Trendnet TEW-637AP N300 Wireless Easy-N-Upgrader Quick Installation Guide
The Trendnet TEW-637AP is a wireless access point that allows you to connect your wired and wireless devices to your home or office network. With speeds of up to 300Mbps, it's ideal for streaming video, gaming, and other bandwidth-intensive activities. Set up a secure wireless network using the intuitive web-based interface. The TEW-637AP supports multiple SSIDs, allowing you to create separate networks for guests or devices. It also features WPS for easy connection to compatible devices.
Guía de instalación rápida
Table of Contents
1. Antes de iniciar
2. Instalación del Hardware
Version 04.19.2011
1. Antes de iniciar
Contenidos del paquete
ŸGuía de instalación rápida multilingüe
ŸCD-ROM (herramienta y guía del usuario)
ŸAdaptador de alimentación (12V DC, 0.5A)
ŸCable de red (0.6mts/2pies)
Requisitos del sistema
Ÿ Un navegador Web como Internet Explorer (6 o superior), Firefox 2.0
(ó superior), Opera, Chrome, Safari
ŸUn ordenador con adaptador de de red alámbrico o inalámbrico instalado de manera correcta
ŸEnrutador con un puerto para redes LAN.
ŸUn servidor DHCP disponible, los enrutadores tienen por lo general un servidor
DHCP integrado
2. Instalación del Hardware
1. Busque una localización óptima para el Punto de Acceso. El mejor lugar para el
Punto de Acceso se encuentra normalmente en el centro de su red inalámbrica.
2. Deshabilite cualquier programa antivirus o firewall (cortafuegos) antes de empezar la instalación de hardware.
Para usuarios de Windows
1. Introduzca el CD-ROM del de la herramienta en la unidad de CD-ROM de su PC.
2. Haga clic en Run Setup.exe
(Windows 7/Vista).
3. Haga clic en Setup Wizard
(Asistente de configuración).
4. Haga clic en I accept the terms in the license
agreement (Acepto los términos de este acuerdo de licencia), y haga clic en Next
5. Conecte el cable RJ45 suministrado desde el puerto LAN de su enrutador a un puerto LAN del TEW-637AP. Luego, haga clic en Next
6. Conecte un cable RJ-45 desde el puerto LAN de su enrutador al puerto Ethernet de su PC.
7. Conecte el adaptador de alimentación al punto de acceso y luego a una toma de corriente.
Compruebe que el conmutador esté encendido
(Sólo para versión de la UE) y luego haga clic en Next (Siguiente).
8. Seleccione el TEW-637AP de la lista y, a continuación, haga clic en Configure
9. Escriba la contraseña y entonces haga clic en
Login (Conectarse). La contraseña predeterminada es admin.
10. Seleccione Dynamic IP Address
Configuration (Configurar dirección IP dinámica) y luego haga clic en Next
11. Seleccione Manual Setup (Configuración manual) y después haga clic en Next
12. Introduzca un SSID y haga en Next
(siguiente). El SSID predeterminado es
TRENDnet637. El SSID es el nombre de la red inalámbrica de su red inalámbrica (por ejemplo, enrutador inalámbrico o punto de acceso). Introduzca un único SSID. No utilice nada que pueda ser identificable como “Red de la Familia Smith”. Elija algo que pueda identificar con facilidad cuando busque una red inalámbrica disponible.
13. Seleccione un modo de seguridad y, a continuación, haga clic en Next (en el ejemplo se muestra el WPA-PSK).
1. Para proteger su red de cualquier acceso no autorizado se le recomienda habilitar la encriptación inalámbrica
2. Los ejemplos que se muestran a continuación son para la seguridad WPA2-PSK
(AES). Si selecciona WPA-PSK o WPA2-PSK, compruebe que sus adaptadores inalámbricos son compatibles con WPA o WPA2. Si sus adaptadores inalámbricos no son compatibles con WPA o WPA2, entonces seleccione WEP.
3. El cifrado WEP es compatible únicamente velocidades de hasta 54Mbps con
4. Tan pronto se active la encriptación en el enrutador, cada PC y dispositivo inalámbrico deberá configurarse con la misma clave de encriptación.
14. Seleccione el modo WPA deseado, luego introduzca los caracteres de la clave precompartida y después haga clic en Next
(Siguiente). Para WPA-PSK o WPA2-PSK, la clave precompartida debe tener entre 8 y 63 caracteres ASCII o 64 caracteres HEX.
Asegúrese de copiar la clave precompartida.
15. Haga clic en Save (opcional). Esto guarda los parámetros de configuración en un archivo, que puede volver a subir cuando sea necesario.
16. Asígnele un nombre al fichero y, después, haga clic en Save (guardar).
17. Haga clic en Next (Siguiente) para aplicar las configuraciones.
18. Haga clic en Exit.
19. Haga clic en Yes (Sí) para salir.
Nota: Para conectar una computadora inalámbrica a la unidad TEW-637AP, por favor refiérase a la primera pregunta en la sección de solución de problemas.
La configuración inalámbrica ha finalizado
Para obtener información más detallada sobre la configuración y las opciones de configuración avanzadas de la
, por favor consulte la sección de resolución de problemas en el CD-ROM de la Guía del Usuario, o el sitio Web de TRENDnet en
Registre su producto
Para asegurar los más altos niveles de servicio y apoyo al cliente, registre su producto en línea en:
Gracias por elegir TRENDnet
1. All the settings are correct, but I can not make a wireless connection to the
Access Point.
1. Double check that the wireless LED on the Access Point is lit.
2. Power cycle the Access Point. Unplug the power to the Access Point. Wait 15 seconds, then plug the power back in.
3. Contact the manufacturer of your wireless network adapter. Make sure the wireless network adapter is configured with the proper SSID. The default SSID of the Access Point is TRENDnet637. If you have enabled any encryption on the Access Point, make sure to configure the wireless network adapter with the same Pre-shared key.
2. I have a wireless adapter that supports WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) push
button setup. How do I setup WPS between the TEW-637AP and my wireless
1. Press on the WPS button on the front of the TEW-637AP for 10 seconds.
2. Refer to your wireless adapters for instructions on setting up WPS.
3. I inserted the Utility CD-ROM into my computer's CD-ROM Drive but the installation menu does not appear automatically. What should I do
1. For Windows 7, if the installation menu does not appear automatically, click on the Windows Icon on the bottom left hand corner of the screen, click the
“Search programs and files” box, and type D:\autorun.exe, where “D” in
“D:\autorun.exe” is the letter assigned to your CD-ROM Drive, and then press the ENTER key on your keyboard
2. For Windows Vista, if the installation menu does not appear automatically, click on the Windows Icon on the bottom left hand corner of the screen, click on the
“Start Searc”h box, and type D:\autorun.exe, where “D” in “D:\autorun.exe” is the letter assigned to your CD-ROM Drive, and then press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
3. For Windows XP/2000 if the window does not appear automatically, click Start, click Run and type D:\autorun.exe where “D” in “D:\autorun.exe” is the letter assigned to your CD-ROM Drive, and then press the ENTER key on your keyboard.
4. I do not have a DHCP server or DHCP is disabled on my network and I am unable to configure the TEW-637AP. What should I do?
1. Go to the TCP/IP settings on your computer and assign a static IP address on your computer's network adapter in the subnet of 192.168.10.x. Since the default IP address of the TEW-637AP is, do not assign a static
IP address of on your computer's network adapter.
2. Open Internet Explorer and enter
into the address bar.
5. I followed the Quick Installation Guide and setup a new password. When I log in to the browser configuration an access error message appears. What should I do?
If the password was changed and you don't remember it, you need to reset the
TEW-637AP. To reset the TEW-637AP, power up the unit and wait 30 seconds for the unit to boot up. Then take a pin or paper clip and press the reset button for 15 seconds, then let go. The reset button is located on the bottom of the TEW-637AP.
Please note that performing a reset on the TEW-637AP will erase all settings applied and will revert back to default settings. The default user name is admin and the default password is admin. When you log in to the browser configuration for the first time, make sure to enter admin for user name. Do not leave the user name field blank
PWR (Power) LED
Network Port
Link/Act LEDs
Wireless LED
Power Switch
(EU Version only)
Reset Button
WPS Button
Color Sequence Definition
Green Solid
N/A Off
Device is on
Device is off
LAN port connected at 10/20 Mbps or 100/200Mbps
(Half/Full Duplex)
LAN port data transmitting/receiving 10/20Mbps or 100/200Mbps (Half/Full Duplex)
Wireless LAN is on or enabled/Wireless data transmission
Wireless LAN is on or enabled/Wireless data transmission
Wireless LAN is off or disabled
WPS authentication process complete
WPS authentication in process
WPS is not activated or disabled
Turns on/off power to the TEW-637AP
Hold 15 seconds to reset device to factory defaults.
Hold 3 seconds to activate WPS
If you still encounter problems or have any questions regarding the TEW-637AP, please contact TRENDnet's Technical Support Department.
Wireless Tips
The following are some general wireless tips to help minimize the impact of interference within an environment.
Assign your network a unique SSID
Do not use anything that would be identifying like “Smith Family Network”. Choose something that you would easily identify when searching for available wireless networks.
Do not turn off the SSID broadcast
The SSID broadcast is intended to be on and turning it off can cause connectivity issues.
The preferred method of securing a wireless network is to choose a strong form of encryption with a strong and varied encryption key.
Note: after setting up the SSID, encryption type and encryption key/passphrase, please make a note of them for future reference. You will need this information to connect your wireless computers to the wireless router/access point.
Change the channel
Most wireless access points and routers are defaulted to channel 6. If you have a site survey tool that will display the channels you can plan your channel selection around neighboring access points to minimize interference from them. If your site survey tool does not display the channel try using channels 1 or 11.
If you are using 802.11n you should be securing the network with WPA2 security.
Note: Due to Wi-Fi certification considerations if you choose WEP, WPA or WPA2-TKIP encryption this device may operate in legacy wireless mode (802.11b/g). You may not get
802.11n performance as these forms of encryption are not supported by the 802.11n specification.
Please also make sure that the wireless hardware is not placed in any type of shelving or enclosures.
Avoid stacking hardware on top of each other to prevent overheating issues
Maintain enough free space around the hardware for good ventilation and airflow. There should also be plenty of free space around the antennas to allow the wireless signal to propagate.
There are a number of other environmental factors that can impact the range of wireless devices.
1. Adjust your wireless devices so that the signal is traveling in a straight path, rather than at an angle. The more material the signal has to pass through the more signal you will lose.
2. Keep the number of obstructions to a minimum. Each obstruction can reduce the range of a wireless device. Position the wireless devices in a manner that will minimize the amount of obstructions between them.
3. Building materials can have a large impact on your wireless signal. In an indoor environment, try to position the wireless devices so that the signal passes through less dense material such as dry wall. Dense materials like metal, solid wood, glass or even furniture may block or degrade the signal.
4. Antenna orientation can also have a large impact on your wireless signal. Use the wireless adapter's site survey tool to determine the best antenna orientation for your wireless devices.
5. Interference from devices that produce RF (radio frequency) noise can also impact your signal. Position your wireless devices away from anything that generates RF noise, such as microwaves, HAM radios, Walkie-Talkies and baby monitors.
6. Any device operating on the 2.4GHz frequency will cause interference. Devices such as
2.4GHz cordless phones or other wireless remotes operating on the 2.4GHz frequency can potentially drop the wireless signal. Although the phone may not be in use, the base can still transmit wireless signals. Move the phone's base station as far away as possible from your wireless devices.
If you are still experiencing low or no signal consider repositioning the wireless devices or installing additional access points. The use of higher gain antennas may also provide the necessary coverage depending on the environment.
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