Your Brother Fax Reference Section | SECTION Il * The control panel keys A description of the control panel is shown on page II-3-1. | SECTION 11 e Loading paper Paper loading is described on page Ш-5-1. + Connecting your fax to the telephone line. The method for connecting the machine to a telephone line is described on page III-7-1. e Making a copy | Step Symbol Operation Display Set the document face down 1 | in the feeder. FAX : ENTER FAX NO. | COPY : PRESS COPY KEY > copy | Press COPY. | COPYING © A P,01 SECTION IV « Setting the date and time | Step Symbol | Operation Display Make sure there is no docu- | 1 ment in the feeder. 06/01/1992 00:00 FAX/COPY : SET DOC, FUNCTION, th > l'on. nn = 2. REGISTRATION — Lei PRESS SET KEY Your Brother Fax Reference Section Step Symbol Operation Display O TERRUOT | Press SET, then “0” | | INTERRUPT › ; | SET followed by un 02.DATE-TIME 3 Le PRESS SET KEY DZ ABC LoJL2) г------ a Press SET. | a a: YEAR : XX —— INPUT / PRESS SET TO END Enter the last two digits of IRE 7------ - | current year, then SET. MONTH : XX cc | INTERRUPT | INPUT / PRESS SET TO END a |= CI L------ 4 Enter the current month as CII |-------- - | a2-digit number, then DAY XX в | para | И | SET. INPUT / PRESS SET TO END Cr | ПИ | МИ | N SO Laos 4 Enter the day as a 2-digit 7 [OS ce | INPUT / PRESS SET TO END Cr ILE Its] — : CII A 4 Enter the time, then SET Cotas pr _ | using 24 Hour System. g ¡A С | INTERRUPT | СЕ |! SL ec ooo 1 Your Brother Fax Reference Section e Registering your name and number Step Symbol Operation Display ------- = Press FUNCTION, th y [femme A | ре en 2 .REGISTRATION Lo J PRESS SET KEY nn nn 7 Press SET, then “0” a | followed by “5”. 05.STATION ID 2 ei PRESS SET KEY az „Ki, Lo LS | INTERRUPT | Press SET. FAX: 3 | ser | o — Mt INPUT / PRESS SET TO END |: a Use the number keys to ACI | E | enter your fax number. FAX: 0528115981_ [СЕ INPUT / PRESS SET TO END 4 [СЕ 27 | CII pe Press SET. | INTERRUPT ; TEL: 5 ¡E | — [en INPUT / PRESS SET TO END Use the number keys to occ enter your telephone TEL: 0528242554 __ 6 cs | number. INPUT / PRESS SET TO END СИ | И | СИИ ICI ------- Press SET. | INTERRUPT : МАМЕ: _ 7 D E _—— | INPUT / PRESS SET TO END Use the number keys to en- | | ГВ | ПЕНИИ | АЕ ЗИ ter the name you wish to NAME : BROTHER_ 8 EIC appear on the faxes. INPUT / PRESS SET TO END СИ | АЯ ЗИ | EEE ne} Press SET. Then press STOP | ре key. P 06/01/1992 12:00 9 Loa | FAX/COPY : SET DOC. STOP | ill Your Brother Fax Reference Section ¢ Registering one-touch numbers Step Symbol | ‘Operation Display г------- Press FUNCTION, then 1. 1 ONE-TOUCH / SPEED DIAL 1 A | | | - 1. | 1 ul Li PRESS SET KEY > lis Press SET, then 1. 1. ONE-TOUCH DIAL | ser № ‚ | — Wi] PRESS SET KEY ------— Press SET. 3 a! ONE- TOUCH DIAL Ld SELECT ONE-TOUCH KEY | Select the one-touch 4 ONE TOUCH KEY number to be registered. ADD: (e.g. press 5.) INPUT / PRESS SET TO END Use the number keys to [ААС enter the telephone or fax *05:3087831735 © 5 ec number. INPUT / PRESS SET TO END [81° ] | - Low IC г TRES | INTERRUPT Press SET. NAME : 6 SET | * — Ld INPUT / PRESS SET TO END | Use the number keys to ACIDOS | AA | IE | enter the name of the *05: BROTHER MIZUHO_ 7 CO destination. INPUT / PRESS SET TO END CAE CAI Г ТЕР 7 Press SET, then “1”, “2” | и | [т] | 03” CURRENT : FAX Ls 1.FAX 2.TEL 3.0FF 8 ABC DEF 3) | INTERRUPT | Press SET, ONE-TOUCH DIAL 9 == | — | SELECT ONE-TOUCH KEY STOP Press STOP to end | 10 registration. 06/01/1992 12:00 FAX/COPY SET DOC. Your Brother Fax Reference Section + Sending a one-touch fax (Automatic Transmission - CNG Tone Sent) Step Symbol Operation Display Set the document facedown | | 1 in the feeder. FAX : ENTER FAX NO. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY 2 ole room ety number key (e.g. 5). BROTHER MIZUHO | PRESS START KEY Press the one-touch | Press START. | START 3 BROTHER MIZUHO | SENDING e Registering speed dial numbers Step Symbol Operation | Display - P TI “pr, 1 ia -— ress FUNCTION, then 1.ONE-TOUCH / SPEED DIAL y — LY PRESS SET KEY a Press SET, then р". 2 || rem | яв 2.SPEED DIAL | JU La | DRESS SET KEY 3 EA Press SET. SPEED DIAL — | SELECT NO. $ eae Enter the two digit speed AT dial number to be regis- SPEED DIAL SIE tered (e.g. 10). SELECT NO. #10 eng Fos [ыы [2 ОТО | Gi + JLo | ЗЕ. ЛИ в Use the number keys to | ATAN enter the telephone or fax #10:3087831735_ 5 23-58 | number. | | INPUT / PRESS SET TO END CLÉ | | | И | ПТИ | ОГИ o | Press SET. | INTERRUPT | МАМЕ: _. Ш ser № 6 — | INPUT / PRESS SET TO END Your Brother Fax Reference Section Step Symbol Operation Display A Use the number keys to у enter the name of the МАМЕ:0.К. OFFICE_ 7 CIO |e || destination. INPUT / PRESS SET TO END CIS | е |] Со #7 г A u —— 7 | Р SET, th “1”, ar | m Clos. CURRENT : FAX 8 Li 1.FAX 2.7EL 3.0FF ABC DEF EJ) o | IWTERAUPT | Press SET. SPEED DIAL _— | SELECT NO. #_ Press STOP to end STOP 06/01/1992 12:00 10 istration. Ld N FAX/COPY : SET DOC. VI Your Brother Fax Reference Section e Sending speed dial faxes (Automatic Transmission - CNG Tone Sent) Step Symbol Operation Display Set the document facedown In the feeder FAX : ENTER FAX №. | COPY PRESS COPY KEY , SPD. DIAL Press the SPD.DIAL key. y ENTER SPEED NO, Use the number keys to | CIC enter the two digit speed USK. OFFICE 3 Е [IC [E dial combination (e.g. 10). PRESS START KEY CLICS CA | И | STAR Press START. | 4 м U.K. OFFICE SENDING | | | + Sending telephone index faxes (Automatic Transmission - CNG Tone Sent) Step Symbol Operation Dispiay Den adochmentfacedown FAX : ENTER FAX NO. COPY PRESS COPY KFY - TEL INDEX Press the TEL.INDEX key. TEL. INDEX —-. ENTER CHARACTER Press the appropriate letter 3 <— —> key and (+ /->) cursor NINJ OFF TCL ЕЕ | Keys to call up the name PRESS =— ОВ START KEY you want. — Press START. | 4 NJ OFFICE SFNDING UH Your Brother Fax Reference Section + Sending a fax with a super COVERPAGE Step Symbol Operation — Display Set the document facedown FAX : ENTER FAX NO. 1 in the feeder. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY Press COVERPAGE. 2 [ОСОМЕЯРАВЕ SELECT COMMENT (1-6) DJ 2.PLEASE CALL o me Press a number key (1-6) to 3 SH select a comment (e.g. 2). COVERPAGE ARS 2. PLEASE CALL CECI ABC Select “1” to show the 4 | 1 jor 2 total number of pages, or L 2 } #27 to off. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES L.ON 2.ОЕЕ Use the number keys to | Ac DEF EA enter the total number of 5 4 | 5” | 6 |] toh A Г. 45-34 pages Oo De sent. AO TOTAL PAGES : 12 ENTER TOTAL NO. OF PAGFS START Enter the fax number. 6 Je] Press START. 308 783 1735 SENDING COVERPAGE + Sending a fax with call reservation Step Symbol Operation * Display Set the document facedown FAX : ENTER FAX NO, 3 in the feeder. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY Press CALL. | 5 ma e CALL BACK MSG. — 1.0N 2. 0FF Press “1” or 72”. ENTER FAX №. Vili Your Brother Fax Reference Section Step Symbol Operation Display — Enter the fax number of the destination. NJ OFFICE PRESS START KEY Press START. 5 NJ OFFICE | | SENDING After the transmission, the 6 LE unit at the other end will | ring. CALLING If the other party answers, your machine will ring. Pick up the handset and talk. If not, Call Back message will be sent. CALL PICKUP e Standard polling Step Symbol Operation Display Make sure there is no docu- | 1 ment in the feeder. 06/01/1992 14:00 FAX/COPY : SET DOC. Ta | Press POLLING. SELECT №. 2 | eee 1. STANDARD 2. SECURE LL. 4 3 Press 1. POLL Li} ENTER FAX NO. 23% | Enter the fax number of 4 | 1 | the machine to be polled. 308 783 1735 PRESS START KEY START RT. 5 Press STA 308 783 1735 RECEIVING ha Your Brother Fax Reference Section e Setting a document to be polled Step symbol | Operation Display Set the document facedown р in the feeder. FAX ENTER FAX NO. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY asa 7 Press POLLING. 2. POLLING I SELECT NO. Le u 1.STANDARD 2.SECURE Press “1” or “2”. POLL ABC PRESS START KEY 3 | L por | 2 | OR POLL ENTER FAX NO. Press START. 06/01/1992 13:00 = WAITING 4 — OR - POLL WAITING e Sending a fax from memory Step Symbol Operation Display | Setthedocumentfacedown AN ENTER FAX NO. in the feeder. COPY PRESS COPY KEY MEMORY Press MEMORY/ECM. 2 OO ЕСМ [ ] ENTER FAX NO. 100% 40 “ea Enter the destination fax 3 | N 2 | number, then press START. MEMORY 98% Your Brother Fax Reference Section + Sending a broadcast fax Step Symbol Operation | Display | FAX : ENTER FAX NO. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY 1 in the feeder. Set the document facedown | Press BROADCAST. | 9 BROADCAST BROADCAST m] ENTER FAX NO. 100% Use a one-touch, speed, or à | SPD DIAL group key to enter the +01#10G03 9 ere [| number of the destination DUTCH OFFICES | machines. = Press START. 4 NJ OFFICE SENDING e Printing out confidential information Step Symbol Operation Display Make sure there is no docu- 06/01/1992 12:35 1 | ment in the feeder. | FAX/COPY : SET DOC. . wenn MAIL. | ma Press CONF. MESSAGE INFO. 2 CLEAR № | PRESS START KEY Press START. TT CONF. MESSAGE INFO. 3 | PRINTING xi Your Brother Fax Reference Section * Printing out confidential message Step| — Symbol Operation Display ------- Press FUNCTION ma E ress FUNGTION, then 7.CONFIDENTIAL ‘MAIL BOX — LS PRESS SET KEY > (ET Æ res SET then es 2.CONF. PRINT OUT en | [2 | PRESS SET KEY г------- - Press SET. , TA meen RETRIEVAL ID : XXXX | i | ENTER CODE NO, ud! z N 3 Enter the retrieval ID code. 4 ЕЯ | С С RETRIEVAL ID : 6349 II PRESS SET KEY CeCe IH] pr = = - Press SET. 5 | INTERRUET | CONF. MESSAGE | — | PRINTING e Interrupting a transmission Step Symbol ‚ Operation Display Press INTERRUPT. INTERRUPT La TO RESET PRESS INTERRUPT 1 pu _ OR = LT INTERRUPT REMOVE DOCUMENT Remove the document. INTERRUPT 2 SET DOCUMENT(S) Set the document, you need to send, face down in INTERRUPT the feeder. TO RESET PRESS INTERRUPT 3 | -OR- INTERRUPT ENTER FAX №. Xit Your Brother Fax Reference Section Step Symbol Operation | 7 Display ey SAR Enter a fax number, then NJ OFFICE | Ai? START. 4 a " SENDING UE] The document has been 5 El, sent. INTERRUPT | SET DOCUMENT(S) Replace the original Pme Be = INTERRUPT | TO RESET PRESS INTERRUPT 6 OR — | INTERRUPT ENTER FAX NO. г------ — Press INTERRUPT. 7 ГЕНА | DN 06/01/1992 12:00 — | FAX/COPY : SET DOC. « Canceling a transmission Step symbol Operation Display oe - TION, a AR Ten 9 CANCEL TRANSMISSION ЛЕ PRESS SET KEY Press SET. e SELECT №. nn 1 1,HEAD OFFICE 21:00 | INTERRUPT | | 2 | a , — OR - oes - SELECT №. 2.341 1411 REDIAL Select the number of any [1223 operation, you wish to HEAD OFFICE 21:00 3 А | = [CI cancel. CANCEL ? 1.YES 2.NO Cr | Я И oe ES ac Enter “1” or “2”. * [Li Jr 2 ] хи Your Brother Fax Reference Section e Sending a fax (manual transmission) Step Symbol Operation Display Set thed tfaced 1 D be ae FAX : ENTER FAX NO. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY CO Press HOOK or pick up the handset. FAR 2 or ENTER FAX NO. ae Dial the number of the 3 | 2 | destination. 038/5497 С ENTER FAX NO. sranr When you hear the fax 4 tone, press the START 0387/5497 key. (Hang up after this if SENDING | you are using the hand- set.) « Manual reception of faxes | Step Symbol Operation Display Answer the phone as usual 4 when it rings. TELEPHONE/FAX START Press START after you 2 hear a fax tone. Reception will begin. RECEIVING Hang up the handset. 3 A RECEIVING XIV Contents I. Preliminary information ... . na veeeeeeananssaeremuseeuusaunseueaeuadsntnenanustuensteseanevestes I-1 GLOSSARY AAA I-1 SYMBOLS USED IN THIS MANUAL cnn 1-3 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ........ ищи. [-4 STANDARD TELEPHONE AND FCC NOTICES 1-6 I. Introduction... inner П-1-1 INTRODUCTION ............ или лилии encinar 11-1-1 2. FEATURES 0... ccccccsesesesssessessesesarsascsessssscsssasacetscasesssacseseseneasavensassnsavasenssasssssesevsscaveneseseee Н-1-1 3. THE CONTROL PANEL KEYS .............. нии ии, II-3-1 4. FUNCTIONS ne ss nn П-4-1 Il. Setting Up oo... esesssssssssssscsesseersnssaseunsesessucesenseesansssvarsusaessrseressausaruysaneeunserssssees 111-1-1 1. SELECTING A LOCATION FOR YOUR FAX MACHINE илл Ш-1-1 2. UNPACKING THE MACHINE .......sssccsessssesssersresssssssesscsesssesssessrsresvesesaveresersesseesee I-21 3. ASSEMBLING THE HANDSET inner HI-3-1 4. INSTALLING THE WIRE EXTENSIONS ooconconcncnonnncosananararannonororncnronoranan corran rareranonos ITT 4-1 5. LOADING PAPER woo ccc enesetesecescneerssesesecsneesesetessuseessnesssescasarsrasersatesesessteeceseaans II-5-1 6. CONNECTING YOUR FAX TO THE POWER OUTLET .............. нии Ш-6-1 7. CONNECTING TO A TELEPHONE LINE nine III-7-1 ¡ERAN III-7-1 Multi Line Connections (PBXS) ini 111-7-1 Connecting to a private branch exchange... ss 11-7-2 8. MAKING A TRIAL COPY nn, ПЕ-8-1 9. ADDITIONAL SET-UP OPTIONS oodcnccccnonononancanararanoranonaninanananraranarnoncncnrarararn rar aranono HI-9-1 Connecting to an external telephone ss II-9-1 IV. Basic use.. ann IPFPRFEFFERRRTEFPRERKEER .. IPPEERRPFFDREPEFPEUEREERRRRFFEELERFR IV-1-1 1. CONFIGURING THE MACHINE ............. или IV-1-1 Setting the date and Ите.......... лишними наити нелишне нанинтинния IV-1-1 Registering your name and number... IV-1-2 Entering information using the keys... ss IV-1-4 Selecting tone or pulse dialing ss IV-1-6 Setting the auto answer switch... EV 7177 FAX/TEL switch ...oooccocccncnonononanancnanononnnnonorannanacroronanan aero rorononaraninanna coro rana arar aran ccranaros IV-1-7 Setting F/T ringing period .....uuesssersensesurtnnnsananeresanannennnanssnenannnensnanssnerasenasanene nenne IV-1-9 Setting the ring ЧеЙау.......... sise. IV-1-10 Turning auto redial on and off... sin IV-1-10 Turning the beeper on and off... НН IV-1-11 Turning the transmission verification report on and off... 1V-1-12 Activity TOPOL AAN E] 2. SENDING A FAX .nneneeessersensnensennnnnnsonentorotatetosssunsennonnnnnenesennansenmensenenenaneneetsessensenenane IV-2-1 Automatic transmission eccmcocoronanncnnncaninananananannaranornnaran ити nara rare rar ernennen IV-2-1 Manual transmission ses Drm IV-2-2 Points to Remember When Sending a Fax... ss 1V-2-2 XO Contents Loading multiple pages for transmitting or copying..…........................IV-2-3 Current Setting for sending a fax... ere we LV-2-3 ¡AAA ON IV-2-5 3. RECEIVING A РАХ................. налили, Preis IV-3-1 Automatic reception oo... инициация ГУ-3-1 Manual reception... И IV-3-1 Reception with FAX/TEL switching inner IV-3-1 Reception by Enhanced Remote Activation nn IV-3-2 Remote activation .....csececssscsesssecsssessserecessesssesesessnesesessssssscsssssseseversueseaesesatacsavavavanes IV-3-2 Reception into memory oo... esecescesesessesesessessesesesssacsassesscasscssvevesenesesaravsesaesucasas IV-3-2 Registering F/T & Remote ID inner. IV-3-3 4. USING ONE-TOUCH NUMBERS occcicoconcoroniocnononrararorninicnncrnanicancnnarornrararanenininininoss IV-4-1 Registering one-touch numbers ...................... nn IV-4-1 Registering one-touch numbers as a group key .…....................….IV-4-3 Sending one-touch faxes sisi IV-4-4 Printing a list of one-touch numbers ss IV-4-4 Changing or Erasing one-touch names and numbers oociccecicinnonacancnonnnioirininionoss IV-4-6 5. USING SPEED DIAL NUMBERS .coonconinocionccnonocioncnonononononcncnononononcsnaninononcnrarararararoros IV-5-1 Registering speed dial numbers... kennen IV-5-1 | Sending speed dial faxes inner IV-5-2 Printing a list of speed dial numbers... ss IV-5-2 Changing or Erasing speed dial names and numbers ........ инете, IV-5-3 6. CHAIN DIALING ............ ели IV-6-1 Setting chain dialing sereine IV-6-1 7. USING THE TELEPHONE INDEX nee IV-7-1 Looking up anumber ...........eeeeeneneneen ansnunenunenensnensnenennessnsnnannesssersnensnenn IV-7-1 Sending a fax... inner IV-7-1 Printing out the telephone index sn IV-7-2 8. USING THE UNIT AS A TELEPHONE rennes IV-8-1 VENCER IV-8-1 One-touch ЧаПир......., sise IV-8-1 Speed dialing sense IV-8-1 Using the telephone index ........ иена IV-8-1 Using keys with the telephone AAA nenn [V-8-2 Using an external telephone ns IV-3-2 Using an external telephone answering device ss [V-8-2 V. Advanced use .....ununsansnusnnzunnnunnnnnannnunnnnnennnonennnnnrnnnnnunsnnsnnnensunnnnnnnnennonnnnnnnnunnenann V-1-1 1. RESOLUTION nissan V-1-1 Single resolution transmission... ss V-1-1 Multiple resolution transmission ..... иене een V-1-2 The resolution of in-coming documents sin V-1-3 Copier resolution sine V-1-3 XVI Contents 4. USING THE SUPER COVERPAGE FACILITY ............... лилии. V-4-1 Sending a fax with a super COVERPAGE cn v4 Printing out a super COVERPAGE . na V-4-2 Entering a comment nas. V-4-3 9. CALL RESERVATION AND THE CALL BACK MESSAGE css V-5-1 sending a fax with Call Reservation cocinan. V-5-1 Printing out a Call Back Message rene V-5-2 6. TIMER TRANSMISSION (DELAYED TRANSMISSION) ner. V-6-1 sending a fax with A V-6-1 Initial timer AA A E 7. THE PASSWORD wou. ceceeccesesesseceesesescseressssescssenesscsescenesecnssessserayssscusseasnsassnsasateusenseeaeares V-7-1 Sending a FAX with password nue V-7-1 Setting the fax receiving password es V-7-2 Turning password protection on and off... V-7-3 8. POLLING ............. AO V-8-] What is polling? .......nnnennennsnseserseneunsnnennenunnernensnunessnennsneneneserasaranansntar V-8-1 Standard Polling ........... нии: AAA V-8-2 Secure POLLING ..ooconnnnnionininonanaricanicenonacininaranenonan ra rrarora raro ron or eranr rare ra raro rare ares V-8-2 Timer (Delayed) polling ns V-8-3 Turn-around polling sisi V-8-5 Sequential Polling issue V-8-6 Setting a document to be polled ss V-8-7 9, SENDING FAXES FROM MEMORY nine 97971 Sending a fax from MEMOTY ccccocononccnonnananannoncnnanoncnoranoncanerora ra rononanananencar cr naara ronca canon 1921 Printing out a “Memory used list”... A V-9-2 10. SENDING FAXES WITH THE ECM FEATURE sis V-10-1 11, BROADCASTING eosmcooncororacerarannnnonranacarasanenonnnanancararacannaasanonanansonacarara rana rarancncarasonanasas Y 111 Sending a broadcast fax ns, V-11-1 12. RELAY BROADCASTING occ css esters arenes W-12-1 Sending a relay broadcast request issus V-12-1 Using your machine as the relay unit... 12122 Registration of relay ID... inner, W-12-2 13. CONFIDENTIAL МАП.ВОХЕ$............. илья V-13-1 Registering a confidential mailbox.…..................... ss. V-13-1 Changing the mail box ID siennes V-13-3 Printing out confidential information... sn V-13-4 Printing out a confidential message ss иен: \-13-5 Transmitting to а mail box ини ини ини ити ии arar raro rarnrcannss V-13-6 Retrieving confidential messages sise V-13-7 14. LOGO REGISTRATION ..... A E! 15. VARIOUS TYPES OF TRANSMISSIONS em WLS] XV Contents 16. INTERRUPTING A TRANSMISSION sereine 17. CANCELLING A TRANSMISSION ........... инете 18. OPTIONAL KITS ....... иен ии лимане ини ьнетииианититниния 19. PRINTING OUT REPORTS AND LISTS ........ ecseresteceseteeeesctteceeesestsrassneseneneenes All-dial list ii diseases Configuration list... ss issue Power failure report issues esse VI. Troubleshooting ne A VI-1 Receiving ........ ии ии Sending НУ Telephone... ss. COPYING oe cececcsceesseessesesseescevssnvaveesseteseetsssersessassaserasraraneesecesscceseceesesessesesssanananesteneres VIS Others oo .ccccccccccccccccccteccucscecsscevavesparsvaverscersusanvansravapsueescsesescrsecnsseuaccauarscarecaveceeresaresaracs Error messages ...ueeeenesnseneterennananeenensreneretesnsnansnesnenarsntnnnspsernsanenonentnonenenonsennsnenesan tan VIL. Cleaning IPPRRERPFERRER un RNE naar nera nen narran Cleaning the printing area sise Cleaning the scanner... sn МИ. Specifications ss ... corner хой 1. Preliminary information GLOSSARY This glossary is a reference to help you understand terms used in this manual which may be unfamiliar. ADF Broadcasting Chain dialing Confidential mailbox Convenience copier ECM F/T ringing time Fax password Fax receiving password Fine resolution Gray scale One-touch dialing PBX Automatic Document Feeder - this allows the insertion of up to 30 originals for transmission or copying. This function permits the transmission of a fax to several different stations in a single operation. An option which allows you to use two one-touch or speed dial numbers for an automatic transmission. (for example, when you are using telephone credit card.) This feature is used for sending and receiving documents that should be seen only by those who know the retrieval ID number. The InstaFAX2100M/2200M has three different mailboxes. A copier used to make occasional, temporary reproductions of documents. | The Error Correction Mode, which is a means of checking the integrity of a fax transmission. This is the lime (10, 20, or 30 seconds) set for extra ringing of the fax machine’s telephone when receiving manual transmissions and/or telephone calls for the purpose of conversations. A security code that permits transmission to the fax units using the same code. This password is used to prevent the reception of unwanted fax transmissions. Fax transmission mode used for detailed images. (203 x 196 lines /inch) Shades of gray (16 levels for InstaFAX2100M, 32/16 levels for InstaFAX2200M ) used to provide faithful reproduction of photographic images. A feature which lets you dial a number by pressing just one key. — Private Branch Exchange, a computerized telephone switching system (usually found in large organizations) which accepts calls from the outside and transfers them to various extensions inside the organization. It is also used to route calls from the inside to destinations outside the organization. = © £ £ o — О. information GLOSSARY Photo resolution Polling — Timer transmission (Delayed transmission ) 1-2 А mode used by the fax machine to transmit highly detailed camera images. (203 x 196 lines/inch). A feature used by fax machines to request documents from other fax machines. The unit has the capacity to poll (send requests for document transmission) and to be polled by (receive requests for document transmission) other machines. A feature which permits a document to be sent automatically to its destination at a time when the sender is not in the office and/or wants to take advantage of less expensice telephone rates. InstaFAX2100M /2200M has 3-timer transmissions. SYMBOLS USED IN THIS MANUAL > ras [U & E ES ue aL information SYMBOLS USED IN THIS MANUAL The symbols used in this manual are intended to make it easier for you to see the steps involved in a particular unit operation. <— Laca J : Handset up — > ¡Cursor keys ET. Broadcast key ed Sel the document TEL INDEX "as. | Manual / Auto ] . _ | г. ` face down in feeder | ый * TEL-INDEX key | SPORE |: answer key L_-____ A Make sure there is SHIFT um 7 : no other document [] : Shift key | мя | : Timer key in feed | — | un feeder | (only for InstaFAX2200M) " j IT 7 . copy [A FLASH / | Я ии >. A fax is sent | | ‘ Copy key - POLLING a Flash/Polling key | m | num аа г снам | J POLLING №: A machine » z= A : Stop key | PASSWORD | : Chain/Password key ф== polling | — an ns u | ам | я =) А machine is being | : Start key | AR | : Mail /Clear key al ни polled | ‚г. | 33° £ | м =. Resolution key INTERRUPT à | Г : Enter fax number : (FINE /PHOTO/ ‚ MESA : Interrupt/Set key Cc } S-FINE) with LED | ------- 4 HOOK | pt a : Hook key ical. Call key ] | : Function key HOLD - . р C1 : Hold key | _ | 2 : Number keys ee’ СОУЕКРАСЕ key [acc © Hen У PAUSE/REDIAL Caca L_] : Pause /Redial key MEMORY SPD. DIAL CI ecw : Memory/ECM key | \erouchkey : One-touch key bd] : Speed dial key E ] IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ew RP 10. 11. 12. 13. 1-4 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Read all of these instructions. Save them for later reference. Follow all warnings and instructions marked on the product. | Unplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth for cleaning. Do not use this product near water. Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, or table. The product may fall, causing serious damage to the product. slots and openings in the cabinet and the back or bottom are provided for ventilation; to ensure reliable operation of the product and to protect it from overheating, these openings must not be blocked or covered. The openings should never be blocked by placing the product ona bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface. This product should never be placed near or over a radiator or heat register. This product should not be placed in a built-in installation unless proper ventilation is provided. This products should be operated from the type of power source indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power available, consult your dealer or local power company. This product is equipped with a 3-wire grounding type plug, а plug having a third (grounding) pin. This plug will only fit into a grounding-type power outlet. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contact your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do not defeat the purpose of the grounding-type plug. Do not allow anything to rest on the power cord. Do not locate this product where persons will walk on the cord. If an extension cord is used with this product, make sure that the total of the ampere ratings on the products plugged into the extension cord do not exceed the extension cord ampere rating. Also, makesure that the total of all products plugged into the wall outlet does not exceed 15 amperes (U.S.A. only). Never push objects of any kind into this product through cabinet slots as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that could result in a risk of fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product. Do not attempt to service this product yourself, as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage points or other risks. Refer all servicing to service personnel. IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 14. Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions: A. When the power cord or plug is damaged or frayed. В. If liquid has been spilled into the product. C. D . If the product does not operate normally when the operating instructions are followed. If the product has been exposed to rain or water. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions since improper adjustment of other controls may resultin damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to normal operation. E. If the product has been dropped or the cabinet has been damaged. If the product exhibits a distinct change in performance, indicating a need for service. > L (U & = OD er Oo information STANDARD TELEPHONE AND FCC NOTICES STANDARD TELEPHONE AND FCC NOTICES These notices are in effect on models sold and used in America. This equipment is hearing-aid compatible. When programming emergency numbers and/or making test calls to emergency numbers: * Remain on the line and briefly explain to the dispatcher the reason for the call before hanging up. e Perform such activities in the off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evening. This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. On the rear panel of this equipment is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC Registration Number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for this equipment. You must, upon request, provide this information to your telephone company. You may safely connect this equipment to the telephone network by means of the standard modular jack, USOC RJ11C. The REN is useful to determine the quantity of devices you may connect to your telephone line and still have thóse devices ring when your telephone number is called. In most, but not all areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices connected to one line should not exceed five (5). To be certain of the number of devices you may connect to your line, as determined by the REN, you should contact your local telephone company to determine the maximum REN for your calling area. If your InstaFAX2100M/2200M causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may discontinue your service temporarily. If possible, they will notify you in advance. But if advanced notice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. You will be informed of your right to file a complaint with the FCC. Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedures that could affect the proper functioning of your equipment. If they do, you will be notified in advance to give you an opportunity to maintain uninterrupted telephone service. If you experience trouble with InstaFAX2100M/2200M, please contact the manufacturer’s authorized service agency for information on obtaining service or repair. The telephone company may ask that you disconnect this equipment from the network until the problem has been corrected or until you are sure that the equipment is not malfunctioning. If youare not able to solve a problem with your fax machine, contact your Brother service at 1-800- 284-4FAX. (U.S.A. only). Warning For protection against the risk of electrical shock, always disconnect all cables from the wall outlet before servicing, modifying or installing the equipment. STANDARD TELEPHONE AND FCC NOTICES information This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone company nor connected to party lines. | m — a £ Е E О. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class В digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference ina residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: e Re-orient or relocate the receiving antenna. + Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. e Connect the equipment into an outlet оп а circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. * Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. Brother cannot accept any financial or other responsibilities that may be the result of your use of this information, including direct, indirect, special or consequential damages. There are no warranties extended or granted by this document. The serial number may be found on the label affixed to the back of the unit. For your convenience, note the number below and retain this owner’s manual to serve as a permanent record of your purchase, in the event of a theft or fire, or for future reference. MODEL NO. InstaFAX2100M /2200М SERIAL NO. NAME OF DEALER —— | DATE OF PURCHASE ll. Introduction 1. INTRODUCTION This is a modern desktop facsimile unit which can be used for sending and receiving faxes via the public telephone lines. In addition to standard transmission and reception, the unit has a range of functions which facilitate fax transmission and reception and will help keep your business operating efficiently. This owner’s manual has been included with your fax machine to help you make use of the functions provided. 2. FEATURES Your fax machine has many useful features. These include: + High speed transmission (9600 b.p.s). e À 48-character LCD screen and helpful prompts. When you have to make a selection, all the available choices are automatically briefly displayed on the screen scrolling. * Many dedicated function keys. e Anti curl system, which stretches out the curls of recording roll paper (effective 1 inch/3 cm core). « Auto Document Feeder (ADF), which allows you leave unattended faxes for transmission. You can set up to 30 documents in the ADF. | e A Tel-Index function, which is a built-in name and number directory list facility. + The polling function, with which you can request transmission of faxes from other stations. Polling can also be protected by a security code, e Various reports to confirm that your document has successfully! been senttoits destination. (For example, transmission verification reports, etc....) + A delayed transmission feature which lets you send faxes when telephone rates are low. « A password security function to prevent “junk” faxes, and to avoid the sending of faxes to the wrong party. + Four resolution levels (standard /fine/super fine/photo) to provide superior quality document transmission. + Character smoothing on in-coming fax transmissions. e A super COVERPAGE feature enabling you to send information describing your fax transmission to the receiving party. + The facility for interrupting and then resuming an operation. + Copier capability. e FAX/TEL switch, which allows you to use one telephone line to both Fax and Telephone. H-1-1 = O = > 3 Oo O — mil £ 1-2. FEATURES * Three confidential mailboxes for storing confidential messages. * Reception into memory, which allows you to receive fax messages even if your machine runs out of paper. ® A broadcasting function, which lets you send one fax to several different fax units in one operation. * TheP.P.I (Plain Paper Interface) allows you print a transmission on plain paper (optional). * Logo registeration function, with which you can add your own logo to the super COVERPAGE and the Call Back Message. —only for InstaFAX2100M - | * Memory capacity for storing up to approximately 15 pages. (Brother standard chart). ® You can increase your machine's memory size up to 768 KB (optional.). - only for InstaFAX2200M - * Memory capacity for storing up to approximately 30 pages. (Brother Standard Chart). e You can increase your machine’s memory size up to 1MB (optional). * Ultra-high speed transmission (14400 b.p.s) ® Super Gray Scale ...... Allows text to appear on the same document with a photo with no | loss of text clarity. Also prevents patterns from forming in the photo image reproduction. Н-2-1 1-3. THE CONTROL PANEL KEYS 3. THE CONTROL PANEL KEYS INTERRUPT MAIL CHAN FLASH MONITOR PASSWORD POLLING TIMER m т Z m SEINE MEMORY Du war E EF PHOTO ER cat 2 МАШСОУЕЯРАСЕ М — ЕСМ BROADCAST i = IO | ] | T 1 | 7 AUTO ANS Г pa a y OPEN CT re a se MEMORY PALA E Eo ore. OT ca E covesrace CI ЕСМ BROADCAST СО моли ‘a ] L L_ L О eee usa DJ FINE EI ЕЕ MEMORY Em ect «= Co cae С coveteace OÙ ЕСМ AROANCAST AUTO ANS PUSH ia | | | SHIFT т ТЕ IDEN corr 1 ] ‘| I HOOK ABC DEF HOLD JH MNO EI (aL IC 5 ] START FAUSERENAL PAS Ter Way [198 IC 5 ] SPO. DIAL az | Ce 10 0 Ia “À One-touch keys Number keys H-3-1 с O + O = je © + с II-3. THE CONTROL PANEL KEYS Key Explanation TEL INDEX —— Used when dialing to select a number stored in the unit memory. (This cannot be used for broadcasting or sequential polling.) PAUSE/REDIAL ] Used to redial the number dialed most recently. This key is also used to insert a delay during manual dialing or when registering a one-touch or speed dialing number. (Only one pause can be entered in each number to be dialed.} HOLD | Used to put an in-coming call on hold. (Pressing this key a second time will cancel the hold status.) SPD. DIAL | Used to select а previously registered speed dial number by pressing the appropriate two-digit combination. (This key must be pressed prior to entering the two-digit speed dialing combination you wish to contact.) AË Jal |- Е E E _ _ = $ Ref Pals [rs AA [=] Used to enter any FAX/TEL number during manual dialing, and for entering a number when making registrations settings, and when searching through the Telephone Index. These keys are also used to enter names-- each key corresponds to 2 or 3 letters of the alphabet. The "1"," * "and "#" keys can be used for entering special characters, punctuation marks, and Е В ПВЕЗИИ symbols. (Pressing the “#” key is used to change to “tone” while in “pulse” setting.) <_ > Used to move the cursor left or right when typing in names and numbers or C IC ] settings. Also used to scroll forwards or backwards through the Telephone Index. In function menu, used to scroll forwards by pressing (>) cursor key. FINE Used to select the resolution level before pressing the START key or the COPY SINE key. (Either S.FINE or PHOTO can be selected when making copies.) PHOTO When no lights are lit unit is in Standard Mode. Le COPY Used to start copying operations. Used to stop the transmission, to cancel all current settings, and to cancel STOP any function setting operations underway. After this key has been pressed, the LCD returns to the original display. (This key cannot be used to stop reception of documents or phone calls.) starr Used to start a fax transmission and to print out lists and reports. Used to send a fax transmission to several destinations or to poll several eee stations. (This key cannot be used for turn-around polling.) el UI COVERPAGE Used to send a super COVERPAGE with your fax transmission. RE Н-3-2 Continued оп next page Н-3. THE CONTROL PANEL KEYS Key Explanation ca Used to enable the Call Reservation feature. nnd с 2 МЕМОНУ Used to read a document into the machine's memory. You can also use this 5 CI ecu key to select the ECM (Error Correction Mode). cS pres Used to confirm a function setting, or to interrupt a transmission operation. | SET | | — Used to restore existing function settings, and to delete numbers or letters pana. - during the registration of one-touch and speed dialing numbers, etc. | RE | Pressing this key with the cursor located at the beginning of a one-touch or и | speed dialing number will clear the number which has been registered. This key is also used to obtain information and data from the confidential mailboxes available. en E Used to enable various functions in the machine. ¡ FUNCTION FES | | ! LL J г------ 7 Used to select the fax reception mode from among the following options--Auto | AUTOANS | Answer reception mode, manual reception mode, or the FAX/TEL mode. The Ln y LED will light to indicate the current status, ro | Used to set a time for a delayed transmission or delayed polling. IMMER | Lo. nd en} Used to poll (or to be polled by) a remote unit for a document. This key is | POLLING | also used to transfer an in-coming call to another extension. LA A | | HAN | Used to send a fax with a password. This key is also used for chain dialing | PASSWORD | when registering FAX/TEL numbers for one-touch or speed dialing. Used to dial phone numbers that you have previously registered. ONE TOUCH KEY | SHIFT | ve] Used to access an extra series of fax or phone numbers for any of the one (only for InstaFAX2200M) touch keys. (For example, shift key + "00" will dial the number "30".) HOOK Used to dial telephone or fax number without lifting the handset. | MONITOR, | Used to control speaker monitor volume. (high and low) m a) Ring volume control of handset. (High, middle, or low) This control is on the Mm. 0 left side of the handset base. U-3-3 1-4. FUNCTIONS 4. FUNCTIONS | Pressing the FUNCTION key will bring the primary function menu items up on the LCD oneata time. The unit will scroll through all of the first level items automatically. The (>) cursor key can be used to scroll through this list of items quickly. First level function items are as follows: . ONE-TOUCH /SPEED DIAL . REGISTRATION . ACTIVITY REPORT . LISTS AND REPORTS . USER OPTIONS . CURRENT SETTINGS . CONFIDENTIAL MAIL BOX . RELAY BROADCAST . CANCEL TRANSMISSION Select the function you want to use by pressing the relevant number key. Your selection will appear on the LCD. After you have confirmed your choice, press the SET key. о 03004 Whe Afterthe SET key has been pressed, secondary items forthe function you haveselected will appear onthe LCD. The procedure for choosing a secondary item is the same as that for selecting a primary function. These menu items and brief explanations are provided below. 1, ONE-TOUCH /SPEED DIAL Number Menu Explanation Ref. 1 ONE-TOUCH DIAL Registering /Changing/Erasingone-touchdial| IV-4-1 2 SPEED DIAL Registering /Changing/Erasing speed dial | IV-5-1 1I-4-] Н-4. FUNCTIONS 2. REGISTRATION Number Menu Explanation | Ref. 01 COVERPAGE | Registering /Changing /Erasing coverpage V-4-3 = COMMENT user comment for super COVERPAGE 3 02 DATE-TIME Setting/Changing date and time for the unit's | IV-1-1 3 clock = 03 INITIAL TIMER Setting/Changing initial timer V-6-3 _: 04 F/T & REMOTE ID Setting/Changing fax/tel and remote, IV-3-3 activation ID 05 STATION ID Setting /Changing machine ID IV-1-2 06 RECEIVE PASSWORD | Setting/Changing password for the unit V-7-2 07 RELAYID Setting/Changing ID for relay broadcasting V-12-2 08 CONFIDENTIAL Registering /Changing confidential mail box | V-13-1 (Name, retieval ID, and conf. ID) 09 GROUPING Registering/Changing group dialing IV-4-3 10 ACTIVITY REPORT Setting Activity report printout interval IV-1-14 INTERVAL 11 NOT USED 12 LOGO Registering Logo . V-14-1 - Be sure to use two digits numbers when entering the numbers shown above. (EX. For “01 COVERPAGE COMMENT”, press the “0” key followed by the “1” key.) 3. ACTIVITY REPORT 4. LISTS AND REPORTS Number | Menu Explanation Ref. 1 ALL DIAL Printing out both one-touch and speed dial list | V-19-1 | at once 2 ONE-TOUCH DIAL Printing out one-touch dial list | IV-4-4 3 SPEED DIAL Printing out speed dial list — IV-5-2 4 TEL-INDEX Printing out telephone index list IV-7-2 5 | COVERPAGE Printing out super COVERPAGE format V-4-2 6 CALL BACK MSG Printing out Call Back Message format V-5-2 7 USER OPTIONS Printing out user options list V-19-2 8 MEMORY STATUS Printing out memory status list — V-9-2 [1-4-2 11-4. FUNCTIONS 5. USER OPTIONS Number Menu Explanation Ref. 01 RING DELAY | setting /Changing ring delay shorter (1 ring/ | IV-1-10 | longer (4 rings) _ | 02 TONE/PULSE Setting/Changing tone or pulse for telephone IV-1-6 line 03 AUTO REDIAL Setting/Changing auto redial on or off IV-1-10 04 XMT VERIFICATION | Setting/Changing transmission verification | IV-1-12 REPORT report on or off 05 F/T RING TIME Setting/Changing the period of pseudo-ring | IV-1 9 | back tone 06 BEEPER Setting /Changing the beeper on or off IV-1-11 07 PASSWORD Setting password protection on or off V-7-2 PROTECTION | 08 | SMOOTHING Setting smoothing on or off V-3-1 09 NOT USED 10 LOGO Setting Logo on or off V-14-1 11 P.P.I OUTPUT Setting P.P.L output mode V-18-1 12 Р.Р.Т. Reduction Setting P.P.L reduction mode V-18-1 - Be sure to use two digits numbers when entering the numbers shown above. (EX. For “01 RING DELAY”, press the “0” key followed by the “1” key.) 6. CURRENT SETTINGS Number Menu Explanation | Ref. 1 CONTRAST Setting current contrast to super light or auto V-2-1 mode | | 2 RESOLUTION Setting resolution (Standard/Fine/Super V-1-2 fine/Photo) for each pages up to 30 pages 11-4-3 1-4. FUNCTIONS 7, CONFIDENTIAL MAIL BOX Number Menu Explanation Ref. 1 CONF. TRANSMIT | Sending confidential mailto another Brother | V-13-5 = machine = 2 CONF. PRINT OUT Printing out confidential mail from the | V-13-4 3 memory = 3 REMOTE RETRIEVAL | Retrieving (polling) confidential mail which \-13-6 = is in another Brother machine | 8. RELAY BROADCAST Requesting the set up of a relay broadcast with a distant relay terminal. (Ref. V-12-1) 9. CANCEL TRANSMISSION Used to cancel transmission or polling operations which havealready been programmed. (Ref. V-17-1) 1-4-4 Ш. Setting up 1. SELECTING A LOCATION FOR YOUR FAX MACHINE The following points should be kept in mind when selecting a place to set up your fax machine. + Place the fax machine on a flat, stable surface such as a desk or stand. * Select a place where the machine will not be subjected to bumping or excessive vibration. e Do not set it up in a high-traffic area. * Locate the unit near a telephone wall jack and a standard grounded outlet. e Avoid setting up the machine near heaters, air conditioners, water, chemicals or refrigerators. + Avoid direct sunlight, excessive heat, moisture, or dust. * Donot connect the unit to electrical outlets controlled by wall switches or automatic timers. Disruption of power can wipe out information in the unit's memory. a = O) Cc = a ) + Donot connect the unit to electrical outlets on the same circuit as large appliances and other equipment that might disturb the power supply. | * Avoid interference sources, such as loudspeakers or the base units of cordless telephones. ® Be sure to disconnect the handset when moving the unit. Hl-1-1 111-2. UNPACKING THE MACHINE 2. UNPACKING THE MACHINE Unpack the unit and accessories from the box. Check that you have all the items shown in the illustration below. Telephone line cord Receive wire extension S Handset line cord 157 Document wire extension Telephone handset y СЯ. | LT oe > CN Handset curled cord | ___ Опе roll of Brother thermal recording paper (Trial sample) Owner's manual Paper handler Cleaning slip 1-2-1 1-3. ASSEMBLING THE HANDSET | 3. CONNECTING THE HANDSET 1) Insert the handset line cord into the base of the handset as shown. Listen for the click which will indicate that the plug is securely in position. o I O Cc = D ¡ES Handset line cord 2) Draw the handset line cord through the gap provided to prevent the cord from being pinched between the base and the fax unit. Set the fax unit on its side, so the slot for sliding the handset base into position is accessible. Insert the handset into the slot provided. Insert until the handset base is fixed in position. IH-3-1 HS. ASSEMBLING THE HANDSET 3) Insert the remaining end of the handset line cord into the “HANDSET BASE” socket located at the rear of the machine. Again, listen for the click when inserting the plug into the socket. EXT. DEVICE TEL LINE | HANDSET BASE Handset tine cord 4) Insert the curled cord into the base of the handset as illustrated. IH-3-2 11-3. ASSEMBLING THE HANDSET 5) Insert the other end of the curled cord into the handset itself. A click will sound when the plug is in position. on = O & — te th) ¡es IHN-3-3 1-4. INSTALLING THE WIRE EXTENSIONS 4. INSTALLING THE WIRE EXTENSIONS 1) Pinch the ends of the reseive wire extension together slightly and insert the prongs into the holes provided at the rear of the machine as shown in the illustration. 2) Pullthe ends of the document wire extension apart slightly and insert them into the holes provided on the machine as shown in the illustration. Receive wire extension Document wire extension У - Install the wire extensions with the curved parts of the wire extension pointing upward. Ш-4-1 II-5. LOADING PAPER 5. LOADING PAPER 1) Grasp both ends of the tray for inserting original documents and lift up to open the machine as shown in the illustration. С 5 _ © с = D ¡e Hf-5-1 Hl-5. LOADING PAPER 2) Insert the plastic paper handlers into the ends of the tube holding the paper. (When replacing an empty paper roll, be sure not to lose track of these paper handlers, as they are necessary for fitting the roll into place in the machine.) Paper handler {f]-5-2 3) Load the roll of paper into the machine, inserting the paper handlers so they fit firmly into the sockets provided, as shown in the illustration. Check to be sure the paper is coming off the roll correctly, from the bottom, not from the top of the roll. 1-5. LOADING PAPER 4) Pull the paper evenly away from the roll, and insert it between the metal guide and the plastic ribs located below the metal guide. Check the paper as it leads from the roll into the guide to be sure there is not too much tension nor too much slack in the paper. 5) Close the cover. Note: Be sure not to mistakenly push the release levers for the cover down into the lower position. These release levers must be in the upper position (as shown in the illustration provided) or the machine will not close properly. {fl-5-3 HI-5, LOADING PAPER Note: If you have inserted the plug into the power supply before you have loaded the machine with paper, an alarm will sound and a CHECK RECORDING PAPER message will appear on the screen. No fe . - Use 1" core thermal Roll paper. (You may experience some difficulty if you try to use paper of less than 1" core.) III-5-4 III-6. CONNECTING YOUR FAX TO THE POWER OUTLET 6. CONNECTING YOUR FAX TO THE POWER OUTLET Important | The machine must always be connected to the power outlet before you connect it to a telephone line. Similarly, when moving the unit, the telephone line connection should be removed before unplugging the power cord. This is because the machine relies on the ground from the plug to protect you from any hazardous electrical conditions occuring on the telephone network. This machine can be plugged into any standard grounded power outlet. Make sure the socket is grounded and that it is not on the same line as any large appliances or office machines such as refrigerators or photocopiers. The power requirements for this fax machine can be found in the Specifications section on page УШ-1- 1, There is no ON/OFF switch. When the machine is plugged in, the date/time display appears on the LCD. You can set the correct time and date on this display by following the instructions on page IV- 1-1 in the section Configuring the machine. С. 3 DO = = D DN - When the machine is plugged in, the recording paper will be fed through the automatically. 11-61 IH-7. CONNECTING TO A TELEPHONE LINE 7. CONNECTING TO A TELEPHONE LINE Jacks Multi Line Connections (PBXs) II-7-1 If you plan to use a single telephone line connection follow the instructions below. This isstraightforward if yourtelephonereceiver is connected using modular telephone jacks. 1) Plug one end of the telephone line cord into the back of the fax machine. Use the TEL LINE socket located farthest to the left. 2) Plug the other end of the cord into the telephone wall jack socket. Make sure this end clicks into place. If you have the older 4-prong telephone wall jack, you must use a modular 4-prong adapter (USOC RJA1X). Plug the adapter into the wall jack and then plug the telephone cord into the adapter, as shown in the illustration below. A | 24 Ir Most offices use a central telephone system. While it is often relatively simple to connect the machine to a key system or a PBX (privatebranch exchange), wesuggest that you contact the company which installed your telephone system and ask them to connect the fax machine for you. It is advisable to have a separate line for the fax machine. You can then leave the machine in AUTO ANSWER mode to receive faxes at any time of the day or night. If the fax machine is to be connected to a multi-line system, ask your installer to connect the unit to the last line on the system. This will prevent the unit from being activated each time a telephone call is received. IH-7. CONNECTING TO A TELEPHONE LINE - Ifyou have call waiting, ring master, or any other custom calling feature on your telephone line it may create a problem in the operation of your fax unit. - As with most fax units this machine must be connected to a two wire system. If your line has more than two wires proper connection of the fax machine can not be made. Connecting to a The following points should be kept in mind if you are installing the private branch machine to work with a private branch exchange (PBX). exchange 1) Itis not guaranteed that the unit will operate correctly under all circumstances with approved PBXs. Any cases of difficulty should be reported first to the company that installed your telephone system. о = D E = D N 2) Ifallincoming calls willbe answered by a switchboard operator, it is recommended that the AUTO ANSWER function be set to be manual. (see page IV-1-7) All incoming calls should initially be regarded as telephone calls. 3) The unit may be used with either the pulse or tone dialing telephone types. HI-7-2 1-8. MAKING A TRIAL COPY 8. MAKING A TRIAL COPY COPY 11-8-1 Now that your fax machine is ready for use, itis a good idea to test it by making a copy. You can copy any document up to 8.5 inches/216 mm (44 size) wide. Follow the instructions below, 1) Set the document face down into the feeder. Adjust the guides located on either side of the document if it is less than 8.5 inches wide. o 2) The following display appears on the LCD screen. FAX : ENTER FAX NO. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY 3) Pressthe COPY key. The fax machine draws the originalthrough and prints a copy. The default setting for making copies is SUPER FINE. To change this setting when copying photographs, press the RESOLUTION key to light “PHOTO” LED, then press the COPY key. - When the copy has been printed, the automatic paper cutter will cut the page from the paper roll. - The machine cannot read text or images closer than 1/8” from any edge of the document. | - Do not pull on the paper while copying is in progress. This may ‘ruin the copied image. 1-9. ADDITIONAL SET-UP OPTIONS 9. ADDITIONAL SET-UP OPTIONS Connecting to an external telephone Connect an external telephone to the “EXT. DEVICE” jack as shown. | м DEVICE TEL LINE | HANDSET р ||. Setting up You can remotely activate the machine using your external telephone. This is described in the sub-section “Reception by Enhanced Remote Activation” (see page IV-3-2), You can also connect a TAD to the Ext. Device plug instead of a telephone. | IN-9-1 lV. Basic uses This chapter describes the most common operations that you will perform with your fax machine, suchas sending and receiving faxes, and using the one-touch, speed dial, and Telephone Index dial facilities that allow you to recall and dial regularly used fax numbers. 1. CONFIGURING THE MACHINE = <= Setting the date and time LL 4 rm mm 1 | INTERRUPT 1 az | ME | | 0 | I | Lu 4 fo 2 3) Press the SET key. | TTT YEAR : XX INPUT / PRESS SET TO END EOS 4) Enter the last two digits of the current year (for example enter с | ей м 1992 as 92”) using the number keys and then press Lhe SET key. ers Far wk I 7 в ff 9 | EE CIN "МОЕ (Make sure there is no document in the feeder.) WARMING UP PLEASE WAIT 06/01/1992 00:00 FAX/COPY SET DOC. 2. REGISTRATION PRESS SET KEY D2.DATE-TIME PRESS SET KEY MONTH : XX INPUT / PRESS SET TO END ip’ When you first plug in the power cord to the outlet the following (a text should appear on the LCD screen: Carry out the procedure described below to set the correct date and time for the machine. 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then press the 2 key on the number | pee | L 2) keys. 2) Press the SET key. Then press the 0 key followed by the 2 key. IV-1-1 N D 0 5 Q 77) {U an > IV-1. CONFIGURING THE MACHINE E z | 27 Г INTERRUPT | 5) Enter the current month as a 2-digit number (for example enter a o | aa July as “07”) using the number keys. When you have correctly DIRT "2 + set the month press the SET key. | [+ jLo Ile ] DAY : XX INPUT / PRESS SEI TO END a ака | INTERRUPT | 6) Enter the day, also as a 2-digit number (for example enter 1% as Ее] | o “01”) inthe same way as you entered the year and month. When ATA ooo you have correctly set the day press the SET key. LL JJ: TIME : ХХ: ХХ INPUT / PRESS SET TO END ci z I 2 | INTERRUPT | 7) Now enter the current time in hours and minutes using the tS GE | number keys. When you have correctly set the time press the SET o г 4 key. The date and time that you have just set are briefly displayed +1 and then the screen starts scrolling through the registrations’ menu. - When setting the time Remember that the machine uses the 24 hour clock - If the power is cut off Should the power outlet for the unit be cut off, the date and time setting will be backed up for one hour. After one hour, the date and time setting will be cleared and you will have to register it again. Registering your name Tostore yourname and fax number in the machine so that they will be automatically printed (along with the page number) at the top of and number À each page of every document that you send, proceed as follows: ‚------ 7 1) Press the FUNCTION key. FUNCTION Y (om | ABC 2) Then press the 2 key on the number keys. 2. REGISTRATION © PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUP? 7 oz 3) Press the SET key. Then press the 0 key followed by the 5 key. | ME 0 | | | boa == + | 05.STATION ID KL | PRESS SET KEY IV-1, CONFIGURING THE MACHINE I~ | INTERRUPT 7 | SET | Um Los... CA Ice En | Е | ПИ CICR pan ——— - | INTERRUPT | | = № 4 RS J ИИ #] 4} Press the SET key. FAK: _ INPUT / PRESS SET TO END 5) Enter your fax number (which can be up to 20 digits long) using the number keys. The procedure for entering numbers is described in detail in the section Entering information using the keys in this chapter. 6) Press the SET key when you have entered the fax number correctly, If you wish to input a “+” INTERNATIONAL DIALING CODE PREFIX) at the first position, press the “Chain” key and continue to enter the number, using the correct international dialing code, and omitting any “ZERO” at the beginning of the national area dialing code. TEL: _ INPUT / PRESS SET. TO END 7) Now enter your telephone number (which can be up to 20 digits long) using the number keys. | 8) PresstheSET key when you have entered the telephone number correctly. МАМЕ: _ INPUT / PRESS SET TO END 9) Enter the name you wish to appear on the faxes that you send using the number keys. The name can be up to 20 characters long including spaces. The procedure for entering names is described in detail in the section Entering information using the keys in this chapter. 10) Press the SET key when you have entered your name. - The telephone number is only used for the Call Back Message, or super COVERPAGE. - If you do not enter a fax number you cannot enter anything else. - You cannot enter a “using the PAUSE key when registering your fax and telephone number. Use the (</—>) cursor key instead to enter a space. It will be printed as “—”, but not be displayed. {V-1-3 a D “A 5 Q 0 ay M > IV-1, CONFIGURING THE MACHINE Entering information The way in which you enter numbers and names into the machine's using the keys memory is the same in all cases. Entering numbers To enter a number into the machine, simply type in the number oes using the number keys. A horizontal cursor marks the place where Г = the next digit you enter will be. Every time that youentera digit, the Iran _ cursoris moved one place to the right. You can also move the cursor ame, left or right using the (—/—) cursor keys. <— — Den | ES TT Press the CLEAR key to delete the number indicated by the cursor — | position, and all numbers to the right of the cursor. me o. o To modify an existing digit, use the («-/—) cursor keys to move the cursor to the position you want to modify, and input a new digit over the old one. - You cannot insert a space into a number that has been input. You must re-enter it with the space included. - If you do not press any key for one minute, or if you press the STOP key, any changes you have made are disregarded and the original number is retained. Eniering names _ Toenternames, use the keys on the number keys and (— />) cursor Sac keys. Ps Cece Ae CAL] EIA Either two or three letters are assigned to each key on the number == => keys. Also, although they are not marked, some special characters, —— punctuation marks and symbols are assigned to the keys “1” key, _“*” key, and “HH” key. “key... À ÉOU ABANT LS A ABC2 SAA DEF3 CA GHI4 SAA JKL5 *“6"key MNO6 "T key See PRS7 “8”Кеу...........Т ОУ 8 SAA МУ ХУ 9 “0"key ........... 020 e nn (space) !"#$% &’()*¥+,-./ “BKC ii ¡<= > 20 [IP IV-1-4 DEF PAS IV-1. CONFIGURING THE MACHINE To enter any character press the appropriate key until the character appears. 1) 2) 3) 4) For example, to enter the name “Fred!”, press the 3 key three times. NAME: INPUT F / PRESS SET TO END Press the 7 key twice. _ NAME: INPUT FR / PRESS SET TO END Press the 3 key twice. NAME : INPUT FRE / PRESS SET TO END Press the (>) cursor key once to move the cursor to right. - Toentersuccessive characters which are assigned to the same key, you must use the cursor key to move the cursor to the right. NAME: FRE_ un) D Y) 3 9 0) {U ca > INPUT / PRESS SET TO END 5) Press the 3 key once. NAME: FRED INPUT / PRESS SET TO END 6) Press the * key twice. - When you press the 1 key, * key, or# key, the lower line of the screen shows the characters assigned to that key. Press the key п times to use the п" character in the row. NAME: FRED! MARK- 1”4$%8 (Jx+,-./ | INTERRUPT | 7) Press the SET key. ' 57 | [V-1-5 IV-1. CONFIGURING THE MACHINE Selecting tone or pulse dialing ны ABC or | 2 | IV-1-6 N ote: - You can only overwrite characters. Insertions cannot be made. - You can overwrite with a space by pressing the * key once. - If you want to change a character, use the (—/—) cursor keys to move the cursor underneath the character and enter a new character. - Press the CLEAR key to delete the character indicated by the cursor position, and all characters to the right of the cursor. There are two different dial types, and you must select the type of Ihe default setting is “Tone”. _ signal suitable for your telephone line. 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then press the 5 key on the number keys. | 5.USER OPTIONS PRESS SCT KEY 2) Press the SET key. Then press the 0 key followed by the 2 key. 02. TONE-PULSE PRESS SET KEY 3) Press the SET key. CURRENT : TONE 1. ТОМЕ 2. PULSE 4) Press the 1 key for tone dialing, the 2 key for pulse dialing. TONE-PULSE PRESS SET : PULSE KEY 5) Press the SET key to confirm your selection. IV-1. CONFIGURING THE MACHINE Setting the auto You can select answering mode for fax reception - your choice are answer switch | automatically, manually, or FAX/TEL auto switching. PATTI 7 =a You can set the unit to answer in-coming calls automatically by | AUTO ANS | AUTO ANS turning on the auto answer feature. To dothis, pressthe AUTO ANS. Lu 4 key to light the AUTO ANS LED. | Er If you want all calls to be answered manually, press the AUTO ANS AUTO ANS key to light the MANUAL LED. un If you want to select FAX/TEL, Auto changing switch, press the AUTO ANS AUTO ANS. key, and light both the AUTO ANS. and MANUAL LEDs. The initial setting is “Auto Ans.” FAX/TEL switch The unit is equipped with a switching feature that can distinguish © between telephone calls and fax transmissions. Improving 5 poro > MANUAL communications when the machine is used on a single telephone Ez al E ЯТ ns line. To activate this function on yourmachine, press the AUTO ANS cn | AUTOANS | key until both LEDs are lit the AUTO ANS and MANUAL LEDs. > If the other party is sending an automatic transmission, the unit detects the CNG tone and enters fax reception mode automatically. START If the other party is sending a manual transmission or telephone call the unit rings for a specified period (10 or 20 or 30 seconds which you can select as the F/T ringing time). Within the F/T ringing time, if you pick up the handset, you can talk with the other party. When the other party wants to send a manual transmission, press the START key and you will receive the document. If you cannot pick up the handset within the F/T ringing time, the unit will enter FAX reception mode automatically. So you can receivea document by manual transmission even if you are away from the machine. Also, if you have given your F/T & Remote ID number to the other party they can always send a manual transmission and put your machine into FAX reception mode by entering the ID number (only using a tone dial unit). (see F/T & remote ID) IV-1-7 1V-1. CONFIGURING THE MACHINE The following flow chart illustrates the situations which may arise in the operation of the FAX/TEL switch on the unit. FAX/TEL SWITCHING LINE CONNECTION OTHER YOUR PARTY MACHINE o NO RINGING AUTOMATIC | | FAX RECEIVED SION | RING DELAY | CNG detected | AUTOMATICALLY MANUAL | FAX TRANSMISSION RECEIVED RING DELAY OR | FAX HANDSET FAX RECEIVED AUTO- F/T RINGING (NO ANSWER) MATICALLY MANUAL FAX RECEIVED TRANSMISSION “| AUTOMATICALLY RING DELAY RECEIVED F/T | | & Remote ID TELEPHONE CONVERSATION RING DELAY RING DELAY : This refers to the number of rings before the phone line is connected in response toatelephone call or fax transmission. You have the option of setting this to either 1 or 4 rings. F/T RINGING: After the line is connected, the machine begins to ring a second time, for a _ selectable period of 10, 20 or 30 seconds. This additional ringing period provides you with extra time to pick up the telephone for a phone conversation or to receive the manual transmission of a fax. During this period, the other party can hear “pseudo-ring” back tone. IV-1-8 IV-1. CONFIGURING THE MACHINE - The cost of the transmission (borne by the sending party) will be calculated from the point in time at which the beep signals that the line connection has been made. | - After beep signal, there is no sound for about 4 seconds to detect a CNG which is sent by other party, until the line is disconnected. Setting the F/T ringing You can select the F/T Ringing period by following the procedure period below. - The initial setting is 30 seconds. JKL 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then press the 5 key. 5.USER OPTIONS PRESS SET KEY г------ 1 az | a Lo] 2) Press the SET key. Then press the 0 key followed by the 5 key. 8 em | > - | 05.F/T - RING TIME o JKL | < | 5 _] PRESS SET KEY © > Г АТЕЯНИЕТ 1 3) Press the SET key. М sı | =. CURRENT : 30SECS. 1.10 2,20 3.30 ABC 4) Press the 1 key to select 10 seconds, the 2 key for 20 seconds, or Li L2) the 3 key for 30 seconds. or C3] | F/T-RING TIME : 20SECS. PRESS SET KEY ------ = 5) Press the SET key to confirm your selection. IV-1-9 IV-1. CONFIGURING THE MACHINE You can select the number of times the telephone will ring before Setting the ring delay the machine will switches to reception mode.: - The initial setting is Longer. т. 1 JKL 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then, press the 5 key on the number | [5] keys. Lata 4 | 9.USER OPTIONS PRESS SET KEY EZ > _ 2) Press the SET key. Then, press the 0 key followed by the 1 key. LIT г 01.RING DELAY PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUPT | 3) Press the SET key. L_s 7 , | en - CURRENT : LONGER 1.SHORTER 2.LONGER ABC 4) Press the 1 key for a shorter ring delay (1 ring), the 2 key for a ij E L2J longer ring delay (4 rings). RING DELAY : SHORTER PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUPT | 5) Press the SET key to confirm your selection. | ser E LT If you are sending a fax automatically (see Sending a fax in this chapter) you can set up the machine to redial the number automatically if the destination number is engaged. The unit will redial the last used number up to 3 times at 5-minute intervals. Turning auto redial on and off - The initial setting is “ON”. 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then press the 5 key on the number keys. o. USER OPTIONS PRESS SET KEY iV-1-10 IV-1. CONFIGURING THE MACHINE pore > 2) Press the SET key then the 0 key followed by the 3 key. yes 03.AUTO REDIAL 3 PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUPT | 3) Press the SET key. ‚ Ser E L-~---- + CURRENT : ON L.ON 2.,0FF 4) Press the 1 key to turn auto-redialin the 2 key tot to- = o y g on, the y to turn auto Lie L2 redialing off. | AUTO REDIAL : OFF PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUPT | 5) Press the SET key to confirm your selection. - Evenifauto-redialis “ON”, it cannot be used to send an automatic transmission when the interrupt function has been used. 0 D 9 5 2 д (y en > - Auto redial cannot be used for manual transmission. Turning the beeper The unit has a beeper which sounds to indicate operating errors and on and off when keys have been pressed. You may decide that you would rather operate the machine without this facility. To turn the beeper on or off proceed as fallows. - The initial setting is “ON”. г------ 7 JKL 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then, press the 5 key on the number Ba! | 5 | keys. S.USER OPTIONS PRESS SET KEY г = oz 2) Press the SET key. Then press the 0 key followed by the 6 key. | | Co] LL 06.BEEPER — PRESS SET KEY IV-1-11 IV-1. CONFIGURING THE MACHINE, Turning the transmission verification report on and off 3) Press the SET key. CURRENT: ON L.ON 2.0FF 4) Press the 1 key to turn the beeper on, the 2 key to turn the beeper off. BEEPER : OFF PRESS SET KEY 5) Press the SET key to confirm your selection. You can establish the success or failure of a fax transmission by printing out the transmission verification report. This report is automatically printed for each transmission if you turn the transmission verification feature on. If you do not want this report generated you can disable the function. 1) To turn this function on or off, press the FUNCTION key followed by the 5 key. Press SET key. Then press the 0 key followed by the 4 key. ABC | 1 | or | 2 ] PT 7 | INTERRUPT 1 | 1 U] t 1 о. | IV-1-12 и | INTERAUPT | mam | 0 || |] 04.XMT VERIFICATION PRESS SET KEY 2) Press the SET key. CURRENT : OFF 1.0N 2.0FF 3) Press the 1 key to turn transmit verification on, or the 2 key to turn it off. XMT VERIFICATION : ON PRESS SET KEY 4) Press the SET key. - The initial setting is “OFF”. - When the transmission error occured, this report is always printed out. IV-1, CONFIGURING THE MACHINE TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME : 06/01/1992 14:18 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 DATE, TIME 06/01 14:16 FAX NO. /NAME HEAD ОТК. DURATION 00:01:33 PAGE (S) 01 COVERPAGE CALL BACK MSG RESULT OK | MODE FINE - Coverpage and Callback Message does not count as part of Page Count. a D a 5 2 < i 00 > Activity report An activity report lists the last fifty most recent activities, that is, transmissions that the machine has sent or received. The report shows the date, time, fax number or name of the other machine, transmission duration, the number of pages sent or received, whether the transmission was successful and the transmission type. Activity reportsare printed out automatically foreach time interval which you register using the following procedure. PT 7 ABC 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then press the 2 key. ame - 2.REGISTRATION PRESS SET KEY г------ - = 2) Press the SET key. Then press the 1 key followed by the 0 key. La 10.ACTIVITY INTERVAL Со] | PRESS SET KEY Le - 3) Press the SET key. mon BASIS TIME : 00:00 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END 4) Enter the basis time. This is the start of the time interval for which the machine will print out the activity report. When you have entered the time press the SET key. 1V-1-13 IV-1. CONFIGURING THE MACHINE INTERVAL SELECT NO, 1.0FF. 2.1H 3.2H 4.45 INFERVAL SELECT NO. START 9.84 6.12H 7 . 24h 5) Select the interval and press the appropriate key (1-7). INTERVAL - 12H PRESS SET KEY 6) Press the SET key to confirm your setting. - Ifyou wanttolookatan activity report before the end of the time interval, print it out manually as follows. 1) To print out an activity report manually press the FUNCTION key followed by the 3 key. 3.ACTIVITY REPORT PRINT PRESS START KEY 2) Press the START key. The report is now printed. ACTIVITY REPORT PRINTING 3) The screen returns to its normal display message. ACTIVITY REPORT TIME : NAME : FAX TEL 06/01/1992 16:00 BROTHER : 052-811-5981 : 052-824-2554 DATE TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE (S) RESULT | COMMENT — 12/15 12/15 10:00 — un | Terre 01:10:30 ae BROTHER BOSTON OK 20 Cv CA — 8 | 01 CA RET : COVERPAGE : POLLING CV POL : CALL BACK MSG : RETRIEVAL IV-1-14 IV-2. SENDING A FAX 2. SENDING A FAX Automatic transmission MAA START There are two methods of sending a fax transmission - automatic and manual, | To transmit a document automatically, set the document face down in the document feeder. The following screen appears: FAX : ENTER FAX №. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY Dial the fax number of the destination using one-touch, speed dial, Telephone Index, or manual dialing. Then, press the START key. The document is read through the machine automatically. On successful completion of transmission, the machine will beep. If the transmission verification is “ON”, then you will get a report at the end of each transmission. If the telephone connection was not successful, and auto redial was set to “on”, the machine will try to send again automatically. (See page IV-1-10.) If the auto redial was set to “off”, the transmission will fail. If the transmission was not successful then, the unit will print out a Transmission Verification Report (error) automatically. If the distant end is busy or there is no response the LCD will read either “NO RESPONSE OR BUSY”, and the unit will print out a transmission verification Report (busy) automatically. NTE CNG Tone is sent in Automatic Transmission. TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME : 06/01/1992 14:18 NAME : BROTHER FAX +: 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 DATE, TIME FAX NO. /NAME DURATION PAGE (S) RESULT MODE 06/01 14:16 HEAD QTR. 00:01:33 01 COVERPAGE CALL BACK MSG. ERROR FINE IV-2-1 wn QD oO 5 2 Ts qu cal > [V-2. SENDING A FAX Manual transmission - HOOK or J Points to Remember When Sending a Fax IV-2-2 To transmit a document manually, set the document face down in the document feeder. The following screen appears: FAX : ENTER FAX №. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY Either press the HOOK key or pick up the handset. Now dial the number of the destination using one-touch, speed, Telephone Index, or manual dialing. When you hear the answering fax tone press the START key and, if necessary, hang up the handset. The document is drawn through the machine automatically. Upon successful completion of the transmission the machine will beep. | - Auto Redial is not effective for manual transmission. - Only the following current settings are effective for manual transmission: + Resolution + super COVERPAGE e Call Reservation | - Incase of dialing by Telephone Index, before pressing HOOK key or picking up the handset, you should select the number fram the Telephone Index. (see page IV-8-1) Bear in mind the following points whenever you send a fax. e Adjusted the guides located on either side of the document, if it is less than 8.5inches /216 mm wide. (Min. width 5.8 inches /148 mm.) + Donotsend documents on any of the following types of paper: - Thick paper - Very thin paper, such as tissue or tracing paper - Wet, wrinkled, torn, curled, or slick paper Thick photographic or coated paper Paper with tape or staples, or with metal or textiles attached If you must send a document on any of these types of paper, copy them first with a photocopy machine and then use the copies to send your faxes. (Do not make your copies on this convenience copier, as the paper restrictions for the fax function apply to the copier as well.) IV-2. SENDING A FAX ¢ The range of optimum thicknesses for sheets used in the ADF is 2.8 x 10°- 3.9 x 10° inches (0.07 - 0.10 mm) and the range for weight is 0.07 x 10°—0.114 x 103 Ibs/inch? (52 - 808/m3). If you are using only one sheet of paper, the thickness of the paper should be between 2.8 x 10° — 3.9 x 103 inches (0.07 — 0.12 mm) and the weight, between 0.114 x 10° - 0.182 x 103 Ibs/inch? (80 - 128g /m?). e If the receiving fax machine is not set to AUTO ANSWER, someone may answer the telephone. If this happens, ask the other party to start fax reception by pressing their START key. (Remember you must use the handset to speak to the other party, as the unit does not have speaker phone.) Press the START key and then hang up after you hear the fax tone. * If a document stops during feeding, press the STOP key to remove it. If the jammed paper is not ejected after pressing the STOP key, open the cover and remove the document. + Remember that the fax machine cannot read text or images closer 4, 208 (mm) ¡4 than 1/8” from any edge of a document when copying or sending a fax. un D an > 2 tn a) M > e Donotload morethan30 documents into the feeder at one time. чбиаиешиоа + Ве sure to remove all paper clips before sending your document. | e Send glossy paper one page at a time. * По not attempt to transmit paper of differing sizes or thickness in one transmission. The maximum document width to be input is 8.5” (216mm). The maximum width of the printed (or scanned) area is 8.2” (208mm). The maximum document length is 35.4” (900mm), the minimum is 3.9” (100mm). Loading muitiple If the document you are about to pages for transmitting transmitorcopy is more than one page, fan the sheets of paper and insert them or copyin pying face down, so that the first page is at the bottom and will be fed first. Current setting for In order to make the clearest, most effective fax transmissions possible, the following current settings have been provided for your use. They are described in greater detail in the unit shown in parenthesis. | | sending a fax IV-2-3 IV-2. SENDING A FAX These current settings should be made after setting the document face down in the document feeder (if needed), but before entering the fax number. | | Set the Doc. in the Enter Fax N pet in ax No. Press START key ad Effective “current setting” Resolution: This can be changed from standard to fine (for — newsprint and drawings), super fine (for highly detailed drawings), photo (for sending pictures), by pressing the resolution key. (See page V-1-1) * Contrast: This can be changed automatically. Ifyou wantto send a super-light document, you can select “super light” mode manually. (see page V-2-1) * super COVERPAGE: This exclusive Brother feature lets you send an extra sheet which includes your name and fax number as well as those of the destination. In addition, a message such as an “urgent!”, “confidential”, or your own message can be included with this information. (See page V-4-1) ¢ Timer: This option allows you to set a time at which you want your documents to be sent. This means it is possible to send a document when you are not in the office (e.g. at night when telephone rates are low). (See page V-6-1) « Polling: Fax units can use this function to request documents from other units. Several sub-options are also available to let you make the most effective use of this feature. (See page V-8-1) « Password: This security function lets you send and receive faxes in a closed network, and prevents reception of junk faxes. (See page V-7-1) Call Reservation: This allows telephone conversation with the other party after sending message. (See page V-5-1) Relay Broadcasting: This allows documents to be sent toa central machine (a Brother machine with memory) for storage and relay transmission to other local machines. You can save the expense of numerous long-distance calls. (See page V-12-1) Confidential mailbox: This allows you to send a document which will be stored in the receiving unit's memory until the receiving party inputs an access code. (See page V-13-1) IV-2-4 IV-2. SENDING A FAX ¢ Broadcasting: This featurecan be used to send the same document to several different locations in a single operation. (See page V-11- 1) + Memory : This allows you to send document(s) from memory. (see page V-9-1) | e ECM: This is error correction mode which checks the integrity of a fax transmission while it is in progress and takes corrective action. (see page V-10-1) | Redialing If the number that you have dialed is engaged you can redial it without having to re-enter the number. There are two different ways of doing this, depending on whether you are using manual or automatic transmission. Automatic redialing Automatic redialing can only be used for faxes that were sent using automatic transmissions - not for telephone calls. You can turn automatic redialing on or off (see page IV-1-10). When using automatic transmission to send a fax, ifthe destination number is engaged, the machine will automatically redial the number up to three (3) times at five (5) minutes intervals. N a Ts 5 © N co on > - Before using automatic redialing, you can send a different fax message or make a copy of a document using the “Interrupt” feature. (See page V-16-1.) - To cancel automatic redialing, press STOP key. IV-2-5 Г/-2. SENDING A FAX Manual redialing If you are manually sending a fax or using the unit as a telephone and you obtain a busy signal, carry out the following procedure. HOOK 1) Replace the handset or press the HOOK key. L |] LI] J - J HOOK 2) Pick up the handset or press the HOOK key. or PAUSE/REDIAL 3) When you hear the dialing tone press the REDIAL key. The C1 machine now redials the number it dialed last. START __ 4) Ifyouaresending a fax, press the START key when you hear the answering fax tone. If you are making a telephone call, simply proceed when the called party answers. IV-2-6 IV-3. RECEIVING A FAX 3. RECEIVING A FAX Automatic reception г тет т MANUAL | — ET | AUTO ANS | AUTOANS г------ To MANUAL | = | ET | AUTO ANS | AUTO ANS Lene 4 HOOK or ) START | Reception with FAX/TEL switching Fax reception can be either manual or automatic. You will probably want to receive faxes automatically, as this is the more straightforward method. However, if you are using a single telephone line for both telephone and fax reception you will have several options. You can either use the unit in manual reception and monitor all in-coming calls, or you can use the FAX/TEL switch and let the machine decide if the call is a fax message or not. To receive faxes automatically set the AUTO ANS function to ON (the AUTO ANS. LED is lit), (see page IV-1-7). There is no need for any further intervention - the machine will answer all calls automatically at any time. Having successfully received a fax the machine beeps once. To receive faxes manually set the AUTO ANS function to OFF (the MANUAL LED islit), (see pageIV-1-7). The procedure for receiving a fax is as follows: 1) When the telephone rings either pick up the handset or press the HOOK key. 2) If you hear a fax tone press the START key. 3) Replace the handset if necessary. Having successfully received a fax the machine will beep once. There are two types of reception with FAX/TEL switching as described in the configuration section (see page IV-1-7) at the start of this chapter. 1) Automatic transmission from the other party. 2) Manual transmission from the other party. - Pick up the handset while the machine is ringing. Follow the same procedure as for manual reception. If you do not pick up the handset, the machine will be changed to automatic reception mode after the specified ringing time. (Refer to the section on the FAX/TEL switch elsewhere in this chapter.) IV-3-1 wn D Y 5 2 0 (U ón > IV-3. RECEIVING A FAX Reception by Enhanced Faxes can be received through the use of an external telephone or Remote Activation Remote activation Reception into memory IV-3-2 an extension telephone. You can activate the fax machine from a remote telephone. This is useful if you are using the machine on an extension of a key telephone system. Remote activation allows you to receive a callona telephone which is either connected from the fax unit, or is parallel connected to your telephone line (extension telephone), but is not located near the fax unit. If an in-coming call is a fax transmission, simply press F/T & -REMOTEID of the external/extension telephone (tone-type) to enable reception of the fax. - Ifyou accidently pick up your extension or external telephone by mistake when you are transmitting or receiving a FAX. there might be some slight distortion on the document. - If you are using an extension or external telephone, be sure to use “ &” and/or “#”" for the F/T & Remote ID. (This will help you avoid operation errors.) If the unit has run out of paper it will automatically store any tax transmissions it receives in its memory. Also, if it rans out of paper midway through receiving a transmission, it will store the part of the document that it is unable to print. The following message appears on the LCD display: CHECK RECORDING PAPER Load the machine with paper and the unit will print any stored documents or parts of documents. No data is lost provided you do not turn off the machine prior to printing out the stored documents. 1V-3. RECEIVING A FAX Registering F/T & Use the following procedure to register an F/T & Remote ID. Remote ID Ä The initial setting is” жк” PETT 71 ABC | os | C2 1) keys the FUNCTION key. Then press the 2 key on the number 2, REGISTRATION PRESS SET KEY pane a 2) Press the SET key. Then press the 0 key followed by the 4 key. gm 04.F/T 8 REMOTE ID 4 PRESS SET KEY Г NTERRUPT | 3) Press the SET key. ES LT à F/T & REMOTE ID : xx INPUT / PRESS SET TO END en D ” > 2 Y) co mm > Enter your chosen F/T & REMOTE ID number. When you have entered it correctly, press the SET key. - When you connect the external telephone to a TAD (telephone answering device), the “ЕТ £ REMOTE ID” you enter must be different from the TAD operation ID. - If you are making use of an extension or external telephone, be sure to use the “#" and/or “ x” symbols. This will help prevent the fax unit from being turned on (accidentaly into reception mode) when you are dialing. JV-3-3 IV-4. USING ONE-TOUCH NUMBERS | 4. USING ONE-TOUCH NUMBERS a If you regularly send faxes to the same destinations, it is useful to be able to dial these numbers without having to input them in every time using the number keys. A one-touch key enables you to send a fax (or make a telephone call) to a particular destination without having to enter the number every time - you simply press the relevant one-touch key and the machine automatically dials the number you require. The InstaFAX2200M can store up to sixty (60) fax or telephone numbers as one-touch numbers. The Insta FA X2100M can store up to thirty (30) fax or telephone numbers as one-touch numbers. There are thirty one-touch keys, numbered 00 (30) ta 29 (59), and a shift key which enables you to store different two destinations numbers under each one-touch key. (This applies only to the InstaFAX2200M.) _ (For example, to dial the number stored as one-touch numbered 13, press the one-touch 13 key in the InstaFAX2100M/2200M. To dial the number stored as one-touch number 39 hold down the SHIFT key and press the one-touch 09 key in the InstaFAX2200M.) Registering one-touch To store a fax or telephone number as a one-touch number proceed numbers as follows. г------ 3 CET 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then, press the 1 key on the number keys. 1.ONE-TOUCH / SPEED DIAL PRESS SET KEY гитеннит! [ 1 ] 2) Press the SET key. Then press the 1 key. 1.0NE- TOUCH DIAL PRESS SET KEY г------- - 3) Press the SET key. La | ONE-TOUCH DIAL SELECT ONE- TOUCH KEY 1V-4-] IV-4. USING ONE-TOUCH NUMBERS ONE TOUCH KEY CAIDO г------ 7 = m 4 | INTERRUPT i ra ICs I 6 À : SET FRS ru Nr N [| | в] eo 4 CEA CITÉ г-------1 7 р — | INTERRUPT | СС 8} | Se , tas tay war { ES I C7 ву) L--- -- - J EEE ABC 4) 5) 6) 8) 9) Now press one of the one-touch keys, or hold down the SHIFT key and press a one-touch key. Pressing a key on its own permits you to register one of the numbers 00 to 29. On the InstaFAX2200M, holding down the SHIFT key allows you to register the numbers 30 to 59. The display changes to show the one-touch key number. *05:_ INPUT / PRESS SET TO END «4.» means one-touch Enter the number (which can have up to 20 digits). When you have entered the fax or telephone number, press the SET key. NAME: INPUT / PRESS SET TO END Enter the name (up to 24 characters) in the way described in the section entitled Entering information using the keys. Press the SET key when you have finished. CURRENT : FAX 1.FAX 2.TEL 3.0FF Press the 1 key for Fax, the 2 key for Telephone, or the 3 key for off. This selection is only used for the dial list. Selecting “off” is used for group keys (see page IV-4-3.), or chain dialing keys (see page IV-6-1). CURRENT : FAX PRESS SET KEY Press the SET key to confirm the setting. ONE-TOUCH DIAL SELECT ONE-TOUCH KEY You: can either continue and register another one-touch dial number, or end registration by pressing STOP. IV-4-2 0) DL a 5 2 77 gu cn > 1V-4. USING ONE-TOUCH NUMBERS Registering one-touch You can also store many destinations under a single one-touch key numbers as a grou p key asagroup. This feature is very useful for the broadcast transmission function (see page V-11-1), sequential polling function (see page V- 8-5), and relay broadcasting function. (see page V-12-1) Defining and storing a To define and store a group of destinations use the following group procedure. aT | | > 3 D Press the FUNCTION key. Then press the 2 key. FT 2.REGISTRATION PRESS SET KEY. | INTERRUPT | oz 2) Press the SET key. Then press the 0 key followed by the 9 key. | 09.GROUPING Co] PRESS SET KEY 3) Press the SET key. GROUPING SELECT GROUP KEY 4) Press the one-touch key to which you wish to assign the group that you are defining. If you have previously assigned one- touch or group to this key, you are asked whether you want to change or not. (If you have already assigned groups to six one- touch keys the unit will keep and display a message informing you that no new groups can be registered.) ONE TOUCH KEY NEW GROUP ENTER GROUP NO. CII 5) Youcanassignuptosix groups numbered 1 to6. Pressthe group tac] number, using number keys. [Се GROUP 01 PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUPT | 6) Press the SET key. г - 601: _ INPUT / PRESS SET TO END IV-4-3 Г/-4. USING ONE-TOUCH NUMBERS CI | Е CI 7) Enter the members of your new group using already registered Е | speed dial numbers and one-touch keys (you can include up to РЕ СУ 129 stations in one group for 2100М and 159 stations in one GI group for 2200M). The name of each destination is shown as you enter it on the lower line. The one-touch or speed dial numbers that you have entered are shown on the upper line. After each entry the cursor key must be pressed to lock in that entry. - A one-touch number will be represented by a” x" in front of the one-touch location number. Speed dialing numbers are represented by a “#” in front of the speed dial location number. GOL :#02#04 x 07 FRENCH OFFICES (INTERRUPT | ¡ E | 8) Press the SET key to confirm your group selection. LA | МАМЕ: _ 9 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END 5 CO | 2 i I Е | = 9) Enter a name for the new group using the number keys (within A ИИ 24 characters). > И С | L — МАМЕ : EUROPEAN OFFICES_ INPUT / PRESS SET ТО END (INTERRUPT | ‚ MS | 10) Press the SET key. L---- -- 4 Sending one-touch To send a fax to a destination whose number is stored under a one- faxes Louch key simply follow the steps for sending a fax, either manually or automatically, and instead of dialing the number with the keys just press the relevant one-touch key (or hold down the shift key and press the one-touch key). The stored fax number is dialed automatically. To begin transmission just press the START key. Printing a list of To print out a directory listing of the names and numbers stored as one-touch numbers one-touch dial numbers. poro. т ony 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then press the 4 key on the number az [4 keys. | L------ 4 A.LISTS AND REPORTS PRESS SET KEY IV-4-4 IV-4. USING ONE-TOUCH NUMBERS INTERRUPT | C2 2} Press the SET key, then press the 2 key. Lu J 2.ONE- TOUCH DIAL PRESS START KEY START 3) Press the START key to print out a list of the one-touch names and numbers. The screen displays a message informing you that it is printing out the list of one-touch dial numbers. LIST - ONE-TOUCH DIAL PRINTING Pon 1 MAIL | a CLEAR ; — ! 4) Press the CLEAR key to return to the functions menu. ONE-TOUCH DIAL LIST TIME : 06/01/1992 18:40 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 NUMBER | FAX/TEL NUMBER DESTINATION GROUP +00 20182858815 FAX | HEAD QTR *01 9083568880 FAX | NJ OFFICE Gl *02 31489787788 FAX | ЕТАМСЕ ПЕРТ *03 1467823 FAX DESIGN DEPT *04 71498709892 FAX | LA OFFICE Gl *O5 0117361236 TEL UK OFFICE Gl *06 0899067856 TEL | PARIS OFFICE Gl *07 6753452 | TEL ABC CAMPANY . ° a И ООО ~ RS NS IV-4-5 IV-4. USING ONE-TOUCH NUMBERS Changing or Erasing You can change or erase one-touch dial names and numbers by the one-touch names and following step. | numbers 1) Select the one-touch dial option from the functions menu and ONE TOUCH KEY press the relevant one-touch key. x05:BIC US CHANGE ? 1.YES 2.NO C 1 ] 2) Press the 1 key. To alter a one-touch dial name and number, enter the new number and name as described in the sections ua | Entering information using the keys. To delete a one-touch dial y car , name & number, position the cursor at the extreme left end of ------- - the number and press the CLEAR key. IV-4-6 IV-5. USING SPEED DIAL NUMBERS 5. USING SPEED DIAL NUMBERS Registering speed dial numbers Ful We ls NM 6 | CANA al [+ llo CS 7 > = Е ОИ ОЕ | ОСЗ | ИЕ |] А | А | А IV-5-1 ABC г 7 | INTERRUPT | } | 1 SET In addition to one-touch numbers you can also store another hundred fax or telephone numbers that you can access using two- number combinations - these are known as speed dial numbers. To dial one of these numbers you simply press the SPD. DIAL key followed by the appropriate two-digit speed dial numbers, and the machine dials the number you require. Speed dial numbers are numbered 00 to 99 (Even if the first digit is 0 you must type it when accessing the number - you cannot just type the SPD. DIAL key + the 1 key to call up the speed dial number 01.) To store a fax number as a speed dial number proceed as follows. 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then press the 1 key. 1.ONE-TOUCH / SPEED DIAL PRESS SET KEY 2) Press the SET key, then press the 2 key. 2.SPEED DIAL PRESS SET KEY 3) Press the SET key. SPEED DIAL SELECT NO. $ _ (“$ means “speed” — 4) Now enter the two-digit speed dial number you want to set. #10: _ INPUT / PRESS SET TO END 5) Enter number (which can have up to 20 digits). When you have entered the number, press the SET key. NAME: _ INPUT / PRESS SET TO END IV-5. USING SPEED DIAL NUMBERS ee ИЕ | INTERRUPT | 6) Enter the name (which can have up to 15 characters) in the way CGE | а 3 described in the section entitled Entering information using the CGE t------ z keys. Press the SET key when you have finished. Г] CURRENT : FAX 1.FAX 2,TEL 3.0FF 7) Press the 1 key for Fax, the 2 key for Telephone, or the 3 key for off. This selection is only used for the dial list. Selecting “off” is CT = used for group keys (see page IV-4-3) or chain keys (see page IV- 2 | 6-1). or [3] CURRENT : FAX PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUPT | 8) Press the SET key to confirm your choice. The screen again | CSN | shows: "пои 9) D SPEED DIAL 3 SELECT NO. #_ a Mm STOP 9) Youcaneithercontinueand register another speed dialnumber, > С] or end registration by pressing the STOP key. Sending speed dial _ To send a fax toa destination whose number 1$ stored under a speed dial key simply follow the steps for sending a fax, either manually or automatically, and instead of dialing the number with the keys just press the SPD. DIAL key followed by the appropriate two digit speed dial code. The stored fax number is dialed automatically. To begin transmission just press the START key. faxes Printing a list of speed To print outa directory listing of the names and numbers stored as dial numbers speed dial numbers. aor | | a ] 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then press the 4 key. ee 4 | 4.LISTS AND REPORTS | PRESS SET KEY | INTERRU | DER 2) Press the SET key, then press the 3 key. ------- : 3.SPEED DIAL PRESS START KEY IV-5-2 IV-5. USING SPEED DIAL NUMBERS START 3) Press the START key to print out a list of the speed dial names and numbers. The screen reverts to the LIST menu. LIST - SPEED DIAL PRINTING u LN 4) Press the CLEAR key to return to the functions menu. | SPEED DIAL LIST TIME : 06/01/1992 18:40 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 NUMBER | FAX/TEL NUMBER | DESTINATION GROUP #00 _1-2018285881 FAX | AUSTRALIA OFFICE} Gl #01 20135640856 FAX | D.D.LTD. #02 001-3-3148978778 | FAX | GERMAN OFFICE Gl #03 12358769 TEL | W.CAMPANY #04 5892786 TEL | M.CAMPANY #05 | 77 a Changing or Erasing Speed dial names and numbers IV-5-3 You can change or erase speed dial names and numbers by following these steps. Select the speed dial option from the functions menu. 1) == -=-o = 2) Press the relevant two digit speed dial code. #05:BROTHER CHANGE ? 1.YES 2.NO Press the 1 key. Toaltera speed dialnameandnumber, enterthe new number and name as described in the sections Entering information using the keys. To delete a speed dial name & number, position the cursor at the extreme left end of the number and press the CLEAR key. IV-5. USING SPEED DIAL NUMBERS ACTIVITY REPORT | TIME : 06/01/1991 16:00 NAME : BROTHER. FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 DATE | TIME | FAX NO. /NAME DURATION | PAGE(S) RESULT | COMMENT 12/15 | 10:00 | BROTHER BOSTON 10:30 | 20 Cv cA OK TX 12/15 | 10:12 | NJ OFFICE 1:30] 1 OK TX 12/15 | 10:15 | FIANCE DEPT, 3:45 5 ERROR | TX 24 33 12/15 | 10:20 | BIE MANCHESTER 11:33 | 17 cv OK TX POL 12/15 | 10:33 | DHL JAPAN 30 1 OK TX 12/15 | 11:47 | 001-12018663756 1:20] 3 OK RX POL 12/15 | 13:06 LA OFFICE 5:54 7 OK TX + 12/15 | 13:20 | LA OFFICE 4:07 | 5 oK Im D 12/15 | 14:37 | HEAD QUARTER 1:05 2 ERROR | TX 24 12 > 12/15 | 15:02 | FINANCE CENTER 1:06| 2 OK TX 2 12/15 | 15:20 | DISIGN DEPT. | 45| 1 OK TX RET co 12/15 | 15:31 | 033542765 1:05] 1 ERROR | RX RET 19 87 = 12/15 | 15:40 | AUSTRALIA OFFICE 57 1 OK TX 12/15 | 15:55 | TOKYO OFFICE 58| 0 Cv ERROR | TX | 12/16 | 10:41 | FINANCE CENTER 46| 2 OK TX ECM 12/16 | 11:18 | OSAKA OFFICE © 1:12] 2 CANCEL | TX 12/16 | 12:09 | 33-1-3876543 51| 1 OK RX ECM 12/16 | 14:05 | HEAD QUARTER _ 8:23] 10 OK TX 12/16 | 14:22 | 8765432 2:35} 3 OK RX 12/16 | 15:59 | ABC CAMPANY | 48| 1 OK TX CV : COVERPAGE CA : CALL BACK MSG POL : POLLING RET : RETRIEVAL IV-5-4 IV-6. CHAIN DIALING | 6. CHAIN DIALING Setting chain dialing ee ee ee ee Sending using chain 1V-6-1 In addition to the one-touch and speed dialing functions available on the unit, a further convenient option called “chain dialing” can be used with either of the quick dialing functions. When you send an automatic-transmission, the machine allows you to use a single one-touch dial or speed dial number. However, if you register a one-touch or speed dial as a “chain dialing” number, the machine allows you to use two different one-touch or speed dial numbers (a chain dial number followed by a one-touch, speed dial number or manual dialing (within 20 numbers)). When dialing overseas fax or telephone numbers, there may be situations in which a company can offer you better rates than the tclephone company you normally use. Chain dialing lets you choose the telephone company whose line charge is lower if you register the access code to a second telephone company as a chain dial number. This is also important when using a telephone credit card. | Instructions on how to use this option are provided below. When you register a one-touch or speed dial number, simply press the CHAIN key before entering the number. (@ mark appears on the screen. € means “chain dialing.” x05:0 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END After that, the procedure is the same as for one-touch or speed dial numbers. - You can register numbers with up to 19 digits. - You cannot send a transmission using chain dialing only . A one- touch, speed dialing number, or manual dialing (within 20 numbers) number must also be used. Press the first key registered as chain dial then press second key that you wish to chain. Then press START. IV-7. USING THE TELEPHONE INDEX 7. USING THE TELEPHONE INDEX Looking up anumber — TEL INDEX —— Sending a fax TEL INDEX Ld) START All the names and numbers that you register as one-touch dial or speed dial numbers are stored in an alphabetical directory list. You can search through this list to find whether a particular person’s or company’s number is recorded and automatically dial any listed telephone or fax number. | Tolook upa number in the directory press the TEL-INDEX key. You are prompted to enter the initial letter of the name you are looking up. Use the keys on the number to enter a letter in the same way as entering a name, for example press the 2 key once to enter Á, twice for B or three times for C. The LCD screen shows the first name stored under the letter you have entered. | H| HEAD QTR. PRESS > OR STOP KEY To look through the names stored under the selected letter, use the right cursor key. Each time you press the key the next name in the alphabetical list is shown. To go through the list in the opposite direction (that is, from Z to A) use the left cursor key. To choose a different initial letter use the appropriate letter key. - Names are sorted as follows: D A-Z (alphabet) 9 Special characters (À Ë Ô Ü Æ 9 À N) 3 Numbers (0-9) | @ Punctuation marks and Symbols - If you did not enter a name for one-touch or speed dial number, the faxttelephone number is used as the name, and “number” appears on the LCD. To send an automatic fax to a number recalled from the Telephone Index simply set your document face down in the automatic document feeder, press the TEL-INDEX key, use the appropriate letter key and (— / >) cursor keys, if necessary, to display the name anil number you require and then press the START key. IV-7-1 0) Ф a 5 © 0) $ a > IV-7. USING THE TELEPHONE INDEX Printing out the telephone index = = ee Pe START IV-7-2 In case of manual transmission, before pressing HOOK key or picking up the handset, you should press TEL-INDEX key and look up the dial, and confirm it by pressing TEL-INDEX key again. After that press HOOK key or pick up the handset, and press TEL- INDEX key again. To print out a directory listing of all the names and numbers stored in the telephone index. 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then press the 4 key on the number keys. A.LISTS AND REPORTS PRESS SET KEY 2) Press the SET key, then press the 4 key. A.TEL. INDEX PRESS START KEY 3) Press the START key to print out the directory. LIST - TEL. INDEX PRINTING {V-7, USING THE TELEPHONE INDEX ET INDEX LIST TIME : 06/01/1992 18:45 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 DESTINATION NUMBER | FAX/TEL NUMBER GROUP ABC CAMPANY _ *07 | 6753452 — | TEL ALL OFFICES *19 *** GROUP 1 *** AUSTRALIA OFFCE #00 | 1-2018285881 FAX | G1 DESIGN DEPT +03 | 1467823 | FAX D D.D.LTD. #01 | 20135640856 FAX 5 FIANCE DEPT *02 | 31489787788 FAX 2 GERMAN OFFICE #02 | 001-3-3148978778 | FAX | Gl x HEAD QTR *00 | 20182858815 FAX LA OFFICE *04 | 71498709892 FAX | Gl М. COMPANY 404 | 5892786 TEL NJ OFFICE *01 | 9083568880 FAX | G1 PARIS OFFICE = *06 | 0899067856 TEL | Gl UK OFFICE | *05 | 0117361236 TEL | G1 W. CAMPANY #03 | 12358769 TEL C:CHAIN IV-7-3 IV-8. USING THE UNIT AS A TELEPHONE 8. USING THE UNIT AS A TELEPHONE Manual dialing . HOOK | | One-touch dialing HOOK rele J ONE TOUCH KEY Speed dialing HOOK SPD, DIAL O Using the telephone index IV-8-1 As well as sending fax transmissions, this fax machine can also be used to maketelephonecalls. You can either dial numbers manually or use one-touch dialing, speed dialing or the telephone index. Pick up the handset and dial the telephone number normally using the number keys. Alternatively, press the HOOK key to enable dialing and then dial the telephone number using the number keys. When the receiving party answers, pick up the handset and proceed with your call. You can use any of the one-touch telephone numbers that you have registered. Simply pick up the handset (or press the HOOK key), and press the appropriate one-touch key. On the InstaFAX2200M you need to hold down the SHIFT key for numbers 30 through 59. If you use the HOOK key, pick up the handset when your call is _ answered. You can also make use of the speed dial feature. Simply pick up the handset (or press the HOOK key), press the SPD. DIAL key and type the appropriate 2 digit speed dial number. If you used the HOOK key, pick up the handset when your call is answered. To dial a telephone number from the telephone index, first press the TEL-INDEX key and enter the initial letter of the name you are searching for. Use the cursor keys to search forwards and backwards through the directory. When the name you are searching for is displayed on the LCD, press the TEL-INDEX key, pick up the handset (or press the HOOK key) and then press the TEL-INDEX key again. The unit will then dial the displayed number. If you used the HOOK key, pick up the handset when your call is answered. IV-8. USING THE UNIT AS A TELEPHONE Using keys with the telephone Using an external telephone Using an external telephone answering device u m | Dom, | — | RT AUTO ANS | AUTO ANS L------ ol PAUSE key- Use this key to put a pause between numbers. (You cannot use the PAUSE key continuously.) HOLD key- Use this key to put a telephone call on hold. Flash key- Use this key to transfer a call and put it on hold. # key- Use this key to switch the dialing type to “tone”, in case it had previously been set to “pulse”. You can use the fax machine with an external telephone or with an external TAD (telephone answering device). Connect the external telephone as described in the “ADDITIONAL SET UP OPTIONS” (see page Ш-9-1). Connect your external telephone answering device (TAD) to the EXT. DEVICE jack as shown in the illustration below. EXT. DEVICE _— Tan 17 TEL LINE E) Set the Auto Ans. switch to “Manual” (so that only the “Manual” LED is lit). The external TAD is now ready for use. The unit will enter the document reception mode automatically when another party tries to send a fax transmission with a CNG tone to your machine. CNG is generated by most Group 3 FAX machines. If the sending party (using a tone type unit) presses your F/T & _ REMOTE ID code, fax reception is switched to the main unit. e Ifthe ICM section of your external TAD is full, the TAD will not answer the telephone. As a result the unit cannot receive the transmission. IV-8-2 0) D u 5 © 77 ye da > IV-8. USING THE UNIT AS A TELEPHONE « Ifyourexternal TAD has a paging function, the unit may prevent the paging function from working. ¢ Some fax machines may not be able to signal your fax machine to switch on automatically during a transmitting. To cover this possibility we recommend that you record a message on your TAD requesting the sending party to enter the F/T & Remote ID code key on his unit before transmission. A sample message; “Our answering machine is connected to a fax unit at present, so if you would like to send a fax, please press the XX (your F/T & REMOTE ID) by tone signal and send your fax after you hear the FAX tone. If you would like to leave a message, please do so after this message. Thank you.” IV-8-3 V. Advanced uses | 1. RESOLUTION - Single resolution transmission There are four different resolution settings available-STANDARD, FINE, SUPER FINE, and PHOTO. Note that the photo mode on the InstaFAX2200M is always in super gray scale. The standard resolution is adequate for sending ordinary text documents. Fine resolution is intended for the transmission of graphic images and documents that have small print. SUPER FINE is for use with finely-detailed graphic images such as complex line drawings and similar artwork. PHOTO resolution mode is specifically designed for the transmission of photographic images. The photo mode in the InstaFAX2200M (super gray scale) improves upon the normal photo mode by allowing the transmission of text on the same document with a photo without any loss of text clarity. Tt also prevents patterns from forming in the photo image. Whichever mode you use, the quality of the printed documents at the distant location will not be adversely affected. You can select a resolution setting in two ways. Firstly, you can press the RESOLUTION key on the key panel priorto sending your document and light the LED corresponding to the resolution mode you want to select. Your document is then transmitted using the same resolution mode you have selected. Secondly, you can use the CURRENT SETTING function to select a resolution setting for each page of a document individually. Both setting methods will be effective for one transmission only. If the receiving fax machine cannot print at the resolution that you specified, transmission will take place at a lesser resolution. (The resolution LEDs change to show you which resolution is being used to print the current document or page that you are sending is being printed.) - “Super Fine” resolution can only be used between Brother machines. - Ifno LED is lit, the unit is in standard resolution. Place your document in the document feeder and dial the number as you do for an ordinary fax transmission. Before pressing the START key select a resolution by pressing the RESOLUTION key. Press once for FINE mode, twice for SUPERFINE and three times for PHOTO mode. Pressing the RESOLUTION key fourth time returns the machine to the standard resolution mode. There are three LED lights positioned next to the RESOLUTION key to indicate the current resolution setting. If all three are not lit, the unit will transmit at the standard resolution. For each of the other three resolution modes, the appropriate light comes on when the mode has been selected. When you have selected the resolution mode press the START key. Your document will be sent at the specified resolution. V-1-1 O D o с со > Le < > V-1. RESOLUTION Multiple resolution transmission E> Fine | S.AINE | CJ PHOTO [ыы y Ten u MNO FUNCTION Ip 6 | es | — г------- 4 ABC | INTERRUPT | ism [2 ] | LA J mn | INTERRUPT | WM SET | 1 LA 2 из] рен |] СИ в CIS] о | INTERRUPT | 17 | | Low y STOP V-1-2 After transmission has been completed the unit reverts to standard resolution mode. The three resolution LEDs are not lit. If your fax transmission document runs to several pages, some with graphics, some with textand others with photographicimages, you can specify a resolution mode for each individual page. 1) Setthe document in the feeder. Use the RESOLUTION key to set the resolution you require for the first page of your document. 2) Press the FUNCTION key followed by the 6 key. 6.CURRENT SETTINGS PRESS SET KEY 3) Press the SET key, then the 2 key. 2.RESOLUTION PRESS SET KEY 4) Press the SET key. The screen display now alternates between the following two messages, prompting you to specify a resolution for page 2 of your document. PAGE 02 : STANDARD | 1.STANDARD 2. FINE FLIP-FLOP ~ OR = | PAGE 02 : STANDARD 3. PHOTO 4.5.FINE 5} Enter the number corresponding to the resolution you wish to set for page 2. PAGE 02 : FINE PRESS SET KEY 6) Press the SET key to confirm your choice. The display now prompts you to select a resolution for page 3. Specify your choice in the same way. The display continues to prompt you for resolution settings for successive pages up toa maximum of 30. When you have selected settings for all the pages in your transmission press the STOP key. - The super COVERPAGE und Call Buck Messages ure not counted when determining the page number for scanning resolution. V-1. RESOLUTION The resolution of in-coming documents Copier resolution COPY : PRESS COPY KEY FAX : ENTER FAX NO. | - Any pages for which you did not set a resolution will be transmitted at the same resolution as the last page for which you did set a resolution. 6) Selectthefaxnumberintheusualway and pressthe START key. Your document is sent at the specified resolutions. After transmission has been completed the unit reverts to standard resolution mode. The three resolution LEDs arc not lit. The resolution of fax transmissions that you receive depends entirely on the capabilities of the fax machine from which the document was transmitted and the settings selected by the person sending it. Your fax machine can receive and print documents in three modes, STANDARD, FINE and SUPERFINE. The mode being used to print the document (or the current page) is indicated by the LED lights. — | | The photo LED is not lit when receiving document in photo mode. You can use the convenience copier in SUPERFINE or PHOTO modes. However, you can only use a single mode for each copy operation. Pages of a document that are to be copied at a resolution different to that of the rest of the document must be loaded and copied separately. Set the document in the feeder. Select a mode by pressing the resolution key, and then press the COPY key. If you make a copy without having first selected a resolution, the machine will automatically copy using “SUPER FINE” mode. The SUPER FINE LED will come on to show that this mode is being used. After you have made your copy the unit reverts to the standard resolution mode. The three LEDs arc not lit. V-1-3 oO D O с с > T < > V-2. SETTING THE CONTRAST 2. SETTING THE CONTRAST The unit has an “Auto-Contrast” feature, so you do not have to select the contrast setting before sending. However, if you want to send a very light document, set the contrast to “SUPER LICHT” manually. | 1) To select the “SUPER LIGHT” contrast mode, first set your document in the feeder. | имо 2) Press the FUNCTION key followed by the 6 key. The following | L_6 |] message appears. 6.CURRENT SETTINGS PRESS SET KEY INTERRUPT | | 1 _] 3) Press the SET key followed by the 1 key. = Lom 1.CONTRAST PRESS SET KEY Г INTERAUPT | 4) Press the SET key. The current contrast setting is displayed. | E | Loi - CURRENT : AUTO 1.AUTO 2.SUPER LIGHT = 5) Press the 2 key to select SUPER LIGHT mode. CONTRAST : SUPER LIGHT PRESS SET KEY г------ 7 STOP 6). Press the SET key to confirm your selection. Then press the | INTERRUPT 1 RE | | STOP key. L--__-- 4 7) Now you can send your transmission or make your copy. - This setting is only effective for one transmission or copy operation. V-2-1 V-3. SMOOTHING 3. SMOOTHING (ENHANCED IMAGE RESOLUTION) The fax machine has the capability to smooth the outlines of text characters on the faxes that you receive. This is a useful feature as it allows you to enhance the presentation quality of text documents _ that are sent to you without having to rely on the sender to alter the resolution setting on his machine. There are two possible smoothing settings - ON or OFF. Select OFF to prevent the fax machine from performing any smoothing, and select ON to activate smoothing. The procedure for turning smoothing ON or OFF is shown below. PTT 7 Jee 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Press the 5 key on the number keys. | Lavon - “| 5 .USER OPTIONS | PRESS SET KEY pa | Г 2) Press the SET key. Press the 0 key followed by the 8 key. uno -08.SMOOTHING Du PRESS SET KEY © | O u rw re 3) Press the SET key. E CA CURRENT : ON > 1.0N 2.0FF — 4) Press 1 to select the smoothing mode, and press 2 to turn the Lite [2 | smoothing function off. SMOOTHING : OFF PRESS SET KEY г------- 5 5) Press the SET key to confirm your selection. The smoothing setting will remain in effect until you change it. - The initial setting is “ON”. - Smoothing is a receive function and will not increase time on reception. V-3-1 V-4. USING THE SUPER COVERPAGE FACILITY 4. USING THE SUPER COVERPAGE FACILITY Sending a fax with a super COVERPAGE CICOVERPAGE Del 76210372 La jos Ls) PAS Tur War Cy is +] ct ILE] V-4-1 When you send a fax it is often useful to send an accompanying cover sheet at the same time. This sheet is known as the super COVERPAGE and tells the person receiving the fax your name, fax number and telephone number. These are the name and numbers that you will have registered in the machine as part of the configuration process. If you have not registered your name, fax number and telephone number (Station ID), you cannot send the super COVERPAGE. You can also choose to show on the super COVERPAGE the number of pages you are faxing. You can include an optional comment on the super COVERPAGE. You can select one of five conunents, three that are preset and two original messages which you can create yourself. You can also choose no comment. The steps forsending a fax transmission with asuper COVERPAGE — are as follows. 1) Set the document face down in the feeder. FAX : ENTER FAX №. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY 2) Press the COVERPAGE key on the panel. The screen prompts you to select one of the five available comments or select to send the fax without a comment. Comments 5 and 6are the comments that you have registered yourself. SELECT COMMENT (1-6) 2.PLEASE CALL | The six available comments are ; 1. (comment off) PLEASE CALL URGENT ! CONFIDENTIAL (your original comment) (your original comment) Dow wh as for 5 and 6, you can register your original comment as described “Entering information using keys”. 3) Make your selection by pressing the appropriate number key from 1 to 6. The screen briefly displays the aption you have chosen. V-4. USING THE SUPER COVERPAGE FACILITY Ml COVERPAGE a an A START Printing out a super COVERPAGE mue] [a] r | | TT 7 УКЕ INTERRUPT - 1 } ca |_5_|] f р TT 7 KL] STAAT COVERPAGE | 3.URGENT ! 4) Now the screen displays a message asking you whether you want to show on the super COVERPAGE the number of pages that you are sending. | TOTAL NO. OF PAGES 1.ON 2,0FF 5) Pressthe 1 key ifyou do, and the 2 key if you do not. If you press 1 you are then prompted to enter the number of pages that you are faxing. TOTAL PAGES : 00 ENTER TOTAL NO. OF PAGES 6) Enter the number of pages as a two digit number (that is, if you are sending five pages enter “05”) using the number keys. The number of pages you enter is briefly shown. TOTAL PAGES: 05 7) The screen display reverts, and the COVERPAGE LED is lit. ENTER FAX NO. 8) Now enter the fax number, by using the one-touch key, speed dial, manual dial or the Telephone Index, and press the START key. Lo] D O = q > O < > NJ OFFICE SENDING COVERPAGE When the super COVERPAGE has been sent, the machine the sends the document. | You can print out a sample of the super COVERPAGE as follows. 1) Press the FUNCTION key, then press the 4 key. 4.LISTS AND REPORTS PRESS SET KEY 2) Press the SET key, then press the 5 key. 5. COVERPAGE PRESS SET KEY 1 3) Press the SET key, then choose the comment you require and a ms mm RE a : : | 3 me = SOT Gogh press the START key. V-4-2 V-4, USING THE SUPER COVERPAGE FACILITY - The destination of sample super COVERPAGE is taken from ‚ one-touch dial number “00”. Ifyou have nothing programmed in that one-touch, the destination area will be left blank. Also, the total pages will always be “00”. === COVER PAGE === TO: NJ OFFICE FAX: 908-356-8880 FROM: BROTHER FAX: 052-811-5981 TEL: 052-824-2554 00 PAGE[S] TO FOLLOW COMMENT: URGENT ! Entering a comment To register your original comment for inclusion on the super COVERPAGE, use the following procedure. ------ 7 ABC 1) Press the FUNCTION key followed by the 2 key. г а E g | ------ + 2.REGISTRATION | PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUPT 7 az 2) Press the SET key. Now press the 0 key followed by the 1 key. | ка | 0 ] | ------- 7 01.COVERPAGE COMMENT C1 | PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUPT | 5 3) Press the SET key. Press 5 or 6, depending on which of the two EE | comments you wish to register, then press the SET key again. | | y 5 Р Mot NTERRUPT | 5. | ET I o e = INPUT / PRESS SET TO END Е | | 4) Enter your comment (which can be up to 27 characters) using CIE the keyson the number keys as described in the section “Entering У | И | МОИ information using the keys”. CRIE | 5.ORDER CONFIRMATION INPUT / PRESS SET TO END re | | | | 5) When you have correctly entered your comment, press the SET key. V-5, CALL RESERVATION AND THE CALL BACK MESSAGE E CALL RESERVATION AND THE CALL BACK MESSAGE | Sending a fax with Call Reservation OT CALL START The purpose of this feature is to alert the party receiving your fax transmission that you want to speak to them on completion of the transmission. When your document has been printed at the receiving station the receiving fax machine will ring as if it were receiving a telephone call. If the receiving party is present and picks up the handset your fax machine will also ring. Then you can pick up the handset and talk with the person to whom you have just senta fax. The steps for sending a fax transmission with Call Reservation are as follows: 1) Set the document face down in the feeder. FAX : ENTER FAX NO. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY 2) Press the CALL key. CALL BACK MSG. 1.0N 2.0FF The Call Back Message is a text message that will be printed at the receiving station ifthe receiving party does notanswer. Themessage requests the receiver to call you. - If you have not registered your telephone number at station ID (see page IV-1-2), you cannot send “Call Back Message”. 3) Pressthe 1 key if you wanta Call Back Message to appear, orthe 2 key if you do not. The CALL LED is lit. ENTER FAX NO. 4) Select the destination fax number, either by entering it using one-touch dial, speed dial, Telephone Index, or manual dial. NJ OFFICE PRESS START KEY 5) Press the START key. The machine now transmits automatically. When the document has been transmitted, the unit at the receiving station rings. The message on the screen changes to show: V-5-1 o D о с с > o < > V-5. CALL RESERVATION AND THE CALL BACK MESSAGE NJ OFFICE CALLING 6) Ifthe receiving party answers, your unit will also ring. NJ OFFICE CALL PICKUP 7) You can now pick up the handset and talk. [f the receiving party does not answer and you have previously selected Call Back Message “ON”, the Call Back Message will be printed at the receiving station instead. If an error occurs during the transmission of the fax itself the call reservation function will not operate. - There are certain types of fax machine which will not respond to the Call Reservation function. | - When auto redialing, Call Reservation will be cancelled. But if you select Call Back Message “on”, the unit will send a Call Back Message after sending the document. - You can print out an example of the Call Back Message - You cannot use Call Reservation with either the timer, polling, or the broadcast function. - If you set Call Reservation “on” then set up a Timer (delayed) transmission, the Call Reservation will be cancelled. Printing out a Call You can print out a sample Call Back Message as follows. Back message | i | GH 1) Press the FUNCTION key, then press the 4 key. FUNCTION 4 В _ И | L_4 | 4.LIST AND REPORTS PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUPT | uno 2) Press the SET key. Then press the 6 key for a "Call Back ‚ IE ! [6 | Message". 6.CALL BACK MSG. PRESS START KEY START 3) Press the START key. - The destination for the sample Call Back Message is taken from one-touch number “00”. If this number is not programmed, the destination area will be blank. V-5-2 V-5. CALL RESERVATION AND THE CALL BACK MESSAGE === CALL BACK MESSAGE == TO: NJ OFFICE FAX: 908-356-8880 FROM: BROTHER PLEASE CALL AT [TEL]052-824-2554 [РАХ] 052-811-5981 = D O [eus п > Ti <. > V-5-3 V-6. TIMER TRANSMISSION (DELAYED TRANSMISSION) 6. TIMER TRANSMISSION (DELAYED TRANSMISSION) Sending a fax with Timer V-6-1 If you wish to defer the sending of a document (for example, to take advantage of cheaper telephone rates) you can use the Timer delayed transmission facility. Simply place your fax document in the document feeder and set the time at which you want the fax to be sent. The unit will automatically send the fax at the time you have set. | The steps involved in sending a delayed fax transmission are as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Set the document face down in the document feeder. FAX : ENTER FAX NO. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY Press the TIMER key. TIMER SET TIMER : 00:00 Use the number keys to enter the time (between 00:00 to 23:59) within the next 24 hours at which you wish to send the fax transmission. When you have entered the 4 digits, the following screen appears after 2 seconds. 23:30 ENTER FAX №. Now enter the fax number of the destination, using a one-touch key, a speed dial number, a number from the Telephone Index, or dialing manually. BROTHER PRESS START KEY Now press the START key. You can now leave your fax machine as itis and it will send your fax to the specified destination at the appointed time. After transmission has successfully been completed, a “Delayed Sending Report” will be printed out automatically. = - Up to three timer transmission can be preset (for as many as 129 stations on the InstaFAX2100M and 159 stations on the InstaFAX2200M.) V-6. TIMER TRANSMISSION (DELAYED TRANSMISSION) ET SENDING REPORT TIME : 06/01/1992 14:30 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 DATE, TIME 06/01 14:29 FAX NO. /NAME NJ OFFICE DURATION 00:00:42 PAGE (5) 02 RESULT OR MODE FINE Your machine can still receive fax transmissions while waiting to send. po ==> 1 WXY . u: | АТ | 9 To cancel timer transmission, press the FUNCTION Key, the 9 ' — | Lo | key, and then press the SET key to enable the “Cancel ------ = Transmission” function. {INTERRUPT | If you want to use the unit for another operation without | | disturbing your Timer (delayed) transmission settings, press the Lu JJ “Interrupt” key to carry out another operation. (see page V-16- 1) Tfyou want to use the unit for another feature without disturbing your Timer (delayed) transmission settings, pressthe “Memory” key, and store the document into the memory. (This can be done up to 3 times.) V-6-2 Lo) D O E y > Le < > V-6. TIMER TRANSMISSION (DELAYED TRANSMISSION) Initial Timer If you want to send a Timer (delayed) transmission every day ata | fixed time, you can use the “Initial Timer” function. The time that has been set appears when you press the “Timer” key. (Initial setting is 00:00). | | I 1 TANTERRUPT | You need only register the initial timer once - you do not need to re- mm |! | enter the time every day. Then each day just press the TIMER key FT TO 7 and the SET key. To register the initial time proceed as follows. :- ----- 7 ABC 1) Press the FUNCTION key, then press the 2 key. | FUNCTION | | 2 | ns u 2. REGISTRATION PRESS SET KEY pu | С rn 2) Press the SET key, then press the 0 key followed by the 3 key. uam 03. INITIAL TIMER 3 PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUPT | 3) Press the SET key. ‚ ee | | | т | CURRENT : 00:00 CHANGE ? 1.525 2.N0 1] 4) Press the 1 key. INITIAL TIMER : 00:00 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END CCI г--- jur} 5) Enter the time you require and press the SET key. гаи] V-6-3 V-7, THE PASSWORD 7, THE PASSWORD The fax password function is provided for use in a closed network of fax machines. It can also be used to help you prevent reception of the “junk faxes” that can interfere with your daily operations. It can also prevent the transmission of faxes to the wrong parties. Passwords should not be used casually. If you have activated the password function, only people who have Brother (or compatible) fax machines and have set the correct password code on their own machine can exchange faxes with your unit. To remedy this you can enable the PASSWORD PLUS feature, whereby the unit accepts transmissions without passwords from anybody whose number is listed as a one-touch number. (The unit detects the last four digits ofthe number whether itis same or not.) People whose numbers have not been registered as a one-touch number in your machine must still use the password. Sending a fax with To send a fax with a password, carry out the procedure described password below. Before this procedure, please re-check the other party’s password code. | 1) Set the document face down in the feeder. FAX : ENTER FAX NO, ES COPY : PRESS COPY KEY С > | Le [cran | _ 2) Press the PASSWORD key. к | PASSWORD | m ” PASSWORD : 0000 ENTER CODE NO. а | E 3) Enter the 4-digit password code. This must be the same code as Е | Е | МОИ the other side’s receiving password. CeCe | ЕСЛИ Peer) PASSWORD : 1234 ENTER CODE NO. 4) When you have entered the 4-digit code, the display will briefly change. (Wait for 2 seconds) PASSWORD ENTER FAX NO. q 4 - — 5) Enter the fax number using the number keys, a one-touch key, | speed dial number, or Telephone Index. Now press START key. V-7-1 V-7. THE PASSWORD - When the other side sets their receiving password to “off”, you can not send a fax with a password, even if the password code is the same as the party’s receiving password. - You cannot use passwords with the following types of transmission. | - Polling (excluding turn — around polling) - Confidential transmission - Relay broadcast request - Remote retrieval of a confidential message - Manual transmission Setting the fax _ To set the fax receiving password, use the following procedure. receiving password Your machine’s receiving password is used by the other party when transmitting. 1) Press the FUNCTION key. ыы 2) Press the 2 key. 2 | | 2 REGISTRATION PRESS SET KEY 3) Press the SET key. 4) Press the 0 key followed by the 6 key. az MNO Lo] [6 ] 06. RECEIVE PASSWORD PRESS SET KEY 5) Press the SET key. | a , < [| RECEIVE PASSWORD : 0000 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END V-7. THE PASSWORD ABC on es 6) Enter a four-digit password number using the number keys. — 8 — RECEIVE PASSWORD : 1234 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END | me 7) Press the SET key to confirm your password setting . ------- 7 - The initial setting is “0000”. - This procedure merely sets the receiving password. It does not enable password mode. To turn your machine's password “ON” follow the procedure below. Turning password To turn password protection on or off, or to enable the PASSWORD protection on and off PLUS function, proceed as follows. г------ > JKL 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Press the 5 key on the number keys. | ren | = Y y er keys Le 4 | 5,USER OPTIONS PRESS SET KEY г------- - az 2) Press the SET key. Press the O key followed by the 7 key. ! EE | 0 ] LT 07.RECEIVE PASSWORD D Pas PRESS SET KEY = [7 Е TD < TER 3) Press the SET key. > Dr 1.2 CURRENT : OFF 1.0N 2.PLUS 3.0FF ABC 4) Press the 1 key to turn password protection on, press the 2 key Li y [2 | to turn password plus protection on, or press the 3 key to turn password protection off. RECEIVE PASSWORD : ON PRESS SET KEY г------ = 5) Press the SET key to confirm your selection. INTERRUPT | | РР . » Lon - The initial setting is “o V-7-3 V-8. POLLING | 8. POLLING What is Polling? V-8-1 Polling is a feature which lets fax machines call other machines to request a fax transmission. The unit can receive a request for transmission of a document (making you the called side) orit can request a document from another unit (which makes you the calling side). The InstaFAX2100M /2200M permits you the option of polling one other unit or several different units. It can be operated using either standard or security polling functions. Polling is among the most advanced features on the machine. While the concept may be new to some users, the operation is always basically the same: one fax machine calls another to request a document. The table below shows the various polling operations which can be carried out by the machine. + Standard Polling sends a request to have a document sent | from another fax unit | « Secure Polling Makes use of a coded security feature when requesting a document. e Timer (delayed) Sendsa request at a specified time for the Polling transmission of a fax from another machine. Turnaround Polling Used for “two-way” polling, this lets you send a document, then requesta document from another fax unit. Sequential Polling Used to request documents from several different fax units in a single operation. Remember that the calling side bears the expense of a fax transmission when polling is done. STANDARD POLLING REQUEST Calling Side a Called Side SEND - There are some types of fax machine which cannot poll or be polled. - Secure polling can only take place between Brother fax machines. - The password function cannot be used with polling, but this function can be used for turn-around polling. - To cancel a polling operation use the ‘cancel transmission’ feature. V-8. POLLING Standard polling To poll for a document that is not confidential (and so is not protected with a secure code) proceed as follows. 1) Make sure there is no document in the feeder. 06/01/1992 14:00 FAX/COPY : SET DOC. и 7 2) Press the POLLING key. dl | SELECT NO. 1. STANDARD 2. SECURE [1] 3) Press the 1 key. | POLL ENTER FAX NO. | A1? 34” 4) Enter the fax number of the machine you are polling. You can Pal | enter the number using the number keys, one-touch, speed dial or a Telephone Index. BROTHER MIZUHO PRESS START KEY START 5) Press the START key. The machine contacts the called side and A >) requests a document. POLLING . a, - When the called side sets the document with a secure code, you cannot poll the document. oO D OQ E w > Le < > Secure polling _ Topoll fora confidential document that is protected with a security | code, the procedure is as follows. 1) Make sure there is no document in the feeder. 06/01/1992 14:00 FAX/COPY : SET DOC. Г МАЗН | 2) Press the POLLING key. POLLING | L SELECT NO. 1.STANDARD 2, SECURE V-8-2 V-8, POLLING ABC “fi START 1» Timer (delayed) polling V-8-3 3) Press the 2 key. POLLING ID : 9000 ENTER CODE NO. 4) Enter the polling ID - this four-digit secure code that should be the same as the secure code used by the called side. POLLING ID : 4753 ENTER CODE NO. 5) When you have entered the four digit code, the screen will briefly change. (Wait 2 seconds) POLL ENTER FAX NO, 6) Enter the fax number of the machine you are polling. You can enter the number using the number keys or you can use manual dialing. a one-touch, speed dial or Telephone Index, 052824 2864 PRESS START KEY 7) Press the START key. The machine contacts the called side and requests the document. - When the secure code does not match with that used by the called side, the document cannot be polled. - The called side's machine should be a Brother machine. Follow the steps described below to setup a timer (delayed) polling operation. 1) Make sure there is no document in the feeder. 06/01/1992 14:00 FAX/COPY : SET DOC. 2) Press the POLLING key. SELECT NO, 1.STANDARD 2.SECURE V-8. POLLING ra CHE | | Ее ие 1 геля START 3) Press the 1 key if the document for which you are polling is not protected by a secure polling ID code. Ifitis protected, press the 2 key and enterthe polling ID code, as explained in the previous - section. POLL | ENTER FAX NO. 4) Press the TIMER key and use the number keys to enter the time at which you want polling to take place. TIMER SET TIMER : 21:00 5) When you have entered the time (asa 4 digit number), thescreen will change briefly. 21:00 POLL ENTER FAX NO. 6) Enter the fax number of the machine you are polling, either by keying it in using the number keys, a one-touch, speed dial or Telephone Index. 0528113030 PRESS START KEY 7) Press the START key. The initial display is restored and the machine can now be used for other tasks Atthe timethat you specified, your machine will poll fora document from the station whose number you entered. - Only one delayed polling operation can be preset. V-8-4 TD ab O с (U > Le < > V-8. POLLING Turn-around polling | de = === АВС — 1 ] “|2 | nd V-8-5 The following procedure is used to send a fax and poll for a - document on the same phone connection. 1) Set the document in the feeder. FAX : ENTER FAX NO. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY 2) Press the POLLING key. SELECT NO. 1.STANDARD 2.SECURE 3) Press the 1 key if the document for which you are polling is not protected by a secure polling ID code. Ifit is protected, press the 2 key and enter the polling ID code, as explained in the section Secure polling. POLL | PRESS START KEY FLIP-FLOP -OR- | POLL FNTFR FAX NO. 4) Enter the fax number of the machine you are polling. You can either key in the number using the number keys, a one-touch, speed dial or Telephone Index. BROTHER MIZUHO PRESS START KEY 5) Press the START key. Your document is transmitted first. After your document has been transmitted, your machine polls for a document from the called side. V-8, POLLING sequential Poiling BROADCAST ОНИ | ONE TOUCH KEY | SPD. DIAL START Used to request documents from several different fax units in a single operation. | In the same way that you can send a fax to several destinations in one operation, you can also poll several other stations, requesting fax transmissions. This is known as sequential polling. 1) Make sure there is no document in the feeder. 06/01/1992 14:00 FAX/COPY : SET DOC. 2) Press the POLLING key. SELECT NO. 1.STANDARD 2.SECURE 3) Press the 1 key if the document for which you are polling is not protected by a secure polling ID code. Ifit is protected, press the 2 key and enter the polling ID code, as explained in the section Secure polling. POLL ENTER FAX NO. 4) Pressthe BROADCAST key and then specify the destination fax machines which you wish to poll using one-touch, speed, or group keys. | *14#256G01 US GROUP 5) Press the START key. Your machine polls each number or group member in turn for a document. After all the polling operations are finished, the “Sequential Polling Report” will be printed out automatically. V-8-6 Le D O с cu > T < > V-8. POLLING SEQUENTIAL POLLING REPORT TIME : 06/01/1992 16:21 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 DATE TIME FAX NO. /NAME DURATION | PAGE (S) | RESULT | COMMENT 06/01| 16:18 | FIANCE DEPT 20 01 OK 06/01] 16:19] DESIGN DEPT 20 01 OK 06/01] 16:20} LA OFFICE 16 00 ERROR АО 11 06/01} 16:28] AUSTRALIA OFFCE 00 00 BUSY Setting a document The steps for setting a document to be polled are shown below. to be polled. 1) Set the document face down in the feeder. FAX : ENTER FAX NO. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY | FLASH | 2) Press the POLLING key: | POLLING | Lo = SELECT NO. 1.STANDARD 2.SECURE 3) Pressthe 1 key to choose standard polling or press the 2 key and г] о | 2 | enter the 4 digits secure code. V-8-7 POLL | PRESS START KEY FLIP-FLOP — OR - | POLL ENTER FAX NO. V-8. POLLING 4) Press the START key. The machine waits for a call from the START | mm . . J Sm) calling side. mam After a document has been polled, “Polled Report” will be printed out. POLLED REPORT TIME : 06/01/1992 14:23 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 DATE, TIME 06/01 14:22 DURATION 00:00:32 PAGE (S) | 01 RESULT OK MODE | FINE - If you select “Secure”, the calling side fax machine must be another Brother fax. The calling side must also use the same “secure” code. - Simply press the MEMORY key before pressing the START key in order to store apolled document in the machine’s memory. Please note that the document will remain in the memory after the calling side has polled for it. This is useful if several stations will poll for same document. - To delete the document from the memory, press the Function key and then press the 9 key "Cancel Transmission". о D © E CO > a, < > V-8-8 V-9. SENDING FAXES FROM MEMORY 9. SENDING FAXES FROM MEMORY Sending a fax from memory MEMORY CJ ЕСМ een START V-9-1 To save time when transmitting a fax you can first store the document in the memory and then transmit it from the machine’s memory. 1) Set the document face down in the feeder. FAX : ENTER FAX NO. COPY ; PRESS COPY KEY 2) Press the MEMORY/ECM key once. You are prompted to enter the fax number of the destination. The display also informs you what percentage of memory is left for storing yourtransmission. If you want to transmit with ECM, press Memory/ECM Key three times. (The ECM LED is lit and the percentage of memory remaining is shown on the LCD.) ENTER FAX №. 100% 3) Enter the destination fax number using the number keys, a one- touch, a speed dial, or a Telephone Index. Press the START key. The document is now scanned into memory. MEMORY 98% 4) When ail documents have been stored, the unit sends the document from memory automatically. - You can store up to 15 pages of documents in the FAX2100M, and up to 30 pages of documents in the FAX2200M (Brother standard chart) into memory, butthis may vary; depending on the contents of the documents. - When the memory is full, you can select to either send the stored data out of the memory, or to cancel the transmission. - If the memory becomes full while the first page of a document is being scanned into memory, the message “MEMORY FULL PRESS STOP KEY” appears on the screen. Press STOP key and cancel the transmission. V-9. SENDING FAXES FROM MEMORY Printing out a “Memory used list” Mailboxes Timer Polling Redialing ECM Free space To view the ‘Memory used’ list press the FUNCTION key followed by the 4 key on the number keys. Then press the SET key. Thescreen scrolls through the LIST menu. Now press the 8 key on the number keys (or the CLEAR key if you want to return to the FUNCTIONS menu press). Press the START key to print out the ‘Memory used’ list (if you do not press any key for one minute, or if you press the STOP key the screen reverts to the norma! display). The printout shows details of the following: The percentage of memory consumed by the confidential mailboxes and the names of the owners. The percentage of memory consumed by any delayed transmission that has been set up, the destination (if itis a broadcast transmission the word “BROADCAST” appears), the time at which it is due to be sent and whether it is to be sent in ECM mode. The percentage of memory consumed by any polled operation that has been set up and whether the polling is to use ECM mode. The percentage of memory consumed by the ‘last number redial’ facility, the number itself and, in the event of redialing, whether the transmission is to use ECM mode. | The percentage of memory consumed by the ECM function. The percentage of memory that is unused. If you press the STOP key while the "Memory used’ list is being printed, the printout is aborted and the screen returns to the normal display. V-9-2 Le) © © с O > Le < > V-9, SENDING FAXES FROM MEMORY MEMORY USED LIST TIME : 06/01/1992 18:23 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 CONF .MATL BOX : JOHN SMITH 06% : MARY 06% TIMER <ECM> : 18:00 HEAD OTR 04% : 13:15 0528242864 045 <ECM> : 23:45 <BROADCAST> 043 POLLING WAITING <ECM> 04% REDIAL WAITING : UK OFFICE 06% ECM 24% FREE 42% V-9-3 V-10. SENDING FAXES WITH THE ECM FEATURE | 10. SENDING FAXES WITH THE ECM FEATURE Error correction mode (ECM) is a means for checking the integrity of a fax transmission while it is in progress. ECM transmissions are only possible between two machines which both have the ECM feature. Also, the feature requires a certain amount of memory in order to function. To send a document in ECM mode set the document in the paper feed. FAX : ENTER FAX NO. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY Press the MEMORY/ECM key to light the ECM LED and dial the number of the destination. You can dial using the number keys or use one-touch dialing, speed dialing or the Telephone Index. Finally, press the START key to send the fax. As the document is sent, the transmitting and receiving machines will constantly check the transmission. If an error occurs, the erroneous part of the transmission is automatically ignored and the relevant data re- transmitted. The ECM LED remains on during transmission to indicate that the fax is being sent in ECM mode. | If there is not enough machine memory available for ECM to work properly, or if the receiving fax machine does not have the ECM feature, the document is sent normally, that is, without any error correction.In these two cases the ECM LED does not remain on during the transmission - this indicates that the fax is not being transmitted in ECM mode. - Since the units are constantly checking the data and may have to retransmit some of the lines, there maybe a slight increase in transmission time. V-10-1 D D O = oO > © < > V-I1. BROADCASTING 11. BROADCASTING A broadcast transmission is a transmission that you send to several different destinations with a single operation. You simply set your document face down in the document feeder, press the BROADCAST key, specify the destinations and then send the fax just like any normal transmission. Sending a broadcast fax 1) Set the document face down in the feeder. FAX : ENTER FAX NO. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY eee 2) Press the BROADCAST key. ned BROADCAST ENTER FAX №. 100% 3) Now specify the destinations, to a maximum of 20 destinations, ONE TOUCH KEY that you wish to broadcast to using group keys, one-touch keys, | | or speed dialkeys. (You cannot dialnumbers usingthe number keys or the Telephone Index). SPD. DIAL The name of each destination or group appears on the lower line of the screen as you enter it. The one-touch numbers, speed dial numbers or group numbers that you have selected appear on the upper line. Press cursor key to lock in each selection. *01#10603 DUTCH OFFICES ЗТАЯТ 4) When you have finished entering the destinations press the START key. The fax is scanned into the machine’s memory automatically and then transmitted to each destination in turn. MEMORY 100% - Transmission is not possible if the memory is nearly full, - Itis convenient to register stations to which you frequently send broadcast faxes as a group . (See Defining and storing a group). V-11-1 V-11. BROADCASTING - You can specify up to 20 numbers as destinations for a single broadcast fax. A group counts as a single destination. Including all group members, you can transmit a broadcast fax up to 159 stations for FAX2200M and 129 stations for 2100M. - After the broadcast key has been pressed, the only operation which can be performed is setting the fax number. After finished all transmission, a “Broadcast Report” willbe printed out automatically. | BROADCAST REPORT TIME : 06/01/1992 15:16 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 PAGE (S) _ 01 COVERPAGE DATE | TIME | FAX NO./NAME DURATION | PAGE (S) | RESULT | COMMENT > D O 06/01! 15:12 | FIANCE DEPT 45 01 CV OK с 06/01 | 15:13] DESIGN DEPT 45 01 СУ OK 2 06/01| 15:15] LA OFFICE 51 00 CV | ERROR 20 01 R 06/01] 15:16 | AUSTRALIA OFFCE 06 00 CANCEL CV 1 COVERPAGE | СА : CALL BACK MSG POL : POLLING RET : RETRIEVAL V-11-2 V-12. RELAY BROADCASTING 12. RELAY BROADCASTING You can send a broadcast fax transmission via another Brother fax machine. The purpose of this feature is to enable you to reduce costs by faxing several distant stations via a single station which is closer to the destinations. This is particularly useful for broadcasting overseas. Brother sending unit relay ID Brother machine | machine | ——— w/memory | - A relay unit relay 1D Any model | Any model | Any model | | Any model | receiving units Relay broadcasting is available under the following conditions: » The same relay ID must be used by both the sending unit and relay unit. e The destination group on your machine and that used by the relay unit must be identical (that is, have the same members). Otherwise the relay unit may send the document to a station for which the document was not intended. + The memory in the relay unit must not become full during the transmission operation. Sending a relay broadcast request To send a relay broadcast fax the procedure is as follows. | A 1) Set your document face down in the document feeder. FAX : ENTER FAX NO. COPY : PRESS COPY KEY Soon 7 Tuy 2) Press the FUNCTION key followed by the 8 key. V-12-1 8.RELAY BROADCAST PRESS SET KEY V-12. RELAY BROADCASTING = 3) Press the SET key. a RELAY ID : XXXX | | ENTER CODE NO, II TI, 7 ori a | INTERRUPT | 4) Enter a four-digit ID number, then press the SET key. [SCI an mE RELAY BROADCAST ENTER GROUP NO. ER 9) Now enter the number of the group which you want the relay = = = terminal to broadcast to. You must enter the group as a two- IS digit number using the number keys. (Do not use the group’s AAA one-touch dial key. ) | GROUP O1 PRESS SET KEY | INTERAUPT | | 6} When you have entered the group number correctly, press the ı E | SET key. | L--- - - - J RELAY BROADCAST ENTER FAX NO, 239 = 7) Now enter the fax number of the relay terminal. You can either Е pre enter the number manually from the number keys or use a one- = | touch, speed dial or Telephone Index. = Then press the START key. E Using Your Machine as Your machine can be used as a relay unit for sending broadcast the Relay Unit transmissions to several other destinations. As this is an automatic operation, simply leave your machine in the Auto Ans. mode, and the unit will dial and send the fax to the numbers included in the group specified at the point of origin. When your machine is used as the relay unit during relay broadcasting, a Relay Broadcast Report will appear at your unit (not at the original sending unit, which receives an activity report) to show the results of the relay transmissions after all transmission attempts have been completed. Registration of relay ID Е | 2) 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then press the 2 key. Lomo 4 2.REGISTRATION PRESS SET KEY V-12-2 V-12, RELAY BROADCASTING ne 7 az INTERRUPT |. | Woe] | ser War 1 г 1 INTERRUPT 2) Press the SET key. Then press the 0 key followed by the 7 key. 07.RELAY ID PRESS SET KEY 3) Press the SET key. RELAY ID : 0000 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END ! 4) Enter the relay ID using the number keys. When you have entered it correctly, press the SET key. After the Relay Broadcast operation is finished, a “Relay Broadcast Report” will be printed out automatically at the relay unit. *** RECEIVE DATA *** RELAY BROADCAST REPORT TIME : 06/01/1992 16:03 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 DATE, TIME 06/01 15:59 FAX NO. /NAME 0528242864 DURATION 00:00:18 PAGE (5) 01 DATE | TIME TAX NO. y NAME DURATION | PAGE (5) | RESULT | COMMENT 06/01|16:00| FINANCE DEPT 15 01 OK 06/01|]16:01] DESIGN DEPT 15 O1 OK 06/01 | 16:02: LA OFFICE 25 00 ERROR 20 01 жжхх | XKXXX AUSTRALIA OFFCE 00 00 CANCEL V-12-3 V-13. CONFIDENTIAL MAILBOXES 13. CONFIDENTIAL MAILBOXES You can allocate three confidential mailboxes to individuals or groups of individuals, so that each individual or group can receive private messages. These are not printed out when they are received but are stored inthe memory. Only the person or people who know the mailbox retrieval ID number can print out these transmissions. A single mailbox can store several transmissions. Messages remain in the mailbox until you print them out or until the machine is turned off. Both fax units must be Brother machines. Registering a A mailbox must have assigned to it a confidential identification ID confidential mailbox number, a retrieval ID and a name. To transmit to a mailbox the person sending the transmission must quote the confidential ID number. To retrieve a document from his mailbox the owner must enter the retrieval ID. The name is used for the “Confidential Message Information” which informs the owner thata confidential message is waiting for him. To set up a confidential mailbox the procedure is as follows. nn ABC 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Press the 2 key. B FUNCTION | | 2 | Lo 2. REGISTRATION PRESS SET KEY 3 © a (U ------ 5 | INTERRUPT | 2) Press the SET key. < | MET | R Lt} 27 3) Press the 0 key followed by the 8 key. 08.CONFIDENTIAL PRESS SET KEY г------- - 4) Press the SET key. INTERRUPT 1 | ME | LL | MAIL BOX NO. SELECT NO.(1-3) = ] | 2 | 5) Select the number of the mailbox (1 -3) that you want to set up. DEF MAIL BOX №.1 or [3 | PRESS SET KEY V-13-1 V-13. CONFIDENTIAL MAILBOXES | INTERRUPT | 6) Press the SET key. SET 2 rs | RETRIEVAL ID : XXXX INPUT / PRESS SET TO END li 3 I 7) Enter a four-digit retrieval ID number using the number keys. Lt Ls IL 8 | ras RETRIEVAL ID : 4572 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END | INTERRUPT | 8) Press the SET key to confirm your setting. ‚ ser | | m 7 CONF. ID : 0000 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END EEE 9) Now enter a four-digit confidential mailbox ID number using Ее the number keys. le 15. AE CONF. ID : 8423 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END | INTERRUPT | | 10) Press the SET key to confirm your setting. TT | МАМЕ: _ INPUT / PRESS SET ТО END II i I 11) Enter the name you wish to assign to your mailbox using the A number keys. The name can be up to twenty characters long. m Press the SET key to confirm your setting. (O Le | INTERRUPT | - If the memory is full, it cannot receive confidential messages. | CLS , LL - When you are setting up the confidential mailbox, be sure to write the name and IDs down, and keep the information somewhere safe. - You must enter different codes for each of the three mail boxes. If a code number has already been used for another mail box ID, the machine will reject the code number and you must use another one. V-13-2 Changing the mail box [D rm nn 7 I INTERRUPT ОЗ | ICE V-13. CONFIDENTIAL MAILBOXES If you want to change the mailbox name or ID, carry out the following procedure. | 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then press the 2 key. 2 .REGISTRATION PRESS SET KEY 2) Press the SET key. Then press the 0 key followed by the 8 key. 08. CONFIDENTIAL PRESS SET KEY 3) Press the SET key. MATL BOX NO. SELECT №. (1-3) 4) Enter the mail box number which you want to change. MAIL BOX NO.1 PRESS SET KEY 5) Press the SET key. D D oO г (5 > 5 ZT > RETRIEVAL ID CHANGE ? 1.YES 2.NO 6) Press the 1 key to change. RETRIEVAL ID : XXXX ENTER CODE NO. 7) Enter the retrieval ID of the mail box which is to be registered then press SET Key. (This is to prevent interference with the mailbox by other people.) 8) Current retrieval ID number will appear on the display. RETRIEVAL ID : 45/2 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END V-13-3 V-13. CONFIDENTIAL MAILBOXES Cea Cr AS] He] Ге] TT -- 4 y” le 8 els т Е Inlë Printing out confidentiai information START V-13-4 9) Enter a new number (or press SET if you do not wish to change retrieval ID). RETRIEVAL ID : 8224 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END 10) Press SET. The current confidential mailbox ID number will appear on the display. CONF. ID : 8423 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END 11) Enter a new number (or press SET if you do not wish to change conf. ID). CONF. ID : 5996 INPUT / PRESS SET TO END 12) Press SET. Enter a new name (or press SET if you do not wish to change name) with using the number keys. When finished, press SET. NAME: BROTHER | INPUT / PRESS SET TO END To check whether the machine hasreceived a confidential message or not, you can print out a report on Confidential Message Information currently stored in the unit. 1) Make sure there is no document in the feeder. 2) Press MAIL key. CONF. MESSGE INFO, PRESS START KEY 3) Press START key. If youare the owner of a mail box and thereis a message in it for you, the unit will print out a sheet alerting you that a message has been received, V-13. CONFIDENTIAL MAILBOXES CONF TDENTTAL MESSAGE INFORMATION TIME : 06/01/1992 18:34 NAME : BROTEER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 * PLEASE PASS THIS MESSAGE TO FOLLOWING PERSON TO: JOHN SMITH A CONFIDENTIAL MESSAGE HAS BEEN RECEIVED FOR YOU. PLEASE PRINT IT OUT FROM MEMORY .THANK YOU. You can also get this information from a “Memory Used List” (see page V-9-2). Printing out a confidential message A 1 = 1) To retrieve your message, press the FUNCTION key followed D | ЕЛИ by the 7 key. : Lo ————— J | = 7. CONFIDENTIAL MAIL BOX E PRESS SET KEY > | INTERRUPT | 2) Press the SET key. y ser | LAT) C2] 3) Press the 2 key. 2.CONF. PRINT OUT PRESS SET KEY we 4) Press the SET key. ------ -! | RETRIEVAL ID : XAXA ENTER CODE NO. V-13-5 V-13. CONFIDENTIAL MAILBOXES El i I > 5) Enter the retrieval ID code for your mailbox. La il 5 1 65] Zaun RETRIEVAL ID : 6349 — PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUPT | 6) When you have entered the number press the SET key. The | | confidential message is printed out for you. CONF. MESSAGE PRINTING After printing the screen reverts to displaying the normal message. - If you specify an incorrect retrieval ID, the confidential message will not be printed out. Also, after three attempts to make an entry have failed, the screen will return to the Function menu. - Messages remain in a mailbox until printed out or until the - machine is turned off. Transmitting to a mailbox IN E 1) Set the document face down in the feeder, and press the | eee | FUNCTION key. Press the 7 key. E 7.CONFIDENTIAL MAIL BOX У = PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUPT \ 2) Press the SET key. | ser | Lee | 1] 3) Press the 1 key. 1.CONF. TRANSMIT PRESS SET KEY | NTERRUPT | 4) Press the SET key. + ME ] Lun 4 CONF. ID : XXXX ENTER CODE NO. ac a 5) Enter the ID code for the mailbox on the destination machine to STE which you want to transmit your document. Lila le] [+ I oo i 4] CONF. ID : 6533 PRESS SET KEY V-13-6 V-13. CONFIDENTIAL MAILBOXES Retrieving confidential messages 2-2. i INTERRUPT | | | | | rm mm m mm 71 } INTERRUPT 1 SET RER | — == pre 6) When you have entered the number press the SET key. Enter the fax number of the destination to which you are sending and press START. | - If the confidential mail box ID does not match the confidential ID of the party to whom you wish to transmit, you can not send a confidential message. If you are the owner of a mailbox but you are away from the machine at a different office, you can still retrieve messages from your mailbox and print them out using another InstaFAX2200M or InstaFAX2100M (or certain other models of Brother fax machine). Use the following procedure to remotely retrieve a confidential message using a InstaFAX2200M or InstaFAX2100M. 1) Press the FUNCTION key followed by the 7 key. 7. CONFIDENTIAL MAIL BOX PRESS SET KEY © 2) Press the SET key. 3) Press the 3 key. 3. REMOTE RETRIEVAL PRESS SET KEY 4) Press the SET key. RETRIEVAL ID : XXXX ENTER CODE NO. 5) Enter the retrieval ID code for your mailbox. RETRIEVAL ID : 6349 PRESS SET KEY 6) Whenyouhave entered the number correctly press the SET key. Now dial the fax number of your own machine, the one on which your mailbox resides, and press the START key. _ V-13-7 | = D oO ¡a i > Oo Le > V-13. CONFIDENTIAL MAILBOXES The transmission that was waiting for you in your mailbox will now be printed out for you, at the station where you are now. A retrieval report will be printed out at the machine on which your mailbox resides. RETRIEVAL REPORT TIME : 06/01/1992 13:44 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 DATE, TIME DURATION PAGE (S) RESULT MODE 06/01 13:42 00:01:58 05 OK FINE V-13-8 V-14. LOGO REGISTRATION 14. LOGO REGISTRATION You can register your original logo for inclusion on the COVERPAGE, CALL BACK MESSAGE and on all reports and lists. First of all, you should prepare a logo sheet with the following D D OÖ с © > © < > format. u Center point | 0.75" 20mm 3.15" 3,15" 80mm pe 80mm | 1 Logo Scanning Area 3.15" 80mm _ 1 1) In the logo scanning area, you should place your logo. 2) Place the logo sheet face down in the feeder. г------ 7 asc 3) Press the FUNCTION key, then press the 2 key. homme - 2. REGISTRATION PRESS SET KEY ee O | 4) Press the SET key. Now press the 1 key followed by the 2 key. | | а 12.1060 [2 | PRESS SET KEY | INTERRUPT | 5) Press the SET key. | ЗЕГ Ld LOGO PRESS START KEY V-14-1 V-14, LOGO REGISTRATION START — 6) Now press the START key. The machine scans the logo sheet. LOGO | SCANNING 7) Having scanned the logo, the machine now prints it out. LOGO AREA PRINTING Example AMAR rro Note: On the print out you will get your logo, the logo area, and a scale with graduated steps. You must now move the logo area until it | completely encompasses your logo. | If your logo is larger than the logo area, the logo area can be made slightly larger to a maximum of 1.5” in height and 3.15” in width. (See instructions following.) | V-14-2 V-14. LOGO REGISTRATION Example of move EA AAA a mimi mn an Mt a rar mo o e] LOGO AREA 1.FIX 2.MOVE 4 | > 1) Press the 1 key when your logo is positioned in the Area, or the Li! 2 key if you need to move the logo area. If you press the 1 key, the logo is registered in the machine. If you press the 2 key, the screen changes as follows. Oo D O с © > Oo < > MOVE LEFT RIGHT OOSTEPS SET DIRECTION = —> 2) Select the horizontal direction “Left” or “Right” using (< /—=) — A cursor key, then press the SET key. ° ° | INTERRUPT | | ИИ | | MOVE RIGHT 99STEPS mr 7 INPUT NUMBER OF STEPS ATA | INTERRUPT | 3) Enter the distance to be moved by counting the number of steps = m . m | | | on the graduated scale. Use the number keypad to enter the = ji Il ] UT steps. If you do not want to alter the logo area’s horizontal position, there is no need to enter a number. Press the SET key. MOVE UP DOWN OOSTEPS SET DIRECTION | V-14-3 V-14, LOGO REGISTRATION || V-14-4 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Select the vertical direction “UP” or “DOWN” using the (C/->) keys, then press the SET key. MOVE DOWN OOSTEPS INPUT NUMBER OF STEPS Enter the distance to be moved by counting the number of steps on the graduated scale. Use the number keypad to enter the steps. If you do not want toalter the logo area’s vertical position, there is no need to enter a number. Press the SET key. MOVE DOWN 99STEPS INPUT NUMBER OF STEPS ENLARGE LOGO AREA ? 1.YES 2.NO If you select the 1 key to enlarge the logo area then you should go to the section below. If you select the 2 key for no enlargement then you will print out the logo again. (go to step 9) ENLARGE WIDTH QOSTEPS INPUT NUMBER OF STEPS Enter the number of steps that you need to enlarge the width of the logo area, so it will cover your logo. If you do not want to enlarge, do not enter any number. Press the SET key. ENLARGE HEIGHT DOSTEPS INPUT NUMBER OF STEPS Enter the number of steps that you need to enlarge the height of the logo area, so it will cover your logo. If you do not want to enlarge, do not enter any numbers. Press the SET key. LOGO AREA PRINTING Again the machine prints out the logo and again asks you whether you want to move the logo area. LOGO AREA 1.FIX 2.MQVE V-14, LOGO REGISTRATION ABC 10) Ifyou are satisfied with he logo’s position, press the 1 key. If you want to move it again, press the 2 key and repeat the process above. If you press the 1 key, the screen changes as follows. LOGO REGISTERING 11) The logo is registered in the machine's memory and then printed out. LOGO PRINTING Sample REGISTERED LOGO mee eee a Note: Enabling or disabling the logo When you have registered a logo, the machine automatically puts it on the COVERPAGE, Call Back Message and on all reports and lists. If you do not want it to appear, you can turn the function off as follows. Press the FUNCTION key and the 5 key to display the “User switch” menu options. Now press the SET key followed by the 0 key and the 9 key. Press the 1 key if you want the logo to appear, the 2 key if you do not. Press the SET key to confirm your selection. | Some types of logo cannot be scanned into the machine. At that time, you should try to reduce your logo by photocopying and try this procedure again. When there is not enough memory capacity to register a logo, the screen displays as "MEMORY FULL”, and you can not register the logo. | In this case, you should print out “Memory used list” and erase unnecessary registrations, _ V-14-5 Lo Ф о с co > D < > V-15, VARIOUS TYPES OF TRANSMISSION 15. VARIOUS TYPES OF TRANSMISSION As described in “Advanced Uses”, this unit has many useful dedicated keys. Various types of transmissions can be carried out by pressing these keys in combination. A Summary of “Advanced uses” is provided bellow. 1. The following dedicated keys are available for all transmissions. AVE CCTICOVERPAGE RESOLUTION key En, COVERPAGE key | } | 2. The following key is not available for delayed and broadcasting transmission operation. CJ CALL CALL key | 3. The following key is not available for polling with no document and retrieval. MEMORY MEMORY/ECM key ©" 4. The following keys are available for the various types of transmissions listed below. г------ 7 г------ 7 PASSWORD key | rasswono! TIMER key | men | FLASH | BROADCAST POLLING key POLLING | BROADCAST key | | D Do O | OS гг------ Я г------ - 23 4 | [| | CHAIN |) ay amp || TIMER | | PASSWORD || mm + 1] | | | E ji =—ы | ese! A tl Loe —- LJ | eee ee noo J Set the document Set TIMER Set PASSWORD Enter Fax No. face down in the feeder V-15-1 V-15. VARIOUS TYPES OF TRANSMISSION (2) Timer (delayed) polling © ® ® ® 6) --____ ____ E START - | FLASH | | u aie? ( | POL y ] | | | u; POLLING | guy | TIMER | gy | ' Lu J LoL J No document Set POLLING Set TIMER Enter Fax No. in the teeder (3) Turn around polling with password (2) | ® START (D 4) | POLI ETS TT 4 - $ CHAÍN jr Fi ASH 212° map 1, PASSWORD | | POLLING |! mm | a» 11 1; ! EL | et! mm _— Tilo Wee ee 4 Set the document. Set Set Enter Fax No. face down in PASSWORD POLLING the feeder (4) Timer (delayed) turn around polling with password @) ® о START OEI TIT a, 7 34 - д ır 7 | il FLASH 11 CHAIN L | 12 | yt 1 > | TIMER |, POLLING | | PASSWORD i! => | > [| 11 m 1 | Vy - 44 OD 0 Oo zZ 46) > T < > Na. Set TIMER Set Set Enter Fax a ne come POLLING PASSWORD ace the feeder (5) Timer (delayed) broadcasting transmission o | @ ® 9 ® START pO в BROADCAST mp | TIMER | ny С ] aap ONE TOUCH KEY => | I |] 1 Loa. o- — SPD. DIAL Sei the document Set TIMER face down in the feeder Enter Fax No. V-15-2 V-15, VARIOUS TYPES OF TRANSMISSION (6) Sequential polling Г FLASH | emp | POLLING | LAT No document Set POLLING face down in the feeder @ o ® | START up FAST em ONE TOUCH KEY mm |1 | SPD. DIAL Enter Fax No. (7) Broadcasting transmission with password © Set the document face down in the feeder Set PASSWORD 9 © mp PFOADCAST m ONE TOUCHKEY mb SPD. DIAL Enter Fax No. (8) Timer (delayed) broadcasting transmission with password START pm mom , ® @ © START | u Яг------ A; | | td tt CHAN | BROADCAST шф |) TIMER || PASSWORD || mo — ==> ONE TOUCH KEY = | | — | | mms | — ЕЕ y [_ | Set the document Set TIMER Set PASSWORD SPD. DIAL face down in the feeder Enter Fax No. (9) Timer (delayed) sequential polling © Мо document Set POLLING in the feeder V-15-3 PETT 1 | TIMER ! mm PORT mm ONETOUCHKEY = Set TIMER SPD, DAL @) (5) STAAT Enter Fax No. V-16. INTERRUPTING A TRANSMISSION 16. INTERRUPTING A TRANSMISSION START If you need to send a document immediately but the machine is set up to perform an operation, (for example a delayed transmission or waiting polled operation without memory). You can intcrrupt the current activity and then resume it when you have sent your urgent fax. 1) Press the INTERRUPT key. INTERRUPT po | TO RESET PRESS INTERRUPT FLIP-FLOP -OR- | | INTERRUPT REMOVE DOCUMENT 2) Remove the document. INTERRUPT | SET DOCUMENT(S) 3) Setthe document that you need to send quickly face down in the feeder. INTERRUPT | TO RESET PRESS INTERRUPT FLIP-FLOP - OR — | | INTERRUPT ENTER FAX NO. 4) Enter a fax number. Then press the START key. The machine will send the document. 5) When transmission has been completed the following message is displayed. INTERRUPT SET DOUCUMENT(S) 6) Replace the original document. V-16-1 Le D о с qu > O < > V-16. INTERRUPTING A TRANSMISSION INTERRUPT | TO RESET PRESS INTERRUPT FLIP-FLOP _GR- | INTERRUPT ENTER FAX NO. 7) Press the INTERRUPT key again. The machine returns to the waiting mode. - You can repeat the interrupt operation as often as you like. - You can use the resolution setting and super COVERPAGE. Other current settings can not be used for the interrupt transmission. - Even if auto redial is “ON”, it cannot be used for an interrupt transmission. V-16-2 V-17. CANCELLING A TRANSMISSION 17. CANCELLING A TRANSMISSION | You may wish to cancel a particular activity that is in progress or that is due to take place at a specified time. Án example of this would be a delayed transmission operation. 1) Todothis press the FUNCTION key, Press the9 key on the number keys. 9.CANCEL TRANSMISSION PRESS SET KEY 2) Press the SET key. The screen now displays the various transmission activities that are currently in progress or will take place in the future. SELECT NO. | 1.HEAD OFFICE FLIP-FLOP -OR- | SELECT NO. 2.341 1411 REDIAL 3) Select number of operation that you wish to cancel. 21:00 21:00 1.YES 2.№ HEAD OFFICE CANCEL ? 4) Enter the 1 key to confirm cancellation or the 2 key to reinstate the transmission activity. The meaning of the different LCD indications is as follows. HEAD OFFICE 21:00 | | |_| Destination | setting Destination Name ........ Means Destination Name Number .... Means Destination Number Broadcast .. Means broadcast transmission V-17-1 TD Ф © = Y > ge < > V-17. CANCELLING A TRANSMISSION Setting 00:00 ................ Means “Timer” transmission time. If | using the “Timer”, the current setting will appear “00:00 (setting time)” РОГ................. Means “Polling” not “Timer”. RET и еиннииньь Means “Retrieval” REDIAL .......... Means “Redial” without “Timer”, “Polling” or “Retrieval”. POLLED ......... Means “Polled” If the broadcast transmission is cancelled, a “broadcasting report” will be printed out. V-17-2 V-18. OPTIONAL KITS 18. OPTIONAL KITS You can expand further your fax machine with the following optional kits. * Expandable Memory. You can expand the machine's memory by 256KB or 512KB bringing the memory capacity up to 512KB or 768KB in the FAX- 2100M, and up to 768KB or 1MB in the FAX-2200M. + Transmission document tray (CT-91) An additional tray is available for catching the transmitted documents. «PP. The P.P.I (Plain Paper Interface) kit allows you to receive a transmission and print it out on plain paper by connecting your machine and your Brother “V-series” laserprinter. When you connect the FAX machine to the laserprinter, the printer selects FAX RECEIVE mode automatically. From then on the printer automatically selects the right mode according to whether it is receiving a fax transmission, data from a computer or copy function. > Paper-6895 Brother “Therma PLUS” (164 x 8 1/2”) Le D O с Y > je < > Optional Transmission document tray For detailed information, please contact your dealer or the store where you bought this machine. V-18-1 V-19. PRINTING OUT REPORTS AND LISTS 19. PRINTING OUT REPORTS AND LISTS All-dial list ee men START V-19-1 La] Li] The unit allows you to print out the following lists and reports. e All dial lists (Print out one-touch dial and speed dial at once.) e One-touch dial list (see IV-4-4) e Speed dial list (see IV-5-2) ¢ Telephone Index list (see IV-7-2) * super COVERPAGE format (see V-4-2) + Call Back Message format (see V-5-2) e System Configuration list (see V-19-2) + Memory used list (see V-9-2) e Transmission verification report (see IV-1-12) Other reports The following reports are printed out automatically for your information. (You cannot print them out manually.) + Transmission Verification Report (ERROR) (see IV-2-1) » Power failure report (see V-19-4) e Polled report (see V-8-7) e Broadcast report (see V-11-2) ® Delayed sending report (see V-6-2) + Relay broadcast report (see V-12-3) e Sequential polling report (see V-8-6) * Retrieval report (see V-14-7) An ali-dial list is a printout both of “one-touch dial list” and “speed dial list” at once. © | 1) Press the FUNCTION key. Then press the 4 key. 4.LISTS AND REPORTS PRESS SET KEY -2) Press the SET key and then the 1 key. 1.ALL DIAL PRESS START KEY 3) Pressthe START key. Both one-touch dial list and speed dial list are printed out. V-19. PRINTING OUT REPORTS AND LISTS Configuration list A configuration list is a printout showing all the user switch settings and registration into the machine. pus cn 1) Toprintouta configuration list press the FUNCTION key. Press Lo 4 4,LISTS AND REPORTS PRESS SET KEY г------- 7 PRS 2) Press the SET key followed by the 7 key. | un ! | 7 ] | | y у у Lon + 7.USER OPTIONS PRESS START KEY START 3) Press the START key. (See next page for the sample of this list) Le D o с © > Le] < > V-19-2 V-19. PRINTING OUT REPORTS AND LISTS sister CONFIGURATION LIST TIME : 06/01/1992 18:11 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 ***USER OPTIONS*** 1. RING DELAY : SHORTER 2. TONE/PULSE : TONE 3. AUTO REDIAL : ON 4. XMT VERIFICATION (OK) REPORT : ON | 5. FAX/TEL RING TIME : 10 SECS. 6. BEEPER | : ON 7. RECEIVE PASSWORD : OFF 8. SMOOTHING : OFF 10. LOGO : ON 11. P.P.I. OUTPUT : OFF 12. P.P.I. REDUCTION : AUTO **PARAMETER** 1. COVER PAGE COMMENT 5 : ORDER COFIRMATION 6 : NOT USED 2. INITIAL TIME : 19:00 3. FAX/TEL SWITCH ID FAX REMOTE ACTIVATION ID : kl 4. RTI/TTI NAME. : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 5. RECEIVE PASSWORD : 1234 6. RELAY ID | : 3456 7. CONFIDENTIAL MAIL ID BOX 1 : JOHN SMITH BOX 2 : MARY BOX 3 : NOT USED 8. ACTIVITY REPORT INTERVAL BASE TIME © : 00:00 INTERVAL : 12H V-19-3 V-19. PRINTING OUT REPORTS AND LISTS Power Failure Report lfthe power failure has occured, or you unplug the unit, a “Power | Failure Report” will be printed out automatically, and you will know what memory has been lost. POWER FAILURE REPORT TIME : 06/01/1992 11:10 NAME : BROTHER FAX : 052-811-5981 TEL : 052-824-2554 THE ELECTRICITY FAILED. THE FOLLOWING DATA WAS LOST | | ACTIVITY REPORT TRANSMISSION MEMORY RECEPTION MEMORY TG ® O с © > jo; < > V-194 VI. Troubleshooting ns section provides possible solutions to the problems you may encounter in the use of this machine. -If There Are Image Quality Problems- If you are having trouble with the image quality of faxes you send or receive, make a test copy of the document. If the copy is of good quality, the problem is not with your fax machine, but in the phone lines or in the fax machine on the other end of the line. If the image of the copy you make is poor, clean the interior of the unit: (See page VII-2 for a description of how to do this.) | If you are not able to solve a problem with your fax machine, contact Brother service personnel at 1-800-284-4ЕАХ. (USA. Only). RECEIVING SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE ACTION Ref. Manual reception ¢ Document left in feeder — + Remove the document | doesn't work * Cover not closed properly e Push cover closed until you ® No recording paper hear a click * Paper jammed in the * Load new paper roll III-5-1 recording section * Remove the jammed paper VES Recording paper is + Recording paper is set * Reload paper roll correctly 14-51 jammed incorrectly + Remove the jammed paper VI-5 e Paper jammed in the recording section Received copies are + Recording paper roll has been | + Reload the paper roll 11-5-1 blank inserted upside down correctly * Documents were not sent e Contact the sender correctly | Telephone rings * No recording paper + Load new paper roll Ш-5-1 continuously « Auto Answer is OFF « Turn Auto Answer to ON IV-1-7 + Cover not clused properly * Push cover closed until you * Paper jammed in the hear a click recording section « Remove the jammed paper VI-5 Image quality is not * Wrong type of recording * Replace with Brother thermal | good paper is used printing paper | ¢ Printing head is dirty « Clean the printing head VII-2 e Sender’s resolution or e Contact the sender contrast setting may need adjustment | Polling reception does « Sender has not set up to « Contact the sender to be sure not work perform polling he has set up for polling e Polling security codes do not | + Contact the sender to confirm match the code being used * Sender is not using a Brother | + Contact the sender to confirm series machine the machine being used VI-1 ¡27 = = o O с un TL O a O _ — SENDING | SENDING ACTION SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE Ref. Document jam * Jam in the scanning section * Open the panel cover and remove the jammed paper. Close the cover (and listen for the click). Document not feeding | + Cover not closed securely * Push the panel cover closed properly * Document is too thick or thin, until you hear a click too small, wet, wrinkled, ¢ Use a photocopier to make a curled or torn copy, then send the Lupy * Document guide not adjusted | + Adjust the document guide to to document size fit the document size * More than 30 pages of + Set only 30 pages of the documents in the feeder document in the feeder at one time Documents are + Documents have been + Insert the documents into the | M-8-1 impossible to feed inserted in the position for transmission document wire recording paper output extension Password transmission | + Password function on + Contact the receiver error receiving end is OFF + Contact the receiver to + Passwords do not match confirm the code being used e Receiving unit has no + Contact the receiver password function + Contact the receiver to e Receiving unit is not a confirm the machine being Brother series machine used Image quality of e Problem with receiving unit + Use your fax unit to make a [I]-8-1 document is poor + Scanning head is dirty test copy (If this is passable, + Scanning head is bad the problem is at the other end.) e Clean the scanning head VII-3 + Call your Brother service center Documents sent are + Document is face up in the e Set the document face down received blank feeder in the feeder and send it again Auto transmission is + The wrong (a non-fax) * Double check the fax number not working number was dialed you have registered in the e Polled, or transmission or machine redialing with adocumentin | * Use the interrupt function V-16-1 the feeder is being carried out Delayed sending does | ® The HOOK key has been ¢ Refer to the instructions and not work pressed or the handset was begin again picked up « Use the interrupt function V-16-1 Polled, transmission, or redialing with a document in the feeder is being carried out The maximum number (three) of delayed transmissions have been set up Wait until the delayed transmissions already set have been carried out VI-2 TELEPHONE TELEPHONE SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE ACTION | Ref. One-touch and speed | + Power cord is disconnected e Plug the cord into the power |Ш-6-1 dialing don’t work « Numbers have been outlet registered incorrectly + Check and (if necessary) e Your telephone has been set correct the registration to the wrong PULSE/TONE » Check and (if necessary) setting correct the PULSE /TONE * Numbers have been setting registered as group dial or + Check and (if necessary) chain dial keys correct the registration No sound is ¢ The power cord is * Plug the cord into the power |INI-6-1 produced when you disconnected ‚ outlet press HOOK * The monitor switch is set low | + Turn the monitor switch high. | П-3-4 « The telephone line is not + Connect the fax unit to the Il-7-1 | connected telephone line COPYING | SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE ACTION Ref. Nothing comes out + The paper roll is not inserted | + Reload the paper correctly 111-5-1 of the slot properly + Open the recording cover and | + Recording paper jam remove the jammed paper. VIS « Cover not closed properly. Make sure the paper is loaded correctly + Push the cover closed until you hear a click No image appears оп | * The paper roll is loaded e Reload the paper correctly and |IN-5-1 the paper upside down | make another copy + The document is upside * Load the document in the down in the feeder feeder face down and make another copy Print quality of the + The wrong recording paper is | * Use Brother thermal recording copy is poor being used paper VES Do = © O Lu [3 2 Le 5 O on E OTHERS OTHERS SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE ACTION | Ref. Cover cannot be * Release levers have fallen into | » Pull up both release levers VI-6 closed properly | lower position and close the cover again VI4 ERROR MESSAGES ERROR MESSAGES An error message is displayed on the LCD when a malfunction occurs or when an operation has been done incorrectly. When some of the error messages described below appear on the screen, an alarm will sound continuously for 4 seconds. <MACHINE ERRORS> CHECK RECORDING PAPER DOCUMENT JAM PRESS STOP KEY RECORDING PAPER JAM _ Е the unit detects the end of the roll of the recording paper, this display will appear to inform you that the unit is out of paper. This message may also appear if the paper has not been loaded properly. This indicates a document paper jam inside the machine or the feeder. Open the panel cover to remove the jammed document. When the jam has been corrected, close the cover. If this does not correct the error, contact your Brother service center and inform them of the situation. This indicates a recording paper jam inside the machine. Open the recording cover to pull the jammed paper out of the recording paper guide, as shown in the illustration below. When the jam has been corrected, cut the edge ofthe recording paper with a pair of scissors, and resetitproperly in the guide. Then close the cover of the machine. VIS oy с = O O г 7 92 re) 5 о E ERROR MESSAGES CUTTER JAM PRINTER ERROR PRESS STOP KEY RECORDING COVER OPEN RECEIVING INTERFERENCE PRINTING INTERFERENCE MACHINE ERROR’ XX PRESS STOP KEY VL-6 This indicates that the cutter is not at the home position becausea recording paper jamis obstructing themovement of the cutter inside the machine. First, unplug the machine. Then open the cover to remove the jammed paper. (Use caution when handling the paper, as the cutter is quite sharp.) After the paper jam has been corrected, resct the paper roll in position, and close the cover. Finally, plug in the machine again. The cutter will return to the home position automatically. This may indicate overheating due to a problem with the printing head. Let the unit cool down for one hour or more. If this does not correct the error, contact your Brother service center and inform them of the situation. The cover has not been closed properly. Check the position of the release levers on both sides inside the unit, and return them to the upper position, as shown in the illustration below. Then close the cover. ||! i MN py fe 2282388) _ This may indicate some error related to the recording, paper, a lack of receiving memory, at manual reception. Hang up the handset when manual reception. Information about correcting the situation will then appear on the LCD. This error message may also appear during polling or retrieval from a confidential mailbox. This may indicate an error related to the recording paper. Press the STOP key or remove the document, and information about the situation will appear on the LCD. This may indicate overheating due to overuse. Let the unit cool down for one hour or more. If this does not correct the error, contact your Brother service center and inform them of the situation. ERROR MESSAGES <COMMUNICATION ERRORS> |“ RESPONSE OR BUSY | NO CONNECTABILITY ID MISMATCH LINE DISCONNECTED COMM ERROR XX YY Ifthe error message on the LCD reads “MACHINE ERROR EA”, this may indicate that document was removed from the feeder while transmission was still taking place. When you are making а transmission, this message indicates that either the other party is busy or that no response has been received. If you have turned the Auto Redial function ON (see page IV-1-10), the machine will automatically try the number again after a few minutes. If you have selected to turn the Auto Redial function OFF, this transmission will be unsuccessful and transmission verification report (busy) will be printed out. When youarethe receiving party, this message will indicate that certain functions—password, and the confidential mailbox and relay broadcasting—cannot be enabled because the sending party’s machine is not a Brother machine. This may indicate that the incorrect ID number (for password, password plus, and secure polling, and the confidential mailbox, confidential mailbox retrieval, or relay broadcast request) was used when the sender made his transmission. Contact the sender to verify that your ID codes match up correctly. A transmission verification report (error) will be printed out. This may also occur if you have entered the wrong ID code when attempting to print out a confidential message from the memory. Double check the ID and try the operation again. | This message may indicate that either the sending or the receiving party has interrupted the fax transmission (or reception) operation. If you are the sender, this may also indicate a missed telephone line connection due to an ID mismatch or the receiving party being unprepared for polling, and so on. In such circumstances, check with the receiving party to learn what is happening at the other end of the line. This message indicates thatsome communication error has taken place. “XX YY” represents the error codes used to provide more detailed information about the error. Refer to the list shown below. VI-7 DO) = = O o = 77 SL 10) > O — Eh ERROR MESSAGES NOT REGISTERED INVALID OPERATION NO NUMBER REGISTERED NOT REGISTERED STATION ID NO DOCUMENT IN FEEDER SET DOCUMENT(S) INVALID OPERATION CHECK YOUR NUMBER -OR- MEMORY FULL PRESS STOP TO AVOID VI-8 Error Codes 40 06 — This indicates that a unit which has not been set up for polling has been polled by another unit. 40 11 — This indicates that the unit has attempted relay broadcasting, but foran unregistered group number. 40 13 — This indicates that the machine has been set up for secure polling, but the polling request has come from a unit which is not a Brother machine. 20 01,20 08, AO 01 — Try the operation again. If any error code other than those listed here appears on the LCD, contact your Brother service center and inform them of the situation. <OTHER ERRORS - BOTH MODELS> This message indicates that you have attempted to reacha one-touch or speed dialing number that has not yet been registered. (See page [V-4-1 and IV-5-1.) This message indicates that no one-touch or speed dialing numbers have been registered when the TEL-INDEX key is pressed or the TEL-INDEX list has been called up. This indicates that you have attempted to use the super COVERPAGE function before registering your station ID. Register the station ID (see page IV-1-2) first, and then try the operation again. This indicates that no document(s) has been set into the document feeder, when you have tried to select contrast change or multiple resolution setting, or confidential transmission This indicates that you have pressed a Group key (a one- touch number registered as a group key) before pressing the BROADCAST key. No more data can be stored in the memory. Press the STOP key to erase the entire memory, or press the START key to send the stored data out of the memory. It is also possible to create more space in the unit’s memory by printing out some confidential documents or documents that have been received into memory. In addition, more space can be made available by sending documents that have been stored into memory. A Memory Used Report (see page V-9-2) will inform you as to how much memory in the machine is available. ERROR MESSAGES MEMORY FULL PRESS STOP KEY MEMORY FULL TOO MANY STATIONS FOR BROADCAST REQUEST(S) GROUP 01 THE NUMBER REGISTERED ALL GROUP KEYS IN USE NO MORE NO.CAN BE REGIST This message indicates that the memory is full, and cannot accept any more data. Press the STOP key to cancel your current transmission. | This indicates that you cannot do broadcast transmission because of memory full. This indicates that you have attempted broadcasting to more than the total maximum number of stations (129) on InstaFAX2100M and (159) on InstaFAX2200M. This indicates that the group number you selected has already been used. This indicates that all group numbers have already been registered. | VI-9 D & © O Le [7 D 5 = 2 EL VII. Cleaning To ensure a long and useful life for your machine, regular cleaning is essential. For best results clean the scanning and printing areas of your machine every time you use up a roll of recording paper. The following points should be borne in mind. 1) To avoid the risk of an electric shock, unplug the machine before cleaning. 2) Do not use water or organic solvents of any kind (thinners, for example) to clean the machine. 3) Useaslightly damp cloth to wipe any dirt off the surface ofthe machine. To clean the working parts of the machine follow the steps described below. | D) £ = cu D O > УП-1 CLEANING THE PRINTING AREA CLEANING THE PRINTING AREA First, unplug the machine. Open the unit, and remove the roll of recording paper from inside the machine. When cleaning the printing head, use the cleaning slip provided with the machine. Wet one end of the paper slip with isopropyl alcohol, and insert it under the guide until it will enter no further. Then continue across the unit as shown in the illustration, inserting the paper so the entire head is cleaned with the alcohol. (Either side and both ends of the paper slip can be used for cleaning the printing area.) | VII-2 CLEANING THE SCANNER ‘CLEANING THE SCANNER Lift up on the front cover of the unit to open the machine. Carefully remove any dirt from the clear glass cover of the scanner using a soft cloth soaked in alcohol. Do not use organic solvents _ such as thinners, or petrol. | | Scanner D = fa y D O > VH-3 VIII. Specifications Type Compatibility Coding system Modulation Document input size Scanning/Printing width Paper roll size Scanner type Printer type Gray scale Paper Cutter LCD Polling types Broadcasting Contrast control Resolution One-touch dial Speed dial Total station memories Memory Automatic redial Speaker type Auto answer (# of rings) Communications source Operating environment Power source Power consumption Dimensions Weight Desktop facsimile transceiver CCITT Group 3 Modified Huffman (MH), Modified Read (MR) and _ Modified Modified Read(MMR) CCITT V.27 ter and a V.29 modem (9600bps) CCITTV.17 anda V.33 modem (14400bps only for InstaFAX2200M) 8.5" (max) / 5.8" (min) 8.2" /208mm 8.5" x 328'/216mm x 100m Contact Image Sensor (CIS) Line Thermal 16/Max. 32 on the InstaFAX2200M Automatic 24 digits x 2 lines Standard /Security /Turnaround /Sequential Sequential/ Relay AUTO/Super Light e Standard (203 x 98 lines /inch) e Fine (203 x 196 lines/inch) + Super Fine (203 x 392 lines/inch) s Photo (203 x 196 lines /inch) 60 stations (InstaFAX2200M) 30 stations (InstaFAX2100M) 100 stations | 160 (InstaFAX2200M) 130 UInstaFAX2100M) 512KB, expandable 768KB or IMB. (InstaFAX2200M) 256KB, expendable 512KB or 768KB. UnstaFAXZ10UM) 3 times (5 minute intervals) Monitor Shorter(1 ring) /Longer(4 rings) Public switched telephone network (or compatible approved PBX) 41 - 95°F 120 VAC, 60Hz Stand-by: under 15 watts Peak:under 150 watts 16.0" x 15.0" x 5.7"/407 mm x 380 mm x 145 mm 14.31bs/6.5 kg Specifications are subject to change for improvement without prior notice. VIII-T ">

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