Ingersoll-Rand X8I Detailed Description
Ingersoll-Rand X8I is an advanced system controller designed to provide safe, reliable, and energy-efficient management of your compressed air system. It can control up to eight positive displacement air compressors, maintaining system pressure within a user-adjustable range. The X8I features an Energy control mode that dynamically selects the most efficient compressor combination to meet air system demand. It also offers anti-cycling control to minimize compressor cycling and improve efficiency.
Ingersoll Rand Automation
X8I Advanced System Controller
Detailed Description
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Introduction to X8I Automation
The X8I is an advanced system controller designed to provide safe, reliable and energy-efficient management of your compressed air system. The X8I is capable of controlling up to eight positive displacement air compressors. The compressors may be fixed-speed, variable-speed or multi-step and have electro-pneumatic- or microprocessor-based controls. The X8I will load or unload fixed-speed compressors plus control the loading of variable capacity/speed compressors as necessary to maintain a user-adjustable pressure band. The system pressure is controlled via a single point in the system. This is not a cascading pressure control scheme.
The X8I features an Energy control mode that takes the guesswork out of manually programming the schedules and sequence of multiple compressor systems. Adaptive Control Logic, developed for the X8I, dynamically selects and utilizes the most efficient set of compressors to meet air system demand. Energy control mode is designed to manage systems that include compressors of different capacities and different air compressor types (fixed-speed, variable-speed and variable-capacity) in any combination or configuration.
The X8I can also automatically manage the system around multiple pressure profiles. Up to four separate pressure profiles can be designated by the user to provide customized control of the compressor system. Each pressure profile can be changed automatically, based on a specified time of day and day of the week or manually from the controller faceplate. User-programmed schedules, sequences and compressor priority designations are available for custom applications should they be required. Finally, in the unlikely event of an X8I or a communication failure, the affected compressor(s) will default to local control and settings. This will provide the maximum protection to your air system.
X8I Functionality
Pressure Control
Pressure control is achieved by maintaining the system pressure within an acceptable range, or pressure band, which is defined and programmed by the user. Pressure will rise in the band when system demand is less than the loaded compressor’s output.
Pressure will fall in the band when system demand is greater than the loaded compressor’s output. Simply stated, pressure control is achieved by unloading/loading and load-controlling variable-speed compressors to closely match compressor output with system demand, within the defined pressure band.
Anti-cycling Control
The most efficient way to utilize most air compressors is either fully loaded or off, with the exception of variable-speed compressors, which can operate efficiently at reduced loading. Compressor cycling (start-load-unload-stop, etc.) is essential to maintain pressure control. Excessive cycling, however, can result in poor compressor efficiency as well as increased maintenance. Anti-cycling control helps ensure that only the compressors actually required are started and operating while all others are kept off. Anti-cycling is an active control algorithm that continually analyzes pressure dynamics to determine the last possible second to add or cycle another compressor into the system. Anti-cycling control consists of two components:
Tolerance is a user-adjustable setting that determines how far above the unload set point and below the load set point system pressure will be allowed to stray. Tolerance keeps the X8I from overcompensating in the event of a temporary significant increase or decrease in system demand.
The damping setting is a user-adjustable set point that determines how quickly the controller samples and recalculates, effectively speeding up or slowing down the reaction time.
Damping also works in conjunction with tolerance to determine how long the pressure can remain in the tolerance band. The further into the tolerance band, the shorter the wait time to add or subtract a compressor—all relative to the damping setting.
2 System Automation X8I
Compressor Sequence/Control Strategy
There are three main system control strategies available with the X8I that range from fully automatic to fully programmable.
ENER: Energy Control Mode
The primary function of ENER mode is to dynamically match compressed air supply with compressed air demand while utilizing the most energy-efficient combination of air compressors. Energy control is made possible by the advanced control logic of the X8I that processes individual compressor capacity, variable capacity capabilities and changes in system pressure to automatically implement and continuously adapt ‘best fit’ configurations as demand variations occur. Compressor control and utilization are dynamically automated and, therefore, do not require the programming of special sequences, schedules, rotation configurations or time intervals.
FILO: First In/Last Out
The primary function of FILO (First In/Last Out) mode is to provide a traditional approach to efficiently operate a compressed air system consisting of fixed- and variable-speed compressors. The various sequences, sequence change schedules, priorities and rotation assignments are all selectable and programmed by the user. The rotation strategy defines how the compressors are arranged in a new sequence whenever a rotation event occurs. Rotation events are triggered by a periodic rotation based on a set interval, a set time of day each day or a set time of day once a week.
Complete knowledge of system characteristics is normally required in order to effectively implement this strategy.
EHR: Equal Hours Run Mode
The primary function of EHR mode is to keep the running hours of all compressors in the system as close as possible.
This provides the opportunity to service all of the compressors at the same time, given that the expected service interval for the compressors is similar. Note: EHR is not an energy-efficient mode of operation and is typically used when the compressors are similar in size.
Tables and the Pressure Schedule
The X8I operates based on settings configured into one of four tables. Each table contains specific operation mode instructions including: high pressure (PH)—the pressure at which the X8I will consider reducing supply, low pressure (PL)—the pressure at which the X8I will consider increasing supply, the sequence control strategy (SQ) as well as individual utilization priority settings for each compressor. Using the real-time clock feature and pressure schedule functionality, the X8I can be instructed to change among the tables at any time based on time of day and day of the week. This functionality allows the X8I to switch among multiple different system configurations without disruption to control. This is particularly useful in shift changes, where pressure profiles need to be changed, or during weekends when the system is to be deactivated. The pressure schedule functionality provides enhanced system efficiency and automation.
Priority Settings
Priority settings modify compressor utilization and/or sequence assignments. Compressors can be assigned a priority from 1 to
8, where 1 is the highest priority. Any compressor can be assigned any priority and any number of compressors can share the same priority. When using ENER mode, priorities allow you to segregate a compressor or compressor groups for utilization
(for example, primary compressors vs. pure standby/emergency). When using FILO control, priorities allow you to set up primary compressors, custom rotation groups and standby compressors. All compressors that have the same priority number will rotate inside their own group. The group with the highest priority will always be in the front of the sequence.
System Automation X8I 3
X8I Functionality (continued)
System Standby
Compressors can be maintained off-line to minimize losses due to system leaks in pressurized systems idle during non-productive periods.
Prefill provides an energy-efficient method of increasing pressure to normal operating levels upon system start. This feature avoids the potential for all compressors to inefficiently start and load in an attempt to quickly get the system pressure up to normal levels.
System Warnings
The X8I is equipped to alert the user when critical system parameters are exceeded. Low pressure, high pressure and insufficient capacity warnings will be activated at each occurrence and will be visible on the X8I front panel.
Configurable Auxiliary Input/Output (I/O) Contacts
The X8I is equipped with auxiliary I/O contacts that can be configured to control the X8I and the system components or to activate remote alarms.
Fail-safe Control
Should the X8I experience a disruption in normal operation or if an X8I shutdown fault occurs, control is automatically transferred back to each compressor. The fail-safe control maintains the air system integrity and reliability, even under emergency conditions.
Power Outage/Restart Option
The X8I is fully compatible with compressors equipped with the power outage restart option (PORO). The X8I will store its operating state in non-volatile memory. This information is retained in case of power loss. If the power failure auto-restart function is enabled, and the X8I was in a “started” state when the power disruption or failure occurred, the X8I will automatically restart when power is restored. If the power failure auto-restart function is enabled and the X8I was in a “stopped” state when the power disruption or failure occurred, the X8I will not automatically restart when power is restored.
4 System Automation X8I
The X8I is a self-contained and independently powered unit, mounted in a NEMA 4, IP65 control enclosure. A separate
115/230V, 60/50 Hz power supply must be provided to the X8I. For more information, Please reference the X8I Quick Set-Up
Guide and the X8I Operators Manual.
Pressure Transmitter
A single pressure transducer is provided and must be installed at a stable point in the air system. The pressure sensing point should be chosen carefully. It should be free of flow restrictions, excessive pressure drops and excessive demand surges.
A common receiver tank is an excellent choice. The pressure transducer can be located up to 330 ft (100 m) from the X8I.
Compressor Connectivity
Compressors will be connected to the X8I using various “standard” interface configurations depending on the specific on-board compressor control. The X8I will manage up to eight positive displacement compressors in any combination of connection/interface configurations. Four standard connection configurations are available via: ir-PCB, ir-485 Gateway, irV-485
Gateway and Direct RS485 cable connection.
X8I Interface Configuration
Pressure Switch Microprocessor Pressure Switch ir-PCB ir-PCB ir-PCB
Ingersoll Rand
IntelliSys Controllers
Nirvana ir-485 Gateway irV-485 Gateway
Nirvana 7.5-15 Fixed-speed ir-PCB Direct
The ir-PCB connects using a six- or seven-conductor shielded cable or individual wires running through grounded conduit no greater than 330 ft (100 m) in length. Each ir-PCB connected compressor is wired to the X8I in parallel. Up to four ir-PCB compressors can be connected directly to the X8I. Four more ir-PCB compressors can be connected via the EXP box for a total of eight compressors (see the Installation Summary section on the following page).
The ir-485 and irV-485 Gateways connect using a shielded RS485 communication cable. Up to eight compressors connected via ir-485, irV-485 Gateway or RS485 can be networked together, daisy-chain style, using an RS485 communication cable with a total length no greater than 4,000 ft (1,219 m). The total number of compressors that can be connected in any combination is eight. For detailed interface information, please reference the X8I Application & Compressor Interconnect Guide.
Remote Load and Unload
All compressors managed by the X8I must have the ability and the connection points to accept a remote load and unload command. Most compressors have this ability or can be configured to have this ability. On rare occasions however, compressor control is designed without any remote control capability.
Auto Start and Stop
The X8I manages compressors by issuing load and unload commands to individual fixed-speed compressors and by targeting pressure commands to individual variable-speed compressors. Starting and stopping of the compressors is accomplished through the automatic start and stop functionality that resides in the on-board control of each compressor. Auto start and stop is required on each compressor to receive the full energy saving benefits of the X8I. Units without the auto start/stop function will run unloaded until the load command is received.
System Automation X8I 5
6 System Automation X8I
Ingersoll Rand Automation
Model X8I
Compressors can be maintained off-line to minimize losses due to system leaks in pressurized systems idle during non-productive periods.
Once the X8I is properly set up it will operate automatically. Every X8I comes preset from the factory in ENER mode and with typical default settings. For more information, please reference the X8I Quick Set-Up Guide.
In order to realize the full benefits of the X8I, some field configuration is required. For more information, please reference the
X8I Operators Manual.
The following are common user-definable parameters:
• X8I System Pressure Band: Compressors will be loaded/unloaded and load-controlled based on system pressure in relation to the user-selected pressure band (high pressure set point and low pressure set point)
• Units of measure: Pressure can be displayed in psi, bar or kPA
• Anti-cycling control: Tolerance and damping are used to tune the system, to adjust the response time and to assure that compressors are utilized only as required
• Three sequence strategies: ENER (energy control mode: automatic selection and sequence), FILO (first in/last out) or EHR
(equal run hours)
• Four control tables: Each table consists of high pressure (PH), low pressure (PL), minimum pressure alarm (PM), sequence strategy (SQ) and compressors’ priority
• Eight priority levels: Individual units or groups of compressors can be prioritized for custom utilization
• Pressure schedule: The control table is selected based on a user-defined pressure schedule
• Automatic or manually programmed prefill mode: Efficiently charges an empty system
• Start sequencing: Starts the X8I and engages the current sequence
• Stop sequencing: Stops the X8I and returns each compressor to local control and pressure settings
• Standby mode: Holds the compressors off-line based on a user-defined schedule
System Automation X8I 7
X8I System Controller Kit (42659250)
The following components are included:
• X8I Controller mounted in a NEMA 4, IP65 enclosure
• Pressure transducer 232 psi (16 bar)
• Compressor interface installation kit for eight compressors:
Brackets, mounting hardware and 330 ft (100 m) of wire
• Operator’s Manual
• Quick Set-up Guide
• Application and Compressor Interconnect Guide
(Control cable/wire is not included for X8I to compressor interface and X8I to pressure transducer)
X8I Compressor Interface and Network Products
These products are supplied and ordered separately depending on the compressors to be connected.
Compressor Interface
Each air compressor in your system must be interfaced to the X8I. Interface methods may vary depending on the compressor type and/or local control configuration. Currently, all compressors with the exception of the recently introduced R-Series fixedspeed contact-cooled rotary compressor, will connect via either an ir-PCB (hardwire connection) or an ir-485/irV-485 Gateway
(RS485 connection).
IR-PCB kit: 39266119
• Four ir-PCB interface modules
• Instructions
IR-485 Gateway Kit: 39266085
• One ir-485 interface module
• One 24 Vac power supply
• Interface to compressor connection wire
• Instructions
IRV-485 Gateway Kit: 42665141
• One irV-485 interface module
• One 24 Vac power supply
• Interface to compressor connection wire
• Instructions
8 System Automation X8I
Network Products: Accessories for Special Applications
Expansion Module: EXP (Optional)
Mixed-Manufacturer or Pressure Switch Compressors are Directly Connected Via Hardwire and an ir-PCB Interface.
The X8I standard configuration has four direct-connect ir-PCB terminal connections. This capability can be extended with the use of an optional EXP expansion module. The EXP box will add another four direct-connect ir-PCB connection terminals, allowing a total of eight mixed-manufacturer or pressure switch compressors to be connected and controlled via ir-PCB integration.
The ir-PCB expansion module is suitable for wall mounting and must be located adjacent to the X8I unit (max 33 ft or 10 m).
Compressors connected to the ir-PCB expansion module using a six-wire cable and a compressor interface ir-PCB must be within a 330 ft (100 m) distance. For detailed interface information, please reference the X8I Application & Compressor
Interconnect Guide.
Remote Compressor Management: EX Box (optional)
The EX box, an “EXtension” to the X8I, provides remote ir-PCB connectivity. The EX box is connected on the RS485 network and is typically used to provide ir-PCB (mixed-manufacturer compressor) connectivity at a remote location beyond the maximum distance specification for ir-PCB-type connection, 330 ft (100 m). This effectively expands the hardwire connection scheme of the ir-PCB to the full RS485 distance specification.
The EX box is suitable for wall mounting and can be located up to 4,000 ft. (1,219 m) from the X8I unit.
One or two air compressors can be connected to the EX box using a six-wire cable and a compressor interface ir-PCB within a
330 ft (100 m) distance.
System Automation X8I 9
10 System Automation X8I
Network Products: Accessories for Special Applications
Bolt-On VSD Control Integration: VSD Box (optional)
The VSD box provides a method of system integration for a VSD (variable speed drive) air compressor not equipped with any accessible means of remote connectivity (such as IR- Nirvana). The VSD box will provide the required functionality to enable system integration and efficient control using the X8I automation system.
Each air compressor in a system that requires VSD box integration must be equipped with an individual
VSD box. The VSD box connects to the compressor via the ir-PCB interface. The compressor/VSD pressure sensor is routed through the VSD box; in some cases, a CT is installed on the drive to determine compressor speed. Multiple VSD boxes can be connected to the X8I as long as the number of compressors does not exceed the maximum number of compressors (8). The VSD box connects to the X8I controller via the two-wire RS485 network.
Remote Input & Output: I/O Box (Optional)
The I/O box provides additional general purpose I/O to add system monitoring capabilities and distributed system automation.
Up to two I/O boxes can be connected to the X8I controller. Each I/O box features:
• Eight digital inputs
• Five analog inputs
• Six relay outputs
Digital inputs monitor switching contact devices. Each input can be set to act as an alarm or high-level alarm input. Digital inputs can also be used for metering (for example, m3, ft3, kWh) providing accumulated pulse count from a metering device.
Analog inputs monitor sensor devices (for example, pressure, pressure differential, temperature, dewpoint, flow, current, power, bearing condition). Each input is equipped with adjustable high- or low-level detection that can be used to activate an alarm or high-level alarm.
Relay outputs use ‘virtual relay automation’ technology and are totally configurable with dual input logic functions. Relay functions can be assigned utilizing any status or condition information available on a system network from any compatible unit connected to the network.
The I/O box connects to the X8I controller via a two-wire RS485 network utilizing the ir-485 protocol.
System Automation X8I 11

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