The CPT Cassetype System
R e c o r d a n d R e a d .
S k i p
Adjust . . . . . . . . . . . .
Buffer Memory. . . . . .
Tape Revision. . . . . . .
Duplication. . . . . . . . .
Dual Tape Programming
Optional Features . . . .
Helpful Hints . . . . . . .
Glossary. . . . . . . . . . .
Index. . . . . . . . . . . . .
You’re about to discover just how easy typing can be!
This book will assist you in learning all the versatile features of the
CPT Cassetype System. Keep in mind the typing that you do everyday; you’ll soon discover how the CPT can help you handle those typing tasks — the easy way!
To begin you will need three cassettes, rough draft paper and a pencil.
Work through the book at your own pace, step-by-step:
* Read each section carefully and use your
CPT to help you learn
* Follow the instructions to complete each exercise
* Review any information that you do not fully understand
* Contact your CPT representative for any further assistance you need
Relax, from now on all your typing will be easier.
In appearance, the typewriter keyboard differs little from the standard office Selectric — only six keys have been added.
However, hundreds of parts within the typewriter have been replaced to transform the Selectric from a mechanical to an electronic keyboard.
On/Off Switch: The On/Off Switch has been moved from the typewriter to the right side of the console below the console keys. Push the switch up to turn on both the typewriter and the console.
Margins: The typewriter margins are set by moving the indicators on the margin scale above the keyboard. Depress the Margin
Release Key to type beyond the right margin.
To back up past the left margin setting pull out the left margin indicator.
Tab Set/Clear Lever: The Tab Set/Clear Lever is located near the left platen knob. To set a tab, pull the lever toward you; to clear a tab push the lever back. All tabs can be cleared at once by holding the tab lever back and tabbing to the right margin.
If the left margin indicator is moved after tabs have been set, those tabs will move with the left margin. For example, a tab set five spaces from the left margin will remain five spaces from the margin if the margin indicator is moved.
Non-Recorded Typing: Type as you would on a standard Selectric, with the RECord light on the console off.
Refer to the Selectric typewriter manual for information on the handling of ribbons and typespheres. For typewriter maintenance or supplies, contact your CPT sales or service representative.
The portable dual-station console has a keyboard of fifteen keys which control the recording and reading functions of the CPT. All keys, except the Code Key, will light when activated.
The two tape stations on the console hold magnetic tape cassettes. Only Station 1, the bottom station, can be used for recording. Either station can read cassettes.
The Format Switch, located to the left of the On/Off Switch, generally remains down, in the
“Normal” position.
(Further explanation of the Format Switch is given in the “Record and Read” section.)
The CPT Cassetype System will function only if the typewriter and the console are properly connected.
Check these three connections before using the system:
(1) The typewriter power cord is plugged info the console.
(2) The console input/output cable is connected to the typewriter.
(3) The console power cord should be plugged into a grounded three-prong outlet.
To protect information which has been recorded for permanent storage, each cassette has a Record Enable Tab on the lower righthand side. When the Record Enable Tab has been removed, the RECord Key on the console will not light: you cannot record over the information on that tape. If the information on that cassette becomes obsolete and you wish to reuse the cassette, simply place a piece of scotch tape over the opening.
The CPT magnetic tape cassette has a capacity of approximately 40 pages.
Station 2
To insert the cassette in the console tape stations, depress the Tape Station Release Button to the right of the station. The cassette should be inserted with the labeled side facing you and the tape on the right-hand hub of the cassette. Only that side of the cassette can be used for recording.
Station 1
To prevent tape damage and misreading of information, always check to see that the clear leader is straight and flat across the top of the cassette before inserting it in the tape station.
For best results, use only the type of cassette recommended by your CPT representative.
Clear Leader
Recording copy on the CPT Cassetype System is fast and easy, and the result is error-free copy. Each time you type a document on the
CPT you are really typing a rough draft — at rough draft speed without worrying about typing errors. Any mistakes you make are easily corrected as you type.
With the RECord Key on the console lighted, the characters you type are held in a buffer memory before being recorded on the cassette tape. The buffer memory stores those characters until you have completed a line or
“record” by typing the carrier return or one of the special codes which you will be using later.
A “record” (pronounced rek’ erd) is the unit of information which is stored in the buffer and then recorded on tape. It is often an entire line but may be only a portion of a line.
Each time a record is completed you will hear a “click” in the console as the record of information is transferred from the memory to the magnetic tape.
Until you complete the record you are typing and it is recorded on tape, the errors you make can be erased from the buffer and corrected using the two special correction keys on the typewriter — the Character Correct (C) Key and the Line Correct (L) Key.
Depressing the Character Correct Key erases the incorrect character from the buffer and backs up the typesphere to allow you to strike over the mistake. Although a strikeover appears on the paper, the character held in the buffer is correct.
You can use the Character Correct Key to correct any part of the record you are typing on, but any characters you back up over must be retyped.
Do not use the Backspace Key to correct errors! If you mistakenly use the backspace, depress the Line Correct Key and retype the record.
The Line Correct Key can also be used to correct errors, but the Line Correct erases the entire record from the buffer. It also returns the carrier to the left margin and indexes the platen to let you retype the line correctly.
If you make an error when recording a tab, depress Line Correct and retype the record.
Do not use the Character Correct to correct a tab.
If you Line Correct on the first line of a paragraph, don’t forget to retype any additional carrier returns, tabs or spaces which follow the carrier return that ends the preceding line.
The End Page Code, recorded at the end of each page or document. serves as a signal to the CPT to stop when it has completed reading the recorded information.
The End Page Code will always cause the CPT to stop when reading, skipping or duplicating.
The End Page Code is recorded by holding down the Code Key on the console and then depressing the Stop Code Key (the special
“S” key on the typewriter) or the hyphen.
If you me the hyphen, a printed record of the code will appear on the rough draft copy only. It will not print on the final copy.
When you enter the End Page Code it causes the information in the buffer to record on tape.
Although the Stop Code Key (explained further on p. 15) also records a “stop” on the tape when depressed alone, it serves a different function and should not be used in place of the End Page Code.
EXERCISE 1 — Instructions
Read the instructions carefully before beginning Exercise 1.
(1) Turn the power on and insert a sheet of paper in the typewriter. Set the margins for a
60-space line.
(2) Insert a cassette in Tape Station 1 — the lower station. Be sure that the labeled side is facing you and the tape is wound on the right hub of the cassette.
(3) Depress Rewind 1 to ensure that the tape is completely rewound. Turn on RECord by depressing the RECord Key on the console.
Record the paragraph on the next page line for line as shown, including the errors. It is recommended that you begin every document with a carrier return to ensure that the carrier is at the left margin for recording and for playback.
Stop recording at the arrows (t) and use the Line Correct Key to correct the lines where errors appear. Use the Character Correct Key to correct any other errors you make.
(4) At the end of the paragraph record a carrier return and an End Page Code — Code Key + Stop
Code Key or hyphen.
Always set the margins and tabs you need before turning on RECord
You are now ready to read out the paragraph you recorded.
(I) Depress Rewind 1 to return to the beginning of the tape. When you depress
Rewind 1, RECord will automatically turn off.
(2) Be sure to use the same margin settings used for recording.
( 3 ) W i t h t h e P a g e K e y o n t h e c o n s o l e lighted, depress the large Read Key.
The entire paragraph will read out and will stop at the End Page Code.
(4) Depress Rewind 1 to rewind the tape.
Rewinds the tape in Station 1
Activates the RECord function in Station 1 only
Erases information from the buffer by character
Erases the entire line from the buffer when used before typing the carrier return
Code Key + Stop Code Key or hyphen — entered at the end of recorded information
Since the CPT Cassette will hold many pages of recorded information, you need a simple means of quickly locating any document on tape. The Search Code is a numerical code recorded at the beginning of every page. It acts like a page number on the tape to allow you to log each document you record and locate it easily at any time.
With RECord on, depress and hold down the
Margin Release Key on the typewriter and depress the correct two-digit number on the number row of the typewriter keyboard. The numbers will not print on the paper when the
Margin Release Key is held down.
The number you enter will appear in the
Search Code display window on the console.
When you have checked to see that the number is correct, depress the Search Key on the console to record the Search Code on tape.
At the end of your recorded copy, always follow the End Page Code With the next
Search Code.
Recording the next Search
Code will make it easy for you to locate the next available section of tape when you are ready to add another document to the tape.
sole window is not recorded on tape until you deprcss the Search Key.
Follow the same steps to locate a Search
Code on tape that you use to record a Search
Code. Be sure that RECord is off!
(1) Depress Margin Release and enter the
Search Code number
(2) Check the console display window
(3) Depress the Search Key on the console
To locate a Search Code on a tape which is in
Station 2, follow the same three steps, with
the Read 2 Key on.
When the Read 2 Key is lighted, the CPT will locate the Search Code you have entered only in Station 2.
To permit the CPT to locate any Search Code very rapidly, the Search Codes are recorded on the second track of the two-track tape.
It’s for this reason that only one side of the cassette can be used for recording information — the other side holds the Search Codes.
On tape the Search Codes look like this:
Because the Search Codes are recorded on a separate track, the CPT can search at high speed, scanning only the search codes and ignoring the recorded information on the other track.
Search Code 01
I Page 1 I
Search Code 02
1 Page 2 1
Search Code 03
When you have entered the Search Code number to locate a Search Code, that number is held in a memory until a different number is entered. If you locate a document and read it out, you can search that document again by simply depressing the Search Key on the console. The CPT will search for the last
Search Code entered in the memory. If you turn off the CPT, the Search Code is lost from the memory.
The Line Return Without Index, or Arrow
Key, is located directly above the Line Correct Key. The Line Return functions exactly as the name implies; it returns the typesphere to the left margin without indexing the platen.
When you record a Line Return Without
Index it causes the information in the buffer to record on tape, just as a carrier return does.
If you need to underscore an entire line, use the Line Return to return to the left margin rather than backspacing all the way. Then type in the underscores as you normally would.
If you have the Reverse Index option on your
CPT, see page 53 for further instructions regarding the Line Return Without Index.
On paper it looks like this:
On tape it looks like this:
Record 1
Now is the time for all good men-& to come to the aid of their country. (cr)
Record 2 Record 3
The Repeat Key, marked with an “R”, is located on the left side of the typewriter.
Depressing the Repeat Key and any other key or the space bar will cause that key to repeat as long as you hold down the Repeat Key.
Use the Repeat Key with the Underscore Key when you need to underscore an entire line.
To underscore by word, type the word, backspace and underscore. If you make an error when underscoring by word, depress the Line
Correct Key and retype the entire record.
Depressing the Stop Code Key records a Stop
Code on the tape. The Stop Code causes the
CPT to stop when reading copy to allow you to insert variable information or to change the margins, tabs or vertical spacing on the typewriter.
When you record a Stop Code on the tape it causes the information in the buffer to record on tape.
On paper it looks like this:
The meeting will be held at (Stop Code) p.m., June 5. (CR)
On tape it looks like this:
Record 1
The meeting will be held at (Stop Code)
Record 2 p.m., June 5. (CR)
EXERCISE 2 — Instructions
(1) Insert a cassette in Station 1.
Set the typewriter margins for a 60-space line and set a tab
5 spaces from the left margin.
(2) Depress Rewind 1 and turn on RECord.
(3) Record Search Code 01
* Depress Margin Release and 01 on the typewriter
* Check the console display window
* Depress the Search Key on the console to record the Search Code
(4) Record a carrier return to assure that playback begins at the left margin.
arrow ( ) ), depress the Line Correct Key and retype the line. If you make any other errors, use the Character Correct Key to make corrections.
(6) To record the underscore in the second paragraph, use the Line Return Without Index (Arrow
Key) to return to the left margin when you reach the end of the line. Underscore the words using the Repeat Key.
(7) At the end of the exercise record
* a carrier return
* End Page Code (Code Key + Stop Code Key or hyphen)
* Search Code 02
(8) Depress Rewind 1. This will turn off RECord and rewind the tape.
LINE RETURN Returns the typesphere to the
WITHOUT INDEX left margin without indexing
(ARROW KEY) the platen
REPEAT KEY Hold down to make any key on the typewriter repeat
SEARCH CODE * Depress Margin Release and enter search code number
* Check console window
* Depress Search Key
* Begin recording with a Search Code and a carrier return.
* End recording with a carrier return, End Page Code and the next Search Code.
You will now read out the paragraphs recorded in Exercise 2.
On the console there are four keys directly above the large Read Key. They are called the Amount Control Keys because they control the amount of copy that is read out when the Read Key is depressed.
When the power is turned on, the Page Key automatically lights to tell you the CPT is on.
If you depress the Word, Line and Paragraph
Keys, you will see that each one lights when depressed, but only one will remain lighted at any one time.
The Amount Control Keys do not activate the
Read Function.
They only determine the amount of copy which will play out when the Read Key is depressed.
If you are reading a tape in Station 2, the
Amount Control Keys function in the same way. With the Read 2 Key on, the tape in
Station 2 will read out when the large Read
Key is depressed.
Depress the Page Control Key if it is not already Lighted. When the Page light is on and Read is depressed, the CPT will read out everything up to the first End Page Code which appears on tape, unless there is a stop code recorded on tape.
Wherever you record an End Page Code, the
CPT will read that as the end of a “Page” and will stop reading at that point.
With the Format Switch down (in the Normal position) the CPT will read a paragraph as a body of copy ended by two carrier returns
depress the Read Key with the Paragraph
Control Key lighted, the CPT will read out a paragraph including the printed characters, the two carrier returns or carrier return and a tab and any additional carrier returns, tabs, spaces, or backspaces up to the next printed
(1) With the Paragraph Control Key lighted, depress Read to read out the first paragraph. Where does the typesphere stop?
It will print the last line, carrier return twice, tab and stop at the first printed character in the next paragraph.
(2) Depress Read again, to read out the second paragraph. Where does the typesphere stop this time?
In this case, because each line of the paragraph is indented, the CPT will read out only one line, carrier return and tab and stop at the next printed character in the next paragraph.
With the Format Switch in the Normal position, the carrier return and tab are read as the end of a paragraph.
(3) Depress Rewind 1
With the Format Switch in the Legal position, a paragraph is defined differently.
In that case, the CPT will read a paragraph as a body
This feature is useful when recording and revising legal documents or any type of manuscript in which much of the copy is either indented or doublespaced with two carrier returns recorded between lines.
(l) Put the Format Switch up, in the Legal position, and read out the first paragraph of Exercise 2, again in Paragraph Control. Where does the CPT stop reading?
Reading will stop after the first paragraph because it is followed by two carrier returns and a tab.
(2) Depress Read again.
Paragraph 2 will read out without stopping this time, even though each line is followed by a carrier return and a tab.
Following paragraph 2 the CPT will continue to read to the end of the Exercise, because it does not recognize two carrier returns between paragraphs as the end of a paragraph.
(3) Depress Rewind 1 and return the Format Switch to the Normal position.
To experiment with reading by line, depress the Line Control Key
(1) Depress Read to read out the first line of the exercise. Where does the typesphere stop?
Each depression of the Read Key will cause one line to read out plus the carrier return and any other unprinted characters up to the next printed character.
(2) Continue depressing Read until you have read out the first paragraph. After reading the last line of the paragraph, where does the typesphere stop?
At the first printed character of the next paragraph, following the carrier returns and tab.
(3) Read out two lines of the second paragraph. Notice that the CPT will always read up to the next printed character whether the line is followed by a single carrier return, two carrier returns, a carrier return and a tab, Line Return Without Index, etc.
Depress the Word Control Key on the console and read the remainder of paragraph 2 by word.
Each depression of the Read Key will play out one word plus the space or carrier return following the word.
Notice at the end of each line in paragraph 2 the CPT will read out the last word plus the carrier
return and tab — up to the next printed character on the next line.
Each depression of the Read Key will cause one word to read out plus the space or carrier return and any unprinted characters up to the next printed character.
Rewind the tape and SAVE EXERCISE 2.
Control the amount of copy read from the tape — they read according to these definitions:
Any amount of information up to the End Page Code
Recorded information followed by two carrier returns or a carrier return and a tab (with Format
Switch in Normal position)
Recorded information followed by a carrier return
Recorded information followed by a space or carrier return
In Exercise 2 and those that follow, you are asked to save documents you have recorded
SO they may be revised later. This will occur often as you begin to use the CPT in your office and you are called upon to revise documents you have recorded. Therefore, it will help you keep your work organized if you develop a method of logging the documents you have recorded on tape.
One very simple method of logging is to identify each of your work tapes by letter, A, B,
C, D, E, etc. Each page is then identified by the tape letter and the Search Code number,
A04, BO8, D22, etc.
If possible, keep the rough draft copy of each document with the tape it is recorded on.
Loose leaf notebooks with cassette holders built into the cover are available from your
CPT representative for this purpose.
A tape log notebook has been provided with your CPT Cassetype System. Using the tape log to list the pages you record, you will be able to quickly locate any information you currently have on tape. When you no longer need a document stored on tape, simply cross it off the tape log.
There may be times when you wish to read out a tape bypassing some of the information so that it doesn’t print on the final copy. The
Skip feature allows you to bypass any part of a tape while reading it out without changing the tape — everything recorded is left intact.
As in the Read mode, the amount of information skipped is controlled by the Amount
Control Keys — Word, Line, Paragraph and
Page. Depress the correct Amount Control
Key for the amount of information you want to omit, then depress the Skip Key on the console. The CPT will bypass that portion of the tape and continue playing out when you depress Read again.
While the CPT is skipping, the Skip Key will be lighted, except in the case of a word, which is skipped too rapidly to activate the light.
* When skipping on a single tape in Station 1, be certain that RECord is off. If you depress Skip with RECord on, the entire tape will be erased.
* If you wish to erase a tape before reusing it, insert the tape in Station 1, turn on
RECord and depress Skip.
While skipping using the Amount Control Keys, the CPT will skip according to the same definitions of Word, Line, Paragraph and Page which it follows when reading. However, when skipping the CPT will not stop at a Stop Code as it will when reading.
Follow the instructions step-by-step to practice skipping using each of the Amount Control Keys.
(1) Insert your work tape in Station 1 and locate Exercise 2 at Search Code 01. Set the typewriter margins for a 60-space line and set a tab 5 spaces from the left margin.
(2) Depress Read with the Word Control Key lighted and read out two or three words. The initial carrier return will read out separately the first time you depress the Read Key.
(3) With the Word light still on, depress Skip once. Read out the next word. How much information was skipped?
When skipping by Word, you will skip the word, any punctuation following it, and the space or any other unprinted characters up to the next printed character.
(4) Read in Word up to the last word on Line 1. Depress Skip, then read out the next word. How much information was skipped?
The carrier return and any tabs or spaces at the beginning of the next line are skipped with the last word on the line. Therefore, when skipping the last word of a line, the carrier return and any additional unprinted characters must be typed in.
(5) Depress the Line Control Key and read the rest of the line
(6) Depress Skip to skip out all of line 3. How much information was skipped?
In Line Control, the CPT will skip all of the line plus the carrier return up to the next printed character.
If you skip the last line of a paragraph or a line of double spaced copy, any additional carrier returns, tabs or spaces will also be skipped.
(7) Read out Paragraph 2 by Line. Now depress the Paragraph Control Key and depress Skip.
How much information was skipped?
As in the Read mode, the CPT will skip until it finds at least two carrier returns or a carrier return and a tab signaling the end of the paragraph. It will skip the carrier returns and any additional carrier returns, tabs or spaces up to the next printed character of the next paragraph.
(8) Depress the Page Control Key and the Skip Key.
In Page
Control, the CPT will always skip to the next End Page Code.
(9) Rewind the tape. SAVE EXERCISE 2.
* When skipping by Word, Line or Paragraph,, the CPT will skip to the next printed character following the word, line or paragraph.
* When skipping by Page, the CPT will skip to the End Page Code.
When you use the Skip feature to delete words or when you add words manually while reading out copy, you will probably find that the right margin is not aligned.
When that happens, the Margin Adjust feature on the CPT will eliminate the need to manually retype a document because the line lengths have changed.
With the console Adjust Key depressed when reading out copy, the CPT will automatically align the copy to fit the margins you have set on the typewriter.
55-space line and set one tab five spaces from the left margin.
Rewind the tape and set the margins for a 60-space line. Now depress the Adjust Key and the Page
Control Key on the console and read out the letter. When reading stops following the salutation, depress Read again.
What happens?
The letter will look like this:
When you turn on Adjust a six-character
Adjust Zone is set up immediately preceding the right margin that you have set.
The copy you have recorded will then read out following these rules:
* Any single carrier returns recorded on the tape that fall outside the Adjust Zone will convert to spaces.
* The last space or carrier return which fails in the Adjust Zone will be read as a carrier return.
,* Hyphens and tabs are dropped in Adjust.
The carrier will stop at a tab to allow you to reenter the tab if necessary.
* Two or more carrier returns together will be kept and will not convert to spaces when read outside the Adjust Zone.
6 - Character
Adjust Zone
With Adjust on, the CPT will stop when it reads a tab ‘on the tape and the tab will be dropped. If necessary, you can insert the tab manually when the carrier stops, or continue reading if the tab is not needed.
When the document you are reading has been recorded with two carrier returns. you can only use the Adjust feature with the Format
Switch in the Legal position. With the Format Switch in the Normal position. the two carrier returns following each line would be kept and the copy would not be adjusted.
In the example shown, when the carrier reached the Adjust Zone it was reading a word that ended within the Adjust Zone. The space following the word was converted to a
(1) Carrier stops at Adjust Zone
(2) Read out syllable by character
(3) Manually insert hyphen and carrier return
If the carrier reaches the Adjust Zone and it is reading a long word which cannot be completed within the margin, the carrier will stop.
The Read Key will remain lighted and it will then read by character each time you depress it.
If you read out a syllable of the word, you must enter the hyphen and the carrier return manually.
If you read out the entire word you must, read each character, including punctuation after the word, and insert the carrier return manually.
To assure that carrier returns, hyphens, tabs a n d s p a c e s w h i c h a r e r e a l l y n e e d e d a r e n o t dropped in Adjust, they should be recorded using the Keep Key. The Keep Key must be depressed while typing any carrier returns, hyphens, tabs or spaces which should be kept when reading in Adjust. Use the Keep Key only with those four keys.
Record “Keep hyphens” only in words or numbers where the hyphen is always needed — mother-in-law, x-ray, MX-485.
Do not record a “Keep hyphen” when you divide a word at the end of a line.
In the next exercise you will record a “form letter” which will be addressed to several different people.
By recording Stop Codes on the tape you will be able to insert the variable information as you read out each letter.
Because the variables will alter the length of some of the lines, the letters must be read with Adjust on.
Remember to use the Keep Key where needed.
EXERCISE 4 — Instructions
(I) Set the margins on the typewriter for a 60-space line
(2) Insert the work tape used in Exercise 2 in the lower station. You will record the letter at
Search Code 02. DO NOT record over Exercise 2.
(3) Locate Search Code 02 before turning on RECord.
* Depress Margin Release and 02 on the typewriter
* Check console display window
* Depress the Search Key on the console to record the Search Code
(4) Turn on RECord and type the letter, using the Character Correct and Line Correct Keys to correct any errors you make. Record Stop Codes where indicated and use the Keep Key where necessary.
(5) At the end of the letter record
* a carrier return
* End Page Code (Code Key + Stop Code Key or hyphen)
* Search Code 03
(6) Rewind the tape
_ You will now read out the letter three times and manually type in the following information to create three personalized letters:
Mr. John Smith
123 Elm Street
Minneapolis, MN 55430
Mr. Smith
Mrs. Robert Michaelson
42 Twin Pines Road
Atlanta, GA 30340
Mrs. Michaelson
Ms. Susan Bartholemew
10725 Emerson Park Drive
Seattle, WA 98101
Ms. Bartholemew
(1) Locate Search Code 02 with the tape in Station 1 and RECord, off.
* Depress Margin Release and 02 on the typewriter
* Check the console display window
* Depress Search
(2) Depress the Page Control Key and the Adjust Key.
(3) Depress Read to read out the first letter. Each time reading stops, manually type in the variable information. Then continue reading.
(4) When you have completed the first letter, insert a clean, sheet of paper and read out the next letter.
Because Search Code 02 is still entered in the Search Code memory, simply depress the Search
Code Key on the console to locate Search Code 02.
(5) Repeat the steps listed above to read the second and third letters
Before continuing with the operation of the CPT, it’s important to clarify the “buffer memory” system which is an integral part of the CPT Cassetype System.
The CPT operates with two buffers which act like small “memory banks” within the console. The
Write Buffer holds information as you type it before recording it on tape; the Read Buffer holds information before reading it out through the typewriter.
Each buffer holds only one record at a time, with a maximum capacity of 200 characters
As copy is typed with RECord on, each character is held in the Write Buffer until one of the follow-
* carrier return
* Line Return Without Index (Arrow Key)
* Stop Code
* End Page Code
* Switch Code
* Auto Rewind Code
* maximum capacity of 200 characters
NOTE: The carrier return and the Line Return Without Index must follow printed characters to create a record.
The Stop Code, End Page Code, Switch Code and Auto Rewind Code will go directly to tape if there are no printed characters preceding them in the buffer.
When you complete a record by recording one of these seven signals, you will hear a “click” in the console. That “click” tells you that the “tape head” has recorded the information on tape.
The “tape head” is the reading and recording mechanism in the tape station which comes directly in contact with the surface of the tape. When recording (in Station 1 only), the tape head transfers the record from the Write Buffer onto the tape.
Until one of the seven signals transfers the record to tape. the Line Correct and Character Correct
Keys can be used to correct any errors you make.
DO NOT use the Line Correct or Character Correct Keys to correct a record which is already recorded on tape.
Now is the (Stop Code) t
This record is ended by the
Stop Code and is already recorded on tape.
all good men to t
These characters are in the Write
Buffer and can be corrected using the Line Correct or Character
Correct Key.
NOTE: If you turn off RECord or turn off the power while there is an incomplete record in the buffer, that information will be erased and must be retyped.
When you are reading (in Station 1 or 2) the tape head picks up one record at a time from the tape and transfers it into the Read Buffer.
From there the record of information reads out through the typewriter.
buffer, like this:
Record 1
Now is the time for all good men (CR) t
When this record is in the Read Buffer,
Record 2 to come to the aid of their country. (CR) t the tape head is here on the tape.
,, i/
NOTE: If you turn off the power while reading, the record (or portion of a record) still in the buffer will be erased from the buffer. It is not erased from the tape.
record does not go into the buffer until you begin reading again. If you turn off the power at a Stop Code or End Page Code, no information will be lost.
Once you have recorded information on tape it is possible to revise it any way you wish, as many times as you wish, without retyping the entire document.
Letters hastily dictated can be corrected; monthly or quarterly reports can be stored and updated; sales presentations can be saved and revised to fit each client. With the CPT
Cassetype System unlimited revision of any document is possible.
Any amount of information can be added to or deleted from a document by transferring the information from one tape to another, adding or deleting as you transfer. This process is called Reading and Revising or Tape to
Tape Revision. Because the CPT has two tape stations, it is possible to READ a pre-recorded tape from Station 2 (top station) onto your paper and at the same time RECORD the information on a second tape in Station 1
(bottom station). While transferring from one tape to the other you may delete or add as much information as necessary.
NOTE: It is not possible to RECord in Station 2, therefore you cannot alter or ruin the original tape. Any new tion 1 only.
Before you begin the exercise on Reading and Revising, it is important that you understand the following characteristics of the CPT when transferring from tape to tape:
(1) Only Search Codes transfer when reading and revising. All other special codes must be re-recorded on the tape in Station 1.
If you search to a Search Code on the tape in Station 2 and begin transferring, you have already passed that Search Code on the tape and it will not transfer.
When skipping information on the original tape, remember the rules for skipping. The amount of copy skipped always ends at the next printed character following carrier returns, spaces or tabs.
If you wish to skip a Search Code, skip once in Word Control. You will skip the Search Code, the carrier return following it and any other unprinted characters up to the first printed character.
(3) If it is necessary to Search in Station 2 while transferring, you must turn off RECord or the
Search Code will be recorded in Station 1, not searched in Station 2. If you turn off RECord after entering the End Page Code nothing is in the buffer which could be lost.
It is not necessary to turn off Read 2 when recording new information in Station 1. If you do, anything from Station 2 which is in the Read Buffer will be lost.
READ 2 Reads the information from the tape in Station 2.
RECORD Records information from the tape in Station 2 onto the tape in Station 1. New information can be inserted where needed.
SKIP Skips information on the tape in
Station 2 so it doesn’t record on the tape in Station I.
In the following exercise you will transfer the paragraphs recorded in Exercise 2 onto a new tape, making the changes shown.
EXERCISE 5 — Instructions
(1) Insert the tape recorded in Exercise 2 in Station 2 and a work tape in Station I. Set the margins for a 60-space line and tab 5 spaces from the left margin.
(2) Depress Rewind 1 and Rewind 2
(3) Turn on Read 2 and RECord
(4) Locate the first change in the copy to determine whether you begin reading in Paragraph,
Line or Word Control.
NOTE: If you make an error while transferring, use the Character Correct or Line
Correct Key as you normally would to correct the tape in Station 1. Then retype the correct copy up to the point where you began the character or line correction.
(5) The first depression of the Read Key in Word or Line Control will transfer the Search Code and the first carrier return.
(6) Continue reading until you reach the first change to be made. With the Word Control Key lighted skip once and record the correct word.
Remember that you must re-record the space and any carrier returns, tabs or spaces up to the next printed character following the inserted word.
(7) Make the second revision in the same way,
(8) There are no changes in paragraph 2, so read the entire paragraph as it is. Because it is indented, it will not read as a single paragraph. You must read it line by line.
(9) Paragraph 3 is omitted. Depress the Paragraph Control
Key and skip once.
(10) You are now at the beginning of paragraph 4. Skip in Line Control once to eliminate the first line.
(11) Read to the words to be changed. Skip once in Word Control and record “those”. Read out
“individual” and depress Character Correct to remove the space following the word. Record the “s” and the space.
(12) Depress Paragraph and read the rest of the exercise
(13) Following the last carrier return enter the End Page Code and Search, Code 02
(14) Rewind both tapes. Turn off Read 2 and read from the new tape in Station 1 to verify that the exercise is correct. SAVE THE TAPES FROM EXERCISES 2 & 5.
EXERCISE 5 — Practice Copy
Often when adding and deleting copy in a tape to tape revision the right margin will no longer be correctly aligned. You can then use
Margin Adjust to adjust the copy as it transfers to the new tape.
There are only a few important points to remember when using Adjust while reading and revising:
(1) The Adjust feature operates the same way when reading and revising as it does when adjusting copy read from a single tape. But the margins on the revised tape will be recorded as they are adjusted. It is not necessary to read the revised tape in the Adjust mode because the margins will be correctly aligned.
(2) It is only necessary to turn on Adjust while transferring the paragraphs whose margins will be altered.
(3) If you anticipate revisions, record the original document using the Keep Key for hyphens, carrier returns, tabs and spaces you wish to keep.
The following exercise will use the Margin Adjust feature to realign the right margin while reading and revising.
Remember to turn on Adjust only for paragraphs where necessary — when you have added or deleted copy which will alter the margin.
Use the revised tape created in Exercise 5 and make the corrections shown.
EXERCISE 6 — Instructions
(1) Insert the revised tape created in Exercise 5 in Station 2 and a work tape margins for a 60-space line and set a tab 5 spaces from the left margin.
in Station 1. Set the
(2) Prepare the system for reading and revising. If necessary, review the instructions for Exercise 5.
(3) Read to the first revision and make the necessary changes.
NOTE: If you turn on Adjust at the beginning of the exercise the initial carrier return will convert to a space — unless you have recorded a Keep carrier return.
(5) Read the rest of the first paragraph in Adjust.
NOTE: Remember, the typesphere will stop at the first printed character of paragraph 2.
Because you are reading in the Adjust mode up to the first printed character, the first tab will be dropped and you must I-e-enter that tab.
(6) Turn off Adjust and read paragraph 2 and the first line of paragraph 3.
(7) Make the last revision. (You must skip the word “copies,” and retype it to eliminate the comma.)
(8) Read the last paragraph in Adjust.
(9) When you have completed transferring the copy, insert an End Page Code and Search Code 02,
Rewind both tapes and read out the revised tape to verify the corrections.
It is not necessary to turn on Adjust when reading the revised tape. The margins as they are recorded are correct.
'.~~The final copy of Exercise 6 should look like this:
Minor word changes and spelling errors can be corrected on the original tape without
‘transferring to a new tape. By recording over the original “record” on tape, it is possible to revise it, adding or deleting up to fifteen characters.
Between the “records” of information on a tape there are blank areas of tape called
“record gaps.” The record gap allows you to increase the length of any record without recording over the next record on the tape.
* Do not attempt to make major revisions on a single tape. It is faster and easier to transfer to a new tape if the revisions are numerous and involve adjusting the margins and adding or deleting copy.
* When making single tape revisions you may create errors instead of correcting them if you don’t follow the procedure exactly.
To understand the procedure for making single tape revisions, keep in mind the information covered in the “Buffer Memory” section concerning records and the buffer system:
(1) When making a single tape revision, you are correcting by record as defined in the “Buffer”
Memory” section, not by line as it is defined in regard to the Line Control Key.
(2) The “tape head” in Station 1 reads the tape in the Read mode to bring a record at a time into the Read buffer. From the buffer it is read out through the typewriter. If you turn on
RECord while reading, the “tape head” is then positioned one record ahead of the record which is in the buffer.
Illustration c
On paper it looks like this: Now is the time for all good men (CR) to come to the aid of their country. (CR)
On tape it looks like this:
Record 1
Now is the time for all good men (CR)
Record Gap
1 Record 2
Record Gap to come to the aid of their country. (CR)
4 t Record 1 is in the buffer, ready to read out through the typewriter.
The tape head is then positioned at the beginning of Record 2, ready to record over it when you turn on RECord and retype this record.
‘w correctly position the tape for a single record preceding the record containing the error.
Read the first word of that record to assure that the record preceding the error is in the buffer.
At this point carrier return manually to return to the left margin. Then turn on RECord and retype the incorrect record including the carrier return or code which ends the record.
Turn off RECord when you have typed the correct record.
Read this word. The rest of this line is in the buffer.
Now is the time for all good men to
Tape head is here. This record is to be retyped.
b come to the aid of their country.
EXERCISE 7 — Instructions
Set the margins for a ho-space line and record the following paragraph including the error in the -
When you have finished typing, rewind the tape and follow the instructions listed below.
(1) With the tape to be corrected in Station 1, read through the first word of the record preceding the record to be corrected — “means”. Carrier return without finishing the line.
(2) Turn on RECord.
(3) Type the entire record to be corrected, carrier return and turn off RECord,
(4) Rewind the tape and read the paragraph to check the correction
To correct the first record of a paragraph, read or skip to the last record of the preceding paragraph. With that record in the buffer, the tape head is in position to RECord over the first record of the next paragraph.
Any carrier returns, tabs or spaces after the carrier return ending the last paragraph must be retyped if you correct the first record of a paragraph.
To correct the first record at Search Code 01, simply insert the tape in Station 1 and rewind it, then turn on RECord. Record the Search
Code, the initial carrier return and the first record.
Skip in Page Control to reach the End Page
Code, then turn on RECord and retype the
Search Code, carrier return and the first record.
If you wish to change the first record of any other Search Code on a tape locate the preceding Search Code.
If it is necessary to change only the Search
Code in either case, follow the same procedure. You should still record the first record of the document as well as the Search Code.
When reading and revising as in the last section, you are reading out through the type-
% . I t i s p o s s i b l e , h o w e v e r , t o t r a n s f e r information from one tape to another bypass-
@ the typewriter.
In the Duplication mode, the CPT is again reading from a pre-recorded tape in Station 2 and recording on Station 1 — but at a speed of 400 characters per second, without reading out through the typewriter.
In the following exercise, you will duplicate the tape created in Exercise 5.
EXERCISE 8 — Instructions
Follow the steps listed below:
(1) As in Read-Revise, the pre-recorded tape is inserted in Station 2 and the work tape in
Station 1.
(2) Depress Rewind 1 and Rewind 2.
(3) Turn on Read 2 and RECord.
(4) Depress the Page Control Key.
(5) Depress the Dup Key. The system will click once for each line duped until it has duped the entire page.
(6) Re-enter the End of Page Code by holding down the Code Key on the console while depressing the Stop Key on the typewriter. Record Search Code 02.
(7) Rewind both tapes and read the new tape in Station 1 to verify that it has duped correctly.
The Dup feature serves many purposes. If you need many originals of a recorded document, the Dup feature allows you to create extra “copies” of the tape so it can be read on several CPT’s at once.
When creating a library of permanent letters or stored documents, the Dup feature allows you to do the initial recording and correcting on work tapes. When the final copy is complete, the document can be rapidly duped onto a master tape for storage.
Any amount of information can be duped from one tape to another using the Word,
Line, Paragraph and Page Control Keys to control the amount of copy being duped.
Turn back to the paragraphs revised in Exercise 5. Notice that Paragraph 2 was transferred unchanged. Instead of taking the time to read it out through the typewriter, it could have been duped onto the new tape.
In the same way, any unchanged lines in the other paragraphs could be duped onto the new tape using the Line Control Key.
In the following exercise you will practice revising a tape using both Read-Revise and
Dup to create the new tape.
* Margin Adjust will not function when duping.
* Until you have extensive practice on the
CPT it would be wise not dup by Word.
EXERCISE 9 — Instructions
Use the original tape recorded in Exercise 2. You will make the changes indicated below, but this time dup any paragraphs or lines which are unchanged.
(1) Put the original tape recorded in Exercise in Station 2 and a work tape in Station 1
(2) Rewind both tapes and depress Read 2 and RECord.
(3) Depress the Word Control Key, read by word to the first change and make the correction,
The Search Code and initial carrier return will transfer.
(4) Dup to the line where the second change appears, then Read by Word and make the correction.
(5) Continue duping and making revisions to the end of the exercise. Then enter the End of Page
Code and the next Search Code and rewind both tapes.
NOTE: Remember that all codes except the End of Page Code will transfer in Dup.
However, all codes except Search Codes must be re-entered in Read-Revise.
Keep this in mind as you alternate between the two functions.
(6) Read the exercise from the new tape to be certain you have transferred it correctly. YOU
46 a
In the previous sections you have seen how the two tape stations on the CPT Cassetype
System simplify revision and duplication of tapes. Now you will see another advantage of the dual-tape system and how it adds to the versatility of the CPT.
Through the use of Switch Codes, the CPT can be programmed to merge information from both tapes onto the paper.
Normally when you record a document on tape, there is no need to use Switch Codes — all the information is recorded on a single tape.
But what about a letter that must go to ten people?
You can record the letter on one tape and the ten inside addresses and any other variables on a second tape. By recording the two tapes with Switch Codes the information will merge when read out to produce ten personalized letters.
Repetitive letters are only one example of the uses of Switch Codes. In the following exercise Switch Codes are used to alter playback of the information tape by inserting variables.
They can also be used to alter playback by adding “commands” — tabs, spaces, carrier returns or line returns.
As you become more familiar with the CPT
Cassetype System, look for ways that you can use the versatile features of the CPT to make your job faster and easier.
The Switch Code, recorded by holding down the Code Key on the console while depressing the “6” or the space bar, instructs the CPT to stop reading from that tape and begin reading from the tape in the other station. It will continue reading from the second tape until it reads another Switch Code telling it to switch back.
To save additional time when reading out the letters, you can use the Automatic Rewind
Code. The Auto Rewind Code, recorded by holding down the Code key while depressing zero or tab, is recorded at the end of a document to cause the tape to rewind automatically.
The tape is then ready to begin reading the next letter.
To stop the tape from beginning to read before you have inserted new letterhead, you must record a Stop Code at the beginning of the tape.
SWITCH CODE Code Key + 6 or space
Causes the CPT to switch to the other tape station
Code Key + 0 or tab
Causes the tape to rewind automatically
“S” Key — Stops the tape in the Read mode
“~ ~’ EXERCISE 10 — Instructions
(1) Set the typewriter margins for a ho-space line.
Type the following letter on one tape and the addresses on a separate tape according to the instructions shown.
Record the Switch Codes where indicated (SWC) using the Code Key and 6 so you will be able to see where the Switch Codes appear on your rough draft. The 6 will not print on the final copy.
(3) When you have recorded both tapes, insert the letter tape in Station 1 and the address tape in station 2. You will begin reading from Station 1. Do not turn on Read 2.
When a Switch, Code is read in Station 1, the CPT will switch to the tape in Station 2 and the
Read 2 Key will light. It will remain lighted until a Switch Code is read telling the CPT to switch back to Station 1.
EXERCISE 10 - Address Tape
The address tape you have recorded can also be used to address the envelopes by following these steps:
(1) With the address tape still in Station 2, depress Read 2 and the Paragraph Control Key. Insert the first envelope. Remove the letter tape from Station 1 and leave the tape station door open.
(2) Depress Read - the first envelope will read out and stop at the switch code.
(3) Depress STOP - depress the Stop Key on the console to turn off the Read Key
(4) Depress READ 2 - to switch back up to the tape in Station 2.
(5) Depress SKIP - to bypass the name recorded for the salutation.
(6) Insert a new envelope and repeat the process.
The Record Locator, Reverse Index, and
Automatic Form Positioner are optional features on the CPT Cassetype System If you have any of these features on your machine, operating instructions follow.
The Record Locator is designed to allow you to back up on the tape while recording to permit correction of a record. A single digit display window to the right of the Search
Code display indicates the number of records backed up.
If you do not have these options, but find that you will have a need for them at some time in the future, they can be added to your machine. Contact your CPT Sales or Service
Representative for further information.
The Record Locator operates by reversing the tape one record at a time until the record to be corrected is reached. If necessary, review the explanation of records in the “Buffer
Memory” section.
The Record Locator can be used only in the RECord mode and will back up a maximum of nine records.
Follow these steps for using the Record Locator:
(1) If you locate an error and wish to back up the tape, finish the record you are typing, including the code or carrier return which records it on tape.
If you have not completed the record, the first depression of the Line Correct Key will erase it from the buffer and the counter will still register zero.
(2) Each subsequent depression of the Line Correct Key will back up the tape one record. The number of records you have backed up will appear in the display window.
(3) When you have located the records to be corrected, retype the entire record, including any carrier returns or tabs at the beginning of the record, and the carrier return or code ending the record.
(4) After the correction is made, return to the original position by holding down the Margin
Release Key and depressing the Line Correct Key repeatedly until the counter returns to zero. You may then resume typing.
NOTE: If you use the Record Locator to back up to the first record following a Search
Code, you must retype the Search Code as well as the first record.
To correct the first line of a tape (while recording or later) with or without a Search Code DO
NOT use the Record Locator. The following procedure should be used:
(1) Rewind the tape completely,
(2) Turn on RECord.
(3) Re-enter the Search Code in the usual manner.
(4) Retype the first record, including the carrier return or code that ends it.
(5) Turn off RECord.
that you follow the Same Tape Correction Procedure for the sake of simplicity.
This type of correction should be done only on the machine used for the original recording.
(1) Locate the data to be corrected by skipping or reading to the beginning of the record to be corrected. The incorrect record is now in the buffer.
(2) Turn on RECord.
(3) Depress Line Correct once to reverse the tape
(4) Record the record to be corrected, including the carrier return or code which ends the record.
You may add up to 15 characters to the record.
(5) Turn off RECord.
If the record to be corrected is the second record in a line, follow these steps:
(1) Skip or read to the line following the record to be corrected.
(2) Turn on RECord
(3) Depress Line Correct twice.
(4) Record the record, including the carrier return.
- (5) Turn off RECord.
The optional Reverse Index feature allows you to type subscripts and superscripts used in chemical formulas, footnotes, etc., without stopping to manually move the platen up or down.
With the Reverse Index option, the Line
Return Without Index (Arrow Key) is replaced by the Reverse Index Key with the arrow pointing down. This feature will function only on a machine with a 54-tooth ratchet on the platen. The Line Return
(.c) function is not available with Reverse
Tapes which have been recorded using the
Line Return Without Index Key will not read correctly on a machine which has the Reverse
Index option. Every Line Return Without
Index recorded on the tape will read as a
Reverse Index.
The vertical spacing on the system is also changed to allow two choices. The CPT may be purchased with one of two vertical spacing options: half, single, and one and onehalf spacing; or single, one and one-half, or double spacing.
NOTE: If you make an error using the
Reverse Index feature, Line Correct and retype the record.
The following steps for using the Reverse Index will be based on setting the typewriter for single spacing.
(1) Turn on RECord and record up to the first subscript.
(2) Depress the Index Key. This will drop you one full line below the line of typing.
(4) Depress Reverse Index again to move back up to the line of typing.
(5) Continue recording.
(I) Depress the Reverse Index Key to move one half space above the line of typing.
(2) Record the superscript.
(3) Depress the Index Key to move down on the paper one full space.
(4) Depress the Reverse Index Key to move up to the typing line.
(5) Continue recording.
NOTE: If you have the Reverse Index feature on your CPT, you will not have the ability to release the platen by pushing in the Left
Platen Knob. You will be able to release the paper using the Paper Release Lever near the
Right Platen Knob.
With the Reverse Index option, the CPT will stop at every recorded Reverse Index when you are reading in the ADJust mode. When the system stops reading, simply depress
READ again.
If you have many subscripts or superscripts on each page, it may be faster to set the typewriter for half spacing (if you have the half, single and one and one-half spacing option).
You would then insert two carrier returns at the end of each line for single spaced copy.
When you use the Index Key, however, it would index only half a space down and would thus reduce the number of steps in typing the subscripts or superscripts.
The Automatic Form Positioner gives the CPT the ability to play out constant or variable length copy on continuous form paper unattended.
The Form Positioner is a separate unit which is attached to the CPT as follows:
(1) Remove the typewriter I/O cable.
(2) Attach the I/O cable of the form positioner to the typewriter,
(3) Attach the I/O cable of the console to the form positioner.
On the unit are two Counters with thumb wheel settings and a Reset Control. Button. The
Counters control the form length and the copy length.
The Form Length Counter is set for the actual length of the form or paper in lines.
On the Copy Length Counter is set the number of lines that are to be printed on each form.
The Reset Control Button on the Form Positioner permits you to return both Counters to zero in the event the copy length or form
I i- length is out of step. The Reset Control
Button should be depressed after setting the two Counters each time you use the Form
The Form Positioner can be used in two ways: (1) for repetitive letters of either constant or variable length, or (2) for lengthy documents to be printed on continuous form paper with a specific number of lines to be printed on each page.
To read out repetitive letters on continuous form paper, follow these steps:
(1) Record the letter in the normal fashion, but at the end of the letter, do not record an End of Page Code. Instead, record a Form Length Code by holding down the KEEP Key on the
Form Length Code.
(2) To read, set the total number of lines on the form or paper on the Form Length Counter.
For example, you would set 66 lines for an 8w’ x 1 I” form. The Copy Switch must be off and the Code Switch on.
(3) When the document has read out, the paper will index through the typewriter to the correct position on the next sheet and begin printing the next letter.
For a lengthy document, follow the steps listed below:
(1) Record the entire document without any code at the end of each page.
(2) To read, set the maximum number of lines you want on each page on the Copy Length
continuous form paper. Both the Code Switch and the Copy Switch must be on.
(3) When the number of lines set on the Copy Length Counter have read out, the paper will feed through the typewriter to the correct position on the next sheet of the continuous form paper.
The Automatic Form Positioner will not impair normal operation when not needed for use, nor will it require any modification to either the console or the typewriter. However, it cannot be added to a machine which has the Reverse Index feature.
Do’s and Don’ts
Listed here are some hints for “preventive maintenance” that will help you avoid unnecessary service calls. Many problems can be eliminated by observing these simple precautions.
DO use the machine covers when the unit is idle.
DO always use the type of cassette recommended by CPT.
DO restrict your smoking when handling the cassettes.
DO keep the cassette in its container when not in use.
DO make sure clear leader is straight and smooth when the cassette is inserted in the tape station.
DO rewind the tape before removing it from the tape station.
DO rotate your work tapes so tapes are not worn out by constant repeated use.
DON’T install the Input/Output cable to the typewriter while the console has power applied to it.
DON’T place any foreign objects on top of the units.
DON’T pick up the console by its top cover.
DON’T strike the console keys. Depress them firmly.
DON’T wind the cassette with a pencil point or other foreign object which can contaminate the tape.
DON’T touch the tape with your fingers or other foreign objects.
DON’T store the tape close to fluorescent lights.
Before You Call For Service . .
Before you call for service on your CPT, check the problems listed below for a simple solution you may have overlooked. If a service call is necessary, please save any typed samples you have showing the problem. Leave the CPT running and save the cassette, if possible. These simple steps will make it easier to locate the problem and correct it.
RECord light does not come on.
Tab is out on bottom of cassette.
Unit won’t stop at the end of a paragraph (PARA light on) while reading or skipping.
Legal/Normal Switch in wrong position.
It should be down for the Normal
Double vertical line spacing in ADJust mode.
Legal/Normal Switch in wrong position.
Bad impression or print quality on one particular character or characters.
(1) Clean typing element.
(2) Defective character or characters on typing element — replace element.
NOTE: It is always a good policy to have a standby typehead in case of breakage or wear to your present element.
Typewriter missing tabs.
Gang clear all tabs and reset. If failures continue, call for service.
Red Carrier Pointer missing.
Raise ribbon access cover. Pointer is capable of being folded up and cannot be seen in this condition with access cover down. If red pointer is present, fold back down and close access cover. If missing or broken, call serviceman for replacement.
Searching or rewinding too slowly or not at all.
SOLUTION: Turn the right-hand hub of the cassette to tighten the tape.
P R O B L E M :
Locked keyboard.
Depress Margin Release Button.
I/O Cable out or partially out.
No EOP Code on tape - Depress console Stop Button to extinguish READ or SKIP light.
Carrier stuck at left hand margin - Push gently on the carrier to the right.
Carrier stuck at extreme right side of typewriter - Wiggle Tab Set/Clear
Carrier “hung-up” somewhere between the left and right margins - Move the
Tab Set/Clear Lever backward, then forward. If this does not free the carrier
(and unlock the keyboard), call a serviceman.
No character impression
Ribbon in stencil position.
Light impression on fabric ribbon.
(1) Copy Control Lever in wrong position. It should be all the way forward
(toward operator).
(2) Impression Control Lever in wrong position. It should be in the fourth or fifth position.
(4) Ribbon worn — replace same.
(5) Platen worn or out of adjustment — call a serviceman.
Typewriter using excessive amount of carbon ribbon PROBLEM:
SOLUTION: Ribbon wound improperly on mechanism. See green Operator’s Selectric Manual for proper installation.
Light impression on carbon ribbon PROBLEM:
(1) Copy and/or Impression Control Levers in wrong position.
(2) Mechanical failure — call a serviceman.
(3) Platen worn or out of adjustment — call a serviceman.
Carbon ribbon smearing or spotting paper.
Insure that all three paper bail rollers are clean and tracking properly on paper.
Clean typing element. (Soap and water acceptable.)
Reduce impact of typehead by moving the Impression Control Lever to the first or second position.
Ribbon mechanism or cardholder needs cleaning -- call a serviceman.
A feature of text editing systems which automatically aligns the right margin when copy has been added or deleted or the margin settings on the typewriter changed.
The CPT Adjust Zone is a six-space zone immediately preceding the right margin setting. In the Adjust mode, when the typewriter reaches this zone it will either carrier return at the first space or stop to permit the typist to hyphenate a long word.
The WORD, LINE, PARAGRAPH and PAGE keys on the console which control the amount of data being read, skipped or duplicated from a tape.
A feature which allows the CPT to play out unattended on continuous form paper documents of either constant or variable length. The unit can also control the number of lines read out per page to keep page lengths uniform when copy has been added or deleted.
A letter to be played out many times with variables inserted.
A code recorded at the end of a body of information which causes the tape to rewind.
An electronic memory which holds a “record” of information The WRITE buffer holds a record before recording it on tape. The READ buffer holds a record before reading it out through the typewriter.
A system of logging tape information and hard copy for rapid retrieval.
When an error is made in recording, the character correct key backs up the typesphere and erases one character at a time from the buffer to permit correction.
A key on the console which records special codes on tape when depressed in combination with certain keys on the typewriter.
Forms or paper in continuous rather than separated form which can be fed through the typewriter unattended.
A 150 foot reel of magnetic tape which stores about 40 pages of typed information.
A two-station unit attached by cable to the typewriter which records information from the typewriter on magnetic tape and enables information to be played back through the printer. Also has the capability of merging copy from two tapes and transferring information from one tape to another with or without playout.
A standard Selectric typewriter extensively modified.
Mechanical parts have been replaced by an electronic keyboard and switches; other parts of the typewriter subject to stress during playback have been strengthened. Acts as input to the CPT Console and as the printer.
The initial typed copy of any document not ready for final, approved playout.
Low cost paper used for draft copies, i.e. outmoded forms, mime0 paper or continuous form computer paper.
A feature of the CPT System which permits transfer of information from a tape in Station 2 to a tape in Station 1 at 400 characters per second without altering the original tape and bypassing the printer.
Revising previously recorded copy.
A code which signals the end of any given amount of copy. The end page code will stop the tape in the Read,
Skip or Dup modes.
Copy played out on letterhead or final document paper on which all revisions and corrections have been made.
A switch, on the console which controls how the system reads a paragraph. In the Normal position, a paragraph is ended by two carrier returns or a carrier return and a tab.
In the Legal position, a paragraph is ended by three carrier returns or two carrier returns and a tab.
The printed copy of information stored on tape.
When used in conjunction with the typewriter keys in the RECord mode, will keep necessary hyphens, spaces, tabs and carrier returns in the adjust mode.
When recording, the line correct key erases the line being typed from the buffer. It also indexes the platen and returns the typesphere to the left margin, but no carrier return is recorded.
The line return key returns the carrier to the left margin without indexing the platen. Used primarily for underscoring.
(see Adjust)
A tape holding information to be stored in a tape library.
Any material on which data can be recorded, i.e. cassette, magnetic card or tape, etc.
A system of recording permanent paragraphs which can be randomly selected and compiled to form finished documents.
A special typewriter platen designed for feeding continuous form paper through the typewriter unattended.
Recording information on tape which enables the system to play back in a predetermined manner.
An instruction tape used in conjunction with a tape of recorded information to control the format of the playout.
The large key on the console which controls the reading of tape. The amount read when it is depressed depends on the Amount Control key which is activated.
A unit of information up to 200 characters. A record on tape is ended by a carrier return following printed characters, a stop code, end of page code, switch code, auto rewind code or line return without index. Thus, a record does not always correspond to a line on, paper.
Tabs located on the bottom of the cassette on the left and right sides. Removal of either tab will prevent recording on that side of the tape.
A feature on the CPT which permits the operator to back up the tape a maximum of nine records to make corrections while in the record mode.
A key which causes all keys on the typewriter except the special recording keys to repeat when it is held down while that key is struck.
A feature which moves the platen vertically to allow recording of subscripts and superscripts.
A key on the console which causes the tape to rewind.
Rewind 1 causes the tape in Station 1 to rewind; Rewind 2 rewinds the tape in Station 2.
Editing or correcting a tape without transferring the recorded material to another tape.
Feature which permits rapid location of material recorded on tape at reference points called search codes.
A numerical code on tape which acts like a page number to separate documents on tape and permit them to be located rapidly.
The ability to bypass material on a tape without erasing it while reading or duplicating.
A code which causes playback to stop to permit the insertion of variables or to allow typewriter settings to be changed.
Information recorded on tape and kept for future use.
Recording information on two tapes using switch codes to enable the system to play out information from both tapes without input from the operator.
A record of tapes identifying the information stored on them.
Correcting or editing recorded information on a tape by transferring it to another tape while adding or deleting copy. Also called Reading and Revising.
Person responsible for the creation of a document
A tape used Car daily composition of work. Work completed is then transferred to a master tape if permanent storage is desired.
Printed in U.S.A. M-045 2/78

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