Acura Embedded ACUBRITE 21-NAV User Manual
AcuBrite 21-NAV User Guide AcuBrite 21-NAV User Guide
ACUBRITE ™ 21-NAV, the high-performance, rugged touch monitor, is specially
Sunlight Readable
Marine Certified Monitor
engineered to survive from the most demanding working environment. Housed in a milled billet aluminum case, the slim-profile ACUBRITE ™ 21-NAV is light weight and watertight. The front-mounted sunlight readable touch screen makes the industrial rugged monitor vividly and user-friendly. In addition, the high power efficiency and low heat design guarantee the stability and longevity required for
User’s Guide
Edition 1.0
mission critical deployment.
Main Features
- 1000 nits Sunlight Readable LCD
- Long Life, Low Power Consumption LED Backlight
- Wide Operating Temperature
- Picture In Picture Function
- Advanced Optical Bonding (AOT)
- High Shock & Vibration Resistance
- Resistive Touch Support
- IP65 Facial Waterproof
- 9-36V DC Input
- Marine
AcuBrite 21-NAV User Guide AcuBrite 21-NAV User Guide
1.Fuse 2. Power Input 3. DVI-1 Input 4.DVI-2 Input 5. VGA-Input
6. VGA-2 Input 7. CVBS-1 Input (Composite Video ) AV Input 8. CVBS-2 Input
9. CVBS-3 Input 10. RS232 Input 11. USB for Touch control ( option )
This monitor is designed to run on marine vehicle’s power systems, with 9~36V DC wide range power input.
You must ground the monitor by connecting the drain wire (shield) of the power input. It is important that an effective radio frequency (RF) ground is connected to the monitor.
Power connections
The power connection to the monitor should be made at either the output of the battery. isolator switch, or at a DC power distribution panel. Acubrite 21-
Nav recommends that power is fed directly to the monitor via its own dedicated cable system and MUST be protected by a thermal circuit breaker or fuse, fitted close to the power connection. If you do not have a thermal circuit breaker or fuse in your power circuit, you MUST fit an in-line breaker or fuse to the positive (red) lead of the power cable.
AcuBrite 21-NAV User Guide AcuBrite 21-NAV User Guide
Control panel
It works as menu item selection use, the “UP”KEY can be used as “RIGHT” KEY and the “DOWN” KEY can be used as “LEFT”KEY.
PIP (1~10) Picture
You can press “RIGHT /LEFT” key to move PIP window position
RIGHT KEY : the PIP window will move horizontally. You may put the PIP window to any desired horizontal position you want.
LEFT KEY : the PIP window will move vertically. You may put the PIP window to any desired vertical position you want.
When press “MENU” KEY, the OSD main menu screen will appear as below:
When you press and hold the “INPUT” KEY, the menu screen will show as
RGB1 → RGB2 → .. → VIDEO3 → VIDEO2 →
If you release the “INPUT” KEY for 5 seconds without any action, the menu selection screen will be closed. And it will remain at the item which you’d selected.
PIP KEY Function
Choose PIP size scaling from 1~10 times and PAP1 (4:3 aspect ratio) or PAP2 (side by side for half full screen).
In general,PAP2 setting is recommended.
If release the “MENU” KEY for 30 seconds without any action, the menu OSD screen will disappear automatically. You can also choose “QUIT” and then press
“MENU” KEY to exit this OSD menu screen.
AcuBrite 21-NAV User Guide AcuBrite 21-NAV User Guide
RGB1 & 2’s setting screen:
DVI 1 & 2’s setting screen:
RGB Setting Item Description:
・ PHASE ――― Horizontal Sampling Phase Adjustment
・ CONTRAST ――― Contrast Adjustment
・ H_POSITION ―― Horizontal Screen Adjustment
・ V_POSITION ―― Vertical Screen Adjustment
・ R_LEVEL ――― Red Color level Adjustment
・ G_LEVEL ――― Green Color level Adjustment
・ B_LEVEL ――― Blue Color level Adjustment
・ TEMPERATURE ――― Color Temperature Adjustment
・ DISP MODE ――― FULL ――― Full Screen
EVEN ――― Half Screen
NORMAL ―― Keep normal aspect ratio
・ AUTO ADJUST ――― Auto adjustment
・ EXIT ――― Quit from current setting
DVI Setting Item Description:
・ CONTRAST ――― Contrast adjustment
・ R_LEVEL ――― Red Color level Adjustment
・ G_LEVEL ――― Green Color level Adjustment
・ B_LEVEL ――― Blue Color level Adjustment
・ TEMPERATURE ――― Color Temperature Adjustment
・ DISP MODE ――― FULL ――― Full Screen
EVEN ――― Half Screen
NORMAL ―― Keep normal aspect ratio
・ EXIT ――― Quit from current setting
For different double screens, both of VGA and DVI ‘ DISP MODE must be EVEN.
AcuBrite 21-NAV User Guide AcuBrite 21-NAV User Guide
PIP Sub-menu setting screen
When you press the “NIGHT MODE” KEY, the dimming will be down to under 0.5 nit directly. And if you press “BRIGHTNESS” KEY or “VR” knob at this moment, it will be no function until you press the “NIGHT MODE” KEY again to release this restriction.
OSD Setting Main Screen:
PIP Setting Item Description:
・ PIP_SIZE ――― Picture in Picture Screen Size Adjustment
・ CONTRAST ――― Contrast Adjustment
・ R_LEVEL ――― Red Color level Adjustment
・ G_LEVEL ――― Green Color level Adjustment
・ B_LEVEL ――― Blue Color level Adjustment
・ EXIT ――― Quit from current setting
When you press the BRIGHTNESS Key, the screen will show the following image
OSD Setting Item Description:
・ H_POSITION ―― Horizontal Screen Adjustment
・ V_POSITION ―― Vertical Screen Adjustment
・ TRANSLUCENT ―― Screen background color can be adjusted as
transparent as you want (total 10 scales)
・ BRIGHTNESS ―― Selection between “BRIGHTNESS” key or “VR”
Button for brightness adjustment
・ SYSTEM RETURN ―― Restore all parameter setting to factory default
・ EXIT ―― Quit from current setting
AcuBrite 21-NAV User Guide AcuBrite 21-NAV User Guide
: ____________________________________
Location: _________________________________
Serial Number: ____________________________
VIN Number: ______________________________
Unit Number: ____________
Date Installed: _____________________________
Who Installed: _____________________________
Contact Number: ___________________________
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Acura Embedded Systems Inc.
Unit #1, 7711-128th Street, Surrey, BC V3W 4E6, CANADA
Ph: (604) 502-9666 Fax: (604) 502-9668
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