SERIAL PORT (RS-232) TECHNICAL INTERFACE GUIDE ORBITAL SHAKERS A OHAUS RS-232 SERIAL PORT SETTINGS: BAUD RATE - 1200 DATA BITS - 8 NO PARITY STOP BIT - 1 FLOW CONTROL - NONE STARTUP: When the shaker is new the command ' |=*' may be needed to take it out of index mode. COMMAND LIST FORMAT NOTES: 4 DIGITS ARE ASCII SPEED IN 1. Input Speed Set Point and start motor 'S'+ 4 DIGITS RPM SINGLE LETTER 2. Stop motor 'O' COMMAND 4 DIGITS ARE ASCII MINUTES, 2 DIGITS ARE 3. Set timed mode and load time, starting timer 'N' + 4 DIGITS + 2 DIGITS ASCII SECONDS 4. Set continuous mode, loading 0 for time, start timer 'C' 5. Stop timer & reset to set point value 'A' 4 DIGITS ARE ASCII TEMPERATURE 6. Input Temperature Set point and start heater 'K' + 4 DIGITS IN DEGREES C 7. Stop Heater Operation Z Response is NM followed by 4 digits for minutes and 2 digits for seconds showing current time on display, followed by SM followed by 4 digits for measured speed, followed by KM followed by 4 digits for measured temperature, followed by N followed by 6 digits for setpoint time, followed by S followed by 4 digits for setpoint speed, followed by K followed by 4 digits for setpoint temperature, followed by the letter R or S depending on whether the motor is running, or stopped, followed by the letter H or S depending on whether the 8. Dump all parameters 'U' heater is heating or stopped. 2 digits set unit # 9. Set Index number ‘|='+ 2 DIGITS at 0 to 99 * says indexing is 10. Clear Index number |=" turned off Note: A carriage return may be required at the end of each command entry depending on software interface used 3/3/2010 ">

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