The MicroControllerShop
Prototyping Board
User Manual
Rev. 1.0
February 2008
MicroController Pros Corporation
The MicroControllerShop
Table of Contents
1.0 Preface ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. Cautions............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.2. Trademarks........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3. Limited Guarantee and Support ........................................................................................................ 3
1.4. Copyright ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 4
3.0 Hardware ................................................................................................................................................ 5
3.1. PIC-P40-28 Board Components........................................................................................................ 5
3.2. Power Supply Requirements ............................................................................................................. 6
3.3. 14- and 18-pin MCU sockets ............................................................................................................. 6
3.4. MCU Oscillator Circuit ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.5. In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) and In-Circuit Debug (ICD) Interface..................................... 7
3.6. RS232 Interface................................................................................................................................. 9
3.7. Reset Circuit .................................................................................................................................... 11
3.8. LED.................................................................................................................................................. 11
3.9. Push Button ..................................................................................................................................... 11
3.10. Board Dimensions & PCB Material................................................................................................ 11
Appendix A. Board Schematic.................................................................................................................... 12
PIC-P40-28 User Manual February 2008
The MicroControllerShop
MicroController Pros Corporation
1.0 Preface
1.1. Cautions
Caution: Check power supply requirements. Incorrect voltage will damage the board. See chapter 3.2 for details.
Caution: Only populate one socket at a time.
Do not insert microcontrollers into more than one socket at a time, or you may damage the microcontroller chips.
Caution: Check the pin orientation of the sockets before inserting a chip.
The 28- pin socket is rotated by 180 degrees in relation to the 40-pin socket (see Figure 3-1 ). This means that the pin 1 location for the 28-pin socket is in the lower right hand corner, whereas the pin 1 position for the 40-pin socket is in the upper left hand corner of the socket. Make sure you align pin 1 of your microcontroller with pin 1 of the socket. Inserting a microcontroller chip incorrectly can damage it.
1.2. Trademarks
All brand or product names used in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations.
1.3. Limited Guarantee and Support
MicroController Pros Corp. warrants the PIC-P40-28 board to be free from component or assembly defects for a period of 180 days from the date of purchase. Settlement is limited to repair or replacement of the product only. MicroController Pros Corp. does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product, circuit or procedure described herein. No other liability or warranty applies, expressed or implied. While every attempt has been made to ensure accurate documentation,
MicroController Pros Corp. cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions, and reserves the right to make changes without prior notice.
This prototype board is intended as a low-cost development tool with limited support. It is assumed that you are familiar with basic electrical engineering concepts and microcontroller code development. Our support does not include us teaching you those concepts. If you experience functional issues with this board, you can contact support via email: [email protected]
General information on Microchip PIC microcontrollers can be found at the following URL:
1.4. Copyright
© 2008 MicroController Pros Corporation. All rights reserved.
PIC-P40-28 User Manual 3/ 12 February 2008
The MicroControllerShop
MicroController Pros Corporation
2.0 Introduction
The PIC-P40-28 is a prototype board for Microchip PIC microcontrollers in a 28- or 40-pin DIP package.
Check the pinout of the PIC microcontroller, which you intent to use with this board, in the Microchip PIC device datasheet. Verify that the PIC’s Vdd, Vss, OSC1, OSC2, ICSP programming, and UART Rx and
Tx signals match the location of those pins on the appropriate MCU socket of this board (see schematic).
The board comes completely assembled and tested and offers the following features:
• 28-pin, and 40-pin DIL microcontroller sockets
• Jumper selectable +3.3V or +5.0V board supply voltage
• Power plug-in jack: 5.5mm outer, 2.5mm inner diameter o
Accepts AC and DC input voltage
• RS232 DB9 female connector with MAX2232 interface circuit and Tx, Rx, CTS and DTR/RTS signals. Rx and Tx signals are routed to 28-pin and 40-pin MCU sockets (see schematics).
• RJ12 and 6-pin, single row In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) connectors for in-circuit programming and debugging with a PIC In-Circuit Debugger & Programmer.
• 20 MHz quartz crystal oscillator in machined, spring-loaded socket for easy oscillator replacement
• Reset
• Push button connected to PIC I/O pin via removable jumper
• Status LED connected to PIC I/O pin via removable jumper
• Extension solder pads for every µC pin
• Prototyping area with 100 mils grid
• Prototyping GND bus
• Prototyping Vcc bus
• FR-4, 1.5 mm (0.062
″ ), single layer, electroless nickel/immersion gold (ENIG) plating, green soldermask, white silkscreen component print
• Four mounting holes
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The MicroControllerShop
MicroController Pros Corporation
3.0 Hardware
3.1. PIC-P40-28 Board Components
Figure 3-1 shows the PIC-P40-28 Board with major components identified.
RS232 Interface
(D-Sub 9 female)
MAX2232 RS232
LED Connect/
Disconnect Jumper
Push Button
Pin 1 of
28-pin socket
6-pin, single row
ICSP/ICD Connector
RJ12 Jack
ICSP/ICD Connector
Power Connector
Board Supply Voltage
Selection Jumper
Open: 5.0V
Closed: 3.3V
Push Button S1
Reset Button
Pin1 of
40-pin socket
PIC-P40-28 User Manual
Socketed 20MHz Crystal
Figure 3-1: PIC-P40-28 Board
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MicroController Pros Corporation
The MicroControllerShop
3.2. Power Supply Requirements
Power input to the board is supplied via a barrel connector with 5.5mm outer and 2.5mm inner diameter.
An on-board bridge rectifier provides polarity reversal protection and allows you to use both AC or DC input voltages.
An on-board LM317 adjustable output voltage regulator can be set via a jumper to provide the board with either 5.0V or 3.3V DC operating voltage. In the open position of jumper 3.3V, the output voltage is 5.0V.
In the jumper-closed position, the output voltage is 3.3V
Jumper 3.3V Board Operating Voltage (BOV)
The input voltage supplied to the board should be at least 3.5V above the desired board operating voltage
(BOV) if you use a DC power supply, and 2.5V above BOV if you use an AC power supply.
5.0V Board Operating Voltage 3.3V Board Operation Voltage
Minimum AC input voltage 7.5V AC 5.8V AC
Minimum DC input voltage 8.5V DC 6.8V DC
The following maximum input voltages should not be exceeded by your power supply, otherwise you risk damaging the board:
Maximum AC input voltage 10.5V AC
Maximum DC input voltage 15V DC
The current rating of your power supply is uncritical, as this board requires less than 100mA to operate.
Therefore, any power supply with a current rating of 100mA or higher can be used. A higher current rating is not a problem, as the board will only draw as much current from the supply as is needed for operation.
In general, you should use voltages close to the minimum required input voltage. It reduces stress on the voltage regulator, as a smaller voltage differential has to be dissipated into heat.
A word of caution, however: Many cheap transformer-based wall-plug power supplies provide an unregulated output voltage that under no load is usually much higher than the rated output voltage printed on the supply. This high output voltage then “collapses” under load and can be lower than the rated output voltage. To avoid damage to your board, verify with a multi-meter that the true voltage of your power supply is within the above stated limits before connecting it to this board.
3.3. 28- and 40-pin MCU sockets
Caution: Only populate one socket at a time.
Do not insert microcontrollers into more than one socket at a time, or you may damage the microcontroller chips.
Caution: Check the pin orientation of the sockets before inserting a chip.
The 28- pin socket is rotated by 180 degrees in relation to the 40-pin socket (see Figure 3-1 ). This means that the pin 1 location for the 28-pin socket is in the lower right hand corner, whereas the pin 1 position for the 40-pin socket is in the upper left hand corner of the socket. Make sure you align pin 1 of your microcontroller with pin 1 of the socket. Inserting a microcontroller chip incorrectly can damage it.
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MicroController Pros Corporation
The MicroControllerShop
Check the pinout of the PIC microcontroller, which you intent to use with this board, in the Microchip PIC device datasheet. Verify that the PIC’s Vdd, Vss, OSC1, OSC2, ICSP programming, and UART Rx and
TX signals match the location of those pins on the appropriate MCU socket of this board (see schematic).
The board has routed connections from both sockets to the RS232 Rx and Tx pins, ICSP signals, a push button, a reset button, an LED and a crystal oscillator.
Each unused MCU pin has a direct connection to the solder pad next to it. You can solder square header pins into those locations and then use prototyping jumper wires to connect to other circuitry. Alternatively, you can directly solder wire connections or component pins to these pads. Using header pins and jumper wires gives you the flexibility to connect the MCU pins to different components on the board quickly.
For header pins, see:
For prototyping jumper wires, see:
3.4. MCU Oscillator Circuit
A 20MHz crystal oscillator is connected to the 28-pin and 40-pin socket oscillator pins. The crystal is socketed, so you can easily replace it with a different frequency value.
Figure 3-2: Socketed Crystal
3.5. In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) and In-Circuit Debug (ICD) Interface
PIC microcontrollers use the same connection for in-circuit serial programming (ICSP) and in-circuit debugging (ICD). Figure 3-1 shows the location of the ICSP/ICD connectors. The board features two
ICSP/ICD connectors - an RJ12 jack and a 6-pin single row, latched header - to provide compatibility with a broad selection of PIC programmers and in-circuit debuggers. The ICSP signals are routed to the appropriate pins of both PIC MCU sockets.
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MicroController Pros Corporation
The MicroControllerShop
Some 40-pin PIC microcontrollers have the optional PGM programming signal on pin 38 (RB5), others on pin 25 (RB3). If you use a programmer that requires the PGM signal, make sure you connect it to the correct MCU pin, by setting jumper PGM_sel according to the table below.
PGM_sel 40-pin PIC Socket Pin position
1-2 PGM_RB5
2-3 PGM_RB3
# (Name)
38 (RB5)
36 (RB3)
The board’s RJ12 ICSP/ICD jack is connected as shown in the figure and table below.
1 3 4 5 6
Figure 3-3: RJ12 PIC ICSP Connector
Signal Name Board ICSP/ICD
Connector Pin
28-pin PIC Socket
40-pin PIC Socket Pin
Vdd (Vcc)
Vss (GND)
8 & 19
11 & 32
12 & 31
PGD 4 28 40
PGC 5 27 39
PGM (optional) 6 24 36 or 38 (depending on PGM_sel
Jumper position)
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MicroController Pros Corporation
The MicroControllerShop
The board’s 6-pin, single row ICSP/ICD header is connected as shown in the figure and table below.
Figure 3-4: 6-pin, Single Row, PIC ICSP
Connector with Latch and 0.1” Spacing
Signal Name Board ICSP/ICD
Connector Pin
28-pin PIC Socket
40-pin PIC Socket Pin
Vdd (Vcc)
Vss (GND)
8 & 19
11 & 32
12 & 31
PGD 4 28 40
PGC 5 27 39
PGM (optional) 6 24 36 or 38 (depending on PGM_sel
Jumper position)
For compatible PIC ICSP programmers, see:
For compatible PIC ICD in-circuit debuggers & programmers, see:
3.6. RS232 Interface
RS232 devices are classified as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) or Data Communications Equipment
(DCE). This defines for each device which wires will be sending and receiving each signal.
PCs or terminals have male connectors with DTE pin functions; the PIC-P40-28 board has a female connector with DCE pin functions.
As a minimum requirement for communicating with a PC or Terminal, only the RxD and TxD signals are required. All other signals are optional. If hardware flow control is desired, connect the CTS and RTS/DTR signals to free PIC I/O pins (you must then implement the hardware handshake in your PIC firmware).
The RS232 standard defines RTS/CTS as the signaling protocol for hardware flow control for data transmitted from DTE to DCE.
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MicroController Pros Corporation
The MicroControllerShop
Figure 3-5: D-Sub 9 RS232 Connector
RS232 Pin #
- DTE Name
1 - CD
2 - RXD
3 - TXD
4 - DTR
5 - GND
6 - DSR
7 - RTS
8 - CTS
9 - RI
Connected to Function
(28/40 pin package)
Not connected Carrier Detect. Asserted by DCE when a connection has been established with remote equipment (dial-up modem).
PIC TxD pin (6/8)
PIC RxD pin (5/7)
TX solder pad : PIC transmit, PC receive (Data sent from
RX solder pad : PIC receive, PC transmit (Data sent from
Jumper J1 DTR position Data Terminal Ready handshake signal. If jumper J1 is in
DTR position, pin 4 of DB9 connector is connected to
RTS/DTS solder pad via RS232 Transceiver R2OUT.
Asserted by DTE to indicate that it is ready to be connected. If the DCE is in power save mode, this may
“wake up” the DCE, bringing it out of a power-saving
Not connected mode. When this signal is de-asserted, the DCE may return to its power-save mode.
Data Set Ready. Asserted by DCE to indicate an active connection .
Jumper J1 RTS position Request to Send handshake signal. If jumper J1 is in RTS position, pin 7 of DB9 connector is connected to RTS/DTS solder pad via RS232 Transceiver R2OUT. Asserted by
DTE to prepare DCE to receive data. This may require action on the part of the DCE, e.g. asserting the CTS signal.
CTS solder pad
Not connected
Clear to Send handshake signal. Asserted by DCE to acknowledge RTS and allow DTE to transmit.
Ring indicator. Asserted by DCE when it detects a ring signal from the telephone line.
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The MicroControllerShop
MicroController Pros Corporation
3.7. Reset Circuit
An RC reset circuit (R2 and C13) is connected to the MCLR pin to assure that a proper power-on reset is generated when a PIC microcontroller is used that has no integrated Brown-Out-Reset (BOR) or where
BOR is disabled. C13 is not mounted . If you use a PIC chip without BOR or with BOR disabled, then you should mount C13. See the PIC datasheet for recommended values.
Using the RC reset does not assure a proper reset in brown-out conditions (sudden, short voltage drops).
Certain brown-out conditions may corrupt the PIC’s on-chip Flash or EEPROM content. Some PIC chips feature on-chip brown-out reset (BOR) circuitry that can be enabled (check the datasheet of your particular device). It is recommended that you enable the PIC’s on-chip brown-out to avoid memory corruption.
The PIC chip can also be reset by pressing and releasing the RST switch on the board.
3.8. LED
An LED is connected via jumper LED_J to a PIC I/O pin (see schematic).You can disconnect the LED by removing jumper LED_J. You can easily connect the LED to any unused PIC I/O pin of your choice by running a wire from the LED connect side of the jumper header to the desired PIC pin.
The LED is turned on by programming the I/O pin as a high output.
The table below shows to which PIC pin, depending on the jumper LED_J setting, the LED is connected.
LED_J 28-pin PIC Socket Pin
# (Name) closed 2 (RA0/AN0) open N.C.
40-pin PIC Socket Pin
# (Name)
2 (RA0/AN0)
3.9. Push Button
A push button S1 is connected via jumper S1_J to a pin on the PIC MCU sockets.
The table below shows to which PIC pin, depending on the jumper S1_J setting, S1 is connected.
S1_PB4 28-pin PIC Socket Pin closed
# (Name)
7 (RA5/AN7) open N.C.
40-pin PIC Socket Pin
# (Name)
10 (RE2/AN7)
3.10. Board Dimensions & PCB Material
• 112 mm by 110 mm
• FR-4, 1.5 mm (0.062
″ ), single layer, electroless nickel/immersion gold (ENIG) plating, green
• soldermask, white silkscreen component print compliant
• Four mounting holes
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MicroController Pros Corporation
The MicroControllerShop
Appendix A. Board Schematic
1 2 3 4
1 2
C8 100uF
C6 100nF
R4 240/1%
R3 390/1%
C7 470uF
2 1
1 2
R6 10K
C5 1uF
C2 1uF
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