Rockwell Automation Allen-Bradley 193-T1D P Series Guide d'installation
Rockwell Automation Allen-Bradley 193-T1D P Series is designed to protect electrical circuits from overloads and short circuits. It has a manual and automatic reset button and a current setting knob to adjust the tripping current. It is suitable for use on circuits that can deliver not more than 5000/10000 rms symmetrical amps at a maximum of 600 volts. It is important to use fuses only and not to use the automatic reset mode in applications where unexpected automatic restart of the motor can cause injury or damage to equipment.
Some possible use cases for the Rockwell Automation Allen-Bradley 193-T1D P Series include:
Installation Instruction
Instruction de montage
Istruzione per il montaggio
Instrucción de montaje
(Cat 193-T1D. . . P)
To prevent electrical shock, disconnect from power source before installing or servicing. Install in suitable enclosure. Keep free from contaminants.
Vor Installations- oder Servicearbeiten Stromversorgung unterbrechen, um Unfälle zu vermeiden. Die Geräte müssen in einem passenden Gehäuse eingebaut und gegen Verschmutzung geschützt werden.
Avant le montage et la mise en service, couper l’alimentation secteur afin d’éviter tout accident. Prévoir une mise en coffret ou armoire appropriée. Protéger le produit contre les environnements agressifs.
Per prevenire infortuni, togliere tensione prima dell’installazione o manutenzione. Installare in custodia indonea.
Tenere lontano da contaminanti.
ADVERTENCIA: Desconectar la alimentación eléctrica antes de realizar el montaje y la puesta en servicio, con el objeto de evitar accidentes. Instalado en una caja o armario apropiado. Proteger el producto de los ambientes agresivos.
IEC/EN 60947-1,-4-1,-5-1
UL 508
CSA 22.2 No. 14
97 95
T1 T2 T3
10...35 mm2
10...35 mm2
18 mm
16...35 mm2
No. 8...1 AWG
9 mm
10 mm2
No. 8 AWG
Use 75°C Cu wire only
2 x 1...4 mm2
2 x 1...4 mm2
2 x No 18...12 AWG
2 x 1...4 mm2
2 x No 18...12 AWG
No 4
4,5...6 Nm
40...53 lb-in
1,2 Nm
10,6 lb-in
Pozidriv No. 2
Suitable For Use On A Circuit Capable Of Delivering Not More Than 5000 / 10000 rms
Symmetrical Amperes, 600 Volts Maximum.
Use Fuses Only.
Trip Indicator
Manual / Auto Reset
Reset Button
Stop Button
Current Setting
Test Release
1 max. A min. A
Trips at maximum
125 % of current setting.
Löst bei max. 125 % des eingestellten Stromes aus.
Déclenche à max. 125 % de la valeur du courant ajusté.
Sganciamento al massimo al
125 % della corrente regolata.
Sugerencias al máximo
125 % de la configuración actual.
97 95
97 95
98 96 98 96
97 95
97 95
98 96 98 96
WARNING: Do not use automatic reset mode in applications where unexpected automatic restart of the motor can cause injury to persons or damage to equipment.
WARNUNG: Der automatische Rücksetzmodus darf nicht in Anwendungen verwendet werden, in denen der unerwartete Neustart des Motors zu Personen- oder Sachschäden führen kann.
AVERTISSEMENT: N`utilisez pas le mode réarmement automatique dans les applications où un redémarrage automatique inattendu du moteur pourrait provoquer des blessures personnelles ou des dégâts matériels.
AVVERTENZA: non usare la modalità di ripristino automatico in applicazioni dove il riavviamento automatico improvviso del motore può provocare infortuni o danni all`apparecchiatura.
ADVERTENCIA: No use el modo de reseteo automático en aplicaciones donde el rerranque repentino del motor pueda causar lesiones personales o daño al equipo.
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193-IN016C-MU-P - May 2016 DIR 22_503_912
(Version 03)
Copyright © 2016 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in China.

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