How to Assemble the Parts
How to Make Pasta
How to Disassemble the Parts
Pointers for
Perfect Pasta
When using electrical appliances, always follow these basic safety precautions:
1. Read all instructions.
2. To protect against electrical shock, do not place base in water or other liquid.
3. Unplug appliance from outlet when not in use, before putting on or taking off parts, and before cleaning. To unplug, grasp plug and pull from electrical outlet.
Never pull the cord.
4. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug, or after appliance has been dropped or damaged in any way. Return appliance to the nearest authorized service facility for examination, repair or adjustment.
5. Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter, or touch hot surfaces.
6. Make sure motor has stopped completely before disassembling.
7. Do not use outdoors.
8. Avoid contact with moving parts.
Never push food into the hopper by hand. Always use the pusher/cutter.
9. Keep hands, hair and clothing as well as spatulas and other utensils away from food hopper during operation to prevent injury and/ or damage to the Pasta Maker .
10. Be sure that the Pasta Maker is assembled as described and that the hopper is securely locked in place before trying to operate the appliance.
11. The use of attachments not recommended or sold by
Cuisinarts, Inc. may cause fire, electric shock or other injury.
12. This Pasta Maker is UL listed for household use only. Use it only for food preparation as described in this booklet.
13. Close supervision is necessary when any appliance is used by children or near them.
14. Maximum current rating of
5.4 amperes is based on the attachment that draws the greatest current. Other recommended attachments may draw significantly less current.
Owners of DLC-8 Series food processor can now enjoy th e delights of fresh, hom e made pa ta with extraordinary ease f preparation.
rolling and cutting-pasta by hand i s uch a difficult and timecon umin goperation that all but the mo t dedicated of pasta lover s make do with the packaged variety-a faint
'ub titute
th e real thing.
Th e r e are ma c hine to implify the ta k of makin g pasta in the hom e. An ingeniou devic e that passes pa ta through
ever narrowing set of ro1lers ha been around for a long tim e.
But th e £aste t worki ng and most versa tHe appliancea fairly recent arrival on the market is a machin e thatextrudes trand ofpata.The operator f ee ds a mixture of flour , L iquid and seasonings into th e machine , which forces th e mixtur e und er great pressure through a disc or die plate
that i perforated to produce a particular pa sta shap e. Many such die plates arc available , to produc e pasta in all its vari e ty of sizes and shape .
Cuisinart , taking advantage of th e powerful and efficient motor in it
DLC-8 eries of food processor , ha developed a pasta extruding attachment for us with those proces or .
T mak pasta with it , you fir t pr e pare a mixtur e of flour , liquid and easonings in th e work bow l of the food proces or. Wh n th e mixture i properly combined and processed, it looks crumb l y , with granules a bit larg er lhan com meat.
When the pasta mix i r ea dy , you remove the work b wl as se mbl y from the proces s or ba e, replacing it with the
Pasta Maker . Next you tr an f r the pasta mix to the hopper of th e Pasta
Maker and tum on the proces or m o tor . ln seconds, finished pa s ta starts to extrud through lh pa ta di ca t th e side of the Pasta Maker.
The Cuis!narl DLC-854 Pasta Maker fit on th base of any DLC 8 Series food ptoces or. It include s six int rchang able discs, or die . Th avai l abl pasta hape range f r om the thread-lik strands known as spaghettini to wid , flat l asagna noodle s.
1 .
2 ·
- G
The Paf:'ta Maker includes thes · e parts:
A the hou ing
8 t he s li de box
C -the spiral extrud i ng rod
D 6 interchangeable pasta di scs
'E the screw cap
F the wrench
G the hopper
H the pusher/cutter
These parts fit togeth r , forming a compact unit that slid s over the motor haft of any Cuisi n art DLC-8 S rie s f od processor . The hopper is the final piece to b assemb l ed . When it slide s into p l ace, it depre s · an activator r d that prepares the food processor motor or operation . You p · rat · th Pa taMak r from the two l evers on the ba e of the food processor .
Before using the Pasta Mak r for the first tim e, r ad the fo ll owing pag , exam Lnin g ach part as you r ad its description .
Then put t h e Pasta Maker together , m unt it on lhe fo d pro e sor and take it apart again, fo ll o~ving the instruction in the booklet. You'll fe I more confident about oper, ting th Past-a
Maker forth first time if you've a lr eady practiced it s a emb l y .
\ o-N
The housing has a square compartment on its left side, to receive the slide box.
Note the guide rails fT), one on each side. They fit into grooves along the sides of the slide box.
On top of the housing are:
K -
L a storage shelf for discs a circular opening for the
M hopper funnel a curved track for the hopper
N safety lock a shaft-mounting indicator in the center
The tide box ba a rectangular opening on the top, where the pa ta mix feeds through from the hopp er funneL Note th tabs on each ide (P), where the hopper funnel locks . At one end of the box is a lar ge circular opening with a threaded cuff. The spira l extruding rod fit into thi opening and a pasta disc fits over it. Two tabs (Q) , on th e top and bottom of the opening, guide yo u in placing the pa ta disc.
I c
One end of the spira l extruding rod terminates in a six-sided (hexagona l ) piece of metaJ [A); the other tenn.inates in a circular metal tip ( B ) . The hexagonal end fits through the sl.ide box t o seat itself in the housing. The circ ular metal tip fits into the ceo ter hole of a pasta disc.
T h ere arc six pasta discs, to make pa ta of various shapes. The three discs shown above make these round varieties of pasta:
Cspaghe .
ttin i
D - spaghetti
The three discs shown in this photograph make these flat varieties of pasta:
G- fettuccine
H la agna
4 .
Each pasta disc is made up of two concentric circles, one larger than the other. Place a disc on the counter, small circle down. Note the central hole (11
1 it fits over the circular tip of the spira l extruding rod. Note the slots
(K) on top and bottOm of the rim; they fit over the tab s on the slide box opening. (The macaroni dJsc has two parts. Place the larg e one on the counter, small circle down. H old the small one with its prongs down and drop it into the large one, matching its tabs to the slots in the large part.)
The inside of the screw cap is threaded, to fit the cuff on the slide box.
Tabs (L) in the wrench fit channels {M) on the screw cap.
The hopper b in holds the pasta mix, which feeds into the extruder through a round funnel at one co rn e r . Slide lo cks (N) at the end of the funnel .At over tab s in the slide box opening.
Ce n tered on the r ear underside of the hopper is a locking bar that slides into the curved track on top of the housing.
The p u sher/cutter ha s a flat blade on one end and a rectangular rod on the other. It has three uses. Th e flat blade guides the pasta mix tOward the hopper f unn e l and cuts off the pasta as it is extruded through the disc. The rod pushes the pasta mix down into the hopper funnel.
, ,
Place the h o u ing nits ide, with the square eo mp arn n cn t up . Pick up th s Hd e box as hown in the photograph .
Slid it a l o n g the guide rails i n to t he compartment o n the hou i11 g,
A ll the parts of you r n ew Pasta M aker are p er f c tl y clean, and th ese asse mbl y instru ctio n s a r e b ase d on t h e use of cl ea n par ts. Eac h tim you asse mbl th
Pa s ta Mak er, in pect each part to m a k e su re it i s free of a ll pa ta r esidu . Bit s of pa sta s ti c kin g to a part f th e P a t a
Mak e r ma y prevent a close fit with a matching p art and thu s int e r fe r e with proper operation . lts outside corne r s hou ld b flu h with the quar rim on th e h ou ing .
Pick up the piral ext rudin g rod , h o ld ing it at th e c ircul ar t ip end .
ln ert it in the lid e box, fitting the hexagonal end through the opening at the back of th e box . MAKE URE l T I
When it i :
• you can 1 t rotate it
1 and
• only the circular metal tip sticks up above th e s lid e box pening . e l ect the desired pa ta di c . (AlJ openings must be free of any pasta residuc
1 especially the center ho i .) Fit it over the lide box opening) matching slots ( A) to tabs ( BJ.
You should not be able to rotate it.
~ A
Twist the screw cap all the way down on t o th e threaded cuff . IJ t h e cap jams during the fi rs t co mpl ete turn , remove it and star t again.
Wh en it's on right, you won't see any threads beneath it and the pas t a disc will be flush wah the screw cap.
(Exception: the macaroni disc sticks out a little .)
Now you're r ea dy to place the h o u si n g on the base of th e DLC-8 Series food processor . Ju st l ike the work bow l , it fits over the protruding motor shaft on the proce sso r base.
The shaft-mounting indicator (A) on t op of the housing helps you to place it on the processor base . It must be lin ed up with the motor s haft .
Note the orientation of the shaftmounting indicator and rotate the motor shaft on the DLC-8 base so it matches the indicator .
Pick up the extruder housing, holding it as shown.Place your left hand with the fingers over the screw cap and the thumb on the front panel. Place your right hand with the finger s on the b a ck panel and the thumb in the h pp r locking track. DO ' T PUT YOUR
Gently lower the housing over the motor shaft. When the housing is about an inch from the top of the base, turn it so its front panel is at the angle shown .
Now lower the housing until it is flush with the base . Rotate the housing counterclockwise until it lines up with the base. Make sure it is firmly seated.
Insert the hopp e r . H o ld it at the angl e shown and l o w er Jt , fittin g th e funnel into the opening on the h o using so tts slide lock s { A ) fit over the matchin g tabs in t h e slide box op e ning.
Gently r o tate it counte rcl oc kwi se. Th e funnel should Jo c k secure l y IIlLO place and the l oc king bar s h o uld slide all the way int o th e tra c k. There s hou l d b e no space between th e hopp e r and the h o u s ing . A s the l oc kin g bar s l id es into p l a ce, it depr esses the r o d that activates th e m oto r . The machine is now r ea dy to extrud e pas t a.
A ll you have to do i s transfer th e pa s ta mix, previou s l y pr epa r e d in th e work bow l of t he food proces s or , into the hopper of the Pa s ta Maker .
R ec ip es for pasta begin o n page 1 8.
Befor e preparin g aoy of th e recipes , be sure to r ead the important informarion ab o ut ingredi e nts o n pages 1 6 and 17 .
1 0
Transfer the pasta mix frem the work bowl of the food processor
in co tbe
hopper of the P.asta Maker. The mix sho uld be crumbly, and it shou l.d pass the "pinch test" (page 1 6).
Place a c l ean towel on the counter
the pasta disc, to
the pasta as it extrudes from the machine.
Pick up
pusher I c utt er
th e
and push the granu l es of pasta ntix into the funnel opening. This is one of the most critical ope r ations. The object is t o feed the pasta mix evenly into the extruder mechanism. Filling the funnel w .
ith too much pasta mix may cause a jam.
T o monitOr the flow of th e pasta mix, l ook down int o the funnel opening .
You shou ld always be able tO see the extruding rod rotating. Feed the mix into the opening s l owly and evenly, so the extrud in g rod doesn't become covered with mix, but there is always eno u gh mix for the rod to force through the pasta disc .
To help regulate th e flow of pasta urix, tum thepusher/cutteroverand h old it
the cutting blade. Insert the rod into the flUmel. Use a gentle tapping motion to tamp the pasta mix down onto the spiral extruding rod. Don't push too hard. You should be able to insert the rod far enough into the f\ mn e l so the shoulders of the cutting blade rest on the upper rim oJ the hopper. If it won't go in this far, there is probably too mucb pasta mix in the f unn el. Feed the pasta mix a bit more slowly.
Pres the ON lev er at the base of the food processor. Pasta strands will begin . to cxuude through the pasta di c . At first , the trand may xtrude fa · ter from me opening than from th e r .
As the machine warms up, the extru ion proce s will become smoother and the pa . ta strand will emerge evenly from all opening . If the first strands do not please you, throw them back into the hopper and let the material be extruded a second time .
Let the pa ta strand extrude until they reach the desired length . This photograph hows 12-inch strand extruded through the · paghetti di c .
All the while rhc pasta is extruding, you hould contin u e guid in g granu l es of the pa ta mix int the hopper funne l and gently pu bing them down onto the piral extruding rod. Try to keep the flow of granule as even as possible .
When the pa ta rea c hes the desired
cut it off flu
urfac e of the pasta disc . Thrn the cutting blade th flat (non-bev e ll e dl ed e i · against the pa ta di c .
Let the pasta accumulate on a clean towel plac e d on the coumer under the disc .
To prevent the pasta strands from ticking together , du t them lightly with cornmeal or emolina and to s them from time ro time u ing your hand with the finger · spread out.
Cook the pasta immediately, or store it in a plastic bag in the refrigerator where it will keep for a few days. (The larger shapes like lasagna and macaroni hold their shape better if allowed to dry at room temperature from 1 h hour to one hour before being cooked.) The pasta can also be frozen.
To cook the pasta, use four quarts of water for every pound of dry pasta .
Bring the water to a rolling boil and add one teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of oil per quart of water. The oil prevents the pasta strands from sticking together as they cook.
Add the pasta to the boiling water, a little at a time, so the water doesn't stop boiling. Cook until it just resists the bite; it should not be soft, but retain a little firmness . The cooking time is variable, depending on the size and shape of the pasta and how fresh it is. For the smaller shapes like spaghettini and linguLni , tart testing strand immediately af t er putting them in the b o iJLng water . F o rlarger shapes lik e spaghetti and macaroni , start testing strands after two minutes.
Pasta made with bleached flour cooks faster than that made with unbleached flour or semolina flour. Start testing it immediately after dropping it into the water. When pasta made with bleached flour is overcooked, it tends to fall apart.
Have a colander ready in the sink . As soon as the pasta is done, pour it into the colander and proceed with the recipe.
When cooking frozen pasta, do not defrost it. Just drop the frozen strands into boiling water to which you have added salt and oil as described above.
Frozen pasta will take longer to cook than freshly made pasta .
You can make more than one batch of pasta at a time. Because the pasta mix dries out quickly, however, it is best to extrude each batch of mix right after you prepare it. In any event, you should never put more than one batch of pasta mix in the hopper at one time .
You can make more than one variety of pasta from a single batch of pasta mix .
For example, you might want to make spaghetti with half a recipe of pasta mix and lasagna with the other half. To do so , divide th e mix before placing it in th e hopp e r . Put in the hopper only the amount of mix you wish to e xtrude with one pasta disc. After extruding it, disassemble the parts as shown on the next page and clean as much pasta dough from them as possible.
Rea s semble the parts , inserting the disc for t h e next pas t a shape desired, and a u the hopp e r with the remaining mix.
You will f ind it eas ie st to disa s e mble th e Pa ta Maker imm diately after using i t. A the p sta m ix warms from the h ea t of th m t r , it t e nd t s a l th part of the attachment tog ther. T h e seals ar m ost eas.ily broken while the p a t a mi x i till m oi t. Mi x that dries n th e parts ac t s as a n ad h esive, making th e part difficult to separate .
R emov t h e screw ap by fi ttin g the wren ch over t h e cap and rota tin counterclockwi i.t c t J oo en the cap .
Un screw the cap and Jemove it .
R emove the pa t a disc by pres ing the
PUI,SE / OFF button of the processor and holding it down until the pa La mix behind the di c breaks t h e a) h o ldin g it t o tl1 c slide box . Remove th di c when it pop l oo e.
(If you plan to use the disc again oon
-wit hin an hour or so, for example you can k eep the pasta dough soft until that time by putting th e di c in a di h of water.
R emo v e the piral ex trudin g rod by l e tt ing the processor run for about 15 ccouds to h elpclcaro ut a ny pa ta dou g h remaining in crevice of the rod .
Tum the proccs or off and rem ve the extrud in g rod .
Durin g h avy ll of th Pa ta Maker , this part m ay ex pand with heat a nd bec o m e omewhat difficult tor move .
L et i t coo l to room t e mperatur a nd it will come out easi l y.
. 14
Remove the hopper by gently rotating it clockwise until the right edge of the locking bar is just about flush with the right side of the housing. DO THIS
AREFULLY becau e
rotating action of the hopper is Testdcted by the lide l ock at the end of the hopper
Forcing the hopper to rotate could snap the locks, damaging the
Pasta Maker. Lift the hopper up gently until the funnel clears the housing.
Remove the slide box by grasping the cuff and pulling it out. During heavy use of the Pasta Maker this part may expand with heat and become somewhat difficult to remove . Let it cool to room temperature and it will come out easily.
Remove the housing by rotating it clockwise and lifting it straight up.
There are a few tricks to cleaning the pasta discs. One is to let the disc sit for about 30 minutes after you remove it, leaving the plug of dough on the back of the disc. (Run the cutter over the front of the disc, neatly cutting off any pasta strands flush with the disc.)
When the plug of dough has dried out a little, ease it out gently. A lot of the dough from the disc openings will come out with it. Use a stiff dishwasher brush to remove any dough that remains.
The macaroni disc can be cleaned nicely with the cleaning tool that comes with the processor. The prongs on the tool are just the right size for pushing dough out of this disc.
Never use a sharp object like a pin to push dough from the openings of a disc.
The inner surfaces of the openings are polished to a mirror finish and any scratches on them could impair their functioning.
It is not really necessary to wash the parts after each use. You can just brush off any bits of pasta mix and wipe the parts dry. If you wish to wash them, you can do it by hand or in the dishwasher. All parts except the housing, which must not be placed in water, are dishwasher safe. If you use the dishwasher to clean them, place them in the silverware basket so there will be no danger of their slipping onto the floor of the dish washer and contacting the heating element.
The basic mix
The basic combination of ingredients for pasta is deceptively simple: flour, liquid which can be just eggs or a mixture of eggs and watersalt and sometimes a little vegetable oil.
Not so simple is specifying the correct proportion of flour to liquid and that is the critical variable 1
Because flour is an unpredictable substance, it is difficult to specify precisely the correct proportion of flour to liquid in a particular recipe. Th e moisture content of flour varies from batch to batch, from day to day and from one location to another. Factors affecting its moisture cont en t arc: growing conditions of the wheat (soil and weather), milling proc edures, and humidity of the air where the flour is stored . Flour may absorb water amounting to as much as 10% of its weight on a damp or rainy day.
Watch that ratio
Although we have developed all th e recipes in this booklet with care and test e d them rigorously, you h a v e to be the judge of whether the flour-to-liquid ratio is right for the flour you're using.
Each recipe specifies amount o f flour and amount of liquid i you should start out with the quantities indi ca t ed.
Follow the instructions for processing the ingredients in the work bowl of your food processor, with the metal blade. Then open the cover of the work bowl and try the pinch test. It will help you tell if the proportions arc right for your flour.
The pinch test
If the pasta mix is rightneither too wet nor too dry it will extrude smoothly and evenly, yielding pasta strands that don't stick together and don ' t have ragged e dges . If the mix is too wet too much liquid in proportion to flourthe extruded pasta strands will tend to stick together. You may even have to separate them by hand before cooking them. If the mix is too drytoo much flour in porportion to liquid- it might not extrude at all, and it may even damage the Pasta Maker.
The pinch test tells you when the mix is just right . Take a few granules of pasta mix b e tween your thumb and forefinger and pinch them into a flat pancake shape. The granules should hold together and the separate grains should no longer be visible. It shouldn't feel at all wet. It doesn't matter if it's a little sticky as long as it doesn't adhere to your fingers. It's best if you can't see any areas of dry flour in the ball of pasta mix.
If the pinch test tells you that the mix is too wet, add a little flour- at most a tablespoonful at a tim e to the mixture in the work bowl. Process for about 20 seconds and pinch again. If the mix is still too wet, add a bit more flour, process for 20 seconds and pinch again.
If the pinch test indicates that your mix is too dry, add water carefully no more than a teaspoonful at a time process and pinch again.
It may take a little practic e to master th e t echn ique. The rewardsmooth, perfect pasta every time is worth the effort.
Buying the flour
Because they are distributed nationally and available in most parts of the country, we recommend Pillsbury o r
Gold Medal flour. As far as we know, th ese two brands are uniform throughout the United Stat es . Of course, you can use your accustomed brand , whether it's bleached or unbleached. Just remember that the recipes in this booklet were developed and tested with the flours named above. With other brands, you may hav e to do more experimenting to get a pasta mix that passes the pinch t est.
Measuring the flour, the "triple-s" technique
M easurin g flour correctly is essential to th e success of your pasta . We urg e you to always use the following
"triple-s" technique.
Just before measuring , stir th e flour in its container, inserting a tablespoon or similar utensil to a depth of 3 or 4 inch es and rotating it.
Plunge a one-cup dry measure into the flour, inserting it deep enough so the whole cup is covered . Scoop up a heaping cup of flour and hold it over the container.
With a spatula, skewer, chopstick or any similar long, flat utensil, sweep across the top of the cup several times. Be sure you don't press down on the flour as you do so.
Buying the eggs, salt and oil
Use eggs graded "large" by standards of the United States Department of
Agriculture . The salt may be of any type. If you use Kosher salt, use 2 teaspoons for every teaspoon specified in the recipe . For oil, we recommend a light, tasteless variety like that made from safflower seeds. If you prefer a stronger oil, there's no reason not to use it, although the flavor of expensive olive or nut oils are wasted in a pasta mix.
Measuring the liquid
Use a one-cup liquid measure for the eggs and water. All such measures presently sold in the United States have markings from 0 to 250, opposite the side marked fluid ounces .
Because this scale gives a more precise measure than the fluid ounces, we have specified liquid measure on the 0 to 250 scale. (The numbers are actually milliliters, abbreviated to "ml.," but you don't need to know anything about the metric system in order to use them.)
Break the specified number of eggs into the measure. If the liquid level is not exactly that specified in the recipe, carefully adjust the level. If it's too low, add water to the desired level. If it's too high- which hardly ever happens carefully remove some of the egg, either white or yolk, to reduce the level.
Adjusting liquid according to pasta shape
Larger pasta shapes like lasagna, macaroni and fettuccine require a slight ly damper pasta mix than the smaller shape l.iJce paghettini, spaghetti and linguine. Each recipe specifies the appro!)riat amount of liquid .f r the smaller pasra shapes. Add
1 or 2 teaspoons of water if you are making macaroni or fettucine. Add 3 or
4 teaspoons of water if you are making lasagna.
3 cups flour, unbleached or bleached
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons oil
4 large eggs
Water, oruy if needed to bring liquid to exactly 200 on the scale
(see page 17)
Insert the metal blade in the processor. Measure the flour by the "triple-s" technique (page 16) and put it in the work bowl with the salt and oil.
Break the eggs into a 1-cup liquid measure . Adju t the I vel so the liquid measures exactly 200 on the scale-carefu ll y adding water if iti . b low that level and carefully r emoving some egg
it is above . Add 1 or 2 teaspoons of water if you are making macaroni o.r fettuccine . Add 3 or 4 teaspoons of water if you are making lasagna.
Add the egg mixture to the work bowl, turn on the machine and process for 30 seconds. Stop the machine, scrape down the bowl and process for 10 seconds more. The pasta mix should appear crumbly, in coarse granules.
Do the "pinch test" (page 19). When you're satisfied that the mix is right, remove the work bowl from the base of the processor and proceed with extruding the pasta, as described on page 11.
Makes about 11/4 pounds uncooked pasta.
Whole Wheat Pasta: U e 2.cups of who l e wheat flour and J cup of white floUl·. The pasta mix may b .massed in lumps when you stop the machine to crape the bowl , after 30 second of processing. If o, u Lhe patula lo epa rate it b fore continuing with the additionallO seconds .
f proces in g . Th mix should th n app ar crumbly , in coarse granules.
Cheese Pasta: Insert the metal blade in the work bowl of the food processor.
Remove any rind from 5 ounces of imported Parmesan or Romano cheese and cut the cheese into l-inch pieces. (Use only cheese that can be pierced with the tip of a sharp knife. If it is too hard to be pierced, it may damage the food processor blade.)
Turn on the machine and drop the pieces of cheese through the feed tube while the machine is running. Process for about 90 seconds, or until the cheese is finely grated. Leave the cheese in the work bowl and continue with the recipe, adding 7 drops of Tabasco sauce with the flour, salt and oil.
Makes about 11/4 pounds
Paprika Pasta: Add 1 tablespoon of paprika to the flour.
3 cups flour, unbleached or bleached
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons oil
2 large eggs
Water, as needed to bring liquid to exactly 175 on the scale
(see page 17)
Insert the metal blade in the processor . Measure the flour by the "triple-s" technique (page 16) and put it in the work bowl with the salt and oil.
Br e ak the egg s into a 1 cup liquid m e a s ur . Adjust the level so the liquid measures e
17 5 on th e sca
e, c a r e fully addin g water until the liquid reaches that level.
Add 1 or 2 teaspoons of water if you are making macaroni or fettuccine. Add 3 or 4 teaspoons of water if you are making lasagna.
Add the egg mixture to the work bowl, turn on the machine and process for 30 seconds . Stop the machine, scrape down the bowl and process for 10 seconds more. The pasta mix should appear crumbly, in coarse granules.
Do the " pinch test" (page 19). When you're satisfied that the mix is right, remove the work bowl from the base of the processor and proceed with extruding the pasta, as described on page 11.
Makes about 11/4 pounds uncooked pasta .
Curry Pasta: Add 1 tablespoon of curry powder with the flour.
Chili Pasta: Increase the salt to 1 1/4 teaspoons and add 2 teaspoons of paprika and 2 teaspoons of chili powder with the flour.
Pinch Test
Take a few granules between your thumb and forefinger and pinch them flat. They should hold together, with no separate grains visible, and the mix shouldn't feel wet. If it's too wet, add flour- a tablespoon at a time, process for 20 seconds and pinch again . Repeat until the mix is right. If it's too dry , add water- no more than a teaspoon at a time, process for 20 s e conds and pinch again. Repeat until the mix is right.
1 cup tightly packed fresh spinach
1 leaves, totally dry tablespoon unbleached flour, to process the spinach
3 cups unbleached flour
1 teaspoon salt tablespoon vegetable oil
2 large eggs
Water as needed, to bring liquid to exactly 125 on the scale
(see page 17)
Insert the metal blade in the processor. Put the spinach and one tablespoon of flour in the work bowl and turn the machine on and off until the spinach is finely chopped. Leave the spinach in the work bowl. Measure the flour by the "triple-s" technique (page 16) and put it in the work bowl with the salt and vegetable oil. Add
1 or 2 teaspoons of water if you are making macaroni or fettuccine. Add 3 or 4 tablespoons of water if you are making lasagna.
Break the eggs into a 1-cup liquid measure. Adjust the level so the liquid measures exactly 125 milliliters, carefully adding water until the liquid reaches that level.
Add the egg mixture to the work bowl, turn on the machine and process for 30 seconds. Stop the machine, scrape down the bowl and process for 10 seconds more. The pasta mix should appear crumbly, in coarse granules.
Do the "pinch test" (page 19). When you're satisfied that the mix is right, remove the work bowl from the base of the processor and proceed with extruding the pasta, as described on page 11.
Makes about 1 1/4 pounds uncooked pasta.
1 :1/4 cups mas-a harina
1/ 4 cup unbleached flou.r
1/ 4 teaspoon salt lb. cup water
Oil for deep frying
Insert the metal blade in the processor and put all the ingredients except the water and oil in the work bowl. Process for 15 seconds. While the machine is running, pour the water through the small feed tube. Continue processing until the water is thoroughly incorporated and the mixture appears crumbly, in coarse granules.
Do the "pinch test" (page 19). When you're satisfied that the mix is right, remove the work bowl from the base of the processor and proceed with extruding the mix through the lasagna disc, as described on page 11. Cut the dough into one-inch lengths and deep fry in oil heated to 350°F. Drain on paper towels and sprinkle with salt, as desired.
Makes about 1 12 pound.
2 large garlic cloves, peeled
3 ounces imported Parmesan cheese, at room temperature and cut into l-inch cubes
2 cups firmly packed fresh basil leaves, or 2 cups firmly packed
Italian parsley or spinach leaves with 2 tablespoons dried basil
1 teaspoon salt
1 h cup pine nuts or walnuts
1 cup oil, preferably 3
/4 safflower
/ 4 and 1
/4 olive cup heavy cream
1 recipe fresh, homemade fettuccine, cooked, drained and still hot
Freshly ground black pepper
I nsert th e metal b l ad:
~n~ t~rn o n
~ h machine. Drop the ga rl ic th r ough the feed t u be and process unt 1l tt t s finely mmced. Add the chee e and process until it is fine l y chopped. Add the basil, salt and n u ts and mince them by pulsing t h e mach in e about 8 t imes. While the mach in is running, drizzle the oil t h rough the feed tube i n a thin , steady stream . Proces unti l t h e m i tu r e is well blend d .
Put the cream in a 10-inch skillet. Add the drained pasta and cook over medium heat until h,ot. Remove the pan from the heat and add the Pes to Sauce and freshly ground black pepper. Toss gently to coat all the pasta strands.
Makes about 8 first-course servings.
2 ounces imported Parmesan cheese, with rind removed, at room
1/4 temperature c up loo s el y pack e d par s le y
1 med i um g a r lic clo ve, p ee led
1 2-ounc e c an flat a nchov y fil lets, r in s ed and drain e d
1 /3 cup olive oil, including oil from
10 the anchovies , if desired ounces tomato sauce, fresh or canned
Freshly ground pepper
Dry basil, to taste
1 recipe fresh, homemade spaghettini, cooked, drained and still hot
Insert the metal blade and turn on the machine. Drop the cheese and parsley through the small feed tube while the machine is running. Process until they are finely chopped, then remove and reserve them.
Turn on the machine again and drop the garlic through the small feed tube while the machine is running. Process until it is finely chopped, then add the anchovies and process to chop them coarsely.
Put the olive oil in a 12-inch killet, add the garlic and an.cho ies and saute over m dium h eat u n ti l the mixture j u st begin to co l or . Add th tomato sauc , alt , pepper and bas il and m i x well. Cover the ki ll et and l et t h e mixture immer for about30 minutes. Mix the sauce with t h e hot spaghetlini, sprinkl it with the re erved che se a nd pars ! y , and serve immediately.
Makes 4 to 6 servings.
I/2 cup loosely packed parsley leaves
2 medium garlic cloves, peeled
2 sticks (8 ounces) unsalted butter,
2 in 8 pieces pounds mushrooms, cleaned, with
2 stems removed tablespoons fresh lemon juice
4 teaspoons dry basil
2 teaspoons salt
Freshly ground black pepper
1 recipe fresh homemade pasta of your choice, cooked, drained and still hot
Insert the metal blade, add the parsley and process until it is finely chopped.
Remove and reserve it.
Turn on the machine, drop the garlic through the small feed tube while the machine is running and process until minced. Remove and reserve it.
Melt 6 ounces of butter in a 12-inch skillet, add half the garlic and cook over low heat until soft but not brown.
Insert t h e French-fry cut disc. P u t one l ayer of mushrooms in the feed tube, resting them on t he stem end. P r oces , u i ng l ight pres ure. Repe at until all the m u shrooms are proce sed . (lf you don't have a French-fry cut disc, use the metal b l ade to c h op the mushroo m s very coarsely . Chop them in four batches pulsing only until they are coarsely chopped.)
Add the mushrooms to the skillet, sprinkle with the lemon juice and raise the heat to medium. Add the basil, salt, pepper and half the reserved parsley. Cover and cook until the ingredients are thoroughly warmed- about 3 minutes.
Put the remaining butter and the reserved garlic in a large, warm serving dish. Add the hot pasta and mix well to coat the pieces with butter. Pour the mushroom sauce over and mix gently to combine. Adjust the seasoning, sprinkle with the reserved parsley and serve immediately.
Makes 6 servings.
1 10 1 /2 -ounce can concentrated beef broth or 1 1 13 cups water or homemade stock
1 small garlic clove, peeled
8 ounces raw or cooked boneless beef, pork, veal, chicken or turkey, cut into l-inch cubes
1 teaspoon cornstarch
Freshly ground pepper
1 12 teaspoon dried oregano or thyme
1 6-ounce can tomato paste
Put t he J jquid i n a two-quart saucepan or saut pan and bri n g it to a boil. fns rt the meta l b l ade in t h e processor, turn on the mach i ne and drop the garlic throug h the f ee d tube w h i l e th machine i ru n n i ng . When it is fine l y minced, add them at , cornstarc h and seasoning . Proc ss until t h em at is almo t as fin l y chopped as you wish it to be.
Carefully pour the boiling liquid through the feed tube while the machine is running. Return the mixture to the saucepan and stir over medium heat until it thickens and bubbles. Turn off the heat and stir in the tomato paste. Heat gently for a few minutes and pour over pasta.
Makes about 2114 cups sauce, enough for P/4 pounds pasta.
6 ounces slab bacon
4 ounces imported Parmesan cheese
2/3 cup whipping cream
2 large eggs
2 large egg yolks
1 /2 to 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 /2 teaspoon dried sage
1 /2 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 recipe fresh homemade spaghetti cooked, drained and still hot
Cut the bacon into slices about 1 h6-inch thick and cut the slices into 1 h-inch squares.
Cook the bacon in a 10-inch skillet over low heat until most of the fat is rendered.
Raise the heat and continue cooking until the bacon is brown and slightly crisp.
Remove it from the skillet and set it aside. Pour off all but one tablespoon of the bacon fat.
Insert the metal blade. Remove any rind from the cheese and cut it into l-inch cub s. (Us on l y heese t h at can be ea ily pi re e d w i th the tip of a sharp knif . lf it is too h ard to pierce , it may damage the food proce or blade .
) Turn on th e machine a n d drop the chee e through t h feed tub e w h i l e the machine is running. Process un t il it is fine l y g r ated- about 60 econd . Rem ve about half th h and tit aside; leave the rest in the work bowl.
Put 1 /3 of the cream, the eggs, egg yolks, pepper flakes, sage, salt and pepper into the work bowl and process for 5 seconds. Put the butter and remaining cream in the skillet with the bacon fat and cook over medium heat until the butter is melted. Put t he pa t a in L h e skil l et and toss it ge n tly . R mov th ki ll t from the heat and pour the conten t s of th e work bowl ver the pa ta. Add the bacon and toss gently . H at t h e mi ture very b.ri fly ver l ow heat, just until th eggs t hicken slightly and are heated through . D no L k or th egg will cramb l e . Sprink l with the reserved c h es and erve immedia t ely.
Makes about 4 main-course servings.
1 4-ounce carro t , trimmed, peeled and cut into 4-inch lengths
2 or 3 zucchini (a bout 1 1
/4 p ounds t o tal) , trimmed a n d cut into 4· iJ1 ch l eng th s
1 cup l oosely packed parsle y l eaves
2 garl i c cloves, pee l ed
Jl / 4 s t icks unsalted butter , softe ned , in 5 pieces
Sa lt
Fre s hly ground pepper
1 cup tin y frozen peas, thawed
1 tablespoon fresh l emo n juice
1 recipe fresh homemade pa sta, cooked, drained and s t i ll ho t
Insert the julienne disc o r th e s hr edd in g disc and process the car r o t , using firm pressure . Remove and reserve it.
Process the zucchini with the julienne disc , or doubles lice it with the medium slicing disc. Remove the zucch ini and reserve it. Wipe out the work bowl with a paper t owe l.
Add th e parsley and mince it fine l y by turning the m ac hin e on and ofr. Drop the garlic through the feed tub e while th e machine is runnin g and proces s until it is finely minced . Add the softened butter , s alt and pepper and proce ss for 5 seco nds , stopping the machine once to scrape down the side of the bowl. Reserve half the mixtur e and melt th e othe r halF in a large sa ute pan. Add the zucchini, pea s and lemon juic e and heat the mixture only until it is hot . Do not ove rc oo k ; the vege tabl es should remain crisp. Toss the hot , drain ed pasta in a warm serv in g dish with th e re se rv ed h erb butter and the sh r edded carrot. Correct the seaso nin g and heap the zucchini mixture in th e cen t er of the pa s ta .
Makes about 8 first-course servings .
This recip e was adapted with permission from Abby Mfwdel' s Cuisi11nrl " Classroom, publi s hed by the Cuisinart Cooking Club, Inc .
2 1 12 tablespoons olive oil or vegetable oil
10 fresh, homemade lasagna noodles
2 pound s fresh spinach, trimmed and thoroughly washed
2 small garlic doves, peeled
2 medium onions, peeled and quartered
P/4 pounds carrots, peeled
5 3/4 ounce can black olives
12 ounce can tomato paste mixed with
9 ounces water and a few dashes of
Tabasco sauce
2 teaspoons dried oregano
112 teaspoon salt
/s teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 pound Cheddar cheese
2 cups ricotta cheese
3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese ln a 2-gallon pot, bring 6 quarts of water with 2 table poons of salt to a rapid boil.
Add 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. Add the lasagna noodles, 2 or 3 at a time, and cook
8 to 10 minutes . Drain and retum to th cook in g pot, adding a little warm water to keep them hom sticking.
In a 4-quart pot, bring 2 1 /z quarts of water to a boil. Add th pinach , cover, remove the pot from the heat and let sit 2 minutes. Drain the spinach and rin with co ld running water to cool. Squeeze the spinach tightly to remov aU excess moisture .
Set the spinach aside. Put the metal blade in th processor, rum on the ma hine and drop the garlic through the feed tube t o mince finely. Turn off the machine, add the onion quarters and process until finely minced . Set th garlic and onion aside.
Use the shredding disc to process the carrots. Set them aside.
Use the medium slicing disc to process the olives. Set them aside .
Heat a tablespoon of oil in a lar g 10 inch skillet over moderate heat. Add the garlic and onion and sau t e, stirring continuously, for 2 minutes. Add the carrot shreds and coo k until they wilt - 3 to 5 minute . Add the tomato sauce, olives and seasonings. Stir well and remove from heat.
With the shredding disc, process the Cheddar cheese.Put the ricotta cheese in a strainer over a sink or bowl to drain off excess moisture.
Preheat th oven to 375°F. Use the remaining oil to grea a 13-by 9~by -2 in h baking pan . Line the bottom with 5 drained l asagna no dl . Spread on top of them half the ricotta c he ese, then half th pinach and then a third of th Cheddar cheese.
Cover with hal f of th tomato sauce mixture. Repeat the layering and t op with th la st third of the s hredd ed h ese. Sp .
rinkle the surface with grat d Parmesan.
Bake for 45 minutes.
Makes 12 servings.
3/4 stick (6 tablespoons) unsalted butter
6 tablespoons unbleached all-purpose flour
3 cups milk
P/2 teaspoons salt
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
3/4 pound cooked ham, cut into 1-inch cubes
12 ounces sharp Cheddar cheese, chilled
Ph tablespoons grated onion
P/4 pounds fresh homemade macaroni, cooked and drained
3 tablespoons dry bread crumbs
3 tablespoons melted butter
Preheat the oven to 375° ·and adjust the rack to the middle level. Lightly butter a 4 o r 5-quart casserole.
Me l t th e butter in a smal l saucepan over medium h eat. Add the fl.our and cook, sti rrin g, until the mixture froths and foams . Add the milk all at n ee and tir with a wire whisk until the sauce thickens into a smoot h cream. Add the · alt and cay nne pepper and simmer over a very low heat for about 2 minute . ·
Insert the ~ m t a l blade, add the ham to th work bowl and c h op it coarse l y by pulsing several times. Leave th ham in the bowl, insert the medium shredding di ~c and proc ess the che . u s ing light pr ssur . Remov andre rv about 1 l c u p f cheese .
Mix the ham , chee e, grated oni nand sauce with th e macaroni in a large bowl.
Taste f or season in g, add more sa lt and pepp r if nece ary and spoon the mixtur into the prepared di h . Mi the bread rumbs, m e lt ed butter and re serve d che se and spread th e mixture even l y ov r the top. Bake for 30 to 10 minute , or until th top is lightly browned.
Make 6 to 8 erving .
J1h ounces imported Parmesan cheese, at room temperature and cut into l-inch pieces
1 pound lean beef, cut into 2-inch pieces
1 small onion, peeled and quartered tf2 teaspoon dry oregano
6 tablespoons (3 ounces) unsalted butter
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1/2 cup tomato sauce, fresh or canned
1/4 cup white wine
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 recipe fresh, homemade macaroni, cooked and drained
2 large eggs
1 recipe white sauce (recipe follows)
Insert the metal blade and turn on the machine. Drop the cheese through the small feed tube while the machine is running and process until fin e ly chopped. Remove and reserve it.
Put the beef, onion and oregano in the work bowl. Pulse 4 or 5 times, then let th e machine run until the mixture is finel y chopped. Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a large skillet and add the beef mixture. Cook over medium he a t until the meat browns. Add the cinnamon, nutmeg, tomato sauce, wine , salt and pepper. Cov er and let simmer for 30 minutes, then remove from the heat.
Put the eggs in the work bowl, still using the metal blade , and process for 15 seconds. Add them to a large mixing bowl with the macaroni , 4 tablespoons of butter and the meat sauce. Mix well, add half the white sauce and half the reserved cheese and mix to combine all ingredients well.
Put the mixture in a 1 1 12 to 2-quart casserole, cover with the remaining white sauce and sprinkle with the remaining cheese . Bake in a 350°F oven for an hour and serve warm or at room temperatur e.
Makes 8 to 12 servings .
White Sauce
4 tablespoons (2 ounces) unsalted butter
2 tablespoons flour
Ph cups milk
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the flour and stir with a whisk until the mixture is smooth. Lower the heat and gradually add the milk, whisking continually until the sauce thickens and comes to a boil. Immediately remove from the heat, add the seasonings and mix well.
6 cups milk
1 teaspoon salt
1/z teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1 recipe fresh, homemade macaroni, in P/2-inch lengths
5 ounces imported Parmesan cheese, at room temperature and cut in l-inch pieces
7 ounces imported Swiss cheese, cut
1/4 in l-inch pieces pound fresh mushrooms, cleaned and cut flat at ends
4 large Bell peppers (preferably 2 red and 2 green), with stems, seeds and large ribs removed, cut in
3-inch squares
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons (1 ounce) unsalted butter
Put the milk, salt and nutmeg in a 4-quart saucepan and bring to a boil. Add the macaroni and bring the milk back to the boil. Lower the heat and let simmer until the macaroni has cooked completely and absorbed all the milk- about 30 minutes.
Insert the metal blade and turn on the machine. Drop the cheese through the small feed tube while the machine is running and process until it is finely chopped.
Add the cheese to the macaroni and put the mixture in a well buttered 6-cup ring mold, pressing it down with a spatula to compress it. Tap the mold lightly on the counter to settle the contents. Put the mold in a pan and pour in enough boiling water to come halfway up the sides of the mold. Cover the mold with buttered waxed paper, buttered side down, and bake in a 350°F oven for about 20 minutes.
While the mold is baking, prepare the garnish. Insert the medium slicing disc and put the mushrooms in the feed tube, flat side down. Process, using light pressure.
Leave the mushrooms in the work bowl.
Stand the pepper squares in the feed tube side by side, wedging them in tightly.
Process into julienne strips, using light pressure.
Season with salt and pepper. Melt the butter in a 12-inch skillet and saute the vegetables over medium heat for about 5 minutes.
Unmold the macaroni onto a large serving platter, put the vegetable garnish in the center and serve immediately.
Makes 8 to 10 servings.
1 pound turkey cutlets or turkey breast meat
2 ounces mushrooms, cleaned and cut flat at ends
3 whole scallions, ends trimmed, cut into 2-inch lengths
6 tablespoons (3 ounces) unsalted butter
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon tree ears, soaked in warm water for 20 minutes
1 / 4
Freshly ground black pepper cup flour cup dry Sherry
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon tomato paste
1/ 4 cup chicken stock cup sour cream
1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill
1 cup snow peas, fresh or frozen
112 recipe fresh, homemade fettuccine, cooked, drained and still hot
Cut the turkey cutlets in half crosswise, or into sections that will easily fit in the feed tube. Freeze only until semi-frozen- firm to the touch but easily pierced with the tip of a sharp knife.
Insert the medium slicing disc. Stand the cutlets in the feed tube vertically and slice them, using medium pressure. Remove them to paper towels to thaw and dry.
Put the mushrooms in the feed tube, flat side down, and slice them, using light pressure. Remove and reserve them.
Heat 2 tablespoons of butter with 1 tablespoon of oil in a skillet. When the butter is melted, add the scallions and cook slowly until they have wilted. Add the mushrooms and optional tree ears and cook over medium heat until the mushrooms give up all their liquid. Turn the heat to high and continue to cook until all the liquid evaporates, stirring all the while. Add salt and pepper to taste, transfer to a plate and set aside.
Combine the flour, 1 teaspoon of salt and pepper to taste in a plastic or paper bag.
Put the thoroughly thawed and dry turkey strips in the bag and shake well to coat them completely with flour.
In the same sk ill et use d a l ready, melt t h e remaining 4 tablespoons of butter with the
1 tab l espoon of oil over medium heal. Add the turk y and stir continually until all th e pieces eparate and ar lightly browned -about 5 minutes. Remove the turkey from the pan and reserve it .
Ad d th , e S h erry to t he h ot killet and stir with a wooden s poon to de g laz th pan , r e m ovi n g a ll the particles adhering to it. Add t h e mustard , t mato pa te and tock a n d conti n ue to stir unti l smooth . Remove the pan from th heat and whisk a I w tab l espoo n s of the hot sauce into the sour cream . Return thi mixture to the liquid in th e pa n , w h isking all the whi l e to pr vent formation of lumps or curdling. Stir in the c h op p ed d ill.
Just before serving, reheat the sauce gently and stir in the turkey, mushrooms and scallions, and snow peas.
Put the pasta in a large, warm serving dish. Add the turkey mixture and stir gently to combine. Serve immediately.
Makes 6 servings.
2 9
1/2 cup parsley leaves
112 cup cilantro leaves
1 medium carrot, peeled and cut into feed-tube lengths
2 small yellow squash, unpeeled and cut into feed-tube lengths
3 small white onions, peeled and halved
1 cup tiny frozen peas, thawed
112 cup frozen corn, thawed
1 cup fresh broccoli florets, stems removed entirely
8 ounces cooked, cooled spinach macaroni
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 1 12 teaspoons red wine vinegar
1/4 teaspoon cornstarch
1 large garlic clove, peeled
Ph tablespoons white horseradish
1 1 2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground white pepper
3/4 cup oil
I n se r t t h e m etal blade and pr ce the pars l ey and cilantro leaves until finely m i n ced. Leave them in the work bowl. Insert the 3mm julienne disc and place the carro t s i n the feed tube horizontally . Process, using firm pres ure . (Or double cut t h e carrots with the slicing di c.) ln ert the French-fry cut disc and p l ace the ye ll ow squa h in the feed tube v rtically. Process , using medium pres ure . (Or doubl e -sli the quash with t h e slicing disc .
I nsert the slicing disc and place the onions in the feed tube vertically. Slice them, using medium pressure. Transfer the contents of the work bowl into a large salad bow l and add the remai n ing salad ingredients.
To make the dressing, mix the lemon juice, vinegar and cornstarch in a small non-aluminum saucepan. Cook the mixture over medium heat until it simmers and thickens slightly.
Insert the metal blade, turn on the machine and drop the garlic through the feed tu b e whi l e the machine is running . Proce unti l finely minced. Add the remaining ing r edients, including the l emon juice mixture , and process for 3 seconds. Toss the sa l ad w i th the dressing and adju t t h e ea oning .
Makes about 6 to 8 servings.
1 cup unsalted dry-roast peanuts
1 recipe fresh homemad e curry spaghetti, cooked, drained a nd
2 coo l ed medium Red Delicious app l es, unpeeled, cored and cut> into l-inch pieces
2 medium zucchini
2 chicken breasts, skinned, boned and sp lit , then poached and well
3/4 chille d cup vegetab le o il
1 1 4 cup fresh l emon juice
112 tea spoo n salt
Freshly ground pepper to taste lnsert the metal blade , add the peanut s to the work bowl and chop them coarsely by pulsing several times. Remove them to a large bowl containing .
the pa s ta. Add the apples to the work bowl and chop them coarsely with the m e tal blade. Add them to the peanuts and pa s ta . Insert the 3 mm juli enne di sc, place eacl, zucchini in th e sma ll feed tube anq process. (Or double-cut the zucchini with the medium s licing disc .) Leave the zucchini in the work bowl and insert the 6mm slicing disc , or the thickest disc you have. Fill the large feed tube with chicken breasts , placed vertically , and slice them, using medium pressure. Add the zucchini and chicken to the pasta. lnsert the metal blade. Add the oil, lemon juice, sa lt and pepper to the work bowl and pulse to mix . Pour thi s dressing over the pasta and ot h er ingredients. Mix well and chill before serving.
Make s 6 servings.
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Pasta Maker, when purchased by you in the original carton, will be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal home use for one year from the date of original purchase.
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Your Cuisinart® Pasta Maker has been manufactured to strictest specifications and has been designed for use with
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