Yamaha EL-90/EL-70 Owner's Manual (Image)
The Yamaha EL-70 is a powerful musical instrument with advanced rhythm programming features. This comprehensive manual will guide you through the intricacies of programming and customizing your own rhythm patterns and sequences, allowing you to create and play unique musical compositions. You'll learn how to use the Rhythm Pattern Programmer to record percussion sounds, edit patterns, and select accompaniment patterns. The Rhythm Sequence Programmer enables you to combine your original rhythm patterns with preset ones to create complete rhythm tracks that can be automatically played during performances.
A 8 Rhythm Pattern Programming and Rhythm I] Sequence Programming — — The Electone also includes powerful Rhythm Program functions: the Rhythm Pattern Programmer and the Rhythm Sequence Programmer. The Rhythm Pattern Programmer allows you to record your own original rhythm patterns using the high-quality percussion sounds of the Electone. The Rhythm Se- quence Programmer lets you connect your original rhythm patterns together with the Preset rhythm patterns to create complete rhythm tracks, which you can automatically play back during your perform- ance, Outline of Rhythm Programming Operation | The following is a brief outline of the steps necessary in programming your own rhythm patterns and rhythm sequences. Once you work through the detailed instructions in the following sections and learn how to operate the Rhythm Program functions, you can use this outline as a guide or reminder. | 1) Press the RHYTHM PATTERN button to call up the Rhythm | Pattern Programmer and select the Rhythm Program pages. 2) Make Beat, Quantize, and Metronome settings. 3) Select the Edit page to record percussion sounds and program the pattern. 4) (Optional) Select the Accompaniment page to determine which | accompaniment pattern will be used with your newly created - rhythm. a 5) Save your new rhythm pattern to memory. 6) Press the RHYTHM SEQUENCE button to call up the Rhythm Sequence Programmer for connecting rhythm patterns together in sequence to create songs. 7) Save your new rhythm sequences to the Sequence buttons. | 8) (Optional) Finally, save all the User rhythm data you've created in the above steps to disk. Khythm Pattern Programming The Rhythm Pattern Programmer works with the Keyboard Percussion feature to let you use any of 75 different percussion sounds in creating your own rhythm patterns. Up to 16 separate rhythm "tracks” are provided in a single pattern for each instrument part, and up to 40 patterns — eight User numbers, each with five variations — can be memorized. 84 Programming Rhythm Patterns To call up the Rhythm Pattern Programmer function and select the Rhythm Program pages: 1. Press and hold down the RHYTHM PATTERN button in the DISPLAY SELECT section. The LED of the button lights and the display prompts you to select a rhythm pattern, о o о VOICE EFFECT ABC. o o o FOOT REGIST EXP AHYTHM УЕ OpROGRAM? o o o UFLUTE LFLUTE TREMOLO il ii DISPLAY SELECT Note: Pressing the RHYTHM PAT- TERN button here also automatically stops the rhythm patterns and rhythm sequences. Note: Use of the playback and re- cording functions on the Music Disk Recorder automatically cancels the Rhythm Programming/Rhythm Se- quencing operations. . wl E A Fa 11 TE Ci ae am . PEE NE EL E ti der in sp: | | OTE PE UE . . - : i . € . HE = E 5 o . + . ВЕ : * М . A + a BOOT dE y O PE a BT 9 1 У Зоо ati g Dé 4 a 2 1 E _ * E AM AE wv | | FEET EAE I a ; nn e Lt MEE a ‚ wind . FS pe В | ce .“ Da я x a Co E ; ‚ _ oo To : а i ls и ; SEL Le - . . 0. тен о ВО 2 Po LE. DE Eater shad as mE A E E NE Pa OL NA TELS UNEN ED AI ENT PRIE TETE 2 While holding down the RHY THM PATTERN button, select a preset rhythm pattern to be copied to the Rhythm Pattern Pro- grammer. Releasing the RHYTHM PATTERN button without selecting a rhythm loads a blank pattern to the Programmer. Copying a preset rhythm lets you make changes to an existing rhythm pattern, saving you time if you want to program a rhythm that is similar to an existing preset pattern. Two measures of the selected rhythm pattern will be copied to the Rhythm Pattern Programmer. Loading a blank rhythm pattern allows you to create your own rhythm pattern from scratch. COPYING A PATTERN FROM THE RHYTHM MENUS: You can also copy a specific rhythm pattern from among the choices in a Rhythm Menu. To do this, press the desired panel Rhythm button; then select the desired pattern with the Data Control buttons — BEFORE calling up the Rhythm Pattern Programmer and performing steps #1 and #2 above. The specified rhythm will be copied once you execute steps #1 and #2. (The same procedure can be used with the FILL IN and INTRO. ENDING buttons for copying Fill In and End- ing patterns.) 85 Note: When preset rhythm patterns are copied to the Rhythm Program- mer, the copied patterns may differ in volume from the original patterns. Rhythm Programming Percussion Sounds Note: Percussion sounds on the Lower keyboard are the same as in — Upper and Lower K r y PP eyboard Keyboard Percussion. The sounds of | The Rhythm Programmer has a total of 75 different percussion sounds the Upper keyboard can be used only that are assigned to the keys of the Upper and Lower keyboards, as in Rhythm Pattern Programming. shown in the following chart. Upper Keyboard Step Write and Real Time Write Operation There are two different methods you can use to program rhythm patterns: Step Write and Real Time Write. Step Write allows you to enter percussion sounds as individual note values. As a method, it is very similar to writing down the notes on a sheet of music paper; each note is entered one at a time, and though you can hear each indi- vidual note entered, you cannot actually hear the pattern playing as you create it. Real Time Write on the other hand, is similar to using a multitrack tape recorder; you can hear previously recorded parts of the pattern as you record new parts on top. 36 Each method has its own advantages and uses, Step Write 1s good for precision and [or enlering percussion sounds whose note placement and rhythmic value has been determined, such as a bass drum that plays every beat in a measure. Real Time Write is best for capturing the "feel" of a rhythm, because it allows you to actually play the pattern as you are creating it. Which method you use depends partly on the type of rhythm you intend to create and partly on your own personal preference. You can even switch between the two methods in editing to create a single rhythm pattern by the use of both methods, This would come in handy, for example, in program- ming the basic beats of a rhythm with Step Write, then using Real Time Write to add percussion accents and embellishments, | Selecting Step Write or Real Time Write Operation Step Write and Real Time Write can be selected from either the Beat/Quantize page or the Edit page. Which mode of operation is selected depends on the play status of the rhythm pattern, If the rhythm is stopped, Step Write is automatically selected. If the rhythm is playing, Real Time Write is selected. Simply press the START button in the Rhythm section on the panel to start or stop the rhythm pattern and switch between the two modes. Using the Beat/Quantize Page The Beat/Quantize page is automatically displayed when calling up the Rhythm Pattern Programmer, It is used in both Step Write and Real Time Write for selecting the basic timing settings of the pattern. Beat Quantize Page — Step Write о Beat Determines the time signature used for the rhythm pattern. Available time signatures are 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4, O Quantize Determines the resolution of the Step Write function. Step Write operations involve advancing in “steps” along regularly spaced points in a measure and Quantize lets you set how many points there will be in the measure, In Step Write, since you can only enter notes to those points, the more points there are in a measure, the more leeway you have in entering notes. Quantize values are shown in the LCD as note values and represent fractions of a measure; thus, the eighth note ( JJ) means that there will be eight points or divisions in the measure, The default setting is a quarter note. © Metronome {The Metronome is used only in Real Time Write, See Real Time Write below.) Ну Beat/Quantize Page — Real Time Write "— — @ | o O Metronome Turns the metronome click on or off, When set to ON, the metronome sounds on cach beat of the measure (for example. three times per measure in 3/4 time) to serve as a rhythmic guide when programming patterns, The metronome can be turned on or off while a rhythm pattem 15 playing. The metronome is automatically set to ON when a blank pattern has been selected, and is set to OFF when an existing pattem is copied, © Quantize Note: ya olaa я ote: Beal can only be changed in This à unction l6 generally the same as tha in Step Write operation. Real Time Write when the rhythm Used with Real Time Write, however, it allows vou to automatically | pattem is stopped, “correct” the timing of the notes you enter, according to the specified - Quantize resolution. _Entering Percussion Sounds to a Rhythm Pattern Percussion sounds can be entered by either Step Write or Real Time Write from the Edit page. (Sounds can also be entered in the Beat/Quantize page by Real Time Write.) As with the Beat/Quantize page above, the Step Write version of the Edit page is selected when the rhythm pattern is stopped, and Real Time Write is selected when the pattern is running. [Editing with Step Write Toenter sounds with Step Write: 1. Select the Edit page with the Page Select buttons, then use the step forward and step reverse controls to advance or reverse the rhythm clock to the point at which you wish to enter the percussion sound. Edit Page — Step Write pr o Cuantzo value, Measure Bent Clicks AN © Step Forward and Step Reverse Controls Each press of the corresponding Data Control buttons advances or reverses the rhythm clock by one step. The size of a single step is determined by the Quantize value, set in the Beat/Quantize page. E) Ehythm Clock Note: You can return to the Beat/ | Displays the current position in the pattern, according to the measure, Quantize page in the middie of edit- Al ás 1 elas ing and change the time signature beat, and number of clicks. A click is the smallest division of a pattern, ds aaa valía. and one beat is made up of 24 clicks. it 2. Select the percussion sound vou wish to enter. There are two ways to select percussion sounds in the Step Write mode: Press the key on the Upper or Lower Keyboard that corresponds to the sound. The instrument name automatically appears al the top right of the LCD when the key is pressed. The selected instru- ment is automatically assigned 10 an available empty rhythm track. tr Use the leftmost Data Control buttons under the instrument num- ber to step through the available sixteen rhythm tracks. The name of the instrument currently assigned to the selected track is dis- played at the top right of the LCD, (Since this method allows you to select only from among the assigned instruments, use the Change function described with the LCD below to change instru- ment assignments. | o © e © Rhythm Track Selects from among the sixteen rhythm tracks and displays the instru- ment number currently assigned to the track. @ Change To change the instrument assigned to any given track: |) Select the track using the Rhythm Track control. 2) Simultaneously hold down the Data Control button corresponding to Change and press the key on the Upper or Lower keyboard that corre- sponds to the Instrument, © Clear The Clear function is used to erase an instrament from the rhythm pattern. All instances of the selected instrument, irrespective of which tracks they occupy, will be erased from the pattem. Hh 1 There are two ways to use Clear: ] ) While holding down the Data Control button corresponding to Clear, press the key on the keyboard cor- responding to the instrument you wish to erase, (A short "beep” sound indicates that the instrument has been erased.) You can erase all of the sounds on all recorded tracks of the pattern by holding down the Data Control button corresponding to Clear and simultaneously pressing the lowest key (C1) on the Lower keyboard, Be careful not to do this inadvertently since all sounds will be instantly and permanently erased. 2) Press, then release the Data Control button corresponding to Clear, The following display appears, prompting confirmation of the operation: ДИ | РОШ | 12180 HER Re dupe leer [Cancel] Eh < 3 4 pp HE 1) Select OK with any of these buttons lo clear all data. A "complejed” mensage momentarily appesra on tivo LC, 2) Balect Cancel with any of theses buttons lo abort 1he opara- tian and return lo the original Edit display. 3. Use the Accent section of the Edit page to enter the sound to the selected point. A EDIT 12:BD HEAU 1 Cel Quite 4 BE о © Accent Records the instrument and determines its volume or Accent level. Press the Data Control button that corresponds to the Accent level you wish to set; the instrument is automatically inserted at that Accent level to the selected position in the pattern (shown in the rhythm clock). Selection of an Accent level automatically advances the rhythm clock by one step, according to the current Quantize resolution value, LA Nate: You can record up to sixteen different instrument sounds In a single rhythm pattern, with each n= truenos copy in ome of te sixicen available tracks. The Rhythm Pattern Programmer hus polyphonic cupac- Ny for playing up to eight sounds simultaneo uy, Instruments can only be emered | there are emply tracks remaining. If all sixteen tracks have been used, no subsequently selected instruments can be heard or recorded. | Editing with Real Time Write Toenter sounds with Real Time Write: 1 « Select the Beat Quantize page or Edit page with the Page Select buttons, then start the rhythm pattern by pressing the START button. 2 « While the rhythm pattern is running, play the percussion sounds from the Upper and/or Lower keyboards. Listen to the metronome click as you play the sounds, using it as a guide to keep in time and tempo. The pattern will automatically repeat (or "loop" ) every two measures, Each instrument sound is recorded and automatically assigned to a separate track as you play it. All events of a single sound are assigned to the same track; for example, if you alternately play a hi hat sound with a snare drum, all notes of the hi hat will be recorded to one track and all notes of the snare drum to another track, | 3. When you've finished entering instruments to the pattern, stop it by pressing the START button again, or by selecting the Accom- paniment or Save pages. Edit Page — Real Time Write Clear Asin Step Write, the Clear function is used to erase an instrument from the rhythm pattern. However, the method of operation is slightly differ- ent, Hold down the Data Control button that corresponds to Clear in the display, and simultaneously press the key on the keyboard correspond- ing to the instrument you wish to erase. All instances of the selected instrument, irespective of which tracks they occupy, will be erased from the pattern. You can erase all of the sounds on all recorded tracks of the pattern by selecting Clear and pressing the lowest key (C1) on the Lower key- board. Be careful not to do this inadvertently since all sounds will be instantly and permanently erased. Y | Note: All of the instrument and rack | recording limitations described in Step Write apply to Real Time Write | aswell, (See note in Editing with Step | While, step #3, p91) Savin £ Rhythm Patterns To save a newly created rhythm pattern to a User pattern number: 1. Select the Save page with the Page Select buttons. PAGE — The current rhythm pattern, if playing, will automatically be stopped when this page is selected. E Using the appropriate Data Control buttons, select both the User number and variation type to which you wish to save the newly created rhythm pattern. Keep in mind that you cannot save a rhythm pattern by selecting only a User number; you must also select a variation type = A, B, C, D, or FILL (Fill In). Including the Fill In patterns, up to 40 different rhythm patterns (8 User numbers X 5 variations) can be saved. о tons dar oui on ro O User Numbers © Variations O Fill In о Remaining Memory Indicates the amount of memory available for storing rhythm patterns. This is expressed as a percentage: 100% indicates the maximum amount of memory available, and 0% indicates that there is no more memory available, Once you have selected a User number and type, the following display will appear, prompting confirmation of the operation, 92 PATTERN OUT EDIT" tejo og USER | USER select OR to save the rhythm pattern or “Cancel to abort the opera- tion and return to the previous display, Dd pl my 1 vo La OK (Canoe 3 hail FILL vw hen the pattern has been saved, the following display appears: When the pattern cannot be saved because of lack of available memory space, the following display appears: Press the Data Control button corresponding to Confirm” to return to the original Save display, Y ou should periodically save your rhythm pattem as you are making it and check the amount of remaining memory. If the rhythm pattern currently being edited cannot be saved because of a lack of memory space, erase some of the less necessary percussion sounds with the Clear function, and try saving the pattern again. | Selecting Accompaniment Patterns This function of the Rhythm Pattern Programmer allows you use one of the Electone’s Accompaniment patterns with your original rhythm pattern, You can select the Accompaniment pattem that best matches the rhythm pattern that you have created. 93 Mote: The Power On Reset function (see page 33 can be io delete nll User rhythm patterns from memory. To select an appropriate Accompaniment pattern for your newly created rhythm pattern: 1 « Select the Accompaniment (ACC.) page with the Page Select buttons. March [March arch mac pop rr Coun- res Baro- mes 5 — LtrY1 Tte (was due | 0 2. Press the button corresponding to the desired rhythm type in the Rhythm section on the panel. RHYTHM WAL USER 2 USER 4 USER 3: 8 BEAT {| 16-BEAT USER 8 с LATIN 2 USER 7 LATIN 1 USER 6 3. The rhythm menu for the rhythm you selécted in step 42 above Will appear in the LCD. Select the desired rhythm pattern from the menu with the Data Control buttons. TI SA = H = " и : i: EER F я “ET m= TH ISTE E Suing LE pul poi [Swine Swing Ten TYPE marées [| TE ¡Pixie ТУРЕ andl 4 94 Note: If a rhythm pattern is started in the Accompaniment page, the Ac- companiment will also be heard. However, both the rhythm pattern and the Accompaniment will auto- matically be stopped when you leave the page. 4. You can also call up the Rhythm Condition page from the above display and set the Accompaniment volume, To do this, press the same Data Control button as you did in step #3 above in selecting a rhythm pattern, and adjust the Accompaniment volume with the appropriate Data Control buttons, Rhythm Condition Page Singl |, eT 1 = IM as a ri rus Lope ur AL E] Leaving the Rhythm Pattern Programming Functions You can exit the Rhythm Pattern Programmer from any of lts display pages. To do this: 1. Press the RHYTHM PATTERN button in the DISPLAY SELECT section once again, If a rhythm pattern is playing, it will automatically be stopped. The following display will appear, prompting confirmation of the opera- tion, ved, the « IM Sure You | thoy Zu Select "OK" toleave the Rhythm Pattern Programmer, or "Cancel" to abort the operation and return to the previous display. 95 Nate: IT you leave the Rhythm Раг- tern Programmer without having | edited any pattems, this display will | MAN] (pir, Playing User Rhythm Patterns The User rhythm patterns you have created in the Rhythm Pattern Programmer can be selected and played from the panel Rhythm controls. To do this: 1 « Press one of the Dotted buttons in the Rhythm section, a USER le аще, E | IL i ej ha Er ea UGE ‘ | USE =F аа ай На vad be 3. Select the desired User rhythm pattern from the LCD display by using the Data Control buttons. SER ZB iii — ra NI TTA 1 US BR | USE UT el LEEELEE Y Y E vi Vi Be sure to select both a User number and a variation type (A, B, C, or D). PLAYING USER FILL IN PATTERNS: You can play User Fill In patterns by selecting the desired User number and pressing the FILL IN button in the Rhythm section on the panel. Programming Rhythm Sequences With the the Rhythm Sequence Programmer, vou can connect any of the Electone s existing rhythm patterns and the rhythm patterns of your own creation together to make complete rhythm compositions. You can save four rhythm compositions to the Sequence buttons on the panel for future recall, E Tocall up the Rhythm Sequence Programmer function: 1 ¢ Pressthe RHY THM SEQUENCE button in the DISPLAY SELECT section, 586 E ui LADA mba DA SELECT The LEDs of the numbered Sequence buttons in the Rhythm section on the panel will flash and the following display will prompt you to select a sequence number, ” Press one of the Sequence buttons to call up the Khythm Se- quence display. In this display, different rhythm patterns (both Preset rhythm patterns and User rhythm patterns that you created with the Rhythm Pattern Programmer) can be entered in sequence along the pattern row in the middle of the display. Entered patterns are shown in boxes, while the numbers in the row above indicate the position, The three-character code inside each box indicates the type and number of the rhythm pattern. The preset rhythm patterns of the Electone are indicated by a two-digit number (i.e., [05 | or [16 ]), User patterns are indicated by the "U" prefix as well as a letter suffix representing the type — A, B,C, D, and F (Fill In). Examples of these include [U3C) and [UBF], The preset patterns also may have a letter suffix: "1" indi- cates Intro, "F" indicates Fill In, and "E" indicates Ending (i.e., [011], [20F], and [ 16E]). 97 | quences in this step, any editing done Note: When you select one of the se- to that sequence is instantly and auto matically saved. This means that if vou select a sequence that is already programmed, any editing you do will permanently change ihe sequence ari the original sequence cannot be recovered. Mole: Any $ytlv pattern currently playing will automatically be stopped | when you call up ie Rhythm Se- quence Programmer function, Also, use of the Music Disk Recorder func tons awlematically cancels Rhythm sequence operitiona, To program a rhythm sequence: 1. select the type of rhythm pattern you wish to enter, Preset or User, A] A] [A] [A] Y 7 21 Select the desired rhythm pattern by pressing the appropriate button in the Rhythm Select section, then select SET in the display to enter the pattern, (Refer to the Rhythm Pattern Number Table below for a list of the rhythm patterns and their number assign- menís.) 1) Press oñe of the rhythm buttons. = == i 1 i 1 | E "o mem 4 Sra FA BH An a | М A Fa Ad TAT TA IA] [A] [2 = : _. £ = — -— 7 V| (VI [V 71 [V = ! x | i i hf LI Ш E E : ыы | — L ы hal) 2) ...than select SET. When PRESET is selected in step #1 above, the Rhythm Select buttons are used to select the Preset rhythm names printed at the top. When USER is selected, however, these buttons function according to the User numbers and letters printed at the bottom. Select the User pattern by pressing one of the numbered buttons (1 - 8), then a lettered button (А, В, С, от О) от РПЦ (Гот User Fill In). Note: A maximum of 120 patterns can be entered to a single sequence. Rhythm Pattern Number Table 01 | March 1 18 Bolero 135 | Slow Rock 3 52| в Веа! 3 02 March 2 19 | Swing 1 36 | Tango 1 53 | 8 Beal 4 03 | March 3 20 | Swing 2 | 37 | Tango 2 54 B Beal 5 04 Polka 1 21 | Swing 3 38 | Tango 3 55 Dance Pop 1 05 Polka 2 22 | Swing 4 39 | Cha-cha 56 | Dance Pop 2 06 | Country 1 23 | Swing 5 40 | Rhumba 57 | Dance Pop 3 07 | Country 2 | 24 | Swing 6 41 | Beguina 58 | Dance Pop 4 08 Broadway 25 | Jazz Ballad 42 | Mambo 59 | 16 Beat 1 09 | Barogue 26 | Dixialand 1 43 | Salsa 60 | 16 Baal 2 10 | Waltz 1 27 | Dixieland 2 44 | Samba 1 61 | 16 Beat 3 11 | Waltz 2 | 28 | Bounce 1 45 | Samba 2 62 | 16 Baal 4 12 Waltz 3 28 | Воипсе 2 46 | Samba 3 63 | 16 Beats 13 | Waltz 4 30 Bounce 3 47 | Bossanova 1 64 | 16 Beat Funk 1 14 Waltz 5 31 Reggae 1 48 | Bossanova 2 65 | 16 Boal Funk 2 15 ‚Jazz Waltz 1 32 Reggae? 49 | Bossanova 3 66 | 16 Beat Funk 3 18 | Jazz Waltz 2 33 | Slow Rock 1 50 | B Beal 1 17 Jazz wala 3 34 | Slow Rock 2 31 | 8 Beat 2 Fill-in/ Intro Ending User | 01F | March 1 Fill-in U1A | User 1- À 011 | March 1 Intro, U1B | Usar 1-B OE | March 1 Ending UIC | User 1-0 A U1D | Usar 1-D UAF | User 1- Fill-in 3. If you wish to enter a Fill In, Intro, or Ending pattern, hold down the appropriate rhythm control button on the panel (INTRO). ENDING or FILL IN) and simultaneously press the Data Control button corresponding to SET, 1) While holding dewrn INTRO. ENDING or FILL IN... | "Il Я LE. | 11 1 | я Li — a T ET 4 еланьдыль LE RIRE |= #15 ERE REEL a E mo = fp JE ue INS, | DEL. [CLEAR 2) ..prosa BET, Lat) | Note: Any existing pattem dan that follows an Ending pattern is auto- matically deleted. ABOUT ENTERING INTRO AND ENDING PATTERNS: | Pressing the INTRO. ENDING button when at the first position in À pattern row automatically enters an Intro pattern there, Pressing the "a INTRO. ENDING button at any other Pen Inabegg enteran, +, Ending pattern, pe id bal [go ess Г. EE Е 4 « Use the cursor controls to move the cursor along the pattern row in the display and select the position at which patterns will be entered. 1 hen use the data controls to enter and delete pattern numbers in the pattern row, Pero aurrently selected rhythm Pattern Aa с ы urend Moseure pattern name and variation El selected. Nate: An Intro or Fill In pattem en- tered to the First position is not regis tered as a measure, and the current measure display shows "= Bar,” even though a pattem has been entered, Cursor Controls © !'< -- Moves the cursor to the first position. O <-- Moves the cursor one measure to the left. © > -- Moves the cursor one measure to the right. The Coarse button can also be used with the cursor controls to move the cursor several steps at a time, Data Controls O Preset/User Determines the type of rhythm pattern, Preset or User, (See step #1 above.) o Sel For imbally entering a pattern number to an empty position in the pattern row, or lor replacing a pattern at the cursor position. (See steps #2 and #3 above.) O Insert For inserting a pattern number at the current cursor position, The new pattern is entered to the cursor position and all other patterns to the right of the cursor are moved to accommodate the new number, The opera- tion is the same as for Set (see steps #2 and #3 above). © Delete For deleting a pattern number at the current cursor position, o Clear For erasing all patterns entered to the selected sequence, After selecting Clear, the following display appears: |0) Select "OK" to clear the currently selected rhythm sequence, or "Can- cel” to abort the operation and retum to Me previous display, You can play the rhythm sequence at any time during the editing pro- cess by moving the cursor to the point al which you wish to begin play- back and pressing the Rhythm START button, ABOUT USING REGISTRATIONS WITH THE RHYTHM SE- QUENCE PROGRAMMER: The rhythm patterns assigned to the sequence can be changed during editing by selecting different regis- trations. This allows you to create a registration that contains the specific rhythm patterns that you will use in a given sequence, and call up that registration when editing the sequence. The type of Accompa- niment used with the rhythm patterns also depends on the selected registration, Leaving the Rhythm Sequence Function To exit the Rhythm Sequence Programmer: Press the RHYTHM SEQUENCE button in the DISPLAY SELECT section once again. (The LED of the button will turn off.) 101 | Playing Rhythm Sequences To play any of the rhythm sequences you have created: Press the appropriate Sequence button on the panel, then press the rhythm START button, When one of the four rhythm sequences is playing, each programmed rhythm pattern that plays is indicated by the lit LED on the Rhythm panel button. When a Preset rhythm pattern is playing, the current pattern button's LED is lit: When a User rhythm pattern is playing, the LEDs of the two pattern buttons (User number and Lo are lit: Playing All Sequences In Order You can also have up to all four rhythm sequences automatically play in order, one after the other. To do this: 1. Press the desired Sequence buttons, making sure that their LEDs are all lit. 2. Pressthe START button. | —_— Ааа The rhythm sequences start from the lowest number and play in order automatically to the highest number. (For example, if you press Se- quence buttons 4, 2 and 1 in that order, the sequences will be played back in their numeric order: 1, 2, then 4.) This function effectively allows you to make a long rhythm sequence that exceeds the 120- pattern memory limit of a single sequence. Saving Rhythm Pattern and Rhythm Sequence Data to Disk Once you have created your own rhythm patterns and rhythm sequences, you'll want to save them to disk. Doing so allows you to free up memory in the Electone for creating additional rhythm patterns and sequences. Also, the User rhythm patterns and sequences you've saved to disk can be loaded back to the Electone any time. Rhythm Pattern and Rhythm Sequence data is included in the bulk data that is saved when you record registrations to disk. Refer to the section Recording Registrations, page 63, for instructions. Recalling Rhythm Pattern and Rhythm Sequence Data from Disk The Rhythm Pattern and Rhythm Sequence data saved to disk as part of bulk data, can instantly be loaded back to the Electone. Refer to the section Recalling Recorded Registrations, page 64, for instructions. Note: When loading your original Rhythm Program data back to the Electone, be sure to stop the rhythm pattern if it is playing. Loading can- not be executed when a rhythm pat- tern is running. 103 ">

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Key features
- Rhythm Pattern Programmer
- Rhythm Sequence Programmer
- 75 Percussion Sounds
- 16 Rhythm Tracks
- Accompaniment Patterns
- Keyboard Percussion
Frequently asked questions
There are two methods: Step Write and Real Time Write. Step Write allows for precise note placement, while Real Time Write lets you capture the feel of a rhythm by playing it as you record.
You can save them to memory using the Save page of the Rhythm Pattern Programmer. Up to 40 patterns can be saved, with eight User numbers, each with five variations.
Yes, you can select an accompaniment pattern that best matches your created rhythm pattern from the Accompaniment page.