Raytheon R20, R21, R40 User Manual
Below you will find brief information for R40. The Raymarine R40 Raster Scan Radar System provides a 360° radar view of surrounding vessels and land. It offers features like EBL's, VRM's for bearing and range measurements. NAV, MAG, and WPT modes blend Loran C navigation with radar imaging. Signal processing includes interference rejection and target expansion.
Distributed by Raymarine Any reference to Raytheon or RIN in this manual should be interpreted as Raymarine. The names Raytheon and RIN are owned by the Raytheon Company. Raytheon Model R40 Raster Scan Radar System QAD- 15% PURPOSE THIS MANUAL CONTAINS IMPORTANT INFORMATION OF THE INSTALLATION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF YOUR EQUIPMENT RAYTHEON MARINE COMPANY products are supported by a network of Authorized Service Representatives. For product information, you may contact the following regional centers: Western United States .................... Raytheon Marine Company 1521 So. 92nd Place Seattle, WA 98108 Phone: 206-763-7500 Eastern United States ..................... Raytheon Marine Company 46 River Road Hudson, NH 03051 Phone: 603-881-5200 Europe .........,.....,........,,......... Raytheon Marine Sales & Service Co. Sijangade 6 DK2300 Copenhagen S Denmark Phone: 451-570611 Far East ............,.....,.,.............. Marintech Co., Ltd. Minato-Ise Building 3-12-1 Kaigandori Naka-ku Yokohama, Japan 231 Phone: 045-212-3633 o al ei imc ic HIGH VOLTAGE WARNING Do not open any of the units when the radar is ON; high voltages within the Scanner and Display Unit could be fatal to anyone coming in direct contact with them. Disconnect ship’s power from the Scanner and Display Unit before attempting any mainte- nance, otherwise, ship’s power will be present at terminals inside the Scanner and Display Unit. RADIATION HAZARD Care should be taken to avoid possible harmful effects (particularly to the eyes) of radiation from radar transmissions. To avoid harmful radiation, the Display OPERATE switch should be turned to the STBY or OFF position when working on the Scanner. Under no circumstances should you look directly into the antenna from a distance of less than 2 feet when the radar is in operation. re il SECTION 1. SECTION 2. SECTION 3. SECTION 4. SECTION 5. SECTION 6. SECTION 7. 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 9.2 5.3 5.4 6.1 6.2 6.3 7.1 72 CONTENTS GENERAL DESCRIPTION A 1-1 ImtrOGUctiOnn .............ccccccsccsscsssssccseseeessessssncsuceusessaseussccecaseesusssaccesvareeeesseususesssecsons 1-1 Physical Description ................cccccccccsscsssescceerecsssscsscccoscceesscscescscrereseceseensnssesesees 1-2 Specifications ooo. ieee cc ces ececcessesseccecesessesceesceserssecsccesessrsnsscssenssssesccasarssceecees 1-5 INSTALLATION cctcesscessseeescessusesssescenssessassssssessuscecessessesecsneseessesssesasssenesass 2-1 Planning А 2-1 Installation of Scanner Unit ............o.coocinnnccnnnoniconanancnanann conocio ro ronccnaooncccononoooonos 2-2 Installation of Display Unit .................oonnncinncccnonocononocononnorononanononoonaccnnnnccnoronnss 2-6 Installation Of OPtÍONS .........oonononicinnononoconnccnnnnnonnanononono conan onoancnono manana non cnnancannonns 2-9 Initial Operations and Checkout of Radar 2-14 ОРЕВАПОМ ................... лилии илинииианаиннь 3-1 Operating Controls oo... ccc cccsccsccsccssssscseseccssccsscsssecessssucessueceressapsesseuaneese 3-1 Range and Bearing Measurement scie 3-9 Using {Пе Соп\го[$ ............... или 3-11 Radar Ranging ..............ccscccssesccssscesseussesssesscssccsesseseacsarseesssesssssccasestescnseseneaues 3-13 False Echoes .ccsssssccsssssssssssssesscnscscsessscsasssescssetscessestessscscsacecseuseseseessvenses 3-14 MAINTENANCE uu... esccsssesssscstseessssessessanessessessecessssesserersesanccessascensscasesrsceeseatens 4-1 User Preventive Maintenance ....oconcconicicononococononaronncnrconnncnonononanonanananin ranas 4-1 Scanner Unit oo... ccc cesssssesnsccucsusseesessssssesesacsscessasenssesesaccstsnseecessecsauesesses 4-2 Display Unit .......o..ononicicanicnananacanacanonnnncanananaononananaranononorcnannnnroonrcconannnonancnnncnnncnonns 4.2 ADJUSTMENT AND FAULT FINDING ................. лианы 5-1 Adjustment A 5-1 Initial Programming of Optional Magnetic Flux Sensor ............................. 5-5 ТгоцЫе-ЗНооНП? ............... иена ашан 5-10 Replacement of Major Components ...............:ccscsessccscssssossssscssececsseseccesereee 5-17 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ................... иена ициннь 6-1 Block Diagram Description 2.00.0... scsccsssecscssesssssescecsesesecsesesscesecsesessessoes 6-2 Зсаппег O 6-8 Display Unit... "re 6-13 AO esecsssesseccsecessssssccesssssssessssesessescsatasenessessssuseususassavecsessstessecsescecees 7-1 Electrical Parts List... юноши 7-2 Меспатса! Рагё5 Госабоп №51 ............... ии 7-24 И - Figure 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 DRAWINGS Title GENERAL SYSTEM OF R40 RADAR OUTLINE DRAWING OF M88340 SCANNER UNIT OUTLINE DRAWING OF M88339 DISPLAY UNIT BLOCK DIAGRAM OF R40 RADAR INTERCONNECTIONS OF R40 RADAR CIRCUIT DRAWING OF M88340 SCANNER UNIT INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF M88339 DISPLAY UNIT CIRCUIT DRAWING OF MAIN CONTROL PCB 1 OF 2 INSIDE DISPLAY UNIT CIRCUIT DRAWING OF MAIN CONTROL PCB 2 OF 2 INSIDE DISPLAY UNIT CIRCUIT DRAWING OF DISPLAY ASSEMBLY INSIDE DISPLAY UNIT CIRCUIT DRAWING OF POWER SUPPLY PCB INSIDE DISPLAY UNIT MECHANICAL PARTS LOCATION IN SCANNER UNIT MECHANICAL PARTS LOCATION IN DISPLAY UNIT TEMPLATE FOR SCANNER MOUNTING —М- 1.1 SECTION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION INTRODUCTION Congratulations on selecting the Raytheon Model R40 Raster Scan Radar for your radar navigation needs. Whether you purchased this radar because of its compactness, power economy, ease of installation, or long term reliability, one thing is certain; the moment you turn on your R40 you'll know you are seeing a revolutionary new concept in radar technology at work. Radar signals are “stored” on a 10-inch diagonal TV-type picture with chart like clarity and detail. A single glance at your Model R40 Display will give you a complete and accurate 360° radar picture of other vessels, bouys and land fall surrounding your vessel. A unique feature even allows you to “freeze” the picture for bearing and range measurements. EBL's and VRM's allow you to measure a target’s bearing and range with high accuracy and the “Seaguard Alarm” will alert you of targets entering into your safety zone. New Navigation (NAV), Magnetic (MAG), and Waypoint (WPT) modes blend the Loran C navigational computations with radar imaging to aid in plotting or noting obstruc- tions to your waypoint. Adding advanced signal processing with interference rejection and target expansion, it should become apparent that human engineering and operational simplicity have been consi- dered foremost in the R40’s design. We trust that you will enjoy many years of excellent performance, reliability, and smooth sailing with your new R40 Radar. 12 PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 1.2.1 General The R40 Radar System consists of the following items: Qty. Item Raytheon Product Code lea. R40 Display Unit M88339 lea. Scanner Unit M88340 lea. R40 Cable Assembly (10 meters) M88347 lea. R40 Cable Assembly (15 meters) M88348 (For R40 L Systems) | lea. Instruction Manual lea. Bridge Card lea. Standard Spares Kit (See Table 1-1) lea. Warranty Registration Card lea. Power Cable Assembly lea. Sunshield M88365 TABLE 1-1 SPARE PARTS Name of T ae Parts ype Quantity Description Code No. Fuse Glass tube 6.3 2 F401 Display unit 5ZFAD00019 Glass tube 3A 2 F401 Display unit 5ZFAD00044 Glass tube 1.5A 1 F501 Display unit 5ZFAD00333 CRT CONT. PCB Lamp AS90140 3 PL1~3 Display unit - 5WAAB00258 Coax Cable 1 1 Meter Cable with TBA Connectors NOTE: FOR REPLACEMENT FUSES USE STANDARD “GMA” SIZE 1.2.2 Available Options ITEM Rectifier Unit Extension Cable R40 Cable Assembly Universal Mast Mount Dual Station Junction Box with Cable Magnetic Flux Sensor 1.2.3 Display Unit RAYTHEON PRODUCT CODE M88074 M88349 M88346 M88374 M89367C M89890 DESCRIPTION Converts 115/220 VAC to a DC voltage to power the R40. 10 meter Cable. 20 meter Interconnecting Cable. For sailboat installation with masts of 214” and lar- ger. Allows the installation of a second display unit to be used with the same scanner unit (12 VDC only). Increases the performance of the magnetic modes of operation by supplying near instantaneous head- ing information to the Radar set. FIG. 1-1 The Display Unit is enclosed in a splash-proof case and is easily mounted on top of a chart table, installed against a bulkhead, or hung from the overhead. All controls for operat- ing the R40 Radar are located on the front panel and positioned for easy adjustment during day or night use. The compact transistor inverter power supplies, housed within the Display Unit and Scanner Unit, converts the ship's main supply (11-42 VDC) to the power supply voltages required by the radar system. FIG. 1-2 SCANNER UNIT 1.2.4 Scanner Unit The antenna and transceiver are combined within the 24.5 inch radome which is made Of AES plastic and has a single-flange mounting. A small flexible cable connects the Scanner Unit to the Display Unit. The radome cover is secured to the scanner pan base by four bolts and is provided with a rubber gasket to seal the unit from the weather and salt spray. Inside, the transceiver features a printed-circuit card array. This technically innova- tive antenna provides a narrow 4 degree beamwidth for excellent short range resolution and high gain in a very compact antenna package. The X-band transmitter operates at a powerful 3 kW peak power with a sensitive low noise micro-integrated circuit frontend at the receiver. The construction of the Scanner Unit is modularized so repairs, should they be re- quired, can be made quickly and cost-effectively. 13 SPECIFICATIONS 1.3.1 General 1) Maximum range: 2) Minimum range: 3) 4) 9) 8) 9) 10) Range Scales: Range discrimination: Range ring accuracy: Bearing accuracy: Cathode-ray tube: Environmental conditions: Scanner Unit: Display Unit: Input power requirements: Power Consumption: 132 Scanner Unit 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Dimensions: Weight: Polarization: Beam width: Sidelobes: Rotation: Drive motor input voltage: Transmitter frequency: Peak power output: Transmitter tube: 24 nautical miles. Better than 32 m on 0.25 n.m. Range Range ring interval Number of rings 0.25 nm 0.125 nm 2 0.5 nm 0.25 nm 2 1 nm 0.25 nm 4 2 nm 0.5 nm 4 4 nm 1 nm 4 8 nm 2 nm 4 16 nm 4 nm 4 24 nm 6 nm 4 Better than 22 m. Better than +1.5% of maximum range of the scale in use, or 22 m, whichever is the greater. Better than +1 degree. 10 in. tube. Effective diameter 140 mm. Temperature —15°C to +50°C (under nominal input voltage) Humidity Up to 95% at 35°C Wind velocity Up to 50 m/s as relative Temperature — 10°C to +50°C 11~42V dc 55W Diameter of radome 620 mm Height 275 mm Approx. 9.5 kg Horizontal Horizontal 4° Vertical 29° Better than —21 dB Approx. 27 RPM DC 12V 9445+30 MHz 3kW Magnetron (M1315 or MRF1421C) 1.3.3 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) Pulse length/Pulse repetition frequency: Modulator: Duplexer: Mixer protector: Mixer: IF amplifier: Overall noise figure: Display Unit 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) Dimensions: Mounting: Weight: Cathode-ray tube: Range scales: Range rings: Display Resolution: Bearing synchronizing system: Tuning: Bearing scale: Ship’s heading marker: VRM: EBL: EBL resolution: Alarm: Display modes: Controls: External Inputs: 0.12 us/920 Hz (0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 nm) 0.5 „s/920 Hz (4, 8, 16, 24 nm) Solidstate modulator driving magnetron Circulator Diode Limiter MIC Frontend Center frequency 60 MHz Bandwidth 6 MHz Better than 6.5 dB Width 300 mm Depth 342 mm Height 265 mm Table, overhead or bulkhead mounting Approx. 7.5 kg (Approx. 16.5 Lbs) E2728B39-HT (Green) 10” Monitor 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24 nm 0.125, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6 nm 912x512 lines Motor Encoder Manual 360° scale graduated at intevals of 5° Electrical Digital readout on CRT in the range of 0.00 to 24.0 nm Digital readout on CRT in the baering of 0° to 360° 1° Audible alarm and zone mark on PPI in the range of 0.05 to 6 nm with sector selection Standard, Mag, Nav and Waypoint. V SW A SW RANGE SW TUNE SW VRM SW RAIN/CL SW EBL SW SEA/CL SW ALM SW GAIN SW NAV SW WPT SW STD SW MAG SW LL/TD SW HOLD SW IR SW EXP SW PR SHM SW BRIL SW ST-BY OFF SW OFF X-MIT SW Loran C: NMEA 0183 w/GLL, GTD, VTG and BWC sentences or JRC Serial Format. Magnetic Flux Sensor: NMEA 0183 Format A 1-6 2.1 SECTION 2 INSTALLATION PLANNING The layout for installing the R40 Radar should be planned to give the best operation and service aboard your particular ship. In general, the Scanner Unit should be mounted ор the wheelhouse or bridge as high as possible. The Display Unit should be installed in the wheelhouse at a convenient viewing position. A 10 meter (or optional 15 meter) length of vinyl-covered, shielded, 11 conductor cable 1s turnished for interconnecting the two main units (Scanner and Display). This length of cable should be sufficient to fabricate the cable runs required on most small ships. The maximum length of cable from the Scanner Unit to the Display Unit should not exceed 20 meters, A general system drawing of the R40 is shown below: f Maz я T Дети” Optional Loran C WA „m > YY —— VA Y WA SU > Y SHIP'S MAINS DC12V 4A DC24V 2A 2.1.1 Unpacking and inspection DC32V 1.5A Use care when unpacking the unit from the shipping carton to prevent damage to the contents. It is also good practice to save the carton and the interior packing material until the unit has been satisfactorily installed on the vessel. The orıginal packing material should be used in the unlikely event that it is necessary to return the unit to the factory. 2.2 INSTALLATION OF SCANNER UNIT 2.2.1 Selecting the Location Selecting an adequate location for the Scanner Unit requires careful consideration. On many small vessels, the unit can be installed onto a mast platform, on an arch or bridge structure, or onto a mast. Since radar basically operates at line-of-sight, the unit should be mounted as high as possible on the ship to ensure best performance at the maximum range. The scanning beam should not be obstructed by surrounding large objects. Try to locate the unit where large structures such as Superstructures, searchlights, horns, or masts are not in the same horizontal plane. Otherwise, blind areas and false targets can appear on the radar screen. Installation near the top of exhaust stacks must be avoided as damage could result due to excessive heat and the corrosive effects of exhaust gases. Mast Mounting Kit consists of: POLYESTER GLOSS WHITE FINISH 13.0" 11,25” DIE CAST ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION Re ree STAINLESS HARDWARE WEIGHT: 4.5 Ibs FITS MASTS FROM 2-1/4’. AND UP For sailboat installations Raytheon offers a universal mast mount kit (Product Code M89374). This optional mount fits masts with diameters from 2!4” and larger. When using the mast mount kit appropriate hardware should be used for the type and style of mast abroad the vessel. If there is doubt concerning the proper type of hardware, consult with the boat dealer or representative for proper recommendations. Depending on the type of sailboat, a radar antenna guard should be installed if the sails tend to contact the antenna platform. Without a proper radar guard serious damage can result to the mounting platform and radar antenna. Using the outline drawing of the Scanner base (Fig. 114, Template for Scanner Mount- ing) as a guide, prepare the mounting surface with the four mounting holes as required. Install the Scanner and secure it to the mounting surface. The Scanner should be parallel to the water when at normal cruising speed so some shimming may be necessary to achieve the parallel relationship. 2.2.2 Connection the Cable The cable entrance is provided in the base of the Scanner Unit. If the unit is mounted on a hollow mast, the cable may be run inside the mast and then be fed through the center entrance hole. Connect the cable leads onto terminal board TB1 as shown in Fig. 2-1. Remove four bolts and tift the Radome from the base. Remove the cable grommet and plate hardware from the cable gland (two screws). Insert the interconnecting cable into the cable inlet. Add the rubber grommet and secure the clamping plate. Connect the cable leads to terminal board TB1. Ground the shield with a jug. Dress the wire harness with cable clamps or tie-raps as necessary to avoid flying leads. See Figure 2-2 for wiring details. FIG. 2-1 CABLE CONNECTION PROCEDURE FOR THE R40 SCANNER UNIT M88339 DISPLAY UNIT 2A Ti VD 33 IB BZ GS BP 2A Pl T.BLK. T.WHT, T.RED 18 GA (LARGE WIRES) GRN, YEL, BRN, BLU 20GA (SMALL WIRES) ‚rel, == 20GA (SHIELDED WIRES) 2 o—— > Ships Mains = Coax. 501) oa , 10e 40V LL — 3402 M88340 SCANNER UNIT Г y 7, Bk | 9 | | 20 ! 1 3 век _ 4 j t } 4 ог] Lo A T.RED ТА ' LT > | [| M88349 - | так, Т. мнт д t 6 ESA X CABLE W/CONMECTOR - 10 m Г à 2 | I YEL M88357 EEN 18 ı TOT CABLE W/CONNECTOR- Ibm BLU | g¢ '@RN — BZ ! ‚ Т. РЕО GSR 9 O A | i | 0 | BLY SET + GS Oo L | и ot MAT wot = eax 33 гр о] $ УР ‚ Во “Е — | VDR i Ем | ( BPR 1 о ‘ 16 Go ВМ } > TIR y ' \__BLk + 71 nd BRN — РТ FIG. 2-2 INTERCONNECTIONS OF R40 RADAR 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 INSTALLATION OF DISPLAY UNIT Selecting the Location Ideally, the Display Unit should be located in the wheelhouse so the radar screen can be viewed when looking forward from the wheel. The Display Unit can be mounted on top of the chart table hung from the overhead, or installed against the bulkhead. To minimize interference, the location chosen should be at least 1 meter away from the ship s compass and Loran C receiver, whenever possible. Mounting the Display Unit Using the outline drawing of the Display Unit (Fig. 2-2A as a guide, install the Display Unit and secure it to the mounting surface. Note that the yoke of the Display Unit can be attached above or below the unit. Be sure to allow enough space behind the Display Unit or the cables and connectors (approximately 3 inches). DC Power Connector - A 2 meter power cable is furnished for connecting the DC power (11-40 VDC) to the radar. Longer cable runs require a larger wire size to minimize the voltage drop (see Table 2-1). Connections should be made to a power distribution panel or to the battery. Check that all connection points are clean and bright. The white wire must be connected to the positive (+) feed point and the black wire to the negative (—) feed point. The shielded wire should be connected to the ship’s RF ground. Should the power connections be inadvertent- ly reversed the protective fuse F1 (6.3A), located on the rear panel (Fig. 2-3), will blow. Recheck the input power leads for correct polarity with a voltmeter. Reconnect the leads observing correct polarity and replace the fuse. NOTE: If ships input power is 24 or 32 VDC, F1 should be changed to a 3 amp fuse supplied in the spares kit. aw LA и 4 6’, Lu — pe = an WEIGHT APPAOX 7? 5kg FIG. 2-2A OUTLINE DRAWING OF M88339 DISPLAY UNIT 2-6 MAIN POWER FUSE SHIPS POWER INPUT LORAN C INPUT UNIT INTERCONNECTING CABLE OPTINAL FLUX GATE SENSOR INPUT FIG. 2-3 DISPLAY REAR PANEL 12 VOLTS — INPUT VOLTAGE AWG WIRE SIZE #12 #10 #14 NN #8 | | 10' 20° 30° 40° POWER CABLE LENGTH TABLE 2-1 POWER CABLE SIZE VERSUS LENGTH Table 2-1 is a recommended guide for selecting power cable wire sizes based on the length of the cable to the ships’ power connection point. 234 Upon completion of the installation of the Scanner and Display Units, it is necessary to connect the interconnecting cable (that was connected to TB1 of the Scanner Unit) to J402 located on the rear panel of the Display Unit. 2.3.5 Connection to Loran C Receivers The R40 radar can display your latitude and longitude position (L/L) or time differ- ences (TD's) when connected to a Loran C with a proper data output format. The R40 is programmed to accept data from the Loran in the N.M.E.A. 0182 and N.M.E.A. 0183 formats or JRC serial data formats. The N.M.E.A. 0182 format will only provide a Lat/Long display for the radar. The N.M.E.A. 0183 data standard will, in most cases, provide Lat/Long, TD course and speed data for the radar display. To display the selected waypoint the N.M.E.A. format must contain the “BWC” sentence. Consult your Loran C manual for directions in obtaining the appropriate data output from the Loran for your radar. The connection to the R40 Display Unit is made with a common BNC connector. RG 08 A/U Coax cable of any length may be used to complete the interconnection to the Loran C. A two wire, shielded cable may be used in place of the RG 58 coax if necessary. Details on how to prepare the BNC connector are provided in Fig. 2-4 and section 2.3.6. = RG58:u 500 a (BNC CONNECTOR) Soldering 9. Dialectric material 5mm 3mm Jo Fastener 2 External covering / 5 External conductor 6 Central conductor Ln) u 9 6mm Ae _ 4 Gasket ? Clamp 8 Terminal 3 Washer 5 External conductor A. CABLE PREPARATION В. INSTALLING THE TIP C. U/G 1033 FINAL ASSEMBLY FIG. 2-4 DIAGRAM OF BNC CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY 2.3.6 The following procedure may be helpful to illustrate how the BNC connector should be installed: 1. Strip and remove the coax vinyl cover for about 3/8” (9.6 mm). 2. Slide the BNC connector fastener (@) onto the coax. Add the washer (3). 2.4 2.4.1 Insert the rubber gasket () and clamp (7) (as shown). Peel back the shield of coax and pull back over the clamp. Trim the excess shield material so that the shield is only covering the clamp. With a knife or other suitable tool, remove 1/8” of dialectric material (9). Neatly dress and tin with solder the center conductor of the cable. (Avoid using excessive solder.) Now solder the terminal (@) onto the tinned conductor. Again, avoid using any exces- sive solder. Install the connector shell into the cable and thread the fastener tightly into the con- nector shell. NOTE: The shield of the coax should be tightly bonded between the clamp and shell body. The connection should be checked with a multimeter for possible short circuits and continuity, as a final test. INSTALLATION OF OPTIONS installation of Optional Dual Station Junction Box Whenever two R40 displays are desired to work from a single antenna unit, the M89367C Dual Station Junction Box should be used. NOTE: 1) The Junction Box should only be used on 12 VDC systems. 2) The DC power must be routed through a separate selector switch to prevent the displays from being energized simultaneously. 3) Do not follow the labeling on the junction box terminal boards. The Jollowing list shows the difference of signals. LABEL ON TB ACTUAL SIGNAL IA IB 6 IA MH BZ 38 Pl TBI TB2 TB3 MH BLU — BLU MH — E E TI ——— ВЕК — — BLK——+1{ TI P1 Pi 6 | -— T.RED— —— T.RED ——1 6 E E 6$ WHT — —— WHT —— GS E E VD_H=—COAX-- -- СОАХ—— \0 33 YEL — — YEL 33 38 }——~BRN— -——BRN 38 DP _}——~ RED—J . --— ВЕБ ОР Е Е 1А GRN— —GRN —— 1A — T.BLK — H— T BLK — 2A_}—T.WHT-— — T.WHT—+_ 2A | 77 ИН 77 [|| ЕР | FROM DISPLAY # 1 TO ANTENNA FROM DISPLAY # 2 T.BLK, T.WHT, T.RED : 18GA (LARGE WIRES) GRN, YEL, BRN, BL.U : 20GA (SMALL WIRES) m - 20GA (SHIELDED WIRES) ==> O : Coax, 500 FIG. 2-5 M89367C DUAL STATION JUNCTION BOX 2-10 TI mm | men SCANNER UNIT M89367C DUAL STATION JUNCTION BOX _ COMPOSITE CABLE и. IA 263023-1 66 FT.MAX OA a o A So aa a : E nz E | z 7 ña 21 \WKK } i] WA == Us POWER SELECTOR SWITCH (CUSTOMER SUPPLIED) SHIP'S DC INPUT INSTALLATION LAYOUT OF DUAL DISPLAY CONFIGURATION 2-11 To To | To Display 1 Display 2 Scanner CD1 151832 TB1 MH TB2 CD2 ин] 131832 TB3 MH CD3 CD4 151588 151588 CD5 151588 CD6 151588 R13 470K C3 ЗЗи + R8 R6 * 470 470 C4 1004 CQD-360 R2 56 TRI TR2 TR3 25A1015-Y 2SA1015-Y 25C1815-Y FIG. 2-6 CIRCUIT DRAWING OF M89367C DUAL STATION JUNCTION BOX 2 — 12 2.4.2 Installation of Optional Magnetic Flux Sensor The sensor should be placed in a location on the vessel where magnetic interference 1s least and where it will remain undisturbed. The optimum compass location 1s as close as possible to the vessel's center of pitch and roll. On steel vessels, the sensor may need to be mounted above the deck enclosure on a mast and should be between one meter and three meters from the main structure. 1. 2. 3. т Locate a suitable installation area, free from magnetic interference. Fix the sensor to a vertical bulkhead using brass or stainless steel screws. Adjust case of the sensor se the porter en the top leading edge is in fore and aft direction. Tighten main bracket bolt to lock sensor in place. To re-align through 90 or 190 degrees, remove sensor lid (4 screws), release printed circuit board (PCB) by removal of four pillars and gently rotate PCB assembly until it is fore and aft. Replace pillars and lid with arrow facing forward. The transit screw is located at the base of the sensor. This locks the gimbal during shipment for protection. Ensure transit screw (white nylon screw at center of base) is withdrawn five full turns to allow full mechanical movement of coil assembly. If fitting unit externally remove screw, shorten by 10mm (3/8”), replace and tighten. Install a terminal strip or Junction box (not supplied by Raytheon) in any convenient place to allow system connection. Even though the sensor is internally fused, it is advisable to connect the system through a fused supply. It may be wired either from an existing switch panel or sepa- rately. Always connect via the junction box. As the current drain is low, the compass can be left on with very little battery drain. Wiring details are provided in Fig. 2-7. Minimum Mounting Distances Radios, RDF, Depth Recorders, etc. 1 meter Power cables carrying more than 0.5 amp 1 meter Radar Magnetrons 3 meters Ship’s Engines l meter 2-13 FUSE 12—24V —H=>3-.. OV | Г. ТО R40/41 COMPASS n INPUT J410 TO BNC TO BNC CENTER SHIELD PIN M89890 2 A À RED 12V Г À BLACK OV Lh BLACK DATA RETURN | 4, BLUE DATA tx DATA ) NOTE: Black wire is connected to O V or battery negative. FIG. 2-7 MAGNETIC FLUX SENSOR WIRING 2.5 INITIAL OPERATIONS AND CHECKOUT OF RADAR Inspection After the Installation After completing the installation, it is a good idea to recheck that all the steps of the installation were accomplished in accordance with the instructions. In particular, inspect the following items: | (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) That wire insulations are not cut, crimped or otherwise damaged. The correct wiring colors and wire sizes are on the right terminals. The input voltage is connected with the correct polarity. The mounting bolts of the Display and Scanner Units are tight. The connection of the interconnecting cable shield is completed properly to chassis ground at the Scanner Unit. A connection is made to RF ground via the shield of the power cord. 2-14 OPERATIONAL CHECK -TO SWITCH ON- Refer to section 3 for an explanation of all operating controls. To switch on the radar, proceed as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 3) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Press the STBY/OFF Key. When the screen changes from R40 to READY (approximately 90 seconds) a series of beeps indicates the “READY CONDITION”. Press the X-MIT/OFF key. Press the BRIL key and the A, W keys to obtain the desired brightness of the screen. Press the RANGE key and the A, Y keys and set the range to 4, 8, 16 and 24 miles. Check that the EXP, IR, RAIN CL, and SEA CL modes are “OFF”. Press the GAIN key and the A, Y keys to produce a light (noise) background speckle on the screen. Press the TUNE key and the A, W keys to maximize the echoes on the screen. Select the Range scale you wish to cover. set RAIN CL or SEA CL as necessary. If necessary, set IR to ON to reduce radar interference. For range and bearing measurements use the VRM, EBL, and A, V keys. When the radar is no longer required, depress the STBY/OFF and the X-MIT/OFF keys at the same time. The radar will turn OFF. If you wish to keep the radar in a constant state of readiness, press only the STBY/OFF key and the screen will indicate the STANDBY condition. Following the operational check, two alignments A) and B) are normally required for proper operation. They are A) Relative bearing alignment B) Display timing (0 nm adjustment) Other adjustments are C) Comparator level set (target detect point) D) Tuning preset adjustment E) Interlace adjustment F) Alarm volume level These adjustments are available by removing the small rubber cover on the top of the Display Unit and will be described in this section. If confirmation of normal operation is questionable, refer to the operation section of this manual for descriptions of proper control operation. 2-15 TNC (Tuning Coarse Adj.} Mmm. 6 BRF (Bearing Fine Adj.) Mmm 3 CPL (Comparator Level Adj.) Mmm 4 BRC (Bearing Coarse Adj.) == 2 ALM {Alarm Volume Adj.) жж 1 | ZERO (Zero пт Adj.) Xe 5 | INT (Interlace Adj.) — 1 A. Relative Bearing Alignment This alignment should be carried out for safety when the installation is complete to ensure that targets on your display appear at their proper bearing with respect to the ship's heading. Proceed as follows: 1. Identify a suitable target (e. g., ship or buoy, etc.) preferably between 1.5 and 3 nm in range on the screen. Using an accurate means other than the radar (visual measn) establish the relative bearing of the target. Put the first EBL marker on the target. Set BRF (RV3) at its mid position. Press the EXP key until the buzzer sounds and the display on the screen reads BEAR- ING ADJUST. By turning the course beairng adjustment RV2 (BRC), the first EBL marker is ro- tated. Adjust RV2 until the EBL is on the bearing to the target +10 degrees, while the beeper sounds continuously. Set the fine adjust BRF (RV3) for correct bearing to within +1 degree. Press the EXP key continuously until the words BEARING ADJUST disappear from the screen to restore normal display mode. 2 - 16 B. Display Timing 0 nm (ZERO nm) ADJUSTMENT This is a radar timing adjustment. It is necessary to ensure targets are at their proper range on the display unit. Incorrect timing is mostly noticed on the 1/4 nm scale. Set the RANGE at 0.25 nm. 1. Locate a dock, seawail or bridge on the display. Observe whether the radar target is straight on the display. If not, adjustment is indicated. Proceed as follows: 2. Adjust RV5 (setup adjustments) so that the object appears to be straight on the dis- play. Pushing — Display timing early Pulling — Display timing late Normal The remaining adjustments affect operating conditions that are normally set at the factory and typically will not require any further adjustments. However, these settings should be checked at installation so that optimum operation will be realized. C. Comparator Level Adjustment The comparator level may be checked by setting the radar gain level to maximum, “STC” to minimum, “FTC-OFF”, and “IR’—ON. select the 6 or 12 nm range. At the proper comparator level setting, background speckle should be observed on the Radar Display. Adjust RV4 as necessary to obtain moderate background speckle (noise) on the Radar Display. If, when tuning, the radar maximum targets occur at or near the end of the tune level range, the tuning preset may be readjusted for the proper tune condition as follows: 2-17 D. Tuning Preset Normal tuning of the radar should be indicated on the Radar Display by seeing max- imum target returns with the “TUNE” level at its mid scale position. After about 10 minutes of operation: Set radar to 6 nm range scale. Set GAIN for normal operation level. set STC, RAIN CLUTTER, IR to “OFF”. Set TUNE key of the front panel, so that tune level indicator centered in its range. Adjust RV6 (Course Tune) very carefully for maximum target on the CRT display. CORD E. Interlace Adjustment This adjustment synchronizes the scanning line positions so that they are adjacent to each other. The ideal interlace adjustment occurs when there are no visible lines appearing in the video pattern. <A GS А — y Poor Interlace Sync. Proper Adjustment. Adjust RV1 for proper blending while looking at the video pattern. F. Alarm Volume Adjustment Refer to page 3-4 of the operating controls section, SEAGUARD ALARM, to make the alarm sound. Set RV7 to the desired buzzer volume level. 2-18 SECTION 3 OPERATION 3.1 OPERATING CONTROLS While the operation of the R40 seems easy and straight forward, the navigator who is familiar with the panel layout and understands the functions of the various radar controls will be able to obtain the best performance from his equipment. Please take some time to read through this section of the manual to avoid misunderstandings of the radar’s capabili- ties and to maximize the information it provides. Layout of Controls Layout of controls is shown in Fig. 3-1. 7 - TA © N | # O “A o) WI A NOT 2 ef4 = > O 3 | A O ¢# y FIG. 3-1 OPERATING CONTROLS The Controls 1. POWER [ST-BY/OFF] , [X-MIT/OFF] KEYS In the “OFF” state no power is applied to the radar system. Upon pressing the key, power is applied to the Scanner and Display Units. After the warn- up period (approximately 90 seconds) a series of buzzes indicates the “READY” condi- tion. The display “READY” will be present in the center of the radar screen. The radar is now ready and available for operation. Pressing the key (with the sign READY displayed) puts the radar into the transmit mode and echoes from targets will be received, amplified and displayed on your screen. By pressing the key, the radar will return to “STANDBY” condition with the transmitter “OFF” and “STANDBY” appears in the CRT center. By pressing the | ST-BY/OFE| and | X-MIT/OFF keys simultaneously, the radar will turn “OFF” and all Alpha-Numeric information will extinguish. RANGE ([RANGE] A, V) By holding the key depressed until the buzzer sounds, the “R” character of RANGE indication located on the left bottom corner of display will be displayed as reversed character [В]. By pressing the À or Y key, the desired range scale may be selected. At the initial turn-on, the radar will be in the 4 nm range. Upon pressing the A key the range increases by one step. Conversely, the range decreases with the V key. If the A or у keys are held depressed, the range will continue stepping successively in the de- sired direction. The selected range automatically determines the proper number and distance between the range rings as shown in Table 3-1. TALBE 3-1 RELATION OF RANGE, RINGS AND PULSE LENGTH Range Range Rings Interval Number of | Pulse Length (nm) (nm) Rings (us) 0.25 0.125 2 0.12 0.5 | 0.25 2 0.12 1 0.25 4 0.12 2 0.5 4 0.12 4 1 4 0.5 8 2 4 0.5 16 4 4 0.5 24 6 4 0.5 un I TUNE ([TUNE] A, Y) By holding the key depressed until the buzzer sounds, the “T” character of the TUNE indicator, located on the lower left corner of the display, will change to a reversed character “T”. This enables the “TUNE” function for the Radar. By pressing the A or Y key, the radar can be tuned for the strongest target re- turns. If land targets are not within the radar's range, adjust for maximum sea clutter return. Á vertical bar above the reversed character indicates the “TUNE” position in its range. | GAIN ([GAIN] À, VW) By holding the | GAIN | key depressed until the buzzer sounds, the “G” character of GAIN indication will be displayed as reversed character IG]. Now the “Gain” setting can be controlled. By pressing the A or V key, the GAIN control is varied and thus controls the strength of echo returns on the radar screen. An on-screen bar indicates the Gain level selected for display. SEA CLUTTER ({SEA CL] A, VW) By holding the [SEA CL] key depressed until the buzzer sounds, the “S” character of SEA CLUTTER will be displayed as a reversed character |S | enabling the adjustment of “STC”. By pressing the A or V key, the SEA CLUTTER level varies the nearby gain on short ranges. The echo returns from sea surface clutter can be reduced whei the STC Gain is increased. There is an on-screen bar indication of the STC level in use. RAIN CLUTTER ({RAIN CL] A, W) By holding the | RAIN CL] key depressed until the buzzer sounds, the “R” character of RAIN CLUTTER will be displayed as a reversed character IR! By pressing the A or V key, the RAIN CLUTTER control can break up the returns from rain or snow thus allowing weaker targets to become visible. As vou push the key, the echoes will become narrow and the returns from rain or snow will be reduced. An on screen bar indicates the selected rain clutter level. VARIABLE RANGE MARKER ({VRM] A, W) This radar display has two VRM’s available for use. By holding the | VRM | key de- pressed until the buzzer sounds, the “VRM” characters will be displaved as reversed character #1. By pressing the & or W, the VRM range is changed. If the VRM key is п. ргеззе4 for a short time, the VRM can be turned “OFF”. The VRM distance is displaved on the CRT after the VRM characters in “nautical miles”. By holding the VRM depressed until the buzzer sounds again the VRM function will switch to VRM 2 reversed character. The A and V keys will now control the dis- tance of #2 which appears as a dashed line ring on the display. VRM +2 distance will appear in the right upper display in nautical miles. If the VRM kev is depressed for a short time VRM #2 will turn off. ELECTRONIC BEARING LINE ([EBL] A. W) This radar display has two EBL’s available for use. By holding the EBL key depressed until the buzzer sounds, the “EBL” characters will be displayed as reversed character #1. By pressing the A or V,, the EBL bearing line is rotated. 3-3 10. If the EBL key is depressed again, the EBL display turns OFF. the EBL position (in degrees) is displayed on the CRT left top side after the “EBL” characters. By holding the EBL key depressed until the buzzer sounds, a second EBL (dashed line) will appear on the display #2. The A and V keys control the position of the EBL. A quick press of the EBL key will turn EBL #2 off the display. SEAGUARD ALARM ([АГМ] А, У’) The Seaguard Alarm mode provides an audible and visual alert of targets entering the prescribed vessel safety zone. By holding the ALM key depressed until the buzzer sounds, the reversed “ALM” characters are displayed on the CRT [ALM]. By repeating short presses of the ALARM key, full circle, forward sector, starboard sector or port sector guard zones may be selected. The next press ofthe ALARM key (after port sector) is ALARM OFF. Upon selecting the desired zone pattern, by pressing the A or Y key, the ALARM zone distance can be varied. If the ALM key is depressed and the ALARM function is turned OFF, the “ALM” range characters will not be displayed. DISPLAY MODE SELECTION [STD ], [MAG |, [NAV], [WPT] The four display modes available are “Standard”, “Magnetic”, “Navigation”, and “Waypoint”. “STD” Mode The “Standard” mode allows the operator the ability to determine range and bearing to objects displayed on the radar screen relative to his own position. This is accom- plished by utilizing the EBL’s (Electronic Bearing Lines) and the VRM’s (Variable Range Markers). All the range and bearing data acquired in the “Standard” mode is relative to the “SHM” (Ship’s Heading Marker). When the radar set is first placed in an operational mode, the “Standard” mode is automatically selected. The “MAG”, “NAV” and “WPT” modes all depend on having a Loran C Navigator with proper data formatting inputted to the radar system. In addition, the vessel must be underway and generally on a constant heading for several minutes, so that the COG (Course Over Ground) information will be valid and usable for the radar display modes. “MAG” Mode When planning to plot information from the radar display to a chart, it will be helpful to have the bearing information in Magnetic or True. This data may be obtained directly from the radar by selecting the “MAG” mode. Pressing the key places the radar in the “Magnetic” mode of operation. In this mode, EBL1 and EBL2 positions are indicated in True or Magnetic compass bearings as determined by the Loran C input. The characters “TRU” or “MAG” will be displayed to the right of the EBL characters to indicate the type of bearing input. The bearing information obtained may then be transferred directly to a chart. “NAV” Mode The “Navigation” mode functions essentially the same as the “MAG” mode with addi- tional features. The ship's COG data from the Loran C is added to the radar display directly above the “SHM” and the vessel's speed (Speed Over Ground) is shown in the lower right corner of the display. This mode is entered by depressing the | NAV | key. As in the “MAG” mode, the characters “TRU” or “MAG” will be present to the right of the EBL characters, indicating the type of heading information being supplied by the Loran C receiver. In addition, the characters “NAV” will be displayed below the EBL characters, indicating the “NAV” i: of operation. By adding the heading informa- tion to the relative bearing scale on the radar display, the presentation may be related directly to a chart. “WPT” Mode The “WPT” mode is the same presentation as the “NAV” mode with one exception. Du the “Waypoint” mode, the distance and bearing to the selected Waypoint, as supplied by the Loran C receiver, is displayed on the radar presentation as a dotted line indicat- ing the bearing to the waypoint and a 10 mm dotted circle indicating the location of the waypoint, provided that the waypoint is within the radar range in use. The Waypomt mode is entered by depressing the |WPT| key and is indicated by the characters “WPT” being displayed below the EBL characters. The numeric bearing and tango values are displayed directly below the radar target area at the bottom of the radar screen. They are contained within a rectangular border. This identifies that this bear ing and range information is associated with the waypoint. By pressing the LL Pb key together with the | WPT | key, the waypoint Latitude/Longitude position mitorns tion that is supplied by the Loran C, will be displayed in place of own ship's position sn the radar display. In this condition, the Lat/Long of the Waypomt is also ciclos Po. rectangular border for identification as waypoint data. NOTE: To display waypoint information on the screen, the “BIC” senteon maté рен the N.M.E.A. 0183 data format from the Loran-C. OPTIONAL MAGNETIC FLUX SENSOR Since the Loran C's COG (Course Over Ground) data is an averaged valic detertupics after your vessel has been under way and on a steady heading for several mate. generally does not rapidly respond to vessel heading changes. Thus. the w. pe: symbol may not always appear over the waypoint shown on the radar display dur heading changes. The heading information supplied by the optional Magnetre Flux nn sor is updated to the radar every 4 seconds and results in a more responsive hecacdine input to the radar and increased stability of the wavpoint symbol on the radar screen In the “NAV” and “WPT” modes, the input from the optional Magneic Flux Sensor is selected by simultaneously pressing the and keys and is indicated by the reversed video characters being displayed to the right of the EBL characters. The Magnetic Flux Sensor data will only be displayed if Loran C data is already present on the radar screen. Therefore, if the Loran C is turned off or disconnected the indication of “NO DATA” will be displayed on the radar screen. l. STANDARD MODE: EBL's, with on- screen readouts, give relative bearing data. 3. NAVIGATION MODE: Own boat's magnet- ic heading line . shows above heading ‚ own boat’s speed is shown... EBL's, with on-screen readouts, give magnetic bearings. . MAGNETIC MODE: EBL's, with on- screen readouts, mstantly show magnetic bearings of targets... simplifies plotting... Modes 2, 3 & 4 require connec- tion to Loran C having proper NMEA 0183 output. Bearing data may be enhanced by optional Magnetic Flux Sensor, chart . WAYPOINT MODE: All the features of the Navigation Mode plus a 10 mm dotted cir- cle with a dotted direction line shows selected Loran waypoint within range:... data readout shows bearing to waypoint. radar range and 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. LAT/LONG TO} LL/TD The key is a dual function key. When pressed momentarily the LAT/LONG function may be selected. A second momentary depression will turn this function off. In the LAT/LONG mode the ship's present latitude and longitude information supplied by the Loran C receiver is displayed at the bottom of the radar screen. By holding the key until the buzzer sounds, the TD information supplied by the Loran C can be displayed in place of the LAT/LONG information. Again by momentarily pressing the [LL/TD] key the TD information displayed may be turned on and off. By holding the [LL/TD] key again until the buzzer sounds, the unit returns to the LAT/LONG mode. HOLD The key is a momentary key, used to temporarily “freeze” the present radar display. While in the HOLD mode the EBL’s and VRM’s may also be used. By releas- ing the key the display will return to normal operation. INTERFERENCE REJECTION The interference reject key, when activated, reduces noise on the display caused by other devices operating in the same frequency band. Use of this function is also effective in reducing background noise. When active, the “IR” characters are display- ed beneath the range ring indication on the display. By pressing the key a second time, the function is disabled. TARGET EXPANDER The target expand key, allows the operator the ability to make a small target appear larger on the display. By alternately pressing the key, the function can be turned on and off. RANGE RINGS AND SHIP’S HEADING MARKER The [RR/SHM | key is a dual function key. Upon power up of the radar unit, the key will alternately turn on and off the range ring display with a momentary depression as indicated by the character “R” displayed at the.top of the Sea Clutter bar. By holding the key the Ship's Heading Marker will blank for one 360 degree rotation of the sweep. By holding the key a second time, the unit will return to its initial condition. BRILLIANCE The intensity of the display is controlled by the | BRIL key. Each time the | BRIL | key is depressed the intensity level increases in one of 16 steps. When maximum intensity is reached the buzzer sounds. By holding the | BRIL | key while the buzzer sounds the intensity level will return to minimum and the incremental brightness level process is repeated. 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 RANGE AND BEARING MEASUREMENT (See Fig. 3-2.) The picture on the screen shows a plan view of the position of targets around your vessel. In effect your ship is at the center of the screen and targets are presented in polar coordinates (or maplike) throughout the 360 degress. The display method is known as PPI (Plant Position Indicator). Range Measurement Method 1) (Estimation) Note the range scale in use and the distance between rings. Count the number of rings between the center of the screen and the target, and visually estimate the distance between the inner edge of the target and inner edge of the nearest ring. Method 2) (Accuracy) Press the key to display the Variable Range Ring. Press the A or Y keys to move the Variable Range Ring to the inner edge of the target. The target distance appears in the top right corner of the screen in three digits. Bearing Measurements Method 1) (Estimation) Using the bearing scale on the screen, visually estimate the bearing where the radial line passes through the center of the target. The bearing you obtain will show the targets relative bearing in degrees. Method 2) (Accuracy) Press the key to display the Electronic Bearing Line. Press the & or V key to move the Electronic Bearing Line to the center of the target. The target’s relative bearing appears on the top of the screen in three digits. FIG. 3-2 RANGE AND BEARING MEASUREMENTS 3 — 10 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 USING THE CONTROLS TUNE Control Radar magnetrons, during their aging process, may take several minutes to complete- ly stabilize on frequency. So, after switching to ON and tuning initially, the tuning should be rechecked after the first 10 minutes: Symptoms that the equipment may be out of tune are a lack of distant echoes or sometimes, the appearance of double echoes (one echo behind another). Normally it is possible to “fine-tune” the radar by selecting a comparatively weak echo and by pressing the | ‘TUNE | keyandthe A, Y keys, adjust the level where the strongest echo return is displayed. GAIN Control The correct setting of the GAIN control is for light background speckle to be just visible on the screen. The equipment is then in its most sensitive condition. Objects will be detected at the greatest possible range. With too little gain, weak targets may be missed and not displayed. In addition, there may be a decrease in detection range. With excessive gain the difference between echoes and background noise contrast will be substantially reduced, making target observation more difficult. In areas around strong targets (buildings, hills, towers, etc.), the gain might be tem- porarily reduced to clarify the picture. This should be done with care so important targets will not be missed. With the gain at its normal setting, clutter from rain or snow may obscure the echo from a ship or other objects inside a squall or storm. A temporary reduc- tion in gain along with proper RAIN CL/SEA CL settings will usually permit the stronger and more distinct echo from the ship or other objects to be distinguished. Detection of targets beyond the storm may, however, require slightly higher gain than normal, since the storm may attenuate the echoes from the targets severely. The GAIN control should always be reset to the optimum level following the range scale changes. In addition, when environmental conditions change, readjustment of the gain may be required. SEA CLUTTER Contro! Whereas the GAIN control affects the strength of echo returns at all ranges, the effect of the SEA CLUTTER control is greatest on nearby returns, becoming progressively less as range increases. The SEA CLUTTER control is effective up to a maximum of about three miles. In particular, the SEA CLUTTER control reduces the strength of the mass of random signals received from waves at short range. The STC level used should be sufficient to reduce the strength of sea clutter while still allowing small nearby targets to be disting- ulshed. The level should never be set so high as to blank out all nearby returns. The sensitivity of the SEA CLUTTER control is fully variable in 32 steps, thus enabl- ing an optimum picture to be obtained under adverse weather conditions. Maximum reduction in the strength of close-range clutter takes place when the contro] is set to the maximum. When it is set to the minimum there is no reduction in the strength of nearby echoes. 3-11 3.3.4 The SEA CLUTTER control may be useful to reduce effects from rain or snow clutter in the immediate vicinity of the vessel. A temporary increase in the setting may permit stronger echoes from ships, and some navigational marks inside storms or squalls, to be distinguished. At close range in crowded regions the control may be temporarily advanced to clear the picture. This should be done with care, so as to avoid missing important target returns. The SEA CLUTTER control should always be checked and reset to the minimum required level after any temporary alteration or when environmental! conditions improve. It is important to remember that both GAIN and SEA CLUTTER levels should be checked and adjusted each time a new range scale is selected. This is important to assure that excessive sea clutter or insufficient gain will not cause important targets to be missed or not displayed. RAIN CLUTTER Control During heavy rain or snow storms the RAIN CLUTTER control may be used to im- prove the detection between echoes and the storm clutter. When operating the RAIN CLUTTER, you will notice the reduction of background returns from land and large targets. This is normal. The rain storm should be minimized and allow targets to be seen within the storm. 3.3.5 [IR] !nterference Rejection When other radars are using the same frequency band as that of your own radar, interference typically appears arranged in curled spokes as shown in Fig. 3-3. The radar interference is most noticeable on longer range scales. Activating the feature will eliminate this type of interference as well as affecting reduction of the background noise. In general, the IR should be set on “ON” for normal operation to allow maximum target presentations on the radar display. The “IR” feature is activated by depressing the [IR] key. FIG. 3-3 RADAR INTERFERENCE 3 — 12 3.3.6 3.4 EXPANSION MODE From time to time, targets may appear too small in size on the display. In this situa- tion, activating the “expansion” mode will allow the displayed targets to be enlarged on the display, providing greater visibility to the operator. The expansion mode is activated by pressing the key. RADAR RANGING Determining Your Radar Line-of-Sight Range (Target Detection Range) When searching for distant targets, your radar line-of-sight range to the target can be a limiting factor. Radar waves behave like light waves but they are refracted slightly more, increasing the distance to the radar horizon slightly more than that to the optical horizon (however, the range displayed by the radar is correct). As figure 3-4 shows, the radar line-of-sight range is a combination of radar horizon of your ship’s radar scanner and the radar horizon of the target. The distance to the radar horizon from the radar scanner of height “h” in meters, under standard conditions, may be calculated from the formula. Distance (nm) = 2.23 Vh For example, a scanner at height of 5 meters has a radar horizon of 5 nm. A 5 meters cliff has a radar horizon of 5 nm. Therefore, under standard conditions, the cliff should begin to appear on the screen when the ship comes nearer than 5+5= 10 nm. u а, а, EARTH xs SS a, =2.23, h, а, ‚ a : in nautical miles С A, apo a, =2.23. h, h, ,h, : in meters “leg ai +a, =2.23(, h +. h, ) - 100 = 75 -- 50 30 + -- 25 20 - 20 10 - — 10 D = AA KA O AA AA eee -{-10 Saas A AA A A — 0 O O h. (m) a, + a: (nm) в, (т) FIG. 3-4 RADAR HORIZON 3-13 3.5 FALSE ECHOES Occasionally, signals appear on the screen at positions where there is no visual target. These targets could be false echoes. The following conditions are the most common cause of false echoes. 3.5.1 Side Echoes In your antenna some of the radiation escapes on each side of the main beam of energy and is known as “side lobes”. If a large target is very close to your ship, it may be reflected by the target and they will be displayed on the screen as an echo. (See Fig. 3-5.) These echoes sometimes appear as arcs forming echoes at each side of the true echo and sometimes joined together if the side echoes are strong. e ae 1 Are SIDE ECHOES TRUE ECHO FIG. 3-5 SIDE ECHOES 3.5.2 indirect Echoes Indirect echoes may appear when there is a large target, such as a passing ship, at a short range and a reflecting surface, such as a funnel, on your own ship in line with the antenna. The signal on first striking the smooth side of the large target, will be reflected, and the echo returns to the antenna and is shown on the display. However, the same reflec- tion hits other masts or obstacles and then gets picked up by the radar antenna with enough strength to appear as a target on the radar screen. TRUE ECHO TRUE ECHO INDIRECT ECHO SCANNER ip PASSING SH INDIRECT ECHO FIG. 3-6 INDIRECT ECHOES 3 — 14 3.5.3 Multiple Echoes Multiple echoes could appear if there is a large target having a wide vertical surface parallel to your own ship at comparatively short ranges. The signal will be reflected by the wide vertical surface, then the reflected signal strikes your own ship, and it will return along the same paths to the target. This will be repeated. Thus, the multiple echoes will appear beyond the true target's echo on the same bear- Ing as shown in Fig. 3-7. This is not very common. TRUE ECHO FIG. 3-7 MULTIPLE ECHOES 3.5.4 Ghost Echoes The ghost echoes may appear if there is a target having a wide smooth surface near your own ship. As shown in Fig. 3-8, the cause of the ghost echoes is similar to that of the indirect echoes. The ghost echoes appear on the screen as if you saw the target reflected in a mirror. GHOST ECHOES TRUE ECHOES FIG. 3-8 GHOST ECHOES 3-15 3.5.5 Shadows Although the scanner unit should be ideally placed where there is a good all-around view, as far away as possible from any part of the ship's superstructure or rigging to reflect the beam, there may be some obstructions. An obstruction will throw either a complete or partial shadow as shown in Fig. 3-9. If there are targets in such shadow sector, target’s echoes may not be displayed on the screen. Thus, it is important to know the bearings and width of all shadow sectors, and it can be checked by turning the SEA CLUTTER control to zero when light rain clutter cov- ers much of the screen and the sea is calm. Any shadow will then be shown as dark sectors in the clutter. SCANNER и PARTIAL - A \7 SHADOW т 90 AN ЗАРА Li LAN A iS AA A ÁS, С (oY | a, PARTIAL <= к SHADOW I > 180 BLIND SECTOR FIG. 3-9 SHADOWS 3-16 SECTION 4 MAINTENANCE 4.1 USER PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Continuous satisfactory operation of the radar can depend on how well you take care of your equipment. These simple maintenance tips can save you time and money, and help you avoid premature equipment failure. 1) Always keep the equipment as clean as possible. Remove dirt, dust, or water-spray during the boat clean up. 2) During routine ship’s maintenance, make a thorough inspection of the radar system including the following points: a. Check all hardware for tightness. b. Check for evidence of any corrosion on the scanner unit, display unit, or its cable and connectors. Clean as required. c. Check the cable connections and terminal strip connections for cleanliness and tightness. Make sure the wiring is free from chafing or abrasions. 4.2 SCANNER UNIT Switch the radar unit OFF before working on any part of the system. Set the safety switch (S101) of the Scanner Unit to OFF before working on the radar scanner. CAUTION: The safety switch of this radar only stops antenna rotation. The transmitter will nr operate when the radar is turned to ON. Avoid allowing the array to point towards anyones’ eye level during service work. 4.2.1 Radome Wipe the surface of the Radome with a clean, soft cloth. Remove any paint, dirt, or caked salts. Heavy deposits of dirt or caked salt on the surface of the Radome can cause a considerable drop in the radar’s performance. Avoid using chemical cleaners or solvents. Use light detergents as a cleaning agent. 4.2.2 Lubrication Periodic replacement of lubricants is recommended. Locate the main drive gear, clean away old lubrication residue and dirt. Using an appropriate applicator apply a light coating of grease (MOBILUX Grease EP2 Mobil Oil Company or equivalent) on the gear of the main shaft and the drive motor. Cleaning and lubrication should be done approximately every six months. GEAR OF MAIN SHAFT GEAR OF DRIVE MOTOR FIG. 4-1 LUBRICATION 4.2.3 Mounting Check the mounting bolts of the Scanner Unit and tighten if necessary. 4.3 DISPLAY UNIT The face of the cathode-ray tube may, over time, accumulate a film of contaminants which tend to dim the picture. Be sure the radar is OFF, use glass cleaner and a soft cloth or towels to clean CRT glass, key board and radar cabinet. ADJUSTMENT AND FAULT FINDING 5.1 ADJUSTMENT 5.1.1 Adjustment for Replacing Components SECTION 5 Although the radar is delivered adjusted for optimum performance, it may be neces- sary to make adjustments after a major component has been replaced or if a fault is sus- pected during operation. Adjusting focus NOTE REPLACEMENT ITEM ADJUSTMENT REQUIRED See Sect. # Magnetron V1 Tuning 9.3 MIC Frontend E301 Tuning 5.3 Cathode-ray tube V501 Adjusting centering magnet Display PCB Adjusting intensity 5.3 SHM Unit $102 Bearing Alignment 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) RV503 (V-HEIGHT) RV505 L502 (H-HOLD) (H-WIDTH) RV551 RV506 RV504 RV502 (FOCUS) (INTENSITY) (V-LIN) (V-HOLD) RV501 (CONTRAST) FIG. 5-1 DISPLAY PCB Intensity adjustment a. Remove the cover from Display Unit. b. Set BRILLIANCE for maximum level. c. Adjust RV506 on Display PCB, so that PPI is of suitable brightness. Focus adjustment a. Remove the cover from Display Unit. b. Adjust RV551 on Display video PCB so that the sweep line, rings, and targets on the screen are as small and clear as possible. H. HOLD Adjust RV505 on Display PCB so that horizontal screen is kept in sync. H. SIZE and V. SIZE Adjust L502 and RV503 on Display PCB so that the rings are round. Note: With a ruler, adjust for equal diameters N/S E/W. V-LINEAR | Adjust RV504 on Display PCB so that the rings are round. 9-2 RV6 (Tune adj.) „ Мок. RV3 (Relative Bearing adj. Fine) RV4 (Gain Control adj.) RV2 (Retative Bearing adj. Coarse) RV7 (Alarm) RV5 (0 nm adj.) RV? (Interlace adj.) FIG. 5-2 MAIN BOARD PCB ADJUSTMENT 6) Main Board PCB Adjustment (See Fig. 5-2) a. Remove the hole cover for adjustment. b. Proceed with adjustment as required on the Main PCB (PC1) as follows: 6.1) Interlace Adjustment Adjust RV1 so that the horizontal lines are close together and do not appear sepa- rate. 6.2) Relative Bearing Alignment Adjust RV2 (BRC) and RV3 (BRF). (See page 2-16) 6.3) Gain Adjustments (Comparator set) a. Set Gain control to maximum, turn “IR” ON. b. Adjust RV4 until some background speckle is present on the screen. 6.4) O NM Adjustment Adjust RV5 (See page 2-17) 6.5) Tuning Adjustment a. Set the Tune control to its center. b. Adjust RV6 until the strongest echoes are displayed. 6.6) Alarm Adjustment a. Set the RANGE to 0.25 nm b. Press the key and set ALARM zone within 0.25 nm. c. Set the GAIN control until echoes are displayed in the ALARM zone and the ALARM buzzer sounds. d. Adjust RV7 to obtain the desired loudness of the ALARM buzzer, POLARITY IC52 SELECT JUMPERS OH 7 A A IC58 MAIN CONTROL PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD INSIDE -THE DISPLAY UNIT 6.7) Polarity Setting of Loran-C data input and optional Magnetic Flux Sensor input. The polarity of the Loran-C data input and Magnetic Flux Sensor data input may be set by changing the jumper plug of J8. CENTERING RVI(AVR Adj) FIG. 5-3 POWER SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT, CENTERING ADJUSTMENT 7) Power supply voltage adjustment on PC503 (See Fig. 5-3) a. Connect the Test Meter to TP1 (+) and ground (—) (Chassis). b. Adjust RV1 until the voltage indicated on the meter is 5.0 vdc. 8) Beam centering adjustment on CRT (See Fig. 5-3) Rotate the two adjustment tabs until the display is centered on the face of the CRT. One TAB will center the display horizontally and the other TAB centers it vertically. 5.2 INITIAL PROGRAMMING OF MAGNETIC FLUX SENSOR 1) 2) 3) 4) 2) Remove lid from sensor by releasing the four retaining screws. Programming is performed using the following components (Ref Fig. 5-4) 2x10 position rotary switch for data entry (SWA and SWB) 16 position rotary switch for Function Select (SWC) 2 position Jumper for data polarity (2) Key Red and Green LEDs SWITCH SWC This switch selects the function to be activated. To enter selected function -- Set switch to required positon - Set SWA and SWB if necessary — Press KEY switch SWITCH POSITION () Ko © ю ча фо FUNCTION Keyboard OFF Calibrate mode (Cetrek initial calibration) Deviation error clear Spare Spare 950/727 input Sin/Cos 45° offset Read data from Novaram Spare Set variation Set deviation coefficient À Set deviation coefficient B Set deviation coefficient C Set damping rate Start auto deviation procedure Set data output format ACTION Leave switch in this position after adjustments completed. > Not used Set JR, SWA, SWB to required value see below Set JR, SWA, SWB to required value see below Set JR, SWA, SWB to required value see below Set JR, SWA, SWB to required value see below | Set SWA-0, set SWB to select required level 0=minimum damping 9= maximum damping Set SWA, SWB to select required data as table below 2-5 TABLE FOR QUICK SELECTION OF SWA, SWB SETTINGS Degrees SWA SWB Degrees SWA SWB 1 0 8 14 4. 0 2 0 6 15 4 3 3 0 9 16 4 5 4 1 1 17 4 8 5 1 4 18 5 1 6 1 7 19 5 4 7 2 0 20 5 7 8 2 3 21 6 0 9 2 6 22 6 3 10 2 8 23 6 5 11 3 1 24 6 8 12 3 4 25 7 1 13 3 7 COMPASS COMPENSATION After fitting, the installation should be checked and corrected for deviation. Ensure the sensor transit screw is adequately loosened before compensating. COX > The main co-efficients in the removal of deviation are: Alignment of the compass with the fore and aft line (keel line) of the vessel. Deviation due to permanent magnetism in fore and aft line. Deviation due to permanent magnetism in the athwartships line. Deviation due to induced magnetism in fore and aft and athwartships lines (commonly steel hull and/or wheelhouse type vessels), correct by soft iron quadrantal corrector spheres or plates athwart the compass. Heeling Error (or Vertical F orce) appears when the vessel rolls or pitches moving a magnetic mass, normally below the compass, to one side or the other. The magnetic mass may be an iron keel, engine block, steel-ferro hull or even some steering gear. AUTO DEVIATION CORRECTION The automatic deviation correction procedure enables deviation coefficients B and C to be calculated automatically based on a starboard (clockwise) turn of 360 degress at a constant rate of turn with the vessel. The procedure is as follows: The actual correction routine starts when the vessel passes North and continues through 360°. A smooth turn should be carried out lasting between one and two minutes. With twin engine craft spin the boat using the engine controls. With single engine craft, fix wheel or tiller in position and adjust engine speed to give a circle approximately 50 meters in diameter at a speed of 5 knots. Allow the vessel to make at least one complete turn before commencing calibration. This ensures the vessel is being turned at constant Speed. Maintaining a constant turn rate is essential for good results (constant helm and en- gine speed) as are reasonably calm conditions. Tide will not affect the results, but exces- sive wind or swell can cause large errors. Procedure - Turn switch SWC to position E. — Set vessel turning as described above. - Press KEY switch when vessel is heading between WEST and NORTH. The green light will go out. - Green light will flash during calibration. — Red and Green light together will indicate a calibration test error. — Green light constant indicates correct calibration. Following a satisfactory correction, the calculated coefficients B and C will be entered automatically into memory and coefficient A will be set to zero. If the sensor has not been previously aligned along the fore and aft line of the vessel, there may be a constant offset in heading remaining to be corrected. This will be the same for all headings and can be re- moved by rotating the sensor manually so that correct heading information is obtained or alternately by entering the reguired correction in coefficient A. If any error is sensed during the run, the procedure is aborted and the red and green lights will come on permanently (see error reset procedure below). The following conditions will cause an eoror: 1. Vessel not West or North at start of run. 2. Port turn. 3. Rate of turn too fast or too slow. 4. Deviation correction too large (maximum deviation correction is +221/:9) lf an error occurs, the previous deviation correction enteries are retained. In the event of an error signal, reset switch SWC to position “0” and repeat the auto deviation procedure. If no more adjustments are required, turn switch SWC to positon “0”. MANUAL CORRECTION DEVIATION If preferred, or if it is not possible to carry out the controlled turn required in the auto deviation correction, then it is possible to manually correct for A, B and C deviation using switches SWA, SWB and SWC. Procedure — Head vessel NORTH (magnetic), enter B correction required for compass to read cor- rect heading - Head vessel WEST (magnetic), enter C correction required for compass to read correct heading — Head vessel SOUTH (magnetic), enter B correction to remove half of remaining heading error — Head vessel EAST (magnetic), enter C correction to remove half of remaining heading error - Align vessel on any known heading, enter A correction required to obtain correct heading display To enter A, B or C corrections — Set SWC to A, B or C as required ~ Set J2 to —ve or +ve as required ~ Set SWA, SWB to the value required (see table above) — Press KEY switch VARIATION ADJUSTMENT If the sensor is required to output the TRUE heading, the local variation can be en- tered. Turn SWC to position “9”, select the correct combination of J2, SWA and SWB from the table above to give the correct value required, depress key switch. Green light will flash for correct entry. If no more adjustments are required, turn SWC to position “0”. DEVIATION, VARIATION, OFF COURSE ENTRY SWITCH VALUE 1 OFF E (+) 1 ON W (—) SELECT 2 ОМ 22.5 COMBINATION OF 3 ON 11.25° SWITCHES TO 4 ON 5 6° GIVE TOTAL - VALUE 9 ON 2.8 REQUIRED 6 ON 1.4° 7 ON 0.7° 8 ON 0.35° D — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6— 1 — 2— 3— à — Б — 6 — 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 — [ololofofoje] [efojoJofoyo} [о[о]]о]0] [ооо] AV HALF SUPPLY FS1, 500mA —ve + ve L2 DATA POLARITY SW A DATA INPUT оо SWITCH 10's SW B DATA INPUT SWITCH UNITS о 9 LED LED (RED) (GREEN) SW C FUNCTION SWITCH О Е KEY SWITCH 100-159/0С Fig. 5-4 MAGNETIC FLUX SENSOR COMPONENT LAYOUT 5.3 TROUBLE-SHOOTING General While the R40 Radar is a highly reliable system, potential faults may be detected and prevented through regular checks. When a problem is observed, fault finding should not begin until it is certain that satisfactory operation cannot be obtained by normal adjustment of the controls. Fault Finding (1) Regular operational checks (preventative maintenance) The electrical performance of the €quipment should be evaluated at periodic intervals by qualified Raytheon technicians and the results recorded. Changes in test results may indicate an aging or failing component. Table 5.1 provides a check list of items. Whenever an abnormal result is obtained from a test, appropriate corrective mainte- nance should be employed to prevent serious damage or failure modes. CAUTION: In making checks, be alert to the high voltage points existing throughout the equipment. (2) Fuse A fuse seldom blows out without cause. Even if a fuse is merely replaced and does not blow again, it still may be necessary to make further checks of the circuits associated with the fuse. Table 5.2 shows a table of fuses employed in the equipment. (3) Fault finding procedure Often the display on the CRT can help indicate which major circuit is at fault. The next Step is to study the block diagram (F ig. 104) to obtain an idea as to which Stages re- quire checking, in what order, and what additional tests such as control adjustments may be necessary. It may be quicker to check-out the equipment according to the trou- ble shooting guide (Table 5.3). In general, the causes of troubles frequently encountered include abnormal! resistances, intermittent variable resistors, switches, and relays and shorted crystal diodes. In the following fault finding procedure, it is assumed that only a Volt Ohm Meter (VOM) is available; the use of an oscilloscope simplifies the procedure and may prove necessary in some cases. Table 5.3 is the trouble shooting guide and check-out procedure, Table 5.4 shows typic- al voltages and resistances at significant points throughout the equipment. Fig. 5.4 shows typical waveforms at significant points throughout the equipment. The internal resistance of the tester used in measurements was 20 kQ/V 4с, 8 КО/У ас. 5-10 TABLE 5-1 OPERATION CHECK LIST Unit Correct Measuring o R k to be checked Check item condition emarks point . Input voltage DC 11-42 V TB1 1A~2A PC102 Scanner Unit | : AVR output voltage 6.87 CD6-K-ground PC101-TP1 . Mag. current 12 Y ground . Input voltage Refer to Note J401-1~2 . AVR output voltage 12 V TP1-—ground | | . Observation of screen sensi- Display Unit tivity, sweep length, sweep linearity, Sweep center, ring and illumination. . Check of the operating controls TABLE 5-2. FUSES USED Location Part No. Rating Protective Type Remarks current circuit Display unit F401 6.3A All circuit Glass tube 6.3A | dc 12V py F401 3A All circuit | Glass tube 3A | de 24V, 32V F501 1.54 Display circuit | Glass tube 1.5A NOTE: For replacement fuses use standard “GMA” size. o — 11 TABLE 5-3 TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE Trouble Remedy 1. Does not start after switching unit ON by pressing the STBY/OFF |key. Check: O Blown fuse F401. Check input power circuits. Fault of contact on S401. Fault of power supply circuit on PC503. Fault of contact on connector of PC503. OO 0 0 O 2. Scanner fails to rotate. Fault of rectifier diodes on PC503. Check: о Fault of $101. (Safety Switch OFF) © Fault of contact on terminal boards. © Fault of M101. (Commutator and brushes. ) © Fault of drive mechanism. 3. Scanner rotates. . but rotation of sweep is abnormal. Rotation of M101 or fault of connection between M101 Check: O Fault of motor encoder (DP). O Fault of M101. © Fault of main circuit for the Display Unit. 4. No picture on the screen. Fault of CRT display unit or its supply voltages. Check: © Open heater of CRT or blown fuse F501 on display PCB. O Fault of contact on CRT socket. © Fault of contact on CRT cap. O Fault of video circuit. 9. Only horizontal line screen. There may be fault in vertical sweep generator, amplifier circuits and deflection coil. Check: © Fault in vertical sweep generator, amplifier circuit. 6. Incorrect sweep O Start of sweep is not centered on the screen. O Markers are oval. O Adjust centering magnet. O Adjust horizontal or vertical hold. © Adjust vertical length and linearity. о - 12 Trouble Remedy 7. Range rings on the screen but no speckle |. and no echoes. Faulty circuit between IF amplifier of receiver unit and input circuit of display unit video amplifier. Check: O Fault of GAIN, STC control settings. о Fault of receiver unit. O Fault of contact on terminal boards and connector. O Fault of GAIN, STC circuit on PCI. 8. Speckle and range rings on the screen but no echoes. If no transmission is present, check the modulator and magnetron. Check: If transmission appears to be present as indicated by the correct MAG. I reading on Tester. PC101 TP1 = 12 VDC O Failure of Local Oscillator tuning. If transmission appears to be present, carry out the Local Oscillator tuning procedures and check the MIC. O Fault of MIC Mixer. If no transmission is present, © Whether the lead wire to magnetron is grounded to chassis. © Fault of magnetron. 9. Poor sensitivity. Dim echoes. Check: © Reduction of transmitting output power. O Fault of magnetron. — Check of MAG. I reading on PC101-TP1. Fault of MIC Frontend. Fault of CRT. Dirt, caked salt, ice and snow on the radome? Failure of Local Oscillator tuning. Failure of FOCUS adjustment. Failure of INTENSITY AD]. Fault of video amplifier circuit on PC1. Fault of receiver unit. O00 00 0 0 0 10. NO VRM or VRM cannot be controlled. Check: о Fault of $401. O Fault of main circuit. 9-13 Trouble Remedy 11. NO EBL or EBL Check: cannot be controlled. O Fault of S401. O Fault of main circuit. 12. No alarm zone Check: marker, cannot be controlled or no alarm sound. © Fault of S401. O Fault of main circuit. O Fault of Buzzer BZ]. Table 5.4 shows typical voltage and resistances at significant points throughout the equip- ment. Fig. 5-4 shows typical wave forms at significant points throughout the equipment. TABLE 5.4 TYPICAL VOLTAGES AND RESISTANCES (A) Inter-unit terminal board Note: Resistance measurements shall b switch-OF F S101 LON. Resistance value shall be measured between measuring point and ground unless otherwise specified, and negative terminal of the tester is grounded as a rule. The tester used for this measurement is 20 ВО/У dc, 8 RO/V ac. Voltage measurement shall be made POWER | switch-ON, [RAIN CLUTTER]-min, | GAIN L max, SEA CLUTTER |-min. Ship's power supply is dc 12V. e made under the following conditions: under the following conditions: Measuring Resistance Voltage (V) Point (0) 0.25 ~ 2 4~ 24 Remarks (nm) (nm) TB1 1A-2A 4.5x10 10-42 10-42 DC120 V 1B-2A 6x10 9.6 9.5 DC 12V BZ 110x10 5.1 5.1 DC 30 V GS 19x10 6.0 6.0 DC 12V 33 7.5x10 22.2 22.2 DC120 V VD-VDR 5.5x10 —0.135 — 0.135 DC0.3 V BP 26x10 2.6 2.6 DC 30 V TI 10 x 10 0.03 0.03 DC0.3 V PI 6.5x10 13 13 DC 30 V 9-14 (B) The cable below provides typical resistance measurements at Scanner and Display units with the interconnecting cable disconnected. Note: Refer to Note given in item (A). SCANNER UNIT DISPLAY UNIT Measuring Point | Resistance (QQ) | Measuring Point | Resistance (Q) TB101 1A © x 10K J402 1 © x 10K 2A © x 10K 2 © х 10K 1В © x 10K 3 12 x 10 BZ © x 10K 4 0 x 10 GSR 0 x 10 5 0 x 10 GS 900 x 10 6 5 x 10 33 о х 10K 7. 100 x 10 VD x 10K 8 © x 10K VDR 0 x 10 9 © x 10K BPR 0 x 10 10 100 x 10 BP 24 x 10 11 18 x 10 TIR 0 x 10 12 0 x 10 TI 30 x 10 13 IK x 10 PI 40 x 10 14 O x 10 15 x 10K 16 6 x 10 9-15 DISPLAY UNIT J2-7 (BP) -OV IC 8-2 -OV - §V/div, 0.5ms ‘div IC51-14 (STCT) J2-6 (GS) 5V /div J5-HSY OV J5-VD 1V/div -OV 104 s/div IC5-2 (ТМ) ‘OV J2-1 SV /div, 2us' div — J5-HSY OV J5-VSY [ | OV 2V ‘div, 2ms/div НС. 5-4 TYPICAL WAVEFORMS 5 - 16 5.4 REPLACEMENT OF MAJOR COMPONENTS 5.3.1 Replacement (1) Magnetron V201 (See Fig. 5-5) d. moans Remove screws holding the transmitter unit. Remove the cover from chassis. Disconnect magnetron leads from the pulse transformer. Remove 4 screws holding the magnetron. Remove the magnetron away from the mounting plate and withdraw. To reassemble, reverse the above procedure. CAUTION: Keep the magnetron away from ferrous metals. (2) Diode Limiter A 102 (See Fig. 5-5) a. b. C. Remove screws holding the transmitter unit. Remove screws holding the receiver unit. Remove 4 screws holding the magnetron plate on which the circulator and the diode limiter are mounted. Withdraw the diode limiter. To reassemble, reverse the above procedure. (3) MIC Frontend E 301 (See Fig. 5-5) а. monos Remove screws holding the receiver. Remove the cover from chassis. Disconnect leads from PC301. Remove the diode limiter from the receiver chassis. Remove the frontend cover and withdraw the diode limiter. To reassemble, reverse the above procedure. (4) Cathode-ray tube V 401 (See Fig. 5-6) d. means Remove the cover from the Display Unit. Remove the socket from CRT base. Remove the HV cap from CRT. Remove 4 screws holding the CRT. Loosen the screw holding the deflection yoke and withdraw it. Remove the CRT. — To replace the CRT proceed as follows: g. h. i. j. k. Insert the CRT in position and orientate it so that HV cap is at 12 o'clock. Place the CRT front panel on the tube face and tighten screws. Place the deflection yoke and tighten the screw. Place HV cap and socket. Then reverse above procedure c—>b—a. 9 — 17 MAGNETRON RECEIVER UNIT TRANSMITTER DRIVE UNIT MOTOR FIG. 5-5 SCANNER UNIT MAJOR COMPONENT LAYOUT (5) Drive motor M 101 (See Fig. 5-5) a. Remove 4 screws holding the drive motor. b. Remove the drive motor from turning mechanism plate. c. To replace, reverse the above procedure. 9 — 18 Remove 6 screws DEFLECTION YOKE Remove 4 screws H.V. CAP SOCKET FIG. 5-6 REPLACEMNT OF CRT о - 19 SECTION 6 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION LIST OF ACRONYMS Following is a list of acronyms used in the technical description of the R41 Radar System. А ........... Атрегез ALM ....... Alarm AVR ........ Automatic Voltage Regulator СГ ......... Clutter СРО ....... Central Processing Unit СЕТ ....... Cathode Ray Tube ОС ......... Direct Current EBL........ Electronic Bearing Line FTC ........ Fast Time Constant СОС ....... Graphic Display Control [С .......... Integrated Circuit [В .......... Interference Rejection L/L ........ Latitude/Longitude LED ....... Light Emitting diode LORAN .... Long Range Navigation LSI......... Large Scale Integration М .......... Meters MAG ....... Magnetic MIC ........ Micro Integrated Circuit МАУ ....... Navigation РСВ........ Printed Circuit Board РРТ......... Plan Position Indicator RADAR .... Radio Detecting And Ranging КАМ ....... Random Access Memory RDF ....... Radio Direction Finding КЕ ......... Radio Frequency ROM ....... Read Only Memory RR ......... Range Rings ЭСК ........ Silicone Controlled Rectifier SHM ....... Ship’s Heading Marker ЭТС ........ Sensitivity, Time Controlled ЗУ ......... Switch ТВ ......... Terminal Board TD ......... Time Delay \ Volts VOM ....... Volt, Ohm Meter УКМ ....... Variable Range Marker WPT ....... Waypoint X-MIT ..... Transmit 6.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION 6.1.1 General The overall system block diagram can be considered as being comprised of two main sections. One for the scanner unit circuit diagram; the other for the display. unit circuit diagram. The following description of the block diagram explains the individual circuits de- scribed in Chapter 6.2 and 6.3. The motor-encoder and Bearing reset pulse generator are used to synchronize; the bearing of the radar display, display timing and transmit-triggering. Setting the front panel switch to “STBY”, activates the power supply which in turn provides operating voltages to all circuits of the radar. After about 90 seconds, setting the switch to X-MIT, allows trans- mitter to be triggered and the radar becomes operational. 6.1.2 Scanner Unit The scanner unit includes the scanner drive mechanism together with the transmitter and receiver. These three sections are housed within a 25” radome. 1) Radiator The radiator is a horizontally polarized, printed array. The radiator is driven at 27 rpm by a motor-encoder via a reduction mechanism. 2) Motor-encoder, Motor control circuit The scanner motor is a dc motor which incorporates a reduction mechanism and encod- er. The input voltage of the motor is 12 V dc. The encoder generates a bearing sync pulse every 0.176 degree or 2048 pulses for each complete rotation of the scanner. The motor control circuit consists of a motor power switch and bearing pulse generator. 3) Bearing Reset Pulse Generator The Bearing Reset Pulse Generator consists of a reed switch and permanent magnet which is mounted on the main reduction gear. The Bearing Reset pulse resets the bear- ing counter in the display unit. 4) Modulator A line-type pulse is used in the modulator. The charging method used is dc charging. A silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) is used as the high power switch of the pulser. The pulse selection relay (K201) is controlled by the RANGE switching on the control panel of the display unit. This will provide short pulses when the 0.25, 0.5, 1 or 2 nm range switches are selected and long pulses on the 4, 8 or 16 nm ranges. The pulse repetition frequency (PRF) rate is 920 Hz. 9) Magnetron Transmitter A voltage of the required pulse width is fed to the magnetron which generates high energy oscillations in the region of 9445 MHz for the duration of the input pulse. The operating point of magnetron is at a voltage of —3.6KV and a current of 3A. 6) Circulator and Diode Limiter A ferrite circulator is used for the duplexer. The Passive Diode Limiter is used to protect the receiving section especially the MIC Frontend from excessive RF input levels at all times. 7) Mixer The MIC FRONTEND fitted at the receiver input, is a balanced mixer and local oscilla- tor which feeds the intermediate 60 MHz frequency signal to the 1.F. amplifier. 8) I.F. Amplifier Ihe I.F. amplifier consist of 3 stages. The first stage is a low noise transistor amplifier; znd and 3rd are linear integrated circuit amplifier stages. The 2nd and 3rd are control- led by the GAIN-SEA CLUTTER signal from the display unit. 9) Detector In this stage, the I.F. (60 MHz) component is removed leaving video rate signals for dısplay. 10) Video Circuit This circuit is primarily an emitter follower which feeds the video signal from the detec- tor to the display unit providing an impedance match to the coaxial cable. 11) AVR, Converter circuit The AVR circuit provides a regulated output from the ship’s mains of 12V, 24V or 32V de. The display unit consists of the main control circuits, the CRT display and the power supply. The Converter circuit converts the AVR output into four levels of voltage which are required for the scanner unit operation. The outputs are +7V, +12V, +30V and +330V. Display Unit The display unit consists of the main control circuits, the CRT display and the power supply. The display unit is fed with the video and bearing synchronizing signals from the scan- ner unit via a multicore cable. Semi-conductors and integrated circuits are used throughout the display except for the CRT. 1) Video Circuit The video circuitry consists of the FTC (Rain Clutter) circuit, the inverting amplifier, the D.C. restorer circuit and emitter follower. 2) Comparator The comparator generates a digital pulse train from the input analog video signals. The Comparator Level Adjust, RV4, sets the video display threshold point. 3) Buffer Memory The buffer memory stores the video data of 2 successive transmissions. A single trans- mission video is stored into 240 memory cells. 4) Sampling Clock Oscillator The sampling clock oscillator operates at 19.42 MHz. 9) PPI Memory The PPI memory stores the PP] video data. PPI memory consists of four 64 Kbit memory ICs. 6) Delay circuit (O NM ADJ) and Transmitter Trigger Generator The delay circuit provides a variable delay time for adjusting the Sweep start timing to be coincident with transmitter firing. The transmitter trigger generator produces the pulse for driving the modulator in the scanner unit. 7) Radar Control LSI The radar control LSI produces the data for buffer memory and PPI memory, transmit- ter trigger pulse, STC trigger pulse and alarm trigger pulse from CPU contro! data, the video signal and the bearing signal. 8) Display Memory Control LSI The display memory control LS] produces the signal for PPI and graphic memories from GDC (Graphic Controller) output. 9) Gain STC (See Clutter) Circuit The Gain STC circuit controls the sensitivity of the receiver in response to the setting of the Gain and Sea Clutter controls. While the “Gain” control sets the overall receiver amplification level, the “STC” reduces the receiver gain near the ship. 10) Bearing Pulse Circuit and Bearing Reset Circuit | The bearing pulse circuit produces the pulse from the motor encoder output for the bearing synchronization. Bearing reset circuit produces the pulse for the bearing set- ting. | 11) Address Select Circuit The address select circuit selects the address data from the writing address of the Radar Control LSI output and the reading address of GDC output. 12) Clock Oscillator The Clock Oscillator produces 24 MHz clock pulses for the system control. 13) Graphic Memory The graphic memory stores the graphics and characters and has two 256 K bit memory ICs. 14) Brilhance Control Circuit The brilliance control circuit controls the amplitude of the display video signal for the CRT brilliance control. 15) CRT Display Circuit and CRT Video Circuit The CRT display circuit contains the horizontal deflection circuit, vertical deflection circuit and the power supply circuit for the display unit. The CRT video circuit contains the final video amplifier circuit for driving CRT cathode. 16) Tuning Circuit The tuning circuit produces the signal for the tuning control of MIC Frontend local oscillator in the scanner unit. 17) D/A Converter The D/A converter produces the signals for Gain, STC, Rain CL, Tuning and Brilliance controls from the CPU data. 18) ROM, RAM, GDC and CPU The CPU system consists of ROM, RAM, GDC and CPU LSI and controls the radar system and the graphic display on the screen. 19) Reset Circuit The reset circuit produces the reset pulse for the radar system. 20) Loran Interface Circuit The Loran interface circuit produces the data pulses from the Loran data input for the CPU system. 21) Panel Switch The panel switch produces the signals for controlling the radar system. 22) AVR Converter Circuit The AVR Converter circuit produces the regulated voltage output for the display unit from the ship’s mains of 12V, 24V and 32V dc. The outputs are -12V, +5V and +12V dc. Bearing Pulse H. SYNC Transmitter Trig. Charging Wave Form of PFN Mod. Pulse of Magnetron Magnetron RF. Output FIG. 6-1 OVERALL TIMING TABLE O 3 ur EE 25 © г O Du GO WG « a © в 00 > Oo NIV S.diHS о ro E 2 = us 2 = = “3 - - - - | o == i = < uj Li ! __] | ‘125 | 199 - - 199 HOLIMS | inaınosa | КН HALH3ANOD 13834 Nd9 TN VA озна wan ¡ р en NIVW S.dIHS t+ À 1 | | 1 | 199 | } i Í | | Q3QIA 199 Y3LY3ANOI 199 | T HALH3ANOO 309 Wu WOH v’Q = ONINNL | | YAY TOYLNOD ' oral | | faa ININAL ' ' AT Г > | | E AH i | | | | | | | | |] SO j |. 199 129 199 “199 13S3¥ 1199 3SMd| 3s1Md | | 10634 | 18) [| 1981402 уно 193135 v1 ONINVIg | 4 ONIYVI8 ("—ONIV38 | | cow | | | | E 13834 Leo _— — — — Hp ol | | | — 5 ONIYV39 1053 Z0L¥ HOLY | ‘199 | | ON3LNOMT aun [noma] A || озам | | 19079 199 | E, = 4 OVW 31$. муэ Е DIS IN 30010 wy | 189 | 1 Г "915 NIVO | 1 | | | 157 1031409 LS] == YOWIN AVIASIO TOHINOI EVOVE | | 222 | AYO Crav WNO) '3N39 ‘511 ol "199 AVT3SO F143 LINSNVH LE =. 10u1N09 | L2009N3 MS | | LIW-X #010 avis) Ionyuyae | | | | | | _WOoLvIawu | | | | Coma] ‚| | AHOW3UN 3$0 19019 AHOWIW HILHIANO9 ‘122 озам DIS plo — — — Idd ONNd AVS 933309 a/v 913 O3QIA | NA YINNVIS ovesew LINA ANNdSIQ GEEBEW 6.2 SCANNER UNIT The scanner unit consists of the radiator, the motor-encoder, radiator rotating mechanism, bearing reset switch, transmitter and receiver units and power supply unit. These components are housed within the radome. 6.2.1 Radiator, Motor-encoder, Radiator Rotating Mechanism, Bearing reset switch, Motor control circuit 1) Radiator 2) 3) The radiator is horizontally polarized, printed array which is constructed on an alumi- num frame. The radiator, approximately two feet in length is coupled to the transmitter and receiver via a short waveguide, rotary joint and circulator. At half power points horizontal beamwidth is 4° and vertical beamwidth is 25°. Side lobes are better than —21 dB with respect to the main beam. The direction of maximum radiated power is perpendicular to the radiator. (Figure 6-2) Main beam Side lobes Radiator A. In FIG. 6-2 RADIATOR PATTERN Motor-Encoder A 12 V dc motor is used to rotate the radiator. The encoder section of the assembly produces the bearing pulses for the rotation synchronization. A bearing sync pulse is generated every 0.176 degrees of rotation (2048 pulses per 360°) at 12 V dc amplitude. These pulses are sent through TB1-BP to the Bearing Pulse circuit in the Display Unit. Radiator Rotating Mechanism Mechanical coupling between the radiator and the motor-encoder is affected by reduc- tion drive mechanism. The motor rotates at approx. 27 rpm. 4) Bearing Reset Switch The bearing reset switch produces the signal of the bearing reset position when the permanent magnet fitted on the main gear passes across the reed switch S102. The resulting bearing reset signal is sent to the bearing reset circuit in the Display Unit. 9) Motor Control Circuit This circuit consists of a TR switch and bearing pulse generator. When the scanner motor is stopped, IC4 produces the motor control pulse for generating the transmitter trigger at the Display Unit. 6.22 Transmitter The general layout for the transmitter is shown in Fig. 6-3. The transmitter consists of the modulator printed circuit board and the magnetron. 1) Modulator (PC201) The line-type pulser is used in the modulator and consists of a charging choke, SCR switch, PFN and pulse transformer. The circuit is shown in Fig. 107. FIG. 6-3 TRANSMITTER UNIT Circuit components: Li Charging Choke CD3 SCR Switch T1 Pulse Transformer and the PFN consists of L2, C4. C5, C6. 2) K1 is the pulse selection relay which is controlled by RANGE switches in the Display Unit. By pressing the X-MIT switch on the control panel, the modulator trigger pulse is fed to the base of TR1 from the transmitter trigger generator circuit in the display unit. The MOD-HV of 330 VDC is fed to the PFN capacitors C4, C5 and C6 via L1. Because of the resonant charging action of L1, the PFN reaches almost twice the voltage of the input. Since the charging efficiency is approximately 90%, the PFN reaches nearly +600 VDC. The positive pulse from the emitter follower, TR1, is fed via R6 to the gate of CD3. This forces the SCR switch to conduct and the voltage which is charged across the PFN capacitors is discharged via CD3 and T1. Consequently the pulse determined by the PFN appears on the primary windings of the pulse transformer T1. This transformer steps up the pulse on the primary approximately 13 times and supplies it to the cathode of the magnetron. The peak voltage of the pulse on the pulse transformer primary winding is —260V and the Magnetron cathode voltage is —3.6kV. On short ranges the pulse width is .12 psec while on longer ranges (with K1 energized) the pulse width is .5 usec. As a result: Range Pulse Width Pulse Repetition Frequency 0.25 nm 0.12 usec 920 Hz 0.5 nm 0.12 psec 920 Hz 1 nm 0.12 psec 920 Hz 2 nm 0.12 usec 920 Hz 4 nm 0.5 sec 920 Hz 8 nm 0.5 изес 920 Hz 16 nm 0.5 psec 920 Hz 24 nm 0.5 psec 920 Hz Magnetron Transmitter While the high voltage pulse is fed to the cathode of the magnetron, the magnetron generates high energy oscillations in the region of 9445 MHz for the duration of the input pulse. The operating point of the magnetron is at a voltage of —3.6 kV and a current of 3A. In normal operation, magnetron current can be checked with the volt meter connected to TP1 (PC101) and ground. The typical reading in long pulse is 12 V dc. 6 - 10 3) Diode Limiter A102 is the Passive Diode Limiter fitted between the circulator and MIC Frontend. It serves as a barrier to protect the mixer diodes from high amplitude RF energy, irrespective of whether or not the radar is energized. Anode Voltage of the SCR (CD3) À Primary Voltage of the Pulse-Transformer (171-2) Modulator Trigger at ¡NE V |. TB1-Tl | НО. 6-4 6.2.3 Receiver Receiver consists of MIC Mixer and Receiver Printed Circuit Board. 3) MIC Frontend The MIC Frontend consists of a RF amplifier, double balanced mixer and the balanced type mixer the local oscillator. The RF amplifier amplifies the received signal with a low noise figure. The double balanced type mixer presents a good signal-to-noise ratio to the receiver system. The mixers output frequency is 60 MHz. The local oscillator tun- ing is achieved by the adjustment of the operators tune control on the display unit. 6 — 11 4) I.F. Amplifier 5) 6) The I.F. Amplifier consists of three amplifying stages. The first Stage Is a transistor amplifier which is designed to provide -a good noise figure. The noise figure of this circuit is determined by the collector current of the transistor, approximately 3.5 mA. - The 2nd and 3rd stage are the integrated circuit (IC) amplifiers. These stages are con- trolled by the GAIN-STC circuit in the display unit. The GAIN-STC control voltage is fed to the bias terminal (5) of IC1 and IC2. GAIN-STC control voltage on TB1-GS (at STC control min.) for maximum gain is approximately 5 V and for minimum gain approximately 9 V. Second Detector The second detector is an IC detector which operates as a sensitive detector amplifier, The negative going video signal appeats across R18, the LF. component is removed and the video signal is fed to the video circuit. Video Circuit The video circuit consists of an emitter follower. The emitter follower operates as an impedance transformer to drive the coaxial cable which feeds the video signal to the display unit. 6.2.4 Power Supply Unit (PC101) The power supply unit consists of the AVR circuit (1C1, TR1, TR2) and the converter circuit (1C2, TR3, TRA, TR5, TR6) with rectifier circuits. 1) AVR Circuit 2) The AVR circuit performs step down switching and produces a regulated 8V dc output from the ship's mains. Converter Circuit TR3 and TR4 are the transistor switches controlled by IC2 which is the power oscillator and driver. The 22 kHz square wave at 8V appears in the primary winding of T1. The Secondary output of T1 is fed to the various rectifier circuits. The rectifier circuits produce the +330V, +30V, +12V and +7V for the Scanner circuits. IC3 is the HV (+330V) protection circuit, controlling K1 if excess current is sensed. 6 - 12 6.3 DISPLAY UNIT 6.3.1 General Most of the display unit components are mounted onto 5 printed circuit boards. The few remaining components are chassis mounted. The display unit circuitry consists of the Main Control PCB (PC1), Control Switch Panel, the Power Supply Assembly (PC503), CRT Display, and the associated display con- trol PCB assemblies. 6.3.2 MAIN CONTROL CIRCUITS (PC1) 1) The Video Circuits The incoming negative going video signal is first sent to the FTC (RAIN CLUTTER) circuit. The FTC circuit consists of a capacitor Co9, a transistor TR3, and diode CD2. CD3. With the RAIN CLUTTER control minimum, CD2 is conductive, and the video signal is fed to the inverting amplifier without being differentiated, via C59. When the RAIN CLUTTER control (/\ key) ts pressed, CD2 will become less conductive as TR5 collector becomes more positive. The video signal will be coupled through and thus differentiated by C59 and TR3 resistance. Ihe negative going output of the FTC circuit is amplified by TR4 and the inverted (positive going) output signal appears on the TR5 collector. The output of the inverting amplifier is coupled to the dc restorer circuit, CD4, via the emitter follower TR6. 2) Comparator The comparator IC62 changes the analog video signals into a digital pulse train and produces the negative going video pulses on IC12-7. The digital video output is fed to the Radar Control LSI 1C51-15. 3) Buffer Memory The video pulses from IC51-18 appear at the input of the buffer memory IC52. The displayed range (each sweep radius) is divided into 240 range cells. Therefore, the required buffer memory will be 240 bits for the video data of each transmission. Two transmissions of video data will be stored in the buffer memory [C52 for the interfer- ence rejection. This video data is written into the memory when the writing pulse is fed to IC52-19. The memory address data is inputted on AO~A8 from Radar Control LSI IC1, and the read data appears on “DO” [C52-8 (during the read time). 4) Sampling Clock Oscillator The sampling clock oscillator 1C57-12 generates 19.42 MHz clock pulses and is followed by the inverting buffer IC57-10. The output of IC57-10 is fed to 1C51-16. 9) Delay Circuit (O NM ADJ) and Transmitter Trigger Generator The delay circuit 1C55-1Q provides a variable delay time for adjusting the sweep start timing to coincide with the main bang on the screen. RV5 is adjusted so that received video appears on the display at its proper range. The output pulse at IC55-13 is dif- ferentiated by C70 and R56, and amplified by TR8. The TR8-C output is followed by TR7 emitter follower. The output pulse of TR7-E drives the modulator. 6 - 13 6) Radar Control LSI The radar control LSI IC51 contains the functions of the video processor with IR and EXP, the scan converter, the alarm generator and the transmitter trigger pulse gener- ator. This LSI IC51 is controlled by the CPU system and feeds the clock pulses from the display memory control LSI and the sampling clock oscillator. IC51 is fed the inputs of the video and the bearing pulse. [C51 outputs the buffer memory data of the address AQ~A8, VD in and out and write pulse BWEN. And IC51 outputs the PPI memory writing address data of WEPL1~WEPL4 and AO~A7. The other outputs are the trans- mitter trigger pulse, STC trigger pulse and alarm trigger pulse. 7) Gain STC (Sea Clutter) Circuit IC59-7 is a voltage follower of the GAIN control and IC59-1 is a voltage flower of the STC control. With the SEA CLUTTER control minimum, VS is equal to VG. Conse- quently, the dc output voltage of the GAIN control determines the GS output at TR2-E via R24, R23, and R31 and TR2. The GS output voltage variation is approximately 5V to 9V. When the GS output voltage is at 5 volts, the IF gain is at its highest. When the SEA CLUTTER andthe A, V keys are depressed, the negative going pulse from IC51-14 is fed to TR1-B and TR1 turns on. C54 will be charged up to a voltage deter- mined by VS (Voltage of the STC control), VG (voltage of the Gain circuit) and the ratio of R23 and R24. After the GS pulse is over, TR1 turns off. C54 begins to discharge via R23, R24, CD1 and R28. VGS becomes equal to VG after the time determined by C54, R23, R24 and R28. The GS output is sent to the scanner unit where it will be filtered in the receiver unit and fed to the IF amplifier. GS Pulse STC Waveform STC Max Gain Min. — —— — Se | Varied STC Max as by Gain — - Control Gain М] VG Min. STC Min Varied by STC Control Voltage VS FIG. 6-5 GAIN STC WAVEFORM 6 - 14 8) Bearing Pulse Circuit and Bearing Reset Circuit The bearing pulse from the scanner unit is filtered by R66 and C75 and fed to schmitt trigger IC58-11 and shaped into a suitable pulse to supply IC51 and the CPU system. The bearing reset pulse from the scanner unit is filtered by R67 and C76 and fed to IC58-9 and shaped to supply the CPU system. 9) Address Select Circuit The address select circuit consists of IC53 and IC12-5. IC53 is an octal 3 state D-type transparent latch controlled by [C537 ‘9 (CHADP) via IC12-6 and outputs the writing address data for the PPI memory. 10) Brilliance Control Circuit The brilliance control circuit consists of a voltage follower IC61-1, limitter TR12 and emitter follower TR13. The video output amplitude is determined by TR12 which is fed by the brilliance control output from D/A converter 1056 via IC61-1. The controlled video signal is tollowed by TR13 and sent to the CRT display circuit. 11) Tuning Circuit The tuning circuit 1C60-1 and TR9 produces the signal for local oscillator tuning from D/A converter 1C56-11. RV6 should be tuned when the magnetron or MIC mixer is changed. The output voltage range is 3V to 30V. 12) D/A Converter (PC2) The D/A converter 1C56 produces the outputs of GAIN and STC voltage, Rain Clutter voltage, Brilliance control voltage and Tuning Control voltage from the CPU data on pin No.15, 14, 13, 12 and 11. 13) Loran Interface Circuit The Loran interface circuit consists of a photo coupler and two inverters. The photo coupler isolates the input from its output and sends the data to the inverters. Dats pulse polarity can be selected by the jumper on J8. 14) PPI memory The PPI memory IC18~IC21 stores the PPI picture data for display on the CRT screen. The display area on the CRT screen is divided into 440512 dots. The PPI memory, therefore, consists of 262, 144 memory cells (512x512). Video data, multi- plex address data, row address strobe pulse, column address strobe pulse, and writing pulse inputs are fed to IC18~IC21. 15) Display Memory Control LSI The display memory control LSI IC17 produces the PPI and graphic memory control signal and the clock pulses for the radar control LSI from the CPU control data and 24 MHz master clock pulse. 6 - 15 16) Clock Oscillator The clock oscillator IC 12-2 produces the 24 MHz clock pulse and is followed by 1C12-4. The output of IC12-4 is fed to the display memory control LSI 1C17-53. 17) Graphic Memory The graphic memory IC14 and IC15 are 4X64K (262.144) bit Dynamic RAMs. These are controlled by the GDC IC7 of the CPU system and store the graphic pattern and the characters for display on the CRT screen with PPI picture. 18) CPU System The CPU system consists of CPU LSI IC6, ROM IC4, RAM ICS, GDC LSI IC7, ICI, IC2 and IC3. The CPU system controls all of the radar system, especially controls the power trans- mission, keyboard control and the graphic display. The software is stored in the ROM IC4. 19) Reset Circuit . The reset circuit IC11 produces the system reset pulse to initialize the radar system. The reset pulse is fed to the radar control LSI IC51-39 (RSTL). | 20) CRT Display Circuit and CRT Video Circuit (PC501, PC502) The CRT display circuit consists of the horizontal deflection circuit IC501, TR502 and TR503 and the vertical deflection circuit IC501. T501 and the rectifier circuit produce the power supply for the CRT display and CRT video circuit from the TR503-C output flyback pulses. The CRT video circuit consists of the video amplifier circuit TR551 and TR558 and drives the CRT cathode. 21) Panel Switch The panel switch produces the contact Signal to control the radar system. The contact signal is fed to the CPU LSI IC6. | 22) AVR Converter Circuit (PC503) The AVR converter circuit consists of a duty control AVR converter circuit (IC3, TR3, TR4, IC4 and IC5) and power on/off control and X-MIT control circuits (IC1, IC2, TR5 and IC6). IC3 controls the switching duty from the error signal of IC4 and drives the Switching transistor TR3 and TR4. Consequently, the converter outputs regulated —12V, +5V and +12V dc. IC2 produces the power “ON” signal by depressing ST-BY/ OFF switch on the control panel and the transmit signal by depressing X-MIT/OFF switch. When the ST-BY/OFF and X-MIT/OFF switches are depressed at the same time, IC2-2 is cleared and the power supply circuit turns off. 6 ~ 16 SECTION 7 PARTS LIST 7.1 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST 7.2 MECHANICAL PARTS LOCATION LIST 7.1 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST R40 SCANNER UNIT TYPE M88340 DESCRIPTION 8P 4p MAIN CHASSIS TYPE CQC-376 JRC P/N 7BDRDO023 SMPABO0001 SJWFS00014 SJDAA00172 RAYTHEON P/N = SJWAM00135 «= 5JDAA00154 7PCRDO938 5/0АА00169 5JDAA00170 5JWBE00134 2911101001 SJWBE00134 2911101001 55AAB00002 5KRAA00036 TRANSMITTER RECEIVER CHASSIS TYPE CTG-69 DESCRIPTION CIRCULATOR DIODE LIMITER MICRO FRONTEND MAGNETRON JRC P/N 6AJRDOO0001 SEZAA00011 5ZZAX00029 SVMAA00023 MODULATOR PCB ASSEMBLY (PC201) TYPE CNM-117 REF. TYPE M101 H-7BDRD0023 MT101 SR-1 FM4.9X4.9X6 P1 67096-008 P2 PCN6-20S-2.5C P4 67096-004 P5 PCN6-10S-2.5C PC102 H-7PCRD0938 PS2 PCN6-LOCK(C) PS5 PCN6-LOCK(D) PT1 76624-001 PT2 PCN6-2226CF PT4 76624-001 PT5 PCN6-2226CF 5101 9-116 5102 NRS-109 REF. TYPE A101 H-6AJRD00001 A102 NJS6924 E301 S-RX24 V1 M1315 REF. TYPE C1 DD31-2B472K500V02 C2 ECO-V1H104JZ C3 ECE-A1CS470 C4 ECW-H6H153JC C5 ECW-H6H153JC C6 ECW-H6H153JC C7 ECE-A1CS470 C8 ECE-A1CS470 C9 ECO-V1H104JZ C10 DD31 -2B472K500V02 DESCRIPTION 500V 4700PF 50V 0.1UF 16V 47UF 0.015UF 0.015UF 0.015UF 16V 47UF 16V 47UF 50V 0.1UF 500V 4700PF JRC P/N 5CBAB00406 SCRAA00364 5СЕАА01342 SCRAA00085 SCRAA00085 SCRAA00085 5СЕАА01342 5СЕАА01342 SCRAA00364 SCBAB00406 —— RAYTHEON P/N mou . o. y A 1 РЖ +. ‘sy RAYTHEON P/N REF. C11 C12 C13 CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 CD7 CD8 CDS CDS3 J5 K1 L1 L2 L3 L4 PC201 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 Ti TR1 TYPE DD31-2B472K500V02 ECE-A2WS010 ECE-A2WS010 151832 UO5J S6080B UO5J VO6C 151588 405. НУВ-ЗН 151832 HS-UC-45-24-AN-0 PCN6-10PA-2.5DS RL DC12V H-6LZRDO0045 EJOO-6LCRDOOO10 H-6LCRDO00008 H-6LCRDO0018A H-7PCRDO931 ERD-25PJ100 ERD-25PJ222 ERD-25PJ471 ERX-2ANJP3R3S ERG-1ANJP470S ERD-25PJ100 ERX-1ANJ1R2 ERX-2ANJP4R7S ERX-2ANJP470S ERD-50TJ474 ERD-50TJ474 H-6LPRD0O0041A 25C2983-Y DESCRIPTION 500V 4700PF 450V 1UF 450V 1UF 800V 2.5A 800V 2.5A 200V 1.1A 800V 2.5A CHOKE COIL 1/4W 10 OHM 1/4W 2.2K OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 2W 3.3 OHM 1W 47 OHM 1/4W 10 OHM 1/2W 470K OHM 1/2W 470K OHM JRC P/N 5CBAB00406 5СЕАА02250 5СЕАА02250 5TXAD00173 5TXAE00069 5TZAD00201 STXAE00069 5TXAE00016 5TXADO0040 STXAE00069 5TXAN00056 5TXAD00173 52KAF00017 DJDAA00065 5KLAP00004 6LZRDO00045 6LCRDO0010 6LCRDO0008 6LCRDO0018 7PCRDO931 5RDAA01178 SRDAA01172 SRDAAO1 155 SREAGO01589 SREAGO1254 BRDAA01178 SREAGO1421 S5REAGO1357 SREAGO2030 SRDAAO0899 bRDAA00899 61РА000041 STCAFO00578 RAYTHEON P/N REF. C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 C33 C34 C35 RECEIVER PCB ASSEMBLY (PC301) TYPE CAE-224 TYPE C3216B1H222K-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP ECE-A1EKS100B C3216CH1H330J-E-TP C3216CH1H180J-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP ECE-A1EKS100B C3216CH1 H470J-E-TP C3216CH1H180J-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP ECE-A1EKS100B C3216CH1H470J-E-TP C3216CH1H180J-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP ECE-A1EKS100B C3216B1H222K-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP ECE-A1EKS100B ECE-A1EKS100B ECE-A1EKS100B ECQ-V1H104JZ3 ECE-A1EKS100B C3216B1H222K-E-TP C3216CH1H150J-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP C3216B1H222K-E-TP DESCRIPTION 2200P 2200P 2200P 2200P TOUF 25V 33P 2200P 2200P 2200P 2200P 10UF 25V 47P 2200P 2200P 2200P 2200P 10UF 25V 47P 2200P 10UF 25V 2200P 2200P 1OUF 25V 10UF 25V 10UF 25V 10UF 25V 2200P 15P 2200P 2200P 2200P JRC P/N 9CAAD00781 5СААО00781 5CAAD00781 5CAAD00781 SCEAA01750 5CAADO0794 5CAADO0868 SCAAD00781 5CAAD00781 5SCAAD00781 SCAAD00781 SCEAA01750 SCAADO0864 SCAADO0868 5СААО00781 5СААО00781 5СААО00781 5СААО00781 5СЕАА01750 5СААО00864 5CAAD00868 5CAAD00781 5CEAA01750 5СААО00781 5CAAD00781 SCEAA01750 5СЕАА01750 5СЕАА01750 SCRAA00617 5CEAA01750 SCAAD00781 5CAAD00787 SCAAD00781 SCAAD00781 5СААО00781 КАУТНЕОМ Р/М REF. C36 CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 101 IC2 IC3 41 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 PCI PC301 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 TYPE ECE-A1EKS100B 151588 VO6C VO6C \06С MC1350P MC1350P UPC596C 67095-008 H-7LARDO080 H-7LARDOO79 H-7LARDOO78 H-7LARDO078 H-7LARDO081 H-7PDRD0004 H-7PCRD0797 ERJ-8GCSJ122T ERJ-8GCSJ332T ERJ-8GEYJ561V ERJ-8GCSJ151T ERJ-8GEYJ220V ERJ-8GEYJ220V ERJ-8GCSJ151T ERJ-8GEYJ220V ERJ-8GEYJ220V ERJ-8GEYJ220V ERJ-8GCSJ151T ERJ-8GEYJ220V ERJ-8GCSJ152T ERJ-8GEYJ220V ERJ-8GEYJ220V ERJ-8GEYJ102V ERJ-8GEYJ102V ERJ-8GEYJ561V ERJ-8GEYJ104V DESCRIPTION 1OUF 25V 200V 1.1A 200V 1.1A 200V 1.1A 8P 1/8W 1.2K OHM 1/8W 3.3K OHM 1/8W 150 OHM 1/8W 150 OHM 1/8W 150 OHM 1/8W 1.5K OHM 1/8W 1K OHM 1/8W 1K OHM 1/8W 100K OHM JRC P/N 5CEAA01750 5TXADO00040 BTXAE00016 5ТХАЕО0016 5TXAE00016 5DDAS00011 500А$00011 5DAAA00041 5JWFS00005 7LARDOO80 7LARDOO79 7LARDOO78 7LARDOO78 7LARDO0081 7PDRD0004 7PCRD0797 5REAG00585 5АЕАСО00589 5REAGO1735 SREAGO0583 SREAGO1718 SREAGO1718 SREAGO0583 5REAGO1718 SREAGO1718 5REAGO1718 5REAG00583 5ВЕАС01718 SREAGO0574 SREAGO1718 SREAGO1718 5REAGO1738 SREAGO1738 5REAGO1735 5REAGO1762 RAYTHEON P/N REF. R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 TP1 TR1 TR2 REF. C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 TYPE ERJ-8GEYJ100V ERJ-8GCSJ471T ERJ-8GEYJ100V ERJ-8GCSJ472T ERJ-8GEYJ102V ERJ-8GEYJ104V 171255-1 2501855 25A1015-Y DESCRIPTION 1/8W 470 OHM 1/8W 4.7K OHM 1/8W 1K OHM 1/8W 100K OHM JRC P/N SREAGO1714 SREAGO00579 SREAGO1714 5REAG00573 SREAGO1738 SREAGO1762 BRTE00046 5TCAA00134 5ТААС00070 POWER SUPPLY PCB (PC501) TYPE CBD-879 TYPE ECQ-V1H104JZ ECQ-V1H104J2 ECQ-V1H104JZ ECQ-V1H104JZ ECE-S1HU222J ECQ-B1H223JZ ECE-S1CU472D ECE-A1CS102 ECQ-B1H223JZ ECQ-V1H104JZ ECO-V1H104JZ ECQ-V1H104JZ ECO-B1H103JZ ECO-B1H102JZ ECE-A1ES100 ECQ-B1H103JZ ECE-A2WS2R2 ECE-A2WS2R2 ECE-A1CS222 ECE-A1CS222 ECE-A1ES100 ECE-A1CN100S ECE-A1C5330 ECE-A1ES330 ECO-B1H223JZ DESCRIPTION 90V 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF o0V 0.1UF SOV 0.1UF 50V 2200UF 0.022UF 16V 4700UF 16V 1000UF 0.022UF 50V 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF 90V 0.1UF 0.01U 0.001UF 25V 10UF 0.01U 450V 2.2UF 450V 2.2UF 16V 2200UF 16V 2200UF 25V 10UF 16V 10UF 16V 33UF 25V 33UF 0.022UF JRC P/N SCRAA00364 SCRAA00364 SCRAA00364 SCRAA00364 5СЕАА02234 SCRAA00551 5СЕАА02236 5СЕАА01336 SCRAA00551 5SCRAA00364 SCRAA00364 5CRAA00364 SCRAA00459 5СНАА00523 SCEAA01348 5CRAA00459 5CEAA02000 SCEAA02000 5CEAA01399 5CEAA01399 5CEAA01348 SCEAA01243 5CEAA01340 5CEAA01321 5CRAA00551 RAYTHEON P/N RAYTHEON P/N REF. C26 C27 C28 C29 C30 C31 C32 CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 CD? CD8 CD9 CD10 CD11 CD12 CD13 CD14 CD15 CD16 CD17 CD18 CD19 IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4 ICS J2 J3 J4 K1 TYPE FCE-A1ES100 ECQ-V1H104JZ ECE-A1CS470 ECE-A1HU100 ECE-A1HU100 ECQ-B1H103KZ ECE-A1ES100 U05J D6K20 HZ4B3 11DF2FC 11DF2FC 11DF2FC 11DF2FC 11DF2FC 11DF2FC V11N V11N VIIN 151588 151588 VO6C VO6C 11DF2FC 11DF2FC HZ30-1 UPC141C UPC494C HA17555PS TC4528BP TC4001BP PCN6B-20P-2.5DS B5P-SHF-1AA 67094-004 RL DC12V DESCRIPTION 25V 10UF 50V 0.1UF 16V 47UF 50V 10U 50V 10U 50V 0.01UF 25V 10UF 800V 2.5A 200V 1.1A 200V 1.1A MOS 20P 4P JRC P/N 5CEAA01348 5CRAA00364 5CEAAO1342 5CEAA01931 5CEAA01931 5CRAA00475 5CEAA01348 5TXAE00069 5TXDL00001 5 TXAE00207 5TXAG00239 5TXAG00239 5TXAG00239 5TXAG00239 5TXAG00239 5TXAG00239 5TXAE00070 5TXAE00070 5TXAE00070 5TXADO0040 5TXADO0040 5TXAE00016 5TXAE00016 5TXAG00239 5TXAG00239 5TXAE00280 5DAAA00042 5DAAA00136 5DAAG00028 5DDAE00070 5DDAE00042 5JDAA00048 5JWAP00135 5JWAM00104 EKLAP00004 RAYTHEON P/N REF. 11 L2 PC101 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 TYPE SC-05-100 HP-054S H-7PCRDO929 ERD-25PJ471 ERD-25PJ220 ERD-50TJ330 ERD-25PJ222 ERD-50TJ101 ERD-25PJ101 ERD-25PJ101 ERD-50TJ101 ERX-2ANJ3R3 ERD-25PJ223 ERD-25PJ511 ERD-25PJ101 ERD-25PJ273 ERD-25PJ102 ERD-25PJ102 ERD-25PJ102 ERG-1ANJ333 ERG-1ANJ333 ERG-2ANJ101 ERD-25PJ104 ERD-25PJ152 ERD-25PJ224 ERD-25PJ472 ERD-25PJ223 ERD-25PJ102 ERD-25PJ472 ERD-25PJ681 ERD-25PJ102 ERD-25PJ103 ERD-25PJ102 ERD-25PJ472 ERD-25PJ181 DESCRIPTION 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 22 OHM 1/2W 33 OHM 1/4W 2.2K OHM 1/2W 100 OHM 1/4W 100 OHM 1/4W 100 OHM 1/2W 100 OHM 2W 3.3 OHM 1/4W 22K OHM 1/4W 510 OHM 1/4W 100 OHM 1/4W 27K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM IW 33K OHM 1W 33K OHM 2W 100 OHM 1/4W 100K OHM 1/4W 1.5K OHM 1/4W 220K OHM T/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 22K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 680 OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 180 OHM JRC P/N 5LGAB00009 oLGAB00036 7PCRDO929 5RDAA01155 SRDAA01217 5RDAA00799 5RDAA01172 5RDAA00811 9RDAA01175 5RDAA01175 SRDAAO0811 SREAG00351 5RDAA01147 5RDAA01144 5RDAA01175 SRDAA01259 SRDAA01181 SRDAAO1181 SRDAA01181 SREAGO0282 5REAG00282 BREAG00014 DRDAA01162 SRDAAO01160 SRDAA01152 5RDAA01183 SRDAAO1147 5RDAA01181 9RDAA01183 5RDAA01 242 5RDAA01181 5RDAA01146 5RDAA01181 5RDAAO1 183 5RDAAO1 234 RAYTHEON P/N REF. R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 RV1 T1 TB1 ТР1 TR1 TR2 TRI TR4 TR5 TR6 TR7 TR8 TRI TR10 TRS1 REF. BZ1 C401 C402 F401 FS401 J401 J402 J403 P401 P402 PC405 PT401-1 PT401-2 PT402-1 PT402-2 TYPE ERD-25PJ102 ERD-25PJ471 ERD-25PJ682 ERD-25PJ471 ERD-25PJ102 ERD-25PJ104 ERG-1SJ220 GFO6P-500 OHM H-/LTRDO148B TS-121P-14P 171255-1 25А771 250972 2502491 2502491 254 1225-Y 25A1225-Y 25C1815-Y 25A1015-Y 25B906Y 25C1815-Y H-725RD0007 TYPE PKB8-4A0 ECO-V1H1043Z ECQ-V1H104JZ MF51NN6.3 FHO43 SRCN2A13-3P SRCN2A25-16P BNC-BR 640250-2 640250-5 H-7PCRDO919B 640706-1 640706-1 640706-1 640706-1 DESCRIPTION 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 6.8K OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 100K OHM 1W 22 OHM 14P MAIN CHASSIS TYPE CML-246 DESCRIPTION 50V 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF JRC P/N 5RDAA01181 5RDAA01155 5RDAAO1189 5RDAA01155 SRDAA01181 SRDAAO1 162 5REAGO1485 5RMAB00060 7LTRDO148B 5JTAJ00140 BRTEOO046 5TAAK00021 5TDAF00031 5TCATO0035 5TCATO0035 9 TAAG00228 5TAAG00228 5TCAFO0219 5TAAG00070 5TBAE00088 5TCAFO0219 7ZSRD0007 JRC P/N SUBAS00010 — 5CRAA00364 SCRAA00364 5ZFAD00336 5ZFANO00003 SJCAC00399 — SJCAC00307 — 5JAAN00013 5JWAH00693 — SJWAH00525 — 7PCRDO919B SJTAN00020 — 5J TAN00020 5JTANOOO20 9JTANOOO20 RAYTHEON P/N € RAYTHEON P:N REF. PT402-3 PT402-4 PT402-5 W401 W403 W404 W405 REF. C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 C27 C30 C31 C32 C33 TYPE 640706-1 640706-1 640706-1 H-7ZCRD0253A H-7ZCRD0255A H-7ZCRD0256A H-7ZCRD0257A DESCRIPTION JRC P/N 5JTAN00020 5JTAN00020 5JTAN00020 7ZCRD0253A 7ZCRDO255A 7ZCRDO256A 7ZCRD0257A MAIN CONTROL PCB (PC1) ASSEMBLY TYPE CMC-441 TYPE ECO-V1H104JZ DD104CH150J50 DD104CH150J50 ECQ-B1H102KZ DD104CH150J50 00104$1330.)50 DD104SL330J50 DD104SL470J50 FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H1042 FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z FK26Y5V1H104Z ECE-A1CU470 ECE-A1CU470 ECE-A1CU470 ECE-A1CU470 DESCRIPTION 50V 0.1UF 50V 15PF 50V 15PF 0.001UF 50V 15PF 50V 33PF 50V 33PF SOV 47PF 50V 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF 90V 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF SOV 0.1UF SOV 0.1UF SOV 0.1UF SOV 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF 50\ 0.1UF SOV 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF 16V 47UF 16V 47UF 16V 47UF 16V 47UF 7-10 JRC P/N SCRAA00364 SCAAA00848 SCAAA00848 SCRAA00523 5CAAA00848 9CAAA01095 5CAAA01095 5CAAA01097 5CAADO1175 5CAADO1175 5СААО01175 5СААО01 175 5СААО01175 5СААО01175 5CAAD01175 5CAADO1175 5CAAD01175 5CAADO1175 5CAADO1175 5CAADO1175 5CAADO1175 5СААО01175 5CAADO1175 5CAADO1175 5CAADO1175 5СААО01 175 5СЕАА01698 5CEAA01698 SCEAA01698 SCEAA01698 RAYTHEON P/N RAYTHEON P/N REF. C40 C41 C42 C51 C52 C53 C54 C55 C56 C57 C58 C59 C60 C61 C62 C63 C64 C65 C66 C67 C68 C69 C70 C71 C72 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 C78 C80 C81 C82 C83 TYPE DD104B471K50 DD104B471K50 DD104B471K50 ECE-A1EU100 ECE-A1EU100 ECQ-V1H104JZ ECO-B1H103KZ ECE-A1EU100 ECE-A1EU100 DD104B221K50 ECE-A1EU100 ECO-B1H102KZ 20213502 105M5471 ECE-A1EU100 DD104B221K50 DD104B221K50 ECE-A1EU 100 ECE-A1EU100 ECE-A1EU100 ECE-A1EU100 ECE-A1EU100 ECE-A1EU100 ECQ-B1H102KZ DD107SL331J50 DD1045L330J50 DD104SL330J50 ECQ-B1H103K2Z ECQ-V1H104JZ ECQ-V1H333JZ ECE-A1EU100 FK26Y5V1H104Z ECQ-B1H103KZ ECE-A1CU470 ECE-A1CU470 ECE-A1CU470 DESCRIPTION 50V 470PF 50V 470PF 50V 470PF 25V 10UF 25V 10UF 50V 0.1UF 50V 0.01UF 25V 1GUF 25V 10UF 50V 220PF 25V 10UF 0.001UF 35V 1UF 25V 10UF 50V 220PF 50V 220PF 25V 10UF 25V 10UF 25V 10UF 25V 10UF 25V 10UF 25V 10UF 0.001UF 50V 330PF o0V 33PF 50V 33PF 50V 0.01 UF 50V 0.1UF 0.033 UF 25V 10UF 50V 0.1UF 50V 0.01UF 16V 47UF 16V 47UF 16V 47UF 7-11 JRC P/N 5CBAB00402 5CBABO0402 5СВАВО0402 5СЕАА01845 SCEAA01845 5CRAA00364 5CRAA00475 5CEAA01845 5CEAA01845 5CBAB00401 5CEAA01845 SCRAA00523 SCSAC00796 5СЕАА01845 5CBABO0401 5СВАВО0401 SCEAA01845 SCEAA01845 5CEAA01845 5CEAA01845 5CEAA01845 SCEAA01845 SCRAA00523 SCAAA01106 SCAAA01095 5СААА01095 5CRAA00475 SCRAA00364 5SCRAA00510 SCEAA01845 bCAADO1175 SCRAA00475 SCEAA01698 SCEAA01698 5СЕАА01698 КАУТНЕОМ Р/М REF. C89 CD1 CD2 CD3 CDA CD5 CD6 CD7 CD8 CDY CD10 CD11 CD12 CD13 CD14 CD15 CD16 CX1 | CX2 CX3 [С1 IC2 IC3 IC4 [C5 IC6 IC7 IC8 1C9 IC10 IC11 1C12 IC13 IC14 IC15 TYPE DESCRIPTION ECE-A1CU100 10UF 16V 155106 155106 155106 151588 151588 151588 151588 151588 151588 HZ6C1 0.5W 6V TLR102A TLR102A DAN403 151588 151588 151588 CSA24.00MX040 24MHZ CSA11.0MT020 CSA19.42MX040 19.42MHZ 1C74HCT138P TC74HCT573P TC74HCT138P H-7DERD0029 MB8464-15LP UPD78C10G-36 UPD7220-AD TC74HC573P TC74HC573P TC74HCT245P PST520C-2 TC74HCU04P 1C74HC123P TMM41464P-15 TMM41464P-15 7-12 JRC P/N 5CEAA01810 5TXAE00557 5TXAE00557 5TXAE00557 5TXAD00040 5TXAD00040 5TXAD00040 5TXAD00040 5TXAD00040 5TXAD00040 5TXAE00166 5TZAD00020 5TZAD00020 5TXCW00014 5TXAD00040 5TXAD00040 5TXAD00040 EUNAB00039 5UNABO0042 SUNAB00045 9DDAE00836 5DDAE00883 5DDAE00836 7DERDOO29 SDDAT00218 5DDAC00574 5DDAC00381 5DDAE00631 5DDAE00631 5DDAE00779 5DZCY00004 5DDAE00496 SDDAE00536 5DDAE00782 SDDAE00782 RAYTHEON P/N REF. IC16 IC17 IC18 IC19 IC20 IC21 IC22 IC51 IC52 IC53 IC54 IC55 IC56 IC57 IC58 IC59 IC60 IC61 IC62 IC63 IC64 ICS1 J1 J2 J3 J5 J6 J7 J3 J9 K1 P8 PC1 PL1 PL2 TYPE DESCRIPTION TC74HC32P TC15G008AP-0052 TMM4164AP-15 TMM4164AP-15 TMM4164AP-15 TMM4164AP-15 SN74ALS573N TC17G032AP-0221 HM6267P-35 SN74ALS573N NJD6513 TC74HC123P UPD6326C D/A TC74HCU04P TC74HC14P NJM4558D NJM4558D NJM4558D TL810CP TLP521-2-A TC74HC157P IC26-2806GS4 68100-012 12P 67095-008 8P 67095-010 10P S4B-EH ap 67095-003 (3P) 67095-002 (2P) 68931-206 6P 67095-002 (2P) PG2A-05 66464-102 H-7PCRDO937B AS90140 AS90140 7-13 H-7DGRDO0003 JRC P/N 5DDAE00427 7DGRDO003 5DDAE00719 5DDAE00719 5DDAE00719 5DDAE00719 5DDAL01064 7DGRDO004A 5DAAG00283 5DDALO1064 5DAANO0232 bDDAE00536 bDDAC00496 5DDAE00496 5DDAE00490 5DAAF00027 5DAAF00027 5DAAF00027 5DDAL00392 5TZAD00208 SDDAE00444 5ZJAA00276 SJWBE00182 5JWFS00005 5JWFS00011 BJWAP00210 5JWBE00131 5JWBE00130 5JWBE00181 5JWBE00130 5KRAA00044 5JWAM00127 7PCRDO937B 5WAAB00258 5WAAB00258 RAYTHEON P/N REF. PL3 RI R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 R13 R14 R15 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 R28 R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 R34 R35 R36 R37 R38 R39 R40 TYPE AS30140 ERD-25UJ563 ERD-25UJ105 ERD-25UJ562 MHR-4-101JB MHR-4-101JB MHR-4-101JB MHR-4-101JB MHR-4-101JB ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ103 MHR-4-103JA ERD-25UJ101 ERD-25UJ101 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ472 ERD-25UJ471 ERD-25UJ391 ERD-25UJ222 ERD-25UJ471 ERD-25UJ100 | ERD-25UJ121 ERD-25UJ182 ERD-25UJ102 ERD-25UJ47 1 ERD-25UJ222 ERD-25UJ471 ERD-25UJ101 ERD-25UJ560 ERD-25UJ472 ERD-25UJ333 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ681 ERD-25UJ330 ERD-25UJ101 DESCRIPTION 1/4W 56K OHM 1/4W 1M OHM 1/4W 5.6K OHM 100 OHM X4 100 OHM X4 100 OHM X4 100 OHM X4 100 OHM X4 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 10K OHM X4 1/4W 100 OHM 1/4W 100 OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 390 OHM 1/4W 2.2K OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 10 OHM 1/4W 120 OHM 1/4W 1.8K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 2.2K OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 100 OHM 1/4W 56 OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 33K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 680 OHM 1/4W 33 OHM 1/4W 100 OHM 7-14 JRC P/N 5WAAB00258 5RDAA01387 5RDAA01417 5RDAA01363 5RZAB01088 5RZAB01088 5RZAB01088 5RZAB01088 5RZAB01088 5RDAA01369 5RDAA01369 5RZAB00708 5RDAA01321 5RDAA01321 5RDAA01369 5RDAA01361 5RDAA01337 SRDAA01335 5RDAA01353 5RDAA01337 5RDAA01297 5RDAA01323 5RDAA01351 5RDAA01345 5RDAA01337 5RDAA01353 5RDAA01337 5RDAA01321 5RDAA01315 5RDAA01361 5RDAA01381 5RDAA01369 5RDAA01341 5RDAA01309 BRDAA01321 RAYTHEON P/N REF. R41 R42 R43 R44 R45 R46 R47 R48 R49 R50 R51 R52 R53 R54 R55 R56 R57 R58 R59 R60 R61 R62 R63 R64 R65 R66 R67 R68 R69 R70 R71 R72 R73 R74 R75 TYPE ERD-25UJ681 ERD-25UJ471 ERD-25UJ470 ERD-25UJ222 ERD-25UJ100 ERD-25UJ470 ERD-25UJ473 ERD-25UJ221 ERD-25UJ101 ERD-25UJ102 ERD-25UJ102 ERD-25UJ332 ERD-25UJ101 ERD-25UJ471 ERD-25UJ102 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ472 ERD-25UJ105 ERD-25UJ333 ERD-25UJ104 ERD-25UJ102 ERD-25UJ472 ERD-25UJ303 ERD-25UJ471 ERD-25UJ332 ERD-25UJ47 1 ERD-25UJ102 ERD-25UJ102 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ104 ERD-25UJ332 ERD-25UJ102 ERD-25UJ47 1 ERD-25UJ103 DESCRIPTION 1/4W 680 OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 47 OHM 1/4W 2.2K OHM 1/4W 10 OHM 1/4W 47 OHM 1/4W 47K OHM 1/4W 220 OHM 1/4W 100 OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 3.3K OHM 1/4W 100 OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 1M OHM 1/4W 33K OHM 1/4W 100K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 30K OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 3.3K OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 100K OHM 1/4W 3.3K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 7-15 JRC P/N 5RDAA01341 5RDAA01337 BRDAA01313 SRDAA01353 SRDAA01297 SRDAA01313 5RDAA01385 5RDAA01329 5RDAA01321 SRDAA01345 SRDAA01345 SRDAA01357 S5RDAA01321 5RDAAO1337 5RDAAD1345 S9RDAAO1369 SRDAAO1361 S5RDAA0O1417 BRDAAO1381 SRDAA01393 SRDAA01345 SRDAAO1361 5RDAA01380 SRDAA01337 5RDAA01357 SRDAA01337 5RDAA01345 5RDAA01345 BRDAA01369 5RDAA01369 SRDAA01393 5RDAA01357 5RDAA01345 5RDAA01337 SRDAA01369 RAYTHEON P/N REF. R76 R77 R78 R79 R80 R81 R82 R83 R84 R90 R91 RV1 RV2 RV3 RV4 RV5 RV6 RV7 TR1 TR2 TR3 TR4 TRS TR6 TR7 TR8 TRI TR10 TR11 TR12 TR13 REF. 5401 TYPE ERD-25UJ472 ERD-25UJ681 ERD-25UJ471 ERD-25UJ470 ERD-25UJ471 ERD-25UJ470 IHR-4-103JA ERD-25UJ472 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ471 GFO6X-50K OHM GFO6X-10K OHM GFO6X-10K OHM GF06X-1K OHM GF06X-10K OHM GFO6X-10K OHM GFO6X-50K OHM 25A1015-Y 25C1815-Y 2SA1015-Y 25C1815-Y 25A1015-Y 2SC1815-Y 25C1815-Y 25C1815-Y 25C1815-Y 25C1815-Y 25C2983 25A1015-Y 25C1815-Y DESCRIPTION 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 680 OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 47 OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 47 OHM 10K OHM X4 1/8W 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 50K OHM 10K OHM 10K OHM 10K OHM 10K OHM 50K OHM JRC P/N 5RDAA01361 5RDAA01341 5RDAA01337 5RDAA01313 5RDAA01337 5RDAA01313 5RZAB00133 5RDAA01361 5RDAA01369 5RDAA01369 5RDAA01337 5RMAB00110 5RMAB00108 5RMAB00108 5RMAB00105 5RMAB00108 5RMAB00108 5RMAB00110 5TAAG00070 5TCAF00219 5TAAG00070 5TCAF00219 5TAAG00070 5TCAF00219 5TCAF00219 5TCAF00219 5TCAF00219 5TCAF00219 5TCAF00623 5TAAG00070 5TCAFO0219 CONTROL PANEL ASSEMBLY TYPE CCK-504 TYPE MDYW02662 DESCRIPTION 7-16 JRC P/N MDYW02662 RAYTHEON P/N RAYTHEON P/N REF. C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 CD7 101 IC2 IC3 1C4 ICS IC6 1 J2 POWER SUPPLY PCB (PC501) TYPE CBD-878 TYPE ECQ-V1H104JZ ECQ-V1H104J52Z ECQ-V1H104J2 ECO-V1H104J7 ECE-A1HU102 ECE-A1EU100 ECE-A1EU100 ECE-A1EU100 ECE-A1EU100 ECE-A1CU101 ECQ-B1H103KZ ECQ-B1H103KZ - ECE-A1EU100 ECQ-B1H222KZ ECQ-B1H103KZ ECE-A1CU222 ECE-A1CU222 ECE-A1CU101 ECE-A1CU332 ECQ-V1H333JZ U05C H211C-1 151585 C6P2OFU C6PZOFU 11DF2FC 11DF2FC TC4011BP TC4013BAP UPC494C IR9431 TLP521-1-A TLP521-1-A 640388-2 640388-5 DESCRIPTION SOV 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF 50V 0.1UF 50V 1000UF 25V 10UF 25V 10UF 25V 10UF 25V 10UF 16V 100UF 50V 0.01UF 50V 0.01 UF 25V 10UF 0.0022UF 50V 0.01UF 2200UF 16V 2200UF 16V 16V 100UF 3300UF 16V 0.033UF 200V 6A 200V 6A MOS 1-17 JRC P/N 5CRAA00364 SCRAA00364 5CRAA00364 5CRAADO364 -5CEAA01780 5CEAA01845 SCEAA01845 5CEAA01845 5CEAA01845 5CEAA01800 SCRAA00475 SCRAA00475 SCEAA01845 SCRAA00429 5CRAA00475 5CEAA01757 5CEAA01757 5CEAA01800 SCEAA02246 SCRAA00510 STXAE00034 STXAE00210 5TXAD00038 5TXAG00238 5TXAG00238 5ТХАС00239 5TXAG00239 500АЕО0053 SDDAE00817 SDAAADO136 5DDBN00031 51ZAD00197 5TZAD00197 5JWAH00683 SJWAHO0526 RAYTHEON P/N REF. J4 J5 11 L2 L3 L4 L5 PC503 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 RM R12 R13 R14 R15 R16 R17 R18 R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R24 R25 R26 R27 TYPE B2B-EH 171255-1 SC-10-10J HP-013 HP-023 SN-8D-500 LF5-472K H-7PCRD0916B ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ471 ERD-25UJ471 ERD-25UJ333 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ472 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ102 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ472 ERD-25UJ102 ERD-50TJ331 ERD-50TJ331 ERG-2ANJ100 ERG-2ANJ100 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ470 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ472 ERD-25UJ472 ERD-25UJ472 ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25PJ102 DESCRIPTION 10A 1MH 1МН 1А 500UH 2A 125UH 4.7MH 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 33K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/2W 330 OHM 1/2W 330 OHM 2W 10 OHM 2W 10 OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 47 OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 7-18 JRC P/N SJWAP00213 BRTE00046 5LGAB00032 5LGAB00028 bLGABO00027 5LLAA00006 5LCAB00025 7PCRDO916B 5RDAA01369 5RDAA0O1369 5RDAA01369 5RDAA01369 5RDAA01369 5RDAA01337 5RDAA01337 SRDAA01381 SRDAA01369 5RDAA01361 5RDAA01369 5RDAA01345 5RDAA01369 5RDAA01361 5RDAA01345 5RDAA00823 5RDAA00823 SREAGO0048 5REAG00048 5RDAA01369 SRDAA01313 5RDAAO01369 5RDAA01361 5RDAA01361 5RDAA01361 5RDAA01369 5RDAA01181 RAYTHEON P/N REF. R29 R30 R31 R32 R33 RV1 T1 TRI TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 TR6 TRS1 REF. C501 C502 C503 C504 C505 C506 C507 C508 C509 C510 C511 C512 C513 C514 C515 C516 C517 C518 C519 C520 TYPE ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ222 ERD-25UJ471 ERD-25UJ224 ERD-25UJ472 GFO6X-1K OHM H-7LTRDO145B 2502983 2803298-Y 2SK525 25K525 25A1015-Y 2541015-Y H-725RD0008 DESCRIPTION 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 2.2K OHM 1/4W 470 OHM 1/4W 220K OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM JRC P/N BRDAAO01369 5RDAAO1353 SRDAA01337 5RDAAOQ1401 5RDAAO1361 5RMAB00105 7LTRDO145B 5TCAF00623 5TCAFO0648 5TKAA00160 5TKAA00160 5TAAG00070 5ТААС00070 725800008 CRT CONTROL PCB (PC501) ASSEMBLY ТУРЕ САС-63 TYPE ECE-A1CU471 DD10451470J50 ECO-V1H473J2Z ECO-VIH563JZ ECEA1HUR22 ECEA1CU102 ECO-V1H 10532 ECEA1CU102 ECE-A1EU101 ECE-A1CU471 ECQ-V1H224JZ 202L1602 106M4 DD106F103Z50 DD106F103Z50 DD308F 104250 ECQ-V1H333JZ ECQ-B1H472KZ DESCRIPTION 16V 470UF 50V 47PF 0.047 UF 0.056UF 50V 0.22UF 16V 1000UF 1.0UF 16V 1000UF 25V 100UF * 16V 470UF 0.22UF 16V 10UF 50V 10000PF * 50V 10000PF 0.033UF 0.0047 UF 1-19 JRC P/N 5CEAA01855 5CAAA01097 5CRAA00389 SCRAA00538 bCEAA02096 5СЕАА01801 5CRAA00471 5CEAA01801 SCEAA01839 6ZZAB 10000 5CEAA01855 SCRAA00420 5CSAC00326 622АВ10000 5CBAB00400 6ZZAB10000 5CBABO00400 5CAAA02698 5CRAADO510 5CRAA00427 RAYTHEON P/N RAYTHEON P/N REF. C521 C522 C523 C524 C525 C526 C527 C528 C529 C530 C531 C532 C533 CD501 CD502 CD503 CD504 CD505 CD506 F501 F501-1 F501-2 IC501 J501 J502 J503 L502 L503 PC501 R501 R502 R503 R504 R505 R506 TYPE ECQ-B1H103KZ ECQ-B1H562KZ ECE-A1AU101 DD106F 103250 ECQ-F2473KZ ECE-A1CU471 ECE-A1CU471 UHA1E6RBKRA ECE-A2CS010 DE1510E 10321 DD18B103K500 DD106B222K50 EM1Z RU-3A RU-3A RH-1C ES-1 RH-1C MF51NN-1.5 TS-04 TS-04 UPC1379C RTB-1.5-4 ELH-18Y773 FLH-5L98 H-7PCRDO900B ERD-25PJ331 ERD-25PJ101 ERD-25PJ2R2 ERD-25PJ222 ERD-25PJ102 ERD-25PJ121 DESCRIPTION 50V 0.01UF 0.0056UF 10V 100UF 50V 10000PF + 200V 0.047UF 16V 470UF 16V 470UF 160V TUF 1KV 0.01UF 500V 0.01UF 50V 2200PF 200V 1A 1.5A 4p * H-7LGRD0033 H-7LGRD0032 1/4W 330 OHM 1/4W 100 OHM 1/4W 2.2 OHM 1/4W 2.2K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 120 OHM 1 — 20 JRC P/N SCRAA00475 SCRAA00529 5CEAA01838 5CBAB00400 6ZZAB10000 5СНАА00694 »CEAA01855 5CEAA01855 5CEBD00001 5CEAA01344 5CBAB01934 5CBABO1665 5CBAB00303 5TXAN00061 5TXAN00134 5TXAN00134 5TXANDO135 5TXAN00136 5TXAN00135 5ZFAD00333 5ZFBD00005 5ZFBD00005 5DDAC00547 5JDAH00002 6ZZAB10000 62ZAB10000 5LCAU00032 5LCAU00033 7PCRDO900B BRDAA01151 SRDAA01175 5RDAA01201 5SRDAA01172 SRDAA01181 5RDAA01231 RAYTHEON P/N REF. R507 R508 R509 R510 R511 R512 R513 R514 R515 R516 R517 R518 R519 R520 R521 R522 R523 R524 R525 R526 R527 R528 R529 R530 R531 R532 R533 R534 R535 R536 R537 RV501 RV502 RV503 RV504 TYPE ERD-25PJ682 ERD-25PJ103 ERD-25PJ472 ERD-25PJ472 ERD-25PJ333 ERD-25PJ4R7 ERD-25PJ153 ERD-25PJ183 ERD-50TJ2R7 ERD-25PJ183 ERD-25PJ181 ERD-25PJ152 ERD-25PJ102 ERD-25PJ331 ERD-25PJ683 ERD-25PJ123 ERD-25PJ562 ERD-25PJ331 ERD-25PJ103 ERD-25PJ270 ERD-25PJ5R6 ERD-50TJ102 ERD-25PJ104 MSR-1B1.5 OHM K ERD-25PJ101 ERD-25PJ101 GF06X-200 OHM GFO6X-10K OHM GF06X-500 OHM GF06X-500 OHM DESCRIPTION 1/4W 6.8K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 4.7K OHM 1/4W 33K OHM 1/4W 4.7 OHM * * * 1/4W 15K OHM 1/4W 18K OHM 1/2W 2.7 OHM 1/4W 18K OHM 1/4W 180 OHM * 1/4W 1.5K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 330 OHM 1/4W 68K OHM 1/4W 12K OHM 1/4W 5.6K OHM 1/4W 330 OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 27 OHM 1/4W 5.6 OHM * 1/2W 1K OHM 1/4W 100K OHM TW 1.5 OHM 1/4W 100 OHM 1/4W 100 OHM 200 OHM 10K OHM 500 OHM 500 OHM 7-21 JRC P/N 5RDAAO1189 5RDAA01146 5RDAA01183 5RDAA01183 5RDAA01180 bRDAA01203 622АВ10000 6ZZAB10000 6ZZAB10000 5SRDAA01174 5RDAA01188 5RDAA01098 BRDAA01188 5RDAA0O1 234 622АВ10000 5RDAA01160 5RDAA01181 5RDAA01151 5RDAA01265 5RDAA01255 5RDAA01251 5RDAAO1151 5RDAAO01146 5RDAAO1219 5RDAA01205 6ZZAB10000 5RDAA00835 5RDAAO1162 5RAAB00488 5RDAA01175 5RDAAO1175 SRMAB00103 5RMAB00108 5RMAB00104 5RMAB00104 RAYTHEON P/N REF. RV505 RV506 1501 1503 TR501 TR502 TR503 W511 W512 2501 REF. AG551 C551 C552 _ С553 C554 C555 C556 CD551 CD552 CD553 J551 L551 PC502 R551 R552 R553 R554 R555 R556 R557 R558 R559 R560 R561 R562 TYPE GFO6X-5K OHM GFO6X-500K OHM H-7LPRDO090 H-6LRBS00054 25C1815 25C1214 25C2233 H-7ZCRD0250A H-7ZCRDO251A OSH2425-SP DESCRIPTION 5K OHM 500K OHM 4P 2P JRC P/N 5RMAB00107 5RMAB00112 7LPRDO090 6LRBS00054 5TCAF00441 STCAA00286 5TCAF00617 7ZCRDO250A 7ZCRDO251A 5ZKAE00099 CRT VIDEO PCB ASSEMBLY (PC502) TYPE CAD-171 TYPE AG20P122FL3N ECEA2CS4R7 DD104B221K50 ECEA2CS2R2 DE1510E10321 DD106F103Z50 DD38B222K500V02 EM1Z HZ24BP HZ24BP RT-01N-2.3A LALO2KR3RIK H-7PCRDO899B ERD-25UJ331 ERD-25UJ220 ERD-25UJ680 ERD-25UJ183 ERD-25UJ101 ERD-25UJ683 ERD-25UJ221 ERD-50VJ152 ERD-25UJ102 HMGL1/2A-22M OHM ERD-25UJ103 ERD-25UJ473 DESCRIPTION 160V 4.7UF 50V 220PF 160V 2.2UF 1KV 0.01UF 50V 10000PF 500V 2200PF 200V 1A 24V 0.8W 24V 0.8W 3.9UH 1/4W 330 OHM 1/4W 22 OHM 1/4W 68 OHM 1/4W 18K OHM 1/4W 100 OHM 1/4W 68K OHM 1/4W 220 OHM 1/2W 1.5K OHM 1/4W 1K OHM 1/4W 10K OHM 1/4W 47K OHM 7 - 22 JRC P/N 5RZCK00002 SCEAA02098 5CBAB00401 SCEAA02102 5CBAB01934 5CBAB00400 5CBAB00331 5ТХАМО0061 5TXAE00372 5TXAE00372 5JTCD00081 5LCAA00227 7PCRDO899B SRDAA01333 5RDAA01305 5RDAA01317 5RDAA01375 SRDAA01321 SRDAA01389 5RDAA01329 5RDAA01069 SRDAA01345 5REAA05621 SRDAA01369 5RDAA01385 RAYTHEON P/N RAYTHEON P/N REF. R563 R564 RV551 TR551 TR552 2501 REF. T502 V501 W501 W502 W503 W504 W505 W506 W507 W508 TYPE ERD-25UJ222 ERD-25UJ221 VG152L7SB2M OHM 2501675 2502229 S7-504B-05 TYPE H-7LGRDOO34 E2728B39HT H-7ZCRDO248 H-72CRD0249A WLH-12/0.18-U-(6) WLH-12/0.18-U-(1) WLH-12/0.18-U-(5) WLH-12/0.18-U-(0) WLH-12/0.18-U-(3) WL2H-12/0.18-U-(2) DESCRIPTION 1/4W 2.2K OHM 1/4W 220 OHM B-2M OHM CRT UNIT TYPE CKJ-68 DESCRIPTION YS-34131 4p 7 — 23 JRC P/N 5RDAA01353 5RDAA01329 SRMAC00130 5TCABO00218 5TCAF00616 RAYTHEON P/N 5ZJAT00077 JRC P/N 7LGRDO034 5VBAB00045 7ZCRDO248 TZCRD249A 2265100608 RAYTHEON P/N 2265100108 2265100508 2265100008 2265100308 2265200208 7.2 MECHANICAL PARTS LOCATION LIST Location CD oon oa Aa 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Reference for Fig. 112 Assembly Drawing of M88340 Scanner Unit Description Symbol Radome Assy consisting of No. 1, 2, 3 Radome Nut, Special Toothed Washer Radome Assy consisting of No. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Radome Bolt, Special Seal Washer O-Ring. - Packing Antenna Assy Gear Assy consisting of No.10, 11 Gear Magnet MT101 Plate, Retaining Rotary Joint Assy Bearing C-Ring Bearing - Housing Connecting Wave Guide Cover Plate SHM Switch $102 Main Chassis Assy Circulator A101 Diode Limiter A102 Corner Wave Guide Plate Plate Chassis Chassis 7 — 24 JRC P/N MPBX16084 MTV002404 MTLO35987 BRTG03668 MPBX16086 MTV002211 MPTG02144 BRTGO2490 BRPK00109 MTTO16990A MPAE00529 MPGK02946 MTV002340 5MPAB00001 MTB144765 MPAB01684 BRGK00165 BRTG01192 BRGK00260 MTCO02739 MPAB01766 MTB154257 MTB157091 MPBC07278 6AJRDO0001 MTM003118 MTD002559A MTB154143 MTB154141 MTB 154142 RAYTHEON P/N Location 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Description Symbol Screw M4x60 Brass Modulator Unit Assy consisting of No.31~36 Chassis Magnetron V1 Chassis Plate PCB Cover PCB Heat Sink Plate Spacer Cover Cable Clamp Piate Gasket Motor Assy M101 Toggle Switch $101 Switch Cover Receiver Unit Assy consisting of No.48~53 Chassis Chassis PCB Cover Cover Micro Front End E301 7-25 JRC P/N 8RTG01248 MDMW01523 RAYTHEON P/N MTB154144 MTC002737 MTB154145 CNM-117 MTB154146 : CBD-879 MTLO35973 MTB154138 MTK003825 MTB154137 MTC002742 MTB154140 MTT022415 7BDRD0023 MPPK00925 MDEW00772 MTB157136 MTC002738 CAE-224 MTB157137 MTCO02741 Location 1 la 1b Te 1d le 2a 2b 2c © © M Oo & W 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Reference to Fig. 113 Assembly Drawing of M88339 Display Unit Description Symbol Bezel Assy consisting of: Front Bezel Logo Plate Membrane Switch Packing, Rubber Packing, Rubber Cabinet Assy consisting of: Cabinet “ Packing, Rubber Cap Chassis _ Chassis Bracket CRT V501 Defiection Yoke T501 CRT Control PCB Assy PC501 Video PCB Assy PC502 Power Supply PCB Assy PC503 Main Control PCB Assy PCI Buzzer PCB Assy Bracket, Mounting Overlay Packing, Rubber Packing, Rubber Packing, Rubber Bushing, Insulating Cap Washer, Serration Knob Spacer Spacer Spacer Heat Sink 7-26 JRC P/N MTV002416 MPNM 12487 MDYW02662 MTTO22383 MTT022381A MTV002417 MTTO22406 MTV002425 MTB157024 MTB157025 MTB157026 CAC-63 CAD-171 CBD-878 CMC-441 MTB154093 MPNN19959 MTTO22410 MTTO20295 MTT019164 MTV002411 BRXP00866 MTV002834 BRHDO0380 MTK000366 MTK000359 MTTO22407 MTA007904 RAYTHEON P/N Location 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Description Symbol Sheet, Radiating Plate, Retaining Nut, Special Packing, Rubber Hood Screw, Tapping Screw, Tapping Sems Screw Sems Screw Sems Screw Sems Screw Sems Screw 1 - 27 JRC P/N MTB157237 MTLO35997 MTTO22384 MTV002418 BRTG03635 BRTG03217 BSNC03006B BSNC03008B BSNC03012B BSNC04008B BSNC04012B RAYTHEON P/N “LNSWdINDOA OLOVY 30 SITBVI SHL HLIM 13IT1VIVYUVA NNY 38 LON QINOHS YVOVY 3HL 10 LINN AV14SIQ ONV LINN HANNVIS N33M134 5319v9 ONIYMIM-YSLNI AVIWI99dS3S ‘(913 HAON14 NOI193HIQ ONV YSAISIIY SNOLLVIINNWWOD "3N0Hd43131010VH 'X3) LNSNdINDI OIGVY JO SIVBVI JHL WOHN4 AVMY NOY 39 01 34V YVOVY 10 S319V9 IV ‘HVOVH 3HL 10 NOI1VH3dO0 OL 3NG NOILVOIAYN ONY SNOTIVIINANNO) 3NIUVN HOW 03SN SI1ININDIVA NO 3ONIUIIUIINI 3HL ONILVNINI73 ‘2 ш ое usT/OT LINA AVIdSIO OL LINA H3NNVIS WOWIXVN OYVONVIS . . SMO1104 SV SLINN SHL N3SML3G JONVLSIO 3HL “1:SILON SNOISN3NIO Vz AZE90 VS'z Ateoü 995-045 vs 12190 SNIVN S.dIHS SUOLIANNOD| BAS"L ‘хочаач тнотям LINQ AWIdSId (XYHO'ITS) UST LGEBEN SNOISN3NIQ . “SNTLNAON (XVWO°TTS) WOT 6b£88NH 318v9 31ISOÍNOI 13713089 ¡0 [OL УФ ER => /Es115v33803 662% > . dt L d35Q Wwor INNIT- „87€ 0€ | : ce | Br 1170. a tee Sie 0298 BYS°6 ‘XOUddV 1H913M LINA YANNVOS FIG. 101 GENERAL SYSTEM OF R40 RADAR <a FORECASTLE | 2 75 $9 250 3/8"-16 UNC CABLE INLET 40 mm DEEP COLOR WHITE WEIGHT APPROX. 9.5 Kq FIG. 102 OUTLINE DRAWING OF M88340 SCANNER UNIT — ni 11%, DE 13% ml 10% < 10% f fo pT m an À | A — Cc 2 | TI 3%. | 3% 1% й — WEIGHT APPROX. 7.5kg FIG. 103 OUTLINE DRAWING OF M88339 DISPLAY UNIT © 3 ai Е о So : O > = D Lu mn © o Bu E 22 NIVW S.dIHS uy Y z = co о £ г | << | - - - - - - - > OF * ao - — _ . ‘199 | ‘199 199 HOLIMS 1NdiNO 90 <KF- El usiusanos nd) JOVAUALNI viva fac ‘WAY 13538 1NVd Nvuo? |”. 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Lx | HOLOW ~ 4 1NIOS 13538 | | WLON ABvIOU) Tonıyyag | | | HOLVIQVY | | | AYONIN 980 42019 АНОИЗИ HILHIANOD "199 0301A ‘DIS L______ | Idd ONNdWYS ¥344Ng ал 313 O3QA , LIND HINNVDS OPEBSW | UNN AWVMSIO GECESBW FIG. 104 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF R40 RADAR WOS ‘xe 07 (STYIM C2IQTZTHS) Уд (SY IM TIVA) VD Oz (S2YIM 204 y7) VDE! 1d Naa Leo. ii + 478 a St (naa, OF 1 Td 38 = ан Im, 2 9, vz ada у | O й 1 3 = | ал To oy F8 I IT 21 1 3 a’ “xwoo | m0 £E — ~ LHM 1 tl | 53 3A >> T IHM N 78 455 | vi za — | al ng WG | -YOLIINNOD/M 318) ! ce a! RSS — LSEBSN | VE | WOI-A0133NN02/M atay) } ал LHM LAW TI 3 L PETITE ' 3 У | ZT E T | 3 1 11 | UNNOYO OL vz > J LINQ Y3NNVIS oreseW Г. f г---- лов ^^ о! f | m? и - - _ \ TA. SHOW SU I Toe + с. IN' OF | .-- ‘ NT ' nad ‘TAA NYS L_-__]J | a34 'L "IHM L m9 LINN ıvıdsıqa 555889 М FIG. 105 INTERCONNECTIONS OF R40 RADAR [cae -224] R25 100k M1318 Or MRFIA2IC c29 C33 C4 cs 2200P 2200p joy AtO1 A102 CNM- 117 u Col 151832 L2 6AJRDO0001 NJS6924 or NIS 6928 TR2 2SAI01S 2200P S6G 151588 RI6 + R23 tk C10 2200P 2200P со} 49050 TRI 2SATTI CDE HDF2 Lu 0.011 | R24 22k 5 0. TR3.TR4 2802491 CB 10004 250972 TRY 25B906-Y 5101 TRIO 25C1815-Y cD16 HAITSSS TRS. TRE TC4528BP | [| м1101 FIG. 106 CIRCUIT DRAWING OF M88340 SCANNER UNIT TC THICK) = WLH-30/0.18 о 13 2 (+) 1 (-) + C401 C402 I00UF 100/uF SOV SOV Е401 12Y 6,34 ( 24v 3A MAIN FUSE J410 COMPASS (OPTION) J403 LORAN C D > 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 q FIG. 107 INTERNAL CONNECTIONS OF M88339 DISPLAY UNIT CIDN22 C30 ~ 33 +SV — + 474 A I6V 1C12 HCUO4 R2 IC 13 TCTaHCI23P IC2 1C3 TC74HC IC74HCI138P IC] Tc74HCT138P LMSEL RSTL GDC WRL O HCT O RO 400-4 ст O1 1C17 PSTS20C-2 TCI5G 008AP-00 52 ICH ana yo ADB7 ICI4,15 TMM 41464P ~15 IC10 TCIAHCT245P HS vat CRTVD TCCK wGo WEPLO CHADP H-7DERD 0029 MBM 27 C 2564-25 2/2 Rd RS 1002 x 4 X2 Aig | | Ara ATG Ic? APD7220AD MHR-4-10 JB PSW 10 BAIN DACK РАО 108.9 76 74ЧСТУ7?Р | А016 PEGL > C40 4T0P|c6 330 Psw 6 Ic6 MPD78C10G -36 C7 33P At2 MHR-4-101JD i1.059MHz ICS MB8464 -I5LP pes BRC} RY2 IOK R7 RS 1009 x4 MHR-4-/03JA PSw 3 КИ 7P к x4 x2 161821 7мм4164АР- 15 3 FSwO RVD& RY3 10k 2 СО 13 DAN 403 470P 1022 HADP С c42 547441557 3м ок МОТЕЗ: 1. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ALL RESISTORS ARE IN OHMS, Va RATING. ALL CAPACITORS ARE IN FARADS , 50V RATING. 2. +A DENOTES CONNECTION WITH +5V FIG. 108 CIRCUIT DRAWING OF MAIN CONTROL PCB 1 OF 2 INSIDE DISPLAY UNIT 159 TR2 4558 TRI c56 TR3 TR4 TRS 1C62 o ' TLBIOCP RIS RVA [CAIN tir [GAIN] Руб — a RS PC WEPL® WEPLI WEPL4 1653 415573 co hor | 1657 Hcuga O | RS8 im “ ATP KI CHADP cx3 TI cr |33P TR DBO E 19.42MHz 18,190 vD 3 165 R68 33 tit IK 1 Bz Ics8 DBI > /2 HC 14 ALE as c74 wR BP WEN O ie PL b RSTL 1C60 wert 4558 R62 тсск . иск ATK 23 NID6S13 ВЕ Res 3.3% pw BUZ 12 2 RYT C61 Sak 4558 DAIW BZ [ALM] DACK L DALD +12y 5 RxD +12 LMSEL +5V -12v E © { er TLPS521-2 OPE ion ou 04 TRU CRTVD OPE 2502983 470 | VSDL Wo XMIT XMIT (PSw JS STBY STBY (PSW 5) o . Y PSR PSR(PSW n) TR1.3,5.12 13 2SA1015-Y CD 1,4~6.8,9,11, 12,14~i6 151588 ¿q vsY * TR2,4.6,7,8, 9, 10, 13 13 2SCH8IS-Y » CD2,3 1% 1SS106 Cbg nSY TRI3 E P9 : OPTION NOTES : |. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED ALL RESISTORS ARE IN OHMS, !/4 RATING. ALL CAPACITORS ARE IN FARADS, 50V RATING. 2. 4 DENOTES CONNECTION WITH +5V. FIG. 109 CIRCUIT DRAWING OF MAIN CONTROL PCB 2 OF 2 INSIDE DISPLAY UNIT R303 w 503 CAD-17) H fm F502 BLUT H- 7PCRDOSIWE pE5e MA —> 0 Sk (Aw) С501 | + ATOyF 3 | RVSOI (16V) | 2 | 200 | 3502 R501 P502 330 VD BLE 1 Vv WHT 4 | я YEL 4 | ar М (4 | Ww5!! ml | | | | | | R512 Y-HOLD 4:7 i + + 2506 АА + | eye R518 | RV 502 : ; : a ! 1 ho; RZ N u 7 | сви $ 2526 Cape ATOu г b= c504 0,22 a | E 3 sv» $ 18 0.22 R522 0,056 (50%), . ee 15k A TR501 Зак 2SCI815 I LC501 wPCI379S RSIO à | SYNC ~ SEP/V-QSC/V~ DRIVE Le 1cs33 R523 4.7KS I V-OUT/ H-0SC /H-PRE-DRIVE essa! | [amy Hon — 22000 | Ik ND и 104 fase R536! 14 13 2 n + : 60 | ! C502 - 1520 Rs251 | c16v) HIN] 7 ! 47P amop| SEK [R526 —— | RÓS CAC-63 7 “ 529 R524 C517 | H-7PCRDO 9008 6. 6.8 - 7501 2503 re tes ds PC501 (Ov) VV | BP G a po RSA TR502 TR503 à т JA em 2561214 1503 2562233. Ltd c51? Less (531 Acpsca 0.033u 21 RS?! 70.0474 | RU-3A To; | ar < qy 0k RH reo, e cRT| 7 cD502 50077 — 500% [| BAS] po Le 3A | 6 МУЗ AAA 1 | A | cosos 2+ 9538, Vv - 2) R535 6527 |+ N Q Sy ES: 30 5 (м) 4704 ATOU 1 (16V) (16V) - (160V) CRT CONTROL CIRCUIT NOTES : Г. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECI:FIED ALL RESISTORS ARE IN OHMS, la RATING. ALL CAPACITORS ARE IN FARADS, 50V RATING. 2 4 DENOTES CONNECTION WITH +5V. FIG. 110 CIRCUIT DRAWING OF DISPLA Y ASSEMBLY INSIDE DISPLAY UNIT (-) 95 L SSA AS+ HLIM NOILOFNNOD SFLONIG Y 2 ‘DNILYA AOS ‘SQVavVd NI JAYY SHYOLIOVdYD WY 'DNILVA РА ‘Сино NI Adv SHOLSISSY У Q3111934S ISIMMIHLQ SSITNN 3 2 +; week ti] aaa carson in + ИО AMAT 1 а> — эа> > Ac | 1239 ywooct bt (4999 0Lb re GIOIVSE vw $1 ANY SI ogg yy A ; 991 | OLY MOO aL y 019 VW 7 Où I -1zssıl u | то! | ыы $ 991 $ ^^ 7 27 ‹ 85 45 4 ltd 10zz (d00zzZ mor | | Ag voi wo! sia wal A | I ¿ 10! LL Ly NL» 1 LI, #13 119 ego + b + |+ 0 i o! pu ГЕ , pr 7 = АБЫ ajo on 8 ay ры Sd z © avasiordL 249 bi we sy AALS 610 € т^ HAYA] IS! | to. 1 3131025 5 pe |- #97 v $101 238: > > LIW X ? O Le Loi au mb 48 i Wot] + 201 La | +3 $ < ¿lo ni prof Le 340 910 Ha $51 925 ty DPEPIAN 39110751 105 | 101 o- 591 I-IZSAIL EIT (Dz EY | 24 35 T EBBZIST IL wo ATI- #|O x! AS+£IO $1 Azi+710 aL A + Lo) “o = su | ah с st cat SI0IVSZ 19) — ec Woo: BhzZEIS7T 02) © mme г | $ ID выл y STSNSZ € ; о i te ze mn.) ‘1 :SILON ve vi dl 8! FIG. 111 CIRCUIT DRAWING OF POWER SUPPLY PCB INSIDE DISPLAY UNIT FIG. 112 MECHANICAL PARTS LOCATION IN SCANNER UNIT FIG. 112 MECHANICAL PARTS LOCATION IN SCANNER UNIT 4-913 $25 FIG. 114 TEMPLATE FOR SCANNER MOUNTING ">

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Key features
- 10-inch diagonal TV-type picture display
- 360° radar picture
- EBL's and VRM's for accurate measurements
- Seaguard Alarm for safety zone alerts
- NAV, MAG, WPT modes with Loran C integration
- Interference rejection and target expansion
Frequently asked questions
The R40 system includes the Display Unit, Scanner Unit, connecting cable, instruction manual, and spare parts kit.
The radar has a maximum range of 24 nautical miles.
The available display modes include Standard, Magnetic, Navigation, and Waypoint.