Sunrise Medical You-Q - Alex Owner Manual

Below you will find brief information for Wheelchair ALEX (FWD / RWD / RWD Short Base). This manual provides instructions for the safe and effective use of the ALEX wheelchair. It covers topics such as setup, operation, maintenance, and safety precautions. You'll learn how to properly adjust the seat, drive the wheelchair, handle obstacles, and transport it. The manual also includes information on battery care, cleaning, and troubleshooting.

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Key features

  • FWD/RWD/RWD Short Base configurations
  • Electric verstelbare kantel
  • Electric hoog/laag
  • Electric rugverstelling
  • Electric or mechanical verstelbare beensteunen

Frequently asked questions

Make sure that the tires are inflated correctly and that the batteries are sufficiently charged. Also, ensure the lights and turn signals are working.

Turn off the control panel and ensure the free-wheel switch is set to 'drive'.

Clean with water or mild soap. Never use abrasive or aggressive cleaning agents or a high-pressure cleaner.

136 kg, unless otherwise noted on the identification plate.
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