Raymarine Autohelm ST3000 Operation And Installation
Raymarine Autohelm ST3000 is a cockpit autopilot designed for wheel-steered yachts up to 15,000 lbs (7000kg). It's owner-installable and comprises a bracket-mounted control head and a proven wheel drive actuator. With its SeaTalk compatibility, the ST3000 can share data from other Autohelm SeaTalk instruments, such as wind information for windvane steering or boat speed for optimum Track keeping performance. It also allows additional autopilot control units to be easily connected at secondary steering positions. The ST3000 is recommended for use with Raymarine's SeaTalk interface for expanded compatibility with GPS, Decca, and Loran position transducers, providing advanced navigational capabilities.
Distributed by Raymarine Any reference to Raytheon or RIN in this manual should be interpreted as Raymarine. The names Raytheon and RTN are owned by the Raytheon Company. Autohelm . ST3000 WHEELDRIVE AUTOPILOT ‘Operation and Installation Nautech Limited, Anchorage Park, Portsmouth PO3 5TD, England. Telephone (0705) 693611 Fax (0705) 694642, Telex 86384 NAUTEC G S73000 Wheel Drive Autopiot Operation and Instafarion Handlıoa ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot 513000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and rare Се, Le TAN 12 E E во, e ET ; pam me EM a | Pre Ya eme Contents Specifications Licucccrenecenensereneensensesserrensanuanenn ana sen esssensessasesenne ue & Introduction nerrocooorareranaaaseraracennaaccorenaneecacanannanecacanaanaceconenanoee Y Safety Moorereresseoareneercanencaceacenooecaracncecaneacanerennooeacoorncocacananaceneeeee Y Edo au Chapter 1: Operation ..........-.....-.e.erceccoreranerenorrnee ene 7 1.1 Basic principles ........................ eee... TT 7 1.2 Operator controls ................. eas eres aerate eer —ann 8 StandDy ….……….......….…rrsercecrsrsserssenserrenre ren ascecreneencene cena 8 Dodge ...................ciieereereineeee eee een 10 Track Control ..........................eeeevecerricror reno ncae ee ees 11 Windvane Mode (WindTrim) .......................--..ecemerivereeereoneare 11 Automatic Deadband Control (Auto seastate) ....................... 12 Automatic Tack (Autotack)........................eeeeeonrerirreos ns 13 Humination .................-..—e.ercevroniiconeo eee pacssrsaaansacees „еее. 14 Off course alarm ...............e....e.eesm00... rns rere Kerr EEE 14 1.3 Operating hints ......................eme000.e en... een pennenos ..15 sie ae à vanced Operation Chapter 2: Using ‘Track Control’ and WindTrim ..................... 20 Chapter 3: Adjusting autopilot performance y Chapter 4: Autopilot re-calibration Cesneoconenccaooenanananaroreanocanenanes 29 Installation Chapter 5: Installation Cenoronoooooocacovaneneracacaneacereooceacanccneaacaneneose SI Chapter 6: Functional Test and Initial Sea Trial ....................... 99 Chapter 7: Accessories Leccsscsssserarsranaea ner seen sance tenaas era cc acc OZ Chapter 8: Maintenance ererooooooonoraconacceorencaeerocanencecencannnananese 04 Chapter 9: Fault Finding TO OD _ ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and Installation ПВН Specifications * Power Supply - 10to 15Vd.c. e Current consumption ~ Standby: 65mA (120mA with lighting) — Auto: between 0.7A and 2.5A depending on boat trim, helm load and sailing conditions * Operating temperature - OC to +70% * 6 button digital keypad LCD display of heading, locked course and navigational information + User calibration for optimum performance e WindTrim' control in wind vane mode o Sealalk compatible e Automatic compass deviation correction e Northerly/Southerly heading compensation * Automatic heading deadband * Automatic tack e Built-in radio navigation interface « Waypoint advance feature ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilos Operation anirralan memos Introduction Ri EE The ST3000 is a cockpit autopilot for wheel steered yachts. It is designed for owner installation and comprises of 2 units: ¢ Bracket mounted control head ¢ Proven wheel drive actuator The control head is SeaTalk compatible and therefore can share all data transmitted from other Autohelm SeaTalk instruments: e Wind information from a Wind instrument can be used for windvane steering without the need to install a separate vane * Boat speed from the Speed instrument for optimum Track keeping performance e SeaTalk compatibility also allows additional fixed and handheld autopilot control units to be easily connected at secondary steering and control positions If a SeaTalk interface is included the Control head can be used with any position transducer (GPS, Decca, Loran) transmitting NMEA 0183 data. The wheel drive unit is attached by a single pin to a clevis permanently fixed to the cockpit structure. Drive is transmitted to the wheelby a tensioned toothed beit. A lever operated eccentric bush in the drive unit mounting arm enables belt tension to be released to facilitate manual override by allowing the belt to slip. The drive disengagement system is both effective and reliable. The ST3000 can be calibrated to suit each installation giving maximum performance with many types of boats and steenng systems. important Note: The ST3000 is recommended for wheel steered vessels up to 15,000 Ib (7000kg) displacement. Above this limit and for heavy duty applications, such as single handed racing or long distance ocean sailing, one of the more powerful Autohelm autopilots (ST6000, ST7000) is advised. PERE BERR | halos pm ET x SE "A € diia Lo + ET a 2 AT ETE - ST 3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and Installation Handbook ye sm gE “PP CEA Passage making under autopilot can greatly increase the pleasure of the voyage and ensure the crew can relax. However, this can lead to a dangerous lack of attention to basic seamanship. The following rules should always be observed:- | e Maintain a permanent watch and check regularly all round for other vessels and obstacles to navigations. No matter how clear the sea may appear a dangerous situation can develop rapidly Maintain an accurate record of the vessel's position either by use of a radio navigation receiver or visual bearings Maintain a continuous plot of position on a current chart. Ensure the locked autopilot heading steers you clear of all obstacles. Make proper allowance for Tidal Set—the autopilot cannot! Even when your autopilot is locked to the desired Track using a radio navigation receiver maintain a log and a regular positional plot. Radio navigation signals can produce significant errors under some circum: stances and the autopilot cannot detect this situation + Ensure that all members of crew are familiar with the proce- dures required to disengage the autopilot - Hand steering is not possible when the wheel drive clutch lever is engaged When searoom is restricted a crew member must be close to the control head at all times if under autopilot control Your Autohelm ST3000 will add a new dimension to your boating enjoy- ment. However, it is the responsibility of the skipper to ensure the safety of the vessel at all times by careful observance of these basic rules. Basic Operation _ ST3000 Whea! Drive Autoplot Operation anc rai on ADO ee ear AA 6 Qe FE pew rR DEN Contents Chapter 1: Operation Chapter 1: Operation .........................>e=.eesvecencenacenionacanecanes 7 1.1 Basic principles 1.1 Basic principles .....................e+.ececererennenenineco erre 7 1.2 Operator controls ...................e..eeverenierneeene ne ‚8 When switched on, the ST3000 will be in ‘Standby mode. To select Standby .................e.ee.e=eneevenrerer ce eee ene ice 8 automatic steering simply steady the vessel on the required heading AUto ............e.eeceorrerienacccocareneerervenoneranvocanerereenearaaceeere 8 engage the clutch lever and push Auto. At any time to return to manual Course changes (-1, +1, -10, +10) ....................e.mie0 em... 9 steering release the clutch and push Standby. Dodge .................rrieemmiceconeeorirnen er ener e ercer eme 10 Autopilot control has been simplified to a set of pushbutton operations, all Track Control’ ..... EEE AALEN 11 of which are confirmed with a ‘beep’ tone. In addition to the main single key Windvane Mode (WindTrim) ......................-.....m.-erresmencoones 11 functions there are several dual key press functions. Course changes can Automatic Deadband Control (Auto seastate) .................... 12 be made at any time using the -1, +1, -10, and +10 degree keys. Automatic Tack (Autotack) rue Kennen 13 ‚ ‚ lumination .................e reee erre eee 14 Passage making under automatic pilot is a very pleasant experi- Of course alarm ...................e.eeriezermer eee es 14 ence which can lead to the temptation of relaxing permanent 1.3 Operating hints .....................e..eeeeneemneeereenre 15 watch. This must always be avoided no matter how clear the sea .3 Operating hints оненосоеннннные may appear to be. Remember, a large ship can travel two miles in five minutes - just the time it takes to make a cup of coffee. The next few pages list ali of the pushbutton operations needed for full autopilot control. e -1 +1 e e -10 +10 e STAND BY AUTO san RE A eS APL ARI 573000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and statin Hon)m2 1.2 Operator controls Standby Dr m Push io disengage the autopilot for hand steering The previous auto heading is memorised and can be recalled using the Auto key (see ‘Auto. In ‘Standby’ the display shows the vessels current compass heading. A235” Push to engage automatic steering and maintain current heading In ‘Auto’ the display shows the locked autopilot heading. If for any reason the vessel is steered away from the selected locked heading (e.g. Dodge manoeuvre or selecting ‘Standby) then: Push and hold down Auto for 1 second The previous locked heading will be flashed for 10 seconds. To select this heading, and resume the original course, press the Auto key once within 10 seconds. Also see ‘Dodge’ - page 10. Course changes (-1, +1,-10, +10) Я (35° mr Ш Push to alter course to Port (=) and Starboard (+) in increments of 1° and 10° 30° to starboard Present course 30° course change to Starboard 42° to port YY N Present course 42° course change to Port 573000 Whoo! Drive Autopilot Operation and nea? on Tom: e ve owt > тучи то ол = 10 gre re e TATI ET Edd a Dodge In order to avoid an obstacle under autopilot control select a course change in the appropriate direction (say starboard 30°=3x+10°). pay Mode rT her A235 == 0778 When safely clear of the obstacle press Auto and hold down for 1 second. The previous locked heading will now be flashed on the screen. To return to the old course press Auto within 10 seconds. ACES” 022% Alternatively the previous course change can be reversed via the key pad example: 3 x -10”. ipter 1: Operation “Track Control” an [A235 Г) Г Locked heading OCT [IL == == W.Pt EI LJ (Sm Distance to waypoint ” ti LLC |, ross track error e LJ. | | Bearing to waypoint 0178 m Push+10 and-10 degree keys together to select “Track Control” from Auto. Push again to return to automatic steering. Once in “Track Control, the autopilot will follow a predetermined trac! setup on a GPS/Decca/Loran navigator receiver, see “Advanced operation” for more details. Windvane Mode (Windtrim) 306 El ны ca on о 01 / ва E Push Auto and Standby together to select “Windtrim” and maintain the current apparent wind angle. If for any reason the vessel is steered away from the selected appar wind angle (i.e. dodge manoeuvre or selecting standby) then: E Push and hold the Auto and Standby keys together for 1 second tc return to the previous apparent wind angle. MI Whilst in windvane mode, the control head will beep once every 30 seco m Press the +1 and -1 degree course change keys together to toggle between auto deadband and fixed minimum deadband. The degree sign will flash when the fixed minimum dead band is selected This can only be done with the Autopilot in ‘Auto’ mode. ‘Automatic deadband’ (Auto seastate) will cause the pilot to gradually neglect repetitive movements of the vessel and only respond to true variations in course. This provides the best compromise between power consumption and course keeping accuracy by neglecting unnecessary rudder movements. ‘Minimum deadband’ will always provide the tightest course keeping possible but at the expense of increased power consumption and drive unit activity. Automatic Tack (Autotack) The ST3000 has a built in automatic tack facility which will turn the vessel through 100° in the required direction. This feature is available in both Compass and Vane modes. w Press the +1 and +10 degree keys together to tack through 100° to vo Ads LM SU DI Or: E Press the -1 and -10 degree keys together to Tack through 100° to port WIND DIR} . Lu еж YE dee Bow ome awe — ze ry ió ame e pram" 14 _S73000 Wheel Drive Autopäot Operation and kıstalialion Handbook Hlumination Illumination for the control head display can be switched on for night time viewing. This can only be done with the autopilot in ‘Standby’ mode. LO fe w Press the +1 and-L keys together to toggle illumination on and off Also if other SeaTalk instruments or autopilot control units are connected to the SeaTalk bus the illumination on the ST3000 can be switched on or off from these units. Off course alarm The off course alarm will sound if the locked autopilot heading and the vessels current heading differ, for greater than 20 seconds, by more than the value set in calibration level 6. R235" | {306° To cancel the off course alarm push Standby to return to hand steering. If the off course alarm sounds it is usually an indication that the vessel is carrying too much sail, or that the sails are badly balanced. In this case a significant improvement in course keeping can usually be obtained by improving sal balance. он 1.3 Operating hints ltis very important to understand the effect of sudden trim changes on steering performance. When a sudden trim change occurs, due for example to weather helm or sail imbalance, there will be a delay before ti automatic trim applies rudder to restore the locked heading. This correction can take up to one minute. Large course changes which change the apparent wind direction can produce large trim changes. In these cases the autopilot will not immediately assume the new automatic heading, and will only settle onto course when the automatic trim has bee fully established. To minimise the time delay the following procedure may be adopted for large course changes. e Note required new heading Select Standby and steer manually Bring vessel onto new heading Select Auto and let vessel settle onto course Bring to final course with 1° increments itis sound seamanship to make major course changes only whilst steerir manually. in this way any obstructions or other vessels may be cleared properly and due account taken of the changed wind and sea conditions on the new heading prior to engaging the autopilot. In gusting conditions the course may tend to wander slightly, particularly the case of a sailing yacht with badly balanced sails. in the latter case, a significant improvement in course keeping can always be obtained by improving sail balance. Bear in mind the following important points: * Do not allow the yacht to heel over excessively » Ease the mainsheet traveller to leeward to reduce heeling and weathe helm e If necessary reef the mainsail a little early It is also advisable whenever possible to avoid sailing with the wind dead astern in very strong winds and large seas. ideally, the wind should be brought at least 30° away from a dead run an in severe conditions it may be advisable to remove the mainsail altogeth and sail under headsail only. Provided these simple precautions are take the autopilot will be able to maintain competent control in gale force conditions. — Advances Sos Le Contents $13000 ) Wheel Drive Autoplot Operation = and installation Handbook . PMA: go TRE Chapter 2: Using ‘Track Control’ and ‘WindT rim ........e....... 20 2.1 Operation in ‘Track Control’ ........... enionnena peniracinoroerecencene .20 Operating hints ................... enneccenentocereneacecoreonennecaereee ....20 Cross track erfor esse 21 Tidal Stream Compensation ........... saasssers crscssassasss carre 22 Waypoint Advance pecsrsesss urioreocacerenen. „... 23 Limitations ............. pannocsnenreneeece eenccerontecanerere peninonerneras … 23 Low speed operation ........... peeronooocecenereree. еее. 24 Dodges .................... Menecooricrcarimanerecarereoarereencacenmenenac. 24 Safety .................mircceconeneccene peerivacenencacocecncereneranerences. 2 Warning messages ..........-.-.--..eeerereienene D NMEA data not received ........ erooranereconcccecierenenreneree. LO NMEA data error .....................eeseeecorocin 29 Large cross track error Deceerecenverocetranerccererencareceneeneer 2D Waypoint advance ......... pecrcoverincecenernecoeroneeneeneranereneree 2D 2.2 Operation in WindTrim' mode ....... eenecnneeconenes en ZO Operating hints ............... Decrrarenenenoneecanneneeeee неее. 26 Wind shift alarm ...... pessresea sance sance penoroconencorerenereerereneee ...26 Chapter 3: Adjusting autopilot performance A Setting up Rudder Gain ......................=reemmeem... creas e 27 Chapter 4: Autopilot re-calibration O 4.1 Entering calibration mode ............... erenicnarereo eeencncoo een 29 4.2 Exiting calibration mode .............. pessersse seven asser sa nseceuse ‚.... 30 4.3 Suggested initial calibration settings ..... Se 30 4.4 Calibrating the autopilot to suit your boat... 32 Calibration Level 1 (Rudder Gain) ............ сене 32 Calibration Level 5 (Cruise Speed) ........................ „неее 32 Calibration Level 6 (Off course alarm angle) ..................... 32 Calibration Level 9 (Magnetic variation) ............................33 Calibration Level 10 (N'ly/S'ly heading error correction) .... 33 Calibration Level 11 (Current Vessel Latitude) ................ … 34 4 5 Disabled calibration access erreurs ‚.... 35 Chapter 2: Using Track ControT and Trea trong 1 Advanced operation The ST3000 has been setup at the factory to provide stable performanc: for most types of boat. Depending on personal choice, type of boat and steering system many of the functions and features available in the ST3000 can be fine tuned. This is normally required if: * The pilot does not maintain a selected heading * The boat appears to be unstable on Northerly headings (Southerly headings in the southern hemisphere) * You wish to display True compass headings You operate in Track Control mode * You wish to change the Off Course alarm angle The ST3000 is also capable of beng supervised by a Navigation system such as a GPS, Decca or Loran receiver — automatically compensating fo tidal streams and leeway. Courses relative to the apparent wind direction can also be maintained if the ST 3000 is connected to a wind instrument. ‘Advanced Operation’ offers a complete guide to ST3000 calibration and comprehensively covers operation in both Track Control and WindTrim' supervisory modes. It also shows how the system can be expanded to include other SeaTalk products. vos er -— am pi 4 rr» * ue] a 20 _ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and on Налет IA TU y Ya он nt + Chapter 2: Using ‘Track Control’ and ‘Wind Trim’ 2.1 Operation in ‘Track Control’ Track Control allows the ST3000 to maintain track between two way- points entered on a GPS, Decca, or Loran based Navigation system. Operating hints The Autopilot can receive cross track error data via the SeaTalk bus from the following sources: ST50 Navdata ST50 Navcenter ST6000 Autopilot Control Unit ST7000 Autopilot Control Unit e SeaTalk interface Box Note: All of the above must be connected to a navigation system transmit- ting data to the NMEA 0180 or 0183 format. The ST3000 will then compute course changes which will keep your boat on a pre-determined track, automatically compensating for tidal streams and leeway. When initiating Track Control the track can be acquired in one of two ways: e Automatic acquisition {NMEA 0183 Cross Track Error and Bearing to Waypoint data required from the receiver) e Manual acquisition (NMEA 0180 or 0183 Cross Track Error data required only) Manual acquisition is achieved by steering the vessel to within 0.1nm of track and then bringing the heading to within 5° of the bearing to the next waypoint. The pilot is then switched over to Track Control by firstly entering ‘Auto’ and then pressing the + 10 and -10 degree keys together to initiate ‘Track Control. The Display will alternate between cross track error and the locked pilot heading. Automatic acquisition can only be achieved if the pilot is receiving cross track error and bearing to waypoint information via the SeaTalk bus. It is initiated as follows: M Bring the vessel to within 0.1nm of Track m Press Auto B Press +10 and -10 degree keys together to enter Track Controf Chapter 2: Using “Track Control” and ‘Wind Trim" An alarm will sound and the display will show: 58% [Skbd D208 The information on the display alternates between the direction in which the boat will turn to take up the track and the new bearing to waypoint. Check that it's safe to turn onto the new course. 50° Waypoint D232 E Press the +10 and -10 degree keys together. The boat will now turn on to the new course and the alarm will cancel. The following navigation information will now be continuously cycled ont display: ne A Lf 8 a Locked heading CA 0 5 y | Distance to waypoint ni Fudd. ross track error nm о ase |. Bearing to waypoint Cross Track Error Cross track error is the vessel distance from a planned route. This is displayed in nautical miles and is read directly from your position trans- ducer (see above). `` a Chapter 2: Using Track Controf and WindTre Es 22 S73000 Wheel Drive Autopllot Operation and Instalatlon Hanchook даа. уу < гой о a IE Tree peta Fame пр д чет gE оо с MARNE vO A pn Waypoint Advance a If your navigation receiver transmits valid ‘Waypoint Number’ and ‘Bearin to Waypoint’ NMEA headers it is possible to advance from one waypoint | Cross the next by simply pressing the -10 and + 10 degree keys together. track error As the vessel passes the target waypoint the navigation receiver should [> |m——m——— ©] select, manually or automatically, the next target waypoint. The ST3000 Waypoint 1 Waypoint 2 will detect the new target waypoint number and display the new bearing | pr? waypoint and also the direction it will turn to acquire it. This will be accompanied by an alarm to indicate waypoint arrival (see page 25). Tidal Stream Compensation Note: While the waypoint advance alarm is sounding, ‘Track Control is ото то — suspended and the ST3000 will maintain the current boat heading. A Waypoint 2 check should be made to verify itis safe to turn onto the new track and then the +10 and -10 degree keys pressed together. This will cancel the waypoint arrival alarm and steer the boat towards the next waypoint. Unless the Waypoint Advance’ is accepted in the above way the alarm wil Components continue to sound and the current course be maintained. Limitations Although there is no need to fully understand the details of the track Vessel speed keeping algorithm, it is very important to understand its limitations so as ! through water obtain the best performance from Track Control’. The most significant of these limitations is imposed if NMEA 0180 cross track error data is transmitted by the radio navigation receiver. This data is restricted to +0.30nm, which means that even if the vessel were 5 miles to starboard of track, the transmitted data would still be 0.30nm. Attempts to engage Track Control’ beyond the 0.30nm limit will lead to excessive overshoots and can result in the vessel circling. For this reaso the alarm code is displayed (see page 25) whenever the cross track errc — exceeds 0.30nm. The requirement to remain within 0.30nm of track als limits the maximum allowable angular error between the track course an: the vessel's heading. If the angular error is too great, the Track Control Vessel speed over ground — Waypoint 1 Under most conditions Track Control’ will hold the selected track to within 0.05nm (3001) or better will be unable to cancel it within the 0.30nm limit leading to the problems The autopilot takes account of vessel speed when computing course outlined above. changes to ensure optimum performance over a wide range of vessel : speeds. If an Autohelm ST50 Speed or Tridata instrument is connected to The NMEA 0183 format transmits cross track error data up to 99.99nm Talk bus the control head will use measured vessel speed and enables the ‘Track Control’ to operate with larger cross track errors. the Sealalk bus However, the alarm code will still be displayed over 0.30nm in case there i i | ibration level 5 will be used. os otherwise the cruise speed entered during calibration are navigational hazards close to the intended track. ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopäot Operation and instalation Handbook Lee TETE EE mo. a x Lh , Bp yop we FATS Y TUE Р Low speed operation Dodges Safety Operation of the manual acquisition of Track Control’ at low speeds requires additional care as the effect of tidal streams is far more signif cant than at higher speeds. In general terms, providing the tidal flow is less than 35% of the vessel speed no noticeable difference will occur in the performance of Track Control. However, extra care should be taken to ensure that the vessel is as close as possible to track, and that the direction made good over the ground is as close as possible to the direction of the next waypoint, before engaging Track Control’. Under these circumstances positive positional checks at regular intervals are vital especially if navigational hazards are close. Full control remains available from the control head when the autopilot is in Track Control. Dodges are accomplished by simply selecting the desired course change on the Autohelm keypad. Once the hazard has been avoided the course change selected for the dodge manoeuvre should be cancelled by selecting an equal course change in the opposite direction. Provided the vessel remains within 0.1nm of track there is no need to steer back towards the track. Passage making in Track Control removes the chores of compensation for wind and tidal drift and will aid precise navigation. lt is most important however to maintain an accurate log with regular plots and to verify the computed position read from the radio navigation receiver with a dead reckoned position from recording the average course steered and the distance logged. In open water such plots should be at least hourly and more frequent in confined waters or when potential hazards are near. Local variations in radio signal quality and changes in the tidal stream wil produce deviations from the desired track. When setting up waypoints, remember that deviations will occur, and thoroughly check along each track and to 0.5nm each side to ensure that there are no hazards within the zone. Always confirm the position given by the position transducer using an easily identifiable fixed object at the start of a passage to check and enable compensation to be made for fixed positional errors. The use of Track Control’ will enable accurate track keeping even in complex navigational situations. it cannot remove the responsi- bility of the skipper to ensure the safety of his vessel at all times by careful navigation and frequent position checks. Chapter 2: Using Track Control’ and WindTrim 2! ma TT YY Te Waming messages NMEA data not received poro nm The ‘no data’ display will be shown if ‘Track Control’ is engaged when the autopilot is not receiving track information. NMEA data error Err .. Mara The ‘data error’ display will be shown if Track Control’ is engaged whilst the position transducer (GPS, Loran, Decca) is receiving a low strength signal. This will clear as soon as the signal strength improves. Large cross track error 831 The ‘large cross track error’ alarm sounds if the cross track error recervec by the pilot exceeds 0.3nm. Waypoint advance 215%» The waypoint advance alarm sounds whenever the radio navigation receiver (GPS, Loran, Decca) changes the target waypoint number. When this occurs the pilot will continue on its current heading but flash the bearing to the next waypoint on the display. This will alternate with the direction in which the boat will turn to take up that bearing. You should check to ensure that such a manoeuvre would be safe and, when you are ready to make the turn, momentarily press the +10 and -10 degree key: together. The pilot will then turn onto the new bearing and track towards the next waypoint. Note: The waypoint advance will only operate on pilots receiving bearing t waypoint information. CEH dw 415) Chapter 3: Adjusting autopilot performance | 2.2 Operation in WindTrim' mode Chapter 3: Adjusting autopilot performance WindTrim' mode allows the ST3000 to maintain course relative to an . Setting up Rudder Gain apparent wind angle. lt uses WindTrim" to eliminate the effects of turbu- lence and short term wind variations and provide smooth precise perform The factory set rudder gain level will provide stable control for initial sea trials. However, vessels can vary widely in their response to the helm, ar ance under windvane with minimum power consumption. WindTrim’ uses the fluxgate compass as the primary heading reference, and as changes further adjustment to the rudder gain may improve the autopilot’s steer: characteristics. in the apparent wind angle occur the locked compass heading is adjusted to maintain the original apparent wind angle. To use Wind Trim’ the | e Steer onto a specific course ST3000 must receive wind information from one of the following sources: « SeaTalk Wind instrument — connected to the ST3000 ма the SeaTalk bus e NMEA wind information connected via the SeaTalk Interface Box (са! по 7137) « Autohelm windvane (cat no 7087) - connected via the SeaTalk Interface Box {cat no Z137) e ST6000 or ST7000 control unit Operating hints WindTrin filters the windvane output, providing optimum response for off- shore conditions where genuine shifts in wind direction occur gradually. In gusty and unsteady inshore conditions it is best to sail a few degrees further off the wind so that changes in apparent wind direction can be tolerated. Itis also important to ensure that the amount of standing heim 15 Hold the course steady for 5 to 10 seconds e Operate the clutch lever * Press Auto to engage the autopilot on the current heading In calm conditions the boat should maintain the locked heading. The following test will check if the rudder level is set too high or too low. In clear water and with the autopilot in ‘Auto’ alter course to starboard by 40° by pressing the +10 degree key four times. Typically, at cruising speed, a course change of 40° should result in a crisp turn followed by an overshoot of no more than 2° to 5°. If this occu the rudder gain is correctly adjusted. An excessively high rudder setting results in oversteer which can be recognised by distinct overshoot of more than 5° (A). This condition car be corrected by reducing the rudder gain setting. minimised by careful sail trim and positioning of the mainsheet traveller. Itis recommended that the headsail and mainsail are reefed a little early rather than too late. Wind shift alarm If changes in apparent wind angle adjust the original locked compass heading by more than 15° the wind change alarm will sound. СНС” MS Dr The display will then alternate between the current WindTrim' heading and the direction of wind shift. № Push Standby and Auto together momentarily to accept the alarm and reset the wind shift alarm datum to the current compass heading. Before doing so verify that the new course datum does not take the vessel into ST 3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and installation Handbook Chapter 4: Autopilot re-calibration 2¢ CTT ae ta a E ai ВАЙ ma EL AA E ATL AT Bal Tre Chapter 4: Autopilot re-calibration B The ST3000 can be adjusted to meet the characteristics of your vessel and steering system. The calibration routine allows the following parameters to be adjusted from their factory default settings. » Rudder gain (value on power up Rudder Rudder e Off course alarm limit setting setting too high too low Correct rudder setting e Northerly/Southerly turning error compensation The autopilot also requires certain other information: » Average cruise speed * Local variation This section will look at each feature inturn and explain how to fine tune it to suit your particular boat. Y.. 4.1 Entering calibration mode E Press the Standby button for 5 seconds until the display shows “CAL” E Within 10 seconds, press Standby again for 5 seconds. New New New heading heading heading These actions are most easily recognised in calm sea conditions where wave action does not mask basic steering performance. Refer to chapter 4: 'Autopilot re calibration”, for instructions on how to а ca adjust the rudder gain setting. f : Lf Repeat the test until a crisp course change with no more than 2° to 5° of | - и ! overshoot is achieved. Feature Value o, The rudder control setting is not over critical on should be se 1 the The number on the left identifies the feature (see table 4.3) and the lowest setting consistent with accurate course keeping. 1s wii minimise number on the right the selected value for that feature. actuator movements and hence reduce power consumption and wear and tear generally. Sirnilarly, an insufficient rudder control setting will result in understeer which gives sluggish steering performance {B). If the vessel takes a long time to make the turn and there is no overshoot then the rudder setting is too low. Each feature can be cycled through using the Auto key. The existing values can be viewed at any time without alteration, a simple momentary push of the Standby key will return the pilot to its normal operating mode without affecting the previous settings. ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and Insta 30 E Note: if on entering calibration the display shows: CAL | [OFF 0214 Please refer to ‘Disabled calibration access’ — section 4.5 for details on how to adjust. 4.2 Exiting calibration mode You can exit calibration at any time in one of two ways: W Press Standby for 1 second This will enter any adjusted values into memory. m Momentarily press Standby This will exit calibration without entering any adjusted values into memory. 4.3 Suggested initial calibration settings Listed below are suggested initial calibration settings for sailing and power- displacement vessels. These will provide safe performance for the initial sea trial. The unit is supplied set up for sailing vessels. If you change any of the settings you can record them in the ‘Adjusted Values’ column for future reference. Feature Feature Sal Adjusted No Setting Values 1 Rudder Gain 5 5 Average Cruise speed 8 6 Off course alarm angle 20 9 Local magnetic variation Off 10 North/South Off turning errror correction 11 Current vessel xx Latitude 3 | ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and Installation Handbook Chapter 4: Autopilot re-calibration 1.4 Calibrating the autopilot to suit your boat a. | Locked Boat Calibrate the pilot as follows: heading A À heading M Enter calibration mode as described in section 4.1 The display will show: 5 HN q o ' ‚ 0 , 0 : > > Cal 15°max ( M: Calibration Level 1 (Rudder Gain) Calibration level 1 is Rudder gain. This requires setting up whilst: under i way. Please refer to Rudder ain adjustment in chapter 3. но ‚ . В Calibration Level 9 (Magnetic variation) \ Calibration Level 5{Cruise Speed] Calibration level 9 tells the pilot the level of magnetic variation present al Calibration level 5 sets the boats normal cruising speed for use in Track the boats current position. Controf. M Press the Auto key “ EM Press the Auto key wt uy Q $ OCal » _« mme 5 ‚ Усе! Py NR 7 TON DIE? IB ВЕ | AA You should enter your local variation using +1 and -1 degree keys. This When interfacing with Radio navigation systems the ST3000 uses the value will then be transmitted onto the SeaTalk bus and picked up by oth vessels average cruising speed to perform track calculations. SeaT alk instruments such as the Multi repeater. Adjust the cruise speed with the +1 and -1 degree buttons. Note: — ve variation: East Note: If an ST50 Speed or Tridata instrument is connected to the SeaTalk +ve variation: West bus they will transmit boat speed information directly to the autopilot. Y Р , Р Calibration Level 10 (Northerly /Southerly heading error correction Calibration Level 6 (Off course alarm angle) Calibration level 10 allows Northerly or Southerly heading error correcti Calibration level 6 is Off course alarm angle. This is an alarm to warn you if to be switched in. the autopilot is unable to maintain its set course. It may be noticed that the autopilot tends to be a little less stable on E Press the Auto key northerly headings in the higher latitudes of the Northern hemisphere (ar conversely southerly headings in the Southern hemisphere). This is caus + > oc by the increasing angle of dip of the earth's magnetic field at higher £ IC us latitudes which has the effect of amplifying rudder response on northerl Te (southerly) headings. This error effects all magnetic compasses and ge! The offcourse alarm operates if the autopilot strays off course by more worse the further away from the equator you are. than the alarm angle limit for more than 20 seconds. This limit can be set in 1° increments anywhere between 15° and 40” using the +1 and-1 degree course change buttons. 34 _ST3000 Who! Drive Autopior Operation an mers zoey x pur 1 8 em TAS re. ITT nan Tee A A SR 4] a i * Ei В The ST3000 is able to compensate for this and provide precise course keeping on all headings by automatically adjusting the gain of the autopilot depending on heading. m Press the Auto key ($M: ri 7 Cal ULA - HAN Use the +1 and -1 degree keys to select: О = ОН | 1 = Northern Hemisphere 2 = Southern Hemisphere North North A A Ti “6 # | Without With compensation | compensation DIE Calibration Level 11 (Current Vessel Latitude) Calibration level 11 requires the boats current latitude (to the nearest degree) in order to compensate for Northerly/Southerly heading error . M Press the Auto key 4 4 -fYOCA "A ~~ AS 7 x 0167 70 m Set up latitude using the -1 and +1 degree keys Note: If the correction is set to 0 in Calibration Level 10 then level 11 will be omitted and pressing the Auto key in Calibration Level 10 will move the display directly onto level 1 again. 4.5 Disabled calibration access It is possible to disable the calibration set-up to prevent unauthorised access. This is achieved as follows: M Press and hold the -1 and Standby keys for 10 seconds until the display shows: FQ) cc) A CAL HH E Toggle the calibration access on and off using the -1 and +1 degree keys Did № Store the access by pressing the —1 and Standby keys for 10 seconds until the Control head returns to normal operation if preferred this page can be removed from the handbook after access has been switched off. ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and installation Handbook | ras view cat vty ae idas YR FTC Gg SAE SERRE MSE ER a TY Te dean о am e ; ae rada A Es 7 N 2 A НН Mr ET y ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and reo Handbook Contents Chapter 5: Installation .…….....….......….….….….…-cerecconsenrensererensensesconnn ЗЭ 5.1 Control Head …......…........….……..….………rssrracsreracesaneer are seseees een 39 Mounting procedure rer vercecsreccanse vesereneneenense 39 Cabling and SeaTalk socket installation 40 Power cabling ............................ee=reimeresneoorencrneececeaneccre.. 41 SeaTalk data cabling .......................—e.e=..om.s peccermocereneroeceretee. 42 MOUNTING TOTO e essa neeee 42 5.2 Drive actuator installation ......................—.————...e...... paanasse screens 44 5.3 Wheel drum attachment ……..…..….....…...………….-seecrescss penocecerocanees 44 5.4 Drive unit installation ....................--—-.....—.e..=.e.... en 406 Standard installation ..........................e..eeresseaserer peenenorecennena 46 5.5 Pedestal mounting bracket...............................e.recrecemeeccnn.. 49 5.6 Attachment to athwartships bulkheads ........................ vn 54 5.7 Alternative mounting positions .......................eeeeeesererereer 54 Cabling «cove eee e ercer enero ce nenes 54 Chapter 6: Functional Test and Initial Sea Trial....................... 55 6.1 Functional test .......................eeeeeemerineeere H EEG penicoronereenene. 55 Switch ON.................e.eeserrececcererrerionecon e. ennnecoccanen. 55 Operating sense ..........................erermeeecenen0. Gsascesen esse n aa vue ...DD Navigation interface (GPS, Decca, Loran) ....................—........ 56 Wind transducer interface ........................escernocrrerriocarerareee 57 SeaTalk bus ....................e-.rvdcirercrcrrcanerceeen erre eee nece 57 6.2 Initial Sea trial .............................eeeerrerenriernecne ne recaer. 58 Automatic Compass deviation Correction .......................——.—.—.—.. 58 Autopilot operation .......................—eeieeeereeener rene 60 Operating sense reversal ..........................2000000miciinencc EEE 61 Chapter 7: Accessories ...............-...-esi=ecccecrcereeeeneonennonnee OZ Chapter 8: Maintenance ........................er0ermceronoconnionce 64 Control head ..........................eesvervierrecereriereecocanoo re eee. 64 Drive unit TT TT e 64 Cabling ................ eee nene erre ene ree ene rene. 64 Chapter 9: Fault Finding .............--.....—....e-eeererercercoerenenneesn. 65 Chapter 5: Installation 5.1 Control head 110mm (4.33) * «mme fr 110mm (4.33in.) \. _ Y | Autohekn ST3000 | | Mounting procedure The control unit slots into a permanently mounted socket sited in the cockpit. It contains a gimballed fluxgate compass and therefore has some restrictions on mounting position. on The control unit should be sited where it can be operated easily from the steering position. It should also be positioned at least 80cm (2.5ft) away from the main steering compass to avoid deviation of both compasses. ETT ET ELE st SER ST3000 Whee Drive Autopdot Oporation and Instaation Handbook Chapter 5: installation Deviation should be avoided if possible and thus the control unit should be Power cabling sited as far away from other magnetic or iron devices as practical. Power should be routed directly from the vessels central distribution pan Having selected the best mounting site, the mounting socket can be and protected via a 1 2A fuse or circuit breaker as shown: secured to a convenient wooden or glass fibre surface using the self tapping screws provided. The mounting surface may slope away from the vertical by a maximum of 10°. This will allow correct operation with the boat heeled at an angle of up 10 40°. Front view oral of ST3000 (viewde from rear) ий Ta Red | (SeaTalk OV) (+12) 12A 10° | Max +12v Ov ox: oe The following table shows the minimum cable size acceptable for the power supply: The ST3000 is SeaTalk compatible receiving and transmitting information to other instruments and autopilot control units via the SeaTalk bus. Both power and data are supplied via a custom waterproof plug and socket. Cable length Copper area AWG The plug comes ready assembled and the socket can be mounted in the cockpit area adjacent to the ST3000 Control unit. Up to 2.5m (8ft) 1.5mm2 16 Cabling and SeaTalk socket installation Up to 4.0m (13) 2.5mm? 14 The ST3000 is SeaT alk compatible receiving and transmitting information to other instruments and autopilot control units via the SeaTalk bus. It cannot source power from the SeaTalk bus and therefore requires its own | Important! dedicated power supply. Correct cable size is critical for correct autopilot operation. Both power and data are supplied to the STO acon no The cable you choose may meet the required current specification but, plug and socket. The plug comes ready assembled and the socket can be too small, will drop voltage between the supply and the autopilot. This w mounted in the cockpit area adjacent to the autopilot. reduce the power at the wheel. me о ев ey pe me rires NAP ETA De $T3000 Wheel Drivo Autoplor Operation andiuialaton ancien SeaTalk data cabling The ST3000 is wired to the SeaTalk bus using an extension cable (cat no D131). It can be plugged directly to the spare SeaTalk tail on the last instrument or autopilot control unit, cut to length and then connected to the back of the SeaTalk socket as shown. Sealalk RE Bu kK. ee Socket Viewed from rear Screen Ny wh ee (ground) ) a |. 5A Yellow DA Fuse/ (data) Fuse/ Breaker Breaker © ® The fuse used with the ST3000 is too large to offer safe protection to the SeaTalk bus. Any SeaTalk instruments fitted must therefore be powered via a separate 5A fuse/breaker as shown above. Mounting The socket is assembled as follows: e Fix the self adhesive template onto the bulkhead at the selected socket location e Carefully drill the 18mm (23/32in) clearance hole and 2.4mm (3/32in) pilot holes. Remove the template e Fit the plug cap (1) to the socket body (2) as shown e Locate the ‘O’ ring seal (3) into the groove between the plug cap and socket body e Cut and strip back the power and, rf fitted, SeaTalk cables * Thread both cables through the bulkhead hole and wire into the socket as shown making sure the wires are connected to the correct pin identification Stripes D308 0310 e Attach the socket to the bulkhead using the two self tapping screws supplied e Restrain cables as shown 44 ST3000 Wheel Drive A CT oT Bla Operation and installation WE EEE EEE ne Le 5.2 Drive actuator installation The wheel drum should ideally be fitted behind the wheel (i.e. between the wheel and the pedestal as shown). The Autohelm 3000 is designed to operate with steering systems having between 1 and 3 turns lock to lock. Steering systems with more than 3 turns lock to lock may cause impaired steering performance due to reduced rate of rudder application. Lost motion in the steering system must not exceed 2% of total move- ment. This is equivalent to 15° of free wheel movement for a system with 2 turns lock to lock. If lost motion exceeds this level it must be corrected (> otherwise steering performance will be impaired. 5.3 Wheel drum attachment \ = The drum is clamped onto the wheel spokes using the three Ubolts 3a provided and may be used on wheels with 3, 5 or 6 spokes. For 4 spoke wheels, Nautech's Product Support department should be contacted to obtain a specially drilled drum. 2mm Max run out In this case it will be necessary to remove the wheel. If there is insufficient clearance behind the wheel the wheel drum may be fitted on the other side. The drum attachment kit has three complete sets of spacers to compen sate for differing spoke diameters. Marked alongside each spacer is the spoke diameter to which it relates. When fitting the drum simply break off the appropriate spacers. The wheel drum is clamped to the wheel spokes by the Ubolts provided. i. After roughly positioning the drum, the clamp nuts should be lightly tightened and concentricity checked by spinning the wheel. The drum should then be tapped central to achieve a total run-out of no more than 2mm (1/16in) before the clamp's nuts are finally tightened. A holes — 3 and 6 spoke wheels B holes — 5 spoke wheels The 'C' holes are for wheels with spoke diameter of 26mm (lin) and require special Ubolts (cat no D103). 46 ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and Installation Handbook Pom A Bers twee wr ow pr mea SLT Re Rf Fad TA AL mpage ae . A? tae od uu hk Вы Aaa E A 5.4 Drive unit installation Standard installation e Y NE ew The drive unit is normally mounted on the cockpit side wall. ок! Alternative belt sizes are available to increase or decrease the radial offset of the mounting pin. These are used in cases where the standard belt does not allow a convenient location for the mounting clevis. Belt size Radial Off-Set B- 512mm (20.1in) А 546mm (21.5in) Standard Belt 598mm (23.6in) A+ 850mm (33.5in) B+ 850mm (33.5in) . 47 > Re RIT PE Re CR TO ET EE a a Мб 0 EDEN a AE a E A EEL = 1; The mounting clevis should be positioned as follows:- » Attach the mounting clevis to the drive unit using the pin provided and loop the belt drive over both the drum and the drive sprocket e Offer the clevis against the vertical side wall after first rotating the eccentric clutch lever fully clockwise against its stop. (i.e. to the tight belt’ position) * Push the clevis downwards against the side wall until the belt is just taut and then adjust its fore-and-aft position until the belt lies parallel to the wheel. A long straight edge, such as a sail batten, will enable the paralle run of the belt to be easily checked * Having found the correct position for the clevis carefully mark round its base to record its position Di T3000 Whee! Autopilot Operation and installation Handbook AE er que ae ee ME оо офор Пя 78 e Remove the drive unit and mark round the inside of the elongated fixing holes у \ O e Finally drill two 8mm (5/16in) clearance holes for the clevis fixing bolts at the lower end of each elongated hole position This allows the belt to be subsequently tightened. Note: Before drilling the holes check that you have access to the other side of the mounting wall to attach the nuts! The mounting clevis may now be bolted into position with the fixing bolts positioned mid-way in the elongated holes. This will ensure that the belt is taut when it is tensioned by rotating the clutch lever fully clockwise. Re-assemble the complete drive system and check the operation of the clutch. The clutch lever may be repositioned on the splined eccentric bush if necessary to ensure that the lever can rotate 180° without obstruction. When the belt is tensioned by rotating the clutch lever fully clockwise it should be possible to back wind the drive unit by slowly rotating the wheel. If belt slip occurs increase belt tension by reclamping the clevis in a slightly lower position. When the clutch lever is rotated fully anticlockwise the wheel drum should slip easily against the belt. Do not over tighten the belt. 5.5 Pedestal mounting bracket A special mounting bracket is available to mount the drive unit directly onto the wheel pedestal. DX) 7a 50 ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and installation Handbook Chapter 5: installation 5 e Y OE mt ROVER The bracket should be positioned as follows: * Having found the correct position for the pedestal bracket carefully mark round its base to record its position. Then remove the bracket ar « Loosely attach the mounting clevis to the pedestal bracket using the и ; mark round the inside of the elongated fixing holes backing plate and the two bolts provided e Attach the mounting clevis to the drive unit using the pin provided and loop the belt drive over both the drum and the drive unit sprocket » The clevis mounting bolts can now be tightened e Place the bracket onto the pedestal after first rotating the clutch lever fully clockwise against its stop e Push the bracket downwards against the pedestal until the belt is just taut. By sliding the pedestal bracket around the pedestal and rotating the clevis bracket ensure that the belt lies parallel to the wheel 1509 53084 52 ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and Installation Handbook Мы q Eno ES bae HE ы e he eE dE £1 Tis NE ds A e Finally drill four 4.3mm (11/64in) holes for the pedestal bracket fixing screws at the lower end of each elongated hole position. This allows the pedestal bracket to be subsequently tightened | Chapter 5: installation 53 The mounting pedestal bracket may now be screwed into position with the self tapping screws positioned midway in the elongated holes. DIN This will ensure that the belt is taut when it is tensioned by rotating the clutch lever fully clockwise. Re-assemble the complete drive system and check the operation of the clutch. The clutch lever may be repositioned on the splined eccentric bush if necessary to ensure that the lever can rotate 180° without obstruction. When the belt is tensioned by rotating the clutch lever fully clockwise it should be possible to back wind the drive unit by slowly rotating the wheel. If belt slip occurs increase belt tension by reclamping the clevis in a slightly lower position. When the clutch lever is rotated fully anticlockwise the wheel drum should slip easily against the belt. Do not over tighten belt. ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Oporation and Instalation Han box 5.6 Attachment to athwartships bulkheads In cases where the steering wheel is mounted on a bulkhead, special provision usually must be made to mount the drive unit. (L) brackets are available to mount the clevis on a bulkhead as shown. [SLL [| Hardwood packing may be required to gain correct alignment to the wheel drum. 5.7 Alternative mounting positions The wheel drive unit may be positioned on either the port or starboard side of the wheel. The fluxgate compass is calibrated to give correct steering sense when the drive unit sprocketis facing aft. Access to the clutch lever is also easier when the drive unit is mounted this way round. If an obstruction precludes mounting the drive unit with the drive sprocket facing aft it may be mounted the other way round. In this case it will be necessary to re-adjust the motor drive sense to regain correct steering — see section 6.2 Initial Sea trial. Cabling The Drive unit plugs directly into the socket on the underside of the Control head. Chapter 6: Functional Test and Initial Sea Trial 55 Chapter 6: Functional Test and Initial Sea Trial This section of the handbook consists of a set of simple tests followed by a short sea trial. This will confirm that the system is wired correctly andis also setup to suit your type of boat. 6.1 Functional test Switch on Having installed your ST3000 wheel autopilot, switch on the main power breaker. The Control head should beep and display ST3000. Within 2 seconds a compass heading preceded by a flashing 'C' should be displayed e.g. 'C' 234. This shows the Control head is active. If the head does not beep please refer to chapter 9 - Fault Finding’. Operating sense The operating sense of the autopilot defines the direction helm will be applied when a course change button is pressed or the vessel goes off course. It can be checked as follows: m Operate the clutch lever B Press +10 degree key The wheel should move to produce a turn to starboard. So С) в (5 ~~ If it drives to port then please refer to page 61 for instructions on how to reverse the Operating Sense. Note: This should only occur if the drive unit is mounted with the drive sprocket facing forward. 168 57 56 _ST3000 Wheel Drive Autoplot Operation and Installation Handbook Chapter 6: Functional Test and Initial Sea Trial ne + vtt qe + Te TE ET em © py E NTE ¿e ms 3 nee pee Ww py ar dara a E. ts ais 4e à et SE EME TE TES de EEE Wind transducer interface if the ST3000 is connected to a wind instrument then the link between the two instruments should be checked as follows: Navigation interface (GPS, Decca, Loran) if the ST3000 is interfaced to a position transducer, then the interface can be simply checked as follows: № Setup a Track on the position transducer to give a cross track error of E Press the Standby and Auto keys together between 0 and 0.3nm The ST3000 should then display the locked heading preceded by a‘ W' as № Enter ‘Auto’ mode by pressing the Auto key shown. EM Enter Track mode by pressing +10 and —-10 degree keys together ypressng + ONE TEE ии Это After 3 seconds the pilot should automatically scroll through three LMI navigation displays: nF If the display continues to show the current heading preceded with a 2 2 3 с © flashing ‘C’ then wind data is not being received by the ST3000. oT The most likely reason being a cabling error — either open circuit, short circuit or wires reversed. f 3 W.Pt SeaTalk bus | mer? if the ST3000 has been linked to other SeaTalk instruments via the SeaTalk bus the link can be checked as follows: A 7 2 3 nm M Push Standby on the autopilot Control head E = m Select display illumination level 3 on any other SeaTalk instrument or if instead it shows one of the following error displays then there is either a autopilot control unit wiring error or the position transducer is not setup to transmit the required data format: f; ) LAMP «<» - «> hm 3 This display indicates data is not being received. The most likely reason | | J 000 | | being a cabling error — either open circuit, short circult or wires reversed. | mr The ST3000 should immediately respond by switching on its display ” = nm illumination. mers | if the ilumination does not switch on then a cabling fault exists in the This indicates that the signals being received by the position transducer SeaTalk cabling between the ST3000 Control head and the Instruments/ are too weak for reliable navigation. Reference should be made to the Control unit. | position transducer handbook for further action. Chapter 6: Functional Test and Initial Sea Trial 59 - . . e ВЫ с > ¢ Li tura 5 à 1 fey eds : Tr Ea лу в. оса соо A ri e a dar ва isa ER hs o WANS ARE о. Select compass correction as follows: mM Push and hold Standby for 1 second. 6.2 Initial Sea trial Having checked that the system is functioning correctly a short sea trial is now required to complete the setting up. This should be carried out in calm waters clear of any obstructions (and in the case of powered craft at no - Col more than medium speed). «= The ST3000 has a builtin calibration capability which enables it to be fine = = cu tuned to suit the individual vessel, its steering system and dynamic steering characteristics. As supplied from the factory the unit is calibrated to provide safe stable autopilot control for the majority of vessels (see section 4.3). | = Before carrying out the first sail trial it is recommended that the calibration 0167 22 levels be checked and if necessary reset to the recommended levels. Note: If on entering calibration the display shows: This procedure will only take a minute or so and full details are given in chapter 4. Fo. “| A CAL) OFF e Do not attempt to make any permanent change to the recommended calibration values until a sail trial has been carried out | — о a, N , Please refer to “Disabled calibration access” - section 4.5 for details on e Itisimportant that the initial sail trial is carried out in conditions of light how to adjust. wind and calm water so that autopilot performance can be assessed without the influence of strong winds or large waves With a boat speed below 2 knots, tum your vessel in very slow circles, taking approximately 3 minutes per 360°, until the display changes to Note: At any time during the sea trial you can disengage the wheel drive show the amount of deviation the autopilot has detected (the deviation clutch to return to hand steering. display alternates with the current heading display). Note: Normally it will take at least 1.5 to 3 complete circles to complete Automatic Compass deviation correction the linearisation procedure. The ST3000 will correct its own internal fluxgate compass for most deviating magnetic fields. Before carrying out the initial sail trial it is vital to carry out the Compass Deviation Correction. Failure to do so IL a Ос» may result in the autopilot performance being impaired on some compass (J Current heading headings. This procedure should be carried out in calm conditions preferably in flat water. (io (LI + Deviation 0167.25 Steady your vessel on to a known transit bearing and use the +1° and -1 course change keys to increase or decrease the displayed heading until agrees with the ships steering compass or the known transit bearing. 60 $73000 DO Wisooi Drive Autopilot Operation an SENDO NETO Exit compass adjust and store the compass correction/alignment as follows: m Push and hold Standby for 1 second or, to exit compass adjust without saving any new settings M Push Standby momentarily Note: For installations where an ST50 Steering Compass Instrument is connected to the SeaTalk bus and the Steering Compass has a fluxgate transducer connected, it is only necessary to carry out the auto deviation correction on the Steering Compass Instrument, (refer to Steering Compass handbook instructions). Autopilot operation Having calibrated the compass the following procedure is recommended to familiarise yourself with autopilot operation: @ Steer onto a compass heading and hold the course steady № Engage the clutch by rotating the clutch lever clockwise Chapter 6: Functional Test and Initial Sea Trial 6] № Push Auto to lock onto the current heading. In calm sea conditions a constant heading will be achieved “ Alter course to port or starboard in multiples of 1° and 10° 30° to starboard e -1 +1 ®@ . -10 +10 © С) № STAND BY AUTO Present course Die 42° to port Present course № Push Standby and disengage the wheel drive clutch by rotating the clutc lever anticlockwise to return to hand steering Operating sense reversal The operating sense of the Autopilot can be reversed as follows: M Press the +1 and-1 degree keys together for 5 seconds The display will then show either port or starboard and the phase of the autopilot will automatically change. The Control head will automatically revert back to its normal operation after 5 seconds. 62 ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and Installation Handhook Tm = qe Ten mp q L es Chapter 7: Accessories Various accessories are available for your ST3000 autopilot. These include: e Handheld remote contro! (2101) The handheld remote is supplied with 6m (20ft) of cable and a waterproof plug and socket. It allows you remote access to the four autopilot course change buttons. e Fixed control units — ST7000 (2082), ST6000 (2124) с: 555 me О so |5 5, So 5500) (Bop These control units are available for permanent mounting at additional positions where autopilot control is desired. e Digital Windvane (Z087) The digital windvane also requires the SeaTalk interface. When combined with the ST3000 these two pieces of equipment allow you to steer your boat on any course relative to an apparent wind angle. e SeaTalk Interface (Z137) The SeaTalk Interface will convert all SeaTalk data to NMEA 0183. This allows you to feed NMEA 0183 Navigation data to a plotter or Speed, and Compass NMEA information back to a position transducer for dead reckoning, (assuming the correct instruments are present on the SeaTalk bus to generate the information initially). | ST3000 Wheel Drive Autopilot Operation and installation Handbook Fer crm NT JU a xa + Lu т ? 2 Chapter 8: Maintenance Control head e In certain conditions, condensation may appear on the window. This will not harm the unit, and can be cleared by switching on the illumination e Never use any chemical or abrasive materials to clean your ST3000. if the Control head becomes dirty wipe clean with a damp cloth Drive unit Cabling e Never use any chemical or abrasive materials to clean your drive unit If the wheel drive becomes dirty wipe clean with a damp cloth e If it is noticed that the drive is slipping whilst operating under normal operating conditions it should be returned to your nearest service center for inspection * Avoid running cables through bilges where possible and secure any coiled lengths at regular intervals » Avoid running cables close to fluorescent lights, engines, radio transmitting equipment etc « Check cabling for chafing or damage to outer casing, replace where necessary and re-secure Advice Should any difficulties arise, please consult Nautech's Product Support department in the U.K. or your own National Distributor who will be able to provide expert assistance. The working parts of the drive system are sealed and lubricated for life during manufacture and therefore do not require servicing. If a fault does develop the autopilots plugability ensures that only the defective unit be returned. Before this is done please double check that the power supply cable is sound and that all connections are tight and free from corrosion. Then refer to the fault finding section of this manual. if the fault cannot be traced then please contact your nearest Autohekn dealer or service center for advice. Always quote the serial number, which is printed on the label on the back of the control head. Chapter 8: Maintenance Chapter 9: Fault Finding All Autohelm products are subject to a comprehensive test procedure prior to packing and shipment. In the unlikely event that a fault does anse the following check list should help cure the problem. Fault Cause Action Control Head display blank No supply Check supply. Check Fuse/breaker. Return head for repair Drive unit steers heim hard over as soon as Auto is engaged Displayed compass heading does not agree with Ships compass Vessel turns slowly and takes a long time to come onto course Vessel overshoots when turning onto a new course Drive phase set incorrectly Compass requires deviation correction and alignment Rudder gain too low Rudder gain too high Refer to chapter 6 and carry out the functional test. Refer to chapter 6 Automatic compass deviation correction Refer to chapter 3 Setting up Rudder gain Refer to chapter 3 Setting up Rudder gain — ее EE Pilot appears to be unstable or Northerly headings (Southerly in Southern hemisphere) Northerly/Southerly heading correction not set-up Refer to chapter 4 Autopilot re-calibration and setup levels 10 and 11 Display shows Cal — Off when entering calibration Control head will not talk to other SeaTalk instruments or Control units Control head will not receive information from a Position Transducer (GPS, Loran etc.) Pilot will not auto-advance between waypoints Calibration locked out Cabling problem Position Transducer not transmitting correct sentances No Bearing to waypoint information transmitted from the position transducer Security protection switched on by owner Check security of all SeaTalk connectors and cables Refer to relevant SeaTalk handbook for information on required NMEA information Refer to position transducer handbook Pilot will not display Distance to waypoint, Bearing to waypoint or waypoint number Incorrect NMEA sentances transmitted from Position transducer Refer to relevant SeaTaik handbook for information on required NMEA information 66 T3000 Whee! Drive Autopilot Operation an instalation arahoo Accessories 62 Additional Control units 62 Handheld control unit 62 SeaTalk interface 63 Windvane 63 Auto 8 Automatic Heading deadband (Auto seastate) 12 Autopilot recalibration 29 Automatic Tack (Autotack) 13 B Basic principals (Operation) 7 С Cable connections 40 Calibration 29 Cruise Speed (Cakbration Level 5) 32 Disabled access 35 Entering calibration 29 Exiting calibration 30 Factory settings 31 Latitude (Calibration Level 11} 34 Magnetic variation (Calibration Level 9) 33 Northerly/Southerly heading error correction (Calibration Level 10) 33 Off course alarm limit (Calibration Level 6) 32 Recording settings 34 Rudder Gain {Calibration Level 1) 32 Suggested settings 30 Compass alignment 59 Compass deviation correction 58 Control head 39 Siting 39 Mounting 39 Power Supply connection 41 SeaTalk bus connection 42 Course changes 9 Cross Track Error 21 Cruise speed 32 D Dodge 10 Drive actuator installation 44 F Fault Finding 65 Fluxgate Compass 58 Alignment 59 Deviation Correction 58 Functional test 55 Operating sense 55 Navigation interface 56 Wind transducer interface 57 SeaTalk bus 57 Fuse ratings 41,42 H Handheld Remote Control Unit 62 | . Bumination 14 M Magnetic variation 33 Mamtenance 64 N Navigation interface 56 Northerly heading error 33 о Off course alarm 32 Operating sense 55 P Power Supply 41 R Rudder Gain 27,32 68 (R740 ST3000 Autopilot Operation and Installation Handbook S Safety 4 SeaTalk | Operation with other SeaTalk instruments 3, 42, 62, 63 Connection to bus 42 Functional test 55 Sea trial 58 Standby 8 Southerly turning error 34 T Tacking (Autotack) 13 Track Control 11,20 Automatic acquisition 20 Cross Track Error 21 Data error warning 25 Large cross track error warning 25 Manual acquisition 20 No data warning 25 Operation at low speed 24 Operating hints 26 Operating limitations 23 Waypoint advance 22 Warning messages 25 W Warning messages 25 Waypoint advance 25 Windvane (WindTrim} 11, 26 Accessory 62 Windshift alarm 26 44507/2 ">
Key features
- SeaTalk compatible for data sharing and expanded connectivity
- WindTrim control in wind vane mode for precise steering based on wind conditions
- Automatic compass deviation correction for enhanced heading accuracy
- Automatic heading deadband for smooth and responsive steering
- Automatic tacking for effortless tacking maneuvers
- Built-in radio navigation interface for waypoint advance and other navigation features