ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master
User Manual
(Catalog Number 1732E-8IOLM12R)
Important User Information
Solid-state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (Publication SGI-1.1 available from your local Rockwell
Automation sales office or online at ) describes some important differences between solid-state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices. Because of this difference, and also because of the wide variety of uses for solid-state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.
In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.
The examples and diagrams in this manual are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.
No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.
Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is prohibited.
Throughout this manual, when necessary, we use notes to make you aware of safety considerations..
WARNING: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can cause an explosion in a hazardous environment, which may lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss.
Identifies information that is critical for successful application and understanding of the product.
ATTENTION: Identifies information about practices or circumstances that can lead to personal injury or death, property damage, or economic loss. Attentions help you identify a hazard, avoid a hazard, and recognize the consequence
WARNING: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that dangerous voltage may be present.
WARNING: Labels may be on or inside the equipment, for example, a drive or motor, to alert people that surfaces may reach dangerous temperatures.
Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Automation, ArmorBlock I/O, RSLogix, Studio 5000, RSNetWorx, RSLinx, and TechConnect are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.
Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master - IO-Link Mode. . . 10
Quick Start - Prepare the Module to Work on EtherNet/IP . . . . . . . . . 11
Hardware/Software Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
What is IEEE 1588 PTP (Precision Time Protocol)? . . . . . . . . . . . 12
What Is Time Stamping? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Use of the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Understand the Producer/Consumer Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Specify the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Introduction to Time Stamping of the Input Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chapter Summary and What's Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Chapter 2
Install the ArmorBlock I/O 8
Channel IO-Link Master Module
Set the Network Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Mount the Module in High Vibration Areas 19
Connect the I/O, Network and Auxiliary Cables to the Module . 19
Chapter Summary and What's Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Chapter 3
Configure the Module for Your
EtherNet/IP Network
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 3
Table of Contents
Use the Rockwell Automation BootP/DHCP Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Use DHCP Software to Configure Your Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Chapter Summary and What’s Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Chapter 4
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8
Channel IO-Link Master Module
Using the Studio 5000 Add-on
Install the 1732E-8IOLM12R Add-On Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Add a ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module to Studio
Chapter Summary and What’s Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Chapter 5
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8
Channel IO-Link Master as
IO-Link Master Using the
Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
Change IO-Link Channel Configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Configure IO-Link Device Parameters Using the Add-on Profile . . . . . 49
IO-Link Device Parameter Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Configure IO-Link Device Parameters Using Message Instructions . . . 56
About the IO-Link Device Parameter Object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Create a Message Instruction for the IO-Link Device . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Locate the Parameter Index or Subindex Value in the IODD File 59
Chapter Summary and What’s Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Chapter 6
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Table of Contents
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8
Channel IO-Link Master Module as Standard Digital Input or
Output Using the Studio 5000
Add-on Profile
Configure the Module as Standard Digital Input Using the
Configure the Module as Standard Digital Output Using the
Chapter Summary and What’s Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Chapter 7
Module Overview and Features
Time Stamping of the Input Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Time Stamping of the Event Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Definition (for Timestamp) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
I/O Data Mapping
Appendix A
Configuration Assembly Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
IO-Link Configuration Assembly Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
IO-Link I/O Assembly Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Supported IO-Link Master
Appendix B
Querying the Events from the master to view 40 most recent events .
Configuration Assembly Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
IO-Link Master Event Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Recent Events Controller Tag View. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Appendix C
Second Data I/O connection rejected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Controller goes to fault when enabling/disabling Unicast . . . . . . . 89
Generic device with zero length input and output is accepted by the
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 5
Table of Contents
6 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Purpose of This Manual
This manual describes how to install, configure, and troubleshoot your
ArmorBlock IO-link Master module.
The ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master module can only be used in
EtherNet/IP systems. Refer to EtherNet/IP publications in addition to this manual.
Who Should Use This
This manual is intended for qualified personnel. You should be familiar with
Studio 5000®, EtherNet/IP Network, and IO-Link terminology. If you do not qualify, refer to your software documentation or online help before attempting to use these modules.
Related Publications
Refer to this table for a list of related ArmorBlock I/O products and documentation. The publications are available from . For specification and safety certification information, refer to the installation instructions.
Resource Description
ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master
ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module Installation Instructions, publication 1732E-IN001
ArmorBlock IO-Link Master Module Wiring Diagrams, publication 1732E-WD008
ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Release Notes, publication 1732E-RN009
Provides installation information and wiring diagrams for the
1732E-8IOLM12R module.
Provides connector pinout guide for wiring the 1732E-8IOLM12R module.
Release notes for the 1732E-8IOLM12R module.
1732 ArmorBlock I/O Modules Selection Guide, publication 1732-SG001
EtherNet/IP, CIP, Miscellaneous
Selection guide for choosing ArmorBlock I/O products.
EtherNet/IP Network Configuration User Manual, publication ENET-UM001 . Provides detailed information on EtherNet/IP network configuration.
EtherNet/IP Embedded Switch Technology Application Guide publication ENET-AT005
Integrated Architecture and CIP Sync Configuration Application Technique, publication IA-AT003
Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1
Provides detailed information on alternative network topologies for interconnecting EtherNet/IP devices by embedding switches.
Provides detailed information on configuring CIP Sync features for an
EtherNet/ network.
Detailed information on proper wiring and grounding techniques.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 7
8 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Modes of Usage
The ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master provides eight channels that can be individually configured as IO-Link Master or as a standard digital I/O module on four M12 connectors. The IO-Link Master module can be configured to fit any IO-Link and/or discrete application. The module also provides time stamping functionality for discrete inputs and IO-Link input data.
In IO-Link mode, the module supports eight channels for IO-Link Master communication with IO-Link compatible devices. In standard digital I/O mode, the module supports eight channels of standard digital input or standard digital output. Standard digital input channels support IEC61131-2 type 1 input.
Channels can also be disabled if not in use.
You must use this master module with Studio 5000
software, version 20 or later.
The module can be used in one of the following modes:
• as IO-Link Master,
• as standard digital input or standard digital output modules,
• as mixed IO-Link Master and standard digital input or standard digital output modules.
• Individual channels can also be disabled if not in use.
Studio 5000 Logix Designer is the latest version (starting at v20 or higher) of RSLogix 5000 and provides one software package for discrete, process, batch, motion, safety and drive-based applications.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 9
Chapter 1 Introduction
ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master - IO-Link Mode
The ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master can support IO-Link communications to IO-Link enabled devices in IO-Link Master mode.
See Chapter 5, Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as
IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile.
ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master - Standard Digital Input or Standard Digital Output Mode
The module can be used as a standard digital ArmorBlock module.
See Chapter 6, Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master
Module as Standard Digital Input or Output Using the Studio 5000
10 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Quick Start - Prepare the
Module to Work on
Introduction Chapter 1
Mount the Module
Connect the I/O, Network and Auxiliary
Cables to the Module
Configure the Module for Your
EtherNet/IP Network
Add a 1732E 8 Channel IO-Link Master
Module to Studio 5000
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8
Channel IO-Link Master as
IO-Link Master
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O
8 Channel IO-Link Master
Module as Standard Digital
Input or Output
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 11
Chapter 1 Introduction
The module and the applications described in this manual are compatible with the following firmware versions and software releases.
Contact Rockwell Automation if you need software or firmware upgrades to use this equipment.
Firmware Version/Software Release
Firmware rev. 1.001 or later
1756-EN2T, 1756-EN2TR, 1756-EN3TR
Studio 5000 Logix Designer 1
Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
RSLinx software
Firmware Version / Software Release
3.x version when using Studio 5000 v20 or later v20 or later
1.39.0 or later
2.56 or later
Studio 5000 Logix Designer is the replacement for RSLogix 5000 (v20 or later). It provides one software package for discrete, process, batch, motion, safety and drive-based applications.
Introduction to CIP Sync
CIP is the Common Industrial Protocol that we use to let all Rockwell
Automation products communicate with each other whether it be on a
DeviceNet, ControlNet, and/or a CIP network. Since it is an ODVA standard, other industrial product manufacturers develop products to communicate via the
CIP protocol.
CIP Sync is a CIP implementation of the IEEE 1588 PTP (Precision Time
Protocol) in which devices can bridge the PTP time across backplanes and on to other networks via EtherNet/IP ports.
What is IEEE 1588 PTP (Precision Time Protocol)?
The IEEE 1588 standard specifies a protocol to synchronize independent clocks running on separate nodes of a distributed measurement and control system to a high degree of accuracy and precision. The clocks communicate with each other over a communication network. In its basic form, the protocol is intended to be administration free. The protocol generates a master slave relationship among the clocks in the system. Within a given subnet of a network there will be a single master clock. All clocks ultimately derive their time from a clock known as the grandmaster clock. This is called Precision Time Protocol (PTP).
The PTP is a time-transfer protocol defined in the IEEE 1588-2008 standard that allows precise synchronization of networks, for example, Ethernet. Accuracy within the nanosecond range can be achieved with this protocol when using hardware generated synchronization.
12 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Introduction Chapter 1
IEEE 1588 is designed for local systems requiring very high accuracies beyond those attainable using Network Time Protocol (NTP). NTP is used to synchronize the time of a computer client or server to another server or reference time source, such as a GPS.
CIP Sync Support
CIP Sync supports the IEEE 1588-2008 synchronization standard. In this architecture, a grandmaster clock provides a master time reference for the system time. The 1732E-8IOLM12R module is a CIP Sync slave only device. There must be another module on the network that will function as a master clock. The grandmaster could be:
• A 1756 ControlLogix L6 or L7 controller when using Studio 5000 software v20 or later.
• An Ethernet bridge that supports IEEE 1588 V2, or
• A Symmetricom Grand Master GPS or equivalent.
What Is CIP Sync?
CIP Sync is a CIP implementation of the IEEE 1588 PTP (Precision Time
Protocol). CIP Sync provides accurate real-time (Real-World Time) or Universal
Coordinated Time (UTC) synchronization of controllers and devices connected over CIP networks. This technology supports highly distributed applications that require time stamping, sequence of events recording, distributed motion control, and increased control coordination.
What Is Time Stamping?
Each input has its own individual timestamp recorded for each change of value.
The offset from the timestamp to the local clock is also recorded so that steps in time can be detected and resolved.
Time stamping uses the 64-bit system time whose time base is determined by the module’s master clock resolved in microseconds. Each timestamp is updated as soon as an input transition is detected, before input filtering occurs. When filtering is enabled, the transition is only recorded if the transition passes the filter.
The module starts Time Stamping as soon as it powers up, even if it is not synchronized to a master clock. If it is synchronized to a master clock and then becomes unsynchronized it continues to time stamp. All time stamps and offsets have a value of zero at power-up.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 13
Chapter 1 Introduction
For more information on how to use CIP Sync technology, see the Integrated
Architecture and CIP Sync Configuration Application Technique, publication IA-AT003 .
Use of the Common
Industrial Protocol (CIP)
The 1732E-8IOLM12R IO-Link Master module uses the Common Industrial
Protocol (CIP). CIP is the application layer protocol specified for EtherNet/IP, the Ethernet Industrial Protocol. It is a message-based protocol that implements a relative path to send a message from the “producing” device in a system to the
"consuming” devices.
The producing device contains the path information that steers the message along the proper route to reach its consumers. Because the producing device holds this information, other devices along the path simply pass this information; they do not need to store it.
This has two significant benefits:
• You do not need to configure routing tables in the bridging modules, which greatly simplifies maintenance and module replacement.
• You maintain full control over the route taken by each message, which enables you to select alternative paths for the same end device.
Understand the
Producer/Consumer Model
The CIP "producer/consumer" networking model replaces the old source/ destination ("master/slave") model. The producer/consumer model reduces network traffic and increases speed of transmission. In traditional I/O systems, controllers poll input modules to obtain their input status In the CIP system, input modules are not polled by a controller. Instead, they produce their data either upon a change-of-state (CoS) or periodically. The frequency of update depends upon the options chosen during configuration and where the input modules resides on the network. The input module, therefore, is a producer of input data and the controller is a consumer of the data.
The controller can also produce data for other controllers to consume. The produced and consumed data is accessible by multiple controllers and other devices over the EtherNet/IP network. This data exchange conforms to the producer/ consumer model.
Specify the Requested
Packet Interval (RPI)
The Requested Packet Interval (RPI) is the update rate specified for a particular piece of data on the network. This value specifies how often to produce the data for that device. For example, if you specify an RPI of 50 ms, it means that every
50 ms the device sends its data to the controller or the controller sends its data to the device.
RPIs are only used for devices that exchange data. For example, a ControlLogix
EtherNet/IP bridge module in the same chassis as the controller does not require
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Introduction Chapter 1 an RPI because it is not a data-producing member of the system; it is used only as a bridge to remote modules.
Introduction to Time
Stamping of the Input Data
The 1732E-8IOLM12R is an input module that offers sub-millisecond time stamping on a per channel basis in addition to providing the basic ON/OFF and
OFF / ON detection of all change of state (CoS) input data (also commonly known as the process data). This IO-Link Master module provides a new timestamp for any CoS on any of the input data from a configured IO-Link enabled device. Each IO-Link enabled device can support up to 32 bytes of input process data partitioned dependent on the manufacturer of the
IO-Link enabled device.
As a result, one timestamp is available for the entire input process data, and using ladder logic, the user can specify when to capture the timestamp for any particular data transition.
Most often the data of interest is a Boolean value with instructions such as
"examine if open" and "examine if closed" paired with a one-time instruction to only capture the transition itself. In this case, the user can accurately collect the data transition and the time at which it occurred.
Note that only the input data can be timestamped and that this
1732E-8IOLM12R master module does not support time stamping for the output data.
Time stamping is a feature that registers a time reference to a change in input data.
For the 1732E-8IOLM12R, the time mechanism used for time stamping is (PTP) system time. The 1732E-8IOLM12R module is a PTP slave-only device. There must be another module on the network that functions as a master clock.
Note that the input time stamping supports all CoS transitions of input data for
IO-Link and/or discrete input data.
Each of the eight channels has a unique timestamp value which can be seen in the
Controller Tags view.
This is ideal for numerous scenarios such as identifying “output” triggering state times from the sensor to the controller. Another example would be for identifying time indication as to when the margin low transition time occurred in the input data for learning when the “dirty lens” event occurred.
Chapter Summary and
What's Next
In this chapter you were given an overview of the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel
IO-Link Master. In the next chapter you will learn how to install and prepare your module for configuration.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 15
Chapter 1 Introduction
16 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Install the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel
IO-Link Master Module
This chapter shows you how to install and wire the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel
IO-Link Master. The only tools you require are a flat or Phillips head screwdriver, and a drill. This chapter includes the following topics:
Topic Page
Connect the I/O, Network and Auxiliary Cables to the Module 19
Install the Module
To install the module:
• Set the network address
• Mount the module
• Connect the I/O, Network and Auxiliary cables to the module.
Set the Network Address
The module ships with the rotary switches set to 999 and DHCP enabled. To change the network address, you can do one of the following: adjust the node address switches on the front of the module.
use a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, such as
Rockwell Automation BootP/DHCP.
retrieve the IP address from nonvolatile memory.
The module reads the switches first to determine if the switches are set to a valid number. To set the network address:
Remove power.
Remove the switch dust caps.
Rotate the three (3) switches on the front of the module using a small blade screwdriver.
Line up the small notch on the switch with the number setting you wish to use.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 17
Chapter 2 Install the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module
Valid settings range from 001…254.
Replace switch dust caps. Make sure not to over tighten.
Reapply power.
Mount the Module
To mount the module on a wall or panel, use the screw holes provided in the module. Refer to the mounting dimensions illustration to guide you in mounting the module.
Module Dimensions
37 (1.46)
16.2 (0.64)
166.5 (6.56)
179 (7.05)
166.5 (6.56)
32 (1.26)
Side Mo un ti n g
43.3 (1.70)
32 (1.26 )
F r o n t Mo un ti n g
18 (0.71)
Measurements are in millimeters (inches)
Install the mounting base as follows:
Lay out the required points as shown in the drilling dimension drawing.
Drill the necessary holes for #6 (M3) pan head screws.
Mount the module using #6 (M3) screws.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Install the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module Chapter 2
Mount the Module in High Vibration Areas
If you mount the module in an area that is subject to shock or vibration, we recommend you use a flat and a lock washer to mount the module. Mount the flat and the lock washer as shown in the mounting illustration. Torque the mounting screws to 0.68 Nm (6 lb-in.).
High Vibration Area Mounting
Lock washer
Flat washer
Connect the I/O, Network and Auxiliary Cables to the Module
The ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master module has four 5-pin micro-style M12 I/O connectors. We provide caps to cover the unused connectors on your module. Connect the quick-disconnect cord sets you selected for your module to the appropriate ports.
I/O Connectors
Refer to the pinout diagrams for the I/O connectors.
Micro-style 5-Pin I/O Female Connector
(View into connector)
Pin 1 Sensor source voltage
Pin 2 IO-Link, Input/output
Pin 3 Return
Pin 4 IO-Link, Input/output
Pin 5 PE
EtherNet/IP Connector
D-Code Micro Network Female Connector
(View into connector 1)
Pin 1 M12_Tx+
Pin 2 M12_Rx+
Pin 3 M12_Tx-
Pin 4 M12_Rx-
Pin 5 Connector shell shield GND
(View into connector 2)
Pin 1 M12_Rx+
Pin 2 M12_Tx+
Pin 3 M12_Rx-
Pin 4 M12_Tx-
Pin 5 Connector shell shield GND
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 19
Chapter 2 Install the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module
Use the 1585D–M4DC–H: Polyamide small body unshielded mating connectors for the D-Code M12 female network connector.
Note that the distance between the center of each Ethernet
connector is 16.2 mm (refer to Module Dimensions on page 18
Rockwell Automation recommends the use of suitable cable based on this measurement. Some of the recommended cables are
1585D-M4TBJM-x and 1585D-M4TBDM-x for daisychains.
Use two twisted pair CAT5E UTP or STP cables
M12 Pin
Wire Color Signal 8-way Modular
RJ45 Pin
ATTENTION: Make sure all connectors and caps are securely tightened to properly seal the connections against leaks and maintain IP enclosure type requirements.
Auxiliary Power Connectors
Attach the micro-style 4-pin connector to the micro-style 4-pin receptacle as shown below.
Auxiliary Power Micro-style 4-Pin Receptacles
Male Input
(View into receptacle)
Pin 1 Auxiliary power+
Pin 2 Module/sensor power+
Pin 3 Module/sensor power-
Pin 4 Auxiliary power-
Female Output
1 3
The maximum current that any pin on the power connectors can carry is 4 A.
The power required by the module is based on a 4-pin micro-style connector system. The module receives its required power through the male connector on the left. A female connector on the right is also provided so that power can be daisy-chained from module to module.
20 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Install the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module Chapter 2
The module requires two 24V DC (nominal) supplies. These supplies are called the Module Power and the Auxiliary Power. The Module power powers the microprocessor and Ethernet portions of the module. The Auxiliary Power provides power for the Digital Outputs, the Digital Inputs, and the Sensor
Internally, the Module Power and Auxiliary Power are isolated from each other.
The Module Power current required for a module can be estimated as 2.4W/
(Module Power Voltage). For example, if the Module Power Voltage is 24V DC, then the Module Power current (Imp) would be,
Imp ~ 2.4W/24VDC = 100 mA DC
If the power for four modules were daisy-chained together and the voltage is 24V
DC, then the Module Power current through the first connector in the daisy- chain would be 4 x Im ~ 400 mA which is less than 4 A, so Module Power current is within acceptable limits.
The Auxiliary Power current is more complicated. The equation is below:
Iap ~ Iapm + Isp0 + Isp1+ Isp2+ Isp3 + Isp5+ Isp5 + Isp6 + Isp7 + IDO0
+ IDO1 + IDO2 + IDO3 + IDO4 + IDO5 + IDO6 + IDO7 + IAPDC
Iap is the Auxiliary Power current through the first connector in the daisy-chain.
Iapm is the Auxiliary Power current required by the module itself.
IspN is the Sensor Power current for Digital Input N (0…7).
IDON is the Digital Output current for Digital Output N (0…7).
IAPDC is the Auxiliary Power current requirement for the remaining modules in the daisy-chain.
Iapm can be approximated by 0.5 W/(Auxiliary Power Voltage).
The table Auxiliary Power Calculation shows the resulting Auxiliary Power current calculation for a system of four modules. The Auxiliary Power voltage is
24V DC in this example. As can be seen in the cell with value set in bold, the
Auxiliary Power current through the first connector in the daisy-chain is 3.898 A which is less than 4 A, so this system is adequate.
Auxiliary Power Calculation
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 21
Chapter 2 Install the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module
Auxiliary Power Calculation
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
ATTENTION: To comply with the CE Low Voltage Directive (LVD), this equipment and all connected I/O must be powered from a source compliant with the following:
Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) or Protected Extra Low Voltage
ATTENTION: To comply with UL restrictions, this equipment must be powered from a source compliant with the following: Limited
ATTENTION: The device meets UL Type 1 Enclosure rating.
Chapter Summary and
What's Next
In this chapter, you learned how to install and wire your module. The following chapter describes how to configure your module to communicate on the
EtherNet/IP network by providing an IP address, gateway address, and
Subnet mask.
22 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Configure the Module for Your
EtherNet/IP Network
Before using the module in an EtherNet/IP network, you need to configure it with an IP address, subnet mask, and optional Gateway address. This chapter describes these configuration requirements and the procedures for providing them. Here are the ways you can do this:
• Use the Rockwell Automation BootP/DHCP utility, version 2.3 or greater, that ships with Studio 5000 or RSLinx software. You can also use this utility to reconfigure a device whose IP address must be changed.
• Use a third party DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server.
• Use the Network Address switches.
• Have your network administrator configure the module via the network server.
See the table for a list of where to find specific information in this chapter.
Use the Rockwell Automation BootP/DHCP Utility
Use DHCP Software to Configure Your Module
Configuration Requirements
Before you can use your module, you must configure its IP address, its subnet mask, and optionally, gateway address. You have the option to use the Rockwell
Automation BootP/DHCP utility, version 2.3 or greater, to perform the configuration. You also have the option to use a DHCP server or the network address switches to configure these parameters.
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Chapter 3 Configure the Module for Your EtherNet/IP Network
If the module needs to be reset to factory defaults, set the switches on the module to the value 888 and then cycle power to the module.
If using the BootP/DHCP utility, you will need to know the Ethernet hardware address of your module.
Rockwell Automation assigns each module a unique 48-bit hardware address at the factory. The address is printed on a label on the side of your module. It consists of six hexadecimal digits separated by colons. This address is fixed by the hardware and cannot be changed.
If you change or replace the module, you must enter the new
Ethernet hardware address of the module when you configure the new module.
IP Address
Class A 0
Class B 10
Class C 110
The IP address identifies each node on the IP network (or system of connected networks). Each TCP/IP node on a network (including your module) must have a unique IP address.
The IP address is 32 bits long and has a net ID part and a Host ID part. Networks are classified A, B, C, or other. The class of the network determines how an IP address is formatted.
Net ID
7 8
Net ID
Net ID
15 16
Host ID
23 24
Host ID
Host ID
You can distinguish the class of the IP address from the first integer in its dotted-decimal IP address as follows:
Classes of IP Addresses
Range of first integer
Range of first integer
C other
Each node on the same logical network must have an IP address of the same class and must have the same net ID. Each node on the same network must have a different Host ID thus giving it a unique IP address.
24 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Configure the Module for Your EtherNet/IP Network Chapter 3
IP addresses are written as four decimal integers (0...255) separated by periods where each integer gives the value of one byte of the IP address.
For example, the 32-bit IP address:
10000000 00000001 00000000 00000001 is written as
Gateway Address
This section applies to multi-network systems. If you have a single network system, go to the next section.
The gateway address is the default address of a network, It provides a single domain name and point of entry to the site. Gateways connect individual networks into a system of networks. When a node needs to communicate with a node on another network, a gateway transfers the data between the two networks. The following figure shows gateway G connecting Network 1 with Network 2.
Network 1
Network 2
When host B with IP address communicates with host C, it knows from C’s IP address that C is on the same network. In an Ethernet environment,
B then resolves C’s IP address into a hardware address (MAC address) and communicates with C directly.
When host B communicates with host A, it knows from A’s IP address that A is on another network (the net IDs are different). In order to send data to A, B must have the IP address of the gateway connecting the two networks. In this example, the gateway’s IP address on Network 2 is
The gateway has two IP addresses ( and The first must be used by hosts on Network 1 and the second must be used by hosts on Network 2.
To be usable, a host’s gateway must be addressed using a net ID matching its own.
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Chapter 3 Configure the Module for Your EtherNet/IP Network
Subnet Mask
The subnet mask is used for splitting IP networks into a series of subgroups, or subnets. The mask is a binary pattern that is matched up with the IP address to turn part of the Host ID address field into a field for subnets.
Take Network 2 (a Class B network) in the previous example and add another network. Selecting the following subnet mask would add two additional net ID bits, allowing for four logical networks:
1111111 11111111 11 000000 00000001 =
These two bits of the host ID used to extend the net ID
Two bits of the Class B host ID have been used to extend the net ID. Each unique combination of bits in the part of the Host ID where subnet mask bits are 1 specifies a different logical network.
The new configuration is:
Network 1
Network 2.1
Network 2.2
A second network with Hosts D and E was added. Gateway G2 connects
Network 2.1 with Network 2.2.
Hosts D and E use Gateway G2 to communicate with hosts not on Network 2.2.
Hosts B and C use Gateway G to communicate with hosts not on Network 2.1.
When B is communicating with D, G (the configured gateway for B) routes the data from B to D through G2.
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Configure the Module for Your EtherNet/IP Network Chapter 3
Set the Network Address
The module ships with the rotary switches set to 999 and DHCP enabled. To change the network address, you can do one of the following:
Adjust the switches on the front of the module.
Use a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server, such as
Rockwell Automation BootP/DHCP.
Retrieve the IP address from nonvolatile memory.
The module reads the switches first to determine if the switches are set to a valid number. Set the network address by adjusting the 3 switches on the front of the module. Use a small blade screwdriver to rotate the switches. Line up the small notch on the switch with the number setting you wish to use. Valid settings range from 001…254.
Network Address Example
This example shows the network address set at 163
Note: You need to remove the protective switch dust caps before you can adjust the address settings.
8 6
When the switches are set to a valid number, the module’s IP address is (where xxx represents the number set on the switches). The module’s subnet mask is and the gateway address is set to
When the module uses the network address set on the switches, the module does not have a host name assigned to it or use any Domain Name Server.
If the switches are set to an invalid number (for example, 000 or a value greater than 254, excluding 888), the module checks to see if DHCP is enabled. If
DHCP is enabled, the module asks for an address from a DHCP server. The
DHCP server also assigns other Transport Control Protocol (TCP) parameters.
If DHCP is not enabled, and the switches are set to an invalid number, the module uses the IP address (along with other TCP configurable parameters) stored in nonvolatile memory.
Use the Rockwell
Automation BootP/DHCP
The Rockwell Automation BootP/DHCP utility is a standalone program that incorporates the functionality of standard BootP/DHCP software with a user-friendly graphical interface. It is located in the Utils directory on the Studio
5000 installation CD. The module must have DHCP enabled (factory default and the network address switches set to an illegal value) to use the utility.
To configure your module using the BootP/DHCP utility, perform the following steps:
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Chapter 3 Configure the Module for Your EtherNet/IP Network
Run the BootP/DHCP software.
The BOOTP/DHCP Request History dialog appears showing the hardware addresses of devices issuing BootP/DHCP requests.
Double-click the hardware address of the device you want to configure.
The New Entry dialog appears showing the device’s Ethernet
Address (MAC).
Enter the IP Address you want to assign to the device and click OK.
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Configure the Module for Your EtherNet/IP Network Chapter 3
The device is added to the Relation List, displaying the Ethernet Address
(MAC) and corresponding IP Address, Hostname and Description (if applicable).
When the IP address assignment is made, the address displays in the IP
Address column in the Request History section.
To assign this configuration to the device, highlight the device in the
Relation List panel and click Disable BOOTP/DHCP. When power is cycled to the device, it uses the configuration you assigned and does not issue a DHCP request.
To enable DHCP for a device that has had DHCP disabled, highlight the device in the Relation List and click Enable
DHCP. You must have an entry for the device in the
Relation List panel to re-enable DHCP.
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Chapter 3 Configure the Module for Your EtherNet/IP Network
Save the Relation List
You can save the Relation List to use later. To save the Relation List do the following:
Select Save As... from the File menu.
The Save As dialog box appears.
Use DHCP Software to
Configure Your Module
Select the folder you want to save the list to.
Enter a file name for the Relation List (for example, control system configuration) and click Save.
If you want to see your saved file names in the Open dialog box, save your files using the default file type (*.bpc).
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) software automatically assigns
IP addresses to client stations logging onto a TCP/IP network. DHCP is based on BootP and maintains some backward compatibility. The main difference is that BootP was designed for manual configuration, while DHCP allows for dynamic allocation of network addresses and configurations to newly attached devices.
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Configure the Module for Your EtherNet/IP Network Chapter 3
Be aware that a DHCP server typically assigns a finite lease time to the offered IP address. When 50 percent of the leased time has expired, the module will attempt to renew its IP address with the DHCP server. The module could be assigned a different IP address, which would cause communicating with the ControlLogix controller to cease.L
ATTENTION: To avoid unintentional control, the module must be assigned a fixed IP address. The IP address of this module should not be dynamically provided. If a DHCP server is used, it must be configured to assign a fixed IP address for your module.
ATTENTION: Failure to observe this precaution may result in unintended machine motion or loss of process control.
Chapter Summary and
What’s Next
In this chapter, you learned how to configure the module to communicate on your EtherNet/IP network by providing an IP address, gateway address, and
Subnet mask. The next chapter describes an example application in which you configure discrete I/O.
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Chapter 3 Configure the Module for Your EtherNet/IP Network
32 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
About This Chapter
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel
IO-Link Master Module Using the Studio 5000
Add-on Profile
Before you can use your ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master in
Studio 5000, you must set up the module profile so that it can be recognized.
Follow these steps to set up the profile.
IMPORTANT The illustrations of the Studio 5000 Module Profile Setup software dialog boxes shown in this manual are samples.
Because your system configurations or the firmware kits are different, the dialog boxes you see when running the tool may be different from the ones you see here
Install the 1732E-8IOLM12R Add-On Profile
In the installation package, double-click MPSetup.exe. The Welcome dialog box appears. Click Next
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 33
Chapter 4 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
Read and agree to the license, and then click Next.
Select the option to install Studio 5000 Module Profile, and then click Next.
34 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile Chapter 4
The Setup Wizard displays the profiles to be installed. Click Install to start the installation.
The Setup Wizard installs the profiles.
Follow the instructions on the next dialog boxes to complete the installation and configuration.
When installation is complete the following dialog box appears. Click
Add a ArmorBlock I/O 8
Channel IO-Link Master
Module to Studio 5000
To add the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master module to Studio 5000, do the following.
In the I/O Configuration tree, find the Controller.
In this example, we use the 1769-L36ERM CompactLogix Controller.
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Chapter 4 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
Right-click the Ethernet and select New Module.
Under the Specialty or Communications category, double-click the
1732E-8IOLM12R 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module.
The General tab of the Add-on Profile appears.
On the General tab, you can give the module a Name which is also used in the name of the Tag elements that get created for the module, change the
Electronic Keying for the module, and configure the module channel modes using the Change button under Module Definition.
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Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile Chapter 4
On the Connection tab, you can change the Requested Packet Interval (RPI) (the default is 2 ms.), choose to inhibit the module, configure the controller so that a loss of connection to this module causes a major fault, and view module faults.
For the IO-Link Master module, the lowest allowable RPI is 2ms.
The Module Info tab will display the status and identity information of the
IO-Link Master module when the module is online.
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Chapter 4 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
On the Fault/Program tab, you can configure the state of the outputs during
Program and Fault modes for channels that are configured as standard digital output or IO-Link.
On the Configuration tab, you can change the Input Filter Time for each channel configured as standard digital input.
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Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile Chapter 4
On the IO-Link tab, you can add and delete IO-Link devices to the channels of the Master Module configured as IO-Link, modify information for IO-Link channels, register IO-Link Device Description (IODD) files, and configure parameters for IO-Link devices.
IO-Link Tag Elements
Logix tag elements get created by the Add-on Profile based on the level of integration for each IO-Link device. There are three levels currently offered:
• Generic integration is available for all IO-Link devices and does not require an IODD file.
• IODD Basic integration is available for all IO-Link devices and requires that an IODD file be registered with Studio 5000 software.
• IODD Advanced integration is available for Rockwell Automation and partner IO-Link devices, and is heavily dependent on a well-formed
IODD file being registered with Studio 5000 software.
The Generic level of integration allows any IO-Link device to communicate with the Logix controller. SINT arrays are created for the device's Process Data. The size of the arrays default to 32 bytes in/out but can be modified. Device level keying is supported but there is no device parameter management provided. This must be done using message instructions to read/write data from the device.
Further, data type conversion and endian swapping may be required in ladder logic.
The IODD Basic level of integration is similar to the Generic integration described above except that the size of the SINT arrays created for the device's
Process Data is taken from the device's IODD file.
For the IODD Advanced level of integration, Logix tag elements are determined by the Process Data available for each IO-Link device, with detailed tag member names being created based on information from the IODD file. The Master
Module translates and maps the information from IO-Link data types to Logix
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Chapter 4 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
Chapter Summary and
What’s Next
data types and also performs big-endian to little-endian (and little-endian to big-endian) swapping as required. Additionally, the device's configuration parameters are stored by the controller and automatically provided to the device and/or IO-Link Master on power loss and/or replacement.
I/O Tags
For channels that are configured for either standard digital input or standard digital output, standard Logix tag elements are created in line with the other
ArmorBlock I/O catalogs.
Configuration Data
A Configuration tag is created for each Master Module. The Configuration Data
Type includes the following:
• Fault/Program mode setting – For channels configured as standard digital output and IO-Link.
Valid values for channels configured as standard digital output are as follows:
Off – value set to 100 (default)
On – value set to 101
Hold – value set to 102
Valid values for channels configured as IO-Link are as follows:
All Zeros – value set to 103 (default)
Hold – value set to 104
Device Decides – value set to 105. The IO-Link Master module gives the control to the IO-Link device, and the IO-Link device would follow what the device vendor had specified as a fault or program state for that device.
For channels configured as disabled or standard digital input, the fault or program mode is -1 (default).
• Digital filter settings – For channels configured as standard digital input.
The valid range is from zero to 65 milliseconds with the default setting of zero.
Details on configuring the module can be found in Chapter 4
In this chapter, you learned how to add and configure the module using the
Studio 5000 Add-on Profile software. The next chapter describes how to configure the module to function as an IO-Link Master module.
40 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
About This Chapter
User Roles
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel
IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the
Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
In this chapter, you will learn how to configure the module as an IO-Link Master using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Typical IO-Link user interface roles, and what is accessible from the
Add-on Profile
• Different IO-Link device integration levels
• Configuration of the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master module as IO-Link Master in the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
• Configuration of IO-Link device parameters from the Add-on Profile and by message instructions
IO-Link user interfaces are typically divided into three separate role types, which are Observation, Maintenance, and Specialist roles. The device vendor decides how to organize and allow access for the roles in view in the interface.
• Observation Role – This menu type role is designed for users who may not carry out any modification on the device and are often more restricted by read-only access. This assures that while visibility is allowed, critical parameters are not changed.
• Maintenance Role – This menu type role is designed for users who undertake functional editing, but are allowed limited access to more critical parameter types.
• Specialist Role – This menu type role is designed for users to have total access to the device and all associated parameter types. For example, all read-write parameters could be viewed and changed.
The ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master module assumes the visibility of the Specialist Role in the IODD file. Anything that is available in Specialist
Role view is available in the Add-on Profile. The Observation Role and
Maintenance views are not supported in the Add-on Profile.
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Chapter 5 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
IO-Link Device Integration
There are three levels of IO-Link device integration. Each level offers a different user experience.
• IODD Advanced
This integration level is available for Rockwell Automation and partner
IO-Link devices, and is heavily dependent on a well-formed IODD file being registered with the Studio 5000 software.
IODD Advanced integration provides the ability to:
– configure the IO-Link device and its parameters from the Add-on
– store the device configuration in the controller (and the IO-Link
Master module) and have the configuration automatically downloaded by the IO-Link Master module or controller after power cycle or replacement of IO-Link Master or device (also known as Automatic
Device Configuration or ADC)
– perform correlation checks of configuration parameters between connected IO-Link devices and the controller, with the ability to take corrective action from the Add-on Profile. This check is performed to sync up the device parameter between IO-Link device and Controller.
• IODD Basic
This integration level is available for all IO-Link devices and requires that an IODD file be registered with the Studio 5000 software.
IODD Basic integration has the following limitations:
– Only the Common tab, which provides general IO-Link device information from the IODD file, is displayed.
– No user interface is provided for device configuration parameters
(read-write, write-only, and read-only parameters). Message instructions to the IO-Link Device Parameter Object must be used to read and change device parameters.
– Correlation function and Automatic Device Configuration are not supported.
• Generic
This level of integration is available for all IO-Link devices and does not require an IODD file.
Generic integration has the following limitations:
– In the Add-on Profile, you can configure only the Vendor ID, Device
ID, Input and Output lengths, and Electronic keying information.
– General device information found in the Common tab for IODD Basic and IODD Advanced integrated IO-Link devices are not shown.
– No user interface is provided for device configuration parameters
(read-write, write-only, and read-only parameters). Message instructions to the IO-Link Device Parameter Object must be used to read and change device parameters.
42 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile Chapter 5
– Correlation function and Automatic Device Configuration are not supported.
Configure Channel Mode
The 1732E-8IOLM12R 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module has eight channels that can be individually configured as standard digital input, standard digital output, IO-Link, or disabled.
From the General tab, in the Module Definition section, click the Change button. The following dialog box appears.
Note that Electronic Keying on this dialog is for the IO-Link Master module and not for the IO-Link devices that are connected to the IO-Link
Master module.
The default mode for the Channel is IO-Link.
For each channel, select the mode from the drop-down menu.
Click OK.
A pop-up dialog box displays.
Click Yes.
Click Apply to save the changes.
Click OK.
For information about configuration of individual output states for IO-Link and standard digital output channels, refer to
Parameters on the Fault/Program
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 43
Chapter 5 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
Configure IO-Link Devices
IO-Link devices are configured in the IO-Link tab of the Add-on Profile.
The IO-Link tab consists of a Channel tree on the left and a working pane on the right.
Register an IODD file
The Channel tree shows the master module (the 1732E-8IOLM12R module) at the top, followed by the channels below it. Channels show their mode configuration (standard digital input, standard digital output, IO-Link, or
Disabled) as assigned in the General tab. For channels configured as IO-Link, you can:
• Register IO-Link Device Description (IODD) files
• Add, change, or delete an IO-Link device
The working pane on the right shows information about the selected channel or device from the Channel tree. From this pane, you can:
• Change channel configuration
• Add, change, or delete an IO-Link device
• Configure IO-Link device parameters
• Refresh IO-Link device parameters
An IO-Link Device Description (IODD) file is a set of multiple files including a file in XML format, which describes all parameters associated with the device.
The IODD set also includes graphic image files of the device and vendor logo.
Before you proceed with this task, take note that:
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile Chapter 5
• Only IODD files based on IO-Link specification v1.0.1 or v1.1 can be registered.
• You need administrator rights for the machine where the Add-on Profile is installed to be able to register an IODD file.
To register an IODD file:
From the IO-Link tab, in the Channel tree, right-click on the IO-Link channel.
Select Register IODD.
The following dialog box appears.
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Chapter 5 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
Click Register IODD. The following dialog box appears.
Add an IO-Link Device
Locate the IODD XML file, and then click Open.
This returns you to the previous dialog box that shows the tree list view of registered IODD files.
Click Exit.
After you register an IODD file, you can add an IO-Link device to an IO-Link channel. This configuration can only be done while the project is offline.
In the channel tree, right-click on the IO-Link channel, and then select
Alternatively, you can click the Change button on the working pane.
The following dialog box appears.
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Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile Chapter 5
Click the button in the Change Device column for the IO-Link channel.
The following dialog box appears.
Select the IO-Link device from the tree.
Click Create.
Click the OK button from the Change Channel Configuration dialog box.
A pop-up dialog box displays.
Click Yes. You will be reverted to the General tab.
Click Apply to save the changes, and then click OK.
Note that you can also add a Generic IO-Link device that does not have an
IODD file. Refer to Configure IO-Link Device Parameters Using Message
Instructions on page 56 for more information.
Change IO-Link Channel
You can change the Application Specific Name, Electronic Keying, and Process
Data Input configuration for an IO-Link channel while the project is in Offline mode.
Before you proceed with this task, take note that:
• The Application Specific Name cannot be changed for a Generic
IO-Link device.
• For a Generic IO-Link device, the Vendor ID and Device ID cannot be 0 when Electronic Keying is set to Exact Match.
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Chapter 5 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
To change IO-Link Channel configuration:
In the IO-Link tab, click Change.
The following dialog box appears.
Modify the information.
a. Application Specific Name – Enter an application-specific name.
The purpose of the Application Specific Name is to add themed naming to distinguish the sensors within the machine and the associated project profile in the Add-on Profile. This allows for easier maintenance and operation since the device is further identified by how it is used on the machine/project.
The application specific name can also be changed from the IO-Link device’s Identification tab if the tab is available.
b. Electronic Keying Information –Select Exact Match or Disabled from the drop-down menu.
The Exact Match and Disabled keying options in this dialog correspond to the Compatible and No Check keying options in IO-Link terminology respectively.
When Exact Match is selected, the connected IO-Link device must have the same Vendor ID and Device ID information that has been configured for that channel. If they do not match, IO-Link communications will not be established and a Keying Fault status bit will be set.
When Disabled is selected, key check is not performed.
c. Process Data Input – Select the input data from the drop-down menu
(for devices that support multiple layouts of input data).
Click OK. A pop-up dialog box displays.
Click Yes. You will be reverted to the General tab.
Click Apply to save the changes.
Click OK.
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Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile Chapter 5
Configure IO-Link Device
Parameters Using the
Add-on Profile
After you add an IO-Link device, you can configure device parameters for
IO-link devices with IODD Advanced integration level from the Add-on Profile.
Before you proceed with this task, take note that:
• Parameters vary depending on data provided in the IODD file of an
IO-Link device.
• You cannot change or read a Generic IO-Link device’s parameters from the
Add-on Profile. Refer to Configure IO-Link Device Parameters Using
Message Instructions on page 56 for more information.
In the Channel tree, click the IO-Link device under the IO-Link channel.
The Common tab appears on the working pane.
Depending on the data provided in the IODD file, up to four more tabs may be shown for the selected device: Identification, Observation,
Parameter, and Diagnosis.
The Common tab provides general device information taken from the
IODD file including the vendor logo and an image of the device.
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Chapter 5 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
The Identification tab contains parameters with device identity information such as revisions and serial number. The application specific name of the device can also be changed from this tab.
The Observation tab contains only I/O data, which can be used for debugging.
50 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile Chapter 5
The Parameter tab holds the most commonly used parameters to set up an
IO-Link device. Parameters with the highest usage are placed at the top.
The Diagnosis tab contains parameters for trouble-shooting the IO-Link device such as temperature.
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Chapter 5 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
Select the tab where the parameter is located.
Parameters are listed with their name, read-write attribute, value, and units
(if available in the IODD file).
Change the value of read-write parameters (through either edit controls or drop-down lists) and trigger write-only parameters by pressing the button for the parameter.
Ranges and enumerated choices are derived from the IODD file.
Click Apply.
IO-Link Device Parameter Behavior
IO-Link parameters are shown in the Add-on Profile only for IO-Link devices with IODD Advanced integration. Each parameter can have an attribute of read-only (ro), read-write (rw), or write-only (wo). The behavior of parameters and the source for their values differ when offline and when online.
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Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile Chapter 5
IO-Link Device Parameter Behavior
Parameters are blank.
See the following table for more information.
Parameter values are read from the IODD file when the IO-Link device is added.
Changes made to the parameters are applied when the OK or Apply buttons are clicked.
Parameter buttons are disabled.
Parameter values are read from the connected IO-Link device.
Parameters show "??" when communication breaks.
Parameter values can be edited and changes made to the parameters are applied when the OK or Apply buttons are clicked.
Changes are sent to the Master Module, which then writes the changes to the connected IO-Link device.
Parameter buttons that could potentially impact the
Process Data are disabled.
Other parameter buttons enabled and result in commands being sent to the connected IO-Link device.
Manage Parameter
Differences Between
IO-Link Devices and the Controller
The Add-on Profile has a Refresh button that updates the read-only parameters for all channels with IO-Link devices. It also performs a Correlation check of the read-write parameters in all connected IO-Link devices and in the controller.
Differences in parameter values can happen when device configuration is changed externally, such as through a device console during operation. If there are differences found after running a Correlation check, you can choose, on a per channel basis, to use the parameters that are currently in the connected IO-Link device or to use the parameters that are stored in the controller.
Before you proceed with this task, take note of the following:
• The Refresh button is only enabled in Online mode.
• Correlation check is performed initially when the Add-on Profile is launched in Online mode.
• Correlation check is only performed on IO-Link devices with IODD
Advanced integration.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 53
Chapter 5 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
From the IO-Link tab, on the working pane, click the Refresh button.
If differences are detected, a dialog box appears and displays mismatch information per channel, including the parameters and the values present in the device and in the controller.
Add a Generic IO-Link
For each channel, select the checkbox for the corrective action:
• Use Project Values – downloads the parameters values from the project to the connected IO-Link device.
• Use Device Values – uploads the parameters values read from the connected IO-Link device to the project.
Click OK.
If you click the Cancel button without choosing a corrective action, the read-write parameters of the affected channels will display "??".
Click Apply to save the changes.
You can add a Generic IO-Link device, which does not have an IODD file, to an
IO-Link channel and edit its properties using the Add-on Profile.
When adding a Generic IO-Link device, take note of the following:
• Automatic Device Configuration and the Correlation function are not supported for Generic IO-Link devices.
• You cannot change or read the Generic IO-Link device’s parameter values through the Add-on Profile. Instead, message instructions to the IO-Link
Device Parameter Object must be used.
In the channel tree, right-click on the IO-Link channel, and then select
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile Chapter 5
Alternatively, you can click the Change button on the working pane.
The following dialog box appears.
Click the button in the Change Device column for the IO-Link channel.
The following dialog box appears.
Expand the tree selection, and then select Generic Device (last item on the list).
Click Create.
The following dialog appears.
Edit generic IO-Link device properties.
a. Electronic Keying – Select Disabled (default) or Exact Match.
The Vendor ID and Device ID cannot be 0 if the Electronic Keying is set to Exact Match.
b. Vendor ID – Enter the vendor ID of the IO-Link device.
This field is disabled if Electronic Keying is Disabled.
c. Device ID – Enter the device ID of the IO-Link device.
This field is disabled if Electronic Keying is Disabled
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 55
Chapter 5 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile d. Input length – Enter the input length in bytes of the IO-Link device.
Valid range is 0…32. The value is obtained from the device vendor.
e. Output length – Enter the output length in bytes of the IO-Link device. Valid range is 0…32. The value is obtained from the device vendor.
Click OK. A pop-up dialog box displays.
Click Yes.
Click Apply to save the changes.
Click OK.
Configure IO-Link Device
Parameters Using Message
Use message instructions to the IO-Link Device Parameter Object to read or change configuration parameters for IO-Link devices with IODD Basic or
Generic integration.
About the IO-Link Device Parameter Object
IO-Link device configuration parameters include multiple sets of index/subindex pairs, a length, and a data value that is sent to the Master Module through instances of the IO-Link Device Parameter Object.
The IO-Link Device Parameter Object provides a mechanism for a CIP client to access parameters within an IO-Link device. Within this class, the instance number maps to an IO-Link index value.
The details of each index and subindex depend entirely on the IO-Link device and are described in the IO-Link Data Description (IODD) XML file for that device or data sheet provided by the device vendor.
Create a Message Instruction for the IO-Link Device
Before you proceed, take note of the following:
• For IODD Advanced integration, when you change IO-Link device parameters by message instruction, a correlation check is performed when the Add-on Profile is launched. You can then select to use either the device or controller parameter values.
• Messages to/from IO-Link parameters are raw IO-Link data format. As such, unsigned, packed bits and endian/byte swapping issue need to be handled accordingly. Ladders have to be created to enable byte swapping of values from the MSG instruction.
• Refer to the Studio 5000 help for more information on how to create message instructions.
To configure IO-Link device parameters using message instructions:
56 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile Chapter 5
Message Configuration
In this tab
For this item
In Studio 5000, go to Input/Output Instruction set and create a MSG instruction.
Create a controller tag for this instance of message instruction.
Configure the message instruction as follows.
Type or choose the IO-Link Master module.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 57
Chapter 5 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
Message Configuration
In this tab
For this item
Message Type
Service Type
Service Code (Hex)
Source Element
Source Length (bytes)
Destination Element
Type or choose
CIP Generic
Custom the applicable service code
Service Code
Service Name
Reads a parameter value from the IO-Link device.
Writes a parameter value to the IO-Link device.
Reads an entire index (all parameters within an index) from the IO-Link device (uses subindex 0)
Writes an entire index (all parameters within an index) to the IO-Link device (uses subindex 0).
3A3 the device-specific parameter index value as specified by the device vendor.
0 one of the following according to the service code.
4B (read subindex) source_array where source element data type is SINT[2].
In this case SINT[0] is subindex as provided by the Device vendor, SINT[1] is the channel number from where the data has to be read.
The channel value ranges from 0 to 3. The value must be in hex.
Refer to Read Subindex Request Parameters on page 59 for more information.
4C (write subindex) a local source tag that contains data that is to be sent with the service. The source element will have a byte for the subindex number, a byte for the channel number, followed by the bytes of data that need to be written.
Refer to Write Subindex Request Parameters on page 59 for more information.
4D (read index) source_array where source element data type is SINT.
In this case the SINT is the channel number from where the data has to be read.
The channel value ranges from 0 to 3. The value must be in hex.
Refer to Read Index Request Parameters on page 59 for more information.
4E (write index) a local source tag that contains data that is to be sent with the service. The source element will have a byte for the index number, a byte for the channel number, followed by the bytes of data that need to be written.
Refer to Write Index Request Parameters on page 59 for more information.
one of the following according to the service code.
4B (read subindex) the length of the source element.
4C (write subindex) the length of the source element.
4D (read index)
4E (write index) the length of the source element.
the length of the source element.
destination_array tag that will contain data received from the service.
The controller tag specified in destination element must be SINT[X] or DINT[X] data type, where X refers to number of bytes of data. This size is to be provided by the device vendor. This size is the size of parameter that is being read or written to the IO-Link device.
58 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile Chapter 5
Read Subindex Request Parameters
Data Type
Description of Parameter
Subindex value of parameter to retrieve.
IO-Link channel for the IO-Link device which the request is destined for. The maximum port number supported is indicated in class attribute 8, Number of ports.
Write Subindex Request Parameters
Data Type
Parameter value Array of octet
Description of Parameter
Subindex value of parameter to retrieve.
IO-Link channel for the IO-Link device which the request is destined for. The maximum port number supported is indicated in class attribute 8, Number of ports.
Data value to be written to the IO-Link device parameter, in IO-Link format (i.e. big endian not translated to CIP data type)
Read Index Request Parameters
Data Type
Description of Parameter
IO-Link channel for the IO-Link device which the request is destined for. The maximum port number supported is indicated in class attribute 8, Number of ports.
Write Index Request Parameters
Data Type
Parameter values Array of octet
Description of Parameter
IO-Link channel for the IO-Link device which the request is destined for. The maximum port number supported is indicated in class attribute 8, Number of ports.
Value of IO-Link parameters
Locate the Parameter Index or Subindex Value in the IODD File
The details of each index and subindex depend entirely on the IO-Link device and are described in the IO-Link Data Description (IODD) XML file for that device or data sheet provided by the device vendor.
Using the Distance Normalization parameter for an Allen-Bradley sensor (model
45LMS-U8LGC3) as an example, refer to the following diagram to see where a specific parameter can be found on the device’s IODD file.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 59
Chapter 5 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master as IO-Link Master Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
Chapter Summary and
What’s Next
In this chapter you learned how to configure the module as an IO-Link Master module using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile software. The next chapter describes how to configure the module to function as a standard digital input or output module.
60 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel
IO-Link Master Module as Standard Digital
Input or Output Using the Studio 5000
Add-on Profile
About This Chapter
In this chapter, you will learn how to do the following:
• Configure the Module as Standard Digital Input Using the
• Configure the Module as Standard Digital Output Using the
Configure the Module as
Standard Digital Input
Using the Configuration Tab
The following diagram shows the Configuration tab of a ArmorBlock I/O 8
Channel IO-Link Master module in Studio 5000 using the Add-on Profile.
Each channel of your ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master module that is set to standard digital input mode can be configured with individual input filter times. The following table describes each parameter on the Configuration tab.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 61
Chapter 6 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module as Standard Digital Input or Output Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
Parameters on the Configuration Tab
Input Filter Time (ms)
Displays channels that are used to set the channel’s configuration parameters.
Displays channel mode for each channel.
This is the OFF to ON filter constant for all inputs on the module. A high signal must be present for this amount of time before the module will report an ON.
The value must be entered in milliseconds (ms). The default value is 0 ms.
The minimum value is 0 and the maximum is 65 ms.
This is the ON to OFF filter constant for all inputs on the module. A low signal must be present for this amount of time before the module will report an OFF.
The value must be entered in milliseconds (ms). The default value is 0 ms.
The minimum value is 0 and the maximum is 65 ms.
Configure the Module as
Standard Digital Output
Using the Fault/Program
Action Tab
The following diagram shows the Fault/Program tab of a ArmorBlock I/O 8
Channel IO-Link Master module in Studio 5000 using the Add-on Profile.
Each channel of your ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master module that is set to standard digital output or IO-Link mode can be configured with individual output states.
The following table describes each parameter on the Fault/Program tab.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module as Standard Digital Input or Output Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile Chapter 6
Parameters on the Fault/Program Action Tab
Displays the channels that are used to set the channel’s configuration parameters
Displays the mode that has been configured for each channel.
Output State During
Program Mode
Fault Mode
For each channel that has been configured as standard digital output or
IO-Link, select the behavior of each output when the controller transitions to
Program Mode.
The available selections for each standard digital output channel are Off
(default), On, or Hold.
The available selections for each IO-Link channel are All Zeros, Hold, or
Device Decides.
• When All Zeros is selected, any IO-Link output values for that channel will be set to zero.
• When Hold is selected, any IO-Link output values will be held at the current value.
• When Device Decides is selected, the Device Operate command will be sent to the IO-Link device. What the outputs of the IO-Link device do during Device Operate is determined by the device vendor.
If communication with the controller fails while in Program Mode, the output values will use the Fault Mode selection.
For each channel that has been configured as standard digital output or
IO-Link, select the behavior of each output when communication with the controller fails.
The available selections for each standard digital output channel are Off
(default), On, or Hold.
The available selections for each IO-Link channel are All Zeros, Hold, or
Device Decides.
• When All Zeros is selected, any IO-Link output values for that channel will be set to zero.
• When Hold is selected, any IO-Link output values will be held at the current value.
• When Device Decides is selected, the Device Operate command will be sent to the IO-Link device. What the outputs of the IO-Link device do during Device Operate is determined by the device vendor.
Chapter Summary and
What’s Next
In this chapter you learned how to configure the module as a standard digital input or output module using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile software. The next chapter details the IO-Link Master module unique features.
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Chapter 6 Configure the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module as Standard Digital Input or Output Using the Studio 5000 Add-on Profile
64 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Module Overview and Features
Time Stamping of the
Input Data
This chapter describes the features specific to the ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel
IO-Link Master module.
Time Stamping of the Input Data
Time Stamping of the Event Data
These features can be configured through the Studio 5000 software.
The 1732E-8IOLM12R is an input module that offers sub-millisecond time stamping on a per point basis in addition to providing the basic ON/OFF and
OFF / ON detection of all change of state (CoS) input data (also commonly known as the process data). Note that this input data is cyclically produced at the rate the master module is configured.
All process input data is timestamped based on when a change of state is detected by the 1732E-8IOLM12R module. An IO-Link enabled device can support up to 32 bytes of process input data and this data is allocated (bits/bytes) dependent on the manufacturer of the IO-Link enabled device. Therefore, the IO-Link
Master module only monitors if any of the process input data has changed since the IO-Link enabled device last sent process data to the IO-Link Master module.
When a CoS occurs, the timestamp is updated.
Most often, the first bit represents the detection or absence of an object for the sensor. For Rockwell sensors this is the “triggered” bit. To capture when this bit changes:
Use an XIC/XIO instruction to monitor the “triggered” bit
Then use a ONS (one-shot) to ensure that only the first transition is captured until the next CoS occurs.
When both events are true, copy the timestamp value to another location to process this for your application.
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Chapter 7 Module Overview and Features
In the following example, the first rung is monitoring when the IO-Link enabled device detects the presence of a target and copies the timestamp value to another location. The second rung captures when the target is no longer present to the
IO-Link enabled device.
Each channel has its own timestamp which updates upon all CoS of the input data on that particular channel.
The timestamp data for each channel is not stored by the IO-Link Master module. Once a new CoS is detected, the last timestamp value is overwritten.
Note: The timestamp for each channel is updated when the IO-Link Master module receives a new process data input message and it is compared to the previous message. Although the timestamp data has microsecond accuracy, most
IO-Link devices available today support approximately 2 ms cycle times. In this case the IO-Link device (sensor) updates the IO-Link Master module every 2 ms with its process data (both input and output). To avoid missing messages between the IO-Link Master module and the IO-Link enabled device, calculate double the IO-Link cycle time as the response time for the data to get to the IO-Link
The IO-Link communication between the IO-Link device and the EtherNet/IP communication is also asynchronous. This means that it could take up to 1 ms for the IO-Link Master module to process the IO-Link communication from all
IO-Link enabled devices.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Module Overview and Features Chapter 7
For IO-Link enabled devices that support 2 ms cycle time, expect the timestamp to have an accuracy of 0 to 5 ms once the actual transition has occurred.
The IO-Link Master module supports IO-Link enabled devices with a cycle time down to 1.3 ms. In these applications the typical accuracy of the timestamp for the data transition ranges from 0 to 3.6 ms once the IO-Link enabled device or sensor detects the actual transition.
Note that only the input data can be timestamped and that this
1732E-8IOLM12R master module does not support time stamping for the output data.
Time stamping is a feature that registers a time reference to a change in input data. For the 1732E-8IOLM12R, the time mechanism used for time stamping is
(PTP) system time. The 1732E-8IOLM12R module is a PTP slave-only device.
There must be another module on the network that functions as a master clock.
Note that the input time stamping supports all change-of-state (COS) transitions of input data for IO-Link and/or discrete input data.
Each of the eight channels has a unique timestamp value which can be seen in the
Controller Tags view.
This is ideal for numerous scenarios such as identifying “output” triggering state times from the sensor to the controller. Another example would be for identifying time indication as to when the margin low transition time occurred in the input data for learning when the “dirty lens” event occurred.
Time Stamping of the
Event Data
The 1732E-8IOLM12R is an input module that also offers sub-millisecond time stamping on a per point basis in addition to providing the basic First-in-First-out
(FIFO) detection of both Master and IO-Link Device event data. Therefore, if multiple events occur at the IO-Link enabled device or IO-Link Master module level, the actual timestamp of the event could be delayed from the actual time that the event occurred.
Each channel has a dedicated timestamp for all events that occur. The events can originate from the IO-Link Master module and/or the IO-Link enabled device connected to that sensor. "Ch0DiagEvent.Timestamp" is the location of the Ch0 timestamp for any events that occur on that channel. This tag is overwritten as new events occur.
Each event requires a minimum of 3 cycle times to get from the sensor to the
IO-Link Master module according to IO-Link specifications. If an IO-Link enabled device or sensor supports 2 ms cycle time, concurrent events would have a timestamp gap of approximately 6 ms or longer. Typically this timestamp gap is sufficient given the diagnostic nature of the event information sent back to the controller.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 67
Chapter 7 Module Overview and Features
When using a Factory Talk historian, or similar system, to record events, the above mechanism is a suitable solution. As each event is captured at the controller, the historical tracking tool can capture the event details along with the timestamp, and then trace any issue that might occur within the application.
When the event information is not being tracked by external means, a limited amount of events can be stored by the IO-Link Master module itself. The
IO-Link Master module stores the last 40 events, per channel along with the timestamp, and can also store the last 124 events without the timestamp. These events can be read at any time for any channel. If a "get and clear" command is used, the event information is sent back to the requested message instruction in an array and all stored events are cleared for the channel that was read.
The last 40 events per channel with the specific timestamp in which each event occurred can be read using a message instructions at Class 930, Instance (Channel
#) and Attribute 25.
The last 124 events per channel without the associated timestamp at Class 930,
Instance (Channel #), Attribute 15.
Message Instructions for Reading Timestamped Event
Name Data Type Description of Attribute
25 Get
IO-Link Events Array of Struct Events from IO-Link enabled device
(Remote) or Master module (Local)
Sequence Count USINT
Event Qualifier BYTE
Count value assigned to each event
Type, mode and source of the event
Event Code
IO-Link Events with Timestamp
UINT The identifier of an actual event
Array of Struct Event from IO-Link enabled device
(Remote) or Master module (Local)
Sequence Count USINT
Event Qualifier BYTE
Event Code UINT
Event timestamp ULINT
Count value assigned to each event
Type, mode and source of the event
The identifier of an actual event
Timestamp when event occurred (
68 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Messaging Example
Module Overview and Features Chapter 7
The IO-Link Master module can generate events such as under voltage and communication loss. IO-Link enabled device or sensor generate other events that are device-specific.
Example Scenarios
The 45CRM contrast sensor, for example, supports a "parameter change" event.
You can use this to notify the control system that the sensor has successfully accepted a new set of RGB colors. This could be helpful to the control system during a line change or tool change.
The 42EF sensor product family supports under temperature and over temperature events. When either of these events occurs, it will notify the control system that the sensor is still working within acceptable limits but the sensor is close to the acceptable limits. If the temperature continues to change, the sensor will be outside its rated temperature range and may not detect objects as intended.
The event data can be used to detect numerous conditions such as identifying when communication is lost between the master and a sensor, or when an operator has performed a re-teach operation locally on the device – indicating the configuration has been changed from its original state. These events can be seen in the Controller Tags view.
Definition (for Timestamp)
The 1732E-8IOLM12R ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master has eight channels that can be individually configured as Data or with Timestamp Data.
Each input has its own individual timestamp recorded for both ON and OFF transitions. The offset from the timestamp to the local clock is also recorded so that steps in time can be detected.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 69
Chapter 7 Module Overview and Features
If you click Change... in step C on page 70
, you can change the Module
Definition information. Select the tabs on the Module Properties dialog to edit specific configuration for your module in Studio 5000 software, for example the Configuration tab.
Some of the screens that appear during this initial module configuration process are blank (such as Module Info, Network, and Time Sync) and are not shown here. These screens mostly provide information and status and can be important during online monitoring.
When you click Change, the module Definition dialog is shown. Through the Module Definition dialog you can:
Select the module series.
Make sure the Major and Minor Revision numbers match your module revision.
Chose an electronic keying method.
On the 1732E-8IOLM12R module, select the Connection type.
Available options are Data and Timestamp Data.
Select the Timestamp Data format.
Click OK to return to the General tab of the Module Properties dialog.
On the General tab, you can click OK to close the Module Properties dialog and download your configuration, or
Click the Connection tab to configure the connection properties.
Note that when
Timestamp Data has been selected as in section E above, the
Time Sync tab will now appear in the Module
Properties view.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Module Overview and Features Chapter 7
The module sends all of its input data, including the new data from the most recent transition, to the controller immediately after time stamping the transition and passing the input filter to make sure the transition was valid.
You copy new data from the controller tags to a separate data structure for later sorting.
Once the data is copied to a separate data structure, you may sort the data in the controller to determine the order of events.
In the Controller Organizer window (on the left side in Studio5000 Logix Designer), click on the Controller Tags in the tree to see the
Controller Tags view of the 1732E-8IOLM12R
IO-Link module.
Controller Tags view for Module Defintion selected as Data connection type wherein there are no timestamp rows included.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 71
Chapter 7 Module Overview and Features
Controller Tags view for Module Definition selected as Timestamp Data connection type wherein the timestamp rows are included now for all eight channels (0 through 7).
Chapter Summary
In this chapter, you learned more about the features that are specific to the
ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master module.
72 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
I/O Data Mapping Representation
About This Appendix
This appendix contains information to help you properly route the data to and from the IO-Link Master module.
Assembly Support for the 1732E-8IOLM12R
Application Connection Type
Exclusive Owner, Data Only
Exclusive Owner, Data plus
Input Timestamps
Application Path Type
Assembly Instance
Configuration Assembly Header
The configuration assembly is prefixed with a 4 byte header (DWORD). This header (the Configuration Header) contains the Configuration Revision
Number (CRN) used in Logix systems.
The configuration assembly listed in this section does not show this header, and therefore the fields start at byte offset 4. The Configuration Header assembly is shown below, and is the first member of the configuration assembly.
Configuration Assembly Instance 124 Data Structure – Configuration Header
Message size: 46 Bytes
Bit 7
Bit 6
Reserved (Ignored)
Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Reserved (Ignored)
Reserved (Ignored)
3 Reserved (Ignored)
CRN – Configuration Revision Number, see Rockwell CIP/System Specification Revision B for details on use
The EDS file declares the Configuration Header assembly to be the first member of the configuration assemblies, and thus only one configuration assembly
(Config Part 1) is used in the Connection definitions under the Connection
Manager section. Config Part 2 is null.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 73
Appendix A I/O Data Mapping Representation
IO-Link Configuration Assembly Definition
Some configuration data can be sent to the module in a single assembly, facilitating use during connection establishment. Typically, this configuration assembly will be written to via a Forward Open service request.
Configuration data for target IO-Link devices can be up to 2K bytes in length.
Because of this large size, the IO-Link device configuration is sent to the adapter using instances of the File Object.
Configuration Assembly Instance 110 Data Structure
Consumed Byte Bit 7
Bit 6
Channel 0 Mode
Channel 1 Mode
Channel 2 Mode
Channel 3 Mode
Channel 4 Mode
Channel 5 Mode
Channel 6 Mode
Channel 7 Mode
Bit 5
IO-Link Channel 0 Vendor ID
IO-Link Channel 0 Device ID
Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
IO-Link Channel 1 Vendor ID
IO-Link Channel 1 Device ID
Reserved Ch1
IO-Link Channel 2 Vendor ID
IO-Link Channel 2 Device ID
Reserved Ch2
IO-Link Channel 3 Vendor ID
IO-Link Channel 3 Device ID
Reserved Ch3
IO-Link Channel 4 Vendor ID
IO-Link Channel 4 Device ID
Reserved Ch4
IO-Link Channel 5 Vendor ID
IO-Link Channel 5 Device ID
Reserved Ch5
IO-Link Channel 6 Vendor ID
IO-Link Channel 6 Device ID
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
I/O Data Mapping Representation Appendix A
Configuration Assembly Instance 110 Data Structure
Consumed Byte Bit 7
53 Reserved
Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
IO-Link Channel 7 Vendor ID
IO-Link Channel 7 Device ID
Reserved Ch7
IO-Link Channel 0 Consumed Size
IO-Link Channel 0 Produced Size
IO-Link Channel 1 Consumed Size
IO-Link Channel 1 Produced Size
IO-Link Channel 2 Consumed Size
IO-Link Channel 2 Produced Size
IO-Link Channel 3 Consumed Size
IO-Link Channel 3 Produced Size
IO-Link Channel 4 Consumed Size
IO-Link Channel 4 Produced Size
IO-Link Channel 5 Consumed Size
IO-Link Channel 5 Produced Size
IO-Link Channel 6 Consumed Size
IO-Link Channel 6 Produced Size
IO-Link Channel 7 Consumed Size
IO-Link Channel 7 Produced Size
Channel 0 Fault Mode
Channel 0 Idle Mode
Channel 1 Fault Mode
Channel 1 Idle Mode
Channel 2 Fault Mode
Channel 2 Idle Mode
Channel 3 Fault Mode
Channel 3 Idle Mode
Channel 4 Fault Mode
Channel 4 Idle Mode
Channel 5 Fault Mode
Channel 5 Idle Mode
Channel 6 Fault Mode
Channel 6 Idle Mode
Channel 7 Fault Mode
Channel 7 Idle Mode
Channel 0 Input Off to On Time Delay
Channel 0 Input On to Off Time Delay
Channel 1 Input Off to On Time Delay
Channel 1 Input On to Off Time Delay
Channel 2 Input Off to On Time Delay
Channel 2 Input On to Off Time Delay
Channel 3 Input Off to On Time Delay
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 75
Appendix A I/O Data Mapping Representation
Configuration Assembly Instance 110 Data Structure
Consumed Byte Bit 7
Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4
Channel 3 Input On to Off Time Delay
Channel 4 Input Off to On Time Delay
Channel 4 Input On to Off Time Delay
Channel 5 Input Off to On Time Delay
Channel 5 Input On to Off Time Delay
Channel 6 Input Off to On Time Delay
Channel 6 Input On to Off Time Delay
Channel 7 Input Off to On Time Delay
Channel 7 Input On to Off Time Delay
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
The channel mode selects the type of I/O for the channel. Valid values are:
0: Disabled
1: Standard Output (DO)
2: Standard Input (DI)
3: IO-Link
Consumed and produced connection sizes can be in the range of 0 to 32. This value is only valid when the channel is configured for IO-Link. In DI mode 1 byte is produced and 0 are consumed, in DO mode 0 bytes are produced and 1 byte is consumed. When the channel is disabled no data is produced or consumed.
Fault and Idle conditions are only valid when the channel is configured for IO-Link or DO. Mode and Value behavior is defined in the IO-Link Channel object specification.
Time delays are specified in 1ms increments, valid range is 0…65 (a value of zero disables the input filter).
This bit is examined only when the configuration assembly is received while a connection is established (a connection reconfiguration). If this bit is set the IO-Link device configuration (stored in the associated file instance) is downloaded to the device on this channel, otherwise it is not. The IO-Link device configuration is always sent on an initial connection establishment.
This is a PTP enable bit which will indicate if the module is expected to sync to a master clock. If enabled (1) then the Module LED will flash green if the module is not synchronized to a master clock. Disabling the bit does not prevent the module from synchronizing to a master clock. This bit is ignored if the connection request is for the Data Only connection set.
IO-Link I/O Assembly Definitions
The data structure of each I/O Assembly instance defined in the tables below.
The size of the input and output data from each channel is variable based on the configuration within the IO-Link Module object, and the length will be padded
(if necessary) such that the starting location of the data for a subsequent channel is 32-bit word aligned.
Consumption Assembly Instance 111 Data Structure
Consumed Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5
0…a Output data for Channel 0
(1) a+1…b b+1…c c+1…d
Output data for Channel 1
Output data for Channel 2
Output data for Channel 3
Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
I/O Data Mapping Representation Appendix A
Consumption Assembly Instance 111 Data Structure
Consumed Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 d+1…e e+1…f
Output data for Channel 4
Output data for Channel 5
(1) f+1…g g+1…h
Output data for Channel 6
Output data for Channel 7
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Consumed sizes can be in the range of 0…32. Output data for each channel always begin on a 32-bit boundary, and is enforced by software using the data description for the channel.
Production Assembly Instance 112 Data Structure
Message size: 0...132 Bytes
Produced Byte
48…a a+1…b b+1…c c+1…d d+1…e e+1…f f+1…g g+1…h
Bit 7 Bit 6
Channel 0 Status
Channel 1 Status
Channel 2 Status
Channel 3 Status
Bit 5 Bit 4
Channel 4 Status
Channel 5 Status
Channel 6 Status
Channel 7 Status
Channel 0 Most Recent Event
Channel 1 Most Recent Event
Channel 2 Most Recent Event
Channel 3 Most Recent Event
Channel 4 Most Recent Event
Channel 5 Most Recent Event
Channel 6 Most Recent Event
Channel 7 Most Recent Event
Input data from Channel 0
Input data from Channel 1
Input data from Channel 2
Input data from Channel 3
Input data from Channel 4
Input data from Channel 5
Input data from Channel 6
Input data from Channel 7
Channel Status:
Bit 0: 1 = Roll Up Status, an OR of bits 1 through 7
Bit 1: 0 = Connection to device, 1 = No Connection to device
Bit 2: 1 = Configuration to device in progress
Bit 3: 1 = Device configuration failed
Bit 4: 1 = IO-Link Key failure
Bit 5: 1 = DO Short Circuit
Bit 6: 1 = Process Data Invalid
Bit 7: 1 = Low Power Fault
Bit 8: 1 = IO-Link output value is forced to limit
Bit 9: 1 = No IO-Link size configured
Bits 10…15 = Reserved
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 77
Appendix A I/O Data Mapping Representation
The most recent event is produced on each channel. The format of the event data is defined in attribute 15 of the IO-Link Channel object. Event data is four octets in length. An event containing a sequence count value of zero is not valid and indicates no event has been received on the channel since the connection was established, or the events have been cleared.
Produced sizes can be in the range of 0…32. Input data for each channel will always begin on a 32-bit boundary, and is enforced by software using the data description for the channel.
140…a a+1…b b+1…c c+1…d d+1…e e+1…f f+1…g g+1…h
Produced Byte
Production Assembly Instance 113 Data with Timestamp Structure
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5
Channel 0 Status
Channel 1 Status
Channel 2 Status
Channel 3 Status
Channel 4 Status
Channel 5 Status
Bit 4
Channel 6 Status
Channel 7 Status
Channel 0 Most Recent Event
Channel 1 Most Recent Event
Channel 2 Most Recent Event
Channel 3 Most Recent Event
Channel 4 Most Recent Event
Channel 5 Most Recent Event
Channel 6 Most Recent Event
Channel 7 Most Recent Event
Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Lock Clock Offset (64 bit)
Offset Time Stamp (64 bit)
Grandmaster Clock ID (64 bit) 8 bytes SINT array
Input Time Stamp – Channel 0 (64 bit)
Input Time Stamp – Channel 1 (64 bit)
Input Time Stamp – Channel 2 (64 bit)
Input Time Stamp – Channel 3 (64 bit)
Input Time Stamp – Channel 4 (64 bit)
Input Time Stamp – Channel 5 (64 bit)
Input Time Stamp – Channel 6 (64 bit)
Input Time Stamp – Channel 7 (64 bit)
Reserved (Must be 0) Synched to Master
Pad (3 octets)
Input data from Channel 0
Input data from Channel 1
Input data from Channel 2
Input data from Channel 3
Input data from Channel 4
Input data from Channel 5
Input data from Channel 6
Input data from Channel 7
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
I/O Data Mapping Representation Appendix A
Channel Status:
Bit 0: 1 = Roll Up Status, an OR of bits 1 through 7
Bit 1: 0 = Connection to device, 1 = No Connection to device
Bit 2: 1 = Configuration to device in progress
Bit 3: 1 = Device configuration failed
Bit 4: 1 = IO-Link Key failure
Bit 5: 1 = DO Short Circuit
Bit 6: 1 = Process Data Invalid
Bit 7: 1 = Low Power Fault
Bit 8: 1 = IO-Link output value is forced to limit
Bit 9: 1 = No IO-Link size configured
Bits 10…15 = Reserved
The most recent event is produced on each channel. The format of the event data is defined in attribute 15 of the IO-Link Channel object. Event data is four octets in length. An event containing a sequence count value of zero is not valid and indicates no event has been received on the channel since the connection was established, or the events have been cleared.
Produced sizes can be in the range of 0…32. Input data for each channel will always begin on a 32-bit boundary, and is enforced by software using the data description for the channel.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 79
Appendix A I/O Data Mapping Representation
80 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Supported IO-Link Master Events
About This Appendix
IO-Link Master
Module Events
This appendix provides information about events that are defined in the IO-Link
Master stack. This appendix also shows where the most recent events are viewable in the Controller Tags view of the Studio 5000 program.
IO-Link events can be accessed through Explicit Messaging by querying the
Events attribute of an IO-Link Channel object. This attribute contains a list of events logged from the IO-Link channel. The 40 most recent events can be viewed by querying that attribute. Refer to the following guide for more information.
Querying the Events from the master to view 40 most recent events
Class: 0x3A2 hex
Service: 0E hex
Instance: refers to channel number and can be from 0 to 3
Attribute: 15 decimal or 0F hex
Structure of the Returned Data
IO-Link Events
Sequence Count
Event Qualifier
Event Code
Data Type
Array of Struct
Description of Attribute
Events from IO-Link Device (Remote) or Master (Local)
Count value assigned to each event (refer to sequence count section)
Type, mode and source of the Event (refer to event qualifier table)
The identifier of an actual Event (refer to event code table)
Configuration Assembly Header
The configuration assembly is prefixed with a 4 byte header (DWORD). This header (the Configuration Header) contains the Configuration Revision
Number (CRN) used in Logix systems,.
The configuration assembly listed in this section does not show this header, and therefore the fields start at byte offset 4. The Configuration Header assembly is shown below, and is the first member of the configuration assembly.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 81
Appendix B Supported IO-Link Master Events
82 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Supported IO-Link Master Events Appendix B
IO-Link Master Event Codes
The IO-Link Interface and System Specification document provides an enumeration and definition of IO-Link defined events. Unique event conditions can also be defined by the IO-Link device or the IO-Link Master stack. Events defined by the stack are shown in the table below.
IO-Link Master Module Events
Event Code
The Sensor had sent a wrong PDU. After three retries the connection will be aborted and the a device lost event DEVICE_LOST. The stack will automatically reconnect the sensor.
This event is used if only a change in the data valid bit has been detected.
This event will be generated if a connection could not be established due to a absent sensor or if a running connection has been aborted (e.g. by pulling a sensor). The stack will automatically attempt to reconnect the sensor.
This event will be generated if a retry occurs.
A short circuit was detected.
An undervoltage of the system sensor power supply has been detected.
An undervoltage of the system actor power supply has been detected.
An undervoltage of the power supply of a single port has been detected.
Reset of a channel has been done.
This event will be generated when the connection to a sensor has been established, but the connection is not in operate state.
Process data input length does not match
Process data output length does not match
Vendor id is wrong V1.1 sensor
Device id is wrong V1.1 sensor
Vendor id is wrong V1.0 sensor
Device id is wrong V1.0 sensor
Event Count
The Event Sequence Count is a count value assigned to each event. The value increments for each received event. Range of values is -127...127; a value of zero is not valid and can indicate that no event is present in a fixed field within I/O produced input data.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 83
Appendix B Supported IO-Link Master Events
Event Qualifier
The Event Qualifier provides details about the type event, as shown in the table below.
Event Qualifier
0 - 2
4 - 5
6 - 7
These bits indicate the source of an Event:
0: Unknown
1: Physical Layer
2: Data Layer
3: Application Layer
4: Application
5-7: Reserved
This bit indicates the location of the Event.
0: Device application (remote)
1: Master application (local)
These bits indicate the Event category
0: Reserved
1: Notification
2: Warning
3: Error
These bits indicate the Event mode
0: Reserved
1: Event single shot
2: Event disappears
3: Event appears
Recent Events Controller
Tag View
The following graphic shows where the most recent events are viewable in the
Studio 5000 program for the 1732E-8IOLM12R IO-Link Master module and/or any Rockwell Automation IO-Link-supported device.
84 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Supported IO-Link Master Events Appendix B
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 85
Appendix B Supported IO-Link Master Events
86 Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
About This Appendix
This appendix provides information about module diagnostics, and about troubleshooting with the following indicators:
• Module status
• Network status
• Channel status
In addition, the following troubleshooting scenarios are provided:
• Second Data I/O connection rejected
• Controller goes to fault when enabling/disabling Unicast
• Generic device with zero length input and output is accepted by the
• The ChxMostRecentEvent.EventSequenceCount is an unsigned value
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 87
Appendix C Troubleshooting
Interpret LED Indicators
Refer to the following diagram and table for information on how to interpret the status indicators.
ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master Module – 1732E-8IOLM12R
Link 1 status indicator
Module status indicator
Link 2 status indicator
Network status indicator
I/O status indicators
Auxiliary Power status indicator
Indicator Status for Modules
Module status
Network status
Flashing green
Flashing red
No power applied to the device.
The device has not been configured.
If Master Sync Enable bit is set, and the device is not synchronized to a PTP master, the device is not configured.
Device operating normally.
Unrecoverable fault – may require device replacement.
One or more recoverable minor faults detected. Possible minor faults indicated are:
• The device is performing a firmware flash update.
• The IO-Link stack is faulted.
• IP Address switches do not match configuration in use
Flashing red/green The module is performing POST (Power-On Self Test), which completes within 30 s.
Off The device is not initialized or the module does not have an IP address.
Flashing green
• The device has completed a reset to factory default request due to the switches being set to 888 at power up, and a power cycle is required.
Flashing red
The device has an IP address, but no connections are established.
The device is online, has an IP address, and at least one connection is established.
One or more connections have timed out.
The module has detected that its IP address is already in use.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Troubleshooting Appendix C
Indicator Status for Modules
Link status
Auxiliary power status
Flashing green
Flashing yellow
No link established.
Link established on indicated port at 100 Mbps.
Link activity present on indicated port at 100 Mbps.
Link established on indicated port at 10 Mbps.
Link activity present on indicated port at 10 Mbps.
No power to device or input not valid.
Power applied to device.
Channel LED Indicator Status for Module
Channel LED status
Flashing green IO-Link
Green IO-Link
Flashing red IO-Link
Output/input is in off state, is in IO-Link mode, or is not energized.
Standard I/O Output/input is in on state.
Port startup or IO-Link device not found.
IO-Link enabled.
IO-Link device connected to channel does not match configured electronic key.
Output is shorted or over-current condition exists.
IMPORTANT The Module Status LED indicator will flash red and green for a maximum
30 s while the module completes its POST (Power-On Self Test).
Troubleshooting Scenarios
The following are scenarios you may encounter while using the modules.
Second Data I/O connection rejected
The 1732E-8IOLM12R module does not support a Listen-Only or Input-Only connection. A connection attempt from a second Logix controller will be rejected.
Controller goes to fault when enabling/disabling Unicast
If the you check the “Major Fault on Controller if Connection Faults While in
Run Mode” check box and uncheck the “Use Unicast Connection over
EtherNet/IP” check box while online and apply the changes, the Logix controller will fault.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 89
Appendix C Troubleshooting
The work-around is to first inhibit the connection, make the changes to the two check boxes, then un-inhibit the connection.
Generic device with zero length input and output is accepted by the Add-on Profile
The input and output length for a generic device can both be set to zero. These settings will cause the communication fault bit to be set for the channel.
The ChxMostRecentEvent.EventSequenceCount is an unsigned value
The ChxMostRecentEvent.EventSequenceCount is a count value assigned to each event. The value increments for each received event. Range of values is 1 to
255; a value of zero is not valid and can indicate that no event is present.
Because this is an unsigned number the count values from 128 through 255 appear as negative numbers in the Logix Designer software.
Rockwell Automation Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
Add-on Profile
Add-on Profile
asynchronous communication
BootP/DHCP relation list
C cables auxiliary
twisted pair
change network address
Change of State
Common Industrial Protocol
IEEE 1588 PTP implementation
networking model
protocol for EtherNet/IP
CIP Sync
related publications
slave only device
synchonization standard
Common Industrial Protocol
communication fault
communication network
configure channel mode
Index channels
IO-Link device
IO-Link device parameters
message instruction
consumer controller
Controller find the
ControlLogix L6
ControlLogix L7
correlation checks
device configuration
event captured
event information
input data
parameter values
present values
read-write parameters
stored parameters
Controller Organizer
controller tag
Controller Tags view
controller tags
Controller Tags view
controller transition
Change of State
CoS transition
D data transition
device configure
enable DHCP
Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
92 Index hardware address
IO-Link compatible
IO-Link enabled
newly attached
Relation List
slave only
UL Type 1
device parameters
DeviceLogix status indicator
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHCP server use
dirty lens events
disabling Unicast
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Electronic Keying
electronic keying method
ethernet bridge
application layer protocol
configure module
prepare module
Use Unicast Connection over
EtherNet/IP publications
events attribute
dirty lens
IO-Link defined
Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016 querying
example network address
F features
frequency of update
G generic
CIP message
IO-Link device
generic integration
generic IO-Link device
I add
Grand Master GPS
input module
ArmorBlock I/O 8 Channel IO-Link Master module
CIP Sync
configure the module
module features
timestamping input data
IO-Link Data Description
IODD file
IO-Link terminology
IO-Link Data Description
IO-Link events
IO-Link Master
event codes
generates events
I/O data mapping
receives new process data
related publications
stored events
supported events
supports IO-Link enabled devices
IO-Link master
IO-Link mode
IO-Link tab
LED indicators
IO-Link Master
standard digital
standard digital input
standard digital output
modes of usage
module features
module status indicator
N network address
network address
network status indicator
O example
ONS one-shot
Index 93
Parameter buttons
IO-Link device
parameter associated
device configuration
IO-Link device
most commonly used
subindex request
parameter behavior
parameters index request
polled input modules
power indicator
Precision Time Protocol
produce device data
Dynamic Host Configuration
Transport Control
Precision Time Protocol
Q querying
Quick Start
Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
94 Index
Real-World Time
recent events
Relation List device
Requested Packet Interval
data exchange
Requested Packet Interval
S subnet mask
supported events
T tag controller
tag elements
Add-on Profile
time stamping
Timestamp definition
timestamp accuracy
timestamp data
timestamped data
ON and OFF
time stamping
Transport Control Protocol
U recent
Universal Coordinated Time
update frequency
usage modes
DHCP server
small blade screwdriver
V view synchronization
Universal Coordinated Time
Controller Tags
Publication 1732E-UM007A-EN-E - August 2016
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