Alpine SPR-60 Installation Manual 7 Pages
Alpine SPR-60: Experience superior audio with these powerful, versatile speakers. Equipped to handle up to 100 watts RMS per channel, they deliver crisp, dynamic sound. Featuring a 6-1/2" cone woofer and a 1" ring-dome tweeter, they offer a wide frequency response from 65Hz to 29kHz. These speakers boast a compact mounting depth of 2-3/8", making them ideal for a variety of vehicle installations.
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• Factory/si:ie.. . abwn/st~alth .CONTENTS .CONTENU .Usine/montage vers /montage cache G)-- • Factory/OEM custom fit/stealth .Usine/montage personnalise par Ie fabricant de requipement d'origine/montage cache hi b-as X2 ,, 5 ,, \ ;It"~' '(@' A\. I I I '" I ~ ,: I I I ~¥+----- X8 .EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS I ~ \ \ \ I ~~Cv I @ ,, ~...aJ ---j I • Factory/stealth • Usine/montage cache \ I , .DIMENSIONS EXTERNES .INSTALLATION I .INSTALLATION I 12.1MM 7MM (15/32") (9/32") I \ I \ 2 \ \ \~. @' X2 \ 59MM (2-3/8") 19.5MM (3/4") \ (6) M4Xl?mm \ ~ ,, , l' (J) cP4x 30mm ~, X8 , I I I (3 IIIIII~~ ------n~ -~+U- as::;;I~::;;I"" ~ ~~ ::;;1 .... ",>2 ::;;N 6~ "'~ ~e ;:::~ , , X8 SPR-60'' 110.3MM (4-11/32") fJP" MADE IN CHINA FABRIQUE EN CHINE CONC;:U AUX ETATS-UNIS 4-cP4.5MM HOLE (3/16") (E:@ ~~ ~O ~O ~W ~~ ~O ~.Il , (f .- $~i ~ ::it ~o .'. :::IC ~ , ~ 0'1 ::I: }> }> N III .... }> ~ X _ -I m o -< }> III n III -m ";:am < ~ o }> ~-< III ..... N ::E }> m .... , }> .... }> "'0 '"::a 0 en I -X ." ;:a , -I n 0 3 c n VI 0'1 ~ .......• ...... C IV SPR-60 COAXIAl2-WAY SPEAKER SYSTEM 300 Watts Peak 100 Watts RMS Impedance: 4 ohms (DCR 3.3 ohms) Cutout diameter: 5-3/8" (13.6cm) circle Mounting depth: 2-3/8" (59cm) Frequency Response: 65 Hz to 29 kHz ~ c~ 'i4· fl l' SPECIFICATIONS CARACTERISTIQUES eU1\Il1 Type: eUnlt" enceinte: Woofer································· 6-1/2" (16.5cm) Cone Tweeter································ '" (2,5cm) Ring-Dome 300 Walts eMulmum Pe.k Power' eMIldmurn RMS Power······························ 100 Watts WOOfer ••••••• " •• " ••••••••••••.••.•.•••• C6ne 16.5 an DIN T_18I' ·Rlng·DOme 2.5 em .?u'-Nnee mlulmal•••......••••••••••...••••••••. 300 Wans .?ul nee nomln.1e (RMS) ..•••••. "' 100 Wans elmpederoce ••••••••••••••••••••.....••••••••.••••••••• 401'nn$ .lmP'<!'1'\O& eSensltMIy ······························88 dB SPL (lW@ 1m) efre<!lIel'ICy Retj)OI'l 65 Hz to 29 kHz .Moun~ng Oepth/Ofop-ln Mounting················ 2-318" (5.gem) .Sen.lblhl .Cutout OlamellH" ••••••..•..•.•••.•••••.•. $-3/8" (13.6cm) drde . R ~~if\elItion: liP to 100 wans RMS. per channel • DesJon..-.d sp«:ibtlon••r. subjecllo change Wllhout nolice [Warning] '"'" product oontalN • high pefforJrI8nc:e IWeelet. If !hire " • tweeter _eldy lnttalled In )IOUl' car. Ihefl you must ddooMect IIa tem*lals. II you IN... the 0fIlIIr* rweeter connected and CXIM8ClIhts producl in ll'1llIel. then .fauh may develop In lhis ptO(I\IC:t, $0 you are strongly reoonvneold«l noIlo do 10. 4 oIlms 88 dB SPl (lW@ 1m) .Bandlt pa nt•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 65 Hz to 29 kHz eP1oloncleur d. montaoe I Montaoe.n .trleuremenl 5.9 em .Olamtlr. cle ~pe 13.6 em circle .Ampfrf\<:lltlon recommardN: Plu. cle 100 wans RMS. par caoal. Cllr8C16ri.tlqun.t dlsponitllk. des produiUltuJetl&s II modilleatlon sans .vIs prUlabie .conc.ptlorl. [Avel1lssementJ ce produit COl'ltlenl un IwMlfIf ha~nce. 51 un IwMlfIf"1 ~ Instal~ d.ns YOlnl YOiture. d6c0r<i'l8Cler _ Ilomn 'o'OUI deYez 51 YOU8 lalsMz Ie original ~ et qlHl VOUI oonnectez ce produ/len panlll6le. un dyI!olletioI"nemel peul Ie produlr'e _ ce produit • par aJrIMquenI nous YOUI reoomm.ndonIlortement de ~ Ie lWelller onglnal IMPORTANT NOTICEI PLEASE READ FIRST BEFORE INSTALLING SPEAKERS Congratulations on your purchase of high quality speakers from Alpine. Your listening satisfaction is important to us. In order to maximize and maintain peak speaker performance the following guidelines are being provided. Please read this notice carefully before operating the speakers. 1. Do not over-drive the amplifier. Over-driving the amplifier will result in distortion or clipping and can damage any speaker. 2. Make sure gain controls are properly set. (Follow instructions in amplifier owner's manual.) 3. Make sure that the speaker is properly rated for the amplifier. 4. Make sure that volume, bass, treble, equalization or crossover settings do not cause the amplifier to over-drive. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in burned or damaged speaker voice coils which will void your warranty. If further assistance is necessary, please contact your Alpine authorized dealer. 68-00493Z64-A (Y) ~/iLPINE® GARANTIE L1MITEE Fideles a leur engagement de ne fournir que des produits de qualite, ALPINE ELECTRONIQUE DE L'AMERIQUE, INC. et ALPINE ELECTRONIQUE DU CANADA, INC. (Alpine) sont heureuses de vous olfrir cette garantie. Nous vous suggerons de Ie lire attentivement et en entier. Si vous avez la moindre question, veuillez contacter I'un de nos concessionnaires ou appeler directement Alpine aux numeros listes ci-dessous. ePRODUITS COUVERTS PAR LA GARANTIE @ Vous devez donner une description detaillee des Cette garantie couvre les produits audio de voiture et les accessoires connexes ("Ie produit"). Elle ne couvre les produits que dans Ie pays ou ils ont ete achetes. Cette garantie est en vigueur pendant un an a partir de la date du premier achat du client. problemes qui sont a I'origine de votre demande de reparation. ® Vous devez joindre la preuve de votre achat du produit. @ Vous devez emballer soigneusement Ie produit pour eviter tout dommage durant son transport. Pour eviter la perte de I'envoi, il est conseille de choisir un transporteur qui propose un service de suivi des envois. ePERSONNES PROTEGEES PAR LA GARANTIE eLlMITATION DES GARANTIES TACITES Seull'acheteur original du produit, s'il resisde aux Etats-Unis, a Porto Rico ou au Canada, peut se prevaloir de la garantie. LA DUREE DE TOUTES LES GARANTIES TACITES, Y COMPRIS LA GARANTIE D'ADAPTATION A L'UTILISATION ET LA GARANTIE DE QUALITE LOYALE ET MARCHANDE, EST L1MITEE ACELLE DE LA GARANTIE EXPRESSE DETERMINEE CI-DESSUS. PERSONNE N'EST AUTORISE A ENGAGER AUTREMENT LA RESPONSABILITE D'ALPINE EN VERTU DE LA VENTE D'UN PRODUIT. eDUREE DE LA GARANTIE eCE QUI EST COUVERT Cette garantie couvre tous les defauts de materiaux et de fabrication (pieces et main d'CEuvre) du produit. eCE QUI N'EST PAS COUVERT Cette garantie ne couvre pas ce qui suit: Les dommages survenus durant Ie transport des produits renvoyes a Alpine pour etre repares (Ies reclamations doivent etre adressees au transporteur); @ Les degats provoques par un accident ou une mauvaise utilisation, y compris des bobines acoustiques grillees suite a une surexcitation des enceintes (augmentation du niveau de I'amplificateur jusqu'a atteindre un elfet de distorsion ou d'ecretage), une defaillance mecanique CD des enceintes (perforations, dechirures ou fentes), panneaux LCD fissures ou endommages, disques durs endommages ou ayant subi une chute. @ Tout degat provoque par negligence, usage inapproprie, mauvaise utilisation ou par Ie non-respect des instructions indiquees dans Ie manuel de I'utilisateur. @ Les dommages dus a la force majeure, notamment aux tremblements de terre, au feu, aux inondations, aux tempetes ou aux autres cataclysmes naturels; Les frais ou les depenses relatifs a I'enlevement ou a la reinstallation du produit; ® Les services rendus par une personne, physique ou morale non autorisee; ® Les produits dont Ie numero de serie a ete efface, modifie ou retire; (J) Les produits qui ont ete adaptes ou modifies sans Ie consentement d'Alpine; ® Les produits qui ne sont pas distribues par Alpine aux Etats-Unis, a Porto Rico ou au Canada; ® Les produits qui n'ont pas ete achetes par I'entremise d'un concessionnaire Alpine autorise; eCOMMENT SE PREVALOIR DE LA GARANTIE CD II vous faut remettre Ie produit necessitant des reparations a un centre de service autorise Alpine ou a Alpine meme et en assumer les frais de transport. Alpine a Ie choix entre reparer Ie produit ou Ie remplacer par un produit neuf ou revise, Ie tout sans frais pour vous. Si les reparations sont couvertes par la garantie et si Ie produit a et8 envoye a un centre de service Alpine ou a Alpine, Ie paiement des frais de reexpedition du produit incombe Alpine. eEXCLUSIONS DE LA GARANTIE ALPINE STIPULE EXPRESSEMENT QU'ELLE N'EST PAS RESPONSABLE DES DOMMAGES-INTERETS ET DOMMAGES INDIRECTS PROVOQUES PAR LE PRODUIT. LES DOMMAGES"lNTERETS SONT LES FRAIS DE TRANSPORT DU PRODUIT VERS UN CENTRE DE SERVICE ALPINE, LA PERTE DE TEMPS DE L'ACHETEUR ORIGINAL, LA PERTE D'UTILISATION DU PRODUIT, LES BILLETS D'AUTOBUS, LA LOCATION DE VOITURES ET TOUS LES AUTRES FRAIS LIES A LA GARDE DU PRODUIT. LES DOMMAGES INDIRECTS SONT LES FRAIS DE REPARATION OU DE REMPLACEMENT D'AUTRES BIENS ENDOMMAGES SUITE AU MAUVAIS FONCTIONNEMENT DU PRODUIT. LES RECOURS PREVUS PAR LES PRESENTES EXCLUENT ET REMPLACENT TOUTE AUTRE FORME DE RECOURS. ellEN ENTRE LA GARANTIE ET LA LOI La garantie vous donne des droits specifiques, mais vous pouvez aussi jouir d'autres droits, qui varient d'un etat ou d'une province a I'autre. En outre, certains etats et certaines provinces interdisent de limiter la duree des garanties tacites ou d'exclure les dommages accessoires ou indirects. Dans ce cas, les limites et les exclusions de la garantie peuvent ne pas s'appliquer a vous. eCLAUSE APPLICABLE AU CANADA SEULEMENT Pour que la garantie soit valable, il faut qu'un centre d'installation autorise ait installe Ie systeme audio pour I'auto dans votre vehicule et qU'il ait ensuite appose son cachet sur la garantie. eNUMEROS D'APPEL DU SERVICE ALA CLIENTELE Si vous avez besoin de nos services, veuillez appeler Alpine aux numeros ci-dessous pour Ie centre de service autorise Alpine Ie pius proche. AUDIO DE VOITURE NAVIGATION 1·800·ALPINE·1 (1-800-257-4631) 1-888-NAV-HELP (1-888-628-4357) Ou visitez notre site Web a I'adresse ALPINE ELECTRONIQUE DE L'AMERIQUE, INC., 19145 Gramercy Place, Torrance, California 90501, U.S.A. ALPINE ELECTRONIQUE DU CANADA, INC., 777 Supertest Road, Toronto, Ontario M3J 2M9, Canada N'envoyez aucun produit aces adresses. Appelez notre numero gratuit ou visitez notre site Web si vous recherchez un centre de service. ff/ff/iLPINE® LIMITED WARRANTY ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF AMERICA, INC. AND ALPINE OF CANADA INC. ("Alpine"), are dedicated to quality craftsmanship and are pleased to offer this Warranty. We suggest that you read it thoroughly. Should you have any questions, please contact your Dealer or contact Alpine at one of the telephone numbers listed below. .PRODUCTS COVERED: This Warranty covers Car Audio Products and Related Accessories ("the product"). Products purchased in the Canada are covered only in the Canada. Products purchased in the U.S.A. are covered only in the U.S.A. @ You must supply proof of your purchase of the product. @ You must package the product securely to avoid damage during shipment. To prevent lost packages it is recommended to use a carrier that proVides a tracking service. .LENGTH OF WARRANTY: .HOW WE LIMIT IMPLIED WARRANTIES: This Warranty is in effect for one year from the date of the first consumer purchase. This Warranty only covers the original purchaser of the product, who must reside in the United Stat~s, Puerto Rico or Canada. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING FITNESS FOR USE AND MERCHANTABILITY ARE LIMITED IN DURATION TO THE PERIOD OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE AND NO PERSON IS AUTHORIZED TO ASSUME FOR ALPINE ANY OTHER LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OF THE PRODUCT. .WHAT IS COVERED: .HOW WE EXCLUDE CERTAIN DAMAGES: .WHO IS COVERED: . This Warranty covers defects in materials or workmanship (parts and labor) in the product. .WHAT IS NOT COVERED: This Warranty does not cover the following: CD Damage occurring during shipment of the product to Alpine for repair (claims must be presented to the carrier). ® Damage caused by accident or abuse, including burned voice coils caused by over-driving the speaker (amplifier level is turned up and driven into distortion or clipping). Speaker mechanical failure (e.g. punctures, tears or rips). Cracked or damaged LCD panels. Dropped or damaged hard drives. @ Damage caused by negligence, misuse, improper operation or failure to follow instructions contained in the Owner's manual. @ Damage caused by act of God, including without limitation, earthquake, fire, flood, storms or other acts of nature. Any cost or expense related to the removal or reinstallation of the product. ® Service performed by an unauthorized person, company or association. ® Any product which has the serial number defaced, altered or removed. (1) Any product which has been adjusted, altered or modified without Alpine's consent. ® Any product not distributed by Alpine within the United States, Puerto Rico or Canada. ® Any product not purchased from an Authorized Alpine Dealer. ALPINE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE PRODUCT. THE TERM "INCIDENTAL DAMAGES" REFERS TO EXPENSES OF TRANSPORTING THE PRODUCT TO THE ALPINE SERVICE CENTER, LOSS OF THE ORIGINAL PURCHASER'S TIME, LOSS OF THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, BUS FARES, CAR RENTALS OR OTHERS COSTS RELATING TO THE CARE AND CUSTODY OF THE PRODUCT. THE TERM "CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES" REFERS TO THE COST OF REPAIRING OR REPLACING OTHER PROPERTY WHICH IS DAMAGED WHEN THIS PRODUCT DOES NOT WORK PROPERLY. THE REMEDIES PROVIDED UNDER THIS WARRANTY ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHERS. .HOW STATE/PROVINCIAL LAW RELATES TO THE WARRANTY: This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state and province to province. In addition, some states/provinces do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, and some do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, limitations as to these matters contained herein may not apply to you. .IN CANADA ONLY: This Warranty is not valid unless your Alpine car audio product has been installed in your vehicle by an Authorized Installation Center, and this warranty stamped upon installation by the installation center. .HOW TO OBTAIN WARRANTY SERVICE: .HOW TO CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE: CD You are responsible for delivery of the product to an Should the product require service, please call the following number for your nearest Authorized Alpine Service Center. ® Authorized Alpine Service Center or Alpine for repair and for payment of any initial shipping charges. Alpine will, at its option, repair or replace the product with a new or reconditioned product without charge. If the repairs are covered by the warranty, and if the product was shipped to an Authorized Alpine Service Center or Alpine, Alpine will pay the return shipping charges. You should provide a detailed description of the problem(s) for which service is required. CAR AUDIO 1-800-ALPINE-1 (1-800-257-4631) NAVIGATION 1-888-NAV-HELP (1-888-628-4357) Or visit our website at; ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF AMERICA, INC., 19145 Gramercy Place, Torrance, California 90501, U.S.A. ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF CANADA, INC., 777 Supertest Road, Toronto, Ontario M3J 2M9, Canada Do not send products to these addresses. Call the toll free telephone number or visit the website to locate a service center. 68-04123Z78-A (Y)