voices, giving you access to an unlimited com- bination of organ sounds. With this function, you can recreate all of the classic organ sounds by adjusting the flute footage levels and the percussive sound, just like on conventional organs. There are eight flute footage settings, with three additional footage settings for the attack sound. You can select specially programmed Preset Flute Voices, or create your own by adjusting the footage settings. There are two Flute Voice pages. и To use the Flute Voice function and select Page 1 (Edit page): 1 o Press one of the Flute Voice buttons (UPPER or LOWER) in the DISPLAY SELECT section. The LED above the button lights. DISPLAY SELECT o O o о O O O O O oO O VOICE FOOT REGIST. PITCH U.FLUTE L FLUTE TREMOLO REGIST. ORGAN DISPLAY A-B.C. SOLOSTYLE SW. SHIFT TRANS. FAS MENU SELECT JO || || __ | te: W h Л < | | > ) 16 8575427 21% TRsp. 422% 2'Lng. CLICK TREMOLO Note: When you use the Upper/Lower FLUTE ATTACK Flute Voice sections and/or other voices at the same time, only one of the voices can be shown in the LCD at one time -- Pressing the button again turns the Flute Voice function off (the LED even though all voices may be operative also turns off), and changes the LCD to the Voice Display. Each of the and both of the Upper and Lower Flute | . Voice LEDs are lit. buttons acts as an on/off switch. | Note: Remember that the UPPER and 2. Use the bottom left Data Control buttons to move the cursor to LOWER FLUTE VOICE buttons are the setting you wish to change, then use the bottom right Data Con- on/off switches. In the process of turn- ing on a Flute Voice, then switching to trol buttons to change the value. 5 | e another function and returning to the | Flute Voice, you may unintentionally | turn the Flute Voice off. Check whether | _ _ nn the Flute Voice LEDs are on or off be- | < < > fore you start to play. 16’ 8'5Y5 4' 22/5 2'1% 1'Rsp. 4 225 2'Lng. CLICK TREMOLO FLUTE 4 АТТАС { | || | IL. | © © o © Moves the cursor one space to the right Increases the value at the cursor Moves the cursor one space to the left Decreases the value at the cursor 20 © Footages Determines the level of each flute footage. The level of each foot- age is indicated by a dark bar in the LCD. Whole number footages are in octaves; for example, 16' has the lowest pitch, 8' is one octave above 16', 4'is one octave above 8', and so on. The fractional foot- ages (5-1/3', 2-2/3", etc.) are intermediate pitches. O Response Determines the overall response speed of the sound. Higher settings make the keyboard response slower, creating a pipe organ effect. © Attack Footages | Determines the level of each sound in the percussive portion of the voice. Footage settings are 4', 2-2/3' and ?'. | @ Attack Length ; Determines the duration of the attack sound. O Click Determines the volume of the key click sound. Click is independent of the Attack Footage sounds described above. © Tremolo | Turns the Tremolo effect for the Flute Voice on or off. This is the primary on/off switch for the Flute Voice's Tremolo/Chorus effect. After this has been set to ON, you can turn the effect on and off during your performance by using the TREMOLO (FAST) button in the DISPLAY SELECT section. (See the Tremolo section, page 27, for more information.) 3 Adjust the volume by using the top right Data Control buttons. Note: When you play and hold several notes, only the first note played will have attack; all other notes played while the first is held have no attack. Decreases the volume Increases the volume © le FLUTE | АТТАСК Volume Determines the overall volume of the Flute Voice voice Range: 0 - 24 Try adjusting these settings as you play the keyboard and listen to the changes in the sound. Note: If the Volume is set to 0, no sound will be produced. SAVING FLUTE VOICES: section, page 43.) You can save the original organ voices that you create with the Flute Voice feature for future use. After creating a voice, save it by storing it to a Registration Memory button. (Refer to the Registration Memory 21 : 2 Flute Voices Selecting Preset Flute Voices To select preset voices: 1 e FromPage 1, pressthe Page» button. Page 2 PAGE IP > This page allows you to select Preset Flute Voice voices. Eight factory- preset voices (four Jazz Organ and four Pop Organ voices) are provided. 2. Select the desired voice with the bottom left Data Control but- tons and use the bottom right Data Control buttons to actually call up the selected voice for playing. < EE Use these buttons to select the previous or Press either of these buttons to actually next Preset Flute Voice. call up the selected Preset Flute Voice. These correspond to "SET" in the LCD. 3 e Once you select "SET" to actually call up a voice, the following display momentarily appears in the LCD. ^ Note: When you switch between Upper and Lower Flute Voices, the preset Flute > Voice name shown in the LCD may not be the one actually selected. <> 22 3 Voice Controls and Effects ii The Electone is equipped with two general kinds of functions that can be used to change the sound of the voices: Voice Controls and Effects. These are used to change various aspects of the voices, such as the volume or octave (footage) settings, or enhance the sound of the voices, such as with Reverb or Tremolo. Each voice has been given certain factory-preset settings to best enhance its sound. However, with the exception of the Touch Tone function, you can also change the settings to suit your preferences by using the controls described in this section. — .e Voice Condition Pages To select the Voice Condition pages for changing the settings: Da . , Note: The Pedal Condition display has Choose a voice on the panel, then press that voice's panel button only one page. twice. Use the Page Select buttons to change the pages. For the Lead Voice example shown below, press the VIOLIN button in Note: There are some differences be- the Lead Voice section twice. To call up the corresponding Upper Voice tween the functions in the Lead and example, press the PIANO button in the Upper Keyboard Voice section Upper/Lower voices. Where appropri- . ate, the different displays are shown. twice. LEAD VOICE UPPER KEYBOARD VOICE FLUTE GI = 0 STRINGS || BRASS CHORUS <= ===> ОВОЕ TRIM- т ЕТ | Voice Condition — Page 1 ==0 ORGAN || PIANO || GUITAR || VIBRA- || COSMIC || TUTTI PHONE LEAD © UPPER © e © e © © Volume Fine adjustment of the voice volume. (Coarse volume settings are made with the front panel VOLUME controls.) Range: 0 - 24 Decreases the volume Increases the volume Y) Y) E 23 mm — об - a 3 Voice Controls and Effects @ Feet Determines the octave setting of the voice. PRE. (Preset) is the original (factory) setting; 4' is the highest and 16' is the lowest. Settings: PRE., 4', 8', 16" By using different Feet settings in the Lower and Upper keyboards, you can duplicate the wide octave range of many instruments. For example, with both the Lower and Upper keyboards set to the Piano voice and Feet set to appropriate values, you can play the voice nearly over the full range of a grand piano. <>] <>] Ie] Selects next setting Selects previous setting O Tremolo Determines the Tremolo setting of the voice. PRE. (Preset) selects the original (factory) Tremolo setting, while ON and OFF respec- tively enable or cancel Tremolo. Settings: PRE., OFF, ON. Selects next setting Selects previous setting In order to actually apply the Tremolo effect, one more step is necessary. Refer to the section on Tremolo (page 27). Vibrato Vibrato 1s an effect that periodically, or regularly, varies the pitch of a voice for a quavering sound. Used prop- erly, it can make a voice sound richer and more natural. The following diagram graphically shows the vibrato effect and its related controls. Vibrato Controls Delay Speed Depth Key On Call up the Vibrato setting on Voice Condition Page 2 by using the Page Select buttons. | Voice Condition — Page 2 PAGE <P al [> ; User Vibrato (USER VIB.) Note: Vibrato cannot be applied to the | When this is turned on, you can adjust the vibrato settings: Delay, Depth Pedalboard voices. " and Speed for Lead voices, and Depth for Upper/Lower voices. | The Delay, Depth and Speed settings are set in the next page, Voice | | | Condition Page 3. The Delay, Depth and Speed settings are not dis- | played and cannot be adjusted unless USER VIB. has been turned on in | this setting. | < Press either of these buttons to turn on User Vibrato. Call up the User Vibrato settings on Voice Condition Page 3 by using the | Page Select buttons. f Voice Condition — Page 3 PAGE LEAD oO ; 25 3 Voice Controls and Effects O Delay (Lead Voice only) Determines the amount of time that elapses between the playing of a key and the start of the vibrato effect (see Vibrato Controls diagram on page 24). Higher settings increase the delay of the vi- brato onset. Range: 0-7 O Depth | Determines the intensity of the vibrato effect (see diagram). Higher settings result in a more pronounced vibrato. Range: 0-7 © Speed (Lead Voice only) Determines the speed of the vibrato effect (see diagram). Range: 0-7 If User Vibrato has not been turned on, the following display appears when Page 3 is selected. Touch Tone The Touch Tone function gives you expressive control over the volume and timbre of a voice. Specifically, it provides initial touch response over the voices, controlling volume and timbre according to the velocity at which you strike the keys. The harder you strike the keys, the greater the volume and the brighter the timbre will become. Note: The Touch Tone function is pro- vided as a factory preset for each voice and cannot be adjusted. Reverb Reverb adds an echo-like effect to the sound, giving the impression of a performance in a large room or concert hall. The effect is applied equally and simultaneously to all voice sections. To adjust the reverb effect: Press one of the REVERB buttons, located at the far left of the panel. These controls determine the depth of the reverb effect. There are seven settings, from a minimum of 0, or no reverb, to the maximum. REVERB 26 Sustain Sustain is selectable for the Upper, Lower and Pedal voices and makes the sound gradually fade out when the keys are released. The sustain on/off and sustain length settings are independent for each keyboard, providing maximum expressive control. To add sustain to the voices and call up the Sustain Length page: Press the UPPER button in the SUSTAIN section. SUSTAIN UPPER (KNEE) > <= LOWER PEDAL (KNEE) LI The lamp of the button lights up to indicate that sustain is on. Press the button again to turn sustain off. Sustain Length Page Upper, Lower, Pedal Determines the length of sustain applied to each voice section. The display shows the current sustain length values for each voice section. Range: 0 - 12. Tremolo/Chorus Note: Sustain cannot be applied to the Lead voices. Note: If knee lever control of the Upper or Lower sustain has been turned on, pressing the Upper or Lower buttons here will not add sustain unless the knee lever is pushed. (See page 47.) Note: The values here must be set high enough for the sustain effect to be no- ticeable. Note: Remember that the SUSTAIN but- tons are on/off switches. If you use them to simply check the sustain length values, you may unintentionally change the on/ off status of the effect. Remember to check whether the sustain button lamps are on or off before you start to play. Tremolo recreates the rich, swirling sound of the popular rotating speaker effect. Just as with a conventional rotating speaker, you can switch the effect on and off as you play. And like a motor-driven speaker, the charac- teristic tremolo effect gradually changes speed after it is switched. Tremolo can be switched in real time as you play with the TREMOLO (FAST) button on the panel. Tremolo Operation 1) For Panel Voices (Voice Menu): Turn on Tremolo effect in each Voice Condition display 2) For Upper/Lower Flute Voices: Turn on Tremolo effect in Page 1 of Flute Voice 3) Turn on Tremolo as you play with the panel Tremolo button. 27 O PR TT ——]Ñ]_—— Note: All voices of the Electone are given a preset Tremolo setting; this can be overridden by using the ON/OFF control in the Voice Condition page. (See page 24.) ue ere a a ey 3 Voice Controls and Effects Turning On The Tremolo Effect Before you can switch Tremolo on and off in real time, you must first turn the effect on in the various voice sections. This doesn't actually start the effect, but merely puts Tremolo in a "standby" condition. Tremolo can be applied selectively to the voice sections. To turn on the Tremolo effect (set to standby): For Lead, Upper, Lower and Pedal Voices Press the desired voice button on the panel twice, then select ON by using the bottom right Data Control buttons. BIS а <] ka Selecting ON turns Tremolo on for the selected voice section. For Flute Voices Press the U. FLUTE VOICE button and/or L.FLUTE VOICE button in the DISPLAY SELECT section, then select Page 1. >] a] [5 ng. ATTACK Selecting ON turns on Tremolo for the current Flute Voice. Move the cursor to the Tremolo setting in the LCD with the bottom left Data Control buttons, and use the bottom right Data Control buttons to set Tremolo to the standby condition. Actual application of the Tremolo effect is described in the next section. 28 Real-Time Control of Tremolo Effect Once the Tremolo effect has been turned on and set, you can control the effect in real time from the TREMOLO (FAST) button on the panel. Simply press the TREMOLO (FAST) button in the DISPLAY SELECT section to turn the Tremolo effect on and off while you're playing. > DISPLAY SELECT - > > > $ NE, кво. зови or se 2 une viu TEAST MENU” SELECT JO OU This button functions just like the fast/slow switch on an actual rotating Note: Turning on Tremolo with the speaker cabinet. When Tremolo is on, the rotation effect is fast; when it TREMOLO button in the DISPLAY is off (Chorus), the rotation is slow. The speed change is gradual, effec- SELECT section does not call up an tively reproducing the slowing down and speeding up of a rotating LCD display. speaker. Glide Glide is a footswitch-activated effect; pressing the footswitch immediately lowers the pitch of the selected voice or voices by a half-step. (Refer to the footswitch function on page 46.) 29 ">

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Key features
- 61 keys
- Built-in speakers
- A variety of voices and rhythms
- Perfect for musicians of all levels
- Portable
- Versatile
Frequently asked questions
Yes, it is perfect for musicians of all levels
Yes, it is a portable keyboard