Tabletop Paper Collator
The Leader in Paper Handling Equipment
- 0 -
- 1 -
1. Components...................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Overview................................................................................................................ 4
2. Important for Maintenance and Inspection ...................................................................... 7
3.1 Precautions for setting paper.................................................................................. 8
3.2 Order of loading paper ........................................................................................... 8
3.3 Loading paper in Alternate mode .......................................................................... 8
3.4 Loading paper in Insert and Program mode........................................................... 9
4. Response to Lit and Flashing Lamps ............................................................................... 9
5. Electric Circuit Block Diagram...................................................................................... 11
5.1 Operation circuit board ........................................................................................ 11
5.2 Speed control circuit board .................................................................................. 12
7. Circuit Board Diagram ................................................................................................... 14
7.2 Speed Control Circuit Board................................................................................ 15
8. Replacement of Paper Feed Rubber Roller and Separator ............................................. 16
9. Diagram for Belt Installation.......................................................................................... 17
10. Test Mode....................................................................................................................... 18
10.1 How to set test mode............................................................................................ 18
Checking operation ........................................................................................ 18
10.4 Check by sensor ................................................................................................... 19
11. Changing the system constants....................................................................................... 20
11.1 Facts about system constants ............................................................................... 20
11.2 Adjustment of the paper feed photo luminescence intensity ............................... 22
11.3 Releasing double feed detecting function ............................................................ 23
11.4 Initializing the system constant (return to factory-set value)............................... 23
11.5 Supplementary explanation of system constants by purpose............................... 24
11.6 System constant table when a post-process machine is connected...................... 32
12. Troubleshooting.............................................................................................................. 34
12.1 The power is not supplied.................................................................................... 34
12.2 Paper is not fed through the CHECK key is pressed (Main motor does not rotate).34
12.3 Paper is not fed though the CHECK key is pressed (Main motor rotates). ......... 35
12.4 Paper is not fed through the START key is pressed. ........................................... 35
12.5 Processing speed does not reduce while the low speed is selected...................... 35
12.6 Paper feed table does not rise. ............................................................................. 36
12.7 Main motor does not rotate. ................................................................................. 36
12.8 Paper feed roller does not rotate. ......................................................................... 37
12.9 Crisscross does not work. .................................................................................... 38
12.10 EJECT lamp remains lit....................................................................................... 38
12.11 Station lamp lights red. ........................................................................................ 39
12.12 DOOR lamp remains lit. ...................................................................................... 39
12.13 Empty feed occurs while paper is fed. ................................................................. 39
12.14 Station lamp flashes red while checking.............................................................. 39
12.15 Double feed frequently occurs............................................................................. 40
12.16 Empty feed frequently occurs. ............................................................................. 40
12.17 Empty feed or jam frequently occurs................................................................... 41
12.18 Paper is fed aslant. ............................................................................................... 41
12.19 DOUBLE FEED lamp lights though a single sheet is fed. .................................. 42
12.20 Paper jam frequently occurs................................................................................. 42
12.21 Stacked paper is not neatly aligned...................................................................... 43
12.22 Ejected paper edge is curled. ............................................................................... 43
12.23 Ejected paper is stained........................................................................................ 44
1.1 Overview
2.1 Overview
Right Connector (14) and left Connector (15) are non-limited power circuit.
No. Name
(4) Paper feed pressure shifting lever
(12) Inlet
(13) Outlet (to connect optional stapler puncher and stacker)
(14) Right connector (Connect to right tower)
(15) Light connector (Connect to left tower / option)
(17) Shift lever for paper direction
No. Name Function
(1) Station LED lamp Shows the collating status of each station 1 through 10.
Lights up when the back door is open.
(3) Shows direction of paper ejection when lighted green.
(4) ERROR (L) lamp Indicates an error in the left side collator when lighted red.
Displays the number of collated sheets.
“Err” is displayed in the event of an error.
Press the key to change the number of collated sets and the number of batches in Insert and Programmed Insert modes.
Lights green to when trial feed is complete.
(8) PAPER JAM lamp Lights red should a paper jam occur.
Flashes red should double feed occur.
No. Name Function
Flashes green in the event of no paper or no feed.
In case of no paper, the lamp for the relevant station blinks slowly.
If empty feed, the lamp for the relevant station blinks quickly.
Lights should a paper ejection jam occur or when the stacking table is full.
(20) CRISSCROSS/5 key
(21) 6 key
(25) O key
(26) C key
When lighted green, various functions can be programmed.
When using function keys, press this key first to light it green (goes out after five seconds).
Press to reset error.
When pressed for three seconds, the paper feed table lowers. Pressed for three seconds while the machine is in stand-by mode, the main motor will idle.
Press for trial paper feed so the machine will memorize stations to be used and the thickness of paper.
When lighted green, staple processing will occur; when not lit, stapling will not occur.
Also used to input number “1” for the pre-set counter.
When lighted green, paper will be punched; when not lit, no punching will occur.
Also used to input number “2” for the pre-set counter.
When lighted green, high-speed collation occurs; when not lit, collation will be slow.
Also used to input number “3” for the pre-set counter.
When lighted green, Alternate collation is selected; when not lit, Normal collation is selected.
Also used to input number “4” for the pre-set counter.
When lighted green, Crisscross stacking is selected; when not lit, straight stacking is selected.
Also used to input number “5” for the pre-set counter.
When lighted green, it shows 2 towers are connected; when not lit, a single (light) tower collation is done.
Used to input number “6” for the pre-set counter.
When lighted green, Insert mode is selected.
Also used to input number “7” for the pre-set counter.
When lighted green, Programmed insert mode is selected.
Also used to input number “8” for the pre-set counter.
When lighted green, Crisscross stacker continuously moves each time pre-programmed number of collated sets are ejected.
Also used to input number “9” for the pre-set counter.
Used to set the counter to O.
Press to return the counter to zero.
It also turns off the “Mode” lamp.
・ Before starting maintenance and inspection work, be sure to turn the power off and remove the power cord from the outlet.
・ Photo sensors are used in various parts of this machine. Be sure to clean them when maintenance work is conducted.
・ Thin wires are used for wiring in circuit boards. Be sure to grip the socket when setting or removing the connector.
Also, when setting the connector, take care that wires are not stretched too tight and slack wires are not in contact with the drive units and insert the socket into the end. Should the wires are in contact with the drive units, it may cause a disconnection.
(1) Use the fill line on the paper guide as the loading capacity. In case of printed paper, do not load too much as it tends to swell.
(2) Fan out sheets well and then load them on the feed table. Failure to properly fan sheets may lead to trouble.
[How to fan out sheets]
1) Pinch the sheets of paper at both ends.
2) Bend them to admit air.
(Loosen the force lightly and pinch them again after bending)
3) Jog and align the sheets vertically.
(3) Align sheets at the edges and insert them until they lightly strike the forward guide. Failure to properly align sheets may lead to double feed or no feed.
(4) Make sure any ink on the paper is dry. Let ink dry before loading paper. Wet ink soils the feed rollers and the separator rubbers. It can lead to malfunction, such as double feed or no feed.
(5) Copied sheets may cause wrong feed or stacking error owing to electrostatic charge. Static electricity can be controlled by spraying a retail static eliminator on the feed rollers and the front edge of the paper.
Too, since copied sheets are apt to curl at the edges; straighten or invert them before feed table loading.
(6) Be sure to load no-carbon-required paper (general quality) with the color developing side (usually the print side) down, otherwise the side coated with color former will probably be marked with rubbed traces when contacting the feed roller.
(7) Front and back sides of ejected paper change according to ejected direction (with independent use or when connected). Be very careful when the collator is operated with after-processing equipment such as the booklet maker.
3.2 Order of loading paper
(1) Paper with the printed side down
Load the paper on the feed tables from bottom to top in ascending order of pages.
In this case Page 1 appears at the top of collated sheets on the stacking table.
(2) Paper with the printed side up
Load the paper on the feed tables from top to bottom in ascending order of pages. Paper is fed to the stacking table turned over.
In this case Page 1 is at the bottom of collated sheets on the stacking table.
How to load a paper with a small number of pages (using less than 10 stations)
・ In case the collator is used independently or a staple is connected with it, load the paper in order from the bottom (10th station).
This way prevents disorder in paper ejection and facilitates the processing speed.
・ In case optional machines are connected with the collator (such as two towers of the collator are connected with a large-capacity stacker or a booklet maker.), load the paper in order from the top (1st station).
This way prevents paper jam.
・ Loading paper with the printed side up in Alternate mode
Load same pages on odd and even-numbered stations, that is, Stations 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, 9 and 10.
Paper feed starts with the odd-numbered station; if it runs out of paper, the neighboring even-numbered station will automatically start feeding.
・ Loading paper with the printed side down in Alternate mode
3.4 Loading paper in Insert and Program mode
(1) Insert mode
Load partitioning paper on the top station to be used. For instance, if 10 stations are used continuously top to bottom, partitioning paper should be loaded on Station 1.
(2) Program mode
Be sure to load paper with the printed side up.
For example, when 10 stations to be used continuously top to bottom, front covers should be loaded on Station 1, back covers on Station 10.
If fewer than 10 stations are used, load front covers on the top station, back covers on the lowest of those to be used.
Counter display
Other display Possible cause Corrective Action
Number of count or Err
CHECK lamp and the relevant station lamp light green
Station lamp lights red. JAM lamp and the relevant station lamp light flashes red.
EJECT lamp lights/flashes red.
They light when checking is completed.
Use the machine as they are.
Paper remains in the paper feed photo sensor.
Remove the paper shielding the photo sensor.
Paper remains in the paper stacking photo and full stacking photo sensor.
Remove the paper shielding the photo sensor.
DOOR lamp lights red/flashes red.
ERROR(L) lamp lights red/flashed red.
ERROR(R) lamp lights red/flashed red.
Back door is open. Close the back door.
Trouble is occurring at the left side optional equipment.
Trouble is occurring at the equipment connected at the right side.
Remove the trouble at the left side equipment.
Remove the trouble at the right side equipment.
Counter display
Other display Possible cause
EJECT lamp flashes red.
Station lamp only flashes red when checking is conducted.
DOUBLE FEED and the relevant station lamp flash red.
NO PAPER lamp and the relevant station lamp light.
Paper ejection jam has occurred. Remove the jammed paper.
Paper feed photo sensor of luminescence intensity is not fit for the paper used.
Double feed has occurred.
Repeat checking several times.
Then, the luminescence intensity will be adjusted to be fit for the paper.
Remove the ejected paper and continue collation.
Empty feed has occurred.
If double feed or empty feed still frequently occurs, refer to
NO PAPER lamp and the relevant station lamp light green.
Paper to be fed has run out. Load paper on station.
EJECT lamp flashes red.
Stacking table is full.
Luminescence intensity cannot be set since the paper not specified in the specifications is used.
While optional stapler-puncher is
Remove the paper in stacking table and continue collation.
Stored values are deleted, however, the machine can be used as it is.
If it occurs frequently, it will be necessary to replace the operation circuit board. occurs.
Make sure that connectors of connecting cable are engaged.
Restart collation after canceling the double feed detecting function.
(Refer to page 23.)
STAPLE is not selected.
After selecting PUNCH or
STAPLE, start feeding paper.
Stations lamps flashes red like flowing up and down.
CRISSCROSS lamp flashed.
Table lifting motor is locked.
Crisscross motor is locked.
Corrective Action
Refer to “Troubleshooting”.
y Paper feed photo sensor
Stations 1 through 6 y Paper feed photo sensor
Stations 1 through 6 y Paper ejection photo sensor y Full stacking photo sensor y Table lifting y Crisscross starting point y Back door y Left side connector
(25P) y Right side connector
(15P) y Paper feed clutch
Stations 1 through 10 y Lifting motor y Crisscross motor y Speed control circuit board
11 y Paper switch y For writing in
ROM y Encoder photo sensor y Transformer
5.2 Speed control circuit board
Operation circuit board
Main motor
Speed control circuit board
Terminal block
7.1 Operation board
7.2 Speed control circuit board
Flat head screwdriver Separator
・ Replacement of paper feed rubber rollers
Remove the paper feed tables. While holding the paper feed shaft, push it into the left, then pull it toward you. If the paper feed rollers are dislocated, correct their positions; the center rubber roller should be located at the center of the separator.
When the paper feed rubber rollers are replaced, mount them on the paper feed rollers holders so that the white dot of the rubber rollers is on the right-hand side. In addition, after mounting the paper feed rollers on their holders, roll them on a flat surface such as a desktop to make sure they are mounted horizontally. If mounted askew, problems like paper feed failure or double feed may occur.
・ Replacement of separators
After removing the paper feed shaft, remove only the rubber portion of the separator by stripping it off with a flat head screwdriver or the like.
10.1 How to set test mode
Test mode is aimed at checking various machine functions individually.
(1) Turn the power on while pressing the RESET and CHECK keys simultaneously.
(2) The counter displays [ C– ] and the test mode is set.
10.2 Test mode functions
While the test mode is on, the following six modes can be selected by pressing the MODE key.
This manual explains only where checking can be made concerning the collator machine body.
Mode Content Remarks
C Checking the collator machine body
L Checking the function of the left side connector r Checking the function of the right side connector
P Checking the stapler-puncher Cannot be used when stapler-puncher is not connected.
S Test sequence mode
T Durability operation mode
Do not use this mode.
Do not use this mode
10.3 Checking the operation
Key operation
Changeover between high and low speeds
SPEED lamp lights /lights out
The counter displays revolution values.
Transfer to the photo sensor check mode
Refer to “System Constant” on pages 20-21.
All LEDs light.
Raising or lowering of paper feed table
All LEDs light.
– mark on.
Third digit of the counter moves up and down.
Paper feed clutch operation
Main motor rotation
Checking the left side connector –
No change in display
10.4 Check on sensor function
Display Function
Station 1 to 10
(Green lamp)
Status of paper switch at each station
The lamp of the station where paper is loaded lights.
Station 1 to 10
(Red lamp)
DOOR lamp
EJECT lamp
Status of paper feed photo sensor at each station
State of the back door
Status of paper ejection photo sensor
Status of paper ejection direction
The lamp of the station where paper jam occurs lights.
It lights when the back door is open.
It lights when paper ejection photo-sensor is shut.
It lights when the ejection direction is set to the left.
ERROR (L) lamp
ERROR (R) lamp
1000 LED
Status of the left side equipment
Status of the right side collator
Display of the current mode
It lights when there is an error in the left side equipment.
It lights when there is an error in the right side equipment.
It shows "–" when it is at the upper limit.
100 LED Status of the paper feed table
MODE lamp
SPEED lamp
Status of full stacking
Display of collation speed
Status of crisscross starting point switch
It shows "_" when it is at the lower limit.
It shows "–" while it is halfway.
It lights when paper is fully stacked.
It lights when high-speed collation is set.
It lights when the switch is set at crisscross starting point.
10.5 Photo sensor check mode
While the photo sensor check mode is set, the status of the paper feed photo-sensor can be checked in details with the data displayed on the counter.
・ Counter display
Counter Display
Number in the fourth digit
Number of station
1 – 9: Paper feed photo for Stations 1 to 9
A: Paper feed photo for Station 10
b: Full stacking photo
Number in the third digit
Number in the second and first digits
Photo-sensor light intensity
Photo-sensor output value
(Weak)1 – 9, A, b, C, d, E, F (strong)
(Shading) 00 – FF (Penetration)
It will not display while full stacking photo status is checked.
・ Key operation
Key Function
Increase the number of station by one
Reduce the number of station by one
Increase light intensity by one
Reduce light intensity by one
Return to the CHECK mode of the main functions.
System constants are aimed at allowing users to adjust the values required for operating the collator by themselves. While, taking advantage of them, users may optimize the machine operation according to the environment in which it is used, erroneous setting will cause the machine to malfunction.
Closest care should be taken when system constants are changed.
11.1 Facts about system constants
(1) In order to move to system constants setting mode,
1) Start based on the normal mode
2) Keep pressing [0] key for three seconds
Then, the counter displays [P x] (x represents the current set value)
3) y Press the MODE key to move to next item. y Press the RESET key to move back to the previous item y Press the CHECK key to make a tentative setting
(The set value will return to the initial value when the power supply is cut off). y Press the START key to memorize the set value
(The altered value will be stored even if the power supply is cut off).
(2) List of system constants
Adjustment of paper feed photo luminescence intensity 1
(All station adjustment)
A Double feed detection ON/OFF
L Waiting time after paper is fed n
Waiting time for response of paper ejection b
Adjustment of paper feed photo luminescence intensity 2
(Each station adjustment)
Right side ejection SOL ON time d SOL ON Interval 1
E SOL ON Interval 2
F Left side ejection SOL On time
G SOL ON Interval 1
H SOL ON Interval 2
Paper feed time lag 1 when two collators are connected
U Time lag 2 o
Paper feed photo light-receipt sensitivity r Initial value of photo check time
L 3.0
*1 n 5.0
C448 d180
U120 o 11 r358
Paper feed photo luminescence intensity can be set at 15 levels as:
(Weak) 1 through 9, A, b, c, d, E, F (Strong)
Adjustment applicable to all stations 1 through 10.
Changeover ON/OFF of double feed detection
Setting of waiting time until next paper feed when post-processing equipment is connected.
Setting of waiting time for response of paper ejection confirmation signal at collator side when post-processing equipment is connected.
Paper feed photo luminescence intensity can be set at 15 levels.
It can be set at each station separately.
Display of power frequency.
(In case 60 Hz is used, a decimal point lights on the third digit)
Time in which paper feed roller is rotating for feeding paper (when paper is ejected to right side).
Interval until the clutch placed at lower level starts to move
(when paper is ejected to right side).
Not used
Time in which paper feed roller is rotating for feeding paper
(when paper is ejected to left side).
Interval until the clutch placed at lower level starts to move
(when paper is ejected to left side).
Not used
Interval until the right tower starts paper feed and the left tower does the same when two collators are collated.
Not used
No alteration allowed
No alteration allowed
SL Set value for low speed
Left side ejection when there is no cable connected with the post-processing equipment
SL20 No alteration allowed
J000 J000 ⇒ Ejection allowed
Y Error logic y000 (Refer to the relevant page)
*1: Four system constants as L, n, G, H vary according to the type of post-processing equipment.
System constant
Post-processing equipment
None SP-21 Stacker
L n
L 3.0 n 5.0
L 0.0 n 3.0
L 0.7 n 3.0
11.2 Adjustment of the paper feed photo luminescence intensity
Adjustment will be required if the followings occur when the CHECK key is pressed to feed paper.
(A) The station lamp flashes red (due to excess or lack of luminescence intensity)
(B) The EMPTY FEED lamp lights though the paper is fed.
In case of (A),
Remove the error display and press the CHECK key again. Then, the collator will automatically adjust the luminescence intensity. This check operation may be repeated several times according to the luminescence intensity and the type of paper to be used.
In case the red lamp flashes every time, it is recommended to reset the luminescence intensity. In such case, the following procedures should be taken.
1) Repeat checking procedures until error does not occur (luminescence intensity)
2) Press 0 key for three seconds to set the system constants setting mode. ([P x] will be displayed)
3) Press the START key to memorize the amended value of luminescence intensity.
In case of (B),
In case luminescence intensity is too strong against the paper thickness, it may occur that the light penetrates the paper, resulting in empty feed error. In this case, luminescence intensity must be reduced manually. The following procedures should be taken.
1) Press [0] key for three seconds to set the system constants setting mode ( [P x] will be displayed)
2) Lower the value of luminescence intensity on display.
Press the [4] key to increase the value by one.
Press the [0] key to reduce the value by one.
*1: The appropriate value of luminescence intensity is 3 to 4 (in case 64kg/m 2 paper is used). Use this value for standard. Take care as the value varies according to the sensitivity of paper feed photo, quality of paper used, and printing condition.
*2: The value of luminescence intensity indicated herein is that for Station 1. The right value for
Station 1 may not always be appropriate for other stations. If the value of P is altered, the same value will be set at all other stations.
3) Press the START key to memorize the amended value of luminescence intensity.
Press the CHECK key for temporary setting (The set value will return to the initial value when the power supply is cut off).
Press the START key to memorize the set value (The altered value will be stored even if the power supply is cut off.
11.3 Releasing double feed detecting function
In case double feed cannot be detected since paper used is too thick (Err3), collation can be continued by canceling double feed detection function.
(1) Press [0] key for three seconds ( [ P x ] will be displayed).
(2) Press the [MODE] key to display [A xxx] ( xxx represents the current set value).
(3) Press the [1] key to display “0” in the third digital figure.
(4) Press the CHECK key or START key to reflect the change.
Press the CHECK key for temporary setting
(The set value will return to the initial value when the power supply is cut off).
Press the START key to memorize the set value
(The altered value will be stored even if the power supply is cut off).
11.4 Initializing the system constant (return to factory-set value)
In case the machine work becomes unstable after the system constants are altered for adjustment, the system constant can be returned to the factory-set values.
(1) Turn off the power of the collator.
(2) While pressing the CLEAR key, turn on the power.
With this initializing procedures, all set values including those for Insert and Chit modes are deleted and returned to the factory-set values.
Necessary data should be jotted down before deletion and used for re-setting.
11.5 Supplementary explanation of system constants by purpose
1. The station lamp blinks in red at check (System constant P).................................... 25
2. Canceling double feed detection (System constant A)............................................. 26
3. Changing the paper feed wait time at connection of an option
(System constant L) of collator ................................................................................ 26
4. A left error occurs though a normal process has been performed when using a large-capacity stacker or Foldnak. (System constant n) .................... 26
5. Changing the paper feed interval between stations at connection with after processing machine (System constant G)......................................................... 27
6. Adjusting the paper feed timing between the left and right towers at 2-tower connection (System constant S) .............................................................. 29
7. Ejecting paper to the left side without an external connector
(System constant J)................................................................................................... 30
8. Changing the error output method (System constant y-1) ........................................ 30
9. Changing the error input method (System constant y-2) .......................................... 31
10. Changing the paper ejection response method (System constant y-3)...................... 31
Explanation of System Constant Setting by Symptom and Purpose
1. The station lamp blinks in red at check (System constant P)
Double feed detection cannot be performed at check. Accordingly, the lamp blinks in red at check when the sensitivity of the paper feed photo sensor does not match the applied paper.
The red lamp blinking condition is classified into 2 cases by paper quality and sensor sensitivity.
1. The sensor sensitivity is weak for paper thickness
In this case, the station lamp blinks more slowly than blinking counter [Err].
(1) Clear the error and make a check again. With this, the collator adjusts the sensitivity automatically.
(2) Set the system constant P value to a stronger value so that this value may be proper.
The above 2 countermeasures are available.
2. The sensor sensitivity is stronger for paper thickness.
In this case, the station lamp repeats 3-time blinking. (This is slightly faster than blinking counter
(1) Clear the error and make a check again. With this, the collator adjusts the sensitivity automatically.
(2) Set the system constant P value to a weaker value so that this value may be proper.
The above 2 countermeasures are available.
When the sensor sensitivity is too strong for paper thickness, the presence of paper may not be detected. In this case, the only countermeasure to be taken is to manually set the system constant P value to a weak value.
The system constant P adjusts the sensor sensitivity by operating the output of the luminous side of the paper feed photo sensor. For the system constant P, 15 different values can be set as below.
1 , 2 . 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , A , b , c , d , E , F
(Weak Strong)
Operation Remarks
1000 digit
1 digit
P -
Current luminous intensity Increment by 1 with the “4” key.
Decrement by 1 with the “0” key.
2. Canceling double feed detection (System constant A)
There is a rare possibility that the sensitivity of the paper feed photo sensor may not be fitted to paper by adjusting the paper feed photo sensor with the system constant P. At this time, cancel double feed detection to attain a paper feed as a temporary measure.
Double feed detection can be canceled by setting the system constant A.
Operation Remarks
1000 digit
100 digit
All-station double feed detection ON/OFF
Switch with the “1” key. “1”: Double feed detection ON
“0”: Double feed detection OFF
10 digit Individual station indication
Increment the station by 1 with the “2” key
Decrement the station by 1 with the “8” key
1 digit Individual-station double Switch with the “3” key. “-“ is indicated at whole double feed detection OFF. feed detection ON/OFF
3. Changing the paper feed wait time at connection of an option (System constant L)
When a post-process machine such as a booklet maker is connected, the paper feed cycle of collator may be made shorter or longer in some cases. In these cases, the time from the passage of paper through the paper feed photo sensor at the end till the execution of the next paper feed (*1) at collator side can be adjusted in the range of 0 to 60 seconds by operating the system constant L.
*1: In case of paper ejection to the booklet maker (in case of connection with KAS or Plockmatic booklet maker) without control, the electric signal is not communicated between the collator and the booklet maker. Therefore, the paper feed waiting time (L value) is directly reflected. On the other hand, in case of paper ejection to the booklet maker with electric signal Communication (in case of Foldnak booklet maker), the time after a paper eject response signal output from Foldnak until the next paper feeding starts is set as the paper feed waiting time (L value).
Operation Remarks
1000 digit L -
100 digit
10 digit Paper feed wait time Ten-key Ten-key
1 digit
4. A left error occurs though a normal process has been performed when using a large-capacity stacker or Foldnak. (System constant n)
In a machine such as a large-capacity stacker and Foldnak that returns a paper ejection response to the collator, a left (option device) error may be caused to the collator though the paper process has been normally performed.
In such a case, the occurrence of an error may be suppressed by adjusting the system constant n.
Operation Remarks
1000 digit
100 digit
10 digit
1 digit n
Paper ejection response wait time
When the system constant L to adjust the paper feed interval is set to a large value, the wait time for the next paper feed (system constant L) may exceed the paper ejection response wait time (system constant n). In such a case, a left error will occur though the paper process has been normally performed. Set the system constant n value to “System constant L + 1.0” or more.
The system constant n varies depending on the connected device.
• Basic value: [n 5.0].
• When a stapler-puncher or large-capacity stacker is connected: [n 3.0]
5. Changing the paper interval between stations at connection with after processing machine
(System constant G)
When the booklet maker is connected, the interval of paper feed timing with the next station can be changed.
In some case, it may be necessary to determine which should first come out, the paper from the top station or the paper from the bottom station. In this case, it may be attained by operating the system constant G.
1 Aligning the paper ends
When the system constant G is set to 180 for the 60 Hz regions, paper will come out with the paper ends almost aligned.
2. Causing the upper-station paper to first come out (*)
When the system constant G is set to a larger value than 180, the upper-station paper will first come out. To feed paper to an after processing machine such as booklet maker in which a transfer roller/belt is placed under the paper, use the above setting.
* Note: For the right paper ejection, the same setting can be performed by the d value. The paper stacked on the first-station shelf comes out first but is ejected to the bottom of an ejected collation set on crisscross stacker.
3. Causing the lower-station paper to first come out (*)
When the system constant G is set to a smaller value than 180, the lower-station paper will first come out. For such an after processing machine in which paper alignment is performed by paper jumping as a large-capacity stacker or a jogger, use this setting.
However, note that when the system constant G is set to 0, a paper feed cannot be normally performed.
* Note: For the right paper ejection, the same setting can be performed by the d value. The paper stacked on the bottom-station shelf comes out first but is ejected to the bottom of a collated set on crisscross stacker.
Operation Remarks
1000 digit
100 digit
10 digit
1 digit
Paper feed interval for right paper ejection
Note: How much does the ejected sheet-to-sheet distance shift if the system constant G is incremented or decremented by 1?
The space of the paper feed table of the collator is a distance of 3.1
" for each station. Aligning paper ends delays a paper feed by 3.1
" each for each station.
From calculation with the G value (160/180) at a paper feed with the paper ends aligned, the following shift amount is caused by incrementing or decrementing the system constant G by 1.
For the 60 Hz region: 3.1
" 180 = 0.02
However, the ejected sheet-to-sheet distance varies greatly depending on the paper feed condition.
• Wear of the paper feed roller/separator
Feed paper slip amount
Feed paper collapse amount
Due to the above factors, the ejected sheet-to-sheet distance may be different from what is calculated. Make an adjustment referring to this numeric value.
6. Adjusting the paper feed timing between the left and right towers at 2-tower connection (System constant S)
When 2 collators are connected, it may be necessary to adjust the paper feed timing of the right tower and the left tower. After adjusting the ejected sheet-to-sheet distance of each station of each tower (refer to the system constant G), adjust the system constant S. With this, the paper feed timing can be adjusted between the left and right towers. Operating only by the left tower is enabled.
1. Align the paper heads of a collated set from each tower
Set the system constant S value to 170 to align the paper heads from the left and right towers.
2. Causing the paper of the left tower to first come out
Set the system constant S value to a small value to cause the paper of the left tower to come out earlier than the right tower.
3. Causing the paper of the left tower to later come out
Set the system constant S value to a large value to cause the paper of the left tower to come out later than the right tower.
Operation Remarks
1000 digit S -
100 digit
10 digit
Paper feed timing of the left tower at 2-tower connection
1 digit
Note: How much does the feed timing of one collated set from the left tower shift if the system constant S is shifted by 1?
A ten-fold value of the reference value of the system constant G is used for the system constant S value. Accordingly, when the numeric value is shifted by 1, the following shift is caused.
For the 60 Hz region: 0.02
Regarding this value, an error will be caused depending on the paper feed condition like the system constant G.
× 10 = 0.2
However, the shift amount of paper feed-out timing changes greatly depending on the paper feed condition. y Wear of the paper feed roller/separator y Feed paper slip amount y Feed paper collapse amount y Transfer speed difference between the left and right towers y Slip at seizure of the connected transfer section
Due to the above factors, the shift amount may be different from what is calculated. Make an adjustment referring to this numeric value.
7. Ejecting paper to the left side without an external connector (System constant J)
If the paper ejection side is switched over to the left side in the status where a connecting cable for the post-process machine is not connected, the collator does not eject paper. The above specification is intended to prevent a misoperation. However, operating the system constant J permits ejecting paper to the left side without an external connector.
Operation Remarks
1000 digit
10 digit
Paper ejection to the left enabled/disabled without connector
“3” key
“1”: Paper ejection to the left is enabled.
“0”: Paper ejection to the left is disabled.
8. Changing the error output method (System constant y-1)
The collator changes the error output of the left connector at occurrence of an error. In some cases, however, it may be necessary to reverse this ON/OFF operation depending on the device including the booklet maker.
Operating the system constant y permits reversing the ON/OFF operation of error output.
Operation Remarks
1000 digit
100 digit
10 digit
1 digit y
Paper ejection response input method
Error input method
Error output method
“2” key
“3” key
“4” key “1”: OPEN at occurrence of an error
“0”: 0 V at occurrence of an error
Note: The error output of the collator is a transistor output.
Transistor operation
Voltage output
0 V
No flow
A current of up to 50 mA can be caused to flow.
A voltage of up to 30 V can be applied.
9. Changing the error input method (System constant y-2)
When various after processing machines including a booklet maker are connected, there is the case that it may be necessary to reverse the error input method of the collator side depending on the after processing machine because the error output operation is fixed. Operating the system constant y permits reversing the error input method of the collator.
Operation Remarks
1000 digit
100 digit
10 digit
1 digit y
Paper ejection response input method
Error input method
Error output method
“2” key
“3” key
“4” key “1”: Error at 5 V
“0”: Error at 0 V
Note: The error input of the collator is pulled up to 5 V. Accordingly, when no device is connected, 5 V is input.
10. Changing the paper ejection response method (System constant y-3)
When the after processing machine is connected, there is the case that it may be necessary to reverse the paper ejection response input method of the collator side depending on the after processing machine because the paper ejection output operation is fixed. Operating the system constant y permits reversing the paper ejection response input method of the collator.
Operation Remarks
1000 digit
100 digit
10 digit
1 digit y
Paper ejection response input method
Error input method
Error output method
“2” key
“3” key
“4” key
“1: Ready at 5 V
“0”: Ready at 0 V
Note: The paper ejection response input of the collator is pulled up to 5 V. Accordingly, when no device is connected, 5 V is input.
11.6 System constant table when a post-process machine is connected (1/2)
System constant
L n
Paper feed photo sensor luminous intensity
(All stations)
Double feed detection
Wait time after paper is fed
Wait time for response of paper ejection value
P 3or4
A 111
L 3.0 n
L 2.0
L 1.0
L .0
PL-61 ST-31
L 2.0 L 0.5
Effect of system constant
Increasing the
Reducing the value value
Working with thin paper b
Paper feed photo sensor luminous intensity
(All stations)
Paper feed clutch ON time (Right paper ejection)
G Paper feed clutch ON interval
(Left paper ejection)
G 180
* Shortening the paper feed clutch ON time d Paper feed clutch ON
Interval d 180 * * * * * *
(Right paper ejection)
E Unused E * * * * * *
Shortening the paper feed clutch ON interval
F Paper feed clutch ON time (Left paper ejection)
F 448 * * * * * * Shortening the paper feed clutch ON time
* Shortening the paper feed clutch ON interval
Working with thick paper
Double feed detection OFF at “0”
Shortening the paper feed interval
Shortening the paper ejection response wait time
Double feed detection ON at
Elongating the paper feed interval
Elongating the paper ejection response wait time thick paper
Elongating the paper feed clutch
ON time
Elongating the paper feed clutch
ON interval
Elongating the paper feed clutch
ON time
Elongating the paper feed clutch
ON interval
11.6 System constant table when a post-process machine is connected (2/2)
interval feed S 170 * * * * * * Making left-tower paper feed faster at 2-unit connection
U Unused o Paper photo sensor light receiving sensitivity
–– o Lowering sensitivity at “0” r Initial value of paper feed photo sensor
SH check time
SL r 420 * * * * * * Shortening the paper feed photo sensor check time at check
Unused –– ejection J 000 * * * * * * Disabling left paper ejection without connector without connector at J000 y Error output logic y 000 * * * * * * ––
Making left-tower paper feed slower at 2-unit connection
Raising the paper feed sensitivity at “1”
Elongating the paper feed photo sensor check time at check
Enabling left paper ejection without connector at J010
Do not change the set point marked *.
@ 1: The set point is automatically changed.
12.1 The power is not supplied.
Power plug is disengaged.
Circuit breaker is tripped.
Checking of outside conditions
Rated voltage cannot be obtained at the outlet.
Insert the plug in the outlet.
Remove the cause and reset the breaker.
Use another outlet.
Remove the cover on the anti-operator’s side.
Connectors are disengaged.
・ Inlet
・ Noise filter
・ Power switch
・ Circuit breaker
・ Terminal board
・ Trans harness
Investigate the post processing equipment.
Engage the connector.
Rated voltage cannot be detected at the terminal board. Check the harness around the power supply.
Connector is disengaged. Engage the connector.
At the operation circuit board CN-10,
AC20V between pins 1 an3
AC7V between pins 4 and 5
AC7V between pins 5 and 6 cannot be detected.
The power transformer is faulty.
Remove the cover on the operator side.
The situation remains the same after all connectors except one at the operation circuit board CN-10 are removed.
The operation circuit board is faulty.
Check which connector is it to disable the machine from starting up when it is removed.
Replace the relevant harness assembly.
12.2 Paper is not fed though the CHECK key is pressed (Main motor does not rotate).
Counter displays
[Err ].
Counter displays
Back door is open. (The DOOR lamp flashes) Close the back door.
Paper is fully stacked.
(The EJECT lamp flashes)
Paper jam at paper feed section.
(Jam lamp and station lamp flash red)
Crisscross motor is locked.
(The CRISSCROSS lamp flashes).
Lifting motor is locked. (Station lamps flash red like flowing up and down)
Remove the stacked paper.
Removed the jammed paper.
Refer to “12.9 Crisscross does not work.”
Refer to “12.6 Paper feed table does not rise”.
Refer to “12.7 Main motor does not rotate”.
12.3 Paper is not fed though the CHECK key is pressed (Main motor rotates).
Check the working status while setting the TEST mode.
Remove the cover on the operator side and check the working status while the
TEST mode is set.
The station lamp lights green when the paper feed table is raised with no paper loaded.
The paper feed clutch does not work when the
START key is pressed.
Adjust the paper switch.
Refer to “12.8 Paper feed clutch does not work”.
The counter continues to display [0] when the
[8] key is pressed to rotate the main motor.
The encoder photo sensor is stained or faulty.
The station lamp lights out when the paper switch is directly pressed while the paper feed table is kept at a lower position.
The paper switch is out of order.
The voltage between pins 1 and 3 of CN-10 is below AC15V.
The operation circuit board is faulty.
The power transformer is faulty.
12.4 Paper is not fed though the START key is pressed.
Buzzer sounds “pip-pip” when the START key is pressed (CHECK lamp is not lit).
Continue checking.
Main motor does not rotate.
Refer to “12.2 Paper is not fed though the CHECK key is pressed
(Main motor does not rotate).
Refer to “12.3 Paper is not fed though the
CHECK key is pressed. (Main motor rotates).
12.5 Processing speed does not reduce while the low speed is selected.
Check while the normal collation mode is set.
Check while the
TEST mode is set.
The number of stations used is small.
System constant SL is too large.
Factory-set value is
60 Hz based machine SL20
The counter displays
60 Hz based machine: 1,000 or less when [8] key is pressed while the low speed is selected.
Speed control circuit board is faulty.
When only a few stations are used and paper is loaded from the lower station, the processing speed becomes faster.
Return the system constant to the factory-set value.
It is recommended to initialize the system constant since what has been altered is unknown.
The encoder is stained or faulty.
The shutter plate is stained.
* The encoder may be out of order down when the counter display [0].
12.6 Paper feed table does not rise.
Check while the TEST mode is set.
Paper feed table works while the CHECK key is set.
Remove the cover on the operator side and check the status while setting the TEST mode.
AC20V cannot be detected between pins 1 and 2 of the operation circuit board CN-10.
DC24V cannot be detected between pins 1 and 2 of the operation circuit board CN-12 when the CHECK key is pressed.
Remove the cover on the anti-operator side and check the status while setting the TEST mode.
DC24V cannot be detected between both ends of lifting motor when the CHECK key is pressed.
Elevation motor is out of order.
12.7 Main motor does not rotate.
Check the back door, paper ejection, paper stacking full or paper feed photo sensor.
The transformer is faulty.
The operation circuit board is faulty.
Check the harness.
Remove the cover on the operator side and check the status while setting the TEST mode.
DC5V cannot be detected between pins 7 and
8 of the operation circuit board CN-12 when the RESET key is pressed to rotate the motor.
The operation circuit board is defective.
Remove the cover on the anti-operator side and check the working status while setting the TEST mode.
Motor can be rotated by hand when the
RESET key is pressed to rotate the motor.
Poor connection of the motor condenser.
Remove the front leg rubber base and check while the TEST mode is set.
DC5V cannot be detected between pins 2 and
3 of speed control circuit board CN-1 when the RESET key is pressed to rotate the motor.
Rate voltage cannot be detected between pins
4 and 8 of speed control circuit board CN-3 when the RESET key is pressed to rotate the motor.
Speed control circuit board is defective.
Check the motor harness.
Check the harness of the transformer.
12.8 Paper feed roller does not rotate.
Check external conditions.
Check the status while the TEST mode is set.
Remove the cover on the operator side and check the working status while the TEST mode is set.
Remove the cover on the anti-operator side and check the status while setting the TEST mode.
Paper feed shaft assembly is not set firmly at the main body.
Paper feed clutch works when the
START key is pressed.
AC20V cannot be detected between pins
1 and 3 at the operation circuit board
DC24V cannot be detected at the operation circuit board CN-13 when the
START key is pressed.
Paper feed clutch emits working sound when the START key is pressed.
DC24V cannot be detected at the connector of the paper feed clutch.
Paper feed clutch does not work even if it is replaced with one for the station where operation is normal.
The paper feed clutch is out of order
(Resistance value of normal product is about 140 Ω ).
Set the paper feed shaft assembly properly.
Refer to “12.3 Paper is not fed though the
CHECK key is pressed.
The transformer is faulty.
The operation circuit board is faulty.
The screws fixing the clutch and shaft are loosened.
Check the paper feed clutch harness.
* In case the clutch does not work at all stations, it may be due a different cause.
The operation circuit board is faulty.
12.9 Crisscross does not work.
Check external conditions
Remove the cover on the operator side and check the working status while setting the TEST mode.
CRISSCROSS lamp is not lit.
It works if stacking table is removed.
AC20V cannot be detected between pins
1 and 3 of the operation circuit board
Set the crisscross mode ON.
Set the stacking table properly.
The transformer is faulty.
Motor emits sound when the
CRISSCROSS key is pressed.
Loosening of mechanical part.
DC24V cannot be detected between pins
3 and 4 of the operation circuit board
CN-12 while the CRISSCROSS key is d
DC24V cannot be detected between pins
1 and 2 of the crisscross relay connector while the CRISSCROSS key is pressed.
The operation circuit board is faulty.
Check the motor harness.
Resistance value of crisscross motor is between 50 and 150 Ω .
Crisscross motor is out of order.
The operation circuit board is faulty.
12.10 EJECT lamp remains lit.
Check exterior conditions
Check the status while the TEST mode is set.
Stacking table is full.
It lights out if the stacking table is removed.
The machine is exposed to direct sunlight.
EJECT lamp lights while the TEST mode is set.
The value of photo check mode b is 0 or less.
Remove the paper.
The stacking table is not properly set.
Check if the machine is installed on a level floor.
Place the machine at a different place.
Take an appropriate measure to shield it against the direct sunlight.
Clean the paper stacking (ejection) sensor.
The paper stacking (ejection) sensor is defective.
Clean the full stacking sensor.
Full stacking sensor is defective.
12.11 Station lamp lights red.
Check exterior conditions
Slip of paper, etc. is caught in the paper feed photo.
Photo-sensor is stained with paper dust.
Voltage between pins 3 and 4 of 4P connector on the side plate is between pins 1 and 2V.
Remove the face cover on the operator side and check the status while the
TEST mode is set.
Voltage between pins 3 and 4 of 4P connector on the side plate is 4V or more.
When 4P connector on the side plate is removed, voltage between pins 1 and 2 of the harness on I/O circuit board is 4V or less.
I/O circuit board is defective.
12.12 DOOR lamp remains lit.
Remove the paper.
Clean the paper feed photo.
Check the paper feed sensor harness.
Check the paper feed photo harness.
The sensor is out of order.
Check the paper feed photo harness.
The sensor is out of order.
Check the paper feed photo harness.
Check exterior conditions
Back door is open.
Remove the face cover on the operator side.
When door switch connector is removed, voltage between terminals on the operation circuit board is DC4V or less.
There is no continuity between COM and NO of the door switch.
12.13 Empty feed occurs while paper is fed.
Close the back door.
Check the motor harness.
The door switch is out of order.
Empty feed occurs while paper is fed.
Weaken the luminescence intensity of the paper feed photo.
Refer to “11.2 Adjustment of the paper feed photo luminescence intensity.
12.14 Station lamp flashes red while checking.
Paper feed photo luminescence intensity is not fit for the paper.
Cancel the double feed detecting function and refer to “11.3 Releasing the double feed detecting function”
After releasing the error, repeat checking several times.
12.15 Double feed frequently occurs.
Sheets are not neatly set on the paper feed table.
Printed sheets stick to each other.
Ink on the paper is not sufficiently dried.
Too many sheets are loaded.
Paper not specified in the specifications is used.
Separator rubber is stained.
Separator rubber is worn.
Paper feed pressure is strong.
Separator pressure is weak.
12.16 Empty feed frequently occurs.
Arrange the sheets neatly.
Reset them after loosening.
Use the paper after it is sufficiently dried.
Reduce the quantity of paper loaded.
Use paper specified in the specifications.
Clean the separator rubber using alcoholic or detergent.
Replace the separator rubber.
Weaken the paper feed pressure.
Strengthen the separator pressure.
Sheets are not neatly set on the paper feed table.
Edge of paper is curled.
Paper not specified in the specifications is used.
Arrange the sheets neatly.
Correct the curl.
Turn the paper upside down (Take that as the order of stacking also becomes reverse).
Use paper specified in the specifications.
Paper feed roller is stained.
Paper feed roller is worn.
Paper feed pressure is weak.
Separator pressure is strong.
Clean the paper feed roller using alcoholic or detergent.
Replace the paper feed roller with a new one.
Strengthen the paper feed pressure.
Weaken the separator pressure.
12.17 Empty feed or jam frequently occurs.
Sheets are not neatly set on the paper feed table.
Printing on the paper is not sufficiently dried.
Paper not specified in the specifications is used.
Edge of paper is curled.
Paper feed roller is deviated from the correct position.
Paper feed roller has been installed in the reverse direction.
Separator rubber is stained.
Separator rubber is worn.
Paper feed roller is stained.
Paper feed roller is worn.
Arrange the sheets neatly.
Use the paper after the printing is sufficiently dried.
Use paper specified in the specifications.
Correct the curl.
Turn the paper over (Take that as the order of stacking also becomes reverse).
Install the paper feed roller in the correct position in a straight line.
Reset the paper feed roller so that its white dot will be on its right side.
Clean the separator rubber using alcoholic or detergent.
Replace the separator rubber.
Clean the paper feed rubber using alcoholic or detergent.
Replace the paper feed roller.
12.18 Paper is fed aslant.
Sheets are not neatly set on the paper feed table.
Edge of paper is curled.
There is an opening between the paper and paper feed guide.
Paper feed roller is deviated from the correct position.
Align the sheets neatly.
Correct the curl.
Turn the paper over (Take that as the order of stacking also becomes reverse).
Fit the paper feed guide to the paper closely.
Install the paper feed roller in the correct position in a straight line.
12.19 DOUBLE FEED lamp lights though a single sheet is fed.
Try to check again.
Differently printed sheets are mixed in a certain station.
Sheets printed by different machines are mixed in a certain station.
Paper not specified in the specifications is used.
Refer to “11.3 Releasing the double feed detecting function” and release the double feed detecting function.
12.20 Paper jam frequently occurs.
Use the sheets of same quality in the same one station.
Set the same printed sheet based on the same color density.
Use paper specified in the specifications.
Guides and pole of the stacking table are not set to fit the paper size.
Sheets are not neatly set on the paper feed table.
Edge of paper is curled.
Paper not specified in the specifications is used.
Paper has electrostatic charge.
Set the guides, etc. (5 locations) to fit the paper size.
Align the paper and set the paper feed guide closely.
Correct the curl.
Turn the paper over (Take that as the order of stacking also becomes reverse).
Use paper specified in the specifications.
Eliminate the electrostatic charge by wiping off the four corners of paper with tightly wrung cloth.
12.21 Stacked paper is not neatly aligned.
Checking of external conditions
Guides and pole of the stacking table are not set to fit the paper size.
Stacking wire is not installed.
Sheets are not neatly set on the paper feed table.
Edge of paper is curled. used.
Paper not specified in the specifications is
Paper has electrostatic charge.
Set the guides, etc. (5 locations) to fit the paper size.
Install the stacking wire.
Align the paper and set the paper feed guide closely.
Correct the curl.
Turn the paper over (Take that as the order of stacking also becomes reverse).
Use paper specified in the specifications.
Eliminate the electrostatic charge by wiping off the four corners of paper with tightly wrung cloth.
Remove the cover on the anti-operator sdie and check the status.
Motor pulley for a different frequency is used.
Use the motor pulley fit for the frequency.
013 gear teeth
12.22 Ejected paper edge is curled.
Edge of paper is curled downward.
Paper is not stiff enough.
Paper not specified in the specifications is used.
Correct the curl.
Turn the paper over (Take that as the order of stacking also becomes reverse).
Feed the paper a lower speed.
Use paper specified in the specifications.
12.23 Ejected paper is stained.
Ink on the paper is not sufficiently dried.
Paper feed roller is stained.
Separator rubber is stained.
Dual feed roller and flat belt are stained.
Paper stacking roller is stained.
Use the paper after the ink is sufficiently dried.
Clean the paper feed roller using alcoholic or detergent.
Clean the separator rubber using alcoholic or detergent.
Clean the dual feed roller and flat belt using alcoholic or detergent.
Clean the paper stacking roller using alcoholic or detergent.

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