Additional Uses for your IsoBreathe® Lung Exerciser
Using the IsoBreathe® provides benefits for athletic training. Using the
IsoBreathe® during warm-up and cool downs can enhance the physical gains of training. Breathe in and out through your IsoBreathe® 25 times prior to the warm up, and just after the cool down, for best effects. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop using the IsoBreathe® immediately and consult with a physician before using again.
Artists who utilize wind instruments may also benefit from the IsoBreathe® .
Breathe in and out through your IsoBreathe® 25 times prior to and after practicing with your instrument. We do not suggest using the IsoBreathe® before a performance. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop using the
IsoBreathe® immediately and consult with a physician before using again.
Your IsoBreathe® can also be focused on the muscles used when breathing out. To use your IsoBreathe® for expiratory training, turn the cap clockwise as much as you can. Now use your IsoBreathe® by inhaling through your nose out through your mouth. As with other uses, you should breathe in and out 25 times per session. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop using the IsoBreathe® immediately and consult with a physician before using again.
Frequent Questions
How do I know that the IsoBreathe® is working?
Do not expect quick results. Increased lung functioning will require repeated sessions over the course of two weeks, four weeks, or even longer. Please consult with a physician if you feel any pain or discomfort while using the IsoBreathe® .
Should I feel light headed or dizzy when using the IsoBreathe®?
Though some light headedness is normal due to increased oxygen intake, you should not feel dizzy. Stop using the IsoBreathe® until the feeling passes. If the feeling persists, stop using your IsoBreathe® and consult with your physician.
Should breathing be more difficult after a session with the IsoBreathe®?
No. If you are experiencing any shortness of breathe during or immediately following a session with the IsoBreathe® , stop using your IsoBreathe® and consult with your physician.
Is my heart rate supposed to increase when using the IsoBreathe®?
A slight increase is normal. However, if your heart starts beating rapidly stop using the IsoBreathe® immediately. Do not use the device until directed to do so by a physician.
How do I clean my IsoBreathe®?
After each session, use warm, soapy, water to clean your IsoBreathe® and then rinse the device with warm water before drying with a clean soft towel. You may also clean your IsoBreathe® in the top rack of a dishwasher.
PLEASE NOTE: As with all fitness related activities, it is strongly advised that you consult with a physician prior to using the IsoBreathe®
© 2018 Kagan Unlimited. Chicago, IL 60625.
Toll Free Customer Service: 1-888-737-1017 • Email: [email protected]
All Rights Reserved.
Lung Exerciser
For Customer Assistance or More Infromation
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Toll Free 1-888-737-1017
Please read instruction manual prior to use.
Not a medical replacement.
Thank you for purchasing the
IsoBreathe® !
Whether a musician, athlete, or simply a person wishing to live a more active lifestyle, the IsoBreathe® can assist you in your goals.
Please read this instruction manual carefully . If you are experiencing an issue with your lungs, or have difficulty breathing, you must consult with a doctor prior to use.
Inhaling through the IsoBreathe® for just a few minutes twice a day is all you need to do to increase your endurance and stamina. Within a short period of time you will be well on your way to feeling the wonderful effects of stronger, healthier lungs! Breathe deeply with the IsoBreathe® .
Your IsoBreathe®
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with your IsoBreathe® . The device has five important parts: (A) the cap, (B) the body, (C) the resistance ring, (D) the mouthpiece, and
(E) the ball (not visible in diagram).
As with all fitness related activities, it is strongly advised that you consult with a physician prior to using the IsoBreathe®.
IsoBreathe® - Getting Started
As with all fitness related activities, it is strongly advised that you consult with a physician prior to using the IsoBreathe® .
1. Hold your IsoBreathe® so that the mouthpiece is facing up as in [fig.1] .
2. Rotate the cap Left or Right until cap is in or near position shown in [fig.2] .
3. Rotate the ring Left or Right until ring is in or near position shown in [fig.3] .
IsoBreathe® - Setting Resistance
When using the IsoBreathe® , only breathe through your mouth. Do not breathe through your nose, unless doing the “Expiratory Training” as explained later.
STEP 1: Place mouthpiece in your mouth. Inhale quickly until you feel as though
your lungs are full. Please note that a clicking sound is normal.
STEP 2: If Step 1 was difficult then maintain this level of resistance until you find
inhaling to be easier. If you accomplished Step 1 with little or no difficulty
then you should increase resistance. Hold the IsoBreathe® with the
mouthpiece facing you and rotate the ring counter-clockwise one full turn.
STEP 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until you find a resistance level that makes inhalation of breath difficult, but not overly strenuous.
IsoBreathe® - Conditioning and Use
FIRST TWO WEEKS: Use your IsoBreathe® twice per day. During each session, you should breathe both in and out through your IsoBreathe® 25 times. It should only take between 2 – 3 minutes to accomplish 25 breathes. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop using the IsoBreathe® immediately and consult with a physician before using again.
THE NEXT TWO WEEKS: By now you should be experiencing some benefits from using the IsoBreathe® . The current resistance setting is likely too easy for you now and should be increased. Increase the resistance of your IsoBreathe® by holding the device with the mouthpiece facing you and rotating the resistance ring counterclockwise one half of one full turn. Continue using your IsoBreathe® twice per day, inhaling and exhaling 25 times per session. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop using the IsoBreathe® immediately and consult with a physician before using again.
AFTER THE FIRST MONTH: By now you should be experiencing the benefits of using your IsoBreathe® . Continue to increase the resistance to your IsoBreathe® every two weeks. Once you have achieved full resistance, and can no longer turn the resistance ring of your IsoBreathe® , you will only need a few sessions per week to maintain enhanced lung function. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop using the IsoBreathe® immediately and consult with a physician before using again.
Continue to increase your IsoBreathe® resistance approximately every two weeks. Remember, inhalation should be difficult, but not overly strenuous . It may take some time to achieve full resistance. STICK WITH IT! Getting the most out of your IsoBreathe® requires a commitment. It may take several weeks before the resistance ring can no longer be turned. Once you have achieved full resistance, you will still need a few sessions per week to maintain enhanced lung function.