WODER Trusted Water Filter Instruction manual
ЗА TRUSTED WATER FILTER ~ | \ ta CaO” ventory } i < > A. Wall mount filter bracket - Head with В | | le: @ 1: © a built-in valve Е Е B. Inlet hose - 3/8 female compression bee 2 i by 1/4 standard pipe thread a 3 | | o C. Outlet hose- 3/8 male compression a = i ii = =" a" by 1/4 standard pipe. >: ii ВИ WODER 10K-GEN2 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS UNDER SINK WATER FILTER @ Watch our ‘How to install video on Woder.biz website. E» Write the date of installation on the filter for future references. INSTALLATION GUIDE MFG PART # WD-10K-QCC-DC (GEN2) © Under the sink, turn off the water supply valve to 'off' position. GUIDELINES © Disconnect existing fittings to cold water supply valve that e Maximum recommended flow rate: leads to faucet. 0.8 GPM e Estimated Life Expectancy: 10000 Gallons / 3 years e Warranty: 1 year parts and labor © Connect #3 Hose (outlet, 3/8" male hose) to the existing faucet hose. © Connect #2 Hose (inlet, 3/8" female hose) to the cold water supply valve. e Maximum Temperature: 120F €) Secure the bracket in a convenient location under the sink. © Maximum Pressure: 125psi Turn on the cold water supply. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION © ppiy e This filter should be removed and discarded not later than 3 years from the ACTIVATION date of installation. р This filter should be used i А @ Turn on the cold water on the faucet. Do NOT drink the with municipally treated drinking water or IL: water that has been properly disinfected water. It may contain carbon ‘ines. prior use. pes USS hae Asis fel MAN ee HS @ Allow cold water (only) to gently flow for 3 minutes until A the water comes clear. (Only 5% of the filters get black varies greatly. Water flow through the filter wash). NOTE: During initial use you may notice cloudy should be kept at or below the maximum recommended flow rate as per instructions. water. It is caused by air bubbles that are trapped within FAMED Beh RU slower ME sel; LUI the filter. It is not harmful and should roug e filter, more contaminants are ‘thi En al clear up within a week. e Towards the LH EICH LE sa life, you may notice a diminishing water flow or you may notice the taste changing back to © Turn faucet water off and check DRINK wITH the taste of tap water. At this time you should for leaks. If needed, tighten remove your spent filter, wrap it with a the fittings CONFIDENCE! newspaper and discard it with your trash. | e DO NOT allow your filter to freeze. e It is a violation of federal law to use this roduct in a manner inconsistent with its abeling. ">

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