Eventide ModFactor Owner's Manual
Eventide ModFactor is a versatile guitar pedal that offers a wide range of modulation effects, from classic chorus and flanging to rotary speaker and vibrato. With its intuitive controls and expression pedal input, the ModFactor makes it easy to create and tweak your sounds on the fly. Whether you're looking to add a subtle shimmer to your clean tone or create wild, experimental soundscapes, the ModFactor has you covered.
MODFACTOR FACTORY PRESETS 1:1 THROUGH 5:2 1:1 Liquid Sweetener [Chorus] Part # 141138 Rev D 1:2 Big Clone [Chorus] 0 —— Ao A Aa — 99 Liquid 99 0.18Hz Triangle 76 Tempo OQ 0 0 A subtle chorus that really sweetens up your sound. == Expression Pedal controls Intensity 2:1 FunkPhase [Phaser] — PO — PN «ть». «ть». = 99 Organic 49 Whole Sine 49 Tempo QO) 50 49 1.00xSPD Sine This chorus is deep and wide. Jump right in! Tempo ON, set to 120BPM. == Expression Pedal controls Xnob (MDO) 2:2 Ain't Talkin ‘Bout Phase [Phaser] me Peak) — _ = = — 66 Feedback 74 0.35Hz Random Stags:8 —— a TT pes TT “Suge Intensity A Type A Depth A Speed ¿”NN Shape ¿2% Xnob Tempo O 0 0 PT... as fon Tempo orvoff holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source The Random Shape seems to always put the sweep in the right place for great clean rhythm parts and dirty solos. Ea Expression Pedal controls Depth and Speed 3:1 Talking Back [Q-Wah] em Peak) — ON «ить». «ть». E 88 Positive 71 0.28Hz Sine Stags: 2 — — Tm TT Cm “= Intensity PR Type A Depth AA Speed ¿”NX Shape ¿”NN Xnob Tempo O 50 47 0.13xspd | Sine NN =D JIE— io ¡JN ——o JJ pa for Tempo on/off || hold to Save D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source Similar to the huge sweeping phaser sounds heard on tapping solos of the late 70's. E Expression Pedal controls Xnob (4 of Stages) 3:2 Ottawah [Q-Wah] me Peak) — «ть». «ть». «ть». E 99 Voc-Wah B..EA.T 0.76Hz Sine Base:99 —— a TT pes TT “Suge Intensity A Type A Depth A Speed ¿”NN Shape ¿2% Xnob Tempo Q 0 73 Sens:/4 ADSR NEN NSN J... ss fon Tempo orvoff holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source It's like a Talk Box, but without the mess! == Expression Pedal controls Xnob (Base) 4:1 Long Flyby [Flanger] mm Peak) — a. a. Mi. E 31 WahWah 97 0.47Hz Peak Base: 79 — — Tm TT Cm “= Intensity PR Type A Depth AA Speed ¿”NX Shape ¿”NN Xnob Tempo O 03 0 0.12xspd Sine NEN NSN eee NE E 0 on/off holdiosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source A traditional Wah Pedal sound controlled by an LFO so your foot doesn't have to do the work! An Expression Pedal will send the speed into outer space. == Expression Pedal controls Xnob (Base) 4:2 Barrel Roll [Flanger] = О — E | р < — 51 JET 30 0.05Hz Triangle MDO:80 то О 0 0 Your own private jet. Use an Expression Pedal to choose between cross country or transcontinental. == Expression Pedal controls Depth and Speed 5:1 Bass Auto Wah [ModFilter] НЕО — PN PR a. — 99 Positive 39 0.58Hz Sine 68 ето О 0 0 Think of the best flanger you can, multiply that by 10, and this one's still better!! == Expression Pedal controls Intensity 5:2 Jupiter Reacts [ModFilter] I — PP E A — 11 Lopass 81 Sens 79 Envelop Tempo QO) 0 0 Why should guitar players have all the fun? Bring the funk with the Bass Auto Wah. == Expression Pedal controls Intensity and Speed (Sensitivity) AUDITIONING PRESETS: Put ModFactor in Bank Mode Pressing and holding the right footswitch for about 2 seconds toggles between BANK and PLAY MODE. -— PO nm > E > — 99 Lopass 99 7.29Hz Ramp — — Tm TT mT “= Intensity PR Type A Depth AA Speed ¿”NX Shape = Xnob Tempo O) 51 53 Sens 77 Envelop NEN NSN ss ns D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source Just like Planet Jupiter, this preset dynamically responds to your playing. == Expression Pedal controls Speed BANK # 9 J" PRESET # e Chorus To Eventide . . o Flanger o Undulator In PLAY MODE, you'll see either the LFO Sweep display or the name of the Effect JRE aa aL Но hat’ rrently | . _ that’s currently loaded O O a Active Slow/Fast In BANK MODE, you'll see the word “BANK”, a number, a colon, and another number. polio Bal To audition Presets, put ModFactor in BANK MODE. № hold for PLAY" BANK mode 0 0 EVENTIDE IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF EVENTIDE, INC. Bank Preset 1 Bank Preset 2 Bank UP © 2008 EVENTIDE INC., ONE ALSAN WAY, LITTLE FERRY, NJ 07643 USA WWW.EVENTIDE.COM Active / Bypass Active / Bypass (Hold for PLAY Mode) MODFACTOR FACTORY PRESETS 6:1 THROUGH 10:2 6:1 Slowly Rotate [Rotary] Part # 141138 Rev D 6:2 Whirling Dervish [Rotary] ES — UN — Standard= 0.80Hz - 0.80Hz R99/H99 | 45 “=” “= “а “чая “чаи “о” Intensity A Type A Depth AA Speed ¿”NX Shape == Xnob Tempo QO) 0 0 me nus D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source = Peak) — EE, ia ~~ — Standard 6.74Hz -6.38Hz R99/H99 | 45 — — Tu pas pa — Intensity A Type A Depth A Speed gr Shape === Xnob The very first Rotary Speaker was housed in a wooden closet and weighed 1000 pounds. This one fits in your gig bag and tastes like buttah! = Expression Pedal controls Rotor and Horn Speed 7:1 Tumbleweed Trem [TremoloPan] Tempo (O) 0 0 coo asas fonTempo orvoff holdtoSave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source Based on Preset 6:1, but set to the Fast speed. = Expression Pedal controls Rotor and Horn Speed 7:2 Modacity [TremoloPan] — Peak) —— р “< Е а, РО “< «нь». р peak") «ть. ME. gs, > «нь». 44 Bias 75 7.13Hz Sine 99 Opto 63 1/16 Square Intensity PR Type A. Depth >» Speed ¿”NN Shape ¿2% Xnob Intensity > Type > Depth >» Speed ¿”NX Shape ¿”NN Xnob Tempo O 0 0 Tempo O 0 0 NEN NSN NEN NSN PT... as for Tempo on/off holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source ush for Tempo on/off holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source The good, the bad, and the ugly! Hypnotize yourself with this square wave tremolo, turning your sound on and off at whatever tempo you tap in. Tempo ON, set to 74 BPM B= Expression Pedal controls Speed = Expression Pedal controls Speed 8:1 Swamp Moon [Vibrato] 8:2 Warped Vinyl [Vibrato] | — Aaa Pa Ao — „= Peck) — FF Aaa Aaa — 99 Modern 39 5.90Hz Sine 99 Retro 99 5.06Hz Sine 2 Intensity PR Type A. Depth >» Speed ¿”NN Shape ¿2% Xnob Intensity > Type > Depth >» Speed ¿”NX Shape ¿”NN Xnob Tempo O 0 0 Tempo O 0 0 “Niue TT VQ NSN NEN NSN J... ss for Tempo on/off holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source ush for Tempo on/off holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source Goes great with moody arpeggios and red meat. Expression Pedal changes warpage from mild to "left out in the sun." E Expression Pedal controls Intensity E Expression Pedal controls Depth 9:1 Quadruple Peaks [Undulator] 9:2 Never There [Undulator] „О — «ть». ро < «ть». E — Pa) mn E, E. PN — 50 Pitch 59 1.82Hz Peak Sprd:0 99 Feedback 22 Sens: 66 Envelop 75 Intensity PR Type A. Depth >» Speed ¿”NN Shape ¿2% Xnob Intensity > Type > Depth >» Speed ¿”NX Shape = Xnob Tempo O 0 0 Tempo OQ 0 0 NEN NSN NEN NSN PE... ss for Tempo on/off holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source ush for Tempo on/off holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source Unsettling and eerie... Create complete soundscapes with one guitar using this preset. B= Expression Pedal controls Xnob (Spread) Ea Expression Pedal controls Depth 10:1 What's That Smell? [RingMod] 10:2 Guitar Drums [RingMod] — Peak) — Aaa Fe, Ao. — O — ao Aaa — ЕЕ 50 String 2043Hz Ramp Tone:0 99 Ring 434Hz Sine Tone:54 Intensity PR Type A. Depth >» Speed ¿”NN Shape ¿2% Xnob Intensity > Type > Depth >» Speed ¿”NX Shape = Xnob Tempo O 0 0 Tempo O 0 28 1.03xspd Random NEN NSN NEN NSN PE... ss for Tempo on/off holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source ush for Tempo on/off holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source Now you don't have to ruin your equipment to sound like something's fried. == Expression Pedal controls Speed (Hz) Play some muted notes with this preset and you can get some interesting percussion sounds out of your guitar. == Expression Pedal controls Intensity and Xnob (Tone) Use an Expression Pedal! EVENTIDE IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF EVENTIDE, INC. © 2008 EVENTIDE INC., ONE ALSAN WAY, LITTLE FERRY, NJ 07643 USA WWW.EVENTIDE.COM ModFactor loves to be used with an expression pedal! The Factory Presets already have expression pedal assignments. To get the most out of them, plug a pedal in and play! MODFACTOR FACTORY PRESETS 11:1 THROUGH 15:2 11:1 Polymodelicious [Chorus] Part # 141138 Rev D 11:2 Chorus Bumps [Chorus] — Peak) — — — — ЕЕ 99 Organic 49 Whole Sine MDO:49 “= ~~ Ty TT. TT. “о” Intensity A Type nA Depth AN Speed ¿”NN Shape = Xnob Tempo O 50 49 1.00xspd | Sine pro I D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source A chorus so thick and juicy, you might need a napkin. Tempo ON, set at 120BPM. == Expression Pedal controls Xnob (MDO) 12:1 Phaser Wah [Phaser] -— Q) — — — — —— 48 Liquid 69 1/4 Square Fdbk:0 Tempo O 0 81 6.75xSPD _ Sine aa ce gaat Dada D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source What are those bumps, and why are they so much fun? Tempo ON, set at 120BPM. == Expression Pedal controls S-Mod and Mod Rate 12:2 Lou-nivibe [Phaser] me Peak) — at al E, — 71 Negative 78 Exp Pdl Stags: 8 Intensity AL Type A. Depth >» Speed ¿mn Shape | я, Xnob Tempo O 0 0 Mod Rate Mod Source fi Dn on/off т hold to Save D-Mod S-Mod You'll have to use an Expression Pedal to take a sweet Phaser Wah solo with this preset. == Expression Pedal sweeps the LFO 13:1 Mumbler [O-Wah] ME. = РО mm ES, «ть». — 65 Positive 54 2.81Hz Sine Stags: 2 — — Tm TT Cm “= Intensity PR Type A Depth AA Speed ¿”NX Shape ¿”NN Xnob Tempo OQ 0 11 0.59xspd Sine pa for Tempo on/off || hold to Save D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source A recreation of a classic rotating effect. Adjust Depth to taste. == Expression Pedal controls Speed 13:2 Vintage Wah [Q-Wah] me Peak) — 99 Voc-Wah R.. A.W Sens:68 Envelop Base:29 Intensity AL Type A. Depth = Speed E Shape ¿wa Xnob Tempo OQ 93 75 2.93xspd Peak J... ss for Tempo on/off holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source Don't try to understand the Mumbler, it just mumbles. = Expression Pedal controls S-Mod, ModRate, Speed (sensitivity), and Xnob(Base) 14:1 Sugarflange [Flanger] mm Peak) — a ar E, — 30 WahWah 66 Exp Pdl Base: 36 Intensity AL Type > Depth >» Speed ¿”NN Shape ¿”un Xnob Tempo O 0 0 fa Du on/off || hold to Save D-Mod S-Mod A Wah sound reminiscent of something Hendrix screamed on. You'll need an Expression Pedal to get the most authentic ‘experience’ out of this preset. Otherwise, turn the Shape knob to Sine and wail away. Mod Rate Mod Source == Expression Pedal sweeps the LFO 14:2 Rotator Flange [Flanger] em Peak) — ME. ME. ME. = 49 Thru-0 99 4Bar Sine MDO:52 — — TT pes TT “Suge Intensity A Type A Depth A Speed ¿”NN Shape ¿2% Xnob em Peak) — Aaa Aa 7 —a E 0 Negative 18 4.33HZ Sine MDO:99 — — Tm TT mT “= Intensity PR Type A Depth AA Speed ¿”NX Shape = Xnob Temps O 99 45 0.87xspd Sine Tempo O) 0 0 PE... ss fon Tempo orvoff holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source coo na 0 on/off holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source A chorusy flanger that will thicken up just about anything. Tempo ON, set at 104BPM. A flanger doing a rotary speaker impression. == Expression Pedal controls Xnob (MDO) == Expression Pedal controls Xnob (MDO) 15:1 Nervous Filter [ModFilter] 15:2 Hyperwah [ModFilter] «инт. Peak) te. Ma Fa, Maa “< — ЕО pe Ma Ma Ma PD 75 BdnPass 49 Whole Sine 99 Lopass 10 1/16 Ramp Intensity DL Type A. Depth >» Speed ¿”NN Shape ¿2% Xnob Intensity > Type > Depth >» Speed ¿”NX Shape = Xnob Tempo O 99 99 8.00xspd ¡Sine Tempo O 5 5 Sens 8 Envelop PE... ss fon Tempo orvoff holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source ваоавао И ааа 0 on/off holdtosave D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source Use the Expression Pedal to make this filter even more nervous! Expression Pedal increases anxiety. Tempo ON, set at 104BPM. B= Expression Pedal controls Speed AUDITIONING PRESETS: Put ModFactor in Bank Mode Pressing and holding the right footswitch for about 2 seconds toggles between BANK and PLAY MODE. In PLAY MODE, you'll see either the LFO Sweep display or the name of the Effect that’s currently loaded. In BANK MODE, you'll see the word “BANK”, a number, a colon, and another number. To audition Presets, put ModFactor in BANK MODE. EVENTIDE IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF EVENTIDE, INC. O 2008 EVENTIDE INC., ONE ALSAN WAY, LITTLE FERRY, NJ 07643 USA WWW.EVENTIDE.COM How do you make a Wah hyper? Double modulate its sweep and add then caffeine. Tempo ON, set at 168BPM. == Expression Pedal controls Intensity BANK # 1 = PRESET # @ Chorus O Rotary O Phaser O TremoloPan O Q-Wah O Vibrato Eventide MODFACTOR O Flanger O Undulator O ModFilter O RingMod O O — Active Slow/Fast hold to Brake hold for PLAY BANK mode S$ 3 т U U Bank Preset 1 Bank Preset 2 Bank UP Active / Bypass Active / Bypass (Hold for PLAY Mode) MODFACTOR FACTORY PRESETS 16:1 THROUGH 20:2 Part # 141138 Rev D 16:1 Big Fat Cabinet [Rotary] 16:2 Hyper Rotor [Rotary] Giant 1.29Hz - 1.35Hz R99/H74 75 Giant 6.74Hz 6.24Hz R99/H74 47 Intensity > q Type > Depth PR Speed ==, Shape E Xnob Intensity > Type A Depth A Speed === Shape E Xnob Tempo O 99 99 Exp Pdl Tempo O 99 99 Exp Pdl ush for Tempo on/off hold to Save D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source ush for Tempo on/off hold to Save D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source A big, bad rotary sound! Use an Expression Pedal to see just how hyper this rotor can get. = Expression Pedal is assigned to Mod Source B= Expression Pedal is assigned to Mod Source 17:1 Special Agent Factor [TremoloPan] 17:2 Flutter Trem [TremoloPan] ЕО — NN on «ть». — FO — PN «ть». «ть». — 81 Opto 57 6.16Hz Square 0 Bias 43 1/8 Sine Intensity Type Depth Speed mm, Shape ¿2% Xnob Intensity > Type > Depth >» Speed ¿”NX Shape ¿”NN Xnob Tempo O 67 67 8.00xspd [Peak Temo O 51 99 0.75xspd Peak NEN NSN NEN NSN PT... as fon Tempo on/off odiosa D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source ush for Tempo on/off holdiosav — D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source The name's Factor, ModFactor. He has a license to... trem. This preset has flutters on LFO peaks, mixed with a standard tremolo sound. Tempo ON, set at 134BPM. == Expression Pedal controls Intensity, D-Mod, and S-Mod == Expression Pedal controls Intensity (Drive) 18:1 DynaVibrato [Vibrato] 18:2 Quiverer [Vibrato] «инт». Peak) te. E, Maa < Maa “< «тт. I «тт. Maa Ma Ma «ть. 99 Vintage 48 6.82Hz Sine 79 Retro 53 1.00Hz Peak S“Stages:6 Intensity >» Type A. Depth >» Speed ¿”NN Shape ¿2% Xnob Intensity > Type > Depth >» Speed ¿”NX Shape ¿”NN Xnob Tempo OQ 0 43 69 Envelop Tempo OQ 99 0 2.34xspd Peak NEN NSN NEN NSN J... ss fon Tempo on/off odiosa D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source ush for Tempo on/off holdiosav — D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source The harder you play, the faster this Vibrato will get. When you want to sound like something's not quite right. E Expression Pedal controls Depth E Expression Pedal controls Intensity 19:1 Lonesome Trail [Undulator] 19:2 Time Lapse [Undulator] O — — Aoi — === mm Peak) — = Fa — E 32 Feedback 99 1.00Hz Peak Fdbk:66 44 Pitch 0 Sens:0 Envelop Sprd:0 Intensity PR Type A. Depth >» Speed ¿”NN Shape ¿2% Xnob Intensity > Type > Depth >» Speed ¿”NX Shape = Xnob Tempo O 0 56 Sens:77 Envelop Tempo O 0 41 1.88xspd Sine NEN NSN NEN NSN PE... ss fon Tempo on/off odiosa — D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source ush for Tempo on/off holdiosav D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source Point an Expression Pedal to "Toe" and this Trail will go on forever. A thousand years are reduced to a few seconds with this sound. E Expression Pedal controls Intensity and Feedback = Expression Pedal controls Depth, Speed(Sensitivity), and Xnob(Spread) 20:1 HellsBells [RingMod] 20:2 Static [RingMod] «инт. Peak) te. Ma Maa < Maa “< «тт. — peak") «тт. Ma E, Ma «ть. 56 Ring 659Hz Sine Tone:51 42 String 42Hz Ramp Tone:20 Intensity >» Type A. Depth ES Speed ¿”NN Shape ¿2% Xnob Intensity > Type > Depth >» Speed ¿”NX Shape = Xnob Tempo Q 0 99 Sens:95 Envelop Tempo Q 0 81 0.57xspd Smp/Hid NEN NSN NEN NSN PE... ss fon Tempo on/off odiosa — D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source ush for Tempo on/off holdiosav D-Mod S-Mod Mod Rate Mod Source The carrier frequency is modulated by the S-Mod knob. The Static from this Ringmod isn't yours, it's OURS. Expression brings in Sample+Hold. == Expression Pedal controls S-Mod = Expression Pedal controls Speed Use an Expression Pedal! ModFactor loves to be used with an expression pedal! The Factory Presets already have expression pedal assignments. To get the most out of them, plug a pedal in and play! EVENTIDE IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF EVENTIDE, INC. O 2008 EVENTIDE INC., ONE ALSAN WAY, LITTLE FERRY, NJ 07643 USA WWW.EVENTIDE.COM ">