VHF/UHF | ALL MODE TRANSCEIVER Bu : en - 33 ENTERAS Y. HEM Downloaded by RadioAmateur.EU Icom Inc. 1 PANEL DESCRIPTION 29 E POWER 7 2 CI sona USB VFOA TX O RX ] > 9 0208 ! ‘ Ban USB bey, I, 1,1 11 - = mm = TRANSMIT er { ги 5 Li 4 1 i i E cil PHONES AGOM ALL MODE TRANSRENER = AF -® SQL AF=}-SQL COMPUTER L'ONTROLLED ‘Hz DiG : VFO IVITH LOC] PLE oP P Cor} ити (SATELLITE) CE Chow Jmewof ur им ré @ FREQUENCY CHECK SWITCH [ICHECK:T SQL] (pgs. 23, 25) e Opens the squelch manually to check the operating frequency condition. - Checks tne transmit frequency simultaneously when selecting duplex or split operation. meg @ Activates an optional tone squelch function ten for rejecting undesired signal reception. - Both the main and sub bands can be used with an optional UT-50 TONE SQUELCH UNIT, however, if you want to use the tone squelch on both bands simultaneously, two UT-50’s are necessary. (D TONE SWITCH [TONE-SET] (p. 25) e Turns the subaudible tone encoder ON and OFF (U.S.A. and Australia versions). e Transmits a 1750 Hz tone call signal when pushed (Europe and Sweden versions). sen * Enters the set mode after pushing [FUNC] for selection of the following: [Tone] Rotate the tuning dial to change the contents when a display appears. | Po C- OFF | [PWR/COMP] switch function. Shift direction for the one touch | oup - o-touch repeater function. | DUP - 0.600 | Offset frequency E 88.5 | Subaudible tone frequency sal 88.5 Tone squelch frequency (Appears only when an optional UT-50 ts installed.) © © © © S_ © E) MAIN/SUB EXCHANGE SWITCH [M/S] (p. 19) Replaces the main band’s frequency and mode with the sub band’s. 4) FUNCTION SWITCH [FUNC] gra @ Activates the secondary function of some switches. at. Enters the F-set mode when pushed at CA power ON. (p. 39) amy * Displays the frequency readout below the Push and 10 Hz-digits when pushed and held. (p. 21) ° - The memory channel readout appears below the 10 Hz-digit while rotating the tuning dial and returns to channel number indication 1 sec, after tuning. USB nem = SB VFOA iA Tiree TA C1 CI INT E EA ce Sacco OF Changes to 10/1 Hz digit indicator while rotating the tuning dial. @ DIAL LOCK SWITCH [LOCK] (pgs. 22, 23, 25) e Turns the dial lock function ON and OFF. - The dial lock function electronically locks the tuning dial. -Announces the accessed band’s frequency, mode, etc. when an optional UT-36 VOICE SYNTHESIZER UNIT is installed and dial lock function is turned ON. e Enters the L-set mode when pushed at POWER power ON. (p. 41) SUB BAND SWITCH [SUB] (p. 19) Activates the sub band access function to control the sub band’s frequency/mode while standing by on the main band. - “SUB” appears in the function display while the func- tion is in use. “SUB” appears. FM VFOA SUB VEO A FM MAT TIT TA - - Нан PLL So AAS SE &) SSB/CW MODE SWITCH [SSB/CW-Ts] (pgs. 17, 18) e Selects USB, LSB, CW or CW-Narrow* mode in sequence. * Selectable only when the main band is se- lected. When an optional CW narrow filter is not installed, no audio is output in CW-N. ía * Indicates accessed band’s tuning step in- crements after pushing [FUNC]; use the tuning dial to change the tuning steps. (p. 21) - Tuning steps can be separately selected for FM and SSB/CW. FM 70.1, 5, 10, 12.5, 20, 25, 100 kHz SSB/CW : 1, 10, 50, 100 Hz @) FM MODE SWITCH [FM/RPT-DUP] (pgs. 17, 27) e Selects an FM mode. - FM mode with a duplex/subaudible tone en- coder setting is selected when pushing twice on the main band (U.S.A. and Australia versions). per Selects — duplex, +duplex or cancel the then duplex (simplex) on the main band in se- quence after pushing [FUNC]. (p. 27) | - An auto-repeater function is available to acti- vate duplex and the tone encoder automat- ically when in a repeater frequency range (U.S.A. and Australia versions). FM/RPT @ BRAKE ADJUSTMENT SCREW Adjusts the tuning dial tension. _ Light (5) Heavy & TUNING DIAL (p.21) Changes the displayed frequency, etc. Tuning rates (frequency change/rotation of tuning dial) PANEL DESCRIPTION 1 y MIC GAIN CONTROL [MIC] (p. 25) Adjusts microphone input gain. - Adjust the [MIC] control so the [TX] indicator brightly iluminates (ALC activates) periodically during normal voice transmission. Recommended level for the supplied microphone Decrease Increases @ RIT SWITCH [RIT-N] (pgs. 23, 24) S e Turns the RIT function ON and OFF. - Use the [RIT] control to vary the RIT frequency. then e Activates the sub tuning dial function С] according to the L-set mode selection. RIT (p. 22) (_}@ +*Cancels the tracking function; the tun- Push and hold ¡ng dial changes the main band only, for while in satellite mode. Doppler shift compensation, while pushed in the satellite mode. (p. 34) FUNCTION MODE | Selected Normal Rapid a tuning step rotation rotation .. o 1 Hz 200 Hz 2 kHz SSB, CW 10 Hz 2 kHz 20 kHz FM 5 kHz 250 kHz 250 kHz The RIT (Receiver Incremental Tuning) shifts the receive frequency without shifting the transmit frequency. This is useful for fine tuning stations calling you on an off-frequency or when you prefer to listen to slightly different-sounding voice characteristics, etc. @ QUICK TUNING SWITCH [kHz/MHzZ] (p. 21) Selects the 1 kHz or a pre-selected normal tuning step. @ Selects the 1 MHz tuning step when pushed for 2 SEC. “~» " indicates the selected quick tuning step. VFOA — : o VFO A USB + ИИ TA VTA VALLAS 1 a с 4 Mr om al “4 = Ll ~ a €) SCAN SWITCH [SCANSS] (p. 37) SCAN e Starts and stops the programmed scan, memory scan or mode select memory scan. = se Cancels the tracking function; the tun- pusnandhod Mg dial changes the sub band only while in satelite while pushed in the satellite mode. (p. 34) e Starts the optional tone scan when the tone encoder or tone squelch is in use. (p. 28) - An optional UT-50 is required. 1 PANEL DESCRIPTION See pgs. 1-4 See p. 7 POWER = | hi mn yp | NSMIT =: e y г Fi uf “Tit LIT — = TEENS” O AX { ak . Li „it FL! PE cu я Hy о PHONES сом, ALL MODE THANSeE: on == i ANSCEIVE! ( ) mm, À СМ) кинет | coa eg AF-#SQL AF-#-SQL 4 2, Se CT AT] D YA Ay К 4 COMPUTER CONTROLLED 1Hz DIGITAL VEO WITH 3 LOOP PLL SYSTEM COs se) —® MIC | (MW © Gia (SATELLITE) ela ( DOWN@ |] MEMO @ UP €) MEMORY UP/DOWN SWITCHES [MEMO DOWN/UP-SATELLITE REV/NOR] (pgs. 30, 34) e Select the memory channel number. - Memory channel can be selected both in the VFO and memory modes. e Enter the satellite mode after pushing [FUNC] to track the main and sub bands frequencies. - When selecting the satellite mode, the [VFO] switch selects the satellite VFO mode and the [MEMO] switch selects the satellite memory mode. e Exit the satellite mode after pushing [FUNC]. e Enter and exit the satellite mode using the current operating frequencies when pushing one of these for 2 sec. after pushing [FUNC]. Q Push and hold | PREV | Indicates reverse tracking for the uplink and then downlink frequencies. LSB | SATL-R USB ПИЛА A 2 MEMO] CCS И HAHAHA DE Indicates normal tracking for the uplink and downlink frequencies. LSB SATL-N a | se US MAR CUA Y ay y MEMO Га CH 7 TI IL ии | 1 ] | | RUN then L ( a u E Ln Y bend E = 11 ie ivi iy Uplink frequency Downlink frequency 1 é) MEMORY WRITE SWITCH [MW-M-CL] (pgs. 30, 31) e Stores displayed frequency and mode into pusnara the displayed memory channel when pushed for 2 sec. - This function is available both in the VFO and memory modes. 9 Clears memory channel contents when pushed for 2 sec. after pushing [FUNC]. - This switch does not function in the VFO mode. Push and hold &) MEMORY SWITCH [MEMO-M> VFO] (pgs. 29, 31) (ueno] @ Selects the memory mode. - When the selected channel is not pro- grammed, a selected band name (140 or 400) appears 2 sec. after the selection. (MEMO) + » While pushed and held, the tuning dial ION changes the memory channel. e When pushed for 2 sec. after pushing [FUNC], transfers the programmed con- tents in the selected memory channel to a Push and VFO. non - This function is available both in the VFO and memory modes. @ VFO SWITCH [VFO-A=B] (p. 20) e Selects VFO mode and toggles VFO A and B. 3 @ When pushed for 2 sec. after pushing then [FUNC], equalizes the contents (frequency, operating mode, etc.) of the two VFO's. -The rear (undisplayed) VFO contents are equalized to the front (displayed) VFO con- tents. €} CALL SWITCH [CALL-SPLIT] (pgs. 33, 26) e Calls up the call channel. e Turns the RIT function ON and OFF while in the satellite mode. gammy @ Turns the split function ON and OFF after then pushing [FUNC]. - This function is available in the VFO mode only. IF SHIFT CONTROL [SHIFT] (pgs. 22, 24) ® Shifts the center frequency of the main band IF in SSB and CW modes. e Can be used as the sub tuning dial according to the L-set mode Selection. - See the description of € for details. PANEL DESCRIPTION 1 € RIT CONTROL [RIT] (pgs. 22, 24) e Shifts the main band receive frequency without changing the transmit frequency while the RIT function is ON. - Rotate the control clockwise to increase the receive frequency, or rotate the control counterclockwise to decrease the receive frequency. - The shift frequency resolution can be selected for SSB/CW and FM separately using the L-set mode. SSB/CW: 1 Hz (100 Hz), 10 Hz (1 kHz), 20 Hz (2 kHz) FM > 10 Hz (1 kHz), 50 Hz (5 kHz), 100 Hz (10 kHz) Bracketed values are maximum shift frequencies in each direction. + Can be used as the sub tuning dial according to the L-set mode selection. —— FUNCTION The sub tuning dial allows you to change the frequency without using the tuning dial. Tuning speed varies according to the controi rotation. However, this is not a scan function, therefore, tuning does not stop, even when detecting a signal. This control is convenient when you want to search both the main and sub bands. r—— FUNCTION The IF shift electronically changes the IF passband frequency to reject interference. The IF shift is espe- cially effective in SSB operation and is not available in FM operation. RIT -@- SHIFT RIT ~) SHIFT RIT -e>-SHIFT Shifts to low Center Shifts to high 1 PANEL DESCRIPTION Æ Function display | | (FUNC) FMUSBLSBCW-N_ SPLIT VFO A SATL-N SUB a Gl aed Ce | ee so 1407 nr = VFO B SATL-R UND) T-SQL muusaisscw VERA} —G er | МЕМО-* —® our 17 IT АИ НР] Ея Ti - SCAN se 18 = OCt = o м В т, 84 7 RE ET, Li E wi TONE INDICATORS 2 “T” appears when the subaudible tone encoder is in use. (p. 27) (U.S.A. and Australia versions only) e“T-SQL” appears when the optional tone squelch is in use. (p. 26) €) DUPLEX INDICATOR (p. 27) “DUP —” or “DUP+” appears while —duplex or + duplex operation is selected, respectively. €) SCAN INDICATOR (pgs. 283, 37) Appears while scanning. @ MAIN BAND FREQUENCY READOUT (p. 19) e Shows the main band operating frequency. - The main band can be used for transmitting and receiving during normal operation. e Shows the uplink (transmit) frequency during satellite operation. (p. 34) e The kHz decimal point blinks while the sub tun- ing dial is activated. (p. 22) ( MEMORY CHANNEL READOUTS (p. 30) e Show the selected memory channel number while the tuning dial is not rotated. e Show the 10 and 1 Hz digits when the fine indication is turned ON and the tuning dial is rotated. (p. 21) e The main band’s memory channel readout dis- appears when the satellite mode is selected. (p. 34) @ MEMORY MODE INDICATORS (p. 29) Show that the memory mode is selected. @ DIAL LOCK INDICATOR (p. 22) Shows that the dial lock function is activated. @ RIT INDICATOR (pgs. 22, 24) e Appears when the RIT function is in use. e Blinks when the sub tuning dial is activated and the [RIT] control is set as the sub tuning dial. E (Y SUB BAND FREQUENCY READOUT (p. 19) e Shows the sub band operating frequency. э Shows the downlink (receive) frequency during satellite operation. (p. 34) e The KHz decimal point blinks while the sub tun- ing dial is activated. (p. 22) & QUICK TUNING INDICATORS (p. 21) Appear above the selected digit to indicate the quick tuning function is activated. ¿Y VFO INDICATORS (p. 20) The selected VFO, VFOA or VFOB, appears when the VFO mode is selected. &) MODE INDICATORS Show the selected operating mode. SUB BAND S-METER (pgs. 23, 40) Shows the signal strength of the sub band re- ceived signal. - The sub band S-meter can be turned OFF using the F-set mode if desired. €) SUB BAND ACCESS INDICATOR (p. 19) Appears when the sub band access function is in use. - While this indicator appears, the tuning dial and most switches are activated for sub band control. €) FUNCTION INDICATORS Appear when the [FUNC] switch is pushed. @ SATELLITE INDICATORS (p. 34) One of the indicators appears when the satellite mode is selected. - “SATL-N” shows that normal tracking is selected; “SATL-R” shows that reverse tracking is selected, @ SPLIT INDICATOR (p. 26) Appears when the split function is in use. -VFO A and B are used for transmit and receive frequencies, and vice versa. PANEL DESCRIPTION 1 a Rear panei | И | О I eee © © © I OY © ANY | Y reeshY WeU0oU. VUUVU E UUUU a эо о aA © © € > о ? © 25 ET ENE | y CT LJ 8 0 © ® ® @ 430 MHz BAND ANTENNA CONNECTOR [430MHz ANT] (p. 10) Connects a 430 MHz band antenna with a type-N connector. @ DC POWER SOCKET [DC 13.8V] (p. 12) Accepts 13.8 V DC through the supplied DC power cable (OPC-0254). | 50%: RA Rear panel view @ GROUND TERMINAL [GND] (p. 11) Connect this terminal to a ground to prevent electrical shocks, TVI, BC! and other problems. @ CW KEY JACK [KEY] (p. 11) Accepts a CW keyer or external electronic keyer for CW operation. - 3.5 mm diam. mini plug can be connected. ser”... - - - . = - | Ar AM = (O) | EE “ r - - A €) BREAK-IN DELAY TIME CONTROL [DELAY] (p. 18) Adjusts the transmit-to-receive switching delay time for CW semi break-in operation. @ CW SIDE TONE CONTROL [CW SIDE TONE] (p. 18) Adjusts the CW side tone level to monitor CW keying. @ ACCESSORY SOCKET [ACC(1)] (p. 9) Enables connection to external equipment such as a linear amplifier, TNC, etc. EXTERNAL SPEAKER JACKS [MAIN SP]/[SUB SP] (pgs. 13, 52) Accept a 4 to 8 (2 speaker. An external speaker may be convenient for simultaneous receiving on the main and sub bands. Speaker connection Audio output No [MAIN SP] | [SUB SP] Both connection only only jacks Main | Internal | External | Internal | External band (Mixed) (Mixed) | (Separated) | (Separated) Sub Internal | External | External | External band (Mixed) (Mixed) |(Separated) | (Separated) (Y CI-V REMOTE CONTROL JACK [REMOTE] (pgs. 15, 52) + Designed for use with a personal computer: for remote control of transceiver functions. e Used for transceive operation with another Icom CI-V transceiver or receiver. @ 144 MHz BAND ANTENNA CONNECTOR [144MHz ANT] (p. 10) Connects a 144 MHz band antenna with a PL-259 connector. 1 PANEL DESCRIPTION Hi Accessory socket information ACC(1) PIN NO.) PIN NAME DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS ATVM ATV microphone input. — 2 ATVME | Ground for microphone input. — input/output pin. Ground level : —0.5to 0.8 V 3 SEND Goes to ground when transmitting. Input current : Less than 200 mA When grounded, transmits. MOD Modulator input. The input level is Input impedance : 10 kQ or 300 Q y selectable. Input level : 100 or 2 mV rms PACT Direct modulator input for 9600 bps Regular input level : 1.0 Vp-p (0.35 V rms) packet operation. Max. inputlevel : 1.6 Vp-p (0.56 Vrms) Main or sub band AF detector output | Output impedance : 4.7kQ 5* | АЕ (squeiched). Output level : 100 to 300 mV rms | Direct detector output during 9600 Fixed, regardless of [AF] Rear panel osition view bps packet operation. position. gt SQLS Main or sub band squelch output. Squelch open : Less than 0.3 V/5 mA Goes to ground when squelch opens. | Squelch closed : More than 6.0 V/100 HA 7 13.8 М 13.8 V output when power is ON. Output current : Max. 1 À ALC ALC voltage input/output. Control voltage : 4to0V g* Input impedance : More than 10kQ MIC UD | Microphone up/down input. Same as the [MIC] connector pin @ below. * The functions of pins 4, 5, 6 and 8 are selectable via the internal switches. (pgs. 47, 48) Hi Microphone (HM-12; optional) nel. PTT SWITCH (p. 25) (D UP/DOWN SWITCHES [UP}]/[DN] Change the operating frequency or memory chan- e Continuous pushing changes the frequency or memory channel number continuously. Push and hold to transmit; release to receive. (3) UP/DOWN ON/OFF SWITCH [ON/OFF] Activates and deactivates the [UP]/[DN] switch control to prevent accidental frequency changes. Main band AF output (varies with [AF (MAIN)]) (Front panel veiw) @® Microphone input @ GND @) +9 V DC output © GND (PTT ground) @) Frequency up/down (4) Squelch switch (microphone ground) PIN NO. FUNCTION | DESCRIPTION 2) + 9 V DC output Max. 10 mA Frequency up Ground ® Frequency down | Ground through 470 Q Squelch open “LOW” level ® Squelch closed “HIGH” level Microphone Microphone cable Microphone plug Op J+ 2k E Li wt CO Mic | 0334 NJ element | fm T +700p DOWN UP edie modem | ON/OFF l O PITS RECEIVE 470 9 TRANSMIT CAUTION: DO NOT short pin 2 to ground as this can damage the internal 9 V regulator. ma Unpacking After unpacking, immediately report any damage or missing items to the delivering carrier or dealer. Keep the shipping cartons. BASIC INSTALLATION 2 к Selecting a location Select a location for the transceiver that allows ade- quate air circulation, free from extreme heat, cold, or vibrations, and away from TV sets, TV antenna ele- ments, radios and other electro-magnetic sources. For a description and a diagram of accessory equip- ment included with the transceiver, see UNPACKING on the inside front page (p. i) of this manual. OPERATING ANGLE ADJUSTMENT 23 Antenna For radio communications, the antenna is of critical importance, along with output power and sensitivity. Select good antennas and mounting locations. The transceiver accepts a 50 @ antenna and less than 3:1 of Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR). The transceiver requires 2 antennas for 144 and 430 MHz operation. Of course, the transmission line should be a coaxial cable. The stand on the bottom of the transceiver provides two operating angles. mi Antenna connectors PL-259 CONNECTOR INSTALLATION (for 144 MHz antenna) (1) Coupling ring 30 mm 3) Solder Slide the coupling ring down, Strip the cable jacket and soft solder. Slide the connector body on and solder it. Strip the cable as (4) — screw the coupling shown at left. Soft | в ring onto the connector solder the center con- body. ductor. Soft solder 30 mm = 9/8 in 10 mm = 3/8 in 1-2 mm=1/16 in TYPE-N CONNECTOR INSTALLATION (for 430 MHZ antenna) Nut Rubber gasket D Slide the parts, as ® shown at left, down. Cut the end of the cable evenly. Soft soider the center conductor. Install the pin and solder it. Washer Clamp Strip the cable and fold the braid back over the clamp. Evenly trim the braid ends. Slide the connector body on and tighten the nut. 3mm 6mm (2) a Connector body Center conductor 15 mm = 5/8 in 6mm=t/4in 3mm=1/8 in 10 11 2 BASIC INSTALLATION Required connections e Front panel 4 N MICROPHONE Downloaded by RadioAmateur.EU For phone operation (FM or SSB), connect a microphone to this con- nector. See p. 52 for optional microphone details. e Rear panel о ICOM IC-BZ0H DUAL BAND ALL MODE TRANSCEIVER AF - SOL AF=SQL ; | SPLE J RIT & SHIFT 13 ITS En z гр PS, NE ‘ahd Li A ARA, IN Nr fr г POWER SUPPLY 430 MHz ANTENNA Fr 144 MHz ANTENNA LA A и Solo N DO © (< \ UU E UUUU| - | GROUNDING Use the heaviest gauge wire or strap available and make the connection as short as possible. Grounding prevents elec- trical shocks, TVI and other problems. „— KEY JACK I LJ For CW operation, the trans- ceiver accepts a straight key or an external electronic keyer. ES ..=.. ть - ~ . - Pra ro? N‘ aa Power supply connections Use an optional PS-55, IC-PS15 or IC-PS30 DC POWER SUPPLY when operating the transceiver with AC power. Refer to the diagram below. Yj, NOTE: The PS-55 and IC-PS15 DC POWER SUP- PLIES cannot be used with Europe and Sweden versions. Use a non-Icom DC power supply as described in the diagram below. ААА # BASIC INSTALLATION 2 CAUTION: Before connecting the DC power cable, check the following important items. Make sure: s The [POWER] switch is OFF. e Output voltage of the power source is 12-15 V when you use a non-lcom power supply. » DC power cable polarity is correct. Red : positive @ terminal Black : negative © terminal CONNECTING AN ICOM DC POWER SUPPLY AC outlet PS-55 F N mm] О = | AAA) Transceiver AC cable CONNECTING A NON-ICOM DC POWER SUPPLY AC outlet | A) DC power supply 13.8V 20A AC cable Transceiver to DC power socket 20A fuses Supplied DC power cable CONNECTING A VEHICLE BATTERY NOTE: Use terminals for EVER connect the cable connections. a 24 V battery. Crimp @ red ) SA, S/ Ä IL DC power cable Sf 12 13 3 ADVANCED CONNECTIONS » Front panel ea Optional connections I y FL 2 т “ А an e Rear panel When using stereo headphones, the main and sub band audio can be sepa- rated. See p. 47 for mixed audio. PREAMPLIFIER r ANTENNA MOUNTING TYPE 144 MHz band AG-25 430 MHz band AG-35 # MB-23 CARRYING HANDLE For portable operation. => with the MB-23. DO NOT use the screws supplied A Mo N | Е << I === Г TO pod, JL бо о E LJ r DATA COMMUNICATIONS TERMINAL UNIT (pgs. 14, 18) <a mm TITTEN >= ram mn Up to 2 external speakers can be connected for separate audio output of the main and sub bands. (p. 52) ^ gj Linear amplifier connections ADVANCED CONNECTIONS 3 to an antenna connector, [144MHz ANT] or [430MHz ANT]. E to antenna | ay i The maximum output current of the ACC(1) socket is 20 mA. When F Y | $ to ALC jack NOTE: Turn the linear amplifier the linear amplifier requires more current for switching, an OFF when the operating band is not selected as the main band, This is because the “SEND” line external relay is necessary. goes to ground regardiess of the selected band while transmitting. SS ea AFSK terminal unit connections The transceiver does not have an FSK mode for RTTY, AMTOR, PACKET, etc., however, you can operate these using AFSK in SSB or FM mode. The transceiver accepts data speed of up to 9600 bps. When using 9600 bps, set the internal switch to the “PACT” (packet) position. Refer to p. 48 for switch location. When operating AFSK, connect external equipment to the ACC(1) socket on the rear panel or to the microphone connector on the front panel as in the diagram below. When connected to the [MIC] connector, [MIC] and [AF] control adjustments are required. The [MIC] connector accepts up to 1200 bps. USING THE ACC(1) SOCKET (Rear panel view) aAQHOO @® USING THE MICROPHONE CONNECTOR (Front panel view) O 0 0068 AFSK terminal unit (TU) or Terminal Node Controller (TNC) * O SSS555555555555555 AFSK output AF input SQUELCH input* PTT Ground (GND) onnect the SQUELCH line (©) when required. OPERATION NOTES FOR 9600 bps e Set the internal switch to the “PACT” (packet) position. - See p. 48 for switch selection. ° Set the AFSK output level of the terminal unit to 1.0 V p-p (350 mV rms). - When exceeding 1.6 V p-p, the transceiver's modulation input limiter stops modulation. - At this time, the [TX] indicator’s brightness fades. e AF output from the transceiver is continuous and is not cut by the squelch circuit. 14 3 ADVANCED CONNECTIONS Ei Remote jack (CI-V) information ® CI-V connection example The transceiver can be connecied through an op- tional CT-17 CI-V LEVEL CONVERTER to a personal computer equipped with an RS-232C port. The icom Communication Interface-V (CI-V) controls the follow- = ing functions of the transceiver. Asse SS Personal . Se SS CT-17 computer Up to four Icom CI-V transceivers or receivers can be == OC: . . ¿(OB soso NE a, connected to a personal computer equipped with an = | | RS-232C port. See p. 43 for setting the CI-V condi- ee tion using the L-set mode. (pe ag) > IC-820H e Data format The CI-V system can be operated using the following data formats. Data formats differ according to com- mand numbers. A data area is added for some commands. COMMAND TABLE CONTROLLER TO IC-820H - OK MESSAGE TO CONTROLLER Description Cn| Se Frequency control 05; - FE | FE | 42 [Eo | on | Sc | Data area [ro] E | FE | 42 | EO E FD | LSB 00 | > | A mode CW normal | 06 | 0301 — Mm Ww 1. = L. — — — a, 8 о о 8 D | 35 8 2 D о 8 g control CW narrow 0302 £ 33538 5, © = 33€ € Ф 0 9 E00 th o ® Ф Ф oc we oo 0 FM 05 TD = = ФФЕЕ oe Oo 3 оз 9 8 8 692% 85 3 3 3.3 8 8 VFO mode _ 2 © © E7 oo LE ® 2 © © x Y 5 D < EVCSH 2B OD O 000% VFOA 00 E 0 An © ae $ хо mn Е wm an fs $ G B° Eo s5 Q 6 © à $ VFO B 01 a. 3 9 So ФЕ Е a 4 e E о = 2 — D 5 о + 5 A=B 07 | AO Cc © 5 8 TD 2 © = о о n a С < о 5 MAIN/SUB BO r O E co Sub band access DO Main band access D1 1C-820H TO CONTROLLER NG MESSAGE TO CONTROLLER Memory mode ов | Memory selection mc* | FE | FE | ЕО | 42 | Сп | Sc | Data area [Fo | | ЕЕ | FE | 42 | EO | FA | FD | Memory write 09 | — || | | | | | || | | | | Memory >> VFO oA] - L Memory clear OB; - 5 a D QE of 5 a 2 98 D © $ 8 82s s5 à g gs g § Offset read ос] - = 33 3.258 Ex = = 3 3 Fe ® в G8 ‘ас со © Ф п по 0 Offset write OD) - $ 3 SESE FE à 3 33533 О в 8 32% $5 о о 3 3 06 0 Scan stop 00 o © © ET vw = o © ® © © y re T DESCS 22 o S vu Z $ Start scan 0E| 01 Е n о Ong yo un Е no 0» A © © о о Е o 3 E ® © © © Ф Start mode select scan 24 a e © 9 0 y E E a о € E . Е о 2 D 5 о = 5 Split ON 00 с в р 5 2 во = it OFF E a о tu Е i Split O 01 ea Simplex selection OF; 10 Duplex — selection 11 Duplex + selection 12 * Memory channel number P1=100, P2=101, CALL=102 BASIC OPERATION 4 № When first applying power Before first applying power, make sure all connec- [CPU RESETTING] tions required for your system are complete by referr- ing to sections 2 and 3. Then, reset the transceiver [POWER] using the following procedure. | NOTE: Resetting CLEARS all programmed con- = = = > tents in memory channels and returns programmed © =8 = = values in the set, F- and L- modes to default values. C) Saou 2 on + U (D Make sure the transceiver power is OFF. @ While pushing [MW:M-CL], push IN [POWER] to [MW-M-CL] turn power ON. - The internal CPU is reset. - The transceiver displays its initial VFO frequencies when resetting is complete. The transceiver displays its initial frequencies, (The initial frequency and mode depend on versions.) Al Initial settings After resetting the transceiver, set controls and switches as shown in the figure below. [AF (main) ]: COW | [AF (508)]: CCW | CCW: Max. counterclockwise | SQL FW]; CCW [SQL (wan) |) COW [SOL CH) ¡SHIFT CENTER POWER]: OUT = | р | SJ) O | lO [RIT]: CENTER | [TRANSMIT]: OUT | los == sO = 2 | NB}: Out I << Y TT eS PWR/COMPI: OUT | [ATT]: BZ | у | [MIC]: CENTER | [AGC]: OUT [PREAMP]: OUT Turn power ON, then check the display. lf any of the following indicators appear, turn them OFF as followings: “SPLIT”: “SATL-N" or. с. ‘T-SQL": ‘SATL-R * Mana 7 E "SUB": SATL-N SUB T-SQL FM “DUP +" or “DUP —*: LDUP | FM/RP "A=B: GUD then MEMO": 16 17 4 BASIC OPERATION aa Basic Fi operation (D Make sure the initial settings are complete. (2). Push [M/S] to select the desired band, УНЕ or UHF, as the main band. Em 1] O OS SAS O O==3 20s вебе 7 О = > U U (3) Push [FM/RPT] to select FM mode. - When pushing [FM/RPT] twice, duplex and tone is turned ON simultaneously for the U.S.A. and Australia versions. See p. 27 for setting the duplex direction. Em © OZ O) OZ O non 0e = | WJ U (4) Rotate [AF (MAIN)] clockwise to adiust the desired audio output level. 5) Rotate [SQL (MAIN)] clockwise until the audio noise just disappears. | a ¡[amas O O OD SOS Mc = O Ca o DOBRDD Om съ Uy U (©) Rotate the tuning dial to set the desired frequency - See p. 21 for frequency setting details. - When receiving a signal, the S/RF meter shows the relative signal strength. I Blinks when an off-center signal is received. 1 m SIGNAL iw x UB O RX = > oS + 1; N 1 35 7 9 42098 a 0 RF RF OUTPUT, 1 (7) Push the PTT switch on the microphone to trans- mit. Then, release the PTT switch to return to receive. Y onvenient functions for FM mode À © Attenuator crc иненниннниия (pgs. 23, 39) Y « Pre-amplifier (optional) (pgs. 23, 40) Y « FM center indicator ee (pgs. 24, 40) Y . Repeater operation eee rr rr rr ses (p. 27) Y + Split frequency operation ---.-................ (p. 26) Y « Tone squelch function (optional) --- (pgs. 26, 45) mj Basic SSB operation (D Make sure the initial settings are complete. (2) Push [M/S] to select the desired band, VHF or UHF, as ihe main band. = DE || coors C205 U 00020 (3) Push [SSB/CW] to select USB mode. - USB mode is generally used for SSB phone operation on the VHF and UHF bands. - Pushing [SSB/CW] sequentially selects USB, LSB, CW and the optional CW-Narrow mode. EMI 0 OS8\ Jsve noooo бес] U U (4) Rotate [AF (MAIN)] clockwise to adjust the desired audio output level. - Adjust the [SQL (MAIN)] control when you want to eliminate the floor noise. (5) Rotate the tuning dial to set the desired frequency. - See p. 21 for frequency setting details. - When receiving a signal, the S/RF meter shows the relative signal strength. (6) Push the PTT switch on the microphone to trans- mit. Then, release the PTT switch to return to receive. -When the [TX] indicator often lights brightly during transmission (ALC activates), rotate the [MIC] control counterclockwise. SL) J 0033) ¿08 E) | ooo ве? >” эс = | U U Zz Convenient functions for SSB mode Z Y © IF Shift function res, (p. 24) Y ‚ ВТ function сезоне terre rer een sn une (p. 24) Y « Noise blanker Cerro rr rro rr rr (p. 23) 7) . Attenuator rra rr rr rr rr (pgs. 23, 39) YY » Pre-amplifier (optional) (pgs. 23, 40) Y Y . AGC fast rro rasa (p. 23) Zi Speech compressor :::---...... (pgs. 25, 26, 47) 7 . ALC indicator зоо отозовоео вое воно чо оао зоо юе ее (р. 25) Y « Split frequency operation nee (p. 26) ai Basic CW operation (D Connect a CW keyer or an external electronic Keyer to the [KEY] jack on the rear panel. - See p. 11 for connection details. A] | eal () 000 Xo ® © O U (2) Make sure the initial settings are complete. (3) Push [M/S] to select the desired band, VHF UHF, as the main band. (4) Push [SSB/CW] to select CW or CW-Narrow* mode. - Pushing [SSB/CW] sequentiaily selects USB, LSB, CW and the optional CW-Narrow mode. * An optional FL-132 CW NARROW FILTER is necessary to operate the CW-Narrow mode. The optional CW- Narrow mode can be used on the main band only. 22) | || (5) Rotate [AF (MAIN)] clockwise to adjust the desired audio output level. - Adjust the [SQL (MAIN)] control wnen you want to eliminate the floor noise. (6) Rotate the tuning dial to set the desired fre- quency. - See p. 21 for frequency setting details. - When receiving a signal, the S/RF meter shows the relative signal strength. (N Push the connected key down to transmit the CW signal. - When the break-in function is OFF in the F-set mode, push IN the [TRANSMIT] switch in advance. (p. 40) Adiust [DELAY] control to your desired switching speed for returning transmit to receive. > | oo floo a [1 | | > 0. @ o О ооо | U U (8) Adjust [CW SIDE TONE] to the desired CW side tone level. - The side tone level can be changed relative to both [AF] and [CW SIDE TONE] controls. (p. 47) el Fb os o @ () COO U BASIC OPERATION 4 G, Convenieni functions for CW mode Y IF shift function a a ran (p. 24) Y © RIT FUNCTION secs (p. 24) Y * Noise blanker еее вова ово ка оон rer ner ne (р. 23) Y + Attenuatoi Yo wet m ewe e nee e eee eteeesees (pgs. 23, 39) 7 Pre-amplifier (optional) ---.......... (pgs. 23, 40) Y e AGC SIOW + ан наинанннаьи (p. 23) Y . Split frequency operation ee (p. 26) G + CW-Narrow mode {optional} -----........... (p. 45) Set the internal switches to an appropriate position in advance. (pgs. 47, 48) Connect an external equip- ment to the ACC(1) socket as descried on pgs. 9 and 14. () Turn power ON with [POWER]. (2) Select LSB, USB or FM. - LSB is normally used. - FM is used for PACKET. (3) Set the desired frequency. (4) Adjust the audio output level with [AF]. - Use [SQL] when required. (5) Select the desired RF output power. - When using the [MIC] connector for external equip- ment connection, the [MIC] control should be ad- justed. () Control the transceiver from the external TU or TNC, Operating notes for RTTY and AMTOR » RTTY or AMTOR operating frequency in LSB mode differs from the displayed frequency. [Your operating freq.] = [Displayed freq.] — 2125 Hz (when the frequencies of the RTTY demodulator in your TU or TNC are mark=2125 Hz and space=2295 Hz). Operating notes for PACKET ¢ PACKET operating frequency in LSB mode differs from the displayed frequency. [Your operating freq.] = [Displayed freq.] — 2215 Hz (when the frequencies of the PACKET demodulator in your FNC are 2115 Hz/2315 Hz). Frequency setting example for AFSK - When operating RTTY at 144.090 MHz: Set “LSB 144.092125 MHz” (if you use mark=2125 Hz/space= 2295 Hz). - When operating PACKET at 144.110 MHz: Set “LSB 144.112215 MHz” (if you use 2115 Hz/ 2315 Hz). 18 19 4 BASIC OPERATION = Main and sub bands The transceiver has dual bands: VHF and UHF. These bands can be assigned to the main and sub bands for operating convenience. The main and sub bands each have independent features as described below: The display shows the VHF and UHF bands are assigned to the main and sub bands, respectively. MAIN BAND - Receive and transmit are both possible. ¢ Uplink frequency when operating in the satellite mode. * Scan function can be used. * |F shift function can be used. + RIT function can be used. * CW-Narrow mode can be used when the optional FL-132 CW NARROW FILTER is installed. (p. 45) * Analog meter for receive S-meter and transmit power meter. * FM center indicator is used for critical tuning. (p. 40) «Low beep tone is emitted when a switch is pushed for the main band and the beep tone can be turned OFF if desired. (p. 41) SUB BAND + Receive only. ¢ Downlink frequency when operating in the satellite mode. e IF shift cannot be used. * ВП function can be used only when operating in the satellite mode. * CW-Narrow mode cannot be used even when the optional FL-132 CW NARROW FILTER is installed. «A bar meter equipped in the function display can be turned OFF if desired. (p. 40) * High beep tone is emitted when a switch is pushed for the sub band and the beep tone can be turned OFF if desired. (p. 41) * Duplex, split, offset and [PWR/COMP] switch selection cannot be performed. Hi Exchanging the main and sub bands The function display shows both the main and sub band frequencies and both bands can receive signals simultaneously. Assign VHF or UHF, whichever band you want to transmit or be called on, as the main band. e Push [M/S] to exchange the main and sub bands. FM VFOA HU FA i wat AA VOS LILIA i se { _ M/S „ "a FM VFOA EM VFO A Ea Accessing the sub band Frequency control, memory operation and some functions can be operated on the sub band. You can search the sub band while standing by on the main band for quick response to received calls. (D Push [SUB] to access the sub band. - “SUB” appears on the function display. - You can transmit on the main band even when accessing the sub band. (2 Push [SUB] again to return to the main band control. FM VFOA SUB EM VFOA | ZZ rn FIL Li Sn. Mi = om = one Z = j L ‘<n Sub band is accessed. ый VFO description The transceiver has two VFOs for both bands, spe- cially suited for instant selection of 2 frequencies or split frequency operation. The VFOs are called VFO A and VFO B. You can use a desired VFO to call up a frequency and operating mode for your operation. VFO is an abbreviation of Variable Frequency Oscil- lator, and traditionally refers to an oscillator. >—— CONVENIENT Use two VFOs as a quick memory When you find a new station but you wish to continue searching, the two VFO system can be used for quick memory storage. (O Push [FUNC] then [vFO+A=B] for 2 sec. to store the displayed frequency into the undisplayed VFO. (2 Continue searching stations. (3) Push [VFO] to retrieve the stored frequency. (4) To continue searching stations, push [VFO] again. BASIC OPERATION 4 FM VFOA id Toggles between VFO A and B. USB mmm a VWFOB FM VFO A fi iii off 171711 { AID TITI rt LALA, LS ! АЕ { ЕМ ЕМ e The differences between the VFO mode and the memory mode VFO MODE Each VFO shows a frequency and operating mode. lf the frequency or operating mode is changed, the VFO automatically memorizes the new frequency or new operating mode. When a VFO is selected from another VFO or the memory mode, the last used frequency and oper- ating mode for that VFO appear. [EXAMPLE] Da VFO A is selected. FM о УРОА ег га, | The frequency is changed. | FM VFOA HUE м Г, Г 1 ! = 1 VFO B is selected. | ES VFO A is selected again. FM VFOA ul, Au, i i 1 1 IUT II | Changed frequency (145.875 MHz) appears. MEMORY MODE (pgs. 29-32) Each memory channel shows a frequency and oper- ating mode like a VFO. Even if the frequency or mode is changed, the memory channel does not memorize the new frequency or operating mode. When the memory channel is selected from another memory channel or VFO mode, the memorized fre- quency and operating mode appear. [EXAMPLE] Memory channel 1 is selected. FM NIE ETA FO MENO $ LT TE LS i ‘i, Nan aa The frequency is changed, LE Another memory channel is | selected. FM | nz CITI PI MEN AA Memory channel 1 is selected | again. y FM Changed frequency (145.875 MHz) does not appear and memorized frequency (145.650 MHz) appears instead. 20 21 4 BASIC OPERATION aa Frequency setting The transceiver has a [kHz/MHz] switch and user- programmable tuning steps for convenient frequency tuning. (D Push [M/S] to select the desired frequency band as the main band; or push [SUB] to access the sub band. (2) Push [VFO] to select the VFO mode. 3) Rotate the tuning dial to set the frequency. -When SSB or CW mode is selected, the memory channel number changes to the 10 and 1 Hz digits when rotating the tuning dial except when the 100 Hz tuning step is selected. (This can be turned OFF using the L-set mode. See p. 41.) - When you want to check the 10 and 1 Hz digits, push and hold [FUNC]. Downloaded by RadioAmateur.EU 10 and 1 Hz DIGIT INDICATIONS (SSB/CW only) When rotating the tuning dial or pushing [FUNC] more than 1 sec. USB VFO А ^ UA A 2 ALO N О А ae | E 1 Я LL wal mals tn GH e 10 and 1 Hz digits. =. 1 F7 ser er I ya u „u | Í at + a sl ' imi =p Mi L When you do not require the 10 and 1 Hz indications, set “FINE-oF” in the L-set mode item 4. (p. 41) QUICK TUNING STEPS The operating frequency can be changed in 1 kHz steps or 1 MHz steps for quick tuning. e For 1 kHz tuning: Push [kHz/MHz] momentarily. Shows 1 kHz steps / VFOA i hi 1 { —— USB li I гы. wl = “ME den Push [kHz/MHz] again to return to the normal steps. [KHz/MHz] = IL | O oo 2 O Be oO: boono Om cp Us U e For 1 MHz tuning: Push [kHz/MHz] for 2 sec. Shows 1 MHz steps | USB 1 eit rrr ау, am, EA que a a VFOA aft ` 1 Push [kHz/MHz] again to return to the normal steps. TUNING STEP SELECTION Tuning steps can be pre-set independently for FM and SSB/CW. The following steps are selectable. * FM :0.1,5, 10, 12.5, 20, 25 or 100 kHz « SSB : 1, 10,50 or 100 Hz (Г) Push [M/S] or [SUB] to select the desired band. (2) Push [FM/RPT] or [SSB/CW] to select the de- sired operating mode. @ Push [FUNC], then push [SSB/CW-TS] to indi- cate the tuning step setting display. (4) Rotate the tuning dial to set the desired steps. (6) Push [SSB/CW] to return to the previous display. [SSB/CW+TS] SJL 1 O Sm O CD O5 O2 ©) O) OO O O ® Ou CD | ооо OO LJ U FM tuning step FM setting display Г (Unit: kHz) wal SSB/CW tuning USB step setting display (Unit: Hz) # Sub tuning dial The transceiver has a large main tuning dial for frequency setting. In addition, the [RIT] or [SHIFT] controls can be used as a sub tuning dial for dual band simultaneous tuning, etc. The sub tuning dial changes the operating frequency continuously ata variabie speed. To use the sub tuning dial function, assign the func- tion to either the [RIT] or [SHIFT] control using the | -set mode item 7 as described at right. 4 The assigned control can be used for its original function, however, both functions cannot be used simultaneously. SG (D Assign the function to the [RIT] or [SHIFT] control and the effect to the accessed band or sub band. - See the box at right. (2) Push [FUNC], then push the [RIT] switch. - The kHz decimal point of the selected band blinks. - “RIT” blinks when the function is assigned to the [RIT] control. The display shows the function is assigned to the [RIT] control and is activated on the sub band. (3 When the sub tuning dial is assigned to the accessed band, push [SUB] to select the desired band for control. (4) Set the [RIT] or [SHIFT] control for the desired tuning direction and speed. - Tuning speed can be adjusted in +5 steps. Sub dial does not function. Reverses the Advances the frequency and os frequency and increases the increases the speed, LA speed. (5) Push [FUNC], then push the [RIT] switch to cancel the function. - Pushing [RIT] also cancels the function when the sub tuning dial is assigned to the [RIT] control. While pushing the [MEMO] switch, the sub tuning dial changes the memory cnannel. GW BASIC OPERATION 4 SUB TUNING DIAL FUNCTION ASSIGNMENT @ Turn power OFF. (2) While pushing [LOCK], turn power ON. (3) Push [UP] or [DOWN] to select item 7 (displayed instead of the sub band’s memory channel number). (4) Rotate the tuning dial to select your desired condition as described below. (5) Turn the power OFF and ON again to exit the L-set mode. bd - a, e u; id Га + uf cr a ’ E L Sub tuning dial cannot be used, mal pa Er ti IM „Ih Lo oh Ir Dir = IL Duo AL ! The [RIT] control can be used for the accessed band’s tuning. SUB # The [SHIFT] control can be used for sub band tuning. ite Lit Eb я } 2. uk di ron 1 A Dl aft tr - rai fg Sub cf} ni i The [SHIFT] control can be used for the accessed band’s tuning. = Dial lock function The dial lock function prevents accidental changes caused by the tuning dial (including the sub tuning dial). » Push [LOCK] to activate and cancel the dial lock function. Even while the dial lock function is activated, memory channel selection can be made with the tuning dial while pushing the [MEMO] switch. Eu] | RO С U [LOCK] lf the optional UT-36 is installed, the transceiver may announce the accessed band’s frequency, mode, etc. wnen the lock function is activated. (pgs. 42, 45) QA GS 22 23 Г) FUNCTIONS FOR RECEIVING SQUELCH (@, @ on pgs. 1, 2) Rotate to close the squelch when you want to cut the no-signal noise in FM mode or to eliminate the floor noise in S/RF METER (@ on p. 2) Shows the main band’s receive signal strength. SSB/CW mode. TX/RX INDICATOR (@ on p. 2) Lights up in green when a signal is received. Blinks when an off-center signal is received in FM mode. PHONES (8 on p. 1) Insert headphones when required. Tt \\NSMIT ca ^“ CHECK (@ on p. 3) Monitors the frequency without disturbing the ac- cessed band’s squelch. SUB BAND S-METER (@ on p. 7) Shows the signal strength of the sub band. The sub band S-meter can be turned OFF using the F-set mode if desired. See p. 40 for setting the sub band S-meter ON and OFF. LOCK (@ опр. 3) Push to activate the dial lock function and to an- nounce the accessed band’s frequency when an optional UT-36 is in- stalled. RIT (@, & on pgs. 4, 6) SHIFT (€B on p. 6) See the right page for details. AF-@ QL Fo SOL © O PH INES ICON 1\_-B820H : | j DUAL BA iD ALL MODE TR INSCEIVER CH x ( EMR SE EL ( SSB/ SET Me SY ES COMPUTER CONTROLLED 1Hz DIGITAL = 7 A | [fe (E Г] VFO WITH 1-LOGP PLL SYSTEM NB AIT PREAMP GSC РУНА 7 ATT (8 on p. 2) PREAMP (@ on p. 2) SCAN When receiving interference from strong signals or other sources, the attenuator is helpful to reduce the interference. The attenuator is turned ON for both bands simultaneously, however, this can be changed to VHF or UHF only using the F-set mode. Refer to When connecting an op- tional preamplifier to an antenna connector, this switch turns the preamp ON and OFF. See p. 40 for activating (€ on p. 4) Push to start the scan or optional tone scan. p. 39 for setting details. NB (@ on p. 2) When operating SSB or CW mode on the main band, pulse-type noise may be received, such as from car ignitions. In this case, the noise blanker eliminates such noise. NOTE: When using the noise blanker, received sig- nals may be distorted if they are excessively strong. The noise blanker is not available for FM mode. band selection. AGC (@ on p. 2) AGC (Auto Gain Control) holds audio output constant during fluctuations in main band signal strength. e Set AGC slow (OUT) for SSB mode. « Set AGC fast (IN) for CW mode or when searching for signals with the tuning dial. The sub band’s AGC is automatically selected as slow in SSB and fast in CW. The AGC is not available for FM mode. ma RIT function FUNCTIONS FOR RECEIVING 5 The RIT (Receive Incremental tuning) function com- pensates for off-frequencies of communicating sta- tions. The function shifts the receive frequency only up to +2.0 kHz in 20 Hz steps in SSB/CW mode (+ 10.0 kHz in 100 Hz steps in FM mode) without moving the transmit frequency. The shift frequency resolution can be selected for SSB/CW and FM modes separately using the L-set mode. (p. 42) SSB/CW : 1 Hz (100 Hz), 10 Hz (1 kHz), 20 Hz (2 kHz) FM : 10 Hz (1 KHz), 50 Hz (5 KHz), 100 Hz (10 kHz) Bracketed values are maximum shift frequencies in each direction. The RIT function can be used for the main band only and can be adjusted even when accessing the sub band. (1) Push the [RIT] switch to activate the function. - “RIT” appears. “RIT” appears. (2) Rotate the [RIT] control to cancel the off- frequencies. - The transmit frequency is not shifted. (3) To cancel the RIT function, push [RIT] again. - “RIT” disappears. The RIT function can not be used with the sub tuning dial function when the sub dial is assigned to the [RIT] control. (pgs. 22, 42) ААА + IF shift function The IF shift function electronically changes the pass- band frequency of the IF (Intermediate frequency) and cuts out higher or lower frequency components of the IF to reject interference. The function shifts the IF frequency up to +1.2 kHz in 100 Hz steps in SSB/CW mode. The IF shift is especially effective in SSB operation and not available in FM mode. The IF shift function can be used for the main band only. (O Adjust the [SHIFT] contro! for a minimum inter- ference signal level. - The audio tone may be changed while the IF shift is in use. (2 Set the [SHIFT] control to its center position when there is no interference. RIT ++ SHIFT RIT-9-SHIFT КИТ $ НЕТ Shifts to low Center Shifts to high г The IF shift function cannot be used with the sub tuning dial function when the sub dial is assigned to the [SHIFT] control. (pgs. 22, 42) Especially in CW mode, a mechanical noise may sound when rotating the [SHIFT] control, how- ever, it is not a transceiver malfunction. MG MBM a FM center indicator The main band RX indicator indicates the recelved signal deviation in FM mode. When an off-center signal is received, the main band RX indicator blinks. When an off-center signal is received, rotate the tuning dial or use the RIT function to light up the RX indicator continuously. The FM center meter can be turned OFF using the F-set mode if desired. See p. 40 for setting the FM center meter ON and OFF. Blinks when an off-center signal is received. O 239 2 ¿0088 00 00000 О = U DULDU | С 24 25 6 FUNCTIONS FOR TRANSMITTING S/RF METER (@ on p. 2) Shows the output power. CHECK/T SQL (@ on p. 3) Monitors the frequency without disturbing the accessed band’s squelch. Activates the optional tone squelch after pushing [FUNC]. TX INDICATOR (@® on p. 2) Lights up in red when trans- mitting. The brightness increases when the ALC circuit is activated in SSB mode. PM/RPT (@ on p. 4) Selects FM mode. Sets the duplex and subaudible tone encoder ON when FM mode is already selected. (U.S.A. and Australia versions) ТОМЕ (В опр. 3) versions) Turns the subaudible tone ON and OFF. (U.S.A. and Australia Transmits a 1750 Hz tone for the Europe and Sweden versions. Ъ POWER x E) à хех TRANSMIT ORX SPLIT(€ on p. 6) Refer to the right page for details. O phones ICOM АЕ SQL ¡C-820H DUAL BAND ALL MODE TRANSCEIVER AF-3 SQL | RIT _ а OO A E JE] 5 kKH2/MHz SCAN C MIC 9 \ TRANSMIT Push IN to transmit and push OUT to receive. Same function as the LOCK (6 on p. 3) Push to activate the dial PTT on the microphone. lock function and to an- nounce the accessed band’s frequency when PWR/COMP (@ on p. 2) Selects the RF output power or turns the speech compressor ON and OFF according to the set mode selection. The compression level can be adjusted with the volume contro! located on the bottom cover (p. 47). an optional UT-36 is in- stalled. MIC (@ on p. 4) Set to the 10-12 o’clock position when using an optional Icom ——~ SETTING PROCEDURE Compression level setting: Rotate [COMP LEVEL] on the bottom cover to get adequate compression but no distortion while moni- toring your transmitted voice signal with hand microphone. another VHF or UHF receiver. — SETTING PROCEDURE Mic gain setting: While transmitting in SSB mode, rotate [MIC] to adjust the mic gain so that the TX indicator periodically flights up brightly at your normal voice level. FUNCTIONS FOR TRANSMITTING 6 # Compressor/RF power switch setting The [PWR/COMP] switch selects the RF output power or turns the speech compressor ON and OFF according to the set mode selection. Setthe desired function to [PWR/COMP] as follows: (1) Cancel the sub band access function in advance. (2) Push [FUNC] then [TONE*SET] to enter set mode. (3) Rotate the tuning dial to select the desired condi- tion. DISPLAY RF POWER COMPRESSOR Po C-oF Selectable OFF Po C-on Selectable ON Co P-Lo Low power Selectable Со Р-Н! High power Selectable (4) Push [CHECK] to exit the set mode. = Split frequency operation Split frequency operation allows you to transmit and receive on two different frequencies. The split fre- quency operation is performed using 2 frequencies on 2 VFOs. (D Set a receive frequency in the VFO mode. - Either VFO A or VFO B can be used. (2) Push [FUNC] then [VFO-A=B] for 2 sec. - The undisplayed VFO contents are cleared and equalized to the displayed frequency. (3) Push [FUNC] then [CALL*SPLIT]. - “SPLIT” appears. - Now you can receive on the displayed VFO and transmit on the undisplayed VFO. (4) To change the receive frequency, rotate the tun- ing dial. To change the transmit frequency, rotate the tuning dial while pushing [CHECK]. (5) Push [FUNC] then [CALL*SPLIT] to cancel. To change the transmit and receive frequencies, push [VFO] to exchange VFOs. ыы Tone squelch operation To operate the tone squelch, an optional UT-50 is required. See p. 45 for installation. Two UT-50s are required for dual band simultaneous operation. The tone squelch opens only when receiving a signal with the same pre-programmed subaudible tone. You can silently wait for a call from group members using the same tone. You can check the tone frequency using the tone scan if desired. (p. 28) () Select the desired band with the [M/S] switch. (2) Select FM mode, then set the desired frequency. 3) Program the tone squelch frequency as at right. (4) Push [FUNC] then [CHECK*T SQL] to turn the tone squelch ON. (“T SQL” appears.) 6) When the received signal includes the correct tone, the squelch opens and the signal can be heard. - When the received signal includes an incorrect tone or no tone, the squelch does not open, however, the S-meter indicates the signal strength. - To open the squelch manually, push and hold [CHECK]. (6) Operate the transceiver in the normal way (push [PTT] to transmit; release [PTT] to receive). (7) То cancel the tone squelch, push [FUNC] then [CHECK*T SQL]. » Setting the tone squelch frequency Frequencies can be independently set for each band. @ Push [FUNC] then [TONE*SET] to enter set mode. (2) Push [TONE] 4 times to select the tone squelch frequency setting display. - When the sub band access is in use, skip this step. (3) Rotate the tuning dial to select the desired fre- quency. (4) Push [CHECK] to exit the set mode. +» Tone squelch frequency list 67.0 | 82.5 | 100.0 | 118.8 | 141.3 | 167.9 | 203.5 | 241.8 71.9 | 85.4 | 103.5 | 123.0 | 146.2 | 173.8 | 210.7 | 259.3 74.4 | 88.5 | 107.2 | 127.3 | 151.4 | 179.9 | 218.1 77.0 | 91.5 | 110.9 ! 131.8 | 156.7 ! 186.2 | 225.7 79.7 | 948 | 114.8 | 136.5 ! 162.2 | 192.8 | 233.6 (Unit: Hz) 26 27 El Operation A repeater amplifies received signals and transmits them at a different frequency. When using a re- peater, the transmit frequency is shifted from the receive frequency by the offset frequency. (p. 28) It is convenient to program repeater information into a memory channel. (p. 30) (Y Select the desired band as the main band with the [M/S] switch. (2) Push [FM/RPT] to select FM mode. (3) Set the receive frequency (repeater output fre- quency). (p. 21) (4 Push [FUNC] then [FM/RPT-DUP] to select — duplex or push them again for + duplex. - “DUP —” or “DUP +” appears to indicate the transmit frequency for minus shift or plus shift, respectively. - The U.S.A. and Australia versions have an auto repeater function. (p. 28) -For the U.S.A. and Australia versions, push [FM/RPT] to set the pre-programmed duplex direc- tion and to turn the subaudible tone encoder ON. See below. (6) Push and hold [PTT] to transmit. - Push and hold [CHECK] to check whether the other station’s transmit signal can be directly received or not. - The displayed frequency automatically changes to the transmit frequency (repeater input frequency). - When the repeater requires a tone, see the section below. -1f “DUP—” or “DUP +” blinks, confirm the offset frequency. (6) Release [PTT] to receive. @ To return to simplex, push [FUNC] then [DUP] once or twice to clear the “DUP” indicator. -For the U.S.A. and Australia versions, push [FM/RPT] to cancel the “DUP” and “T” settings. ÉS Tone information SUBAUDIBLE TONE (U.S.A. and Australia versions only) (D Push [TONE] to turn the subaudible tone encod- er ON. (2) Set the tone frequency if desired. - Push [FUNC] then [TONE*SET}]. 4 C1 _ г a г Set mede is га Е та selected. 7 + Tone encoder frequency appears. 7 y =. 00. 1 - Rotate the tuning dial to select the desired tone frequency. - Push [CHECK] to exit the set mode. (3) Push [TONE] to turn the subaudible tone encod- er OFF. e Subaudible tone frequency list (Unit: Hz) 67.0 | 82.5 97.4 | 114.8 | 136.5 | 162.2 | 192.8 | 233.6 71.9 | 85.4 | 100.0 | 118.8 | 141.3 | 167.9 | 203.5 | 241.8 74.4 | 88.5 | 103.5 | 123.0 | 146.2 | 173.8 | 210.7 | 250.3 77.0 | 91.5 | 107.2 | 127.3 | 151.4 | 179.9 | 218.1 79.7 | 94.8 | 110.9 | 131.8 | 156.7 | 186.2 | 225.7 DTMF TONES (HM-14 is required.) Push the desired digit keys on the microphone in sequence to transmit DIME tones. 1750 Hz TONE (Europe and Sweden versions only) Push [TONE] for 1-3 sec. to transmit a 1750 Hz tone call signal. = One-touch repeater (U.S.A. and Australia versions only) The U.S.A. and Australia version's repeater settings (DUP+ or DUP— and tone encoder ON) can be activated by simply pushing [FM/RPT] in FM mode. { The display shows — duplex is selected to DUP pe ayn get 9 the one-touch repeater A function. i The duplex direction setting is common for each band. Set the desired duplex direction as follows: (0 Push [FUNC] then [TONE*SET] to enter set mode. (2) Push [TONE] once to select the subaudible tone frequency setting display. (3) Rotate the tuning dial to select the desired du- plex direction. (4) Push [CHECK] to exit the set mode. FM REPEATER USE 7 im Offset frequency Frequencies can be independently set for each (2) Push [FUNC] then [TONE*SET] to enter set band. Set the desired offset frequency as follows: mode. (3) Push [TONE] twice to select the offset frequency setting display. | \ (4) Rotate the tuning diai to select the desired fre- Appears when 1 kHz or 1 MHz tuning step is selected. The display shows a DUP-- AZAÑA FA 0.6 (600 kHz) offset quency. | | LIU frequency. - Selectable step increment is the same as the preset tuning step in FM mode. (p. 21) - 1 kHz tuning step is selected in SSB/CW mode. - Озе [КН2/МН2] ог quick frequency setting. () Push [CHECK] to exit the set mode. (1) Select the desired band as the main band with the [M/S] switch. mi Tone scan By monitoring a signal that is being transmitted ona EM VFOA| The operating repeater input frequency, you can determine the т. ICT 5, frequency changes to tone frequency necessary to open a repeater. The SCAN DL сы | the tone frequency. tone scan can be used in the main band only and an Be optional UT-50 is required. (6) When the tone frequency is matched, the scan pauses with a beep and the tone frequency is G) Select FM mode with the [FM/RPT] switch. (2) Set the desired frequency to be checked for a tone frequency. (e.g. repeater input frequency) (3) Activate the tone encoder or tone squelch. (4) Push [FUNC], then [SCAN] to start the tone programmed into the set mode contents of the subaudible tone or tone squelch frequency. - The tone frequency is temporally changed when scanning on a memory or call channel. (6) Push [SCAN] to stop the tone scan. scan. - When the scan resume function is cancelled using the L-set mode the tone scan is cancelled when the tone frequency is matched. (p. 41) ea Auto repeater function (U.S.A. and Australia versions only) The U.S.A. and Australia versions automatically activate the repeater settings (DUP + or DUP— and tone encoder ON/OFF) when the operating fre- quency fails within the general repeater frequency memory channel 3 and/or 5 are set to simplex. range and deactivates them when outside of the (4) Program the other band edges referring to D-@. range. (5) Turn power OFF, then turn power ON while pushing [FM/RPT] and [TONE] to program the ranges. (3) Program the other frequency edges into memory channels 3/4 and 5/6 in a similar manner. -If you do not require more ranges, be sure that See p. 41 for auto repeater selection. After programming, the memory channels can be changed and the ranges do not change if the contents are changed. e Programming a repeater frequency range The U.S.A. and Australia versions can have 3 re- peater output frequency ranges set for each band. For the U.S.A. version, the general repeater fre- quency ranges (below) are set by default. АА ® Default repeater frequency ranges and offset directions of the U.S.A. version FREQUENCY RANGE | DUPLEX DIRECTION 145.2000-145.4999 MHz 146.6100-146.9999 MHz (D Program the desired lower repeater output fre- quency edge and duplex direction (DUP— or “DUP —” appears. DUP +) into memory channel 1. (p. 30) (2) Program the desired higher repeater output fre- quency edge into memory channel 2. 147.0000—1 47.3999 MHz “DUP +” appears. 442.0000-444.9999 MHZ “DUP +” appears. 447 .0000-449.9999 MHz “DUP —” appears. 28 MEMORY MODE a Memory channeis The transceiver has a total of i00 memory channels. Each memory channel can be used to store often- 50 channels are assigned to each band initially. However, these can be allocated between bands for used frequencies and operating modes as well as a a maximum of 80 channels in one band. (in this tone frequency, offset frequency, etc. case, 20 channels for the other band). 4 N y \ Memory mode MEMO FM } VFO mode ES Du. it Dan п МЕМО ЕМ VFOA Push > = = | BAT KIN - Г Гы, ыы f This can be increased up to 80. \ J i Scan edge E ло \ channels \ ) e Frequency and mode, etc. can be changed in a memory channel. However, they will be cleared if [MW] is not pushed. The previous contents in memory channel 50. When changing the frequency. When [MW] is pushed inthe above step, When [MW] is not pushed in the above step, select ch 50 again. select ch 50 En Г again. MA TI CIALIS Su y Previous contents FM x ir = jf ¡"| MEMO appee PILE TU LE The changed contents appear. 29 Operation on a memory channel e Memory channel 6 and channels above have no contents programmed. The following indication appears after 2 sec. when selecting these chan- nals, 1111 17 nels. When selecting non- programmed chan- After 2 sec., the dis- play shows the as- signed band. @ A beep tone sounds when changing the memory channel. 2 beep tones sound when scan edge cnannels are selected to distinguish the end of the memory channels. FM MAT TUTO FA MEMO DAI A A MAT PATATA TU MEMON Seco TIL SE) ILL TUT PEMEMO \ 2 o AT aa A) ве ld Ag ВЕР. Ш. A HT. MEMO Mage Le | EZ III TI MENO\ Ze, III ZIELE IT EI Memory channel selection MEMORY MODE 8 (D Push [MEMO] to select the memory mode. - “MEMO” appears. (2 Push [DOWN] or [UP] to select the desired memory channel. - The tuning dial can also be used for memory chan- nel selection. While pushing [MEMO], rotate the tuning dial, (3) To return to the VFO mode, push [VFO]. Lom (DOWN) /(_uP_} or (MEMO } + / | FM Wii II FU MEMO ITA Sa a Memory channel programming Memory channel programming can be performed either in the VFO mode or in the memory mode. + Programming in the VFO mode D 2 ® Set the desired frequency and operating mode in the VFO mode. - Tone frequency, offset frequency, etc., can also be programmed. Push [DOWN] or [UP] to select the desired memory channel to be programmed. - The tuning dial can also be used while [MEMO] is pushed. Push and hold [MW] for 2 sec. to program the displayed frequency and operating mode into the memory channel. To check the programmed contents, push [MEMO] to select the memory mode. [EXAMPLE] : Programming 144.275 MHz/USB into memory channel 12. ; VFOA| Set the desired __ Y frequency and mode in if | the VFO mode. 7 / VFOA| Select memory channel number 12. | (push for 2 sec.) Tun “Beep USB vroA | Push and hold [MW] to ERLE. AAC Ti _ program. ILE ER = ] Beep №. e Programming in the memory mode D (2) Push [MEMO] to select the memory mode. Select the desired memory channel to be pro- grammed with the [DOWN] or [UP] switch. - The tuning dial can also be used while [MEMO] is pushed. | Set the desired frequency and operating mode in the memory mode. - Tone frequency, offset frequency, etc., can also be programmed. - Blank channels cannot be programmed in the memory mode. Select the VFO mode in advance, then program blank channels. Push and hold [MW] for 2 sec. to program the displayed frequency and operating mode into the memory channel. [EXAMPLE]: Programming 145.750 MHz/FM into memory channel 18. USB > Select memory channel 18. FM nic WT Try MEMO Set the desired {AI IIS | frequency and mode. (push for 2 sec.) Me qu et wo, A AA IE 3. _ Beep gee" { { FM f Push and hold [MW] to A п MEMO f 30 8 MEMORY MODE @ Transferring memory contents Downloaded by RadioAmateur.EU This function transfers the memory channel contents into a VFO. This is useful to call up the subaudible tone frequency, offset frequency, etc., to the VFO. SS GG % NOTE: When you have changed the frequency and mode in the selected memory channel: - Displayed frequency/mode are transferred. - Programmed frequency/mode are not transferred, and they remain in the memory channel. (D Push [MEMO] to select the memory mode. - This function cannot be activated from the VFO mode. (2) Select a memory channel with the [DOWN] or [UP] switch. - The tuning dial can also be used while [MEMO] is | pushed. (3) Push [FUNC] then [MEMO-Mr®VFO} for 2 sec. to transfer the contents of the memory channel. - The contents are transferred to the most recently used VFO (VFO A or VFO B). TRANSFERRING EXAMPLE Operating frequency : 144.028 MHz/CW (MEMO 19) Previously used VFO : VFO A / cw Select memory iad FU SEE FE MEMO \ channel 19. § q. a 7 fil cw Programmed contents are transferred. CW VFOA fi 14 TA ITA FT Ñ Selecting the VFO . ! mode. "Memo ry clearin 9 Any unnecessary memory channels can be cleared. The cleared memory channels become blank chan- nels. (D Push [MEMO] to select the memory mode. (2) Select a memory channel to be cleared with the [DOWN] or [UP] switch. (3) Push and hold [FUNC] then push [MWeM-CL] for 2 sec. to clear the contents. - The programmed frequency and operating mode disappear. (4) To clear other memory channels, repeat steps @) and @). NOTE: Scan edge channels P1 and P2 cannot e cleared. г SS . an After 2 sec., the -- ПИТ _ MEMO \ operating band is Гы | shown. Ni Scan edge channels Scan edge channels, P1 and P2, are located be- tween the highest memory channel (initially 50) and channel 1. When operating a programmed scan, the scan operates between these programmed frequen- cies. Programming can be performed in the same manner as other memory channels. channel P1 FM | Scan edge Gt Prt UY MEMO ! NES Pl Scan edge channel P2 HE Memory channel allocation The transceiver has a total of 100 memory channels. There are 50 channels for each band initially. When you want more channels for a particular band, the number of memory channels can be allocated in 10 channel steps. MEMORY MODE 8 NOTE: Subtracted band memory channels will be cleared in 10-channel steps from the higher memory channels. Memory channels removed rom a band have their contents erased. These removed contents cannot be recalled. OQ A. MQ N + + Allocation operation (D Turn the power OFF. (2) While pushing [LOCK], turn power ON. - The L-set mode is accessd. POWER =I | бо 683 O): = OT) U) soso T о, © U U [LOCK] on БЕЕЙ | One of the L-set mode displays appears. (Y Push [DOWN] or [UP] to select the channel allocation display. ET LUE T1 -- ale io LA ch SEL ic Channel allocation display 7 Select item 12 (4) Rotate the tuning dial to select the desired num- ber. - “L” stands for the 144 MHz band “H” stands for the 430 MHz band. L cc Ем - Sci ! | 430 MHz band: 20 May, > heme} HTA И LU OIL и = mo u с м - } 1 “m, ut m 144 MHz band: 80 ı WI_:1T L PL 144 MHz band: 70 u: _ Li. CL! a j1 ug! u. sr, u _ _- PR Mo 430 MHz band: 30 + > + 144 MHZ band: 30 430 MHz band: 70 144 MHz band: 20 430 MHz band: 80 (5) Push [POWER] to turn power OFF, then turn power ON again to exit the L-set mode. - The selected allocation is programmed. 32 33 9 CALL CHANNEL A Call up a call channel The call channel is a one-touch accessible channel for recalling your most-often-used frequency. The transceiver has one call channel for each band (a total of 2 channels). e Calling up (D Select the desired band with the [M/S] or [SUB] switch. (2) Push [CALL] to select the call channel. (3) To return to the previous display, push [VFO] or [MEMO]. FM VFOA a =<, = FM VFOA mi, AA A i ne nn ni BALL ILLAS ! HALA i TS re д forthe — о revious CALL Cveo ) °" (Memo) Pose FM nz ann en III 2 4326000 ! “C” appears when a call channel is selected. ga Call channel programming The following contents can be programmed into the call channel in the same way as a memory channel. * Operating frequency * Operating mode + Duplex direction and its offset frequency * Tone encoder or optional tone squelch and its tone frequency. ° Programming () Select the desired band with the [M/S] or [SUB] switch. (2) Push [CALL] to call up the call channel. (3) While pushing [CALL], rotate the tuning dial to set the desired frequency to be programed into the call channel. (4) Select the desired operating mode with the [FM/RPT] or [SSB/CW] switch. - Set the tone frequency, offset frequency, etc., if desired. (5) Push and hold [MW] for 2 sec. to program. [EXAMPLE]: Programming 145.50 MHz/FM into the call channel. —/ VFOA VFO mode Ч Select the call г channel. 1 FM | Select the desired u frequency while pushing [CALL]. <n = L I. г = = . L FM a a a = Select the mode, =. tone, etc. if desired. | M-CL (push for 2 sec. {р ) Call channel is FM programmed. iit cer “Bap Ma LLL € | Eo i Satellite communications outline SATELLITE OPERATION 1 0 Both satellite mode B (435 MHz uplink, 145 MHz downlink) and mode J (145 MHz uplink, 435 MHz downlink) can be operated from the ¡C-820H. Satellite communications is possible only when a satellite is in view and its transponder is activated. 145 MHz band * Mode B operating diagram «= Uplink <—= Downlink 435 MHz band 145 MHz band [EXAMPLE]: AMSAT OSCAR 13 (AO-13), Mode B * Uplink frequency : 435.423-435.573 MHz + Downlink frequency :145.975-145.825 MHz * Tracking direction : Reverse * General beacon frequency : 145.812 MHZ * Engineering beacon frequency : 145.985 MHz [CHECK] frequency. Monitors an uplink [RIT GY] While pushing this switch, the Activates RIT function while in tuning dial changes the uplink the satellite mode for downlink frequency (main band) only. frequency (sub band). [CALL- ] | | [VFO] Selects the satellite VFO mode. DOWN [MEMO] selects the satellite memory mode. Transfers the memory contents to the satellite VFO | (Cs when pushing [FUNC] then N this switch. [SCAN-B]] While pushing this switch, the tuning dial changes the downlink frequency (sub band) only. One of these appears to indicate a tracking direction of normal or [MW] Programs both uplink and downlink frequencies to the selected satellite memory channels. One of these appears to indicate the satellite VFO or reverse. à satellite memory mode. LSB SATL-N y LAT FE AT SATL-R USB ioe o | Ing 1" fn, 17 Ht AZ IT MEMO | Satellite memory L_ Uplink frequency (transmit frequency) J L 1 mt ot. Us] channel number | Downlink frequency (Receive frequency) 34 | 35 10 SATELLITE OPERATION = Satellite notes 1. NEVER set the output power too high. Too much power will shorten the satellite’s life. set your transmit power so that your downlink signal level is lower than the beacon’s signal level. 2. Confirm a satellite’s operating mode in advance through documentation (magazines, etc.) or via appropriate satellite tracking software. In the wrong mode, you cannot use the satellite even if you receive its beacon signal. 3. Preamplifiers may be necessary to receive satellite signals. Optional AG-25 and AG-35 are available to connect to the IC-820H (see p. 52). Ml Operation 4. When you use a reverse tracking satellite in SSB mode, use LSB for the uplink frequency and USB for the downlink frequency. - When using a normal tracking satellite in SSB mode, use USB for both the uplink and downlink frequencies, Bi Pre-operation (1) Decide on a usable satellite. (2) Confirm the approximate location of the satellite and operating mode (e.g. “B,” “J,” etc.) through documentation (magazines, etc.) or via appro- priate satellite tracking software. () Set the antenna direction for the desired satellite. (2) Select the satellite mode on the transceiver. - Push [FUNC] then [DOWN-REV] ог [UP-NOR] to select reverse tracking or normal tracking, respec- tively. (Most satellites can be used with reverse tracking.) - When [DOWN-REV] or [UP-NOR] is pushed and held in the above step, the selected frequencies and modes can be used in the satellite VFO. El = O = IE = © O88 (~ )SOs CD O) oonon О que m U F ZT [FUNC] then [REV] or [NOR] (5) Perform a loop test. - Set the downlink frequency (sub band) to an empty frequency within the satellite’s coverage. - While pushing [RITe [¥J] and transmitting a single tone such as a whistle, set the uplink frequency (main band) to find your downlink signal and monitor your own signal correctly. LSB a es г SATL-R USB IE LIE Lik ñ aaa MEMO ri iv m we we ee Fe mL JO LSB << SATL-R USB II, A nac aaa MEMO ¡IL TL LS / riage ou DD / Appears when reverse tracking is selected. (3) Select a mode on the transceiver. Satellite main band) foot band) Reverse tracking type LSB (or CW) USB (or CW) Normal tracking type USB (or CW) USB (or CW) Another operating mode may be required for digital mode operation. (4) Set the downlink frequency (sub band) to the beacon frequency. - Refer to a ham magazine or book for detailed infor- mation. - Adjust the antenna direction so that the S-meter swings to its strongest level. -- The S-meter level should be noted for transmit power selection during a loop test. LSB oui u ar Vs y 7, SATL-R USB WAAL LA ALE TA IC TITI ‘eee А, МСУ Cin ica GE The sub band frequency disappears while pushing [RIT-M]. NOTE: To avoid excessive power, set the output power so that the downlink signal ; strength is lower than the beacon's strength. RKKK (6) Set the desired frequency to begin your satellite communications. - Both the downlink and uplink frequencies are changed simultaneously. ®) When your downlink audio drifts (Doppler effect), adjust the uplink frequency (main band) only. - While pushing [RIT-[W]], rotate the tuning dial to change the uplink frequency only. - When a particular station's audio is off frequency, use the RIT function (push [CALL- [1H ]). To exit satellite operation, repeat step (2). - Push [FUNC] then [DOWN-REV] or [UP*-NOR]. - The main and sub band frequencies can be trans- ferred when pushing and holding [DOWN-REV] or [UP-NOR] on this step. CONVENIENT: As the transceiver has 10 satellite memory chan- nels, once set the desired satellites frequencies , can be recalled instantly. WG Gs The transceiver has 1 satellite VFO and 10 satellite memory channels to memorize both uplink and down- link frequencies. SATELLITE OPERATION 10 Satellite VFO and satellite memory Memory programming and memory transferring can be performed in the same manner as normal memory mode operation. SATELLITE VFO MODE LSB IAE E am 2,7 ILE SATL-R USB VFO A a? ue The satellite VFO mode records set frequencies and modes each time they change. Use the satellite VFO mode for finding satellites easily. SATELLITE MEMORY MODE FM Я И it Lil 1.5. The satellite memory mode keeps programmed fre- quencies and modes until they are overwritten. These memory channels are convenient for pro- gramming data for individual satellites. SATL-R FM LI mer NAH fit Te ME Li ты “o LE y “mr, a LS = we, Tun nad {~~ han eal i LI. № - fan =. in Bi Satellite mode selection When satellite mode is selected, a sateilite memory channel or satellite VFO appears. When you have set frequencies in normal VFO made, the set fre- quencies can be transferred to the satellite VFO. Normal VFO mode To select the satellite VFO along with set frequen- cles: e Push [FUNC], then push and hold [DOWNeREV] or [UP-NOR] for 2 sec. Agi ea then =) VFOA LITE 8 III И ПИ Ч, Push and hold The independent satellite mode is selected. The satellite VFO with a transferred freq./mode is selected FM a ET “ET, SATL-R FM QUIL FIAT SN anni “MP ууу 9 ан = OG LSE =, SATL-R USB VFOA IE 14 1317 UE TOC nr ISI, NN Zt misao DD The freq./mode selected in the satellite mode can also be transferred to normai VFQOs in the same way. E Satellite memory programming | (1) Select the satellite mode. -Push [FUNC] then push (or push and hold) [DOWN»REV] or [UP+-NOR]. | (2 Push [DOWN+REV] or [UP- NOR] to select the desired satellite memory channel, @ Push [VFO] to select the satellite VFO mode if desired. - Memory programming can be performed in both the satellite VFO and satellite memory modes. (4) Select the desired frequencies and modes for uplink and downlink. (5) Push and hold [MW] for 2 sec. to program the set contents to the satellite memory channel. [EXAMPLE]: Programming 435.54 (LSB) / 145.88 (USB) into satellite memory channel 1. FM SATL-R FM не = MEMO РТИ д ГАНЕ wu KT SCAN Select the desired frequencies and modes LSB AAC Lait ri SATA USB emo it 00 SATL-R SB MAT Ciara ña ZA MEMO TDS VIE MERO 30 36 37 11 SCANS = Scan types The transceiver has 3 scan types providing tremen- dous scanning versatility at the touch of a few switches. Select the scan which matches your operating needs for each band. y WW NOTE: The scan function can be used in the main band only. # PROGRAMMED SCAN Repeatedly scans between two scan edge frequen- cles (scan edge memory channels P1 and P2). Scan Scan edge P1 or P2 и Scan edge P2 or P1 Jump This scan operates in the VFO mode. MEMORY SCAN Repeatedly scans all programmed memory chan- nels. This scan operates in the memory mode. MODE SELECT MEMORY SCAN Repeatedly scans memory channels having a spe- cified mode. This scan operates in the memory mode. i Pre-operation + Presetting Program the memory channels before operating a scan as follows: | SCAN TYPE REQUIRED PRESETTING Е on Program scan edge frequencies NED | into scan edge memory channels | [ Pf and P2. (p. 31). MEMORY SCAN Program desired scan frequencies | ол | into 2 or more memory channels. MODE SELECT | haie same operating mode into MEMORY SCAN PS | | | 2 or more memory channels. e Scan resume ON/OFF You can set the scan to resume or cancel when detecting a signal. Scan resume ON/OFF must be set before operating a scan. See p. 41 for ON/OFF seiting and scan resume condition details. e Squelch condition Before starting a scan, open or close the squelch for the desired operation as described below: SCAN | | ae STARTS | PROGRAMMED SCAN | “Coane. e For FM mode, scan Scan pauses on | pauses (or cancels) on | each channel SQUELCH| each frequency. when the scan OPEN | e For SSB/CW mode, scan | resume is ON; continues regardless of ¡not applicable the signal condition. when OFF. Scan stops wnen detecting a signal, lf you set scan resume to “ON?” in the L-set mode, the scan pauses for 10 sec. when detecting a signal, then resumes. When a signal disappears while scan is paused, scan resumes 2 sec. later. SQUELCH CLOSED e Scan speed Scan speed can be selected from 2 levels, high or low, inthe L-set mode. See p. 41 for details. = Programmed scan operation SCANS 11 () Push [VFO] to select the VFO mode. (2) Select the desired operating mode. - The operating mode can also be changed while scanning. (3) Set the main band's [SQL] open or closed. - For FM mode, squelch must be closed. - See page at left for scan condition. (4) Push [SCAN] to start the scan. - “SCAN” appears while scanning. (5) When the scan detects a signal, the scan stops, pauses or ignores it depending on the resume setting and the squelch condition. - During scan, the [KHz/MHz] switch can be used. (6) To cancel the scan, push [SCAN]. @ Start. © Stop. @ Select the VFO mode. @ Set squelch. (2) Select operating mode. [DISPLAY EXAMPLE DURING A SCAN] FM VFOA NOTE: If the same frequencies are programmed into ew fi of i Ee Gt я the scan edge memory channels P1 and P2, pro- SCA = en grammed scan does not start. “SCAN" appears. ta Memory scan operation (D Push [MEMO] to select the memory mode. (2) Rotate the main band’s [SQL] to close the squelch. (O Select the (3) Push [SCAN] to start the scan. - “SCAN” appears. (4) When the scan detects a signal, the scan stops or pauses depending on the scan resume setting. (5) To cance! the scan, rotate the tuning dial, or push [SCAN]. NOTE: 2 or more memory channels must be pro- grammed for memory scan to start. @ Start. @ Stop. memory mode. (2) Close squelch. =a Mode select memory scan operation (1) Push [MEMO] to select the memory mode. (2) Select the desired mode (USB, LSB, CW or FM). (3) Rotate the main band’s [SQL] to close the squelch. (@) Push [LOCK] as a pre-operation for the mode select memory scan. (6) Push [SCAN] to start the scan. - While scanning, the “select mode” may be changed by pushing a mode switch, [FM] or [SSB/CW]. (6) When the scan detects a signal, the scan stops or pauses depending on the scan resume setting. (1) To cancel the scan, rotate the tuning dial, or push [SCAN]. NOTE: 2 or more memory channels must be pro- grammed with the same operating mode for select memory scan to start. (©) Start. ©Stop. (Select the memory mode. на, о? OBS 10; == L= (3) Close squelch. (4) Push [LOCK]. < (2) Select the desired mode (USB, LSB, CW or FM), 38 39 SET MODE ea Set mode description The transceiver has an F-set mode and an L-set mode for 20 items in total for the 2 modes: e Sei mode operation (D Push OUT [POWER] to turn power OFF. (2) While pushing [FUNC] or [LOCK], push [POWER] IN to turn power ON. @ [FUNC] for F-set mode. @ [LOCK] for L-set mode. (3) Push [UP] or [DOWN] several times until the desired item appears. (4) Rotate the tuning dial to set the values or condi- tions for the selected item. (5) Repeat steps G) and @ to set other items. (6) After all desired items are set, push [POWER] OUT to turn power OFF. m Push [POWER] IN to turn power ON. » Now the set values or conditions are effective. When you want to set an item to its default setting (initialized condition), push [MW-M-CL] after selecting the desired item. EH F-set mode Turn power ON while pushing one of the switches below. | “O SEO: Om = A [FUNC] [LOCK] for F-set mode for L-set mode [DISPLAY EXAMPLE iN THE SET MODE] em En г 4 L 1 A Lu. ыы 5 “ur [m L { 4 À. „of "Y —— Value or condition ltem number Item (1) Display intensity “dISP” The display backlight can be set to one of 2 intensity levels. Choose a level suitable for your operating environment. “= ~~ a > Shee Lit = ии = RE 73 High (default) po Lo) M a. Me oe a e |. A ome, Low (2) Attenuator activation “Att” When [ATT] is pushed, the attenuator circuits in both the 144 and 430 MHz bands activate. When only 1 band requires the attenuator, such as for an inter- fering electrical field in your area, the [ATT] switch’s function can be specified for the desired band only. re r Ч чи HE Attenuator activates for both 144 and 430 MHz bands (default) 11771771 = LILI г Се Attenuator ‘activates for 430 MHz band only rr r 111 _ LL Att а Attenuator activates for 144 MHz band only SETMODE 12 (3) External preamplifier selection “PrE” When optional external preamplifiers (mast-mount type), AG-25 (144 MHz) and AG-35 (430 MHz) are connected io the transceiver’s antenna connectors, set this item according to the connected preampli- fiers. This setting applies DC voltage to antenna connec- tors while receiving, therefore, the selection must be OFF when no preamplifier is connected. > HAT 3 IT Hr $905, LEE Pree 3 Preamps connected to both bands (default) 37777 = „лы Pree 3 Preamp connected to 430 MHz band only — НЙ os Я 11,3, Peek я Preamp connected to 144 MHz band only gir Pee 3 No preamp is connected. (4) CW break-in “br-In” CW break-in function toggles transmit and receive with CW keying. When “oFF” is selected, push [TRANSMIT] IN to transmit manually before keying. Adjust the [DELAY] control on the rear panel for switching times from transmit to receive when break- in is set to “ON.” cw . =, e 1525 Er “it Li CW semi break-in (default) ar cr cw г гг м-та af CW manual T/R switching (5) FM center indicator “CEntEr” When the received signal is off-center in FM mode, the green receive indicator blinks. When you desire no such indication, set this item to “oFF” to deac- tivate the center indicator function. FM ME Linger 5 FM center indicator ON (default 7 er FM mer ГР L D - i Leomecor 5 FM center indicator OFF (6) Sub band S-meter “Sub-S” When receiving a signal on the sub band, the S-meter in the function display shows the received signal strength. If you do not desire S-meter indi- cation on the sub band, it can be deactivated. Gr Sub -5 m Sub band S-meter ON (default) aer 5 Cr Sub band S-meter OFF (7) Sub band audio during transmit “Audlo” When transmitting on the main band, the sub band's sensitivity is decreased. At this time, sub band audio can be muted automatically. SUB ti e, ni af - = ry Hudı o 1 Sub band audio is output while transmitting (default) I py 13 о SUB E = 37 > > Lt al , > 4 oso Mud Sub band audio is muted while transmitting 40 12 SET MODE Downloaded by RadioAmateur.EU (U.S.A. and Australia* versions only) nee a “en Turn (8) Automatic repeater setting “AutorPt’ _ A Repeater frequency coverage is usually fixed de- pending on your area of operation. When selecting Automatic repeater selection OFF (default) $ t 3 fis transceiver can set to select duplex automatically if Ci FAT Tr y mr rr = a frequency within the frequency coverage, the | desired. Also, the subaudible tone encoder can be , Duple | . e . turned ON together with the duplex setting. Juplex as the automatic selection *Pre-programming of a repeater range is necessary for the Australia version. . a vu. > ne tn fbn we mer г ~ — Duplex and tone as the automatic selection + L-set mode (1) Confirmation beep “bEEP” Low tone and high tone confirmation beeps sound each time a switch for the main band or sub band is ;- my my 2 ts i pushed. Confirmation beeps can be turned OFF for Confirmation beep ON (default) silent operation. ÆF 07 mya a Cr Fr m Confirmation beep OFF (2) Scan resume “SC-rES” When receiving a signal during a scan, scan pauses Mn Le Fr i ! Г Er 10 sec., then restarts even when continuing to re- Scan resumes (default ceive the signal. When you want to cancel a scan ) ur Я _— El after receiving a signal, set this item to “oFF.” t se EIA m | - I | Pri = im a") Scan is canceled fy - e, afi “Hi u) The transceiver has 2 speeds for scanning, high and (3) Scan speed “SC-SPd” | low. | High speed (default) po Fe Fig a. - = a 1", un. Low speed (4) Fine tuning indication “Fr-diSP” While rotating the tuning dial, the memory channel El LE readout shows 10 Hz and 1 Hz digits instead of the = memory channel number. This indication can be turned OFF if desired. _ _ Е! нЕ Nilo When turning the 10/1 Hz indication OFF, the tuning + Hz indication OFF resolution remains at the specified value. SETMODE 12 (5) RIT variable range (SSB/CW) ‘rit’ The variable range of the RIT function for SSB/CW mode can be set to the following values: e 30.1 kHz (100 Hz) ... tuning resolution: 1 Hz 6 +1 KHZ nenn tuning resolution: 10 Hz е 2 KHz tuning resolution: 20 Hz Fa $ LE, 1 rie 5 30.1 kHz range / 1 Hz steps 177 id rie & +1 kHz range / 10 Hz steps (default) u. 07 USB iid L LI ree a +2 kHz range / 20 Hz steps (6) RIT variable range (FM) “rit” The variable range of the RIT function for FM mode can be set separately from SSB/CW mode to the following values: e +1 KHZ нии tuning resolution: 10 Hz e +5 kHz... лана. tuning resolution: 50 Hz e +10 KHzZ tuning resolution: 100 Hz 177 a М rif Е +1 kHz range / 10 Hz steps = Я FM 8. ry - a 5 1,1 mi с a FM + 10 kHz range / 100 Hz steps (7) Sub tuning dial function “SubdiAL” The sub tuning dial function tunes a frequency without the tuning dial. This function can be as- signed to the [RIT] or [SHIFT] control to suit your operating preference. When assigning this function to the [RIT] control, the “RIT” indicator in the function display blinks during operation. a ЧР yer Жи À — —— Le att aed - Sub dial function OFF i = u г dt г! Я Zee ГР i For the sub band with the [RIT] control (default) 4 - Ев ni gp Ge Ste ol AL i «a For the accessed band with the [RIT] control SUB а ра. - = gi rer Subd AL 7 For the sub band with the [SHIFT] control Pdr i Eon - СИЕ ГГ zucc ML ‘ For the accessed band with the [SHIFT] control (8) Optional voice synthesizer “SPEECH” When an optional UT-36 VOICE SYNTHESIZER UNIT is installed the selected frequency, mode and se- lected VFO or memory channel are announced when the lock function is activated. When you want to cancel the announcement without removing the UT-36, for silent operation, set this item to “oFF.” —_ in, or ee 271 SPEECH Я Optional voice synthesizer ON (default) <P, i г ОЕ рр Lis ВНЕ ЕСН , Optional voice synthesizer OFF 42 43 12 SET MODE (9) CI-V address “C!-Addr” The IC-820H has the address of 42H (66) as its default value. lf you want to designate a different address for your IC-820H, select the desired address in the range from 1H (1) to 7FH (127), - Figures marked with an H are hexadecimals and brack- eted figures () are decimals. 29 dia Li LC tty i | wy ~, ~ 1 se 1 \ a a. Address of 42H (IC-820H default) JE - de i § nal > - un. m um teen! mv -- Address of 7FH (10) Ci-V baud rate “Cl-bAud” Baud rate is the data transfer rate. The standard baud rate for the Icom CI-V is 1200 bps. lf you want to change the baud rate, rotate the tuning dial to select the desired baud rate from 300 bps, 1200 bps, 4800 bps or 9600 bps. 9600 bps (11) CI-V transceive “Cl-trn” Transceive operation is possible with the IC-820H connected to other Icom transceivers or receivers. When “on” is selected, changing the operating fre- quency, operating mode, etc. on the IC-820H auto- matically changes those of connected transceivers (or receivers) and vice versa. гу Transceive ON (default) inn; ~ Cy à mm = rr J a! Transceive OFF (12) Memory channei allocation “ch-SEL” The transceiver has a total of 100 regular memory channels for the 144 MHz and 430 MHz bands combined. The default in number of memory chan- nels is set as 50 for each band. When you desire more memory channels on a particular band, the assignment can be changed in step of 10 and up to 80 memory channels can be allocated to one band. ee ee = a Е а LL a JA 144 MHz band: 50 430 MHz band: 50 (default) ом сы гы 144 MHz band: 20 430 MHz band: 80 ch Sci CES Fa LA OPTION INSTALLATIONS 13 ea Opening the transceiver’s case Follow the case and cover opening procedures shown here when you want to install an optional unit or adjust the internal units, etc. e CAUTION: DISCONNECT the DC power cable from the transceiver before performing any work on the transceiver. Otherwise, the transceiver may be damaged. WG () Remove 8 screws from the trans- ceiver's top and 4 screws from the sides, then lift up the top cover. (2) Turn the transceiver upside down. (3) Remove 4 screws from the bottom cover, then lift up the bottom cover. (4) Now you can see the MAIN unit. o A} arly GA = Opening the inside chassis (D Remove the top and bottom covers as shown above. (2) Loosen the gutter screw on each side of the front panel’s rear side. (3) Remove 1 screw from each side of the front panel's rear side. (4) Pull the front panel forward as shown by the arrow at right. (5) Loosen 1 flat head screw from each side of the MAIN unit chassis. (6) Remove the 2 silver screws from the rear panel. (7) Lift up the MAIN unit chassis to see the PLL unit. Tighten the screws (labelled 6) ) to fix the MAIN unit chassis in a ver- tical position. MAIN unit chassis 44 eee ees 45 13 OPTION INSTALLATIONS Kae 2 UT-50 TONE SQUELCH UNIT rs Е The UT-50 TONE SQUELCH UNIT allows you to operate tne tone squelch and tone scan. 2 units can be installed in the transceiver if you want to use these functions simultaneously on both the main and sub bands. | - One unit is sufficient for alternate operation of these functions on each band. (1) Remove the top and bottom covers as described оп р. 44. (2 Plug UT-50(s) to J20 or J21 on the MAIN unit as shown at right. - When installing one unit, either connector is OK. (3) After installing the unit(s), replace the top and bottom covers. | FL-132 CW NARROW FILTER The transceiver has a CW-Narrow mode to provide better S/N (signal-to-noise), or to reject nearby inter- ference. To use the CW-Narrow mode, an optional CW narrow filter is necessary. % NOTE: The CW-Narrow mode is available for the main band only, therefore, satellite operation (sub band for downlink) cannot be selected in W-Narrow mode. QA A Passband width FILTER at -6 dB at -66 dB Built-in filter 2.3 KHz 4.2 kHz FL-132 500 Hz 1.34 kHz (D Remove the top and bottom covers as described on p. 44. (2) Remove 14 screws from the MAIN unit as shown at right. (3) Slide the MAIN unit forward slightly to free the ACC socket from the rear panel. (4) Lift up the MAIN unit from the rear panel side. (6) Install the FL-132 in the proper position. (6) Cut the filter leads, keeping 2-3 mm leads from the bottom of the MAIN unit. (7) Solder the leads. (8) Replace the MAIN unit and top/bottom covers. fy UT-36 VOICE SYNTHESIZER UNIT OPTION INSTALLATIONS 13 The UT-36 announces the accessed band’s fre- quency, mode, etc. in a clear, electronically- generated voice, in English (or Japanese). () Remove both the top and bottom covers. (p. 44) (2) Open the MAIN unit chassis. (p. 44) & Remove the protective paper attached to the bottom of the UT-36 to expose the adhesive strip. (4) Attach the UT-36 to the rear of the speaker as shown in the diagram at right. (5) Set the language, speech speed and speech level as shown in the diagram at right. (6) Replace the MAIN chassis and top/bottom cov- ers. Speech level UT-36 Em N 5 O 7 UT-36 Po 0 À L d O Ol F \ \ Ё 63 {Se 51| al | = | | «| Slow => Fast “=> Speech English Japanese speed | CR-293 HIGH STABILITY CRYSTAL UNIT A temperature-compensating crystal with a stability of +3 ppm is buill-in to the transceiver. For more demanding operation, such as during transverter use, etc., the CR-293 HIGH-STABILITY CRYSTAL UNIT is available. It has a stability of +C.5 ppm. (D Remove both the top and bottom covers. (p. 44) (2) Open the MAIN unit chassis. (p. 44) (3) Remove the shield cover from the PLL unit. (Fig 1) (4) Remove 7 screws from the PLL unit, then lift up the PLL unit to expose the bottom side of the unit. (Fig 2) (5) Unsolder the 3 points of the built-in crystal’s lead on the bottom of the PLL unit and the 7 point on the top of the PLL unit. - Use a desoldering braid. (6) Replace the built-in crystal with the CR-293 and solder the leads of the CR-293. (7) Replace the PLL unit and the 7 screws. Fit the wires from the rear of the front panel in the open space between the cnassis ana PLL unit. (Fig 3) - Otherwise, the wires will be pinched by the PLL unit cover and the transceiver may be damaged. (9) Replace the PLL unit cover, MAIN unit chassis, and top/bottom covers. 7 NOTE: The CR-293 is an oven-type crystal unit, 7 and specified frequency stability described above Y, are guaranteed 1 min. after power ON. ES E E tal cross ® La crystal | Fig. 3 46 = 47 1 A ADJUSTMENTS ma internal selections The MAIN unit has 6 selectable switches to match your desired operation and for connecting external equipment. To perform these selections, unplug the DC power cable and read “Opening the transciever's case” on p. 44. HEADPHONES AUDIO SEPA MIX Separate output Mixed output The headphones’ audio output can be set for a mix of main and sub band audio or for separated main and sub band channels when using stereo headphones. * Initial setting: Separate output o CW SIDE TONE LEVEL rol | CW side tone level is CW side tone Jevel varies controlled by [CW SIDE with (CW SIDE TONE] and TONE] only. [AF] on the front panel. The [CW SIDE TONE] control on the rear panel controls the CW side tone level. This setting determines whether tne output level is controlled by the [CW SIDE TONE] control only or is related to the [AF] control. * Initial setting: Fixed level (regardless of the [AF] con- trol) e MODULATION INPUT SENSITIVITY HIGH LOW Input level: 2 mV Input level: 100 mV Selects the input sensitivity level. This selection is ig- nored when “PACT” (9600 bps) in “Baud rate selection” is selected. e Initial setting: LOW (100 mV) +. COMPRESSOR LEVEL The speech compressor function increases the average talk power level during SSB operation. Adjust the trimmer con- trol to get adequate com- pression level but no distortion while moni- toring your transmitted voice signal with anoth- er V/UHF all mode transceiver. DIET pitt TEP o BAUD RATE SELECTION PACT AMOD (9500 bps) (4800 bps or below) The transceiver can accept up to 9600 bps data communication. When “PACT” (S600 bps) is selected: - External modulation input is applied to the modulation circuit directly. -When the modulation level exceeds 1.6 V p-p, a modulation limiting circuit stops the modulation. - At this time, only the carrier signal is transmitted and the [TX] indicator darkens. - AF received signals are output from the ACC(1) socket regardless of the squelch condition. When AMOD (below 4800 bps) Is selected: - Received AF signals are output from tne ACC(1) socket when the squelch opens. + Initial setting: AMOD ADJUSTMENTS 14 o BAND SELECTION FOR AF/SQUELCH OUT- PUT SAAF [Cm | MAAF SQLS ! SQLM Sub band AF and sub band squeich signa! output from the ACC(1) socket. Main band AF and main band squelch signal output from the ACC(1) socket. The ACC(1) socket pins 5 and 6 output AF detected signals and squelch signals respectively. This switch selects which band (main or sub) is output from the ACC(1) socket. + Initial setting: MAAF SQLM (main band) 2 ALC AND FREGUENCY UP/DOWN INPUT SE- LECTION Frequency control Output power control The ACC(1) socket pin 8 is an input/output selection port. When ALC is selected: - Transmitter output power can be controlled when applying a minus voltage of Oto —4 V. - The terminal voltage increases wnen low output power is selected with the [PWR/COMP] switch. When UD is selected: - The accessed band's frequency or memory channel can be controlled as well as the microphone’s [UP]/[DOWN] switches. DOWN ane ACC pin 8 470 Q « Initial setting: ALC 48 | 14 ADJUSTMENTS internal views os MAIN UNIT FM transmitter LO freq. adj. L18 (10.8500 MHz) D1 LO freq. check point e RF AND PA UNITS RF-A unit (144 MHz) RF-B unit (430 MHz) PA-B unit (430 MHz) Sub band BFO adj. R341 BFO freq. check point C293 LSB (10.9515 MHz) L36 USB (10.9485 MHz) Sub band’s SSB S-meter adj. R430 S9 set (146 MHZ/3.2 uV) R422 Full scale (148 MHz/1.0 mV) Sub band's FM S-meter adj. R405 Full scale (146 MHz/0.1 mV) R390 S9 set (146 MH2/3.2 pV) Transmitter output power set R92 High power set (430 MHz) R72 High power set (144 MHz) R74 Low power set (144 MHz) Internal fuse (5 A) i Troubplesnooting PROBLEN POSSIBLE CAUSE SOLUTION REF. Power does not come on | @ Fuse is biown. e Check for the cause, then replace the fuse with | See aj when [POWER] is a spare one. below > pushed IN. (Fuses are installed in two places, in the DC o power cable and in the PA unit.) p. 49 a o. + DC power cable is improperly connected, > Reconnect the power cable correctly, Also, |p. 12 check the fuse in the DC power cable. No sound comes from o The squelch is closed. o Rotate [SQL] counterclockwise to open the |p. 17 the speaker. squelch. 2 An optional tone squelch is in use. э Тит OFF the tone squelch to monitor all | p. 26 signals. Lu s CW-narrow mode is selected when an op- | + Select ancther mode. p. 18 > tional CW-narrow filter is not installed. Lu ca _ © Sensitivity is low 2 The attenuator is turned ON. э Тит OFF the [ATT] switch. р. 23 с e The VHF antenna is connected to the UHF | ® Check the antennas and antenna connections. p. 11 antenna connector and vice versa. Preamplifier does not @ An optional preamplifier is not connected. » Connect an optional AG-25 (144 MHz) or | pgs. function. AG-35 (430 MHz) if needed. 13,52 e Preamplifier is set to OFF in the F-set mode. | ® Set to ON for the preamplifier connected band. | p. 40 Transmitting is not pos- » The [MIC] control is set too far counter- | » Set the [MIC] control to the center position. p. 25 E sible. clockwise when operating in SSB mode. E Output power is low. e The VHF antenna is connected to the UHF | » Check the antennas and antenna connections. |p. 11 = antenna connector and vice versa. £ ® Low power is selected. » Select ihe high power with [PWR/COMP]. pas. IL - Make sure [PWR/COMP] functions as the | 25, 26 power selection in the set mode. > Frequency cannot be e The cali channel is selected, e Select the VFO or memory mode. p. 33 3 set. e The lock function is activated. > Tum OFF the lock function. p.22 a Y | Frequency is automat- * Sub tuning dial function is activated. a Turn OFF the sub tuning dial function or set | p. 22 a ically changed. the [RIT] or [SHIFT] control to the center. Fuse replacement If the fuse blows or the transceiver stops functioning, find the source of the problem if possible, and replace the damaged fuse with a new, rated fuse. э DC power cable fuse NS o internal fuse An internal fuse is installed on the line affecting all circuits except the V/UHF PA circuits. The fuse is located in the PA-B unit. See the left page for loca- tion. + Internal fuse: FGMB 125 V/5 A EN CPU resetting 1 the function display shows erroneous information when first applying power, the CPU may require resetting. CPU resetting clears all memory infor- mation. ® CPU RESET PROCEDURE: While pushing [MW], turn power ON. CPU backup battery The !C-820H has a lithium backup battery on the back side of the front panel for retaining memory information. The usual life of the backup battery is approximately 5 years. CAUTION: If the lithium battery is incorrectly re- placed, it could expicde. Replace with a CR-2032 r equivalent type. ААА MAIN unit side :0 ® Backup Dattery location | Front panel side : © When the backup battery is exhausted, the transceiver transmits and receives normaily but cannot retain memory information. 50 en 16 spEciFICATIONS Wi GENERAL e Frequency coverage aa RECEIVER e Receive system 51 Version 144 MHz band 430 MHz band 144 MHz band ; ; SSB, СМ Single conversion superheterodyne a USA | 144-0-148.0 MHz | 430.0-450.0 MHz FM Double conversion superheterodyne Europe 144.0-146.0 MHz 430.0-440.0 MHz 430 MHz band | Australia | 144.0-148.0 MHz | 430.0-450.0 MHz SSB, CW Double conversion superheterodyne Sweden 1440-1460 Me | 432 0.438 0 MHz FM Triple conversion superheterodyne э Intermediate frequencies: (Unit: MHz) e Mode : SSB(A ( SSB(ASJ), CW(AT), FM(F3) MODE MAIN BAND SUB BAND e Number of memory :116 ist 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd channels (50 regular, 1 call 2 scan edges for 1 |.35B_[10.8500/. — 19.950017 u each band and 10 satellite memories) + CW 10.8491; — 19.9491 a a FM 110.8500| 0.455 — 110.8500] 0.455 — e Antenna impedance :50Q unbalanced LL. SSB 171.2500/10.8500 — 71.3500110.9500 — 5 CW 171.2491/10.8491 — 71.3491110.9491 — e Usable temperature :-10°C to +60°C; +14°F to +140°F FM 171.2500|10.8500! 0.455 171.3500|10.9500| 0.455 range e Frequency stability ° Power supply requirement e Current drain s Dimensions e Weight :+3 ppm (-10°C to +60°C) :13.8 V DC # 15% . fransmit High 16.0 À Low 7.0 À Receive Max audio 2.5 A Stand-by 2.0 À : 241(W) X 94(H) X 2389{D) mm 9.5(W) X 3.7(H) x 9.4(D) in (projections not included) :5.0 Ка; 11.05 =’ TRANSMITTER . Output power BAND MODE HIGH LOW FM, CW 45 W 6W 144 MHz SSB 35 W 6 W FM. CW 40 W 6W 430 MH 2 SSB 30 W 6W e Spurious emissions + Carrier suppression e Unwanted sideband e Microphone impedance : Less than —60dB : More than 40 dB : More than 40 dB : 600 Q @ Sensitivity (both VHF and UHF bands) 0.18 uV for 12 dB SINAD SSB, CW 0.11 pV for 10 dB S/N FM e Squelch sensitivity (both VHF and UHF bands) Less than 0.1 uV Less than 0.5 pV Less than 1.0 pV Less than 3.2 mV More than 2.3 kHz/—6 dB Less than 4.2 kHz/-60 dB FM Threshold Tight SSB, CW Threshold Tight @ Selectivity SSB, CW CW narrow (optional) FM ® Spurious and image: rejection ratio 2 Audio output power s RIT variable range More than 0.5 kHz/ — 6 dB Less than 1.34 kHz/ — 60 dB More than 15.0 kHz/-6 dB Less than 30.0 KHz/-60 dB More than 60 dB with an 8 Q load : SSB, CW FM : More than 2.0 W at 10% distortion +2kHz (max.) +10kHz (max.) Downloaded by RadioAmateur.EU All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation. PS-55* DC POWER SUPPLY À transformer power supply. Built-in cooling fan. The size is maiched with the IG-820H. PS-30 DC POWER SUPPLY À lightweight switching regu- lator, System power supply with 3 output connectors. [C-PS15* DC POWER SUPPLY Heavy-duty power transformer system power supply. AG-25 (144 MHz band) AG-35 (430 MHz band) PREAMPLIFIERS External all-weather mast- mount preamplifiers for com- Designed for base station oper- ation. Input: 5W/8Q equipped with 4 types of audio filters. 1 headphone jack and 2 selectable input connectors, pensating for coaxial cable Output: 13.8VDC/20A Output: 13.8VDC/25A Output : 13.8 V DC /20 À loss. SP-21 EXTERNAL SPEAKER 37-20 EXTERNAL SPEAKER SP-7 EXTERNAL SPEAKER iC-SP3 EATERNAL SPEAKER Compact speaker for base sta- tion operation. Height adjust- able. Large diameter speaker for high quality audio output. Unidirectional, electret con- denser microphone with heavy base. Includes {UPYIDOWN] switches and low cut function. Unidirectional, electret con- denser microphone with 2 con- nection cables / selector switch. Has [UP]/[DOWN] switch. Input: 5W/8Q Input: 5W/8Q input: 4W/80 SM-20 SM-8 SM-S HM-12, HM-14 DESKTOP MICROPHONE DESKTOP MICROPHONE DESKTOP MICROPHONE HAND MICROPHONE Unidirectional, electret con- denser microphone for desktop operation. Hand microphone equipped with the [UPI([DOWN] switches. The HM-14 has DTMF keypad. CT-17 CI-V LEVEL CONVERTER Level converter to connect the transceiver to an RS-232C port of a computer for remote con- trol. MB-23 CARRYING HANDLE Carrying handle for easy por- table operation. Use screws included with the transceiver, IC-MB5 MOBILE MOUNTING BRACKET Mounting bracket for installing the transceiver in your vehicle, boat, etc. CR-293 HIGH-STABILITY CRYSTAL UNIT Frequency stability: + 0.5 ppm FL-132 CW NARROW FILTER 500 Hz/—6 dB 1.34 kHz/— 60 dB UT-36 VOICE SYNTHESIZER UNIT Announces freq., mode, and memory channel number. UT-50 TONE SQUELCH UNIT Provides a “personalized” tone squelch system. * The PS-55 and IC-PS15 cannot be used with the Europe and Sweden versions. 52 Count on us! A-5297S-1EX Printed in Japan Copyright © 1994 by Icom Inc. ">

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